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Oh.my.gosh! Okay, so you see 4 exclusive Charms here, but it's really three Charms - that Ice Cream Truck Charm flips over and turns into a Taco Truck. (Side note: Why doesn't this happen in real life?!) #ineedtacosandicecream These WILL go fast and there are limited quantities so if you are dying for any of them, now is the time to shop! #omg #exclusivecharms #icecreamtruck #tacotruck #selloutfast #timetoshop #bellaweems #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byt3sb7Fv--/?igshid=1907xtdkxd75
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We're off to see the Wizard - for the FINAL reveal and release of our limited edition The Wizard of Oz Collection on Tuesday and I can't WAIT. What do you hope to see in these final pieces? #wizardofozlook #wizardofozcollection #limitededition #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx-eR8llAEd/?igshid=13psvzc7m5eak
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Eee! I always love it when there's an extra way to save a little $$$. Only until TONIGHT May 22 at 11:59 p.m. CT, you can enjoy free standard shipping on your retail order over $25 USD | $33 CAD. So, if The Wizard of Oz Collection or something else has caught your eye, it's a great time to shop! #freeshipping #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew ##wizardofoz #wizardofozcollection (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxkntlHfUD/?igshid=9c8lggt9hjdv
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You know it's been a good day when I haven't had to unleash the flying monkeys! But, maybe this could be a warning sign? 馃槈 #goodday #flyingmonkeys #wizardofozcollection #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxkTunHb5C/?igshid=1rsk9nlufh79k
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"Come out, come out, wherever you are - and meet the young lady who fell from the stars!" No visit to Munchkin Land is complete without Glinda and the Munchkins! Whether you're all about her sparkle or those amazing bubbles, these Locket looks are simply irresistible. #munchkinland #munchkins #sparkle #bubbles #livinglocket #livinglocketsandcharms #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxxhZoOnil9/?igshid=rkhkb018wyph
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Ohmigosh! Do you remember this scene?! I get shivers just thinking about that moment! Who else loves to hate the Wicked Witch? #wickedwitchofthewest #wickedwitch #wizardofoz #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxxgs7ZnQdP/?igshid=krzoozkz7mlo
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Believe it or not, there are THREE new limited edition jewellery pieces in this picture! Can you tell what they are? . . . #limitededition #jewellerycollection #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew #glindagoodwitch #wizardofozcollection #wizardofoz (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxxeu1hHP6r/?igshid=age58psz8vp9
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Need a little extra courage? If you're tackling something BIG and need a small reminder, this Cowardly Lion Charm will do the trick! #courage #cowardlylion #newcharmcollection #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxpjo_rHxmM/?igshid=1fui8zr12rres
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Could anything be more iconic about this Living Locket? When was the first time you saw this scene? #livinglocket #wizardofozorigamiowl #wizardofoz #wizardofozcollection #wizardofozfan #moviescenes #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxpfvVvHIcl/?igshid=fttuf8vstl7
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I mean, any little girl who's ever watched this movie wanted to be in Dorothy's ruby red slippers, right? What size do you think they were? (Don't cheat!) #dorothysrubyredslippers #dorothy #wizardofoz #origamiowlnew #origamiowlcanada (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxpTi4NnoYe/?igshid=13pkg2njrl61f
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Raise your hand if you're feeling a little sleepier today? 馃檵鈥嶁檧锔廈lame it on the poppies (and then grab an extra cup of coffee!). We've got this! 馃憡 #sleepy #raiseyourhand #poppies #cupofcoffee #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew #scarecrow (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxiW4xGHptM/?igshid=3cfs9qew1tsr
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From her signature, blue gingham print to her ruby red slippers, I am always amazed by the talent it takes to create these hand-painted, limited edition masterpieces. Who else needs Dorothy in her Locket? #blueginghamprint #rubyredslippers #amazingdetail #handpainted #limitededition #dorothy #dorothysrubyredslippers #wizardofozcollection #wizardofozfan #wizardofoz #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxiWcWaH_3H/?igshid=1imtz71i34dvd
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Our Charm Pendant Bracelet is a beautiful, high-quality piece that NEEDS Dorothy's ruby red slippers featuring Swarovski Crystals. If you purchased this stunning bracelet this past season, you need this piece to complete it. Plus, you can always add it to a Chain to wear it another way. #charmpendantbracelet #beautiful #highquality #dorothysrubyredslippers #swarovskicrystals #stunningbracelet #chain #origamiowlcanada #origamiowlnew (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bxd7v5SnoJF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=11o29j23zfiib
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This is such a classic! The weight of these Charm Pendants. The way it drapes and puddles in your hand - this, my friends, is a quality bracelet that will surely be cherished! Choose the Charm Pendants that speak to you and add them to this innovative bracelet. You can even wear the Charm Pendants on a simple Chain! #classiclook #charmpendants #quality #personalizedgifts #origamiowlnew #origamiowljewelry (at Muskoka, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxKcrichAuJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4u8vzr94r8fa
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