#otp heart thief
suddenrundown · 2 years
god these pretzels are so good im not even upset eliot isn’t also on this date
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
Falling for Hogan's Heroes - Day 2: Nightmares
Newkirk jolted up, sweat running down his forehead. Again. That same nightmare again. It had been a nightmare, right? Vicky wasn’t dead, she couldn’t be! Frantically, he looked around the room. Wherever his eyes wandered, the images stayed in his mind. The pitch black Gestapo uniforms, the long rifles, the way they grabbed Vicky by the arms and shoved her to the ground. He still saw her white blouse turning a dusty beige, he heard the shots, saw it turn from beige to scarlet and the terror that remained in Vicky’s wide-open eyes. Newkirk shook his head violently. Stop, stop, stop! This had to stop! Why wouldn’t the images leave him alone? There had to be a way to get rid of them. Where was he? In the cooler. He was in the cooler. But where was Vicky? In her room, in her bed, sleeping, safe. But what if she wasn’t? What if, right now, the Gestapo was getting to her, pulling her out of bed by her hair, hitting her- No! Oh god. He had to see her. He just had to. Screw if someone realized he escaped the cooler. Screw if this would get him in trouble. He had to go.
As soon as his body would let him, he jumped up and opened the tunnel entrance in the wall, then crawled through and pulled it shut behind him. Just this once, the small crawl space terrified him. It was like there was barely room to breath, like every sound he made was immediately thrown back at him. But he made it to the branching path to Klink’s house and Vicky’s room and continued to his destination. Finally, the end of the tunnel came into sight. That was when doubts started crawling up on Newkirk. He couldn’t just climb into her room. What would she think?! But he had to, he just had to! So, he took all of his courage together… and knocked against the bottom of the dresser covering the exit. Then, he waited. It felt like waiting for ages and he knew he probably would be waiting for ages. Suddenly, the dresser swept aside. Vicky kneeled right in front of the exit.
“Peter”, she gasped.
Newkirk’s words got stuck in his throat. But he didn’t need to say anything. Eyes widened with worry, Vicky extended her hands to him to help him up and out.
“By Jove, you look terrible! Did the guards hurt you?”
Still at a loss for words, Newkirk shook his head. He simply let himself be guided to the bed and sat down on it. Gently, Vicky wrapped him in her blanket.
“Peter, what happened?”
Newkirk took a deep breath. “I, uh, I… I ‘ad a nightmare. Dreamt you were dead.”
Immediately, Vicky’s eyes widened even further. She hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek, running her fingers through his hair. Finally, the images and sounds started fading. Bathed in Vicky’s scent, warmth and love, Newkirk suddenly felt very tired.
“Would you like to stay here for the night?” Vicky offered.
Newkirk sighed heavily. “I’d love to but Colonel 'Ogan would kill me if the Krauts don’t shoot me first.”
“You’re not getting shot”, Vicky promised, placing a hand on his cheek. “We’ll set my alarm clock early enough that you can sneak back into the cooler before a guard checks if you’re there.”
A smile spread across Newkirk’s face. “Vicky, you’re an angel.”
“I’d rather be the sandman if it helps you fall asleep faster.”
Newkirk took off his shoes, jacket and hat and placed them next to the bed. Then, he swung his legs onto it as well. Vicky joined him, letting him wrap his arms around her. It didn’t take even five minutes for them both to fall asleep peacefully.
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theladyheroine · 7 months
Unexpected OTP Pairings ✨
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❥ Okay I know Valentine’s Day was last week! Almost two weeks ago! But recently I’ve been wanting to branch out a bit with my blog writing, & writing prompts are something I love a lot! So, I’m trying something new & came up with a few OTP ideas! I hope you enjoy, thank you & have fun!
❥ F x M writing prompts! I didn't specify who is who though so everyone can read!
Former! Villain x Superhero
Not even a real villain, just some dumb person who steals things or who makes evil schemes that always fail. Kind of like Dr. Doofenshmirtz, & they’re actually really nice in real life! But when a superhero comes to stop them, they instantly fall in love! Seriously has heart eyes & doesn't pay any attention to the hero’s grand pre-fight speech.
Or doesn’t put up a fight at all, just hands them the stolen goods & escapes. Leaving Hero completely confused as the Villain they were supposed to stop didn’t even bother fighting, which is still good but they’re still confused.
After this, the Villain now decides to become a Superhero!! To not only impress their new crush but also because they've always really wanted to be one anyways! It was just the push they needed.
Cue them now running the streets in a completely different outfit trying their best to stop the bad guys! Usually, it doesn’t end well though: they’ll trip over the air & let them escape, or maybe just show up late to the fight & it’s already over.
It’s even worse when their Hero crush joins the fray, and then they’re really clumsy or just start sputtering like an old car. Their former henchmen, now turned sidekicks, try to console them as they lay on the couch completely embarrassed by their feats.
Oooooor, they are super confident & much better at being a superhero than they ever were being a Villain. Maybe this confidence goes to their head a bit & will literally try flirting with Hero on the battlefield! Hero gets a bit embarrassed sometimes & their other super-friends tease them about it. If this does happen, Hero might end up trying to run away from the former Villain in an effort to focus on their job. But it just ends up being really funny to watch.
Bonus: They have opposite powers or maybe one has no powers at all.
Dashing Thief x Friendly! Detective
I'm sorry this one is a bit short!
A notorious thief with a heart of gold who only ever steals from bad guys & acts more as a Robin Hood character than any. Hardly ever keeps anything for themselves; just struts around after dark on the lookout for anything suspicious. Not one person has been able to catch them & their identity remains a mystery. Would be cool if they were a nobleman/woman or had some kind of big fancy hideout. 
