#otaku house cosplay idol
sixknight · 11 months
Thinking about this post I made...
If the Brothers had a Tumblr
Lucifer- Mostly just follows Diavolo, his brothers, and MC. Uses it somewhat as a journal but also reblogs art, quotes from books, and music. Sometimes argues with Mammon in the notes.
Mammon- Reblogs a lot of those money/luck will come your way posts. Also reblogs a lot of photos of cars, jewelry, and money. Uses it as a diary for random thoughts sometimes (usually about MC or his brothers) too and likes to post selfies showing off. Gets anon hate and it's usually just Asmo trying to mess with him.
Leviathan- Anime, video games, movies, idols! It's full of fandom posts from himself and others! He also reblogs a lot of animal pics. Occasional shitpost bc he thinks they're funny. Also shares and reblogs cosplay and sewing tips. Has a nice little circle of gaming otaku mutuals that he cherishes.
Asmodeus- Reblogs and posts a lot of fashion and makeup stuff. Posts selfies/thirst traps every day. His blog also gets very n/s/f/w bc he is Horny On Main™️ (much to Lucifer's embarrassment... "Don't post that it could be on the internet forever Asmo". Complains about Mammon occasionally. Has definitely met up with some of his followers to sleep with them.
Satan- Reblogs academia aesthetic posts. Posts and reblogs a lot of stuff about books and even gives book recommendations. Lots of cat pictures... Like, every cat picture he sees... Also uses it to vent to help him with his anger. Loves having discussions with askers over books and is down to proof read people's stories if they come to him for it.
Beelzebub- Follows soooooo many recipe blogs. Reblogs every pic of food he sees and tags them with "🤤". Reblogs pics of animals from time to time too, especially the cute puppy pictures he sees. Also reblogs workout tips. Sometimes talks about himself, MC, and his brothers on his blog, mostly about Belphie. Posts workout selfies and gains a bunch of followers from them.
Belphegor- Reblogs a lot of those memes/shitposts that are like "DJ blankie and DJ pillow in the house tonight" and "girls when they have to get out of bed". Literally every random thought he has gets tossed into this void. Also reblogs recipes and tags Beel in them. Tags MC in things that he knows they like too.
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ryuichirou · 3 months
A couple of replies related to the shipping chart we posted yesterday and a bunch of other twst-related ones.
Anonymous asked:
(Hi! just saw the shipping cart) Kalim/Idia... 👀👀👀 I'am listening
It’s just like it says in the chart, Anon, they do seem like the type of ship we would like. The contrast between their energies is just way too fun. I briefly talked about them last week, actually!
Anonymous asked:
I saw some interesting ships in your tier 👀 TreyVil? The epitome of Just A Guy x The hottest person on twst. OrthoMalleus? Ok maybe they'll make out hundreds of years later after everyone else has died.
Trey/Vil is a ship that started with a “hmm”, but the more I think about it the more I like it, to be honest, and the fact that they are the epitome of that exact thing is one of the reasons, Anon… Watching them is very fun sometimes, especially when Vil either flirts with Trey or complains about him being a horrible man that spoils people rotten lol We have a couple of posts about them.
Also YES about Ortho/Malleus! This + that one vignette in which Ortho helped Malleus to find some information in the library, and Malleus had his first experience with search engines lol They are such an odd couple, I would love to see them interact more.
Anonymous asked:
Ace x Jamil?  Floyd x Jamil?  Basketball trio!!  I saw some fanworks of them and now I kinda vibe with the ship.
Also, Ace x Idia?  How'd that one come about?
Both of these ships are very fun~ We have a lot of stuff with Floyd/Jamil, more than I expected, to be honest… And nothing for Ace/Jamil, but I do love their dynamic and how clingy Ace could be with a senpai sometimes.
I don’t really remember why we started kind of shipping Ace and Idia, maybe it was because of their master chef thing together, but this is a combo of Ace being a clingy sly kohai once again + him probably thinking that Idia is genuinely cool at times… They also use the same slang every now and then, and I find it amusing.
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Crewel gives Vil special training to be the perfect house warden?
He might, Anon~
To be honest, to me Vil feels like too perfect of a student that learns everything super quickly and catches flirtatious advances without any problem. Ironically, they are such a perfect fit for this kind of special training that it’s almost like they aren’t each other’s type.
But who knows, maybe Crewel just already did play a role in how perfect Vil is…
Anonymous asked:
On the topic of ships, what do you think of selfcest?
Nothing against it, but because of our “not shipping tops with tops and bottoms with bottoms” thing it makes it kind of not work for us. But visually it could be very pleasing + I wouldn’t have the heart to deny Cater his right to selfcest.
Anonymous asked:
Thanks to the gossip headcanons, I’m now thinking of everyone gossiping a la No Me Diga. Not sure whether they would be dirtier than the original song tho
Oh god I just watched it. This is pretty much how NRC boys communicate with each other… and they’ll absolutely be dirtier 😭
Anonymous asked:
The vibes of Needy Streamer Overload remind me of Idia as does the music, esp Internet Overdose. Plus, think how cute he’d look in the outfit!
Idia would look very lovely in that outfit…! Idia should cosplay every cute girl ever.
But also, I think I remember seeing a video of Ortho doing the Internet Yamero dance… right, I think this is it.
Any type of media or song that is somewhat related to someone being an otaku or a neet or producing an idol anime girl SHOULD be applied to Idia Shroud. “ME!ME!ME!” included.
(Just a note: I am not super familiar with Needy Streamer Overload lol)
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poorlydrawnmoriocs · 7 months
The Kitsuens are a long line of people who have been brought fortune by kudagitsune familiars. The majority of the comically large family lives in a huge house in order to remain close to the family guardian, the massive smoky fox that lives in the chimney.
Daishirou is a folklorist who is very enthusiastic in his studies. Since his family lives alongside a type of yokai, he is eager to explore, scour old records and find out what else out there is really true, and how they compare to the legends. His fox lives in the bamboo tube that is traditional to keep a kudagitsune in, because every group needs a control.
Fujio is in a position where he doesn’t really need to work, but has a job as a bartender anyway, because it’s something to do and a way to see interesting things happen. He likes to consider himself a cool beauty, but he’s actually pretty easy to irritate and make lose that cool. Especially if you’re Tamae. His fox lives in a water bottle.
Tamae believes that there’s no point in having money if you aren’t using it to have a good time, so she does. She spends most of her time drinking, smoking, partying, and tussling with her friends/whatever other rabble rousers may show up. All of that said, she’s fairly friendly (if intense) by default, and doesn’t aim to cause trouble, it just kind of happens when she and her equally rowdy friends go overboard. Her fox lives in her metal pipe.
Asagi is an artist who works with a lot of mediums, and mixes them together to results that a lot of people don’t “get”, which frustrates her. She comes across as pretentious sometimes, but has a lot of respect for anyone with a passion for their craft. She’s siblings with Fujio, and her fox lives in a paint tube, though sometimes switches tubes to change color.
Ganji is, as you could probably guess, a massive otaku. He’s a happy, friendly guy who fuckin loves anime, and he loves to express this through cosplay. He’s *really good at cosplay.* Like, he often becomes unrecognizable, and he makes a lot of his costumes and props himself. (Though sometimes Asagi helps with the props, he is one of the cousins she gets along with best). His fox lives in a mascara tube.
Kanna is in the unfortunate position of having a particularly disagreeable fox with a drive to prove herself better than others, and of course, she can’t feel superior without a perfect human partner, so she pushes Kanna to be better than others as well- Or at least act the part of a rich ice princess. Kanna is a massive pushover, and goes along with what the fox wants because it’s easier… But she’s also just. Really bad at being mean and condescending, so it isn’t terribly effective. The fox lives in a flute.
Roi has the disease called Being a Teenager, and is taking all the wrong lessons from being related to Tamae. He’s got a lot of aggression about pretty much nothing and likes to feel tough. Unfortunately for him, and probably fortunately for everyone else, he’s not very strong and kind of a coward. His fox lives in a Pringles can.
Kinuka is Ganji’s sister, and just as big an anime fan. In fact, it inspired her to try to become an idol, and lucky for her, she lives in a setting where we don’t have to address the horrors of the industry, so she acts as the Dog idol in a Momotaro-themed idol group. She isn’t often recognized outside of it. She and Ganji get along really well. Her fox lives in a chapstick tube.
Takatsu is not a blood relative, and has no fox. His mom married Enari’s mom a couple years back. Enari and her mom have been presences in his life since he was a child, and he loves them both a lot… But he’s really just some guy who is now embroiled in the weirder parts of this family of wealthy, magic eccentrics, and it’s a little much for him sometimes. Still, he wants to try and get along with them the best he can.
Enari probably makes the first impression of a rich braggart who’ll probably turn out to be a total brat, but really, her bragging is less out of pride in her family’s money and more out of love for the members of the family… It can still get annoying sometimes, though. Her fox is an unusually large, doughy, barely sapient thing that lives in a tube sock, and she loves him So Much. She will not tolerate anyone being mean to him.
Seimei… Is a strange case. Daishiro just showed up with a baby one day, and it turned out that his hopeless romantic humanfucker fox took human form and got with a rando who helped her out of a jam, then felt like she had to run away when it came to light that she wasn’t human. Seimei is her kid.
Seimei is a quiet, enigmatic, concerningly powerful child who is only getting more so while hanging around Daishiro and sometimes following him on his expeditions. She seems to be able to speak to animals, know where things are that she shouldn’t, see things most people can’t, and often brings creatures into the house. Though I guess that last one is more of a general little kid thing.
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twatkcox · 1 year
[The Keihancarl Diaries: September 16, 2023]
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Hi everyone, Keihancarl here. This will be my second time at the Manila International Book Fair/MIBF post-pandemic (my fifth overall since 2017), plus my first time attending the Best Of Anime/BoA (if I manage to get there before the onsite tickets run out). And so, let’s begin!
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I’m wearing all-black with a splash of red. Well, except for the shirt, since I decided to wear the Kei Tsukishima shirt (a black shirt with an orange and white print) that I bought online more than a month ago. I decided to wear the black fleece coat and black fingerless gloves as well, hoping that I wouldn’t be mistaken as a cosplayer (as was the case back in 2018, during Pinoy Otaku Festival: Ai, though it only happened once). I was initially planning to wear my red plaid scarf, but I decided to ditch it at the last minute.
