#otp: for you i'll try my very best
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day 18 of @hprecfest - a fic that makes you laugh
Little Red Courgette, by @blamebrampton - T, 31k, 2009
Summary: When this season's purple courgettes are woefully thin, Draco Malfoy thinks it amounts to small beans. Next thing he knows, the Department of Standards is over-run with leeks, Brussels sprouts all sorts of legislative difficulties, and somebody appears to have put a roquette under Harry Potter. Can Draco seize a marrow victory? Or will his plans for peas be squashed?
All along, Kingsley Shacklebolt finds himself pining for the good old days, when, instead of governing, all you had to worry about were Dark Lords and imminent death.
They each made it through a bowl of chocolate with sundry other flavours garnishing it. And three large glasses of wine. This was the only excuse Draco could find for the fact that he found himself asking Potter: 'So what's your game?'
'Quidditch,' Potter replied instantly. 'Or Exploding Snap.'
'Here. What's your game here.'
'I'm not with you.'
A part of Draco's brain screamed at him to stop, but the alcohol-soaked part, in a voice that sounded suspiciously like Smythe's, encouraged him to go on. 'Are you working with Kingsley to enlist me as your pawn in a clean out of the Ministry? You were very quick to agree when I asked you to warn The Quibbler off, was it all a ruse?'
'I thought you were engaged in your own hands-on grass-roots Ministry reform, making the one department work well, with an eye to expanding in the future,' Potter rebutted.
'Well I am, so you needn't try making use of me in your nefarious scheme.'
'I don't have a nefarious scheme.'
'So is it all a complicated plan to take some highly personal and embarrassing revenge for the Potter Stinks badges? Because that was years ago. And although I feel a little badly about it now, they were excellent work for a wizard that age.'
'They were, I was impressed. I still have one at home, you know.'
'Yup. I thought you were a wanker at the time, but I have to say, that was a quality Charm.'
'Thanks. So what's left? You're in the hire of someone keen to assassinate the last of the Malfoys; it's all an elaborate if somewhat clumsy plan at seduction; or you're desperate for someone to talk to now that all your friends are getting married and having children.'
'Those are my options? I'll take two, clumsy seduction.'
Back in 2019 when I rediscovered the joys of fanfic after over a decade out, I started off the way any (less tech-savvy) millennial would, by googling 'Drarry fanfiction'. blamebrampton's works were some of the first that I found, and I was immediately entranced. They're such an incredible variety, from the Muggle World-set Doing the Lambeth Walk, to travel fic Beneath Boundless Skies, to wartime epic (and longtime @tackytigerfic obsession) And Save Me From Bloody Men. No matter what the topic, though, blamebrampton's sense of humour always shines through in her sharp observations and witty dialogue, and in Little Red Courgette she's able to showcase this to the fullest extent. It's a hilarious examination of government bureaucracy from the world-weary point of view of one Draco Malfoy, an employee of the Office for the Volumetric Standardisation of Edible Wizarding Greengrocery Produce. The veg related puns are numerous, and excellent, and both Draco and Harry are incredibly endearing. Big rec, for all her works!
If you read it, and especially if you love it, please do let me know! And as always, please do take the time to leave the author a kudos/comment <3
day 1 - first fic you remember reading
day 2 - a fic rated G
day 3 - a fic not on ao3
day 4 - a comfort fic
day 5 - a romantic fic
day 6 - a fic for a ship you don’t normally read
day 7 - the best of your OTP
day 8 - a fic that was recced to you
day 9 - a WIP
day 10 - a fest/event fic
day 11 - an underrated fic
day 12 - a fic from your favourite author
day 13 - a rare pair
day 14 - a fic rated T
day 15 - a fic over 50k
day 16 - a podfic
day 17 - a fic that makes you cry
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I was inspired by this OTP Question from @kyra75 : How would they react to someone flirting with them? Flirting with their significant other. Kyra asked for all four of my pairings, and I decided I'd write a little fic for each one. Tobias x Casey's can be found here. If inspiration hits, I'll write one for Trystan x Carolina (CoP) and Eli x Zoe (WTD), too. Thanks so much for the inspiration, Kyra!
Book: Open Heart (Book 3 Timeline) Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x Kaycee MacClennan (F!MC) Rating: Teen Words: 2,005 Summary: Ethan and Kaycee are on their way to the first conference they're attending together since making their relationship public. But it seems that everyone didn't receive the memo. Fortunately, they don't get jealous.
A/N: Participating in @choicesprompts Flufftober #7 - Acceptance.
The sun was just starting to peek through the Boston sky when Ethan and Kaycee emerged from the lobby of their apartment building, causing the befuddled doorman to do a double-take as Ethan nodded his way. Seeing him up at this ungodly hour (for a morning jog... of all things) was commonplace, but a Kaycee spotting this early in the day was almost unheard of. Still, she was all but glowing as she hopped into their waiting cab.
Once nestled in the back seat, she leaned over and planted a kiss on her boyfriend’s cheek. “Finally! We're attending a conference where we don’t have to pretend we're not together anymore!"
Ethan smiled, but there was a hint of judgment in it. “Why is that so important? It’s not as if we intend to put on a soft porn performance in the reception area?”
“Which is really a pity,” Kaycee laughed. “I’m sure some of the old fuddy-duddies in attendance could use a pointer or two. It would be a public service, really."
This time, he smiled genuinely, pulling her under his arm with a chuckle. “I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”
“Oh, I have some ideas,” she teased. “But seriously! Aren't you excited? We can hold hands, acknowledge each other, and we don’t have to pretend we’re unbothered when others flirt with us.”
“Well, that was never an issue," Ethan insisted. "I don’t get jealous. Jealousy is for people with trust issues, and I trust you.”
Kaycee raised an eyebrow, her lips curving into a smile. “And you should trust me, but, babe, you do get jealous sometimes."
“No," he insisted. " I don’t."
“All right,” she smiled with amusement. She didn’t push further, but in her mind, it was game on.
Santa Monica was beautiful at this time of year, and their resort was already bustling when they arrived, filled with tourists and conventioneers alike. Doctors from all over America were milling about, networking over cocktails and hors d’oeuvres. It was an atmosphere that Kaycee thrived in, but Ethan did his very best to avoid. But one thing was certain: the atmosphere was ripe for flirtation, and Kaycee was already thinking of the long game.
She was the first to experience it, only moments after they arrived. As they headed toward the registration table, a tall, handsome surgeon from New York spotted Kaycee and all but jogged over to greet her. His hazel eyes were alight as he neared her. “Dr. MacClennan, correct?” he grinned with a bit too much confident charm. “We met at the cardiothoracic symposium in Chicago last year, and I’ve been looking forward to running into you again ever since.”
Kaycee politely returned his smile but stepped closer to Ethan, trying to give the suave surgeon an easy way out.
“That’s so kind of you to say,” she replied. “And you are?”
“Dr. Barrington from NYU-Langone,” he smiled, so taken in with Kaycee he never even saw Ethan standing by her side. “I was wondering if you’re free tonight. My hospital is hosting a private dinner, and most of the convention’s keynote speakers will be there. I’d love for you to join me if you can.”
Kaycee opened her mouth to reply, but before she could get a word out, Ethan spoke calm, but direct. “We have plans,” was all he said, but Kaycee swore his tone brought the temperature in the crowded room down ten degrees.
Suddenly aware of Ethan, the surgeon blinked. “Oh. Well, I see.” He turned to Kaycee, undeterred; there may have even been a wink. “Well, next time?”
Ethan cursed under his breath as Dr. Barrington walked away, and Kaycee stifled a laugh. “But you don’t get jealous, right, hon?”
“I’m not jealous,” he shot back. “I was just doing my part to save you from an extremely boring dinner when you have much better plans with me.”
“Oh, that's what that was,” she grinned, straightening the collar of Ethan’s linen shirt. “And what do those plans involve?”
He dropped his lips to her ear, whispering in a way that made Kaycee forget all about this little game. “It involves you, me, a bottle of champagne, our bed, and very little clothing.”
“You’re right,” she giggled, looping her arm in his. “Your plans sound much more appealing.”
Throughout the conference, there were many more flirtatious encounters, each more entertaining than the last. At one of the panel sessions, a beautiful conference organizer set her sights on Ethan. A statuesque woman with long, dark hair and dazzling blue eyes moved to Ethan’s side. The compliments she bestowed on him were flowing faster than the wine, and she leaned in just a little too close.
“Dr. Ramsey,” she beamed. “I’m Dr. Monica Rivera. I’ve been dying to meet you in person.”
“Have you,” he replied. “Then I hope you won’t be disappointed.”
“Doubtful,” she simpered, eyeing him from head to toe. “I’ve always found your research to be so inspiring,” she said, brushing her hand against his arm. “I’d love to discuss some thoughts I have with you. Perhaps over a drink later?”
Ethan, who was entirely focused on his presentation, didn’t have the time for this. “I don’t drink,” he stated flatly.
Dr. Rivera’s face faltered, but she recovered quickly. “Well, then, over coffee?”
Ethan glanced at her, annoyance etched on his face. “I don’t drink coffee either.”
Kaycee, who had been observing the exchange from a few feet away, bit back a laugh as the woman walked away, clearly confused and discouraged. Ethan, focused as ever, was already looking over his notes when Kaycee appeared at his side.
