#otis cesaire
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flightlessribbons · 5 months ago
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HUGE dump of a bunch of art from my au! A lot of stuff has to be redone (the classmates designs since I changed the time period, Lila's ENTIRE role in the AU, etc) but I'm still really proud of these drawings! Even if they're from a few years ago, they're dear to me :) gonna reblog with a comic i made around this time too! (Though the designs are outdated now)
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zoe-oneesama · 2 years ago
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Coming up with all this formal wear was also a lot of fun.
Main Cast Class Agreste Employees Adults 1 Grande Paris Friends and Employees Adults 2
Ko-fi | Patreon
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awholelotofladybug · 6 months ago
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miraculous-prompts · 2 months ago
Grab a dictionary, flip to a random page and point, use that word to create a scene using Otis, Kim, Nightormentor, Sparrow, and Mayura
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alliumtriquetrum · 1 year ago
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Happy holidays, @miraculousmongoose! I'm your @mlsecretsanta this year! I drew Alya and her family, featuring the original five heroes!
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toxinellebug · 1 year ago
HESPERIA/BETTERFLY kamikotized heroes Headcanons PART 3
Warning, this may make animal lovers uneasy for a bit.
This one is going to take place during the day, around Adrien and Marinette’s 2nd week of school, so they are still toying around with their Miraculous’ at night for their own personal gains, and have not yet suffered the consequences and been instructed to hunt down the Butterfly-man in order to save themselves. 
            Promise that the next one will show our fav villains in action, but for now I hope there are fans of Mr. Pigeon reading this because-
Xavier Ramier becomes……
(This is my attempt at combining the French words for “Savior” and “Aquatic”, into a new, superhero name. Fun fact: In 1979, the U.S. Coast Guard trained pigeons to locate people lost at sea and they had a 90% success rate!
Also remember S4, ep 4, “Mr. Pigeon 72”)
As mentioned in my post “Shadybug’s Paris Headcanons”, in this universe, pigeons are far less welcome in Paris than they are in the Good/Prime universe, so there is no need for a Pigeon-Tamer.
There IS a need for Environmental technicians though… a DIRE need.
(In this Universe, imagine the world under The Supreme’s control as slightly less extreme than North Korea under Kim Jong-un, and about as polluted as Gaya, India.)
Luckily, construction plans for “Project Oxygen”, endorsed by M. Bertrand King, have been submitted and are awaiting approval from The Supreme. In theory, once they’ve built enough towers, it should take care of the awful smog problem in Paris.
But that won’t help with toxicity in the soil and water.
Which is why M. Ramier is outside on a particularly gloomy day, in full yellow hazmat gear and neon orange rubber galoshes, attempting to collect water samples from the Saint-Martin canal.
Trash aside, people just didn’t realize how much of the poison they put out for rats (and those poor, adorable, misunderstood pigeons) ended up in the Seine, resulting in its present, disgustingly polluted state. 
Xavier can’t help but daydream of simpler times he has never known, like the ones depicted in old photographs and paintings.
In his personal collection, he has a precious family keepsake, a postcard to his great-grandfather sent by his great-uncle in 1912;
     It depicted such a happy scene of blue skies and even bluer water, and people gathered to merrily feed the pigeons with smiling faces near the Seine.
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Not for the first time, he can’t help but wonder if perhaps he was simply born in the wrong decade…
Instead, here he is, collecting vial after vial of what is closer to sludge than water at different points along the canal for chemical analysis and comparison. 
It’s dull and dreary.
Or, at least it’s dreary… 
     The dullness comes to a rather abrupt end when a low bellowing sound draws his attention to a large, sludge covered something twitching near the bank beneath The Pont des Arts, (or as we know it, The Love Lock bridge, though in this universe there are no locks) a mere 4 meters away from him.
Mon Dieu!
He thought the rumors were merely that; rumors dreamt up to keep children away from the filthy water.
But blessed be; that really is a crocodile!
Where on earth did he come from?? 
(Somewhere in a shoddy apartment, Jagged, or rather, Jared, sneezes and feels a strange pang of guilt.)
