#otp: like a blazing flame
thelovelybitten · 1 year
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am I actually seeing this or am I getting sonaze food…AGAIN?!?!? they’re so silly.
Sonic/Blaze energy is just so cute y’all I can’t
the silver/blaze sibling moment after this scene makes me smile too :))) they go to SOLEANNA ?!?!? I love a 06 ref done right 🤩
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bittersweetcanary · 1 year
Dads of the Guide Committee
[Arcana Twilight / Found Family]
Inspired by Chat Messages: “Let’s go play” Series ingame.
Everyone being concerned about the number of uncarved crystals Pollux has in jelly jars concerns the Dads and Arcturus. I wonder if there’s something that could be potentially harmful about uncarved magic crystals…
Spica’s like the Dad who takes all the kids out to the Amusement Park, making sure they stay safe and having a bit of fun with them. I love how he teases his “husband”, and the other Guide Committee Dad saying “Are you scared Alpheratz”  which gets Alpheratz to join them!! PFFT!
Alpheratz taking their “son” Arcturus through the haunted house is adorableeeee! Helping him build courage <3 <3
*serious bear emoji*
“Everyone, try to think it through.”
“It’s impossible to… Be quiet, isn’t it?”
Arcturus: *shocked bear emoji*
Polly justifying their loud parties-
Vega just does not want to take part in any of this at all-
Spica is the Dad that remembers where all his kids leave their things- and his “husband”
Spica & Alpheratz: The Guide Committee Dads
Spica the Mother Hen, always makes sure the kids are presentable, well taken care of, and keeping up with their school work while Alpheratz makes sure they are well fed, taking plenty of breaks, and recesses, and maybe a little spoiled.
Spica chasing down Alpheratz like a married couple, one avoiding the serious conversation the other just trying to have it-
Arcturus: Eldest Child
Takes after Spica, he’s always trying to help the others, to the point of straining himself. But he can be teasing.
Summoner: Honorary Eldest Child
Honorary Guide Member to newest yet Eldest Child because they are a bit more responsible than the others- but only when they want to be, otherwise they might just add to the blazing flames. Babies Polly because he’s adorable. Everyone teases Polly over this.
Alpheratz and Spica keep an eye on them, Alpheratz worries about them for the same reason he is worried for Vega, their Mid-Earthiem background means they have naturally lower mana levels than the average Sorcerer which makes healing from wounds or recovering from sickness slower…
Spica sees potential in the Summoner, he wants to encourage them to push themself to the limit(a reasonable limit though), much to Alpheratz’s disapproval, he’d rather they stay out of the Guide Committee’s (sometimes) dangerous outings. This is the serious conversation they never have, other than Alpheratz constantly sleeping through everything-
Vega: Middle Child
Cold but joins in the mischief, often joining the others in teasing Alpheratz. Doesn’t join the others for outings often.
Alpheratz makes sure he is well fed, he’s worried for Vega due to his Mid-Earthiem background and terrible food choices… This boy needs real food, not juice and jelly packets…
Spica knows Vega will follow the Summoner(like a puppy-) and uses that to keep him coming to meetings.
Polly: Baby boy.
A baby. A mischievous as hell baby. Will cause problems on purpose and on accident. Cries easily must be consoled.
Often watched over by Alpheratz while Spica is working- can’t have the baby bothering the working Father. But sometimes- he might just set Polly on Spica for a good laugh.
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Hello, Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening!!
For the Ask Game: Blaze
do I like them:
Blaze used to be my favourite character when I first got into Sonic, and she's still my favourite female character of the whole cast. So yep! ^-^
5 good qualities:
Even though she is a princess, she never lets that power get to her head. Instead, she treats her responsibilities with the utmost seriousness, and we can see in Rush Adventure that her subjects adore her.
Once she has become available in Rush Adventure, the player has NO reason to EVER play with Sonic anymore (except for the obligatory minigame islands, iirc?): Blaze's jump is so much higher, she's got flame resistance (hello, Sky Babylon), and I never got the feeling she is even remotely slower than Sonic or has a slower-raising Tension Gauge. Blaze's gameplay is superior in every way; change my mind.
Speaking about fire, pyrokinesis! Love myself some psychic powers :> I also like how the drawbacks of possessing such powers are touched upon, with Blaze being isolated due to her duties and because people fear her powers(?), and then furthermore also inflicting that isolation on herself and rejecting friendship. It's a surprisingly realistic description of what it would be like to have such powers in a world where no-one else does, in my opinion.
Sonic Rush has an amazing storyline: sweet, touching, interesting, and simply plain fun! I couldn't have asked for a better game for Blaze to be introduced in, not to mention she plays just as good as/even better than Sonic himself.
I honestly can't recall ever disliking one of her voice actors, even though she's undergone some changes in those over time. They don't all sound the exact same, but I feel like they all give Blaze a voice that nicely fits her.
3 bad qualities:
Does she have a family? Does she have parents or other kin who rule over the kingdom while she is away on adventures? Eggman Nega states it was her royal family who kept the Scepter safe for ages in Rush Adventure, but no mention is made of whether they are alive or not. Blaze herself states she 'has always been alone because of her powers' in Rush, so just what is going on with her family?
It's also hard to think of any for her, just like with Espio... Maybe, for a character who is often linked with Silver, it would be nice to actually see the two build up the friendship they had in 06? I feel like it would make their team-ups be a bit more believable than just 06 nostalgia.
favourite episode/etc:
Sonic Rush! I also like the final boss of Rush Adventure, with Sonic telling her she has to keep a level head as Princess of the Sol Empire to protect her people.
Used to be Silvaze, currently none.
With Silver!
Also none.
And none!
best quote:
Her speech from Sonic Rush in her storyline when fighting Sonic and the aftermath always touched me; even without voice acting, it is raw and full of emotion without diving into angst territory, in my opinion. It also helps that it is short but sweet, and it gives a good explanation just why Blaze is so opposed to having friends. And afterwards, when Sonic gives her his advice, she listens! For me, it very nicely shows off her character development over the game.
head canon:
Has learned over time to use her pyrokinesis for more mundane things, like heating up a cold cup of tea or starting a fire in the fireplace with little issue. She used to dislike doing that before meeting Sonic because she felt that was a banal use of her powers, but she's warmed up to the idea that they exist to make life easier for her and others, and thus can be used for the simple and more unimportant things as well.
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harry-leroy · 4 years
I wish you would write a fic about Sycamore, sick in bed while Lysandre takes care of him 👉👈🥺 (only if you want to of course lmao)
Hi! Thank you for this! So I’m not sure if you play Pokémon Masters, but they recently had a Sycamore/Lysandre event where each teamed up with the XY legendaries, so my brain went Pasio/Legendary telepathy AU? Leave it to me to make the fic deeper than the prompt calls for, but here we are. This is pretty short, but I might expand it if I have the time! Hope you enjoy :) 
“… Augustine…” a voice called him, it was deep, though soft.
         “Hm?” Augustine felt his vocal chords ache. It was the first time he had used them in what felt like a week, though it had only been three days. He attempted to sit up, his vision blurry, attempting to focus on Lysandre, though far too tired.
         “You shouldn’t try to overexert yourself,” Lysandre said, rushing to Augustine’s side and adjusting a pillow. “I only asked if you wanted to eat something,”
         “Oh,” said Augustine, “actually, that sounds good right about now,”
         “I’ll get you some soup,” Lysandre nodded. “That will probably warm you up,”
         As Lysandre rose, Augustine stopped him by taking a weak hold of his hand.
         “Lys,” he began, “what happened? How long have I been here?”. A sudden wince escaped him, “why does my head hurt?”
         Lysandre might have begun talking, though Augustine was far too distracted by the grating cries in his head to focus. What was that?, he thought, a Pokémon? Memories came through his head like vague dreams. He remembered that he left his lab coat somewhere, somewhere he would not be able to get it back. He felt naked without it, though Lysandre always laughed when he said that. He remembered bright lights, almost like a prism; reflections in a pool of cave water, though seeing something with antlers on the other side; he remembered wanting water of his own to drink. What was… Xerneas doing in a cave? Saving him?
         “You don’t remember?” Lysandre asked. “a trainer found you in a cave just outside the city. You were dehydrated and exhausted, love,”
         “No,” Augustine said, then sighed. “Yes. I think I remember it a little now. Lys-”
         “What?” he asked.
         “Did anyone say anything about Xerneas?” Augustine ventured. Maybe he had been hallucinating the whole thing. Dehydration could do that.
         “Why are you asking?” Lysandre asked.
         “I thought I…”
         Lysandre took a step back. So it was not a rumor after all. Xerneas had finally awoken after eons in sleep. It meant that his plan… it could finally work.
