#original story
clockys-soul · 3 days
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The nocturnal wyverns, the Nightreaper!
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mj-iza-writer · 1 day
Warning: swear words used.
The team burst through Caretaker's office carrying something wrapped in blankets.
"Geesh, I don't need a heartattack you know", Caretaker held his chest, "what is that?"
"Not a what, a who", Leader laid the blob down carefully.
Caretaker jumped up quickly, "wh-who did we lose?"
"I don't know, it's not a teammate, but I couldn't leave them there. I didn't know if we could help them, but at least they won't die alone", Leader sighed, "th... they're in bad shape, I'm afraid."
The team and Caretaker started peeling away the blankets. The farther in they were, the more blood gushed out from whoever was in the cocoon.
Caretaker frowned when they finally found the victim.
Leader watched, "I'm sorry Caretaker, I feel like I bring the hardest projects to you."
Caretaker breathed a heavy sigh, "it's okay, um, I will try my best. I'll let you know what happens within an hour or so. Please give me some space to work."
When the team left, Caretaker peeled away a piece of tattered clothing from the person's ribs.
"You son of a bitch", Caretaker sighed, "I had a feeling this was your handiwork", he gently rubbed his finger along an old scar carved into their skin.
Leader came by a bit later to see how it was going.
"Hey Caretaker", Leader whispered as they closed the door, "how is it going? I know I'm early, I've been nervously pacing for the last forty-five minutes though. "
"They're still alive if that's what you're wondering", Caretaker sighed, "they're a fighter, I'll be monitoring them through the night, if they make it to morning I think they have a good chance of recovery."
Leader watched as Caretaker gently sponged away dried blood from the victims body.
"You are always so gentle, no matter what you are doing. You can see the care you put into your work", Leader sighed, "that's why I brought them. I figured you could either save them or give them comfort before they passed."
The victim whimpered a little at the last words Leader said.
"Please don't talk about them dying, it's a scary subject", Caretaker gently rested the person's arm on the table, then carefully moved to another part to begin cleaning, "you know of some of my history, and I had to heal my own wounds. When you know the pain first hand, you work hard to ensure you don't cause anymore."
Leader nodded, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be saying such negative things. We need to think positively", Leader gave a gentle smile.
"I'm giving them pain medication and something to help them rest", Caretaker pulled out some viles, "if you could wait for a bit, we need to talk."
"Yes of course", Leader sat down, "hand me that sponge. I'll start cleaning them up over here."
Leader stroked the sponge along the victims skin, they tried as hard as possible to be gentle.
The victim squirmed a little when Leader pressed a little to firmly.
"I'm so sorry", Leader quickly lifted their hands away.
Caretaker reached his hand over.
Leader started to give them the sponge back.
Caretaker gently grabbed Leader's wrist, "the idea is to gently remove the looser grime and blood", he guided Leader's hand down and showed how much pressure to add, "we may have to do several sponge baths before they start looking clean, and wait for them to be strong enough to do a full bath. This first sponge bath just helps feel better. You can also use this time to inspect the body better."
Leader nodded as Caretaker guided their hand along the victims body.
"Do we have a name yet", Leader took the sponge and eyed the victim, who seemed to be taking to the drugs nicely.
"They whispered it, I believe it's Whumpee", Caretaker took the dirty water to replace it, "I need to talk to you though. We have a problem."
Leader watched as Caretaker revealed the carved scar on Whumpee.
"Is that?" Leader whispered and quickly looked around.
Caretaker lifted their shirt to reveal they had the same scar etched into their rib.
"It's their calling card", Caretaker sighed and lowered his and Whumpee's shirt, "I knew right when I saw Whumpee that this was their handiwork. That asshole is back."
Leader frowned and looked at Whumpee, "I know you don't like talking about your past, and I respect that."
Caretaker nodded.
"What do we do now?", Leader frowned.
"We first help this one. This is a fresh victim. They only strike once a month. They've probably had this one for a week or two and had their fun, then left them. They will begin hunting for the next one soon. Who knows how many victims there have been before Whumpee."
Leader nodded.
"They are easier to hunt when they're hunting. They go into hiding with their prey", Caretaker explained.
"First", Whumpee mumbled quietly.
"What was that Whumpee?", Caretaker got down near them to hear.
"I... was.... the fir...st.... mmm...victim", Whumpee groaned weakly.
Leader nodded, "we've fought them before. We know what to do now. Caretaker, we will start looking for them. Please update me and let me know how Whumpee is doing in the morning. We are heading out now, we don't want to chance them starting early and taking someone else."
