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mysticlillybett · 4 months ago
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Day 12: Movie Poster for the first arc of Forgotten Indigo!
Quick sketches for missed days she said, y'know, like a liar.
Spent like idk 6 hours???
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cinnamonnala · 1 year ago
New Character :0
Here he is! His name is Orobus and hopefully you’ll be seeing a lot more of him in the near future :), lore will be shared as he shows up more.
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chickenroost · 6 months ago
Part 1 - Opening
In a world where the readings of the Tall, in this case the taro part are absolute angels and demons fight based on the two Witches that guide them. Both are sisters on the opposite sides. They read the cards and show the openings of each other but do not see the end.
As the fight continues the people of the ground begin to feel their powers and manifest into beings of legend - Minotaur, shape-shifters, and others.
Begging them to stop didn't help and siding with one side did not end. so they have no choice but to scatter. Meanwhile the sisters predict one part of their ever readings. If they stop fighting the chaos will appear.
Chaos takes form when peace becomes born. Unable to see more they both send messengers to seek out powers in many forms. The holy tree of Seraph being the strongest for light and the Coiled tree of Nivelhiem being the strongest for dark. Neither know that both are a split of the other.
Opposite as day and light but the same. The trees themselves were created through aliens harnessing mana and creating homes for themselves. Those aliens passed away leaving the tree left. It is slowly hurting the world however due to absorbing the energy of the war between the angels and demons and the only cure is to send it to space where it can grow in peace.
No one has been able to find peace however the sisters missed something in their last readings. The Knight of Wands and the your character or i could go Page of Pentacles
The story follows one so far. Kvati or Vat of the Likwai tribe of people.
Known for their mastery of the elements but also their dangerous potential. Not many are seen. His tribe are starting to fall under the War Plague, a plague that turns them into monsters due to the angels and demons fighting.
Their easily effected and cannot stay long in battle grounds due to their powerful control of mana.
Kvati wants to save his grandmother who is slowly succumbing to the War Plague. She is the eldest of the elders in the tribe and the leader as well after his grandfather died from succumbing to the plague and becoming Orobus, the snake god.
Learning of the tale of the angels and demons and their need for more power he ventures to the sky=lands to talk to both sides and tricks them into thinking he would gain the power they need to end their fights against another. In reality he will use that power to save his grandmother.
Knowing he needs blessing to pass in their lands and not be effected by the wars. he ask for both from both sides.
written by @chickenroost & @shadowmooncat
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reddirttown · 7 months ago
Language of Flowers: Vetch
In the language of flowers, the flower for today, August 13, is Vetch, which signifies shyness. Vicia orobus. Image from Wikipedia. Vicia sativa, known as the common Vetch, garden Vetch, tare, or simply Vetch, is a nitrogen-fixing leguminous plant in the family Fabaceae. ‘Vicia’ means ‘binder’ in Latin; this was the name used by Pliny for Vetch. Vetch is also referenced by Horace in his account…
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444names · 1 year ago
Names generated from French forenames and Latin given names
Abene Abria Abromy Acart Acheor Achon Adeascla Adephaël Aderia Adette Adeus Adium Adose Adrenatro Aethium Aethus Aetranus Aetus Agarius Agaël Agmus Alaamus Albie Albium Alcal Alces Aldes Aleme Alicis Alilome Alius Amathurus Angabrius Angentas Angeos Anmichric Anonianus Anpate Ansent Ansus Anterbalis Antia Antiane Antin Antinidera Antus Apolybulus Appus Archugo Aricus Artigno Artius Artus Aspaurmia Augordus Aulippus Aulus Aurba Aurio Aurolis Aurégo...
