#otp: jolly
betty-fandom-blog · 5 months
hersh x jolly forever
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daughter-of-melpomene · 7 months
⌨ + kai bc i am Weak for nikolai fcs lol -🍂
Aren’t we all, darling - thank you so much for this ask, Alvita!! (And I’m also gonna go ahead and tag @dancingsunflowers-ocs and @luucypevensie since they also love my pirate boy. <3)
— ❥ —
“Oh, such a sour face,” Kai teased, leaning in close to the prince and grinning with a smile much like a cat’s. “I’d be careful, Your Highness, much more scowling and you just might transform into my father.”
Not taking his advice - in fact, frowning even more, which was certainly not a good look on him - Prince Caspian moved away from Kai, clearly annoyed in a way that was greatly satisfying.
“Are you incapable of taking anything seriously?” the prince snapped. Kai’s smile only widened.
“Incapable, certainly not,” the young pirate said, beginning to lazily pace around the cabin. “I simply don’t see the point in taking everything seriously. How is one ever meant to have any fun if you don’t turn at least some things into a joke?”
The prince huffed, crossing his arms and glaring at Kai. “I suppose I should expect nothing else from a pirate.”
And certainly that was nothing that Kai hadn’t heard before - in fact, he’d heard much worse, usually shouted and accompanied by much more colorful language than this royal brat was even likely to know - but the way the prince said the word pirate. Like it was a dirty word, like it tasted of rotten food in his mouth. It was almost exactly the way his father had used to say it, and that fact caused Kai to pause in his sauntering, momentarily feeling like the wind leave his lungs like his father had come back to life and appeared on the Golden Fish just to punch him one last time.
Swinging back around to face the royal, Kai smiled at Prince Caspian once again, but this time his cat’s grin was replaced with a stretch of the lips as sharp as a sword.
“And I suppose I should know better than to expect the smallest crumb of respect from a spoiled prince.” He mimicked the way the prince had said the word pirate, spitting it out like he couldn’t stand to have it linger on his tongue. “And yet, Your Highness, here we are.”
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send me ⌨ + an oc and I’ll write a snippet for that oc!!
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reds-self-ships · 1 year
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Wishing Q a happy anniversary today.
Also seeing as he was my first romantic f/o, besides Ryuu, this technically means it’s the anniversary of me having a poly relationship with my F/Os.
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[all images described in alt]
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happy-emmdings · 1 year
What's your favourite Captain Swan moment in canon and perhaps in fanfic?
Ooo okay I’ll try not to go off on a tangent but
There are so many!!!
From the top of my head…
I wanna say the entirety of the CS Back to the Future adventure. But the “You traded your ship for me?” moment is so significant and beautiful. It’s just you know… There’s Emma “I’m not used to someone putting me first” Swan who never had a home, who had been betrayed and abandoned time and time again. There’s Killian “I didn’t have anything to live for” Jones. And there’s the memory of him snapping sharply at Ariel that “She’s not just a ship.” And the Jolly Roger is not just a ship; she is his home. She is the vessel that carried all the memories of his lost loved ones, but also his pride and reputation, his most prized possesion and his actual home…
And after all their crazy adventures, Emma asks him how he got to her in the first place. And the cocky grin that’s barely masking the vulnerable softness in his eyes falls away and he grows serious when he responds with a quiet “Aye” to her stunned “You traded your ship for me?”
And that’s where she realizes he traded his home for hers, that he gave up everything he had so that she could have a chance to be with her family and so that he could perhaps be a part of her home and she is so not used to that. In fact it is in stark contrast with her past experiences for someone to put her absolutely and completely first like that. And it’s not like he was going to use it as a way to make her feel like she owed him something. In fact, he wouldn’t have even mentioned it had she not asked directly like that. And it’s that kind of selfless love that is so rare and beautiful and unexpected for Emma and agafsgahjajahahshabgsgsgsgsv!!! Ya know?
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So that.
And the moment where Emma finally finds Killian in the Underworld and fucking runs over those metal beams over a river of eternal torment and dashingly rescues her beloved pirate. And Killian even then putting Emma first and telling her she should not have come.
“I never listen.”
“You’re impossible.”
“And you love me for it.”
And then just a gentle, warm, loving embrace that feels like being welcomed home, even there in the deepest ring of hell above a pit of liquid dispair… your otp could never
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But because I like tragedy I have to at least mention the Hellevator goodbye with that improvised hand kiss💔 It was just so soft and painful and… yeah
But then there is the adorable graveyard reunion with a million cheek kisses.
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And obviously pancakes🥞✨ because that scene is perfect in every way including Snow barging in like that because
“Am I interrupting something?” “Yes.” “No.” is just so fucking funny.
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As for fanfic moments, none in particular come to mind right now, I don’t know sorry🤷‍♀️😅
So anyway I’m really holding back because I could just ramble about these two on and on… Their story is truly made of so many beautiful moments, big and small, sweet and sad and happy and meaningful and… I love them all.
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goforth-ladymidnight · 10 months
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A Second Chance
Pairing: Tamlin x Lucien
Rating: M for mature themes and strong language
Ch. 1/5(?)
Word Count: 3.9k
Summary: There is a reason that Tamlin disappeared from Lucien's life seven years ago. Lucien just doesn't know what it is. They were more than college roommates; they were best friends. Now, a chance encounter in a bookstore leaves both of them wondering if they can pick up where they left off. A new year is right around the corner, but there is no wiping Tamlin's slate clean. Featuring Jurian and Vassa in supporting roles, this is not a story of redemption, but of finding love—and forgiveness—in the most unlikely of places. A Modern ACOTAR Holiday AU.
✨✨✨For @praetorqueenreyna ✨✨✨
It's here! It's here! It's finally here! (Emphasis on finally.) Even though this took a lot longer than I intended, it's also a lot longer, too. This is the first chapter out of five (I think), and I hope to have the rest done by New Year's. Featuring your OTP Tamcien, as requested, as well as a little bit of Jassa because, as you'll soon see, they needed to be in this story. :) I hope you like it! I had an absolute blast writing it.
Read on AO3 as part of the 2023 Gift Exchange Collection or read on below the cut:
“Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer,” crooned a male voice in the sound system above their heads, a slower, mellower version of the jolly holiday song that matched the easygoing vibe in The Reading Nook Bookstore.
Lucien absentmindedly hummed along as he browsed the themed display tables, passing over the fantasy and romance books in favor of something more to his mother’s taste. As he read the synopsis of the latest Poppy Seedcake Mystery, a cozy murder mystery series themed around baked goods, he couldn’t help but smirk.
“What do you think of this,” he asked Vassa, who was perusing the political thriller section nearby. When she glanced up, he held up the cover and continued jokingly, “Should I get this for my mom? It’s all about murdering your husband and how to get away with it.”
Vassa’s bright blue eyes flicked to the cover. “Rat poison,” she said simply, before returning her attention to the thick novel in her hands.
Lucien’s brows furrowed as he turned the cover over. He traced the title with his finger as he read to her, “No, it says: A Raisin to Kill… Wait. What do you mean: ‘Rat Poison’?”
“How to murder your husband and get away with it,” she repeated in her richly lyrical Scythian accent. “Rat poison. In coffee. Tea is too weak to disguise the taste.”
Lucien swore and ducked his shoulders as a couple of curious shoppers glanced up from their magazines nearby. Redfaced, he set the mystery book down and remarked, “I forgot how literal you are sometimes.”
Vassa looked at him quizzically. “Is that not what you wanted to give your mother for Christmas?”
“Not if it can used as evidence in a murder trial,” he quipped, then shook off the chill rippling down his arms. “Maybe I’ll just buy her a fruit basket.”
“Rat poison works well in the juices of fruit, too,” she said brightly.
Lucien chuckled nervously and ran a hand over his long red hair. “I’ll take your word for it.” He wanted his bastard father dead just as much as the rest of his brothers, but he wasn’t keen on being considered a suspect in Beron Vanserra’s death. “Where did you learn about that, um—” he cleared his throat, “—advice, anyway?”
“My mother. It is said my grandfather was a—how you say—good-for-nothing rat bastard.” Lucien’s eyebrows shot up as she continued, “So, my grandmother, she takes care of him. Rat poison.”
