#other's oc: xanthos
agentc0rn · 3 months
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Sunlit Uplands
Huge thank you to @/fairune for the commission! (uploaded with permission). Her character, Xanthos (oc younger brother of AZ), was a really fascinating character to work with.
Some thought process for the piece:
I positioned AZ a bit back from his brother to signify how he is behind in self-healing compared to Xanthos and to show some bit of a literal & figurative distance between them (past feuds, rocky relationship over kingship, etc).
I also added dandelions to provide a hint of wishful hope and healing to come. Moreover, I made a cloudy outline (behind the brothers) reminiscent of the ultimate weapon. The title itself is a phrase commonly used in British terms within a political landscape, which I found to be quite fitting with the theme of making amends, restoring relationships and shared goals for a better future.
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aevris · 1 year
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doing some painting and pose practice
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kuruna · 8 days
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Jedda !! This guy sucks like hell which of course meant I was Very excited about finally drawing him. He's the last of my "story important" pokeworld bronze age OCs to draw too ^.^ him and his unsettling blue eyes ......
Lots of text below the cut do Not feel obligated to read any of it 😭
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This guy is like if you took Xan and removed the insecurity and self loathing. So he's controlling / obsessive / inconsiderate, but also has the confidence to back up his decisions. And unlike Xan, he's not argumentative at all! He's conniving and will plan stuff behind your back, but he won't outwardly fight with you. He's very intelligent and only acts "logically," which means he'll disregard the emotions of others around him because they're irrational to him. As you can imagine this causes him to clash with AZ, a guy with huge anger issues.
Jedda wants more than anything to see AZ become a truly great king, he sees the potential within him! But he wants AZ to become someone he's not... Jedda is weird and would Definitely definitely start treating AZ like a demigod figure after the ultimate weapon is used but I'm undecided about whether or not he'd even be alive to see it 😭
I implied it in the text here, but he's the guy who hatches the plan to steal Floette from AZ. He knows she's powerful because he witnessed her using light of ruin.... but he also believed that if Floette were gone, AZ would refocus his efforts as king. ... Of course this has the opposite effect and AZ has a years long downward spiral instead. Oops!
Also an elaboration on the third paragraph cuz I feel like I worded it weirdly: AZ is chosen to inherit Floette after his stepfather (/Xan's bio dad) passes on. Xan is heavy with grief but also jealous and frustrated towards his brother, which leads to their arguments becoming more vicious. AZ realizes he's grieving but Xan refuses to be open about it... and so AZ understandably decides it's better for Xan to not be working within the castle at this time. However, Xan does not see it this way 😭 being released from his position is the final straw for Xanthos. (Actually, Floette being given to AZ was the real final straw, but that's a lot more complicated to explain. Guy who cares so much about how others view him that he rejects Floette as a sister despite loving her dearly but still becomes deeply bitter and jealous when his brother is chosen to inherit her in his stead)
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fairune · 2 months
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I've been posting him a lot to my main account but I don't think I've posted much of him here yet 😭 Xanthos is my OC for Pokemon XY ! He is AZ's younger brother / Lysandre's ancestor in an AU I made where they both become immortal. Their story takes place after the main story; now that Floette has returned... maybe it's possible for these two to find a way to forgive each other as well.
None of these drawings are old but some have outdated design elements 😱 I changed Xan's nose shape to make it a bit more obvious that he's mixed race for example.
The last 3 drawings are Xan when he was younger and take place in the late bronze age ❣️ guy whose a former redhead!
I have a lot of lore and story info planned out for them and would love to make some short comics at some point, but we'll see if it happens 🫶🏾
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esotericad · 2 years
I want to say, Eros generally has a connection of some sort to my other ocs like Xanthos and Delirium and even Ode my nomad. It’s just because of their job. Eros is a bit of a friendless freak in their own eyes.
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neopoliitan · 4 years
RWBY OC Fic Recommendations!
No doubt most of the people who follow me are well aware of my RWBY Fancomic, Team RAIN, which is presently on hiatus while I slowly work on the first chapter(s) of the final arc.
While you wait, dear readers, why not delve into some other RWBY fanworks? 
