#orochimaru x reader fanfiction
marvelmymarvel · 2 years
Shattered Glass
Orochimaru x Reader
Synopsis: Mitsuki wasn't allowed to be in the lab, more for his safety than anything else. But when he breaks something with you not around, how will his father react instead?
Naruto Masterlist: Here
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A crash sounded out in the lab causing Orochimaru to jump. His eyes scanned around the room, trying to figure out what it was that broke. More importantly, how did it break?
"Uh oh," a small voice called out.
Orochimaru relaxed a little knowing that it was his toddler's fault but tensed up when he realized you were nowhere in sight. "Suki. Where's mama?" Orochimaru called out as he walked swiftly to the toddler. He tried his best to sound soft and kind, but he knew his words sounded sharp.
Rounding the corner, he saw Mitsuki standing there with his hands behind his back, pale eyes taking in the way the shards of glass scattered along the laminated tile. His eyes flicked up to his father's and while he knew his father wouldn't yell, he couldn't help but feel his body shake in fear.
Orochimaru tsk'd quietly to himself at the sight of his son shaking, but moved slowly towards him anyway in fear of making him cry. "It's okay. It was an accident" Orochimaru stated, hand coming down to pat softly onto the child's small head. He knelt then to start gathering up the larger pieces, "Can you go get the broom for me?"
Mitsuki nodded before racing off towards the broom in the corner, excited to help his father even if it was for cleaning up the mess he made. "Suki?!" Orochimaru's head shot up as he heard your panicked calls from the hallway.
"He's in here my love"
Within seconds, you appeared in the doorway. Hair messy and face contorted into one of pure panic until your eyes settled on the child. A sigh of relief flew from your lips as you scooped the child up from the floor, letting the broom fall from his hands in the process. It went tumbling down, knocking over a few more glasses in its wake. More shattering sounded out but you didn't care as you cuddled deeper into the toddler.
"Don't you dare run from me like that again! I was worried sick!"
Orochimaru sighed quietly as he took in the 5 beakers that you broke. While the child looked like him, Mitsuki's coordination skills were all you. "You should be more careful" he muttered as he stood and threw away the large pieces of glass. Your cheeks heated up at his statement as you finally looked down at the mess you had made.
Shooting a sheepish smile his way, you set Mitsuki down on the lab table and bent down to pick up the broom. "Sorry about that-"
Orochimaru caught the broom from you as you straightened out. "No need. Are you hurt?" It didn't matter how long you two had been together, when he was this close to you you always lost your cool. He smirked at your flustered face, he figured it was payment for him cleaning up after you.
"No..." your eyes trailed to Mitsuki and landed on the hand that he was hiding. "Mitsu..." you started, sidestepping Orochimaru to get closer to your son. He wouldn't look at you, and you knew why.
"Let me see it" you stated firmly and finally he brought his hand out from behind his back. You hissed at the cut on his palm, it would heal but you knew it had to have hurt like hell.
"Oh, honey" you whispered pitifully before looking at Orochimaru with pleading eyes. While he hasn't used his medical ninjutsu in a long time, this was something he could fix with little to no effort. Orochimaru cocked his head before stepping forward and grabbing the child's hand. Light flew from his fingers and ghosted above the cut which caused Mitsuki to whimper as the skin mended itself. But it was over soon and all that was left to fix were the two messes that you and your son caused.
Orochimaru looked at you before turning back to Mitsuki, now that the boy was old enough Orochimaru figured he could learn to be careful in the lab. "Now Mitsuki-"
"Gentler" you cut in, knowing that the tone he was going to take wouldn't help.
Orochimaru nodded before clearing his throat. "Mitsuki, you have to be careful when you're in here. As you can see, it's very easy to get hurt and I don't want that to happen. Can you promise to be more careful next time?"
Mitsukis eyes were wide at just how gentle his father sounded. He looked at you over his father's shoulder, confusion evident on his face. You nodded in a way that encouraged him to answer, this was indeed his father. It wasn't a trap. "Yes, Father" Mitsuki stated finally.
Orochimaru smiled before pressing a kiss to the top of his forehead. "Now why don't you go play outside with your mother? I hear it's a beautiful day outside?"
Mitsuki agreed and hopped down from the table. He grabbed your hand and began pulling you out, but before he could pull you out of the room entirely, you threw a loving glance over your shoulder. You were so proud of Maru for becoming such a kind person, even if it was just to you and Mitsuki.
The lab door closing left Orochimaru once more in silence and he sighed at the state of his lab. 'It was worth it though' he thought as he bent down to sweet up the glass. Because without the two of you, there would be no mess for him to clean up.
And that is what he loved the most.
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oh-its-souichi · 11 months
Orochimaru x reader
I saw a promt and decided to write my own version
It was a dull shock to him, to say the least. You were on the stone floor of the shower, the two of you shared silent tears falling down your face. Your shoulders were trembling, and he didn't know why. He had known you were pregnant, and by the way things unfolded before him, he assumed you just found out. "What is it?" He said his voice a low tone. You shook your head, burying your face into the nook of your elbow. "It's nothing, my love, I slipped is all," you said, feigning the happiness in your voice. He flicked his eyebrow up, curious as to why you would lie. "Tell the truth." He seethed, feeling contempt welling up in his chest. He had never done you so wrong. Even now, as he felt he wanted to raise his hand against you, his limbs wouldn't budge. "Now," he repeated again, after your seconds of silence. A heavy sob left your mouth, and more tears streamed down your face. " Forgive me, dont kill us." You sobbed and his breath caught in his throat. "You're afraid?" He stated, and you didn't move. The answer was clear, though. He had never hurt you. You had seen him hurt others, seeing the horrible things he had done to other "inconveniences"
He walked forward and knelt down beside you, the water soaking his hair and clothes. "Tell me a time. I haven't been by your side, my pet. " he spoke his tone, coming across harsher than expected. "Why would a child change that now?" his voice was almost a whisper, almost like he was trying to keep his words, this side of him a secret from the world. Your head snapped up, and you searched his face. The sorrow in your eyes drained away, and the light he had always known to linguer in them reappeared. He had known you since his days in the hidden leaf village and snuck you away after he was caught and consequently hunted. You had cracked him, and though he loved his work, he didn't want to live a life without you.
"I've been silly, I apologize," you said, rubbing tears out of your eyes. He nodded and came to a stand. "Join me for dinner after you've washed," he said and walked out of the bathroom. As he walked down the hall, he felt a sense of excitement. You had a very powerful bloodline, and he wasn't half bad himself. He was excited to see what his child would bring to the world. Excited to be tied tighter with you, you would never leave him if your child was involved. A wicked smile came to his face, and he pushed open the heavy door to his lab a new sense of purpose, pushing him forward.
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ahiyashi · 14 days
The Gift
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The week before your birthday, your captor of three years decides to give you a gift
TW: slight nsfw ( kiss), slight non con ( kiss) mention of murder, slavery, harrament,, mention of sexual actions, mention of non con touching
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Waking up in the morning was always a hard thing for you to do. It was especially hard because you never knew when morning was annymore. You've been held captive for almost three years underground. Your birthday in a week marked the third anniversary your captive has held you.
What started off as kidnapping you for ransom from your powerful and wealthy family ended with them all dead and him keeping you alive. Everyday you blamed your self for their deaths. If you would have never wandered off alone from your gaurds, he would have never took the opportunity to grab you. Your family would have never died.
Since that day, the only thing your captive decided you were useful for was cleaning. You awoke and quickly dressed in the only outfit you captor allowed you to keep, a (f/c) kimono you recieved on your birthday three years ago with the blood of your mother still on it, and went to the laundry room to fetch his laundry and bring it to his room.
The one place you hated to go to was into your captor Lord Orochimaru's room. it's especially more terrifying when he was in there, and he always was when you cleaned.
You hated how he looked at you. You hated how his eyes lazily wandered across your small form as you put his clothes away. You hated how he would look down your shirt when you bent over to pick up an item he "accidently" dropped in front of him. You hated when he touched you.
It was no secret amongst the others that Lord Orochimaru was weirdly obsessed with you. Everytime they saw you interact with him, he would always say or do something to you. However, the others knew their place, knowing that if they said or attempted to do anything about it they would be killed. They were forbidden to look at or interact with you in anyway.
You left the laundry room with a basket of Lord Orochimmaru's clothes and slowly started to walk to his room. It was a short walk From the laundry room. Even with how slow you were walking, you still managed to make it there quickly. You took a few shallow breaths before you walked in. As you walked in, there he was sitting on the edge of his bed with no shirt on.
You put your head down as you walked in. From the moment you walked into the room, you felt his golden eyes resting on you. You could feel his burning gaze with every step you took as you shakily put the clothes away as quickly as possible.
" (Y/N)", he finally spoke up. "Come here". Slowly, you make your way towards Lord Orochimaru. As you stood in front of him to him, you could feel the heat and sinister aura raidiating from his body as he stood up. You kept your head down, which amused him. "Look up darling, it wont kill you". he placed is calloused hand gently under your soft chin to slowly lift your face to look at him in his golden eyes.
As your head moved up, you took notice of how scarred his toned chest was. Your breathing slowed as you came to gaze upon his terrifyingly handsome face. A sinister smile formed on his face. "That's better, "he whispered.
"I understand that in one week it's your birthday am I correct?" you hesitantly shook your head yes. Orochimaru let out a laugh. "No do not shake your head. Let me hear you say it. Let me here your pretty voice say in one week it's your birthday."
You swallowed thr hard lump that was forming in your throat. "Y-yes m-my lord, my birthday is in one week." You rushed to get the sentence out.
"Now was that so hard," he asked.
Orochimaru did not wait for a response before walking away to the desk on the other side of the room. He opened the top drawer and pulled something out. He looked up at you and motioned you over like he was calling a child to him.
"I have a early birthday gift for you."
Once you made it to him, he put his hand out. In his hand was a tiny purple box with a green ribbon. You hesitantly took the box from him. You stared at it for a moment before Orochimaru broke your concentration.
"Go ahead, open it."
Slowly, you remove the ribbon and let it fall to the floor. You lift the lid to see the contents inside the box. Inside was a silver snake pendent with emerald green and purple ombre eyes. "Do you like it," Lord Orochimaru asked. You returned your gaze to his menacing eyes before you respond." I-it's beautiful you stutter out."
Orochimaru let out a slight chuckle and took the necklace out of the box. "Good," he replied as he made you turn around to put the pendant around your delicate neck. "I have decided that in one week, the night of your birthday I will have you. You will be in my bed with me and fufill my needs as my new bed slave. I've wanted to fuck you the day Kabuto brought you back here. I've waited for the right time and your birthday is the perfect time to have you."
You dropped the box and stood there with a look of horror on your face. After he fastned the necklace around your neck, you were made to turn around and face him. One look at your fear strickened face, he let out a chuckle and gently licked your nose.
"You shall move into my room in a few days. Don't worry, I wont touch you til your birthday."Your vision started to spin and sirens went off in your head. You barley heard what he said. In a small voice you reply "y-yes my lord."
Orochimaru then leaned down to give you a rough kiss on your gentle lips making sure to insert his serpent like tounge in as much as he could earning a small moan form you. "Save that for when I finally have you," he said as he pulled away, a small string of saliva connecting you two. "I can't wait to hear those beautiful moans when I'm fucking you. They will be like hearing music."