He realized his mouth had fallen open, so he closed it. Loosening the knot of the wool scarf around his neck, he remarked, “Scythian housewives don’t mess around, do they?”
Vassa smiled sweetly and added her book to a steadily growing pile with a heavy, meaningful thump. “Rat poison makes no mess. Not like stab wounds.”
Lucien let out a nervous chuckle. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
“I will,” she trilled, then her smile vanished as she caught sight of something behind him. “Do you know a man with light hair in dark clothes?” she asked in a low voice. “He is—how you say—checking me out.”
Lucien chuckled. “Lucky you,” he quipped, returning his gaze to the Murder Mystery display, then he froze. “Wait.” Had one of the customers overheard them and called the police? Shit. Wait. Don’t panic. “What does he look like?”
She shrugged with her mouth. “Big. Strong.”
Shit. Shit. Shit. With a wincing smile, he looked over his shoulder, trying to think of a way to explain that he and his foreign friend were only joking, when he realized he recognized the man. He straightened and turned to face the man directly. “Tam?”
With a shy chuckle, Tamlin stepped closer, tucking a book under his arm as he said, “Hey, Lu. I thought that was you.”
Lucien shook his head and let out an amazed laugh, then spread his arms wide and drew Tamlin into a sudden hug. It was as brief as it was awkward, but he couldn’t help himself. After a congenial back thump, Lucien released him and stepped back. “How long has it been, man?”
“Long time,” Tamlin replied with a tight smile, his cheeks slightly flushed. “At least…”
“Seven years,” they said in unison.
“Seven years,” Tamlin repeated, nodding slowly. “What have you been, um—” He glanced at Vassa, then shoved his hands in his pockets and amended, “How have you been?”
“Good,” Lucien said quickly. “Really good. Um.” He cleared his throat and gestured to the redhead at his side. “Before I forget. Tam, this is my friend, Vassa. Vassa, this is Tamlin.”
She twiddled her fingers in a polite wave.
He looked to Tamlin and continued, “She and I met when I traveled to Scythia for that foreign exchange program back in college. Remember?”
“Oh… right,” Tamlin said, nodding slowly, then gestured at her with his pocketed hand. “Nice to meet you.”
Vassa smiled and repeated a similar greeting in Scythian.
“She’s just visiting,” Lucien explained, “but she’s thinking of moving here after the holidays.”
“Congratulations,” Tamlin said politely, and Vassa dipped her head in acknowledgment.
“What about you, man?” Lucien asked him, thumping him on the shoulder. “Where have you been hiding yourself? I haven’t seen you since junior year.”
Tamlin shrugged dismissively. “Oh, you know. Around.”
When it was clear he wasn’t going to elaborate, Lucien turned to Vassa and remarked, “Tam has the greenest thumb of anyone I know. Someone left a dying, um, plant in our dorm, and Tam nursed it back to health.”
At Vassa’s blank look, Tamlin explained, “He means weed.”
Lucien added jokingly, “The whole floor called us the High Lords.”
Tamlin turned red and chuckled. “Oh, god. The High Lords. I had forgotten about that.”
Lucien grinned. “Yeah. Weren’t there six of us? You, me, Kallias, Tarquin, Rhys—”
Tamlin’s easy smile stiffened. “Oh. Yeah.”
Lucien was about to ask what that look meant, when he noticed Vassa’s confused frown. “Oh, sorry,” he told her. “I meant to explain: Weed is something you smoke to get high. Um, feel good. We were in Room 420… You know. Dumb kid stuff.”
Vassa continued to frown. “He has green thumb?”
Both Tamlin and Lucien let out embarrassed chuckles.
Before Lucien could think of a better Scythian translation, Tamlin pulled his hand out of his pocket and gave her a thumbs-up. “He just means I’m good with my hands,” he said with a smile.
“You should have heard him play in the orchestra,” Lucien added eagerly. “He could make a grown man cry with his violin.” Vassa smiled at that. Music was something she appreciated, and understood; no translation necessary. He asked Tamlin, “Do you still play?”
Tamlin winced and rubbed the back of his neck. “Uh, no. Not really.”
Before he could think of a better question, Tamlin cleared his throat and said, “Well, it was good seeing you again. I don’t often run into anyone from the old days, so—”
“Oh, yeah?” Lucien said, trying to keep him a little longer. “Maybe we can have lunch some time. I don’t want to keep you from your Christmas shopping.” He nodded at the book tucked under his old friend’s arm. It had a bright yellow spine that contrasted nicely with the dark hunter green of his jacket, so it was difficult to ignore. It was difficult to think of what else to say.
“Job hunting for…” Vassa said slowly, tilting her head as she read the spine, and Lucien suddenly realized why Tamlin had been hiding the book under his arm.
“For a friend,” Tamlin said hastily, his face turning as red as Lucien’s felt. He jerked his thumb at the checkout line and said, “I’m on my lunch break, so…”
Not wanting to end their chance meeting on a sour note, Lucien asked him, “So, when do you get off work? Five?”
Tamlin’s throat bobbed. “Something like that.”
Lucien nodded at Vassa and said, “We’re having dinner at eight o’clock tonight, and we’d love for you to join us.”
“After, we have tickets to Swan Lake,” Vassa added.
“Vassa’s never been, so…” Lucien tried to explain, but Tamlin winced and held up his hand.
“I don’t want to intrude.”
“Not at all,” Lucien insisted. “We’ll just get another ticket.”
Tamlin looked skeptical. “To Swan Lake? In December?”
“You know the Vanserras are big patrons of the arts. I’ll name-drop.”
“I don’t know,” Tamlin said slowly. “Two’s company, three’s a crowd…”
“You can be bringing someone else, too, yes?” Vassa offered.
“Are you seeing anyone?” Lucien asked.
Tamlin’s brows furrowed. “You mean… like a date?”
“Yeah,” Lucien squeaked, then cleared his throat. “Um, yeah, a date.” He gestured between them. “You can bring someone, I’ll bring Vassa, and then nobody will feel left out. What do you say?”
Tamlin quirked his mouth to one side, thinking it over. After a long pause, he sighed. “I do have a friend…”
“Perfect.” Lucien jumped at the chance. “Let’s meet up for drinks at The Sour Lemon Bar at seven, then we’ll have dinner and go to the theater afterwards.”
When Tamlin still hesitated, Lucien added, “My treat.”
Tamlin winced. “I can’t let you do that—”
“Sure you can!” Lucien insisted, thumping him on the arm. “It’s all going on the Vanserra expense account, anyway. A very merry Fuck You to my father, just in time for Christmas.”
Tamlin dropped his gaze to the ground, chuckling deeply. When he looked up again, the tight lines in his face had eased, and his smile finally reached his eyes. “You haven’t changed a bit, you know that?”
Lucien grinned. “Does that mean you’ll come?”
Tamlin sighed again, but he nodded. “It’s a date.” He blushed. “I-I mean, with you a-and Vassa.” He cleared his throat. “Seven, you said?”
Lucien’s scarf felt strangely tight as he agreed, “At The Sour Lemon Bar. Do you need an address?”
“No, I’m sure I’ll find it,” Tamlin said, edging toward the checkout stand. “See you, Lu. Nice to meet you, um, Vassa.”
Vassa nodded, and Lucien raised his hand in farewell as he watched his long-lost friend make his way to the front of the store.
“He seems nice,” Vassa remarked.
“Yeah,” Lucien murmured, watching as Tamlin took out a worn-looking leather wallet from the back of his belted jeans. The hunter green bomber jacket looked warm enough, but it was December, and they were expecting snow later. He wasn’t even wearing a hat, but his sunlight blond hair reached his shoulders and covered his ears, so maybe he didn’t need one. Tamlin’s hair had been much shorter back in the day, just curling under his ears and tickling the back of his neck when the two of them were in school, an act of defiance against his military father, Tamlin had said.
The long hair suited him, but unlike Lucien’s own shoulder-length strands, it seemed less like a stylistic choice and more like he hadn’t seen a barber in a while. It was like he hadn’t seen anyone in a while.