I decided to leave the house around 9:45 AM (supposedly 9:00 AM), knowing that I’d be dealing with heavy traffic (particularly along Commonwealth Avenue) later.
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I reached the MRT North Avenue station within an hour from SM Fairview. Surprisingly, the travel time was a bit faster than expected. Traffic was incredibly light in most parts of Commonwealth Avenue. Along the way, some of the MRT-7 stations are being constructed, with a few of them nearing completion.
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The entire MRT ride took me 45 minutes. Getting off at Taft Avenue station, I rode the EDSA Bus Carousel to the Mall Of Asia Complex. Reaching the area, I immediately head to SMX Convention Center (via the elevated bridgeway, coming from MOA Square/IKEA area) to check out Best Of Anime 2023: The Reunion (the event is only for one day, as opposed to two days). It took me 20 minutes to buy the ticket and get inside the venue.
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Inside, it feels different. The venue is quite large and there are awesome stalls selling various anime merch. There are food stalls on the side, offering a variety of snacks and meals.
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And speaking of which, I treat myself to a serving of gyoza (4 pieces). I didn't buy any drinks, though.
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I get to see performances by Starmarie and Chicken Blow The Idol, plus a cosplay talk with AC Hernandez. There was also the official launch of Ani-One Philippines, but I never got to witness it as I already left the venue by then.
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I stayed inside the venue for about two hours and bought a couple of souvenirs: a small Domo plushie from Splat.MNL (I used to see their store at Trinoma several years back) and a couple of magnetic bookmarks from Khel_Gotcha (I couldn't remember which stall). I also had a couple of selfies with the cosplayers as well outside the venue.
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I head down to the ground floor where the Manila International Book Fair was held. As soon as I got in, I checked some of the booths, including Tuttle, Black Ink Comics, Tankobonbon, and Psicom, among others.
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Fully Booked made a comeback at this year's MIBF. National Book Store is notably absent in this event.
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There were long lines in some of the booths. Also, there are numerous book signings as well.
As with the previous MIBF visits (except 2018), I never bought anything. I was actually interested in the book No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai (the one I saw at the Tuttle booth), which also had a manga version. Both the novel and the manga are not available in the country yet, the one managing the booth told me. That would've been an awesome souvenir from the event, but… oh well.
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At this point, I was starting to get hungry so I decided to leave SMX and head directly to the Mall Of Asia. It took me a while to find a restaurant. Fast food chains are always full of diners and with long lines at the counter.
I initially chose Greenwich, but the long line to the counter made me decide against it. And then there's Pepper Lunch, but I changed my mind at the last minute. I finally decided on Classic Savory.
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I chose a solo meal with buttered fried chicken and salt-and-peppered ribs. The buttered fried chicken is okay, but five pieces? I almost had to take out the remaining chicken since I couldn't eat anymore, but I managed to consume them anyway.
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Moving on, I checked some of the shops inside the mall, including Muji and Fully Booked. I even passed by ChaTraMue, an original Thai tea shop, but I never got to try any of their drinks.
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The heavy rainfall that afternoon made it impossible for me to go to the Esplanade. Instead, the rooftop garden, with the view of Manila Bay and the MOA Eye, became my outdoor setting for some selfies. It was already dark when I got there, though, and the rain had already stopped by then.
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The two sculptures are yet to be revealed.
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Oh look, there’s a nun by the stairs.
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Afterward, it's time for IKEA. Well, I could've visited it right after the MIBF, but I was starting to get hungry at that point, hence the need for a late lunch (more like an early dinner).
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Anyway, it was already quarter to seven when I got there, so I had to check much of the area as fast as I could. It took me almost an hour to check out some of the furniture and some home furnishings and even took some wacky selfies.
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I could've bought something there, but I hold off for now.
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These would make awesome containers, especially for fruit salads.
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The LED screen at the MOA Arena was finally fixed. The last time I checked, it looked kind of glitchy. Also, the MOA Globe is lit. Too bad I never get to take a pic.
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And it's time to go home. It didn't take me long enough to catch the UV Express ride to SM Fairview. Traffic is light in most parts of the route, but there's heavy traffic past the Batasan portion of Commonwealth Avenue northbound. I even witnessed a traffic accident in that area.
I reached SM Fairview around 9:20 PM. The mall was still open so I took some time to check the area. I couldn't check Booksale though, as they are already closed for the day (though the lights were still on). I got home about 30 minutes later.
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Two events in one awesome Saturday afternoon. An anime convention and a book fair? That was an awesome match. I thought I wouldn't be able to check out the first one since there'll be a potential amount of visitors coming from the book fair. And it's a one-day event too. But the event wasn't jampacked, unlike the book fair below.
I'm so glad I finally get to see another anime convention, and the second for this year after Pinoy Otaku Festival 2023: Shizen (I never got to attend Coshabatsu last July, so that obviously didn't count). Next month, there's the Ozine event at the Fairview Terraces, which will happen a few days after my birthday. My next mall-hopping trip should take me to the BGC and Makati areas, and I'm already planning it. Looking forward to visiting Mitsukoshi BGC, perhaps?
And that concludes everything that happened on that awesome day. Arigato and sayonara! Until next time!
Most of the pics featured in this post are from my Instagram account, @kcox_105. The first and last photos are from my private Instagram account, @kcox105.
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
I’d like to request hc’s of the Brothers and Diavolo reacting to an MC that’s so cute, she could pass off as a doll. If she stands perfectly still, she could pass off as a full sized doll until she moves again. She has adorable doe eyes, wears cute clothes (Lolita fashion or just has an anime girl style), and even makes cute desserts. If the usual MC was weak and frail to them already, Doll!MC seems so dainty, precious, and fragile; these guys would ban paper if she ever got a paper cut.
Oooooo this is really interesting! I can just imagine Doll!MC just making everyone so scared every time she moves because they could probably hurt themselves just bumping into a wall because they look so fragile lol. These were short, so hope you enjoy!
Update: here’s part 2 with the other Undateables!
The Brothers and Diavolo Reacting to Doll!MC
...maybe he made a mistake in picking you for the exchange program after all
You just look so delicate, and just so pure. 
You have definitely made cute little snacks and brought it to him while he locked himself in the office with paperwork
He lowkey highkey likes it no matter how he brushes it off with the usual thanks. Keep doing it, MC, he really appreciates it
When you get in trouble and he gives you the usual lectures, he can’t look into your eyes for long
Geez, he already can’t stay mad at you for long but now he can just feel his resolve cracking
If you get hurt oh Diavolo prepare for helicopter parent Lucifer
As soon as you accidently cut yourself in the kitchen (it would be the tiniest cut, barely noticeable),  you’re no longer allowed in the kitchen unsupervised and can’t handle anything with a sharp end (whether its a butter knife or kid proof scissors that would be safe for Luke to use unsupervised)
“Let me do it for you, I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“Lucifer, thank you but I’ll be okay. It’s just a frosting spatula it’s not sharp-”
Will punish his brothers 10x worse and demons 100x more if he finds out you got hurt (doesn’t matter what the injury is, could be so much as a paper cut there will be hell to pay)
Constantly checks on you when he can’t see you in person
Handles you so lightly that you barely feel his touch
Move over Belphie, you’re the baby of the house now 
Protective x100000
Is still tsudere around you, but doesn’t insult you as much
Who are you kidding as soon as he looks into your cute doe eyes, he forgets what he’s saying 
Complains about having to do stuff for you but doesn’t mind at all really. He loves it because it feels like you’re depending on him, and that makes him feel worth something.
“C’mon human, let the Great Mammon carry your books! You’re gonna hurt yourself and I don’t feel like hearing Lucifer’s mouth today!”
It was just your planner and a small recipe book that Luke gave you, and it weighed less than 10 pounds but okay. You don’t complain either when you see that he genuinely wants to help and do these things
Basically your loud guard dog and secret service agent rolled into one
He’s gotten into trouble more than once for “protecting you”. A student barely bumped your shoulder and Mammon already tackled him. Lucifer was not pleased (but he secretly understood)
He can’t help it that you’re weak and surrounded by hungry demons! It’s a pain to go through this much effort to just protect you, since you look so helpless
MC he’s just worried that you easily break if a demon so much as breathes on you but he likes that he can protect you because he knows that he can keep you safe. You’re just too cute and sweet okay??
Also stand in his room after watching a horror movie to freak him out and he’ll be sounding like Mariah Carey lmao
Is for sure having an otaku/weaboo freakout moment
You blend in with figurines so well, every time you come into his room he asks you to stand next to them so he can feel that his collection is complete 
He does it sometimes when he streams so people can think he has a rare limited-edition life sized doll that they can’t get. Makes him feel superior 
You’re like an anime character but in real life and he does not know how to handle it 
Can’t stare into your eyes, it makes them too flustered because he’s used to seeing it in his otome games and not from an actual person that he likes
Who needs maid cafes when he has you? You even dress and make anime themed desserts (once he built up the courage to ask you to make it for him)
Has to calm his beating heart every time he talks to you, you’re too precious for him MC! 
Your like his very own idol, minus the singing and dancing. However, if you can sing and dance....
Levi.exe has stopped working 
Thought you were a real doll until you introduced yourself
He really thought that someone brought you to life Pinocchio style
You looked like a princess from the many stories that he read, and he was smitten
Treated you so graceful and elegant like until he had his rage moments, which he told you to stay far, far, far away from him until he calmed down completely
Secretly placed a hex on you to where if someone tried to attack you or touch you with harmful intentions, they would be somehow be subjected to looking at their worst fear
You were wondering why that random stranger was just staring wide at you with extensive terror, but then you saw Satan grinning, so you left it alone. You thought it was just some weird demon thing
Loved when you made him cat-themed desserts
If you wore cat ears while doing it, he will turn extremely red
If you meow for him, he won’t know how to handle himself 
You are just the cutest thing he has ever laid his eyes on!!