“You don’t drink alcohol or coffee?” She laughed. “Are you about to tell me you aren't really a doctor? You don't like opera? Because that’s all that’s left of your identity, sir!”
He turned to her with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Were you jealous, my dear?”
“What?" She laughed. "Not at all. Entertained? Yes. Amused? Without question. But jealous, nah. She’s got nothing on me.”
Ethan leaned over, the scent of Kaycee’s perfume intoxicating as he surreptitiously placed a kiss on her cheek. “Now, that’s the truth.”
As dusk began to fall, they met up at a cocktail hour by the pool. They had spent the majority of the day attending separate workshops, and Kaycee was looking forward to catching up with Ethan. But before they could enjoy a drink together, another attendee, this time a young doctor from Johns Hopkins, slid up next to her.
“You must be Kaycee MacClennan,” he said, flashing a bright smile. “You’re even more beautiful than I heard.”
Kaycee raised an eyebrow. “It's Doctor Kaycee MacClennan,” she retorted. “And, really? That’s what you heard? We’re at a medical conference with our peers, and that’s what you’ve heard about me?”
“Well, among other things,” he replied smoothly, his eyes lingering on her. “I also hear you’ve been doing some groundbreaking work at Edenbrook. Perhaps you could fill me in over dinner. What do you say?”
Kaycee crossed her arms, amazed the man couldn’t see how annoyed she was. “Well,” she began when she felt a strong arm encircle her waist.
“We’re not available for dinner,” Ethan declared, his steel blue eyes daring the charlatan to say another word.
The young doctor blinked, clearly thrown. “Oh, uh, I didn’t realize—”
“Well, now you do,” Ethan said dismissively as the doctor scurried away.
Kaycee couldn’t help but chuckle as they walked away. “Thanks for the save, babe. But I had it under control.”
“Of that, I have no doubt,” Ethan replied.
“But you had to step in,” she grinned. “Because you might have been a little jealous?”
Ethan’s eyes narrowed. “He was wasting your time, and I wanted to be with you."
“Right,” she teased, nudging him playfully. “Jealousy had nothing to do with it.”
The day continued the same way, with Ethan maintaining a stoic front as others flirted relentlessly with Kaycee, and she quietly relished watching him jump in every single time. She couldn’t wait to tease him about it later, but that would have to wait until after the final reception – where everything was about to change.
Dr. Allison Porter was the star of the conference, the main keynote speaker, and a world-renowned cardiologist with a smile that could light up a room. She was holding court tonight, and everyone wanted her attention, but she was only interested in one doctor from Boston. When she spotted him alone at the bar, she knew it was time to make her move.
“Dr. Ramsey, I presume,” she grinned, extending a well-manicured hand as she approached.
“Dr. Porter,” he nodded politely while shaking her hand. “It’s lovely to make your acquaintance.”
“Likewise, I’m sure. And please, call me Allison." Her eyes twinkled as she assessed Ethan, though he didn't seem to notice. “I’ve been watching you from afar for some time now. The work you’ve done at Edenbrook is truly awe-inspiring.”
“Well,” Ethan laughed softly. “I’m very proud of the work we've achieved, but awe-inspiring may be a bit of hyperbole.”
“Don’t underestimate yourself, Dr. Ramsey. You should hear how others speak of you at the conference.”
“Really?” he smirked, raising his glass of Scotch to his lips. “I’m usually better off not knowing what my colleagues are saying about me when I’m not in earshot.”
Allison tossed her head back, laughing much too enthusiastically, and that caught Kaycee’s attention from across the room. Amused, she grabbed a flute of champagne off a passing waiter’s tray and shifted positions so she could get a better view of the show taking place. She wondered how long it would take for Ethan to become flustered or have that familiar scowl take over his face. But as she continued to watch, it never occurred. Instead, he seemed taken in by the conversation, which was fine... until Dr. Porter placed her hand on Ethan’s arm.
“Excuse me,” Kaycee said with a plastered smile as she turned on her heel and made her way across the crowded room. Allison’s voice was lithe, almost sultry, as Kaycee approached from behind.
“Ethan, I think you and I should definitely...collaborate... sometime. I have no doubt that we could...accomplish great things together.”
“Hey, sweetheart,” Kaycee announced as she took her place at Ethan's side. “I’ve been looking for you! I should have known to check the bar first!”
“Yes,” he replied. “I’m surprised that wasn’t your first thought. Kaycee, this is Dr. Allison Porter, Dr. Porter, my teammate and partner, Dr. Kaycee MacClennan.”
“Oh,” Dr. Porter said, attempting to hide her surprise. “It’s lovely to meet you. I’ve read your work as well, Dr. MacClennan... didn’t realize that you two were...”
“Yes, we are,” Kaycee beamed confidently. “Very happily so.”
Allison’s eyes narrowed slightly before she took her leave, and Kaycee turned to Ethan with a sarcastic smirk. “Collaboration, huh?” She said, taking a sip of Ethan’s drink. “Collaboration, my ass. She wanted... something else.”
Ethan cleared his throat, obviously amused. “Are we... what’s the word... jealous, Dr. MacClennan?”
“What? Me?” Kaycee replied. “Absolutely not! I don’t get jealous. I trust you!”
“OK,” Ethan smiled softly. “Whatever you say.” He moved in closer. “Why don’t we get some fresh air? I'd like to get away from all these people lusting after us.”
"Hmm. We do have that effect on people, don't we?" She smiled. "But you can be honest. You just want to get me alone. Don't you?"
"Always," he growled in her ear.
They left and walked along the beach hand-in-hand, their footsteps mingling with the sound of waves crashing against the shore. As they recounted the day’s events, Kaycee nudged Ethan with her shoulder.
“Admit it,” she said, smiling. “You got jealous. More than once."
He glanced at her, his face still stoic but his eyes warm. “Jealousy is beneath me. But you, you may have turned a slight shade of green when you saw Dr. Porter speaking to me. But don't worry, I think it’s kind of cute.”
"What! I was not jealous!" Kaycee insisted, contemplating kicking sand at him if it wouldn't have made her look like a child. "I was not jealous at all!"
Ethan gave her a long look, and finally, a ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of Kaycee's mouth. “All right. Maybe... a little," she grinned. "But admit it, you got a little jealous today, too."
"Fine," he surrendered. "I did."
Kaycee grinned, slipping her hand into his. “Thought so.”
Kaycee shook her head as they continued to walk. "What is it about these things? The minute the lectures are over, it's like someone pumps an aphrodisiac into the air."
Ethan laughed but agreed with her assessment. "I never understood it," he said. "These are professional events. People should act... professionally. I would never lower myself to behaving that way."
Kaycee's eyes flicked to his, the moonlight showing the shadows of her smile. "Seriously? Do you remember Miami? I was there, you know."
"That's different," he insisted. "That was... you."
"Mmm-hmm. But you had been with me in Boston plenty of times, but it took Miami for you to finally come to - then quickly take loss of - your senses."
Ethan stopped in his tracks, his hands finding Kaycee's waist and pulling her near. He kissed her so passionately, so intensely, that she forgot what she was saying - which may have been the very point. He pulled away with a playful grin.
"Enough of this. What do you say we head back to our room and remind ourselves why no one else here stood a chance?"
"Sounds good to me," she said, jumping into his arms. "And Ethan?"
"I really wasn't jealous."
"All right, Kaycee," he winked. "Whatever you say."
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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For "Send Me a Character" ask: I'd like to hear about Hero if you haven't done them yet :]
Thanky for the ask!!
Send Me a Character and I'll List:
favorite thing about them: how can I choose just one??? He's so good in so many ways kamsmsmdkdmd. He's so determined to do the right thing, but isn't flawless in his judgment; he's so oblivious about why the princess so upset with your choices at times, it's frustrating but also, I love it, because it shows he isn't perfect. He literally just a little guy. Trying his best, but his best isn't always helpful.
least favorite thing about them: WHY DID PRISTINE CUT MAKE HIM BLUE???? Genuinely cannot see that color as Hero, he's too warm colors-coded for me, I'll always choose to ignore and toss away that little detail.
favorite line: "A small tear runs down their cheek…… Sorry. Couldn't resist."
brOTP: Don't really have a specific one for Hero. I like many dynamics with him — Skeptic, Cold, Para, Damsel, Wild– — but don't think I really have a brOTP for him.
OTP: Not sure I really have one for him, either, it's kinda hard to imagine Hero in a– OK, OK, gonna stop playing coy, y'all know ContraHero has a vice grip in my mind. They're just. Them <3
nOTP: because of how my brain is with characters that are part of a 'Main OTP', literally everything else lol. Cannot make myself interact with any other Hero ship, even when it's a poly with Contrarian involved (with the exception of a very specific Longest Night (ParaColdHeroContra) dynamic that exists in my brain), that's just how my shipping brain works.
random headcanon: median system Hero, my beloved <3
unpopular opinion: I really don't think he'd get along with all other voices. Some of the stuff they go through in the construct would really sour his opinion of some of the others, and despite him trying to keep peace and mediate for others, he can't just forget what they went through. Just really wish others would touch more on this side of his dynamic with others
song i associate with them: Fool by Cavetown, Hero is My Middle Name from the SpongeBob Musical, and The Forest by Twenty One Pilots
favorite picture of them: again, gonna have to cheat and use a drawing of my own lol

