#orla mccool x michelle mallon
mel-is-sanonymous1994 · 5 months
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Kisses Taste Like Candy
Part 1
Part 2
-Orla McCool x Michelle Mallon
-Didn’t proof read it so I’m sure it’s not the greatest
-I have never lived in Ireland or even pretended to so I’m not so good at the slang part
Summary: Jenny Joyce is Evil and it doesn’t get better during summer home from university. What’s the worst that could happen during spin the bottle.
“You can’t be serious!” I said.
“Come on Michelle it’s just a wee peck you don’t even have to do anything.” Claire whispered. Since college she has grown a bit of a spine it seems must be the college girls.
“It’s Orla for christs sake!” I said glancing at the girl in question she was focused on something else entirely already bored with the game they had just started playing. Whoever said spin the bottle would be fun lied.
“Is it because she’s a girl?” Claire asked me with a flash of hurt in her eyes.
“No, I’ve been to college parties Claire I’ve probably kissed more girls than you’ve even looked at.” I said.
“But you both went to an all girls catholic school.” James pointed out.
“A rides a ride James.” I said blushing a bit.
“So then what’s the problem?” Erin asked.
“Is someone backing down?” Jenny Joyce taunted. She had already came out on top in this game not only avoiding all of the girls but managing to get to make out with the hottest man to ever step foot in Derry.
“I’m not backing down I just don’t think it’s fair to Orla is all.” I explained. Jenny smirked her wicked smirk and looked to Orla who was busy taking the ends of her hair and individually separating the section strand by strand almost as if she was counting them.
“She gets a pass doesn’t she?” James asked.
“Yeah, she does.” Erin smiled.
“It’s not a pass though.” Claire said remembering the rules.
“That’s correct Claire, Michelle can pass but she would have to take whoever it lands on next and the person who goes after her has to take Orla.” Aisling said with a sad look on her face. She had only gotten nicer being away from Jenny and her influence but she was still the loyal puppet to the superior girl. I looked next to me as Orla tuned back into the game.
“Oi I’ve got no problem with making out with her, she’s a ride.” The male to my left said. I shot glare at James who earlier had decided to make me sit next to the absolute dickhead who was currently staring at Orla in a way that would make even the brightest girls feel uncomfortable.
“Sorry what did I miss?” Orla asked as she looked at everyone staring at her. She turned red from the attention. I had to admit the dance classes she had been taking were paying off, she chose to stay in Derry and work at the local animal shelter after school.
“You were picked for spin the bottle and Michelle passed on you.” Jenny said harshly. Orla didn’t understand though.
“I thought we were playing tag.” She frowned.
“Tonsil tag.” Jenny Joyce said with a snicker.
“I don’t have my tonsils anymore Jenny, your da took em.” Orla scrunched her eyebrows in confusion. The ballbag next to me stood up and walked over to Orla grabbing her arm hoisting her up.
“Hey! Wait!” I said as I saw Orlas look of confusion once she stood facing him. He had already put his hand on her face.
“You already passed.” The guy said holding Orla possessively.
“I didn’t officially, I just hesitated.” I said nervously standing up quickly to take his place. Typically we didnt have to stand for this stupid game but the fucker had to make it a big deal.
“Go on then Michelle.” Jenny said. I glared at her as the asshole petted Orla’s head and then winked at me and sat back down. I stood in front of the taller girl.
“You alright Michelle?” She smiled at me as she looked less uncomfortable with a familiar face in front of her.
“I’m alright Orla.” I said.
“Enough of the small talk.” Jenny said with her arms crossed.
“I’m gonna kiss you now Orla is that ok?” I asked silently hoping she’d say no.
“Alright Michelle.” She said. I leaned in and placed my hand on her cheek looking carefully in her eyes for any sign that she changed her mind. She closed her eyes as my lips were mere millimeters from hers. I rolled my eyes and just went for it connecting our closed lips in a very innocent kiss. She had lip gloss on. I could smell the little alcohol she had drank mixing with the cotton candy flavored lip smacker she insisted on applying anytime she could, the smell was intoxicating. Her lips were soft and warm. I felt her jaw open slightly and on instinct deepened the kiss a bit quickly going from a quick peck to full snog. I could taste the lip gloss now mixing with the lingering taste of Tequila on my own tongue. I was addicted. I came back into my brain for a minute when I realized that Orla wasn’t participating as much as I was. I pulled away quickly and breathed heavy as if I just ran a marathon. Orla’s brown eyes were staring back at me. I put my hand to my lips covering the evidence as best I could. Orla’s face was flushed. I began to panic, how could I have done that with one of my best friends, the sweetest and most innocent of us all. I felt the sharp sting of tears in my eyes as I ran out of the room. I heard James calling after me but I kept running until I couldn’t breathe anymore and noticed I had ran all the way to finnoulas. I bent over and clutched my sides as I fought to get air to stay in my lungs.
“Stupid Michelle! How could you do that! She’s never gonna speak to you again!” I yelled at myself. I tried to dissect every second of the kiss. The smell the taste the feelings, everything. I panicked more when I realized that I actually really liked kissing Orla and I found myself wishing I could do it again. I almost started running again but a small voice stopped me.
“Michelle, are you alright?” Orla asked as I stood up straight still struggling to breathe properly.
“I’m sorry Orla. I shouldn’t have agreed to kiss you, that wasn’t fair to you. I should’ve just said we should leave.” I apologized.
“Michelle.” She started but I cut her off.
“And I’m sorry I stuck my tongue in your mouth, that was uncalled for and I totally understand if you never want to speak to me ever again.” I said with tears in my eyes now. She opened her mouth to speak but I couldn’t stop.
“You are one of my best friends Orla and I’ve gone and messed that up just because Jenny Joyce is an evil cunt.” I said with tears blurring my eyes until Orla was just a smudge in front of me. Before she could say anything I heard more footsteps approaching quickly. I saw it was the other girls and James.
“Is everything alright?” James asked noticing I was crying. He knew I wasn’t one to cry over just anything. I shook my head. I didn’t dare look at Orla who was still trying to get a word in while Erin, Claire, and James fussed over me.
“I’m gonna take her home.” I heard James say as he put his arm around me and walked us towards our house which wasn’t too far away.
“Wait..” I heard Orla say but Erin had pulled her in the other direction.
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fanaticbitchhh · 9 months
aye, gag me with a spoon will ye?
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james maguire x fem!quinn!reader
warnings: fluff, mentions of blood
notes: this was so rushed but i wanted to get something out for james because we're lackin' james appreciation on this app !!
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it was early in the morning, well 11 am but still early for y/n. she was packed and ready to go to portnoo with the rest of the derry girls, and james of course.
her and james have been dating a little over 6 months now, they couldnt be happier. they had awesome friends, well michelle was still a bit of a bitch towards james but he could deal, and he had the most perfect girlfriend he could ask for.
y/n headed downstairs, excited to see her boyfriend as she heard his voice from the living room. she wore relatively comfortable clothes, a pair of james' sweatpants and his hoodie did her just fine.
as she bounded towards james, she failed to notice the tent in her way and she tripped over it. she was absolutely mortified and felt blood trickling from her nose at the impact from the floor.
"oh god, y/n, are you okay?" james panicked, rushing to her side.
"aye dont worry yourself jamie, im fine. just excited to see you is all" she smiled to the worried boy infront of her.
"c'mon, lets get you cleaned up." he said, taking her hand and leading her up to the bathroom.
she reluctantly sat on the counter, waiting for james to do whatever he was to do so she could kiss him without blood going all over him. eventually, james ripped off a bit of toilet roll and shoved it under her nose to catch the blood.
they sat there for a few minutes, admiring eachother with lovesick smiles on their faces before james pulled the tissue away.
"you're alright, yeah?" james asked, kissing her forehead.
she hopped off the counter and stood by the door way.
"with you here, im always okay." she smiled, booping his nose softly.
he blushed and laughed a bit, he always got shy when she flirted with him, or did anything remotely romantic. it was foreign to him, he was so used to michelle always saying he'd never find love that when he actually did, it was hard to accept it.
he kissed her softly, smiles playing on both their faces as they did so.
"i love you jamie" she smiles as they break away.
"i love you too y/n/n, more than you know." he smiles back.
"aye, gag me with a spoon will ye?"
the two jump away from eachother.
"michelle!" they exclaim as she chuckles almost like a witch.
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dirtyslag96 · 5 months
Idiots in love-James Maguire
Pairing: James Maguire/fem!reader
Rating: PG-16
Words: 1,331 words
Warnings: Fluff, Lying, Curse words, use of Y/N, love interests being idiots in love and oblivious to eachothers love for the other, not proof read
Synopsis: You notice James subtly trying to get your attention and you're not sure why, so you try to find out as you perhaps started developing feelings for the Brit. you're sure of one thing, and that no matter how hard you had tried to lie, he will find out.
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a/n: based on prompt #1018 from this list (“Shut up, I’m trying to confess my love to you.”) ". requested by @themallonbisexualmess , also I would appreciate some tips since I'm still new to writing fics, also dialogue between the five will be characterised by the colour, Y/N, Orla, Erin, James, Michelle, Clare
The first day you met James you considered him quite odd, not only because he was English but also he was attending an all girls school and was somehow Michelle Mallon's cousin.
All six of you were sat at Erin and Orla's house after school playing board games when suddenly the home telephone rings.
"would someone go get that its making me deaf for Christ's sake", said Erin.
"Gerry make yourself useful would ya", announced Joe, clearly annoyed by Erin's father.
