#otome fans
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pandamimi · 3 months ago
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Lucifer and Simeon trying way too hard, and Mammon simply said, "Cover it up, Slŭts!" And came home smoothly 😌
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sapphireicecream · 11 months ago
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theshyreader · 4 months ago
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Some quick doodles of Mr Crawling since he has been on my mind for a HOT minute, planning on making some more art of him soon too! I also got the designs of him as buttons on Redbubble for those who are interested! I'll see if I can make them into stickers when I get the time!
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aluadenoite · 7 months ago
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I am actively ripping my hair our omg, my hand is so sore and my brain feels drained but at last I finished!! I don’t know why this piece took so much longer than I expected lol
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kqnai · 2 years ago
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based off one of his idle dialogues ☺️
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wildzo · 24 days ago
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my wittle merman 🫧🐚
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hellcatinnc · 1 year ago
Guys Of Love & Deepspace Perfect Partner - SFW Edition
Warning This includes: SFW(Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, romantic, cuddles, snuggling, romance, poetry, kisses, french kissing, breakfast in bed, pet names, cuddles from nightmares, taking care of you when your sick, care, cooking together, food, movie watching
Feature: x Fem! Reader
He challenges your mind and can talk to you about some of the most interesting things at times, however he can also bore you sometimes if he gets too lost in his medical advisories
if you ask nicely he will let you lay in his arms as he reads to you may not always be what you want to hear but its his way of comforting you
if you fall asleep on the couch he will carry you to bed and tuck you in, he doesn't want you getting chilly and catching cold
he will make you soup and make sure to have medicines on hand for you when your sick
he is the guy that when he kisses you he will always caress your cheek first before engulfing your lips into his
kissing is how he expresses his feelings sometimes when words escape him or he has a hard time expressing them. If he french kisses you while already kissing you then he is showing you the passion you bring out in him
he loves to take you to nice restaurants ones you been wanting to try and the money isn't a issue and he always pays even when you try he will take care of it before you even get a chance to try. He knows you don't have the money his job has and he wants to spend it on whatever your heart wants.
he loves taking you on vacations when his work allows its and tries to make as much time as he can to be on those vacations longer than just a day.
Even though he doesn't always show it due to lack there of knowing how to express how he feels sometimes, he is a doctor because he does care about people but he cares about you more than any of them and you should never forget that.
Most times he will use your name and not pet names but if your good and you beg him to show the endearments you might get him to call you honey or dear but in the bedroom you might just get called kitten if you ask nicely
he gives you the silent treatment when he is mad, but he can't stay mad with you long especially if you bug him and try to cuddle and kiss him he will forgive you in no time
he lectures you because he cares when it comes to your health and how you eat, granted you have to tune him out most times when you want that sweet piece of cake or that bowl of ice cream but he means well.
he is the guy that will put his coat around you when your cold
he carries candy with him all the time and in certain moments that may stress you out he will simply pull one out to make you smile again even if only for a little while
he has a sweet tooth but he tries to keep that from anyone knowing because well he is a heart doctor and telling people whats not healthy and to stay away from would just make him look like a hypocrite
he is very subtle when he does little things to impress you or let you know he cares, if you don't know him well enough you will miss these hints
he will carry an umbrella on rainy days and even when you forget yours, he may not say anything to you but when it starts pouring down he will just open his umbrella and put it over both of your heads
when he doesn't think your looking he will smile if nothing but for a moment because even though he spends so much time babbling about what you should do to change trust me he wants you just the way you are flaws and all even though he can't say it....yet!
he will call you after a late night at the hospital especially after a stressful day and although its a short call and you don't know why he is calling but its because after all the stress in his day your the only one that makes his heart a little lighter
he loves making little snow creatures for you to hold on to when he can't always be with you
he loves cats they fascinate him he loves to watch them as they bask in the sunlight or lay under a table. the first animal you two will probably get will be a cat
he likes sending you text messages some that are meaningless but they make him smile even if you can't always see him smile
He always spoons you every night before sleep
he is very romantic a bit of a hopeless romantic
loves to call you pet names like darling, baby, and honey
breakfast in bed when you worked so hard the day before
will run you bubble bath after a long day
never forgets birthdays, anniversaries, and especially not valentines' day this man lives for these holidays to shower you with gifts
he will stay by your side when your sick taking care of all your needs
he can be clingy but honestly in a good way its part of his charm
he does have abandonment issues but this means when he is loyal to you he will never ever leave you as long as you never leave him
he has lower self esteem than you think he does, he flirts and comes off that he has it all together but when he is vulnerable you can see the scared little boy under it all afraid to live without you and afraid he will mess it up and you leave
he will fall asleep with his head on your lap or lean against you so you can rub his hair
he may seem like a baby girl but down deep he really is just a genuine guy, yes a bit flirty but its all fluff to make you notice him because when you make those advances back you will leave him flustered.