         “I feel like,” Augustine continued, growing unsure, “I feel like it’s still calling to me. Is that even possible?”
         “I don’t know,” Lysandre crossed his arms. He almost wanted to laugh. He would have if Augustine still didn’t look so sick. “You’re the professor, not me,”
         “No,” Augustine laughed, weak, “I’m the one who’s going mad,”
         “Don’t say that,” Lysandre said. “What were you doing in those caves anyway?”
         “A trainer lost their Pokémon,” Augustine sighed, eyes drifting to the window for a moment and then back to Lysandre. He shook his head, as if trying to get Xerneas out of it. “an Aron, I think it was? I hope it got back to its trainer,”
         “I’m sure it did,” Lysandre said.
         “You mean, you don’t know?” Augustine’s eyes widened and he sat up abruptly.
         “Calm yourself, Gus,” Lysandre once again rushed to the professor’s side to settle him back down. “The doctor said you need to get some peace and quiet. Besides what happened in the cave, they said you looked like a man on the edge of a breakdown. Like you’ve been working too much,”
         “Did they?” Augustine joked.
         “Would you listen?” Lysandre stood back. “Sometimes I feel like I’m the only thing keeping you from acting like this in front of the kids,”
         “Calem and Serena are kids,” Augustine said. “You’re… you. I don’t let my guard down in front of just anyone, you know,”
         “I’m well aware,” Lysandre said.
         “What happens if this… noise… doesn’t go away?”  the professor asked.
         “Then you should go back to the doctor,” Lysandre said. “I’m sure it’s just you coming off of the dehydration. You were running a pretty high fever when they brought you out of that cave, too,”
         “They?” Augustine asked.
         “League staff had to come get you,” Lysandre said. “That new trainer was there too. The one you like so much,”
         Lysandre had turned back to Augustine to get a response, only to find that he was distracted and shivering now.
         “Hey,” he pulled some blankets over the professor’s chest and felt his forehead with his palm, taking him out of his distraction. “your fever’s gone back up. Let me get you that soup. That young trainer, Gloria, was telling me of recipes from Galar. They sound exquisite. How does that sound?,”
         Augustine nodded and proceeded to curl himself up under the covers, knees tucked to his chest. Lysandre bent down to kiss his forehead before exiting the bedroom. Outside the door, he stopped for a moment, hearing the echoes of what he knew to be Yveltal inside his own head. It had been happening for several weeks. At first it terrified him, but now it felt somewhat comforting. Yveltal had chosen him. He was important. Fate was in his hands.
         “Oh, Gus,” he said under his breath. “It seems that we are chosen ones,”
Under the covers, Augustine tried to fall into a peaceful sleep, but instead felt a pain in his head like Xerneas was ramming their antlers into the skull. If this is what being a chosen one was, as Lysandre put it, he was tempted to want out. He twisted under the blankets, sweat dripping down his forehead. Xerneas was meant to give life, not drain him of it. That could only mean that Yveltal was awake too. Their fight had begun. Augustine took a deep, ragged breath in. Nothing Rowan taught him would have prepared him for this. He was tempted to call Lysandre back to him, but instead focused on his breathing. There was nothing to be done now. 
     Xerneas had made their choice, Yveltal too. A bright new future was underway!
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deeplord · 2 years
19, 22, 30 for alistair/fiona
19. How do they feel about PDA?
utterly open and even a bit cocky about it. they won't mash tongues in public but there's always a hand to be held or elbow to be crossed. a hand on the small of their back, loving gazes and cute chaste smooches
22. What reminds each of their partner?
for alistair: fire. there's nothing like the flames of a furnace to remind him of his hot-headed dwarf gf and all of her blazing passion. also crystals because she loves them, and sovereigns because they're the color of her eyes. drum cadences. nugs. mushrooms.
for fiona: maybe a bit on the nose, but mabaris. not just because he slept with them as an orphaned kid but bc to her, alistair is ferelden personified. he's the best of them and their shining example. shields because he was always her greatest defender, and candles because, as he said to her, he was always the "one good thing to come out of something so dark." amber, thunderstorms, the ring of a chantry bell.
30.Your OTP gets to pick out each other's outfits; what is each wearing?
bohohoho fiona is in THICK furs with a LONG HEAVY cloak and BIG warm boots because her hot-blooded ass is always so cold in this country and he needs her warm & comfy ! fiona is dressing him in true warrior warden armor but adding some personal dwarven touches to make it stronger/better <3 give him a nice blue sash and duncan's broach for his cloak
otp ask meme
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dailyshadowdoodles · 3 years
👀hc for Blaze?
1: sexuality headcanon
Transwoman, bisexual! (She and Amy are amazing but I also have a soft spot for her and Silver)
2: otp
3: brotp
Blaze and Tangle! (I want them to be bros, omfg)
4: notp
Don't know one atm
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
I think it's canon that she can't cook but I feel like it's cause of her fire powers SDFSDF
6: one way in which I relate to this character
I tend to hid my true emotions a lot too, and a lil serious and kinda stoic in public.
7: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
I read she had a cape when she was younger cause she was embarrassed of her flames? Like bby you're only gonna feED THE FLAMES
8: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon Roll!
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meanscarletdeceiver · 3 years
Shipping thing let's do Percy.
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Okay, heads up for anyone who is unaware. I don't subscribe to the notion of "tank engines = children," nor of Percy in particular being "underage." He's a gullible, short-tempered, impulsive little chaos agent, but I don't see him as a child and therefore I'm prepared to ship him. And to ship him with anyone, at that.
💞✨  OTP ✨ 💞: n/a
There’s not nearly enough good Percy ship content to make such a drastic call. I’m still wiiiiiiiiide open.
Besides, he’s a bit of a flirt. The more love, the better. (And he can get it. Nearly everyone says he’s handsome, you know!)
Other Ships That Are 👌: Duck
one of my OC post vans
some sort of Lost Lenore from his mainland days? (they’re used to being long-distance, so he doesn’t arrive on Sodor thinking that he’s lost them—but as the years go by he does lose track of his old flame and eventually knows what that must mean…)
Interesting But Fence 👀: Jinty, Terence, Rosie, Salty, Molly, Harold, Harvey, Nia
Better As Friends 😊: Duncan.
Look, I just want Percy and Duncan to somehow meet up, all right? Like, have an extended period to get acquainted, maybe while Percy is stuck at Crovan’s Gate a while? And they rub on very comfortably indeed?
And after hanging with Duncan for roughly… 1.5 seconds… Percy goes back to his roots.
Meaning he sounds like a docker. Y’know?
And, like, Skarloey and the rest are aghast, and the Fat Controller doesn’t officially know about it but he’s side-eying the thing too, and Duncan’s just all This wuddn’t me! He’s just like this!
But there’s nobody but that gives him all the blame for corrupting their supposed cinnabun caterpillar, lol.
Meh 😑 / Overrated : T H O M A S
It Happened Once In A Dream 🌑 (or AU 🤔): I absolutely see Percy having a crush on Molly, and in fact I really like the idea (pinched from MozaWesterberg on ff dot net) that Percy takes over Thomas’s role in “Molly’s Special Special.”
That said, I don’t think it ever goes beyond a very nice friendship. (I’d still read fic on the ship, though. Though I say that like I have standards—there’s not so much TTTE fic out there that I’m actually choosy about what I click.)
If I Had to Put Them in a Polycule 💗: Crackship idea, but:
One day Bill and Ben observed Percy and Henry in a blazing row. Since this is before dieseasels come to Sodor, Henry is the only engine that they are scared of, and they are most impressed by Percy’s nerve.
Both develop a sort of hero-worship crush. It takes them roughly six or seven decades to go through the stages of denial and then for their tug-of-war fight (“he’s MINE!” “you can’t even speak to him, yeh knob—so he’s mine”) to get out of hand enough for Percy to catch wind of it.
Luckily, he knows exactly how to handle it. Smoothly kisses one, then the other, winks, then chuffs away.
That keeps both of them satisfied and stymied for another seventy years or so.
NOTP 😤: Don’t think I have any—even in the case of Thomas, much as I usually dislike this ship, I admit that they do wind up doing some version of dating in my “ex-engine” AU. (A lot of them do, though it’s more of a Coping Mechanism to deal with the massive life upheaval than anything... Training Wheels until they get a better grip on How to Human.)
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eilonwiiy · 4 years
To Love Without Consequence
Summary: “She wanted to take all his pain away. To tell him that Baldair knew that he was sorry and sorry for his own grievances in return. She had spent enough time with the golden prince to learn the design of his heart, had heard him voice his own regrets regarding his broken relationship with his brother to know his sorrow to be true.”