Gerry looked confused but nevertheless walked over to answer, "Hello?, Yeah she's right here", a couple of seconds later, "I'll let her know"
"Y/N, your parents want you back home in 10 minutes"
"Oh, isn't it a bit early? did they tell you why?", you were confused since it was still 9 o'clock and your parents usually have you curfew by 12.
"No, would you like a ride home?", you never understood why Joe hated Erin's dad so much considering he was the most thoughtful and caring one of all your parents.
"For fuck's sake Y/N did you do something?", Michelle alway commented on everything happening.
"Yeah its a bit weird"
"James, how many times have I told you we do not care"
Seeing James' dissapointed face made you even sadder you were leaving early, though you never understood why your mood also often depended on his. Perhaps you had feelings for him? no, you wouldn't believe it even if you did.
"I'll be on my way then, see you tomorrow", involuntarily you felt yourself looking at James. "Thank you Gerry I would appreciate it if you got me a ride home"
"Bye Y/N!", all of them shouted.
"Finally being useful for once", you heard Joe snicker as you left out the door.
The next day, you had told Clare about it, she said that you definitely have some feelings for him, since you trusted Clare's judgement you've started noticing that James mostly starts conversations directly to you. Clare also had pointed out that when the Ukrainian girl showed up hitting on James, that you had been more closed off and easily exasperated than usual.
The six of you were suspended since Michelle and James had broken the statue "The Child of Prague", while arguing so you all had agreed to meet up at Erin's place for the week. Your mix of emotions towards James had led you to unintentionally start avoiding him, surprisingly Michelle and Clare had been subtly trying push you two together. You speculated that Clare must've told Michelle or that they had also felt a drift between you and James.
Orla pulled out a board game that had the six of you pair up into three teams of two, to decide who would be paired together you all wrote your names at placed it in a random jar that Erin found in the kitchen.
"Orla and...", Clare!", Erin said as she was the one who pulled out the names.
"Interesting..", muttered Orla as Clare took in a loud sigh.
"Y/N and..", "James!", was the universe really fucking with you? you look at him, seeing his happy face made you feel things you never expected to feel for James, then you attempted to avert his gaze but soon enough you looked up to his disappointed and baffled face to why you were trying to avoid him.
Michelle noticed the tension between you two so she broke the deafening silence, "So that leaves me n' you Erin, this is rank".
"Start without me I don't feel well I feel like throwing up, I'll be up in the bathroom", in truth you wanted to be as far away from James as you can so you practically dash upstairs to Erin's toilet. The rest of the five looked quite baffled since nothing seemed wrong with you but you have been acting rather weird these past few days.
You heard a pair of footsteps coming up the stairs and you assumed someone had come up looking for you, you heard a knock on the door, you were praying it wasn't him. But then again you heard knocking again and a voice, James' voice "Y/N are you okay in there?".
You had two options either lie and say you were sick or...
"Y/N!", his voice yet again heard, interrupts your train of thoughts, so you slowly walk over to the bathroom door and open it.
"oh.. hey you said you weren't feeling well so I came up here to check on you but you seem fine right now", right now you couldn't have felt any better since he came up here concerned, the way his hair was ruffled yet tidy, the way his accent affected his words, and his voice.
You remained quiet for a long time, "uh-i guess I didnt need to throw up after all", you said as you tried to push past him to get out of the small bathroom that could have suffocated both of you with the amount of tension in the air.
To your surprise he shifted quickly, blocking you and closing the door acting like a shield. "what-"
"no, I don't get it you've been avoiding me! why? did I do something wrong for fuck's sake Michelle even noticed! she asked if I annoyed you but I would never do it on purpose just please tell what is going on!", his outburst surprised since usually he was quiet and self preserved.
"there's nothing wrong James I don't know where you're getting that idea from"
slowly he stepped forward before he spoke, "you are lying, I can tell-"
"I-, what? this is ridiculous James let me out of here!"
Unbeknownst to the both of you, the rest of the group followed James upstairs and are now listening to your conversation through the door.
"No! not until you tell me what's wrong, have I upset you, , I notice everything about you don't you get it Y/N- ?", his face nearly made you crumble, you felt bad for irritating him as much as you are right know but you are not confessing why you have been avoiding him.
"for crying out loud, no James you haven't upset me in any way shape or form, this is stupid-", you were both cutting each other off, he was not letting you lie, while you were trying not to let him catch on to your feelings.
"Would you shut up, I have been trying to confess my emotions of love to you all week, and you have been simply ignoring that do you know how hurt I felt thinking I had upset you or something!”
You were in genuine shock and you were sure you heard a few gasps from outside the door.
"Do you actually feel that way James? because if so then so do I.."
Like magnets, you both came forward pressing your lips together, you felt him smile. Next thing you know the rest of the girls opened the door and saw both of you, they yelled and talked over eachother at the same time
"OH FINALLY!", exclaimed Clare,
"The form of human art always so interesting", Orla muttered as always,
"Congrats?!", Erin was quite unsure of what to say since she found two of her best friends kissing in her bathroom.
"FINALLY! you two took a long time figuring each other's feelings I was tortured by James talking about you all the time, and Clare the poor girl had to endure you talking about James!", you assumed Michelle would hate the idea of one other bestfriends and her cousin being together.
"What the fuck!", you both yelled while slamming the bathroom door closed and hearing giggles not the other end, you and James looked at each other and started laughing.
"You two get back out here I'm still not a hundred percent on the pair of you, but just because I approve doesn't mean you can start fucking"
"Yeah please not inside of my bathroom either!"
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agaypanic · 2 months
The Fella Part 11 (James Maguire X Quinn!Reader)
The Fella Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Request Something!
Summary: As prom approaches, the girls find a strange friend in the new Our Lady Immaculate student. 
A/N: ahhhh only one chapter left!!! i usually don’t say the word count in fics, but this is the longest chapter of The Fella and possibly my longest fic to date, its almost 9k words long. So just a warning for yall. like the last few chapters, thanks to @crumpets-are-better-with-jam for writing out the script of this episode for me. Some suggestive stuff (not talking about michelle lol), but the characters are 17 and it’s not explicit. If you’re gonna be like “this surprise character you put in totally wouldn’t do this” just keep it to yourself bc i can do what i want, im the god of my creation (im so fucking crazy)
School formals were always exciting. At least, if you went with exciting people. And if it was a formal at the end of the year, it was even better because you could celebrate school ending and a summer of fun beginning.
One of the reasons Y/n and her friends were looking forward to the end of term was because they wouldn’t have to hear Jenny Joyce’s horrendous singing for a few months. Everyone in the assembly seemed to share their sentiment as they all stared at the stage, uninterested and displeased. It didn’t help that the girls were dressed in striped suit jackets, making them look like some sort of barbershop quartet. Y/n cringed as Jenny and her friends sang their last note, which wasn’t very good.
There was a slight pause, and Sister Michael looked relieved that this was the song’s end. “Lovely…” It was clear that she didn’t really think so. “And I believe you wrote the lyrics yourselves, is that correct?”
“It is indeed, Sister,” Jenny responded smugly.
“Makes sense,” Y/n muttered to her friends. “It was a load of shite.” They all made quiet sounds of agreement before turning their attention back to the stage.
“Do you ever think you might have too much time on your hands, girls?” Jenny and her group didn’t respond, but there was a murmur of giggles among the crowd as Sister Michael stood from her chair. “Lose the jackets.” She said, dismissing them from the stage before stepping up to the microphone. “Okay, just a couple of things. Firstly, I’d like to introduce Mae Cheung. Can you make yourself known, please, Mae?”
A few rows before the girls, a hand slowly and awkwardly rose into the air in the middle of the crowd. Everyone tried to get a good look at her, but it was difficult since most people could only see the back of her head.
“Miss Cheung’s family have recently moved here to Derry, so I hope you’ll all make her feel very welcome. It’s bound to be a bit of a culture shock, Mae. Things are done differently in this part of the world. But I’m sure you’ll soon feel as at home here as you did back in your beloved Donegal.” There was a beat of silence before Sister Michael remembered the other announcement she needed to make. She pulled out a piece of paper, looking at the crowd before reading it. “Announcement from Jenny Joyce and the dance committee: ‘The school social event for the year is fast approaching, but before you… don your glad rags… and- boogie- on- down…’” She sighed, looking at the paper appalled. “I’m sorry, I simply cannot read this.” She stepped away from the microphone, giving Jenny Joyce the paper before sitting in her chair.
Jenny eagerly went to the mic, showing too much energy and enthusiasm for a Monday morning with her big grin and little dance moves as she spoke. “But before you don your glad rags and boogie on down, we’d like to let you in on our little secret. We’re not actually gonna have a school formal this year.”
The assembly went into an uproar, and rightfully so. There were some murmurs of disbelief and booing, and Jenny waved her hands around with a smile.
“No, listen. We’re not gonna have a school formal. We’re gonna have…” As she paused for effect, her three friends started singing ‘doo-be doo’s in the background. “A fifties prom!”
That caused even more of a reaction. Michelle and Y/n were pretty vocal about this silly decision, gaining the attention of Sister Michael. “Girls!” She said, effectively quieting the large room. She addressed all the students, but her somewhat mischievous gaze was on Y/n and Michelle. “If you have any feedback, you can find Miss Joyce after assembly.”
“I know, I know.” Jenny laughed off everyone’s reactions. “But I do love a theme. Sure, isn’t that why they call me the Theme Queen?”
The girls looked at each other, confused. “Who said that?” Y/n asked.
“Do they?” Clare questioned.
“Do they fuck.” Michelle answered.