You waitied til what you hoped was nightfall to sneak out of your room. After Lord Orochimaru made his proclimation, you ran out of his room. You felt numb the entire day. The only feeling you had was the feeling of the delicate pentant swing heavily around your fragile neck. Every time you grasped it in your tiny hands, it felt like it was melting your skin. You culd still feel the way his disgusting lips felt on yours as he kissed you.
To make the situation worse, he announced it to everyone that he was taking you as his wife. The look of pity on everyones faces as you passed them in the hallways would haunt you forever.
You decided that you had to escape. There was no way in hell you were to belong to him more than what he thought you did. You ripped off the pendant hanging loosley around your neck and threw it to the ground.
The hallways around the base were long and terrifiying leading do a series of dead ends. You had to dodge multiple gaurds patrolling the halls. Finding an exit would be tough.
After what seemed like an eternity walking, you finally saw it . You saw what looked like the outside world. As you moved closer,you could feel the breeze of the night air. You took small breaths as you slowly made your way to the exit. 'I'm finally free you thought.
As you took one single step outside the base, you felt a strong jerk to you fragile arm. You were pulled into a warm not so friendly embrace with the cold sharp metal of a kunai to your neck.
"It seems he was right. You were trying to run." Tears started to form in your gentle eyes as Kabuto began to lead you back into the base.
Kabuto led you to a room in the base you never knew existed. This room was more like a throne room with candles to dimly light the area and a chair suited for an emperor in the middle which was where he sat, the delicate pendant swinging in his right hand. He slowly stood and walked to the middle of the room where you stood.
"I saw her wandering the halls", Kabuto announced. "She tried to escape by the west exit".
"Is that so", Lord Orochimaru said while playing with a strand of you hair. "Since you are soo eager to atempt to escape me, i will have you locked away until your birthday." He turned you around and put the pendant back around your neck. He turned you back to face him. He had a dangerous lustful look in his eyes.
"Think of it as keeping you safe."
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squishyneet · 2 years
Orochimaru x Reader NSFW Headcanons
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minors DNI
- If he’s really in love with you, he is the type to take it slow. He takes “making love” is romantically as it sounds. He won’t be be rough most of the time, he doesn’t like when he feels rushed, he wants the time to do it right.
- His favorite thing to do is interlock his fingers with yours no matter the position. Since he goes slow, that’s his way of being passionate. He loves holding your hand, he feels like it makes the act sweeter and more romantic.
- He doesn’t pin you to the wall aggressively, but he will gently take your hands from his chest and hold your wrists against the wall while he kisses you.
- Speaking of, he loves kissing you slow and sweet. His kisses are pressing and heated, the kind that give you butterflies in your stomach. He takes his time warming you up before he gets down to business.
- If you don’t want to give him oral, he won’t force you. It’s not as important for him. He prefers intercourse since he gets to be closer to you that way. He wouldn’t think about giving you oral, but if you bring it up, expect him to surprise you every now and again, like when you’re sleeping.
- He’s not super kinky, but he likes to have sex in abnormal/risky places: in somebody else’s bathroom, out in the garden in front of your house, when he’s staying at your house and someone is in the other room, etc.
- His favorite position is when you’re just sitting in his lap and facing away from him and he “fucks” you that way. He likes holding you by your waist and watching your breasts bounce. It’s easy for him and entertaining. He also likes missionary but it’s more work.
- He likes having sex clothed or partially clothed. He doesn’t like having to get naked since it’s more messy and he wants to be able to clean up quickly, especially if he’s fucking you somewhere he’s not supposed to. His favorite clothing on you is a dress that he can easily pull down to see your breasts.
- He likes orgasming at the end, of course, but he likes watching your face and hearing your cute moans for a good while, even more when you are trying to hide it. Another reason to do it in strange places.
- What makes him feel good is making you feel good. Making you flush, giving you butterflies, etc. He even embarrasses you sometimes when he starts feeling you up around other people. He doesn’t care about overstimulating because he likes stimulating you in general.
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ninja-scenarios · 6 years
Any headcanons for our favorite snake to celebrate his birthday? ;D Your choice!~
I´m a little late but of course I can´t say no to that!! This got out of hand again but I can´t help it, I love this bastard TT__TT
Orochimaru boyfriend headcanons + small scenario
Since I already did some for Otogakure Oro, these will take place before he left Konoha
- Will be 100% oblivious if someone is romantically interested in him. He´ll be able to spot sexual attraction, but other than that he just doesn´t care about other people. The constant aura of superiority doesn´t help with his seemingly untouchable nature
- will also despise anyone weak or a common citizen – yet as much as Orochimaru sneers at the thought, these factors alone won´t prevent him from potentially falling in love
- the majority of the village is already scared of Orochimaru. Since he was the student of the Hokage everyone knows him and the citizens have a hard time not believing the rumours or gossip. They still show respect though and Orochimaru thrives on it
- if the snake boi falls in love once, it will always be against his will. Orochimaru thinks feelings are weakening your strength and clouding your senses. It´s better not to love at all since death and break-ups are constant factors in life, so what is the point of a romantic relationship if his partner is going to part with him anyways one way or another?
- dates are a waste of time. If you want to get closer to him, you´ll have to go on missions together or offer to help him with some of the tasks he gets as a shinobi. Getting Orochimaru to take on help is a whole task in itself though, so it will be much more rewarding if you are the one seeking help. Again, having the great Sannin help you requires a very good opportunity. The best way of getting to know him is probably luck, or befriending Jiraiya and Tsunade
- once Orochimaru gets into a relationship, things won´t really change. Most of the time, no one will be able to tell that he has a partner since his focus lays unchangedly on his studies and goals. PDA is a big no-no. DA in general are a nuisance. The few days a month when he can be seen with his partner, the two will probably be eating together or take a stroll around town, but not holding hands or kissing
- it´s very embarrassing for Orochimaru to meet his teammates while he´s in company of his partner. Like hell he´s gonna admit that he has actual feelings. He already has a hard time calling Jiraiya and Tsuna his “friends”, so you can imagine that you will have to do the majority of the talking to avoid Orochimaru´s tight, short answers. Should Jiraiya hit on his partner he will SNAP
- it won´t come to a surprise that Orochimaru is not the most affectionate. While he is not opposed to one night stands, he has a hard time showing how much he cares about another person. Being in a relationship usually means compromising on both sides, and Orochimaru is definitely not willing to change anything about his life for someone else
- would never get into a relationship with someone who he only knew for a short time. Orochimaru doesn´t trust anyone but himself, so it will be hard to make him open up to you and admit his feelings. He could only do that with someone he knew for a longer time or grew close with. There´s no “I want to be together with you” or “I like you really much”. The official start of your relationship will probably slip by completely unnoticed or be initialized with a “You´re mine.” from Orochimaru´s side.
- you´ll probably feel more like his possession rather than his partner
- he won´t attend any events or family celebrations or something like that with you
- you´ll feel sad for a lot of the time, since he has no parents he can introduce you to and obviously doesn´t know real love. But god forbid you´re gonna talk to him about these things
- Orochimaru has a hard time with showing his feelings and whenever he does, you still won´t be 100% sure if it´s not a disguise. He often cradles your cheek and strokes your hair, but that´s about everything he´ll initiate. Orochimaru is like a cat, luring you in with his beauty yet not wanting to be touched most of the time. On many occasions he´s also in a bad mood due to some people not doing what they are supposed to, so when you use the few opportunities to hug and kiss him, Orochimaru will surprisingly let you.
- a lot of qickies. Orochimaru treats sex as a way to reduce stress and relax. It´s not often that he initiates lovemaking because of his own arousal, yet if he sees you with clear want in your eyes he´ll find himself unable to turn you down. Still, he won´t take much time for it and will want to rather quickly start working again right after. There´s no aftercare if you´re not hurt, since it´s also a waste of time
- still has some very good techniques when it comes to sex. I don´t think I have to mention that he can eat you out like a pro and has pretty good stamina. He´s also very flexible and holds a great amount of knowledge about the human body. Most likely he´ll try to get the both of you off asap since he doesn´t see the point in unnecessarily drawing out pleasure. Yet even if it doesn´t seem like it, he wants you to have a good time and get pleased
- there will also only be one or two times a month you can have the pleasure of a make-out session. There simply is no time. Yet very, very few times Orochimaru´s mask will actually split and he´ll cradle your head in his hands and kiss you like there´s no tomorrow
-Orochimaru is rough. Not only when he fights, but also with you. There are times when you can get hurt, for example during sex or during his rough kisses,and he won´t apologize. But he´ll take care of your wounds.
- only needs 3 to 4 hours of sleep. He´ll let you live with him yet don´t come up with the idea of touching any of his stuff. You´ll sleep alone for the most time, yet when you feel him slip into bed next to you he´ll allow his cover to slip just for the slightest bit in the dead of night and hold you tight
- even if it doesn´t seem like it, Orochimaru will have a bad time when he sees that you´re upset or sad because of something. He won´t always have time to listen to you or solve the problem, yet he´ll feel strangely empty when you´re not there and gaze up at him with your usual adoring look
- “I love you” is not in Orochimaru´s vocabulary
- imagine when you break down the news to your family and friends. Everyone will be SHOCKED. You melted the ice of the creepy snake person??? Probably a few people won´t even believe you, you can´t really be mad at them about it though
- once in a blue moon, when the little academy students are allowed to leave earlier and run through the streets, chattering and laughing, Orochimaru thinks about having children. He will only allow himself to think about the topic for a few seconds before brushing it off as the painful memory of his parents comes right to mind. But the question will last the whole day, always lingering in the back of his head
- he is still testing in which ways he can use his snakes as reliable spies, so be sure to always have a few of them around wherever you go
- he lives in a basement, since he has to keep the same temperature for the snakes and his lab is located underground, so you´ll spend the majority of your time together by trying to drag him out of there so he actually gets some sunlight
- on some days you also have to remind him to eat. Usually he can get kind of snarky (even more than usual) when hungry/hangry, so many times you find yourself preparing food
- the topic of food is also a big one. Orochimaru is not used to someone caring about him like this. He is an adult, he is self-sufficient and a mastermind, so he won´t admit that some things also slip through his grasp. So when you suddenly show up with prepared food, especially made for your partner when he never (or just for a short time) had a mother to cook for him, Orochimaru is sheer overwhelmed with the amount of affection. After he snapped out of it, he´ll behave as if you´ve done something unnecessary, because of course he was just about to eat something. But internally, he´ll be thankful and make sure to pay you a little of the affection back in some way. Maybe he´ll give you a kiss, maybe he´ll order one of his supporters to run an errand for you, but in some way you´ll know that he appreciated your gesture.
