#orisa puppy
onenormalorca · 2 years
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The puppy was interested in Orisa
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bellastay99 · 8 months
You deny his kiss request
(fem!reader x SKZ)
He would probably apologize
It's ok for him, you may just not be on the mood
Sometimes he gets a little too sensitive
He knows that you would never be mean to him
*I'm a two kids room, he's telling the story when you rejected his kiss for the first time with Minho*
Minho- Oh! Is y/n, ok? I haven't seen her in at least a week.
Han- I think she's fine...*look at him*
Minho- ... You think she's fine? She's your girlfriend! *Laughs* Did you guys fight? Discussed?
Han- Nooo...*talking softly looking a little nervous but wanting to laugh* I think it is my fault...
Minho- Why?
Han- I was ready to invite her to the performance on Monday, but...she wasn't in the mood... *Holding laugh* I asked her for a kiss...she rejected it.
Minho- And...what did you do?
Han- I apologize...?*laughs*
Minho- Ok, but...what happened?
Han- I think I got too sensitive and didn't talk to her this week yet? *Laughing nervously*
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Minho- *serious face* Hannie... Are you dumb?
Han- No...maybe? I think she's angry with me, hyuung! What do I do?!
He would beg if he notices that you're playing with him
Or ask if you're ok if he notices that you're down
If you're playing, what you make it obvious
He would beg the whole day, steal and run after you begging for a little peck on his lips
*at the waiting room after he performed, waiting for you guys to go home. Felix was very clingy, a needy boy with you, so you decided to test him a little bit*
Felix- Baby...*You were laying on the couch watching videos* Baaaaby...*he approached*
You- Whaaat?
Felix- *stop in front of the couch looking down to you* I'm needy...
You- *laughs* I know that~
Felix- I need your attention...*make a sad puppy face*
You- What kind of attention? *Loom at him smiling*
Felix- I need a kiss ... Just one~
You- ... Naaah *go back to the phone smirking* I don't want.
Felix- ...*processing* Please!
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*he threw himself in you and hugged, you laughed out loud and you couldn't escape his kisses in your face. Not this time...you wouldn't run away easily*
He'll make sure that you'll regret that
Would tease you the rest of the day
Pretend being sad
Manipulates just for a kiss, yes
Silent treatment sometimes
He'll play your game too lol
*At the practice vocal room, you both were singing for fun and he was teaching one a little piano too*
*Suddenly he stopped and kept staring at you. You looked at him*
You- What...? I made something wrong?
Seungmin- I want to kiss you...just one *he showed it with his finger* Just once~
You- *blush and laugh* Aah Minnie, now?
Seungmin- I promise, is just one.
You- What triggered you?
Seungmin- Watching you playing piano is just too beautiful *blushes*
You- Later...I...want to finish this song. I'm gonna lose focus.
Seungmin: Alright...
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You- ...*worried* Are you really sad?
Seungmin- Noo...*lies* I'm fine, it's just a silly kiss anyway.
You- Is not silly! Oh come on! *Laughs*
Seungmin- I'm ok...
You- No, you're not.
Seungmin- What you wanna do about it?
You- Kiss.
Seungmin- *fastly recompense himself* Yes!~
He is in SHOCK
How could you not kiss him?!
Every time you do that, he'll hunt you for a kiss
Run, run for your life
*Having a good time with the boys*
*You're playing with Jisung Overwatch on Xbox*
Jisung- What are you doooing?! *Laughing* YOU'RE DYING!
You- I'm trying! *Laughing* Orisa don't die! IMMORTAL!
Jisung- Oh no! You gonna lose! No no no! THE CAR! THE CAR! *You lost the game* Holy moly, that support was shit!
Jeongin- Love? *Approached* You're done?
You- Yeah...come play together, baby *look at him*
Jeongin- Naah, I'd rather stay with you in the room...aren't we going to what the movie?
You- Yeah. Just one more.
Jeongin- Ok, at least, a kiss.
You- It found a match already, later.
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Jisung- You can't reject our Maknae! *Laughs*
You- He can deal with that~
Jeongin- Hyung...grab the console.
You- What? Why? *Look at him while Jisung takes it from you*
Jeongin- You better run...
You- Aw shit! *Laughs in desperate running away*
Jeongin- YOU OWN ME A KISS!! *run after*
Jisung- Oh my...love is... weird ~
Any suggestions? Comment it down below, I'll read it for sure 🦊🤍
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shewhopats · 1 year
Overwatch characters watching your kid
I've been thinking about writing some silly short stories about OW characters getting stuck watching someone's kid, but I figured I would make this guide for my headcannon for the kind of babysitter each of them would be.