Need I mention that the following are canon to the Team RAIN comic? While you don’t need to read the other two for one to make sense, doing so will provide nice little nuggets and references along the way that you may not catch otherwise. This is like the RWBY OC Cinematic Universe.
So, without further ado;
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Team ZRCN by @sustraiii​
(Artwork by sthefbooh)
Team ZRCN (Zircon), comprised of Zelde Sewick, Xanthos Ravindra, Cordovan Radcliff and Neela Oxford, are a second-year team from Atlas Academy. Throughout their quest to end an underground crime spree running rampant throughout the kingdom, the four of them chance upon a revolver toting Bloody Mary, Atlas’s greatest university, the Ace Ops’ B-Team and a Vytal Tournament Winner, among a LOT more.
I’ve been friends with the author for 5 and a half years, and played no small part in roping her into the RWBY fandom. It’s really awesome to be on the reader end of a fic about a team I’m very invested in!
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Team LLAC by @mercurryblack​
(Artwork by shuasharp)
A third-year team from Haven Academy, Team LLAC (Lilac) is roped in by their mentor, to aid in solving the murder of two veteran huntsman. The team is comprised of twins Lillian and Amaryllis Armilde, Harriet “Hattie” Lazuli, and Cait Miya.
The author started out by suggesting ideas to me over anons, and has become a good friend of mine over the years. I’m so glad I managed to persuade him to put pen to paper, because I always knew he’d be a great writer (spoiler; I was right). Though it’s quite a young story right now, LLAC sits on a very strong foundation.
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iamthespineofmybook · 3 years
Back in Volume 2, I decided to make my own OC team on the off chance that there was going to be a character contest. Apparently, there was one, but I only learned about it yesterday.
Either way, I do like the team I made, who are meant to be foils for Team RWBY themselves. I don’t really know if there’s a standard template for this, so I’m just copy-pasting from my document on them.
The basis for the team is Final Fantasy classes, so each of them has an “Overdrive” ability that takes them beyond their limits, but has some backlash (unlike actual limit breaks from that series).
Team Leader: Grey Veyon Appearance: Shaved head, silver goatee. Grey eyes. White hoodie, grey pants. Tall and slight of build. Bio: Grey Veyon is a gentle man, so his choice to become a Hunter surprises many. Indeed, when fighting Grimm he tends to hang back, letting his team take on the creatures in favour of using his Semblance. However, this does not mean that he is incapable of fighting. He carries a quarterstaff that seems to be made of wood, but it is actually a cleverly painted miniature rocket launcher. His fighting style could safely be categorized as “staff aikido,” where he uses weapon and his opponent's momentum to safely turn their attacks against themselves. Weapon: Hibiscus Rod. A mini-rocket launcher disguised as a wooden quarterstaff. Incredibly sturdy. Semblance: Healing. He can knit the wounds of anyone within three meters, though the amount of healing decreases with distance, barely being able to knit a paper cut at maximum range, but being able to reattach limbs (if they're well preserved or freshly cut) while touching the target. “Overdrive”: Holy Light: A pair of angel wings appear behind him, then bright light covers a six meter area, healing everyone within it. Grey then falls unconscious from exertion. Aura Strength: Medium-low. Dust Use: Medium-high. Inspiration: White Mage (FFX)
Second Member: Roan Ghaelach Appearance: Short reddish hair. Blue eyes. Red robe over grey clothes. Average height and build. Bio: Roan Ghaelach is a prodigy of a Dust scientist who once worked alongside his father, Xanthos, for the Schnee Dust Company (his mother, Amber, is a roboticist for a different company), but was sent away after one too many attacks on their laboratory by White Fang. They repelled all attackers without injury, thanks in part to his unique inventions. He is somewhat rash, though his actions will have thought and planning behind them. Roan acts arrogant and condescending, flaunting his intelligence at any opportunity; he does this in reaction to being bullied as a kid for his natural genius, cloaking himself in the very thing he was being hurt over (“I'm a genius, I don't need friends.”). In truth, however, he's desperate for friends, but he's been pretending for so long he finds it difficult to let down his shields. He fights best at long range and utilizes certain Dust mixtures to escape from foes that close in on him. Weapon: Triple Duster. A custom weapon created