#kakashi headcannons
sarcastic-kai · 1 year
Kakashi Hatake headcannons
I copy and pasted this from my wattpad lol since i havent written in a hot second and I feel bad about it :/
•What he's like in the mornings•
Kakashi isn't a morning person. He hates the feeling of being in a deep, peaceful sleep, then having that ruined by his alarm clock or the sharp, unforgiving rays of the sun.
That being said, he always tries his best to be pleasant for you in the mornings, and he usually doesn't have to try very hard because waking up next to you is always worth waking up.
You run your fingers through your lover's hair, giggling as the motion only seems to make it more fluffy.
"Darling," you whisper. "It's time to wake up, my love."
A soft grunt leaves Kakashi's lips before he shifts defiantly and rolls to face away from you.
Rolling your eyes, you huff with irritation. Every single morning it seems to be the same routine. Kakashi ignores his alarm, you try to wake him up, he ignores you.
A small, mischievous grin snakes up your lips. Now it's time for your favorite part.
You sit up and shift to kneel beside your husband. Still grinning, you bite back your laughter as you snatch up your pillow, raise it above your head, and swing it down onto his with a loud, "HATAKE YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE!"
The pillow makes contact, followed by a muffled "oof!"
Kakashi sits up, glaring at you as you double over in a fit of snickers and giggles.
Grabbing the pillow, he throws it back at you, hitting you square in the face and sending you rolling off the bed in surprise.
You get up, scowling playfully at Kakashi as he smiles sheepishly at you.
"Oops. I guess I used too much strength."
•His favorite date idea•
Kakashi isn't one for over-the-top, grandiose gestures of romance and love. He's more of a laid back, simple outing sort of guy. He's different from a lot of people. While some people are made of  bright bursts of violent vibrance, he is composed of gentle swirls of pastel tones. So while some people may set up an elaborate evening of fancy dining, extravagant entertainment, and romantic candlelit beach walks; Kakashi Hatake prefers to keep it relaxed and fun. His go-to date ideas are either a walk through the village, a stop at Ichiraku, and a movie at his place; or a lazy night in with take out, movies, and lots and lots of cuddles.
You look up from your homework to see your best friend, f/n, standing in your doorway with their arms crossed and a start expression.
"What're you doing?" They ask, and you wonder why they sound so irritated.
You look at your textbook then back to them. "Uh... homework."
They roll their eyes and point to your phone next to you on the desk.
"Well, dummy, it's 8pm and you said you had an outing with Kakashi at 6:40."
"oh shit!" You jump up, knocking your chair back and snatching your phone off the desk. To your dismay, you scroll through your notifications to see multiple texts from your boyfriend, the last one dating to 20 minutes ago. you bite your lip, guilt and anxiety beginning to grow in your gut.
"Fuck," you mumble, running a hand through your hair. "he's been waiting for so long. Oh god, he probably hates me now."
"Actually, I don't."
You look up to see Kakashi standing behind your friend.
You expression drops, staring at him in shock and dismay. "oh my god..." you whisper.
Coming to your senses, you rush to him, nearly tackling him with a hug. "oh my god, Kakashi! I am so so so sor-"
Before you can finish, he plants a solid, loving kiss to your lips, cutting you off effectively.
Pulling away with a grin, he says, "don't worry about it. I cancelled the reservations because I remembered the big test you have coming up, so I let you study for a little longer. I ordered pizza to my place, and I am ready to walk you over there right now."
•When you're sick•
Kakashi is a very gentle, concerned individual. After all he has been through, one of the hardest and more reoccurring lessons he has learned is to cherish those you love, and to take care of them. So when you're sick, he does just that. He spends extra time with you, gives you cuddles, brings you soup, the whole nine yards.
"'Kashi..." your throat is horse and quiet, and you barely manage a whisper. But even that amount of effort sends your throat back into its painful, stinging blaze. You let out a whimper, but it quickly turns into a erratic fit of coughs.
The grey haired shinobi leans closer to you from his chair beside your bed, his brows furrowing with concern.
"Hey... y/n... is there anything I can get you? Maybe some cough drops or some tea?" He puts the back of his hand to your sweat-slicked forehead. "You're burning up. Your fever still hasn't gone down."
You try to say 'thank you captain obvious', but it comes out as a raspy, "thank... obvious", as your voice cuts in and out with the effort it takes to speak.
Kakashi seems to get the message though, and his signature mask crinkles in the way that you have learned to detect as his smiling underneath it.
"You're welcome y/n. I'll get you some tea to help your throat, okay?"
You close your eyes and nod, but just as he gets up to leave, you reach out and grasp his sleeve. He turns to look down at you, curious.
You smile up at him weakly. "Read... to me?'
