#orichalcos chosen
angelus-tenebrae · 17 days
"I see I was missed~"
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blueeyesking · 6 months
Not a Rematch- a Duel for Revenge! Alister Revealed Pt. 2
[After Seto accused the person Dueling him of not being Pegasus- "Even [he] wouldn't be stupid enough to copy our first duel to the letter!"- the Musketeer of Doma, Alister, removed his disguise and began using his real deck. For his first draw, Alister sealed himself and Seto inside of the Seal of Orichalcos, a field spell that would take the "soul" of whoever lost. It terrified Mokuba, who was left outside of its radius of effect.
After demonstrating the effect of the Seal and his new monster, Alister launches into a long explanation of his story, why he's chosen to attack Seto and his company: when KaibaCorp was still controlled by Gouzaburo, their weapons of war destroyed Alister's home... and killed his little brother. Since that day, Alister has wanted nothing but revenge.
Mokuba countered that Seto took the company to redeem it, to help people, orphan children like them most of all! But Alister wouldn't hear it. Seto Kaiba, or whoever lead the Kaiba Corporation, had to die; it was the money of the company that fueled the war that killed his brother, and the Kaibas are its heirs.
And so the Duel continued.
Alister activated a trap that disabled all other Traps while it was on the field, crippling Seto's strategy, and forced Seto to end his turn with only Pitch-Dark Dragon in Defense Mode and a useless Crush Card Virus on his field.
Alister's turn. He drew, then attacked the Pitch-Dark Dragon with Gorlag, his ace monster, using its effect to resurrect the Dragon and bring it to his side of the field in his end phase; and, without any defenses, attacked Seto with his own resurrected Versago the Destroyer. Seto's LP fell to 400.
Seto was in a bad position. He needed just one card in his deck to eke out the win...
And he drew it. Seto smirked.
Seto plays Card of Demise in order to draw three cards (bringing his hand to five), and draws a combo that should work. Using White Dragon Ritual, Seto discards a Blue-Eyes in order to directly summon Paladin of White Dragon- then plays Monster Reborn to bring that Blue-Eyes back onto his field. A much better position.
Paladin of White Dragon attacks the stolen Pitch-Dark Dragon (now in Attack Mode due to Gorlag's effect), causing Gorlag to become weak enough to be destroyed with Blue-Eyes White Dragon. When the dust settles, Alister is left defenseless, now, with only 1200 LP.
But Seto isn't done! Paladin of White Dragon can be sacrificed in order to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon from his hand or deck! Seto crosses his arms in front of his chest as he is flanked by his Blue-Eyes.
"You told me before that I couldn't win- how do those words taste, knowing the worst is yet to come?"
Alister's turn. He huffs at Seto, "You're so predictable," and uses Pot of Greed to draw two cards.
Then, Alister activates the spell card Aetonyx Flame, destroying all monsters that don't have the FIRE-Attribute: both Blue-Eyes White Dragons! And, it resurrects Gorlag in Attack Mode. But Alister has another trick: Fire Whip! Fire Whip returns all monsters destroyed this turn to Alister's side of the field, as FIRE-Attribute monsters (which buff Gorlag by 500ATK each). Seto now faces down his own Blue-Eyes, infused with dark power from the Seal, and a monster just as strong.
Seto is incredulous, panicking a little, and shouts in betrayal, "NO! Those Blue-Eyes are mine, how dare you use them against me?!" Memories of his fateful duel with Yugi, where the same thing happened, flash behind his eyes.
Alister is now the one in the smug posture, smirking. "It's the perfect revenge, isn't it? Soon, I'll use your own favorite monsters to take you down and feed your soul to our God."
Because Alister can't attack the turn he activated Aetonyx Flame. Seto still has a chance. Alister sets a card, and adds, "When you lose this, you'll suffer just like I did at the hands of your father. This will be your last draw!"]
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anxso · 11 months
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@ygoc-week DAY 2
FAMILY. Oh, there is nothing quite like sharing blood with Dartz Orichalcum.
I worked off an Atlantis AU in which Dartz had two children: Rain and Ranue. This was before the Spirit World existed, so monster and humans shared the Earth. Dartz despises monsters because they killed his father, Ironheart. Rain makes buddies with a monster (Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon), they fuse, aaand Rain is immediately outcast from Atlantis society by Dartz. Gotta keep the YGO trend of all the fathers of the year!! (She gets revenge by making him a prisoner in his own body but that’s a story for ANOTHER TIME)
Rain has a sister that is more like a clone because she was created by Rain splitting into her human and monster halves when the Spirit World came into existence. She’s named Rahlin(the one in the artwork wearing the suit)! They act as warm and close as if they were born sisters and care deeply for one another. Older bro Ranue is an inspiration to them both as he kept on supporting them even after her outcasting. He’s a super sweet boi who loves cooking and inventing using Orichalcos. Rahlin in particular takes after his science interests whereas Rain more aspires to be as kind and forgiving as him
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And of course, with this being 5D’s, all the Signers become like a found family for Rain 💜 older bros Yusei, Jack, and Crow, lil Luna and Leo as the younger sibs, Aki as sis and fellow scarred psychic (and both of them being in love with uh… men that get them judged for it 😭) Jack is both who she fights with most AND the family member she is closest to lmao. They go through rough patches and at one point all lose their marks because of infighting!! But then they get them back plus the fun manga versions of the Signer Dragons :3c
Crimson Dragon, who is a speaking character in the series, actually is a good dad despite how cryptic he can be—he very much cares for his chosen children a lot and wants to see them all heal and succeed!
(Header artwork is a comm by yura, handle in the alt text! Else are screencaps and picrews :D)
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anonzentimes · 4 months
Okay, I saw the notes for the last reply to the ask. And I might have given the wrong idea about the crossover fic. Nagito in the Doma arc is actually quite like how hopefilledramblings described. He joins Dartz' organization (alongside Gundham, Hiyoko, and Natsumi) out of a desire to make his suffering mean something by going out creating a shining hope.