Jenny continued, not having heard their little conversation. “We wanted to have a real, old school, retro, vintage vibe, so feel free to just go for it!”
“Feel free to kiss my hole,” Michelle muttered.
After being released by Sister Michael, the girls and James walked through the hallways, discreetly looking for someone. Turning into one of the halls with a wall of lockers, Clare gasped.
“There she is.” Everyone saw the new girl, Mae, at her locker. Clare turned around to face her friends, filled with her usual frantic energy. “Okay, so, I say we just go over there and be ourselves, girls. Well, not totally ourselves. We should definitely be a bit ourselves. We could also pretend we’re sort of better than we actually are, so, I supposed what I’m saying is we could present a version of ourselves as less-”
“Shit.” Y/n finished the sentence, giving Clare a much-needed break to breathe.
“Why do we even have to talk to her?” Michelle asked, her crabby mood from having to listen to Jenny earlier still present.
Clare rolled her eyes, thinking the answer was obvious. “Because she’s new, Michelle.”
Michelle groaned. “I hate people I don’t know.”
“Aw.” Y/n cooed, putting an arm around her friend’s shoulder. “Does that mean you love us?”
“I wouldn’t go that far.” She answered, shoving Y/n’s arm off.
“And, in case you hadn’t noticed, she happens to be Chinese.” Clare continued. “I mean, how class would it be to have a Chinese friend?”
“We could keep her in my toy box.” Y/n and Erin looked at their cousin with alarm.
“No, we couldn’t, Orla.”
“That’s kidnapping, I’m pretty sure.”
“She’d definitely fit,” Orla said adamantly.
“That’s not the point.”
“Fine.” Michelle was clearly ignoring the strange side conversation. “But can we agree it’s on a strict one-in-one-out basis? If she joins the group, James has to leave.”
Everyone responded in agreement, except for Y/n and James, of course. The girls made their way over to the new girl, leaving the couple confused.
“Excuse me?” James said to no one in particular, but then frowned at his girlfriend. “Are they serious?”
Y/n snorted, grabbing James’ arm. “Probably.” Without further elaboration, she pulled the boy towards the rest of their friends. Despite only being separated for a short time, it seemed that James and Y/n had missed some secondhand embarrassment from Clare’s brief interaction with the new girl, Mae.
Mae stared at Clare for a moment before looking at the group. “Is she alright?”
Michelle leaned down to Clare’s ear, rolling her eyes. “Burnin’ for you, Clare.”
“It’s Cantonese.” Clare stuttered out to Mae.
“Right. Well, I’m from Donegal, and we speak English there.”
“If you say so, Mae,” Michelle said. “But I spent a summer in Killybegs, and seriously, not a fuckin’ word.” Y/n elbowed her friend in the side, making a comment about how that might’ve been more of an issue with Michelle’s intelligence than with the town of Killybegs.
Clare smiled kindly at Mae, trying to amend the awkward situation. “We just wanted to introduce ourselves and-”
“-Okay, I think I see where this is going.” Mae interrupted, holding up her hand to further silence the short blonde. “I get this a lot. Dull, white girls want me to join their gang because, well…” Mae gestured to herself to finish the point. 
“We’re not dull,” Erin argued.
Y/n pointed to James. “And he’s a boy.”
“A man, Y/n.” James corrected, as if he had had this conversation many times. “I’m a man.”
“Woah.” Mae almost laughed. “She has a really fucked up accent.”
“We know,” Michelle said with a sigh.
James leaned into his girlfriend, slightly offended. “I’m not a girl; I’m a man.”
“Sure you are, Jamie,” Y/n said, patting his cheek before focusing back on the main conversation.
Mae sighed, slinging her bag over her shoulder and looking the group over with a judging look. “What’s in this for me?” She asked. “What do you bring to the table?”
Orla held out her hand. “Six cream crackers?”
Y/n snatched one of the crackers and put it in her mouth, looking at Mae. “Five cream crackers.” She corrected. Mae raised her brow at the two girls.
“I’m good for cream crackers, thank you.” Her tone was filled with sass, but Orla didn’t catch it, so she just shrugged and put them back in her pocket. Mae slammed her locker closed and gave the girls one last look. “I’ll see you around, girls.”
The group disappointedly watched her walk off. Except for Orla, because the girl was an optimist through and through. “Maybe we don’t need a Chinese person.” She said. “We’ve still got a lesbian.”
Suddenly, Mae whipped her head back around. “What? Who?” She quickly walked back to the girls. Timidly, Clare raised her hand.
Mae didn’t look too convinced. “Really? You don’t look like a lesbian.”
Y/n put a protective arm around Clare, almost standing in front of her. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” She asked inquisitively. Mae’s sudden interest and then questioning of Clare being a lesbian was making Y/n wonder if the girls should even try to get her to be their friend.
Mae seemed to ignore Y/n, instead giving Clare a once-over. “It’s just that you’re a bit… short.”
“Well, there’s no height restrictions.” Clare rebutted before glancing at Y/n a bit anxiously. “As far as I’m aware.”
“Interesting.” Mae started looking like she was putting together a scheme in her head. “I’ve always wanted a gay friend. I mean, ideally, a fella-”
“Oh, we’ve got one right here.” Michelle laughed, pointing to her cousin. He and Y/n looked at her with exasperation.
“I’m not gay!”
“He’s not gay!”
“Howdy, folks.” The girls recognized the voice instantly, cringing at the sight of Jenny Joyce, who had now intercepted the entire interaction. Michelle made her distaste for the girl known with an eye roll and a little curse. Jenny ignored it. “I’m Jenny. This is Aisling.” She pointed to the tall brunette who seemed to always be by her side. “We just thought we’d introduce ourselves and see if-”
Clare jumped between Jenny and Mae, throwing her arms out to shield the new girl from Jenny. “Too late, Jenny. She’s ours.”
“I see,” Jenny responded, looking amused and alarmed by Clare before looking back to Mae. “Look, these girls are great, but I do have a pen pal from the Caribbean, so perhaps my circle is a bit more diverse.”
“Back. Off.” Clare seethed, her intensity starting to startle her friends.
Jenny managed to hand Mae a piece of paper with her phone number scribbled on it. “Think about it. Give me a call.” She was finally about to walk away when she remembered something and spun back around to the group. “Oh! And F-Y-I, the Prom Queen vote closes today.”
“F-Y-I, nobody gives a shit,” Michelle remarked.
Aisling held out a piece of paper, waiting for someone to take it. “Here’s the wee ballot.”
Erin snatched it quickly, rolling her eyes when she read the list of candidates. “I see you’ve thrown your hat in the ring, Jenny.”
The girl waved her hand, her humility clearly faked. “I had my arm twisted, but feel free to tick my box.” Then she finally left, Aisling in tow.
Y/n snorted. “I didn’t know Jenny was like that.”
“Dirty bitch.” Michelle added, shaking her head.
After school, the girls decided to go to the shopping center instead of straight home. After all, they had much to discuss. After hopping off the bus, they started their trek into town. 
“This prom is going to be a full-blown dick fest.” Michelle started, the word ‘prom’ catching everyone’s attention. “Y’know there’s not even gonna be a DJ? Apparently, Jenny’s hired this fuckin’ pensioner band.”
“Fucks sake.” Y/n sighed.
“Christ, really?” Erin asked.
Michelle nodded. “I heard the drummer is at least thirty.” Seeing the smirk she wore when dropping that piece of information, Clare’s mouth dropped in horror.
“I don’t feel so bad about missing it now,” James said, feeling a sense of relief. “It clashes with my thing.”
Y/n confusedly looked at her boyfriend, unaware of what his ‘thing’ was. But before she could ask, Michelle rolled her eyes and looked back at her cousin. “The creep convention? Seriously?”
“It’s not a creep convention!”
Michelle shrugged, clearly not convinced. “Well, I think a load of perverts gettin’ together to wank over some fella who fights hoovers and rides aliens in a telephone box, is the very fuckin’ definition of a creep convention.”
James scoffed. “It’s a Doctor Who night. Me and my stepdad used to watch it when I was little.”
“Well, someone should’ve called Social Services then, James.”
“You’re not going to the prom then, James?” Clare asked, seeming offended. He shook his head, and Clare looked over to Y/n, who was already looking at her with a confused and disappointed look.
Eventually, the group reached the shopping center. The conversation moved to the topic of dates, or lack thereof.
“I have no clue who to ask.” Clare sighed, a bit frustrated. “I’d ask James, but-” She cut herself off, remembering that she was the only one completely aware of the relationship between James and one of her best friends. 
“But you’re not desperate, Clare.” Michelle finished her sentence with a laugh. “And tell me about it. There’s at least five fellas who fancy the arse off’a me, but I just can’t choose.”
“Yeah, that’s definitely the same,” Clare responded with a grumpy face and monotonous tone.
Erin nudged the small blonde with her elbow. “I’ll be your date, Clare.”
“But, Erin, people might talk. They might get the wrong idea.”
“Let them.” She said proudly, head held high. “We need to break down these ridiculous conventions.”
Y/n would’ve commented about her sister’s somewhat fake activism, but she kept her mouth shut after seeing the hopeful look on dear Clare’s face. “Thank you.” 
Erin would have responded to Clare if she hadn’t caught sight of a familiar face. Through the window of the cafe the girls were walking to, Erin could see a boy about their age sitting at a far table with a girl, and they both looked somewhat miserable. “Oh God, John-Paul’s over there,” Erin said stiffly, turning around to look at her friends. “Christ, but it’s been so awkward since we broke up.”