- is not picky with what to eat, as long as it´s healthy. After all food is only a way to gain strength, so things like flavours or decorations are unnecessary. Also, giving it overly much effort is a waste of time. However, if it tastes really well, Orochimaru will be thankful
- will probably put stuff for his researches (or if he has a job?) before you. Always. It´s a quite common thing with him and it already happened when you two were dating, so it´s not news. Still though, sometimes it makes you feel unappreciated and disappointed. Orochimaru won´t know how to deal with your sudden change of feelings, his beautiful golden eyes will stare into your own and try to figure out what exactly caused it. In these times you feel like one of his experiments. Eventually, Orochimaru will get off a little earlier than usual so that he´ll be able to spend some time with you
- doesn´t set great value upon birthdays. His own one is the worst, because it´s just a reminder that time is running out, that he spent another year trying to reach his goal and failed. It wouldn´t be wise to make a huge deal out of it and Orochimaru will probably also forget your birthday or anniversaries. Things like dates don´t have a meaning for him
- as soon as the word about your relationship spreads around the village, you´ll notice that people treat you differently. You´ll receive more respect and sometimes get the vibe that they´re scared of you. Also, I think the reputation of Orochimaru´s strength and potential rumours will nullify every other person´s attempt on hitting on you, so making Orochimaru jealous with anybody will unfortunately not work out!The whole thing is a change for you, there could also be people who could be hostile towards you now
-Orochimaru treats you kindly and uses his way of affection (cradling your cheek, gazing down at you with his beautiful eyes, as if he´d want to decoy you) whenever you are around, even though he hasn´t much time to give. Whenever you knock on his door you´ll hear a gentle “Come in, my dear.” And wonder everytime how he knew it was you
- when you´re both alone, Orochimaru will sometimes even kiss you and ask you to sit on his lap. It feels so good to spend time with him and hold his hand.  
- honestly, Orochimaru will persuade himself of not actually being in love with you. No, he´s only using you for cover, for your body… but when you smile at him, he can´t deny that it´s pulling at the place where his heart is supposed to be
- total surveillance. There will be times when you have done something he forbid, the next time you see him and he looks into your eyes you can see that he knows. It´s scary and you´ll feel totally caged and helpless
- should Orochimaru ever run into your family, don´t expect him to go with “I love you, so I love your family as well”. Absolutely not
- tbh Orochimaru is not able to commit to a relationship. Someone first has to show him what love is
~~~ somewhere in Konoha: 
You were surprised to find Orochimaru´s office empty for once. Usually his closest supporter was around and of course a handful of snakes, but not this time. You beamed with the opportunity of getting a little time together with the Sannin. Orochimaru noticed you coming in, turning away from a bookshelf to smile upon you.
“Goodmorning, my dear.” His gentle words warmed your heart and soon you were in his arms, laying your head upon his chest where you felt his low chuckle vibrate. Nimble, elegant fingers combed through your hair while Orochimaru let his gaze drift over your form. You told him about your day at the academy, about how the little girl from your team said she was happy to have you as her Sensei. For a small second, the snake´s eyes shone with pride and he nodded approvingly. “I knew you worried over nothing, dear. You´re an excellent teacher.”
Even though it were probably only a few minutes, you soaked up his attention hungrily like a sponge, wrapping your arms around him and claiming your partner as you sat down in his armchair. Orochimaru´s golden eyes locked with yours and narrowed kindly in a smile. Next thing you shared a sweet kiss, huddled up to one another behind closed doors.
Even though moments like this were rare you treasured them like gold, willing to wait for them if you must.
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sleepysnk · 3 years
MADARA, OBITO, neji, PAIN, hashirama, tobirama, JIRAIYA, OROCHIMARU, KAKASHI, sasuke, KIBA, HIDAN.
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bulletvvitch · 3 years
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💖 | Orochimaru “Paint me like one of your French Snakes” Sannin | 💖
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marvelmymarvel · 1 year
Pregnancy Cravings 
Orochimaru x Pregnant!Reader
Synopsis: The closer you get to your due date, the more you begin to crave certain food items. You were lucky that Orochimaru paid attention and ensured the hideouts were full of those cravings. Happy wife, happy life. 
Naruto Masterlist: Marvelmymarvelmaster
A/n: The people requested a Pregnant reader with Orochimaru, and who the hell am I NOT to deliver.
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Orochimaru was nervous and had been feeling anxious for the past few months. He let his golden eyes drift over to the couch in the lab, where you sat happily munching on some chips that were nestled carefully between your crossed legs.
You were around seven months pregnant, meaning the bag had little space to sit in the opening between your legs. He smirked, finding it adorable that you still put it there, knowing it barely fit. "Unless you're going to get me ice cream quit staring," you muttered playfully as you dipped your hand into the bag to get more chips.
Orochimaru turned to face you fully, lips curling into a sweet smile. You were the only person allowed to talk to him like that. And he was more than happy to allow it. You were growing his baby, after all. "Would you like some ice cream, my love?"
Your eyes widened, and you nodded quickly as the sound of the bag being rolled up echoed in the lab. "Yes, please!" Orochimaru nodded before snapping his head toward the guard at the door. "You heard her, didn't you? Go fetch her some ice cream." 
The guard stuttered out a "Right away" before taking off to hunt down some ice cream for you, knowing you had a ton of it in the kitchen. You sighed dreamily before positioning yourself on the couch. Orochimaru smiled sweetly at you before moving toward you, "You are absolutely stunning, do you know that?"
Embarrassment flooded your body, and you averted your gaze from his loving one. "You do tell me that every day. But I don't feel it right now." Orochimaru couldn't help the pain coursing through him at your statement. How is it that you couldn't see just how gorgeous you looked growing his child?
Orochimaru’s fingers curled under your chin, causing you to sigh as he forced your gaze back to meet his. "What else must I do to make you see how I see you? Kiss you till you can't breathe?”
Your giggle nearly had him fumbling to the floor; how did you sound as sweet as you looked? You quickly pecked his lips gently. It sounded tempting to be kissed to death, but not while pregnant. “No, no, that won't be necessary…” Your voice trailed off as the door opening echoed through the lab. The guard was out of breath, clutching the ice cream for dear life as he raced towards you.
“Your chocolate ice cream, my lady.” 
Lady? You shot a look to Orochimaru while bitting back a snort at the title. They called him Lord, but you were not the Lady. “Thank you,” you stated kindly as you took the carton and spoon from him. He nodded quickly before returning to his post by the door. Orochimaru sat beside you as you opened the container, your eyes growing wide as you took in the untouched tub of ice cream. Your clapping made the guard relax, thankful that he would live to see another day. Orochimaru was scary, but when it came to you, he was 10x scarier.
The Sannin threw an arm across the back of the couch as he leaned back into the cushions. You followed, sighing contently as he pulled you into his side. “Why do they call me Lady anyway” you teased quietly as you dug the silver spoon into the chocolate. Orochimaru didn't say anything, only looked at you with a look that said, ‘What else would they call you?’ You rolled your eyes but popped the ice cream into your mouth anyway, choosing to ignore the weird title and instead savor the ice cream.
Your hair began to fall into your face as you ate and talked about what you were going to do after this. You didn't notice until Orochimaru softly brushed a part of it behind your ear, causing you to pause in slight humiliation. He only nodded as he grabbed the spoon you were holding, “And what else did you want to do today, my love?” a smile rose to your lips at the question and him taking some of your dessert. You didn't know why, but sharing things with him always felt special.
Almost intimate.
“I wanted to rearrange the closet, considering this is the third new hideout of the month. Which reminds me, can we please stop moving so much? It's putting a lot of strain on the baby and me.”
He hummed in thought before diving back into the carton. A pout grew on your lips the longer he took to ‘think’ about his answer. Golden eyes flicked up to meet your e/c ones, and he smiled softly, “That can be arranged.” 
You broke out into a smile as he brought the spoon of ice cream to your lips. “Really? You mean it?” you mumbled against the spoon before opening it to let it in. Orochimaru retracted the spoon before humming at your statement, “I’ll give you anything you want. If you want stability, then I shall give it to you.” You were suddenly thankful for the cold feeling in your mouth because your whole body started to feel like it was on fire. You didn't know if being pregnant was the only reason Orochimaru was so submissive, and you didn't know if his ‘dominance’ would return once the baby came.
But you weren't complaining and would continue to soak it all up in the meantime.
You let out a dreamy sigh before throwing your head back against his arm, eyes staring at the ceiling as you thought through what life would be like once Mitsuki was born. “What's on your mind?” Orochimaru stated as he pulled you deeper into his side, “Just us. Thinking about what our life will be like in a couple of months….” 
Orochimaru pressed a kiss to your temple before resting his free hand on your stomach, “You’re going to be a wonderful mother” You averted your gaze at that statement as you tried to process the pure love dripping from his voice. For the most part, nothing else was on your mind other than the moments you’d share with Orochimaru and Mitsuki, but one question plagued your mind. And it was getting too hard to keep in.
“I know you love me, but will this change once he’s born?” 
His eyebrows scrunched at your words, confusion filling his veins as he sat up lightly from his spot. You shyly looked up at him, hands wringing together as you bit down the anxiety building up. His face was unreadable, but you could tell in his eyes he was shocked and heartbroken by your assumption.
“Are you referring to how I treat you now?” 
“Ya” If Orochimaru wasn’t listening intently to you, he would have missed how disappointment dripped from that word. He cooed out before cupping your cheek, “I apologize for who I was before your pregnancy, my love. I guess I’ve changed.” 
It was your turn to be confused. Changed? You loved who he was before. It was just that he was much more gentler now with you. His thumb caressed your cheek, urging you to look at him again. “You changed, yes, but will you change back? I don't mind; I just want to be prepared for-”
Your words died out as he pressed his lips against yours. His hand drug up into your hair, lightly scratching your scalp as he deepened the kiss. Your fingers curled into the top of his shirt, clinging onto him for dear life as he stole breath after breath from your lungs. You finally pulled back, chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath from that kiss. That kiss was the kiss from the ‘old’ him. The him that was responsible for this predicament in the first place.
“I guess I should make something clear. The old me isn’t gone. I’ll still ravish you and kiss the ground you walk on. But my duty as your husband and his father will come before that. Your safety and happiness is my priority, but do not forget that I still love you as deeply as I did when I first saw you.”
The heat in your body rose to your neck and your cheeks. You let out a whine of bashfulness before shoving your face into his neck, hoping to hide how much his words affected you. But you knew it was useless; you two had been together for too long for him not to know what makes you tick. 
“I love you,” he whispered as he pulled you deeper into him, savoring how you always clung to him like he was your security blanket. “I love you too,” your muffled reply followed closely behind his admittance, and you felt the way his chest shook in laughter. He, too, wondered what life would be like for you two when Mistuki came.
And he couldn't wait to experience it.
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oh-its-souichi · 2 years
Orochimaru x Reader
- I had this idea and typed it in a rush, its pretty vague but 😅 hope ya'll like it-
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Losing you was agony.
Watching you die was torment
The way you bled out before him, you gentle eyes never once leaving his face. You were smiling at him, you werent happy, though. It wasn't a smile of joy but one of pity. Pity because you knew what was going to happen once you left him.
Orochimaru stared down at you with baited breaths and a searing pain in his chest. "What can I do!" He yelled for the first time since he was a child feeling true panic, true fear. "Y/N what do I do!" He screamed. You tenderly reached your hand to him, collecting what little strength you had left for the gesture. He turned his head and slammed his fist on the wall. "You were always weak, it disgusting how fucking weak you are!" He screamed involuntary tears flooding out of his eyes, he felt intoxicated, things around him becoming less and less real with each slow breath you took. He flipped around to look at you, to continue beraitment, but your hand was dropped and your eyes empty, inanimate.
