kevinthet · 2 months
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"A Farewell Folio” 🛻🥪📦
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lillazyboithings · 1 year
Cardverse AU
Hi y'all! I've been working on this AU for almost a month now, so I really hope y'all like it as much as I do!
A basic explanation is that Cardverse is an AU based on the 4 card suits. Spades, Hearts, Diamonds, and Clubs.
There are usually 3 major roles like the cards, Kings, Queens, and Jacks. There are also Jokers but i haven't drawn them yet
I decided to split the choir all up based on their connections, and I wanted to add Tammy and Ezra too just to make them all an even 12
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Details of my eternal brainrot below:
First of all, they're all organized by rank but if you see the colors, they're already assigned to one of the 4 card suits: Blue and Purple shades for Spades, Pink and Red for Hearts, Orange and Yellow for Diamonds, and every shade of green for Clubs.
•Kings are primarily in charge of both the kingdom and are the generals of their own armies
•Queens are in charge of the kingdom's navy, they check and balance for the king's decisions, and can basically rule on their own as a Queendom if the king is not found yet. Usually Queens are from aristocracy/one family line but in some special cases, they're also commoners
•Jacks are in charge of the finances and policies of the kingdom, they also check and balance the king's decisions like the queen, and also work as ambassadors for other kingdoms
•the role of the joker is kinda conflicting but some portray them as evil trickster gods set on causing chaos throughout the kingdoms, some believe they're there to keep order in the kingdoms, the common thing is that they're rarely seen and have been there since like...forever
•The Black joker can see back into the past, they watch over Spades and Clubs
•The Red joker can see into the future, they watch over hearts and diamonds
They all have marks all over their body to identify their ranks, the card suits also have traits:
Spades: Power {placement of mark}
•King - Ocean { left wrist}
•Queen - Constance { right cheek}
•Jack - Ricky {back of left hand}
Diamonds: Wealth
•King - Hank {right palm}
•Queen - Astrid {left palm}
•Jack - Trishna {neck}
Hearts: Emotion
•King - Mischa {right hip}
•Queen - Noel {back of right shoulder}
•Jack - Corey {right calf}
Clubs: Luck
•King - Penny {left upper arm}
•Queen - Tammy {left shoulder}
•Jack - Ezra {left ankle}
Passionfrenchrap (Mischa x Noel x Corey [shoutout to clem])
The ships are:
CDplayer (Penny x Tammy)
Sugarspace (Ricky x Constance)
Lovebite (Hank x Astrid)
Tags section (thank you Gay Taco Bell for making the brainrot so strong that I had to flesh it out):
@theoneunidentifiedbody @meowelgroober @zstarcatsz @undercoverbumblebeee @fucking-gay-frogs @joeseventies @m1sch4-b4ch1nsk1 @finleyforevermore @cardinaldust @dyne-osaur + everyone else who's in gay taco bell but I'm too shy to tag because idk if y'all would like it (kiss kiss mwuah to everyone there)
Btw, should i make a dedicated blog for this au? like for infodumping, art, and also make it an ask blog. (pls let me make this, i literally have a goofy idea about how mischa became king-)
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moem3 · 1 year
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defectivegembrain · 10 months
I sure hope Abed told Troy about his time-osaurs idea at some point Troy would enjoy that
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nightmare-grass · 10 months
Midsummer’s Eve
Tagging the most vocal supporters of the initial ideas post: @star-ocean-peahen , @telemna-hyelle , @tired-twili , @sansxfuckyou , @indigoartistqueen , @arpeggiopeg , @dyne-osaur
I’m posting my updated notes on my Disney princess movie idea based on the Princess and the Pea; it’ll have the old notes with it for context but it’ll have lots of new notes like character names, casting, storyline ideas, and merchandising opportunities because we all know how Disney operates. I’m putting it under the line so this post doesn’t become another “Do you love the color of the sky” post in its absurd length.
Next Big Disney Princess Movie
- I’m slightly obsessed with the Princess and the Pea, I wanna figure out how it could be turned into a Disney Princess movie
- The original story is that a king and queen think no one is good enough for their son, so they test a prospective partner’s purity by having her sleep on a tower of a hundred mattresses with a single pea placed at the bottom. A random girl seeks shelter from a storm and finds the castle; they let her in, and just because they’re curious they test her out on the mattresses. She tosses and turns all night, and in the morning she reports she could not sleep a wink. The king and queen are satisfied because obviously she could feel the pea under the mattress tower so she’s pure enough to marry their son.