The poor fellow doesn’t look too well; not that M. Ramier claimed to have any expertise in crocodilian health, but he was almost certain that the creature’s spine was not meant to be quite so prominent.
          He also could not recall ever seeing a crocodile lay on its side like that, half floating in the water, half… Hold on, was it tethered to something????
Merciful heavens! Discarded plastic Enforcer barrier tape had found its way into the canal and gotten tangled up around this poor beast’s jowls and caught upon who knows what kind of garbage submerged near the bank.
Sloshing his way over, M. Ramier had only intended to get close enough to attempt to at least cut the plastic tape where it was tethered closest to the bank in hopes the lack of tension would loosen it enough that the crocodile could free himself.
But the croc sensed his approach and grew frightened, letting out a warning growl and weakly thrashing his too thin tail, before jerking wildly and tightening the noose in the process.
     At this rate the beast would strangle himself!
This was terrible!
    Oh, that poor creature….
But, what could he do?  He was merely an Environmental Technician, trained to collect and study water samples.
      He supposed he could try contacting the ‘Ménagerie du Jardin des Plantes’ (the zoo), but  by the time they decided to send someone over, if they decided to send anyone over, it might be too late!
If only he could help… He became an Environmental Technician due to his love of animals and a desire to make the world a better place for them, and now there was a creature in desperate need of aid right in front of him and he was completely powerless…
He does not see the glowing butterfly perch upon the sample vial in his gloved hand, nor does he notice it vanish.
He’s far too preoccupied with the sudden voice in his head:
       The voice introduces himself as Betterfly, and claims that he too shares a love of animals. 
           The voice offers him the power he needs to save this suffering creature, and asks if he will accept this gift for the greater good.
M. Ramier accepts, though, he’s not really Xavier Ramier anymore…
The stained yellow of his suit melts away to a pristine white, and the neon orange of his rubber boots has given way to a striking cyan and become more fin-like in appearance.
        His rubber gloves share the same shade of blue, as does the “star of life” symbol overlaying the outline of a rescue bird on his chest.
               Somehow, his sample vial has inexplicably transformed into a rather impressive hand operated bilge pump.
       He feels stronger, more confident, more daring.
                  He is now Sauvaquateur!
Holstering the pump at his waist, he dives into the water with the grace of a tropical clawed frog, Sauvaquateur swims with amphibious ease thanks to his new, webbed gloves, and is able to take a firm hold of the weakened crocodile and bring him the the bank of the canal.
   (Another fun fact: The Seine is 9.5 metres or 31 ft. deep and you should absolutely NOT swim in it without superpowers.)
With his newfound strength, he makes quick work of tearing that horrid plastic off the poor creature, and feels satisfied that he has successfully rescued his new, scaly friend!
…..Except, the crocodiles eyes do not seem to be open.
      He’s also rather still, perhaps too still-
                       He’s not breathing!
Panic takes hold as Sauvaquateur fears he was too late after all, but the voice returns to him;
     Betterfly urges him to remain calm, hope is not lost yet, but he must come to his senses!
….That’s right, he mustn’t give up!
Sauvaquateur presses his head against the crocodile’s rough back near where he thinks a heart should be.
          Perhaps it is due to Betterfly’s “gift”, but even through his suit’s protective helmet, Sauvaquateur swears he can hear a weak thumping sound.
There is a heartbeat but no breath; what should he do? How does one go about performing rescue breathing on a crocodile?! Would that even help????
    Again, Betterfly’s soothing voice echoed in his mind, urging him to look closer…
Looking closely, the crocodile seemed to have an awfully bloated stomach yet such a thin looking back… Could it be-?
Eyeing the bilge pump holstered at his side, Sauvaquateur knew he had to try!
Using incredible strength he now unfathomably possessed, he did what should not have been humanly possible; he pried the crocodile’s mouth open and placed the hose of the pump inside.
It only takes 5 good thrusts of the plunger rod before a burst of toxic brown water and wads of plastic come spewing out of the pump’s outlet.
         Sauvaquateur shudders at the thought of all that rubbish inside that poor animal.
              It’s a feeling that Betterfly shares.
Its stomach noticeably deflated, and its scales a shade less pale than they were only a few moments prior, the crocodile takes a deep, relieving breath.