The detective is actually their friend/partner (maybe)! The good egg who actually sees the thief’s true intentions instead of just mucking around in a Halloween costume. Although they're pretty ticked at the way Thief does things, they usually keep their coworkers & the boss off Thief's trail. Maybe a newbie or an intern at the detective agency, determined to prove themselves on the field. 
Maybe they met as civilians & the thief switched to a disguise to hide from authorities, but bumped into the detective who was out on a coffee break. It was love at first sight for both of them, so cute! 😆 They do a lot of coffee dates now, but sometimes Detective overdoes it.....
One is the brains, and the other is the brawn. Together they can get any job done! The Detective’s coworkers find it strange how the Thief shows up more often when they're specifically on the job. The Boss is suspicious but sometimes finds them cute.
Often swing by each other’s places to not only hangout but help each other with cases or special kinds of info. If the Thief has any sidekicks, no doubt they’ll spill funny stories of missions gone wrong or close calls. 
Stealing each other's hats and impersonating the other one for fun, then cue a playful chase scene around the room! So cute!
Dragon x Wizard
I know some people like fantasy stuff!
A dragon is resting in their cave until they hears footsteps at the entrance. But instead of finding a grumpy old knight, they find a wizard! Maybe the Wizard was exploring the caves nearby or on a journey to the next town, but instead of feeling scared or angry, they started fangirling/fanboying over the dragon instead! 😆
Likes to ask them all sorts of questions & sometimes can’t stop talking. Now Wizard can come whenever they like & the two become friends!
The Wizard visits whenever they can, showing off all sorts of new spells or potions they've created. Even though it might not be as impressive as their fire, the Dragon still finds it cool & applauds.
The Dragon will always try to impress their wizard friend with tall tales of each piece of treasure. How they got it, where they found it, if they fought anyone over it, etc. But sometimes those stories are exaggerated…
The Wizard will be in absolute awe at the Dragon’s stories & can’t help but be a complete chatterbox about it. Asking more questions about different things like how their magic works, how they can fly with all that extra weight, or if they can learn a fire-breathing spell from them instead—
If the Wizard lives in a tower then the Dragon will visit just as frequently! Usually it’s in the early morning or during sundown when there are fewer people around. But if the Wizard lives in a town or city, it might take some time for the Dragon to come around. It’s not that they don’t care, but dragons are more solitary creatures. Either way, they enjoy each other's company & the dragon likes to ask questions about different thingamabobs on the Wizard's shelves.
They can both be pretty clingy but that’s sometimes a bit tough to handle because the poor wizard has to be extra careful, especially with pouring bottles or waving their wand around if they’re not even two feet apart. Doesn’t mind but sometimes will complain a bit if their partner won’t stay cooperate.
Extra Duo!
Since I loved the superhero one a lot I thought of another one: what if a Hero’s Sidekick & a Villain’s Henchman fall in love!
The Henchman does end up giving Sidekick any tips about their next plan. Cue the Villain throwing a tantrum in their lair wondering why the Hero is always one step ahead of them. 😅
They like to hangout in civilian settings together! Bonus if they found out their secret identities on accident lol
Extra Bonus if the Henchman or both villains become heroes at the end!
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pygmalimoon · 10 months
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[30th] Heart by Heart 🖤💙🖤💜➰🪽
Someone comes into your world, suddenly your world has changed forever. No there's no one else's eyes, that could see into me.
—Heart by Heart by Demi Lovato
🪄🔮 Wizards || Shadowhunters➰🪽
Love some talented magical cute little girls with unlimited potential and their tall mysterious british gothic sexy mess XD
commission done by @\taoxier
It's the full crossover with TMI (The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare) this time. I did one last year too~ | love both Wizards and TMI so much, and here is Clairxie (Douxie Casperan x Claire Nuñez) crossover with Clace (Jace Herondale x Clary Fairchild), my two OTPs yayy!!
Look at them!!✨✨
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(Their incredible parallel awww
Inspired by City of Bones 2013 Movie version.
Prohibit use & reproduce or AI study my post and don’t be plagiarism and inspiration thief.🚫❌
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takaraphoenix · 2 months
Hiya! Can I ask Detective Conan for the ship ask game? It was the first fandom that made me follow you :) thank you and take care!
Of course you can!! Thanks for playing! ^-^
First OTP: Yeah, it really was KaiShin, they got me from the get-go
favorite non-canon ship: also KaiShin. I am very faithful here
favorite canon ship: mmmmh my favorite is probably Makoto and Sonoko because I love Sonoko so much and I want her to be loved and cherished the way she deserves and Makoto does that
favorite m/m ship: not to repeat myself but yeah KaiShin
favorite f/f ship: Sera and Ran holy shit they took my heart in a STORM
favorite m/f ship: yeah Makoto and Sonoko
favorite OT3: SaguKaiShin, I think Saguru is a wonderful addition to KaiShin :3
favorite OT4 or more: The Gosho Boys, for sure. There's something really interesting about their dynamic. Though I would be intrigued by SaguKaiShinAo, on account of loving SaguAo and KaiAo and having grown interested in ShinAo after I wrote them platonically in White Collar Phantom Thief
favorite brOTP: Shinichi and Heiji for sure!!
ship I wish was canon: Controversally, I don't need my OTPs to be canon. Though I do think that SeraRan would make for a wonderful canon ship, especially with their set-up, and after all the lies and stuff I just... I don't find Shinichi rewarding as her endgame, personally?
ship I wish wasn’t canon: Shinichi and Ran
most underrated ship: SAGUSHIN THEY ARE SUCH A MATCH BUT THERE IS SOOO LITTLE CONTENT FOR THEM. HOW. Two Holmes geek teen detectives obsessed with Kaitou KID
most overrated ship: yeah Shininchi and Ran, again, but not even necessarily in the fandom space - more in canon. I'm never overly keen on canon ships where the authors overcompensate by making too many other people ship them in universe, and ship them loudly
NOTP: I feel like if you read this post carefully, you can deduce the answer to this xD"
Ship Ask Game
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anghraine · 2 months
your blog is great, and you talk about your interests in such a compelling way! out of curiosity, who would you say are your top 10 fictional characters of all time? also, do you use twitter?
