who are these guys
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The first ones appear to be called Oddities, character plushies by crafter Leo R.
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The second one is the flu. Or rather, a plush Orthomyxovirus by toy company GIANTmicrobes.
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backyardchickennews · 11 months
Can Backyard Chickens Spread Avian Flu? Can Backyard Chickens Contract the H5N1 Avian Influenza? Can You Protect Your Backyard Flock from Avian Flu? If you have chickens, you're likely aware of the risks of avian flu, which is caused by a strain of orthomyxovirus. The disease affects both humans and animals, and the virus is commonly found in wild aquatic birds. If you have backyard chickens, you may want to learn more about avian flu and how you can protect your flock. https://backyardchickennews.com/can-backyard-chickens-spread-avian-flu/?feed_id=2005&_unique_id=654ccb570a67e
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autism creature, yerba mate, and
man... I wanted clown guy or the flu virus...
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plushav · 3 years
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Flu (Orthomyxovirus)
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firewalker · 3 years
Il raffreddore ha fatto il giro ed è ritornato quello di sempre
ATTENZIONE: QUESTO POST NON HA ALCUNA VALENZA SCIENTIFICA. Non è un post serio, non sto facendo divulgazione, non sto parlando sul serio. Prendetelo come un racconto di fantascienza.
Ai tempi dell'università frequentai per un bel po' di tempo il laboratorio di virologia. Ero rimasto affascinato da quei cosetti senza arte né parte (i virus, che non sono viventi né non viventi. Oppure sono viventi. Oppure no. Dipende dal biologo a cui chiedi) e ho deciso di farci la tesi. Eravamo appena usciti dall'epidemia di SARS ed eravamo tutti ancora abbastanza sconvolti da quella vicenda (che a ripensarci ora sono ancora terrorizzato).
Parlando di catastrofi virali, in laboratorio andavano per la maggiore due virus: Orthomyxovirus, il virus dell'influenza classico, capace di antigenic drift e antigenic shift (ovvero capace di mutare la sequenza del suo RNA frammentato e anche di scambiare frammenti del suo RNA con altri ceppi per creare nuovi virus influenzali con caratteristiche diverse) e Rhinovirus, il virus del raffreddore, capace di infettare solo le vie aeree superiori perché molto sensibile al calore e incapace, quindi, di replicare nelle basse vie respiratorie.
Nonostante la SARS, nessuno di noi pensò mai a una pandemia di Coronavirus come qualcosa di probabile: l'abbiamo sempre visto come un altro virus del raffreddore, come poi anche Adenovirus.
Ora, se il virus influenzale è abbastanza comprensibile come indiziato (d'altronde, ne aveva già create altre di pandemie), vi starete chiedendo perché pensavamo a Rhinovirus. Ebbene, questo virus ci faceva paura perché ne esistono più di cento tipi diversi (ecco perché il raffreddore viene in continuazione) e perché per l'infezione sfrutta una molecola che è praticamente ovunque nel corpo, se solo fosse riuscito a diventare termoresistente sarebbero stati uccelli per diabetici per tutti.
Ho detto che sfrutta una molecola ubiquitaria: ricorda qualcosa? A cosa si lega la proteina spike del SARS- CoV-2? Esatto: al recettore per l'enzima 2 convertitore dell'angiotensina (ACE2-receptor). Sono sicuro che in questi due anni ACE2R è diventato abbastanza famoso da essere ormai mainstreem. Questo recettore magari non può essere definito ubiquitario, ma è in davvero, davvero tanti tessuti: polmoni, cuore, intestino, vasi sanguigni... in pratica SARS-CoV-2 può infettare un casino di tipi diversi di cellule, ed è uno dei problemi di questo virus.
E guarda caso, il Coronavirus è un virus del raffreddore!
Evidentemente ci sbagliavamo su quale fosse il raffreddore più pericoloso ma non sulla malattia. Questo bastardo ha creato il panico per due anni in tutto il mondo (e non sembra voler smettere) ma, per la miseria, i suoi cugini causano dei raffreddori!