He sighed, the breath shakey and unsure like the reality he now inhabited now that the frame of his life had gone. He collapsed down onto his kness and brought his hands to his head, twisting his fingers into his long black hair, gripping the strands tightly to somehow elevate the overwhelming pain washing over him.
He stared at your dead face and sobbed. He didn't want to love you. Never intended to lean on you so heavily, but he did. The two of you had met as children. At a spring festival, you were prancing around admiring all of the flowers. He came across you and was revolted by your happiness, disgusted by the pure smile you flashed him. He fell for it though, and you snaked your way closer to him, sinking your fangs into his neck. He loved you. He wanted to protect you. You were the fiber that made up the last string of his humanity.
Now you lie dead before him, your beautiful hair spilled out around you, and that gracious smile gone, replaced by the ugly stench of death. He started dragging himself towards you. "I'll fix you," he sniffled. "I'll fix you." Collecting your limp body into his arms he walked off deeper into the dark forest.
That was ten years ago. He was a grown adult now. A different person. Orochimaru walked calmly down the stone hallway to the room at the end of it, closing the door gently behind him.
This room, in comparison to the rest, was dauntingly beautiful. There were flowers and plants everywhere, the smell of life in the air. It was more vegetation than structure, and at the center of it all was you, floating gracefully in a preservation capsule.
He approached the tank and painfully smiled. "My love," he seethed. "It will work this time, i know it." There was hesitation in his voice, and he lowered his eyebrows in pain. "Will you still look at me as you did once you realize what I am?" he said, wondering for a second if he was making the right decision.
A knock sounded at the door, and he no longer held that thought. Kabuto opened the door carrying a girl into the room. "Where would you like her, my lord?" He asked, and Orochimaru gestured to the table at the far side of the room, and he complied, laying her gently down.
"I am going to merge them in the tank, a gusion of such." Orochimaru and Kabuto turned his head curious at his masters sudden willingness to share. "Oh?" Kabuto replied "This girl is still living, wont the fusion bring about a hybrid of the two?"
Orochimaru flashed his eyes at him, shaking his head. "No, to simplify, I'll remove the parts of that girls brain that involves emotions of personality, so it does not interact with hers." He said, looking again back to you. Kabuto nodded. "I suppose we should get started then, if I may, my lord." Kabuto slid open the drawers attached to the operating table, admiring the blade of the scalpel he removed. Orochimaru did not stop him, noticing an anxiousness blossoming in his chest.
After the operation, Orochimaru turned off the lights to your room and closed the door. Locking it behind him. He would not know how the fusion worked for a year. Your body needed time to regulate and get used to its own amenities. The months that proceeded left like a slow march through the desert. He busied himself with a side quest, finding news things and people to occupy his mind, but when the day came, he found himself running down the hallway and throwing open the door.
He flicked the lights on and rushed to your tank. He placed his hands on the glass and looked anxiously to you. Your eyes were open, and you were looking around, your eyes finally meeting his after moments of searching.
A gentle smile came to your face, and you reached out to him. He found himself returning the expression. "Welcome back, my love," he hissed, typing the coordinates in to unlock you from your cage.
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chanfictions · 3 years
PLS PLS PLS Smut w Orochi w overstimulation and poessiveness when reader tries to leave him ugh😩
I, uh, got a little bit carried away again. Sorry this took forever to finish! Orochimaru can be tough to write sometimes, especially when I'm getting into the original version and he's just... well, that music. Oof. Enjoy!
Orochimaru x Reader
18+ Content! MINORS, DNI!
Warnings: Some unhealthy relationship dynamics, Choking, knife play, bondage, dubious consent, fingering, Orochimaru being cruel, dark/yandere-ish themes, overstimulation, fear kink, rough sex.
This is not a warm, fuzzy Orochimaru. Content may be triggering for some people.
"Do you still want mercy? Or do you want to submit and be mine?"
I should have just listened to Kabuto.
Damn that smug, four-eyed bastard for always being right. He warned you this would happen eventually, but your stubborn, love-blind brain refused to admit this would ever, finally take root. Things were different. What you and Orochimaru had was special. Or so you thought.
Your worst fear had finally manifested like a medusaic horror, fitted with multiplying heads, poisonous green eyes, and rows of venom-laden, gnashing teeth. Orochimaru was bored -- not just of anything of no consequence -- he was bored with you. At least, that was how it appeared. You hadn't seen the object of your ill-placed affection in what felt like weeks after his latest experiment slowly consumed what little time he spared for you. Murmured words of manufactured fondness echoed into the entropic void. His lingering touches grew more infrequent. Those slitted, yellow suns had set upon you one final time and left you in the cold, lonesome dark.
Wiping bitter tears of betrayal from your cheek with your sleeve, you sloppily crammed your remaining possessions into a bag and fought the zipper until it was at least partially containing your things before slinging the awkward sack over your shoulder and stuffing your feet into your shoes. "I doubt he'll even notice that I'm gone," you snarled to yourself in a stifled huff, sucking back the sobs you felt swelling in your chest that would be swift to follow your present state as the soles of your shoes slapped hollowly against the dusty stone stretching along the empty halls beneath your feet. "Maybe next week." Sniffling back the emotion still churning out of control in your head, you growled under your breath, swiping your palm under your eyes again in disgust. "Kabuto was right. Bastard."
Teeth grinding and tears fogging your eyes, you failed to hear the near silent footsteps approach from behind as you cursed the sannin's cruelty to the serpentine light fixtures dotting the walls. The slinking shadow following you melded into the soft flickers of candlelight, going unnoticed until cool fingers clasped tightly around your wrist. A venomous voice clothed in velvet hissed, causing you to freeze in place. "I don't recall permitting you to leave."
How much did he hear? Swallowing hard with tears still flowing freely down your cheeks, you grit your teeth and glanced over your shoulder, a look of hurt contorting your features as you tried to wrench your arm away. "Here I thought you didn't even know I still existed," you spat back, voice trembling with repressed terror as predatory slits narrowed upon you. "Let go of me."
A dark, twisted chortle escaped his crooked lips as they feigned a smile that his eyes failed to mirror when he snatched your throat with lithe digits, slamming your back into the wall and blinding you with an eruption of stars across your bleary vision. "Bold of you to be giving me orders after what filth just spewed from that wicked little mouth," he murmured with a sweet sneer. "I come to visit you and this is how you greet me?"
"I h-haven't seen you in w-weeks," you choked through tears and the crushing force pressed against your windpipe as you tried to stuff down the thought that you had missed the feeling of his hand wrapped around your throat. "You never leave the lab and I thought--"
He chuckled in quiet, cruel amusement at your expense, plucking your bag from your grip and tossing it to the floor while still pinning you to the wall by your neck. "Were you going to run away in a fit because you thought I had forgotten about you?"
"You did," you rasped accusingly, gasping around the pressure his hand maintained with that look of contempt twisting your features into an ugly mess and an empty ache in your heart. Fresh, hot tears threatened to tumble from your lashes as you glared back at him.
"My dear, don't be so childish," he hummed, wiping the trail of liquid from your cheek with a pale hand. "I simply had more pressing matters that needed my attention at the time."
"There's always something more pressing," you choked back through his tightening grip, fear, anger, and betrayal fighting for control of your spinning thoughts as you began to grow dizzy from the lack of blood flow to your brain. "Why the hell... do you even keep me around... if I mean so little to you?"
"The fact that I haven't crushed your throat for this little insubordinate tantrum should speak volumes as to how I feel," he hissed in your ear, eyes beginning to blaze with something predatory as he felt your fluttering pulse quicken with growing fear beneath his fingertips.
Your vision began clouding with static that funneled his ghastly face into the distance as you slumped back into the wall, struggling to stay conscious enough to fire off your retort. "K-kabuto said--"
"You can forget whatever nonsense that meddlesome rat planted in your head regarding what you are to me," he purred maliciously as what almost resembled a smile stretched his lips across his face.
Weakly pawing at the cool hand which was now warmed by contact with your flesh, your hazy eyes searched pleadingly for relief. "Oro... c-can't… breathe…" you croaked with the last puffs of air left in your lungs as your knees began to buckle.
"I know." His low, velvet hum filtered sweetly into your head through the deafening ringing in your ears, washing over the tingling in your face as you felt yourself slowly slipping into the dark. Pale fingers continued to tighten possessively around your throat until the panicked sounds of your desperate gasping grew quiet. "You can't leave if you're unconscious."
You woke to the sound of your own labored breathing with a hoarse cough and a bruising ache encircling your neck. Blurry eyes shifted around the ceiling in a daze as you struggled to put together which ceiling it was that taunted you with its out of focus swirling patterns layered over muddied shades of brown and grey. In an effort to gain your bearings, you lurched to the right, attempting to roll over only to find that you were stuck. Confused, you rattled your arms and twisted your face when you were answered by the sound of clattering metal and felt thick leather tightening around your wrists.
"That's quite enough," a voice dripping with a tender malice buzzed quietly from behind your head, prompting you to gaze up into the twin amber orbs that seemed to bore holes through your soul.
"Orochimaru, what--"
"I'm afraid I couldn't leave you to your own devices while you were unsupervised after that little stunt you pulled earlier," he murmured wickedly while casually brushing a stray bit of hair away from your cheek that had adhered itself to your dried tears. "Not after you so boldly stated you were planning to leave this "lonely cesspool" and the "soulless monster" I seem to have become in your eyes."
Terror bubbled into a rolling boil in your gut as your eyes darted about the room and it dawned on you where exactly you were.
The lab.
While you had once fantasized about this very thing in a dark, twisted corner of your mind, now seemed like a very bad time for that particular daydream to manifest. Soft, cruel laughter echoed through the sparsely furnished room, making it sound all the more ominous when it finally reached your ears and drew you back into the present reality of your predicament. Strapped to a table in the center of a room only accompanied by rolling carts with unidentifiable implements decorating their surfaces, you were trapped and entirely at the mercy of the sinister creature whose fleeting affections you had been so pitifully seeking for weeks. The same man with such unmatched cruelty whom you had just grievously insulted.
"I-I'm sorry," you stammered as a terrified tremble began traveling up your spine.
"For what, hm? Trying to leave?" The haunting laughter continued as he circled you and traced cool, delicate fingers along your jawline and across your bruised neck with a sadistic smile, soaking in the glory of your present state. "Or perhaps for saying such cruel things about the man you claim to love?" His low, melodious rumble shook every fiber of your being.
Unsure how to answer that question without digging yourself deeper into a hole, you swallowed the growing knot of confused, twisted fear and inexplicable, nervous desire that tangled itself around your ability to speak.
Soft murmurs of mockery reverberated through the metal slab beneath your back as those long, pale fingertips took a slow walk over your immobilized body, gradually setting your nerves ablaze while his monstrous pupils dilated with a hungry lust. "While I admit I may have… neglected your needs in order to finish my most recent experiment, I hardly deserve that vile moniker, especially coming from you. Now that my work is complete, you have my full attention."
Any other day, hearing those words would have made you squeal in delight. Now, however, they carried an insidious undertone that left you fidgeting nervously against the straps securing you to the table. Your pulse roared in your ears, muffling the sounds of shifting fabric and the clear chime of the trays when they rolled out of Orochimaru's path as he circled you like a starved beast. Your eyes widened as a new terror wound itself around your guts when you spotted something shiny in Orochimaru's hand - and that something was sharp.