Kakashi stiffens up, and you can see just a hint of a blush creep up his face and around the tops of his cheeks that arent covered by his mask.
"I- I really don't think you want that."
•What he's like in bed•
Kakashi can be both a very gentle lover or a very rough one, depending on his (or your) mood. But either way, he is very considerate and very giving. He makes sure to make you feel loved and satiated, littering your body with kisses and showering you with praise.
He's open to a lot of things, and will try anything at least once if you ask him to.
He'll usually last about 1-3 rounds, depending on how wound up he is. He's very... needy after being on a long mission, but he always puts your wants before his own.
He's a king of aftercare. He'll draw you both a bath and massage you, peppering you with kisses and whispering sweet nothings into your shampoo sud-covered hair.
You moan against your lovers neck, tightening your grip on his grey locks.
With every shift of his body and roll of his hips, he fills you up, stretching you around his member in the most delicious way imaginable. His thrusts are strong and consistent, hitting your sweet spot every time, driving you to the brink of insanity.
"oh god, 'Kashi," you whimper, moving one arm to wrap around his back and pull him impossibly closer to you. He grunts in response, his hot, labored breaths fanning across your neck and shoulder that he is nestled into.
Without warning he bites your collar, eliciting a sharp gasp and drawled out moan from you as you arch your back, pushing your breasts into his chest.
You can feel him smile against your skin, but you don't pay any attention to that, since all your focus is on your impending release. Kakashi's thrusts increase in speed, only serving to tighten the coil in your lower abdomen. Your entire body is tingling with arousal and lust, and with a few  more thrusts you come undone.
Your entire body tenses up and you cry out in pleasure as your eyes roll to the back of your head and your mind goes blank. Kakashi keeps going, only faltering from his rhythm for a couple thrusts before he finds it again.
You want to tell him to slow down, but nothing comes out of your thoroughly fucked self. Instead, your moans increase in pitch, drawling out into some sort of desperate whine. But if you are whining for more or less, Kakashi can't tell, and you truthfully don't care.
Once your orgasm has finished wrecking your body it winds down, but it is quickly flailed up again by Kakashi's own chase for release. Within seconds your extremely sensitized body is driven to another orgasm, and for a few seconds, you swear you lose consciousness.
Pleasure envelops your entire being, blinding you with its enticing white light. You writhe and scream with bliss, the erotic sensations are like you've ever felt before, they're breath taking.
Once You float down from your high, and your stomach is coated with Kakashi's release, your eyes reluctantly flutter open to gaze up at him.
His grey hair is messy and matted with sweat, falling unusually flat on his gorgeous face.
He grins down at you, before quickly leaning down and kissing you passionately. You smile into the kiss, returning it with a spent effort.
Kakashi pulls away, brushing his knuckles against your face in a loving gesture.
The way he gazes at you, as if you're the most beautiful and precious creature on earth, makes you blush furiously and you cover your face with your arms.
Kakashi chuckles, pulling out of you and running an arm along your side comfortingly.
"Come on, y/n. Let's go get cleaned up."
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skyahri · 6 months
How They Found Out |Naruto Boys X Reader| HC
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Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Naruto Uzumaki, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hatake
Summary: How your relationship ended up being revealed.
Warnings: Naruto's is short af because he's an open book. Deal with it. NSFW themes. Mentions of sex and being caught. Part Two
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Sasuke Uchiha
You'd been together for about a year at this point. In the beginning, you'd agreed to keep it hush-hush until you'd figured things out.
Before you knew it, it'd been more than six months since your first date, and it was still secret. You enjoyed the privacy of it, but didn't enjoy hiding things from your friends.
So you decided to stop actively keeping it a secret and instead allow things to come out naturally.
But that was six months ago and still no one knew.
Sasuke hated PDA and no one had asked either of you about relationship stuff, so it was still quiet.
That is until today.
You two were victims of Narutos' lack of boundaries and awareness.
It was late at night, about 11pm, you were in Sasuke's apartment.
He was drilling into you, his hands holding down your legs and mouth connected to your neck.
You were too busy enjoying the all encompassing feeling of him fucking you, and he was too busy ravaging you to hear Naruto enter the front door.
Suddenly, the bedroom door swings open. Narutos face very quickly goes from his usual happy-go-lucky to a horrified, dramatic look.
Sasuke is quick to cover you with the sheets before he yells at Naruto to get the Hell out.
Naruto is already way ahead of him, bolting straight out the front door and to God knows where.
After that, it wasn't long before the whole village knew. Honestly, once Gai found out, there was no one who didn't know.
Naruto Uzumaki
Find out? Ha! There is no finding out because he immediately told anyone and everyone the second you agreed to a date.
If he did somehow manage to keep it quiet, it really wouldn't be long until it got out.