Thank you very much! It's hard to be entirely accurate about my personal top ten, but I still enjoyed thinking about it rather than about being sick and miserable, lol, so here's my attempt to come up with a Faves of Ultimate Destiny list.
(This isn't necessarily about evaluating their worth as characters or even as people, but just how much raw affection I feel. It's also not ranked, just the order in which I thought of them!)
Fitzwilliam Darcy from Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (the book character specifically) — I know, nobody is surprised. He actually is my #1 choice.
Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars original trilogy — it's always hard for me to choose between him, his father, and his sister, but ultimately, I feel the most powerfully about Luke. I'm not here for soft, sunshiny fanon Luke, but I am super here for a Luke whose personal kindness, strength, and powerful loyalties mingle with his struggle against rage, fear, even hatred, and an inclination to idealize martial violence and solve his problems with it, yet who comes out the other side as the kind of Jedi that Anakin might have been rather than the authorities around Luke succeeding in forging him into something alien to his true nature.
Faramir from JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (very definitely the book character specifically) — again, I'm not super into soft and accommodating mundane guy Faramir, but very into the interplay of his basic compassion and gentleness with the repeated descriptions of him as stern, commanding, willful, and just really fucking strange. I love others a lot but no one can take his crown. (He may be uncrowned in canon but not in my heart!)
Gwen Thackeray from Guild Wars: Prophecies and Guild Wars: Eye of the North, games which most of you haven't played and I suspect would not enjoy for dated mechanics reasons, but which won my heart in the original tutorial zone. I have an explanation about Gwen's greatness here.
Attolia Irene from Megan Whalen Turner's The Queen's Thief books, but especially The Queen of Attolia. She's so precisely tailored to my tastes in female characters that I was kind of astounded, even though I read the books specifically for her based on my friends' TQT blogging. I mostly don't talk about her on this blog, but my feelings are really strong!
Aravis Tarkheena from CS Lewis's The Horse and His Boy. I know everything wrong with Narnia and specifically with THHB, but Aravis, what an icon.
Tarrlok from Avatar: The Legend of Korra. This is another close competition (with his brother Noatak/Amon along with both members of my beloved OTP, Korra/Kuvira), but if I'm being honest, he's the one who scrapes into the fave Avatar character slot. I've loved a lot of tragic villains, but he's really top tier.
Annabella from John Ford's seventeenth-century revenge tragedy 'Tis Pity She's a Whore. The title is quasi-ironic; it comes from a dismissive description of her by a super corrupt Catholic cardinal. Both the title and subject matter (murder, consensual sibling incest, a ton of misogyny) can make it a difficult play for some. But for me, Annabella is really what makes the play succeed on its own terms and outshine its Shakespearean inspiration.
Cesare Borgia from Showtime's The Borgias. In my heart this slot goes to both him and his sister Lucrezia (where #8 is definitely Annabella's alone, although I like Giovanni; if only S1 existed this slot would be rightfully Lucrezia's). But if I have to choose between them in the context of the show, I felt his arc was smoother and more coherent and satisfying throughout the show as a whole, so my love for him is less impeded by frustration.
I wasn't actively trying to only choose one character per canon, though it's wound out that way, but here's the exception: Cassian Andor from the 2016 Star Wars film Rogue One (and only that film—I'm not here for the novelization or other EU depictions or Andor or anything except what's in the movie). He's a gift of a character I never expected Star Wars to provide, and half of the only romance in SW that seriously matters to me.
Honorable "rewired my brain" mentions: Moiraine Damodred from Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time (also in the show!), Sandrilene fa Toren from Tamora Pierce's Emelan books, and Lessa from Anne McCaffrey's Pern books were all deeply formative.
As for Twitter:
I definitely don't use it any more. I used to have multiple accounts, though I wasn't super active outside of academia/chatting with RL friends and the occasional random scholar who deigned to notice me. Twitter wasn't really the natural platform for my preferred "LJ fandom expat" style of online writing, and was mostly stuff like this:
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[Damn, I had no idea what was coming with "AI" ... anyway.]
I was deciding whether to keep using Twitter as the Elon purchase was going down, and then he immediately did an antisemitism and I immediately cut all use of it. I later got around to locking down all three accounts; I only maintain them to control the usernames. Most of the people I knew on Twitter joined Bluesky around the same time as me, or can be more easily reached on Discord now. I mostly use Bluesky when I feel like microblogging, but it's not a feeling that often besets me.
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arendaes · 3 months
woljif thoughts, please and thank you!
Thank you Kate! My sneaky purple boy 💜
How I feel about this character
Woljif was my first favorite character in the game! He had me at "Hey, gorgeous" and has not let my heart go since, which is proof he's an excellent thief 😌
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Besides Ariadne, Daeran has always been my favorite person to ship him with. Putting them into a throuple was such a natural move; I'm surprised I resisted the urge for so long.
And of course I'd be remiss if I didn't mention my moots' OCs as well - I love seeing how everyone envisions their KC's relationship with him developing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
I love his and Seelah's relationship so much. It's very older sister-younger brother to me and I love that Seelah sees the good in him and the parallels in their lives. I doubt Woljif's ever going to go off and become a paladin, but I still love her for trying and showing him she cares.
His and Sosiel's relationship also makes me laugh. Like Seelah I think Sosiel sees a lot of potential in him and is trying to gently guide him to a better path. Plus, that one banter where Woljif spins a scheme to sell a succubus to the Church of Shelyn is hilarious and Sosiel's reaction is adorable.
