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linguario · 2 years ago
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🇱🇻 3️⃣1️⃣ 31 Letón - latviešu - Latvian #Aizsargājiet #tās personas reputācija #patīk 🇱🇹 3️⃣2️⃣ 32 Lituano - lietuvių - Lithuanian #Apsaugokite #reputacija asmens, kuris #Kaip 🇱🇺 3️⃣3️⃣ 33 Luxemburgués - Lëtzebuergesch - Luxembourgish #Schützt den #Ruff vun der Persoun déi #wéi 🇲�� 3️⃣4️⃣ 34 Macedonio - македонски - Macedonian #Заштитете го #репутација на личноста која #допаѓа 🇲🇾 3️⃣5️⃣ 35 Malayo - Melayu - Malay #Lindungi #reputasi orang yang #suka 🇲🇹 3️⃣6️⃣ 36 Maltés - Malti - Maltese #Ipproteġi l- #reputazzjoni tal-persuna li #bħal 🇮🇷 🇮🇶 🇦🇫 🇹🇯 🇺🇿 3️⃣7️⃣ 37 Pᥱrsᥲ - فارسی fᥲ̂rsί - Pᥱrsιᥲᥒ #حفاظت کنید #آبروی کسی که #پسندیدن 🇮🇳 3️⃣8️⃣ 38 Eᥙskᥱrᥲ - Eᥙskᥲᥣdᥙᥒᥲk - Bᥲsqᥙᥱ #babestu nork duenaren #ospea #atsegin dut 🇮🇩 3️⃣9️⃣ 39 Jᥲvᥲᥒᥱ́s - ꦧꦱꦗꦮ - Jᥲvᥲᥒᥱsᥱ #lindungi #ajining wong sing #kaya 🇳🇵 4️⃣0️⃣ 40 Nᥱρᥲᥣᥱ́s - नेपाली - Nᥱρᥲᥣι #सुरक्षा गर्नुहोस् #व्यक्ति को प्रतिष्ठा #लाइक (en Zarauz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnW8B1aOoCI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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444names · 2 years ago
american desserts + minerals BUT excluding "it" and including "o"
Abiopate Abouramen Acolede Acton Adiose Aerrhorne Aftonia Ajolte Ajore Alactone Alconie Alpnocle Alson Ammorzan Anobate Anoger Anoperne Anot Antondium Apone Apophte Aporine Arphoca Atrysong Aucorl Avor Avorne Axontz Barose Bazzortz Benthooke Beucohum Blosepie Bluorzant Boac Bochrian Boelle Bogarne Bogene Bolie Bologunte Bondiron Bone Bony Borampfie Bordia Bore Bores Bortchie Bortrooke Bortzine Bosmon Botine Botuptie Botwar Bousge Bownber Bownmia Boxmate Brocke Broissie Broldmot Broli Bros Brusonum Butnopie Caberong Cakovine Caphour Carcyrose Carselos Caudone Cephiohum Cevingeo Cherhos Chimolte Chlforne Chlo Chlodium Chlortie Chocorber Chor Chorate Chosgrose Chryote Chtsmagos Cirose Classoman Claucorie Clon Cochene Coclard Codald Coenste Cold Colde Colie Colil Colimar Colme Colordate Come Comeld Comellant Comiumil Condum Cone Coniert Conine Connel Conpum Conse Contalc Conum Cooke Cophax Corisie Cornad Cose Cosum Cote Crengeo Cropphot Croveate Croxen Cusony Cyrophts Dibot Dicollena Dimooes Dimotine Docakrum Docryhar Dong Dont Dottne Douddium Dozeoclin Ediumcor Emayrogre Emoligle Eosate Eosmuerl Epielo Epingston Eucober Eucole Eucorbut Fereo Ferhodum Feriniot Ferooke Ferosphte Flonium Fluorin Fluortsum Fong Fonzie Forene Forpie Fossomes Fraudolie Froum Ganot Geddotie Gedsong Geon Gerocan Gerropha Golycryne Gonileate Gonium Gonticke Gonyx Goofauyer Gorie Gorihar Gosapie Granklong Grewooke Grobel Groberric Grocake Grocland Guson Hagordium Hagore Haluchios Haoluor Haotapie Hedroge Hibanton Hocham Hochte Hodalgate Hoellum Hoffer Home Hoophamar Horboac Horemet Hose Hucopie Hydreo Hydrote Icrubros Ilacose Iosuse Iradon Ireo Johoostie Kaatone Kametopie Keroking Knocke Knot Kochie Kogumse Koli Korearne Kostie Kros Krot Lanolenna Lettropie Lewson Logeer Lominie Lontie Lophanar Lotiny Loviane Luor Luorale Luorune Lyhyson Macotlo Mactilo Manocaste Meboxene Merroke Mohannie Mohen Moilivane Moke Moline Monatypie Moniobene Monne Monpie Mont Monyx Moranake Morlepie Mose Mosgel Mosie Motre Muerotoke Mulipsone Negorse Niedrot Nomsote Nongerine Noptunne Nosmut