#original caharcters
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boizdocry · 1 year ago
Nnoitra scribbles - Afterlife AU
Basically, Nnoitra ejected into real world, kinda Sengoku period.
Will scribble down both by commenting this post and reposting with the addition of new snippets here and there - some SFW, some other not.
Unfortunately, I'll release the most part in Italian, since I don't feel confident enough to write them directely in English.
Hope that IA Bing and Google Translate might help, I know there is lot of Nnoitra fans out there.
Also, YT good stuff to hear while you read - namely, Secret Stairways' "What Lies Beyond the Door". Even if you want to jump over my scraps of fanfic, give the song a try, you'll thank me later.
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Lei, Mori, non aveva paura: non perché fosse coraggiosa in modo particolare e più di altre giovani donne della sua età ma, più semplicemente, perché viveva con tanto poco ed in tale isolamento, che tutto quel che la preoccupava erano il freddo, le intemperie e le bestie selvagge. Gli uomini la impensierivano assai meno: li vedeva di rado e, per lo più, quando si recava al mercato del più vicino villaggio per vendere oggetti intrecciati: ceste, sporte, stuoie, gioiellini fatti con corteccia e sassolini pescati dai torrenti che traversavano la foresta, oppure con le canne ed i vinchi che coglieva in riva al fiume.
La ragazza si era incamminata presto, quella mattina, chiudendo la porta della casupola con una sorta di lucchetto di corda e canniccio intrecciati.
Non si trattava di una serratura efficace: chiunque avrebbe potuto entrare facilmente, tagliando il laccio e sfondando il sottile pannello di legno che costituiva l'uscio della sua umile abitazione. Tuttavia, la ragazza - Mori, non aveva altro nome - non temeva intrusi: era l'unico essere umano che vivesse in quella foresta ed i suoi simili badavano a tenersene alla larga per non incorrere nello sdegno degli spiriti.
Dopo aver fatto un buon tratto di strada, quando si trovava ormai in una radura dove era solita sostare un poco prima di riprendere il cammino verso il torrente, dovette trattenere un grido di stupore alla vista di qualcosa che la colse del tutto alla sprovvista.
Quel giorno, un fresco e dorato giorno di settembre, era diretta per l'appunto al fiume e portava con sé, in una sporta di sua fabbricazione, un po' di panni da lavare e una coperta da rinfrescare prima che giungessero i primi freddi. Inoltre, era intenzionata a pescare qualche tinca da mettere in salamoia per l'inverno.
Poi, come sempre, si sarebbe data da fare a cogliere giunchi da disseccare e che le sarebbero tornati utili per i mesi più rigidi: con quelli meno solidi e flessuosi avrebbe foderato gli spifferi della sua casetta, mentre i migliori erano destinati alla creazione di oggetti che Mori barattava in cambio di sale, tessuti e olio per lampade.
A dire il vero la radura, che definire tale era eccessivamente generoso, non era più che un cerchio dal diametro di quasi cinque piedi, circondato da tre alberi dal tronco così ampio che Mori non sarebbe riuscita a circondarne uno con entrambe le braccia.
Si trattava, tuttavia, di splendide querce, più antiche della foresta stessa, tra le cui robuste radici l'erba cresceva più rada ma di un verde tenero e splendente. La luce filtrava a stento tra le meravigliose e folte chiome di quei vecchi giganti, disegnando mobili macchie di azzurro e di oro che il giuoco del vento dissolveva e ricomponeva senza sosta.
Tra quelle radici giaceva a terra un uomo - il che, già di per sé, costituiva un accadimento straordinario; ma la sua eccezionale presenza non era l'unica cosa che meravigliasse Mori.
La ragazza, addossatasi al tronco d'una quercia, si protese ad osservarlo meglio: anche il suo aspetto era fuori del comune... Fuori del comune, s'intende, per quel che la ragazza era abituata a conoscere degli altri umani nella regione.
Infatti, Mori sapeva di non appartenere allo stesso popolo con il quale, negli anni, si era abituata a commerciare: era più alta e forte di loro, aveva capelli chiari e mossi ed occhi verdi mentre loro erano minuti, eleganti, i capelli corvini perfettamente lisci.
Chiamavano il loro paese Ni-hon-gou e nutrivano, per chi appariva così diverso da loro, un misto di timore, sospetto e fascinazione.
Mori aveva imparato a proprie spese come misurarsi con il turbamento che suscitava negli altri; a loro volta, quelli che abitavano i villaggi circonvicini avevano appreso a fidarsi di lei e perfino ad ignorare la sua carnagione rosea e i suoi tratti esotici.
Tuttavia, quando alle fiere capitava qualche straniero, Mori cercava di starsene in disparte e non suscitare scandalo.
L'uomo che adesso giaceva a terra davanti a lei era simile agli abitanti del Ni-hon-gou per i tratti fini ed appuntiti e per la capigliatura d'un color nero lucido e freddo; le sue spalle, però, erano larghe quasi il doppio di quelle di Mori, che era già piuttosto robusta rispetto alla gente comune.
Mori si avvicinò ancora, troppo sorpresa ed incuriosita per tenere in considerazione le più basilari regole di prudenza: era una fortuna, in effetti, che l'uomo sembrasse profondamente assopito.