Hes just so... excited to be with you.
He likes showing you off like a prize. He likes going on dates and holding your hand and loudly proclaiming that you're his.
You don't mind, of course.
Shikamaru Nara
You two lay around together most days. A while back, you shared a kiss, and it very VERY slowly escalated from there.
It was almost six months before you actually had sex.
Mostly because he'd somehow rationalized kissing was "just something you guys did" and didn't require any extra thought.
The sex was amazing. Slow and passionate, just like you'd expect from the lazy Nara.
And so things continued on like that. A relationship had formed, but it was never something either of you talked about.
You liked his parents and they liked you. You'd help his mom with dinner some nights and played Shogi with Shikaku. They didn't question your relationship either.
Things stayed on the down low for almost eighteen months before someone finally brought up something regarding his romantic life.
"So, Shikamaru, who was your first kiss?" Choji asked one night in the bath house.
The question caught him off guard since he wasn't usually included in these types of conversations. (They mostly assumed he wasn't interested in women, or something like that.)
"Hm? Oh, Y/N."
Cue the silence. Then total chaos.
"What?? When was this?" Kiba asked.
"I don't know... sometime around the solstice last year."
That sparked a lot of questions from his friends, only some of which he'd answered.
The guys relayed all the information to the girls the next day, where they then went and hounded you for answers.
Despite all of your friends knowing about your relationship, nothing changed between you and Shikamaru.
You just stayed... whatever it is you were.
Kakashi Hatake
Gai, Kurenai, and Iruka all had their suspicions about you two but had nothing to back it up. It's been years at this point, yet they still come up empty-handed.
That is, until Kakashi’s students decided they were interested in his love life, and began to poke around.
It's after the war; Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke are fully grown adults, but something is just so tempting about reverting to their youthful days of trying to spy on their sensei.
Kakashi is all for it, partially because he's glad his students are getting along again, and partially because he's grown tired of keeping secrets.
This is something he discusses with you, and as he predicted, you're completely on board.
You gradually make yourself seen with Kakashi over the next week- leaving the Hokage tower with him, getting dinner with him, and even allowing him to walk you to his apartment.
The kids watch all of this happen, but there's no evidence that actually proves anything, just like Gai sensei had told them in the beginning.
So they continue to stalk you two around the village. They're better at it than when they were little, but it's still pretty easy to spot them.
At the end of the week, when you're sure all three of them are watching, Kakashi kisses you in front of your front door.
You watch as they all zip away, surely off to meet up or possibly report back to your friends.
You and Kakashi can only laugh.
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inzuinzudesu · 5 days
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Post-war AU! (Yes, I'm trying to do more steamy drawings, more is coming) I imagine Obito to have mellowed out quite a bit after the war, with him atoning for his sins and everything?? He would be easier to bully at the very least haha Personally, I think Kakashi'd be the more proactive one of the two, since Obito'd be feeling guilty and wouldn't want happiness for himself? Then Kakashi has to try to get him to care more about his own live?? Obito'd be living on a cliff all alone, with Kakashi coming to visit every so often in between Hokage duties?? He's trying to migrate into society slowly but surely, helping out all the grandpas and grandmas out there. I wanted to draw him in white - just a blank slate, ready to be made anew, despite all the pain and suffering. Well actually he just looks really good in white, with that white hair?? Very elegant. I can't find much of this AU on ao3? There are quite a lot on pixiv though! https://www.pixiv.net/novel/show.php?id=9410739 This the first part of a whole series! It's finished too! I can only read a bit of japanese, so I mainly just used google translate haha! Really recommend it, if you can read japanese, or if you can bear the pain of reading some very broken english 😅 This author explored the AU in a very cute way that I love??? Overall it's just silly shenanigans with potent sexual tension disguised as friendship. Biggest plot point is that there's a rumor going around that Kakashi is gay, but he tries to deny it, thinking Obito would be weirded out?? There was a point where in his anbu days, Kakashi had a one-night stand that looks like Obito??? Not gonna spoil anymore, in case you plan to read it!
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How Kakashi, Genma, and iruka would react to reader staring at them while they're talkin
Summary: 's in the title, but anyway.
How they would react to reader staring at em with intently, like all the love in the world intently
Warnings: some suggestive stuff, mostly harmless though cus all fluff.