A post-Crystal Crowned fic for the OTP in honor of Air Awakens August!  Enjoy!
Author’s note: Aldrik and Baldair deserved to have a loving and healthy relationship and this is the hill I will die on. 
Ships: Vhalla Yarl/Aldrik Solaris
Tags: post-book 5, angst, grief, loss, comfort, sibling relationships, pregnancy, fluff
Read on AO3: here
*   .   *   .   *   .   *   .
She was cold.  That was the first thing Vhalla noticed when her eyes fluttered open.  She was also alone.
Vhalla sat up in bed, the fur blankets she’d wrapped herself up in the night before slipping off her.  She dragged a sleepy hand across her face, brushing the mess of hair out of her eyes.  A chill nipped through the sheer fabric of her nightgown and it was only then that she was able to fully appreciate just how extraordinarily cold it was in their bed chamber.  She glanced at the empty space next to her that should have been occupied by her husband.  He certainly wasn’t responsible for this brutal winter ravaging the Solaris Empire, but by the Mother the least he could do was not rob Vhalla of his internal flame by abandoning the comforts of their bed.
Stifling a yawn, Vhalla reluctantly swept her legs out from under the protective layer of blankets and bare feet met the ice cold marble dais.  She tugged the blanket off the bed, opting for its lavish fur rather than the robe she knew hung in the washroom, wrapped it around her shoulders, and quickly hopped down to the floor.  She crossed the room on tiptoe, wind at her heels, barely making a sound.  The door to the sitting room stood open and Vhalla passed silently through it.
She stopped.
The source of her shivering was clear now.  Past the elaborate cushioned sitting area and Carcivi table, the tall glass doors leading to their grand terrace stood wide open.  The velvet curtains on either side of the archway swelled in the air as though breathing.  Goose pimples rose on Vhalla’s skin, though not from the bitter wind.  There, at the edge of the balcony, stood Aldrik, spine rigid and hands clasped tight behind his back, his long gold trimmed white robe billowing at his feet.
For a moment, Vhalla resisted the urge to rush to his side - instead, choosing to steal the opportunity to simply observe her love.  Such a rarity it was for him not to be surrounded by attendants or guards or politicians.  She rested her head against the doorframe and snuggled deeper into her furs, watching.  
Flurries of snow spiraled at Aldrik’s feet, scattering higher into the air with every gust of wind.  He stood impossibly still, his black hair the only part of him alive, dancing wildly in the air whipping around him.  He resembled one of the sculpted marble statues in the Imperial Gardens, his alabaster skin and all-white attire stark against the gray skies and snow capped mountains in the distance standing as a bleak backdrop to his stunning figure.  
A smile crept on Vhalla’s lips.  She could imagine his face: the crooked slope of his nose, chin held proud in the face of unforgiving cold, his dark eyes staring unblinkingly into the vastness beyond.  Always so stoic.  So unreadable to everyone he crossed paths with.  Everyone but her.  She wondered what had possessed him to stand outside on the balcony in the bitter cold.  It was true, the chill didn’t penetrate him like it did others, but she knew there was very little in this world that would drag Aldrik from their bed and away from her side.  
At the thought, something clicked into place.  A sudden realization that made her heart stutter, a cold that crawled under her skin and chilled her to the bone.  And just like that, she’d had enough of spying.  
Fool, she chided herself.  How selfish she had been.  Aldrik needed her.
The fur blanket dragged behind her like an overgrown cape as she quietly made her way over to the balcony, still balancing lightly on the tips of her toes.  She paused by the Carcivi board sitting on the table closest to the opulent glass doors before stepping outside.  Her fingers dusted over the gleaming tiles.  It was a beautiful set, and made even more precious by the man it had once belonged to.  Vaguely, she noted that a piece was out of place, though, they had not played in quite some time.
Aldrik didn’t hear Vhalla as she approached him.  She cared little for her feet, which at first stung from the cold, then grew numb when she stepped out onto the wet balcony.  She’d endured worse for the sake of her Emperor and her love, and she would do so again and again and again if it meant wrapping her arms around him as she did so now.
Aldrik stiffened at the abrupt touch, though immediately relaxed as Vhalla’s arms wound through his arms and wrapped around his waist from behind.  She nuzzled his back, relishing the heat radiating off him, and she slid her hands up his chest until they found the familiar thrum of his heart.  His hands came to rest atop hers, wet from the ice winds, but pulsing with warmth.  He brought them to his lips and kissed them softly.
“You’re going to catch sick, my love,” he murmured into her frozen knuckles, pressing his lips to each one with reverence.  Genuine concern laced his tone.  
Vhalla closed her eyes and smiled against his back.  “Impossible with you in my arms.”
“You are the one who should be in my arms,” Aldrik countered, though he didn’t move.  Vhalla suspected he rather liked being held by her.  She was happy to oblige.  
“First snowfall of the year, is it not?”  
Aldrik’s lips paused on her hand.  “I believe it is.”
“About time too,” she added.  “I was beginning to think the world would freeze over with how low the temperature was dropping.”
Aldrik hummed in agreement and began kneading warmth back into Vhalla’s hands.    
“Perhaps we should take a walk today,” she ventured.
Aldrik bristled underneath her.  “In the snow?  In your condition?  I think not.”
“If by my ‘condition’ you mean carrying our child, then I am most certain I have some time yet before walking is out of the question.  Please allow me a semblance of my dignity before that moment comes, I beg you.”  
“We can never be too careful,” Aldrik said crossly.
“I respectfully disagree.”  Vhalla huffed a laugh, an icy puff of air bursting from her lips.  “‘We can never be too careful’.  Honestly, Aldrik!  I haven’t even begun to show!”
“Is that so?”  Aldrik slowly turned to face Vhalla.  His hands let go of hers and fell to her waist.  He pulled her to him, body molding to his.  Vhalla braced her hands on his chest and slowly, eyelashes fluttering, lifted her gaze to his.  
A shiver ran up her spine that had nothing to do with the cold.  This close she could trace the water rivlets carving his face, count every thread of shaggy wet hair that clung to his forehead.  Despite the ice slicing across her vision, his heated gaze was enough to keep her warm, now and for several winters after if he so wished.
The corner of Aldrik’s mouth curved upwards and Vhalla felt more than heard the soft rumble of a chuckle roll through his chest.  “Will you ever not be so naive, my parrot?”
Vhalla wrinkled her nose at Aldrik’s oldest - and most annoying - pet name for her, but his hands crept up her spine and held her unyielding against him.
“You say you’re not showing, and yet,” he purred, hand coming to cradle her neck, his fingers brushing the barest of touches to the corner of her eye, “I see it here when our eyes meet across the dais.”  He brought his lips to the place where his fingers touched.  “And here whenever one of those sycophantic senators harass you about producing an heir.”  He gently turned her face with the back of his hand and pressed a kiss to her cheek.  Then slowly - much, much too slowly - he tipped her chin up and brought his mouth to hers.  He hovered a breath away from her.  “And here whenever I tell you how incandescently happy I am.”
Aldrik claimed the smile that spread across Vhalla’s lips, kissing her.  Distantly, she felt the blanket fall from her shoulders as she slipped her arms around his neck, but she didn’t care.  The hand at her chin swept into her hair, and she felt the firm press against her back guiding her closer to him as he deepened the kiss.  Every languid brush of his silken soft lips fanned the ember of desire that simmered between them, and like air to a flame, Aldrik’s vigor was quick to blaze.  Vhalla could scarcely breathe.  The kiss was turning into more than just a kiss.  
As much as she longed to lose herself to his touch, Vhalla forced herself to pull back, but not without placing one last tender kiss to him.  Her lips tingled with the absence of him and, almost immediately, she ached for him.
Aldrik dropped his forehead against hers, visibly swallowing his want, and his eyes shuddered shut as though he were trying to regain some semblance of control.  Vhalla could feel his heart racing against her chest, and if that wasn’t enough to tell her that he was nearly undone, then the familiar hardness prodding against her swollen belly was.  She had half a mind to drag him back inside and get him out of his soaking wet clothes and finish what he’d started.  But there was something she needed to take care of first.
She waited until his breathing had slowed and his eyes cracked open to look into hers.  It was as she expected.  There wasn’t just want smoldering in them.  Through the haze of lust and adoration she knew was reflected in her own eyes, she saw it.  Desperation .
Slowly, Vhalla loosened her hold around his neck and let her hands slide down to his chest.  Aldrik seemed to understand what she was saying by the subtle shift and pulled away just enough to let her see him fully.  She smiled sympathetically at him, seeing that he was fighting the urge to look away.  Whatever darkness he’d woken up to was lingering, tormenting him in front of her very eyes.  It broke her heart every time she saw him in such pain.  Some days she didn’t understand it - what could possess his heart and steal his mind away from himself.  At times it was an exhausting burden to bear, but it was their burden to bear together, she’d tell him.  His love was his to share as was his pain.  She would have him wholly or not at all.  