Lo guardò meglio: poteva avere trent'anni, un'età che, per quel che Mori sapeva di sé, era di almeno dieci anni più avanzata della sua. Anche riverso sul rado prato che, in contrasto con il terreo pallore della sua pelle, sembrava d'un verde violento, si capiva bene che doveva essere altissimo: con il suo grande corpo riempiva quasi interamente la lunghezza della radura.
Era magrissimo, al punto che Mori si sentì stringere il cuore all'idea della fame che doveva aver patito per essere tanto ossuto.
Il viso, già lungo, ed ancor più per la magrezza che lo rendeva scavato aveva tratti duri, sdegnosi, una bocca lunga dalle labbra sottili ed esangui. Non sembrava una bocca gentile, Mori sapeva di non sbagliarsi facilmente in questo genere di giudizi, ma di certo pareva la bocca di una persona disabituata a sorridere per qualcosa he lo rendesse sinceramente felice.
Gli occhi, a mandorla, erano strettamente serrati e ombreggiati da lunghe ciglia nere che ricadevano sulle profonde incavature delle occhiaie, illividite per il pallore. I capelli, lunghi e sottili, gli ricadevano scompostamente sulle spalle e attorno al capo reclinato: erano l'unica cosa autenticamente bella di quella fisionomia, per il resto acuminata fino ad avere qualcosa di esasperato, selvaggio.
Forse perché così cereo e smagrito, sembrava preda di una terribile spossatezza; lungo il torace, nudo, si vedeva chiaramente una lunga cicatrice simile alla traccia che avrebbero potuto lasciarvi un fendente, una frustata o un fulmine.
Quella cicatrice era paonazza, ma solo al centro: doveva essersi rimarginata molto velocemente e, sebbene fosse chiaro che la ferita doveva essere stata grave, nei suoi anni di vita solitaria nel cuore d'una foresta Mori aveva dovuto imparare abbastanza di medicina da giudicarla ben ristabilita.
Mentre meditava con rammarico sull'irreversibilità di quella deturpazione, notò che le mani dello sconosciuto - grandi, nodose e dalle dita molto lunghe, al punto da somigliare alle zampe d'uno strano predatore - tremavano.
A ben vedere, l'uomo tremava tutto.
Si affrettò a gettare la coperta addosso al giovane, poi, ritrattasi dietro l'albero, sollevata che lo sconosciuto dormisse tanto saporitamente da non accorgersi della sua presenza ma anche molto inquieta all'idea che potesse svegliarsi di lì a poco, scivolò via.
Mori credette di comprendere che lo straniero doveva avere freddo e pensò a quanto freddo lei stessa aveva patito negli anni.
Erano soli, in quella foresta: nessun altro viandante sarebbe passato di là e prestato soccorso allo sconosciuto.
Dubbiosa, cacciò la mano nella cesta e tastò la coperta.
Le dispiaceva separarsene con così poco anticipo rispetto ai primi freddi, ma non le rincresceva di meno vedere un suo simile debole e infreddolito: quante volte aveva rischiato di morire di polmonite, e quanto le sarebbe stato di conforto, oltre che di utilità, poter contare sulla compassione di qualche brava persona che potesse soccorrerla?
Sfortunatamente, Mori era sola da moltissimi anni e aveva dovuto sempre cercare di cavarsela da sola ma ricordava con emozione il tempo in cui suo padre era stato con lei e l'aveva protetta.
Era bello ricevere calore e tenerezza senza dover nulla in cambio e, per quanto le riuscisse duro pensare a uno sconosciuto prima che a sé stessa, sentiva che le sarebbe pesato passare oltre ed abbandonarlo al suo destino.
In fondo, ragionò con lo spirito pratico che l'aveva sempre sostenuta, c'era ancora un mercato da fare, di lì a pochi giorni: avrebbe preso un po' meno sale e una pezza di tessuto in più per rimpiazzare quella coperta.
E doveva mettersi di buona lena a raccattare più giunchi: se avesse potuto vendere qualche cesta in più, chissà!...
C'era solo da augurarsi che non si trattasse di qualcuno dal quale aspettarsi del male, pensò mentre, in salvo dietro a una fitta macchia di felci, affrettava il passo e prendeva poi a correre per mettere distanza tra sé e la radura. Del resto, era fiduciosa: la sua casa era ben nascosta. Al ritorno, poi, avrebbe percorso una strada diversa e più ampia, in modo che le digressioni la allontanassero ulteriormente da ogni possibile pericolo.
Resistette all'impulso di voltarsi a guardare verso la radura o tendere l'orecchio ai suoni della foresta ed ignor�� anche il vago turbamento che l'immagine dell'uomo nudo e inerme tra i ciuffi di trifoglio risvegliava in lei.
Perciò, non si accorse che lo straniero si era mosso e aveva mormorato qualcosa in una lingua sconosciuta, ma in un tono che anche Mori avrebbe ben compreso.
Un tono di collera, sofferenza e disprezzo.
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rhiannon-taken-by-the-sky · 7 months ago
Id love to know more about sir hop a lot and crumb’s storyline just cus i havent seen them talked about much! Especially the fight scene which i’m so excited for.
