#orv modern au
notarewberry · 1 month
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modern ORV AU doodles,
hbd bonus:
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orphiclovers · 1 month
The thing about Kim Dokja is that his 'salaryman normal guy' appearance is just as much a false persona as 'monstorous Demon King of Salvation' or 'calm and cool leader of kimcom'.
Despite what he tells us at the beginning (and since when do we take his narration as trustworthy?), he wasn't ever just a normal, boring person, despite his best efforts. He tells us the 'genre of his life' was 'Realism', but if a life could be said to have a genre, his was definitely 'True Crime'.
It's so interesting that even pre-scenarios, he thought of the world in the terms of 'genres' and the people around him as 'characters' (like Yoo Sangah) because of course he would! Even if we discount the way he spends all his time reading and how that shapes how he sees the world, he himself has been a character in his mother's novel and 'a character' is how people see him too. He says he read that novel a thousand times to try and understand his memories until he didn't know what was true anymore. He knows the character Kim Dokja too.
And everyone knew about his past.
Everywhere he went, he was 'the son of a murderer', someone to be gawked at and whispered about.
No one has ever seen him as 'just an average guy' because Underground Killer haunted him every step of the way. Reporters. At school. Even years later at the company he and Yoo Sangah worked at, the rumours of his past had spread (Yoo Sangah was one of the few people who didn't know).
The lack of privacy and stigma that has followed him everywhere is part of why he resents his mother for writing that novel.
Pre-scenarios, he is less similar to you and me than to the families of 'famous serial killers' that get podcasts and documentaries and books written about them and who's private lives are torn apart by media. I'm not naming names, but you already know them.
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bellziee · 8 months
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I'm back with my Lee Jihye big sis agenda
Every night I sleep then wish for a modern ORV au, I'll probably post more of my doodles in this setting (don't trust me)
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redrandomposts · 2 months
happy birthday yjh!!! i bring you: no angst. and a post!
When Yoo Joonghyuk started streaming, it was to a game he genuinely found difficult — Star Stream Scenarios. It was a little known game, and so no one watched his streams.
Except for one person: GuwonReader. He had just... appeared, one day, and never left. Each stream there'd be a series of comments from the one viewer, who was more in the lore than the gameplay. Still, they became someone special to him. He'd check chat regularly and respond to them, as if it were two friends talking.
Eventually, when Yoo Joonghyuk expanded his game variety, more people began flocking in. Instead of losing his first and loyal (although, they were perhaps more loyal to the game) viewer in the growing chat, he had made him a mod. Not the smartest decision, but it ended up working well.
GuwonReader had done some research, apparently, as they had even made a Discord server, cardd, and social media accounts for Yoo Joonghyuk. Although it wasn't professional quality, it was far more than what Yoo Joonghyuk would have done himself.
And through Discord, they had moved from talking stream-to-chat to calls that could span hours.
GuwonReader was an anchor for Yoo Joonghyuk. At some point, he'd also taken manager tasks, like setting schedules and even contacting companies that wanted advertising.
And the first time they met face-to-face — well, you can't expect Yoo Joonghyuk to hold back when seeing a pretty face that was also his best friend, manager, and mod.
It was in a convention, where YJH had his own panel. GuwonReader had come, bought a ticket and everything and acted as if he were a fan. As his psuedo-manager, GuwonReader easily set up a surprise during the program. The screen behind Yoo Joonghyuk lit up halfway through.
[Meeting the first fan, the most loyal, the mod, the manager- GuwonReader!]
Kim Dokja went up on stage, smiling at the man he followed for years. "Joonghyuk-ah, why won't you say something?"
Except there isn't anything said. All there is are a few steps then a kiss. Kim Dokja is held tightly, as if Yoo Joonghyuk couldn't believe that he could hold the man.
"Fool," he says, and says again when he learns that Kim Dokja spent half his salary to get a ticket. And again, when he learns that Kim Dokja pulled an all nighter to learn how to he the best support for a star streamer. And again and again and again, because Yoo Joonghyuk could not believe this man.
Yoo Joonghyuk firmly believes that if he were dying, Kim Dokja would give up his life to save him.
Except, wouldn't Yoo Joonghyuk do the same?
dunno this is messy paused halfway through and im terrible at characterizing. happy bday yjh!!!
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drawssj · 10 hours
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i binged super no ura manga recently and had a daydream abt grocery store cashier dokja and college professor sooyoung. moeful scenarios are playing in my brain
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shubertblue · 4 months
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Random modern au! doodle and Joongdok WIP! :D
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idontknowmyownmind · 2 years
Twin AU with modern setting
ORV x TCF crossover
Obliviously will be OG!Cale centric
What if, the one in a coma is not only KDJ but also Cale?
It's because the mf GoD (both Death and Despair)
To get the ending they want, they need to wake Cale up.
So, imagine someone from KDJ Company visit Cale. No one from TCF know about them.
KRS need to stay at the hospital and he want to be in the same room with his brother.
Some people (the important characters maybe) visit both of them but they stay around KRS.