and ofc I gotta go with a contrahero pic, I'm just. so happy with how his expression turned out here aijsjsmsjsmzmdmd
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For the character ask game how about Hero
...This was my immediate reaction when I received your ask. You might be able to see why in just a moment-
[Send Me a Character and I'll List Ask Game]
favorite thing about them
Where do I even begin with this bird? He is our voice of reason amidst the chaos and horror, our right-hand man in all the trials and tribulations, our conscience in all the decisions. Our loyal best friend who is there with us since the beginning-
There is something very beautiful about how encouraging, enthusiastic, and generally lovely Hero is, how he wants to do "the right thing", whatever "the right thing" is… but he doesn’t know what or how he should do it. He voices his opinion throughout the game, often disagrees with you and other voices, but he never insists on it, and in so many instances (like the Nightmare route, when he asks Paranoid to tell them who to trust), he reads to me as self-doubting, as someone who doesn't believe in himself and his own decisions and instead chooses to put his trust into the Long Quiet, into you. It feels very human… Though perhaps I'm projecting because I'm a very self-doubting, indecisive person myself.
…which makes it all the more triumphant and sweeter when in the final fight with the Shifting Mound, if you insist on trying to fight her on your own, Hero, for the first and only time in the game, defies you:
''I can do this out here on my own.'' "You can't, and lucky for you, I'm not going to let you try."
For the first time, Hero knows what the right thing is, he knows what he needs to do to help you against the Shifting Mound. And so even if you as the Long Quiet don't realize it yet… he does.
I love the fact that we actually get to see him grow. He chooses to go directly against your decision... precisely because he is your right-hand man, your best friend, he wants you to succeed, and he wants to help. And for the first time, he confidently goes with his decision because he knows what to do... and even that one decision is made to help you.
Can you tell I'm very normal about Hero? I love Hero. Hero my beloved-
[Rest of the post is under the cut, it's getting too long]
least favorite thing about them
…I am trying very hard to think of something that I dislike about him. I can't think of a single thing.
favorite line
…I also could not just choose one line. Sorry not sorry:
"Whatever you're trying to do right now, you don't have to do it alone."
"Okay. If this is your choice, then I have your back. I guess I'll see you on the other side."
"Oh, is it now? I hadn't noticed! Do you need a primer, Mr. Amnesiac?"
"I would like to look at a bird. … But if we look at a bird now we wouldn't have to be here."
"Enough with the 'you's! Whether you like it or not, you're a part of us. Hell, whether I like it or not, you're a part of us. That was your moment, too, and we can have another if we all work together. She's not your perfect goddess. Just look at what she's doing to you, her most loyal servant!"
"Is it gonna be enough, though? Couldn't you have given us something else? Something, I don't know, better than a knife? Can we have a bomb?"
I don't know if I have a specific brOTP for Hero, I kind of think that he generally gets along with (most) other voices. In fact, here's what I wrote on him like two months ago:
"The most normal among the voices, quite literally the voice of reason in all the chaos that the other ten cause. He is fairly respected by all of them, though that does not make him immune from their shenanigans. When he’s not busy getting out of Contrarian’s pranks or trying to break up yet another fight between Stubborn and Cheated, he tries to be helpful around the Construct and often offers support to the other voices. Generally, Hero is kind to and understanding of the other voices (even the more annoying ones), though he can also be snarky and rough if other voices really get on his nerves."
…so I guess the answer is all of them?
...it's ParaHero. Yep, no need to elaborate more /j
Serious answer: I've loved their dynamic from the very beginning - one of my first ever fanart pieces was a storyboard where Paranoid teaches the survival mantra to Hero. It was, and still is, one of my favorite moments in the entire game... I just never realized that people shipped voices together and that it was allowed. Well, thanks to @/neverpathia and his random fic from like 3 months ago, I realized that their dynamic works very well as a platonic-romantic relationship... and so here I am, a QPR-ParaHero shipper after all of that-
To not drag this point for too long, I just really like how the relationship between Hero and Paranoid plays out whenever these two are together. There's a certain degree of... comfort, I suppose, between them, like they've known each other for years and years before. It's weird to put it like that since they're all disembodied voices that are part of the same God, but the way their interactions are written just feels personal. Oh, I wish I had words to actually describe my thought process, but I don't 😭
...Though their lighthearted banter and bickering throughout multiple routes definitely help me like the ship even more. I'm a big sicker for friendly banter.
I'll leave this answer with the dialogue between them that I rotate in my brain too much:
"Oh, you snake. There wasn't even a door when we first got here. The door was from last time! I told you we shouldn't trust him!" "I know he's messing with us, but you can't lose your cool. We need you right now, remember?" "Yes. I remember. Of course I remember. Heart. Lungs. Liver. Nerves. This is so frustrating! Heart..." "Thank you."
Despite my love for ParaHero, I'm very open to other Hero ships too, so I don't think I really have a nOTP! The closest would probably ContraHero… but that's entirely Contrarian's fault, my guy just refuses to be in a relationship (the closest he's got is ContraStranger, but even that's less of a committed relationship and more reconciliation). I really like how other people write and draw ContraHero!! It's just that, once again, my interpretations make the ship impossible with my lads 😔
random headcanon
This is entirely 100% unrooted in anything canon... but I like the idea of writer Hero. I don't know where I first got that idea, but I really like it, almost as a weird parallel to the Narrator. Again though, completely not rooted in anything from the actual game, pure ✨vibes ✨, and vibes alone.
unpopular opinion
I honestly struggled to even really think of an unpopular opinion about Hero, beyond "he's the most boring one" (which, as you can tell by how much I wrote about him, is not an opinion I hold). Sooooo, yeah, no unpopular opinions on him lol
song i associate with them
(insert obligatory "I Need a Hero" joke here)
I've actually got two (not surprising at this point). The first is "Last Words" by CircusP, which is here based solely on vibes.
"What beauty may lie beyond these walls?"
The second is "Two Roads" by Janani K. Jha! This one is kind of hard to explain... but it just makes sense in my brain:
"'Cause I've built my life around the thought of landmines in the ground, Terrified to take a step, even more to make a sound But now I am there, So send me a prayer"
"For everything I said I never wanted When I tried to make myself believe That I could pirate paradise from paintings, I look ahead now, all that I can see: Two roads"
favorite picture of them
So, for context, if you didn't know, @/lavb-b made a drawing for me of my human Hero design. I love it dearly, and it's literally my profile picture on Discord (as you can see in these screenshots). So yeah, there isn't any better picture to put as my favorite for Hero. You can find Lav's post that has it here :]
Please do check it out, it's very pretty...
…Okay, that was a lot of rambling, I'm NOT going to write as much on the next a- sees it's Paranoid …oh no.
#ask#slay the princess#eg chatting#voice of the hero#guys - i think Everest really likes Hero - could be wrong though /silly#...i sincerely hope that Paranoid ask isn't gonna be as long as this one... but who knows at this point
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hey hey hey for the send you a character ask: hero?
Yes thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you yes thank you!
~ Favorite thing about them
For starters, I LOVE HERO so much because he's been with us (TLQ) since the very beginning and even showed up at the end of Shifting Mound "fight".
And of course because he really cares about our well being. He hates dying and clearly very against hurting ourself and usually caring about the Princess' well being a lot too. He's a very... vulnerable? character, he's really sweet. I think the only times he's given up on us would be in the Tower (pledge), and in the Fury when he dies...
Also I like his voice.
~ Least favorite thing about them
It's not the thing I dislike of him, more like - I dislike the things that happen to him. The bad things. My heart HURTS when I hear he's in pain (but I am an angst/whump enjoyer so..)
And I know he's safe, I know he's willing, I know he's probably going to be okay and find the others, but leaving him in the cabin (in Leave with Princess Ending) makes me feel a little hollow.
~ Favorite line
"There's no turning back now, I'm with you till the end." (Chapter I)
"But I'm nervous" (Razor)
"I would like to look at a bird" (Razor)
"Whatever you were doing just now - please start doing it again." (Nightmare)
"__ Sounds pretty consequence free to me." (Any Chapter II)
"Okay, I'll trust you." (Mirror)
"Oh no, oh no, no - what did we do? Can we put it back? Please tell me we can put it back." (Prisoner)
"We just keep changing into horrible things we can't control. Make it stop, please make it stop." (Fury)
"That laugh! I think I'm in love!" (Chapter I)
"You were bored, I was just unhappy." (Drowned Grey)
"And I'm still here too!" (Burned Grey)
"Was it not romantic when I suggested it?" (Damsel)
"But I don't want to do a side-" (Spectre III)
Okay I admit it, I really like his voice. I like all the voices. This game has REALLY good voice acting.
Hero and Paranoid or maybe Contrarian - Hero seems like the type to try to get along with everyone. I loved the part where Hero had to run the autonomic nervous system, very silly, and I think Hero would have quite a lot of respect for Para for being able to do that. As for Connie, well they have some fun banter, and Connie stays with Hero in the cabin
Spectre/Spectre III x Hero as a rarepair? I just really like how Spectre calls him "the nice one".
I wanted to say that HEA would be a sweet one, but then again Hero was the one who suggested to just stay there and it made both of them kinda suffer... The same goes for Nightmare and Cage.
Are they brOTP or OTP? Maybe both, I don't know. I just think they'd enjoy each other's company very much.
Most of the "mean" or "dangerous" Princesses probably scare him or make him feel uncomfortable. I don't have any strong feelings on this though.
Toxic ships are sometimes fun to explore?
~ Random headcanon
My friend says Hero can't spell restaurant.
If he ever finds the other voices after Leave with Princess ending, I think he'd try to lead the group after deducting that the others are way too traumatized or violent. Skeptic or Hunted might be second in command?
Not a headcanon but Hero reminds me of Noelle Holiday from Deltarune. They're insecure or a little hesitant about their own decisions and relatively nonconfrontational. They're kind to the ones closest to them, and generally want the best for everyone.
~ Unpopular opinion
He's not an uwu innocent delicate fragile boy.. I mean sure I act like it, but he does have his own wrongdoings/mistakes/things that would be better if he didn't ask us to do, like leave the Princess locked in (leads to Nightmare), leave immediately after Prisoner beheaded herself (leads to Cage), stay with Damsel (leads to HEA).
Although I think you can rationalize them? Most of his own decisions in Chapter IIs are fear-driven, but he's actually one of the more stable characters.
He's pretty insecure. He almost always waits for TLQ's decision before backing it up/defending us.
~ Song I associate with them
I don't listen to a lot of songs.. mostly OSTs or old Gacha animation memes.. seriously.
Girl Nextdoor or Lost Girl from Deltarune. Yeah.
He always tries to be peaceful and he's always been there for us. I think the softness of Lost Girl would suit him, I dunno.
~ Favorite picture of them