In the case of the fic, it's him playing the role of antagonist to try and push Chiaki (and later Hajime) to their limit. And make them one of the chosen duelists who gets bestowed with the arc's special dragon cards. Even if that means literally sacrificing his soul in the process, via the Seal of Orichalcos. He's content with that, as long as he gets to have had a part in creating a shining hope.
No, my issue with the fic isn't how it depicts Nagito desperately wanting his life to mean something, and participating in some dark shit to accomplish it. My main gripe is that it fails to deliver on the promise of showing him evolve beyond that.
He goes into the Battle City tournament with no belief that he has a chance of winning, or even a desire to. Merely hoping that he'll be a stepping stone to help strengthen a worthier duelist, preferably Yugi, Kaiba, or Chiaki. He joins Dartz' organization because he actually wants the heroes to triumph over Dartz, taking his motive from the previous arc to its logical extreme.
Then come the Grand Prix arc, and it seems like things are going to be different this time round. Nagito is competing this time round, not because he wants to become a part of someone else's dream. But because he's come to accept that he can dare to dream for himself. Which okay, great.
...And then it just doesn't really go anywhere with that. The story ironically takes the mindset Nagito has that it shows is unhealthy, and basically plays it dead straight. He does pretty much end up being Hajime's stepping stone to greatness in the Battle City and Doma arcs. And his role in the Grand Prix arc more or less amounts to being the same thing for Makoto.
Speaking of being Hajime's stepping stone, that's actually something else I've noticed is a pattern in a lot of Hinanami works (the fic being one of them). Nagito's antagonism of Hajime being a Reserve Cours student is played up in those fics, and they culminate with Nagito being proven wrong about Hajime specifically not being special. Which just like...completely misses the entire point of Hajime's arc in the original story.
It wasn't about him gaining self-confidence and proving that he is someone special. It was about him coming to terms with the fact that he's not special, and that's okay. Plus it just undermines the whole thing about the Reserve Course being thrown under the bus if Hajime is revealed to have always had the makings of an Ultimate.
bad... fanfic... cringes...
In all seriousness I still think I wouldn't ever that haha, he's a difficult guy to write so I can understand when stuff like that happens. Heck, even though I, I think, understand Nagito really well I struggle to actually write any fanfics. Although I don't know how one actively creates a more harmful arc for a character? Like how does one end up creating an arc that says the opposite of what he needs/undermines the existing story 😭😭😭
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ofthepuzzle · 2 years
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@13xwishes​ said: {Misc Meme} ❣️🌙 🎁 💓🎮🤡 🌱 Misc. Ask Meme  
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❣️ - What are their love languages?
His love language? He comes at peak hopeless moments to save you / pull you out of a situation. And then disappears. I’m jesting. No, I’m not, actually.
That’s one. Thing is his love language can also work for platonic relationships because he equally gets supportive, protective, encouraging, etc. He’ll always be there for the people he loves. Aaaand, of course, depending on how close he is with the person, little physical touches count too. To the shoulder, to the hand, high-fives. And the more intimate just leaning against each other, occasional cuddling, etc. He’s also eloquent so he may also use words to express how he feels.
🌙 - What’s their sleep schedule like?
Answered here.
🎁 - How do they feel about their birthday/birthdays in general?
His birthday is all over the place. At this point he has multiple birthdays. But mine has chosen one date to go with during modern times. He doesn’t celebrate it much in AE in comparison to modern verses. More so because in modern times it’s a trend to celebrate it with friends and family, throw parties, etc. And it’s more fun now than before. I’d say he is neutral about it. He might appear more enthusiastic about his friends’ birthdays.
💓 - What are some signs they’ve fallen for someone? How do they show their affection?
Oh boy. This is almost like saying how to differentiate platonic from romantic (speaking in regards to the first one that I answered). By that point he’ll likely tell on his own. Does the other person know? If not then he’ll probably not show it so it’s evident. There’s a good chance he’ll flirt and treat the person like royalty at some point.
🎮 - What’s their favorite game?
I wonder which game his whole life was based on— Duel Monsters. But he likes any other just as much if it’s engaging in a similar level. Any board game. Especially those brainy games. Anything that requires strategy, quick-wit, and stealth even. Pretty much what season 0 offered.
🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
He’s not embarrassed by anything. Or at least he gets over it quickly. Something dumb specifically, not at the top of my head. Define how ‘dumb’…. (side-eyes Orichalcos). Is it terribly dumb or stupid dumb? He’s not affected by a little dumb thing as much as huge life-changing mistakes.
🌱 - Do they have a green thumb or are they a plant killer?
Plant killer sounds so awful. He has a garden in his palace. Does that make him a green-thumb? But he’s got people to tend it. He vibes with plants.
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arkadiaasks · 2 years
Weren’t Dartz and the Doma guys the ones giving Ryuzaki and Haga their cards? They could have easily made sure that their decks were up to par against whatever the chosen three could pull from their behind and then some. Orichalcos Gigas and Kyutora spring to mind as good generic options for them or, really, any of the other Duelists he sent after the main group.
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They gave access to their stores.
It was on Rex/Ryuzaki and Weevil/Haga to use them.
Ryuzaki/Rex DID do a pretty good job, and did have strong monsters.
Haga however stuck to his tendency of gimmicky control and mind-fuckery.
It's ultimately on the two of them to build their own Decks.
Please watch the actual show.
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YGO AU Leviathan Rising
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Yugi gains a new roommate and partner.