Però ora ci sono i vaccini e anche la variante omicron, che sembra sia molto infettiva ma, almeno nei vaccinati, più blanda delle versioni precedenti. Fa ancora più danni del raffreddore, è indubbiamente più pericoloso, ma forse stiamo tornando in quell'alveo.
Le nostre previsioni sbagliavano il virus, ma forse non la malattia.
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madmadmilk · 4 years
I’m submitting this under my main blog (which I normally wouldn’t do, but this is my medical blog so I feel like it fits). Bit of background as to why I’m sending this in: I’m currently a resident physician in the US, working in the ICU this month, taking care of multiple Covid positive patients with varying results. I have done lots of end of life care, but also took care of patients with months long stays who are gonna be struggling with the long term side effects of this until they die, whenever that may be. Apologies for how long this is.
With regards to the vaccine, SARS-CoV-2 (the actual virus itself), and the Covid-19 pandemic, I can greatly appreciate the hesitancy people have about the vaccine and how safe/effective it is. But I really want to clarify some things from the perspective of someone on the frontlines, because I think the information that gets filtered to the public is different than what we get. I’m not gonna go through everything that happens when a person gets admitted for Covid-19 and other issues secondary to the infection, but I do want to talk about the actual amount of people who die. Covid-related deaths are a tricky number to assess because of how you code a death in a patient’s chart. Death certificates and death notes/discharge summaries upon death have a “principle cause” that you check to determine the main reason a person died. Covid can cause a lot of things that can lead to death, but it isn’t always going to be specifically coded as “Covid/Covid-related”. So that makes numbers to work from kind of tricky. But we do have a rough idea of the amount of people who died, and that does help put things into perspective. A quick google search today says that about 350k people have died in the US alone from Covid - that’s about the population of Honolulu, HI or Anaheim CA. That’s more people than live in Pittsburgh or in Newark. More people than Madison WI by about 100k. Basically, it’s a decent US size city amount of people who have died. So, regardless of how infectious you may or may not think it is, that’s way more people than needed to die and doesn’t include all of the people who were sick enough to be in the hospital but somehow managed to survive.
We have evidence to show why this vaccine will work, even if it’s a novel approach. It’s an mRNA vaccine, meaning that all the vaccine does is give your body the IKEA instructions on how to make spike protein, the unique feature of this virus that allows it to bind to cells and get in. Even in the different strains of SARS-CoV-2 that have been discovered, they all share this same spike protein. It is their key to entering cells and it is our key to identifying them. Brief aside about virology because it is inaccurate to compare strains of flu to strains of coronavirus. Firstly, flu is an orthomyxovirus (which is negative-sense single-stranded RNA if you are a science nerd who likes knowing about genomes) and SARS-CoV-2 is a coronavirus (positive-sense single-stranded RNA). Different virus families, different synthesis of genetic material (positive and negative sense is part of the replication process), different proteins that can mutate. It’s a relative but unfair comparison. This is not that, and what the vaccine actually does is using completely different technology to teach your immune system compared to the flu vaccine. These strains are nothing like the different flu strains when it comes to vaccine design.
This vaccine, for all the concerns about possible side effects and how they might impact you, is not as bad as getting the virus. I have had both - got Covid in October from taking care of sick patients and am getting my second dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine next week. You, the individual reading this, are the one who has to weigh the risks and benefits for yourself. Because while we might not know all the risks of the vaccine (and we are learning more every single day thanks to the vaccine reporting systems in place throughout the US and abroad where these vaccines are being used), the risks associated with getting sick with Covid are far worse: Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome. Pulmonary Embolism. Kidney failure. Liver failure. Myocardial infarct. Stroke. Congestive heart failure. New onset heart arrhythmias. I have seen patients without any prior medical history end up with these problems. Healthy, young people in the 20s, 30s, and 40s.
Like you said, Jacky, most people in the general public are not going to have access to it for some time. It will be the most vulnerable populations first along with essential works. Young, healthy people who are considered low risk are not the priority.