- Maybe the Princess could be plagued by insomnia and a being that comes to her in her dreams leads her on a quest to rescue a magical prince from his overbearing parents, the rulers of the fairies. They test her with odd nature-themed trials, and the final one is testing her purity by feeling a pea under a stack of mattresses.
- Maybe not outright stating insomnia, just alluding to it with her inability to fall asleep easily and, in the Pea trial, psyching herself out to the extent where she thinks she can feel a tiny lump under her mattress
- Her thoughts are like “the final test can’t just be falling asleep, there’s gotta be more to it, there always is with these people!” She’s awake so long that she becomes adjusted to the dark silent stillness of the room and is finally able to feel that tiny lump under all one hundred mattresses.
- Plot starts when heroine stumbles into the fairy castle seeking shelter from the thunderstorm outside, unaware of the true nature of the castle she’s found herself in
- She was led to this castle by will-o-the-wisps, prankish fairies
- Or maybe the being who led her here could be her cute animal sidekick, some sort of tricksy fae creature
- Could try the Frozen/Tangled approach where the events take place in the span of a day or a few days, or could emulate Disney renaissance classics and have the story stretch on for weeks
- Make the heroine Irish? Make the story Irish? Even if Hans Christian Andersen wrote it, we don’t necessarily need to stick closely to the source material in that way. His fairy tales have been adapted by Disney plenty of times, rarely sticking to his geographic region. The Emperor’s New Clothes became the Meso-American Emperor’s New Groove, and The Little Mermaid apparently takes place in the Mediterranean. Making her and the setting Irish justifies all the fairy lore I want to bring in with this story.
- Since the prince in this story is a Fae prince, maybe he sees this human girl one day and gets a crush, so he keeps visiting her in the form of a fox because he’s not the most socially gifted, and he gets the Will’o’Wisps to lead her to his castle as a way of introducing his choice of bride to his parents, because fae customs are just weird like that. The princess was already fond of her fox friend and later in the movie she learns it was the prince in disguise visiting her because he was in love, and over the course of the story as he helps her win the challenges set by the king and queen, the princess and the fae prince actually properly fall in love with one another. The Pea trial is the last trial and it’s one where the prince cannot help her in any way, so he just gives her advice before she’s sent off to bed.
- In this idea we have a prince who’s not charming or dashing but who’s sincere and kindhearted and more than a little awkward, and a princess who is steadfast, determined, and who isn’t a pushover, who will get through the toughest of odds on her wit and will, of course with the help of her friends because that’s what friends are for. The “villains” are a king and queen who may be overbearing at times but who genuinely want what’s best for their son, parents who differ on how best to raise their child but who love each other fiercely and will protect their family at all cost.
- Maybe the princess can be a changeling, aka a fairy baby who was swapped with a human baby, and then that could either be a reveal at the end of the film when she gets fairy magic by marrying the fairy prince, or it can be left ambiguous how she gets her magical power up and it can be left in the editorial notes that the protagonist was supposed to be a changeling
- What if the princess were fat? Like, the first explicitly chubby Disney Princess in a lineup where slim and athletic is the norm. It would be good representation, I’ll have to play with the design a bit and deviate from my Doll Divine first drafts, because the dresses would fit different on that different body type.
- I also don’t want the prince looking like the general Disney Prince, I want him to sort of embody fox-like characteristics, so the transition from fox to human is believable, also so he looks a little otherworldly since he is a fae prince. Maybe his skin is pink (close enough to a normal human skin tone) and his parents are blue and purple, giving them an otherworldly look.
- I should make a Disney Renaissance style movie trailer for this. Leave the people wanting more, maybe start a petition, get some internet attention that might get Disney’s attention. Long term plans are good.
- In Beauty and the Beast, Belle’s favorite book has “far off places, daring sword fights, magic spells, a prince in disguise,” as well as a scene where “here’s where she meets Prince Charming, but she won’t discover that it’s him till chapter three,” and I want to use this as a guide for my hypothetical movie. I want people on the internet to assume this story is the book that Belle is reading. So I can have my prince in disguise as a fox but chapter three would usually take place after the intro and after the inciting incident, so after the princess’s normal life is established and after she comes to the fairy castle, which is ideally how I was imagining the reveal to happen.
- There’s the issue of “why wouldn’t the princess just try to leave once she learned what she was expected to do?” In this bare bones list of plot ideas, I’ve indicated that the princess is led to the castle, is sought after by the fae prince, and is sympathetic towards him because of his controlling and overbearing parents. Maybe she stays because she can see just how much he needs her, and throughout the story the two gradually fall for each other. I mean, the prince was already in love with her but we also need to give time for the princess to fall for him.
