#origin trio chaotic energy
frostydraconis · 1 year
Been replaying a lotta my pokemon games bc i kinda went to them for, comfort, after falling apart as i did lol and like. i have now a handful of characters i started enjoying the idea of them all being friends in some way, and then considered... what if pmd. i love me some pmd situations lol
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requinoesis · 8 months
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A new trio of nerdy sharks appears in Reef City!🏝️✨
I think I got too immersed in the indie shark band that I started to forget the other important characters in the story I wanted to tell, and the heart of the story lies in these three children.
⭐Hanna Cantomar / Wavesong (Bonnethead Shark) - is the mediator of the trio, with contagious energy and the ability to adapt to the most unexpected challenges. Their optimistic and cheerful nature makes them an invigorating presence and their outspoken sincerity can hurt unintentionally, but their quest for harmony makes them a reliable friend on lifes journey.
⭐Lucca Algaselva / Kelpwood (Zebra Shark) - is the brains of the trio, always with his feet on the ground, perhaps too much so. Although sometimes hard-headed, they is a reliable friend who brings practical solutions, keeping the group on an even keel. Behind his reserved nature lies a world of deep thoughts.
⭐Macco Barbafina / Shortfin (Mako Shark) - is the creative soul of the trio, a hyperactive dreamer. His vivid imagination and love of adventure is inspiring, always spotting the unique in the little details that go unnoticed. Although his impulsiveness and occasional lack of focus can lead to unusual situations, in the end it is his empathy that always brings the friends together.
They have this strange coincidence of having repeated letters in their names and faithfully believe that this is a cosmic sign that they were meant to be friends!✨
Originally, the idea for them was born out of the specific artwork I did for Sharktober 2020. It all started with Macco, this little mako shark who loves video games. Over time I ended up creating two friends for them who would be Hanna and Lucca, I changed their design a bit and now everything has expanded to a whole city.
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The idea is that it's a story about the abstract dreams and idols that inspire these three children. Macco wants to be a racing driver and is inspired by a famous driver who is a mako shark, Lucca wants to be a writer and is inspired by a high fantasy writer who is a whale shark, while Hanna wants to get involved in music and is inspired by an indie band, already known here.
But it is through life's adventures that they will discover their true virtues, which are closer than they realize. While other characters' parallel stories are happening and a big mystery will connect everyone to a common event.
At some point, if my chaotic life allows, I'll update the post with more news about them! I hope you enjoy it! 🦈✨
I apologize if there are any English errors in this gigantic text sdfjkgsdfg
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muwapsturniolo · 7 months
✯RowdyRuff Sturniolos✯
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Summary: Basically I’m matching the triplets to one of the rowdyruff boys
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Nick would be Brick.
Brick is the leader of the rowdyruff boys as well as the oldest. He started off very evil and still had respect for his brothers, but eventually changed. When HIM brought them back to life, he was very cocky, arrogant, and devious. I don't think Nick is evil but, we know how he can get depending on the situation. I mean Nick said it himself when he gets angry he is scared of himself, so i feel like it adds up. Both Nick and Brick have a tendency to pick on their brothers so it adds up. In the show, Brick and Butch tended to gang up on Boomer so it makes sense for Nick to be Brick considering Nick does team up with Chris on Matt. I also think red compliments Nick very well, especially when he has the red-brown hair thing going on. Brick's main ingredient is puppy dog tail, now we aren't harming any animals so I feel like Nick's ingredient would be a beat up pair of shoes. super dirty from running around and doing who knows what.
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Matt would be Boomer
Boomer is the middle child of the rowdyruff boys, categorized as the dumb blonde with blue eyes. Matt isn't dumb though, he just doesn't have a chance to speak because his brothers gang up on him and interrupt him, much like Boomer. After Boomer's resurrection from HIM, he became a loudmouth and fought back. I see that in Matt. Nick and Chris joke about him trying to be tough, but I see it as him standing up for himself, and making his voice heard. Even though Boomer is considered evil, he is still polite. I see that in Matt, he can be mean/aggressive when need be, but for the most part, he is polite. blue looks so damn good on Matt, it's my fav color on him (besides pink.) Boomer's main ingredient is armpit hair. Ion know about yall but I'm not snipping any armpit hair so I feel like Matt's main ingredient would be a hockey stick and a blue slurpee.
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Chris would be Butch
Butch is the youngest of the rowdyruff boys, categorized as the chaotic, havoc-reaping, little brother. idk about yall but that is Chris to a T!!! He is so mf chaotic it's mindblowing. There was an episode where Butch poured Gatorade on Mojo Jojo and all I can think about is Chris pouring drinks on Nick in the car. At first when Butch was introduced he was more calm and collected, agreeing with what his brothers wanted to do. When HIM resurrected the boys, that's when Butch became a little chaos gremlin. I feel like that works with Chris because he is calm and collected for the most part and then suddenly he's jumping around and making the most noise. Very hyperactive, jolly, and likes causing chaos. Both Butch and Chris have a tendency to twitch when they get excited, making crazy noises, grinning like a mad man, and flailing their arms. Typical little brother energy. Butch's color is green and I think Chris needs to wear it more. It really makes his eyes pop and the way it matches his hair just does sum to me. Butch's main ingredient is snail, it's so obvious and has been done but I just now his main ingredient would be a Pepsi...just to be original I feel like his other ingredient would be a burp or cough😭
do yall like these? i want to do more but i can't think of any characters lmao. If y'all like these you can send me trios and I'll do more comparisons/character analysis.