Lastly, for anyone who is skeptical because of political reasons, I have this question for you: why, after spending nearly a calendar year denying this pandemic and avoiding any social distancing, did so many conservative members of Congress rush to the head of the line to get their vaccinations first? If they were not afraid of this, why would they risk trying this brand new vaccine out right away?
Thanks for letting me share. Came for your artwork and stayed for the rest :)
( submitted by @dogemd )
>>> thank you for this in-depth response! god.... hearing you compare the death/infection counts to whole CITIES? it’s horrifying that we’ve gotten that far. god. we definitely need to be listening to different sources, point of views, and accounts, such as yours!!! thank you for all your hard work, bravery, and tenacity. you’re the absolute best and we appreciate you so, so, so much. stay safe and lots of love to you and yours! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼💕✨
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Some things that you might like to know about Idia, Ortho, and Burial Ceremonies ;)
Idias name in Greek is pronounced "ιθια" or ee-thee-ah. It means "same" in a feminine ending. This could mean he relates or is equal to a feminine figure in his story.
We all know a Shroud is a covering of the dead. But did you know that usually after 3-7 years after death ( this happens all over Europe but Greece does this as well ), bodies are exhumed from their graves and washed in wine, before being left in "Bone Houses" or Ossuaries.
Ortho could mean a lot of things. His name could come from the word " όρθιος " or or-th-ros. This means straight, like sit up straight or walk in a straight line, but is a word that is also used in the masculine. It also holds connotations of "right", "correct" or "upright".
It can also mean/be related to bone, like in orthopedics ( and orthodontics - teeth, ortho- dot which is a psychedelic, orthomyxovirus which is a family of virus that influenza is a part of, etc. ) or could be a nod to Orthodox- considering Greece is largely Orthodox ( I think 90% ). Or even Orthopraxy the "right" belief.
So, from what we can tell by their names:
- Idia uses the feminine ending of "same"
- Ortho uses a masculine ending/word that has connotations of "correct", "straight", "upright", "right" etc. It also can be a nod to bones because of his relation to Idia/Hades the God of the Underworld, or even a nod to the religion of Greece widely used today. ( which is interesting considering Hades comes from the Hellenistic Religion many still practice today, and considering how Christianity "replaced" Hellenistic Polytheism like a "new" religion. Much like Ortho and how he could have "replaced" and be a "new" and "better" being/brother. Especially if we go with the theory Ortho originally died and Idia built a new body/brother. It can also be that Ortho is the "right" brother- as in the better choice due to how he opposes Idia in many ways and is very likeable, unlike Idia whose a general ass. This can also be proven further by the endings their names used. In ancient Greece, men were valued and considered "perfect" while women were a more "deformed" version of men- as in not perfect. Ortho could literally just be a version of Idia that he HIMSELF thinks he should be. )
- Ignihyde sounds like a mix of "Ignite" and "Hyde"
Yall know what ignite means so I'm not explaining it.
Hyde can mean "a person who lives on a hide of land" - a hide of land meaning a place big enough to support a family. This is equal to about 30 acres of land. It's also a Japanese name/stage name of a singer.
"Hideto Takarai, known by his stage name Hyde, is a Japanese musician, singer-songwriter, record producer, and actor. Best known as the lead vocalist of the rock band L'Arc-en-Ciel since 1991, he is also the lead vocalist of Vamps and has a solo career."
Wow Ciel be making a comback
Hyde could also be a reference to Hide, like hiding, since Ignihyde students seem to not interact much with the school/other dorms... They're hidden away in their dorm most of the time- IDIA.
Also could be a reference to a hide of an animal- something many ancient Greek statues of hero's are seen with, especially our boy Heracles ( who goes by his Roman name Hercules more often than not ) who uses a Lions hide specifically.
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Even in the Hercules movie, you see him getting painted an the hide he's wear is literally scar lol.