Thank you for taking your time in writing all of these replies🙏🏼💗
Sir Hop-A-Lot and Crumb? You mean, the two best boys to exist ever? Absolutely
Sir Hop-A-Lot (I’m going to call him Hal from now on bc typing) is Crumb’s mentor. He’s best described as loyal, dashing, and traditional. He swears his undying loyalty to Ella early on in the show and stays true to his word throughout. He’s definitely an older, but very distinguished, gentleman and the best laughs he gets from the audience are when he leans into more of his contradicting or unexpected characteristics, like when he gets complimented and acts very giggly and falsely humble. He has a deep, traditional Kingsman English accent and a goatee. “Pish-posh” is probably in his daily vocabulary. He takes everything very seriously and we love him for that. If you watch My Hero Academia, think of him as an Iida-type character!
Crumb is an angel sweetheart with a vaguely Irish (?) accent. He fits the stereotypical young, bumbling student with a heart of gold archetype and I’d commit a felony for him. He deserves ALL of the cheese. He looks up to Hal a lot and is very determined to prove himself but also needs to gain more confidence in himself. He’s very eager to help Ella and learn as much as he can from Hal so he can become a dashing knight of his own someday. He’s a sweetie with moxie.
Their fight scene is glorious. Hal kicks MAJOR butt for a frog (he fights off THREE human guards!) and Crumb quite literally saves the day and Ella’s life. The fighting is mostly sword fighting with basic techniques and not very fast paced but super effective in showing how talented Hal is. Crumb fights more with his wits and tackling than his sword but that’s also very effective. His tactic is “if I just throw myself on them and start biting, I’ll win”
Part of the reason they haven’t been discussed much (I think) is because they don’t show up until the end of Act I and don’t sing until Act II. Truthfully, they don’t get a lot of stage time compared to the other characters but they’re always the scene stealers. The Hal puppet is attached to John’s legs and one of his arms to allow the puppet more mobility (ie. sword fighting and more realistic walking) and stops right it the middle of John’s chest (similarly to the Bug puppet from Starship), so Hal is a Big Boi™️. Crumb’s puppet is the size of a large plush and controlled mostly by Joey’s hand, so he’s a Smol Boi™️. He also doesn’t have movable legs, so he kinda just…skitters from one place to another which is very fitting for his caharcter and amusing to watch Joey do (bc he is Quite Tall)
I would have loved to see them more but I do think that they served their respective purposes well and any more stage time would have taken away from the plot, but I do think there’s potential for a side story with them (maybe an origin story? 👀)
You’ll love them! I sure did 🫡
Also, I love talking Starkid and theatre in general so I love answering these questions! Please ask more if you have any! I’ll try not to give tooooo much away but still answer as best as I can!
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Okay, so just some context. Mann Co is a business organisation that runs most other companies in the world. Everything was shared equally between two brothers/heirs to the corporations power and money, apart from one thing in particular. A gravel pit.These two brothers, known as Redmond and Blutard Mann wanted to overachive and be better than one another, so decided to hire mercenaries to fight for this land. This original team, founded between 1800-1850's was comprised of Billy the Kid, Stonewall Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Alfred Nobel, John Henry, Nikola Tesla, Sigmund Freud, Davy Crockett, and Fu Manchu. They would take the roles of the mercinaries like so:
Scout: Billy the Kid (1859 - 1881)
Soldier: Stonewall Jackson (1824 - 1863)
Pyro: Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Demoman: Alfred Nobel (1833 - 1896)
Heavy: John Henry (Folk Hero)
Engineer: Nikola Tesla (1856 - 1943)
Medic: Sigmund Freud (1856 - 1939)
Sniper: Davy Crockett (1786 - 1836)
Spy: Fu Manchu (Fictional Villain)
These people would battle with others with similar weapons, stature, and power until they would eventually get too old to fight.After this, the two brothers soon realised that they may die prematurely before the battle could end, so asked for personal commissioned machinery designed to keep them alive for longer. [[This will be elaborated in the plot later, this stuff is kinda important.]]Okay, now the old team is dead. Time for the new ones. 1930's mercs were probably the most advanced out of all of the mercs, with the 1850 mercenaries looking like they've been pulled off the streets to fight, and the 1970 mercs looking like a mix of the two old teams designs. Everyone has some sort of camo on them apart from their engineer, who possibly be Fred Conagher, the father of the Engineer we know and love. Fred Conhager, in particular, may be the same man who created the machines keeping the Mann brothers alive, but we are currently unsure. The next generation, and the one we know today is the 1970's team. This consists of:
Scout- Jeremy
Soldier- Jane Doe
Pyro- Unknown
Demoman- Tavish Finnegan DeGroot
Heavy- Mikhail
Engineer- Dell Conagher
Medic- Mr. Ludwig
Sniper- Mick Mundy (Adoptive name)
Spy- Unknown
Along side them is Ms.Pauling and The Administrator. I'll list out characters as shown, one by one.
Full name is unknown, so we'll stick to Jeremy. He was born and raised in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He is the youngest of eight children, and so constantly looks for attention. Can't read, but can run extremely fast. Seems that a specific brand of fizzy drink, known as Atomic Bonk can make him much faster. Dies in the comics and goes to heaven, whete he is told he was God's gift to all women, and was sent back to earth to 'get laid' [[This is the comics words, not mine]]
Has a tattoo of tom jones with the words 'S€X BOM' on it [Told you he couldn't read] and is canonically Spy's son. Has a crush on Ms. Pauling.
