#original trevor belmont
gretasworld · 1 year
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OG Trevor blesses the gang with gold dust
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justsayapple · 2 years
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One thing that delights me about Trephacard is how you know these three are taking turns in the braincell. Trevor and Sypha about to unleash chaos? Alucard is there to make sure the ramifications of the chaos are at least considered. Alucard and Trevor are squabbling? Sypha tells them to get their shit together. Sypha and Alucard lacking in street smarts? Trevor makes sure they don't get robbed
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clangrogu · 5 months
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autumnmobile12 · 1 year
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Out For A Walk
“Your mother and I saved this town once.  The two of us and Alucard, and Greta, and everyone here.  This was long after I’d given up on ever saving anyone.  And long after I’d given up on ever meeting anyone like you.”
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bluewitching · 2 years
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"What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets!"
I've got the main trio and the vampire sisters ready to go!!! :> (Tho it was hard not to keep all the Striga's to myself!)
Peruse my wares [here]!
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The final battle at Castlevania.
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eributts · 6 months
A Town Called Belmont
In a town called Belmont, a legend has rung true A tale of great heroes that saved me and you
Three great souls are gathered here Destiny is written Fending of the darkest soul Of a neck that’s bitten A horde of angry monsters Demons and the like Against the night creatures These warriors did strike
We sing of their legacy Passed down age by age The ones who came to save us When evil took the stage
In a town called Belmont, a legend has rung true A tale of great heroes that saved me and you We stand here in the place that three became one The masters of their trade they were, and war they have won We are descended from the three It is our destiny
A master with weapons To strike and pierce and whip A master with his tongue He was a master with quip A mage with the elements She was always strong With fire, ice, and lightning She would hold back the throng
An ancient evil Once he had a son His son who turned against him A warrior of sun He was his fathers inverse Though great his power be Awakened from his sleep To save you and me
In a town called Belmont, a legend has rung true A tale of great heroes that saved me and you We stand here in the place that three became one The masters of their trade they were, and war they have won We are descended from the three It is our destiny
Whether night creature or vampire Or even great lord Death With holy whip in hand He fought to his last breath He would be whole again To come to his abode With the one he loved the most The end of the wanderer’s road
In a town called Belmont, In a town called Belmont, In a town called Belmont, a legend has rung true A tale of great heroes that saved me and you We stand here in the place that three became one The masters of their trade they were, and war they have won We are descended from the three It is our destiny
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thelotusreaper · 9 days
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Heyy, thank you so much for the support on my first post! Here’s a finished draw of my Ocs Aizen (half elf half genie magician) and my girl Lucy Belmont (granddaughter of Trevor Belmont and Sypha Belnades) ᯓᡣ𐭩.ᐟ ⊹
I’m open to talk more about them if you guys are interested hehe ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
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russieraholic · 10 months
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Banter in the Stacks
By Russell V. May
Completed on November 22, 2023
Inspired by this screenshot of Netflix’s Castlevania series.
Pictured is Sypha as a Delphox, and Trevor as an Obstagoon/Mega Lucario fusion.
If you’d like full-body references for these characters, let me know you’re interested, and I will post them as well.
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gretasworld · 1 year
The original Trevor Belmont is charismatic one. He is high energy and high spirited, sassy, sharp spoken,confident, connected to faith, clean in hygiene and eloquent. He is a tad bit wild too. Better looking too. And he knows his craft, knows what he is talking about. He doesn't disrespect Sypha either. And that red cut mark on Alucard that netflox shit show distastefully used actually is of Trevor.
After the fight with Hector, Trevor realises Original Hector can fight and he fights well. Sadly Trevor Belmont got murdered by original Isaac. People saying Trevor Belmont was not changed in the shit show are wrong. See the changes in all aspects of Trevor and you will notice it all.
Original Trevor is no drunk, thickheaded dirty and stinky excommunicated wanderer with pencil marks all over his face.
And Trevor wasn't Sypha's partner that checks in hotel in a time like 15th century when free mingling and pre marital sex was publicly taboo. He is her husband. But marriage is outdated right so why show that in shows or movies ? Fuck Ellis.
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rainbow-pop-arts · 10 months
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Me and my friend drew some stuff in our class’s whiteboard :)
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alpaca-clouds · 2 years
So many kids | Some Belmont Family Tree Headcanon
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Alright. Enabled by @udaberriwrites, I finally made the effort to draw down the Belmont family tree from my works! Yes, it is a lot of kids. Because, let's face it. We are still in the middle ages. Folks had a lot of kids - not to mention that with the four folks, there is a lot of chances for kids.
Red lines: Relationships
Green lines: Offspring
The children in orange are dhampirs. Note for this: Based on Alucard's comment in canon that he grew up very fast, I decided that dhampir's are fully grown at age 12. Hence their at times young ages of becoming parents.
Now, I have been kind to myself and this graph, by only always including the main generation and not including adopted children. Also not including the romantic partners within the later generations. Because given the amounts of polyamory going on, it would've gotten out of hand.
So, let's go through it layer by layer.