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Could this be a reference that Idia will drag Leona to filth? We don't know :/ I'd like to see it tho cause they would be an EXPERIENCE. Also F in the chat for our boy Phil whose literally clowning lol
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Feel free to ask any questions tho
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microbiologynotes · 4 years
Influenza Virus - A Convict Of Respiratory Illness | Virology Notes Influenza virus is an Orthomyxovirus, belongs to family orthomyxoviridae; causes influenza, an Acute Respiratory illness. Orthomyxoviruses are spherical or filamentous, enveloped viruses with single-stranded...
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healthcpn-blog · 7 years
The Medical Characteristics of the Orthomyxovirus (Influenza) Family - Healthy LifeStyle Awareness
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ammmbeeer · 3 years
le parole giuste
26 marzo 2020
SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Sindrome Respiratoria Acuta Grave
COVID COronaVIrus Disease. Influenza; in casi più gravi, insorgenza di SARS (o MERS).
MERS Middle Eastern Respiratory Syndrome Sindrome Respiratoria Mediorientale. Sintomi: febbre, tosse, difficoltà a respirare. Meno frequenti: nausea, diarrea/vomito, insufficienza renale acuta, polmoniti. Si chiama MERS solo perché si è diffusa partendo dal Medioriente.
MERS-CoV Virus di tipo CoronaVirus responsabile della MERS. Probabile la sua provenienza da animali della Penisola Arabica. MERS-CoV è stato riscontrato in cammelli in diversi Paesi.
Aviaria (H5N1 / “HN51”) "Verosimilmente tutte le specie aviarie sono suscettibili di infezione e tutti gli studiosi sono concordi nel ritenere gli uccelli il crogiolo evolutivo di origine di tutti i virus influenzali che si sarebbero adattati nel corso di milioni di anni. Gli uccelli selvatici sono i serbatoi naturali (reservoir) del virus, in particolare le specie acquatiche, nei quali circolano tutti i sottotipi conosciuti di Orthomyxovirus di tipo A." "Sebbene il virus influenzale umano derivi, filogeneticamente dal virus influenzale aviario, cioè ne sia una forma modificata abile all'infezione umana, fino al 1997 non erano mai stati descritti o dimostrati casi di trasmissione diretta da uccelli a umani. Il virus aviario può passare agli umani per cause principalmente professionali." [Se vi garba, è tutto preso dalla pagina di Wikipedia "Influenza Aviaria".] Oltre ad H5N1, hanno fatto il salto di specie anche H7N7 (Paesi Bassi, 2003), H9N2 (Hong Kong, 1998-99), e H7N2 e H7N3 (Nord America, 2002-04).
Suina (H1N1 / A-H1N1) A partire dal marzo del 2009 un virus di aviaria incubato da suini ha contagiato degli esseri umani ed è stata dimostrata inoltre la trasmissione da essere umano ad essere umano, diffondendosi in più di 80 paesi. Non vi sono ancora dati certi, ma è dal 1977 che il virus accompagna l'influenza stagionale. Sembra che i sintomi del 2009 siano stati diversi a seconda delle zone in cui il virus si è attivato. Mentre nella zona di probabile origine, in Messico, si è manifestata una sintomatologia con infezioni respiratorie, negli Stati Uniti si sono presentati vomito e problemi gastroenterici. [Sempre Wikipedia, stavolta “Influenza Suina”]
SARS-CoV-1 / SARS-Cov Virus di tipo CoronaVirus (che ha causato un contagio diffuso a più nazioni dal 2002 al 2003, "La Sars") Sintomi: febbre, stanchezza estrema, mal di testa, brividi, dolore muscolare, perdita di appetito, diarrea. Successivamente: tosse secca, difficoltà a respirare, ipossia (da qui il quadro di SARS).
SARS-CoV-2 Virus di tipo CoronaVirus responsabile della COVID-19, una SARS causata da CoronaVirus identificata nel 2019 e a marzo 2020 considearata pandemia globale. Sintomi: variabili. Al termine del periodo di incubazione, di durata variabile da 1 a 14 giorni, i sintomi possono essere: - nessun sintomo; - sintomi influenzali lievi; - febbre, tosse, difficoltà a respirare (SARS); - nei casi più gravi il virus attacca direttamente il tessuto polmonare, causando linfopenia e immagini diagnostiche pari a polmonite diffusa. Le principali differenze con SARS-CoV-1 sono la diversa infettività in rapporto ai sintomi (maggior causa di diffusione i vettori asntomatici) e qualche discrepanza nella resistenza sulle superfici.