His name may not even be Jane Doe. Because those are USA and UK placeholder names for unidentifiable corpses. [[Jane Doe as a woman]] Is a God-fearing patriotic Midwest American. Despite his role in the team, he has not once been in a war situation. He just got to the frontlines in WW2 and started blowing up Germans. He has lead poisoning, although we're not sure if that's why he's like this, he is extremely aggressive and has a special move called 'rocket jumping' where he can fire a rocket at his feet, shooting him into the air. It doesn't hurt him however, because he doesn't think it will [[So stupid he bends nature's laws at will??!?!?]] He was also roommates with a wisard called Merasmus. Merasmus kicked him out, and tom jones became his new roommate.
Soldier kills tom jones. For no reason. Soldier is also in love with Heavy's sister, Zhanna.
Whoo boy, this is a confusing one. We do not know Pyro's gender, where they're from, or even if they are a person. We do know that many characters refer to Pyro as he/him, but Soldier does have a suspicion that they might be a woman. He may be schizophrenic, or it could be their optical mask, but he sees the battle as a fluffy arena filled with unicorns and lollipops. However, they do have the capacity to be very much enraged, and cut off Soldier's hand once when in a car with Demoman and Ms. Pauling.
Drunk. Born in Ullapool, Scottland. His parents were Tilly DeGroot and her husband who we don't know , whom both are blind. Demoman was put up for adoption by them after being bad at blowing things up. He would eventually find a book called 'The Bomonicon' [[I hope i wrote that right]] with a mischievous spirit inside. Once he had opened the book, the spirit inside made it's way to his eye, haunting his eyesocket, and making him lose said eye. He then blows up his adoptive parents while trying to hunt for the loch ness monster, then gets taken back by his original parents. His mother keeps asking him to get a job, even though he makes 3 million+ a year. Loves alcohol. Like, really loves alcohol, so much so, that when he eats normal food, his body thinks it's been poisoned. After an extensive time away from alcohol, his body turns his stomach into a makeshift distillery, fermenting bone marrow into alcohol. This alcohol in particular is so strong, it gives blood-sucking robots [[Don't ask]] alcohol poisoning. Can also do something similar to Soldier by 'Stickybomb jumping' that also takes no damage, due to him being too drunk.
Heavy was born in Russia sometime around WW1. His father was an anti-revolutionary who opposed the Communist uprising, so he was executed and Heavy's family put in the gulag for three months before it was burnt down in 1941 and all the guards tortured to death. Yeah, you heard me right, the gulag. He has three sisters called Zhanna, Yana and Bronislava. His mothers name is currently unknown to us. His weight is the same as his HP: 300. He is quite a nice guy when it comes to his teammates and gives even more affection to his guns, who of one he has a case at the end of his bed for. This gun in particular is named Sasha, of which he is very possessive and which weighs 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom-tooled cartridges at 10,000 rounds per minute. He also reveals that it costs $400,000 to fire his weapon for 12 seconds. Heavy has named all of his primary weapons, basic Minigun being Sasha, Tomislav being Svetlana, Brass Beast being Oksana and Huo Long Heater being Sheila. He was also the first in the team to have the experimental ubercharge operation and survive, making him bulletproof. Also sandvich.
Known as Dell Conagher, this man has eleven PhD's. Yes, you read that right. ELEVEN. He was born in Bee Cave, Texas, USA, and may or may not be related to one of the previous mercinaries in the classic team. Apart from this, he has created machines like teleporters [[Don't put bread in them]], sentries, and dispensers that he can place around the battlefield to help his team. He is friends with Pyro, and seems to understand them, despite their speech being muffled. One of the only few to help The Administrator with her Australium-Age related problem, and answered the phone for her when she died once.
Okay, this will be too long if I go into detail. This is quickfire. Mr. Ludwig was born in Stuttgart, Germany and has little regard for the Hippocratic Oath. He is insane. He loves doves, especially his most beloved one, Archimedes. Managed to get into contact with the devil and made a deal that would cost his soul. We do not know what he had sold his soul for, but the chances it was for his medical 'discoveries' is quite high. Managed to steal an entire skeleton and got away. Lost his medical licence soon after this. While giving his teammates surgeries, stole all of their souls and surgically added them to his own soul. During a Halloween party, he was caught off gaurd by a mugger. After knocking him out, he then put the muggers brain in a pumpkin.This would later help him out. Re-hired to aid the 1930 Classic team for a new leader, *Grey Mann*. When sniper was shot down by the classic's heavy, he brought him back to life an hour later with the help of a blue whale's pineal gland directly into his brain stem. The entire surgery cost about 1.3 billion dollars. Classic heavy, after seeing this, crushes his favourite dove, Archimedes. He also brings his bird back to life. After this, classic heavy and Medic get into a fight. Heavy shows up, only for classic heavy to shoot Ludwig twice in the chest. After quickly swindling the devil by giving him another soul for a pen, he comes back to life, and then pretends it is an inducer that would make classic heavy give birth to three healthy baby baboons, due to the three baboon uterus's he had placed inside him during a surgery [[I'm confused too, don't worry]] Classic heavy belives the bluff, giving Heavy enough time to take him down. after that, he takes out the real inducer and claims that the human body could only generate two at the most.
He is Australian.
Except, he isn't. He's a New Zealander.
New Zealand is Atlantis btw.