“It’s ok to miss him,” she finally murmured.  A whisper carried by the wind.  “He was your brother.”
Aldrik’s head jerked as though he couldn’t bear to hear it, sending little water droplets scattering.  He released a strained breath like her words had stolen the very air he breathed.  Vhalla’s hand lifted to his cheek; just as she commanded that winds, she would guide this storm to clearer skies.  She let him breath, let him soak up her touch, the seconds turning into minutes, until eventually he was able to speak.
“It’s been a year,” Aldrik said, his voice a hoarse whisper.  Vhalla nodded; her thumb gently smoothed away the tears mixed with ice.  He swallowed hard, needing another moment to compose himself.  These moments always required patience.  Vhalla gave it to him.  
“Our relationship was… complicated.  After everything with Egmun and Victor and the crystal caverns, I pushed him away.  With words, with hate.  My brother did the only thing he could do.  Push back.”  Aldrik shook his head regretfully.  “I don’t blame him.  What else was he to do?  I was a venom that poisoned even the purest of hearts.  All he could do was suck it out and spit it back in my face.  We were never the same...”  Aldrik’s eyes hesitantly rose to meet Vhalla’s.  “Until you.”  
“You blew into my life.  Both our lives.  And somehow you - the wondrous, infuriating woman that you are - changed everything.  Shifted the winds in our favor.  It seemed as though someday perhaps things could be different.  That perhaps we could be the brothers we used to be… The brothers we were always meant to be.  Fool that I was, I had hope.”
Aldrik’s black eyes hardened, offering a startling glimpse of the silver-tongued prince that still lay buried in the darkest recesses of himself.  When he spoke, his voice was colder than the winds that sliced the air.  “Baldair is gone.  And I’ll never get to tell him how sorry I am.”  
“Aldrik…” Vhalla tried to say, for tears were already sliding down her cheeks.  She wanted to take all his pain away.  To tell him that Baldair knew that he was sorry and sorry for his own grievances in return.  She had spent enough time with the golden prince to learn the design of his heart, had heard him voice his own regrets regarding his broken relationship with his brother to know his sorrow to be true.  But Aldrik’s hands suddenly went to Vhalla’s stomach, startling her into silence.  
“When I think of our child,” he choked out, his face contorting in anguish, “and the day we’ll have to give her up, I know it will be a near impossible thing to do to face such insurmountable pain.  Without you, I’d never be able to let go.  And yet, I can’t help but feel grateful that at least she won’t be lost to me forever.  I’ll have another chance to be the man I should have been for my brother.  One who loves without consequence.”
Vhalla stared into his eyes at a loss for words, her heart racing.  The wind howled in her ears, calling to her, urging her to jump.  Without thinking, she threw herself against him and captured his lips with her’s.  He was unmoving against her for a heartbeat, then his whole body came alive and he embraced her with an urgency they had not shared in quite some time.  
The wind picked up with each seering sweep of their lips, big gusts of ice that grew with the mounting heat between them.  The snow circled around them in a frenzied dance, encasing them in a protective embrace of white light.  Vhalla was falling into him, deeper and deeper, the heat of his body against her making her melt and arch against him.  Her chest swelled to the point of pain to meet his fervor.  All her thoughts shattered, consumed with only one word.  Aldrik, Aldrik, Aldrik.
Then, abruptly, he tore his lips away from her, a gruff sound coming from his throat as though doing so pained him.  His breathing was harsh, uneven, his eyes swimming with admiration.  He opened his mouth to speak, but Vhalla beat him to the words she knew by heart, for they were written there too.
“I love you,” she whispered, her voice full of emotion.  And then, bringing her hands to brace themselves on either side of Aldrik’s face, she locked eyes with him.  “And Baldair loved you.”
Tears ran down Aldrik’s face and he cradled Vhalla’s face like she was the only thing keeping him tethered to this world.  “And I love you, my lady and my love… My Vhalla.  My wife and mother to our child.  I never dreamed-”
Vhalla covered his mouth with hers before he could finish.  Because this wasn’t a dream.  This was real.  There were shadows in Aldrik’s mind that - Vhalla knew - may never find the light.  But when she’d given him his heart, she’d made a vow to walk with him into the darkness wherever it may take them.  She was his and he was hers, now and in the next life, and she would never let him go.
A soft moan escaped her throat and Aldrik reared back with a sharp intake of breath.  He looked from Vhalla’s stomach to her face, frown taut with concern.
“Are you alright?”
Vhalla laughed at that, which only prompted Aldrik’s frown to deepen.  She stood on her tippy-toes and pressed a chaste kiss to his mouth.  
“Come back to bed,” she murmured into his lips.  Her fingers curled around the loose collar of his nightshirt and she gently pulled him with her as she began to walk them backwards towards their chambers.  Aldrik’s feet stubbornly refused to comply, at odds with his lips which continued to draw every last breath from hers.  It was a clumsy dance, but one they had perfected since the early days of their blossoming love.  
“Are you sure-?” Aldrik tried after breaking away from a particularly dizzying kiss that made Vhalla wonder if they truly needed to make it all the way to the bedroom.  The couch was right there after all.    
“Yes,” she breathed, gripping his tunic in desperation.  Aldrik’s hooded eyes dropped longingly to her lips so tantalizingly close to his.  
“Please,” she said with a gentleness that brought his gaze back to her, “let me take care of you.”
A soft blush blossomed on Aldrik’s cheeks, the sight of which made Vhalla determined to get them all the way to the bedroom.  She stepped back from him and took his hand in hers.  She walked backwards towards the bedroom, leading him, unable to take her eyes off him.  But as they crossed the threshold, Aldrik surprised her by tugging her to him.  Her heart fluttered against his chest as his arms wrapped around her and he buried his face in the crook of her shoulder.
“Thank you,” he murmured, his breath hot on her neck.  Vhalla threaded her fingers through his hair, caressing languidly in a silent, appreciative gesture that told him she understood.  She wasn’t sure how long they held each other, but eventually, from over his shoulder she watched the sun peak over the frosty mountains and reign its light upon the land.  Her eyes shimmered with happy tears, filled with the feeling that, in that moment, she beheld the golden prince.  
Yes, she thought with a contented smile, she would insist on a walk in the snow today - if only to walk in his radiance once more.  
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thespeedhighway · 5 years
Do Blaze next please please please
Favorite thing about them: She’s so badass and elegant at the same time, and her design is amazing.
Least favorite thing about them: The only thing I don’t like is how she’s not used more often!
Favorite line:
“Hmm, it seems you like to play with fire. Let me light up your fingers then!”
-Sonic Rush
brOTP: Blaze and Cream. That hug at the end of Sonic Rush was so sweet, and that part where Cream is sad Blaze had to go back to the Sol Dimension, and Sonic comforts her… my heart…
OTP: Sonaze has become a big favorite, but I also really love Blazamy and Tangaze!
nOTP: Silvaze, for same reasons as Silver.
Random headcanon: Similar to Elsa from Frozen, much of Blaze’s insecurity when it comes to her powers comes from her parents. Her parents feared her flames would go out of control and she’d be ridiculed, so she was made to distance herself from others. Her parents had good intentions, but it damaged Blaze mentally, and she’s still trying to recover with the help of her new friends. Sonic, Cream, and Marine feel more like family to her than her own parents.
Unpopular opinion: Blaze isn’t a “female Shadow.” For one thing, Blaze is more insecure, whereas Shadow is more confident in himself and doesn’t care what others think.
Song I associate with them: Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys
Favorite picture of them:
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narutsuart · 5 years
What are your favorite ships in Fire Emblem Games?
Comment or reblog your own list! I want to make a disclaimer though. Everyone is free to ship whoever they want please don’t be rude or flame anyone I will block anyone that acts like an asshole or tries to start a shipping war. Let’s just keep this civil and fun!
So from the games I played:
FE7(Blazing Blade):
Eliwood x Ninian(OTP)
Lyn x Florina or alternatively Lyn x Hector
Shadows of Valentia:
note even though some of these ships are already set in stone doesn’t mean I enjoy them any less.