@bernardsgf @bernardsleftbootycheek @blahbel668 @mattfrfr @gdsvhtwa @sturniolo-aali @lily-loves-struniolos @kynda-avery @causeidontlikeagoldrush
@st7rnioioss @carolinalikesthings @mattslolita @suyqa @xxloveralways14 @pepsiimaxx @judespoision
@ivonchetooo1239 @imaslut4kehlani @that-general-simp @m4stermindd @itzdarling @gigisworldsstuff @adoreindie @braindead4l @pettydollie @chrissgirlsstuff @alexis007 @ratatioulle @yamamasjumpercables @luv4kozume @sturnioloslurps @kqyslyho3 @mattslolita
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shesmore-shoebill · 6 months
I'm really happy we got our first(I think?) Chamangela video today. They're in a LOT of videos together but never just those three and I really enjoyed their natural chaotic energy. I find it funny that as soon as Shayne got there the energy became more chill lol. I wouldn't be against this trio doing more things just them. Nothing against Shayne and Trevor but can you imagine these three playing overcooked? Someone loses a body part and I wanna see it
I would Never be opposed to more Chamangela. The three of them together is apparently just Endless Bits and Heightening and I think that's GREAT. I think its because as individual pairs they happily amp each other up already + go into roasting/faux competitive/real competitive???? interactions.
So you put them in a room and what was originally Chanse roasting Angela, Angela roasting Chanse, Chanse roasting Amanda, Amanda roasting Chanse, and whatever the Fuck you call the compeititiveness/affectionate delirium that Amanda and Angela fall into. Turns into that + 2 people teaming up to roast the 3rd, + good ole Bit Heightening all around.
A group of three people who love to Yes And, especially with each other so much they just kind of get stuck in a positive feedback loop. Trapped in their own universe. Vvvv funny to me that Shayne coming in actually evened out the energy somewhat.
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shadowfoxsilver · 3 months
Secrets untold of light and dark (Part five)
(Part four)
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“I’ll show you who the real weakling is!”
The two siblings stared each other down intently, claws poised to strike. Both were clones who had been seen as a failure yet their paths had been very different all the same. Chaotic took a path of chaos just to find his sister, while SFS had grew up at the tree never knowing her true origins until now. She had never used her powers until now, while Chaotic used them all the time when he wanted to. SFS had little training with her abilities, but Chaotic already knew how to use them. They were so much different from each other but came fro the same place and from the same source. And here they were. Fighting. To see who the strongest really was. Was it worth the risk? SFS had no other choice after seeing Light injured and Birdy saving her. Chaotic was just angry at her for hitting him with a stop sign but now he was enraged beyond being able to control his abilities properly and needed the Nega Crystal. SFS had the keys of the trio.
She closed her eyes and held her head up slightly, her hidden markings illuminating as the keys magic began to activate. Memory. Form. Power. Magic that could transform her into a grand form if she desired it. But the memory of her younger appearance gave the keys an idea as she disappeared within the multicolored glow of the auras. When it fades, she opens her eyes and shook off slightly. Chaotic flinched a little when he noticed her form had been changed to resemble an older version of her past self. With quills fashioned in a familiar style, and her faded markings now restored to their former intricate design and dark red color across her arms and legs. Her once burnt wings once more repaired. Her eye scar was healed to show her eye marking, but unfortunately her ear was too damaged though the key magic fixed it somewhat. She noticed him staring and struck a pose with a smirk and a look of determination. She could use her powers and secret abilities without fear.
Chaotic growled and vanished within a swirling mass of chaotic energies as he drew upon the powers of the Nega Crystal that he had created. He knew of his original form a well but had lost it when he rose to power. But now he knew he could use the crystal and make himself normal again or take on a much grander form to outdo his sister. He chose the better option as he transformed. His small wings vanished as golden feathers graced his arms yet again and became much bigger than his sisters. After only a few more seconds, he flapped his wings forcefully and blew away the darkness as if it was dust. SFS didn’t seem too amused, and didn’t seem to react to his new form either. Sure he looked different, but he was just showing off after all. Chaotic flapped his wings again and floated off the ground as he opened his talons and aimed them towards SFS. He would show her the full extent of his own powers.
With a very loud squawk from Chaotic, the two siblings charged into one final duel as their faces crossed their powered up forms. SFS was still considerably smaller than Chaotic up close, but what she lacked in size she made up in being quite fast when she ran by his attempt to swing at her with his talons. Behind them, the blazing inferno obscured any attempt for Light to see what was going on.
Chaotic took to the skies, his markings glowing brightly once again as he flexed his talons and dove down at high speed towards SFS. This was a favorite attack of his that rarely missed its target. He shifted and opened his talons holding them out as he reached her. But SFS had seen him use this attack often enough that it was easily predictable. So just as if on cue, she rolled to the side and he slammed into the ground instead with a snarl. She couldn’t help but laugh at him as he grew agitated and swung at her with his tail. But she jumped over it with a flap of her wings and then teleported somewhere when he swung his claws at her. She re-appeared behind him and waved when he turned to glare at her. Why was she so hard to land an attack against?
SFS twitched her claws a little, then swung a hand and a flurry of ice crystals fired rapidly at Chaotics back before he could move out of the way. The cold hurt quite a lot too, almost like they froze whatever they made contact with. Chaotic hissed loudly and tried to take flight yet again as he flapped his wings. But SFS saw another opening and an opportunity to ensure he wouldn’t be able to strike from the skies since that seemed to be his preferred method of combat. So when he opened his wings fully for one more flap, the claws on one hand grew longer and sharper and she swiped as hard as she could manage as Chaotic screamed.
When she landed back on the ground as the claws returned to normal size, Chaotic plummeted with a shrill shriek as his prideful feathers were trimmed extremely short within seconds and he crashed back into the ground. He struggled to get back on his feet without his wings to move him but with some effort he pushed himself back upright with his hands. The nerve of her to get rid of his feathers! The air started to grow hot again as his anger increased even worse than before. So he decided to use the same destructive aura as she did. As revenge. He opened his trimmed wings, spread his tail spines fully, and the nega crystal glowed an ominous red.
SFS panicked slightly, but then got an idea and took flight herself surrounding herself within a cloak of frost which covered her wings but didn’t seem to slow her down as she went even higher into the sky. She drew upon the powers of the keys the higher she went, her fur going from silver to gold as her dark red markings turned bright red and her green eyes became red. Her wings turned completely blue from the ice, but still worked fine as she slowed down once high enough and looked down. She clenched her claws before diving back down even faster than Chaotic himself.
Chaotic had fully charged his chaotic blast, the surroundings turning red, when suddenly the air turned cold and the surroundings seemed to become purple. Chaotic looked up just as SFS reached him with her claws opened wide and wings folded tightly and then she collided into him head on and grabbed his face to pull him down by force as both hit the ground with intense force and cold aura blasted outwards instead.