- Since I love Beauty and the Beast so much, maybe there should be opening narration in the form of a fairy tale, but then it’s revealed it’s the fae prince talking to himself while admiring the princess from afar, and we should do the thing where when the emotions become to great he starts singing, and that’s the opening song, playing in his mind as a fox while he interacts with the princess’s village and the princess herself. The song could function both as an establishing number and an I Want song for the prince.
- Maybe the story should have a meta commentary on how Love at First Sight, as a fairytale staple, isn’t really true love, it’s just puppy love, and real true love is born of dedication and honesty, real love takes effort, which is shown in all the trials and all the ways the prince helps the princess throughout. It’s not enough to say “this is the one I want to marry,” you have to earn your partner’s trust and affection.
- The princess should get a musical number about how she underestimates herself, and over the course of the song she changes key and starts believing in herself, and this’ll take place during a montage of trials
- The fae king and queen should get a campy musical number showing how in love they are, how much more powerful they are than this lowly human girl their son has brought home, and how she’ll never beat them at their own game so why try, and this villain song will set them up for a sympathetic reprise at the end when she inevitably comes out on top
- I might want Joel McNeely to compose for this movie. He proved he can emulate the classic Disney sound in Peter Pan 2, and he has experience composing Celtic-sounding fairy music with the Tinkerbell movies. If Alan Menken is still alive by the time I somehow make this thing work, I’d take him over McNeely.
- Story takes place on Midsummer Eve, because in Irish folklore that’s when the fae are at their happiest and they sometimes take mortals away to be their brides
- There’s a thing in Disney Princess movies that got pointed out in Ralph Breaks the Internet. A princess finds some form of water, looks at it, and sings about her dreams. Snow White’s wishing well, Cinderella’s soap bubbles, Aurora’s woodland river, Ariel had the whole ocean, Belle sang in the snow plus singing at the fountain in the town square, Jasmine got a singing part in Whole New World as they flew through clouds and over oceans/pools, Pocahontas had the river, Meg technically isn’t a Disney princess but she had a whole fountain garden solo number, Mulan had her water garden, Tiana never sang in the presence of water but she did sing a couple times in the swamp, and although Rapunzel never got a water-based song and Merida doesn’t sing, Elsa got her songs in the snow, and Moana had the whole ocean like Ariel did. This is a trend I wanna continue, so I’m gonna try and work in a musical number where the heroine reflects near some form of water.
- The Princess and the Pea is quite a mouthful, and I fear it would get confused with The Princess and the Frog, plus nowadays Disney titles tend to be one word descriptors of some aspect of the movie. Tangled, Frozen, Moana, Encanto, so I think a good candidate for the name of this movie is Midsummer’s Eve. Hopefully that would be enough to differentiate the name from Midsommar, a movie I do not want people connecting this story to at all.
- If I really wanna push the prince’s fox-like features, should I make him small? Like, slim 5’8” young man with pointy ears and pinkish skin. Then I could make his crush, the princess, both tall and fat, but in a muscular way? Like, instead of dainty princess should I go more warrior princess? Twink fairy prince with butch warrior princess? I think that would look stunning.
- Casting Reeve Carney as the prince, he’s got a gorgeous singing voice. I wanna find an Irish actress who can sing for the princess, but I’m not limiting myself with my casting choices for the king and queen. I want people who can be flamboyant, intimidating, and heartfelt.
- The Fae appreciate when humans manage to outsmart them or match their cunning, so in the story the first challenge the princess completes she’ll get by just barely by following the rules and brute forcing it, and the king and queen will sarcastically commend her efforts. The next challenges the princess will catch on that she needs to work smarter, not harder, and she’ll find loopholes and ways around the problems, earning more of the queen and king’s favor. Finally, the princess will face them, saying essentially “I’ve completed every challenge you’ve thrown at me, you must not keep your son cooped up here on his own any longer!” And the remark about their son makes them realize they’ve been unfair to him all this time, not considering what he might want.
- The princess’s cute magical sidekicks include a mischievous Wisp, a well meaning Sylph, and technically the prince in his fox form, which can all be made into plushies for marketing purposes. In the film, the Wisp would stick around her after the other Wisps had fulfilled their duty leading her to the fairy castle, and the Sylph would be gifted to her as a tiny lady in waiting, cleaning up after her and offering to help her in any way, except when it comes to challenges set by the king and queen.