Besides from himself of course, don’t get it twisted he’s still #1
He has most definitely had more than one photoshoot done with you both. And you guys have been trending on the Devilgram a couple of times already
Really you guys trend at least twice a month, and his fans love you!
They always ask where he got the doll from but he always laughs and says that “it’s a secret”
Imagine their shock when they see you walking and talking at RAD, some are amazed and some are downright scared
Fashion shows! 
He lives for dressing you up in cute clothes. Your style already suited you and he had great tastes so the new outfits he got you were just *chef’s kiss*
The cute little desserts that you made for him, he always posted it on the Devilgram before he ate it. They were just so cute MC and he couldn’t not show his fans!
Is the most careful brother when it comes to keeping you out of danger. He refused to let his body or skin damaged, and he wasn’t about to let it happen to you either! You are both way too dainty and fragile to let anything happen
Also spa days and self-care nights weekly!
You’re the perfect match made just for him MC
He finally has someone that can understand his struggle of being beautiful, bless you MC
Soft boy is scared of touching you :(
He towers over you, and he’s scared to even be near you
It takes some time, but he starts to warm up to you
Is always gentle with you, no matter the scenario
Holding hands? He is hardly gripping your hand, said hand fitting loosely in his
Getting hugs? He’s meagerly holding you, not wanting to crush you
You once complained to Beel that it wasn’t fair to get half done hugs (if you were hugging, you were getting a real hug, not a scared one). 
He made you swear that if he was hurting you to let him know, so now you have your very own signal to use for him just in case
He was very tempted to wrap you in bubble wrap and just carry you around like that
He LOVES your sweets, even more than Luke’s and Barbatos’
No matter the size, he loves them, mainly because you made them and it was made with love, just for him
It always makes him feel so warm inside, and he doesn’t feel his appetite gnawing at him like usual
No one is dumb enough to try anything with you both in his presence and not, unless they want to end up either a: deep into the ground or b: into his stomach
You just make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and he just loves everything about you. He just loves you
Hm, you look cute 
For a human
Acts like he doesn’t care, but you’ve caught him blushing before (he still does it too)
Won’t outright admit that you’re charming in your own little way, but he does in his sarcastic way like usual
“MC, you’re such a half-pint. You’re like my personal sized teddy bear.”
Has cuddled with you like you were his personal teddy bear (and still does, but you don’t complain at all)
Has a secret sweet tooth and eat your desserts whenever you make it just for him (and he doesn’t even share it with Beel, that monster)
Demons just have to look Belphie in the eyes, watch him flex his claws, and they all of a sudden forget about whatever they were planning. Good
He hates that you look so fragile, but at the same time he kinda likes it
You just look so soft, and you’re just so kind
It makes him feel like he’s protecting and caring for you, and that makes him feel calm and peaceful 
Please make sure that he’s okay MC, he’s scared that he’s gonna mess up again
The Prince of Hell is both surprised and pleased at your appearance
Do all humans look this charming or is it just you??
If someone as soft as you can survive living and going to school with demons, then this is great
Knew that you weren’t a doll, but still liked to admire you like one
Has asked more than once for pictures, you are just too enchanting!
Wants to have a portrait painted of you so he can hang it up in the castle
LOVES you baking for him! Loves when Barbatos does it too (even though it is kinda part of his job), but it feels different with you. It feels...domestic in a sense. Makes him feel like Diavolo, your friend and very interested in being your boyfriend, instead of Lord Diavolo, the prince that will be residing over Hell in the future
No one would be foolish enough to hurt you. If someone was, they wouldn’t even get the chance to lift a finger before they were directly dealing with him. Don’t take his kindness for weakness, he still is a demon after all, the future King of Hell to be exact
Was scared of touching you at first, but quickly grew out of it! He can handle his own strength, and you guys also have a signal to use just in case he does squeeze a little too tight
Will want to dress you up in royal clothes (if you were okay with it). Nothing is wrong with your current style, as a matter of fact it suits you! He basically just wants to play a fancy game of dress up/have a fashion show with royal clothing
Will take 100s of photos, no exaggeration
Asmo will be jealous, so be warned
Plus, he wants to know how his future lover/ruler would look in a crown so he can start taking measurements. You can never be too ready, right MC?
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joonie-beanie · 4 years
ൠ with Levi? 🥺💕
ൠ - random headcanon
So we all know that Levi is an otaku and loves anime
Therefore, he absolutely loves going to the human world and walking around Tokyo and Akihabara.
He doesn’t go often, because he’s much more comfortable sitting in his room and being in his own space, but when he does go to the human world--Japan in particular--he makes sure to pop in to Akihabara.
What his brothers don’t realize is that he can appreciate more than anime, and manga, and video games.
Sure, they’re his favorite past times, but that’s not the entirety of his personality and interests.
No, he likes to go other places as well--mostly places that are a little hard to find.
Sure, he could go to Mt. Fuji, or could stop by one of the famous bakeries in Tokyo, but instead he opts for the small, traditional tea shop tucked down a side street.
He likes to wander with his headphones in, traversing quiet residential areas, and simply taking in the scenery.
He enjoys spending time at shrines, but not popular ones. He likes the small ones tucked between houses, or the ones hidden up on the side of hills.
He especially loves torii that are in water. They make him feel at peace with his element, and sometimes he’ll even sit down and take off his headphones and just enjoy the sound of nature.
If you ever express interest in wanting to go site seeing with him in Japan, he’ll love it more than he can express. He’ll even go to the popular spots for you.
But more than anything, he wants to dress you up while you’re there.
Sure, cosplay is amazing, and if you allow him, he’ll definitely put you in a cute maid outfit, or witches costume, but...
Levi gets deep satisfaction out of seeing you in a kimono. It makes him feel...domestic--like he can envision an entire life laid out with you, where he’s completely comfortable in his own skin, and he can be around you without turning red.
As much as Levi idolizes Japanese anime, and other forms of pop culture, his love for things Japanese does not stop there. He has more depth to him than people see at first glance.
Oh, and if you make him dress up in a kimono as well, and the two of you get a commemorative picture taken while in the garb, he will absolutely get the photo printed out and enchanted with magic so no harm will ever come to it.
It will sit on his desk as a reminder of your time together, and will be the background on his DDD for centuries to come as well.
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not-ur-normie · 5 years
The demon brothers as a kpop group (+ Diavolo)
Hey there! This is my very first headcanon thingy, so i would like to apologise for my bad english, its not my mother language. Also, it was so long ago when i last wrote anything similar in english, so once again, sorry. 
Anyway, i really wanted to write it, so let me know if you like it! + If you want general group headcanons with them as a kpop group, pls let me know it as well! (Or a similar one with Simeon, Luke and Solomon, hehe) Love! 
The demon brothers as a kpop group (+Diavolo)
DIAVOLO - The CEO of the company - It was the main goal in all his life to see Lucifer shining on stage - Okay, not, actually he only knows Lucifer since a shitty survival program - I mean, Lucifer is already hiper super extra giga mega beautiful in his eyes, but! Lucifer! on! stage! is the main Lucifer - So he maid a company for him - Lucifer was like 'wtf dID U DO' (okay, he didnt say it in this way, but-) - He is an understanding boss - Doesnt plan to debut any other group, so his company wont suck lol - Has all the money only for the bois - Altho he is really kind and understanding, he expects the guys to work extra hard do achive success - Sometimes goes to variety shows with his group and acting like a proud dad around them - Fans say that he is the 8th member of the group - Has his own fansites - Sometimes does modelling (has a duo photoshoot with Lucifer which he is extra proud of and some of its pieces are on his wall in a big canvas) - Fans ship him with Lucifer (not suprising) - He bought two houses next to each other. One is his and the other is the guys'. - Has a cameo in one of the mvs of the group - Does acting, has a lots of main roles - He is POPULAR
LUCIFER - Leader of the group - Also dad of the group (i mean if you dont count Diavolo) - He and the others participated in a survival program, but didnt make it - Got kicked out of their prev company - Thats when Diavolo became a fan of him and decided on founding one for him - Lucifer only agreed on joining if his teammeat could go too - Most popular in the group - Does everything Diavolo asks him to do - Makes the guys practicing till morning - Barely sleeps - Also does acting - Really bad at doing fanservice - Extremely caring towards fans - Always makes sure that the fans are doing okay, writes short messages on fancafe, uploads pictures (never about himself) on ig and twitter and reminds fans to take care of themselfs - Staying up super late to read fancafe letters from fans - Gives special attention to communicate with fans - However... He shamlessly blocks fans who upload meme pics about him or hurt his pride - HE IS SERIOUS - Thanks to this, fans never EVER mock him - Has a solo album - Won against his own group once in a music show (Levi said how it was not fair and Satan was pissed) - Never dyed his hair and never will - According to some poll, he is one of the most handsome men in kpop - He hates fanwars and when there is one, he tells the fans to stop  - He also hates rumors
MAMMON - He wanted to became a worldwide idol so he can get more money - Actually he was really bad at everything when he joined that survival program - Fans started to love him bc of his hard work (((for the money))) - Always forgets their own choreography - The whole fandom jokes about how stupid he is - He is always truly offended and scolds the fans on vlive - Fans make memes out of him and love dissing him - Fans think he is super cute and he is loveing it - LOVES fansigns but always blushes if he needs to hold hands with fans - Tries to act tough anyway - Cries in every. fkin. concert. (giving birth to new memes lol) - Once made a "joke" about how fans should donate him money instead of giving presents and it became a HUGE scandal, Lucifer and Diavolo deadass wanted to kick him out of the group - Does vlive a lot bc he loves talking about everything: how he bought a new car, new shoes, how he wanted to prank Lucifer with Satan and how they failed blah blah and so on - He is that member with zero lines, but has fair screentime - Modelling and super popular - Tried acting bc "he is too good at everything" but failed (he is not too good, but too shy lol) - The loudest member - Variety shows love him thanks to his idiotism - He says he is the "cutie sexy" member of the team - Once a fan started crying in front of him at a fansign out of happiness and Mammon was so touched he started crying as well