The blazing inferno was immediately extinguished in full as the aura filled the surroundings and turned the air chilly as snow began to fall. Light perked up as the wall of flames suddenly disappeared and he could see the clearing. Thanks to his fur he was still nice and warm. He winced as he stood up and ran to the fighting grounds on all fours in panic about his sister and if she was alright. But where was she?
Chaotic opened his eyes and found himself pinned down by SFS’ claws. He was back to his normal form but she was still in her powered up form. A bright golden hedgefox thing who could be mistaken for someone else. He swallowed nervously as she narrowed her eyes, seeming to debate finishing him off. But she just let him go and stood back up and walked away from him shakily as the keys power began to fade and her usual appearance returned. But just as she fell down in unconsciousness, she felt someone with lightly feathered arms rush in and catch her.
When she stirred awake hours later, she was against a sleeping Darkness. But where was Chaotic? She wanted to move, but everything hurt so much.
Chaotic stood silently in front of Birdy’s statue, ears hung low. But…He had brought SFS back once. And this was also his sister who had gave herself to save his other sister from himself. He sighed deeply, and placed a clawed hand on the statue as his fur took on a familiar golden shine and golden energy flowed into it. He then stepped away as golden cracks started to shine from the figure much like the golden wisps that once surrounded his sister so long ago.
But by the time Birdy opened her eyes once more, she saw a very tired and injured Chaotic retreat into his rifts before she could ask him why he had returned to her. But instead she just smiled softly, and shook off the rocks. She had a new scar across her waist now but she knew someone needed her.
SFS had just about dozed off when a scent of lavender filled her nostrils and as her eyes closed again from sleepiness she heard someone enter. But she fell fast asleep as they sat beside Darkness and waited for SFS to awaken once more.
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cthonyxa · 7 months
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So, I've been in a bit of a slump lately. I keep trying to finish Mikey for my ROTTMNT Foreshortening series and it's just not working out. I had no plans on drawing anything from my Transcendent Trio story, but then I watched LavenderTowne's video MAKING CHARACTERS ENTIRELY BASED ON COLOR and I got inspired.
I always knew that my previous design for their outfit was not going to be the final one, but when I saw that rainbow character I knew that that kind of chaotic fashion was what Aster needed. I originally wanted to give them a headband (kind of like Rikku's in FFX-2), but it just didn't work with their head shape. Still, I feel like this really captures the high-energy, off-the-wall personality they're going to have. But it's still just a concept sketch, so what do y'all think?
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gaoau · 10 months
Bristle – Suicidal Photoshoot
A Mother's Instinct warnings — none. word count —1.4k
prev. — next.
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[Name] wasn't dumb by any means; Yaku knew that much. She could handle herself correctly, she worked hard as much as she procrastinated, she somehow managed to keep a wild snake alive for longer than he had originally anticipated—and Gilbert loved her dearly, which greatly impressed him. She was an organized mess that carried herself with an air of responsibility and disaster at the same time.
If Yaku had to choose one word to describe her, his first option would be chaotic. With a little more thought—that thought that was very clearly biased—he could choose the word spontaneous. Of course, considering he looked at [Name] through a lens that had turned a rose color without him noticing, his judgement was clouded with pure adoration. But he was simply in love, not stupid.
Whenever [Name] joined forces with people as spontaneous as her—although Yaku did refer to those as stupid idiots—whatever rationality she had left in her leaped out the window and her chaos reached its peak. Those idiots were none other than her favorite set of captains and dear friends Kuroo and Bokuto. More often than not, thankfully, Akaashi stuck close to them to keep them in check and make sure they didn't get too out of line.
Which they did, anyway.
It was their last Summer training camp, considering they were third-years. [Name] was making the most out of it, putting her everything into the meals she cooked with her friends and staying until late to watch over her favorite pair of captains while they practiced. She had mentioned wanting to make as many memories as possible, so she kept a toothy grin on her face the entire time and cackled loudly with everyone around her.
She would never forget giving Konoha a nosebleed when trying to receive a ball she knew she couldn't receive; or having Lev give her a ride on his shoulders every time the team had to run up the hill as a penalty; or messing with Karasuno's first-years because Hinata was too much of a precious bundle of energy to not baby him, and Kageyama was more than willing to teach her how to serve—which she didn't learn at all—or the all-nighters she pulled along her beloved managers while showing them countless pictures of Gilbert, and Yaku, and Gilbert with Yaku.
Oh, and the incredible amount of times she battled Bokuto to an eating contest, only to end up hurling it back out. Or maybe how the Golden Trio of Chaos cracked a couple desks while arm-wrestling—the back of her hand boasted many bruises after being slammed without mercy so frequently. Not to mention the fiasco with those volleyballs, because Kuroo wondered how much air they could handle and [Name] offered to find out for an extra slice of watermelon. Akaashi had been kind enough to give up his own slice if only she left the volleyballs in peace, but [Name] asked, "Do I look like a coward to you?" and Akaashi was rendered speechless.
The unforgettable memories she so desperately desired were being made slowly but surely. After all, who could ever forget that one time Nekoma's manager almost killed their libero?
Yukie had come up with the fantastic idea of a photoshoot between captains and managers for the sake of looking back fondly over their high-school days. [Name] was absolutely ecstatic and instantly agreed to play along, rushing to grab Kuroo and wait patiently for their turn. Yaku hadn't been informed about the impromptu photo session, as he had his hands full with trying to whip Lev into shape once and for all.
The pictures taken were extremely adorable, and [Name] immediately asked for copies of all of them. She had fallen in love at first sight with Karasuno's managers, doting on a very intimidated Yachi every chance she got, and joining Yamamoto and his newest friends in their Kiyoko cult; of course she wanted a picture of their ethereal faces smiling for the camera. Everyone enjoyed the picture-taking, showing off a bit of their personalities through a still image—and by this, she meant Bokuto having his fists pumping in the air, which she also wanted to keep.