Kakashi hatake
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Halfway through his sentence he just sees reader staring at him with their hands propping up their head
Immediately shuts up and reader asks if sumn is wrong and when he continues talking he's stuttering n messing up all his words
Legit gets red as a tomato, not even his mask could hide it 😭
No one has ever looked at him with so much interest, compassion, and love in their eyes so he literally has a seizure I swear
If y'all were dating and you stared at him like that it's either straight to the bedroom or he's going to be a blushing, flustered mess (depends on where yall r like in public he's gonna be a red mess but inside his apartment YOU're going to be a mess if ykwim)
You would tease him endlessly for his reaction
If y'all weren't dating though that's when he catches feelings like who wouldn't 🤷
He looks so stoic n serious all the time but with just a smidge of PDA he's gonna malfunction
Genma shiranui
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He's too distracted with talking he doesn't notice it at first so you just kinda keep staring n humming as a response
When he DOES notice tho he's reduced to a stuttering mess (kinda like Kakashi) but he tries to remain confident n keep his cool, happy go lucky facade but he fails miserably as sighs in defeat.
Unlike Kakashi you can fully see the red, flustered mess your gaze has reduced him to.
Probably slams the table with the other hand covering his lower half of his pretty boy face n makes the excuse that he needs to go to the bathroom. Startling you and other people (if y'all are in public)
Low-key makes you think you did something wrong and immediately apologises to him when he gets back
He dismisses it though and says you did nun wrong but you still get worried nonetheless
When he notices his senbon probably falls outta his mouth cus he probably noticed it mid sentence with his mouth open n yeah
When y'all r dating he definitely teases you about how you're lookin at him, but his heart and mind are going bonkers rn
In public he tries his best to keep the 'kewl bad boy' facade but fails
In PRIVATE though, in private. Make out session. Nothing else no other words just, make out session. (With consent of course)
He thinks it's cute and adorable and he has ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM telling the entire world. Will cup your cheeks and smother you with compliments like "you're so cute I could just eat you up" (or out if you want idk)
Iruka umino
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Honestly Kakashi and Genma combined
Tried [keyword; TRIED] to seem cool about it but is definitely going to fail.
Would switch to a completely different and silly topic to see if your reaction changes but it doesn't, it only makes him more flustered that you don't even care about how silly the topic is you just care about him
If he's eating he'll definitely choke on his food from how lovingly you're staring
(prolly gets turned on)
If y'all are dating n sitting/standing next to him while you're staring would probably look away and fake cough tryna hide his face from you
Iruka is definitely a closet perv and you cannot convince me otherwise (not the peeking into women's stalls closet perv) only a perv fo you
At home you're not going to escape his hungry grasp ifyk
In public though he's prolly a blushing mess
Mans is just adorable idk what to tell you 🤷
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halfamask · 4 months
Kakashi: Yeah once he cried for an hour because his brother was late to tuck his dinosaur plushie into bed with him
Kakashi: And once I came to the Uchiha compound and he attacked me with his toy shuriken
Kakashi: And he’d fight me for Itachi’s attention at the dinner table
Naruto and Sakura: omg omg omg what else
Kakashi: And one time-
Sasuke: I WAS FOUR
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kakashisenppai · 1 year
as always, im sorry for being inactive, im struggling with my mental health since being diagnosted with ptsd so im just reading a lot and not having ideias,,,,,,, but i want to write something so i got to put my brain to focus a little, so heres a -short- roommate!kakashi hc !!! hope you like sz
roommate!kakashi who knows when you wake up in a bad mood.
roommate!kakashi who tries to reassure you, saying you´re gonna have a good day.
roommate!kakashi who sends you texts the whole morning, trying to distract\comfort you when you say you´re gonna have a surprise test.
roommate!kakashi stops by at yout class to give you some chocolate and a hug.
roommate!kakashi who goes home for lunch after class, just to find you crying on the couch.
roommate!kakashi who instantly pulls you tight in his arms.
roommate!kakashi who listen to you, telling him you did poorly on the test.
roommate!kakashi who tries to convice you that i didn´t, and even if you did, i doesn´t matter.
roommate!kakashi who calms you down whispering in your ear.
roommate!kakashi who cooks for you, while you watch him.
roommate!kakashi who doesn´t see how you´re studying is his moviments, watching him in pure trance.
roommate!kakashi who cooks you your favourite dessert as well.
roommate!kakashi who always shows you that hes here for you.
roommate!kakashi who cuddles you on the couch, watching disney movies all afternoon.
roommate!kakashi who lays on your stomach while he reads his icha icha book and you just scroll on your phone, caresing his hair.
roommate!kakashi who wakes up in the middle of the night, you two intertwined on the couch.
roommate!kakashi who carefully lays you on his bed, laying next to you and pulling you as close as possible to him.
roommate!kakashi who kisses your cheek, for another time whispering ´i love you´ quietly to you.
roommate!kakashi who doesn´t notice that you´re actually awake.
roommate!kakashi who falls asleep by your side, not feeling your lips on his nose, neither listening you whispering ´i love you too´ back to him.
hope you like it!!! sorry for any mistakes, i do not give a second read to it lol.
also, listen to bug like an angel from mitski.
have a good day!!!!!!