As Tamlin left the store without looking back, the bell above the door jingled, and a new song began to play: “Sleigh bells ring, are you listenin’…”
It was almost funny, but Lucien could only sigh. Something had happened to his old friend, but he couldn’t begin to guess what it was. With a start, he realized he hadn’t given Tamlin his contact information. He could only hope that his old friend would show up like he promised, and then he could find out what had happened to break his spirit.
* * *
Tamlin slid into the front seat of his friend’s black SUV with a heavy sigh. The soiled interior smelled like an ashtray and stale french fries, but at least it was warm.
Jurian, sitting in the driver’s seat with his mini-binoculars glued to the front of his face, asked, “Find anything good?”
Tamlin sighed again and rubbed his hands against the vent’s steady flow of welcome heat. “Yeah.”
Jurian lowered the binoculars at last and looked at him. “And?”
“And she was in there, all right? She was Christmas shopping, like normal people do at this time of year.”
Jurian smirked. “Oh, like you?” He glanced down at the paper bag resting on the middle seat. “What’s that?”
“It’s nothing—Hey!”
Jurian had the bag torn open before he could snatch it back, and he scoffed. “Job Hunting for Dummies?” He snorted. “Looking for another job, dummy?”
Face burning, Tamlin snatched the book and the bag back. “Shut up. I had to buy something, all right? It was the first thing I grabbed. She saw me.”
“Shit. She saw you?” Jurian grimaced and ran a hand over his salt-and-pepper stubble. “Did she mark you?”
“No,” Tamlin muttered, wrapping the torn brown paper edges over the top of the book before shoving it under his seat.
“Good. The last thing we need is to lose our payday. Christmas is coming up, and the fat man is bringing a big fat check if we play this right.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tamlin muttered, shoving his hands under his armpits.
Jurian snorted. “Don’t sound so excited. It’s not every day that a job like this drops in our laps. Cheating spouses is our bread and butter, but runaway princesses?” He put his fingers to his lips and kissed them. “Filet mignon.”
Tamlin let out a resigned sigh. “If you like filet mignon.”
Jurian smirked. “I don’t mind second helpings.” Tamlin shot him a look, but Jurian suddenly straightened up and snapped his fingers at something outside. “Hey-hey-hey. There she is. Grab the camera.”
As Tamlin reluctantly reached into the backseat, Jurian lifted the binoculars and squinted through them.
“Huh. Koschei didn’t mention she had a brother.”
Tamlin straightened up in the passenger seat as he slung the camera strap around his neck. “She doesn’t.”
Jurian lowered the binoculars with a confused squint. “Then who’s the twink?”
“He’s not a twink—” Tamlin bit back a growl as Jurian raised his dark, bushy brows at him. He took a deep breath and calmly explained, “His name is Lucien Vanserra. You’ve probably heard of his family.”
“Vanserra? As in Daddy is the head of the entire Autumn Corporation?” When Tamlin nodded, Jurian let out a low, appreciative whistle and resumed his binocular view. “That explains the nice threads. No wonder Princess is hanging around him.”
Tamlin’s cheeks flushed with a muttered, “Yeah,” then lifted the camera and looked down the telescopic lens. The two redheads were chatting amiably outside the bookstore, blissfully unaware that they were being watched by some sleazy private eye and his equally sleazy but unwilling cameraman. At least it paid the rent. Some of the time.
It was just a few lousy pictures. Proof that Vassa was living in Prythian. That was all. But still, as Tamlin zoomed in on Lucien’s smiling face, as he laughed at something Vassa said, his perfect teeth bright against the tawny beige of his skin, his finger hovered—and hesitated—over the shutter button.
“Problem?” Jurian asked.
“Smudge on the lens,” Tamlin muttered, lowering the camera. As he dug around in the camera case for a cleaning cloth, Jurian swore.
“You didn’t think to check it before we left?”
“It’s this damn vehicle,” Tamlin snapped. “Maybe if you cleaned it once in a while—”
“Hey. Don’t blame me for your screw-up—”
“I didn’t want to take this job in the first place!”
“Oh, now you tell me. Anything else you want to confess, or should I find a priest for that?!”
They were still arguing when Tamlin saw red.
“Shit.” He ducked down in the passenger seat as Lucien stepped off the sidewalk and crossed the street in front of the SUV, alone.
Jurian sat back in his seat and barked a laugh when Tamlin finally lifted his head to peek over the dashboard. “Hey, dumbass. Tinted windows, remember?”
“Shut up,” Tamlin muttered, straightening up, then winced as he examined the lens, which had been bumped loose from the lens mount. He hoped it wasn’t broken. Repairs like that weren’t cheap.
Jurian sat up in the driver’s seat and squinted, then smacked his hand against the steering wheel. “Dammit. She’s gone.”
He shifted the SUV into gear, then floored the gas and pulled into the street. As they drove, scanning the slushy streets, Jurian ran a hand through his already unruly dark hair. “Fuck. Where are we supposed to look for her now?”
As Tamlin lowered the two pieces of the camera to his lap, he cleared his throat. “Funny you should mention that…”
Jurian cocked an eyebrow as Tamlin explained what had happened inside the bookstore. “A date?” He could barely keep his eyes on the road. “Are you fucking serious?”
“It’s not a date,” Tamlin retorted. “We’re just old friends catching up, that’s all.”
“You and pretty boy, maybe, but what am I supposed to do? I’m supposed to be undercover. We’re supposed to be undercover, dipshit.”
“I’m not going to blow our cover,” Tamlin growled through gritted teeth. “And you don’t have to come.”
Jurian huffed in frustration and slammed on the brakes, narrowly missing the car in front of him as it idled at a stoplight. “Great,” he huffed again, smacking the steering wheel. “This is just great.” He grumbled something about this being the worst time to give up smoking—even though it had been three years—then he pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Look. I’m sorry, kid. I know this isn’t your dream job. I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I wasn’t desperate. My vision isn’t what it used to be, and Mr. Hybern is breathing down my neck, and…”
Tamlin’s fingers traced the edges of the busted lens mount, and he sighed. “I know.”
“I’ll make it up to you. We’ll skip the filet mignon and get one of those—” He snapped his fingers. “—what do you call ‘em—hide-a-beds. God knows we need a new couch anyway.”
Tamlin thought of the way the sorry sofa sagged under his weight and the way it was six inches too short no matter which way he laid on it.
“You know what? I’ll even pretend to be whatever you want on this date—not-a-date,” he amended when Tamlin shot him a warning look, “if you’ll help me with this last job. Deal?”
It still meant lying to Lucien, but was leaving out the worst part of the last seven years even a lie in the first place? The traffic light ahead of them turned green, but the SUV continued to idle.
Tamlin sighed again. “Deal.”
“Atta boy,” Jurian said warmly, then flipped off the cars honking behind him. “I know it’s green, you morons.”
Tamlin sank back against the passenger seat as the SUV sped up to join the thick of downtown traffic, strangely calm while Jurian swore at all the holiday shoppers during the most fuckin’ wonderful time of the year.
Even though Tamlin would have preferred to leave Jurian—and Vassa—out of it, he was almost looking forward to that evening. It had been so long since he had looked forward to anything… It wasn’t even about the food and the entertainment. God only knew how long it had been since he had had enjoyed anything half that nice. The Sour Lemon Bar alone was on the ritzier side of town, after all… It was about the company.
A slight smile touched his mouth as he thought back to that chance meeting with his old friend and former roommate. Jurian was decent enough to give him a place to stay when the whole world went to hell, but… From the first day they met at college, he and Lucien just clicked. They could talk about everything and nothing. It was more than being best friends. They were true kindred spirits.
They were each the youngest in their respective families, with strict, overbearing fathers who couldn’t be bothered to show up for important things like recitals or graduation, but who were also obsessed with image and obedience.
Tamlin still didn’t know how Lucien’s mom put up with it, but his own mother had passed away when he was sixteen. She had been there for every school concert, every violin recital, smiling proudly despite undergoing brutal cancer treatments. All the while his own father couldn’t be bothered to show up.
“Only queers and sissies play the fiddle,” his father had sneered.
Real men play football. Real men win wrestling tournaments. Real men take one for the team, the way his brothers did. They called him selfish for making their mother go to his concerts when she should have been home resting. They ignored her insistence that she really wanted to go, but at least they didn’t stop her.