- Talking with the fae is kind of like Alice trying to talk to the people of Wonderland
- Post-Credits scene should be an awkward post-wedding family dinner between princess’s human family and prince’s fairy parents, just these otherworldly creatures sitting across from this burly warrior chieftain forced to make awkward smalltalk it’d be hilarious.
- I wanna make it clear, even if it doesn’t look like it, this love story is a queer love story. The princess is Bi, the prince is Pan and genderfluid, and them being in love with one another doesn’t negate that. Just because the corporate overlords at Disney will inevitably frame it as a straight relationship, these two characters are anything but.
- Maybe the fae can be genderfluid, and the fae royalty can have alternate castings for if I want to turn them different genders for various scenes
- Gonna have another case of single dad raising rebellious daughter, but compound that with the fact that the princess’s dad is the leader of his clan so he’s under a lot of stress. If his daughter disappeared one night, he might think she was taken by a rival clan and might be on the verge of going to war if she doesn’t return, so that’s some extra stakes for the background of the movie
- Quite a bit of fairy folklore in Ireland and England dates back to the 12th century, during which time Ireland was being invaded by the Anglo-Normans, so there’s my background conflict for the humans to be dealing with while the princess is off in fairyland.
- Primary Gaelic weapons of the 12th century: spears, battle-axes, darts, sling-stones
- I’m giving Nessa a sling for a weapon, I think it could be used in a trial or two to solve a problem
- A friend of mine recommended a sort of Greek Chorus of magical cats in little bard uniforms that could slink around the castle and sing for comedic effect. Looking up Irish cat breeds I could only find the Manx cat, so that’s the cat I’m going with.
- Casting the Princess:
- I’m going for someone with an alto sort of voice, someone who can pull off a grounded performance in the face of all these over the top campy fairy characters. They should either be a young adult or someone who can sound youthful, but since the princess is more of a warrior she’ll need to have a deeper voice, or at least not a light and airy voice. Ideally I’d want an Irish actress, just so I don’t get complaints about a bad fake Irish accent. For all the human characters I want Irish actors or people who can pull off Irish accents for background characters, since the story takes place in Ireland and the fae Otherworld.
- Jessie Buckley is Irish, she’s an actress and a singer, her voice is a bit on the deep side but not exactly what I was hearing in my head
- Aisling Franciosi is Irish, she’s still in her 20’s, she can sing really well, but her voice is a bit higher than what I was going for initially
- Casting the Villains:
- We need two singers who harmonize well, who sound great together, who have chemistry so we can hear it in the voice acting. We need two actors who can pull off comedy, heartfelt drama, and menacing moments. Race and accent is not an issue, I’ll just let anything slide because to me a faerie can sound like anything, but I won’t be so lenient on human characters.
- Casting the Fae Prince (or Fae Princess):
- My first idea was Reeve Carney, and I’m gonna stick by that decision unless I stumble across another actor/singer who can pull off a socially awkward twink
- Casting the princess’s dad:
- Resist the urge to plunder HTTYD for casting because those guys are Scottish, and I need Irish actors.
- Maybe Brendan Gleeson, he gives tired gruff dad energy
- Liam Neason is Irish, he’s got a deep gruff voice, and he’s played battle-hardened dad characters before
- Casting the Sidekicks
- Should the Sylph and the Wisp have voice actors? Or should they be more like animal sidekicks, no spoken lines, just noises and body language? I kinda like the idea of them having squeaky gibberish voices, as if Nessa can’t understand their tiny fairy language and the other fairies in the movie are speaking her language to make it simpler for her, in a sort of patronizing way at first?
- Names:
- I want names that would be easy to spell and pronounce for general (non-Irish) audiences but I want Irish names to fit the setting. The fae characters can have more fantastical names but I wanted to go with names that really fit each character.
- Princess: Nessa
- This name can mean “rough” or “not gentle.” In Irish mythology, she was the powerful and ambitious mother of Conchobar (Conor) MacNessa, King of Ulster.
- Fae Prince: Daithi (dah-hee)
- This is an old Irish name that means “swiftness” or “nimbleness.” Daithi was the name of the last Pagan king of Ireland who ruled from 405-426 AD
- Fae Queen: Sloane, Bree, Dara, Sapphire
- Fae King: Bran, Bellamy, Tiernan, Beryl
- Human Dad: Cathal (ka-hal)
- Meaning “strong in battle.” Derived from Gaelic “cath” (battle) and "val" (rule). It was the name of a 7th-century Irish saint.
- Character Design
- What if the princess were fat? Like, the first explicitly chubby Disney Princess in a lineup where slim and athletic is the norm. It would be good representation, I’ll have to play with the design a bit and deviate from my Doll Divine first drafts, because the dresses would fit different on that different body type.