Chapter 3 Roommates
Yugi sat on the ground in small square room filled with toys and other games; it was his soul room he'd visited it before it was mostly the same but this time the room had no door. It made sense he wasn't attached to the other Yugi by the millennium puzzle anymore so why would there be a door. He looked up the seemingly endless ceiling above him then at his surroundings, his eyes finally locked onto a old game he was familiar with; pop up pirate.
He picked up the toy and looked at it sadly, he was then flooded with memories of sitting alone in class while everyone else went out to have fun together. He'd be all alone too scared to join anyone even if they invited him, he'd always have some excuse to refrain form joining in, but deep down all he wanted was a friend. Now here he was once again all alone. no friends to keep him company in his own soul. He was trapped and God only knew what this new and powerful god was doing with his form, who would it hurt? What was it doing? Could he even stop it?
Of course not, how could he? He was all alone now not even the other Yugi could stand strong against the power of the Orichalcos so what chance would he have?
Sighing he put the game down and set it up to play with, if he was going to be trapped, he might as well try to pass the time.
Leviathan sat in a chair at the head of the long table, a smile still on his face as he watched Dartz incorporate the bug and dino duellists into their organization and sent them on a task to capture the souls of both the Pharaoh and Joey. Once they'd left only Dartz and his 3 minions remained in the room. They all sat at the same table waiting for Leviathan to speak.
“Now then I think a proper introduction is necessary; I am the Great Leviathan. God of the Orichalcos and your new master. Of course, I know of my most faithful servant Dartz but tell me of your names.” he then gestured to the other three.
“Raphael” “Alister.” “Valon” all three spoke one after the other.
Leviathan nodded. “A pleasure to make your acquaintance. I am sure you will serve me well. I am especially grateful to you Raphael. Were it not for your mistake I would have never found my chosen vessel.”
Raphael looked down slightly quite embarrassed to be called out like that.
“I assure you my Lord, they will not disappoint you again.” Dartz spoke up giving a sharp look to Raphael.
“I'm sure they will not Dartz. Any questions?”
Valon raised a hand and asked, “So how’s this whole 'host' thing work exactly?”
Leviathan grinned at him “I can speak to you all now because I have been able to attach myself to my host Yugi. The Orichalcos stone on my crown has granted this soul with opacity and tangibility. I can use many of my powers but sadly I am unable to unlock my full strength and scope without the souls of strong individuals.”
“The three chosen duellists.” Alister said.
“Exactly. Once I have all three of them in my possession I can finally awaken properly.” Leviathan let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes. “I still require more rest...In the meantime Dartz I'll entrust you once again to keep things running?”
“Of course, my Lord, you may rest. in the meantime, Raphael, escort our lord to his chambers and keep watch until I return.”
“Yes Master.” he answered and stood up following Leviathan out of the room.
Another yawn left the god's mouth, and he rubbed his eyes again as they walked down the halls. Once they reached the room Leviathan turned to Raphael and said quite coldly “You my stand guard here. Don't disturb me unless I call for you.”
The tall man bowed, and room door closed. He was already starting to become annoyed by this new “god”.
Yugi had started on a new puzzle game when he felt another presence enter his soul room; he looked back and saw a figured dressed exactly like him. Well, him but in the silly garb DOMA put him in, his hair was dark purple with blue bangs styled almost like his iconic hair, but he was lacking the crown Yugi was wearing, he also had a long dragons tail with a forked end.
“Hello Yugi, ~” Leviathan said smugly
Yugi rolled his eyes and turned back around trying to ignore him. Leviathan pouted his lips a bit and crossed his arms.
“You know it's rude to not acknowledge someone who has spoken to you human!”
“You know it's rude to enter someone else's soul without permission.” Yugi replied flatly
A growl left the gods lips “You insolent little pest! Do you know whom you're speaking to?”
“I don't care. Now please exit the way you came.” Yugi moved another piece of his puzzle into place still not looking back.
The god was now fuming “I am doing you a favour by trying to interact with you host! We are going to be partners! the least you can do is show some gratitude for the gesture!”
“You can do me a bigger favour by letting go of my soul and freeing me! If you won’t do that then we don't have much to talk about, do we? So just leave me alone.” Yugi waved off the god with a hand gesture that made Leviathan growl.
“I saved your worthless soul form becoming part of my void and this is how you treat my kindness? You could have just been another lost soul for me to devour but I recognized you! You're the one who played that insolent dragon Timaeus and destroyed my eye!”
“You don't know anything about kindness, and again if I'm so worthless then just let me go!” Yugi was now turned and faced Leviathan, his eyes where hard trying to look as intimating as he could.
“You're keeping me away form everything and everyone I care about, and you think locking me up in my own soul. alone. is some kind of mercy?! Just stick me back in the void with all the other souls you've stolen! I refuse to let you use my soul to help you further your own plans!” Yugi was panting now as slight tears started to peek out of the corner of his eyes.
Leviathan grinned rather smugly and tapped his lip a bit. “Your eyes are quite lovely when you're angry. I enjoy fuelling the rage in your heart...it only gives me more power!”
The room grew darker and colder all the toys seemed to vanish, and it was just a void now.
“Solitude is what you fear is it not?” his words started to echo around the room as the void grew larger around them.
Yugi was panting more as Leviathan seemed to be all around him his words coming form all directions louder and distorted.
“Perhaps I should leave you here to only imagine what I will do to your loved ones...”
More and more his soul room was growing darker he couldn't see anything but Leviathan's eyes glowing golden yellow in the dark.
“I can have my henchmen capture each and everyone of your friends and rip out their souls one by one. And for their last sight to be they're dear friend betraying them all~”
Yugi snapped jumping to his feet he screamed “NO! I won’t let you!”
He ran towards Leviathan's eyes who was expecting a swift punch to his face but only saw Yugi struggle to hold onto himself, his arms where shaking and his knees gave way again. He stared up at the god his eyes where full of tears and despair.