Even at her weakest, she continued to show up, holding a single rose to throw on the stage after each performance, ‘the way they did it in the movies’. He used to be embarrassed about it, but he secretly dried them out and kept every single one… At least until his father found the box after her death and threw them all out.
Tamlin then chose to honor her memory by working his ass off and getting a music scholarship to one of the most prestigious universities in Prythian instead of going into the military like his father wanted. He had paid for it, too, in more ways than one. He hadn’t spoken to his father and two older brothers for ten years, and he didn’t plan on starting now. Jurian’s foul mouth and fouler apartment were preferable to the abuse and neglect he had endured at the hands of his so-called family. And then to run into Lucien again after all this time…
Maybe this was finally the end of some terrible bad luck streak. Some god-awful curse. Seven years bad luck, and all that. It seemed pointless to hope, and yet… Lucien had actually been happy to see him. He had hugged him. Tamlin finally understood what it meant to be touch-starved, and he realized he was ravenous. As much as he had protested, how could he say no to another taste?
Since the camera needed repairs anyway, there was no reason he couldn’t sit back and enjoy himself for a single evening. Jurian could keep an eye on Vassa while he and Lucien reminisced about the good ol’ days…
As the nicer buildings of downtown gave way to small, old-fashioned houses and even older apartment buildings on the edge of town where he and Jurian lived, Tamlin let out a disgruntled sigh. Who was he kidding?
There was no fooling Lucien. His friend had always had the uncanny ability to see right through him. If he somehow managed to bullshit his way through the evening and pretend that everything was sunshine and roses, there was no getting around the fact that he still had a job to do. Some shadowy figure called Mr. Koschei wanted those photos of Vassa by Christmas.
Tamlin wanted to believe that the pictures meant nothing more than a paycheck, but three months’ worth of rent was a lot to ask for a few lousy headshots, no matter how badly they needed it. He certainly didn’t want to see her get hurt, or Lucien, either, for that matter, but he didn’t see any way around it.
He hated himself even more now for getting involved, and for agreeing to Jurian’s proposal. But Jurian couldn’t do it without his help, or his camera.
The most wonderful time of the year, indeed.
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jgvfhl · 5 months
Song Poem Tag Game!
Put your entire song collection on shuffle, then write down the first line from each of the first ten songs that pop up to create a poem. You must then dedicate the poem to the blorbo or OTP that it most reminds you of! Then tag or send asks to three others that you think might enjoy the challenge! I was tagged by @padme--amygdala 🫶
God made the mountains; God made the skies -- Paint Your Wagon musical
I slept with another guy, just for you! --Desperate Measures musical
I've been good and I've been kind, Mother, doing only what I learned from you --Into the Woods musical
I DON'T KNOW, BUT IT'S BEEN SAID! --Spamalot musical
Six hundred men. Six hundred men under my command with only one goal in mind --EPIC: The Troy Saga
So Jacob came to Egypt, no longer feeling old! --Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
A-way out here, they got a name for Rain, and Wind, and Fire --Paint Your Wagon musical (again)
A little gossip! A little talk! --Man of La Mancha musical
I am a sentimental man, who always longed to be... a father --Wicked musical
And it's home, boys, home! 2, 3, 4! --The Jolly Tinker Boy (Hadrian's Wall)
Dear god, that truly exposed me for the musical theater NERD that I was raised to be 😭 I swear the other half of my song library is sea shanties and Irish and Scottish folk music????
Umm... Blorbo... uh... okay the lines from Into the Woods and Wicked are throwing me, bc NONE of my blorbos wants to be a parent of ANY kind lol... my favorite book character Count Vega???? Maybe????? Again, has both mommy and daddy issues but IT'S THE CLOSEST FIT!!!!
@theultimatesandwich @lucidz-dreamz @23-bears @worldseer HAVE AT IT, FOLKS
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hazelwongspullover · 3 days
hi! i thought i’d do an intro post!
i’ve been a fan of the murder most unladylike series since 2020! (a bit late ik) and after rereading my hyperfixation is back so here i am lmao
i’m hoping to post some of my mmu fanart on here at some point.
my fav characters are hazel, daisy, beanie, alexander, george, and uncle felix and aunt lucy!
my OTP is hazel and alexander but honestly i like every ship :)
my fav books are arsenic for tea, jolly foul play, a spoonful of murder and death in the spotlight, and my fav book from tmoua is the body in in the blitz!
my main blog is @notnancywheeler
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darknoverse · 10 months
Nos-4-a2 for the ask game 👀
favorite thing about them
boy where do i start?
everything honestly. like ALL. starting from the really simple yet unique design , to the fact that he's both a GENIUNE threat in the show despite having his silly goofy moments.
also honestly cuz he was always a comfort character for me and probably changed my brain chimestry ever since 2007 haha
least favorite thing about them
honestly the fact that he only spells words like 'lightyear' as 'light-yaar' or 'here' as 'haar' in ONE EPISODE, HIS DEBUTE EPISODE ALONE. could've let that be like a running gag and i think it's cute tbh
favorite line
"jolly good"
"time to toss the salad overboard" (idk it's so funny he thinks he's a comedian but he has bad dad jokes)
honestly idk him and warp would be so fuckin funny
ooooooh uh here where we get to crackship territory but as you see no crackship remains crackship cuz it sorta started making sense in my head so..... Nos and Torque would be VERY interesting . like, VERY.
XR/NOS or NOS/XL like i'm sorry byyyyyyyyye
random headcanon
daddy issues. like lotta daddy issues. idk he's still probably VERY salty that Zurg sort of didn't give an F about him after the first episode.
unpopular opinion
ROTM is epic and all but it would've been WAY better if all of ROTM showed us more of his and XR's dynamic in a new light. as in XR slowly standing up to himself and ACTUALLY fighting him back. AND another note, XL should've helped more against him like please pkease please pl-
song i associate with them
Electra from starlight express
favorite picture of them
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cuz he's stupid and i love him
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eoinmcgonigal · 3 months
Johnny please!
Yes please and thank you >:D
How I feel about this character I'm not even going to pretend to be normal about him. He's cute and gorgeous and so very eager to kill fascists, and it's adorable. He's competent and capable which is so very sexy, and he's also ridiculously beautiful. I love him, your honour. I really, really want more of him. He spends a lot of time trying to prove himself, which he doesn't need to do, but he's the youngest so probably looks up to others rather than realising that he is very capable of standing on his own.
All the people I ship romantically with this character Everyone XD Most often Bill, Reg, and Jim though.
My non-romantic OTP for this character Paddy, I think.
My unpopular opinion about this character When it comes to the letter voice-overs, I think someone said it was a bit unhinged with the 'very jolly time', but I always took it to be him looking out for his sister and wanting to reassure her he was doing okay. I think he's very aware of the people around him, and always trying to fit in (sometimes hardner than he needs to). I don't really like that he had the 'but sir! they're unarmed' and 'I don't add unarmed men to my tally' lines. Another case of the show writers just slapping something on the closest guy to hand. Jim would have been a better choice, if anyone. Johnny is the one who asked to go on Paddy's team after Paddy shot up the mess.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. I really want more of him and Reg getting up to anything and everything, ideally with a good deal of fighting others. That would make me so, so happy.
Give me a character and I'll break their ass down
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ariel-seagull-wings · 2 years
Asked by @fragglesesamemuppetz2
@softlytowardthesun @thealmightyemprex @moonbeamelf @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @princesssarisa
Favorite Thing About Them: Its very hard to let this guy down. He is always a fun and jolly optimist, ocasionally making self deprecating jokes that still are energetic and reveal a great deal of confidence rather than grimm cynicism or self hate. Dr. Teeth loves himself, the other people around him, and life, and he is always there to support his friends and remind them of their worth.
Least Favorite Thing About Them: The incosistency of his relationship to Classical Music: sometimes he will be alright with playing it in an electric instrument, other times he will act like its the most boring thing in the world.
Three Things I Have In Common With Them:
*I can sometimes speak long florished phrases;
*I love jazz and rock and roll music;
*I love colorfull clothes;
Three Things I Don't Have In Common With Them:
*I don't play piano or the keyboard;
*I don't have golden teeth;
*I don't drive a bus;
Favorite Line:
When introducing himself to Fozzie Bear and Kermit the Frog in The Muppet Movie:
"Golden teeth and golden tones, welcome to my presence."