- I also don’t want the prince looking like the general Disney Prince, I want him to sort of embody fox-like characteristics, so the transition from fox to human is believable, also so he looks a little otherworldly since he is a fae prince. Maybe his skin is pink (close enough to a normal human skin tone) and his parents are blue and purple, giving them an otherworldly look.
- If I really wanna push the prince’s fox-like features, should I make him small? Like, slim 5’7” young man with pointy ears and pinkish skin. Then I could make his crush, the princess, both tall and fat, but in a muscular way? Like, instead of dainty princess should I go more warrior princess? Twink fairy prince with butch warrior princess? I think that would look stunning.
- The fairies could be human sized but their wings could do the thing where they become capes, like in Gargoyles
- Nessa:
- Pale freckled skin, heavy-set, muscular, tall, long dark brown hair, dark blue-green eyes
- She wants to be a warrior in her father’s clan but he doesn’t want her seeing battle as his eldest and only daughter
- I’m gonna dress her up in red because the only other princess who wears any red is Moana, and she’ll have a green cloak because folklore says it’ll hide you from fae sights, green is a protective color alongside being complimentary to red
- Daithi:
- Pointed ears, slim physique, pretty short, pink-toned skin, fox-colored hair (dark roots, orange to white gradient on the ends), bright golden eyes
- Regal outfit with lots of nature motifs
- I want the fae royalty to have a variety of different outfits they switch between depending on the situation
- Cathal:
- I want him to look hardened by life, but I want to make it clear that Nessa is the child of his that looks most like him. No more cloning the mom to make the daughter, I want Nessa to look most like her father’s daughter. Same hair, same eye color, same nose, similar jaw, big strong dad with big strong daughter
- Dark brown wavy hair just brushing his shoulders, dark blue-green eyes, pale scarred face, strong jaw, tall muscular build, looks like a warrior king you’d be scared to go up against
- Queen Dara:
- Loud and proud, larger than life, take inspiration from drag queens
- Google “drag queen fashion” and “high fashion inspired by nature” and you’ll get the gist of what I want the queen to look like
- Dara can have more insect theming and bright shiny colors
- King Tiernan:
- Im thinking this character should embody the traits of male birds; the preening, the intricate mating displays, the bright colors and showy feathers. He and his wife shouldn’t be drowning each other out, they should be complimentary, like these two enter a room and they’re immediately the most fabulous pair
- I kinda wanna deviate from typical fantasy menswear, it’s all very dark and heavy, I want the king to look light and fun but still powerful and regal, and I want him to be beautiful, like, all fairies are beautiful to some degree, and I want the king to be beautiful
- I also want the king and queen to utilize the full range of colors on the classic Disney villain color palette; purple, red, green, black, gold, and blue would work with nature-inspired patterns like insect wings, bird feathers, plants and flowers
- Tiernan should have ornately styled facial hair with jewels and golden beads woven into his beard
Ideas for the Trials:
- final one has to be “sleep on the tower of a hundred mattresses”, and I want this one to go like this:
- Nessa is sent to bed with the king and queen acting suspicious. “Sleep, if you can” that sort of thing.
- She returns to her room and is faced with a tower of mattresses. They altered her bed while she was away doing the challenges, and she gathers that this is yet another challenge. She fears there might never be an end and she’ll be trapped in the fairy realm forever.
- She begins the long climb up. The bed is kept stable by towering posts, but she’s exhausted by the time she finally reaches the top. Despite her exhaustion however, as she tucks herself into bed she finds she cannot fall asleep.
- Her mind is racing, thinking things like “this can’t be it, can it? There’s always some little trick, some little complication with the fae, there always is! And what if I fail this test? Would they send me away, or would they trap me in more trials till my hair goes grey? What would happen to Daithi? He’s so used to living with these mad people but he shouldn’t have to be! It isn’t right! Why shouldn’t he get a say in who he marries, why’s it up to them?”
- As she’s thinking this, she starts tossing and turning but no matter what she does she cannot get comfortable. She feels a bump in the mattress but as she glances over the side to search under the top mattress she gets a bit of vertigo. She steels her resolve and starts to climb down the ladder, checking every mattress for some kind of rock or anything that could cause such a noticeable bump. She searches and searches until she reaches the floor, and under the very bottom mattress she finds a tiny green pea. Furious, she takes the pea and storms out of the room in her nightgown, ready to give the king and queen a peace of her mind.