So when someone from ORV visit Cale, they ignore them thinking they don't know Cale and visit the other patient.
Wordlessly standing beside Cale and slowly caressing his hair in a loving manner. Slowly and gentle tracing his face.
"Hey. We're waiting. How long are you going to sleep here? It's feels weird without you."
TCF characters oblivious confuse how they know each other. What they know is Cale doesn't have friends because he is the troublesome twin (which KRS denied because his twin is the best).
"I'll bring the kids next, okay? They miss you so much... we miss you. So wake up."
After saying that, they kiss Cale's forehead. They feels like an intruder upon seeing the tender and loving gaze that person give to Cale. They then leave without even a glance at the other occupant.
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caleism-1 · 1 year
Kim Dokja thought his life was finally peaceful. He was even content just to be able to look at Yoo Joonghyuk’s stupidly handsome face from afar while working at the esports company.
Then, he knocks the pro gamer unconscious at a sponsorship event live on Twitch.
“You walk into the company’s break room, see the constipated bastard, and then proceed to throw up all over his clothes?” Han Sooyoung laughs at Kim Dokja as he groans and slides down the wall into a fetal position.
“How was I supposed to know the kimbap in my fridge was rotten?” Kim Dokja covers his face with his hands.
“Dokja, I bought you that kimbap a month ago.”
“I was starving.”
“No, you were a thirsty fanboy. It was a limited edition Yoo Joonghyuk kimbap I bought for you as a joke that you refused to eat until now because ‘I can’t bear to rip his face on the packaging on accident.’ Like, bitch, I know you’re thirsty for the man, but that’s just a whole new level.”
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trashideas · 1 year
In which,
Dokja was very positive this started as a robbery.
Dokja woke up to the sound of something hitting his floor.
Now normally people would brush this off.
But Dokja doesn't own something that could fall off a counter. The hot plate is plugged into the wall with a cord so small that it wouldn't be able to reach the edge of the counter without needing to be unplugged. And Dokja has tried to unplug it. But it's stuck in the outlet. He's pretty sure unplugging the thing would be louder than it actually hitting the floor.
And sure, he has his coffee cup and a dirty pan that's in the sink- but he’s quite positive the mug would shatter if it hit the floor.
Dokja is pretty positive that the pieces of the cheap mug would even manage to hit him.
His apartment is small, practically a closet. His bed is a blanket and pillow on the fake wood floor and he has no furniture to speak of. He's honestly lucky he has a bathroom with a shower and toilet. The shower is small, too small to even sit down, but it's a shower nonetheless and Dokja can't complain about it.
But the apartment is cheap and leaves him room to spend money on novels and prepared meals. Besides, he didn't spend much time in his apartment other than to sleep at night. His work hours were horrendous, but it was money.
Oh right- the noise.
He was about to just pull the blanket over his head and ignore it- fully thinking that it was another auditory hallucination from working 18 hours again- but a quiet “what the fuck?” caught his attention.
The sound came from his window. He glanced at it to see the vague outline of a figure there. Dokja squinted, not entirely sure if he was seeing things or not, but a flash of light blinded him.
“Fucking-” Dokja cursed, rapidly blinking away the spots in his vision. “Can't a guy sleep? At least rob me with the lights off.”
There was no response, the light didn't move. “Han Sooyoung,” he heard the hushed anger in the deep voice, “this is not an empty space.”
There was another voice over what Dokja could assume was some sort of radio, “what the fuck do you mean? It's too small for someone to live in-”
“Uh-” Dokja tried to chime in.
The light shone around the small room, the beam practically lit up everything despite its weak light. Dokja heard the man scoff.
Should he stand up and greet him? Or should he just continue to lay down? What was the proper procedure for someone breaking into your 4th-floor apartment through a window that didn't lock?
“You,” the man addressed to Dokja, “do you live here?”
“Why are you sleeping there?”
“Why are you in my apartment?”
The man didn't respond. Instead, he opened the window, looking like he was preparing to leave. Dokja actually wondered how he even got up here. There were no emergency stairs.
Dokja watched as the man braced himself against the wall of the building next to Dokja’s apartment. His size allowed for him to easily use the small space between the buildings to lower himself down until Dokja couldn't see him anymore.
Dokja’s window slid shut on its own with a loud clack when it hit the bottom.
Huh. He blinked.
Weird. Maybe he read a bit too much before sleeping.
How long has he been up for?
Dokja went back to bed, he had work early in the morning.