A kunai.
"While you stare at me with the frightened eyes of a lamb on its way to slaughter, it would be wise to remember that this is a little fantasy of yours," he hummed with a cruel crinkle of those vicious yellow eyes as he traced the tip of that blade ever so softly along the delicate flesh beneath your jaw while cradling your cheek with his other palm. "Being wholly at my mercy," he murmured, voice dripping with a wicked thirst. You froze like a rodent before a leering serpent, eyes fixated on his, too nervous to think about what he planned to do with that blade as its cold, pointed tip left a trail of goosebumps in its wake. "Tell me, little mouse, do you still trust me?" Those impossible, slitted orbs lingered on your fearful expression, curiously almost, and utterly unreadable.
Trust. Maybe you did before indulging in your foolish folly when you attempted to leave the sannin. Now, you weren't so sure. As the room fell quiet, mired with a bitter chill, only the shaky rattle of your trembling arms disturbing your restraints answered him. You had never seen him glower at you with such dark ire before with that crooked smile still painting his face. It was deeply unsettling. A creeping dread sucked the air from your chest as the sterilizing light cast inhuman shadows across the normally calm, collected face that stared down at you like you were the first meal offered in weeks set before a starving dog.
"What's the matter, too nervous to speak?" He mused, thumbing your cheek with blown pupils locked on your anxious gaze. "Do I frighten you now?" Tender affections accompanied by that monstrous stare left you paralyzed as his knife hovered at the edge of your periphery.
"The way y-you're looking at me..." you stuttered, unable to complete your thought.
He chuckled quietly, caressing your cheek with the edge of the blade while popping open the button on your pants with a quick snap of his nimble fingers. "I did say you had my full attention, didn't I?"
That was precisely what scared you. Orochimaru was obsessive. Relentless. Nigh, unstoppable when his interest was fixed on something, and right now, that something happened to be you. Your eyes followed the kunai in his hand as your brain went into overdrive trying to ascertain his intentions. Has he finally snapped, or are we playing a game? The razor-sharp edge followed the curve of your face back across your jaw and down the length of your neck with the faintest sting, distracting you from what he was doing with his other hand. You gasped in surprise when cool fingers ghosted your now obviously damp panties, eyes widening when he pressed the length of the blade harshly against your throat with more soft, mocking laughter rumbling in his chest.
"It would appear that despite the fear in your eyes, this excites you," he murmured wickedly as his inhuman tongue flicked over the corner of his lip in delight. "How interesting." Long, lithe digits teased you through the fabric, tracing the length of your soaked slit and drawing a delicate circle around your throbbing clit as your body roared to life.
It did excite you. The implied danger of submitting to Orochimaru's sometimes unhinged whims never failed to set you alight. Some twisted little corner of your mind lived for these cruel, possessive mood swings of his despite logic screeching its warnings like a wailing siren in the back of your head. You wanted him. Feared him. Hated him. Needed him. The weeks of pent up frustration and aching neglect were manifesting as a ravenous desire to be possessed, used, wanted by him again. His affection was a drug, fueling an addiction that you couldn't shake.
With a deep, cruel laugh humming just next to your head, he abruptly sliced through the front of your shirt and bra, exposing the entirety of your torso to his hungry gaze with one swift, stinging motion. The combination of cold, excitement, and abject terror left a wave of goosebumps spreading rapidly across your body, pebbling your nipples into hard little buds as your chest heaved with nervous delight at the paper-thin line of tiny, crimson beads that surfaced over your sternum. You gasped and squirmed as he drew the kunai further south, stammering unintelligibly. The frighteningly sharp tip effortlessly tore through the thin fabric just below your hip, revealing more flesh to his ravenous eyes. With a satisfied growl, he trailed the chilled hilt of the knife back over your skin and returned the blade to its resting place against the soft flesh below your jaw as he dipped long, slender fingers into your heat, sliding the torn remains of your panties aside. The blade against your throat twitched as he hissed a soft, sinister threat in your ear. "I might just show you what sort of monster I am if that's what you're going to insist on calling me."
You swallowed hard, choking back a whimper as you arched into the deliciously distracting touch that sent confusingly pleasurable shocks through your nerves as he played your body like a fiddle. Adrenaline surged and coursed through your veins, heightening every sensation as the excitement of impending danger mounted. Every rapid beat of your heart left your carotid thrumming against the precariously positioned blade crossing your neck as those slitted suns leered down at you from above. Raven locks tumbled over his shoulders, eclipsing the dim backlighting and shadowing his face, leaving only those glowing orbs in focus as they burned holes through your heart. Your legs twitched and core pulsed as he slowly and methodically set you on fire with each pass of his thumb and pump of his hand. Warmth spread through your belly in white-hot waves as those cool fingers slowly drove you mad. "O-orochimaru, please," you whined through your teeth, rattling your bindings with fingers tightening around the lengths of chain as your heels dug into the cold metal at your back.
Dark, rolling laughter left the room eerily empty as it echoed into your head. "Begging for mercy already?" A crooked grin slashed his pale features as that long, inhuman tongue slithered from his mouth, leaving a hot, wet trail over the perfect ladder of red beads dotting your chest. Delicious. "Save your breath, my dear," he murmured, licking his lips and drawing you ever closer to the release you so desperately sought. "You won't be able to speak when I'm finished with you."
You didn't know whether to apologize, sob, or sing broken hymns of gratitude as his impossibly long fingers curled and that monstrous tongue flicked over a taught bud. Every muscle in your body coiled with the eruption of pleasure that ravaged your nerves. You bit back a moan, sinking your teeth into your lip with bruising force as stars blinded you behind clenched lids. Soft laughter hummed in your head while your walls tensed and fluttered around the digits sunk into your core. You sucked in a lungful of air through grinding teeth as your hips twitched and bucked into the hand whose motions never ceased, beginning to build another bubble of heat in your belly as you panted and arched into his touch.
"How long do you think you can endure this before you pass out, I wonder?" His lips stretched into a wolfish grin as that vicious gaze remained locked on your pleasure-contorted expression. "Look at you… so needy and desperate. Already sweating," he mused in an analytical chirp while continuing to build the next cascade that would soon rip through your body, grinding the heel of his hand against your sopping cunt.
Your head emptied as you mewled brokenly into the sparsely furnished void, your voice reverberating back in a mocking echo from the surrounding stone. Cold silence hung behind your needy gasping and the rattling of the chains binding you to the metal beneath your back. Whining and whimpering, your hips jerked into the touch that relentlessly tormented you. The hot, throbbing ache between your shaking legs grew by magnitudes. Orochimaru knew your body all too well and consequently had already formed the perfect plan that would have you coming completely undone with nothing but his hand. Your eyes watered as you cried out again and a tsunami of pleasure crashed through your nervous system. Keeping still enough to avoid the bite of the blade at your throat was swiftly becoming a problem.
"Careful," he taunted, pressing the edge into your flesh with just enough restraint to not break your skin as he drew another hard circle over your clit with the pad of his thumb. "I wouldn't want to accidentally harm my most prized possession."
You let out an airy moan as your back rolled into a wild arch and your body spasmed under his calculated ministrations, fueled further by the softly spoken words that strangled your heart as praise. His most prized possession. The roiling, lust-drunk chaos in your head took that little fragment and ran with it, enshrining it in your mind and crawling into it like a lovely cage. You let out a raspy sob into nothingness, desperately winding your legs around his arm with crushing force as the white-hot fire building in your belly threatened to make you explode. "Please," you sobbed.
With a hunger blazing in those monstrous eyes, Orochimaru snickered in delight at the uncontrollable responses your body made to his every touch. "Since you asked so nicely…" Still pressing the blade tightly against your thumping pulse, he curled the fingers buried in your cunt more harshly than last time, reveling in the sound that erupted from your throat as you convulsed and clenched almost painfully around him, completely soaking the arm tangled up between your legs. He watched the rapid puffs of your chest and tensioning of your muscles with nothing but selfish satisfaction, throwing you headlong into that leg-soaking orgasm like only he could. Every broken sob of gratitude and unintelligible cry fueled him to drive you to the brink of madness.
The constant motion of his hand had you writhing and squirming, struggling to take more as your sobs morphed into orgasm-drunk wails that filled the room. Your soaked cunt spasmed and tightened around him in ceaseless, rippling waves that left you straining against your binds to get off of the table. "M-mercy, p-please, I can't--" You babbled brokenly through heaving gasps. A sheen of sweat glistened over every inch of your skin.
The kunai at your throat dropped to the table beside your head with a dull clatter. Cool, pale fingers traced the bruises and razor-thin indentations in your skin tenderly under the weight of a dark, amused chortle. Brushing those knuckles delicately over your cheek and through the streaks of fresh tears on your face, a small crooked smile spread across his lips. "Not such a monster now, am I?" He murmured, withdrawing the hand coated in your essence and setting it on the curve of your hip as your body trembled beneath him.
"N-no," you stammered through gasps, your heart hammering in your chest. Glassy eyes stared up at him longingly, blinded by lust and the aching need to be wanted.
"While I will show you mercy, I'm not finished with you yet," he purred, trailing his fingertips over your racing pulse and back to your face, grasping your chin to keep your gaze pointed at his. "But that's what you wanted all along, isn't it, my little pet? To be wholly and completely possessed?"
"Y-yes," you whispered.
With a satisfied smirk, he reached above your head, adjusting the chains binding you to the table to give you more slack as the nagging ache of his own need strained distractingly against the fabric of his pants. Moving about the table like a phantom as he disrobed, you fought to get your breathing under control. Cool hands wrapped around your ankles and then abruptly yanked you down the length of the table until you were stopped by the limiting reach of the chains, tearing your pants off of your legs with a resounding riiiiip. The gush of cold air on your thighs and mounting desire for him to absolutely ruin you had your breath catching in your throat. Hungry eyes scoured every exposed inch of you as his palms trailed up your legs, settling on your hips. Without warning, his fingers dug harshly into your flesh and he flipped you onto your stomach, twisting your arms into a tangle with their chains around your head as your feet fumbled to find the floor. You felt the hot, engorged head of his leaky cock brush against the curve of your ass as he loomed over your precariously positioned body, long inky locks tickling the back of your shoulders. Your stomach fluttered with anticipation as a large hand pressed your face into the dampness left by your last soul-evicting orgasm and the tip of his swollen erection swiped through your dripping folds. "Beg," he murmured lowly, his hot breath fanning your neck as that inhuman tongue traced the shell of your ear.
"Please, Orochimaru," you whimpered tearily against the damp metal. "I'm yours -- I n-need you. I'm sorry for what I said."
He hummed contently at your desperate prayer, seemingly placated by your offering as sharp teeth nipped at your neck and he sunk his entire length into your hungry, aching heat. The low growl rumbling through his chest betrayed the air of indifference that hung about him. You felt divine. Your cunt still pulsed and tightened around him from the lingering waves and heightened sensitivity left behind from his earlier work on your most sensitive nerves.
You cried out into the dirty surface beneath your squished cheek as the relentless pounding drove your hips into the edge of the table. Wrenching your arms against your awkwardly tangled restraints, you gasped and moaned as he once again began evicting your soul from your body with a predatory fury. Every rough pistoning of his length into your sopping cunt further drove the thoughts of why you wanted to leave him from your head. Each dig into your flesh and snarl into your ear served as compounding reminders that you were his. The swelling, white heat of another pending orgasm began building in your belly again, making you squirm and buck under the serpent's looming form.