Brigitte and Reinhardt would make you the most nervous with their methods. Lots of rough-housing, throwing them around and into the air, giving your kid sugar, letting them climb things, and overall just encouraging mayhem and rule-breaking. "You mom/dad doesn't let you do this at home? Well, they're not here, are they?" Your kid will come home thoroughly exhausted, but bitter about you not being as fun as they are.
Orisa would make the same mistakes as Brigitte and Reinhardt, but more out of ignorance and inexperience. Like letting your kid stay up too late, because she doesn't understand why going to bed at a decent time is important, or feeding them something that makes them sick because that's what they said they wanted to eat. Unintentionally lets your kid walk all over her, but once you teach her how it's done, she'll be your go-to option when you need a break.
Zenyatta would be so intrigued by the natural imagination and curiosity of children. He'd provide lots of different toys, art supplies, and time for unrestricted and uninstructed play. A one-man enrichment program. Just don't try to tell him there are boy toys and girls toys. Your kid will be allowed to play with whatever they want. He would also unironically have a blast playing pretend with dolls or action figures. I'm talking a 25-part narrative with backstories, lore, worldbuilding, and an Endgame-style final conflict.
Genji, Kiriko, Tracer, and B.O.B would be the kings and queens of "don't tell your parents." Extra screen-time, taking them out for ice cream, staying up a little later then their normal bedtime, etc. What I would call "a healthy amount of rule-breaking." They have everyone else convinced they are Responsible™ but you can't help noticing that your kid is always excited to hangout with them.
Ana and Torbjorn could be depended on the same way you can trust grandma and grandpa. They've had kids, so they know all the tips, tricks, and games to keep your kid clean, fed, safe, and happy. Just don't tell them some dumb shit like "organic, non-gmo fruits only." Your kid will be eating bananas from the supermarket like everyone else. But for more sensible rules, even the ones they don't agree with, they will follow them.
Echo will make you fill out a 200-question survey and write an essay on how you want your kid cared for. She will follow every instruction down to the letter, and send you updates every 30 minutes. If your kid sneezes, she will call you to ask about it. The downside is your kid will probably hate her for being such a rules monger.
Baptiste, Illari, Lucio, and Sojourn would try so hard to be responsible and follow your instructions, but puppy-eyes work on them 80% of the time. Your home will look like a warzone when you get back, but they'll help you clean up.
Lifeweaver, Pharah, Mei, and Zarya would get a whiff of that specific smell babies have that makes your DNA scream at you to make one yourself. They would be the sweetest, most gentle caretakers on this list. They'll spend most of the time snuggling on the couch, watching T.V. and drinking hot coco. Would let your kid give them a makeover, paint their nails, and play with their hair. Would read to and rock them to sleep, tuck them in really snug. They'd probably look forward to seeing your kid again, and every time you happen upon one of them, they'll only ask what's going on with the kiddo.
Sombra, Symmetra, and Widowmaker would rather be water-boarded then spend five minutes with those sticky-fingered cunt goblins you call kids.
Ashe, Hanzo, and Winston would happily agree to babysit for you, thinking they will be serviceable at it. How hard could it be? Then an hour later they call you, on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and beg you to come back, because your kid is crying or throwing a tantrum. They definitely have the potential to be great caretakers, but they would need someone to walk them through it at first.
Bastion and Sigma definitely WANT to give babysitting a try, but they understand why that's probably not a safe idea. They would question your intelligence if you asked them.
Cassidy and D.va would take your kid to McDonalds or somewhere else with else with a play-place, and let them go wild while they sit on a bench nearby. They will do the bare minimum amount of work to keep your kid alive, because they have better things to do. Would only babysit as a favor for you if no one else is available.
Mercy is married to her work, and Ramattra is dedicated to his mission. If you somehow convince them to watch your kid for even a single hour, they'll set-up a playpen with whatever toys they like, toss in a sippy cup and snack every now and then, and ignore their existence while they do their usual business.
Doomfist, Moira, Reaper, and Soldier: 76 would tape your kid to a chair the first time it annoys them. I know there's the fandom joke of S76 being the dad of the team, but he's always come off as grumpy and impatient to me.