by Roan, which uses special bullets full of Dust. It has the shape of a regular gun, save for the fact that it has three barrels and chambers for up to nine bullets at once. By manipulating a dial on the side of Triple Duster, he can fire one, two, or all three bullets in the firing chambers, creating bigger or combined effects. Semblance: Dust Augmentation. Roan is capable of augmenting the power of Dust's effects, whether it be empowering the reaction or damping it. This power cannot completely de-power Dust. For example, making Fire Dust only as potent as a candle flame. At full power, however, Dust becomes ridiculously dangerous. “Overdrive”: Omega Blast. Roan loads three different Dust Bullets into the Triple Duster and augments  them to full power before firing. Capable of levelling a skyscraper, this attack also destroys the Triple Duster, requiring a rebuild. Aura Strength: Low. Dust Use: High. Inspiration: Black Mage/Gunner (FFTactics)
Third Member: Aurum Bracchium Appearance: Golden-brown hair in a ponytail and a full beard. Hazel eyes. Golden armour over tan clothes, with a wolf pelt cloak. Average height with heavy muscles. Bio: Aurum Bracchium was raised by Faunus his whole life, and considers himself one as well, even though he's a full-blooded human (his adoptive family, a bear-faunus (Dwyer; paws) and hawk-faunus (Lucia; eyes) told him so, having found him near the bodies of his birth parents). He wears his wolf-skin cloak in an attempt to reconcile his beliefs and his blood. And although he thinks of himself as a Faunus, he dislikes White Fang due to the negative light they cast on the Faunus people. He fights up close and personal with every foe, barely thinking of his own defense as he attacks in a pseudo-fury. Weapon: Grimm Reaver. A tricked-out, two-handed battleaxe. Each of its two blades can fire a bullet to either deal extra damage or speed its swing as it bites into an enemy. As an additional utility, it can fire the spike between its blades as a grappling hook, allowing the wielder to reach far places. As one last surprise, it holds a similar mini-rocket launcher as Grey's Hibiscus Rod in the bottom. Semblance: Undiscovered as of his third year at Beacon. (Animus Shroud. Similar to the Schnee summoning ability, but instead of calling upon the foe in question, he takes on its qualities in gold. Initial form is only parts, intermediate form is full shroud, final form allows him to mix-and-match those parts.) “Overdrive”: Master Blow. Aurum puts every ounce of his power into a single attack. Capable of taking out dozens of Grimm in one swing, this attack renders him completely helpless and unable to move for another hour from sheer exhaustion. Aura Strength: High. Dust Use: None. Inspiration: Berserker (FFV)
Fourth Member: Yin Dàlǎohǔ Appearance: Messy short black hair. Red eyes. Wears heavy, spiked, black armour, including a helmet, when on a mission, but his casual wear is a black longcoat over a red shirt and black pants. Short and slight. Bio: Yin is so quiet and reclusive, many people believe him mute. In truth, however, he speaks only when absolutely necessary. Why this is is unknown to many, but he is fiercely protective of his allies, taking every blow to them as a personal failure. He fights with a shield and sword in close quarters combat, but isn't averse to long range combat when necessary. His dedication and silence both stem from a traumatic event, where he and his friend, Whyt Veyon, were attacked by Grimm; she died and his Semblance and Aura both activated. Weapon: Death Lotus. A sword and shield combo. The sword can fire bullets from its tip, and the shield has a compartment of Fire Dust that can be utilized through a nozzle on the front in the form of a flamethrower. For storage the weapon and his armour merge into the shield, which he carries on his back. Semblance: Blackfire. Yin can utilize of some sort of dark energy that explodes on contact with a surface in a manner similar to a crushed Fire Dust Crystal, but black in colour. However, using his Semblance causes damage to himself due to his trauma (this damage can thankfully be healed by Grey's Healing Semblance). “Overdrive”: Rage Demon. Yin's Semblance merges with his Aura, cloaking him in a destructive shroud of dark energy. This merger empowers everything about him, but prolonged use can outright kill him. Aura Strength: Variable. It's stronger when he's defending others, and weaker when he's fighting for himself, becoming practically non-existent outside of combat. Dust Use: Medium. Inspiration: Dark Knight (Bravely Default)
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chiyos-oc-depot · 5 years
Basic OC List
Some OCs share a protag role with my best friend's OCs because it's more fun.