Alm x Celica(OTP most genuine romance in Fire Emblem in my opinion)
Clair x Gray
Silqe x Jesse
Boey x Mae
M!Robin x Tiki (OTP) or alternatively M!Robin x Lucina(I do really like this ship too) M!Robin x Olivia to a lesser degree. M! Robin is suave as fuck and goes so well with most of the women in Awakening tbh lol
F!Robin x Lon’qu
Chrom x Sumia( it’s a bit basic, but I like the Marth x Caeda parallel)
Gaius x Tharja
Sully x Stahl
Nah x Morgan
Lissa x Vaike
Corrin(both versions) x Azura(OTP) alternatively I like F!Corrin x Silas
Shigure x Ophelia
F!Kana x Kisaragi(they’re just too precious together puppy love)
M!Kana x Selkie(Other than being one of the only girls explicitly in a relationship with him out of his localized S supports, I think they are made for each other)
Kaze x Felicia or Kagero(love equally)
Selena x Subaki
Camilla x Silas or Odin(love equally)
Sakura x Kaden
Xander x Charalotte
Ryoma x Orochi or Kagero(love equally)
Takumi x Oboro
Hinata x Hana
Three Houses:
M!Byleth x Marianne(OTP) and F!Byleth x Edelgard(OTP “other true pairing”🤣)
Bernie x Ferdinand
Constance x Yuri
Dorothea x Petra
Linhardt x Casper
Claude x Hilda
Annette x Felix
Ingrid x Dimitri or Sylvain(non AM)
Hapi x Ashe
I’m interested to see all of your guys lists as well!
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thelovelybitten · 2 years
no thoughts, just the sonic rush ending and how we will never know what sonic gave to blaze
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ppnightshade · 5 years
My Top Favorite ships of the decade (2010 - 2020)
Now, who doesn’t like shipping? Mostly, we feel lonely and we want to experiment romance to fill that gap. And what a better way to do it by taking two characters and imagine romantic stories of them. Now, I’m also a big shipper myself, and believe me, I got a lot of ships 
However, some ships are more cute than others imo, and this is why I’m making this top 5 of my favorite ships of the last decade 
As always, this is only a personal opinion, and I hope that you enjoy this special post for the 14th (even though it’s a bit late, but the flu was killing me xD)
So, let’s start!
5.- Finntress
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After what Finn had went though all the show, I was starting to think that he would never be able to find a true lover. But then, “Flute spell” appeared
I’m ngl, I never believe I would ended up loving them. We know that Finn had failed before with PB and Flame Princess, and it was a bit sad to see him as a lone guy
But I found something cute on them. Like two wild hearts together. The way they syncronize their flutes, it’s just unique
In addition, we can see how they develop their relationship in a cute and innocent way as the show progress. Her phrase “We both know you're totally in love with me” and the fact that she gave him an elk’s heart, make us see that she could accept his feelings in the end. 
Of course, the ending of the show have left us some doubts about the ship status. But, after all the teases, I’ll consider that they ended up together c:
4.- Penashi
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My first OTP ever in a fandom, Penn Zero and Sashi Kobayashi. The part time hero and the part time sidekick
Well, first of all, we see that through the show, Penn appreciates the assistance of Sashi, calling her even the smartest and toughest of girls. He even takes in mind all the advices she is giving to him in some missions, and even, he says that she is “the glue of the team”
We can also see a bit of jealously between this two dorks. Penn was always jealous of how Blaze was earning Sashi’s heart with ease, and he was trying through all the episode to get her attention haha. But it’s not only on his side. Sashi didn’t like him to get close to some girls, like Pirate Maria or Orchid. Jealously between them is kinda funny, but cute xD
Their funny moment is when Penn says to her “Sashi, he's not even human, it's just not gonna work out”, when she made a good comment about Blaze. Looks like Penn wanted Sashi a lot 
Even if the show was a bit short in my opinion, Sam Levine made a good job showing the teases in this ship, not rushed, and with an amazing finale, a kiss between them. Believe me, getting your 1st OTP canon is such a unique experience and a feeling you will love for all your life
3.- Penball
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My favorite ship in TAWOG since it’s released. The love between a cat and a “magical peanut”. 
We all know that they had a crush on each other from the start of the show. However, what it makes this ship so special it’s the slow development. They don’t became a couple from a day to another (or from an ep to another)
They started with small blushes, kisses on the cheek, and even had problems hiding their feelings... but everything they did was calmly. Even if we know that they would become endgame, it wasn’t that fast-formulate ship we see everyday. Their love was hidden for 2 seasons, but sure enough, it was worth the wait
It also teaches us a lesson, when love is pure and true, not even physical differences can destroy it. In “The Shell”, Penny was scared that Gumball didn’t go to accept her because of how “ugly” she looked. However, he didn’t care about it, he still loved her. 
I got a lot more ships in TAWOG, but sure enough, this is my favorite one. Pure love in a ship, even though they had their small fights and misunderstandings
2.- Radnid
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Through all 2019, this had been my favorite OTP. Rad and Enid. The two bodega-workers that have a deep story together
I’m not gonna lie, with “Second First Date” I was in doubt in shipping them, but after seeing some teases of them (like Rad wanting a hug in “Let’s take a moment”) and the fact that even KO and Mr Gar ships them, made this my OTP
We see them as two simple teenagers that have a lot in common. They love the action, they watch each other’s back, and most of the time, they spend their free time doing some good pal’s stuff. In addition, we cannot deny that there were their small moments that made us ship them in like “Special Delivery” or “Red Action 3: Grudgement day” (this last one, with a bit of doubts)
And also, after watching the two young guys in the finale, I made my HC that they ended up together, and have two kids, and they lived happily ever after c: (and yes, finale is up to the spectator)
Actually, this was actually my top 1 in this list, but there was one ship that managed to fill my heart with pure cuteness
1.- Charlastor
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Caught me off surprise, I never thought I would be able to find an amazing ship like this. Alastor and Charlie. What to say? 
In just one pilot, I got a lot of stuff to say. First of all, the dance scene. Isn’t it cute to see both of them dancing together? Those close encounters, those lips almost close to each other (like if they wanted a kiss), and the way they enjoyed that moment. Just gold
Then, let’s see their personalities. Two demons that like to dance and smile, have an optimistic feeling most of the times, and in addition, they got that chemestry that made us see them as a cute pairing
Also, what to say about all the sweet things Al said to her. “Sweetheard” “Charming Demon Belle” “My dear”. I mean, which lady doesn’t like those nicknames? 
I know that the show have more to give us, but I’m hopping to see more scenes of both of them c: 
And this is the end of my top! This was made only for fun, and I hope you enjoyed it :) 
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A Very Fairytail Christmas (Deck The Halls With Nalu 2019)
A Very Fairytail Christmas
Deck The Halls With Nalu 2019 Prompts: "Baby it's Cold Outside," "Let it Snow," "O Christmas Tree, All I Want For Christmas is You," It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year," and "A Holy Jolly Christmas"(All Implied)".
Genres: Romance, Humor, Fantasy. Friendship/Family and Poetry
Characters: Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Happy, Gray, Carla, Juvia, Erza, Gajeel, Levy, Pantherlily and Jellal
Pairings: Multi-ship with hints of Nalu (Natsu x Lucy) , Gruvia (Gray x Juvia, Gajevy (Gajeel x Levy), Jerza (Jellal x Erza), plus Cappy/ ( Happy x Carla) with a bit of Carla and Pantherlily thrown in.
Rating: K+ to T for some adult themes with mild references to alcohol, nudity, drunken shenanigans and other mature content. Recommend reading level is for teens, young adults and higher.
Summary: Natsu, Lucy , Happy, and the rest of Team Natsu along with Gajeel, Levy and Pantherlily all learn the true meaning of the winter holidays- that a day filled with warm tidings spent with friends makes for a very "Fairytail Christmas" indeed. A retelling of the main event of the Fairies Christmas OVA in the form of a poem for the @fortheloveoffandomevents's Deck The Halls With Nalu Event. This was originally an entry for the @fairies-and-christmas Secret Santa exchange 2017 as a gift for the lovely @cosmicloveoftheages Enjoy!
A/N: Hey guys, it's your girl back again with an entry for  @fortheloveoffandomevents Deck The Halls With Nalu Event . As some of you may know, this is a retelling of the main events of the Christmas OVA in the form of a holiday-themed poem. This was originally a submission for the @fairies-and-christmas Secret Santa exchange as a gift for the @cosmicloveoftheages. Now without further ado, here's the poem. Enjoy!
(Scroll down past the cut/”read more button” for corresponding  links and the actual poem).
Disclaimer: As you all know by now Fairytail does not belong to me, but the most honourable Hiro-sensei instead, for whom without this labour of love wouldn't be possible. 