Your kid would love the junkers (Junker Queen, Junkrat, Roadhog, Wrecking Ball) for all the wrong reasons. They would teach your kid how to make a grenade launcher out of plastic bottles and rubber bands, 37 new swear words, and how to punch people in the throat. Unless you want to get a call from the school about your kid blowing up the chemistry room, I would choose literally anyone else to babysit.
Mauga would use your kids to get dates. He'll take your daughter to a dance class and talk to any single parents about how much of a family man he is and how difficult being a single dad. He'll take your son to play catch in a park so he has an excuse to take his shirt off and flex his muscles. He'll coach your kid to walk up to someone and say, "my uncle thinks your pretty, so maybe you can play with us."
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rockkandii · 5 months
Overwatch heros pet headcannons
Tank edition!
(minus Winston and Hammond)
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Junker queen: she's always wanted a dog, and after being introduced to a new game by y/n she decided on the one she wanted. A German Shepard! She did a ton of research on them and got one from a shelter with only three legs, she ended up creating a junker leg for it and help from mercy getting it attached safely. She named him Dogmeat, based on her new favorite game, fallout 4.
Orisa: she wasn't big on the idea of having a pet, due to the fear of her size being an issue for such a small creature. However that changed when she encountered a Boston terrier puppy on a mission last spring. The small dog was full of energy and refused to leave Orisas side even when she tried to shoot it away. But eventually followed her onto the airship where she gave him and wanted to take care of them. She eventually named him Winston after an animated short film about a Boston terrier that another overwatch agent had shown her. (Much to Winston's confusion.)
Ramattra: He has an ant farm that was gifted to him from y/n after he mentioned his fascination of the tiny creatures. He cares for them dearly, and is often dozing off just watching them work throughout their colony in his office. He's not named them, as there is far too many, but when he's observing them you can faintly catch him mumbling their job titles with praise.
Reinhardt: He's got a sweet old golden retriever he rescued from a shelter, she was twelve when he adopted her and no one seemed to want the older dog which broke his heart. He was told to expect maybe another good year or two before the 'inevitable', however she's turning sixteen in a week now. Her name is Tillie.
Zarya: she took in an adult cat from a fellow agent that had sadly fallen in battle, one she was relatively close to. The cat was a nebelung and quite pampered, however he seems to adora Zarya as much as she does him. An elegant grey ball of fluff that constantly curls up to her side after her training sessions or missions. His name is Pietro, and for some reason he does not seem to like Ramattra.
Roadhog: he has two rats, one is a light cream color with a darker brown splotch on his right side. And the other is white and black spotted with little streaks of brown by her tail. Their names are junk and pile, and he found them in a box in the rain while on a mission. No one really noticed at first when he had gotten back on the airship until they were about halfway back to base and realized he was holding his hands out and just staring at was in his palms. Every now and again you'll see him walking around base with them on his shoulders and they just sit there and observe.
D.va: she has a bunny, it's actually one that she unintentionally saved while on a raiding mission against Talon. She ended up in moira's lab which had been abandoned when the alarms were set off, and it was the only one that seemed to be left in the room inside a cage where it was scared and hiding in the corner. Her name is June and she enjoys occasionally riding in D.vas mech with her. June absolutely hates hearing the name Moira now.
Sigma: he has a betta fish, specifically an alien betta. Sombra noticed that sigma had been pretty lonely while doing research in his lab on his own. So she surprised him with a whole betta setup, and made sure he knew everything that was needed to take care of it. It was a brilliant green color and sigma was overjoyed when she presented him the fish. He adoringly named her plutonium, and spends hours upon hours just talking to his betta fish about all of his research and findings and hypotheses. Plutonium does respond by swimming in circles whenever he gets excited and if she's bored she floats upside down.
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emile-hides · 2 years
For the ask game! Ramattra?
The man who got me my first 1,000 note post. Yeah I got the think thonks on him for sure.
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One aspect about them I love
He's not as inherently cruel as you'd expect him to be. In fact, he's hardly cruel at all. He takes time before a mission to get to know his human teammates and is even willing to socialize with them, despite his apparent hatred for the species. Given how we know people who hate Omnics treat their Omnic teammates before a fight... It's rather surprising I think.
One aspect I wish more people understood about them
This is one I see in a lot of X Readers that make me regret making that gif but look. Guys look.
Just because a man is big with a deep voice does not mean he's going to walk you on a leash and call you his mutt.
Ramattra is not a dominator of any kind, sexually or otherwise. He's the only Overwatch character who actively kinkshames that very specific thing. He hates that Genji follows Zenyatta around like a little lost puppy, actively calls him disgusting over it.