“I... I...” Yugi's words getting caught in his throat as he tried desperately to choke out the words.
Tears fell form his face landing on the ground as he lowered himself looking down at the growing pile of tears. “I can't do anything...I'm not strong enough...I-”
“I expect better form my vessel. Perhaps keeping you locked up is what's best.” Leviathan turned away ready to leave when Yugi suddenly jolted up his hand reaching out.
Leviathan stopped and turned his head. “Yes?”
“I- I'm sorry! You were right I was rude to you! I'm just so...upset but I shouldn't take it out on you-you where kind enough to spare me right? So... Thank you?” Yugi stared with a hopeless plea “Please don't leave me here...please don't leave me alone...”
Leviathan turned fully and walked back to Yugi his hands behind his back “That's more like it. Now we really did get off on the wrong foot, didn't we? I wish to have a proper partnership with my vessel.”
The room started to grow lighter again the items beginning to return around them.
“Y-yes, we did. Let me start over” Yugi cleared his throat and extended his hand “Hello my name is Yugi Mutou. What's your name?”
The god looked down at his hand then back at the boy whose eyes held its kind light again but under his eyes was a hint of red form crying, he reached out and took his hand strongly.
“You may call me The Great Leviathan.”
“That's...quite a long name...”
“Hm yes it really is quite the mouth full, isn't it?”
“Uh is it okay if I just call you Leviathan? Or hey how about Levi? Since we are going to be partners now, we can be a little less formal around each other, right?” Yugi tried to keep the fear form surfacing all over his face.
The god thought for a moment and then smiled but it wasn't a warm smile it felt ice cold.
“Levi it is.”
To be Continued...
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sennenpharaoh · 4 years
Atem’s “Darker” Half (Orichalcos Yami)
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Atem’s “Darker” (I’ll call him Yami since it TECHNICALLY isn’t his actual name) side isn’t based SOLELY on his Orichalcos possessed self, more like this form was chosen because Atem fears it the most, though most of it does have to do with the events that happened in Death Valley.
On the surface, Yami is just the Orichalcos version of Atem. Cold hearted, power driven, and willing to do anything and everything to achieve victory and become stronger. He is not beyond sacrificing others (something Atem is EXTREMELY against) to do what’s necessary. AKA, pretty much what you all see in EP. 158 (aka Nikki’s fav episode *FUCKING SHOCKER*) Atem obviously hates seeing this side of himself to the point where he’s afraid of Yami, freezing in fear whenever they come face to face, be it in a dream or, well, this.
However, dig deeper, and you find out what his true “darkness” is.
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Ever since Atem returned from the afterlife, a lot of things have changed about him. His magic was greatly reduced, unable to summon the gods at all, only able to infuse his remaining Shadow Magic into simple Spell Cards. Deep down Atem misses that power, wanting and wishing that he could do more, be more. He hates that he’s no longer this powerful Pharaoh, even though that’s what he wished for when he asked for this second life. Most of all, he despise how soft he’s become. Ever since listening to his friends’ advice about accepting and embracing his emotions, there’s a part of him that despises it. That part of him that hates how it makes him feel, how it makes him look, how pathetic it makes him.
All of that, manifests into Yami.
Yami is the embodiment of how Atem thinks of his own shortcomings. He hates that he’s no longer strong enough to keep his loved ones safe. He hates how scared of the power Atem is. He hates that at times he gets overemotional. He hates how pathetic it makes him feel. How... weak it makes him feel. 
Atem hates that word. Weak.
Both layers of Yami’s “Darkness”: The power of the Orichalcos mixed with the fear and distain towards Atem’s weakness. Yami knows what Atem is afraid of and what he hates, and has just the cure to fix everything... and it’s of course the one other thing Atem is afraid of.
And that’s why ever since seeing Dartz again in this second life Atem has mentally blocked Yami out, for fear that Atem might fall to Yami’s temptation once again.
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steve0discusses · 4 years
S4 Ep37: Return of O R B S
Heyyyyy boy, look who’s back, it’s orbs!
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So we’ve seen a lot of orbs on this show and I fully admit that I kinda started...I started feeling a kinship for the orbs. Something about these mysterious death balls of Yugioh that we see over and over just became really relatable during a pandemic. Being trapped in a bubble and unable to get close to anyone you know is such a 2020 vibe, youknow?
These orbs that are apparently so normalized in this universe that everyone is just max chilling in an orb and just doing their best at not thinking about whether or not they’ll still have to poop in this completely transparent orb in front of all of their friends.
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Also, welcome back, Yugi. Apparently he was just taking a nap this entire time. That’s canon and you know what? Good for him.
And then everyone else just kinda showed up, tired, in an orb, feeling kind of frustrated because there’s literally nothing else they can do to get out of this situation. It’s basically a zoom call in 2020.
(read more under the cut)
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TBH if Pegasus was in a zoom call, you know he’d just be talking about wine. You know he’d just be in a zoom call with a bunch of straight-laced teenagers just going off about the weird wine he got from a subscription box that he bought when he was day drunk a week ago. You know he’d just be like “I mean is it good? Should I keep it? Should I drink it anyway?” While popping the cork on stream and just pouring it directly into a cereal bowl.
I can feel the orb life going on here. I can especially feel Seto Kaiba, who fell asleep during the zoom call without turning off the camera.
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On the other side of the room is people dying as they get sucked directly into their impending doom.
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Long ago, about...last year I think...I recapped an episode from the beginning of the season where Pegasus introduced this blank card--that I assumed was blank.
But that card from that episode--it wasn’t actually blank. It was a symbolic blank card and the show runners were like “our child audience will surely get that we just don’t want to spoil the ending” as I, a full grown adult, completely thought this card was blank.
But like...this is Pegasus. You can’t just be tossing out blank cards like that!