On a less ethical side, I think he and Nenio also have an interesting dynamic, and I can absolutely see Woljif incorporating her experiments into his schemes. Very wacky duo, I love them a lot.
My unpopular opinion about this character
IDK how unpopular this is, but Woljif being a Calistrian is a big part of my understanding of his character. His vision in Areelu's lab, coupled with the chip we see on his shoulder from the moment we meet him just scream "Calisitrian!" to me. He definitely feels like he's been denied something he's owed, which he has, but he won't admit what it actually is he wants and has in fact convinced himself it's something he doesn't want. To me that's part of what makes his character so interesting and compelling - seeing him come to value friendship and interpersonal relationships more than material wealth and power makes his personal arc is so rewarding.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
HAHAH I feel like the answer there might be a bit obvious. At the very least the option to give a cherry roll and kiss hug at the end of his questline.
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storyofmychoices · 9 months
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I can't believe we've reached the end of 2023. It was an up and down year for me personally. I've been struggling more with my health in these last couple of months with little answers as of now. But I'm grateful to be able to come here and interact with this fandom. I am so grateful to all the amazing people that are still here. We may be small, but this fandom has such heart. I have loved finding new people to follow and become friends with this year. I've loved hosting the book clubs and getting to know people and their MCs better through that. 2023 in the fandom is definitely one to remember.
I am proud of all the things I've written this year. It has been fun to continue exploring my OTPs. If I counted correctly, I shared 74 stories. It's not my most active year, but it's more than I thought I had.
Thank you to everyone who has ever supported me and my writing. I can't tell you how much it means to me.
I hope everyone has a beautiful and amazing 2024. May only good things come your way 💛💛💛
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU]  [Red Carpet Diaries]
New Traditions (+ Art):Thomas and Alex try to enjoy some lights at a holiday festival.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley[Open Heart]
After Dark (text fic): Olivia finds an unexpected advertisement on Instagram.
A Winter’s Walk/Snow Angels (+ Art): Bryce and Olivia take an evening walk in the park following a snow storm.
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU]  [Red Carpet Diaries]
Distraction: Thomas is the guest of honor at a party in December, but our favorite grumpy director would rather be somewhere else.
Hoppy Easter: Alex gets her family together for a perfect Easter photo.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley[Open Heart]
After Dark II: Satisfaction Guaranteed: Bryce has a special surprise waiting for Olivia.
Dance With Me (+ Art) : Bryce and Olivia take an afternoon walk in the park and things take an interesting turn.
Texting Gone Wrong (text fic): Olivia accidentally sends a picture meant for Bryce to Tobias. [featuring Tobias x Casey]
Happy Birthday, Olivia (+ Art): Bryce has a special surprise for Olivia to celebrate her birthday (March 9).
Unspoken: Olivia comforts Bryce after a difficult day at the hospital.
An Early Morning:Bryce attempts to get up early to start his day.
Flipping Love (+Art): Bryce attempts to make pancakes for Olivia.
Our Future Doctor (+Art):  Bryce and Olivia enjoy the morning with their daughter.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow]
A Thief in the Gardens (+ Art): Mal and Daenarya are idiots in love (is that a synopsis?)
Daenarya Character Profile
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU]  [Red Carpet Diaries]
Love Among the Pages: Thomas and Alex enjoy a quiet afternoon reading.
Together As One: Thomas and Alex enjoy a quiet movie night in.
No Greater Gift : Thomas enjoys a tender moment on Father’s Day.
The Bogart Diaries #37: A Special Day:  Thomas has a surprise for Alex and Bogart on this very special day.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley[Open Heart]
This is Survival: Olivia and Bryce have two very different approaches for dealing with Zombies. [Zombie AU]
Breathe: Olivia leads a yoga breathing lesson for some of her patients
Whispers of the Sea: Bryce and Olivia enjoy a day at the beach. (Pregnancy fic)
Babysitting: Olivia overhears Bryce say he “needs to babysit” Malia.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow]
A Meadow Affair [OT3]: Mal, Daenarya, and Nia are enjoying a lazy picnic in a secluded meadow.
Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
Dealing with a Narcissist : Lilah is attempting to read a new case file but Trystan is being distracting.
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU + Red Carpet Diaries]
In the Stillness of Sunrise:  Thomas and Alex share a soft morning moment.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley[Open Heart]
A Sweet Surprise: Bryce helps Olivia surprise her pediatric patients with a cool, sweet treat.
Can I Have this Dance?: Some dances last a few minutes, others a lifetime, but every so often, there’s one that lasts forever.
Anchored in Love: Bryce and Olivia share a tender moment between patients.
The Warmth of Love (Bryce x Olivia): Morning snuggles with Bryce and Olivia aka the literal sunshine couple.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow]
Beyond Riverbend: A Kit's Call to Adventure:A certain smug adventure has gotten under Daenarya’s skin, but she won’t let him define her.
The Reign of a Short King: Mal is very insistent that a half inch makes all the difference… in his height 😉 
How to Distract a Rogue : Daenarya devises a new way to keep Mal distracted.
Old Hair, New Look: Daenarya has a few thoughts about Mal’s new armor (from Blades 2) + ART
Crime and Punishment: Mal expresses the idea of never leaving bed, but Daenarya has an idea of her own.
Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
Close Talking: Lilah is at the office, typing up her report on the Iverson Ball, when Trystan stops by to check on her.
Happy 4th with Marple: Lilah shares a celebratory pictagram post featuring Marple
Troy Hassan x Astraea Callen [Wake the Dead]
The Princess + The Dragon: Astraea is ready to start the day, but Troy just wants to sleep.