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lettered-mind · 1 year
Kakashi is shocked the first time someone tells him why he lets Gai follow him around like a lovesick puppy. He looks at the stupid, severely surprised.
I'm sure it's the other way around, Kakashi thinks, but obviously doesn't say it. He just looks at the ninja in front of him and tells him to mind his own business.
That conversation was almost completely forgotten in Kakashi's mind until a month later, Tenzō asks him almost the same thing, more politely. Kakashi is spared the answer when the youngest and most promising member, Itachi, begins to praise Gai's abilities with clear admiration and possibly a small crush.
Kakashi just walks away from the scene, thinking there's no need to say anything else, but he can't stop thinking about it.
Is that what people see in his relationship with Gai? That Gai is Kakashi's big fan who follows him everywhere while Kakashi just puts up with him? He's not going to kid himself and say it wasn't that way in the beginning, but it certainly didn't last that long until the places were swapped.
Gai always liked to be effusive with everyone, and that was normal for him. Kakashi wasn't really a special case, just a down-on-his-luck bastard with genius, and a slight obsession with his optimistic rival, who has a dangerous attraction to anything that leads him to get hurt.
Kakashi doesn't know how people don't see that it's Kakashi who chases Gai, trying to meet him on the street "by chance", reaching under the table when they eat so he can touch him with his feet, taking care of him when Gai comes badly injured from a mission and Kakashi's only thought is to kill the bastard who touched him. When the first thing he does when he sees him is greet him and approach him, and if Gai wins and approaches Kakashi first, he always leans into him, brushing their shoulders and sometimes the backs of their hands. Sometimes he feels like he's a hair's breadth away from being accused of stalking when he's on surveillance and watching him on cameras or spying on him from the trees, but he really can't help it.
He follows Gai, he needs Gai. Gai is the unreachable sun and he is just a cold mountain, never worthy enough to receive more than its rays of light.
They all have it wrong.
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eps-epsan · 2 years
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Anko: I bet you and Kakashi have a lot of crazy sex
Genma: he's always reading those pervy books
Guy: actually...
Guy: Hey! Rival!!
Kakashi: s'up guys
I'm sorry this looks like shit, I was just thinking over and over about ace-Kakashi but I didn't planned at all about were to put the words?? Very poor organization 😢
(also, the 3rd image is here just because I thought that Gai looked cute)
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justhellacesome · 8 months
expanding on the kakashi headcannon,
Hatake Kakashi is literally Farmland Scarecrow or something right? then, Rather than wolves, Kakashi is more of a Livestock Guardian Dog and leader of his Dog pack rather than a wolf.
Thats why I said he's more like A pyrenees. With their white coat and droopy eyes.
Which would also mean Sakumo was one too, and having his sole purpose of guarding his village, denied from him, shunned by the very people he was loyal to. And even his leader uncaring of him. Its no wonder he took his life . What is a guardian dog without a purpose and shunned by those he was supposed to protect.
If he was a wolf, he would have long since gotten out of that stinkin village and prioritized pack he does have.
And Sakumos name really does go well with him being from Iron (different headcannon) and the way he died by seppuku is reminiscent to trying to regain his honor in a samurai way but he lack of a person to end his suffering rather than bleed to death makes it obvious with his standing in this shinobi village where honor is not something they can even fathom.
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Naruto Characters as Parents - How they play with their kids
Hatake Kakashi
King of not hovering over his kids.
Will be close by with constant checks over the top of his book, making sure kiddo is having fun doing their own thing whenever they want to.
Does love tickle fights but will only do them if no one is around. Not even his partner is allowed to see this.
Will be found sitting on the floor for cuddles and stories. Like, there are 500 pictures of this because it’s kind of unexpected and it never stops being cute.
Toy clean up is at the end of the night before bed. Is likely to find himself cleaning everything himself because his kid passed out.
Maito Gai
Very hands on.
Wants to do everything with his kid. Doesn’t matter if it’s not something he finds particularly fun, he will do it.
Tries to cuddle and read to his kid, but struggles a bit because he doesn’t like sitting down. He will try, but if it’s more than two stories he’s probably swapping with his partner.
Is always the first his kid goes to for playtime.
Clean up is at the end of the day before bed. They turn on some fun music and race to see how many toys they can clean up.
A good balance between hands off and direct play.
Her kid has activities they will do together, and one’s where it will be independent play. They get to choose what to do of course but Shizune also loves playing with them when she can.
Probably listens to her read medical textbooks because she just finds she prefers reading them, and her kid always falls asleep.
Toy clean up is as you go. They play, clean up, move onto the next thing.
