#orphans path
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just1gnome · 1 year ago
redraw of an old old orphan's path piece because i was in an emduo mood
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og under the cut ^^
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cowsandcrows · 10 months ago
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Happy birthday techno! This design was inspired by the orp!techno designs in the comapnion guide!
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pandaakatsuki · 1 year ago
Thinking about Orphan Path in the year of our lord 2024?? It's more likely than you think
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My mind was on a completely other fandom when I remembered Orphan path exists! Asfjhgh and thats all my brain needs before I obsessed again So to commemorate the first time I thought about orphan path this year, I immediately dropped what I was doing and did a drawing about it. I need to start a counter; Amt of Orp fixation periods in 2024 Please check out the series! The worldbuilding and relationships are transcendant! The prose is unreal. Guaranteed that if you were at all interested in dsmp at all now or in the past, you will find atleast one fic that will be your new favorite Everytime I'm reminded of it, it becomes my new roman empire
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moltengoldveins · 1 year ago
reading Orphans Path and between the flawless humor sitting there in tears like…. It’s devotion, it’s about devotion, the whole thing is about platonic devotion. The whole story is how loyalty and love and friendship and family makes the world go round. Techno heals Phil, gives him a home and a friend, so Phil cares enough to help Techno escape. Techno has nowhere to go, nothing to strive for, nothing to devote himself to, until Phil. the same is true in opposite. Phil has nothing but Techno. So when Techno is dying, of course Phil looses his mind trying to get him to a shrine. And it keeps going, the entire story is like this, one little vignette of love and loyalty after another. The devotion they both share to Justice, to their people, driving them to take over SMPEarth. The devotion their men give them back. The friendship between Elijah and Techno getting them out of trouble. When Phil ascends, Techno can do nothing But watch. When Phil nearly goes mad, it’s Techno who keeps him grounded. Techno ascends because of devotion. Philza watches too. Techno is literally the god of COVENANTS for heavens sake. it’s just….. it’s so good you guys. Please read this series
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crowfatherd · 6 months ago
i love figuring out orphans path lore for other servers. guys orphans path lore is so fun to play in the space of. guys read orphans path.
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foxqlove-draws · 2 years ago
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@aenor-llelo bird man be upon ye. Now I shall ramble. Anyway, since elytron are canonically descended from birds, I made em look sort of uncanny. Not quite human. I also got my grabby spec bio hands all over em hehe. Anyway, lemme explain my evolution headcanon. They evolved from therapods with a funky beak and a little horn nub. They had a symbiotic relationship with a type of beetle that would eat all the parasites on their body. Eventually, this beetle became completely dependent on its host. The proto-elytron adapted to life on the plains, eventually specializing in digging out termites from termite mounds. Their snouts became shorter and their tongues became longer so that they could stick there face flat to the mounds and stick out their tongues, rather than being hindered by big long snout. The proto-elytra became sedentary, eventually becoming an essential part of the mating display. Their fingers grew longer and more maneuverable to reach inside termite mounds, eventually becoming suited for tool building and usage. The feathers on the arms shrunk as the feathers and wings stemming from the elytra mating display grew, eventually becoming functional wings and allowing flight. Anyways, ramble over.
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squishiyangire · 2 years ago
Im going to be honest about what happened. The people behind the fanfiction series, orphan's path, are not good people.
I struggle with change because of a traumatic childhood, it's not easy, for me to move on from things
I have a tendency to get very attached to fanfiction and i got really attached to orphan's path, the authors went through, retconned it, and i was upset, i left overly casual comments on the works, saying i was complaining about the changes, and the authors responded, very disproportionatly. They immediately dogpiled me talking about how i was horrible person to be upset that they retconned dream out of their story because they were poc and he wanted them dead apparently?? Very little evidence to support this and what they did give was extremely loose evidence at best, basically using an old deleted post off of his twitter to validate their bias and demonise me. So i got upset, as one would in that situation, and i left the situation. I replied saying they've misunderstood me so wildly that i had no hope of explaining because i knew they were going to cling to their bias and weren't going to try to understand where i was coming from. A year passes, i forgot about what happened. I remembered orphans path, went back, began to read, went, wait, this isn't the story i remember. Im a very nostalgic person, and I loved orphans path a lot, but apparently it was wrong for me to love it, to not just openly accept that they changed what i knew. I reached out, and I tried to explain myself and ask, if just maybe, they had an unedited copy of their work that i could have a copy of, not for any purpose but to read for myself. And they responded very harshly, to the point that I have all of them blocked right now, because I just can't deal with that conflict, I genuinely thought they were cool people, I was in awe of their skills as writers, and to be met with this kind of reaction, it really sucked.
I know that they're going to try to twist my words and make me out to be a bad person again, but i never meant to hurt anyone, i never meant to make anyone upset, i was hurt myself and I was trying to ease that a little bit, and I was met with accusations of being a nazi and just lots of really aggressive things.
I just want people to know what happened, they're not good people, don't let yourself be hurt like I did.
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netmors · 9 months ago
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Concept art for the Eleventh Fleet - Mitt'raw'nuruodo.