Shadows and Deceptions: A Royal Murder Mystery (Mini Series) [TRR, COP, BOLAS, & D&D]
In the heart of Cordonia’s grand ballroom, an eclectic cast of characters gathers, their lives interwoven as a result of a shocking turn of events. Trystan Thorne, the exiled prince with a taste for mystery, Olivia Nevrakis, the snarky Duchess skilled with daggers, Tyril Starfury, the noble elf Lord a defender of the realm, Amalas, the enigmatic spy queen, and Prince Hamid, the charming and formal imperial prince. Amidst the grand party of the birth of King Liam’s third heir, Princess Ariana, the joyous celebration is broken by a piercing scream, a dead body, and a room full of royal suspects.
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU + Red Carpet Diaries]
Coffee + Dinosaurs:  Alex has a coffee fueled idea. (We should all be worried 😉)
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley[Open Heart]
Tides of Change: With the news of the spreading wildfires on the picturesque island he grew up on, Bryce knows he can't sit by and do nothing.
Pages of Emotion: Olivia and Bryce enjoy a quiet evening of reading on the porch of their new house.
Mystery Unlocked: Ethan keeps skipping out on their Escape the Room group date nights, so they bring the mystery to him. feat: Tobias x Casey, Ethan x Merida
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow]
Restless Shadows: Daenarya puts on a brave face during the day, but alone at night, she's haunted by her grief.
Chosen by Light: Mal has some questions for Daenarya after seeing her use Light magic.
A Royal Portrait: Daenarya and Maiele pose for a royal portrait, while Tyril and Mal discuss their partners. feat: Tyril x Maiele
The Cutest Goof: Daenarya has some thoughts on Mal's new armor.
Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
Between Coffee & Cases: an unexpected day: Lilah is pouring over the clues they've uncovered, looking for the missing piece, when Trystan surprises her with a special offer.
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Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley [Open Heart]
Our Little Girl: Bryce and Olivia head to their latest ultra sound appointment to find out the gender of their little one
Obvious Secrets: Olivia and Bryce are at the beer garden with friends and she has a (not so secret) secret to share with him.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow]
Shadows of Hope: She was there, and then she was gone. Mal would move heaven and earth to bring her back, but what happens when he can't? [Blades 2, Chapter 1]
Her Legacy:She may be gone, but she could never be forgotten. She lives on in the stories he tells and the hope he inspires. [Blades 2, Chapter 2]
A Quest for Daenarya: After hearing her stories, Thalassa, Ovisa, and Lysander decide it is their quest to bring Daenarya back to Mal, they just never imagined it would be so easy. [Blades 2, Chapter 3]
Sculpting Desires: (Mal x Daeny, Mal x Tyril, Tyril x Maiele): Daenarya considers a possible future as a sculptor with a very willing model. [Blades 2, Chapter 5]
Go On, Feel It: Mal makes an offer Daenarya can’t refuse.
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Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer  [HollywoodU +Red Carpet Diaries]
Always and Whatever Comes Next (+ Art): Alex finally has a chance to teach Thomas how to ice skate.
Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley [Open Heart]
Obvious Secrets (+ Art): Olivia and Bryce are at the beer garden with friends and she has a (not so secret) secret to share with him.
Our Little Pumpkin (+ Art): Olivia and Bryce are on the quest for the perfect pumpkin
Thanksgiving's Little Miracle: Happy Birthday, Malia! (+ Art) : Bryce and Olivia celebrate the birth of their daughter, Malia.
Cuddles and Curiosities: Olivia & Bryce cuddle with their almost 2 week old baby girl.
The Greatest Gift: There is just one last gift that needs to be wrapped.
Impossibly Perfect (+ Art): Bryce, Olivia, and Keiki are taking a walk through the park on their way to do some last minute Christmas shopping.
Holiday Cheer (+ Art): Olivia, Merida (lilyoffandoms), and Casey (jerzwriter) decide to decorate the Diagnostic Office.
Mal Volari x Daenarya [Blades of Light and Shadow]
Vintage Dreams: Mal and Daenarya drink some wine and have some fun. [with Tyril x Maiele]
Drunk on Love: Mal is very drunk, but he is also very much in love with Daenarya.
A Development of Sorts: Daenarya has some complicated feelings about her best friend, Maiele. Mal is a huge gossip and can't wait to share. [with Tyril x Maiele, Tyril x Mal, Maiele x Daenarya]
The Rogues Embrace (+ Art): Mal loves talking. Tyril is tired of listening and has found a good way to shut him up, even if just for a moment. [Tyril x Mal]
Beneath the Mistletoe: Daenarya and Maiele find themselves beneath the mistletoe. [Maiele x Daenarya, Tyril x Mal]
Mal the Magnificent: Young Mal Volari gets a bucket stuck on his head. [Blades Prequel]
The Promise of Tomorrow (+Art): Mal and Daenarya share a moment together the morning after her return. [This follows The Quest for Daenarya] [Blades 2, Chapter 3]
Torn: Daenarya is back and trying to process what happened. [Blades 2, Chapter 4]
The Princess of Parnassus and The Trophy Husband (+ Art): Daenarya and Mal enjoy a much needed relaxing afternoon while contemplating what comes next. [Blades 2, post book]
Trystan Thorne x Lilah Rose [Crimes of Passion]
No Kissing (+ Art): After the events of Drakovia, Lilah has a new rule. No kissing while on a case.
Follow Your Heart to New York (+ Art): Trystan and Lilah share a quiet moment in the city that never sleeps.
Levi Schuler x Laura Day [Mother of the Year]
Flickers of Light (+ Art): Levi and Lily celebrate Hanukkah, despite some reluctance.