LEVIATHAN - His nickname is Leviachan for a reason - Fans know how much of an otaku he is so they always buy him anime related stuff and LEVI IS TRULY HAPPY ALL THE TIME - He even post about his presents at twitter and ig - Does gameplay vlives - Also has a youtube channel where he uploads every kind of videos: gameplays, gameplays, anime reviews, manga recommendations, gameplays, videos about his Ruri-chan collection, gamplays... and more gameplays - Uploaded a video where he and Mammon tried to snake into Lucifer's room to film him while he is asleep, but got caught and Lucifer started to shout at them - He needed to deletet it bc Lucifer wanted to kill him for publishing it - Fans didnt reupload out of fear from Lucifer - Shy at fansigns but compfy with old fans and fansites - Doing cosplay - At the begining he was reather shy on stage, but since he got used to it... aegyo all the way - Loves when they promote in Japan - In variety shows when the mcs ask him about his hobbies he always ends up talking too much, so to others need to stop him - According to fans, he has e-boy vibes - He is the one who posts everything thats happening with them on twitter, so the fans really ALWAYS know whats up whit the guys - Once accidentally tweeted out their hotel room numbers and fans found them (Lucifer was hella angry)
SATAN - Mom of the group, even if he hates it - Like if Lucifer is the dad, no way that he is the mom - Also prince of the group - Has good vocals but can rap too - Writes lyrics - Started acting bc he was sure he is better than Lucifer - Won an award for his main role in a detective series - Has a whole collection of books bought by fans - Gets angry easily which is the reason why fans often mock and make memes about him - Reads the messages fans send him and replies; sometimes its only a heart, sometims its advice or kind words - Came up with the groups greeting - According to the other members fansites, he is so handsome that its hard to not take pictures of him - Thanks to this, all the others fansites have at least two posts about him - Fans going insane when he starts smiling - Plays the guitar - Multilanguage king - Cant do fanservice - Literally hates fanservice - Once in Weekly Idol, him and Lucifer needed to hold hands and say nice things to each other after the others told the mcs how awkward their relationship is - That was the worst moment in his entire life - Wanna do a solo album, but didnt have the chance yet (Diavolo promisd him tho) - He has th best fashion sense after Asmo - Has a cat in the dorm and the fans love it like its their own - He has a great memory, so he remembers the names of the fans who attended their fansigns at least two times 
ASMODEUS - Main vocal of the group - Self claimed visual of the group - He posts the most, almost everyday - Loves doing make up - The most fashionable member - A big ass diva - Went to king of masked singer but didnt win it - Has a solo album - He loVES FANSERVICE, HE LIVES FOR IT - With members, with fans, it doesnt really matter - The best at fansigns, he is so direct - Hold hands with fans, gives hugs, let them touch him - On the groups YouTube channel, he has this special segment called "Asmo cam" - He shows whats happening in backstage during promotions - Designed their debut album's look - Also designed the lightstick - Complains to the stylists if he dislikes an outfit - MCing - Reads the fanfictions fans write about the group and teases the members with it - Doing shower vlives, where there is only voice, so the fans can hear him singing in the shower (he also brags about how beautiful he is and how unlucky his fans not seeing the full beauty of his body) - If a fan post about him saying dirty things, he will reply with even more dirtyer stuff - Most of his fans are hard stans
BEELZEBUB - Maybe i am headcanoning it wrong, but for me Beelzebub is a rapper - The only reason he is not part of the aegyo line bc he never does aegyo but naturally cute enough for fans to cry over his cuteness - He is so sad that fans mustnt give him food in fansigns, but Diavolo is against it out of fear of some antifan trying to poison them - Mukbang videos - Mukbang shows love and hate him at the same time - Eating everywhere and everytime - He even eats at the middle of concerts - Fans have a bunch of memes about him - According to fans, he is like a big puppy who must be protected by all costs - All cool and serious on stage, all cuddly and cutie off stage - Main dancer of the group, always helps with the choreographys - Has an own restaurant, where fans can buy his fav foods... And there is a lot of that - One of the sweetest bubs in fansigns, he is easygoing and thanks to this its not hard to talk to him - Fans dieing to see him take off his shirt, but it havent happend yet - In one of his birthday lives Mammon dropped his cake out of accident and HE WAS SUPER SAD - Most of his social media post are about food. What he ate, whats he wanna eating, what he recommends eating, notes to fans to dont forget to eat - Fans never tell him to dont forget to eat, bc they know he wouldnt - Fans ship him with Asmo and Belphie - Loves tours bc he can eat a lot of delicious food around the world
BELPHEGOR - Devil maknae - Makes fun of his hyungs, but loves them endlessly - Sleeps in backstage all the time; while his make up is done, while his hair is done, why waiting for rehearsal - Lucifer has the hardest time with him if it comes to practice - I mean, Belphie deadass can fall asleep the middle of some choreo - Didnt love doing agyeo, but fans are over the moon if he does, so he is doing it often - He doesnt have a fixed role in the group, sometimes he sings and sometimes he raps - One of the best dancers, but he is too lazy to show his full potential - He often falls asleep while doing vlives - Once in an ig live he told the fans that it doesnt bother him that they have haters, bc he hates the haters as well - He barely posts on social media; if there are pictures about him, they are mostly from the other members (especially from Beel) - He has a super big pillow he got from a fan to his birthday when he was still a trainee and this is his favourite pillow - He is the one with zero solo activity, bc if he has free time he reather sleeps than going to shoot something
Feel free to add anything that comes into your mind!
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pennysword · 4 years
An Ode to My Hero Academia
Okay, like every anime fan, I've fallen into the My Hero Academia hole and can't get up... and that's not a bad thing.
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I'll be the first to admit that I wasn't on the fanwagon when My Hero Academia landed on American shores in 2016. I was two years out of college and the only thing I cared about was finding a nine-to-five that paid my bills and kept my mom from telling me to do something with my life. I was also deep in the pit of post college depression, wherein I'd moved away from all my friends and thought myself too socially awkward and weird to be able to make new ones. That's something a lot of us deal with, I think, especially when we're forced out of our comfort zones.
I am a shojo romantic at heart. Most shonen don't really hook me emotionally the way shojos do. And if it does hook me, it's set in a world so fantastical and so bizarre that my interest wanes before long and I would forget the plot all together. When I did delve back into manga or anime (decreasingly so once I got my first adult job at twenty-three), I wanted to wrap myself in the blanket of the tropes that were comfortable to me: a wallflower female lead with surprising feistiness and sense of justice, a beautiful male lead like prince from a fairy tale, a second lead who would do anything for your affection. These stories were mostly set in the real world, even if they didn't make sense sometimes, I could make excuses because I loved the idea of shojo so much more than disliking the flaws.
While a lot of my friends watch anime religiously, I'm more of a casual fan (which is really a nightmare to otakus, who expect you to know every single canon, fanon, and side canon that has ever existed). I remember my first encounter with the show was equally as casual. My friend explained to me it's general concept while waiting in line for my badge at ACEN 2017. “It's about superheroes! There's this girl who is literally a frog! An ostentatious personification of America! When people cosplay this other character they wear a green zentai suit because she's supposed to be invisible and that's funny!”
Fresh off the tails of One Punch Man, which came out in 2015, I thought it was the same concept and I rolled my eyes. I knew that anime followed trends, like most things in the world: one year psychic-mecha anime was what everyone wanted to do and the next, post apocalyptic themes were all the rage. So I thought My Hero Academia was just another One Punch Man, a self-referential, satirical comedy about heroes who knew how ridiculous their own genre was. I'd seen it once and wasn't really interested in seeing it again.
My second encounter with My Hero was a bit more personal. It was 2019 and I was taking my eight-year-old cousin to her first anime convention ever. Her family has always been a little more conservative, being Jehovah's Witnesses and living in one of the most right wing cities in Mid Michigan... and I was thrilled when she confessed to me that she enjoyed shonen-ai, that her mom had bought her a complete set of Sailor Moon manga, and that she wanted to borrow my own personal manga collection for reading. There was only a four month turn around, but I made her a janky cosplay and drove her to Kalamazoo for one day of their local convention, Dokidokon, wherein she pointed out someone cosplaying her favorite character, Shoto Todoroki from My Hero Academia.
At this point I had the base knowledge that my friend had given me at ACEN two years prior, but I just couldn't follow what my cousin was saying. After she shyly asked for a picture with the cosplayer, she explained to me why she shipped this character with that character and why that other character was a jerk... I couldn't understand any of it. And I realized that I had missed something much more important than hopping on the fanwagon of one of the greatest anime of its time... I'd missed an opportunity to connect further with my little cousin, someone who was just beginning to sprout seeds of her own ideas and her own interests, separate from her religiously zealous mother and her perpetually aloof father. I had missed a chance to truly enjoy her happiness, to witness her excitement when she saw her favorite characters pop out of the television screen and manifest themselves before her, alive and in the flesh... and just as heroic as their two dimensional counterparts.
That fall, I watched the first episode of My Hero Academia on my morning elliptical workout and my life was changed.
I mentioned before that one of the reasons I have a difficult time connecting with the shonen genre is the fantastical worlds that I cannot relate to. For instance, I can apply logic to the world of Naruto in my head, but it never seems real like it could be real to me. I always find myself questioning social structure, in-world history, and the story's depiction of the human condition. There's always a nagging voice in my head that refutes all of these pretend worlds in shonen... but My Hero is set in a world not unlike our own. In fact, aside from his green hair, the main character seemed like someone I might have known in middle school: a small, meek nerd type who is always scribbling something in his journal, always knew more than he was letting on... someone you wanted as a friend, whether you realized it or not. Izuku Midoriya as a character is as close to the shojo trope of a wallflower main lead as you could get. When we meet him, he's quirkless and is often bullied for by his childhood frienemy, Katsuki Bakugou. He's kinda squirrely, kinda spazzy, but feels like a grounded character because his golden heart is his most defining attribute. Midoriya has no illusions about what he is. He knows he's weak. He knows that people look down on him. But he is just… good. His goodness is infallible and his goodness rings true in everything he does, including when he risks his life to save said bully in episode two.