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asagriaqua · 3 years
10 things you wanted to know before you purchase cultivated fish
1. Fish ranches are contaminating the oceans
Many seaward fish ranches let defecation and food squander fall straightforwardly into the sea beneath. The development of this waste can obliterate marine biological systems on the ocean bottom beneath, before in the end streaming into the sea.
2. Fish in ranches are gobbling up wild fish
Fish and salmon are carnivores. Also, actually like other cultivated creatures, they eat more than they produce. Consistently, a great many anchovies, sardines and other little fish are gotten from the sea to be taken care of to fish in fish ranches. Australia's biggest salmon rancher, Tassal, utilizes 2 kg of wild got fish in feed to create only 1 kg of cultivated salmon.
3. Fish tissue coloured pink
Some fish ranches are attempting to lessen the quantity of wild got fish they use by subbing vegetables, chicken and other land animals into fish feed. This adjustment of salmon's regular eating routine makes the tissue of salmon turn an unappealing dim shading. So, salmon ranchers incorporate an engineered compound called astaxanthin in fish feed which colours fish tissue the pink shading salmon eaters anticipate.
Looking for organic fish farming? Visit Organic Fish Farming in India.
4. Seals shot with beanbag projectiles
Normally, seals are attracted to fish ranches as a food source. With an end goal to discourage them, some fish ranches shoot beanbag projectiles at seals who approach the homesteads. Records have uncovered that in excess of 8,700 shots have been discharged at seals around hydroponics destinations in Tasmania beginning around 2013. The ABC detailed that there have been frequencies of seals being dazed and stunned because of being hit by one of these beanbag shots.
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5. Many fish experience the ill effects of infection
The confined conditions in fish ranches consider infection to spread quickly from one fish to another. Amoebic gill sickness is a parasite which flourishes in warm water, conveying it a typical intimidation to fish in Australian homesteads, especially during summer.[1] The parasite break down their gills, making it hard for fish to get sufficient oxygen, in the end causing heart breakdown and demise whenever left untreated.
There are a scope of other infections, microscopic organisms and parasites which can influence fish in ranches, regularly with unfortunate results.[2] In 2018, more than 1 million fish passed on from pilchard orthomyxovirus (POMV) in fish ranches in Tasmania.
6. "Washing" fish is distressing and hazardous
Amoebic gill sickness can be washed off fish in a cycle called 'washing' which includes siphoning fish through a cylinder into a freshwater tank, and afterward returning them to their ocean pen. In late spring months, fish might be 'washed' as regularly as each 30-40 days.
Cycles like this are extremely unpleasant for fish and can bring about wounds and mortalities, and in certain occurrences mass passing’s. In 2016, in excess of 175,000 salmon were killed 'unintentionally' during treatment for ocean lice in ranches in Scotland. In 2018, a Tassal ranch in Tasmania killed 30,000 fish during a 'washing' treatment, referring to 'human mistake' as the reason.
7. Contaminating wild fish populaces
As many fish are cultivated in ocean confines in the untamed sea, the pervasiveness of illnesses in fish ranches is a genuine danger to sea environments as sickness can spread into encompassing waters and contaminate wild fish populations.
If you want to know more about fish farming technology? Visit Fish Farming Technology in India
8. Mass passing’s
On top of the danger of death from infection, salmon are touchy to ecological changes, for example, temperature spikes and dunks in oxygen levels. The development of waste on the ocean bottom under fish ranches can contrarily affect oxygen levels, as can the stocking thickness of fish, water stream, water temperature and a scope of different variables. At the point when oxygen levels drop, fish become focused and battle to relax. In 2015, 85,000 salmon choked to death in a salmon ranch in Tasmania because of an adjustment of oxygen levels.