Leader exchanged a few more plans with Caretaker. They gently rubbed Whumpee's arm, then started to leave.
"Please be careful", Caretaker called after them, "all of you."
"Wh..at... if.... th-they... don't make it?", Whumpee gave a concerned look.
"We can't think like that", Caretaker frowned, "you and I both know what they have done to us. Leader and the team have faced them before they know what to do to stop them."
Whumpee weakly nodded.
"Let's get you cleaned up a little more, then we can have you take a nap", Caretaker sighed, "this will be a long night for everyone."
The next morning Caretaker called Leader.
"This is Leader, go ahead", they almost seemed out of breath.
"It's Caretaker... what's going on?"
"We found them... we have been fighting most of the morning", Leader answered, "how is Whumpee?"
"This isn't a good time.... I'll call back", Caretaker frowned, "I need you to be paying attention. That asshole is slippery."
"No its fine, we are almost done. How is Whumpee, you'll give me a boost of energy", Leader replied.
"It was a long night, but Whumpee made it. I think they will be just fine", Caretaker smiled, "please be careful, and kill them this time."
"Trust me, I plan on it", Leader chuckled.
Caretaker turned to Whumpee after they hung up.
"They are fighting them right now.. they seem to be winning", Caretaker smiled.
"Tha-thank... goodness", Whumpee whispered, "I... hope.... they're.... safe."
"Me too", Caretaker reached for a towel, "let's get a little more off of you while we wait."
Whumpee nodded.
After a few minutes Whumpee fell asleep again.
Leader came into the room hours later with the team.
"They're dead", Leader announced, "I made sure of it this time."
Caretaker looked over the team.
"Whoever has injuries line up", Caretaker watched as several lined up.
Leader went and sat on a chair next to Whumpee.
"I'll wait until they are taken care of, I just need some bandages and maybe some stitches", Leader smiled as they saw Whumpee looking at them.
"Tha-thankyou... for... saving... me, and... anyone... else...they could... have gotten", Whumpee whispered with tears in their eyes.
"You're welcome, I'm happy we found you, and brought you here. This is your family and home now.... at least if you want it to be."
Whumpee nodded again, "thankyou."
Caretaker glanced up at Leader and Whumpee while they worked on one of the teammates.
"Thank goodness", Caretaker mumbled under their breath, 'this is a better outcome than what I was dreading', they thought to themself.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinxe
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
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endtheartist · 11 hours
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Title: Saints, Sickness and Apples
Written by: Steph End
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phlurrii · 2 days
Wip of some character exploration with Lumae ;3
And no, he’s not dead in that last clip, that’s just a friend of his who didn’t make it and is kinda the catalyst for the way he is ;>
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etincelleart · 3 days
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So far Gris and Fauve's story (Spark) seemed pretty cool, calm, nice and all, but I'm finally introducing some dark stuff and lore, otherwise that would be too chill aha
So here's The Corruption :]
I had the idea of the Corruption in 2021 and drew it in my sketchbook, and the art thread of the corrupted tiger on Twitter inspired me to get back on it and continue to develop it.
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The Corruption is both something and someone, but no one knows exactly what and who it is exactly. It is sentient and posseses living beings. Only a Spark can give you chance to fight and avoid it, because once you're possessed you barely have a chance to survive.
Only Oruh can be more resistant because of their spiritual habilities. The Corruption appeared at the same time as the environmental catastrophe, which made things a lot worse since it started to "eat" most living beings including humans, animals and plants.
It's still there and "living" in dead areas where there's no life possible. Its goal is to extent and it seems to want something specific and it uses possession for that. Gris doesn't have any Spark so she's very vulnerable and an easy target. (poor bean)
As described on the drawing, this thing is terrible as you're still conscious while being possessed, but also "eaten" alive. The pain is indescriptible and only very few people were able to come out of this, and this left deep scars and a traumatic experience.
The various tribes use lights to protect themselves, their cities and transportation to be safe, but it's still not a full protection and doesn't prevent all attacks. Some people believe the Corruption is the manifestation of nature getting revenge for the mistreatment.
That's it for tonight's lore, so happy to get back on it !! (and with some horror, for a change)
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elmushterri · 2 days
I just found your channel and LOVE IT!!! (I’m the one who had pj masks inspired story ideas) I’m so glad you’ve got a tumblr!!
AWH! Thank you so so much 🧡 To be honest, I only started using tumblr cause it’s got the nicest format for this kinda thing. I’ll be posting more PJM, Paw Patrol (Once I’ve posted my rewrite), original story, and anything else anyone might want to see. Maybe my ROTG rewrite stuff.