The only canon images we have are these, Hero does look very cute. He looks timid and hesitant, especially compared to Cold and Opportunist.

And here's some of my favorite fanarts of him.
- Forgive me for I am admittedly kinda shallow. I do love him, I really do.
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Been reading the latest argument that you posted and I was wondering, what is your genuine opinion on Yamato outside of ships? You rarely talk about him (and you rarely talk about Mimi I noticed) not gonna lie those two are my faves (mostly because I love Gabumon and lilymon so I like their kids too) so what's your genuine opinion? Do You like them because you have to like them or do you dislike them because they get in the way of your ships(mostly Mimi x Koushiro but also Taito always gets better moments than Taikou in my opinion) so I was wondering what you actually think of them as individual characters?
Okay, first off, I am sensing a bit of hostility and passive aggressiveness in this ask - and I understand where this is coming from, I am actually not surprised at this and assume it was just a matter of time until it would come after the recent exchanges. Some friends of mine had their issues with certain fans of certain ships going after fans of other ships. Which, in my opinion, is not how fandom discourse should go, but I will just try my best to answer this diplomatically.
So I'll put up a disclaimer first: Just because I personally don't share the same favourite characters (and ships) doesn't mean that you're not allowed to like them! My order, from most to least favourite, goes like this and if it's not the same for you - that is fine!
Koushirou - 2. Taichi - 3. Sora - 4. Jyou / Hikari - 5. Takeru / Mimi - 6. Yamato
In regards to Yamato: A few weeks ago, I was already asked how I felt about him and I did answer. It's true that, among the original 8 Chosen Children, he is my least favourite and he - or rather his portrayal - does grind my gears at times, but that doesn't mean that I'd write him out of the story or anything like that - he has his purpose, he is an important part of the group, I adore the Yamataikou friendship trio (and, in theory, the Yamataikoura friend group we should have gotten more thoroughly) and Jyoumato is actually one of my favourite Digimon Adventure relationships (platonic and romantic) overall due to their dynamics, impact and how they play off of each other. Since my reasonings may sound emotionally loaded, I can understand if you don't agree with the post I linked above - and like I said, that's perfectly fine if you view him differently than I do.
In terms of shipping, it's a very personal topic that may cause us to react more emotionally than we need to at times and, just like with the characters themselves, we all have our biases and preferences too. For example, I am not the biggest fan of Mi-/mato (and Kou-/mi, as you have mentioned as well), because I personally do not consider them to be romantically compatible - but please don't let that stop you from liking them! Like I pointed out in my analysis, I can understand where people see the potential after all.
It's also not true that I never talk about either Yamato or Mimi - I have just recently conducted a fully fleshed-out fashion analysis about Yamato and Mimi's is still in the works as well (also, all my analysis posts can be found here). Mimi may also be lower on my favourites list overall, but I still would never want to miss her, because, again, she is one of eight puzzle pieces you simply cannot think away - especially if you consider her impact on Sora and Jyou and their respective character arcs and development in both Adventure and Tri! That also goes for a purely platonic angle once again (even if I like them as ships as well). In general, I have my very own ideas on who has the most impact on whom.
I just found it sad that you felt the need to underline that "Taito always gets better moments than Taikou in my opinion" - considering you came to a person who loves Taikou/Taishirou as their OTP. It felt condescending to me. But if that's your opinion, me listing all their, in MY opinion, wonderful and meaningful moments together may not convince you otherwise. Still, if you're interested in my analysis posts about Taishirou, I would like to recommend those to you: [General] [02] [Kizuna first impression] [Kizuna complete] [OG vs Reboot Comparison] [Fights and Forgiveness] [Family Angle I, II, III] [Male/Female characters shipping ratio] [Koushirou’s Dark Cave] [Stageplay I, II, III, IV] [Why I love them so much] [Connected through worlds] [Ship Analysis] [Taikouvember - Loyalty] [Visual Parallels] [Pecking Order] [Why I love them - once more] [Literal and Figurative 02 Dads] [Friendship]
In the end, it also doesn't matter who likes what and whom as long as we don't spread hate.
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001 | Xena
Thank you! 💖
Favorite character:
Xena!! Everything I could possibly want in a female character, and a fandom that largely enjoys it rather than downplaying it.
I loooove that the writers went into the show (Xena, not her first appearance on Hercules probs) essentially writing her as a male archetype almost no concessions to the fact that she's played by Lucy Lawless other than pronouns and some het. She's cold and stoic - it's not until the first season finale that she even really displays a raw emotion other than mid-fight glee, including when her own mother draws a sword on her, and when she has to kill a man she loves to some extent. She's the strongest, toughest, most competent person in any room at all times, and everyone knows it and defers to her, absolutely including men. Early on there are a few scenes where she's hit on and punches dudes, but that actually goes away pretty quick as she just tends to command a certain sense of respect. It's an ideal female power fantasy - not to survive patriarchal violence, but to live without even having to spare a thought for it.
She's complex and nuanced and the narrative is very interested in exploring her as a three dimensional character.
She's formerly evil and still revels in violence, and it's amazing. She's often on the verge of going too dark again and needing to be pulled back from the edge, and she snaps in a few episodes including one where she attempts to murder Gabrielle, pre-meditated and all. She's framed like a horror movie monster in a few episodes, something I always love to see in a protagonist.
And on the flip side, she's fun! She steadily loosens up the more time she spends with Gabrielle doing good, and she can be very playful at times, and it's awesome to see in contrast to the first season.
I'll never be over her and idt there'll ever be another female character who can truly compare. Xena is a product of the tone of the show, and that tone is dead now.
Least Favorite character:
Borias, mainly for his appearance in The Debt as the only man who has ever had physical power over Xena - while her legs were broken - and for clitblocking Lao Ma.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Xena/Gabrielle (and Mel/Janice who counts under this umbrella) Gabrielle/Aphrodite Xena/Ares Xena/Lao Ma Xena/Callisto
Character I find most attractive:
Gabrielle. I mean just look at her abs
Character I would marry:
Gabrielle 💖
Character I would be best friends with:
Gabrielle lmao.
a random thought:
Xena has the best clipshows of any show I've ever seen. Almost always worth watching for the absolutely delightful framing devices.
An unpopular opinion:
I get shallow entertainment out of the scenes where Xena seduces men in the later seasons lol. Like firstly, I love that the show really pointedly toes a line and she never actually sleeps with them past like season 2, because she's in a relationship with Gabrielle. I also love that they show Gabrielle being annoyed or jealous if she gets into it. The show is blatantly playing both sides and trying to appeal to het viewers as well, but very deliberate in never contradicting X/G and I can appreciate that.
But also I love how dominant Xena almost always is, both in bed and in how she just interacts with men, and how it's always framed as something she wants/how she behaves by default rather than something she does for the dudes, who are generally more ambivalent about her topping. Like, ultimately it's a fantasy for subby male viewers, but it doesn't feel like it so it's enjoyable to me.
This is popular with the het fans lol, but they're the minority so it still counts.
my canon OTP:
Xena/Gabrielle, and yes it absolutely counts as canon for the purposes of this question.
Non-canon OTP:
most badass character:
Do I have to say it after my ode to her up there?
pairing I am not a fan of:
Gabrielle/Joxer, Gabrielle/Virgil, Gabrielle/any dude. Xena/Borias in terms of canon relationships.
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Najara!!!! I absolutely adored her in her first episode, she's an amazing foil to Xena. She would've been a perfect recurring villain after Callisto, with her moral ambiguity, her deliberate choice to kill vs Xena's bloodlust, her more grandiose ideals vs Xena's more do good when its in front of you philosophy, etc.
Then her second episode just eviscerates her character and turns her into a caricature of a ~crazy girl~ and it's awful. The actress probably wasn't available for a recurring role, but like, she could've been written off more respectfully, or never given a second episode at all to assassinate her character. Boo.
favourite friendship:
Gabrielle and Aphrodite, I think. They're very cute together. Though shout out to Gabrielle and Ephiny, since I did find it quite touching to see her again in season 6.
character I want to adopt or be adopted by:
None, I don't really think of characters this way.
ask meme
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Tagged by my beloved @violaobanion ❤️🔥 Thank you my boubou.
What's the origin of your blog title?
I’m a Richard III (the Shakespeare psycho boy) girlie. I love antagonists and anti-heroes as a general rule and well, he’s my boy, my blorbo, as the youth say. Richard is referred to as a bottled spider and my favorite interpretation of Dick (so far) was by Arthur Hughes *shocked gasp* and he’s very cute, so... Here we are, cutebottledspider. 🕷️
OTP(s) + shipname:
I don’t often ship characters but when I do, I do it hard. The hardest is Shardlake/Barak, from the Shardlake book series and cruelly cancelled TV show. Also, Richard with anyone.
Favorite color:
Black 🖤🕷️🐈⬛ ⚫️ (it is a color, I will die on that hill.)
Song stuck in your head:
I don’t have one rn but if I had it would probably be something by the Chemical Brothers or some Vladimir Cauchemar flute filled track. Also love me some Charli XCX and a ton of other stuff.
Weirdest habit/trait:
Not suuuuure. I guess wearing sun glasses inside sometimes when I’m alone and no one’s here to call me a weirdo lol. Also, I vomit quite often.
Rather recently started making gifs and it’s addictive. Otherwise, reading, keeping a common place book, messing about on my computer (I love notion, obsidian and keeping up to date with front end dev in general). I used to love writing but I’m having a hard time doing it recently.
If you work, what's your profession?
Graphic designer and occasional front end dev (self employed).
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be?
Beach bum. I’m just glad I get to work in my pyjamas.
Something you're good at:
I don’t know. I’m not brilliant at anything imo but maybe I’m wrong.
Something you collect:
Nothing. I don’t like to have a lot of anything.
Something you forget:
Lol, everything, all the time, especially words.
What's your love language:
Feeling like people know you and knowing people in return, as in noticing and remembering little things and trying to understand even when it isn’t easy. When someone says « I know you » and I feel like it’s true, I feel all fuzzy. Paying attention and seeing the little things. It matters to me. Also I'll stuff you with waffles until you puke. I’m toxic like that.
Favorite movie/show:
There are way too many but I guess the most timeless things for me are Succession, It’s always Sunny in Philadelphia, Curb your enthusiasm, Back to the Future, Fight Club, Twin Peaks, LoTR trilogy, All about Lily Chou Chou, and I love anything with fucking Leslie Nielsen. There’s probably some stuff I’m forgetting because it also depends on my mood.
As for more recent stuff, I loved the Substance, quite enjoyed Nosferatu, looooved Ripley (Andrey Scott my beloved) and well, I thought Shardlake was an okay adaptation and deserved more that one season. It was an extra special treat to have an actor I adore play two of my favorite characters ever. And Antony Boyle (phroar) was a perfect Barak. The casting was the best thing about this show.
Favorite food:
Favorite animal:
Cats and Dogs. Also rabbits.
What were you like as a child:
Quiet and shy.
Favorite subject at school:
None, hated school. Being done with school was like being born a second time.
Least favorite subject:
Above all, I hated P.E.
What's your best character trait?
I’m rather generous I think. Maybe. I tend to be a glass half full person most of the time (don’t count PMS lol)
What's your worst character trait?
When I hate, I hate hard. Also I might be quick to judge sometimes. Also it’s only bad for me bu I eat my feelings andI get easily addicted to various things.
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be?
I’d want to be skinnier and more athletic. In better physical condition as a general rule. Also can someone pay for permanent hair removal for me? It’s okay, you can PayPal me.
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
Shakespeare I guess. Also I’d want to see what my parents were like when they were young. I feel like my wee mom would have been adorable.
No pressure tag: @attaboylew @yourfriendlyneighbourhoodsimp @peachessndreamss @beforeviolets
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Get to know your mutuals
I am so late doing this asfsd, but thank you for the tag my darling @sauron-kraut <3 <3
What's the origin of your blog's title? This poem by W.H. Auden. "The glacier knocks in the cupboard, / The desert sighs in the bed, / And the crack in the tea-cup opens / A lane to the land of the dead."
Favorite fandoms: Silm!!! I'm not very active anymore, but a few years back when I was active, it was such a vibrant, fun, and welcoming space, and I'll always be grateful for that.
OTP(s) + shipname: Melkor/Mairon, i.e., Angbang. They scratch an itch deep in my psyche. Something about the possessiveness, the blurred boundaries between self and other, the love like a sun-starved scraggly plant clinging on despite the hurt. The yearning. The grief. How there's no words, really, for the enormity of it. Ahem. Anyway.
Favorite color: Black haha—I never really grew out of my teen emo phase.
Favorite game: Most things by FromSoftware really, but Bloodborne was my first and it still has my heart.
Song stuck in your head: Sober by Tool
Weirdest habit/trait? Ahaha where do I start? I like to scream sometimes. Just one scream, for emotional release purposes. I always wear headphones when I'm out of the house as noise can get overwhleming very quickly. I can't get warm very easily; my partner will be in shorts and a t-shirt, and I'll be shivering under 500 layers.
Hobbies: Writing, reading, video games.
If you work, what's your profession? I'm a therapist, soon to be a qualified psychologist once my doctorate's done.
If you could have any job you wish what would it be? Writer would be my ultimate dream job; however, I have a sneaking suspicion that doing it for work would turn it into an anxiety-filled ordeal. Therapy's the next best thing. I work with severe and enduring difficulties, and sometimes you've got to think outside the box, together with the person, to figure out how to get from A to B (or sometimes if the person even wants to get from A to B or would rather go to C or D instead, or maybe even stay at A). There's something creative about it that really clicks for me.
Something you're good at: Listening
Something you're bad at: Taking advice
Something you excel at: I've always been pretty detail-oriented, so stuff like admin, proofreading, etc.
Something you love: Cold but bright winter days
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Tolkien. Mental Health. The Locked Tomb.
Something you hate: Academia! I have this sense of a million unpsoken rules that you have to meet if you want to do well but !!! no one ever tells you what they are.
Something you collect: Rocks and crystals
Something you forget: Birthdays and phone numbers oops
What's your love language? Touch! I also like to show love by doing things for people.
Favorite movie/show: Oh, I can't pick just one. Movies: LotR trilogy 100%. Dune. Black Swan. Nosferatu. Shows: Avatar: The Legend of Aang. Hannibal. Interview with the Vampire. Haunting of Hill House.
Favorite food: Anything by @markedasinfernal tbh, she's a fantastic cook. The lasagna that she made for Christmas was heavenly.
Favorite animal: Bongo
Are you musical? I wish, but sadly not. Can't sing, can't play instruments, love music.
What were you like as a child? I was a pretty quiet kid. Bit of a daydreamer. Bit of a know-it-all.
Favorite subject at school? English literature. It was funny, I was such a huge nerd that my teacher, who actually specialised in something else but had been saddled with the English class due to staff shortages, let me do a lot of the teaching. Looking back, it was representative of wider issues in my school, but I loved it at the time haha.
Least favorite subject? Maths. My mum was a maths teacher, you see, so there was always a lot of pressure to do well and rows/punishments when I didn't do so well.
What's your best character trait? I try to be understanding. You never really know what might be going on for someone. I'll do my best to hear people out and make things work for everyone where possible.
What's your worst character trait? Ah, I can be secretive and dramatic. Not a good combo when I bottle things up and let them bubble and bubble and bubble, and then it all explodes in a Big Upset.
If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be? I wish I didn't have to work on a deadline.
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet? This is super nerdy, but I'd love to talk to Donald Winnicott (psychoanalyst) because I resonate with his ideas.
Recommend one of your favorite fanfics (spread the love!):
mock your own grinning by @jouissants. Just... GAH. Masterful. The prose flows like poetry and creates paintings in my mind. The characterisation is delicious and haunting. It's like a kaleidoscope. Everytime I think of it, everytime I re-read it, I find a new facet to go feral over. It's stayed with me in that special way that stories do when they make you ask questions of the characters and of yourself.
Last but not least, show your favorite fanart of your favorite character(s) (please remember to credit/add links!):
I think about this Melkor by the incomprabale @haedre at least once a day <3