At last came Nekoma's turn after hearing [Name] holler compliments at every girl, mostly consisting of Queen! and Yes, you go, baby! It was right when Yukie called for her and Kuroo to step forward that her brain came up with, arguably, her best worst idea. "Hey, Tetsurou, hear me out." Yaku, all the way in a completely different gym, stopped mid-receive at the feeling of his hairs bristling on his nape like those of a furious cat.
Ignoring Lev's calls of confusion, Yaku snatched a cotton towel to dab off the sweat from his forehead while breaking into a sprint to find his best friend. He left her alone for a few minutes and she was already putting herself, and possibly others, in danger. "[Name], whatever you're thinking, don't…" He mumbled prayers under his breath, hoping that when he reached his destination, she would still have all her bones in their right place.
Yaku stepped through the third gym's doors to find [Name] whispering in Kuroo's ears. He watched from the sidelines as Kuroo's lips curled into a mischievous smirk that spelled trouble. Kuroo nodded enthusiastically, to which [Name] replied with an elated grin, and they bumped their fists with a bit too much force.
"Alright, Yukippe, you ready with the camera?" [Name] whipped around on her heels, parallel to Yukie acting as a photographer, and walked away from Kuroo. Yaku frowned.
"Yeah, come on—Wait, where're you going?"
Once she had decided the distance between her and her captain was ideal, she took in a deep breath. "Okay, here I go. Catch me, asshole." Her eyes stabbed daggers into Kuroo. Kuroo knew she trusted him either way.
"Yes, ma'am."
[Name] didn't run like Yaku had originally assumed, but she didn't quite walk either. Her strides were long and bouncy as she approached Kuroo, whose knees were slightly bent and palms were prepared to grab [Name]. The bristling on the back of his head attacking him once again went ignored when the realization slapped him across the face like he had slammed the life out of Lukas.
"[Name], what the fuck?! No!"
It wasn't too late, it was simply that [Name] rarely listened to Yaku's warnings. [Name]'s hands grasped Kuroo's shoulders tightly while Kuroo held onto her hips. She thrust herself into the air, and Kuroo raised his arms to the ceiling. Something that not many are good at is balancing on their hands on somebody else's shoulders; [Name] fell into this category as she flipped over Kuroo's head, screeching her soul out of her lungs. "Holy shit, Tetsurou, abort!"
Yaku still wondered years later how in the ever-loving fuck he had made it in time. His legs moved on their own before he could process the ridiculous scene transpiring right in front of him; he didn't realize when he was right below his best friend as she came crashing down. The weight of her body plus the force of gravity knocked the air out of his system and they toppled to the floor. Kuroo craned his neck backwards to appreciate the dog-pile writhing in pain next to his feet.
"I'm aware I've had better ideas…" [Name] rubbed the back of her head, which had unfortunately bumped against the tiles.
"[Name], I will fucking obliterate you."
"Do you also want ice?"
Yaku groaned in pain when [Name] shifted to get back on her feet, her elbow digging into his chest. "…Fuck. Yes, please." He remained flat on the floor, trying to ignore the laughter of everyone that didn't bother to help. He would have laughed as well, had it not been for the bruises blooming on every inch of his body.
But it didn't matter anyway, for the memory had been made, and he could laugh all he wanted when he reminisced with [Name] in the future.
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echowritesstuff · 6 months
WIP introduction : Teacups and Ticking Clocks. (TW: mentions of schizophrenia, delusions, narcolepsy and ADHD)
This is my newest WIP (it's literally only a couple days old) but I treasure it with all my heart, honestly I don't know why I just do. Kinda similar to Aurabreak, it's very different to my other WIPs. This time it isn't because of the audience though, it's because of the genre.
Unlike most of my WIPs, Teacups and Ticking Clocks isn't really a fantasy novel, despite being inspired by fantasy. As the name might have suggested, it's a moderen day parody of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll. Also, it isn't by any means a one for one parody, a lot of the stuff has been changed, such as relationships between characters amd the overall story. I also added some extra characters as well ;D
Since it isn't Fantasy, there isn't much world building to cover so I'm probably gonna dive into the characters cause well, I feel like it.
Alicia Lennings (Alice) - Alicia is an 18 year old girl with diagnosed schizophrenia. She lives with her older sister Lori, older brother Garrett and one of his boyfriends Derrick. Her parents work away from home (a different city) so she doesn't see them too often. Alicia currently attends Silver Creek Community College and studies Media Studies, History and Art there. Her, Bianca and Chester often visit Grey's tea shop together. Alicia also has appointments with Dr. Caroll twice a week.
Bianca Harely (White Rabbit) - Bianca is extremely shy, though fiercely protective of those she loves. Like her girlfriend Alicia, she is 18 years old and attends Silver Creek, where she is studying Psychology, English (Literature and Language) and French. She also loves to write poetry, though she would be sooo embarrassed if anyone actually read it. Which is kinda a problem since it's what she's planning on pursuing a career in.
Chester Kade (Cheshire Cat) - Chester may not be the most academically minded but they try their best. They're a little older than the other members of the main trio (19 years old) but are still at college due to having to redo a year. They are ultimate chaotic neutral energy but are always there for their friends. The courses they're studying at Silver Creek are drama, geography and law.
Rosalind Heartman (Queen of hearts) - Rosalind (or Rosa for short) is 18 and attends Silver Creek, like the main trio. She studies food and nutrition, art, film studies and drama. However, she finds them (and almost anyone else who is different ) as far lesser than herself and those few whom she holds in high regards. Rosa often expresses her distain to those around her, especially Alicia, who she often calls crazy and other ableist insults.
Grey Conwell ('Mad' Hatter) - Grey is older than most of the main characters, not by much though, he is 21. Throughout his teenage years, he apprenticed at a small tea house. When he graduated, he ended up buying the shop when it was up for sale. It is now known simply is "Grey's Hat and Tea Emporium" as he also sells hats he creates. Grey has ADHD and like Alicia has sessions with Dr. Caroll, though his are only once weekly. He's also in a polyamorous relationship with Garrett and Derrick.
Mars Harely (March Hare) - Mars is Bianca's younger cousin. He is best friends with Dorine and the two are pretty much inseparable. He doesn't attend Silver Creek College since he only just turned 16 (he goes to the local high school instead) but he does work a couple of weekend shifts at Grey's.