       Sauvaquateur does the same.
With the croc out of immediate danger, and now fast asleep, Betterfly praises Sauvaquateur for his valiant efforts, and suggests that now would be a good time to let someone more experienced take over.
Sauvaquateur agrees.
He can feel the “gift” leave him- like the sensation of color being gently stripped away.
    He is left in his muddy, yellow suit, and his plain orange rubber boots. His water sample vial, now empty, rests at his feet.
M. Ramier is not sure what just happened exactly; it’s a bit fuzzy, like waking up from a peculiar dream.  
      He could’ve sworn he was talking to someone just now….
             But the loud snoring from the large, slumbering reptile beside him reminds him that there are far more pressing matters at hand.
Moving to a more comfortable distance, Xavier unzips his outer suit in order to pull out his mobile phone and place a call.
He is placed on hold for frustrating amount of time before a M. Césaire answers and M. Ramier informs him of his predicament.
It’s not long after that when Enforcer sirens sound along the banks, forming a protective barrier and trying to hold back inquiring news photographers eager to get a shot of “Saint Martin’s Beast.”
M. Césaire is there as well, and he expertly secures the crocodile’s jaws shut before he and an assistant lift and haul the creature into the back of a van to transport to the zoo for examination.
M. Ramier is harshly admonished for getting so close to such a dangerous animal and is informed that it is a miracle he is unharmed.
A miracle?
Is there such a thing anymore?
PART 2    
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mattw83 · 2 years ago
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Miraculous Tales Chapter 12 -  Intro Page
Sometimes a little sweetness goes a long way to temper the vinegar within.
A tale of how Chloe’s many false starts in life were just the beginning to a real redemption of heart and hero.
The world prepares to take it’s next steps irrelevant to the passing of ordinary lives, some may impact the personal worlds of many or few, some may pass by like a fleeting thought, a day to recall a happy occasion...
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 -   Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 -    Chapter 10   - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12
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Tom and Sabine hang out with some of the other parents. 16/25 of Fanfic Wars (2023)
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miraculousfanworks · 2 years ago
We at Miraculous Fanworks would like to wish Paul St. Peter a happy birthday!! We greatly appreciate the work you do, especially in Miraculous Ladybug!! Thank you for bringing Wang Fu, Otis Cesaire and Rolland Dupain to life, they would not be the same without you!!
We hope that you'll have a miraculous day!
Video by @day-writingdaydreams
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natedogx15 · 11 months ago
Miraculous Descendent Chapter 58: In the Concrete Jungle
Previous Chapter
In the school courtyard, Marinette sits next to Nate and works on one of her designs while Nate is playing one of his hand-held consoles.
"So, how does getting a statue sound to you?" Nate asks with a teasing grin as the two cousins relax.
That causes Marinette to put her pencil down and her face into her hands.
"Please don't remind me of that. I still can't believe Tom plans to make statues for us." Marinette mutters into her hands, but Nate can still hear her.
"Well, you guys are heroes. It's a given that you'll get a statue for how much you've saved the city." Nate reminds her.
"But for us to get a statue. I wanted to be a fashion designer, not a superhero." She tells Nate.
"You can be both." Nate shrugs.
Marinette groans when she hears that, but the two pause their conversation when Nino and Adrien walk toward them.
"Hey, dudes. Adrien and I are planning to visit the zoo after school. You guys want to join us?"
Nate pauses his game and looks toward his friends with a smile.
"Sounds like fun. What about you?" Nate asks Marinette.
She taps her chin for a second before smiling at the two boys.
"It's been a while since I've been to the zoo. Maybe it'll give me some inspiration for my next design." Marinette tells them.
"I'm surprised you need new inspiration. I mean, you won my father's contest. That shows how amazing a designer you are." Adrien tells her with a smile.
Marinette blushes at the compliment and gives Adrien an appreciative smile.
"Thanks. I'm still a bit surprised that my design was picked." Marinette tells him.
"It's awesome. You got acknowledged by a famous designer. Just think. Not only will I be able to brag about being friends with the son of a famous designer. I can say I went to school with a future one." Nino says while putting an arm over Adrien's shoulder with a grin.