he is very caring and will always be compassionate with your needs
he will always protect you and keep you safe. He is that guy that will pull you into his arms to shelter you from harm, or jump in front of a bullet if he feels its to save your life
he will fall asleep sitting on the couch, in a chair or against the wall because you had to work late and he refuses to go to bed without you.
he is the guy who likes matching shirts, or ones that say he is your is prince and your his princess
he will hold you hand any chance he gets but you can't just drop his hand whenever you want, when he slides his fingers between yours this isn't jsut regular pda he is telling you no matter where you are...you complete him!
he is the guy that will bring you an umbrella then pray you will put it aside and stand in the pouring rain with him. He will be that guy from romantic movie clique where he will pull you close while you are soaked to kiss your lips so tenderly you almost lose your breath.
he is very loyal and if he makes a promise its set in stone if he has to move heaven on earth or dive the lowest depths of the ocean he will make it happen
loves to recite poetry to you to show you his affection
he loves to give you compliments daily like your beautiful, stunning, a model or anything that makes you smile because that was his goal all along. He will do anything for that smile, that smile that you show to only him, its like no other smile that lights up your face and only he notices the difference.
He loves when you tell him about your day if you spend with friends or what not but he does get jealous if they made you smile because really he wants to be the only one that makes you smile. Then he might get pouty and ask if he can join next time.
he will take you to play the claw machine just so he can win every one of the plushies for you
he will take you to the arcade and he will play every game that gives him tickets so he can turn it in and surprise you with something you wanted from the prizes
he can be greedy when it comes to you, he is a introvert anyways so if he could keep you to himself and never share you well he would be in heaven
he likes to be playful in your banter with him he just enjoys this time together this is how he knows your the woman he wants to spend his life growing old with...yes he has been thinking about popping the question way before he should but he is waiting for the time to be the most romantic and when he doesn't think he will scare you away. Know this though he would have already married you if you would have let him.
he will carry your bags with no complaint
He likes to have a romantic night under the stars just you and him and a blanket with your favorite champagne or wine
he will keep the house clean and in order for you if your sick and can't do it because he knows it will be helpful for you
he will cook you a meal and alternate nights of when you cook and do the dishes however he isn't the best cook so be prepared to watch or help one
picnics are cute and sweet and he loves laying in the sunlight with you taking it all in and making memories
he is a good listener since he doesn't talk unless he needs to. He will lay with you for hours as you tell him the good and the bad in your day without every interrupting you or changing the subject.
he tries to be an optimist to keep you level when you feel like the world is caving in on you
when you cry he will be the first there to wipe those tears off your face and make sure you feel validated
he does have a mischievous/cheeky side to him that comes out when you least expect it
he will spend all day playing the claw machine even if he doesn't always understand the mechanics just so he can get the plushie you wanted most
he will turn on the shower and get your towel and stuff together just so you can have a nice hot shower...he might join you though ;)
he will go grocery shopping with you and carry those bags of groceries even though he complains a bit he really means nothing by it more of a banter than anything
he likes when you tug his shirt to let him know you don't want him to leave even if you didn't say it
he likes a good movie on the couch cuddled up next to you, after all the work he does everyday this is perfect way to relax with you in his arms.
he won't tell you but when you feed him things like strawberries by mouth you think he is focusing on the strawberries instead its the feel of your fingers touching his lips which make him want to kiss you, then when you put them in your mouth he can't take it any longer he will pull you in for a kiss by then.
he doesn't mind watching chic flicks with you and you talking about the lead actor being hot but he will sit there and tell you why all the reasons he is a better hunter and that this guy you find so hot to be the most horrible hunter he had ever seen...the green eyed devil bites him from time to time
when you fall asleep on him in a movie he will carry you to bed and tuck you in, he won't linger but thats because he respects you in that way
if you have a night mare he will run to your side comforting you. he will tuck your hair behind your ear, turn on the light by your bedside table and let you tell him about it, then he will tuck you back in bed and hold you the rest of the night to watch over you while you sleep
he likes to pick at you at times, like one night he woke you and you were calling his name, he reminded you that dreams are what you think about all day he will tell you with a joke that he knows now you were pining for him all day this is just some of his banter and fun ways he picks on you
when your hands are cold he will intertwine his fingers in your and rub them getting them nice and warm for you
if you find yourself in the hospital he will sit right there with you until your feeling better and can go home he will be very stern but thats cause he cares so if the doctor says lay down he will make sure you do if they say don't talk he will put his finger over your mouth to hush you. this is the serious side of him you never knew was there but he is worried cause you are in the hospital
he can be very over protective at times
when he has alone time with you he doesn't want to share it so he will mute your phone and his if it gets too annoying he will turn them off this is his time right now
he loves to snuggle into your lap and nuzzle into you this is the time you get to feel the closest to him, this is that bit of him thats vulnerable, that part that will admit that in his lifetime he has never met someone as special and as important to him as you are to him
he loves to sleep but has a hard time sleeping most places cause he always has his guard up but when he is in your arms he sleeps the best, soundly and feels safe with you even if he thinks he is the more skilled fighter
if you have something on your mouth he will lean into wipe it from your lips stealing a kiss while he is already there
he is very confident in himself even though he doesn't do well with others most times he is still comfortable in his own skin especially since your beside him touching that very skin as he loves when your caress his hands and arms when you are cuddled in a blanket on a cold day
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archaeren · 5 months ago
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Drawn, inked, and colored traditionally, assembled in Krita. WIP images below the cut.