Dorine Abbot (Dormouse) - Dorine is a sixteen year old, who like her friend Mars works part time at Grey's when she is not in school. When Dorine is on shift, there always has to be someone extra working with her, just incase anything happens due to her narcolepsy.
Dr C. Caroll. - Dr Caroll is a psychiatrist originally from a small village in Cheshire. He has many clients, though out of the main cast he works with Alicia, Bianca and Grey (who was the one who first told Alicia of him). He is a kind and gentle man, who is always very patient with his clients.
I think that's pretty much all for now!
Also, now that this monster of a post is done, I can get back to answering asks and tags! :D
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skz-suki · 2 years
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her older sister and other half really! she and lisa first met when she joined yg and have been close ever since. lisa was the first to welcome suki to the company and show her the ropes! the two are quite literally the same person it’s almost scary. they mostly bonded after suki was added to the original blackpink line up and would work with lisa to choreograph the group dances for the monthly evaluations. suki continues to support lisa (and all of blackpink) in their career and enjoys publicly showing her love the girls!
they met one time through lisa and have been stuck together like white on rice! when i say always together….i MEAN IT like it’s almost crazy!? the two are a little different from each other but bond so well and they’ve been able to manage a beautiful friendship. the type of friends that stay up until 5am and then randomly decide to go on some spontaneous adventure that may or may not end both of their careers. suki also fancied herself another shopaholic which she loves! also who decided it was a good idea to let two extroverts go clubbing?
suki’s mentor and….second mom??? way back when suki was new, and having trouble with her self confidence when rapping, CL reached out to her and gave her some lessons and suki totally pissed herself because she was a big fan of not only CL but 2ne1 in general. chaelin sorta took suki under her wing and protected her, taught her about the industry and really helped find and create her on stage persona. suki probably appreciates CL the most out of anyone she’s met or bonded with in korea (besides the kids ofc). she likes to call CL her second mom cause she’ll often call suki to ask if she’s okay, if she needs anything and just bombard her with wellness questions but that has to be what she likes most about the woman; how much she cares about her.
one of the few male friends she has and somehow he’s the one closest to her!? honestly if you asked her she could not tell you how they met she would just tell you she regrets every decision that led up to it (she’s just trying to hide the fact she had a crush on him for like 6 months and just repressed it until it went away). very loud and chaotic when together, not many intellectual conversations are shared between the two just. yelling. and. bickering. but she wouldn’t have it any other way honestly. loves the fact that she can be her honest loud, potty mouth, abrasive, self around him and he’ll just reciprocate her energy. aquarius duo 🤪
HER FAVVV EVA!!! these two are a match made in heaven seriously. she loves ten so much she could cry just thinking about it. dance buddies. they spend an unhealthy amount of time together, so much so that ten could give felix a run for his money when it comes to the bff position. she really admires him and thinks he’s just the cutest little thing even if he is 5 years older than her. since ten likes to draw she’s commissioned a drawing from him and she loves it so much she even got it tattooed on her. GOSSIP BUDDIES! they will spend all night in a lounge sipping wine and gossiping if they could 😭
recently became friends in the last year or so…and have been inseparable! their style is so similar and so is their humor. she met her through somi and the three have been a trio ever since!!! they bond over music, fashion and really anything. she had wanted to be giselle’s friend for along time and finally had the chance to ask her to hang and ofc aeri said yes!!
i think it goes without saying that she’s friends with most jyp artist! ofc training together and experiencing the same thing, with the same people will naturally bring you together. she’s closest to itzy’s yeji and chaeryeong, jihyo of twice and lily of nmixx. she is so very proud of all of her sisters and even others like xdinaryheros!
these arent only the people suki is closest to and this nowhere near explains her other relationships! some honerable mentions would be isa of stayc, yunjin of le sserafim (new), somi , karina, chanhee (the boyz), hinata of xg, and others
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lovejustforaday · 1 year
Shoegaze Classics - Going Blank Again
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Going Blank Again - Ride (1992)
Main Genres - Shoegaze, Indie Pop, Alternative Rock
A decent sampling of: Baggy, Britpop, Dream Pop, Jangle Pop
We're already halfway through this series on classic records from the first wave of shoegaze in the 90s. Likewise, it was only a matter of time until I decided to hone in on any of the "Big 3" with one of these pieces.
For the uninitiated, shoegaze fans have long recognized a trio of bands all coming from the Creation Records label that are considered either the greatest, most formative, or most influential bands of the subgenre. Those bands are (usually in this order), My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive, and Ride.
In practice, this label is contentious. The so-called "Big 3" represents a general consensus within the community, but do not mistake it for gospel. Plenty of folks disagree on these bands, and often argue in favour of replacing at least one of them with a supposedly more deserving band (though My Bloody Valentine's place at the top of the shoegaze canon is virtually undisputed).
We'll get into my own personal opinions about the validity of this concept shortly. But for now, let's take a closer look at the band I'll be reviewing today. Let's talk about Ride.
The Band
Ride was formed in 1988 in Oxford, arriving onto the scene as one of the early comers, just after Lush and Pale Saints.
The original lineup was (and continues to be) Laurence "Loz" Colbert on drums, Steve Queralt on bass, Andy Bell on guitar and vocals, and Mark Gardener also on guitar and vocals, with his signature messy medium length hair and soft pretty boy features that was no doubt the platonic ideal of what the male shoegazer looked like in the 90s. Seriously, the man was a twink icon, just look at him.
AHEM, moving along.
Ride are probably the quintessential early 90s U.K. rock band. They represent the clearest through line between the baggy "Madchester" scene of the late 80s, the emerging sound of what would soon come to be known as britpop, and of course shoegaze itself, which is the genre label that people still associate most with this band. You can definitely hear a lot of Stone Roses in the band's sound in particular.
Ride was also arguably the first wave's greatest commercial success. They were basically the darlings of the Creation Records label, at least until Oasis came around and changed everything (for the worse). Their rise to indie fame was likely the most pronounced at the time, and this record in particular is one of only two shoegaze records to be certified Gold by the BPI (I'll let you guess the other one).