"You can also brag about being friends with the son of the owner of Paris' most famous hotel." Nate pipes up with a similar grin.
Nino smacks his forehead in realization before saying.
"You're right. This year has been nothing but crazy for me. I'm friends with a lot of high-class people." Nino says with a bit of a laugh.
Before the group can continue, the bell rings.
"So, we'll meet up after class and head to the zoo?" Nate asks.
"Yep. Until then, off to class." Nino says while pointing in the direction of their classroom.
After class, the quartet pack their things and meet up to leave.
"You guys sure you're parents are okay with this? Adrien's old man doesn't seem to like him being out of the house for things other than school." Nino says while pointing a thumb to an awkward Adrien.
"Don't worry about it. Now that we're not grounded, we can do things like this. I already texted Dad and Jean-Yves where we'd be going." Nate tells him while shaking his phone.
"I told Mama, too. She said to have fun." Marinette tells them.
"Cool." Nino grins while Adrien looks toward them in slight envy.
"I'm jealous. You guys can move around however you like." He sighs.
"Sorry that your father is so controlling," Marinette says while giving Adrien a look of pity.
"I-It's fine. At least I know he does it out of worry and love." Adrien says with a slight smile.
With the atmosphere awkward, the group decides to do their own thing while walking to the zoo. It doesn't take long for Nino to change it, though.
"So, I heard the zoo has a new panther exhibit. You guys want to see that first?" Nino asks the group.
"Sounds good to me." Nate agrees.
"Yeah." Marinette smiles.
Seeing the other two agree, Adrien decides to follow their lead.
When they arrive at the zoo, Marinette looks at a map to find the panther exhibit. While the group waits, they quickly realize they aren't the only ones in their class at the zoo. Max, Kim, and the girl Kim has a crush on, Ondine, are also looking at the map.
"Hey, dudes. I didn't expect to see you here." Nino says with a grin as he waves to the three.
The trio turns toward the four of them, and Kim grins when he sees everyone.
"What's up? We just came here to see the panther exhibit." Kim tells them with a wave.
"Yes. Kim wants to see what they look like and see if he can outrun them. Despite my attempts to tell him how low the probability is." Max sighs as Ondine smiles nervously.
"You know, Kim. He'll stop at nothing to prove how capable he is." Ondine says as Kim grins.
"You've got that right. I'll bet that panther doesn't look that tough." Kim says confidently.
"You do realize panthers are hunters, right? They're born to be fast runners." Nate says in confusion.
"And I was born to be a great athlete. It's the ultimate contest." Kim says confidently.
Nate decides to give up on convincing Kim and the seven head to the exhibit together. They see Alya standing near a zookeeper with her phone out to take pictures of the panther when they get there.
The zookeeper is a plump man with light brown skin, grey eyes, and short, combed brown hair with sideburns that connect to a full beard. The man wears a pale yellow Hawaiian shirt with pink and grey flowers and a name tag attached to his chest that says, Otis Césaire. He also wears pale green jeans and brown work shoes. Resting atop his head are a pair of large black-framed glasses.
"Man. Everyone from our class is here to check out the exhibit. What's up, Alya?" Nino says as he waves toward the glasses-wearing girl.
Alya turns to see the group and smiles.
"Hey, guys. I'm just here to get a few pictures of the panther for my blog and watch my dad work." Alya tells them with a slight shrug as the zookeeper stands up and smiles.
"You must be my daughter's classmates. Nice to meet you. My name's Otis. I work as one of the zookeepers here and am in charge of the panther exhibit right now." Otis tells them kindly.
"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Otis," Marinette says, bowing slightly.
"My dad is one of the best zookeepers here. All of the animals love him." Alya says proudly while standing next to her dad.
Otis laughs at his daughter's praise.
"I'm just an animal lover who manages to connect with them," Otis says, causing Alya to slide next to Marinette and whisper into her ear.
"Mom says he was more comfortable around animals than people and that it was a miracle he managed to propose to her." She says with a slight snicker.
"Did you say something, Alya?" Otis asks with a raised eyebrow.
"No." She says immediately.