First Generation:
Trevor, Sypha, Adrian and Greta are in a polyamorous relationship, though it should be noted, that they do not all get together at the same time (because that's not how polyamory works). Also it should be noted, that I headcanon Greta as aromantic-bisexual, which is part of it. She starts sleeping with Sypha in late 1478 and with Trevor in 1482, but does not actually become "part of the family" befor 1485, when she finally gives in and moves into the castle.
Marie Belmont (*1477) is the kid of Trevor and Sypha, that Sypha is pregnant with at the end of the series.
Freng & Ilias (*1480) are twins that Greta has with... an unknown father. Literally, she is not entirely certain, who the father is.
Simon Belmont (*1483) is the child Adrian and Sypha have together. As such, he is a dhampir, too.
Trevor gets turned into a dhampir in 1484.
Anna Belmont (*1485) is technically a child of the trio, with whom they never find out, who the father is, given that both fathers would have a dhampir child by then. (But it is Trevor.)
Sasca Belmont (*1485) is the child Trevor finally has with Greta. She is 4 mounths younger than Anna.
It should be noted, that there are quite a few adopted children, most notably of course Coman and Joia, from For a Brighter Future. But over the years there are quite a few.
Additionally it should be said, that over the next decades, Trevor has five kids with people with mothers other than Greta or Sypha. Again, polyamory + relationship anarchy (+ Trevor now being immortal).
Second Generation
Alright, first thing that should be noted here: Yes, Marie and Ilias later grow up in the same household, from the time they are 8 and 6 years old respectively, but they still later get romantically involved. They never see each other as siblings, though, given that they spent too long seeing each other as just friends.
So, Simon is the first one to successfully procreate, given that, again, he is fully grown by age 12. And you gotta see: He is hot. He knows it. He is very bisexual. And he enthusiastically likes sex.
So, Simon's kids are:
Alba Belmont (*1495) is a girl he has with a lady of 19years (named Jeni) at the time. His parents are in disbelief.
Jander and Milos Belmont (*1496) are twin boys, he has with another teen (Hesta). At this point his parents get angry.
After this he gets sent to be straightened out by his grandfather. Somehow he manages to not procreate while in England.
After that he has Firene Belmont (*1501) with the 25 year old Julia.
And finally Fetia Belmont (*1503) who is indeed also the child of him and Jeni.
At this point he leaves the village and travels together with Anna. There are probably other kids after which as well, given that he follows very much the Jack Harkness rules of consent and usually will just sleep around. But he is not aware of those kids.
Anna is a lesbian. She does not have any kids for now. (Honestly, I do not know whether there will be kids of hers in the future, given that kids with a trans woman would totally be possible.)
Marie and Ilias have four kids together: daughter Marita Belmont (*1501), son Soare Belmont (*1503), son Ursul Belmont (*1506) and daughter Lisa Belmont (*1509).
Now, Freng is a bit like Simon as in that he has multiple partners and really does not settle down at first. His son Kal (*1500) is with a woman named Feltia, his son Mizla (*1504) with a woman called Alba and his daughter Ulla (*1506) with a woman called Buna, who is finally the one he settles down with.
Sasca is the one dhampir kid, who actually has no romantic involvements for quite a while. She ends up in a polycule as well, made up of her, two other women (Cetina and Stefania) and two men (Franke and Csegő). While the polycule ends up with a total of six children, she has two kids herself: Daughter Cneajna Belmont (*1505) and son Lepădat Belmont (*1508). (Also, it should be noted that yes, indeed, just like Simon has the family name Belmont, even though he is not blood related to Trevor, the other four kids of the polycule are also named Belmont.)
Third Generation
Alright. This is obviously getting outa hand by now. Again, this is the middle ages, people had more kids than you would have today. Especially as there is the simple lack of contraception at this point in time.
I am just moving through this from left to right this time around, even though it is not the right order in which kids are born
Alba Belmont becomes a travelling doctor. She never gets a husband, but she at some point has a daughter, Laenesa Belmont (*1510).
Jander Belmont follows the foot-steps of his father of sleeping around a lot. Which leads to the first three kids, the twin girls Meda and Jolta Belmont (*1513) by the mother Elina, and daughter Santiona Belmont (*1514) by the mother Păştina. He finally settles down with a woman named Johanna, though, and has two more kids: Surata Belmont (*1516) and Stephan Belmont (*1520).
While Milos at first seems as chaotic as his twin brother, he calms down, as he is an adult. He travels first and later returns with a pregnant wife Vlădelina, who has son Murgu Belmont (*1517) first and then Lupa Belmont (*1519) two years later.
Firene Belmont is a historian. He lives in the castle and has two husbands: Vesel and Dános. With them she has three kids: Vlad (*1515), Joia (*1517) and Radu Belmont (*1520).
Finally, Fetia has the most cliché life, doing mostly farm work and a bit of engineering. She has a husband (Stefan) and two daughters: Anghel (*1519) and Comana Belmont (*1524).
Alright. Simon's grandkids are done!