“For fuck’s sake, Erin,” Michelle said, remembering the event a bit differently than how Erin was painting it. “He kissed your cheek at Kerry Coyle’s sixteenth birthday party.”
“Didn’t he pass out in his own boke?” Y/n asked, recalling the embarrassing moment. “Feckin’ lightweight.”
Erin looked over her shoulder back at John-Paul. “Yeah, he missed that boat, alright.”
“Come on already.” Michelle opened the door, pushing the girls into the cafe. “I’m fucking starving.”
James was about to go inside but was held back by Y/n. The door closed after Orla, leaving the couple outside.
“Are you okay, Y/n?” James asked, as curious and thoughtful as ever.
“Why didn’t you tell me about the convention?” 
James cringed at the twinge of hurt in her voice, realizing that he had never told her about the Doctor Who convention and how it was the same night at prom. “I… forgot?”
“You’re really gonna go?” Y/n didn’t want to start a fight over this, but she thought her boyfriend would have debated between prom and the convention, or tell her that he had plans at the very least. James nodded. “I just thought that, you know, prom is usually a couple’s thing. And we’re a couple. I thought it might be fun to go together.”
“I can go to prom if you want me to,” James said, wanting to please his girlfriend. 
But that caused the opposite reaction. Y/n shook her head, a slight frown appearing on her face. “I don’t wanna force you to go, James. You can obviously go to the convention if you really want to. I just…” She sighed, getting a little worked up. “I just wish you would’ve told me first, that’s all.”
James nodded apologetically. “I was going to, Y/n, I swear. It just slipped my mind.”
“It’s fine.”
The two stood outside the cafe door, wondering if there was anything more to say or if they should go inside. 
“You know, just because I’m not going doesn’t mean you don’t have to go,” James said, giving his girlfriend a hopeful look. “I mean, if you want to go, of course.”
Y/n nodded. “I’ll think about it.”
Another pause. “We’re okay, right?”
The slightly scared look on James’ face, like he had done something wrong, made Y/n place her hands on his cheeks and sweep her thumbs over his cheekbones in a comforting motion. “Of course, we’re okay, Jamie.” To emphasize the point, she gave him a peck on the lips before letting go of his face and grabbing his hand. “Now let’s go inside, I’m hungry.”
When they entered the cafe, James walked Y/n to the table their friends were sitting at and pulled out a chair for her to sit in before going to the counter to order for the both of them. “She is not a model!” Erin responded sharply to something Y/n had missed.
“Who’s not a model?” She asked quickly, and her friends looked at her like they didn’t realize she had just now entered the conversation.
“Cara something,” Michelle answered, not very discreetly pointing over to the girl sitting with John-Paul. “The girl that that John-Paul fella is pokin’. Heard she’s gonna be on Baywatch.”
“Oh yeah, I heard that too.”
Erin groaned in frustration, looking at her sister. “Get real, Y/n. She’s not gonna be on Baywatch.”
“It’s just what I heard.”
“Oh my God.” Clare seemed to be the only one still paying attention to John-Paul and the supposed Baywatch model. “Looks like they’re breaking up.”
The girls looked at the couple. Erin almost snapped her neck with how fast she turned her head. “Jesus, are they really?” She wondered aloud, a bit too hopefully. “Are they breaking up?” Cara got up and left the table, leaving a broken-hearted John-Paul to watch her walk away. Erin’s eyes also followed the girl, but she seemed much more gleeful about Cara’s departure. “They are. They’re breaking up. This is class!”
“What?” Clare asked, being the voice for the perplexed group of girls.
As soon as Cara was out the door, Erin jumped out of her seat and sped over to John-Paul.
“What’s class?” James startled the girls as he set some food and drinks on the table before sitting in the empty chair beside Y/n.
“Remember how we were talking about that lad John-Paul?” Y/n asked, taking a sip of her drink as James nodded. “Well, him and the girl he was with, who’s gonna be on Baywatch, by the way, broke up, and she left him. So now Erin’s swooped in like a vulture.”
“She has no respect for herself,” Michelle commented, looking over the menu on the table. “And coming from me…”
“That is bad.” Clare frowned.
“Terrible even,” Y/n added.
Clare, Orla, and Michelle soon got up and went to the counter to order. This gave Erin privacy to bother John-Paul, who looked like he was seconds away from a breakdown, and allowed Y/n and James to have lunch and talk in peace. 
“Can I have a bite of your sandwich?” The girl asked, pointing at the nibbled-on food in front of James.
“If I can have a bite of your doughnut.” He responded, pointing his own finger to the sweet treat.
The couple nodded in agreement and held their food to each other’s mouths. They took a bite at the same time, mumbling about how good the food was while chewing.
“What’re you doing?” Michelle asked, her lip curling in a slight snarl as she, Clare, and Orla came back to the table.
“What?” Y/n asked, not noticing James taking a second bite of her doughnut.
“You’re looking like you’re going out or something,” Michelle explained, wagging her finger between the two teens. “It’s making me sick. Like, if someone thought I was goin’ out with James, I think I’d kill myself.”
“Well, he is your cousin, Michelle.” Y/n laughed. 
Her friend shrugged and sat down, muttering about how the English thing was worse before talking to Clare about something else. With the attention off of them, Y/n reached down to squeeze James’ hand and smiled at him. But the smile was soon wiped off her face when she realized her doughnut was now half eaten.
Erin boasted about her new prom date the entire walk home, much to everyone else’s outspoken chagrin and annoyance. James, Michelle, and Clare were lucky, because they didn’t live in the McCool-Quinn household. So after the three dispersed from the group to go to their own homes, Y/n and Orla had to hear about Erin’s plans to get a new dress and maybe even new shoes to impress John-Paul for their date.
Then, the rest of their family got to hear about it.
“This is a huge deal.” Erin insisted to her mother that she was following around the kitchen. “This is a massive, massive deal. I’m going to the prom with John-Paul O’Reilly, for God’s sake. Come on, Mammy!”
Mary shook her head. “I don’t care if you’re going to the prom with John Paul the Second, Erin. I’m not buying you another frock. End of story.”
“But, Mammy, you don’t understand.”
“There’s nothin’ wrong with your Easter dress.”
Erin scoffed. “There’s lots of things wrong with my Easter dress.”
“It matches Y/n and Orla’s.” Mary persisted, waving her hand over to the girls she just named. Orla was wearing her Easter dress and holding her mother’s cigarette while she and Y/n pinched the fabric at her waist to see what had to be taken in.
“That being the main one.”
“Honestly, Erin, I think we’ll look so cracker if we rock up wearin’ these.” Orla grinned, doing a little shimmy with her words.
Erin raised her brows and gave her cousin a smile that looked more like a grimace. “Right, well I don’t.”
Aunt Sarah pulled more on the loose fabric, grabbing her cigarette from her daughter for a quick drag. “Ach, Mary, you’d think the wain’s been dropped into it. You wouldn’t nip it in a bit for her? I’d do it meself, but sewing plays havoc on my acrylics.”
“Y/n, dear, can you pin it for me?” Sarah asked, gesturing to her nails. The girl nodded and grabbed some safety pins to cinch Orla’s dress. “Then afterward, Orla and I can do yours for you.”
“Nah, that’s fine,” Y/n replied. “Don’t think I’ll wear it.”
Orla gasped in disappointment, wondering why both her cousins didn’t want to match with her. Meanwhile, Erin kept trying to convince her mother she absolutely needed a new frock.
“I really like this fella, Mammy.”
“Well, if he really likes you, it won’t matter what you wear.”
“Ach, come off it!”
“Have you a date lined up, girls?” Aunt Sarah asked her daughter and niece before taking a drag of her cigarette. 
One seemed to be more enthusiastic about the question than the other. “I do, aye,” Orla answered.
“What?” Erin gave her cousin a strange look. “...With, like, a human?”
The girl blinked before nodding, like Erin was the strange one. “...Yeah.”
“What about you, love?” Sarah looked to Y/n, who was wrapped up in making sure she didn’t accidentally stab Orla. The girl looked up when she realized she was being spoken to. “Has anyone snatched you up for the dance yet?”
Y/n shook her head, trying to not seem so disappointed about it. “Nope. But it’s fine.” She sighed, going back to picking at her nails. “I dunno if I’m even gonna go.”
“What d’ya mean you’re not going?” Erin questioned, seeming offended that her sister would even debate not attending the prom. “You have to go.”
“Why do I have to go, Erin?”
Erin made that little sort of laugh and eye roll that she did when she felt like someone had said something silly or dumb, and she was about to correct it with her obvious intelligence. “It’s prom, Y/n. It’s a big deal.”
“It’s only prom-” Y/n was cut off by a commotion in the living room. Gerry yelped in surprise as Joe banged on something, but no one seemed to care enough to look at what was happening. She shook her head and continued. “Besides, Erin, there’ll be other proms. It’s not that big of a deal.”
Y/n could tell her sister wasn’t entirely convinced. To be perfectly honest, she wasn’t too convinced herself. But she’d rather lie and say she didn’t care than make James feel bad about being unable to take her.
Erin looked at Y/n inquisitively. She walked up to her and crossed her arms. “Is this because Ja-”
“This stupid prick’s broken the TV, Mary!” Joe cried out, and his daughter rushed to the living room. Gerry looked appalled at his father-in-law. “He’s been futterin’.”
“Excuse me, you’re the one that was thumpin’ it repeatedly, Joe.”
“I’ll thump you repeatedly.”
“Well, the pair of you’d better sort it out!” Mary interjected before walking over to her sister. “London’s Burning’s on in twenty minutes.”