Dean Waller. Fallout 3, Lone Wanderer. Biracial gay trans man. Baseball bats and pistols. He/him.
Evelyn Vogel. Fallout New Vegas, false Courier. White aroace cis woman. Energy weapons and science. She/her.
"Six" (real name unknown). Fallout New Vegas, true Courier. Indigenous  gay cis man. Non automatic rifles and explosives. He/him.
Aria Bodhi. Fallout 4, canon Sole Survivor, leader of the Minutemen. Desi bisexual cis woman. Baseball bats. She/her.
Charlie Giovanni. Fallout 4, Far Harbor. Afghan-American cis woman, struggling with sexuality and identity. Sniper rifles. She/they.
Lun Yan. Fallout 4, Nuka World, Overboss. Chinese cis lesbian. Swords and knives. She/her.
Vic Abrams. Fallout 4, Star Paladin of the Brotherhood of Steel. White cis bisexual man. Energy weapons and power armor. Terrible person. He/him.
Abigail Hendricks. Fallout 4, Agent Whisper of the Railroad. Black cis biromantic asexual woman. Pistols. She/he/they.
Aarón Moses. Fallout 76, Vault Dweller. Latino asexual cis man. Undocumented immigrant, just wants to farm and raise brahmin. He/him.
Dragon Age
Daphnina Cousland. Dragon Age Origins, Fereldan queen. One of two Wardens. Latina cishet woman. Archer rogue. She/her.
Evris Tabris. Dragon Age Origins, city elf. [Race] cis gay man. Sword and shield warrior. Romanced Nathanial Howe (and second Warden, cis gay Dalish elf). He/him.
Garrett Hawke. Dragon Age 2. Default appearance, trans gay purple Force Mage. Romanced Anders. Supported the mage rebellion. He/him.
Saarebas "Adaar". Dragon Age Inquisition, canon Inquisitor, one of two. Gay cis Qunari rift mage, romanced Dorian and the other Inquisitor (cis bi elf, who romanced Iron Bull). He/they.
Juiri Lavellan. Dragon Age Inquisition, noncanon Inquisitor. Korean straight trans woman. Templar trained shield warrior. Unfortunately romanced Solas. She/her.
Fruli Cadesh. Dragon Age Inquisition, noncanon Inquisitor. Black bi cis woman. Tempest trained duel wield rogue. Technically romanced no one (totally romanced Varric). She/her.
Maxwell Trevelyan. Dragon Age Inquisition, noncanon Inquisitor. Black cis ace man. Artificer archer rogue. Romanced Cassandra. He/him.
Mass Effect
Commander Dana Shepard. Canon Paragon Shep, ME 1-3. Egyptian bi trans woman. Automatic rifles. Romanced Garrus. She/her.
Pathfinder Saul Ryder. Technically noncanon Pathfinder. Black gay trans man. Shotguns and more shotguns. Technically romanced no one (Totally romanced Drack). He/him.
Rocks. Vorcha Shock Trooper. Trans gay male. Asari sword and Omniblade combo. Jokes characters are always the most tragic. He/him/it.
Saints Row
Big Bee. Saints Row 1-4 (technically 2-4 lol) Third Street Saints boss, former president. Black pansexual nonbinary. Dildo bat. Crimes against humanity and cops. They/them.
Elder Scrolls
Xanthos. ES3, one of two Nerevarines (the "Star"). Gay cis Argonian. Glass armor, blades. Carries Sunder (too OP with Keening). He/him.
Gnora gur-Botruk. ES4, Hero of Kvatch. Cis butch lesbian Orc. Steel armor and warhammers. She/her.
Lily Moon-And-Star. ES5, Last Dragonborn. Cis femme lesbian Dunmer. Leather armor and bows. Adopted daughter of the Nerevarines. She/her.
Angel. Outlast 1, peaceful Variant. White trans gay male. Follower of Father Martin. He/him.
Maxson Farroway. Good Hunter. Trans gay male. Saw Cleaver and Threaded Cane. Saving as many survivors as he can. He/him.