The key to Ride's success was likely in the band's very immediate sound compared to other shoegaze bands (plus being in the right place at the right time). They were more uptempo and LOUD, with keen pop melodies and a generally bombastic sound that lends itself to absolutely tearing up live shows.
I imagine that a good chunk of the fans of Ride in the 90s were people who had little to no investment in the emerging shoegazing scene, and would probably go on to be much bigger fans of bands like Blur and Radiohead than the likes of, say, Curve or Flying Saucer Attack.
If you've been following this series since I started than you've already read this a dozen times now so I'll do the sparknotes version: Yadda yadda dropped a few EPs in 1990 yadda yadda debut record the same year. But let's discuss that debut briefly.
Ride's 1990 LP Nowhere was a shoegaze record that harnessed the chaotic energy of the broader early 90s alternative rock movement. The album fuses little bits of neo-psychedelia, indie pop, and noise pop with a very solid foundation of constant shoegaze brick walling blasting against the backdrop, refusing to let up. It's a roller coaster ride (hehe) from start to finish.
It is Nowhere that's most often cited when discussing a "holy trinity" of records by the "Big 3", along with Loveless and Souvlaki.
I suppose now is a good time to say that personally, while I really enjoy the record, I don't really think it holds a candle to the other two canonized records. And I know I'm not alone in this. In fact, my opinion is largely reflected by the general trend in online circles over the last decade, wherein Ride's place in the 90s shoegaze rankings has slowly fallen to the definite third place spot.
Where Ride were arguably the most commercially successful shoegazers at the time, and second in critical acclaim only to My Bloody Valentine, Slowdive's re-appraisal in the 21st century has been overwhelmingly more favourable, while Ride has lost some of their relevance to the younger shoegazers of today.
There could be many reasons for this. Some argue that Ride's discography sounds a lot more dated, and/or hasn't aged well. Personally, I love the "dated" sound of early 90s U.K. indie; nothing wrong with being an era-defining record if it's a good era. That being said, I just think it comes down to MBV and Slowdive both having a larger catalogue of what is consistently brilliant music to my ears.
I do have my own alternative choice for third member of the Big 3 in my personal canon, which you'll soon find out about at the end of this series, but for now I digress.
I don't want you to come away from this review thinking I hate Ride or that you shouldn't listen to them. Many folks still love this band, and I am definitely a casual fan myself, so let's cut the crap and talk about what I like about their sophomore record.
The Record
Going Blank Again is a slightly more palatable and expanded version of the Ride that can be heard on their early EPs and debut LP. It's a hardened blend of smothering shoegaze and anthemic alternative rock riffs making it perfect for blasting out of car stereos while flying down desert highways. Like Split, this was also a transition record for the band's sound before britpop took over the British airwaves.
Firstly, I want to say that I chose reviewing Going Blank Again over Nowhere for a few reasons. Both records have their strengths and weaknesses; Nowhere packs more punch with less filler, while Going Blank Again has more versatility and arguably better songcraft, though "Seagull" remains as my favourite Ride song.
But my main reason for choosing Going Blank Again is that Nowhere already receives most of the love and attention. It's also not lost on me that I've pretty much only written about debut records for the series so far, so naturally I've been wanting to write about another sophomore LP. If I'm being honest though, Ride's first two LPs are roughly neck and neck, my preference depending on the day more than anything else.
The record bursts open with the simply gorgeous "Leave Them All Behind", a massive song that largely encapsulates everything Ride excels at: cool, massive hooks, loud guitar walls, blissful disengagement, and the sense of standing atop a really giant hill and being carried away by a gust of wind. This is how you should start your 90s alt rock record.
"Twisterella" is pure jangly, early britpop goodness. It's what Oasis would sound like if they were a better band. A completely sugary, dizzying riff that I never get tired of.
"Chrome Waves" is a chill baggy track with windswept string pads and Andy and Mark's signature melodic "ahhs" creating a bed of breeziness in the backing vocals. Very mellow vibes. And drums are a big standout on this track, kudos to Loz.
The LP finishes off with "OX4", a warm shoegazing ode to the band's hometown of Oxford. I'm actually reminded of Kiss Me era Cure, what with the bright, bittersweet synthesizer melody and dreamy feel-good essence of it all.
Again, there's a little more of what I'd consider filler on here than Nowhere, and it's definitely front-loaded. But for what it's worth, this was definitely one of the most celebrated shoegaze records of the first wave, and it's not hard to see why with its clear crossover appeal and hooks upon hooks. I think we could all stand to go a little blank again sometimes (just full of crap puns today).
What Came After That?
Ride alienated their fanbase.
No really. After this LP, Ride made the full switch and put out two britpop records, including the very lukewarm reception of Carnival of Light and the openly disdained Tarantula. Most britpop really isn't my bag, so I've yet to check out either of these projects, and their reputations sure aren't helping to convince me otherwise. The band doesn't even really seem to like that fourth record.
Ride disbanded in 1996 after having had a pretty good run as the top superstars of their somewhat niche scene.
Like Drop Nineteens, Slowdive, and MBV, the band got back together some time from the 2010s onward. The original members have been going strong, becoming the most prolific of the 90s shoegaze veterans in the 21st century, with two new records since they reunited, and a third one slated to come out some time in the next year.
I checked out the first record of their reunion 2017's Weather Diaries, while working on these reviews, and I gotta say that I have mad respect for the band sounding that energized after all these years.
Ride are shoegaze legends, and regardless of whether they're Big 3 material in my own personal canon, their significant role in spreading the popularity of shoegaze and solidifying its legacy in the 90s as a movement that mattered is more than enough reason for you to check them out. So, ya know, do it already if you haven't.