On reading The Muppet Movie sceenplay:
"This is a narrative of very heavy-duty proportions."
This dialogue he exchanges with Fozzie Bear after helping painting his car:
"Fozzie Bear: Are you sure you won't come with us to Hollywood?
Dr. Teeth: Can't baby, but when you get rich and famous, maybe we'll show up and exploit your wealth!"
brOTP: Rowlf the Dog, Animal, Floyd Pepper, Janice, Zoot, Clifford, Lips, Fozzie Bear, Kermit the Frog, Scooter.
OTP: Dolores (Trumpet Girl), Rowlf the Dog, Johnny Fiama.
nOTP: Janice, Sam the Eagle.
Random Headcanon: He lost his teeth during his military service at the Corean War: there were rocks in the franks and beans served as chow for the soldiers, and he had the bad luck to bite one. At least, that is what he told the sergeant to be kicked out of the Army.
Unpopular Opinion: Dr. Teeth feels more extablished as a band leader in The Muppet Movie than in The Muppet Show, where he worked more as the lancer for Floyd Pepper, who was the most vocal in making the band's demands be known to Kermit the Frog.
Song I Associate With Them:
Can You Picture That
Mack the Knife
That Old Black Magic
Minuet in G Major
Chopin's Polonaise in A Flat
Favorite Picture of Them:
His puppet posing solo or with the Electric Mayhem band
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These fanarts by @downydig portraying him paired up with Rowlf the Dog
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morgansmornings · 6 months
/ Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
REPOST. Don’t reblog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
@brooklynislandgirl While I have gone on to the point of endless circles about how Jayden loves Beth. It is more than a love of being friends. There is such a deep connection, may be not soul-mate status, but close enough that if it were true, then I would have no reason to argue against it. They are a close as they can get as friends, as family, and more. Beth and Jay were created, on paper with pens and pencils, sticky notes and yarn to connect the dots. Looking a lot like a conspiracy board to outsiders. But Turtle and I spent a solid six months, if not more, working out details of the girls' lives and how they fit together with each other. Across different verse and timelines. How they know that the other will be there when all hope is lost and there is nothing left but each other.
All of my ships are near and dear to me. To know that there are those out there that are putting in the time and effort like I am to make the Ship, no matter what shape it takes, to work. I can't give specifics as to why one is greater than another when the reality is that I see them all as stars in my night sky of written words.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
It would be easier to state what I will not write when it comes to shipping. Meaning I will NOT write things like Non-Con, Age Play, Daddy/Mommy Kinks and closely related themes to the listed ones. I refuse for many reasons that do not need explanation further than I'm just not going to do it.
The Following are Available if the Muns are friends for at least Six Months and are consenting to: Dub-Con could only come up as a suggested plot if I have written with you over a regular basis and that we talk near constant OOC. Toxic and Negative Ships can be brought up provided that we the Muns have a healthy understanding and plot it out over several weeks.
Sex and BDSM topics can be talked about after two months of OOC of conversation. Or if we the Muns feel comfortable enough with each other to talk about such things. But that is a preference of mine.
That being said, I am open to most types of shipping from romantic, to friendship, to familial, and even frenemies. With the clear statement being that, and let me say it loudly for those in the back of the auditorium, COMMUNICATION IS KEY!
For me to be able to write out certain things, I need to know where my partner is at. I will check in with them at every reply, ask questions to the point it might feel like an interrogation to the outside the thread. If it becomes clear that the ship is starting to harm or make my RP Partner uncomfortable, I need them to be honest with me and I will terminate that specific ship and all threads relating to it.
I am not here to get my jollies at the risk of my partner's; mental, emotional, and physical health. Nothing is worth hurting another human being for.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Age gaps do not really bother me so long as again, We Communicate. I do prefer the Muse in question to be over 21 as I am not going to even pretend to enter the Underage thing. It honestly creeps me out now that I am older in real life. I get a few years, but after they are approaching being about five years younger than Jay is where I draw a hard line.
Are you selective when shipping?
I have to say that I am to a certain point. I like the semi-realism of watching Muses meet, grow and interact. Seeing that relationship develop and blossom gives the Ship a certain fondness for me. Something I can look back on and go "Yeah, that was the moment it became something real." I have stated that I am a slow-burn kind of girl, but that doesn't mean we can't plot the past and jump into an established friendship.
I am open to figuring out pre-established romantic relationships, so long as it is not fresh following each other. I need to know you a bit more than a name and a "hey baby, how you doin'" if that's okay.
I will be honest, unless I have known the Mun for a spell and it is something that we have plotted for, Jayden is not going to just drop her panties and say please within the first ten minutes. That is something that I don't feel right about as I think it betrays who she is as a person. Yes, she is an OC of canon characters from a show. But she is more than her parents. She belongs to no one, except maybe Beth and even then Jay does not always listen. She can make her own choices.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
Personally, I like to stick to T.V. standards. If it would be considered rate R, then of course I am going to tag it as such. But for me, I like to take it somewhere more private if the Scene goes to Third Base. Mostly because A) I do not have a lot of experience with writing for the public, and B) It takes days if not weeks to make sure that I am follow where my fellow Mun wants to take things.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
I have several ships that I will go down with. But I understand that life happens. To list them all would keep us here for several hours. And even then I would feel like it wouldn't do the Ships justice. Because I love them all in different ways.
For those standing Ships, it takes a weight off my soul to know that my mutual Muns have taken the time to chip away the near indestructible wall of Jayden's exterior personality to get to that soft gooey center. That they can see she has flaws and still choose to love her on purpose. No matter what that love is.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?,
Don't get me wrong, I would like a head's up that it is something you, the Mun asking, is interested in. If it happens by accident, that is awesome. I'll be fair and honest, unlike my Muse, I am in real life oblivious to people flirting and the associated actions. So if you are subtle about it, I won't see it. And my goal is to not intentionally hurt someone because I was "Madam Not Getting the Hint."
And if I am asked, then I have a better grasp of what direction we want these stories to go. And yes it will change how my Muse interacts with yours.
How often do you like to ship?
I am not looking to force anyone into anything. As it has been a very large Issue in the RPC. Only getting followed for sex and nothing else just isn't my cup of tea. Not to say that you can't do that, I'm just respectfully bowing out of that.
I want us to know each other, to be able to be friends before putting a label on what our Muses are. But I would like to hope that our Muses could have at least and "I tolerate you" and "I would save you from being on fire" kind of ship.
Are you multiship?
I am. Each ship is in their own bubble pocket universes and timelines. Think of them as Pants of Time. There are two choices, and each one taken changes that timeline differently.
That is not to say that I can't enjoy watching other relationships come into being. Even if there are multiple crossover verses with several Muns, UNLESS TALKED ABOUT BEFORE HAND, there is very little butting into someone else's relationships. There is no "Oh my God, Becky you're dating my man! How Dare?!" Honestly cheating plots are not something I am all that interested in? But that is just me.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
I mean, kind of More or Less. If one happens I am here for it. But even if one never comes up, that is okay too! Sometimes you just see Bob Joe at the park when you walk your dog and exchange a "Still breathing?" in passing.
I have had a standing Mutual that at first our Muses would just annoy the shit out of each other for like a year's worth of multiple threads. And we as Muns were fucking tickled pink by it. To this day I am not sure if He considers Jayden His friend or that woman the bane of His existence. I am looking at you my feathered friend.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I have so many that it is silly and that there is very little time to explain them and why I will die on their respective hills.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Talk to me. Be honest with what you want to see and I will do my damn best to make it happen for you. I sadly cannot read minds from my desk chair. SO in order for us to write something we are both enjoying, I need to have a head start and a map to get to the right path we want to take our stories into.
Tagged by: @brooklynislandgirl
Tagging: Look over there. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a Meme you are now tagged in!