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limelocked · 2 years
In the orv au I think this is how some of them meet
Cub and scar know each other from before the scenarios and happen to meet up during the 5th scenario (6th? The one after the disasters)
Zed tango impulse and skizz are like friends of friends of each other and are in the same area (maybe a party or something) when the first scenario hits and just kinda sticks together because friends who kill together stay together
Team Canada knew each other well before the scenarios and went looking for the others as soon as they could
Depending on how the domes work (still not figured that out) they run into doc (friend of etho) as well as bdubs and pungence (bdubs being a friend of all of them and pungence being his brother) later on and decide to stick like glue
Techno and Phil meet during the king game and Phil joins technos group, they find the stray kids (wilbur Tommy tubbo and ranboo) after techno wins the absolute throne of their dome
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rueria · 8 months
trying to imagine orv if the apocalypse just never happened
i mean. that'd mean like most of the cast wouldn't exist in the first place, if twsa was never written
it all being a paradox (she wrote it, he read it, they lived it) kinda complicates everything
...would he even be alive?
literally "there would be no story", huh? lol
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lee-hakhyun · 20 days
Modern AU where KDJ is freeloading off of LHH and making him read WoS which surprisingly, LHH really likes! Then LHH makes a fanfic for it inspired by KDJ's disastrous love life but then it turns into ORV. The ways (of survival) this could go down
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ok so i stole your freeloadet thing but took it in a different direction becaus i wanted to make lhh suffer
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orphiclovers · 4 months
Thinking about Yoo Joonghyuk’s children… Parenting really is his calling. It’s the one thing he always chooses to do, in one way or another, when not actively going through scenarios or experiencing severe psychological distress.
Like, he spends the rest of the 0th round taking care of orphans with Seolhwa and teaching at a school. We’re told he's good with kids and that this fits his personality perfectly. This was him at his happiest!! And even during the 2nd round, he and Seolhwa have a child there too.
Secretive Plotter, when talking about his own life, focuses instead on the young child in the other compartment, who he failed to save during a thousand regressions. He never forgets that kid even once, even after all the countless other deaths he saw.
And then his ‘--’, the most meaningful conclusion to his story was… saving a single boy. His ultimate purpose in life and what he was created for.
Even pre-canon he was raising Yoo Mia, a child someone left on his doorstep! It's what he does!
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bellziee · 7 months
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More Lee Jihye's shenanigans with modern au
now with lazy comics
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canthandlethishit · 3 months
me: this is the best fic ive read of modern au of my blorbos i want moree!!
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rec: fic is orv dating show + childhood friends got separated au, joongdok, very good writing pacing and their past is slowly revealed so its very intriguing
edit: rain of thanks to @einsleyreinhardt and @hawkebop for dropping the author’s name: threecrossings on ao3
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hualianisms · 4 months
🍉Fics for Gaza
Inspired by the fan Gotchas for Gaza and @ficsforgaza, i (ao3 user namelessflower) will be joining @ficsforgaza's initiative where fic writers write fics in exchange for proofs of donation to valid Palestinian fundraisers.
I will be offering: Fics, poems about a character/pairing, or simple pfp icons/avatars of a character/pairing.
Fandoms available: any MXTX, JWQS, ORV, JJK, Genshin, RGU and more (see full list here).
1. DONATE to any verified Palestinian fundraiser from this list: GazaFunds, Gaza Municipality's water campaign, eSIMS for Gaza (or Crips for Esims for Gaza).
I will also accept donations to Sudan (Khartoum Aid Kitchen), separate from @ficsforgaza's initiative.
2. DM me PROOF OF YOUR DONATION - a screenshot of your donation receipt or confirmation email (*please edit out your personal details e.g. full name, bank/credit card details!)
3. DM me YOUR PROMPT, specifying fic/poem/pfp, and any specific likes or dislikes/triggers/things you want me to avoid.
Limited to 3 slots for fics + 3 slots for poems + 5 pfp slots at a time.
(After I finish the first round of prompts, I'll open more slots later on when I have more time. I'll do my best to finish your prompt within a few weeks, but please be patient with me if I need more time and understand that longer fics may take 1-2 months as I am busy irl + writing for multiple Gotchas for Gaza at the same time🙇)
I will do: sfw, nsfw*, canonverse, modern AU, canon divergent, other AUs, genderbend, character study, angst, fluff, humour/comedy, emotional hurt/comfort, hurt/comfort, heavy angst
I will not do: dead dove, underage, incest, r*pe/noncon/dubcon, omegaverse, mpreg, or certain kinks that im not comfortable personally writing
(*note: Only adults (18 and above) can request nsfw. Minors cannot request nsfw. Please have your age somewhere in your bio/carrd or I will reject your nsfw request!)
for SFW: every $1 = at least 150 words, capped at ~3000 words (for me to avoid burnout)
for NSFW: every $1 = at least 100 words, capped at ~2500 words (for me to avoid burnout)
you may donate enough more for multiple prompts, but please specify how much is for which prompt (e.g. you can donate $15 for a 1000 word nsfw fic ($10) + a 750 word sfw fic ($5)
samples of my fics on my ao3
$5 = 1 poem (up to ~5 stanzas)
can be about a character/ship/platonic dynamic. see this page for the list of characters/pairings available
link to poem samples in this page
$1 = 1 pfp
any character from any fandom accepted so long as you are able to provide the picture/screencap you want made into an icon. pfps will be just the character + a pride flag background, plain color background, or gradient color background (specify what color/pride flag you want)
samples here
more info in my carrd here! please read everything carefully before requesting, thank you so much!
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