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civilgravescomic · 3 days
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Another comic page concept - this one for when Jamie has an Aroace Moment while in the underworld.
He has a lot of inner conflict about maintaining his friendships and finding the self worth to believe he deserves it.
I've almost reached this scene in the editing process. so I gave him some story-acurite scars/injuries.
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ph0enix-12 · 6 hours
So uh-
Chapter 1 of Ichorverse is posted.....yaaaayyy (im dying)
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margonika00 · 2 days
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The gods are also consumed with envy
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the-ellia-west · 2 days
Raavas 1/3 - Feathered Sword
Enjoy! (Hopefully)
"With all due respect, you aren't getting any younger, sir."
"Ha!" Evellias touched a grey streak in his beard at the thought. "I suppose you're right. But I'm not dead yet!"
"If you're reckless, you could be by the end of the year."
"I'm reckless?"
"Not at the moment, but you could be if you start thinking you're invincible."
"I won't. Besides, I know my way around a sword Aery. Don't worry so much."
"It is my job to worry, sir." The guard put his hands behind his back. "You're the only protector we've got. This kingdom can't afford to lose you."
"Can't afford to lose my sword, you mean." Evellias raised an eyebrow, "You know just as well as I that the only reason they haven't taken it from me is because I'm the only one who can use it."
Aery started to speak, stopped, and continued. "You have protection nonetheless, sir."
"Well then, I may just have to use you for some other purpose, hm? How do you feel about errands, Aery?"
Evellias laughed, but a faint cry stopped both men in their tracks.
"Did you hear that, sir?"
"I did." The soldier reached for his sword. "What was that?"
"It sounded almost like a child." Aery knelt by the reeds. "It came from here."
"Almost bird-like." Evellias nodded. But just as he started to help, a strange feeling tugged in his chest. Almost like fuzzy strings wrapped around his heart, pulling him toward the water of the creek. The swordsman followed the pull but stopped as a faint glow caught his eye, pulsing faintly beneath the murky water. The warrior squinted at the cool light and slowly edged toward it. But as water soaked through the toe of his boot, the sigil carved into the center of the cross guards on his own sword burst into a light of its own.
A Protector's sword. But it couldn't be lit on its own.
The swordsman glanced around, steeled his resolve, and plunged into the water. He dropped under, reaching for the light. The tip of his finger brushed a hard object, and he fumbled with the metal for a moment before getting a grip on the hilt. Evellias pulled at the sword. It wouldn't budge.
The warrior pulled harder, bracing himself against a rock. And as he pushed himself to the last of his strength, the sword finally sprung free of the mud. Evellias flipped his hair back out of his face, brushing off the sword.
"Sir!" Aery stopped, catching sight of his boss standing in the middle of a creek. "What- Uh, never mind. Sir, you may want to come take a look at this."
"What?" The warrior hooked the sword to his belt beside his own and trotted over to Aery, the sword's light blazing brighter as he did so.
"It's a child, sir. A Harpy hatchling, to be precise."
"Why is it here?" Evellias frowned as the small bundle sniffled softly before continuing its tiny chirping cries.
"I'm not sure. But the nest looked like it had been abandoned." A pause stretched between the two. "We should kill it."
Evellias frowned and glanced at the sword. "No."
"What? Sir, we have to. If we let it loose in town, it could attack someone!"
"It's a baby. It doesn't know how to."
"Then we need to get rid of it before it learns."
"Aery," Evellias drew the sword. "It's a protector."
"What?" Aery stopped, staring at the glowing steel and back at the child. The guard pushed a lock of hair out of its face. "I... I suppose... Harpies are sentient..."
"Yes! It can learn!"
Another long pause stretched the air thin before Aery spoke again. "He. He can learn." The guard's eyes softened. "What will you do, sir?"
"I'll take him with us. I'll raise him, train him. This sword is meant for him. We'll make him a guard, the protector he's meant to be."
"What is rule number one?"
"Only eat what I'm supposed to."
"Rule number two?"
"Keep the sword safe, and make sure I always know where it is."
"Number three?"
"If something goes wrong, hide and wait for you."
Evellias ruffled the young Harpy's hair. "Good job!"
Raavas wrapped his wings around himself as a soft cooing chirp escaped his lips at the praise. "Thanks, Papa!"
"You're very welcome." The swordsman scooped the little boy into his arms.
"Can we go outside? Please?"
"Alright. Do you have your sword?"
The Harpy nodded, touching the little toy sword in its sheath resting beneath his wing. "Yes, Papa!"
"Okay, then we can go."
"Yay!" The little boy's fluffy white wings fluttered excitedly as Evellias took him to the front of the building.