His low, velvet voice filtered into your ear over the rhythmic sounds of flesh meeting flesh as the tenuous threads holding your reality together began to strain and unravel. "Do you still want mercy?"
"Fuck," you choked out in a squeak, toes curling and unable to form an adequate reply. Your clit burned and throbbed, both begging for more abuse and needing desperately to cool off. All logic had been ejected from your head as you babbled incoherently against the metal surface that fogged with your every gaspy breath. His long, curved cock struck you repeatedly in ways that stole your reasoning, leaving nothing but an eruption of static and incomprehensible pleasure in its wake.
"Or do you want to submit and be mine?" He tempted in a cruel purr.
"Yours!" You rasped between labored breaths. The sound that bellowed from your chest when he reached between your legs to toy with your already throbbing bundle of nerves and echoed off of the stone walls was hardly human. You screamed the knells of a banshee queen, spasming and twisting beneath him in an ill-contrived effort to throw him off of you as the painfully pleasurable shocks that touch sent through your nervous system threatened to short circuit your brain.
Orochimaru's lips twisted into a wicked grin as you began falling apart beneath him in a quivering mess of broken wails. Every desperate squeeze of your pulsing walls around his cock was a silent chant of victory. Every nonsensical whimper of yours that tumbled from your lips were your admissions of defeat. He was the master of his domain, and that domain included every trembling bit of flesh beneath him. Digging his fingers roughly into you again and coiling around your body like a serpent, he lurched forward, sinking pointed fangs into your neck as he chased his own release with your spent body.
For a moment, you lapsed from reality as that bite shot blinding pain through every atom in your being and mixed with the nigh intolerable pleasure ripping through your core. Everything stopped. The low growls in your ear, the slaps of flesh, your labored breathing -- all went silent for an instant as you blinked out of existence for a single heartbeat. The world came roaring back with the next thump in your chest as your eyes shot open and a demonic hellcry tore its way out of throat.
The most intense orgasm of your life ravaged your mortal shell and left you sobbing helplessly beneath the orchestrator of your out of body experience.
You couldn't breathe.
You couldn't speak.
You couldn't anything.
Soft laughter swirled around your head as you felt hot liquid dribble down the insides of your thighs. A hand trailed delicately from your hip, soothingly moving over your spine and to the sore puncture wounds that now marred your neck. An insidious, crooked smirk pulled at his lips as an intricate pattern of dark swirls blossomed under your bruised flesh.
A curse mark. His curse mark, given to you instead of mercy -- forever branding you as Orochimaru's most prized possession.
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squishyneet · 3 months
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eugene x cap guy (prior to twin reveal)
dating eugene scenarios
big brother habits [jichang kwak] part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
sunlit days [itachi uchiha] part 1 part 2
humid nights [baek hangyeoul]
sacred nemeses [lookism x taylor swift]
crush [nerd! virgin! eugene x lovey dovey! reader] (suggestive) part 1 part 2
handle with care [james lee x lovey dovey! reader] (suggestive)
strict/bossy goo kim
workers as boyfriends
orochimaru nsfw headcanons
extremely toxic! boyfriend! eugene (nsfw)
addictive personality! eugene (nsfw)
eugene x bimbo! wife (nsfw)
how lookism characters would smell
lookism characters as babies
lookism workers headcanons
dating cap guy headcanons
study group youtube channels
dating max fc taehun
imagine being married to taehun
older dowoon as a boyfriend
eugene and yuseong childhood
seto kaiba general headcanons
hashirama and tobirama general headcanons
hashirama meeting his clone granddaughter
tobirama meeting his clone granddaughter
orochimaru dating tsunade's sister
lookism/htf but realistic
goo kim general headcanons
cheon taejin general headcanons
relationship with dg
what they're like when they're in love [lookism]
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lordorochi · 3 years
why you leave the naruto boys. (3)
[part one] [part two] part three
(a/n): i’m back baby bitches!
kakashi hatake, orochimaru.
hatake kakashi was the talk of your town every time he set a new record. creating a new jutsu, defeating enemies twice his size, becoming a chunin before he even became a teenager. ensuring konohagakure’s future was safe in his hands.
but, as with many strong shinobi before him, he too was affected greatly by the shinobi way of living.
after his teammates and sensei had passed away, he let his utter loneliness consume himself, his anbu leader position only making him colder.
and that is when you entered his life.
you greeted your childhood classmate in the rare times you saw him, requesting him to stay and chat with you even for a moment.
he never really reacted to you. you assumed it was his mask that hid his thoughts about the matter, but him not seeming exasperated by you was enough to not stop.
and you were alright with that. you had waited for him for a long time, and didn’t mind waiting a bit longer. his solitude gave you the courage to approach him, and you were glad that you could finally atleast talk to him.
til one autumn day, where the both of you were sitting on a tree branch, and you had decided that you had waited long enough.
you had asked him out that day.
there was pain in his eyes, like he knew what was going to happen. like he knew what you wanted. like he knew that he couldn’t give it to you.
he let you down slowly, your tears hurting him. for the first time in a long time, kakashi had felt something, and that was his heart breaking.
he couldn’t bring himself to stop you, he didn’t deserve to. he didn’t deserve to be with you. he was scum after all. scum who failed his sensei and teammates.
he never really saw you much after that day. you had dedicated all your time to training, and he eventually did the same. he drowned himself in work, burying the matter deep in his heart.
throughout the years, kakashi hatake had became copy ninja kakashi and you had become a famed ninja of his caliber.
but being a shinobi didn’t stop you from realising that the war had left many people shaken. you had left konohagakure to aid them.
kakashi supported you, using his hokage position to aid them as much as he could. he had been thinking about things.
the war had left him reconsidering a lot of his earlier notions. he had come to terms with his grief. obito had freed him from his guilt.
he waited patiently for the day you would return. he had something to tell you.
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when you had beached on the shore of one of orochimaru’s hideouts, you would have never guessed that it would lead to a running game of cat and mouse with a monster you couldn’t hope to understand.
you were confused. you were supposed to die, giving up all fight and sinking to the bottom of the sea. but when you opened your eyes, you were greeted with the sight that granted you new life. the beautiful snake sannin.
you had made your attraction to him glaringly obvious, and he used that to gain your undying loyalty. you were smart enough to tell, but stupid enough to give in.
it was always hot and cold with him, he made you feel like his most precious possession one moment and just another one of his experiments the next.
but you never faltered. in your determination and obsession with the being orochimaru was, you never failed to try, try and try, determined to win over him.
in your desperation to grab and keep his attention, you became one of his most valuable tools, going on complex missions whenever he commanded you to and protecting him fiercely when he didn’t.
he was a wanted man, a criminal throughout the land and beyond the seas. in spite of this, he had his own ambitions. konohagakure’s destruction.
and you did all you could. infiltrating konohagakure along with kabuto; making your own little life there.
competing in the chunin exams and failing time and time again, to make the dullest portfolio you could muster to hide your talent. all in preparation for when he would arrive.
and he did. after months of rescheduling since he couldn’t stand the tiniest bit of imperfection that would compromise his plan.
the day of the final round of the chunin exams was a sight to see. you could spot him in the crowd by his scent alone; yearning to take his presence in after so long.
the chaos had started.
mighty snakes and sand shinobi fought against the retaliation of the nin who loved their homeland dearly. all of which had shaken the perfect plan orochimaru-sama had created.
he had clearly underestimated the third and overestimated himself, and was getting overwhelmed by the reaper death seal.
you arrived just in time to see hiruzen on the ground, and the sannin’s with his arms barren, clearly in a state of innate distress.
just when you managed to get his attention, you felt something pass through you. passing his chidori cleanly through your heart, kakashi hatake stood behind you.
you faltered to the ground, your lord’s horrified expression being the the last thing you saw before everything faded.
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ninja-scenarios · 6 years
Yandere!Orochimaru headcanons + scenario
Someone asked: “Can we please have some yandere Orochimaru trying to win over a very soft spoken, kind hearted, 'mom friend's crush? Preferably Headcanons please and thank you (Orochimaru is bae)”
AHhh thank you, I needed an Oro request so badly lol <3
I went overboard with this again TT___TT
(PS: Oro is life, Oro is love)
- at first Orochimaru would wonder at why he´s interested in someone who´s so kind and caring, since he always thought to be only attracted by power. No matter how hard he tries, Orochimaru will notice that he can´t ban them from his thoughts. Also, why does everything they do seem to make him feel happy? It´s annoying, really! Gradually, the wise Ninja will stop trying to figure out the reason for his crush and will rather focus on how to capture them make them his. It´s nice to own something so pure and innocent
- a lot of observing. His crush will probably get monitored 24/7 until Orochimaru knows every single detail about their life. With who they talk to, if they brush their teeth with their right or left hand, everything they eat and even who walked by their house. Total surveillance
- Orochimaru is very confident, lso he would try to appeal with his strength, saving them from dangerous situations or offering to help with his knowledge. Should these situations not appear naturally, then he will CREATE them
- he hates seeing them caring for others. No matter their nature, they shouldn´t be too close to someone else!
- oh how pleasant it feels when they slowly start melting for him. Suddenly Orochimaru is greeted by a smile every time they “randomly” walk into the wise Sannin on the streets or with a shy “Hello, Orochimaru-sama.” (I`m sure they´ll call him Sama just out of respect, it´s always been my very own headcanon). He can´t help the smirk
- Orochimaru knows how gorgeous, charming and irresistible he is, yet he also knows not to play out every good card at once. A genuine smile here, a gentle touch there, maybe even a small sweet kiss… His crush will be falling head over heels in absolutely no time!
- if his crush owns any pets, they will probably sense what Orochimaru is up to and hate him. Remember, everything in the way will get eliminated - “Don´t cry, my dear. You can have lots of new pets once you´ve moved in. I´ll tell Kabuto to fetch a pup or maybe you can finally become friends with the snakes… Now, stop sobbing. I told you nothing in this world lasts forever, only you and me.”