Conversely, while Midoriya is full of impressionistic verve, Bakugou turns the tables on the typical second lead shonen stereotype because he's not some edgelord that wants revenge for his slaughtered family. He actually has both parents at home and lives in a nice house and neighborhood. He doesn't have some kind of revenge fantasy playing in his head on his journey to become the best hero... he's just a fucking dick. A dick with a chip on his shoulder because his whole life people have told him that he's the better than his peers... and when Midoriya proves to Bakugou that natural talent isn't everything, he must grapple with the idea that world wasn't everything he thought it was.
Midoriya doesn't automatically become a cool kid after attaining his quirk from his idol, All Might, either. He doesn't stop being socially awkward. Midoriya still nerds out when it comes to All Might and he still takes copious notes on every hero he encounters, his classmates or otherwise. Midoriya has a goal but he doesn't have a grand plan. There's no shortcut to the end, only day after day of hard work and determination and figuring shit out on his own. Since he is the protagonist, we see the reasoning behind everything he does and this fact grounds the world of My Hero Academia for me. We see Midoriya fail and win and fail again, but we never stop rooting for him because we know he is smarter and more capable than his awkwardness allows him to show the world.
We follow Midoriya during some of the darkest times of his life, including when he learns that he would never develop a quirk. What hurt him more than the doctor delivering this news was his mother's fervent apologies rather than words of encouragement. Because even without a quirk, Midoriya could have done anything he wanted to, had he had the support of his family. In shonen anime the parents are usually convenient plot devices or they are dead. In My Hero, though, Midoriya has a close and communicative relationship with his mother. One of the more powerful scenes involving Inko Midoriya is when she refuses to let Midoriya go back to his dream school despite his protests. She explains that, first and foremost, she is his mother and her duty is to keep him safe. When I see this scene I always choke up because this is how humans act and I don't think I've seen it in another shonen before. I hear the common argument, “Well, he's training to become a hero. He's gonna get hurt.” as a justification of why Inko should be fine with Midoriya's broken bones. And while logistically that may be true, we know that most parents wouldn't feel that way. It makes sense as a narrative, given what we know about Midoriya and Inko's relationship.
Something I also love about this series is that every character has a fail stop, a logical reason why they aren't as OP as possible: if Todoroki uses his right side too much he gets frostbite and if he abuses his left he gets burned. If Ururaka overexerts her Zero Gravity, she gets motion sickness. Even All Might, Midoriya's mentor and the strongest hero in the world™, cannot be in his hero form for more than three hours a day. Every character must learn to recognize and live with their shortcomings, because even heroes need to find their place in the universe... and rely on those who fill the empty spaces around them. Because this show, despite it's taglines and ultimate moves, thrives on the logic of balance, of give and take accepting that no one can go at it completely alone, I realized that it was nothing like the aforementioned anime. It was so much more.
Like my friend told me three years ago, on a surface My Hero Academia is about superheroes. It's about capes and costumes and training montages and redemption arcs and all the things that we nerds love... But beneath the surface, My Hero Academia is about recognizing your own power. Izuku Midoriya isn't a hero because he inherited All Might's quirk. He's a hero because, to the very marrow in his bones, he does what is right. Izuku strives to be better than his own self doubt and the world telling him he's not good enough, even though most times he ends up crying his eyes out. He embodies the will to succeed that we all have within us when we find our passions, whether it be beginning your fitness journey with some anime on the elliptical, bagging that nine-to-five job, or something more substantial, like training, despite the odds, to become a hero who saves people with a smile on his face.
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otomebois-bb · 5 years
I got tagged! :o
@that-wasnt-so-bad tagged me for this thingy so I suppose I should do it :)
One - Name/Alias: Online I prefer to be called Raven (there is a reason and I actually will be explaining this on the last one, i believe)
Two - birthday: January 3!
Three - zodiac: Capricorn!!
Four - height: 5'1" (I'm short 😅)
Five - hobbies: Two of my hobbies are actually future dream careers of mine, and those are music and writing! For as long as I could remember I wanted to play music for a career, and in middle school (cringy, yes) I picked up writing because of fandoms and found I really liked it and now I'd like to write my own book(s) one day, which I'm actually working on one rn! A few more hobbies of mine include photography and modeling (because I like dressing up and I want to cosplay more - so far have only cosplayed Yuno Gasai and that's it)
Six - favorite color: Blue! All shades of blue. I also like light grey and most any pastel color.
Seven - favorite books: The Selection series!! I am in LOVE with those books! But I also really love the Vampire Kisses series; good books, also perfect for any goth girl looking for an idol tbh (i should know since the main character was my gothic idol when I first read the books)
Eight - last song listened to: Mine by Bazzi, lol
Nine - last film watched: Detective Pikachu, because my boyfriend hadn't seen it yet and since he's also a Pokemon fan I forced him (not literally) to watch it with me 😂
Ten - inspiration/muse: Anything. Literally, anything. The seasons, a show/movie/anime, a book, the way someone looks/dresses, something someone says... a n y t h i n g.
Eleven - Dream Job: I already said this earlier, oops, but my dream job is to be either a musician or an author (or both!)
Twelve - meaning behind your URL: My URL is otomebois-bb because, well... I'm obsessed with otome boys 👌😂
Thirteen - top 3 ships: uh, umm... okay okay, honestly I ship myself with a lot of fictional characters. Right now my top 3 are Osoro (male rival from yandere sim) x me (BECAUSE HE'S HOT OKAY SHUT UP), Akise Aru (Future Diary) x me (he's hot too okay ;-; don't judge me) and Oka (yandere sim again) x me (because she's just adorable okay stfu ;-; jeez)
Fourteen - lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick, bUt I would totally take black lipstick over chapstick any day once I move out of my aunt's house (because she'd freak out over it) and/or move out of the small town I'm currently in (because the conservatives here judge anyone and anything that isn't exactly like everything and everyone else)
Fifteen - Currently Reading: I'm currently rereading the Vampire Kisses series, which is where I got my nickname "Raven" from. It's a self-given nickname because when I was more heavily goth, it was the only book i could find that included my two favorite things: vampires and being goth. Main character's name is Raven Madison, who is the only goth in a conservative town until Alexander Sterling (a vampire who becomes her boyfriend) moves in. Raven is absolutely obsessed with vampires (much like myself), and she was (still is) my gothic idol.
Umm i don't really know who tag tbh, but I suppose I'll tag the few I can think of:
@thegrandduckmaster @ash-the-gay-otaku (you know my main account, this is my fandom/writing account lol 😅) annnnnd I can't think of anyone else.
Just so you know, no need to do this. You can if you'd like but you don't have to; if you do, tag me!
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recentanimenews · 4 years
Celebrating the Winners of Hime's Cosplay Cup at Crunchyroll Expo!
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  One of the most amazing parts of Virtual Crunchyroll Expo weekend was Crunchyroll-Hime's Cosplay Cup, which ended with a bunch of winners from a lineup of incredible finalists. Now that we're a few days out from the event, this is a great time to take a look back at those who emerged victorious in each category.
  Finalists for Hime's Cosplay Cup hailed from all over the world, and winners were carefully chosen by a panel of judges that included Creature of Habit, GSTQ Fashions, Rock M Sakura, and Kamui Cosplay. Add in hosts Vampy Bit Me and Mario Bueno, as well as all the staff involved, and you have a truly global show that had everyone giving it their all.
  Now, without further ado, here's a roundup of the results.
  Best Construction - Beginner
Lovablespiral - Professor Manuela from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
IG: lovablespiral
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    Best Performance - Beginner
yfang - Asirpa from Golden Kamuy
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    Best Innovation - Beginner
Wingy - Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail
IG: wingycosplay
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    Best Construction - Intermediate
Briannabuns - Mami Tomoe from Puella Magi Madoka Magica
IG: Briannabuns
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    Best Performance - Intermediate
Prince-Camui Cosplay—Debut of an Idol - Tokiya Ichinose from Uta no Prince-sama
IG: subarucamui
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    Best Innovation - Intermediate
Amaterasu Rises! - Amaterasu from Okami
IG: hnebadger_cosplay
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    Best Construction - Advanced
Eli Ebberts - Ichigo Momomiya from Tokyo Mew Mew
IG: EliEbberts
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    Best Performance - Advanced
Swan Song by Steff VonSchweetz - Bon Clay from One Piece
IG: SteffVonSchweetz
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    Best Innovation - Advanced
Pandora's Box by Angelic Threads - Misora Kano from Revue Starlight Re:LIVE
IG: angelicthreads
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  Barracuda - Kaoruko Hanayagi from Revue Starlight
IG: omgitsbarri
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  Rock M Sakura
Swan Song by Steff VonSchweetz - Bon Clay from One Piece
IG: SteffVonSchweetz
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    Creature of Habit
Becky Taka Presents: Discover My World - Shirahoshi Hime from One Piece
IG: Becky_Taka
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    GSTQ Fashions
Nazuna of the West Wind Brigade - Nazuna from Log Horizon
IG: valkyrique
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    Kamui Cosplay
A Most Perfect Teatime - Edelgard Von Hresvelg from Fire Emblem: Three Houses
IG: fellowhermit
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  Hime's Rising Star
yfang - Asirpa from Golden Kamuy
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    Best in Show
Bakeneko Tales by Jeyke - Medicine Seller from Ayakashi Samurai Horror Tales
IG: mundodajeyke
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    Congrats once again to all the amazing winners! 
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Joseph Luster is the Games and Web editor at Otaku USA Magazine. You can read his webcomic, BIG DUMB FIGHTING IDIOTS at subhumanzoids. Follow him on Twitter @Moldilox. 
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conanaltatis · 5 years
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Pinoy Otaku Festival (POF) 2019: Asobu will take place at the Trade Hall of Robinsons Novaliches in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines on May 17-19, 2019. The event will feature special guests from both Japan and the Philippines.
Among the guests are Yohgen, Gekitora, Hiro Saeki, Kazuki, Gloco Gaming and Yu-En Cosplay. The event will also feature Filipino bands which are also into both Philippine and Japanese pop cultures namely FREETIX, Kanjiru, Neko Hunter Band and Kulaspiro.
Ariel Villasanta will grace Pinoy Otaku Festival (POF) 2019: Asobu, as well. He is the other half of the comedy duo Ariel and Maverick with Maverick Relova.