Won't tag anyone as I'm so late doing this, but if you see this and would like to have a go, please consider yourself tagged!
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STF Modern AU / OO1
WELCOME TO, calysticollision's stf modern / celebrity au. Where the gang are no longer royals, just some very influential people.
— pictures here are all from pinterest, and are most definetly not mine (i struggled with the pictures omg)
— the social media profiles you see here are all fake and edited.
— includes ships (Hugfia, Desamber, and Vivames. And some others coming soon)
— introductions will come a few characters at a time. (soo keep a look out after this one, and also feel free to request characters! I'll try my best)
— and personal thanks to stormikitty for helping me with what these people do for a living
𝐒𝐎𝐅𝐈𝐀 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 ★ vetenarian — i imagine sofia post alot on social media, and she enjoys sharing her days (the vet-log where she just post the animals she checks-up on). And Sofia stil very much enjoys ice skating like she did as a child but she kept it as a hobby, and she likes to share that aswell.
𝐇𝐔𝐆��� 𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐍 ★ ice skater — hugo would be the type of person to barely post (he has a secret dump account where he post like 3 times aday). But when he does post it's like a full on slide show, different days of the week with different people and places.
𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 ★ astronomer — queen of being aesthetic, her post are aesthetic pleasing to look at, and every single one is pinterest worthy. She is very active and post alot i imagine, and is an influencer in inself with like probably lots of brand deals. Was also the one who set up the winslowsforpalestine funds to help all those suffering (sadly it is a fake link, but go check out the links in Hugo, Desmond and Vivian's!)
𝐃𝐄𝐒𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐋𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐓𝐎𝐍 ★ author and scientist — Desmond is definitely one of the smaller bok authors but he is still very well known. And plus his book series is still fairly new so he is still growing in popularity. He was mostly known through Amber's Instagram as she post desmond alot (as her boyfriend). And Desmond was also quite well known on bookstagram— what can i say he's a man of many interest. (Desmond will forever will brunette in my head, i refuse to acknowledge him being a blond, he is just.. i imagined him as a brunette for the longest time.. and he wears glasses)
𝐉𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐋𝐎𝐖 ★ hockey player — Captain of the royals (i suck at naming things). He and his siblings are very popular as there family are the founders of the Winslow Corp. James barely post himself on his instagram, mostly posting pictures of hockey, His siblings, his friends, or his girlfriend (he post Vivian like alot, even though Vivian gets shy most times and often tells James not to post her but he post her anywayyyy (ugh i love vivames so much otp))
𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐀𝐍 𝐕𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄 ★ singer-musician — Vivian is definitely more of an Instagram story girl rather than a post girl. She is very active on her story and has alot of highlights to make the memories last (and yes the feather is feather by sabrina carpenter, cuz.. Vivian was voiced by sabrina carpenter and it was just such a nice opportunity i couldn't miss). Definitely more faceless, and post's photos from the back or side.
end / for now
— uhh yea, this is all i have so far, i'll make more, if i have motivation.. when i TELL YOU i struggled so hard with the pictures like bro how do people get such good graphics what in the world are you guys searching.. but yea.. i tried..
#lysinthearea#sftmodernau#sofia the first#sofia the fandom#modern au#au#alternate universe#enchancia#hugfia#desamber#desber#vivames#javian#and any other vivian x james ship name#Uhh yea#idk what other tags to add#hope y'all enjoy
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So today (February 25th) is the 1 year anniversary of Episode 98, huh?
I was wondering why I saw an art based on this particular part:

Beautiful smile, isn't it? But what if I tell y'all that he owes this one to MITSUKO of all people?
Yep, you heard that right! I know that for many people this episode was, as usual, ZwiYudi this, ZwiYudi that and blah-blah. But did ANYONE else actually stopped to think how without MITSUKO Zwijo wouldn't have been able to smile like that 👆👆👆? And yeah, before anyone calls me a biased shipper (cause ZwiMitsu is my big OTP), at least I am able to back up my opinion with some REAL, solid facts.
So let me remind you that this was Zwijo right before Mitsuko (and Dinova) showed up:

Right as he was in the middle of declaring his final attack, he suddenly felt a surge of pain and collapsed, weakness overwhelming him as life was rapidly leaving his body. He literally could no longer STAND, let alone finish the duel. Now imagine what would have happened if Mitsuko (and Dinova) hadn't shown up? To Zwijo this last duel with Yudias was super important, it was literally the VERY LAST thing he wanted to accomplish before he could finally bite the dust. And yeah, Zwijo did NOT expect to be revived again like he was in S3. At THIS point in 98, he saw this moment as one big, true finale to his whole existence... yet he grew so weak that he wasn't even able to declare his last, VICTORIOUS move against Yudias. Now imagine just how anticlimactic it would have been had he just died, leaving such an important duel with No Result? And that would have been exactly what was about to happen, but then-

YESSS! These two came right up to support him! And yeah-yeah, I AM aware that Dinova was also there, but the reason why I have been putting her in brackets and focusing on Mitsuko is rather obvious... if one actually bothers to think about it? Now let's see what happened at the beginning of this very episode.

Dinova was completely exhausted after her last Tag Duel which had already taken Myuda's life. And yet she used the last ounce of her strength to try and go back to Zwijo... which was something she ALMOST failed to do. She herself was ON THE VERGE OF DYING, lacking strength to even hold onto this thing she was flying on. And so, she would have collapsed in some woods, dying all alone in a desolate place among the Mutsuba Mountains.

Now THAT would have been a rather sad ending for her, right? But guess what? It did not happen as in a mere blink-and-you-miss-it moment there was a swish-! and a certain SOMEONE caught her right there and then. And who that was?

Yep! The Best Girl in the series!!! ☺️☺️☺️
So yeah, I am 100%, no, 1000% sure that without MITSUKO Dinova (and also Myuda whose spirit still lingered while she was alive) wouldn't have been there to make this wonderful scene real:

And do y'all know what is even more poignant about this whole thing? Remember just how PETTY and TOXIC Dinova used to be to Mitsuko before 98?

Geez, I used to HATE her with all my heart for bullying my girl Mitsuko 🤬🤬🤬 But guess what? It was MITSUKO who took that big step and buried the hatchet for good! Even though she absolutely did NOT have to. And especially not after the way Dinova had treated her up to that point. But! As my blog name suggests, I firmly believe that Mitsuko is not only a big beauty, but also has a big heart (and it's not just about its actual physical parameter). Yeah, Hiramori Mitsuko has the kindness and compassion that not many people actually have. And I admit, I can hardly imagine myself being able to fully forgive and even BEFRIEND someone who was shitty to me in the past. I have my own reasons for that though... but I'll digress.
What I am saying is, I believe Mitsuko does NOT get enough praise in English speaking fandom for the big act of LOVE towards Zwijo, the love that allowed him to have this beautiful and glorious moment at, what he perceived as, the very end of his life:

On top of that, it also led to Mitsuko fostering a new friendship onwards and demonstrated even more of her lovely and caring nature:

Oh, but you know what is even MORE poignant about 98?
The fact that initially Mitsuko HESITATED to actually go and see Zwijo, even as she knew he was about to disappear forever.

Can't blame her for hesitating. After all, Zwijo's unresponsive attitude towards her surely caused her A LOT of innermost pain. It would have been perfectly understandable had she chosen NOT to see him again... but how would his duel against Yudias end then? And what about Dinova? Talk about a little Butterfly Effect in action, kick-started by ONE decision Mitsuko made at the beginning of 97.
Yep, she had a CHOICE there, and she CHOSE Zwijo. To see him one last time.
Speaking of:

I wonder what was that "something" she wanted to tell him... Could it be that she wanted to confess her feelings to him? This question of mine was left unanswered as the only thing she said as she met him again was helping him declare his final attack (and kick Yudias's butt lol). And you know what? ...I'm actually glad that back at THAT moment there wasn't any "I love you" out of her mouth. I feel that in 98, during that duel in particular, it would have been rather out of place. That moment was absolutely about ZWIJO, and NOT about her. And this makes me be proud to be her fan: Mitsuko is truly one of the most selfless characters I know. Even if it's painful, even if it's frustrating, but she IS capable of putting herself on the back burner just so that the man she loves could SHINE at the very end of his life... even if she never gets to tell him "I love you".

...But did she actually not do enough to convey her feelings? I personally believe that she did as true love does not necessarily require words (or out-of-nowhere switches to some flower field sceneries 🙄). Mitsuko CHOSE to stand by Zwijo's side in his last moments, she CHOSE to include the girl who used to hurt her over some petty jealousy (now compare this to Yuna completely screwing everything up for some delusional "love" for Ohdo Yuga, losing the friendships she had and hurting everyone 🙄).
...Truly, I can't help but adore this part of 98. And that's why I HATE that THIS happened in S3:

Seriously? Zwijo? Did you just decide to pretend she wasn't there? Like if she was just some air? Gosh, when I saw this for the first time I was so baffled, I couldn't speak, like wtf??? 😑
And what hurt even worse was this:

Note, this scene where Yudias talked to her was AFTER she saw Zwijo again (and he behaved like a total douche 😑😑😑). Yes, she got pissed and even demolished her dango stand in fury... and yet she still proceeded to say the thing above 👆.
My poor girl 💔 You can't help but love that bastard, huh? And the moment in 98 was truly SPECIAL for you, wasn't it?😭😭😭

The warmth she could still feel... And yet! THAT! IDIOT! 🤬🤬🤬

And yeah, I'm pretty sure some people out there could go "Duuuh, just because SHE loves him, it doesn't mean that HE owes her any reciprocation 🙄". Y'know what? Shocker, I know, but I believe I do NOT lack braincells to understand that 😑 But c'mon, after this and all other instances when she helped him, doesn't she deserve at least a gaze of his towards herself? A genuine smile? A "thank you"? Like, UGH:

I was so WHAT THE HECK when I first saw this one. Like, what the hell did Yuamu do deserve such big vows of devotion? Huh??? Her "strong and deep resolve" was just as much of a bullshit as her entire plan to "become Otes". But noooo, Zwijo claimed it was his "fate" to be the stupid girl's "knight". 😑 Seriously, this and the whole ZwiYua ship tease was a mistake of nature and an abomination, YIKES 🤢🤢🤢
And then this:

??? Hello? Yuhites literally treated you like a DOG, twisting your name into various dog names, and yet? And yet??? What's with this smile? This hand hold? This sympathy? So S3 Zwijo IS capable of all that... just not towards the one woman who has always been there for him, even if he could have never expected it (like in 98)? And then there's also this:

I have only thing to say about his S3 self: What the hell is wrong with you??? 😑😑😑
Sure, he has always been far from perfect as a character, but his S3 self is just... Something, and NOT in a good way.
Nevertheless, though, even after what he had done (or, rather, NOT done aka helped bringing Velgerians back to life) and what he said, it's still as clear as day that Dinova isn't willing to give up on the precious bond she has had with him so easily.