...anyway...it’s fine, because we get a little bit more about the time that Pegasus donned that quantum hat that is sometimes square and sometimes round and then just harassed a bunch of people in Egypt until one guy tore out his eyeball and replaced it with a Christmas ornament.
I freakin have the hardest time believing this guy was married once.
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PS, now I know that when you uh put people’s hair into strips like this, it’s a lot of effort to animate and it doesn’t look anything like hair. Glad Yugioh taught me that none of us ever need to do that. Ever again. Erase that idea from your to-do list, it doesn’t work.
Anyway, Pegasus lets us know that while he was trying to revive his dead wife and putting a cold compress on his new golden eye-socket, he was also like...obsessed with finding these three dragons.
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And he was like “but they didn’t exist anywhere else!” He looked in outer space?? In atoms??? all over the place (this was in the show, PS, he looked on a molecular level for these duel monster dragons) until he was like “ah! That’s because they DID never exist!”
PS...are there...molecular duel monsters?
Just asking for a friend.
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...so they did exist, they just had exactly the same names they do now, but were humans so I guess Pegasus just...didn’t realize that they were the same. Kinda like how when I used to read manga as a kid or watch anime and they’d go into chibi forms I thought those were different people. It’s just like that.
Anyway if dragons are turning into humans please don’t tell that to Kaiba. Blue eyes white dragon wife is much funnier as a dragon.
But like...I get that mechanically, in the game, you have to change them to human to make the cards work but...why do we care if they’re human or dragons anyway? Dartz comes from a world where most people turned into monsters. And like if no one’s trying to date them, not even Kaiba...who cares? Dartz’ wife is a freakin monster and I don’t remember seeing him divorce her at any point.
Anyway, it was an odd thing for the show to throw in there about cards we have no relationship with. It’s a complicated season, and we spent way more time on our minibosses than we ever spent with the three tragic dragon characters that are going to actually save our asses.
Now back in the soul hut, Dartz has decided to do the strategy where he convinces Pharaoh to give up. Which youknow...
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The show acts like Pharaoh has any idea of who he used to be and it’s like do you even know how long Marik spent trying to teach Pharaoh anything about his past? Like Marik stood there with his back exposed and was like “I wrote it down! See? That’s about you!! Read my back scriptures!!!” and Yami kind of squinted at it and was like “Nah...” and then the island exploded.
So anyway, the only way that Dartz can convince Pharaoh to kill himself is to show Pharaoh the invite code to the orb zoom call. And so Dartz like “your friends are having so much fun in death zoom right now, don’t you want to hang one last time? Don’t you want to see what they’re up to? Don’t you want to hear them complain about working from home and how small their orb is and how their back is cramped all the time because the park is closed so they never go on walks anymore? Don’t you want to hear and secretly enjoy how much weight Joey gained from eating Doritos for 8 straight months? Don’t you want that in your life, Pharaoh?”
And then he just...decided to possess his bean because obviously that wouldn't work.
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Freakin Usagi Tsukino over here.
Speaking of:
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I’m also imagining that this scene in the big ol bathtub was probably...longer...in the original version? Just saying that because...what’s the point of putting a shirt on the boy? Unless it was implied that at some point you saw the whole boy? Maybe I blinked and missed a shot of the whole boy?
Anyway this scene felt heavily edited, that’s my hypothesis, if it wasn’t and someone was like “yo put a shirt on the boy” then I...don’t know what to say about that. It’s a pair of shoulders. I’m pretty sure half of their cards are racier than that.
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Do you like the evidence that we have here that Tea and Tristan totally biffed it last episode? I do.
Anyway, as the Orichalcos shrinks and threatens to take Pharaoh’s soul, the puzzle taps into his dark powers, and the power of friendship and also all the minibosses who died kinda formed a ring around him and bumped the orichalcos back into place.
Nice that Mai got added to the friend pile, but only in death. Also, I’m pretty sure Alister is here and Pharaoh never met him? But there’s more of a reason as to why the mini bosses are here, since they have their own agenda outside of Pharaoh and being his best buddy so I won’t question that too much.
This is friendship from Yami’s perspective, and like...Yami kinda wants to be friends with most people. Hell, if Bakura were introduced this season, he’d be here, too. That’s just how Pharaoh rolls.
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Yami decided that, although he’s a huge mess of a human being and screw it at every possible opportunity, his core isn’t made up of a dark magic curse with a crusty soul left over from some kingdom that botched it 5000 years ago. He’s decided that he’s moving on from that sort of anxiety--becoming his own sort of person--separate from Yugi, separate from his past, and separate from the powers that he’s often defined by. And it’s about time. It’s about time he recognizes that he needs to stop clinging to the ancient past (although I’m pretty sure his ancient past will be the entirety of next season)
He should give himself a real name while he’s at it, but youknow, he's not going to. Yami hasn’t quite figured out names yet.
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Nightmare foreshortening, that’s what this is. Like you have to just roll a dice when you do foreshortening, and sometimes you get snake eyes, the rest of the time, you get this.
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So not only are these guys voiced by Seto, Yugi, and Joey, they have faces that are like a blend of Valon, Raphael, Mai and Alister (yes that was four people for three dragon people, just go with it)--but the show doesn’t really focus on that, or at least not in this episode.
But, it does give the three mini bosses a reason to be chosen by the Orichalcos, if it’s inferred that they were some reincarnated version of the original dragons. Especially since Valon had the ability to just punch out the Orichalcos when he was still alive, and apparently that is the same thing this card does.
I can’t believe that him punching stuff was foreshadowing. I should have known. The answer in this show is always punching.
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And so the episode ends with some...something that happened, but don’t ask me about it.
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One of the reasons I don’t go over card games here. I mean...c’mon.
Come the freakin on.