Read A Fairytail Christmas on FF  other platforms, and the rest of my writing here:
(Copy And  Paste  hyperlinks into a new window/tab if reading this on the desktop browser)
1. A Very Fairytail Christmas
A. Tumblr
B. Fanfiction
I.  Primary (Main) Fanfiction (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13442535/1/A-Very-Fairytail-Christmas-Deck-The-Halls-With-Nalu-2019)
II. Secondary Fanfiction ( Click Here) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13143482/1/Millennial-Drabbles) 
III.  Other (Click Here:) (or here: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13246734/1/Millennial-OTP-Drabbles)
B. A03
I. Primary/Main (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21494713)
II. Secondary (Click Here:) (or here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18244343/chapters/43167767)
2. Master  Post of All My Writing (Click Here:)  (or here: 
"Enjoy the magic this holiday season by listening to music and enjoying the occasion with the people that you care for most."
(Source Unknown)
It was the day before Christmas
Bells as as the divine as heavenly choir of an angels rang out
All the fairies were fluttering about preparing to deck the walls with care this way and that
For when the clock struck twelve, off to Lucy's Team Natsu's and company would go for some holiday cheer
Jubilant laughter ,clinking of glasses, jolly salutations of "Merry Christmas" filling the air
all fun and games until low and behold the girls succumbed to the mercy of far too much sake running through their veins
much to the dread of the red-blooded males , hearts stricken with terror
An firecesome Titania, demanding queen of the Fairies, an unholy she- beast of intoxicated fury An insensate sky maiden , might as well be dead to the world for throwing three sheets to the wind from all the spirits she's consumed
An overly-sentimental Juvia of the sea
tears flowing like a gushing torrent of rain ️
breathing new life into that cliched rhyme: "The rain ️ in Spain."
Arms latching on tightly to a terrified ice demon slayer.
An unusually giddy Levy,
lady of solid script magic runes, future mother of her and Gajeel's child , seemingly leaning in for a kiss .
Only to burst into tinkly peals of laughter in his face
A disgraced Happy and Pantherlily who might as well been
a pair of wild stallions for all the demanding daughter of Queen Shaggot could care
A mortified Salamander underneath a just as zany celestial mage,
And yet deep down he can't help but subconsciously find her antics to be oh-so endearing to But oh, what little could the shenanigans, the antics, the hi-jinks could compare
For how could they know what the fates would have in store
when the all too gleeful Erza, the ruthless beast,
would suggest her high-stakes round of "Master Draw"
A game so notorious, that only fools with the buzz of firewater singing through their veins would dare play
One stick, one draw, winner take all
Whoever didn't have the best would be at the mercy of the chosen's one thrall
And who would have guessed who might be the one to win it all?
Why Erza of course, low and behold!
A wily gleam in fathomless depths of violet , madness ensues Pleas for mercy, canine-like yips and barks filling the air
Random awkward embraces
An infuriated storm woman's jealous rage
Absurd ensembles,
stripping down to nothing more than underwear in the cold
A sexy dance by the Son of Igneel himself in the nude or two,
the most discomfiting lock of lips from two of the exceeds who may just keel over and die in of their own shame.
A sensation of blazing ️ wax on the poor astral mage's flesh
Three grown young men doing everything in their power to cram themselves into spaces no average human being should ever dare to fit
All this, debauchery galore and more, all at Titania's fellow wizards expense
But oh, little did she know,the time for revenge would come
The dread hour nigh, when the ice demon slayer finally drew his own stick,
For out in in the snow a scantily-clad, fiery redhead would boldly dare to go,
in spite of Gray's protests
A decision she would soon some to regret
But fear not, all is not lost, for salvation is at hand in the form of Jellal
a king finally come to take his long- lost queen home
and swathed in the warmth of his cloak,
Erza along with the rest learns right then and there
that a day of warm tidings and day spent with those she loves makes for a very Fairytail Christmas indeed.
Fic Tag Squad: 
@fuck-yeah-nalu @fortheloveoffandomevents @nalubookclub  @fuck-yeah-nalu @nalubookclub @fortheloveoffandomevents l @fuck-yeah-nalu @nalubookclub @fortheloveoffandomevents
@petri808 @magnolia726 @ccrispy
@yukimcffblog @yukimcffblog   @writer-appreciation
@caandleworks @caandlle  @rougeminded @rougescribe @cobblepottantrum @lovelyluce @dark0angel13  @sovay-says @soprana-snap @phoenix-before-the-flame @phoneboxfairy
@narutoyaoifan @mautrino @goddesofimortality @nalufever  @thecelestialchick @nalu-natic   @i-write-fanfics-to-procrastinate @goddesofimortality @dark0angel13 @kaychawrites @kaycha1989
@pyroandtheprincess @mautrino @lucielhyung @smappybubbles @seehunnybees @lover-of-the-light117@rayhneatess  @nothingbutwordsstuff     @shootingstarssel @chamilsanya  @acidrain1698  @chamilsanya   @narutoyaoifan @superfreakerz  @hazel-got-fanfiction
@nalu-natic @thecelestialchick @nalufever @moeruhoshi @h-eartfilias @lemonade-of-gods @fairywithajetblackheart  @katana-no-neko @mercurius-orion @nunnatheinsanegerbil @bearpluscat @shootingstarssel @kayty-of-fiore @narutoyaoifan @kaycha1989 @chiire @pyroandtheprincess @lovelyluce @sovay-says @satyrykal @wildest-dreams-at-midnight @phoneboxfairy @phoenix-before-the-flame @yukimcffblog  @mwub  @bmarvels @doginshoe @shadyhydrathesnekqueen @impracticaldemon  @mwub @sugarpolis @precenna @ravendaydream @bearandbirdfan @bearpluscat @ineffable-nalu @ineffable-nalu @mercurius-orion @tigreost @termitate @sobatsu
A/N: Please be sure to let me know what you think by dropping me a line leaving a review/ comment. Plus, feel free to like, share and reblog. Oh and don't forget to check out the rest of my writing! Keep an eye out on my profiles for updates and reuploads of my fics too . (Corresponding Links above, in navigation bar and bio if reading this on tumblr ). Take a look at the other Deck The Halls With Nalu Entries while you're at it and thanks for everyone's support so far! All right guys, I'm off for now. Once again, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah , Yule, Kwanzaa , New Years and holidays no matter which you celebrate ! Take care!
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ben-the-hyena · 4 years
Flicker From Blazing Dragons
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Why I like them
SOOOO SORRY FFOR THE LATE REPLY I finally have time to focus ! However know that, followers : last time I do that meme before a long time x) well who doesn't love Flicker ? Sane, normal and kind in a cynical, crazy and stupid world, sincerely in love with his convictions, his dream of knigthood as well as litterally in love with Princess Flame with who he forms an adorable duo of the 2 sane people, and is a genius with strategy and inventions while also being badass when protecting and saving people and the kingdom and doing quests, while also being idotic and funny himself in his lack of luck, confidence and obsession with the Code of Chivalry having him to obey his master and serve him
Why I don’t
Problem is sometimes he is way too obsessed with the Code in an unhealthy way. He literally obeys it even when he suffers from it and that he knows Flame does too (they can't be together as long as he is just a squire, a contraint he gives himself ; OH AND HOW HE AVOIDS THE QUESTION OF DATING WHEN HE WILL BE A KNIGHT IS FRUSTRATING TOO) but rules say so and he does. But even if technically it's a lie of rules since a squire must be honest and yet he is not by letting his master take the credit no !? OOOH and how the show sometimes has him forget he also loves Flame and just wants knigthood (AN INSULT) and how tends to forget than in case of emergency he does put rules aside (disguising as a knight for the tournament) and on the contrary has him do things blindly against it if the rules say so (when he becomes the SQUIRE OF THE VILLAIN AND OBEYS) and how they forget he also was more than that (one day you forgot he actually craved recognition to the point of giving up on knigthood to try to become a fulltime scientist) !!!
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
Very hard to say. My favorite episodes (I can't even choose one) are not thanks to him but due to the humor, the plot, the rythm, all the characters as a whole- DAMN HOW I LOVE THAT SHOW
Favorite season/movie
Very hard to say. Season 1 because the best episodes are there and we do see his humane psychology at times ? Or season 2 because he finally becomes assertive and and gets the recognition he deserves
Favorite line
I honestly don't know what's best given how great and witty that show is
Favorite outfit
Gotta admit his golden knight armor when he temporaly becomes a knight is EPIC and looks great. My headcanon for his armor once he truely gets knighted
Flacker. Always. They are just SO perfect for each other, connving, understanding each other, cute... LET THEM MARRYING BY HIM BECOMING KNIGHT
I do headcanon that as he gets more and more recognized by the knights and ultimatelt ends up becoming one, he and them become a real nice squad. He annoys them a little with his rules sure but they do admire how talented he is now they knew the truth (and now look down at Loungelot now they know his lies) and at least now they notice him like they do more and more as the show goes on but this time all the time
Head Canon
He used to have much more hair, brown. But one day his twin brother (OC of @kumbartha ) and him as kids were fighting and he accidentally burnt all his scalp with embers from the fireplace. Since then, only a few strands grew again
Unpopular opinion
People tend to forget 2 things : that he is able to disobey the Code of Chivalry if it means truely protecting Flame, and that as the show goes on he stands more for himself and gets more recognized. So why is everyone only focusing on these times he still plays as a doormat ignoring his character evolution ? For season 2 hate ? Please his regression is precisely what is frustrating !