Highlights: "Leave Them All Behind", "Twisterella", "OX4", "Chrome Waves"
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Tangled strings tangled strings what's their curse and how did they get it? What happens if/when y/n starts to get affected by it? Are the strings actually visible? What's sun and moon's relationship with each other? Where are they trying to go? Sorry i really like the concept it's so cool :DDD
ok so some things I will provide teasers for before I go into full development of the what/who/how and some of these I will happily answer fully~ very excited to see the enthusiasm!
what's their curse and how did they get it?
the curse has two parts. the first is the presence of their masks and warped hands, essentially physical shows that Sun and Moon are cursed. while not the easiest things to have around, they've adopted to the claws over time (Moon more than Sun, since he's ambidextrous and enjoys using the claw as an additional weapon when he can't grab his dagger) and the masks don't significantly impact their vision.
the second part of the curse comes around once a month, on the new moon.
they got the curse after Moon was specifically requested to take part in a duel, and things got....complicated
What happens if/when y/n starts to get affected by it?
Y/N is not directly affected by the curse! sort of. they are definitely affected by the curse, but it doesn't have any physical effect on them.
Are the strings actually visible?
Nope! Those are symbolic. However all of the trio all have markings on their arms that appeared when they touched each other, showing that they have in fact found their soulmates. Sometimes there might be sensations of tugging, a mental/physical link between soulmates.
What's Sun and Moon's relationship with each other?
The absolute best of friends. They met each other at a training academy for swordsmanship, one of many options for budding travelers and duelists. Sun/Solar was hyperactive, friendly, and extremely competitive. Moon/Noche was reclusive, dismissive, and self-destructive in his training. Their respective tutors felt that by putting the pair together, the pair would balance out the other's chaotic energies.
This backfired massively. Solar and Noche just amped each other up, the pair becoming notorious in the training academy for their close friendship and wicked sword technique, before deciding to bail and learn more on the road instead of in the classroom. They are quite literally 'ride or die' for each other.
Where are they trying to go?
Anywhere. Nowhere. The problem with a lot of curses is that there's never a set location you have to get to. Sun and Moon (and now Y/N) are constantly on the move because they're trying to seek out a set of circumstances that will cause the curse to break. No-one's particularly sure what those circumstances are, only that it will have some link to the curse's origin. But Sun and Moon have no intention of returning to any town they've previously been in, so....the road stretches on.
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lonelywriter2710 · 2 years
Review on That 90s Show
Overall, I really enjoyed the show and it was better than expected, I loved seeing the original cast back but not repeatedly which made that 90s show more separated from 70s and did not focus solely on the past, but Leia growing up and her summer in Point Place. Many of the moments were cringe but that’s another reason what made 90s more authentic within itself and I guess captured the essence of Leia’s character through the show and emphasising her being the protagonist. It did not feel so much worse than 70s but it will never be the same, and I see that as a good thing cause what would even be the point of creating that 90s show for it to be the exact replica.
LOVED Leia’s character, definitely is Eric’s daughter with her smartass energy yet also extreme awkwardness. I really liked that she was portrayed like this as it made her more relatable, especially when she started liking Jay and then when they broke up, and generally feeling like an outsider and not good enough. I enjoyed her development and her learning new things and would love to see her again, she’s also extremely pretty lol. However, I did want her to be like Donna too, a bit more aloof and confident, but I personally think as she becomes more independent she will get the characteristics of Donna aswell.
Favourite Characters
Definitely Leia, Gwen and Ozzie. Leia is me, I am Leia. Gwen is just sooooo cool, her chaotic energy really made her stand out and she was just such a great friend to Leia and I am sensing lover vibes in near future from them. The actress is also extremely pretty and her style was amazing. Ozzie is just hilarious, his coming out was so beautiful and i’m glad he chose kitty to tell it to, I really enjoyed the trio of Leia, Gwen and Ozzie, probably cause that’s my irl trio too lol.
Leia and Jay’s Relationship
MIXED FEELINGS. I’m a sucker for opposites attract and really do believe Jay has genuine feelings for Leia and isn’t like his dad, he really is smitten and never not enjoyed being with Leia. I don’t ship them in the long run though unless Jay matures, I think Jay would be a good summer fling for Leia as she likes/liked him too and he got her out of her comfort zone and always understood everything she did and never judged her unlike the other characters in the show, so I would like to see more more of them too. Also they look really good together.
Leia and Nate
Probably am the only one that’s thinking this but it felt sooo forced, I expected Nate to not feel happy with Nikki anymore but not him liking Leia over a tiny moment when Leia still did like Jay (his bestest friend) and was upset over their very recent break up, I think the writers will definitely carry on that storyline in the future and will set them up but I also don’t see them lasting a long time cause I overall do not see the chemistry between them apart from platonic.
I am so confused about Nikki. I relate to her in a lot of ways as I am very straightforward too, enjoy school and am very ambitious but it feels like the writers based her on Leia but gave her the confidence she always wanted, especially when it comes to boys. I don’t necessarily dislike her but it didn’t feel like she made any contribution to the show and her personality developed half way through the show, and she often had some opinions which made Leia second guess her judgment purely because that’s not what Nikki what have done. It just gives off doing this to Nikki on purpose so we without a realisation like Leia more and probably to also carry on the Leia and Nate storyline, although I personally do ship Nikki and Nate.
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kawaimoonshine · 1 year
✨Matching pictures✨
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🤪💕Chaotic Love Energy - Human!Micwing💕🤪
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🙂💕Calmer Love Energy - Human!Whisperwing💕🙂
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⚡💕Energetic Love Energy - Human!Redstripe💕⚡
This was a little project of mine and I'm pretty happy with these
These are one of the first drawings on my iPad and Procreate
The trio are my TFP OCs, minicons of Tech, as human versions aka Humanformers, you know the deal. But the reason why they're well, human, and not like animals like minicons seems to be portrayed like that in Humanformers throughout the fandom, so I just thought that maybe they should be humans but not completely, like half human half mechanical, with the characteristics of their original counterpart. For me it kinda brings more personality into them and have kinda like a creative freedom, to put it in an example;
Micwing and Redstripe are both very chaotic and pranksters, pranksters in crime (kind of contrasts to the original (or not))
Easier time to show expressions on Micwing's and Whisperwing's face + talking (?)
But basically what I mean is that it's because I just want to and I can lol
Anyway enough of me rambling, hope you liked this, until next time :)
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pluckyredhead · 2 years
Fot the ship meme: Thad/Matches versus Kon/Bart. We know one works, but what a bout the other one? 👀
Thad/Match: Ship it!