Anyway we have some more episodes before this is over but at least this guy is at 0 hp so like...how long can you draw out one single play of cards? (I say, knowing they can stretch this game out...infinitely)
anyway, here’s where you can read these from the top. Hope y’all are staying safe!
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bakugouisabitch · 3 years
if you've seen them, What are your thoughts about the big anime-original arcs from the DM anime (Virtual World & the orichalcos arc)?
Yes, I did. Both sub and dub.
I could go on a long ramble for this and say how the filler arcs, despite being straight out ridiculous, could have in some way been beneficial individually for each character and their arcs, 
but on the other hand, if I have to describe them in two words I’d say they are: ridiculous and unfitting. 
Sorry, no offence to people who enjoy them, everyone is free to do so ofc. But the filler arcs were a big contribution to “branding” the franchise into a more absurd/ridiculous calibre.
We can argue that the Virtual World arcs are in some way “better” and get an easier pass cause they are, in fact, set in a virtual world - so they aren’t directly damaging the real-world events. And this is why the Doma arc is just bs and too much.
Seeing the characters going on a heroic quest to prevent the goal of an ancient war set in the Atlantic Period between real-life duel monsters that somehow existed against an Atlantic King that discovered green powerful gems is just... too much. No. It diverges the whole actual ygo plot that was planned in the mange even more. Also, adding the Leviathan and World Destruction and Atem and Seto and Jounouchi being “chosen-one-knights” is just meh. Too much. Sounds like a fanfic tbh or like that War of Roses Game (I read somewhere they were both based on fanfics or am I wrong?)
Since they contributed to ridiculing and diverting the main ygo plot that was planned in the manga, let’s just say I don’t like them. They exist and they have their funny moments ig, but I could easily go without them. In the end, they are what they are, fillers. And who takes fillers seriously?
And I am forever bitter that some of the good animations were used for these filler arcs instead of for the mess that is season 5 and the whole finale. Fuck you Konami.
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angelus-tenebrae · 5 months
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"Seems like I might have some entertainment after all."
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blueeyesking · 5 months
Duel for the World! Part 2
...and Dartz reveals the ability of his mysterious monster in the back: Orichalcos Kyutora absorbs the damage that Dartz would have taken to his LP. It would have made him immortal... if not for Seto's keen strategizing.
Unfortunately for the Duelists, it also has another effect: When Orichalcos Kyutora is destroyed, it summons another monster...
"I hadn't planned for it to be destroyed so soon," comments Dartz, frowning, "But this only hastens your defeat."
Orichalcos Shunoros (2100/2100) rises from the field, a massive doll made of Orichalcos. Then, its arms detach and move forward as their own monsters. Orichalcos Dexia will have an ATK score equal to the attacking monster's ATK + 300, and Orichalcos Aristeros will have a DEF in the same fashion- but all attacks will be redirected to Aristeros as long as it is on the field. Dartz explains that whenever Aristeros or Dexia battle, the ATK and DEF points they gain are subtracted from Shunoros's scores.
Dartz laughs at Seto and Yugi's shock from this new monster, but it's Yugi's turn next, not his, and Seto's turn isn't over yet. Seto orders his classic-flavor Blue-Eyes to attack Aristeros, dealing Seto 300 LP of damage, but bringing Shunoros's DEF to 0- then he sets a card, and passes his turn to Yugi.
Yugi draws, but finds himself with few options in the face of Shunoros... for his own sake, Yugi plays Big Shield Gardna in DEF position, and sets one of his cards: de-fusion. Surely, Dartz will have some means to disable Seto's Twin-Burst Dragon; De-Fusion is just insurance. However, Yugi doesn't attack. Dartz is amused by this as Yugi passes his turn to him.
"Oh? Are you too afraid of my great monsters to attack, now?" He draws. "Then you'll love what comes next!"
Dartz proceeds to play a spell: Orichalcos Mirror. He discards a monster in order to summon another: Mirror Knight Calling. This monster is played in the back, in DEF mode, and when it comes to the field it summons four Mirror Knight Tokens.
The grand, medieval knights take up the rest of Dartz's front row of monsters and one spot in the back, shields made of mirror coalescing from light onto their off-hands. The blue-haired heterochromatic man explains their effect being that they reflect the ATK or DEF scores of whatever they are targeting, meeting them with equal strength! The Seal of Orichalcos raises each Knight from 0 to 500 ATK, at base.
Then, Dartz raises one card into the air: another Seal!
"Finally, I'll enhance the power of the Seal with this spell: Orichalcos Deuteros!"
Waves of power wash out from the center of the seal, creating a new ring outside of the first.
Dartz forewent reviving Orichalcos Gigas because he knew Shunoros would be more useful, as well as allowing him to continue drawing; he may have started with everything he needs to win, but drawing reinforcements never hurts. Orichalcos Deuteros has a few effects... one of which being that Dartz gains 500 LP for each monster on his field at the start of every turn, and when he plays the spell for the first time. His LP skyrocket.
The mirror knights then attack Blue-Eyes and Black Luster Soldier, with Dexia attacking Gardna in order to overcome its defense and deal Yugi 300 LP of damage. The Mirror Knights lose their shields rather than being destroyed by the equal damage, with Mirror Knight Calling restoring their tokens after each Damage Phase. Dartz grins at them.
"So, you see now that I cannot be beaten! Give up now, Chosen Duelists, and allow my God to remake the world in the light."
"As if," Seto snaps to him, as the turn passes and he draws, playing the monster and emptying his hand again. He attacks with Twin-Burst again, intending to use its Banishing effect to disable Shunoros for good- but Dartz counters with Deuteros's secondary effect, sacrificing one of his Mirror Knights in order to destroy Twin-Burst Dragon instead!
Yugi quickly activates his De-Fusion to save Twin-Burst, unfusing the dragons so that the target of Deuteros no longer exists to destroy. Kaiba is left with two Blue-Eyes on his field and a lot of frustration.