- because perfection is something Orochimaru worked hard to (not fully yet) achieve, he won´t try to change himself to appeal to his crush. They will eventually get to love him for who he is. Still, being the sly scientist he is, he´ll be on his very best behaviour around them: always helpful, nice, thoughtful, kind and patient. Once his crush finally falls for him, Orochimaru will slowly but surely loosen up a bit on his manners and start neglecting them and playing a little hard to get in order to make them fall even harder
- I´m not even sure if Orochimaru will value gifts from his crush. He´ll also have a hard time giving them gifts or celebrating their birthday with them, probably only congratulating. Orochimaru´s wooing is all about psychology and the right timing
- we all know Orochimaru possesses some serious psychology skills, so he won´t rest until he finds out how his crush´s mentality works in order to predict their actions to certain situations and have complete control over them. If necessary, also to crush them in an instant
- “love” and “possession” are two things that he considers very close and almost inseparable (we´re talking about a yandere!Oro, not a Boruto-era!Oro). So the thought of them turning the great ninja down is not acceptable
- therefore, should the crush already have a partner or a love interest, they´re gonna get eliminated before you can say “let´s get this bread”. Orochimaru thinks that it´s no use trying to unnecessarily compete against someone else if they can easily be taken care of. It would come in handy anyway
- you can bet Orochimaru has made several plans on how to lure them make them fall in love with the Sannin. It´s okay if they´ll take time but every move of his, every appearance, every word and every action around his crush are serving a purpose
- if nothing seems to work out or simply to expedite the plans, Orochimaru will try to isolate his crush and possibly give them a reason to suffer in order to search for protection and comfort in his arms…
- Orochimaru lost many people in his life, so he´ll ensure his crush to never leave him, ever. This means that he´ll probably destroy the place they could go back to, their family and friends. It also means that whenever their health starts dropping, he´ll be really worked up about it and Kabuto won´t get a single free minute to himself until the poor boy has nursed them back to health
- Orochimaru will also try to make his crush emotionally dependent on him. A few examples I can imagine would contain making them wake up every time they´re trying to sleep without him. He´ll probably order some of his subordinates to secretly wake them every half an hour with a small noise until they decide to come to Orochimaru for the night. He´ll let that continue until they willingly sleep in his bed every night. Not to be misunderstood, Orochimaru doesn´t even want to sleep with them every night, he just needs to know that they´re dependent on him
- from the start, it´s not the idea of having sex with his crush that motivates Orochimaru. He´s not a very affectionate person and possibly won´t sleep with them much at all, it´s all about possession
- once his crush is his, Orochimaru will probably put a seal on them that prevents them from going too far from him or physically do something he told them not to. “There are certain rules you need to follow from now on, my dear. It´s all for your own protection. Never speak to others. Don´t try to harm yourself. And most importantly, don´t linger somewhere too far away. You´re smart enough to see these orders are valid, don´t you, my love?”
Also, here comes a small scenario because my Oro-loving-ass is too starved to turn down this opportunity!
Pairing: Yandere!Orochimaru x Female!Crush
It was truly tiring, having to accomplish each task her Taichō had assigned to the young woman. Being a Jōnin was something she had imagined to be quite different because gathering information about some ancient clan wasn´t something she enjoyed much. It was very strange how her Taichō bombarded her with one order after the other lately…
Delaying her duties for as long as possible, she took a detour to the sparsely visited library and stopped by the busy, sunlit market to fetch some snacks for Panda. The small cat sat neatly in her jacket and accompanied her throughout most of the day.
Finally arriving in the library, she warmly greeted Hisuke, a man her age that she´d practiced with back in their academy days. Making sure to tell Panda to keep silent, the Kunoichi stopped in front of the towering bookshelves of the clan-related section. The first few hours were spent finding books that had any information on it at all. So much, she had only found three. Letting out a sigh, the young woman looked up from the pile and considered going over to ask the owner for help. There had been a lot of times where he had explicitly not been of help, but maybe he´d this time.
Just as she felt desperate enough to walk over to the owner, suddenly someone else entered the library. She recognized him instantly and greeted the wise Ninja with a very sweet smile. “Hello, Orochimaru-sama! You should be outside enjoying the sunshine and not spend your time with work like me.”
His eyes affectionately smiled down at her. “The old Sandaime wants me to fetch scrolls for him.” The corners of his mouth curled upwards into a smile. “Well, my dear, what is your excuse?”
She felt proud that he even cared about her business, that he asked. With a shy smile she told him about the assignment and Orochimaru tilted his head to the side to think, as if he didn´t know about every one of her orders.
“Let me see… I was studying about that clan when I was at the academy.”
“Oh, really?” Her excitement is tangible like a happy bubble.
“Let me show you, my dear.” Orochimaru teaches her about this and that, about the clan like a wise professor. Like someone she can open her heart to, someone that will protect her and keep her safe. How wrong she is. When Orochimaru ends his patient lecture and she took enough notes, there´s suddenly someone passing very closely by their table. Orochimaru lays an arm around her protectively, to pull her closer into his cold chest and at a safe distance with the possible collision.
The blush on her cheeks tells him that she enjoys it. And even though it´s her adoration he notices, there´s an unfamiliar tug at the Sannin´s alleged heartstrings. Usually, the Sannin would pull back immediately but the library happens to be dead empty with just the two of them. It´s the best chance. His cold yet elegant fingers brush over the sensitive skin on her neck before he strokes a strand of hair behind her ear. Just when he is about to go further, there suddenly is an angry hiss followed by a tiny monster arm leaping lunging at him from within her jacket.
She jumps backwards and scolds the tiny monster cat in her jacket, which glares daggers at Orochimaru. Mh, this pet is a real nuisance, he thinks. There´s anger boiling up inside. It was the perfect opportunity, the perfect change… His fists clench without thinking, yet he relaxes them just in time.
“Orochimaru-sama, I´m so sorry! Surely Panda didn´t mean to harm you.”
He will have to give her another assignment. One that lures her to an even more isolated place.
“A lovely cat, indeed.”
Yes, indeed.
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urfictional · 2 years
the things you lose and those you gain; part i
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I'Il be honest, I'm actually quite scared posting this. don't know why. this is my first time writing about naruto, I started watching the anime recently and I have only watched the first 100 episodes of season 1. I'm maybe not really into the lore and don't know all the details and shit but I had this thing in my mind and I really wanted to write it. hope you'll understand if there are some mistakes or smth.
this is only a small part of something that might turn into smth bigger. idk, if you guys will like it then I'll possibly continue with what I have planned.
It's planned to be orochimaru x f!reader fic. I don't want to make it really long n shit. probably three chapters max. (of course, only if you'll be interested)
warnings: idk, not much for this, mentions of blood. (this is set during season 1 episode 79, I think) kakashi x reader if you really squint (I didn't even plan it that way but you can interpret it whatever you like)
part ii
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The day when you lost something dear to you was the day when the prospect of gaining something else, maybe even better, became possible.
As a ninja who comes from the Land of Sound, you are used to not having a perfect life. For some reason, you always hated your home. Maybe because it wasn’t like other villages where everyone thrived and lived happily. Yes, you were jealous. Who wouldn’t be?
Maybe this was the exact reason why you were so easily convinced to join Lord Orochimaru when he promised you a better life. To this day, you’re not quite sure if this is the better life he promised, but you soon realized anything would be better than the place where you grow up.
It wasn’t hard for you to prove yourself. After all, you were skilled, most probably the most skilled ninja from your small group in the academy. Come to think of it, it wasn’t really an academy or even a school. You had your teachers, older ninjas who already had plenty of life experiences. You were trained to take part in those helpless wars you knew the Land of Sound will never win. So, when Lord Orochimaru offered an escape for everyone you didn’t even think twice before accepting the offer.
When he announced the plan of taking the Hidden Leaf village, you didn’t think much of it. You have always hated the way how peacefully they lived, without worrying about whether they’ll live to see another day or not. Orochimaru knew you and your desire of creating sufferings for other villages. That was the main reason he kept you so close. And that was the main reason he chose you to infiltrate the Leaf village.
You truly believed that this will be the day when Orochimaru will succeed. The victory felt so close you could particularly taste it on your tongue. Everything was perfect, you had the element of surprise, you had allies, you had everything.
Then why did you fail?
In that brief moment after the Third Hokage sacrificed himself to stop Orochimaru, you knew you won’t be able to escape that easily. So, you did the only thing you knew. You performed the Jutsu you were thought to perform only if the situation is dire, and there is no other way. At that moment you didn’t think of the consequences you were told will happen when you do it. At that moment you didn’t think of anything.
You could see shinobi approaching you from every direction where you were standing on the roof. When you turned around, you could still see Orochimaru's body being held by other Sound ninjas, waiting for the right opportunity to escape.
You turned back around to face the front. There, right at the front stood the famous Copy ninja you succeeded to fool. You still couldn’t believe that you managed to pull it off, but then again, has there been anyone who was able to resist you? You saw the betrayal in his eyes and for a moment you thought you’ll feel bad when facing him. But to your relief, you felt nothing.
The Third Hokage made his sacrifice to save the Leaf village. Now it was your time to make your sacrifice to save Lord Orochimaru.
Your hands moved on their own when they created the signs that felt so familiar. It’s been so long since you were taught this. But your hands never forget the right movements. You bit your thumb drawing blood. Tilting your head back you drew a long stripe starting from your lower lip, across your chin, and down your throat. Then you summoned the Voices.
A Thousand Voice Jutsu was something that was considered forbidden. At least that’s what you were told. But the shinobi who taught it to you and four other genin claimed that it’s a blessing being taught this. Only the strongest from the Land of Sound can master it believing that you will be smart and know the right moment when to use it. You were forbidden to talk about it with other genin, your family and friends. Even when you trained you never finished the Jutsu till the end, you were told that it’s something you’ll be able to do once. Therefore, the moment had to be the right one.
The second you felt the Chakra in your body moving, you knew you have succeeded.
You felt the voices of your ancestors, your dead comrades, and friends, moving through the path you have marked with your blood. A Thousand Voice Jutsu means exactly that. With this Jutsu you summon the sound ninjas who have lost their lives through times, you summon them and create the path through you for them to be free to complete one final mission.
You felt their spirits, in your arms and legs. You heard their whispers in your ears, you heard their restlessness. They wanted to be free, and you let them. You let them be free.
You tilted your body forward and then… you screamed.
It wasn't just your scream, though; it was a scream of a thousand voices overlapping one another. Creating a surge of air and sound that prompted your opponents to clasp their hands over their ears, trying to obliterate the sound in some way. But only you knew it won't be enough. Nothing, you were assured, could prevent the sound from reaching their ears.
For those who had to bear the hazardous Jutsu on their own skin, it felt like hours, but for you, it was less than a minute. The voice faded away as quickly as it had come, but the echo lingered over the rooftops and trees until the wind carried it away. Later, you heard tales of a day when a deafening scream echoed over the countryside, past the villages to the other side of the land. But you never truly believed the rumors.
Your knees were trembling, and your entire body was shivering like a leaf in a strong wind. Your throat ached so bad; you couldn’t utter a word. Before you, the shinobi were still hunched on the ground with their hands clamped over their ears. You could see little streaks of blood flowing down from their ears. If your memory serves you correctly, they can still hear the scream after it has stopped, echoing in their heads. Filling every crevice in their brains leaving them disoriented and confused. That's why you figured this would be the ideal diversion.
You attempted to turn around and leave while you still can but were unable to do so. Your breathing became more rapid, and the aching in your throat became more intense by the second. A pair of strong arms caught you just as you thought you were going to collapse. Just before you passed out you caught a glimpse of silver hair in your line of vision. Kabuto.
“That was one mighty scream. Good job.”
When thinking about regrets, you didn’t think that there was something in your life you regretted. Well except for being born in the Land of Sound, but that’s something you couldn’t change no matter how hard you tried. You were dwelling on regrets you could have avoided. For example, joining Lord Orochimaru or consenting to learn the Thousand Voice Jutsu.
Now, you didn’t regret joining the Sannin, in fact, you would do it over and over again. But did you regret agreeing to learn the forbidden Jutsu? Maybe. Since the day your sensei told you have successfully mastered the Jutsu, it didn’t sit well with you. Some part of you wanted to forget the things that were thought to you, but it was impossible. You can't forget a Jutsu like that after it's been driven into your head. It was imprinted in every nook and cranny of your mind, so you wouldn't forget it.