The duo that pioneered the comedy reality-show in Philippine TV has an upcoming movie titled “The Untold Story of the Kings of Reality Shows.” Villasanta  stars in “Totoo TV,” “Mommy Elvie’s Problematic Show” and “Pinoy Meets World.”
Moreover, Pinoy Otaku Festival (POF) 2019: Asobu will highlight the world of idols as it rises in the Philippines with Aidoru Sozai, AOS49, CH4U, IVY! Musume, JAPHDOLLS PH, Pepper Keibu, Poly V, Sophia the Artist, Tanchikon and Ureshii-san Tomodachi. The event hosts include Kiel from Choji PH, Tessa Carbonell, Justin Villaseran, Geneva Cabading and Fatima Jongco.
Event Tickets and Charity
Ticket price is set at 100 pesos per day.  If you will be attending for 3 days, then get the 3-DAY PASS at 300 pesos (3 Days access to the convention and includes participation in the raffles).
For those who want to have more perks at the event, you can avail the 3-DAY VIP ACCESS for Php 500 (3 days access to the convention only, participation in Animazing Race, Premium Raffles, and many more).
You can get tickets online via Ticket2Me.
Pinoy Otaku Festival is partnering with House of Light and Hands of God Charity Works, by giving part of the proceeds (ticket sales) to help support them in their various activities.  House of Light is a support group and help them create more awareness regarding HIV/AIDS, and Hands of God Charity Works provides care for less privileged children.
About Pinoy Otaku Festival
The annual event of Naruto Cosplayers PH (NCPH) which promotes cosplay, anime, pop culture, and more. Held annually every May. Celebrate Japanese Culture and how Pinoys enrich it. Experience our own culture as well through the latest popular culture as we combine cosplay, music and the Filipino’s heart of gold for helping people.
About Naruto Cosplayers PH
Naruto Cosplayers PH (NCPH) is one of the largest cosplay and Japanese culture based organization in the Philippines with a background in events organizing and cosplay for a cause/charity works. The organization was featured several times in mainstream media and new media for its various activities. The organization is founded on October 10, 2010 which is the birthday of the anime character Uzumaki Naruto.
About Red Cloud Interactive
Red Cloud Interactive Marketing Service (or Red Cloud Interactive) began as an informal freelance team in 2010 brought about by the need to organize events usually related to cosplay and music. In 2018, the value of the portfolio accumulated by the group leader to its formalization as a business managed by a group of friends.
Pinoy Otaku Festival 2019: Asobu to feature Ariel Villasanta, Yohgen, Gekitora, Hiro Saeki, Kazuki, Gloco Gaming, Yu-En Cosplay Pinoy Otaku Festival (POF) 2019: Asobu will take place at the Trade Hall of Robinsons Novaliches in Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines on May 17-19, 2019.
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bloglittle1231-blog · 5 years
Maid Cafe
“Maid cafe”
A maid cafe is a type of cosplay cafe where the waitresses wear a maid outfit similar to a classic English or French design.They play the role of a house servant to give the customer an illusion of being a real master, and mistress using overly polite words and behaviour while pampering the customers.
In my opinion, maid cafe is same as cosplay cafe so I ma talking about this kind of cafes.
The first cafe which is companions putting costume of Anime in 1998. Almost all maid cafes had concept “healing and detox customer’s feeling”.
Today,  there are has over 100 cosplay cafes in Akihabara Tokyo where is famous about Anime. Cafes in Akihabara were started to do the most unique  things other companies cannot copy .
They serve tea, coffee, snacks and desserts. These menus are similar to normal cafe. The most popular service is decorating food by sources which is coming with something to eat. For instance, “omerice” is the most common menu in the cafe, the server draw some words or pictures in front of customer by ketchup.
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More over, the cafes offer services other than just food; for example , taking picture with a maid by “cheki” which is kind of instant camera. Also, at some cafes, you can have the maids hold the spoon for you, play games with you etc.
I’m talking about fee, some cafe charge entrance fees or charge by hour but usually price is same as regular cafe or little bit expensive.  Usually the bill come out around CAN $30 .
There are very strict rule such as 
Maid cafe dos and don’ts
Don’t touch the maids. Even though many maid cafes play up their maids’ cuteness, these aren’t places for flirting with or picking up maids.
Don’t take photos of the maids. You usually have to pay about C$5.97*Estimate based on price JPY 500 (Rates updated daily) for a printed photo with them. It sounds a bit like extortion, sure, but no one’s forcing you to get a photo if you don’t feel like spending for one! The “no photos” rule may also apply to maids distributing flyers on the streets. Some seem to have relaxed that rule, but do ask to be sure.
Don’t ask for the maids’ contact information (or any other personal information for that matter. Many will just stay in character and give you a fictionalized backstory, anyway). And don’t stalk them (this should be pretty obivous!); that includes waiting for their shifts to end.
Don’t take photos of the cafe interior. You may take photos of your food, though.
This kind cafe is well known as stores or events collaborating with  animation, virtual idol in the world(over 20 cafes in North America, Europe, South east Asia) .
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 I think Manga and Anime affect to sprit this culture to the world becauseI have lots of friends from South America and Europe who love Japan. Most of reasons like Japan is Manga and Animation. If you walk in Akihabara, you’ll notice many girls trying to get customers to go into their cafes and you will be able to find Japanese pop culture of maid cafe’s concept is called a bit different “omotenashi”.
538 words
0 notes
twatkcox · 5 years
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May 11
So the four-weekend plan begins with the usual mall-hopping trip at a mall in Novaliches and the three malls in the Fairview area, plus a sip of cappuccino frappe at a cafe in Lagro and a tempura bowl at a Japanese fast food in SM Fairview. I visited every second-hand bookshop in these malls and checked the shelves for some interesting manga titles. I also checked other shops as well.
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I checked SM Novaliches expansion at the former BPO area, and it looks like Macao Imperial Tea will open a branch there. And I find a couple of interesting manga books (one of them is Aldnoah.Zero) at Booksale’s branch in that mall as well, only I can’t spend too much at the moment.
While I had cappuccino frappe and siomai at a cafe in Lagro, I also had a fantastic (early) dinner--a tempura bowl at Karate Kid... and I get to eat with chopsticks too (yup, they actually provide chopsticks upon request). Well, I’m getting better at using chopsticks, and I don’t have to take off my fingerless gloves just so I can eat. Amazing, isn’t it?
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Of course, there’s the usual rooftop retreat at the Fairview Terraces roof garden, where I worked on some of the 6+1 stories to be featured on an upcoming literary special. While I initially target to publish the literary special post on the 19th of May, I decided to move it to a later date.
The night ends with just checking a couple of shops in the mall area. I didn’t get to check HMR, though.
May 12
A mother’s day celebration at my mom’s house, with my aunt and cousins. We had a small feast of pancit canton.
It’s been a while since I visit my mom since she had classes on Sundays. She is aiming to be an instructor specializing in tile setting, and I hope she makes it.
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Meanwhile, I managed to spend an hour at Fairview Terraces roof garden writing stories and checking the venue of the upcoming event POF 2019: Asobu at the Robinsons Novaliches Trade Hall. Regarding the latter, it looks like they’re going to occupy the entire area, which is actually great considering that they need to accommodate a great number of congoers, plus the exhibitors' booths. And they even have an area for press briefings and meet-and-greet activities.
I eventually have the convention map and the schedule of the event, which were posted on their Facebook page. I’m hoping to attend the first day of the event (Friday, May 17th) just to catch the Otaku Choice Awards.
May 17-19
For the post: The Keihancarl Diaries: May 17-19, 2019
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Well, it seems like I can go to the first day of the event after all. I get to have selfies with some of the cosplayers and bought some awesome souvenirs as well. And I did catch the first half of the Otaku Choice Awards.
For the rest of the event, I witnessed a variety of competitions, including various cosplay competitions and the battle of the bands. There were featured guests and performances, as well as fan meetups.
Of course, I did wear my favorite black fleece coat, an anime shirt, and black fingerless gloves, but only on the second and third day of the event. For the first day of the event, I opted for a pastel yellow shirt, black knitted vest, and the same black fingerless gloves.
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It sure feels weird being at an otaku event all by myself, and I certainly looked like a misfit among the crowd of anime fans, die-hard otakus, and some cosplayers. Even though I’m a casual otaku watching English-dubbed anime, reading English-translated second-hand manga, listening to a few anime soundtracks, and probably collecting various anime merch, I certainly feel out of place there. I don’t know if there are some congoers who feels the same way, maybe some of them are just like me.
Despite this, I’m lucky enough to buy some souvenirs at the event, and I get to my idol Ariel Villasanta (see TKD post). And of course, I had selfies with some of the cosplayers too.
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Though not as crowded and exciting as the previous POF events I’ve attended (POF 2017: Danketsu and POF 2018: Ai), I still managed to enjoy the event just the same. I hoped that the next POF event will be held at the same venue next year.
May 25
For the post: The Keihancarl Diaries: May 25, 2019
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A mall-hopping trip commenced a week right after POF 2019: Asobu, but things didn’t go as expected. For starters, the heavy traffic in Deparo and Novaliches areas totally disrupted my mood, as well as the (expected) rainfall and some other inconveniences along the way. Also, Baywalk is closed in the meantime due to the desilting operations along the Manila Bay shoreline, from the U.S. Embassy up to the Manila Yacht Club.
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On the brighter side, however, I really enjoyed taking selfies at the Lucky Chinatown Mall in Binondo, and these are the only selfie pics I took during the entire trip. And of course, the shrimp-chorizo fried rice at Habeat is really good. I somehow managed to check a few shops along the way, most of them are bookshops.
Anyway, while heading down the escalator at a mall in Binondo, an elderly man took notice of the red anime shirt I’m wearing, which says “People are my playthings”. He appeared to be a little wary of the shirt’s design, but I guess he didn’t really care much about it. Also, at a mall in San Lazaro area in Manila, a guy about my age (who probably works as a sales representative for a bank) apparently tried to approach me, thinking that my shirt and/or the pins are cool, and may probably be wondering where I got them. I simply didn’t pay him attention and walked off. Besides, I’m not really expecting some random stranger to approach me for whatever reason. As I ride the escalator to the upper level, I was kind of wondering if I actually encountered that guy during the otaku event exactly a week prior, probably as a cosplayer, but that’s just a 100% speculation and nothing else. Maybe he’s just curious, that’s all.