Atlantic salmon favour cool waters and in the wild, they can relocate tremendous distances to find temperatures where they can flourish. In ranches, their development is limited to pens, and when the temperature rises, they have no way out. In a New Zealand salmon ranch, countless fish kicked the bucket when water temperatures rose to 18 degrees in 2015. The representative for the ranch would not uncover the quantity of mortalities.
9. Fish enduring gloom
Upwards of 1 of every 4 fish in fish ranches give indications of extreme misery and essentially "abandon life". These fish have hindered development and can be seen coasting dormant at the surface. The exploration inferred that discouraged fish display practices and cerebrum science practically indistinguishable from those of exceptionally focused and discouraged individuals.
Fish are savvier than many individuals give them acknowledgment for. Living in jam-packed tanks where they need to rival others for food and swim dully around and around is an upsetting and unnatural climate for a fish. Actually, like pigs and chickens in manufacturing plant ranches, fish in ranches carry on with an existence of torment.
Want to know more about fish farming? Do visit Fish Farming Companies in India.
10. Escapees from fish ranches could be a danger to nearby biological systems
Fish escape from ocean pens both in a regular 'stream' which is around 2-3% of fish stock (adding up to tons of fish each year), and through significant departures because of tempests, net tears and different causes. The fish cultivating industry is needed to report significant breaks of in excess of 1000 people. In 2000-2006, a sum of 208,000 salmon were accounted for to have gotten away in Tasmania in 11 departure episodes.[4] With the business developing, so are these numbers. In 2018 one frequency released 120,000 salmon into Tasmanian waters, and 2020 saw one more flare-up happen, with the departure of 50,000 Tasmanian cultivated salmon — giving further ascent to fears among naturalists that the break might actually "dirty" the marine climate and truly sway neighbourhood biological systems.
There is little examination done into the effects and destiny of cultivated salmon being delivered into Australian waters however some exploration proposes that, as carnivores, they could obliterate wild fish populaces. Others propose that they can't make due in the wild and gradually starve to death.
If you want to know How to Start Fish Farming Visit Us Now!!
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usmle-notes · 7 years
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Sketchy Micro To Do List: 
• 01 - Gram Positive Cocci o 1.1 - Staph Aureus (11:03) o 1.2 - Staph Epidermidis (6:54) o 1.3 - Strep pyogenes (Group A Strep) (14:30) o 1.4 - Strep agalactiae (Group B Strep) (5:23) o 1.5 - Strep. pneumoniae Strep viridans (9:17) o 1.6 - Enterococcus (4:06) • 02 - Gram Positive Bacilli o 2.1 - Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus (9:50) o 2.2 - Clostridium tetani (6:42) o 2.3 - Clostridium botulinum (7:35) o 2.4 - Clostridium difficile (8:17) o 2.5 - Clostridium perfringens (5:31) o 2.6 - Corynebacterium diphtheriae (6:49) o 2.7 - Listeria monocytonegenes (4:04) • 03 - Gram-Positive Branching Filamentous Rods o 3.1 - Actinomyces (3:01) o 3.2 - Nocardia (6:50) • 04 - Gram-Negative Cocci o 4.1 - Neisseria species overview (5:07) o 4.2 - Neisseria meningitidis (8:59) o 4.3 - Neisseria gonorrheae (7:33) • 05 - Gram-Negative Bacilli - Enteric tract o 5.1 - Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Serratia (7:49) o 5.10 - Proteus mirabilis (2:54) o 5.2 - Salmonella (5:51) o 5.3 - Shigella (6:26) o 5.4 - Escherichia coli (ETEC, EHEC) (8:51) o 5.5 - Yersinia enterocolitica (7:54) o 5.6 - Campylobacter (5:30) o 5.7 - Vibrio (5:45) o 5.8 - Helicobacter (5:23) o 5.9 - Pseudomonas (9:59) • 06 - Gram-Negative Bacilli - Respiratory tract o 6.1 - Bordatella pertussis (7:39) o 6.2 - Haemophilus influenzae (8:46) o 6.3 - Legionella (7:26)