He is not a violent person either. He didn't want any of this. He doesn't want to lead armies and have other tremble under his thumb and do every little thing he commands.
I'm just personally very tired of the Violent Dominate Ramattra X Readers... he's a softie actually... I would like more overrun with anxiety because he has no clue how humans work and actively fears hurting them on accident Ramattra X Reader...
Headcanons I have about this character
I've said this one to a handful of friends but one of my instant Ramattra takes is that he is constantly, beyond his control, scanning for threats around him, and all Humans as perceived as threats to his internal scanners. He's always hyper aware of the humans around him, how they're moving, breathing, speaking, their critical weakpoints, any potential weapons they may have, etc etc. To the point that he struggles to distinguish an ally from an enemy human while in the midst of battle.
Everything he does that might seem odd was in effort to appear more... Friendly to humans during his time in the Shambali. He's a very big Omnic, not the biggest, but bigger than average, and his model type being Generals in the Human Killing Army is enough to put everyone around him on edge, which he of course picks up, and it puts him on edge. So he does weird human things like Breath, Stutter, Hum, Cough. Anything to make himself a little more human.
He hates a lot about himself. He hates how big he is, he hates his original purpose, he hates the human traits he picked up and can't let go, he hates that his default is violence, he hates the sound of his voice when he yells, he hates the constant threat display in his head, he hates his creation and his creator and the brother who made him feel welcomed like he could be accepted despite all these things he hates about living as himself.
I don't think he wanted to lead an army or extinguish the human race. But it's what he was built for, and if no matter what he does people will only ever see him as what he was at the start, then why try changing that? He's on a self destructive mission, yes to save his kind, his dying race, his family, but also just to get away from the fantasy he'd built up of being someone different than who he is. Someone smaller and gentler and more... human. That clearly can't happen. It's not an option for him.
I think Ramattra's a Trans Woman.
One character I love seeing them interact with
I really love his interactions with Bastion!! And Zenyatta as well!!! I know it says one character but they way he speaks to them both is so!!!!!! Cute!!!
The little twigs comment in his canon interaction with Bastion!! The lore and bond he had with Zenyatta in the past!!! God it's my everything!!!
One character I wish they would interact with/interact with more
My friend @ow-old-men got me really really into the idea of him interacting with Orisa (curse you OW2) and just. Experiencing the world along side her. Two Omnics made for violence redefining themselves in familial rolls
Does Orisa know what a woman is? No. But she's still the first one to use She/Her Pronouns for Ramattra because she knows.
Headcanons I have that involve them with other characters
Orisa is Ramattra's egg cracker this is why Blizzard won't let them interact
I think he's the reason Mondatta was assassinated. It was part of the deal with joining Talon, he agreed to assist them if they could take Mondatta out. It was a deal he regretted making almost immediately
Because of his hostility to humans, Maximilien is required to be in every meeting Ramattra is in, for his personal comfort.
Do they actually talk? God I hope so. I hope they kiss on the mouth while they're at it. But also I think Ram would hate Max, because he's just too human. Ramattra has no room to talk though, what with his bad habit of breathing and all that.
Akande really likes Ramattra, likes his manner of holding himself and his conviction. Ramattra hates Akande and really really really wants him to leave him alone.
I think the idea of Ramattra figuring out Reaper's identity and constantly threatening his life is incredibly good fanon content that should continue
Zenyatta, for a very long time, hated and was more hostile to humans than Ramattra. This is why Ramattra brought him to the Shambali, to get away from humans.
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nitewrighter · 2 years
what are your guesses on the remaining heroes' favourite animals when Lucio asks?
Bastion: Birds! (Just... birds... no specific species).
Zarya: East Siberian Brown Bear (This doesn't even have anything to do with the whole "Bear as a symbol of Russia" thing, she literally just thinks they're cute)
Echo: Blue Morpho Butterfly
Doomfist: Rhinoceros
Orisa: Puppy!!
Zenyatta: Capybara
Sojourn: Timberwolf
Cassidy: El Chupacabra (And someone else says, "That's not a real animal" and he's like "Bullshit, I know what I saw" and doesn't elaborate further.)
Reaper: "What a stupid question..." (Hedgehog. His favorite animal is a hedgehog.)
Sigma: Tardigrade ("Did you know they can survive the vacuum of space? Remarkable!")
Sombra: Jellyfish ("You neeeeever see them 'til they get you.")