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Art is of Tachibana Kisa and Tanakamigi Chui from the game Jack Jeanne
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obey-me-kiss · 14 days ago
Obey Me, Kiss: The Fan-Game
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We're working on a fangame, for Obey Me. Solmare might have ended the games, but we want to keep them going !!
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⟢ This will be a free, non-profit game. It'll follow the structure of a traditional otome game, with seven routes for each of the seven brothers !
⟢ We don't own Obey Me. All sprites, characters, and backgrounds belong to Solmare, we are simply making our own fun little project <33
⟢ Updates will be made when we can ! This would include pictures of how the game will look like and how it works, ect. Keep in mind we work at our own pace, we’ll try to progress at much as we can.
⟢ We aren’t sure when the game will release, but we think in around 2 years, seems like a long wait but keep in mind that it’s only two people working on it for now !
⟢ The app we are planning on using to make the game is Ren’py !!
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⟢ At the moment, we are more than happy to take in now is someone who knows how to use Ren’py, we are pretty new to the app so some extra help is very much appreciated ^^
If you’re interested, please sign in with this form if you know how to use Ren’py. Inform us through DMs or in our ask box if the link doesn’t work.
⟢ For now we aren’t taking any volunteers for writing and editing, sorry ! However in the near future we might and we’ll make sure to update about it !
⟢ We are planning on working on the writing and editing alone for a few months, if we are in need of more people we are happy to take in a few writers and editors to help make the process faster and explore more storylines.
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choccy-milky · 5 months ago
hi ik i just sent u an ask and i hate to be a bother but HOW DO YOU DRAW SEBASTIAN'S HAIR
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honestly its different every time but this is the gist of how i do it...i start with his lil ear curl parts, then i do the sweep/bangs, and then add the rest. his hair is chaotic af but HOPE THIS CAN HELP!!
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@sleepingmissingprincess IM GLAD YOU THINK SO!! TY!!💖💖🥹
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@strawberrysnmatcha THANK YOU BOTH 💖💖 and i responded to an ask last month about the same thing/my process for writing, you can see my answer here!! ive also talked about my writing methods more than just this time, so if you go back through my asks im sure you can probably find more of my yapping about the subject bahaha. GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR WRITING!!
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@foundthatoldzeppelinshirt LMAOOO NOOOOO THIS MADE ME SO STRESSED WHEN I FIRST READ IT BAHAHA now im just imagining if clora's fell out and her and seb only realize once they get home and they have to go looking for it😭😭if only we were drawings and didnt have to worry about it falling out/deal with gravity...😔cuz im with you girl i just keep it on my desk🥰my clora shrine🙏
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LMAOOO IM WORKING ON SOMETHING RN, TRUST!!! BUT IF ANYONE HAS ANY YANDERE SEB IDEAS PLS SEND THEM TO ME!!! I NEED MORE!! i want to draw yandere seb but i have like no ideas...im ashamed bc i love yanderes so much....😩😩i gotta go replay my otome games for a reminder...on my switch aka my otome visual novel machine 🥰
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pandamimi · 8 days ago
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Happy birthday @saku-chann
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sapphireicecream · 11 months ago
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linory1 · 5 months ago
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when cas goes to work abroad and lys is left alone at the farm :)
(actually most of the time bc they'd live hoours apart .3.)
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woody-swirl · 5 months ago
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he is so cool, so mmmmjfidosheunfhaveyeotojdhdb AAAAAAAAAA🥵🥵🥵🥵😳😳😳😳love him
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vergiliault1ma · 3 months ago
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Mr Scarletella and Heroine.
I will make more funny drawings on Homicipher. I love this game
Same energy:
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marinaescamaazul · 1 year ago
"Wish fulfilled"
(I feel so silly drawing loving things with my MC, but at the same time I feel so happy) 🫠
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