As this happens, everyone else circles the cage to see the panther inside.
"Wow. They look amazing. It makes me feel like I'm insulting it by having the Black Cat Miraculous." Adrien thinks as he stares at the panther in wonder.
"Awesome. This is my first time seeing a panther." Nino says with a grin as he stares at the sleeping animal.
Otis turns his attention from his daughter toward the other students and smiles.
"I'm sure. Panthers are one of the most capable predators in the wild. While smaller than tigers and lions, they're quicker and sneakier, especially at night." Otis tells the group as he walks toward the cage.
He grabs a bucket of meat and enters it to feed the panther. To the students' amazement, the panther not only lets him in but lets him pet them.
"Good girl," Otis says while petting the eating panther.
Kim grins as he looks at the panther before turning toward his friends and boasting.
"I bet I could still outrun it."
Otis hears this and turns toward Kim with an unamused look.
"Kiddo, panthers are hunters that can run as fast as cars and wait for their prey to get tired. There's no way a human can outpace them." Otis tells the teen.
Kim glares at Otis when he says this, but before he can say anything.
"He's right, Kim. Panthers are creatures that can easily exceed sixty miles per hour. By comparison, humans have run at a top speed of around thirty. That's more than double." Max tells Kim calmly.
"Yeah, well, athletes have outrun plenty of animals before. Haven't you guys ever heard of the running of the bulls? Besides, where did she place in the County Athletics Tournament? I got first place in that event with time to spare." Kim says proudly.
"Kim, panthers can't enter tournaments like that. It's too dangerous." Ondine tells the jock worriedly as the panther starts to stir from its meal.
"You can't possibly compare to a panther, kiddo. There's a big difference between a human and a panther. We can't outrun them." Otis tells Kim, his tone getting more annoyed at the teen boats.
"Well, we can definitely be better looking than them," Kim says while giving a charming smile toward Ondine, causing her to blush slightly.
Getting irritated, the panther growls toward Kim, causing Otis to glare at him and Alya to groan.
"Here we go." She mutters.
Kim moves closer to the cage and calls toward the panther.
"Hey, kitty, kitty, kitty. How about you and I have a race? Last one's a rotten egg." Kim tells the panther, causing her to snarl at him.
"Going by the six feet-per-second behind you and the forty-five degrees to the northeast, you wouldn't be a rotten egg. You would be lunch." Max bluntly states to his friend, not liking where this is going.
He's not the only one. Alya gets irritated with Kim's attitude toward the panther and her dad.
"Knock it off, Kim. Don't you know you shouldn't mess with animals?" She tells him.
"Listen to your friends, kiddo. You need to leave. She needs peace and quiet to eat, and you're disturbing her." Otis tells Kim.
Hearing this causes Kim to grin and start talking in a baby voice.
"Awww, stressed out? You're talking about a wild animal." Kim laughs, causing the panther to roar at him and Otis to get angry.
"Leave now! Or I'll have you thrown out of the zoo and banned!" Otis yells at Kim.
Kim grins before saying in the same baby voice.
"Fine. Let's go, guys. We don't want to disturb the princess and her angwy babysitter." This gets him a kick in the butt by Alya.
"Don't mock my dad unless you want a black eye." Alya snaps at him with a scowl while he rubs his butt and walks away with a nervous Ondine and Max following him.
As Otis watches him go, he tries to calm the panther and himself. However, the negative feelings he's built up have caught the attention of Hawkmoth.
"Ah, an animal lover who has been scorned. Why don't I help you release your inner beast and become the king of this concrete jungle?" Hawkmoth says as he creates a butterfly and sends it after Otis.
The butterfly eventually arrives at the zoo and lands on the animal tooth bracelet on Otis' wrist after the other students awkwardly shuffle away. Only Alya remains with her father.
"Animan. Your pack has been insulted. I am here to offer you the chance to show them why you don't mess with the animals. Why don't you show them the power of the wild?" Hawkmoth asks with a smile.
"Yes, Hawkmoth," Otis says as black smoke envelops him.
"Oh, no." Alya panics when she sees this.