“God, Mary, but them poor fellas are flat out with fires, so they are. Jesus, but they never get a minute.”
Behind Mary, Joe started to slam the television even harder than before, and Gerry cringed with every slap. “Aye, it’s a good job they keep themselves in such great shape.”
“Don’t, Mary.” Sarah gasped. “That Greek fella…”
“He could throw me over his shoulder any day of the week.”
Y/n and Erin stared at their mother and aunt before looking at each other. They were both equally horrified and disgusted.
“They make me sick.”
Clare didn’t take the news of Erin ditching her for John-Paul very well, despite telling Erin it was fine. Erin was the only one who believed her, too wrapped up in her and John-Paul’s revived “relationship.” But Clare pretty quickly found a new date: the new girl from Donegal, Mae, who was going dress shopping with the girls and James when she heard about Erin’s little betrayal. 
After Clare’s date problem was solved, the girls had to solve their dress problem. But Michelle came to the rescue—or rather, her mother’s credit card that she stole came to the rescue. Despite Clare’s very vocal opinion about committing a crime, the rest of the girls were on board on account of having no money.
“What do you think of this one?” Erin asked, coming out in a very tight, turquoise dress. 
“It’s very…” Y/n trailed off, trying to think of an appropriate word. “Different.”
“I’m not sure it’s you, really,” Michelle added.
“Good,” Erin said, in a bit of a struggle as she walked over to a mirror. “I don’t wanna be me.”
Clare walked up to the group, holding two dresses. “Which of these do you like best?”
“Definitely the pink,” Erin answered.
But Clare didn’t care much about Erin’s opinion. “Has to be the blue,” Mae said, and Clare glared at Erin.
“Yeah, I thought the blue.”
“What about you, Y/n?” James asked a bit quietly, holding a pile of dresses that all the girls had thrown at him. “Don’t you wanna look for a dress? You are going to the prom, right?”
He knew her answer before she said it, because she gave him a bit of a frown and a shrug. “I don’t think I will.”
“It’s fine, really! I was thinking of helping Daddy fix our TV.” She looked around at all the clothing racks before giving James what she hoped was a convincing smile. “Besides, nothing here’s really my taste.”
“Although, I have heard he’s really good with his hands.” Michelle talking about one of her possible dates reached the couples’ ears. “And when I say he’s good with his hands, I’m not talking about puttin’ up shelves, girls. I’m talking about-”
“Everybody knows what you’re talking about, Michelle.” James interrupted, hoping it would be enough for her to move on. But everybody also knew there was no stopping Michelle from her vulgarity.
The curly-haired girl smirked. “Fingerin’.”
James cringed. “Honestly…”
After much decision-making about what dresses to get, the girls went to the front to pay with Michelle’s stolen card. Mae, who didn’t find a dress she liked, gasped and pointed behind the counter to a red dress that was hung up. 
“Oh my God, that’s the one! Can I try that one on, please?”
“Sorry, love.” The shop owner said apologetically. “That’s being left over for someone.”
“Hiya!” In came Jenny Joyce, holding a couple of balloons. “Sorry girls, can’t stop.”
“Don’t worry.” Y/n smiled. “No one asked you to.”
“I’m just grabbing a few wee bits for the prom.” Jenny continued while the owner started bagging up the red dress. “Sure, you know how it is.”
“I was actually about to try that one on,” Mae said, pointing to the dress Jenny was now paying for.
“Well, I left it over, so…”
“It’s just that, red’s my color.”
“Yeah, mine too.”
The rest of the girls backed up a bit, surprised by how hostile Mae and Jenny were becoming towards each other. “No, you don’t understand. I really, really suit it.” The shop owner placed the bag on the counter, and Mae inched her hand towards it. “Garnet’s actually my birthstone.”
“Well, ruby’s mine, so…” Jenny grabbed her bag, and Mae slammed her hand on the counter. She looked at the Joyce girl menacingly. If Jenny was intimidated, she definitely didn’t show it.
“I want that dress, Jenny.”
“Well, you can’t have it.” Jenny left the store, leaving the girls to deal with Mae, who was cursing her out and beyond livid.
Prom night had finally arrived after much anticipation. Erin was upstairs in her room getting ready on her own while Aunt Sarah was doing her daughter’s hair and makeup in the kitchen. Mary watched while sipping her tea because Erin didn’t want her help, and Y/n decided to help her father fix their busted television set instead of going to the dance. Granda Joe was nowhere to be found, which relieved Gerry a bit because it meant his father-in-law wasn’t criticizing him.
“Now, close your eyes,” Sarah said, picking up two giant cans of hairspray. “I’m just going to give you a wee light mist, just so it holds for you.”
Y/n could smell the fumes from her spot on the floor in the living room, so she could only imagine what it was like being her mother or cousin in the kitchen. A cloud of hairspray surrounded Orla, making her cough a bit, and Mary covered her tea.
Finally ready, Erin came down from her room and into the kitchen. It took her a bit of effort because her dress was so tight that she had to take baby steps in her heels. “What do you think?” Everyone looked at her, all seeming to have the same reaction.
Mary looked the most surprised by her daughter’s appearance. “God, aye. It’s…” She trailed off, wanting to be honest but nice about it. “Different, isn’t it?”
“Different?” Erin asked. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Well… it was nice of Michelle to lend it to you, love, but it just doesn’t look…” Mary grimaced, trying to choose her words carefully, “very comfortable.”
Erin rolled her eyes a little. “It’s really comfortable, actually.” She said, walking closer. “It’s like a second skin.”
“I don’t think that’s a good thing, Erin,” Y/n called out, handing Gerry a screwdriver. “I dunno if a second skin should be turquoise and… Well, squeaking when you walk.”
“It does not squeak,” Erin replied, squeaking as she hobbled to the table. 
Erin looked forward to see Orla looking at her grumpily. “I wish you would wear your Easter frock, Erin. When we were wee, we always went to parties dressed the same.”
“We’re not wee anymore, Orla.”
Orla grumbled in agreement while Erin handed her mother a piece of paper. Mary unfolded it and looked it over, and Aunt Sarah did the same from over her shoulder.
“What’s this?” Mary asked.
“It’s some guidelines,” Erin answered. “Things you are and aren’t allowed to say to John-Paul when he gets here.”
“Right.” Mary stared into her daughter’s eyes, not looking away as she crumpled the paper into a ball. Erin looked a bit disturbed but decided it was best not to say anything.
“What time’s your date arriving at, Orla, love?” Sarah asked, doing the final fixes on Orla’s hair.
Granda Joe waltzed into the room, wearing a white suit with a yellow rosette pinned to it. “He’s already here.” He said, doing a little spin before walking the rest of the way to the kitchen.
“You asked Granda to the prom?” Erin asked, smiling a little.
Orla’s grin was the widest in the bunch, eyes staying on her grandfather. “Well, everyone kept sayin’ you have to ask a fella you really like, and this is the fell I like the most.” Joe beamed, bowing down and presenting another yellow rose from his pocket for the girl.
“That’s so sweet, Orla.” Y/n said from her spot next to the TV. “Granda’s a lucky lad, that’s for sure.”
“Why, thank you, love,” Joe replied, turning to fully show his granddaughter the happy smile he had been sporting.
“Aye, you’re looking well, Joe,” Gerry added, taking a small break from trying to repair the television to weigh in.
“Oh, it’s not all shite you talk, Gerry.” Gerry gave his daughter an unimpressed look, making her giggle as he went back to the task at hand. Joe turned back to Orla. “Should we head?”
“John-Paul’s picking me up at seven,” Erin replied. “You go on; we’ll see you there.”
Joe looked back to Y/n, waiting for her answer. The girl waved her hand. “Oh, I’m not goin’. Don’t have a date and all that. Besides, I dunno what I’d wear.”
“You could wear your Easter frock, Y/n,” Orla said, trying to entice the girl once more into matching with her. But she just laughed and shook her head.
“No thanks, Orla.”
While Orla said goodbye to her mother and aunt, Joe walked over to Mary and whispered something to her. They looked over at Y/n, who didn’t notice their eyes because she was looking for a tool her father had asked for. Mary nodded at Joe for an unknown reason, and soon, he and Orla were off to the prom.
Erin sat down, struggling quite a bit because of her dress’s tightness. When she was settled, she looked at the clock. Only fifteen minutes until John-Paul arrived.
When twenty minutes had passed, Y/n knew John-Paul wasn’t coming for her sister. She couldn’t say she was surprised, but she was still saddened for her sister. “I’ll be right back, Daddy,” Y/n whispered before standing up and sneaking to the entrance where the phone and some privacy were.
Y/n knew she had to call someone, but was racking her brain on who. Everyone she knew was either at the prom or busy with something else. 
Suddenly, she jumped as if the idea that came to her had shocked her. She quickly dialed and held the phone to her ear, listening to the rings.
Then, someone finally picked up the phone. “Hello?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” She peered out the door, seeing Erin still staring at the clock. “How’ve you been?”
“Same old stuff, really,” David answered. “Band’s picked up a few gigs this month, it’s been pretty-”
“That’s great. Listen, can you do me a favor?”
David couldn’t help but laugh at the interruption and how urgent Y/n sounded. “Uh, maybe? What d’ya need?”
“Remember my sister, Erin?” He made a small hum of confirmation. “Well, she used to have a massive thing for you until that whole thing at Jenny’s party a few months ago.”
“You mean when she called that Russian girl your fella was going out with a prostitute?”