His adoptive name is Mick Mundy, although his real first name is Mun-dee, like his real mother and father, Bil-Bel and Lar-nah, making his real name Mun-dee Mundy. New Zealand is underwater due to the fact that the geniuses wanted to isolate themselves from the rest of the world. After being shot out of the country in a Krypton-Superman-Spacepod style fashion, he is adopted by Jonathan Mundy and his wife Mrs. Mundy in Australia. He then becomes skilled in shooting from afar. In the most previous comic, he dies. Medic brings him back to life, and he immediately attacks him, asking why he was the last person he saw before bleeding out. Yeah, he also pees in a jar and throws it at people as a weapon, so... yeah. Also, golf trophy.
Not much is really known about his past but all that is known is that he was born in France in an unknown region. It's a mystery on how he became a master spy and a master of disguise as no one knows if someone trained him or he rather he trained himself. We do know however, that he is Scout's father. He seems to hate everyone and everything, and may or may not have lung cancer due to how many cigarettes he smokes. He is snarky, witty, and cocky, some of these traits are shared with Scout also. He got shot in the kneecaps when a plan in the latest comic, and Sniper saved him by shooting the guy who did it. He also disguised as Tom Jones when Scout was dying, and for the first time, directly called him son. He wears a custom tailored Louis Crabbermaché suit, is valued at $10,000, and has his own smoking room within the base.
I made this all in the Undertale server. Don't ask.
This took me three days to do.
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Shahmaran caharcter design and pose researches
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- Shahmaran is a verbal cultural treasure from Turkish/ Iranian culture that has been told by hundreds of years. As a kid, I feared the original depiction of Shahmaran which would later become an interest.
The original myth that insipired my version, goes like this;
Thousands of years ago, there were snakes living seven stories underground in Tarsus. These snakes, called Maran , were intelligent, compassionate; They lived in peace. The queen of the Marans was called Shahmaran . Shahmaran was a young and beautiful half snake woman. According to legend, the first person to see Shahmaran was a poor boy. One day, the boy and his friends discovered a cave full of honey. His friends, who took him downstairs to extract the honey, left him there and ran away so that they could get more honey for their share. Boy saw a hole in the cave and noticed the light leaking from there. When he enlarged the hole with the knife in his pocket, he saw a garden more beautiful than he had ever seen in his life. In this garden he saw unique flowers, a pool and many snakes and their head, Shahmaran. He lived here for many years and gained Shahmaran's trust.
Years later, he said he missed his family very much and begged to go. Thereupon, Shahmaran agreed to release him, but he had to promise not to tell anyone her location. Boy, who made a promise to Şahmaran and reunited with his family, kept his promise for many years. One day, the sultan of the country fell ill. The vizier said that the cure for the disease was to eat Shahmaran's flesh, and news were spread everywhere. When the boy was forced to show the location of the well, Şahmaran was found and taken out. Shahmaran to the boy, "Boil me in a clay pot, make the Vizier drink my water, and feed my meat to the Sultan," she said. Thus, the vizier died and the sultan recovered and made the boy his new vizier.
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Original depiction of Shahmaran and watercolor study
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pgummie · 2 years ago
Doodle of an oc that doesn't have a name yet even though I draw her every day : )
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sm-baby · 4 years ago
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I wanted to make him look older and threatening. I don’t quite think he’s there yet! But it’s definitely a step at the right direction
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hanutrine · 5 years ago
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Oh ya I did this drawing a couple of days ago to see what I can do for alternative looks for her....
Her name is mao, she’s kinda a super loud extroverted person that likes to be w her friends. She considers her best friend to be Tanya.
Oh n she’s a magical girl...
I’ve been drawing her a lot lately. idk why
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iamashcooper · 6 years ago
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A L Y S  G L A S S I X - fairy of the soul glass.
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luciasatalina · 7 years ago
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A character meme \o/
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gummybeardraws · 2 years ago
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Had this ready to go yesterday but I ended up playing Genshin to a point of hand cramps after the live yesterday so I was liek “Fuck it, just do it tomorrow” Literally just felt like doing a clotheswap with two of my favourite caharcters- Originally it was because in my headcanon for modern AUs (in terms of Scara) I could see one relating to the other- Then I played through the Imprisoned Marionette event and the idea went out the window at least for Mafuyu- Still wanted to do a clotheswap though cause liek I like both of these characters a lot- Mafuyu’s hair took a while to get to a point that I liked and both the dress and Scara’s outifit took a while since the details felt a little difficult to translate and the layer management was a nightmare- (iirc it was somewhere over like 280ish but I think it was only accounting for the shading and lighting layers sicne I don’t name those) particularly for lighting and shading. Still got it done. It may not be perfect but I still like it- 
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sharksarts · 8 years ago
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 “Stop being so emotional”
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lilith-random-simblr · 4 years ago
Hello, I like your characters so much. Did you upload them to gallery to download? If so, what is your EA Id? If not, can you upload them, please? Thank you!
Hello !
Thank you, I’m happy you like them :) My game id is Daelyoras, however I didn’t upload much there (a few caharcters and builds) ^^’
I have a lot of characters so I can’t share all of them right now but if you have preferences, juste tell me and I can upload them :)
I’ll also get a new computer soon and I plan to update my anime worlds, I think I will upload some characters at this time ^^ (except original characters, for now I feel too attached to them ^^’)
Thank you for your message and have a nice day :)
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mickmarstookmyheart · 5 years ago
Life's a Sick Joke pt 2
Pairing: Mick Mars x Reader
Would like to start from the beginning? Here is Part 1 !