When the Mirror Knight is sacrificed, its armor breaks apart and reveals the face of the monster: Rex Raptor! For the faintest moment his blank eyes and face contort in fear, but then they're gone, disintegrated by the monster destruction visual effect. Yugi stares at where he stood with great conflict in his face.
Who are the rest of the Knights, then...?
Seto isn't phased at all, huffing to subtly express his frustration as he passes his turn to Yugi.
Yugi doesn't want to hurt his friends, but he can't leave himself defenseless, either. He uses the Polymerization in his hand to bring Blue-Eyes Twin Burst Dragon onto his side of the field, and she roars again, vengeful against Dartz and his dark monsters. But he's too scared to attack his remaining friends. He sets a card, then passes his turn to Dartz again.
Dartz smirks. "So, you leave your ally without his most powerful monsters in order to protect your own life points... cowardly, Nameless Pharaoh. I expected better of you. But that's why your soul will feed my God so well."
Dartz attacks Seto, destroying his monster and taking down his LP to demonstrate to Yugi the consequences of his selfishness. Seto stumbles, but straightens after he catches his breath from the Solid Vision blows, nodding to Yugi to reassure him that he'll be fine. It's his turn, anyway.
The card Seto draws is fortuitous, refilling his hand for basically no cost at all except his having to discard his entire hand after 5 turns have passed. He doesn't think the game will last that long. One card is set beside his first, still untouched since his first turn, and he resurrects Blade Knight in order to summon in Kaiser Glider. At the very least, Kaiser Glider will protect him from the Mirror Knights, but it doesn't give him anything viable to attack Shunoros or its auxiliaries for now. The turn passes to Yugi.
And after Yugi draws, he smirks, showing Kaiba his card: Mirror Force. If they can get Dartz to attack (which he surely will, trying to kill Seto), all of his attack-position monsters will be destroyed. Seto smirks, too, as Yugi sets the trap, then passes to Dartz.
"Oh? So confident now, hmm?" Dartz teases, drawing again. "Whatever it is you've drawn, it won't win you this game. You haven't seen anything yet!"
Dartz plays the spell card Orichalcos Twin Centaur, targeting one of his Mirror Knights and Twin-Burst Dragon. Unfortunately for Yugi, Twin-Burst is destroyed... and he's taken down to 700 LP.
Our heroes are in a tight spot!
Dartz then swings on Seto, fully intending to leave both Duelists defenseless so that he can win easily with his other monsters--
But just as he orders Dexia to attack Kaiser Glider, Yugi activates his Mirror Force. At the same time, Seto activates Ring of Destruction! Orichalcos Shunoros is destroyed, and with it, Dexia and Aristeros- and the Knights' shields shatter, no longer renewable without Mirror Knight Calling. Dartz gasps.
"NO! This wasn't supposed to happen yet! You have to suffer more before you're ripe enough to sacrifice!"
Alas, this would be Dartz's only chance to summon his ace monster for free. He pays all of his bountiful Life Points and discards his hand.
Dark clouds manifest on the field, red and teal lightning sparking through them.
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duelistas · 3 years
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@youtriggeredmytrapcard​ has sent: "... I don't recall summoning you," Kaiba stares at the manifested dragon, not sure if this is a dream or some kind of hologram malfunction. "What? Are you expecting a thank-you for helping me win against Alister?" [Ori!Kaiba @ Critias B)]
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The mortal in front of him oozed with the awfully familiar energy, of the dreaded orichalcos. This only served to confirm, the dragon’s utmost fear and the gut feeling he was getting ever since his comrades were awakened by their respective, chosen ones.
However unlike them, Critias couldn’t keep up with the one he entrusted his powers to. He couldn’t reach Kaiba out, or even attempt to establish any form of contact with him. Those were very dangerous times, he had witnessed what the others were going through. He couldn’t lower his guard, for a second.
This forced him to break into this realm, which was a very dangerous thing to do, considering how he still was very weak. But he needed to get that confirmation, as quickly as possible, before it was too late.
Even though by the looks of it, that seemed to be the case for him.
The dragon’s jaw hanged widely open, the entire time he silently stared down at the mortal. There is a judgemental look in his eyes, as he refused to get down onto the same level as him. All he could do in that moment was to let out a faint and drawn out huff followed by a snarl, in an attempt to convey his disappointment in finding him like that.
‘You couldn’t resist the taste of the poison...’
This encounter might as well have been a dream, at this point Critias was at a complete loss after he got the answer he was looking for. His wings fluttered up, and just like that the large beast vanished in thin air leaving no trace or even sign of his presence.
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🤔 *wiggles*
Send me a 🤔 to hear what thoughts are going through my muse’s head right NOW. (alternatively, send me a  🤔 + topic to hear my muses thoughts regarding your chosen topic.)
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Defeating Paradius' minions is almost too easy, but I know Dartz won't go down without a fight. If anyone in this organization knows how to use the Seal of Orichalcos to its fullest, it'd be him-- that's what I'm counting on. The more he relies on that card, the better it is for me! But he must know I'm bringing his own weapon against him... Will he change his deck to counter it? Hah. If he does, he's a coward, but it won't matter in the end.
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doomstarmagician · 4 years
(@glaukommatos-magus) Glaucon, who had been a cat in the human realm this time, grew into lion form with a glow growl as he stared up at the sky. "You were definitely right. What should we do this time?"
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“Call me crazy, but I don’t see the point in throwing ourselves directly at Dartz right now. Clearly that hasn’t worked from anyone who’s bothered. It’s because of the leviathan, so there’s no point in exhausting ourselves for nothing.” He looked down his nose, up at the outline squirming in the sky. It was late, so it was barely visible, but between Doomstar’s star sight and Glaucon’s keen senses he didn’t doubt that they could detect it.