Unlike other Akumas. Otis' transformation doesn't give him a new set of clothes or some monster form. Instead, he's turned into a black panther with purple eyes. The animal tooth bracelet is wrapped around the front right leg of it.
"Let's see him outrun me," Animan growls as he sniffs the air for Kim's scent.
When he has the sent, he sprints after Kim, leaving Alya in the dust. As he passes some exhibits, he quickly uses his newly enhanced magic fangs to rip off the locks and set the animals inside free. It doesn't take him long to find the athletic teen. He and his friends are currently staring at the monkey exhibit.
"That was a bad idea antagonizing the panther, Kim. With Hawkmoth still around, you don't know what could happen." Max tells his friend as Kim copies a monkey's movements.
"Ah, come on, Max. Hawkmoth has never turned an animal into a villain. What would that even look like? Would it be dressed in a costume?" Kim asks Max.
"Probably. Or it would turn into one of the various mythological creatures Alix told us about." Max agrees.
"Uh, guys," Ondine says fearfully when she sees Animan creeping toward them.
"Oh yeah. What would it be, like a manticore? I think she talked about that a couple of times with big cats."
"Guys." Ondine stutters.
"Possibly. Seeing as it's well-known for having the body of a lion." Max nods in agreement before Ondine shakes his and Kim's arms urgently.
The two turn around in confusion before their eyes widen in fear at the panther heading toward them.
"It actually got out!" Kim shouts in fear.
"So, you wanna see which of us is the rotten egg or lunch?" Animan growls at them in a low, ferocious voice, scaring the teens even more.
"It can talk! Did Hawkmoth turn it into an Akuma!?" Kim asks in fear as he backs away.
He doesn't have time to answer, as Animan stops creeping and starts walking toward them as if still giving Kim a chance to escape. The teen doesn't think much about this and immediately bolts in the other direction to try and escape.
As he's running, he catches the attention of Marinette and Adrien's group.
"Kim?" Marinette asks in confusion.
"Did he get in trouble for teasing another animal?" Nate wonders with crossed arms before his jaw drops when he sees Animan run after Kim a second later.
"That is not a zookeeper," Nate panics while pushing for Marinette to do something.
"Dude! That panther really didn't like Kim mocking it!" Nino shouts in fear for Kim.
"I'm calling the police!" Adrien shouts before running off to find somewhere to transform, Marinette doing the same.
As the two friends watch the heroes run off, they see Max, Ondine, and Alya running after the panther with a panicked expression.
"Are they chasing after the panther and Kim?" Nate asks as they watch her run past.
"I think so, dude," Nino tells him.
Nate cringes when he sees this before deciding.
"You know what, I've faced you and Ivan as Akumas. I'm willing to risk facing down a panther." Nate says before running after Alya, Animan, and Kim.
"Hey, wait!" Nino shouts toward Nate in worry before watching him turn the corner.
"Man. This year is seriously crazy." Nino groans before chasing after everyone else.
While they're chasing the group, Marinette hides in an empty bathroom.
"How did the panther?" Marinette can't help but ask before Tikki appears.
"Because it's not a panther. It's one of Hawkmoth's. They only look like the panther." Tikki explains in a matter-of-fact tone, causing Marinette's eyes to widen.
"They're what?" Marinette asks in a panicked whisper.
"They're an Akuma. Not the panther itself." Tikki says again.
Marinette pauses as she tries to process this information before realizing the only person the Akuma could be.
"Alya's dad became an Akuma and is after Kim." She panics.
"It would seem so. Alya was right about his love for animals if it made him susceptible to Hawkmoth's control." Tikki states calmly.
"How can you be so calm about this?" Marinette asks the Kwami in shock.
"I am as old as the universe. I have seen a lot of strange and scary things." Tikki states.
Marinette looks at her Kwami for a second, wanting to know more, but knows she doesn't have time.
"We'll talk about this later. Tikki, spots on." Marinette commands.
With Adrien, Plagg appears and grins at him as he's hiding behind an unpopulated exhibit.
"It's time to show that overgrown alley cat who the real black cat is," Plagg tells his chosen.
"You heard my comment?" Adrien asks curiously.
"Yep. And I am offended that you compared that to my powers." Plagg tells him with a slight glare.