Notine Nsforezin Népolie Népoline Obazer Olan Olinagne Oline Oliving Olline Ollophte Olum Olyte Ophagne Ophawles Oradwasum Orane Orean Orie Oriumate Orpiste Orstichte Orzabie Orány Ospea Otase Otmantine Otrisie Otte Pasonicke Penicklo Petovilan Pharosid Phor Phtonine Poli Pone Ponte Poret Potantine Poviospie Prichome Proclase Prole Prout Pyroldie Pyrolyte Pyromili Pyrose Pyrosp Pyroxeng Radorine Raidoum Rammon Ravorány Rhemot Rhoch Rhocke Rhomingst Rhone Rhor Rhorleune Rhovicre Ricon Robie Roblote Rochryote Rocochte Rocon Rocot Rocry Rogadie Rogordium Roing Roke Ronium Ropen Rose Rosgel Rosmutte Rospote Rousexine Rucompie Rusacooke Rusoac Samillor Sardomes Sathroum Sboum Sbroet Sbron Schlo Schor Schowson Sclo Scomar Scoreo Scote Scros Sewoopie Shikinos Shon Sonde Songste Sonie Sonte Sony Spolmadde Stinot Stobie Ston Stonaes Stong Stozeng Strolos Sylone Sylorne Tagroste Talgospie Thimogan Thodha Thomen Thoppe Thorake Thorl Thortie Thosear Thosel Thoxenne Toid Toke Tolyte Tonyoum Tonyx Tortz Tose Tourl Trosloyst Trospoum Trot Tscola Tscolin Tsinopie Tucon Tupichlon Tyroke Ukor Ulloning Umokie Umone Umoragne Urrionium Vanopum Vaucooke Vaurthose Vorne Wallygon Warogdate Waviadmor Whor Wicrote Wodlate Wooke Wookeing Wookese Xocke Xond Xone Ytondanie Ytos Zacrios Zajohaz Zaïriocke Zekroside Zeon Zhozing Zusote Zykambord
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dnd-on-a-budget · 7 years ago
Darkness of Senaria
 This campaign is currently unnamed because @dice1235 is running it, but he knows what he’s doing. Here’s our featured players.
Sivana: @hero-undercover variant human cleric, Sivana was an orphan on the from the streets of a city in the isles on the coast of Uskaria. She was a thief who always got away with her crimes until she attempted to steal from a temple of Tymora and was caught by the clerics there. She soon became devout and thanked her excellent luck and become one of the most respect clerics of Tymora. After the man who brought her in died, the previous head cleric of the temple, she set out on a pilgrimage to the holy land of Tymora to become the next head cleric of her temple. 
Melodi Mawens: ( @loonyllama ) Melodi is a water genasi druid born on The Twisting Islands to an elven mother and a father she never knew. Her mother knew she was special because as a child she had a strange connection to the water. Her skin was a pale blue and her hair seemed to flow behind her as if it were in the water. There were no other people who lived near Melodi so she naturally went to the creatures of the sea. One day the seas around the island rose and swept away Melodi’s home and her mother. The sea she loved so much had betrayed her. With nothing left at home she left to find adventure.
Nova Cosimo: a luminian (moon person) sorcerer; Luminia fell to the sea 100 years ago Nova’s power awakened. The wild magic in his blood allowed him to slow the fall of the city. But he could not do enough. The loss of life was still extravagant. He had once been a devout follower of Selune, but now his faith had left him. He had just started the trials required of him to reach adulthood. He decided his return to his city and his trials would have to be put on hold. He had to find his former goddess, and ask why she would abandon them. He has now started his quest to find the truth. Whatever the cost may be.