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krowbby · 7 months
For the character ask game: Sybil pls because I love her and want to hear your thoughts!
omg yes i love her
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: I love her! I love that she's powerful and strong in her own way, not in the way that many Badass Women (tm) are just a normal male hero that they gender swapped with no thought. She's also a really interesting character as a member of the nobility in a book series that is largely anti-nobility. She's clearly neurodivergent with her dragon special interest ("And there were requests for donations, and talks, and things that added up to a heart big enough for the whole world, or at least that part of it that had wings and breathed fire."), and has some social difficulties that she manages with scripts (think: writing all those letters to Serafine while getting none back because it's What You Do with Old School Friends) but she's not incompetent in those matters. She seems to be pretty respected in society and she is able to negotiate favorable trade deals with the Low King. She is a soft power in the political sense, but also in the way that she is powerful in the story because of her softness. And of course, it's so nice to read about a woman who is the main character's love interest and is unapologetically fat, does not have a character arc revolving around losing weight, and in fact stays fat and is not made fun of it.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Just Sam! I don't think she would have married anyone else if not for the events of Guards! Guards! I went looking for this quote because it's one of the reasons I relate to/love her: "It was clearly the room of a woman, but one who had cheerfully and without any silly moping been getting on with her life while all that soppy romance stuff had been happening to other people somewhere else, and been jolly grateful that she had her health." Absolutely iconic.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: We don't have many of them but all the interactions we get between Nobby and Sybil are so funny and so good! They're both very earnest people (in their own ways) and I imagine them having afternoon tea especially when Nobby finds out he's well, nobby.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Hard to say! I think I generally am pretty aligned with the fandom on here. I guess I'll go with that I've seen some criticism of Pterry's treatment of fatness in his books (especially with Agnes' self-criticism, villains like Cosmo) and while I do think there is some merit to that, the way he writes Sybil and Nanny in particular is such a breath of fresh air to me. There are some "jokes" related to her weight (the classic "her bosom rose and fell like an empire") but I think for the most part they are not mean spirited and there are just as many similar jokes for other body types that it doesn't bother me. However being fat and engaging with media truly sucks sometimes so I would never tell another fat person they don't deserve to feel some type of way about the treatment of a fat character.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would have liked to see more of her as a mom. Even once young Sam is born, I still think most of how we see her is as a wife, not as a mom. It's not totally absent, but I think it would have been cute to see more!
My OTP: Sam/Sybil!
My OT3: I'm not a huge shipper in this fandom, but I will say that the only V/V content I've enjoyed has been with Sybil as a throuple so I'll go with that!
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likeadeadbattery · 9 months
Tojoshi for the ask game, also any thoughts about them?
I bet this is Jolly again 😂
This bingo will pretty much explain my thoughts. :)
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sycamorre · 10 months
Also, I need to know about at least one: Luke Skywalker or Will Turner.
[send me a character]
Since I was such an Orlando Bloom fangirl back in my middle school days (and because I'm on a sailor/pirate kick), I feel like I gotta give some love to my man Will.
Will Turner —
Favorite thing about them: That he's just genuinely out to do some good. He doesn't get obnoxious about it, either, he just does what he has to do to help someone he genuinely cares about, even if it means basically losing his freedom.
Least favorite thing about them: He was definitely on the naive side starting out, which always gives me secondhand embarrassment watching it, but that is part of his arc and I can appreciate in the end. In truth, I probably need to binge the movies again and I'll find something more specific.
Favorite line: "If all I have achieved here is that the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it."
brOTP: Honestly the idea of Will and Norrington coming to some kind of solid friendship after everything and a quiet understanding of all they went through is nice to think about.
OTP: Me. I'll let him have the default one with Elizabeth, because any other otp just feels so out of character for him.
nOTP: I feel like a common "non-canon" pairing would be Will and Jack for obvious reasons but no. Absolutely not. Those two are barely friends. Coworker level at best. Will may be willing to put his neck out for Jack as a friend and someone who believes he is being wrongfully condemned, but anything more than friends just does not seem like a realistic or even reasonable idea considering how much their personalities clash.
Random Headcanon: Will absolutely sang and hummed while he worked at the forge. Probably some form of sea shanty before he realized how much he was tied to pirates and the sea.
Unpopular Opinion: I like the idea of exploring Will's relationship with his father more than his relationships with any other character. There's some literal "like father like son" stuff going on between Will, Bootstrap, and later Henry.
Song I associate with them: "A Sailing I Will Go" by Karliene is one, but also "The Flying Dutchman" by The Jolly Rogers also feels appropriate.
Favorite picture of them: Will in a nice hat is hard to beat.
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oumiyuki · 1 year
My sister in YouChika Church, please deliver upon to me the seemingly forbidden OTP Questions... with the holy, one-and-only OTP. 💙🧡 (I seriously can't believe nobody requested this from you.)
For starters... Thank you SO much for the ask!!!! My sister in YouChika Church! XD [laughing a whole lot at this line XD] I can't believe no one asked me for this either. And gosh, it's been so long~ But I'm more than happy to answer this! For ChikaYou and for ya! \>w</
Secondly - I love your PFP! Katie is so lovely. You know what? You should ask me for OTP Questions for KatieYou...! <w< hehehe~ Just a thought!
And without further ado~
OTP Questions: ChikaYou
Who offers their jacket when the other is cold?
Chika offers the jacket when You is feeling cold. She usually holds You’s hands first to share warmth, then stands closer (brushing shoulders), and leans in closer to ask if You is feeling any warmer, You does feel warmer because of Chika’s concern and attention, but You is so susceptible to cold that she sneezes so Chika will chuckle at You’s red nose and flushed cheeks before giving her jacket to You.
2. Who giggles uncontrollably when the other playfully picks them up?
Chika. She super-duper-extraordinarily loves it when You picks her up playfully and spins her. (Especially when You picks her up from the front and Chika either has her hands on You’s shoulders while giggling away, or even raising her hands wildly above her because she knows You won’t drop her)
“Ahahahaha~ You-chaaaaan~~” Chika sings at the top of her voice her girlfriend’s name as You picks Chika up and spins her a little.
You herself wore a humongous smile and blue eyes twinkling with mirth and love as she took in the sight of her mikan-lover being so jolly in the moment.
“You-chan, You-chan, You-chan!” Chika laughs in between calling You’s name, patting You’s shoulder to request being lowered as she is laughing way too much.
The ash-brunette obliges, loosening her grip to have Chika come back to the ground but still very much in her arms, leaning closer subconsciously. “Hi.”
Chika feels a smile bubble from within her chest as she giggles quietly, her cheeks aflame with a blush. “H-Hi…”
You’s cheeks reflected Chika’s as she stared into beautiful scarlet eyes; it only took a few minutes before You had to bury her face in Chika’s nape as she felt her heart beating way too fast and Chika staring way too much.
3. Who compliments the other in front of everyone?
Chika is You’s No.1 fan. She gushes, compliments, and promotes You almost everywhere she goes. Until she gets jealous of everyone loving You and seemingly taking You’s attention away, she’ll then go on You-Praising Strike for some time before she can’t help but tell someone about how awesome You is.
(You prefers telling Chika how beautiful, lovely, charismatic, and how Chika is her world when they are alone – because we all know how much of a blushing mess You becomes after, alongside a blushing Chika too.)
4. Who is more likely to tell the other a pun and what is the other’s reaction to the pun?
Chika tells a cruise-load of puns and You has to suffer. XD For the first 15 years of her life, she was okay and actually liked them, the continuation of Chika’s bad puns and habit to explain them makes You shake her head at that. Though when Chika surprises her with a new pun she can’t help but chuckle and praise Chika for that; bad move because Chika gets excited to impress with more puns.
You isn’t going to escape her fate of Chika’s puns for the rest of her life and she honestly does not mind.   
5. When one of them has a bad day, what does the other do to help cheer them up?
You peels boxes of mikans for Chika and feeds her in between mouthfuls of mikans that Chika is devouring already (because You prepared a bowl of mikan for Chika before beginning her side of the peeling again). And Chika will tell all about her bad day grumpily until she’s all better because You is right beside her – pampering her even!
Chika persistently pesters You to tell her what’s wrong (You has that habit of shouldering everything and keeping the bad stuff to herself), usually sitting on You and threatening to kiss her for however long it takes till You spills her worries to her. And when You shares her worries and gets kissed by Chika, she feels all better.