"Sorry." Adrien apologizes, causing Plagg to facepalm.
"Just say the command." He sighs.
"Right. Plagg, claws out." Adrien orders, causing Plagg to go into the ring.
With Kim and the other students. Kim is running for the zoo exit with Animan hot on his heels. As he's about to leave, Animan gets between Kim and the exit, causing the teen to stop and start walking backward fearfully.
"Looks like I beat you, kiddo. That means you're the rotten egg. Making you my lunch." Animan says as he prowls toward Kim while the other students run toward them.
"H-hey, come on. I was just joking. You don't need to take it so seriously." Kim says fearfully.
"Dad, stop it!" Alya shouts toward her father in a panic, causing Nino and Nate to turn toward her in shock.
"That's your dad?" They ask in shock before looking toward Animan.
Animan doesn't stop at his daughter's words. He charges toward Kim. Before he can bite the fearful teen, Ladybug swoops in and snatches Kim out of harm's way.
"Bad kitty. Don't you know you shouldn't bite people?" Ladybug asks as she stands on the zoo wall, looking down at Animan and holding Kim bridal style.
"Yeah." Cat Noir says as he lands in front of Animan with his staff out.
Animan growls at the heroes before saying.
"That's for domesticated animals. I'm a jungle," Animan states before he does something that shocks the heroes.
He morphs into a hawk and flies toward Ladybug. The heroine doesn't wake up from her shock quickly enough and falls off the wall with Kim landing atop her.
"Sorry." Kim apologizes as he rushes to get off the girl.
"It's fine. That's not the worst thing to happen to me." Ladybug says as she stands up.
She then looks up before pushing Kim out of the way.
"Look out!" She shouts while doing so as Animan transforms into an elephant and tries to crush the two teens.
Animan then morphs back into a panther and prepares to charge at the two before getting hit in the face by Cat Noir's baton.
"Bad! Heel!" Cat Noir shouts as he goes for a couple more swings and spins his body with the staff to get more power in them.
However, Animan jumps back and growls at the hero.
"You should run and hide somewhere safe while we deal with him," Ladybug tells Kim, causing the teen to nod.
When Animan sees Kim trying to run, he growls but can't get far, as Ladybug wraps her yo-yo around his neck and holds him back.
"Don't you think it's a little petty to try and hurt someone for the way they talk to an animal?" Ladybug asks the animal-themed Akuma with a glare.
"Animals deserve the same respect as humans. We're all creatures that live on the same planet. That brat didn't show any respect to either her or me." Animan growls before changing into a fly to escape the yo-yo, and then he morphs into a hawk to quickly fly away.
Ladybug quickly pulls her yo-yo back and attempts to capture him again, but the villain spins to the side to avoid her attempt.
"Shoot. He's going after Kim!" Ladybug shouts toward Cat Noir, who is already rushing after Animan and his target.
"I'm on it!" He shouts to her.
He then extends his baton to make it the height of a building and tries to pole vault toward Animan and grab him while in mid-air. But, like how he handled Ladybug's attempt, Animan easily avoids him before diving after Kim.
Kim doesn't see the hawk coming toward him as he runs at full speed without looking back. It takes Ladybug grabbing him a second time to avoid getting hit. This time, the heroine doesn't let him go until they're on the roof of a random building.
After ensuring Kim is okay, Ladybug stands between him and the street below, yo-yo ready, while searching for Animan. The problem is that the animals Animan freed while looking for Kim are starting to escape the zoo, meaning Animan could be any of them.
"Ladybug, watch out!" Cat Noir shouts to get her attention so she can see him pointing behind her.
Ladybug turns around to see that Animan has circled them and is diving toward Kim again. She quickly throws her yo-yo at the hawk, causing Animan to cancel his dive and flap out of the way. While he does this, Cat Noir launches himself to Ladybug and Kim.
"Hide Kim while I try to stop the Akuma! It looks like he won't stop chasing him." Ladybug orders her teammate.
"Right." Cat Noir nods before grabbing Kim and running off.
"You're not getting away!" Animan shouts as he prepares to chase for the cat-themed hero.