Baematte Banaque Barcus Barocraria Beanpa Beaphamus Belle Benique Benzo Berdus Berinus Berre Bistilor Blanus Bratius Buderus Budidimus Budor Budordavus Caine Caleissis Calicus Calio Calippa Calla Callette Camico Cantianus Caphosian Cartius Casdristus Cattes Chamicus Chand Charla Chaël Chria Chrinus Chrio Chriserier Chrydix Chrylus Clasine Claudius Clemmacus Clentilis Clessaus Cleud Cleus Clevick Clevine Curus Cynce Cyndus Cyntium Céatus Cécise Céliela Daena Dalinus Dartus Delphus Demaedrius Demard Demin Demones Demusius Denrius Derie Deris Destylvice Dinièvetra Dippatius Dirus Dobelades Dobrin Dobrio Dorgio Elemaes Elenoniel Elines Emarna Emondus Emoslaerus Enges Epiderin Ergermil Etleu Eugorysius Eurus Fabricus Fantilous Felidine Feligius Fidus Flole Flomyrice Florus Forta Forus Frachanius Franmistio Frastorus Frick Friettel Frisen Gadostinus Galania Galien Galiste Galline Galus Geiliscus Geilissium Gelaud Gelavus Gelia Genius Geraphemus Gerbec Gericler Gilcopho Gileadna Gividam Goysius Gricopilus Grisertus Grusla Guine Gymus Hadia Hadne Harle Heleon Heligium Hentine Hentitatte Hiervalus Hietolytus Huguen Huguet Iacquentus Ianique Ianus Iaphue Iaphus Iosichure Iosine Iosius Isidia Isidicus Istitamiph Jachetius Jachine Jeadnes Jeaechue Jeania Jeanue Jeanus Jeariane Jeatine Jerubelle Jocle Jonianne Joscaris Josiderry Jules Juluc Kardime Laengrinus Lamir Lamus Lancepa Latrasius Latrum Laurellem Leanincius Lemus Leorus Levicus Lianus Licus Lidus Lopaurc Lorus Lucish Lustervé Lutle Lybus Lycoruca Lydine Lydinus Macque Maemarcine Magilce Malemus Mandrus Manel Manice Manimes Manmarles Marchilda Marcundis Marica Marichus Marier Maripus Maristorix Marius Marlaratus Marlaus Marnus Martus Matte Maulus Meganne Menosicus Mestio Mette Metter Miene Milias Milphygia Miluc Milus Minus Miphartus Mistyco Mnegyra Mnevene Modovice Mysimes Mélie Mélisenas Naudente Neanus Neapocle Nicis Nicle Nicolaulie Nidales Noenricus Ocrannegia Olandus Olybio Orobus Oroent Palasish Panon Panus Parançois Pardaliel Paride Pasimi Patopicus Pattes Pellerdus Periennora Pertus Petras Petrin Phanus Phardide Phillevi Phillio Phillus Phimus Phius Phondris Phothius Pimus Planic Pleorascle Polauus Poleximus Poliscus Polluc Polus Pomes Pomicus Pomyria Prides Prone Pronia Psertalena Ptocra Putavus Racius Radid Raphal Raphiandus Rebis Renomus Rheodes Rionius Rodine Rodorgius Rogous Rolaus Rolis Rolus Rédrenie Rédrogo Rémes Rémirucius Saligo Salterna Sance Sandruc Sania Satille Satus Scenée Semarelias Sephanus Simian Simice Sochus Sopauderus Sophio Sophoce Soprosium Sotie Sotinus Sotius Spathilus Spaudel Stavus Sycolinus Syndus Synevenus Syrathia Sébalio Tanadam Tanniclan Tanpime Tanus Teline Thalémyrre Thelita Thelloscus Themicis Themmas Thenasisse Theon Thettes Thome Théronia Tibione Tobrichus Tycannicio Tychius Tynce Tyndanes Urbeliel Urber Valicus Vanoniette Vesilles Vicia Vicus Videphil Vilonisa Willine Woiionia Xavie Yancis Yandris Yannio Yvestra Yvone Zenangério Zence Zenciand Zenoé Zentia Zoiione Élianes Élodet Élène Érius Éroense Érène
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confusedamphibian · 3 years ago
orobus coco is so underrated there are literally 3 posts under his tag.
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froqpi-art · 5 years ago
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some allocer + jazz sketches and a recolored orobus bc i felt guilty for getting his color scheme wrong lol
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nastiiuu · 4 years ago
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I only bring the good content into this fandom
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authoratmidnight · 4 years ago
So I’ve seen people say that there’s no way Mairuma would go dark or explore darker things since it’s a comedy series but, i don’t think that’s true. Cause, it already IS.
It’s true that it’s marked as ‘fantasy comedy’ but I don’t think that means it can’t be dark. Esp since, if you peel away the haha funny surface, it IS dark and has seeds of far more sinister things planted.
-Iruma’s life pre-Sully. I know the series tends to play this up for laughs or just kinda, gloss over it, but when you stop and think about Iruma’s life for the first 14 years, it is deeply fucked. Even Bachiko was like ‘dude wtf’ when Iruma casually commented on it during training. If a DEMON think your life and parents were fucked, it’s pretty fucked. For god sakes, the sight Iruma saw when affected by Orobus’ Trauma ability was HIS PARENTS! Literally his greatest fear was that his parents would come back and take him away from everyone who loves him.