Ebri Tavantris. Choir hunter. Albino trans gay male. Kos Parasite and A Call Beyond. Hedonistic little brat. He/they.
Winston Forsythe. Mensis scholar. Cis grey ace male. Reiterpallasch and Hunter's Pistol. Just wants to study in peace. He/him.
Crisanto Torres. Cainhurst Vileblood knight. Filipino cis bi male. Stake Driver. A gentleman. He/him
[Chosen Undead - Dark Souls]
Reinhart Dusk. Bearer of the Curse. Black genderfluid gray-ace. [Details coming soon]. They/them.
Yurie Albelin. Ashen One knight. Gay trans male monsterfucker. Watchdog of Farron. A gentle soul with a less gentle claymore. He/they.
Flynn Wilder. Tarnished Vagabond. Cis gay male monsterfucker. Easy to fall in love. He/him.
Final Fantasy
Maus Bastovan. Miqo'te Conjurer. Gay trans male. Woke up on a cart to Gridania and isn't sure how he got there. Wands and healing spells. He/him.
Kazak'sivanz. Hrothgar Thaumaturge. Bi cis male. A simple explorer looking to see new and exciting things. Staves and ice magic. He/him.
Star Wars
Pahvor Sulan. Zabrak Sith Sorceror. Cis bisexual male. As charismatic as he is sadistic, and very fond of lightning. The lightsaber is more of an accessory at this point. He/him.
Xiaan Vel. Pureblood Sith Jedi Sentinal. Cis woman unsure of her sexuality. Amazonian stature with dual lightsabers. Good at detachment and bad at impartiality. She/her
Rashti Kaan. Togruta Smuggler. Cis bisexual woman. Blaster rifles and big naturals. Has weaponized her tits. She/her.
Tzarin Dran. Twi'lek Bounty Hunter. Trans gay male. Grand Champion of the Hunt. A bit of a slut and everyone knows it. He/him.
"Liska" Lisk'ama'ura. Chiss White Sith Juggernaut. Intersex female-presenting lesbian. Single lightsaber. Soft domme. She/her.
Nil Shandori. Nautolan Dark Jedi Sage. Intersex lesbian. Single lightsaber. Will achieve galactic peace, no matter how many people need to die to get it. She/her.
Kuujoh Taj. Cathar Republic Trooper. Cis bisexual male. Big ol' guns. Situationally appropriate slut. He/him
Vitaara Thresh. Mirialan Imperial Agent. Cis lesbian. Sniper rifles. Repressed PTSD. She/her.
Dungeons & Dragons
Keth gro'Tulgora-Kenthworth. Half-Orc Path Of The Totem Barbarian. Cis gay male. Chaotic good. Greataxe Himbo. Muscles are for hugging your friends. He/him. (Courts Of The Shadow Fey)
Zurn. Illithid Pact Of The Tome Warlock. Genderless bisexual. Neutral good. Eldritch Blast and a Great Old One Patron. A pile of scarves and anxiety. He/they. (Candlekeep Mysteries)
Captain Vodnik Of The Undertow. Ulitharid Battle Master Fighter. Masculine-presenting AroAce. Lawful evil. Flashy rapiers and Mind Blasts. Fond of himself and his favorite slave, and nothing else. Prefers "Captain", but he/him works. (Journeys Through The Radiant Citadel)
Ch'y. Half-Gnoll Necromancer Wizard. Cis male slut*. Chaotic neutral. Cold and necrotic magic. No one accuses you of evil magic if they think you're a bard. He/him. (Upcoming Curse Of Straud) * Bisexual includes all genders... and yet that's still too limited for Ch’y.
Tilaan. Tiefling Pact Of The Blade warlock. Nonbinary slut*. Chaotic neutral. Unpredictable Charm Person and an Archfey patron. Can't get in trouble if you seduce the guards. Xe/xem but they/them works. (Unused)
Agari. Loxodon Circle Of Spores Druid. Nonbinary biromantic asexual. Neutral good. Spores spores and more spores. Everything is a friend, especially the mushrooms growing on the tusks. Any pronoun will do. (Unused)
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fandomisheart · 5 years
Also trying to work out who I am missing picture wise.