A wish
That if the franchise is renewed he gets to finally be a knight, recognized by Allfire and get to be free to love Flame
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Him to do like some fanfics tend to do while following the logic of 2 episodes, him being overly OVERLY into rules even if it means Flame has to marry someone else or breaks down, while we saw he perfectly was able to disobey to protect her like in episode 3. I hate that balless take
5 words to best describe them
Too optimistic, honest, genius, slave to rules, doormat
My nickname for them
Smart dumbass
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harry-leroy · 4 years
End of the Earth, End of the World, and Towards a Bright New Future! Pasio Legendary Telepathy AU  @cinnabunni5123 - I wrote more of the fic you gave me for the ask because I got inspired! (Also not me having at least 20 more fic prompts in my asks - I will get to those haha). Because you’re not familiar with Masters - it’s essentially a mobile game where all of the trainers from the various regions come together on an island called Pasio to compete in the Pokemon Masters League (PML). Each trainer is also paired with a pokemon to create a “sync pair” and you can collect trainers in the game (it’s a gacha game). Team Break is the evil team on the island - they want to steal Pokémon (so the usual evil scheming...). Lysandre and Sycamore just came to the game a few weeks ago! (and Leon just came yesterday!) 
- note: Malva is not technically in Masters (yet), but I couldn’t find someone better for Lysandre to talk to about evil plans heheheh. Also I have no idea how housing works in the game, so I just gave everyone accommodations I think they would have (Hoopa kinda controls things on this island so I felt like anything goes?) 
Anyway, hope you enjoy! Leaving below the cut for length + descriptions of injury! 
The room was hot, approaching uncomfortable. Augustine’s vision started to blur and everything got loud. The colors were... too much. Brilliant. Jarring. Hallucinatory. There they were, in the middle of Lysandre’s elegant foyer. 
“Xerneas,” Augustine managed to get out before he dropped his drink and collapsed on the ground. 
Those around him gasped or screamed from the sudden shock of it. Some moved out of the way. Another asked if there was a doctor nearby. One man moved the poor professor out of the way of the broken glass, though there was already blood dripping down his fingers. 
“What happened?” Lysandre pushed himself through the crowd. When he saw Augustine, his heart dropped. “Professor! Move. Out of my way,” 
He knelt down besides Augustine, who was stirring out of his stupor. It was then that Lysandre noticed just how tired the professor looked. 
“What happened to him?” Lysandre took hold of Augustine’s bleeding hand while he craned his head back on the crowd. 
“He just... fainted, I suppose,” one man said. 
Before Lysandre could snap at the man, Augustine touched Lysandre with his other hand. 
“Lys,” he said. “Don’t,” 
Lysandre looked back into the professor’s eyes, tired and sick. Augustine gave a little smile. Take me home, his eyes said. 
“Please excuse me while I make sure the Professor is all right,” Lysandre said to his guests, nodding to two of his household staff to take Augustine to an empty room. There were plenty of them, Lysandre knew, though he settled on the guest suite. 
The two helping Augustine set him down on an armchair. They had removed his jacket and draped it across the back of the chair. While one was about to bandage up his hand, Lysandre took the bandage away. 
“Leave us,” he snapped. 
“Sir,” they said in unison before closing the heavy oak door behind them. 
Lysandre wasted no time in getting to work on Augustine’s hand. 
“You should have told me you were ill,” he said, aware that Augustine’s eyes still looked hazy. 
“I wasn’t,” the professor protested, weak. “It just got so hot, and -“ 
“You’re worried about something,” Lysandre stopped his work for a moment to pose the statement. 
“I’m always worried about something. What’s new?” Augustine said. He was coming back around. 
“You need a break from your work. A day to rest. Stay at home. I’ve been begging you for months,” Lysandre started. 
“I can’t,” Augustine shook his head. “I can’t,” 
He then began to cry. It was soft, weak, barely there. 
“What’s wrong, my love?” Lysandre brushed Augustine’s hair aside out of his face. He was met with bright blue eyes, almost shockingly blue. 
“I’m losing my mind,” Augustine said. “This... thing!” 
He became exasperated, pressing his half-bandaged hand to his forehead. “It’s keeping me up at night, Lysandre. It’s poking me in the skull. It’s telling me something and I don’t know what it is,” 
“Shh,” Lysandre gently took the professor’s hand and continued working. Augustine pulled it away. 
“No,” Augustine snapped. “I don’t want you telling me to be quiet. You wouldn’t understand this,” 
“Then try to make me understand,” Lysandre said. 
“I’m... I’m cursed,” Augustine said, burying his head in his hands. “The day I went into the cave, I saw Xerneas. I saw them. I keep seeing them, but not in the nice way that they’re supposed to appear. It was like... like they’re sick. They needed help,” 
“Help?” Lysandre asked. “From what?” 
“I don’t know,” the professor pressed the backs of his palms into his eyes. “That’s what’s been keeping me up,” 
“Gus,” Lysandre took Augustine’s wrist, gentle, so that he saw one bright blue eye, “I know that you’re the Kalos regional professor, but these are legendaries you’re talking about,” 
“So?” Augustine took his hand away again and held it with his other healthy hand. He quickly began to run his fingers along the gauze. It was comforting to him, despite the wound being tender. “It’s not like it’s forbidden knowledge. Kids know about the legendaries. They’ve chosen people below us, you know,” 
“I see you’ve got some of your vanity back,” Lysandre had risen up to pour himself a drink. 
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Augustine said. “Why don’t you believe me?” 
“I never said that,” Lysandre noticed a slight tremor to his hand as he poured his drink. He contemplated getting one for Augustine, though he stopped himself. “I merely want you to consider what happened to you. You were stuck in that cave for hours. If this is Xerneas, trying to communicate with you as you say, what do you intend to do about it? I might believe you, but who else will?” 
Augustine was silent for a moment. 
“There might be someone,” he sighed. “I don’t know. I want to go home now,” 
“Of course,” Lysandre said. “You must be tired. I’ll get a taxi for you,” 
“No,” Augustine rose and put on his jacket. “I want to walk. I need to clear my head,” 
“Are you sure?” Lysandre asked. “It’s late,” 
“I can hold my own,” Augustine said, opening the door with his bad hand in the haste of it all. He bit his tongue. “Thank you for a nice evening,” 
The road was long to get back to his tiny hotel on Pasio. It was dark, chilly. Augustine still felt weak from his earlier episode. He placed one foot in front of the other and tried to focus on that. 
There were others who had teamed up with legendaries on Pasio, sure. None of them, however, had succumbed to symptoms such as the ones he had been dealing with. It was always a gentle, special moment. Solgaleo could be as playful as a Lycanroc, he remembered Kukui telling him as they watched Scottie and Hau battle on the mountain at sunrise. Ho-Oh and Silver met with a teasing nudge on the elbow. Zinnia and Rayquaza had met like old friends. Why was the giver of eternal life killing him? Who else would believe him? 
He stopped by a street lamp and pulled out his Poryphone- it was still taking getting used to, though he kept the Holo Caster in his coat pocket for comfort. 
“Calem?” Augustine began. “This is Professor Sycamore. I don’t mean to worry you...,” 
He began to lightly kick the lamppost, anything to distract him from the stabbing pain in his head and Xerneas’s cry ringing in his ears. 
“I’m fine. I just need you and Serena to come to town tomorrow. I’ll be waiting in front of the café at noon. I have something I want you two to look into for me,” he continued. “I don’t want anyone else. Come alone. Uh huh. Goodbye now,” 
He hung up. Way to keep the kids out of this mess. The pounding was getting worse. He was getting hot again, despite the cool air. Taking off his coat and jacket only did so much. 
“Xerneas,” Augustine stopped and pressed both palms against his temples. “Stop!” 
There was a cry. Brilliant light. Much like before. When Augustine looked up, he saw them. A great beast, regal, with magnificent horns shining through the darkness. 
“Xerneas!” he called, his head was white hot with pain and possible fever. “What are you trying to tell me? Why do you keep calling out to me? I can help you! You just need to stop hurting...” 