- Not sure if there should be a montage blurring together an indeterminate amount of trials but if there was I could get away with a musical number, like how Make a Man Out of You is a training montage where all the singing is inner monologue
- I want weird nature-themed trials you’d find in fairytales and folklore, like herding rabbits or picking the correct item out of a lineup of identical looking things, so I’m gonna research and read up on fairytales to find any weirdly specific elements I can borrow
- In most of the tasks I want Daithi to be able to gift something to Nessa that will help her succeed, wether it be a magical aid or a piece of advice. All this helping will continue to grow their friendship and blossom that romance.
- A darts competition?
- An obstacle course?
- If we want to add something scary to the movie I can make one trial deal with the dead or ghosts since a lot of fairy folklore from Ireland utilizes ghost stories and death omens
- Maybe just indirectly steal from that one folktale I read about the dude carrying a talking skeleton to its final resting place
- The trial is to bring a skeleton hanging around your neck to its burial site all the while avoiding the sight of a Banshee
- It’s like a terrifying game of Red Light Green Light with corpses and ghosts
- At a tense moment where Nessa’s nearly there but the Banshee is turning, about to catch sight of her, Daithi in the form of some tiny animal swoops in to distract the Banshee, giving Nessa the time she needs to pass the trial.
- A game of riddles against the king that provides a break in the montage song Nessa will sing about feeling the need to prove herself and slowly realizing that she has nothing to prove to anyone, she just needs to realize the strength and willpower already within herself. The riddles game provides a break where the characters talk in a certain rhythm so it’s like talk-singing and it’s continuing the song.
Basic Plot Outline:
- Storybook narration, morphs into our fairy prince character Daithi daydreaming while watching our protagonist Nessa from the trees/bushes. She has no idea he’s there and she’s having fun with her younger brothers. Daithi can’t bear to merely watch anymore and transforms into a fox to interact with her, which is when we get the opening number that will establish a bit of the setting but also serve as the prince’s I Want song as his inner thoughts. He wants someone who gets him, someone he can pour all his love into, he wants a partner to stand with through thick and thin, like his parents’ relationship. He wants a life partner, and at the start he’s projecting all that onto Nessa, his dream girl. He’s convinced it’s true love because it was love at first sight, he barely knows this girl but he’s a hopeless romantic.
- Nessa and her brothers are wary at first but as soon as Daithi shows he’s friendly the siblings include the fox in their game, like playing with a stray dog. Their father comes to break it up to send the boys off to gather resources for the upcoming Midsummer’s Eve festivities, taking the opportunity to give Nessa a stern talking to. They both know she’s past the typical age where she’d be married off to forge a new alliance, but Nessa is steadfast in her desire to help her father and fight for her people. Cathal is adamant that she stay away from war, and hopes she can loosen up and make some friends outside of her brothers at the celebration later that evening. Maybe we could have Nessa singing a reprise of Daithi’s I Want song but change the lyrics to fit Nessa’s situation of wanting to prove herself strong and capable to her father, and since it’d be a reprise there’s no need to make it very long, it can be like the Belle Reprise, the One Jump Ahead Reprise, the Part of Your World Reprise, or the Poor Unfortunate Souls Reprise.
- During the festivities a massive thunderstorm comes out of nowhere and Nessa is drawn into the woods by a mysterious light and the sounds of childish laughter which she thinks are her youngest brothers running off to the woods in the middle of the night in a thunderstorm. She’s the type to charge in headfirst and deal with the consequences later. Instead of her brothers, she finds a luminous castle in a part of the forest she doesn’t recognize at all. The doors open of their own accord, and she goes inside, now drenched and exhausted.
- The castle is bigger on the inside and the massive doors swing shut behind her. This is the throne room, and perched atop the ornate golden thrones are two imposing beautiful creatures. The taller one seems to be dressed in a more feminine style and the shorter one has an ornately styled beard and mustache. These are the king and queen of the fairies, Dara and Tiernan. They slowly get up from their thrones and saunter over to this haggard human girl who dared to enter their realm without so much as an invitation, but Daithi in his humanoid fairy form quickly walks over to intercept, like, “Mom, Dad, this is the girl I’ve been telling you about!”
- Nessa is quite rightfully overwhelmed so she sits in stunned silence as this guy she doesn’t know talks about her like they’re good friends and his parents openly judge her with backhanded compliments and scathing remarks. She literally has no clue how to react to all this so when the guy takes her arm and leads her off to the hallway she lets him do it, and here’s where he apologizes for suddenly dropping all this on her poor human mind. He also shows her he’s the fox that’s been visiting her for quite some time now, and she gets a better sense of what she’s dealing with now that she knows they’ve actually interacted before in a positive way, they’re not complete strangers.