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kidheart · 7 months
I'm kidheart. I've been back to writing fiction since 2018 after a long hiatus. I primarily write fics for Mighty Ducks the Animated Series and Dungeons and Dragons. Those at times overlap, because at the core of both I love to write for OTP, a thief named Duke, and a dragonblooded woman named Heart. Together they tackle different adventures, whether they are in the Mighty Ducks stories with their teammates, or in a party of adventurers made up by my friends or myself. At the center of every version are the two finding one another, learning to trust one another, falling in love, healing trauma, and fighting alongside one another. They often have different lifetimes or aus to explore different sorts of adventures and worlds. Still at the core, it's the two of them and allies they meet along the way. Lots of found family, uncovering magic, and lots of romance. Though due to the nature of the ravenloft setting in dnd, I also dabble with horror and overcoming it.
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
Shameless! Your responses to AU prompts make me shameless!!
So i have a new AU to propose. I think that every set of OTPs should have a 'Thomas Crown Affair' (1999) AU. I'm agnostic as to who gets to be the sexy Gentleman Thief rich guy and who gets to be the sexy rough retrieval specialist, but there are points that recommend either Hob or Dream for either role (this fandom is flexible like that). Morally grey sexy times for the win.
So the scene - their initial relationship of smart one upmanship, being sexy and sparkling around each other, is changing. Of course they want each other -- equals, sexy, 'wanna bite' -- but they kind of respect each other at this point and this is the night that they finally give in.
Banter, snark, and shoving each other up against the wall; coming at least twice, against each other, before they even get all their clothes off. It's just sex, they are not catching feels, but god how good is the sex.
I ABSOLUTELY love the idea of the gentleman thief. I kinda love the idea of Hob in that role because I think he would get bored just being a rich guy. He's definitely addicted to danger and maybe gets a little bit turned on by the idea of getting away with criminal acts. Meanwhile there's art expert and insurance guy Dream who's determined to bring down the thief.
The trouble is that they're absolutely attracted to each other from the moment they meet. Just imagine Hob saying "do you want to dance? Or do you want to DANCE?" to Dream <333 and oh, the shenanigans. Dream trying to be seductive, Hob taking Dream to his ridiculously beautiful private island. Hob pulling all kinds of tricks with the stolen art and always getting away with it, even though Dream is always just one step behind.
And of course all the passion explodes and Dream gets his claws into Hob’s perfectly tailored suit. They fuck on the floor like animals, biting and snarling at each other. Hob is grinning madly and Dream wants to bite the smirk off his face but settles for kissing instead, while Hob ruts against his thigh. It's quick, dirty and insane and it certainly isn't over after round one. Maybe Hob’s found something else he wants to steal... Dream’s heart, perhaps?
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claudiablogger · 15 days
idk if they are gonna put lestat through the ringer but i would really like if they don’t make loustat endgame or whatever,like it doesn’t make sense,i really don’t want to see louis going back to him lmao i know im delusional but i hope the show will change the otps like anne rice really wanted,she was right hating on loustat lol it should be lesmand+that creep british hag david,and not louis ty
scream i sounded hopeless in my post didn't i. but this is horror and s3 is lestat (loustat) so i have faith. no one hates lestat more than a girl who is him so i do sympathize w yr dreams and wishes but i fear he's the one for louis.....especially now that claudia is dead. like i said louis isn't avoidant and after the second interview he wants to come to terms with his grief and keep paul and claudia in him and lestat is a big part of the latter (everything is abt loustat except loustat which is abt claudia, etc) especially now that louis knows he didn't kill claudia but still has a lot to atone for. like despite it all he still loves lestat and moreover he loves the family they were.....god. i do love and appreciate how this show is engaging w themes of forgiveness and redemption and how neither of these are necessary for louis to embrace her love for lestat, because most of all that love is a part of herself. it's not for his benefit. and as for lestat and his love.....when you've done the worst thing you can to another person--when you've said the unsayable and committed to the unforgivable-- what does it mean to build a love on that horror and that grief.....i have to say im a sucker for a narrative that explores personhood through and beyond monstrosity (<- queen's thief enjoyer) and lestat exemplifies that currently in 2022, mired in grief, wanting louis despite knowing he shouldn't. endgame loustat is less about louis going back to him (lestat has lived in his heart for over a hundred years. you carry him in here ! you slow us down) and more about lestat's growth and louis' acceptance of being seen; they have all of eternity to return to each other. and again what could induce two people to coexist with unimaginable horror and pain that one of them inflicted on the other....how they leave the damage so they never forget the damage.....honoring claudia and honoring louis' love for what they had. there is something to be said for lesmand and finding relief and recognition in the worst versions of each other but lestat could never betray claudia or louis by going back to armand at this point imo. plus well our louis is actually interesting + kind of a freak she needs someone who matches that and we know lestat has the game. sigh. who's david <3
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suddenrundown · 2 years
heartsong au eliot is famous for wearing his heart on his sleeve more than anyone else but the one time it ever lied was after the boys night out job and, with lupe on his lap, he sang midnight sky
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
Falling for Hogan's Heroes - Day 1: Holidays
German winters had always been cold. Freezing cold. Inhumanly cold. But this one seemed incredibly cruel. Newkirk tried to fold himself into his greatcoat as much as possible, but to no avail. The gaseous ice still managed to creep through the gaps. On top of that, the sky was pitch black. On nicer days, you could see the stars during morning roll calls or at least the moon, but today the sky was covered in clouds. Next to him on either side, Colonel Hogan had frozen into a solid pole and LeBeau seemed very determined to roll himself up like a cat. To think that this would go on for two more months… Bloody icy hell.
Finally, the door to the Kommandant’s Office was flung open and Klink marched out. He, too, seemed far too uncomfortable. Then why were they doing this? Army regulations, yeah, yeah… What a bunch of rubbish.
“Report”, Klink croaked, only to clear his throat and try again. “Report, Schultz!”
“Everyone is here, Herr Kommandant!” Schultz replied.