Very hands off. Finds it difficult to play with his kid but is always trying to. He never ignores them, and will awkwardly play along to fun moments, but generally prefers to encourage self play.
Does do cuddle time. He was a little stiff at first, but it came around and he finds cuddles to be comforting and fun.
Has a whole collection of books for his kid, but always reads the book that Kakashi bought when their kid was born.
Clean up is as you go, but he will absolutely cheat and do the majority of it if his kid gives him the big sad eyes.
Umino Iruka
Nice balance if hands off and direct play.
Will always get down on his hands or knees to do something with his kid.
Also has a little fort in the corner of his kids room that they crawl into to read stories.
Toy clean up is at the end of the night before bed. Always makes sure clean up happens before his kid starts getting ready for bed.
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neeneee · 10 months
Our connection {Narusasu}
[This is loosely based on, in my opinion, two of the gayest songs in Naruto ost history: 'By my side' and 'Broken youth'. ]
Also, I feel like in the history of anime, Sasuke and Naruto were the couple with most wasted potential and most love for each other. It's literally in everything canon, every episode and chapter is filled with so much love it's sometimes hard to tell this is shounen, rather than shounen ai. And that make me sad because in my head, they're both just holding up these facades in order to keep up appearances but all they want to do is cuddle and tell the world that they're in love. C'mon they both borderline, if not outright, neglect their families but never, ever each other.
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Naruto and Sasuke hid behind subtle touches and declarations of brotherly love. They expertly hid their feelings behind a mask of friendship, declaring their bond to the world as nothing more than camaraderie, the connection formed from years of shared struggles.
So, why? Why did they feel the inexplicable urge to run into each other's arms when the weight of the world was simply too much to bear? Why did they still secretly hold each other's pinkies when they walked together? Why did their eyes still meet at random times? Why did they still look at each other with so many pent up emotions?
Sasuke had always wondered why? What was the reason for that inexplicable pull he felt towards the blonde?
That was Sakura's place, he married her, he formed a family with her.
Even so, he longed for Naruto's clumsy touch, and his nervous laughter, afraid of his reaction. He missed the way they would secretly cuddle when out on missions, away from the village's judgmental eye and their teammates curious gazes. Even when his mind was clouded with hatred and revenge, and the only thoughts that ran through his head were of rightful vengeance, his heart still ached at the distance he willingly put between them, and he would weep at night, yearning for his beat friend to hold him and console his anguished soul.
The Uchiha cursed himself for the steps he didn't take, for the steps he couldn't take. He cursed himself for not building up the courage to say the words, to make the move, to finally let his caged feelings free. She was safe, she was what everyone expected, she was the last resort, but at night, he couldn't look at her, because the guilt consumed him, because even after decades of pining and running after him, he still couldn't give her what she wanted, he still couldn't be the man she dreamed about. He slept beside her but his thoughts remained elsewhere. He accidentally forced Sakura into the eternal cycle of running after him, while he ran after another, but still looked back to make sure she was there.
But Naruto was Naruto, when even Sakura gave up on him, it was Naruto who ran into the darkness searching for him, he fought everyone tooth and nails just to bring him back into the village, to clean his name, to pull him back into the light. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself that this was only friendship, brotherhood, he couldn't. He knew what friendship was, this was much deeper than camaraderie, no matter how much they changed, or the years changed, their love stayed the same.
'I know your heart, and you, mine.'
Sasuke declared long ago, when his mind was clouded with hate and revenge, even in those moments his thoughts, and heart, always wandered to his blonde teammate. The man whom he loved.
Their connection remained innocent, childish; holding their pinkies, brushing their lips against each other's so lightly that it felt like a soft wind gracing their flesh, never more, never anything more. But he wanted more, he wanted to tell the world 'this is the person I love, not as a brother, not as a teammate, I love him.'
Blue eyes took in Sasuke's features, dazzled by how the moonlight made him look ethereal. His pale skin glimmered under the soft glow of the moon, and his hair, swept by the wind, looked softer than cotton, perfectly framing his sharp features. Subconsciously, his hand reached out, aiming to bury his fingers in his best friend's dark locks, but halted as a dark eye turned to him. Sasuke's frown relaxed into a soft smile as he saw Naruto's face contort into a mixture of surprise and embarrassment, so he pushed his head into the blond's outstretched hand, nuzzling into the warm flesh.
Neither spoke, surprised by their own actions and slightly scared of the other's reaction. They stared at each other for a few seconds, before Naruto's hand left Sasuke's hair, and he pushed himself off the railing to peck his friend's pale lips. He pulled away as quickly as their lips connected, both sporting wide eyes and completely red faces.