Reinhardt: "Ah! You would think it is the lion, but that is my sigil! My favorite is in fact the stouthearted St. Bernard!"
Symmetra: "The blue glaucus. An exquisite creature."
Wrecking Ball: *angry squeaking* "IS. THIS. A. JOKE."
Winston: "I've always been fascinated by the intelligence of cephalopods. A part of me wishes there were octopuses on Horizon... I would have liked to hear their thoughts on things."
Hanzo: "In my wanderings, I've come to develop an affection for cats. Their grace, their solitude, their ability to find their place and observe from the margins." *pause* "What-- were you expecting me to say 'dragons?'"
Kiriko: "I'll let you guess."
Ana: "Hm... well... I'm very fond of falcons."
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one-winged-dreams · 2 years
I mained Orisa for a while there
she was fun and i have her puppy emote 😭
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sullsby · 6 years
Wow! What a great victory pose 😂
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hammeh · 7 years
All the Overwatch Winter Wonderland new skins, voice lines, sprays and some GREAT emotes this year :D Time codes in description to skip!
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luterinah · 7 years
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Ana had always thought of herself as a cat person, but how could she resist those adorable puppy dog eyes? . . Hoping to do a series of Orisa's puppy with the whole Overwatch cast. :)
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deggy98 · 7 years
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I wanted to wait until yesterday when Overwatch put out the Christmas update to draw one of the skins. However, I found something much better and adorable.
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squishymain · 7 years
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mercysstray · 4 years
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Orisa, Efi and Puppy makes three ! 
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clover-watch · 4 years
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It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this.
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maximumcatfeels · 5 years
I want a fic where Overwatch has captured Moira (how they did it doesn’t matter), and are trying to get information out of her.
They don’t want to use torture or any questionable methods, but she’s not talking (besides sass and insults), so they’re kind of at their wits’ end.
And then McCree has an idea. It seems like a really dumb idea, but it’s not torture and nothing else is working so they just let him do it.
His grand plan: get Moira really really reeeeeeeaalllly drunk off of her favorite Irish whiskey, and then let her pet a dog (they borrow Orisa’s puppy for this - after both Genji and McCree reassure her that Moira would never hurt a dog- people, definitely, but not a dog)
And then, after letting her pet the puppy, they take it away. And Moira is so drunkenly desperate to pet the doggie again, she agrees to talk about almost everything.
Granted half of her words are either slurred or in Gaelic, but hey, Overwatch now has information about a lot of Talon’s upcoming activities... and a bunch of different ways to baby talk to dogs in Gaelic.
(Moira has a very large hangover the next morning, but isn’t really bothered by the fact that she talked about Talon. She’s more upset that they won’t let her pet the puppy again.)
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nitewrighter · 2 years
Did any of the kids have a pet? Also, besides Murphy, which pets, if any, would the adults have?
Marti keeps bettas! I actually have a fic of how she got her first one here. She would also count her spider robot Ebo as a pet.
Aedan has his albino pet lab rabbit, Creggan.
Rei doesn't have any pets but she's the one who maintains all the bird feeders around the watchpoint. She also helped take care of a hutch of finches on the roof of her apartment building during her time in Hollywood.
Samir has a soft spot for cats and is always trying to feed strays, but he doesn't own one. There are several cats around Gibraltar that recognize him, though.
Not a pet but I can see Akasha with an emotional support Marimo.
Pharah did talk about getting a dog (a rottweiler, I think?) since one of her coworkers at Helix has a puppy.
Orisa has her Frenchie/boston terrier puppy, which I've headcanoned to be named "Bean."
Bastion has Ganymede, but that may be less of a pet and more of a companion.
Brigitte has Mitzi the big chonky cat, of course.
I imagine Moira likes keeping creepy crawlies, mainly centipedes, her favorite animal. She also has that one spray which suggests she might have dogs but it's not clear/confirmed.
I like to imagine that, during their time in the Necropolis, Soldier and Ana befriended a stray dog that they ended up kind of rehabilitating. Like it started out as, "It's injured and I can't leave the poor thing to suffer" and then it just kept... hanging around. They couldn't bring it with them, but it's still at the Necropolis. It can take care of itself.
I know it's a bit on the nose but I do think Lúcio would have a big cool tank with a couple of White's Tree Frogs in there (I don't know the legal status of pet frogs in Brazil though, RIP). It's one of those things where like, they're just as much a beloved pet as they are a carefully maintained decoration in his living room.
I don't trust D.Va with an animal. That is a girl who has killed multiple tamagotchis.
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