• 07 - Gram-Negative Bacilli - Zoonotics o 7.1 - Bartonella henselae (4:15) o 7.2 - Brucella (4:41) o 7.3 - Francisella tularensis (3:50) o 7.4 - Pasteurella multocida (3:55) • 08 - Mycobacteria o 8.1 - Mycobacterium tuberculosis (16:35) o 8.2 - Mycobacterium leprae (9:17) • 09 - Spirochetes o 9.1 - Borrelia (8:16) o 9.2 - Leptospirosis (4:18) o 9.3 - Treponema Pallidum (12:52) • 10 - Gram-Indeterminate Bacteria o 10.1 - Chlamydia (15:08) o 10.2 - Coxiella burnetii (4:57) o 10.3 - Gardnerella vaginalis (5:32) o 10.4 - Mycoplasma pneumoniae (5:57) o 10.5 - Rickettsia species overview (3:34) o 10.6 - Rickettsia prowazekii (4:11) o 10.7 - Rickettsia rickettsii (4:00) • Fungi • 1 - Systemic Mycoses o 1.1 - Histoplasmosis (9:38) o 1.2 - Blastomycosis (6:09) o 1.3 - Coccidioidomycosis (7:26) o 1.4 - Paracoccidioidomycosis (4:55) • 2 - Cutaneous Mycoses o 2.1 - Malassezia furfur :0Pityriasis Versicolor (5:10) o 2.2 - Dermatophytes (6:01) o 2.3 - Sporothrix schenckii (4:24) • 3 - Opportunistic Fungal Infections o 3.1 - Candida albicans (12:49) o 3.2 - Aspergillus fumigatus (10:51) o 3.3 - Cryptococcus neoformans (9:00) o 3.4 - Mucormycosis (6:17) o 3.5 - Pneumocystis pneumonia (5:49)
• Parasites • 1 - Protozoa of the Intestinal Tract o 1.1 - Giardia (5:19) o 1.2 - Entamoeba histolytica (7:55) o 1.3 - Cryptosporidium (4:31) • 2 - Protozoa of the CNS o 2.1 - Toxoplasmosis (10:21) o 2.2 - Trypanosoma brucei (4:45) o 2.3 - Naegleria fowleri (6:01) • 3 - Protozoa of the Blood o 3.1 - Trypanosoma cruzi (5:43) o 3.2 - Babesia (6:59) o 3.3 - Plasmodium species (13:57) o 3.4 - Leishmaniasis (5:47) • 4 - Protozoa - Other Tissue o 4.1 - Trichomoniasis (5:37) • 5 - Helminths - Nematodes o 5.1 - Intestinal nematodes (13:09) o 5.2 - Tissue Nematodes (11:29) • 6 - Helminths - Trematodes and Cestodes o 6.1 - Cestodes (10:20) o 6.2 - Trematodes (10:56)
• Viruses • 1 - RNA Viruses - Positive Sense o 1.1 - Picornavirus Overview (10:47) o 1.2 - (Pico) Poliovirus (7:18) o 1.3 - (Pico) Coxsackievirus (5:10) o 1.4 - (Pico) Rhinovirus (4:45) o 1.5 - (Pico) Hepatitis A (7:00) o 1.6 - (Norwalk) Calicivirus (5:26) o 1.7 - Flavivirus (8:16) o 1.8 - Hepatitis C Virus (10:24) o 1.9 - Togavirus (11:20) o 1.10 - Coronavirus (3:32) o 1.11 - HIV (16:24) • 2 - RNA Viruses - Negative Sense o 2.1 - Orthomyxovirus (18:23) o 2.2 - Paramyxovirus (15:57) o 2.3 - Rhabdovirus (9:02) o 2.4 - Filovirus (4:54) o 2.5 - Bunyavirus (5:41) o 2.6 - Arenavirus (5:15) o 2.7 - Reovirus (7:15) • 3 - DNA Viruses o 3.1 - HSV-1 and HSV-2 (11:15) o 3.10 - Adenovirus (4:52) o 3.11 - Poxvirus (8:26) o 3.12 - Hepatitis B Virus (18:38) o 3.2 - EBV (13:24) o 3.3 - CMV (11:51) o 3.4 - VZV (11:45) o 3.5 - HHV-6 (5:12) o 3.6 - HHV-8 (7:10) o 3.7 - Polyomavirus JC & BK (6:31) o 3.8 - Papillomavirus (13:47) o 3.9 - Parvovirus (7:07)
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munove · 5 years
Cómo diferenciar una gripe de un simple resfriado (y cuándo deja de ser contagiosa)
El 40% de los catarros comunes están provocados por el rinovirus y el coronavirus, mientras que la gripe estacional la produce una familia denominada orthomyxovirus, concretamente los tipos A, B y C de influenza. Pese a esta diferencia, muchas veces no sabemos cuál de los dos procesos nos tiene atados a la cama porque los síntomas son muy similares en la mayoría de los casos.