Minutes passed of the little boy playing about in the grass before a familiar shape passed by the gate. Raavas gasped and leaped to his feet.
The man dismounted his horse and knelt. The little Harpy flung his arms around him. "Raavas! How are you doing?"
"Aery. Welcome back. Have you found anything?"
"Unfortunately, not. But we need to talk. Things have gotten complicated."
"What's the news?"
Aery glanced at the young Harpy. "It's a message from the king. Anyway, have you been behaving?"
"Yes! Did you bring presents?" The little boy grinned.
"Ha! Sorry to say, little one, not this time."
Raavas' smile faded a little. "Okay."
"I need to talk to Aery, okay? Can I leave you here for a little bit, Raav? Is that okay?"
"Papa?" Raavas squirmed, and Aery put him down.
"Can I go get a snack?"
"Not right now, maybe soon, okay?"
The two adults retreated inside the building to converse, and Evellias called for a servant to watch the little Harpy.
They spoke and shared information on the new situations and the adaptations they'd have to make for a while. But just after they'd finished speaking, a servant burst into the room.
"Sir! Master Evellias! The young master has gone missing! We looked for him in the garden and all about the house, but he's gone. We can't find him!"
"What?" Evellias leaped to his feet. "Shit. Aery, find some sort of clues. You, follow him."
After a short moment to process, all three figures raced off to their respective orders. Evellias tossed the corner of his carpet away from the bed and pried up the loose floorboard, drawing out the magnificent silver sword.
It's light cast dimly upon the floor, he rushed back to the ground floor and nearly ran into Aery. "What did you find?"
"He's inside. We found trails of dirt in the hallways, and one of the servants heard him say something about food before he dissapeared."
"He did mention wanting something before we went to talk. We should go to the kitchen. See if he's somewhere in there."
"Agreed." Aery nodded, and the two warriors followed the hallways to the kitchen, but after searching it, found nothing.
Evellias drew the sword and held it out. The light glowed at the light levels of a candle. He backed toward the door, but as he did so, the light faded. "He's here."
"But that's impossible, sir. We checked everywhere."
"Apparently not." Evellias trailed around the room and stopped in front of a wall. "Here is brightest."
"But- wait. Unless..." Aery passed Evellias and pulled open the cellar door.
"No, that's not possible, how..." Evellias looked down at the sword. He stepped hesitantly onto the steps, the light growing stronger. But as the two swordsmen followed the stairs, a faint noise stopped them in their tracks.
A soft sniffling cry somewhere between a sob and a bird trill. Aery glanced at Evellias, and the swordsman dropped the weapon, rushing down the stairs. "Raavas? Raavas, is that you? Answer me. Are you okay?"
Instead of an answer, the sobbing continued. "Aery, grab a torch. Now."
Evellias stepped cautiously into the darkness, little hiccups interrupted the sobs as a small voice gasped from the darkness. "Papa... I... I'm sorry... I didn't... I didn't mean..."
"Raavas!" Evellias sighed in relief, but froze as the words finally sunk in and the child returned to sobbing just as Aery brought the torch.
But both of the swordsmen froze in their tracks as the light fell over the child. Blood. Panic surged through Evellias, but he stopped as he caught sight of the small shapes beside him. Crimson soaked the Harpy's hands and face and he flinched. "Papa... I'm sorry..."
"Raavas. What's there to be sorry about?" Evellias hid his fear as he sat beside the little boy and cradled him in his arms as Aery knelt to examine the shapes and the blood.
"I... I... I broke... I broke the rules! Don't... don't be mad... Papa. P-please."
"What do you mean?"
"Rats." Aery looked up. "Desecrated..."
"I was hungry, Papa." Raavas hugged Evellias. "I... they're quiet. I didn't want to hurt them... I..." He broke down sobbing again, and Evellias hugged him close again.
"It's okay, Raavas. It's okay. Everything's going to be okay. It'll be the same as it always is." But as he and Aery locked eyes, they both knew that would be a lie.
Nothing would ever be the same.
Thanks for reading! Please comment anything if you read it! Anything at all!