After you were told the consequences of what will happen when you perform this Jutsu you swore you’ll never use it. No matter how dire the situation will be, you’ll think of something else.
But when you were standing on the rooftop, when your eyes fell on your master who looked so defeated, your mind worked on its own. It was like you weren’t in control, you wanted to do everything in your power to help Lord Orochimaru escape.
Yes, a small part of you may have regretted your actions. The other part, on the other hand, reminded you that it was necessary. That you'd go to any length for him. Even if it means losing the most valuable possession you have.
Your voice.
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a/n: let me know what you think
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sleepysnk · 3 years
pairings: orochimaru x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, smut, canonverse, jealous sex, dom!orochimaru, breeding, degradation, choking, overstimulation.
Wandering Eyes ft. Orochimaru
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Your body felt like it was on fire.
You could feel the tears brimming on your lash line from the overstimulation you felt. Your thighs were trembling and your brain was so clouded that you couldn’t count how many times you came around Orochimaru’s cock.
“Aw.. is someone pouting? Use your words, you dirty slut..” he cooed in your ear.
You regretted doing what you did earlier. You didn’t expect Orochimaru to leave you such a mess either, but you should have known better from knowing him for so long.
It was like any normal day. You helped around the hideout, and even caught up on some training.
But, things changed very quickly.
Kabuto had been hanging around you a little more often than usual. You were always respectful around him, especially considering that Orochimaru had very high respects for the young medical ninja. You never once had an issue for him, nor did you ever linger around him more than usual.
This time, Kabuto left a few touches on your skin. It was a bit surprising because he was never the type to touch you. Orochimaru was the only one who could do that to you.
You didn’t think he noticed, but when Orochimaru ordered you to go to your bedroom; you knew you were in for some deep shit.
And here you are now, sprawling beneath the man as he pumps his cock into your quivering pussy.
You could barely think straight. Your mind was clouded with the pleasure you were receiving, and he wasn’t letting up. There was this look in his eyes that was sinister. He wanted to make you beg for his cock, and he wanted you to know that you were his and his only.
You had came so many times. There was a mess all over his dick, and you were going to snap.
“O-Orochimaru.. please, it’s too much..” you tossed your head side to side.
He smirked, his hand going around the base of your throat. He squeezed it slightly, watching your reaction. He could feel your walls tightening around his cock again.
He leaned towards your ear. “This is what you get.. you let Kabuto touch you and now I have to remind you who you belong to,” he whispered, “Be a good girl and take it, okay?”
Orochimaru’s pace suddenly picked up. Your moans and whines were becoming repetitive, and you could barely contain yourself. Squelching sounds could be heard from below. You were so wet, and Orochimaru was feeding from it.
His cock twitched inside of you. His release was building up, and he knew exactly what he was going to do.
“I’m going to fill you to brim with my cum..” he said, “I better not see one drop come out..”
You nodded your head eagerly. “P-Please.. cum inside me,” you dug your nails into his shoulder.
Orochimaru placed your legs on his shoulders, pumping his cock into you at a relentless pace. The position was making his access to you, and his cock was hitting every spot inside of you. Your body was so tired, and you were so overstimulated.
A groan rumbled in his throat as he hit his orgasm. His thick, white cum filled your pussy. He felt so satisfied with himself. He could see the way your thighs were twitching, and how you were whimpering.
He pulled out, he then placed his finger inside of you. It prevented any of his cum leaking out from your hole.
“I hope you still have energy, because we’re not done yet..”
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actuallysaiyan · 3 years
can you write a one shot with teacher orochimaru taking student readers virginity? like he knows she has a crush on him and she often flirts with him until one day he just snaps and fucks her into the abyss lol. please include size kink and overstimulation!!
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Word count: 1,657 Pairings: Orochimaru x Reader Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex, slight dub-con, degradation, slight size kink, overstimulation. Summary: Y/n has been Orochimaru's student ever since she left her village, and he knows she's got a crush on him. He takes matters into his hands.
For as long as he was your sensei, you found yourself very attracted to Orochimaru. You knew he wasn’t someone you should be attached to, but you couldn’t help it. He was so damn sexy in so many ways, and while you knew the atrocities he had committed, you didn’t care.
You always found yourself attracted to the bad guys, but Orochimaru was on the top of your list. When you deflected from your village, you sought him out as quickly as possible. He took you in as a student and alongside Kabuto, Orochimaru taught the two of you everything you knew.
Lately, you are finding it harder and harder to keep your feelings for him in check. You often wake up in the middle of the night after having sexual dreams about Orochimaru. You can just imagine his long tongue lapping at your cunt as you squeeze your thighs around his face.
It was becoming harder to face Orochimaru everyday. He was often working on all kinds of different experiments and he needed your help, but you could barely look him in the eyes. He was taunting you, and you weren’t sure if you loved it or hated it.
Orochimaru is very much aware of your crush on him. He finds it very adorable and he’s going to make sure you know who’s the boss around here. You are cute and adorable, but you will not distract him from his work any longer. The way you flirt with him and Kabuto, it’s much too distracting. You’ll be compliant after he’s done with you.
One night, you are resting in your room. You’re thoughts turn to Orochimaru and how he’d fuck you. You hate having these thoughts, but they also turn you on so much. Your hand finds its way into your panties, rubbing your clit and making you squirm with pleasure.
You jump in surprise when the door to your room flies open. You sit up in bed and watch as Orochimaru saunters over to you. You blush profusely, hoping he hasn’t seen anything. When he climbs onto the bed, you aren’t sure what to think anymore.
“You think you could just flirt with me and that I wouldn’t notice how badly you need my attention?” Orochimaru asks as he leans in to kiss you.
Your heart skips a beat when he kisses you. His long tongue slides into your mouth, making you groan. Your fingers tangle themselves into his hair, but he just pulls from your so quickly.
He towers over you, smirking as you squirm. You need him so badly, but he’s going to take his time teasing you. He loves how small you look on your bed, your body just craving his touch.
“Ahh, my sweet little student. I should have known how badly you needed me.” He comments as his hands rub up and down your legs.
“Orochimaru sensei!” You whine as his fingers brush up against your panties. He’s loving every little pathetic noise you make as he stimulates you.
“I’d love to just watch you whine and moan as I tease you,” He starts as he leans back down to kiss you. “I’d love to see how long it would take you to crack under pressure. It would be a wonderful study.”
You’re panting and trying to lean up to kiss him back, but his free hand pushes you back down on the bed. He pins you there and chuckles as you wiggle to get free from his grasp.
“Or, maybe I could see how many times you cum before you pass out completely. I think you’d enjoy that study as well,” Orochimaru suggests as he licks your neck. When you don’t know how to reply, he bites down hard.
“Which one will it be?” He asks you, and you just swallow hard.
“Tell me, or else I leave you high and dry. I don’t need sexual release in my life, but I know you will almost die if I leave this room right now.”
“Sensei,” you whine as you try to explain it to him. “I’m a virgin.”
Orochimaru smirks at your words. He’d be lying if he said this didn’t excite him even more. You’re pure. You’ve never been touched or deflowered. This is a completely different study now.
“Pure,” He whispers as he slowly removes the oversized shirt you are wearing as pajamas.
“I’ve never been with anyone.” You tell him once more, and he nods.
“I heard you the first time. I’ve got a new study,” He replies as he slowly removes your panties as well. You shiver as his hands ghost over your fully nude body.
“Let’s see what kind of whore I can turn you into,” His words make you sigh as you know he’s going to wreck you.
He nips and licks at your skin, making sure to leave marks where he thinks Kabuto will be able to see them. He wants Kabuto to make comments about it. It turns him on to think about that. He wants Kabuto to want you too, but he wants it to be a competition. Orochimaru knows he would win anyway.
“Do you want to be my little whore?” Orochimaru teases as his fingers finally rub your exposed cunt.
You gasp as you feel his cold touch. He’s rubbing your clit while he waits for your answer. You feel a little embarrassed, but this is exactly what you were craving.
“I wanna be your little whore!” You whine as you feel two of his fingers plunge deep within you. It stretches you out as Orochimaru fingers you.
“You weren’t lying when you said you’re a virgin,” Orochimaru can feel his cock twitching in his pants. “You’re so damn tight.”
You can barely reply as he continues to finger you. Your legs feel like jelly as he speeds up his pace, and he leans down to catch your lips with his. Your fingers tangle in his hair, this time pulling him in for a deeper kiss.
“My little whore,” Orochimaru whispers in your ear as his fingers curl.
“OH!” You cry out as he brushes his fingers on your g spot. He doesn’t let up and you continue making these pathetic little noises. Orochimaru is enjoying this very much. You are at his mercy now.
“Get on your knees,” He commands as he pulls his fingers from you. You whine from the loss of contact.
Before he can even do anything else, you get up on your knees. Orochimaru brushes hair out of your face and then releases his cock from his pants. Your mouth waters as you look at his impressive cock. It’s so damn thick, you worry about how it’s going to even fit.
“Suck on my cock,” His words make you shudder. You give the head a few licks, and Orochimaru grows impatient. He grabs your hair and forces you down on his cock.
When the tip hits the back of your throat and you struggle to breathe, he pulls you off and smiles down at you. He’s proud of how willing you are to please him. He’s going to love fucking you.
“Good girl, but you need to learn how to please men.” He says as he forces you back down on his cock. Tears prick your eyes as you suck on him eagerly. You try your best to control your breathing and your gag reflexes.
As soon as you think you’ve got the hang of things, he pulls you completely from his cock and pushes you down on the bed. You look up at him with want in your eyes, and Orochimaru spreads your legs. You’re so small beneath him.
“Now you will truly be my little whore. I’m going to ruin your virgin pussy!” He tells you as he thrusts into you.
You cry out as your walls stretch around him. It hurts so fucking good. You are panting and pleading for him to fuck you, and Orochimaru loves hearing this from you.
“What a filthy mouth,” He says as he clamps his hand around your throat.
You see stars as he starts squeezing and thrusting into you. You never thought you’d be so into all of this, but it is bringing you so close to the edge already. His cock stretches you out as he continues to fuck you harshly. It feels so damn good.
“Good little whore,” Orochimaru moans as he slams into you. “So compliant.”
When his fingers begin rubbing your clit hard and fast, this is what pushes you over the edge. You moan as your orgasm hits you hard, making you shudder and tremble all over. Orochimaru is chuckling as your pussy squeezes his cock.
“It’s not over yet,” He tells you as he continues to rub your clit. His cock keeps dragging against your sweet spot, and you are starting to gush all over him at this point.
When he flips you over on your knees once more, you are barely lucid. He’s fucking the soul out of you, or at least that’s what it feels like. He continues to laugh as he pulls on your hair and slams himself into you.
For hours, Orochimaru has you in all kinds of positions. He loves how compliant you are. He knows you will always be his whore now. There’s no turning back.
You are a babbling mess beneath him, cumming over and over again. You’ve lost count how many times he’s made you orgasm, and you fear you’ll never be able to quit this craving. You are forever addicted to the way Orochimaru makes you feel.
When you cum for the final time, Orochimaru allows himself to finish deep within you. His cum is hot and plentiful, and it leaves you feeling ruined and full.
He pulls away and pushes you back on the bed. He chuckles as he goes to leave the room.
“Sweet dreams, whore.”
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