etiquetas: gripe, resfriado, catarro común
» noticia original (elpais.com)
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the-equines-blog · 6 years
how is equine influenza spread?
Equine influenza is an exceptionally infectious influenza that spreads rapidly among horses. The good news is that it is rarely fatal in healthy horses. Zebras, jackasses and incapacitated steeds are not as fortunate and may capitulate to the infection. There are two sorts of the infection: Orthomyxovirus An/Equi-1 and Orthomyxovirus An/Equi-2. The last has caused pandemics in equine populaces and has turned out to being endemic in a few nations.
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What If My Horse Has influenza? 
FULL ARTICLE : https://theequines.blogspot.com/2019/01/how-is-equine-influenza-spread.html
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firewalker · 4 years
Io me l'immagino Orthomyxovirus "tsé, sti scemi stanno dietro a quell'idiota spinato... buon per me, ho più tempo per i miei shift"
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careerjugglr · 6 years
Shock as Petuna axes 22 senior jobs
East Devonport-based seafood company, Petuna Aquaculture, has actually axed 22 senior tasks, following a current evaluation of operations.
Petuna said it had actually "been forced to make redundant a number of manager and management roles within the business".
Speaking from Strahan on Thursday about the task cuts, Petuna chief financing and advancement officer, David Wood, stated the choice was a regrettable however needed step to make sure business remained competitive.
Gutted Petuna staff were encouraged of the shock task losses earlier today.
It's also understood some full-time roles were made part-time.
Jobs going: East Devonport-based seafood company Petuna Aquaculture has validated the loss of 22 supervisory and management tasks after a recent evaluation of operations.
"The choice is mainly due to anticipated lower production from Macquarie Harbour, which is a result of one-off losses from POMV (Pilchard Orthomyxovirus) and lower equipping levels-- in line with recent biomass decisions from the EPA and our own views on sustainable lease management," Mr Wood stated.
"Regardless of the tough choices needed, and the regrettable effect on employment, Petuna continues to support the significance of reliable policy by the EPA.
"We will continue to apply adaptive management principles to guarantee our business is sustainable which we continue to responsibly manage the environments where we operate."
It's understood some of the people losing their tasks had operated at Petuna for 15 years and 20 years.Mr Wood stated the functional review was undertaken at management and manager level right across the Petuna business.However, it's believed several of the employees being made
redundant were based at Petuna's East Devonport headquarters.When asked if Petuna might dismiss any more job losses, the response was"all redundant roles determined have been recommended ". After this week's 22 task cuts, Petuna said it used 264 individuals throughout the group.Petuna stated of those, 145 individuals were utilized at East Devonport
consisting of those through Petuna's labour hire firm arrangements.Late in 2015, The Advocate reported
Petuna chose about 100,000 fish at its Macquarie Harbour fish farms in response to a break out of POMV, a type of fish herpes.The report stated POMV is a repeating issue for Tasmania's salmon market and has actually caused numerous thousands of fish deaths in recent years.The naturally-occurring illness is spread out by wild fish and doesn't position a health threat to individuals who
consume salmon.Petuna told The Supporter at the time, the fish cull was carried out to avoid the spread of POMV which was spotted in the company's juvenile stock.
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