Secrets of Llulla
Lord Khadae/Jedi Knight Llulla
Jedi Master Leyten Oro
Darth Dyn
Darth Troskohn (how could I forget Troskohn?!)
Jedi Master Xu’Lorun
Padawan Talsarn/Lord Wanyuy
Padawan Maccias
Jedi Knight Eva
Jedi Master Kendra Oro
Jedi Master Osbourne Oro
Jedi Master Kyril Xanthos
Jedi Knight Ariadne Makri
Jedi Knight “Tali”
Lord Rina
Lord Haikyrion
Kres’abra’hvnah/Darth Sabrah (though he and Darth Dyn do know each other, the vanilla story has messed with his character badly so I don’t play him as often)
Vox Imperatoris (yes, that does mean “The Voice of the Emperor” :P)
Lord Temazros
Midnight Lothcat
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pseudo-spark · 5 years
OC Traits
Tagged by N/A
For Ottis Xanthos
$ financial: // wealthy / moderate / poor / in poverty
✪ class: // upper / middle-working / poor / slave / unsure
✚ medical: // fit / moderate / sickly / disadvantaged / disabled / not applicable
✔ education: // qualified / unqualified / studying / other
✖ criminal record: // yes, for major crimes / yes, for minor crimes / no / has committed crimes, but has not been caught yet
◒ children: // has one or more children / has no children / wants children / verse dependent / doesn’t want to have children / can’t have children
◑ relationship with family: // close with sibling(s) / not close with sibling(s) / has no sibling(s) / sibling(s) are deceased
◔ affiliation: // orphaned / adopted / disowned / raised by birth parent(s) / not applicable / kidnapped
♦ extrovert // introvert // in between
♦ disorganized // organized // in between
♦ close-minded // open-minded // in between
♦ calm // anxious // in between
♦ disagreeable // agreeable // in between
♦ cautious // reckless // in between
♦ patient // impatient // in between
♦ outspoken // reserved // in between
♦ leader // follower // in between
♦ empathetic // indifferent // in between
♦ optimistic // pessimistic // in between // realistic
♦ traditional // modern // in between
♦ hardworking // lazy // in between
♦ cultured // uncultured // in between
♦ loyal // disloyal // in between
♦ faithful // unfaithful // in between
★ faith: // monotheist / polytheist / atheist / agnostic / it’s complicated
☆ belief in ghosts or spirits: // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✮ belief in an afterlife: // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
✯ belief in reincarnation: // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❃ belief in aliens: // yes / no / don’t know / don’t care
❀ philosophical: // yes / no / sometimes
> sexuality: / heterosexual / homosexual / bisexual / asexual / pansexual / demisexual / questioning
❥ sex: // sex repulsed / sex neutral / sex favorable
♥ romance: // romance repulsed / romance neutral / romance favorable
❣ sexually: // adventurous / experienced / naive / inexperienced / curious / inhibited
⚧ potential sexual partners: // male / female / other / none / all
⚧ potential romantic partners: // male / female / other / none / all
☠ combat skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
≡ literacy skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✍ artistic skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
✂ technical skills: // excellent / good / moderate / poor / none
> drinking alcohol: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
> smoking: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
✿ other narcotics: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / tried some
> medicinal drugs: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess / when needed
☻ indulgent in food: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
$ splurge spending: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
♣ gambling: // never / sometimes / frequently / to excess
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kuruna · 4 months
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I've been thinking a lot about the world's most terrible and awful and uncomfortable and spite filled family reunion lately, so I doodled designs for my AU where AZ's younger brother becomes immortal too... And I also threw in an OC I made for my personal lore, which is (one of) AZ's older stepbrothers 😭 also another really scribbly preview of my design for Lysandre where he survives All That and has to deal with the aftermath.
More info under the cut 🙏🏾
Xanthos is AZ's younger half brother, specifically! His mother, Arisa, had him with Sairo, AZ's stepfather. They got along really well when they were kids... But no longer 😔 the scar on Xan's face is from when AZ stabbed him in self defense some many many years ago (😱) but that's a long story.