6. If they got to pick what one another wears for a day, what would one another wear?
You will put Chika in either a Ship Captain’s Uniform or a Taisho era uniform; the uniform-style capes will make You’s eyes light up and she will be gushing and running rounds and rounds around Chika in said uniform. Or even the long sleeves which the ladies’ fashion have!!
She can’t help it! She knows Chika will rock the uniform look >w< hehehe~
Chika will make You wear a full body animal pyjama – doggy design. She’ll snap a few pictures (like a hundred) of You before hugging You like she is a body pillow.
And thus, that leads to You sleeping over at Chika’s by default since Chika refuses to let go. You has a hard time falling asleep with Chika nuzzling against her and hugging her and keeping her warm via body contact and blushes.
Though I also feel like Chika would love to see You in one-piece dresses or skirts with tights... Another hundred pictures taken as she gushes and asks You out on a date on the spot. Leaving You a blushing mess as she denies her cuteness and beauty that Chika speaks of!
7. Who introduces their partner to their family first? How does it go?
Chika announces that You is her girlfriend to her family first. (or at least that would be what she wanted to do)
When Chika and You started dating, Mito-nee, Shima-nee, Chika’s mum and even Shiitake already knew cos they were peeking in on their shenanigans. XD
In which you can see here:
Sweet, sweet ChikaYou interacting with the family at dinner time! Basically, Chika’s family already know when they started officially dating and are all ready to tease them about it. (cue Chika and You mega blushing~ XD I swear they are super cute so do have a read, hehe~ >w<)
8. In a coffee shop AU, who would be the coffee shop employee and who would be the customer?
Coffee shop employee You-chan! And Chika is the customer who claims she’s here to study but who is she kidding when she keeps looking at the popular barista?
(I still don't have any coffee shop AU ChikaYou to read and it's honestly saddening XD Is this because Chika does not like coffee? XD)
9. When they sit side by side, do they touch one another? For example, does one person has their arm around the other, do they sit holding hands, or linked arms, ECT.
They lean against each other or press shoulders naturally when they sit together, and Chika would take You’s hands into hers whenever she feels like it, or when she notices how much You is edging over and being romantically awkward again.
I want to hold her hand… I want to hold her hand… I want to hold her hand…
You’s fingers twitch and hand edge painstakingly slowly towards Chika’s that was resting on the table as the orangehead chat with Riko and Yoshiko sitting across them at the family restaurant.
Just…a little…more…
You could hear her heart beating in her chest and her palms getting sweaty just from attempting to hold her girlfriend’s hand. It might not even be the right timing but she is thinking it, so she thought to try but why is it so hard for her to just close the three centimetres distance?
Will Chika-chan think I’m weird for wanting to hold her hand?
You swallows and her hands shakily moved closer to Chika’s again, blue eyes staring intently at the small gap between their hands and onto Chika’s hand she wants to touch.
Just as she was about to reach her goal and was lifting her hand to go over Chika’s, the waitress comes over with their food and You jumps. Twice.
As before she could turn to give her attention to the waitress, her attention was stolen back to Chika’s hand in hers – they were holding hands.
Shy blue eyes meets grinning scarlet ones; Chika’s eyes saying “I noticed you want my hand~”
You lowers her head a little, lips pressed together as her cheeks colours, her eyes saying “I…I do…”
Chika beams and pulls You’s hand up to squeeze and press to her cheek.
“What are you two doing?” Riko shakes her head with a fond smile at her best friends.
Chika directs her dazzling smile to Riko. “Public Display of Affection.”
You chokes on her drink. “Ch-Chika-chan!”
10. What is a small thing that one another does to make their partner happy?
You playing along with Chika’s antics makes Chika happy.
Like, if Chika decided out of the blue to lay on the sand with her uniform on and roll on it, Riko would question why she would do so, Chika replying because she wanna, and You would happily join in! And we get to merry teenagers rolling in the sand and soiling their uniform but laughing while at it. And Chika loves that You would do so. XD
Chika would attempt to stack the most mikans she can and see how high it goes and You would play along and try to make her own mikan tower too! And when Mikans come tumbling down, You would help put mikans around Chika’s mikans so Chika’s mikan tower can go higher and higher. And even when they get scolded by Mito-nee, Chika can’t help but find it all worth it cos she’s got You laughing beside her. Or being afraid of Mito-nee beside her ^w^
Chika texting You random messages makes You happy; a simple “I saw a frog” or “good night” gets You smiling as she thinks of Chika.
You’s phone vibrates and she groans a little as she was just about to drift off to sleep. Picking up her phone and being attacked by the phone’s light, the ash-brunette blindly taps her screen to get the lighting down to lowest.
Clicking into her message notification, she blinks a little to see.
Chika (1:09am): Youuuuuuuuuu-chaaaaaannnn
Chika (1:09am): dk if you’re asleep yet but
Chika (1:10am): Just wanted to say…
Chika (1:12am): I love you… Good night, You-chan ❤️
You was more awake now as she finds herself smiling at Chika’s messages to her.
You (1:18am): Was asleep 😴 But now I’m awake and…I can’t help but smile because of you. ///v/// I love you too..!
You (1:21am): Good night ❤️
11. What would they do to celebrate their one year anniversary?
After a lot of stressing, You mutters with furrowed eyebrows and worry plastered all over her face, “I knew I should have planned this 2 months in advance instead of one…”
While Kanan, the advisor You went to, shakes her head with a pitying smile; her childhood friends are endearing but tend to overthink things when it comes to being romantic for each other.
And Chika would be disturbing her neighbour yet again, “What should I do?!”
“You guys have known each other for more than 10 years now…”
“It’s different!”
Chika claims all of the morning and afternoon for her side of the one-year anniversary, taking You out for a long, indulgence kind of window shopping and trying on clothes for her and with her, plus a relatively fancy lunch together. 
You has the evening and night, which she brings Chika to the beach, have a picnic dinner made by You, slow walks by the beach, then sits around to watch the sunset.
“You know…” You starts and trails off as she gazes towards the ocean.
“I sometimes feel like I can do so much more for you…More than this…”
Chika smiles as she understands how You feels exactly. “Then keep doing more.”
“Eh?” You blinks, staring quizzically at her lifelong partner.
“Do something special again for our two-year anniversary. Then the third-year anniversary. Then the fourth, and the fifth. And the sixth, and so forth!” Chika looks towards the vast ocean that does not seem to have an end in sight then back to You who’s smiling broadly.
“Yeah…Look forward to it.” You’s ocean blue eyes glimmered with the stars and all the eager excitement she has for their shared future.
Chika beams. “I will!” 
12. When did they know that they loved each other, and when did they first tell each other that they loved one another?
Both in high school, these two are dense buckets and when they finally realize it, they become cowards. You realized her feelings for Chika when she felt like Chika was drifting apart from her for someone else. Chika realizes her feelings when You started to be so awkward and not her usual You-chan, then she finds out that she can’t stop worrying for You, thinking about You, wanting You to be You again – smiley.
Also in high school, Chika confesses. ;D
13. Who likes to give the other hugs from behind followed by a kiss?
You likes to do that. She’s bad at up front kisses most of the times. XD (Chika finds that cute and infuriating from time to time because it does so much to her heart!! She loves the hugs from behind, feeling You against her, and the kiss that comes after...! And the nuzzling You does!! Gyaaahh ////)
14. Who would make a playlist for the other person? What would be featured on the playlist?
You will make a playlist filled with uplifting and encouraging idol songs, especially those she made a point to remember that Chika mentioned (gushed about). There is a secret track of You singing too (because Chika keeps saying she wants to hear You sing again)
And a love song playlist filled with songs that Chika told You it made her think of them. And when You listened to them, she could not help but feel her heart be filled with warmth, her cheeks hot and…yeah, love songs just be singing about them.
Chika had her headphones on and was bobbing her head to the song currently playing on her phone. When she felt a hand slid down her shoulder, she immediately leaned backwards with a grin, getting comfy in the chest of the person behind.
The person she knew would be her girlfriend. The orangehead rubs her head against her girlfriend, opening her eyes and smiling up at You.
The ash-brunette returns a soft, loving gaze, her mouth saying, “Hey~”
Chika blinks twice and mouths back, “Yes~?”