Faster than he could realize, Augustine felt the scrape of pavement against his face and palms. Xerneas was gone. He had fainted again, from what he could guess. It took him a few moments before he was able to sit up again, though when he did, he jumped back. 
“Hello,” a quiet voice said. “My partner told me that you were hurt,” 
“Um, I’ve been better,” Augustine tried to shrug it off. That would only get him so far. Lysandre’s voice echoed in his mind at that moment, though the young man standing before him was far different than Lysandre. He was young, gentle; there was something safe about him. 
“Come on,” the young man stretched out a hand. “We’ll get you to a Pokémon center,” 
“No,” Augustine managed to get up nearly by himself. “No, that won’t be necessary,” 
“My partner says you’re in danger,” the man said. 
“Partner?” Augustine asked, though it only took moments before he traced them in the dark. “Huh?! Is that... Zekrom?!” 
“Yes,” the man said. “Don’t be scared. They won’t hurt you,” 
“Who are you?” Augustine said. 
“My name is N,” the man said. “I’m from Unova,” 
“N...,” Augustine said. “You said Zekrom told you about me?” 
“Yes,” he nodded. “I can hear the inner voices of Pokémon. It’s my gift,” 
“And mine is overwork,” the professor attempted to walk past, though found himself too dizzy. Zekrom caught him with a wing. 
“Please let us help you,” N said. “The center is not far. You’re injured,” 
Augustine brushed a hand to his face when he found it ticklish. Blood dripped down on his fingers. 
“Please,” N said. Then a gentle smile came across him. He reminded Augustine of Lysandre, perhaps a decade ago. Augustine strangely felt like he could trust the man. It was only for scrapes after all, though what did N mean by danger? 
“Sure,” he said. “Lead the way,” 
“How could I be so foolish?” Lysandre said, pacing the room with a drink in hand. “Letting him off into the cold like that?” 
“Sometimes separation is best,” Malva said casually as she stirred her own drink. 
“I’m worried about him,” Lysandre said. 
“You’re always worried about him,” Malva tossed her head back. “You haven’t told him, have you?” 
“What, that I can hear Yveltal?” he snapped. “Absolutely not,” 
“Why? I thought this was all part of your brilliant plan?” she asked. 
“It is,” Lysandre stopped and looked out the window of his lonely house. “Only I don’t think he’ll like it. Telling him that I want him to rule my perfect world...” 
“When has this stopped you before?” Malva asked. 
“This time it’s different,” Lysandre said. It was all he could think to say. 
Malva set down her drink. 
“So what are you going to do? Watch him be driven mad thinking he’s hallucinating a ghost legendary?” she asked. 
“You were there when I first met Yveltal,” Lysandre didn’t take his gaze off of the window. “It’s a power you need to control. He just doesn’t have control yet. Gus is smart. He’ll figure it out,” 
“Maybe he needs someone there,” Malva said. 
“No,” Lysandre said, though only after hesitating a moment. “Malva, I can’t tell him. He’ll hate me,” 
“Then rethink your plan, genius,” she snapped. They were both drunk. 
“You wouldn’t understand,” he said. “No, I can’t tell him,” 
He left his drink on the table and walked out of the room. 
“Took a fall, did you?” Nurse Joy asked when Augustine sat down on the examination table. 
“Something like that,” he said. He looked to N, who was standing against the wall with his arms crossed. He was brought back when he felt Nurse Joy touch his injured hand. 
“What happened there?” she asked. 
“I dropped a glass,” Augustine said. “I think,” 
She continued to examine the hand before taking off the bandages. He winced. Lysandre had been careful with dressing it, though it hadn’t done him any favors. His fingers were swollen. 
“I see,” she nodded and said something to her Chansey. 
“I don’t mean to bother you,” Augustine said. “Especially when you’ve been so busy with the league tournaments,” 
“Bothering me?” Nurse Joy asked before laughing. It was genuine, warm.  “This is my job. I like getting human patients in once in a while. Gives me someone besides Chansey to talk to,” 
“Right,” Augustine said. “You wouldn’t happen to have something for a headache, would you?” 
“I think a place to rest for the night would be more beneficial,” N spoke up. “It’s late,” 
Before Augustine could speak up, Nurse Joy let go of his hand and gave a little bow. 
“Of course,” Nurse Joy said. “I’ll get on that right away,” 
Chansey returned with a Leavanny and both gave a nod to Nurse Joy. 
“Leavanny will take care of your hand,” she said. “I’ll go get some keys for your rooms. Please stay as long as you like,” 
Augustine could only nod politely before she left and Leavanny began poking at his hand. He expected more pain, having it stitched up like this, but there was a delicacy in Leavanny’s work that no person could emulate. It made him think of his days with Rowan, growing fonder and fonder of research. Still, the pain in his head prevented him from looking. 
“I can’t really stay, you know,” Augustine said. 
“Why not?” N asked. 
“My hotel isn’t far,” the professor returned. 
“I hardly trust you’ll get good sleep in a hotel,” N said. “I’ve traveled too much to know. Besides, Zekrom was worried about you, so I am too,” 
“You hardly know me,” Augustine said. “I haven’t even told you my name, and yet -” 
His Poryphone rang. He had no choice but to put it on speaker. N sank back into his spot on the wall, looking down at his feet. 
“Hello?” he asked. 
“Professor?” it was Serena. She was worried. 
“Yes, Serena,” Augustine said. “What’s wrong?” 
“You’ve got to come quick. Those Team Break guys have taken your Bulbasaur! I don’t know how it happened, but… I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed. 
“Calm down,” he said, feeling an uncomfortable poke in his hand and wincing a little. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ve gotten somewhat… tied up,” 
“I’m near the base of the mountain. Hurry! I don’t know how much longer I can wait!” she said before hanging up. 
N looked up, determined and urgent. 
“I’m going to help,” he said. 
“With what?” Augustine asked, impatient to get his hand finished with. 
“Your Bulbasaur,” N said. “I can’t let Team Break get away with this,” 
“No,” Augustine said. “It’s my Bulbasaur. I don’t expect you to -” 
“It was nothing about expectation,” N said. “I just can’t let them do that,” 
Augustine nodded. 
“I’ll be back by morning,” N said. “You should get some rest. It seems that you’ve had a long enough day,” 
He left through the door and nearly bumped into Nurse Joy. 
“Heading out already?” she asked. 
“I am,” N said. “But make sure that he stays here. I’m worried about him. I should be back by morning,” 
“I’ll try my best,” she said. 
“That’s all I ask,” he said as he exited the doors to the center. Without hesitation, Zekrom followed him from behind. 
“We need to go to the mountain, friend,” he said. “Another friend is in trouble!” 
From behind the desk and through the glass windows, Nurse Joy watched them ride off into the night sky. 
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raeofalbion · 5 years
OTP Playlist Tag
Tagged by @joufancyhuh all the way back in December, I think, to do this for Vic and Reaver. Sorry this took so long!
Rules: create a five song playlist for one of your OTPs.
Tagging: @marcceh @johnlockedinwarstan @jamlocked @cake-warlock @leafenclaw @dynamics-of-an-asteroid @weweremadeforeachothersherlock (for whichever OTPs y’all want ^^) and you, if you want to do it. :3
1. Superstition ~ The Birthday Massacre I wake up in the light of the fire, Eyes burning like the ashes In submission to the heat of desire. He tells me not to preach to the choir. He says, "This condition is a slow decomposition." He says, "My religion is the practice of sedition."
2. Don’t Let Me Love ~ Dreamcar I sat in the church so I might pray To remain set in My evil ways I tugged on your hem and asked for truth You said, "Oh, don't be silly. What with it would you do?" If you see me waver Just give me a shove I'll let you take off the edge Just please Don't let me love
3. NFWMB ~ Hozier If I was born as a blackthorn tree I'd wanna be felled by you Held by you Fuel the pyre of your enemies. Ain't it warming you, the world gone up in flames? Ain't it the life you, your lighting of the blaze? Ain't it a waste they'd watch the throwing of the shade? Ain't you my baby, ain't you my babe?
4. Bottom of The Deep Blue Sea (Stripped Ver.) ~ MISSIO The sweet surrender of silence forces me to live alone Locked and loaded, where the hell is peace of mind? I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue sea I wait on you inside the bottom of the deep blue Welcome to my cage, little lover Attempt to rearrange with you, baby Still don't know your name, Miss Honey Let's go up in flames, pretty lady
5. Goodnight ~ Mirel Wagner Goodnight, my darling, goodnight I'll push down the pillow with all of my might Goodnight, goodnight, the stars are so bright And I'll hold down the pillow with all of my might Tomorrow, tomorrow, will be alright
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