“She was Ukrainian, but yes. Anyway, she pretty much gave up on you after that because the whole thing was so embarrassing. But…” Y/n looked to the kitchen again. She could see Mary looking at her daughter a bit sadly, as if she also knew John-Paul wasn’t coming for her. “The prom’s tonight, and her date’s not coming. And… as annoying as she is, she’s my sister and all. So I was wondering if maybe you’d be willing to-”
“I’ll be there at 7:30.” David cut her off, feeling it was only fair since she had interrupted him just moments ago.
Y/n had to keep herself from squealing, not wanting to give Erin the idea that something was going on. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
“Don’t mention it.”
After saying a quick goodbye, Y/n hung up the phone and snuck back out to the living room. David would arrive in twenty minutes, and she just had to count on Erin being hopeful enough to wait that much longer. 
Nothing much had really happened in those twenty minutes. Y/n assisted Gerry in fixing their broken TV, Mary and Aunt Sarah played a card game, and Erin sat and stared at the clock. The only time she moved was to go to the phone in the kitchen, but she was so quiet and far away that Y/n had no idea who she was calling. 
When the clock struck 7:30, Erin sighed. “He’s not coming.”
“Ach, love.” Mary frowned.
“I’m gonna go and change.” That made Y/n panic, and she scrambled off of the floor.
“What?” She said, walking over to Erin and slightly shaking her head. “No, just give it a few more minutes.”
“I wanna get out of this thing.” Erin teared up, struggling to get out of her chair. With how tight the dress was, she started to waddle towards the stairs.
Y/n was hot on her sister’s heels, which wasn’t hard because moving was so difficult for her in that tight dress. “Erin, please. Just-” The doorbell rang, and Y/n let out a breath of relief. She scooted past Erin and went to the door. “See! I told you! Now, I know you were hoping for John-Paul, but I think-... James?”
Y/n was stunned to silence. James was standing right in front of her, dressed up as the Fourth Doctor from Doctor Who, smiling right at her. “Hi.”
“David?” Erin waddled over to the door, and that’s when Y/n finally noticed her friend David Donnelly standing next to James, dressed in a suit with no tie. 
“Erin.” He replied with a nod.
The two girls looked at each other, confused. “What’s he doing here?” They asked in unison, pointing to the boy that was in front of them, who both laughed at their reactions.
“I called David for you because I knew John-Paul stood you up.”
“I called James for you because I knew you wanted to go to the prom with him.”
Y/n looked up at her boyfriend. “Wait, what about your creep convention?”
She laughed when he rolled his eyes. “It’s not a creep convention, and you know that. And it’s not important. I just…” James sighed, toying with his long, colorful scarf. “I knew the prom meant a lot to you, and Erin calling me just gave me the push I needed. Besides, I didn’t want to miss a chance to dance with my girl.”
“Ach, Jamie.” Y/n sighed endearingly, cupping his face. She gave him a soft, long kiss that he eagerly returned.
Erin and David had their own little conversation, trying not to look at the couple that were sucking face. “I’m surprised you’re here. I haven’t seen you since… Well, you know.”
“Yeah, I know.” David laughed a little, thinking back to that night. Then he shrugged. “But Y/n called tellin’ me your date stood you up and… I dunno, you’re kinda cool to talk to and whatever.”
“I am?” Erin asked excitedly. 
“I said ‘kinda’.”
“Wait.” Y/n finally pulled away from James, looking down at her attire. “What am I gonna wear?”
“I’ll take you wearing this,” James said, seemingly serious as he looked at his girlfriend’s ripped jeans and oversized sweater that she had stolen from Granda Joe’s closet. The three other teens gave him unimpressed looks. “What? So what if it’s not a formal dress, she still looks nice.”
“I have something better.” Everyone jumped in surprise as Mary poked her head in. “Come over here. I’ve got somethin’ to show you.”
Y/n pulled Erin to their mother, giving the boys a final glance over her shoulder. “Go ahead and talk, we won’t be long.”
Mary led her daughters to the kitchen, where two big boxes they’d never seen before sat on the table. Mary gestured for the girls to open them, which they did.
“Oh my God, Mammy.” Y/n pulled out a pink dress with layers, ruffles, and small arm straps. Erin held a similar styled dress but in blue. “Where on earth did you get these?”
“They were my mother’s,” Mary answered, looking at the dresses fondly. “Your Granda said to bring them out, in case you changed your mind about the dance. Heard it was fifties themed and all that.”
Both of Mary’s daughters now had tears in their eyes, but they were not from sadness. The girls rounded the table to hug their mum tightly.
“You know, the dress is nice and all but-” Erin cut herself off with a sniffle. “I think I wanna match with Orla.”
“Well, one of you better be wearing my Mammy’s dress,” Mary said, deadly serious with only a tiny hint of amusement in her voice. “I didn’t dig these boxes up for nothing.”
“I’ll wear it.” Y/n laughed, grabbing the box with the pink dress. “Come on, Erin, let’s go change.”
“You look lovely.” This was the fifth time James had said this to Y/n in the past thirty minutes. But he meant it every time he said it.
And Y/n knew he did because he couldn’t stop staring at her. “Thank you, Jamie. You look just as handsome.” The couple walked to the school doors arm in arm, Erin and David a few steps behind them. “Although…” James opened the door and looked at his girlfriend curiously. “Are you sure you didn’t want to leave the scarf at home?”
“I think it completes the look,” James said with a bit of humor, toying with the piece of clothing. “But if you want, I can leave it in the car.”
“Nah.” Y/n shook her head, giving James a peck on the lips. “How else am I gonna pull you to the dancefloor?”
The two couples went into the decorated gym, quickly spotting two of their friends. Clare was talking frantically to Michelle, who honestly looked like she couldn’t care less.
“Look, there’s a guy here; he knows Mae-” The four heard Clare say before Michelle cut her off, looking over the blonde’s shoulder to see them.
“What’s going on?” Clare turned around, a bit spooked by the sudden appearance of her friends. Michelle grimaced at Y/n and James standing together arm in arm, but opted to comment on Erin’s new date instead. “Oh, don’t tell me. Wank-features stood you up.”
“Yeah.” Erin shrugged it off like she hadn’t cried over John-Paul standing her up about an hour before. She nudged her sister. “But Y/n called David Donnelly here, so I wouldn’t go alone.”
“What can I say? I’m a sweetheart.” Y/n smiled.
Clare put a hand on Erin’s shoulder. “I’m sorry, Erin. About John-Paul, I mean.”
“No, I’m sorry. You were right; I was jealous. Mae’s just so cool and exotic, and you liked her so much-”
“She’s deranged!” Clare blurted out with wide eyes, taking everyone aback.
“Who’s Mae?” David leaned back to ask Y/n and James, who said they’d explain later. He tsked, tapping Erin’s shoulder. “I’m gonna get a drink.”
“Get me some punch.” She said before turning back to Clare. “What d’you mean, Clare? You were crazy about her yesterday.”
“She’s the one who’s crazy, Erin!” Clare squealed. “I met this guy that went to her school. He said she had to leave for, like, being a bully. He said she’s seriously unhinged! I think he’s a bit pissed off with her, to be honest, and I can’t blame him, ’cause she’s given the Chinese population of Donegal a really bad rap.” Clare’s friends would always be surprised over how much she could say without taking breaks for breath.
Michelle rolled her eyes and shook her head. “Typical Donegal man. Always moanin’.”
“There she is.” Everyone looked to where James was pointing. Sure enough, Mae was on the other side of the large room, going backstage.
“What’s she doing?” Michelle wondered, and everyone started walking closer to the stage to try and get a better look.
“She was talking about how she wasn’t going to let Jenny get away with the whole Prom Queen thing,” Clare answered.
James gasped. “Jesus Christ, look. Above the stage, look!” He pointed again, and everyone followed his finger to the tin buckets rigged with rope above the stage.
“Is she doing what I think she’s doin’?” Y/n asked.
“I think she’s gonna do a Carrie.” The couple looked both concerned and impressed, now both very glad they decided to come to prom.
“What’s a Carrie?” Clare asked frantically. “What does that mean?”
“You’ve never seen Carrie?”
“No.” Everyone said something about what a good film it was, but Clare wasn’t looking for film critiques. “Expand and explain! EXPAND. AND. EXPLAIN!”
“So, Carrie is voted Prom Queen, and this bully pours a bucket of pig’s blood on her.” James quickly explained.
“Jesus Christ!”
“Well, a lot of other stuff happens. But, you know, that’s the relevant bit.” Y/n said, but before she could go more into the movie, the band on stage finished playing.
Aisling stepped up to the microphone, some feedback echoing through the gym.
“Can I have your attention, please?” She said with a smile. The girls looked terrified. “And now, the moment we’ve all been waiting for. It’s time to crown our Prom Queen.” Mae waited for Aisling to announce the name everyone knew would be said. She held the rope tightly, waiting for the moment she could finally release it. “And now… our Prom Queen is… Jenny Joyce!”
The girl looked completely surprised, and the girls wondered, against their better judgment, if they could just let this all play out. 
“We have to do something!” Clare yelled over the celebratory music as Jenny went up on stage.
While Jenny started to give a small acceptance speech, everyone started running. Except for Orla and Granda Joe, who were more than content with eating popcorn and watching the scene. David joined them, holding two cups of punch and wondering why his date was rushing the stage.
Michelle and James joined Erin to try and get Jenny off the stage, while Y/n went with Clare to stop Mae. It was a struggle, but it didn’t help as much as the girls thought it would. The only good thing was that Mae wasn’t crazy enough to use pig’s blood and instead soaked everyone on stage with tomato juice.