Sidenote: As this story is under construction, I would like to warn you that those chapters which don’t have a proper title are written in the main caharcter’s POV!! Be aware!!! Be awaaare! I hope you will enjoy this storyas I did writing it, have a nice day and feel free to leave marks!
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2. After-Meeting Party
"Hey Liz, you forgot your helmet! Don't dare to ride without it." Dylan threw it in your way and you caught it smoothly. You said goodbye to him and ran down the stairs, hoping not to meet any of your neighbors.
You packed your stuff into the bag of your motorbike. It was a beautiful, shining jet black chopper. You've worked your ass off to afford it, but it was way cheaper than a car. Perks, you can easily avoid traffic jams. It was just still February and all, but since you hate public transport, particularly people, you got your helmet on and pulled the leather jacket down your waist.
On your way to the meeting, plenty of things crossed your mind. Firstly, in a couple of months, you will be on the road and travel a LOT with Ozzy Osbourne as the opener group during 'Bark at the Moon' tour. Secondly, how should you behave with the boys and the other members of the staff? Should you joke with them or stay calm and silent and ignore all the witty sentences they will tell? And finally, Mick. You hoped he forgot that little chat between the two of you.
When you got there and finally found a parking lot. You took off your helmet and headed towards the building. Inside you took a look at the big clock and saw that you were half an hour earlier, but you didn't mind. Never have you ever been late from anywhere. I gave a look to that clerk from last time and confidently stepped in the elevator. When you got in front of the office door you hesitated a bit. When you stepped in you said a shy hello to the others who were already there. You sat down at the end of the table and started to read the papers on the desk.
"Hey, don't touch them! It's confidential." At the same moment, you dropped the papers and looked over the man in complete shock. You felt my face burn in embarrassment.
"Oh...I'm so sorry. I didn't know..." You tried to say a proper sentence.
"Just kidding, kid. Don't worry. Anyway, I'm Doc." He approached you and shook hands.
"(Y/N). Nice to finally meet you." You were smiling since you truly meant it. He already managed some bands you liked so much.
"Are you the new makeup artist?" He asked rubbing the back of his head guessing.
"Nope. I'm a photographer. I don't, more like I can't really do anything with makeup." You chuckled remembering your many attempts with make-up. You either ended like a clown or you never saw any difference.
"Ohh so you are the nerd one." Yaaay now they will call you The Nerd™. Cool. "Anyway, I read your CV. Nice qualifications. To be honest I expected an old, skinny man with a big mustache to be the photographer. But it's a pleasant disappointment."
"Thank you. I guess." You said after he left you there.
After he left the room, you let your hair loose and fix it a bit due to the helmet completely ruined it. The only body part you adored was your hair. Well, your hair, generally in the family. All the three of you and your bitch mother had silver, almost platinum white hair.
10 am. Finally. Everybody was present except for the four musicians. Nothing really happened, just discussed things which relate to the staff.
10:30 am. The door opened and the dark knight himself entered the meeting. You tried to avoid eye contact with him so you entertained yourself by the color of the wall and the long, shining glass table in front of you.
"I am sorry." Mick apologized and shut the door after himself. So he is the only one who attended the meeting. Nice.
"So, your interview went well I see." He whispered in your ear as he sat down next to you. Next to you. There were plenty of other seats available, but he had to sit down right there. Yay. Becoming invisible mission failed.
"Yeah...I was surprised, too." You said blushing.
You tried my best, really. You tried to concentrate on the meeting and jot down important information, but every time Doc joked and Mick chuckled or laughed you completely lost control. You always felt his eyes on you. It was frustrating. You cleared your throat more than once as a sign for him to look away but he didn't get it or just didn't want to. Doc started to write on the board the important concert dates and so did you.
"Shouldn't we wait until the boys come?" You chuckled. A girl asked who was sitting in front of you. She was a rookie, too if you had to guess.
"It's very unlikely to happen, dear. They are rockstars and they do whatever they feel like." Doc sighed continuing on the board.
"You know I'm sitting here, right?" Mick asked in a serious tone. Everybody cracked up, including me.
"If you really want to see them, check them at the after-meeting party." Doc told the girl.
"After-meeting party?"
You whispered to Mick.
"Yep. You coming?" He asked leaning closer. His breath was doing things to you.
"I don't know. Maybe. Although, I can't really drink, and party without alcohol isn't a party."
"And what if I won't drink either? That would be fair, right?" He offered in a very dangerous tone, it gave you goosebumps.
"Ohh I can't expect it from you. It's a party overall!"
"I want to be sober when I'm talking to you. I want to remember everything you say and tell me." Your heart skipped a beat.
At the party
"Hey, Mick!!! We didn't expect you to be hereeeee!!" Nikki yelled as he, Tommy, and Vince entered the party. They were all drunk as hell but trying to act sober. You and Mick were sitting at the bar drinking juice and water. Shame.
"Fuck. I didn't know what I was missing. These morons." He placed his face in his hands. Somehow you felt a sudden urge to touch his shoulder to comfort him, but you didn't have the guts to do so.
"And who is this?" The boys approached you and stopped in front of you. Vince eyed from head-to-toe and was grinning. "Nice to meet you, dear. I'm Vince Neil, the singer, and leader of this band."