Not to mention the fact that he has some serious food issues, specifically pertaining to starvation. The first time we see him eating at school he’s practically inhaling it all and there’s a short line about how he ‘needs to eat as much as he can now cause he doesn’t know when he’ll get to eat later’ which uh, that sounds kinda bad. And given that we know that he was basically left to fend for himself frequently, this all adds up to ‘Iruma probably went without food growing up a lot’ (which also might explain him being so short and small, lack of food/proper nutrition is gonna lead to a stunted growth)
-There is literally a war going on. it’s been brought up a few times but there is a whole-ass war happening off page. It’s not focused on too much b/c the main cast are kids. At school. But like, it is there and happening (and tbh I bet all the adults-teachers esp-are probably doing everything they can to keep the kids minds off that subject).
-The main antagonist group are literal terrorists. Like, Kirio and the 6 fingers and their allies? They are terrorists. No ifs and or buts about that. Their goal (as much as we’ve been told) is to sow discord in the demon world and return it to its wild, violent, primal form. They tried to blow up the school, then later attacked an amusement park.
-Also apparently demons have been going missing recently/been kidnapped and iirc it’s tied to them. So like, yeah that’s also happening.
-Speaking of the amusement park, it’s literally powered by violent, dangerous criminals. They just kinda, glossed over that little fact after dropping it on us like, nbd.
-The whole ‘return to origins’ thing is deeply terrifying. They’re basically going feral. And the fact that it could potentially happen to *anyone* AND that we don’t really know what triggers/causes it? Yikes. To a lesser extent a Wicked Phase is also terrifying but those can be broken out of/are temporary. As far as we know, RtO is irreversible.
-Students can just, die, at school. And from the way it’s treated this is, not particularly uncommon????? Kalego was quick to write off Saburo when he decided to take the route of certain death during the flying exam(I know it was partly ‘well i can’t help stupid’ + ‘i already warned him so if he’s gonna do this that’s on him’ but still) And it was mentioned in passing during the Harvest Festival that they do, on occasion, lose students during said event, even w/ all the precautions in place. And at one point Ameri stops one student-in the midst of a wicked phase iirc-from eating another. Shit has almost certainly gone badly in the past.
Like, ???? what exactly is the mortality rate of Babyls, or any school????
And just, it’s mentioned numerous times that the demon world is a harsh, dangerous place to live in, to survive in, which is why life is so very precious. Because it’s so easily lost there.
And you’re telling me this series *won’t* touch on darker subjects? It’s already doing that, and with things I’m sure we’re going to see expanded upon given that they’re, kinda big things(namely w/e Kirio and co have planned and maybe that war in the bg).
Like, maybe it won’t to be like, AoT levels or dark or w/e. But it does have darker moments and will likely continue to have them and it almost certainly is going to elaborate on them eventually.
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persona4ideal · 5 years ago
Hello! There are 2 of the bad endings that I'm struggling to get. The 14th one (Orobus in Saki's shadow fight w/ no SLP w/ Yosuke,) & the 16th one (Saki Mitama in Saki's shadow fight w/ no SLP w/ Yukiko). The problem is that every time I try, I keep getting the wrong bad endings 13th and 15th, I was wondering what I need to do to get them. I would like to mention that the demo is amazing, done very well, & I'm looking forward to updates & the full game! Thank you so much for your help & time!
I’ll take a look at the code and try to see if I can figure out what’s happening. Thank you so much for playing, even though there hasn’t been an update in over a year ^^;
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krs955 · 4 years ago
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ナンテンハギ (南天萩, フタバハギ, 双葉萩, アズキナ, 小豆菜, two-leaf vetch, マメ科, :: Vicia unijuga A.Braun Syn.:: Ervum unijugum (A.Braun) Alef. Syn.:: Lathyrus Syn.:: messerschmidii Franch. & Sav. Syn.:: Orobus lathyroides L. Syn.:: Vicia austrohigoensis Honda Syn.:: Vicia linearifolia Y.N.Lee Syn.:: Vicia unijuga var. austrohigoensis (Honda) Sugim. ex Yonek. Syn.:: Vicia unijuga subsp. minor (Nakai) Y.N.Lee Syn.:: Vicia unijuga f. trifoliolata (Z.D.Xia) Y.Endo & H.Ohashi Syn.:: Vicia unijuga var. trifoliolata Z.D.Xia Syn.:: Vicia unijuga var. ulsaniana M.Kim & H.Jo Syn.:: Vicia unijuga var. waldeniana S.Y.Hu )
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eldonash · 5 years ago
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Haxian || Maker {npc}
Vampire \\ 506y
FC: Wang Yibo
History: Originally from a small village in south China, Mo Haxian was created by a vampire who found him too beautiful to pass up. His maker, unfortunately, disappeared into politics and Haxian left the country uninterested. He roamed the world alone until he met Orobus. He has possessively been by his side for the last four hundred years, enjoying this century in America. Like Orobus, they both speak many languages. 