As he does, Ladybug activates Seamstress and transforms into her Sunny Seams outfit. She then takes off after Animan and launches a fireball at the villain. This causes Animan to dive out of the way and let Ladybug pass him. The two magic-powered humans flap their wings as they stare each other down. As they do, Ladybug takes notice of the animal tooth bracelet wrapped around Animan's right ankle.
Believing that is where the butterfly is, Ladybug prepares to attack before reconsidering, not wanting to hurt one of her classmates' parents.
"You don't have to do this. Kim may have been insulting something you care about. But that doesn't give you a right to try and kill him. I think he's already learned his lesson. You don't have to take it any further." She tries to appeal to Animan with a pleading expression, showing how much she doesn't want to fight him.
"That's not good enough. I'm going to show him the true power of animals." Animan squawks toward Ladybug.
Hearing this disappoints Ladybug, but she prepares to fight Animan anyway. She expands the size of her flaming wings and launches dozens of small fireballs at Animan.
As she attacks Animan and Cat Noir runs away with Kim, the students that came to the zoo were helping the zookeepers try to round up the animals before they hurt anyone.
"Come on, little dudes. We need to get back to your cages." Nino says while holding a couple of monkies.
Nate is grabbing a capybara with Max while Ondine picks up a turtle. However, Alya is nowhere to be seen.
Next Chapter
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thenadnerb02 · 2 years ago
As a Miraculous Ladybug fan who just finished binging Fringe, I find it interesting that both shows have a pair of related girls named Ella and Etta (Alya’s sisters in the former, Olivia’s niece and daughter in the latter).
I know that in real life, the entire Césaire family is named after musicians so it must be just a coincidence, but in-universe I’m picturing Alya’s parents watching Fringe when it airs and then they name their twins after the Dunham girls ‘cause why not?
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flightlessribbons · 5 months ago
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ML inheritance AU character concept dump! Plus some Madame Orpheus inspos I had and wanted to include after seeing @wisteriasymphony tags on the og post! (also renamed Harelequin officially, so thank you for another pun!) The last doodle is also why alya's hood does not have ears- but let's just call it intentional character design 🫡
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zoe-oneesama · 4 months ago
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Oh, can't believe I never posted this! Anyway, the Lahiffes and the Cesaires! I said this on the Agreste/Dupain-Cheng page but it's difficult to translate the "cartoon dads" into the CLAMP style which is why Otis looks...like that lmao.
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awholelotofladybug · 10 months ago
Stammering Adrien AU: To all the dads, do all of you or your kids have bad hair days?
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"Mylene? Not anymore. Her hair is done in such a way that bad hair days are a thing of the past."
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"With all the time my kids spend on their hair, it's practically impossible for them to have a bad hair day. Oddly enough, Luka is even fussier about his hair than Julie."
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"I should be so lucky. Poor Zoe and Chloe have had their share of bad hair days, and it can ruin their moods entirely. I can't tell how often Jean has been sent to the school with a briefcase full of hair products."
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"The twins are too young to worry about it, but both Nora AND Alya have had their bad hair days. Thankfully, they always have a hairbrush or comb on hand."
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"Marinette usually just wears her pigtails, but even then, my baby girl has had a bad hair day or two. Still, it's nothing a hairbrush can't solve."
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"Sabrina has had her bad hair days. One time it was so bad, that she begged me to let her run late to get her hair fixed."
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miraculous-prompts · 9 months ago
Take ML, your favorite video game and the last show you watched and smash them together to make a crossover AU featuring Ox!Aeon, Otis as Penalteam and Monkey!Olympia
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sillysiluriforme · 1 month ago
Miscellaneous la terreur facts while I’m waiting for my pasta to be done cooking
- Nino’s scared of dogs.
- the agreste manor’s cleaners have a board with a list of crazy shit they find in Adrien’s room stored in the staff lounge. (Stupid amounts of unrefrigerated cheese, empty lighters, weird black dust ?)
- Marinette’s not allowed to read DOLLS.
- Nathalie’s mother was a librarian.
- Otis and Marlena cesaire are both tv personalities. Think Steve Irwin and Gordon Ramsay.
- Nathaniel is from a tiny village in Alsace.
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