Erin tried to tell Jenny that her friends weren’t to blame, but Jenny, of course, didn’t believe her. The two girls started fighting, soon being joined by Michelle and Aisling. James just stood back and watched, not really wanting to intervene, and Y/n would’ve laughed if she wasn’t caught up in trying to break Clare and Mae apart. The rest of the audience seemed to enjoy the spectacle, laughing and having refreshments as it all played out.
It was a good thing David had towels in the boot of his car. Erin and James were covered and sticky with tomato juice, no matter how hard they tried to get it off them. Y/n was eternally grateful that she decided to go with Clare to stop Mae, sparing her grandmother’s dress. She didn’t think Joe would be too happy about it being covered in red, no matter how amused he was by tonight’s events.
“Jesus, the street’s packed.” David grimaced as he turned onto the sisters’ street. It was crowded with all their neighbors, whooping and partying for an unknown reason that they would surely hear about tonight or early tomorrow.
Y/n sighed, poking her head out the window. “I dunno if I wanna go home.” She settled back in her seat and looked at her boyfriend. “Wanna go to your place?”
“Sure.” He answered.
“Want me to drive you there?” David asked, but James shook his head.
“No, mate, it’s fine. I’m only a street over.”
“Yeah, take Erin home for me.” The Donnelly boy seemed to miss the sly wink Y/n gave her sister in the rearview mirror.
After some goodbyes and teasing comments, Y/n and James got out of the car and started walking down the street, weaving through all the people out and about. Surprisingly, Michelle and her parents weren’t home when the two arrived. Michelle must have still been panicking over how she was going to return her tomato-soddened dress, and James’ aunt and uncle were either at work or celebrating whatever was going on with their friends.
With the house empty, Y/n and James unwinded and relaxed. James took a much-needed shower, putting his clothes in a plastic bag so they wouldn’t stain anything else. Meanwhile, Y/n shimmied out of her dress and put on some of James’ pajamas.
“So, what do you wanna do?” James asked as he entered his room, a towel wrapped around his waist. Y/n was a little surprised by his boldness, remembering how shy he was some months ago when he didn’t have any clothes at her house and had to stand in his boxers while Y/n grabbed him a sweater.
“Maybe a movie?” Y/n suggested, watching James rifle through his dresser. She was filled with a sudden feeling of not wanting him to put on the clothes he was grabbing. “Carrie would be pretty fitting.”
They laughed, James shaking his head as he slipped his boxers on. “Oh, I don’t know.” He tore the towel off and sat down next to his girlfriend, pulling a shirt over his head. “I think there’s been enough blood, or blood adjacent, covered people tonight.”
Y/n laid back, humming in thought. “Well, there is… another thing... we could do.”
James looked down at Y/n, waiting for her to elaborate. She reached up his back, lightly tugging on his shirt until he laid down beside her. Y/n hooked a leg over James’ waist and brushed some wet curls away from his forehead. As her other hand slowly traveled down his chest, he started to get what she was hinting at.
“Only if you want to, obviously.”
James pushed Y/n off of him only to hover over her, kissing her deeply. He helped her shimmy up his bed until her head was resting on a pillow. Feeling brave, but mainly horny, James pulled away and took off his shirt before slipping his hand under Y/n’s.
“Are you sure?” James asked, slightly panting from how escalated the moment was getting.
“Yeah,” Y/n responded, taking a deep breath before pushing James away so she could take her own shirt off. James stared at her in amazement. Before she could tease him for his reaction, he gripped her bare waist and pulled her against him, kissing her with hunger.
The prom sure was exciting. But sometimes, what happened after was much more eventful.
The Fella Taglist: @mistahjsfunnygirl @etherealdisneyvillainness @crystalsoobin-m @raggedyoldwitch @rosetintworld @regretthatsme @neenieweenie @allexiiisss @drmeghanjones @eli-com @anything-for-our-moony-toast @ilovespideyyy @eddisaurus @imagines--galore @emma-is-a-nerd @sir1usblacksgf @kaz-2y567 @spidercrush3 @miilkshakess @underthebatcape @dear-jamespotter @brithedemonspawn @acupnoodle @nevillescomslut @hantivity @slaymybreathaway @mystic-writings @thegirlwithoutaname87 @mystic-mara @st4rryhae @ljaneyx @justlibra @siriuslyinlovewithsiriusblack @elauranicolee @in-my-hoe-era @grippleback-galaxy @greensunflowerjuna @sarcasm-and-stiles @callsignwidow @qtkat @asterizee @cursedandromedablack @athenalive
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kenstewydyke · 11 months
in season 3's prom episode of derry girls, it was clear that the dynamics between the mothers when they were in high school were replicated in the next generation too. The four women attended the prom with Diedre's cousin accompanying her (and then all of them). So we have four girls and a male cousin of one of them which is just like the Derry girls' situation. And Rob was openly gay. Doesn't this hint at James being gay/queer too ?
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marycora · 3 months
I feel like the Derry give off such marauders vibe, like Michelle is obviously Sirius (black glorious curly hair piercing blue eyes?? Plus the personality), James? Orlaith, duh. Clare..I mean cmon she is the most perfect Peter everrr.
I know this may be controversial but I think Erin is more Remus than James, especially all the young dudes Remus. James gives me more Lily vibes trying to stop the marauders from getting into shite yk?
This may just be because I’m from the north of Ireland and have had a marauders obsession for like 4 years tho :’)
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Derry Girls as the Marauders Era
James Potter - Erin Quinn
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Sirius Black - Michelle Mallon
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Remus Lupin - Orla McCool
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Regulus Black - Clare Devlin
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Peter Pettigrew - James Maguire
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mytraincantakeuhome · 4 months
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taking-an-apple · 2 years
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mel-is-sanonymous1994 · 4 months
Kisses Taste Like Candy
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Part 2
again I don't live in Ireland or even pretend to.
I have also posted this on AO3 I posted this part there first.
Orla McCool x Michelle Mallon
“It isn’t forever it’s just until we all go back to school.” I said.
“You aren’t going back Michelle, you’ll still see Orla.” He pointed out.
“No I won’t. She and I don’t run in the same circles when the other girls aren’t here, she’s got dance class and the shelter, then she also teaches step aerobics at the gym.” I said countering him.
“Derry isn’t that massive, you are bound to run into each other sometime, and besides Orla didn’t seem too bothered by it when it happened, I think you’ve just worked yourself up about the whole thing.” James said.
“I’m not gonna explain it to you again. There are rules between friends and especially with Orla.” I said with my arms crossed. We heard the girls laughing through the open window.
“She’s not a child Michelle, she’s actually really smart I know her general attitude and taking every joke seriously can be misleading but she understands feelings and what stuff like that means. Talk to her or I’ll tell them all you lied.” He threatened before walking out of my bedroom and down the stairs. I sighed and laid down in my bed, falling asleep instantly. When I woke up it had only been 30 minutes, stupid dreams. I needed to get out of the house. I put some pants on and a sweatshirt before leaving the house. I was mostly wandering but didn’t realize I was walking to Erin’s house until I was already knocking on the door.
“Michelle? The girls aren’t here? Shouldn’t you be with them actually?” Gerry asked answering the door.
“I wasn’t feeling too well so I stayed behind, is Mary home?” I asked. He looked confused at first.
“Come on in.” He said inviting me in the house.
“Mary’s in the kitchen.” He said. I nodded and made my way into their kitchen.
“Michelle? I thought you’d be with the others.” She smiled before looking at me fully. Once she saw me it’s as if she could sense everything that I’ve been thinking and going through in the past week.
“Have a seat love, I’ll put the kettle on and you can tell me why you look like you’ve been crying for a week straight.” She said with a polite smile. I noticed Gerry had sat down in the living room but still close enough to provide help if needed. Once she set the kettle on the stove she sat down next to me at the kitchen table and put her hand on mine. The floodgates opened once again. After several minutes I finally calmed down and the kettle screamed.
“I’ll get it you two talk.” Gerry said standing up.
“What’s happened?” She asked me rubbing my back lightly as I calmed down.
“So you know how Claire is a wee lesbian?” I asked.
“Yes.” She replied.
“Well when I went to university I wanted to see what all the fuss was about.” I said remembering the first time I had been with a girl it had actually been my first time all together.
“Keep going.” She said when she noticed Gerry had started to whistle in case he heard something private that someone’s father shouldn’t hear.
“I liked it a little more than I thought I would, I still like the fellas but I would say the girls are pretty equal.” I said as I took deep breaths.
“There’s nothing wrong with that, if I’ve learned anything it’s that it doesn’t matter, as long as you are happy.” She said giving me a proud smile. I took a deep breath.
“The other night Jenny Joyce had a party and she suggested we play spin the bottle like she could smell the lesbian on me and round after round I was safe until it was my turn, I had hoped it’d land on one of the random dudes that Jenny had invited but it didn’t.” I said speaking faster.
“It landed on Orla?” She asked.
“I tried to skip her Mary I really did but you see this ballbag was sitting next to me and the rules were that the person next to you had to kiss the person instead and he was honestly really creepy and I didn’t want him anywhere near Orla.” I said explaining myself once again.
“Michelle breathe.” She said. I took another deep breath.
“Erin explained everything that happened Michelle.” Mary said.
“She doesn’t know everything Mary, she doesn’t know what I thought in my head. She doesn’t know what I did.” I said with tears still in my eyes.
“I basically assaulted her!” I yelled.
“Ach you did not!” She shook her head.