Current: Haxian is on the cusp of transformation into an Elder Vampire and he doesn't like it one damn bit. His fingers have elongated slightly, and black, dense nails pull from the tips, teeth are never retracted, and now has six jagged incisors. His eyes are a fierce red that bleeds into the whites. His beautiful human visage is sinking around his eyes to hallow his features out, making him look very dead and accentuating his bone structure which seems to be on its way to change further away from human as well. Haxian is now unable to truly blend into the human population casually, but in certain, crowded and distracted environments he can. Their temperament is shifting as well, and with Orobus wanting to try to attempt to curve his murderous brutality for awhile, it’s making him frustrated. 
Haxian is a lazy vampire, and has always indulged in Orobus’ kills more than taking the lead on it. Conflict is settling between them for the first time, and Haxian wants nothing more but his serial killer progeny to terrorize White Crest. 
Personality: Loyal, possessive, lazy, compelling
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magnificent-winged-beast · 6 years ago
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Favorite Destiel Moment
Road Trip ∞ SPN 09x10 
From the files: Totally heterosexual looks, Bro. PART III
They get closer and closer, and didn't even care that Crowley was there mocking them because of Sam.
Why is this intense eye fucking and signature Destiel meetings occur because of Sam?
And all the very married old couple, we are fighting but we still love each other scenes, happen when Sam is there in the middle? That, I suppose, it’s a mystery of life, a constant reminder of the Orobus conundrum. Sam seems to be the gravitational point of Destiel, even in Fanfiction.
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Homestuck Epilogue Spoilers
So after finishing Meat route, I really, REALLY can’t shake the feeling the epilogue gives me.
It’s a fanfiction.
I get that its the point, thus the Archive of Our Own formatting at the start and tags.
I don’t mean that in a BAD way, and maybe is the formatting or maybe it is the that I’ve not reread the main comic in a while, but it gives off those vibes. 
Vibes that this wasn’t written by the creator or under his eye, the source of ‘canon that is’, but someone who is well versed in it and only confided to what their reads would allow -- if that makes sense. 
The feeling Like reading those fics where the author that really dislike a ship or character and pull a Ron the death eater trope on the hated character * or those fics with a that have everyone hook up 
 which honestly still creeps me out, since wasn’t (Vriska) was like 16 human years and Gamzee like idk in his twenties or thirties at least? (and for that matter wasn’t Gamzee like 16 when he and Jane honked up while she was like 25??? Did taking them into the Candy Timeline age them up to what they would be if they lived there and I skipped that explanation???? I digress.)
Anyway, to finish this messy ramble, I’m half expecting this to end up ‘All Being A Dream’ or some other bullshit ending. Or even the whole story resetting itself to the start like some big orobus snake paradox where the endings have to collide to make the story start in the first place.
*honestly, I don’t actually think either Jane nor Dirk’s actions were too out of character. I think I’m a minority here, but idk. Still not happy about this happening to some good characters but what can I do but complain? I don’t control canon.
EDIT: went through the tag and found out that YES other authors beside hussie wrote out the epilogue. But they were still under his watchful eye.