One hand rested on his hip while the other rubbed at the back of his neck. The air next to him kicked up just above a gentle breeze, catching stardust in a spiraling whirlwind. From its center manifested the Ursa Major; the Great Bear constellation come to life in all her cosmic beauty. From her maw came a great and powerful bellow. The magician smiled, pointed canines glistening under the soft light of the night.
“However, he doesn’t have to be our current target. There are humans who have chosen to ally themselves with him. People on a power trip, people who have thrown themselves into a wild abandon in order to feel self important. People who would trample innocents and take souls and lives for their own selfish gain. Spineless ‘knights’ who can’t decide which side they want to be on. Anyone associated with the Orichalcos. We stop them first. Bottleneck Dartz’s efforts by taking away his grunts. It’ll force him to come out alone.”
He turned to the great feline beside him, flashing his infamous impish grin that usually told of him having an ace or two up his sleeve. “We take their decks, we take their weapons, we take their Orichalcos stones. Leave them with nothing but regret. Sound like a plan?”
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yugiohmangavsanime · 4 years
A guide listing each chapter of the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga and its corresponding anime episode (part 5)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
This is part 5, covering the Memory Arc and Ceremonial Battle.  This was a pain to go through.  Several plot points were rearranged or heavily altered.  There would be some episodes that were mostly filler but would have the slightest amount of a manga chapter in them.  I did my best with this final part, but out of every entry in this guide, this was my least favorite one to do.
Note that episodes 144 to 198 were entirely filler in the anime and do not adapt any of the manga.  These 55 episodes of filler include the Orichalcos Arc and the KC Grand Prix Arc.
King’s Memories Arc
Chapter 279: The Millennium Treasure
Episode 199
Chapter 280: A Sleepless Night
Episodes 199-200
Chapter 281: The Truth of the Artifact!
Episode 200
Chapter 282: Voyage into Memories
Episode 201
Chapter 283: The Six Chosen Priests
Episode 201
Chapter 284: The Evil Shadow
Episodes 201-202
Chapter 285: Bakura, King of Thieves
Episode 202
Chapter 286: Diabound vs. Galestgoras
Episode 202
Chapter 287: The Father’s Shadow
Episode 202
Chapter 288: In the Name of the Gods
Episode 202
Chapter 289: The Supreme Blow!
Episodes 202-203
Chapter 290: Search for the Pharaoh’s Name!
Episode 203
Chapter 291: The Ancient Duel!!
No elements from this chapter appear to be adapted in the anime
Chapter 292: A Wizards’ Battle
Episodes 203-204
Chapter 293: Dark Genesis
Episode 204
Chapter 294: The Invisible Door
Episode 204
Chapter 295: Tears in the Nile
Episode 205
Chapter 296: Ka Hunt
Episode 205
Chapter 297: Bakura Lives!
Episode 205
Chapter 298: Out of the Darkness
Episode 205
Chapter 299: Assault on the Palace!
Episodes 205-206
Chapter 300: Sliver vs. Diabound
Episode 206
Chapter 301: Divine Light, Divine Shadow
Episode 206
Chapter 302: Surprise Attack! Power Attack!
Episodes 206-207
Chapter 303: To Pierce the Darkness!
Episode 207
Chapter 304: The Summoning of Ra!
Episode 207
Chapter 305: Ruler of Shadows!!
Episode 207
Chapter 306: Time Rewound!!
Episode 207
Chapter 307: Shadows Fall!!
Episode 207
Chapter 308: The Birth of the Millennium Items!!
Episode 206
Chapter 309: Ripples in the Shadows
Episodes 207-208
Chapter 310: The White Dragon Awakes!
Episodes 207-208
Chapter 311: The Vessel of the White Dragon
Episode 208
Chapter 312: The Pharaoh Returns!
Episodes 208-209
Chapter 313: The Village of Ghosts!!
Episode 209
Chapter 314: The Spirit Beast!!
Episode 209
Chapter 315: Shadow Camouflage!!
Episode 209
Chapter 316: Aura Shield!!
Episode 209
Chapter 317: Return of the Priests!
Episode 210 
Chapter 318: Together Against the Darkness!
Episode 210
Chapter 319: The Pawns of Memory!
Episode 211
Chapter 320: The Ultimate Shadow RPG!
Episode 211
Chapter 321: The Dark God Awakes!
Episode 211
Chapter 322: The Mysterious NPC!
Episodes 211-212
Chapter 323: Into the Tomb!
Episodes 212-213
Chapter 324: Battle in the Shrine!
Parts of Episodes 212, 213, 214, and 215
Chapter 325: The Silent Duelist!!
Episode 215
Chapter 326: Gather, Ghosts!
Episodes 215, 216, and 217
Chapter 327: I Won’t Give Up!!
Episodes 217-218
Chapter 328: The End of the World!!
Episode 214
Chapter 329: Until Our Ba Runs Out!
Episode 214
Chapter 330: Guardian God!
Episodes 214 and 216
Chapter 331: The Light of the Soul!
Episodes 216, 218, and 219
Chapter 332: The Stone Slabs of the Modern World!
Episode 219
Chapter 333: In the Name of the Pharaoh
Episode 219
Chapter 334: The Survivors
Episodes 214 and 219
Chapter 335: White Dragon, Black Magician
Episode 214
Chapter 336: He Who Inherits the Light
Episodes 214, 220
Ceremonial Battle
Chapter 337: Over the Nile!!
Episode 220
Chapter 338: The Rite of the Duel!!
Episodes 220-221
Chapter 339: Yugi vs. Atem!!
Episode 221
Chapter 340: The Ties That Bind
Episode 221
Chapter 341: The Master of Servants
Episodes 223-224
Chapter 342: The Last Gamble!!
Episode 224
Chapter 343: The Journey of the King
Episode 224
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