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Just as I thought that my mall-hopping trip probably sucked, I happened to score another manga book at a Booksale branch in SM Fairview. Of course, I bought it immediately, seeing that it’s a popular title (Full Metal Alchemist) and I’m not gonna let this opportunity pass me by, so there!
It was quite an adventure... more like a misadventure, to be honest. But I somehow managed to enjoy the trip in a different way. I’m planning to wear the same outfit again on my next mall-hopping trip down south.
May 26
I visited my mom that day and assisted her with the module she’s working on. She didn’t have classes that day, so that means I can come over for a visit. While I initially have other plans for that day, I’ll just reserve it for the following week. Besides, I haven’t visited her in a while since her classes (which is on weekends, particularly Sundays) started last January.
June 1-2
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The final week of the four-weekend plan didn't turn out great as expected. My Saturday afternoon plans began rather late, and the strap of my watch was torn along the way. I have to deal with it for a while until I either had the strap fixed or buy a new one.
I decided to wear my red anime shirt again and decided to head to Starmall San Jose Del Monte for a mall-hopping trip outside the Lagro-Fairview area. And then I had matcha cheesecake at a dessert shop in Lagro. My favorite cafe is already closed during that time, as it is past 5:00 PM when I arrived.
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I then went on a mall-hopping trip in the Fairview malls and bought myself a gray shirt with a cool graphic print (a pumpkin holding a banner that says “I am not a latte”). I also checked the venue where POF 2019: Asobu was held two weeks ago, and it sure feels a little quiet there.
I was thinking of buying a new watch, even if that means I have to spend a lot of money just for that. I simply can't go out without wearing one. I had a donburi bowl at Tokyo Tokyo, this time it is chicken oyakodon. It was really good.
The following day, I decided to wear the gray shirt I bought yesterday and just focused on the three malls. I bought a Rockman mug at a bargain department store (Robinsons Novaliches) and had an early dinner of dumplings with laksa soup and Hainanese rice (Paotsin) at the Fairview Terraces food court.
The entire weekend ends with story writing up at the Fairview Terraces rooftop garden and a visit to some shops. And that concludes the four-weekend plan.
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In the past four weekends, I had cappuccino frappe, jasmine tea with rock salt and cheese, and matcha cheesecake, dined in Japanese fast food restos, attended a three-day otaku event, bought some cool stuff (especially the T-shirts and the pins), went on a problematic mall-hopping trip, wrote snippets of the stories and articles I’m currently working on, and don cool-looking outfits (especially the ones featuring my black fleece coat and black fingerless gloves).
Despite my excitement on these four weekends, I had mixed feelings about it, especially on the second and third week (the otaku event and the mall-hopping trip). Nevertheless, I did manage to enjoy the good things that happened and I might replicate this next year. I am so looking forward to the next POF event and a mall-hopping trip right after that.
Right now, I’m looking forward to the Manila International Book Fair 2019 and my 29th birthday celebration. And hopefully, another otaku event (probably Best Of Anime 2019) at the SMX Convention Center. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for these events... and my plans.
All pics are from my private Instagram account, @kcox105.
0 notes
yukithesnowman314 · 7 years
You only get one shot.  If the first episode of an anime doesn’t impress me, it’s getting dropped.
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Did In Another Generic Otaku Harem Fantasy World impressed me on its first episode?  Well, if I’m making fun of the title and its originality, then no.  It did not impress me at all.
In Another World With My Smartphone is disappointing.   I’m talking “shut-in, black sheep in the family who watches anime all day, cosplays at anime cons, and doesn’t play sports like your father wanted you to; thus he disowns you” disappointing (kinda like some of you weeaboos out there reading this).
I was optimistic that this’ll be a good show based on its premise: Our hero, Touya Mochizuki, is resurrected and sent to a new fantasy-like world of his choosing by God (who accidently killed him by throwing down lighting towards the Earth, striking him). In this new world, Touya can still use his smartphone as it’s powered by magic.  In addition, his phone is still linked to his former world, allowing him to receive  information and news from it.
It’s an interesting concept that I haven’t seen in any other form of media. Seeing modern day technology powered by magic as it technology itself adapts to the fantasy world.  It’s such a great idea and you think the writers of the show can do some amazing ideas with that, right?
Nah.  All they give us is yet another cookie cutter otaku fantasy anime with world harem undertones, with some decent and cool ideas to help keep it little original.  Outside of the original ideas however, this anime failed to impress me in reasons which I will go over.
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The anime opens with the recently decreased Touya chilling in heaven alongside God (who looks like a regular lookin’ grandfather; with his glasses, normal clothes, and all).  God explains to Touya that his death was accidental to His own carelessness, and begs for Touya’s forgiveness.  Touya’s rather chill about the whole mishap and forgives God, understanding that people make mistakes and you must forgive them for it.  I mean, yeah, he did died at such a young age and he didn’t fully experienced life, but at least he doesn’t have to live on Earth with all its awful people and problems.  And God’s seems like a very chill, mellow, and sincere dude.
You gotta think positive sometimes, ya know?
Impressed by Touya’s forgiving heart, God makes up for his (literally) fatal mistake by reviving him into any world of his choosing (a fantasy world as mentioned earlier), as well as  making his smartphone operate in this new world and gives him His number.
Following that, the OP animation starts to play. It starts out normally – upbeat music plays, there’s panning of forest landscape, Touya’s face’s appearing in the foreground, and annoying singing by some J-Pop idol girls, and holy hell it’s so annoying. Many red flags are going off in my head like I’m a Commie.
Things went from “this show won’t be bad at all!” to “this is going to be yet another annoying, generic otaku harem fantasy world anime ain’t it?” To start with  my disappointment towards this aniem, Touya transforms into Kirito Clone #314 with a white pallet swap of Kirito’s school shooter trench coat. That alone should had made me drop this anime as soon as saw that, but I decided to curb my anger just for this review.
What’s with light/web novel characters having trench coats
What’s with light/web novel characters having trench coats
And why they have the same facial features?
nd why they have the same facial features?
(Seriously, I’m not anime racist but, what’s with these light/web novel characters looking alike?)
Alas, my anger would soon dominate my chill and zen mind as the weeaboo-like OP music increased its awfulness.  Like forreal, the music makes me want to choke out its producer. I’m willing to stack up and piss away $3500+ for a trip to Japan, just so I can personally strangle the anime’s music producer in hopes he or she will never make awful trash like this ever again.
That, or just master the song on the violin and make money off tips at anime cons from fans of this show.  Hustle off these weeb kids and adults because they pay good money to hear violin covers of their favorite weeb song but I digress.
As for the OP animation, it’s what you expect from a Generic Otaku Harem Fantasy World Anime:  The first phase of the OP is character introductions.  First, we have two girls roaming the countryside.  We can assume that they’re twin sisters due to their similar hair and eyes color, facial structure, and clothing.  Any clues of their personalities and how different they are aren’t presented as their introduction but if I can take a guess, one is an introverted shy twin and the other is more extroverted, open, and brash.
This is the look of a girl who’ve seen some things.
Next, we’re introduced to some samurai girl who looks like the love child of that girl with owl off Samurai Showdown and Reimu off Touhou.   She appears to be just like any other average and plain samurai girl in anime of this type so let’s move forward.
Reimu (Thouhou)
Owl Girl (Samurai Showdown)
Samurai Girl
Following, is the obvious upbeat Himedere princess.  I’m basing this sterotype off the fact of her position in this shot, the color coding of her dress, facial expression, and how her arms are up and spread like she’s a decision maker in her country.
She is followed by who I can assume to be another princess, perhaps a rival princess from another country.  I can take a wild guess that she somebody close to her is either dead or missing based how she’s staring outside her window and the depressing look on her face.  That, or her weedman whom she called two hours ago is on drug dealer time and is wondering why it’s taking him so long to come through.
We move forward with a  below average gothic lolita reading in her dark and gloomy room filled with  creepy stuffed animals. Then, we have some random minor character introductions.  After that, is a quick ascending shot focusing on a floating island which is followed up by shot of a MILF and her daughter, maybe?  Her student?  Some kid she kidnapped?  I dunno the connection between the two other than they have the same weird purple and white hair clips.  Speaking of connections, is there a connection to the floating island and these two, given they had their introducing shots back-to-back with the same quick ascending panning.
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Creepy looking gothic lolita
Next, the OP focus back on that Himdere Princesss and she just look annoying with her overly happy childish Genki anime girl expression and  animal mascot sidekick.  She looks annoying and I hope her animal sidekick bites into her neck and drags her across the ground violently like Mantecore the White Tiger did Roy Horn.   Just snatch all her shit up and maul her to death.
This is the most punchable moe’ face I’ve seen in a while
Then, we’re introduced to a secondary male character. He’s totally gonna be Touya’s rival or something with how he is position in the middle, there’s that speed lines pointing directing at him, and there’s a close up of his smug face.  He has white hair, so he probably has a tragic past or something that will make the fangirls feel bad for him or something.  Or “he” might be a cross-dressing girl with masculine features thus making everyone question their sexuality because it’s a harem show and we need to carter to every type of niche of animu girl archtype here – even reverse traps.
The OP transition to battle showcases and boy, are they boring.  Every battle that is shown here lack any sense of direction towards urgency, excitement, or high stakes in terms of life or death. The brawler twin just curb stomps some dragon as she slams her fists into its body while her mage sister cast magic against….invisible enemies? Oh and we don’t know what kinda spell she just cast. I guess an explosion spell maybe? I dunno.
Reimu and Owl Girl’s love child fighting style example is one of the worse of this phase and here’s why: So Samurai Girl  runs up on one lizard man) and lizard man puts up his shield to protect himself, right?  But it looks like either Samurai Girl slice the shield or stomach of the lizard man but it’s hard to tell based off the camera angle and the awkwardness of the animation.   Then she charges into two other lizardmen.