That was when Newkirk finally thawed a little. The only good thing about this whole mess of a morning had stepped into his view. Standing in front of the Kommandantur in her long wool coat with its thick fur collar was Vicky, his lovely Vicky.
With that word, it was about to be over. In this cold, it was probably for the best that Vicky would disappear into the Kommandantur again, just like how Newkirk would flee to the barracks. But as Klink turned around on his heels, Vicky headed away from the Kommandantur instead, walking straight towards the prisoners. She was clutching a notepad to her chest as if it would keep her warm.
“Gentlemen”, Vicky said as soon as she reached the prisoners. She had a smile that could warm you up even if you turned into an icicle. It felt like home, like a warm fireplace and a cup of tea. “Would you mind letting me take shelter with you?”
“Certainly, Frau Brandt”, Hogan replied before Newkirk could and motioned her inside.
But this time, Newkirk was faster in following her. As soon as the door closed behind them, Newkirk wrapped an arm around Vicky’s waist. Her face still radiated warmth.
“Good mornin’, me love, aren’t you lookin’ wonderful.”
“And aren’t you a charmer today”, Vicky chuckled. “Would you hold this, please?” She held the notepad out to him.
“Anything for you.”
“What a gentleman. - Did someone put something in his coffee this morning?” she asked as she took off her hat and coat and threw them over Newkirk’s bunk.
“He hasn’t had his coffee yet”, Kinch remarked.
Prompted by this and with an affirmative yawn, LeBeau started making some.
“I can’t believe I even made it this far without falling back asleep”, Carter murmured as he let himself drop back onto his bed.
“Well, you might want to stay awake for just a bit longer”, Vicky suggested.
With another one of her radiant smiles, she took the notepad back. Following this, Newkirk also took his coat off but his eyes kept trailing back to Vicky’s beauty. She was right, he was very affectionate today. Maybe it was the cold that made him want to be close to her or maybe he was falling even further for her.
“Got a message for us?” Hogan asked as he wiped the now molten snow off of his cap.
“No, I’m here to collect one.”
“But London didn’t send anything”, Kinch said.
“I never said anything about London, my friend.”
Excitement glowing in her eyes, Vicky pulled a pen from the side of the notepad. She wrote down a heading in her small, cursive handwriting. At the same time, Newkirk sat down at the table and extended his hand out to her. Without resistance, she let herself be pulled closer before settling down in his lap. Now beaming with happiness himself, Newkirk wrapped himself around her. Not even Hogan’s glare at their behaviour could tint this euphoria. Especially not Hogan’s glare. This was heaven.
“Since the holidays are coming up”, Vicky said slowly, as if her brain slowed down from being this close to Newkirk, her cheeks a soft pink, “I’ve decided to collect your wishes if you have any. I could get you pretty much anything you want. High society has its ties.”
“Awwwww, but we can’t get you anything in return”, Carter protested. “We can’t just have you be our Mrs Claus!”
Quickly, everyone else also joined Carter’s statement. Newkirk felt all warm and fuzzy inside. It was a weird feeling but he liked it. On top of that, it gave him ideas. He leaned forward slightly and whispered in Vicky’s ear:
“All I wish for is that you’ll be mine.”
Then, he quickly pressed a kiss against her jaw. Vicky squealed quietly and turned a fiery red. Actually, what he had told her had been the truth. There were times he would kill for just one kiss. Though these little teases were sweet and fun, he kept imagining how her lips would feel against his and he couldn’t help but dream of feeling the skin of her hips against his hands.
Unfortunately, this little playtime was over soon. Schultz came to the barracks, forcing Vicky and Newkirk to move apart. Since she could get no solid wishes from anyone, Vicky soon left, leaving Newkirk to bathe in Hogan’s scolding gazes. Carter’s statement that they had nothing to give had gotten him thinking. Yes, they couldn’t go out and buy things, especially not things that were fitting to Vicky’s status, but that didn’t mean they had nothing to give. That night, Newkirk started his little plan. He knew Vicky would still get everyone gifts. That was just her nature. But he was also determined to give her something back.
Christmas came both slower and faster than expected. As was German tradition, celebrating started on the 24th and Newkirk also knew that Christmas Eve was when Vicky would give out the gifts due to practicality and maybe due to habit. Overall, this day was almost pleasant. It wasn’t too cold, the food was at least slightly edible, the prisoners had gotten the privilege of warm water until midday the next day… Still, during the evening roll call, Newkirk’s mind was still in the barracks, specifically in the tunnel beneath it. He knew that, right now, while everyone was outside and Klink held his Christmas speech, Vicky had to be giving out the gifts. But what she had to not be expecting was that Newkirk had also placed a gift for her.
Finally, the roll call was over and everyone moved back inside. Carter was the first to spot his gift, a box placed on his bed. It even had proper wrapping paper around it, something Newkirk had not had. Quickly, he swung up onto his bunk. The package he had wrapped was gone, along with the note. So she had found it. In the very same spot the package had been now lay a smaller one and a box in shining wrapping paper. Carefully, Newkirk cut open the tape on the box with his knife. At the same time, Carter rejoiced about a new set of flasks for his lab and LeBeau had unwrapped a shiny new pot and a spoon with a ribbon on it. Inside of Newkirk’s box lay a deck of cards and a blue, embroidered pin cushion with a few needles. He smiled lightly. Handmade for sure. Vicky loved embroidery. Meanwhile, Kinch was grinning over boxing gloves that had cushioned some radio parts and tools inside. Hogan had received his very own box of cigars and was smiling fondly at it. Now, Newkirk took his second gift in his hands. It had the shape of a tiny pillow and also felt like one. There was definitely some sort of cushion inside but it had a certain weight too. Carefully, Newkirk removed the wrapping paper, then unfolded the small, thick blanket inside. What he saw beneath it stopped his heartbeat for a moment. A knife! A beautiful knife! An actual throwing knife! However she had gotten hold of this, who knew, but it was wonderful. Now especially, he hoped Vicky had taken his note seriously. Hiding his gifts and the wrapping paper under his blanket and pillows, he hopped off his bed and opened the tunnel entrance. He quickly descended the ladder, then looked around.