- The reason Daithi lured her to the castle is because his parents were about to marry him off to a fairy of their choosing unless he finally picked someone and brought them forward for his parents’ approval. Midsummer’s Eve was the deadline they set. It’s definitely a lot for Nessa to process, so Daithi asks his parents to give Nessa a place to rest for the night before they do anything with her. They oblige and Nessa is set up with a lavish room and a Sylph handmaiden to tend to her needs. Curiously, a mischievous Wisp has been sticking by Nessa’s side ever since its brethren led her to the castle, and it gleefully wrecks little things in the room that the Sylph compulsively attends to and cleans up. These two are the primary comic relief, lots of slapstick and physical comedy.
- That very night, the king and queen plot just how they’re gonna test this mortal. If she’s gonna stand any chance of marrying their boy she’s gotta live up to their standards, and those are high standards. Dara wants to hold a contest of strength but Tiernan proposes a dueling of wits, and together the two devise a series of trials for Nessa to complete before she earns their favor. Daithi is eavesdropping in fox form so he can hopefully give Nessa a heads up before she goes to face the trials.
- Nessa thinks about it like this; these are obviously the fae, basically gods, and they’re much more powerful than her. Best to be a polite guest and play along with whatever they’re planning until she’s earned enough of their good graces to ask for a guide out of their realm and back to her home and family.
- Should the villain song go here? Like, as the way the king and queen fully introduce themselves to Nessa and set up the trials, all the while singing about how there’s no chance she’ll actually succeed and how they’re better than her in every way? Could lead directly into Nessa’s hero song, a triumphant moment as she gets the hang of the challenges and starts beating them at their own game.
- One thing I set up in the beginning is Nessa’s clan having some enemies that might take an alliance to fully defeat, and the fact that Nessa’s past the typical marriage age to forge an alliance between her group and another, and the fact that the whole point of this story is to get past the superficial crush stage of Love at First Sight and work to forge a strong bond with your chosen partner, so perhaps the movie could end with the humans and the fae coming together under the marriage of Nessa and Daithi, forging a new alliance that will strengthen them for years to come.
Merchandising Opportunities:
- Fairy Castle playset, dolls of Nessa, Daithi, Dara, Tiernan, the Sylph, and the Wisp
- Fashion dolls of Nessa and Dara, accompanied by dolls of Daithi and Tiernan respectively
- Singing dolls of Nessa, Daithi, Dara, and Tiernan
- Plushies of the Sylph and the Wisp, plush fox based on Daithi
- Figurines of the principle cast members
- Costumes of the princess dresses and fairy royalty outfits
- Makeup kit inspired by Queen Dara
- Simplified story for children’s books
- Potential for a follow up series exploring how Nessa navigates the role of fairy princess, her struggles fitting in and her misadventures with all sorts of fae creatures (like a similar formula to Tangled the Series)
- Wisp nightlight
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iknowdino · 5 months
Episode 491: Titanomachya: The downfall of the titan(osaur)s
I Know Dino Podcast Episode 491: Titanomachya: The downfall of the titan(osaur)s. a new titanosaur from central Patagonia that lived alongside Carnotaurus; "Jingia" is now Jingiella; Two new studies help show why dinosaurs took over the Jurassic world
Episode 491: Titanomachya: The downfall of the titan(osaur)s. a new titanosaur from central Patagonia that lived alongside Carnotaurus; “Jingia” is now Jingiella; Two new studies help show why dinosaurs took over the Jurassic world News: A new Patagonian titanosaur, Titanomachya gimenezi, was named after an epic battle of the Greek gods source The mamenchisaurid sauropod “Jingia” dongxingensis…
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cadaverousdecay · 2 years
dinosaur? more like fine-osaur
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artmakerproductions · 2 years
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The Crookits (#13) Tracy and Rogi in Weird Science Shenanigans 
1) Read (and drawn) in an upside down “U”. - Expositioning about some new creation/plan to Rogi.   - Tracy, ever so calmly as she can, asking if the brain he gave her was the one she asked for (an abnormal brain). He replies "Someone named Norman, I think? There was no last name." (Nod to the 'Young Frankenstein' joke, "Abby Normal"). Tracy wants to create a “Reverse-Frankenstein Monster”, by using imperfect body parts to create a grotesque monster... but the end result is something normal. Not the wanted outcome. - Late nighter for the two, Rogi puts a blanket on her sleeping friend before heading home. Why Rogi Fritz (Igor backwards; named and loosely modelled after the actor Dwight Frye's character, Fritz from "Frankenstein", 1931) allows himself to get roped up and go through w/ all the many morally questionable things Tracy asks of him is 1) keep true to their deals and honour his favours, 2) Out of his own curiosity as what the looney kid is up to that week. He does see him and her as friends though (as does Tracy, but she tries to keep the relationship mainly professional). Being the only person other than her own family members she almost regularly interacts w/ both in and outside the household. Tracy's doorway into her room leads right into a decontamination chamber that anyone who wants to enter has to mandatorily go through. Both she and him are about the same height, but Rogi just slouches a lot. A nod/reference to the hunchbacked assistant horror trope. Ps. That's a brain 🧠 on his shirt. A running joke w/ Tracy, along w/ her extreme germaphobic nature, is she’s always using frogs 🐸 in her mad science experiments. All of which usually taken from the nearby swamplands or Rogi’s school. --- 
2) Rogi: “Why you dressed like the stay puft marshmallow man? You goin' to space or deep sea dinin' or somethin'?" Tracy: "First off, stop with the poking. Second, no, this is merely my new sealed air tight and protective mobile sterile germ-free environment interaction garment attire to allow for easier and convenient mobility." R: "..." T: *sigh* "It's a new bubble suit I use to go outside with." R: "Oh!... you still look like a marshmallow." T: *annoyed, slightly muffled grumble* --- 
3 - 5) One of the MANY experimentations on frogs Tracy has done (that eventually went wrong) is combine the fragmented DNA of the T. Rex (that she got from an undisclosed source) and African Bullfrog. Done out of spite to see how the dinosaurs of Jurassic Park would actually look. Very much like Jurassic Park, the dinosaur escaped and fled to the nearby bayou where it currently resides. Eating gators, deer, and the occasional fisher or hunter. (Two different designs for the creature’s head, which is your preference?)
After several weeks go by, Tracy and Rogi head out out to eliminate the escaped frog-osaur. Unfortunately, the mutant dino frogs get the drop on the two. Revealing that there are three individuals. The young mad scientist lets it slip she actually made THREE specimens, but wasn’t aware the other two had lived into adulthood and simply discarded the (then small dog sized) bodies in Hank’s pond intending for it to be his afternoon snack before moving onto the third. Unaware they weren’t dead, and fled to the swamps. Later meeting up with the third specimen. Maybe if they stand still enough, they won’t be seen.
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kevinthet · 11 days
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I did an animation warm-up for Inspector Sandwich. Despite the current developments or lack thereof, he really needs to close this case.
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winningthesweepstakes · 8 months
This is a Dinosaur by Barry Timms,  illustrated by Ged Adamson
This is a Dinosaur by Barry Timms,  illustrated by Ged Adamson. Nosy Crow, c2022, 2024. 9798887770499 Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 3 Format: Hardcover picture book What did you like about the book?  A little boy’s green scaly friend looks like a T-Rex, but in fact, it’s whatever he wants it to be. A “clever-magic-trick-osaur” (with a conjuring act), a…
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murphystreet808 · 2 years
Boonta Eve is a Place?
Tonight I talk about the Mandalorian Season 3 Episode 2! We talk about the noteworthy things and let me tell you.. there were A LOT! Busting Myth(osaur)s on the Murphy Street Podcast!
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defectivegembrain · 11 months
It's definitely far from the worst of his behaviour in season six but Jeff hearing Abed's very reasonable concern that frankly shows excellent growth and insight into himself and others, and responding with "Nobody's ever doing what you usually do, Abed, you're nuts" is just so unnecessarily mean. It's like. Oh you just can't stand it can you, that the guy who slept in a blanket fort for years and was just earlier making a video about "time-osaurs" is actually more mature than you? You can't stand that he might've learned to question your bullshit? I'm stealing your hair gel you'll never find it
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colonelmiaou · 2 years
I wish di osaurs wete real and thrh would step on everyone
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affinitiii · 4 years
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Feliz día a todos!!💛💚Que la bendición de Orula🐘 nunca falte en sus vidas!! Bendiciones para mi padrino, oyugbona, abures y ahijados... "La fé no se lleva en collares, ni en cuanto adornes tus santos. Se lleva impregnada en tu corazón ❤ y con una jícara con agua quizás resuelvas tu situación" IBORU IBOYA IBOSHESHÉ . . . . #osaure #babalawo #ifa #iboru #coronado #orula #viral #ashe (en Barcelona Capital) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF65FQegrh5/?igshid=1lhjge0j68s59
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natjennie · 3 years
karina farek my beloved.. 😔😔
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