“I did, I had my tongue in her mouth Mary, she wasn’t even paying attention when the rules of the game were being said, I’m sure she didn’t even know what we were gonna do. I don’t think she was expecting me to shove my tongue down her throat either. She is traumatized I’m sure.” I said as the panic began to bubble once again.
“Why don’t you drink your tea and breathe.” She said. I took a sip of the hot liquid and tried to calm myself. After about 10 minutes Mary excused herself and I sat at the table by myself for a minute. Gerry approached me.
“I know I’m just Erin’s da but can I put my thoughts out there?” He asked. I nodded.
“Orla’s is an amazing lady. All you wains are incredible but her heart is massive, I think you need to talk to her and explain everything I know that sounds hard but I’d hate to see you avoid your friends because you are afraid you’ve hurt them in some way.” He said with a smile. He patted my shoulder and walked away. I was so lost in my own thoughts I didn’t hear Erin and Orla walk in.
“Michelle? I thought you were sick!” Orla gasped.
“Obviously she’s not Orla.” Erin rolled her eyes and sighed.
“I should go.” I said.
“Hold up a minute, you two need to talk and neither of yous are allowed to leave this kitchen until you’ve talked.” Mary said shooing Erin out of the kitchen. Gerry followed his daughter. Orla looked confused.
“Do you need me to stay?” Mary asked. I shook my head.
“What are you on about Aunt Mary?” Orla asked as she sat down and pulled candy out of her pocket.
“Michelle here came over to speak to you Orla dear.” She replied. Orla shrugged but sat back in the kitchen chair as she sucked on a Lolly. Once Mary had left the room I took a deep breath.
“So what did you eat?” Orla asked.
“What?” I asked confused.
“To get sick? The last time I got sick I had Finnoulas, it was hard to go back.” She sighed.
“I wasn’t sick.” I said ashamed.
“Why would you lie?” She asked genuinely.
“I was avoiding you, all of you.” I said not bothering to sugar coat it, that wouldn’t be fair to Orla.
“What did we do? Was it Erin? I know she can be a bit much sometimes but she means well.” She said leaning forward placing the sucker on the table. I stood up and grabbed a small plate from the cabinet to set the candy on so Mary’s table doesn’t get ruined. I picked up the cherry flavored confection and placed it on the plate before sitting back down.
“No it wasn’t Erin.” I said. I should just spit it out but I found it hard to find the words.
“Was it me? Listen, I know sometimes I take things a bit too literal and get confused about little things but I promise I’m trying to get better, Ma’s got me in these classes and working with the animals helps a bit.” She said. The sound of tears in her throat broke my heart. I moved to sit next to her and placed my hand over her hand much like Mary had earlier.
“It wasn’t any of you Orla, it was me. I did something bad.” I said.
“What did you do? Is it worse than stealing the board from the chippy? Or when you brought a suitcase full of vodka on the bus to Belfast?” She gasped. I shook my head at the memories.
“I kissed you.” I said pulling my hand back away.
“Och Michelle that’s not a crime.” She smiled.
“What?” I asked in disbelief.
“It isn’t illegal to play tongue tag with your friend, at least as far as I know.” She said grabbing the sucker once more and placing it in her mouth.
“It’s tonsil tag Orla.” I said trying not to laugh at her.
“But I haven’t got my tonsils.” She said. I shook my head.
“I know I’m just saying I went further than the game is intended to go and I’m sorry.” I said.
“No need to be sorry Michelle.” She said shrugging.
“Im sorry what?” I asked confused.
“I didn’t mind, at first it was different, I’ve never felt the texture of someone else’s tongue, only my own when I curl my tongue at the kittens at the shelter, but once I got used to that and the taste of tequila on your tongue it wasn’t horrible” she said. I was at a loss for words.
“I also had to get used to the smell of your hair, there was so many textures, smells, and tastes all at once my brain got a bit fuzzy but once I focused on the pressure of your hand on my face it was fine.” She smiled while pulling the sucker out of her mouth.
“So you aren’t traumatized by the fact that I kissed you?” I asked.
“No. Are you?” She asked.
“No, actually I liked it, a lot. I didn’t know cotton candy lip gloss could be so addicting.” I blushed.
“I am not allowed to eat it anymore Aunt Mary had a whole fit about it when she found out.” She said. After another silent minute she spoke again.
“That was my first time kissing someone, and it was more fun than I expected. I have been thinking about it a lot. Erin writes about kissing in her diary and I have been trying to compare but I can’t quite remember all of the details it happened so fast.” She scrunched her nose.
“I panicked, the alcohol and everything went straight to my head and I thought you hadn’t kissed back because you were uncomfortable.” I explained.
“So you ran and hid because you thought you hurt me?” She asked.
“Yes and no, at first I did run because I thought I hurt ye but I stayed away because of how kissing you made me feel.” I said.
“And how does it make you feel?” She asked still sucking on the sucker.
“It happened so fast I can’t be sure.” I lied. I knew exactly how I feel, I always had a soft spot for Orla but it changed into something else entirely when I came back to Derry, I looked at her differently than before and even at the party I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. All of the sudden my thoughts were interrupted by lips crashing into mine. My eyes were still open, shock painted in them until I felt Orla’s hand caress my cheek and my eyes closed in contentment. She brought her hand down to my neck where she placed her thumb just below my chin and her fingers had intertwined in the hair at the nape of my neck. I opened my mouth a little as she nudged my chin up with her thumb and she took this as permission to let her tongue in. She mimicked what I did at Jenny Joyce’s party only this time there was no alcohol on either of our tongues only the taste of the cherry sucker which is now my new favorite flavor. Mary cleared her throat from the living room and I pulled away reluctantly. Orla kept her hand in place and put her forehead on mine breathing in and out against my face as she tried to catch her breath.
“You alright Orla?” I asked.
“Just trying to get my brain to float back into my head, are you alright Michelle?” She asked as she pulled away to look at me clearly, her brown eyes studying every bit of my face.
“Never been better.” I said.
“Did that clear up your feelings at all?” She asked. I nodded as she stuck the sucker back into her mouth. I teasingly grabbed the stick and pulled it out of her mouth before shoving it in mine with a smirk.
“So it did, how about you?” I asked.
“Kissing you is the best thing I’ve ever done.” She said. I blushed.
“I’d have to agree. Would you like to do it again sometime?” I asked flirtatiously.
“I’d like to do it all the time.” She said seriously.
“Well not in my kitchen girls, have some dignity.” Erin yelled.
“Gerry will you give Michelle a ride home?” Mary asked.
“Of course, let’s go.” He said grabbing his coat.
“Can i ride along?” Orla asked.
“I don’t see why not.” He said. Orla stood up and set the cherry sucker back onto the table and grabbed my hand as we left Erin’s house feeling lighter.
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lgwifey · 7 months
(Because I don’t have the mental energy to transfere this fanfic across to tumblr yet xx)
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thepurpaholicfan · 2 years
Chapters: 2/6
Fandom: Derry Girls (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: James Maguire/Erin Quinn, Clare Devlin/Original Female Character(s)
Characters: Erin Quinn, James Maguire, Orla McCool, Clare Devlin, Michelle Mallon, Mary Quinn (Derry Girls), Sarah McCool, Gerry Quinn, Joe McCool, Sister Michael (Derry Girls), Anna Quinn (Derry Girls), Jenny Joyce, Aisling (Derry Girls), Geraldine Devlin, Deirdre Mallon, Sean Devlin (mentioned), Original Characters, Kathy Maguire (mentioned), Marie McCool
Additional Tags: non-binary Orla, domestic Jerin, Erin and James have a miracle baby, Clare has a gay step-brother, Erin and Orla have a lesbian cousin who looks like Nadine Coyle from Girls Aloud, close to Lisa McGee's canon I guess, Adulthood
Chapter Summary:
Erin panics over her lost diary. James tries to help, with polarizing results. Clare and Michelle have a heart-to-heart. Orla has a pet capybara and a bull python. Steo is an expert at getting first dibs on yet-to-be-released wines.
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agaypanic · 4 months
all current chapters of The Fella are now posted on AO3!!
ive also put the ao3 link in the fella's masterlist
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ellickalways · 2 years
don’t know how i’d still be waiting for sunday if i hadn’t had the week distraction of derry girls. bless you for that, derry girls. you’re amazing, too.
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fruity-phrog · 2 years
Please tell me someone else sees the opportunity of Michelle x Orla? Please? Pleeeeeeaaaase?
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Derry Girls (TV)
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: James Maguire/Erin Quinn
Characters: Erin Quinn, Michelle Mallon, Orla McCool, Clare Devlin, James Maguire, Joe McCool
Additional Tags: Pining, Crushes, post season 2 episode 5, aka what happens after the tomato juice incident, Clothes Sharing, perhaps a little bit mildly out of character, also i am not irish so forgive me if the dialogue is off
Summary: She has never been looked at like that before. Like a problem and an answer all at once. Like the physical embodiment of the feeling of hearing your favourite song. Like the axis that the world spins on.
She swipes her hands through the air like she is wiping off a chalkboard, then turns to the sink, looking at herself in the mirror. The dry crust of tomato juice is stuck to her neck, and her hair is hardening into something resembling reddened straw. She looks like a scarecrow, too big clothes and hay for hair. All she needs is a hat with a patch on it.
She turns on the tap, and dips her head, submerging her hair in the water. It softens, and she scrubs at it with lemony smelling hand soap until the water that swirls down the drain is clear again.
She stares at herself in the mirror, then points at her reflection, the tip of her finger pressed against the glass. “You do not fancy James,” she says to herself in a whisper, “you do not fancy him.”
OR; what happens after the tomato juice incident
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