What made you ship it?
It was both of them showing up in Teen Titans on the same villain team. Those comics are awful, but the idea of Kon and Bart's evil clones teaming up was very entertaining to me, and from there it was a quick leap to shipping them. But who doesn't like villains in love? And Thad is such a great character in the original Impulse run. (Match was...not very nuanced at the time. His recent Suicide Squad appearances really helped him out.)
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I think it's pretty clear that I love the pairing of "obsessive little weirdo who has never understood a single one of their own emotions" and "their best friend who is literally just vibing." I also borrow a lot of Kon's confident sexuality and casual vanity for my Match characterization, and it's so much fun to play that off against Thad's intensity and poor socialization. Also I haven't written it yet but they both have very good powers for sex.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I think two other people ship it and we have reached a consensus on everything lol.
Kon/Bart: Don't ship it!
Why don’t you ship it?
Same reason as Tim/Kon and Bart/Tim - I like the trio as friends more than any particular ship. I truly cannot picture Bart and Kon hooking up at all, like there's just static in my head when I try.
2. What would have made you like it?
I really don't know if anything could have? I guess I would have been more on board with, again, any ship in the trio if they didn't work so well as a trio. Or if the ship was developed with careful attention to the third wheel, which would probably be most likely with this pairing because Tim would be the third wheel and Bats always get the most attention. Actually Tim's reactions would be very funny.
3. Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
A CRIMINALLY UNDERRATED DUO!!! Kon and Bart together have a sublimely chaotic energy that brings me such joy. They love each other so much and have given Tim the brain cell to hold forever. (He does not want it.) Bless.
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dracophile · 2 years
Just Watched Hocus Pocus 2
Not going to spoil anything but honestly, I really, really liked it! It’s definitely more modern (Siri, roombas, cell phones, some humor, etc), and they change a few details from the old but explain the “changes” as being what really happened so it’s not just them forgetting the original...mostly. I will say they changed who gave her book, but then I didn’t really expect them to put satan in the movie. Lots of call backs to the original too, which was a little worried about at first they were just trying to grab the nostalgia, but then I was just enjoying it so much it didn’t feel like that. It just felt like a continuation of the old because it had the same chaotic energy.
I guess my main point of criticism would be the visual FX...But that’s kind of what we’ve been talking about with Disney overworking their computer department instead of going for practical effects nowadays and basically making them churn out so many projects without a lot of...quality control. Or care. Some were good, and some were...eh. And some were “really, you had to computer that in?”
THEY CRANKED THE CAMP UP TO 12 but honestly I LOVED IT. Bette Midler, Kathy Najimi and Sarah Jessica Parker just seemed to slip back into their old characters and had me laughing and loving new one liners. Doug Jones is also back as Billy and gets even more lines and screen time! They also made the sisters a bit more...sympathetic? I can’t explain without spoilers but it worked for this movie and I’m not mad at it. And we see them as kids at the start, and those kids did FANTASTIC. Young Winnifred is a drama queen. (I will say I thought they were like 12 when they were sixteen BECAUSE I’M SO USED TO THEM CASTING 20 SOMETHINGS TO PLAY TEENAGERS. IT WAS BOGGLING BUT REFRESHING).
I also like the girls playing the main characters, they were fun and good at figuring things out against them. I would’ve liked cameos from the original trio but it would’ve probably pulled the focus from the new girls too much. Regardless, I can tell they all had a great time making this, and honestly, that made the movie even more enjoyable. I still like the first one more considering it came out when I was like four and I grew up with it, but this one definitely comes close for me and I honestly will probably watch it again soon. Which is high praise from me.
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shadowfoxsilver · 1 year
Return of darkness
(Origins untold)
The claw went farther down the opening of the sky, slicing down the night sky with ease as the ominous hues of another world shimmered from behind it and a large dragons horn could be seen. Before long the opening fell free and the sky fell open like a piece of paper as a rift to the dark universe was opened. The wyvern who had opened it was quick to fly free and cast their shadow across the landscape with a screech that echoed across the world itself. It was the Evil Key Beast, back to get after the creator that had avoided him for so long.
From the rift three figures also escaped. The evil key trio! Ready to aid their leader at a moments notice but also ready to track down the one who had spent so long evading their sight. A dark clone who had left and mimicked the form of someone else in order to blend in! The evil trio knew the clone was there though. They just had to find it. Dark Etaina was silent as she took flight once the others landed. Swiftly exploring the tree to see where the dark clone was hiding. Dark Shamira went to examine the dark corners, leaving a trail of sticky goo from her mouth that would trip anyone who stumbled close. Dark Sigurd slithered off to search outside the area.
Dark Jess swallowed as she watched the three forms scatter. The Evil Key Beast remained flying around the tree, his shadow casting ominously at every flap of his wings. The chaotic energy crackled as he moved. The ground seemed to bristle with the unstable forces as well. The grass wilting and turning dark as crystals of chaotic force began to grow once more. These Nega Crystals resonated with chaotic intent. The sources of power that Nega Lightning Cat Scapolite often relied on and the reason she could freely move around in the domain without much issue.
Yet Nega too seemed unsure of what was happening. The rift had already closed again and she couldn’t see a way to access it. If Jess had been stolen away, was she took to the evil world that Dark Jess had been from? Her ears flicked slightly as she turned to see the Nega Crystals sprout from the trees roots and emerge from the lifeless ground where grass once grew. She held only a piece of a Nega Crystal herself. Yet now the larger ones had appeared after years of being unseen! The air crackled with purple and green lightning bolts! She had to find Dark Jess! The dark clone had already flown somewhere.
So Nega disappeared back into the shadows, searching for the spot where Dark Jess was going. The dark clones dark aura seemed to be coming from the highest part of the tree where she had seen the Evil Key Beast heading moments ago. Was DJ going to face off against the one who had created her? Nega knew that wouldn’t end well! So she scurried faster in the shadows, glowing eyes and claws and markings all that could be seen aside from her dark gem that dimly lit up as well.
The top of the tree wasn’t the easiest place to reach, after all. It was a mass of branches and held portals to other universes at every end of the winding branches that grew.
(Look! An update! To the story! xp)
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