And, I'm pretty sure, same goes for Mitsuko... cause, otherwise, she wouldn't have been grieving the him from before:

And I know how SOME people out there hate ZwiMitsu cause "uwu she deserves so much better, Zwijo is baaaad". But guess what? I've learned to treat this "opinion" like a piece of used toilet paper (lmao), ESPECIALLY since it's coming from obvious hypocrites (*cough* who also happen to ship ZwiYudi *cough* I guess Yudias would be fine with Zwijo no matter how much of an asshole he is *cough* Yudias doesn't deserve better *cough* Talk about double standards *cough*).
Oh, and I know that many people can't take Mitsuko's feelings for Zwijo seriously considering how random and silly their first meeting was... but, honestly, does it even matter? And ESPECIALLY after episode 98? Again, Mitsuko NEVER owed Zwijo anything at all, she isn't his subordinate, one of his soldiers... she's just a girl who has ever done anything for him because she LOVES him. And, in my opinion, it's stupid to deny that, to downplay her feelings, just because there was never a blatant "I have always loved you" in his face (and random petals flying around). Her actions have always spoken louder than words and THAT'S the more realistic portrayal of love.
And last but not least, as this post is getting published, we only have 5 episodes left until the finale... and Zwijo is already foreshadowed to have his very last duel in the series. Oh, and, apparently, get his ass beaten hardcore.

Dang, I HOPE the beating + that explosion are FINALLY going to fix his brain synapses and make him truly revaluate everything he has done (and realize how much of a jerk he has been). Now that would be SOMETHING!
P.S. I bet someone would 🤨 at me for bringing up some ship hate here, but lemme tell you this: mind your own business and stay in your own bubbles. I have the right to my opinion, positive or negative. Buzz off.
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Tag game - Get to know your mutuals!
Thank you for tagging me, @joyful-soul-collector !
What's the origin of your blog title? it's a play on a nickname only my best friend uses IRL.
OTP(s) + Shipname: lately Jayvik (Jayce/Viktor from Arcane) is all I want to write about. But Dreamling (Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling from Sandman) and Kirk/Spock are still way up there.
Favorite color: Red and blue.
Favorite game: Dnd for board games. For video games it changes all the time, I'll go with Witcher 3 or Baldur's Gate 3.
Song stuck in your head: None right now! But until yesterday I spent three days with Zorra by Nebulossa stuck in my head.
Weirdest habit/trait? This is probably very tame, but for the past month I've gotten into the habit of eating breakfast just standing by the counter, something I've always considered unwell freak behavoiur until now.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, playing video games, watching tv shows, drawing.
If you work, what's your profession? I'm still a student, but I'm finishing my masters soon and already doing a stage so, in practice, translator.
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Writer. But, like, I'm paid a living wage to write whatever I want all day long kinda writer.
Something you're good at: Writing, I like to think! I'm also good at cooking.
Something you're bad at: talking to people, especially if I need to ask for help/clarification/advice.
Something you love: Writing... obviously :'D
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff: Any show or movie or book or game I like, honestly. Also, linguistics.
Something you hate: Rich people who hoard money and do nothing with it. I don't mean just billionaires, I mean my landlord who owns three apartments, evades a bunch of taxes, has a good job and still would rather die than spend 1 cent to fix the door.
Something you collect: I try not to collect anything anymore because I can't keep up with the expenses and/or cleaning. But I do still buy a magnet for each city I visit to keep as a memory. Forgot to say, I love travelling!
Something you forget: ........everything? Severe ADHD here. It'd be easier to say what I don't forget, which is mostly details about my friends' lives.
What's your love language? Quality time and acts of service.
Favorite movie/show: Movie: Pirates of the Caribbean 3 hands down. Show... probably Star Trek the orginal series.
Favorite food: french fries.
Favorite animal: WOLFFFFFFF
What were you like as a child? spent all my free time reading with occasional 16-hours bouts of video games. I was lonely, sheltered, largely unsupervised for as long as I can remember, then left home alone all day by age 11.
Favorite subject at school? Science!
Least favorite subject: Math. Still hate it.
What's your best character trait? Loyal, great listener.
What's your worst character trait? probably the aformentioned difficulty asking for help/clarification/advice
If you could change any detail of your life right now, what would it be? cure my ADHD.
If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet? idk man, I just wanna see dinosaurs. But I think it'd be neat to meet Tolkien if only to talk about linguistics with him.
Tag as many mutuals as you want: @ghostboyjules @softest-punk @avelera @blueberrymffn @wistfulchicken @yendarvis @wordsinhaled
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(Pavitr Prabhakar x You)
Synopsis: You like Mumbattan more than New York, so you chill there often. And sometimes help your best friend out as Spider-Woman. But the people of Mumbattan think there's something more to the relationship of the two heroes.
"What does OTP mean?" Pavitr breaks the comfortable silence that had set in as we sat atop the tallest building in Mumbattan, staring down at the -very- busy streets below.
"Uhm..Only Thing Purple?" I guess, scooting over as Pav moves to sit next to me. "No, it means 'One True Pairing', actually." He states, showing me his phone screen and scrolling on Tik Tok.
The video consisted of a fight Pav and I had the other day with an anomaly. Specifically the part where I not so heroically got electrocuted because I stepped in water.
The music filled as Pav landed beside me, reaching out and putting a hand on shoulder. "You oka-" He got cut off as he was shocked as well.
"Okay why would someone edit that?" I ask as I read the caption.
Two dumbasses...literally made for eachother!!
"I know right? I can still feel the lightning in my veins." Pav shivers, pulling his phone away from me. "And there are tons of edits of us saying we're OTP." He concludes.
A second passes in awkward, notedly not comfortable, silence before a loud explosion came from the streets below.
Ah, back to work.
"And Look at That! Our very own heroes have swung by for a quick hello!" The reporter woman smiled at us as I wiped the dirt off my clothed leg.
I smiled back, instantly stopping once I realized she can't see through my mask. "Are you- oh wow, is this live?" Pav asks, waving at the camera.
"Stop you're so embarrassing." I judged his shoulder, to which he threw an arm over my neck and ruffled my hair. "You know you love me." He laughs.
"Oh, wow! That brings me to my only question...the public wanna know! Are you two an item?"
Not this again.
Before I can open my mouth to deny, Pav laughs.
"No, but...might as well do this now. Y- I mean, Spider-Woman. I love everything about you. The way you part your hair, the way you laugh, all the way to your face when you eat really tasty food. And as the months have passed, I realized that I love you. So, will you go out with me?"
I looked between him and the camera, then back at him.
"Nah, I'll pass." I say simply. The lenses on his mask widen.
"I'm kidding! I'm joking! Yes, I'll go out with you Paaaaa...l. Pal." I caught myself. "Oh, my god. Yes!" He tackles me into a hug.
"This is great and all...but can one of you swing this girl to the hospital? The ambulance is backed up..." A paramedic taps me on the shoulder.
I immediately throw myself off Pav. "Yes- of course I'm so sorry come on let's go girl." I grab the citizen, being careful not to touch her...ouch, really nasty arm and swing away.
It takes a lot of focus to swing through Mumbattan with a passenger, but I've done it a billion times. However, it's a little more difficult this time.
Since my heart won't stop beating so fast.
I sat in a chair next to one of the crash victim's hospital bed. The teenage boy hadn't woken up yet, and as much as I'd like to be with Pav right now, my duty as Spider-Woman is to make sure people are safe- even if they're not from my universe.
The boy suddenly stirred in his bed, which caused me to put down my phone. "Hey, you're awake. You got into a car crash. How are you feeling?" I ask the boy, who's hospital bracelet says Aarush. Cute name.
"Ugh...like shit. Who are you?" Oh damn I forgot I took my costume off. "Uh...my names Carly, I'm a med student. It's a whole program- don't even worry about it." I shake my head with a laugh.
"Oh, okay. Hey, look it's Spider-Man." He looks at the TV which had been playing the news. I looked up just in time to catch Pav(Spider-Man) catch my hand with a web after I fell off the bridge trying to keep a car up.
I should probably work out more.
I watch with a warm face as the entire scene from earlier plays out again, Pav wrapping me in a hug and me swinging away with a girl in my arms.
"Damn, Spider-Man and Spider-Woman are totally OTP."
#Spotify#pavitr prabhakar x reader#spiderverse pavitr#pavitr x you#atsv pavitr#pavitr prabhakar#pavitr x reader
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*looks at you with huge wet eyes* hunted for the ask gameee….. ((unless youve done it and i missed it lol))
I haven't, so you good lol
Give Me a Character and I'll List:
favorite thing about them: Something about Jon's delivery and how straightforward Hunted talks in general just scratches an itch in my brain. Autism creature <3
least favorite thing about them: How little we see of it 😔 Hunted is in only like– three other chapter 3s outside of Beast and the 'everyone is here' chapters
favorite line: "I can smell the end all around us. Sweet, and empty. This is where we die. I'm going to lie down now." (just. every other time, Hunted urges to at least try and survive, but there's no escape here. what can you do against these immovable rocks, after all? So it just. accepts it. and tries to get some rest before end comes)
brOTP: already mentioned Hunted&Para, and Damsel&Hunted on those two posts, but Oppy&Hunted is also very interesting to me. Guy who's constantly trying to sweet talk others, and This Thang, who Could Not Care Less about smth like social standings lol I think they'd have a sweet dynamic tho, with Oppy feeling like he can loosen up just a bit with Hunted since it really just Doesn't Care about pretenses
OTP: don't have one. Kinda see it having some unlabeled thing with both Oppy and Para, but that's about it
nOTP: struggle really seeing any Hunted ships in general, but don't really have a nOTP either, just cannot see it having a conventional relationship
random headcanon: invents its own sign language because talking through an actual throat is too hard at times, and gesturing what it means is much easier and faster
unpopular opinion: this is more of a preference thing, but I'm just not into Hunted being more of a predator. It becoming more like the ones who hurt it is just less satisfying to me
song i associate with them: Hartebeest by Yaelokre
favorite picture of them:

(this is prolly one of my best pieces to date so ofc I gotta go with it anshhsbxsjnd)
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Spectre from STP
With pleasure :]
[Send Me a Character and I'll List Ask Game]
favorite thing about them
Her contrast, the different facets of her personality that make her, well, her. She is kind, cheery, and understanding, but she is also firm, can be threatening, and takes absolutely 0 of our bullshit. And the best part is that all of these make perfect sense - she is kind because she is hopeful you'll repent and help her leave (and perhaps because your perception skews more positive of her, after learning of what the Narrator puts you through as a "reward"), but she also never lets you forget that you still killed her in cold blood.
least favorite thing about them
This will probably be true for most StP characters, I can't think of any specific that I dislike about pretty much all of them. So most of the time, if it's going to be anything, it'll be something very minor and silly - in this case, it's Spectre's tattered skirt on her dress (it's hard to draw, that's literally it)
favorite line
"All I know is there's a hole in my chest, and not the big obvious one that you put there. There's something older and deeper. A nagging reminder that I'm not where I'm supposed to be."
...honorable mention goes to: "But if you're just leaving me then... then I'm really just going to be stuck here forever. Th-there's nothing I can do, it's just going to go on and on and on and on, lonely and sad and hurting and empty."
I like to imagine a close friendship between Nightmare and Spectre! No particular reason (besides them being a shared pair routes), but there is something fun about them hanging out and chatting while drinking some nice tea :]
Definitely SpectreCold! There is just something really beautiful about how much they contrast each other and yet, ultimately, both yearn for similar things, it's just all feelings, connection, longing. I started really, really liking them after this post by @/wintergrofyuri. Go read it! They explain my own feelings on this ship way better than I ever could (T v T)
Don't think I really have those for her <3 Or honestly, in general, I have very few nOTPs :]
random headcanon
I kind of mentioned it in the first question, but I think that part of the reason why she's so kind and understanding is because your / TLQ's perception of her changes as a result of the Narrator trying to shove you into the Good Ending™. Up until that point, you follow the Narrator without question and so when he essentially betrays you... you begin to see him as the "villain" of this story. And since you didn't have much of a chance to really get to know the princess before you killed her... I'd like to think that this shift in perspective also contributes to Spectre's cheery and hopeful attitude :]
unpopular opinion
I don't think it's all that unpopular, but we need more sassy and threatening Spectre <3 This is a self-callout more than anything because I'm very guilty of drawing and writing her as too kind and sweet ^^;;;
song i associate with them
"earth child's lullaby" by TOFIE fits quite nicely :]
"Close your eyes Breathe the night Come home, return Be held by the earth, now"
favorite picture of them

Look at her! She is so pretty :]
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Getting to know your moots
Tagged by @tarakanpaintedpurple :3
•What's the origin of your blogs title?
My tag makoredeyes is a Final Fantasy 7 reference (see Vincent Valentine <3) ... "Feralwinter" came from a joke about me comparing Felwinter from Destiny to a stray cat about a year ago.
•Favorite fandoms
Presently ears-deep in Destiny/D2 but I am also a big Titanfall2 fan, LOVE Trigun, and Final Fantasy 7 and its derivatives will forever live in my heart. I also have a marriage and over 25 year relationship built on Star Wars and I've seen The Nightmare Before Christmas 109 times.
•OTPs+Ship name
I am a filthy multishipper <3
FFVII it's Cid Highwind x Vincent Valentine and I'm pretty confident I'm actually the one that got people using the Valenwind shipname waaaay back in the day.
Titanfall it's BTxJack or Jack xBlisk or if I'm feeling spicy I'll try to make all three of them work. :3
Destiny I think ya'll know but my favorites are Felwinter x Timur and/or Osiris in just about any permutation of the three, adding or subtracting a handful of wildcards for giggles, plot, or kink depending on the setting and timing. (I see you pervs choosing that Saint X Osiris X Felwinter XXX oneshot I did as my most popular fic alaksjd;fksdkf)
•Favourite colours Love deep amethyst purple, or red. or somewhere in between like a mauve.
•Favourite game
Presently Destiny 2 and/or ARK Evolution Evolved
•Weirdest habit/trait
Took me a minute but I reckon my tendency to impulsively collect bits of broken glass is probably pretty fucking weird.
Obviously I write, and draw, but I also enjoy painting resin figures (I can't really call my preference for larger scale models 'minifgures' but like that). I'm a actively practicing and learning lapidary (I carve rocks) and rockhound (I go out and search for and collect rocks) and rock collector lol. I love rocks. XD I'm also big into plants and have a huge indoor houseplant collection, and a pretty robust garden, and start a lot of stuff by seed most years. Removing myself from the earth, I'm also a license pilot although I haven't flown in years due to both medical and financial restrictions. (renting an airplane is fucking expensive RIP lol) Flying isn't something I actively practice anymore but the knowledge, culture, and fascination and love of flying and airplanes is burned into my bones and I don't think it's ever going to go away. <3
•Something you're good at
I think I'm a pretty decent writer. I'd like to think I generally am pretty good at understanding people too. Like, seeing things from their perspectives and understanding their needs and wants and intentions and all that. It's what I like to write about too, fundamentally so they go hand in hand I guess.
•Something you're bad at
pffff most things. Adulting. My home is a constant mess. But I do my best.
•Something you excel at
I can't resist laughing and pointing out Microsoft Excel. I'm so autistic I actually like spreadsheets and am very good at them al;ksdjfshdfh. IDK. I think I'm getting pretty awesome at these model paintings. I don't think of myself like this.
•Something you love
Gentle rain. A good scented candle. Pretty lights. A mossy forest, the ocean, my damn cats even though one of them is bullying me right now. cozy things.
•Something you could talk about for hours without off the cuff
Truly, Destiny Lore. Character analysis and picking apart text, words used, context, setting, tracing threads. Swapping headcanons and worldbuilding based on what we already have. Conjecture. Let's ramble for the next 6 hours about why he would totally say that, or did say it, or could have because I think this lore card implies he did. I live for those meals and eat so grandly off of just...sharing the stories.
•Something you hate
I don't think this is what this question meant when someone first listed it but this is the only think rolling around in my head right now so Imma say it and you'll know some of the shadows and worries in my heart today: I fucking hate Nazis.
•Something you collect
Cobalt glass. I have a lot of vintage (and some not) cobalt things. I love that color.
•Something you forget
I always have a glass of water but 80% of the time I've forgotten it in another room. Husband teases me relentlessly. We're both very excited because I remembered to rescue it from his office tonight.
•What's your love language
Acts of service/gifts. I love writing ficlets or doing little drawings for my friends especially on request. Special little things I won't share otherwise unless you ask me to. Just for you. I am hugging you this way because I am not close enough to do it the conventional way.
•Favorite movie/show
Oh I forgot Transformers for fandoms. Transformers Prime is kind of old now but I just adored that show.
•Favorite food
Pho. 10/10 comfort food. Actually I just really love Vietnamese food in general but Pho is a gift from heaven.
•Favorite animal
•Favorite subject in school
Yanno I'm not entirely sure because I'm struggling between my favorite teacher who taught my worst subject, art which was just fun but not challenging, English which I was GOOD at but not fun in any way, and Spanish which was engaging but too challenging to be fun.
I'm going to just go back and point at some of my aviation classes I took in college lol.
•Least favourite subject
Chemistry because we had a teacher who couldn't stay on topic and I already really struggled with the math of it.
•What's your best character trait?
I'd like to think I'm pretty open-minded usually. And generally friendly. I can be a little bit of an asshole sometimes but I'm really working on that so hopefully nobody has the opportunity to notice lol.
•If you could change any detail of your day right now, what would it be?
Well I had to go to work and I would have much rather been home all day doing creative stuff so that would have been a nice change.
•If you could travel in time, who would you like to meet?
My great-grandad who I apparently have a LOT in common with but I never really met.
•Recommend one of your favorite fanfics
Nah nah, we're not doing just ONE haha.
Please see all my husband's wonderfully lyrical Destiny fanfics but especially The Storm That Stalks featuring a look at the harder side to my favorite Stormtrancer
Besty Crafty Cooper aka @slavetomyheadcanon has some fantastic (and delightfully filthy) Overwatch and Titanfall fic as well as Destiny but PLEASE sample this entirely unexpectedly titillating experimental crackpair from a randomizer featuring Cayde-6 x Timur. Seriously trust me on this one. FPM: Cayde-6 + Timur + Shock Collar (*AO3 sign-in required. If anyone needs an invite DM me I have lots)
OK it's Timur hours apparently. @zalia wrote Subornation for me last spring and I just adore it. It's sweet and quirky and has some fantastic character insights. Then go and browse the other uhh... 145 Destiny fics in Zalia's portfolio if you haven't already because they're all bangers.
I usually don't tag people for this kind of stuff, but today I'm putting the squad on blast. @slavetomyheadcanon , @zalia , @vallaragna , @nearfromfar, @wendysketches , @heckin-sleeby & @sylenth-l if you do this kind of thing have at it.
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