You gently brings her hands up, cupping Chika’s cheeks, tilting her girlfriend’s head a little more towards her as she leans down. Before Chika could realize what You was going to do, their lips met, and You was kissing Chika.
Chika’s eyes widen in surprise as she elicits sounds of bliss from being kissed by her You-chan. When You pulls away with a small little sly smile, Chika puffed her cheeks out lovingly and tapped her phone’s screen once to wake it, and another time to pause the song – “Kiss me”.
15. Who would bring their partner on a romantic date under the stars?
Chika would. She thinks You shines as beautifully if not more beautifully than the sea of stars above and bringing You under the stars makes the scene much more beautiful and she loves how You will keep looking back at her and inside those gorgeous blue would hold the twinkle of starlight and her reflection in them.
Ahh gods, I’m blushing, aren’t I? Making a super dazed and silly lovestruck smile at my very own star beside me...
Chika pushes off the picnic mat to climb over You in one move, surprising her girlfriend.
“Chika-chan?” You holds Chika by her waist, eyebrows raised, smile directed at her girlfriend.
“You’re cute!” 
You reacted exactly as Chika expected and wanted - cheeks illuminating brightly, those pretty blue eyes blinking rapidly and having a hard time keep eye contact with her, hands hot on her waist gripping a little tighter. Chika grins proudly down at You.
“M-Mou…That’s too sudden…Chika-chan…” You grumbles, jutting her lips out in a pout at the orangehead.
Cute. My girlfriend is the cutest.
Chika’s body vibrates as she giggled and followed her heart’s desire – leaning down and pressing her lips to You’s. Chika’s eyes were closed but she was sure You’s was wide in surprise.
However, it felt so nice kissing her girlfriend, so she pressed her lips more against You’s soft, plump and very kissable lips. The sounds the ash-brunette made when being kissed spurring Chika on.
You’s fingers pulling Chika’s shirt and the need for oxygen made Chika finish the kiss and gazed back down on You.
Gods, You-chan you’re so kissable.
You’s hair was a little messy. You’s blue eyes still twinkled breathtakingly. You’s lips still alluring and inviting. You licks her lips and Chika’s impulse almost kicked in again.
And I want more—
“Chika-chan, how are we to stargaze if you’re going to keep stealing the show?” You’s right hand finds its way up to tangle in Chika’s silky orange hair.
Chika blushes and hums thoughtfully. “Who knows.”
You chuckles and brings Chika’s forehead to hers. “Then kiss me again till I forget about the stars.”
Chika swallows and her heart races and if she was lost in You’s eyes earlier, she was now in Youtopia from You’s whispered words.
You-chan. You-chan. You-chan. You-chan. You-chan. You-chan..!!!
“Mm-mmph...So gonna kiss you… Haa...What’s that about stars?” Chika’s breathing was uneven as she lowered her body to You’s and lips impossibly closer to You’s.
“Just kiss me.” You murmurs and Chika kisses You under the starlit night sky once again.
And that's OTP Questions: ChikaYou!! I hope you enjoyed every answer to the max! :D I should look for more OTP Questions to answer~ ^w^7
Now, I wish for all who read till here a wonderful ChikaYou-filled day! Yousoro~!!!! >w<7
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princesssarisa · 2 years
Character ask: The Ghost of Christmas Present (A Christmas Carol)
Favorite thing about them: Everything in general. I love his jolliness, the joy he both figuratively and literally radiates, his eagerness to share the pleasures and the peace and goodwill of Christmas, and his concern to the poor and how fiercely he champions them against the ignorance and selfishness of people like Scrooge. There's virtually nothing to dislike about him.
Least favorite thing about them: Hmm... well, in the book, if not in most adaptations, he can be a bit preachy. He's by far the preachiest of the three Ghosts, in contrast to the more subtle and graceful way Christmas Past urges Scrooge to come to his own conclusions, or Christmas Yet-to-Come's literal "show, don't tell" approach. But of course the sociopolitical and religious messages he preaches are powerful and important, and sometimes controversial to this day, which is probably why so many adaptations cut them.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm warm and cheerful most of the time.
*I love the holidays and love sharing their joys with others.
*I care very much about social justice and helping those in need.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a giant ghost.
*On principle I refuse to wear fur-trimmed clothes.
*I don't have a torch that sprinkles goodwill onto others (though I wish I did).
Favorite line:
His iconic first line from atop his throne of holiday food:
“Come in! Come in! and know me better, man!”
In reply to Scrooge's question if the blessings he sprinkles from his torch apply to any Christmas dinner:
"To any kindly given. To a poor one most... Because it needs it most."
This passage usually cut from adaptations, about people (i.e. clergy or religiously conservative politicians) who do heartless deeds in the name of spirit (i.e. in the name of God), in response to Scrooge's question about why the bakers' shops should be closed on Sundays when the poor depend on them for hot meals:
“There are some upon this earth of yours who lay claim to know us, and who do their deeds of passion, pride, ill-will, hatred, envy, bigotry, and selfishness in our name, who are as strange to us and all our kith and kin, as if they had never lived. Remember that, and charge their doings on themselves, not us.”
His foretelling of Tiny Tim's death:
“I see a vacant seat in the poor chimney-corner, and a crutch without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, the child will die.”
This speech – again, cut from most adaptations – after he throws Scrooge's words about "the surplus population" back in his face:
“Man, if man you be in heart, not adamant, forbear that wicked cant until you have discovered What the surplus is, and Where it is. Will you decide what men shall live, what men shall die? It may be, that in the sight of Heaven, you are more worthless and less fit to live than millions like this poor man’s child. Oh God! to hear the Insect on the leaf pronouncing on the too much life among his hungry brothers in the dust!”
When he reveals two horrifically ragged, starved children beneath his robe:
“They are Man’s. And they cling to me, appealing from their fathers. This boy is Ignorance. This girl is Want. Beware them both, and all of their degree, but most of all beware this boy, for on his brow I see that written which is Doom, unless the writing be erased. Deny it! Slander those who tell it ye! Admit it for your factious purposes, and make it worse. And bide the end!”
brOTP: All humankind, especially the poor, and his fellow Christmas ghosts if they were to interact.
OTP: None.
nOTP: Scrooge, or probably any other human.
Random headcanon: The very first Ghost of Christmas Present (the "eldest brother" of Dickens's Ghost, as he would say) came into the world the day that Jesus was born, long before there was an actual Christmas holiday. This is probably canon, since Dickens's Ghost speaks of more than 1800 brothers The succession of Ghosts watched over Jesus and invisibly aided his mission throughout his life, then did the same for his early followers, and as Christianity spread and the celebration of Christmas took hold, they attached themselves to the holiday. Throughout the early years, each new Ghost manifested in the spring, on Jesus's actual birthday, but when December 25 officially became Christmas Day, they shifted their arrival to that date instead, and gladly, because the idea of bringing warmth, light, and joy into the darkest, coldest time of year appealed to their core values.
Unpopular opinion: I get slightly tired of the fact that when modern adaptations diversify the cast, they always seem to choose the Ghost of Christmas Present as the token black character. Not that I have anything against a black Ghost of Christmas Present in the least. It's not bad representation. But why not break stereotypes further and let the quiet, gentle Ghost of Christmas Past be a black person for a change, instead of always choosing the loudest and most boisterous ghost for that casting? Or why not other characters? Why should it always be the Ghost of Christmas Present?
Song I associate with them:
"I Like Life" from the musical Scrooge.
"Abundance and Charity" from A Christmas Carol: The Musical.
And my personal favorite, "It Feels Like Christmas" from The Muppet Christmas Carol.
Favorite pictures of them:
The classic illustration by John Leech:
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This illustration by Sol Eytinge Jr.
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Lionel Braham in the 1938 film. (@ariel-seagull-wings, do you remember him from the 1916 silent Snow White? He played the Huntsman.)
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Francis De Wolff in the 1951 film.
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Kenneth More in the 1970 musical Scrooge.
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From Richard Williams's 1971 animated short.
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Willie the Giant in Mickey's Christmas Carol, 1983.
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Edward Woodward in the 1984 TV film.
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From The Muppet Christmas Carol, 1992.
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Desmond Barrit in the 1999 TV film.
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