"Sasuke, I-I'm sorry... that was-"
Using his only arm, he grabbed the blonde's shirt and pulled him closer, crashing his lips into his own, they molded together and fell into an awkwardly passionate rhythm. The Uchiha's arm let go of the shirt and snaked around his neck to bury his calloused hand into his blonde tresses. Naruto, grabbed onto his hips, pulling him closer. The kiss was filled with years of unspoken feelings and hidden emotions, all let out in one singular gesture. Neither wanted to let go, finally having what they had been wanting for year, like finally reaching the promised land of their dreams. Panting, they pulled away only a few millimeter, connected by thin strip of saliva and the sentiments they held for each other.
"I need you here right by my side."
Sasuke smirked at the blonde's cheesy declaration, preparing to tease the boy, not being able to hold himself back.
"I love you, Teme."
"Took you long enough, dobe."
"What?" Naruto screeched, jumping away from the man and pointing at him, his usual hot-headed nature jumping out even in moments of romance. "You didn't say anything either!"
"Shut up and please kiss me, all night."
Their lips connected in yet another heated expression of their love, uncaring of anyone's prying eyes or who saw them. This was more important, this was the only thing in their minds at the moment, nothing else.
Just for tonight, they would love freely.
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skyahri · 6 months
How They Found Out P2 |Naruto Men X Reader| HC
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Characters: Sasuke Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Kakashi Hatake
Summary: The aftermath of your relationship becoming public. Part two to How They Found Out
Warnings: Mentions of sex, marriage, kids. Pretty low key tbh.
Part One
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Sasuke Uchiha
What an absolute nightmare.
Once you heard the front door shut, Sasuke basically collapsed on top of you.
He groaned. His night had been ruined, and on top of it, Naruto was sure to cause drama for the coming days.
"It's okay, Sasuke. They were sure to find out anyway."
"Our relationship going public and Naruto catching us having sex are two very different issues, and it's a bit concerning that you think I'm worried about the latter."
You kick him off of you with a laugh and suggest a shower. There was no way your escapades could continue on after all the fuss.
The next morning, you basically had to drag Sasuke out of the house.
He'd been moaning and groaning and grumbling since last night, so much so that he started to sound like Shikamaru.
Who knew Sasuke could complain so much.
Once you were out the door and the second your friend's eyes caught you, they pounced.
All at once, they hounded you about what Naruto may or may not have seen (Naruto has a habit of being a bad storyteller, so who knows what actually went down)
Sasuke refused to answer any questions until the chaos had settled down. They did eventually, albeit reluctantly.
"It's true."
That just sent them all reeling again, begging for details.
You two already discussed what you'd keep secret and what you'd share, so the meeting went pretty smoothly once everyone agreed to keep their composure.
Until fucking Sakura started asking questions about your sex life.
After that, you zipped your mouth and refused to answer anything further.
They'd just have to live on not knowing anything.
Shikamaru Nara
After news got out, Ino decided it was her place to convince Shikamaru to, in her words, "be a man and ask her out already!"
He ignored her, convinced she was full of it and brushed her off.
But her words lingered in his head.
Your friends were all beginning to settle down; Naruto and Hinata had just gotten married. Talk of kids had started to circulate in the group.
Were you wanting marriage and children?
The slow buzzing quickly turned into an almost constant fog in his mind. He'd never been so distracted before.
What a drag.
Within the week, he was knocking on your door.
"I need to ask you about something."
Weird. You could read him pretty well at this point, but this energy he was putting off was new.
"What's up, Shika?"
"Do you want to get married?"
Your eyes widened and jaw dropped. When you tried to answer, you found yourself at a loss of words.
"I mean, damnit, I- do you want to get married eventually? Or have kids at some point?"
You stared at him like he had two heads.
"Are you feeling alright? Why don't you come inside?"
He didn't fight you. He walked in and sat at your table in silence while you made him some tea.
You'd pried it out of him that Ino was behind this sudden change, and assured him that things would be okay.
"Look, I never brought it up because I know you're not a feelings guy, buy yeah, I guess I would like to have a family. I thought that's what you wanted, too?"
He got that irritated look on his face. The one he always gets when people ask him to work.
"It is, but,"
"But don't worry about it. I work on your time, so whenever you're ready."
You gave him a kiss on the cheek.
He let out a sigh of relief, glad to have fallen into such a situation with someone who understands him so well.
"Not too long, though. It's been almost two years, Shika."
On second thought, this was a total drag.
Kakashi Hatake
The next morning, you two made sure to bump into his students.
They seemed rather pleased with themselves, that they had been the ones to finally catch Kakashi lacking.
It only took a single look for Sasuke to realize it was all fake. They'd been bested by their sensei once again.
That quick glance he got from Kakashi told him not to say anything to the others, which he hadn't planned on anyway.
"Kakashi sensei, why didn't you ever tell us you were seeing someone?"