We can tell she’s charging into them based off the animation speed lines, but that animation just fades as she slices the first Lizardman’s shield, runs (with the speedlines re-appearing), the camera moving awkwardly behind her as the speedlines disappear and she attacks two more lizardmen.  Just like with the first lizardman, we can’t tell if she hit them or not due to how weird the animation appears.
(Refer to the OP video link above as my GIF creation program wouldn’t work at the time of posting this review)
The scene quickly transition to the second princess firing a magic bow towards a group of some damn dirty apes who were just minding their own business.  Not much to go on here, so let’s tear apart Touya’s battle.
Touya fights against some old dude in an empty arena for no reason.  The fight choreography is lazy as there is no effort and direction with the sword fighting.  The sword swings has no force or power behind them as they side step to the right. There’s small sparks at each clash of their blades but it’s not anything grand.  In short, this is the worse battle of this phase due to the animator not caring or pressed for time and completion.
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The OP finally ends with Generic Otaku Harem Fantasy MC (I’m not calling him by his real name anymore) and the girls standing in front of an unknown mansion.  Will this be his personal penthouse for him and his harem where they all live in harmony?  Are they going to do some The Great Gatsby type partying here? Is it some random dude’s house they just rented out the front lawn for this shot alone?  Oh well, it doesn’t really matter.
At this point, my gut was telling me “Hey Benjamin, drop this now!  It’s not worth your blood pressure rising due to your anger.”  I ignored my gut’s warning.
“Nah, let’s see how laughably terrible this anime will get!” I rebuttal as I aggressively tapped my left index finger against the side of my laptop while punching the wall with my right hand in anger from witnessing such a  generic show of a OP.  I mean, this anime isn’t that utterly horrible.  I can see why some folks may like it, but its’ not my cup of tea.  And yet, I swear if I kept watching this entry level moe’ harem filth, I’d commit mass murder against all lonely otaku who love to project their harem otaku fantanties on main characters like this Touya..
I need to listen to my gut more often.
Once the awful OP ends, we see Generic Otaku Harem Fantasy MC lying in a field unconscious.  He awakens, sees that he’s okay, and heads to town. As he questions how he’ll survive  in this new world, Generic MC receives a call from God.  After confirming that Generic MC is okay he informs him that he upgraded his phone to help him get through the new town with ease such as installing a map program detailing the area.
  Once receiving the map updates, Generic MC heads to town, but is stopped by some weird, overly excited, possibly gay tailor; He begs the MC to sell his “bizarre” school clothes to him in exchange for some gold pieces and clothing to help blend in.   The scene cuts away to an eye-catch of a recycled image of the MC checking his phone and annoying MMORPG-like music jingle.
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“They’re gonna use this often, aren’t they? I hope not this is annoying.” I asked myself.  “Eh, probably not, it’s just a one-time thing, right?”
Oh Ben, you’re so full of hope.
After receiving his new clothes (and being creped out by the tailor sniffing his old outfit), Generic Otaku Harem Fantasy World MC wanders around town, seeking the Silver Moon Inn as mentioned to him by the tailor.  He needs a place to lounge in and settle in the new world. While searching for the inn, he encounters the set of twins from the OP being harassed by some thugs in an alley. The girls sold the thugs a damaged glass antler piece and believe they should not pay full price for it. They demand the girls to lower the price, which they refuse.
Touya decides to step in and help the girls.  And once again, a red flag pops up in my head.
“Let me guess: Dude’s gonna play hero, somehow overpower the two thugs who’re  in better shape than he is, and the two girls will sworn over him and befriend him, despite being ignorant of his origins.”
My theory will be soon proven right.
The thugs try to attack the kid but he takes them out with ease. During the strife, we’re treated to a sample of his powers bestow upon him by God. As the smaller thug charges towards the MC with a knife, he dodges the blade. He notices that he is moving so fast that the world feels like it’s in slow motion.  Taking advantage of this, he smashed his elbow into the spine of the attacker, knocking him out cold. The anime doesn’t show what happens to the other thug.
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Guess he saw his homeboy getting that ass whoop and was like “Nah bruh, I’m good. I didn’t even want that glass piece anyways.” and dipped off screen.
So Touya, or Generic Otaku Harem Fantasy MC. This kid’s a Gary Sue – blessed by God who enhanced his natural abilities. He managed to whoop one thug’s ass so badly that his homeboy ran off on him like he just ripped off the plug.   In under ten minutes we’ve encounter awful OP music, a harem set up, a generic fantasy otaku dream world, and now a Gary Sue MC who’ve just impressed a set of twin girls with his powers.
The cynical me was yearning for the kid to act all cool and cocky against the thugs, only to have his skull caved in by them. Kinda like Subaru (Re:Zero) was put in his place for playing hero by the two thugs harassing Emila. Granted, In Another World With My Smartphone is a campy “stuck-in-a-fantasy-world”anime compared to Re:Zero,  and the kid did died at such a young age.  He earned the right to live out this fantasy life of being overly powered and have girls fall of him day one.  But still, this lazy writing and train wreck anime makes wanna drink.  I need to get drunk tolerant this trash. Sigh.
Touya and the twins (Elze; a headstrong brawler and Linze; the quiet mage) are quickly acquainted.  After revealing some information about his background, he  tells the girls that he’s searching for the Silver Moon Inn. To the surprise of nobody who understand lazy writing and are knowledgeable in classic RPG troopes/clichés, the twins are staying in that exact inn and agree to let him join their adventure.
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There’s another cut away shot with some awful guitar music playing while the  voice actresses of the twins are humming along to the melody (off beat mind you).  They sound bored; as if they just wanna get their paycheck and forget the fact that they worked on this show.  I don’t blame them.
[Skipping several unimportant scenes ahead]
Later that night, we see Touya lying in bed checking his cell phone.  The phone is still connected to his old world, so he still receives news updates from it as we see him reading  an entertainment article on a popular band  from his world breaking up.  I personally like this, as it shows that life in his old world has move on after his death.  This makes me wish that I wasn’t dropping this anime, because I want to see the writers play with the idea of Touya checking his phone for news updates in his old world.
The next morning, Touya, Elze, and Linze scan a bulletin board searching for quests to earn money.  After the twins get Touya hip on how the guild system work, the three apply to hunt down and kill five horned wolves, collecting their horns as proof of killing the beasts.  Before heading out, Touya arms himself with a sword – furthering the point home that he’s a generic action-fantasy web/light novel hero
Toyua tears through and flawlessly kill two wolves as expected (because you know, can’t have the Gary Sue MC get torn apart  and slaughtered by wild beasts ass in mere seconds), one of the wolves being an extra kill just because. After the battle, he mentions that he wants to learn how to read and write in the language of the world he’s living in, given he lacks the knowledge of knowing how to.  Furthermore, he wants to learn magic as he was inspired by Linze’s spell casting.
Let’s break this down: he gets to live in a world that he’s happy in (fair enough due to reasons mentioned earlier), he takes down thugs flawlessly, links up with twins, kills two monsters with ease (one which was an extra kill), and now he wants to learn magic.  As a Gary Sue kid with an unprecedented natural learning rate and talent, he’ll master magic with ease of course.
As they’re chilling back at the Inn, the twins tell Touya that in order to learn and master magic, he must have been born with strong aptitudes.  Linze (born with strong aptitude) showcases her magic spells to Touya through elemental stones.  Linze shows Touya a weak water magic spell, filling a small tea cup up with water.  She passes the stone to Touya, who on his first try almost floods the table.  The twins are shocked and even impress by this and suggest that they go outside to have him practice with the othert stones before he destories the inn.
Of course, Touya shows impressive display of skills of each stone’s magic.  He has no hassle in using their powers a few steps above the average.  It’s like he’s of the Master Knight class from the stagery RPG Fire Emblem 4: Genealogy of the Holy War – he can use all magic and weaponry.  Expert unlike say Lachesis of Leaf (two Master Knights) who had to work their asses off to get that class, this kid would start off as a Master Knight right from the gate.
After seeing the kid showcasing how much of a Gary Stu he is, I decided to drop the episode right there and then.  I had enough of it.
In Another World With My Smartphone isn’t too terrible, but it’s not great either.  For what it’s worth, this show works well for its target audience and demographic.  It’s a campy, fun show that doesn’t take itself or clichés seriously.   I can see it as a show for somebody who just wants to relax on an easy day with a beer (or juice for the younger folks) and chill out after a long day of work or school. As for people like me outside it’s demographic, I can’t recommend it.
I was really hopeful that this anime would have been different with using modern technology in a fantasy world that still work due ot magic.  That is an amazing concept that I wanan see more in anime, because it’s something I’ve never seen before.  While I did drop the episode, I did manage to peep at the scene where Touya is explaining how to create ice cream with magic thanks in part with his cell phone.  I thought that was cool him showing the resident of his new world how the technology of his former world works.
I must also appreciate the RPG like aesthetics of this show.  It made me felt like I was watching a campy RPG come to life and I personally wouldn’t mind playing a RPG game like this.  The music itself has that classic smartphone RPG vibe with it light orchestral soundtrack playing the scenes.  Granted, I will say it got annoying at certain points.
Sadly, the predictable overpowerness of Touya and him learning magic and weaponery with ease is a huge turn off.  I get that he was blessed by God to have his natural abiblities increased ten folds, but it comes off as cheap and lazy.  However, it seems like Touya will struggle with reading and writing overtime so I guess that’s a fair trade off.
In short,  just skip In Another World With MY Smartphone if you dislike OP’d Gary Stu characters and overly capmy RPG troopes.   It’s not worth wsting your time watching.  If you don’t mind it and just want a warm, upbeat show to watch then I  say watch it.
Score: 6/10
I would give this show a 4.5/10, but it’s that modern day technology in a fantasy world idea is great and I think if done right, it could be sometime exciting to see in future anime series.  Plus
I’m tempted to give this show a second chance just based off how relaxing of a show this is.  Also I just saw how the other thug was defeated after writing this.  Dude was knock out by the brawler twin but I’m too lazy to edit that in lol.
  In Another World With My Smartphone could had been better without the Gary Sue MC. You only get one shot.  If the first episode of an anime doesn’t impress me, it’s getting dropped.
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