Hands got to the rendering of Mitt'raw'nuruodo's sketches. It was unusual to draw him without the Grand Admiral’s signature hairstyle, but I really wanted to make a strong contrast between his life “before” and “after” starting his service in the navy. Life on his home planet certainly wasn't easy.
+ some parallel with Ezra and his fate.
…And I still think the idea of ​​making Thrawn's kintsugi-style form during his exile is my best idea :3 After red eyeliner on Karyn's eyes, of course.
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crowbasils · 13 days ago
it’s been a while
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aenor-llelo · 6 months ago
Orphan’s Path is one of the most beautiful pieces of fanfiction I’ve ever read- it just /perfectly/ encapsulates the boundless creativity that was my favorite thing about the MCYT fandom. Beyond just the storytelling though- the WORLDBUILDING just astounded me. From the more story-based beats like Sky and Moon’s Landing, Lagos’s splintering, and the Manifold, to the more general MC worldbuilding like totems of undying being created via ritual, pearleye, and ofc all the new months and the longer years and the server mechanics!
There are so many worldbuilding aspects I look at and go “i don’t know how they came up with this idea but i am going to aspire to reach for this level of creativity every time I try and tackle Minecraft as a setting.” I’m sure having multiple heads to put together for ever-fresh concepts really helped too!
I was wondering- did you have any sort of..personal guidelines or jumping-off-points as to how to approach integrating things into the Orp universe? Questions you’d ask yourselves or a theme to keep in mind with each new feature you figured out? Because I’d be delighted to be able to create with the same spirit y’all did. It’s inspired me ever since I first read Orp, and I think I’ll always look to it as an example of how much you can do when you’re handed a few pieces of lore and are determined to carry it all the way home.
a lot of what you're describing for how i approach worldbuilding boils down to "yes, and?" like taking even the most innocuous offhand stuff and deciding to find ways it does work. accepting it as true in some form and figuring out how this affects other things.
and the most important thing is you have to be willing to do this even with ridiculous shit. because all jokes come from something real, and you gotta not be embarrassed about writing a story or thinking about something stupid. be willing to look at something ridiculous and go "why ISN'T this stupid" first, "why IS this stupid" second. sometimes, it really can't be anything but stupid! but if you let a silly element breathe, that's where you can find a certain meat to a story that sometimes doesn't exist anywhere else.
fear is the mind killer. cringe is also the mind killer. you gotta shank any sense of shame or embarrassment that can come with engaging the premise YOU decided to create and explore, and a huge part of that is acknowledging the implications of seemingly (or genuinely) unserious elements of something at face value. writing off a character's silly name, goofy theme song, or meme humor is easier on yourself, sure, but it's so much more interesting in the long run if you don't. the absurdity of a setting is part of the setting! don't pretend it isn't!
you CANNOT get "piglin family units dictate the societal structure of the nether" in orp without first accepting "orphans killed my parents".
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just1gnome · 2 years ago
The devil is telling me to reread orphans path <- hasnt even caught up to the latest chapters
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cowsandcrows · 23 days ago
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Orp phil sketch that i might colour one day
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pandaakatsuki · 4 months ago
Orphan Path - "Wow, those tusk sure are one of the sizes of all time"
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Technoblade gestures for him to dismount. “Come here for a tick.” Which Tommy does. Which might be a mistake, because the moment the two of them are close enough, Technoblade just shoves his entire snout into Tommy’s hair, and that’s really weird, and wow, those tusks sure are one of the sizes of all time.
Orphan Path Series Symphony no9, Chapter 9 (39th fic of the series woah)
I love pig boy so much sobb
The older version of this I finished literally an hour before I started the new one is below the cut
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moltengoldveins · 1 year ago
Hi yes I’m rereading Orphans Path on AO3 (multiple authors) and BOY HOWDY DO I LOVE THIS SERIES. Never have I encountered humor this well-done. Look at this. (These bits are from the second installment in the series):
“Hello!” Philza calls out as the shop bell announces his presence. “Do you happen to do big guy clothes?”
“How- how big is the guy?” the tailor nervously asks, looking towards the entrance.
“Boy,” Philza jauntily smiles as Techno tries to duck into the two block tall door after him, “I’m so glad you asked!”
“This is a very large man,” Techno says as he points at a horse.
Philza frowns. “Techno, that’s a horse.”
“Surely not.” Techno wanders closer to the horse, meeting its frighteningly dark eyes. “I see a well of a thousand souls within its gaze.”
“It’s… still a horse.”
like seriously. If any of the authors of this series are on this webbed site, just know: I adore you, I think your writing slaps, and I learned basically half my skills in comedic prose from your work. Good job 👍
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spacemaverick · 24 days ago
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my latest Sally's Fucking Pissed drawing except its more "what if she just looked like that." yay freaky ghost sally we all love freaky ghost sally
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raayllum · 8 months ago
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He was betrayed by a trusted advisor and he began to doubt everyone around him. So he made them all spies, turning one against another. His seeds of doubt grew into tangled vines of paranoia that strangled his kingdom. His fear became a self-fulfilling prophecy. One by one, everyone abandoned him. The king died friendless, his kingdom consumed by chaos.
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