"Vince, you are the lead singer, not the leader. It's not the same, man." Nikki corrected Vince.
"(Y/N)." He held your hand and placed a kiss on the top of it.
"My lady." Mick just rolled his eyes. You were afraid he might eye-roll himself into another dimension.
"And (Y/N)....what?" Tommy asked curiously.
"I'm sure she is (Y/N) Sixx cause I will fucking marry her, man!" He and his terror twin high-fived while you and Mick just shared a look.
"Wow. That was so original. You don't have better pickup lines?" You asked pulling one of your eyebrows at him.
"Hey, that was good. As me." He winked and with that, he just walked away pretending to be offended.
"I'm Tommy. Tommy Lee. And I really would like to know your surname!! Is it embarrassing or what?" He snickered.
"Well if you look me with those puppet eyes of yours I'm gonna tell ya. My name is (Y/N) Cooper." You sighed and waited for the reaction. Tommy was wide-eyed and already turned towards his bandmates.
"Hey Sixx, Vinnie! This is Alice Cooper's daughter!" You facepalmed since you already knew this will happen. A bunch of idiots.
"No, man. This is the reason I didn't want to tell it. Because you, fucking teenagers will immediately think that I'm a relative of Alice Cooper!!" You snapped and now completely understand Mick's thoughts about them.
"Chills, dude. I'm leaving." Lee held his hands up in defense and left you there with Mick.
"Fucking teenagers" is my line." Mick spoke up after they all left.
"You need to copyright it sometime."
∆Still at the party∆
"So I already know that you like taking pictures. Tell me your story!" You were now on the balcony which was much quieter and peaceful them downstairs. You finally convinced Mick to drink something even if you couldn't. He had a bottle of beer in his hands and was gesturing with it.
"I don't really know what to tell. What do you want to know?" You asked while taking a sip from your water. Water at a party. You couldn't believe it either.
"Well, do you live near here? Children?" He paused for a second. He looked at you from the coach. "Husband?" You smiled at the last question.
"Woah, Woah, Woah. Hold on! One question at once! I can't even remember them. Well, if you really want to know we live 30 minutes from here. We moved here at least four years ago."
"With whom?" He asked while he slowly stood up and leaned on the railing of the balcony beside you.
"With my brother and sister. Woah, now just with my brother, cause Isabelle went to uni. And for that husband topic...I haven't really had any proper relationship, there were mostly jerks, dumps, and idiots, in that order." You looked down and laughed at how miserable you were with relationships. "Also looking after my sister and sometimes my brother is just like having a baby." He chuckled. "And what about you?"
"I have a sister, called Susie and three..."
"Brothers?" You asked back not letting him finish his sentence. Mick already regretted intending to mention his children so it was a good come out.
"Yeah, sure." He said before taking a sip of his booze. He stood closer to you so his shoulder was touching yours. Mick met many girls during his life who were pretty and kind, but when he saw you in the office acting nervous, he knew you will completely turn upside down his whole life.
You hummed from the slight touch and leaned your head on his shoulder. You were admiring the view of the city night and the peaceful quiet. Then something crossed your mind like thunder during a storm.
"Holy shit." You cursed thinking he will kill you.
"What is it?" Mick asked worryingly.
"I forgot to call him, my brother. He will kill me. Sorry, but I gotta go."
"Okay, I will wait here." Mick sighed and thought he fucked it up this time. Maybe this touch and personal questions just scared you away. You headed towards the phonebooth downstairs. You felt terrible leaving Mick there all alone, but your brother must be worried sick, not knowing a thing about you.
You found a phone in the kitchen which was not that quiet. Cool. It ranged at least a million times until he picked it up.
"What kind of meeting lasts for more than 3 hours? I worried sick. Where are you?" He ranted on the phone. He was pretty angry.
"I'm so sorry, Dylan. Time just flew. Currently, I'm in a house party near to the office. It's a so-called after meeting party. Sounds ridiculous, I know." You smiled on the phone.
"Sure, it does. But you aren't drinking, are you? I hope you remember...that thing."
"Yeah I remember and you don't have to remind me all the time. And I'm sober. Anyway, Mick is asking of you."
"So...becoming invisible mission failed?"
"It fucking did."
"Who are you talking to, my dear?" A strangely familiar voice echoed from your back so you turned around. Vince. Dear Satan give you enough strength to handle him.
"Hey, Dylan I have to go, but I will set off soon, I promise. See ya later." And without waiting for his respond you hung up. After putting back the phone you glared at him, not in a mood for his attempts.
"What do you want, Vince?" You asked while heading back to poor Mick.
"Just a kiss from a rose." He stepped in front of you and put his fingers under your chin.
"No way, man! You are wasted and I'm not enough wasted to kiss you. So, please let me go." You wanted to walk beside him back to Mick, but he grabbed your wrist and pulled closer to him. Mick went back to the room and was about to leave this party since he supposed you weren't coming back. It was too long now for just a telephone conversation.
"It's just a kiss. From me. From the fucking lead singer of Mötley fucking Crüe." He whispered in your ear.
"But asshole, I don't give a damn of who you are. And get your hands off me!" You were about to walk away but he crushed his lips on yours. You immediately moved away and punched him in the face. He fell to the floor and held his hand on his face.
"You BITCH! You hit me!!" You stood there in complete shock, not believing what you just did. Everyone was staring at you. Your hand hurt like hell and you just wanted to be somewhere else.