Also that this really is just a fic of Dirk/Dead Cherubs invention, given how canon is disregarded several times. *shrug*
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froqpi-art · 5 years ago
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i spent 30 min trying to find ocho’s full name to no avail 
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444names · 2 years ago
roman emperors and spanish forenames + congolese names
Abargera Abentumel Ablayi Abokuanus Abrines Aderto Adiabria Adiocacus Aditus Adria Aelinyi Aemiro Agratra Alaye Alemba Alensios Alenton Aleodoro Aliaye Allentu Almuto Aloteons Alubel Aluinus Alvichan Alwasilon Amano Amazayi Anati Ancia Andanga Andrena Angalukus Angayi Anitu Antinaba Arcano Arcual Aurienga Aurinerna Bakababio Baltricto Banda Banga Baran Barlomela Barna Barusuku Basdo Beatu Begon Beldo Belera Belionga Benji Biguana Bisaro Biseguna Bokoboko Borobas Bridi Brius Bulrica Cadida Calunya Canus Cardos Cario Carmia Cartonay Casumpula Catibo Celta Cephio Cerminago Clacia Clianda Clonia Cobambena Combala Conge Cosan Criano Crida Dadee Dadro Dalban Davicela Derto Desta Destheo Dibundrio Dibuya Dimia Dimuku Dimus Ditume Domena Donsius Edgai Eleatado Elius Emasidia Embedian Emira Erenuswa Ertan Estana Estin Eufelano Euguatia Eveste Faban Fabernan Fabero Faberto Fabulisia Felea Felio Ferido Ferrau Fertuku Fiaro Filupelao Flauro Flobudida Flodo Flomantxa Flomba Flombi Flonda Flonila Frakabi Franderna Frando Frodua Fronso Funcella Galla Gelan Genrio Gilius Ginabikos Ginericon Giresta Hadelia Hamenesta Heodo Hugoy Huguniana Humba Iguaba Igustica Illaul Illius Imira Inaracian Inignus Irebruba Isiusalba Iswanteo Jaina Jaitu Janga Janzayde Javida Jinmantu Joaque Joracio Joreia Joreleon Josus Jovaria Juala Jualvia Juanga Juanorio Juluku Kababiani Kabastasa Kabegonia Kabena Kabrubatu Kabruta Kabude Kabuna Kaburius Kalbal Kalena Kallia Kalourana Kalus Kamayi Kamignus Kaminoe Kango Kangoya Kantus Kapielu Kapienia Kapito Kasanatu Kasara Kasdo Kashiosus Kasio Katomba Katomon Katrianca Kazayi Kimidji Kinespa Koberando Larto Laulia Lenda Lendoro Lensilio Lenstina Leodesa Lernela Lianda Libario Linoe Lobuto Lojikudia Lonsode Lornatu Lucianga Lucisia Luiettefa Lunus Lwambasio Maela Maime Majoangel Mamax Mambalia Mamentagu Mamwe Manacia Mantilvar Marafros Marcentu Mardo Mariaku Marica Marlashan Marmiben Marne Maron Mascunyi Matia Maugu Maximbi Melius Mfuluci Mfumbu Mfunda Micayi Micento Milda Modus Motefro Mpambon Mparian Mpatumpa Muandi Mubaleji Muber Mucio Mudian Muditu Muela Mukan Mukede Mukedus Mukenerna Mukundo Mukus Mulco Mulian Mulitla Mulmar Mulmudio Mulomilo Muluni Mulus Mumbabla Mumpu Munamba Muncio Mundius Mundolici Mundoro Munga Mungabu Muntumbo Munya Mutad Mveshiya Mwamwango Mwana Mwando Mwayi Naria Nartanca Natilva Natinayi Ndros Neleo Nesteodio Ngario Ngoldo Nitakabo Ntianga Ntina Ntinueta Nustona Nzamashia Nzamba Ofeme Ofidibana Olena Oloratu Oranda Ornambel Orobue Osunyi Paklo Pambwe Paquelayi Pasalloba Pastina Patinuel Paugor Paydes Perto Petambamu Pilas Pilda Racua Raillia Ranyi Ricara Ricitu Riterutu Roboy Rodibigo Romiro Ronstan Ruboyi Rustius Sakas Samasiusa Samila Sangio Sarakios Segid Segolisa Sekenge Selesa Senga Senus Seribu Sertoku Sespa Seste Sever Shibwe Shinanius Sidio Silia Siosilda Siumbena Solote Soramonia Talobanga Tavirga Tendro Terna Thechayi Thedga Thedmulba Thembakus Theoper Therio Timutheon Trata Tresta Trica Trius Tromina Trystina Tsenas Tshambo Tshami Tshampa Tshan Tshandrio Tshaydel Tshia Tshiana Tshiande Tshiangue Tshibu Tshikabo Tshikos Tshilo Tshime Tshio Tshionitu Tshipatu Tshisel Tshisla Tshista Tshiya Tshoaque Tubelibin Tukedi Tuswa Uloyan Uluboy Uluciabo Ulupe Uremina Valejasio Valeo Varius Vemilba Verner Vesakus Viancana Vicia Victo Vidimael Viezi Waloji Wambea Wango Ximuba Yulmaz Zolauria Zulupio
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