Sairo was a widow when he met Arisa. He had two sons (Oúrion and Rhinon) with his first wife. AZ was around 2 or 3 when Oúrion was around 7 or 8. They never got along with one another, Oúrion's extremely nosey and overly blunt personality clashed really badly with AZ 😭
Floette was a wedding gift from Sairo to Arisa. The flower Floette holds is from Arisa's homeland, Tassil (my name for Pokeworld North Africa). She ended up being raised like a sister to the other children, and so she acts a bit more like a person than most other pokemon do 😭
When Floette died, Oúrion said something really fucking insensitive that led to him and AZ having an ugly fistfight right in the castle walls 💔 AZ is trying not to hold grudges anymore, but... This one is a bit difficult to let go off. It doesn't help that even now, 3000 years later... They still don't get along!!
Floette meanwhile is just happy to see everyone safe and (mostly) sound. She's not the type to get angry like that...... Usually. (She does have her limits 💔)
Rhinon died pre-ultimate weapon so it wouldn't make sense to include him. Unless I make him a ghost or something but I probably won't 😭 but I'll probably design his young self (and Arisa and Sairo) next.
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kuruna · 2 months
💧🙉🌌🌈 for Xanthos! I have to say, I really love his complex character layers and dynamics with AZ. I find him to be pretty relatable especially his struggle with feeling needed and his fear of failures; I'm also the youngest out of my siblings so I feel that sense of wanting to be "useful" . I apologize if this comes off a bit too gushy, but seeing your works helped clarify my thoughts with the media itself and myself.
Aw don't worry about sounding too gushy, I love hearing people's thoughts and I'm glad he resonated with you in that way! I'm a middle child myself, so I do often think about my own sibling dynamics when writing for them 😭 🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
Xan is already his own worst critic, and has a bad habit of blaming himself for things that quite genuinely are not his fault (he also blames himself for things that ARE his fault, but that's more understandable 😭). However, it does hurt him a Lot when he's told something that confirms what he already thinks about himself. Being placed in a scenario where he feels helpless, or where he feels weak, are the worst things ever for him.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
This is gonna be long because I love these types of questions... anyways! Whenever a media has "implied characters" (characters that are mentioned but not seen or named), I really enjoy taking them and giving them a design and voice ^.^ The first thing I decided about Xan was a design feature! I thought it would be fun if he essentially had an "upside-down" version of Lysandre's hair. The idea is still there but less obvious, because this proved to be way too hard to draw in a way I liked 😭 AZ was known as a great king who transformed Kalos into a land of prosperity, but it's also established that in the past, pkmn were seen as tools and not much more, and here was a king who treated a Floette like part of his family. Despite his greatness, he was surely seen as odd for it! The fact that his best friend is a sweet little Floette also tells me that he doesn't mesh well with other humans. What does that mean for his brother? I imagined someone who lacked AZ's skill for invention, but was charismatic and well-liked. And from there I imagined someone who (unfortunately!) would be the type to chastise AZ for not being a "proper" king, who maybe didn't make an effort to understand his brother as well as he should have. At the same I really dislike the idea of "everything bad can be blamed on this one guy," so I wanted to make a character that was complex from the get-go, rather than it being a situation where AZ's brother was just an evil jerk or something. If AZ is secure enough to not care what others think of him and to act as he wishes, his brother must be the opposite. This was my initial thesis for Xanthos, and still my go-to when I work on developing him! He is his brother's opposite. As for why I eventually decided Xan became immortal too... I forgot how the idea came about 💔 but I really like the inherently complicated dynamic he'd have with AZ in such a scenario, and the questions it creates. Is it possible for them to forgive one another after everything that's happened...? I would like to think they can... after all, they have all the time in the world to make amends.
🌈 RAINBOW - what advice would they give to their younger self?