"I'm so sorry. I should...go." You ran out of the bar and got on your bike.
"Hey, (Y/N)! Please wait!" Mick yelled from the door and was approaching you. "Where are you going?"
"Didn't you see what I did? I punched Vince. Actually, he is my boss. I fucked it up." You sighed and was gripping the hand clutch so strong your hand was already white.
"In that case, I'm your boss, too. And what did he do? I just saw that he is on the floor and you are running out."
"He...he tried to kiss me. I told him to stop and go away but he didn't. And after all, he did it and I got furious and hit him." You took a deep breath and looked into his eyes. Mick didn't know what to think at first, he was just amazed at how badass you were and angry as hell about Vince.
"Don't worry. He is so drunk he won't even remember it in the morning." Mick tried to chill you down.
"Are you sure? But what Doc will think? He is angry I guess..." You murmured.
"I think he didn't even notice it. And he won't care if Vince will go to him and cry like a girl who just broke her nails."
You chuckled. He stepped closer and you hugged him. You didn't know why you just needed someone to comfort you. He didn't move for a second. Later he hugged you back and rubbed your back. Mick wanted that moment to last forever, though it felt like a minute. Your strong grip, your smell and your hair in his face were just perfect. You were just perfect.
"Thank you for always being there when I need the most." You wiped your tears away and felt awkward." Sorry, this might sound strange." You sniffed.
"Hey, it's okay and I understand." A long pause and awkward silence. "So is this your bike? It looks badass." He took a look at your bike.
"Yap, it's mine. And thanks. I worked a lot to get it. But it worthed." You looked in the distance for a while. You thought about Vince and that you may have to look for a new job and had to leave Mick.
You screwed it up. 
Next chapter
Tags: @cmft-jr-winchester  @leatherandheels​
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a-poc-alypse · 5 years ago
I think it was more the decision that a white artist decided to put demonic features on a person from a group that has historically been excluded and marginalized for having a different eye shape. I know her drawings are absolutely beautiful and I've followed peti for over two years, but this whole argument being "wrapped up" because a few people were confident enough to speak off anon to you about it makes me super uncomfortable. I'm sorry I'm anonymous for this but honestly I'm not ok.
Its not about people coming off Anon,it's about these people being friends and people whose opinions on racism that o trust. These people (who's opinions I've reblogged to the blog) who have no issue calling out "beautiful" art and popular bloggers. (And I'm not defending the art because it's "good art" ). I get the issue of only listening to your friends views on things when they stamp something as not racist, I get that it's historically an issue. But it's not just about people thinking it's not racist, it's about the fact that many people talked about how good the art made them as asian people. And the Anon themselves said in petimetreks inbox that they think that any art of poc Crowley is inherently racist and that's something that I fundamentally disagree with.
I'm not going to call something fundamentally inherently racist when so many people disagree with that,specifically the people effected.
And I'm not saying that any of the Anons don't have a valid point, I get it and there's logic and sound reasoning behind what they're saying and they're allowed to have those beliefs. I forgot if I made that clear in my big Reblog of the original ask that I reblogged (I think I did ? Idk if you've read it Anon). But it's not just a bunch of ppl defending petimetrek because she's a big name fanartist witb "good art" (though the way some ppl were going at it... petimetrek s race and gender def played a part because people kept being awfully rude to the Anon and I've said from jump I don't condone that shit), but it was more just people disagreeing who were asian.
I said this before but there's stuff I don't like and hell probably would say is borderline racism that i still Reblog to this blog. I hate that before the show came out both newt and Tracey were drawn or fancast as people of color because they both had racist as hell moments in the book. But I see the nuance of deciding that because the racism of the characters (newts fucking line about Americans and slavery and Tracey's Gernimo bit, newt letting her Have Gerinimo bit and not bringing it up with her) can be seen as Neil Gaiman sticking his foot in it and the racism there being on him and Terry Pratchett and not being inherent enough to the characters and more like the authors trying to apply some humor and instead adding stuff to the caharcters that makes them incredibly unlikeable, when the author wants them to be likeable
Anyway I'm gonna make a tag for all of these discussions because it's not like this is "wrapped" it's just that I've said most of what I needed to say on the subject and i don't like repeating myself I'll tag it all #racism Anon. Before recieving any more Anons I'd love if people just read thru tht.
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aliceyuriccosplay · 6 years ago
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Original Cosplay Caharcter: Mermaid Md: AliceYuric Photographer: Elena Skullova
Паблик в ВК  - https://vk.com/aliceyuric YouTube- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQHwQIG_oh5ZIk5ub7Jtt_w Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/aliceyuric/ Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/anastasiya.yureva
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abigailsins · 6 years ago
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New artwork - New OC! She is Sidryes" The white flame", a legendary nirassian sorceress who likes to play with both fire and ice 🖤 She is a caharcter from my original fantasy universe, the Andernya Project :) ⬅️ Swipe for details⬅️ . . Photoshop - Wacom Intous - about 5 hours . . #andernyaproject #digitalart #digitalportrait #wacomart #wacom #photoshop #portrait #witch #sorceress #fantasyartwork #originalcharacter #fantasyillustration #illustration #digitalillustration #fantasy #whitehair #darkfantasy #tribal https://www.instagram.com/p/BtGvKdEjFxw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1kp7fakgg2fpn
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