He set a hand on Sakuras head and ruffled her hair.
"I try not to share my personal matters with children. That's what friends are for."
Enter Gai, who happened to hear.
"You didn't tell us either, Kakashi."
He just shrugged, sending Gai into a fit.
News traveled fast in the village. What else is to be expected when romance rumors come up about the Hokage?
Kakashi was actually very calm about the whole thing.
Despite dreading this day for a long time, he was actually very content with the outcome.
There had been so much going on when you initially got together. Wars and death and PTSD and all that.
But now was a time of peace. A perfect time to actually start living, and this was just the beginning.
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*Sometime before the chunin exams*
Gai: No, no. Listen to me rival, Neji misunderstood the situation, I wasn’t trying to teach Lee how open the eight gates!!
Tenten: Sensei, if you’re going to lie to your husband, then don’t start the sentence with “Neji misunderstood”, that’s a dead giveaway
Kakashi *boiling rage*: Well?
Gai *sweating*: Ok ok, it’s true I did taught him how to open the gates! But in my defence I forbade him to use them unless it was an emergency!
Tenten: His only options here are to fake a heart attack or have a real one
Gai *nervously sobbing his right arm*: My arm is feeling numb
Neji: Nailed it
Kakashi: That’s the wrong arm for a heart attack doofus
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kakashisenppai · 2 years
roommate! kakashi who always listen to you when you’re talking about some guy you have a crush on.
roommate! kakashi who of course is jealous, but doesnt say a word bc you look happy when you say you started dating that guy.
roommate! kakashi who watches you falling in love for someone else.
roommate! kakashi who slowly watches you leaving him alone, each time realizing hes seeing you less and less.
roommate! kakashi who started cooking for himself only.
roommate! kakashi who still tries to have game nights, but you’re not there anymore to challenge him.
roommate! kakashi who sleeps alone during a storm, feeling cold bc the landlord still didnt fix the heater and bc youre not there to hug him anymore.
roommate! kakashi who gets mad when he sees you at the campus but when hes making hes way to you, he takes you somewhere else.
roommate! kakashi who still comforts you when you come home crying because of him.
roommate! kakashi who doesnt like to see you sad, but someway feels relief when you say he broke up with you.
roommate! kakashi who knows you with the back of his hand and bought your favorite ice cream so you two eat it while watching your favorite animation movie, and of course he’s cuddling you.
roommate! kakashi who lets you have his squishmallow because you said it calmed you down.
roommate! kakashi who doesn’t let you feel blue because of him, always making sure youre distracted and happy.
roommate! kakashi who cooks you your favorites dishes for a week, just to see you smile.
roommate! kakashi who watches you getting over him.
roommate! kakashi who still doesnt know how to say to you how he feels.
roommate! kakashi who will always be there for you, because hes your friend.
ig this is kinda becoming a series.
so so so sorry for not being active, ive been actually writing this between shifts but i just didnt have the time to post it. anyways, hope you like more roommates hcs! kinda short tho. have a nice day
as always, sorry for any mistake, no beta.
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anxiadix · 2 years
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Kakashi w/ a blind S/O
Kakashi is definitely the type to quietly like move things out of their way or kind of move them in the right directions without saying a word. Oh somebody is about to run into them? Kakashi is one step ahead of his s/o already either A) moving the person with a little nudge or B) leading them the other way. And he’s kind of smooth with it? Like he won’t even stop talking to them or reading his books 💀
He is kind of fascinated if his s/o can read braille. Kakashi thinks it’s kind of cool that his s/o can read code essentially. He might even dabble in it so that he can create little messages or read things for his lover.
Bro reads his icha Icha paradise books and kind of takes advantage of the fact his S/O isn’t exactly able to know what he’s reading. Why he isn’t ashamed of reading it in public, he isn’t exactly keen of being scolded by his S/O. They probably know of the books and his love for them, but probably doesn’t catch on to everytime he pulls out that damn book.
He is definitely more cautious. He knows the village is safe, but it doesn’t help the gnawing fear that something might happen when he isn’t there. Sometimes he can quiet the thoughts but it’s always in the back of his mind.
Kakashi is more likely to accept handholding in public, not without teasing them first, “If you wanted to be closer to me you could’ve just asked,” or a simple “ Hand holding in public? How scandalous.” He’s a little shit about it, but lowkey loves it because he feels kind of needed, but also they’re so cute. I also kind of feel like pda with him isn’t really a big thing for him. Don’t get me wrong if his someone was big on it, he’ll indulge in it a little bit, but at most it’s a forehead kiss and occasional handholding.
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cptspiegel · 2 years
All of my requests are gone ): idk what happened but I wanted to write! Pls resend request or send new ones, I need the distraction. 18+ & dark content welcome.
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