Marita Belmont marries a merchant's son, Petros, and they have two kids: Daughter Meda (*1520) and son Petrasco Belmont (*1523).
Now, Soare learns fighting and leaves the village of Belmont as a monster hunter at age 20. If he has any children, nobody knows about them.
While Ursul Belmont is one of those kids, who are super into the idea of fighting as kids, he ends up turning to the sciences (including magic sciences) and marries a woman named Săraca. They have three kids, two boys, one daughter. Vesel (*1528), Oltia (*1530) and Franghis Belmont (*1533).
Lisa Belmont, obviously named after her great-grandmother, is a good tailor. She has a husband (Grozav) and two kids: Bunea (*1532) and Franke Belmont (*1536). It should be noted that technically speaking Bunea is non-binary, though obviously as this is the 1540s by that time... there is no word for that at the point.
Cneajna once again ends up being a monster hunter and for now does not have any kids. She might well be asexual.
Lepădat settles down rather quickly. He is of the mad-scientist kid. Now, for him it is a bit complicated. Because he gets together with Basarab, a man, but given that Basarab is a trans man, they still have kids. Tarsa (*1525), Pyrothea (*1527) and Doda Belmont (1531).
Kal does a lot of travelling and ends up meeting with a young gentry woman, Katheia Lapis, whom he ends up marrying. While he does not end up living in the town of Belmont, he does have two sons: Ciezmir (*1528) and Guarinus Lapis (*1532).
Mizla once again is an off-spring who does not have kids himself. He is an explorer.
And then finally (finally!!!), we have Ulla, who technically also is part of a polycule, but the long and short of it is, that she has two kids with the fathers being either one Coman (no, not adopted kid Coman xD) and one Stefaniat. Those kids being daughter Basina (*1535) and Sulwal (*1539).
Boy, yes. This is a lot of kids and grand kids and great grandkids. And while there obviously will be great great grandkids, I will not bother myself by thinking about them.
This is mostly for the benefit of stories like Moments, which cover a broader timeframe. xD
Also tagging @zkang288 and @mikaharuka, because I guess they might enjoy this whole write up. Oh, and maybe @lena-hills xD
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shivasdarknight · 1 year
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there are two goof off modes for surkie:
-goofy because way too feminine/sexy but im gay so it's all for me
-way too damn modern but extremely fitting regardless, and is also usually more targeted thirst bait aimed at muscle lady likers (aka people with taste)
because otherwise it's:
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autumnmobile12 · 4 months
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The Children of Trevor and Sypha (redraw)
It's been a hot minute since I did a Castlevania post, so I decided to redo some old fanart. The original is almost two years old and while it is one of my favorites, it's nice to reflect on how much I've improved in that time.
My linework and shading has gotten better.
Definitely did better with the background. (Seriously, what is going on with those trees in the original?)
Hands still need work, I think.
Catherina's expression looks a lot more natural. Leona's eyes look a little less stiff. Simon's the same, but I was happy with his face in the original so not too fussed about it.
Marginally cleaned up everyone's hair a bit. Catherina's curls are looking a little less stringy and weird-looking. Leona's hair flows a little better.
Leona's outfit hasn't really changed much from her first design, but her siblings have undergone a couple renditions since.
I think the original was done before I changed Leona's height? It's been awhile and that idea started off as a joke to begin with, so I don't remember when that officially became part of her design. So while she is tall in the original, I'm pretty sure she's not the looming 7'3" presence she became. I definitely tried to draw her a little bit more hunched over Simon and Catherina in the redraw.
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Left to right: Catherina, Leona, Simon
Leona is twenty-one years old, Catherina is nineteen, and their little brother Simon is fifteen.
Note: Simon was inspired by the Lords of Shadow part of the Castlevania franchise.
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thatone-writer10 · 11 months
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Castlevania (Cartoon 2017-2021) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Alucard | Adrian Tepes | Arikado Genya/Trevor Belmont, Dracula Vlad Tepes | Mathias Cronqvist/Lisa Characters: Alucard | Adrian Tepes | Arikado Genya, Trevor Belmont, Dracula Vlad Tepes | Mathias Cronqvist, Lisa (Castlevania), Sypha Belnades, Bishop of Targoviste and Gresit (Castlevania) Additional Tags: Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Humor, Time Travel, Pre-Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Emotions, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tiny bit of Angst, I cannot stress the littleness of the angst enough Summary:
This is just another outlook on the "Trevor saves lisa from burning AU". But instead of JUST young Trevor, what if we switch up the storyline?
Alright, hear me out here, older Trevor (post fight with Dracula) gets teleported back into time after a mishap with spells or whatever.
RIGHT as he was passing by Târgoviște to search for a way out, accidentally saves a woman from burning at the stake. But hold on she looks a little like...Alucard??? CUE CHAOS AND YOUNG ALUCARD MEETING OLDER TREVOR-
NO ship because underage (duh-) BUT YES SHIP when Trevor travels back to his normal timeline and returns to our lonely Adrian.
English is not my first language so please look ahead kindly.
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