#osiris/saint 14
i-hug-exploder-shanks · 2 months
Hiii!!! :3
Can I request a ficlet for O14? I really like the stories you write for them, and I have a prompt I want to see you make!!!
Anything at all just make something where Osiris is needlessly embarrassed by Saint!!! It'll be so cute!!
Oh no. Saint absolutely adores flustering Osiris so there are so many options! A cheeky surprise kiss somewhere semi-public, a cheesy pet name used in front of Ikora/the vanguard, Saint just being his golden retriever level enthusiastic self and complimenting his partner in a situation where it draws extra attention to Osiris... Hmmm. What to choose?
Osiris crossed his arms as he leaned against a wall near the edge of the arena where Saint was tossing around another titan he recognized as the young Daffyd. Watching Saint use his shield to catch the other Titan's Fist of Havoc and shut him down before bashing him in the face with the same shield did bring a small smirk to his lips. Daffyd was a good person and a talented guardian so Osiris wasn't surprised Saint had taken him under his wing, but he had a feeling he knew the real reason for the training.
"He lasted a half second longer this time but I still don't think he'd best Lord Shaxx in a 1v1." He said stepping out and Saint smiled at him while Daffyd's ghost healed his bloodied face.
"Osiris, my love! I am so glad you came! Young Daffyd here wants advice on how to woo his warlock love and I figured a practical demonstration was in order." Saint said and before Osiris could ask what that meant he was being scooped off his feet and up into Saint's arms as if he weighed nothing.
"You see, Warlocks are often on the smaller size. They like to be scooped and held, but you must be careful not to squish them too much. Hold them gentle like bord." Saint announced to the delighted younger titan whole Osiris' face burned and he started to demand to be put down.
Saint ignored him.
"If your warlock is fiesty like mine then they will not stay settled for long, you will have to move quickly to transport them to the date you have set up. If they try to float away, usually you can keep them in place better like this..." Saint shifted his now spitting and threatening partner over his shoulder with a hand firmly on his ass, void suppressing any attempts Osiris made to try to set him on fire.
A quick jog had Osiris being seated at a picnic table that had been set up with a rather romantic looking display nearby where he glared at Saint with bright golden light in his eyes promising violence the moment the titan was even a inch off his guard.
Daffyd was openly snickering at this point, clearly loving the show. "Scoop, hold gentle, transport quickly... I understand. How do you keep them from setting you on fire or striking you with a million volts of electricity after you get them to the date?" He asked grinning and brushing some of his messy hair from his face.
"Ah, you must distract them! Warlocks cannot resist a puzzle like cats cannot resist a ball of yarn. Or you can just do something like this..." Saint directed and as Osiris opened his mouth to ask just how many crayons he had eaten that morning Saint knelt down in front of him on one knee and took Osiris' hand in both of his, violet eyes peering up at him with such intensity it stole any words right out of his mouth and left his throat feeling dry.
"Where you have flown, I have chased you and where I was lost you have found me. We have danced around each other for eternities yet every moment I see you the happiness and love I feel is like the first moment I realized my feelings all over again. Not even the most devoted of your cultists could ever compare to the adoration I have for you. Osiris, Phoenix of the Dark Ages and light of my life, will you marry me?" Saint asked while Osiris' face turned more and more red and the perception of anything outside the two of them vanished.
"Saint... Did you plan this?" Osiris choked out once he remembered how to use words again but Saint wasn't put off by the deflection.
"I did. Daffyd helped. As did Ikora and the Young Wolf and your new apprentice Lenore. They are waiting to either congratulate us or comfort us depending on your answer." Saint said waiting patiently as ever and Osiris' finally gave in.
"I suppose I will do you the honor of allowing you to call yourself my husband. You did go to all this effort." He said and Saint beamed at him and gently took a strip of violet fabric from his armor and tied it around Osiris' wrist over his sunbracers in a way that felt more intimate than any ring would have.
"Thank you. For indulging me in this and for giving me a chance all those years ago." Saint told him and finally stood to gently bonk their foreheads together and then kiss him.
The kiss started getting a little heated until a throat being cleared drew Osiris back to the moment and he hid his face in Saint's shoulder in embarrassment that he had forgotten Daffyd was still standing right there.
"I'm going to go share the good news with the others! Maybe go home before trying to undress each other, but yeah... Congratulations!" He said a little awkwardly before bolting, arc energy sparking from his heels as he ran away making Osiris laugh a little.
"We aren't that bad are we?" Osiris asked but Saint scooped him up again.
"Not yet but I think I will be happy to accept his suggestion this time. We should celebrate but we can take the wine and food home with us if you want." He offered and Osiris grinned.
"I think that's wise because you're still in trouble for grabbing my ass like that." He said the flames in his eyes returning but this time with a different sort of fire.
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alfheimr · 3 months
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you feel real to me.
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artemyiss · 2 months
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There is nothing I love more than when a character reconciles with another version of themself . . Or doesn’t
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theforsakenprince · 23 days
the maya and osiris parallels continue to fuck me up. Both of them reaching across timelines to save their partners and while Maya won't stop until she finds the right Chioma, the perfect one that will agree with her vision for the universe, the "real" Chioma, and will throw away any version of her that isn't perfect, Osiris broke time for the chance to save Saint-14, and it didn't matter to him which Saint it was, because to him they're all the "real" Saint
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dredgen-dumbass · 1 month
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poreyneel · 2 months
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Echoes of the Pigeon and the Phoenix
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trialsofsaint14 · 3 months
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seeing the stars together
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thefirstknife · 3 months
New Osiris lore dropped. So in Enigma Protocol mission, the comms are done by text in the upper left side of the screen. It's mostly just Failsafe, Osiris and Saint texting. And I got the best one today.
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Saint spilling the secrets????? SAINT? OSIRIS SINGS??????
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monstyra · 3 months
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sorry boss this is the best i can do for celebrating pride 2024
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We LOVE watching you win!
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emmster · 19 days
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I still love this one
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i-hug-exploder-shanks · 3 months
Did you know that Clovis Bray and Saint-14 have the same voice actor? I wonder if that means Felwinter and Saint-14 sounded similar.. . . Much for Osiris to think about . .
I did not know this! That is funny.
Osiris has a type and it's exos who have the same voice (if different accents).
Unfortunately this means Clovis is also Osiris's type. Thankfully Osiris has some standards at least.
I also have a headcanon that Felwinter was also fond of birds because it's just really funny to me.
He can't escape the birds so he joins them.
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alfheimr · 2 months
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i tore open time for you.
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artemyiss · 1 month
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You can’t tell me Saint-14 isn’t a thigh man, not when Osiris has those legging’d gams on display . .
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stoshasaurus · 3 months
saint-14 presents you with a pigeon
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These two...... man
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