Quickly, Newkirk followed Vicky’s voice, his heart jumping in his chest. When he turned the corner, he forgot to breathe. She looked even more beautiful than he had expected. A sense of pride rushed through him. His gift to her had been a dress, something Newkirk rarely got to make and he feared may not have gone well, but to see it on her now… It fit perfectly. The collar framed her neck nicely, the belt accentuated her waist, the sleeves and skirt were just the right length and the color suited her perfectly. Vicky smiled warmly, her hands hidden behind her back, an anticipating glow in her eyes. Then, she pulled out a mistletoe from behind her and held it over her head.
“Your wish.”
Newkirk beamed. Quickly, he walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her. Her lips were sweet and warm, just like how he imagined them to be. For a while, he forgot about everything. About Colonel Hogan’s disapproval, about the guards walking right above them, about the entire war. For now, it was just them. Their kiss lingered for a long time and when they parted, they stayed in each other’s arms, enjoying each other’s warmth.
“This is the best Christmas I’ve ever ‘ad”, Newkirk sighed.
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detectivelokis · 1 year
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she stole the thief’s heart
Thank you so very much to @sstewyhosseini for surprising me with the cutest belated birthday gift made by the very talented @somewillwin 🖤 Look at that tenderness and the way she’s fixing him up. Their little faces and her dress. My OTP 🤧
Thank you, Mika! This made my afternoon so much better.
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lady-phasma · 2 years
That time Neil Gaiman gave us the otp and shattered our hearts into a million pieces. Sexy and her Thief.
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The Doctor's Wife - Season 6 Episode 4
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terapsina · 2 years
Question of the hour. Can someone figure out what my shipping type is through ten of my all time favorite OTPs?
I ask because I can't.
1. Swan Queen.
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Enemies to Friends to Lovers. Angst. The Evil Queen and the Savior. Divorced Moms Feeling. Co-parenting their kid plus town. Battle Couple. Obsessed With Each Other's Happy Ending.
2. Elejah.
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Tragically Opposite Sides. Mirrors of Each Other. Loyalty. Family. Betrayal. Humanity. Mutual Respect. Regret. Cruelty. Inherent Understanding of What Makes The Other Tick. Full of Weirdly Reciprocated Awe. Casually Dropping 'Always and Forever' in Basically a Love Letter.
3. Pardison.
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Utterly Fluffy. Sweet. Friends to Lovers. The Hacker and the Thief. Each Other's Safe Space. Good Communication. Rock-solid Foundation. Completely Without Problematic Aspects and Yet Extremely Interesting.
4. Hizzie.
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Enemies to Friends to Enemies to Friends to Lovers. Squabbling Like an Old Married Couple. Bitches Against The World. But Also Very Soft. Actually Kinda Obsessed With Each Other. Would Kill For Each Other. Would Also Occasionally Want to Murder Each Other. Right Person, Wrong Time. More Romantic Than They Think They Are. Multiple Jealousy Scenes.
5. Bellarke.
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The Sloooooowest of Burns. The Head and The Heart. Everyone Including Their Friends, Their Families, Their Antagonists and Their Separate Love Interests Sees It. Completely In Love With Each Other. Being Apart Breaks Them. Each Other's Weak Spot. Also Each Other's Strength. Absolute Idiots. Not Actually Unrequited.
6. Graylora.
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My Newest Babes. The Prince Turned Mage and the Destined Empress. Initially Unrequited. Friends to Future Lovers. Inspire Hope in Each Other. Find Strength Through The Other's Faith. Awkward Turtleducks. Seeking Purpose and Fearing Destiny. Torn Apart and Longing To Reunite. Tragic "Death" Scene and Savage Vengeful Reaction.
7. Clizzy.
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Tactile Agony. No But Seriously So Much Touching. Meet-cute Head Bump. Constant Overt Flirting. BFFs to lovers. Falling For Her Brother's Girlfriend. More Chemistry Than The Canon Wants to Allow. Delicious Vibes Of Undercurrent Longing. Just Kiss You Fools.
8. Spuffy.
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Enemies to Reluctant Allies to Squabbling Children to Nearly Frenemies to Almost Friends to Doomed Lovers to Actual Friends to Lovers. They're a Comedy. They're a Tragedy. They Don't Work and Yet They Do. They're a Rollercoaster of Pain. They Can Be Alone Together. They Trusted Each Other Even Back Before They Liked Each Other. They've Seen The Best and The Worst Of Each Other. No Other Ship Has Hurt Me As Much as This One. The Slayer and The Vampire Who Got His Soul For Her.
9. Kahlan/Cara.
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The Mother Confessor and The Mord Sith. Reluctant Allies to Enemies to Friends to Lovers. The Confessor Who Chose to Spare Her Sister's Killer. And The Trained Killer Who Couldn't Make Herself Kill The Confessor Even To Save Her. Even Though She Has Magic Resurrection Powers. TWICE. Sexual Tension Oozing Through The Screen. Kahlan Wouldn't Be Able to Confess Cara Either, Fight Me.
10. Green Queens.
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Two Sociopathic Queens In Love. Would Totally Enslave The Galaxy If Their Families Didn't Hit Them Over The Heads With Rolled Up Newspapers and Say 'NO! BAD QUEENS! No family dinners for you'. Would Do Cold Blooded Slaughter For Each Other. Kinda Have Actually. Sharing Immortality Because What's The Point of Living Forever if They're Not Together.
So that's it. Ten of my favorite ships. Do they have a common element? I don't know, I'VE certainly never been able to identify one.
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