Ohhhh he definitely has a whole laundry list of things he would want to say... other than the obvious ("can you pleaaaassee actually talk to your brother instead of attempting a coup in your desperation to be heard"). I think the #1 thing would be "stop acting so ashamed of the people you care for most! You cannot appease everyone, and this is fine!" The #2 thing would be "stop trying to do everything on your own! ask for help when you need it!!!" (funnily enough... I think a lot of the things he would say to his younger self are things he Does end up saying to Lysandre at some point 😭)
💧 DROPLET - random angst headcanon
Ended up doing this one last because I couldn't decide which little lore tidbit I wanted to use for it 😭 During the reconstruction of Kalos... while it took a bit to discover the Straight Up Immortality, people were quick to notice that Xan aged much slower than those around him. When his sons were both adults, for example, Xan only looked a few years older than them. Eventually this confusion grew into fear, and that fear led to Xan being rejected by his very homeland, despite all he'd done for it. (On this note 💔 Xan's sons were named Xerxes and Yeltaz. The name "Xerxes" is one of Xan's middle names, and the name "Yeltaz" is one of AZ's middle names. As you can imagine, AZ and Floette never got the chance to meet either of them 😔)
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kuruna · 3 months
Developing Xanthos is sooooooooo fun I missed being obsessed with my own OC 😭
He felt like an outsider in his own family (everyone else was skilled with invention and metal working and the likes, but he struggled with that kind of creativity) which lead to him becoming an extroverted busybody of a guy.
But also he's scared of being Judged by others- this lead to him sort of rejecting Floette as a member of his family, because during this period in time (pkmn bronze age), it was considered unnatural to treat pkmn in such a way. AZ meanwhile was very close to Floette and treated her like a sister, as their mother had requested of him some many years ago.
AZ was close with his family, but struggled to make friends. Most people considered him to be strange and unsettling, which was only made worse by how close and familial he was with Floette. But... Xanthos felt a strange jealousy towards AZ 💔
In addition to being closer to their family, AZ was just... openly weird. He seemed not to be concerned about what others thought about him. This is a little untrue- AZ did care, but it was less bc he cared about fitting in and more bc he was lonely and being Strange just made him lonelier. But Xanthos did not see this loneliness... He only saw that AZ, in some ways, seemed to have a lot more freedom than himself.
If AZ and Xanthos ever talked to one another about all this their lives would've been much happier. Unfortunately it didn't work out like that 😔
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kuruna · 14 days
AZ and Xan have communication issues, and those issues are caused by like... And inability to see one another as complete people 💔 AZ looked at the fact that Xanthos was well liked and accepted and had an easy time acting like a true leader, and he couldn't comprehend any unhappiness beneath that. Xan looked at the fact that AZ was so secure in himself as a person and so strong-willed and free, and he couldn't comprehend the loneliness beneath all of it.
Of course it's not Only due to ignorance... Xan refused to let himself falter in front of anyone (he has a revulsion around the feeling of helplessness), and AZ feared the consequences of opening up to another due to so many years of rejection and judgement from others.
When Jedda (OC I haven't drawn yet) suggests to AZ that his own brother may be behind the slowly growing group of desenters, AZ initially rejects the idea... he doesn't want to imagine that his brother would betray him in such a way, but he also can't imagine what Xan's reason would be at the time. In AZ's eyes, Xan already had everything a person could want... What else could there be for him?
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fandomisheart · 4 years
Kyril Xanthos, Ariadne Makri, and Xu’Lorun are falling Jedi, yes. They are villains, that is the point.
But having falling Jedi characters doesn’t mean that all of them are.
Do I have Jedi that follow the Code? Every other Jedi character of mine.
Eva? Absolutely. Tali? Yes. Leyten? He does. Llulla? Indeed. Errol? Yup. Kendra? Sure. Osbourne? Did break the not-meant-to-be-married part with Kendra but still believes in the Code.
What about not-quite-Jedi?
Wanuy? Still primarily a Light Side Force User who believes balance as the key to peace but otherwise yes. Maccias? Sees the merits of the Jedi Code.
Do I have evil Sith characters?
I’ve not yet gotten to mentioning most of Dyn’s family. Anjalika. Zoran. Fia. Sokratis. Ludwik. Liândyr. Orqius. Bâkkus. Rudia. They will be popping up in story, and they are evil.
Dyn is a Sith with light in him. He loves and protects his found family, but whatever god you believe in help you if you mess with them. Dyn had no issue lopping off Kyril’s arm to protect the little Twi’lek Jedi he just found, he is not above being a bloody Sith and painting the room red in anger.
Jedi aren’t evil, Sith aren’t good guys, but people aren’t black and white so neither are my OCs in a swtor-era story I am writing.
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