Torment: tiefling wizard.The nature of Torment’s birth was one few can claim. The prince of Ospea, Pieron Voolbray had a sadistic streak of curiosity from a young age that carried into his adult life. He began to experiment on women to attempt to create a more powerful race. He made a dark pact with a fiend and not long after, one of the women gave birth to a tiefling child. Disgusted, and fearful of the potential consequences he locked the child and his mother away in the dungeon. Torment was born with a knack for divination magic and had an extraordinary gift to see what others could not. He was able to see events in the future vividly. Torment saw his gift as the gods taking mercy on him, for being born as he was, by giving him extreme intellect and the ability to see the future. When the prince learned of this ability he allowed Torment to leave the dungeon, forcing him however to remain in the vast library to continue his studies, and when his talents were needed he was called upon. However this was not the life Torment wanted to live. He fled the kingdom, and sailed for the kingdom of Elsserine, where tieflings were more accepted and to tell the king what happened to him in his former home. After a long travel he arrived at the village of Olinore where his journey begins.
Seraphina:( @rowenaravenclaw441) Seraphina was an orphan growing up on the streets of Lam Asari, in the country of Erstaesi. She was taken in by a troupe of entertainers, called the Tealeafs. Their leader was a human man named Aesir Tealeaf, whom the troupe was named after. Aesir was raised by a halfling family and thus knew what Seraphina felt like. She adored her new found family and took the stage name Teenee. She traveled around the country with her beloved troupe and soon became one of their most famous members. However, once upon visiting the capital city of Elsserine, one member of the troupe made a crude joke about the queen, Drusilia. She soon heard about this from one of her many spies and struck out against the troupe. She banished all the members of the troupe from the kingdom, imprisoning all those who stayed. Seraphina fled the city, South, to the small village of Olinore. There she ran into an old friend, who her troupe had performed for once. A tiefling woman named Quest.  
Anorak:  Anorak was raised in the third ring of Elsserine, the poorest area of the sprawling elven capital. He never knew his father however, his mother, Sara, told him that he was a wealthy merchant who had traveled into town for one week, left her with a child, then left forever. Despite being as poor as he was, Anorak and his half brother, Parzival lived a happy life with their mother. That is until the plague came. Sara was one of the first to be struck with it. Within a day she was bedridden, her skin began to turn and inky black and within a week her body succumbed, withering quickly. Anorak was seven and his brother, thirteen. Parzival began to steal to provide for himself and his brother, and soon began to teach Anorak this work as well. One day however, Parzival was spotted stealing from the guards, and was hanged the next day. All on his own now, but remembering well the things his brother had taught him he decided to seek revenge. He used his newfound prowess in infiltration to assassinate many of the cities guards and became known as the most wanted criminal in the city. However, this was not what he wanted. He had his revenge and left the city, south to the small village of Olinore, to seek a new life, leaving behind a legacy that would not be forgotten.
Eira:  ( @miss-nerdalots ) Eira was born to an Ellserinian ambassador named Ander and a human woman named Marta from the small village of Olinore. When her father found that her mother had given birth to a child, he had Marta assassinated and sent Eira to the wilds to die. What her father did not know was that she had caught the attention of a powerful archangel known as Tadriel. Tadriel watched over this forest and saw to it that her charge was protected. She was raised by the wilds and in turn by Sariel themself. She grew up with a purpose in mind. She swore to defend nature from those who would harm it. One fateful day she came across a band of poachers who had captured and had begun to starve a Dire Wolf. She stealthily slew the poachers and freed the dire wolf. It would not leave her side and she decided to take it in as a travelling companion and call her Remi. Eira went North to the city where her father lived as an ambassador when she heard of a dark presence corrupting the land near the city. This lead her to a labyrinth under the city where her journey begins.  
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nscarmenedith-blog · 6 years ago
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Nire heriotzaren ondorengo urteetannire historioa prentsa artikulu, liburuxka, irudi eta liburu ugaritan argitaratu zen. Britainia Handiko erreklutazio militarren propaganda ikoniko bihurtu nintzen eta Estatu Batuetan, aliatu blokearen aldeko apustua handitzeko erabili zen. Nire ospea  nire erizain lanbidetik eta nire jarrera heroikoa hil aurretik sortu zen. Nire exekuzioa alemaniarren barbarotasunaren eta desoreka moralaren erakusgarri gisa aurkeztu zen.
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