@i-do-anything-but-write @friendlesscat @darkandstormydolls @artsandstoriesandstuff @rivenantiqnerd
@urnumber1star @bloodmoonloveletter @sunglasses-in-the-bentley @stars-forever @corinneglass
@supercimi @phoenixradiant @whoevenknowswhatimwriting @blue-kyber @aalinaaaaaa
@lunaeuphternal @chaoticcandle @sunflowerrosy @n1ghtcrwler @ghostlyboysstories
@floweryprosegarden @thisisntrocket @bluektw @nkikio @i-hate-happy-endings
@confused-romantic @vyuntspakhkite-l-darling @starslide @ramwritblr @homelessnerdwrites
@thecoolerlucky @bread-roses-and-chrome @thepeculiarbird @roleplay-fanatic @bbatcat
@thelazywitchphotographer @ryahisbored @pastellbg @agirlandherquill
@taleweaver-ramblings @bigwipscholar @fantastictrashpolice @cowboylikericky
@cosmolumine @caffeinated-and-annoying-bard @cherrychiplip @theliteraryarchitect @the-letterbox-archives
Thank you for reading! <333
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tyiart · 17 hours
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i've been working on the second chapter for my original post-apocalyptic story! it is about a bot waking up from her sleep in an unknown underground tunnel. her surroundings seem to be destroyed and there is no human in sight. she embarks on a journey through the ruined city to find answers to what happened to her and the world!
you can read the first chapter on my kofi 💜 can't wait to show you more!
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clockys-soul · 2 days
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Some coat of arms!
The Fulgur Wyvern Faces Left.
The Ardor Wyvern faces Front for Pyro was the first.
The Duratus Wyvern faces Right.
The Emblem of the Temple of Solis' Sun and Light.
The Emblem of the Temple of Fengari's Moon and Night.
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jev-urisk · 3 days
WIP Anagram Tag ✨️
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet!
Rules: find a sentence in your WIP that starts with each letter of the anagram
My word: DESIRE Your Word: WRECK
Desire is a perfect word to find spicy lines from 🌐7 Circles🌐 with. (🔥Adding a cut for mature themes/references to sex🔥)
Despite being unclothed in front of several hundred people, the only blush on his skin was the redness of electrical burns rising wherever the gold was touching him.
"Easy," Klaus says, his voice soothing. Gently, he tips Kazimier's chin back to expose his throat, and moves the collar so he can check the skin beneath it.
"Seems like a lot," Klaus says, his face suspiciously innocent. His hands fall to his belt, undoing the buckles. "But what kind of incubus would I be if I couldn't keep up?"
"I can survive on you slidin' your sweet cock past my fangs on the weekly for a long while yet."
"Remind me why we're cavorting with this demon, again? I need something to keep in mind when he begins.. upsetting me."
Every part of him yearning to taste his prey's climax, starving for a hit of it- but through sheer adept and practice, hardly any of it comes out in the slow gravel of his voice.
Taglist peeps! @katenewmanwrites @smellyrottentrees @wyked-ao3 @lychhiker-writes @fortunatetragedy @cowboybrunch @zackprincebooks @urbiggestfan-01 @quillswriting +Open Tag!
(Hmu to be +/- to my tag games list)
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and-corn · 10 months
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nothing like a good stretch for the first time in centuries
(Part 2 of this comic!)
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mpekamitzii · 2 years
Tfw your shapeshifter friend forgets how to turn back into a human and has a crisis
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shepscapades · 4 months
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Souls in the Sand: Concept Art
As I’ve mentioned here and there, I’ve spent the last two years developing an original story inspired by a small Origins+Empires server a few friends and I started planning. The more I developed plans for my empire to be a sprawling overgrown cityscape of ruins and stone framework inspired by the nether, the more I built up this backstory for the character I wanted to play, a small deerfolk boy named Esra. From there, and over months of working and reworking the story and its characters, I’m proud to say I’m coming up on a 100 piece gallery for my Masters Exhibition to display this story in the form of a song-inspired comic, titled: Souls in the Sand.
Over the next month and beyond the date of my exhibition in April, I wanted to start sharing my work here! I thought it would be fitting to first share all of the concept work I did for the characters last semester as I took each character from their old lineup and reworked them from scratch to see if there were any designs I could make more unique or appropriate for the story. This process consisted of four stages: silhouettes, full-body mock-ups, face and head shapes/designs, and experimenting with the final characters’ designs with a set of unique expressions that best fit their personalities and narrative role.
Since each character was reworked separately, the “new” concept lineup is a little disjointed (and some of the characters’ faces actually ended up different from their full-body designs), but I thought it would be fun to line them up to compare the overall cast to their old designs. With each character(s) I post the concept process for, I may share little bits of the work I’m doing or talk a little about their narrative roles as I go, but for now, have Esra!
I know I don’t post original work here often, but I wanted to share parts of this journey with you guys because it’s been very meaningful to me! And I hope all of the work I’ve been doing may at the very least serve as a bit of inspiration or encouragement for us to keep making silly minecraft stories, to keep drawing the characters we love, and to keep being creative in whatever way is meaningful! <3
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