#glaukommatos magus
doomstarmagician · 2 years
{@glaukommatos-magus} Twin dots of green light blink in the darkness. Out of range of potential danger, but close enough to be noticed. It's the eyes of an animal shining.
"Doom? Is there anything I can do?"
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It was hard enough to see as things stood now, so it was no surprise that Doomstar squinted hard in the direction that voice came from. Well, at least he recognized that voice, and he silently thanked whatever higher powers there were that it was a friendly one.
“G-glaucon…” his voice was raw, his words barely coming out as airy. “You’re here…?”
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{ @glaukommatos-magus }
Glaucon appears in the form of a wolf, tail wagging and head low to appear as non-threatening as possible toward her.
"I'm a friend! If you don't want those stones I can take them."
The next gray face that tries to give her one will earn a bite from him.
M!A active: childlike wonder feat. @glaukommatos-magus
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She stares at the creature with round eyes, having never seen anything like him before (at least as far as she knows), she is more than a little unsure.
She slowly reaches out and pets his muzzle before letting out a shrill giggle and burying her face in his fur.
This is way better than a talking stone.
“I don’t have them… my Mahad took one, and I threw the other one back at the guy. And then someone else picked it up. Is that okay…?”
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modeinthemiddle · 17 days
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She always had bad luck with animals, but she kept trying regardless.
“Come here, kitty kitty.” Mode squatted.
It was so cute. And looked so soft. Pe wanted to pet it.
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mutogamingco · 2 months
//I'm at work but am answering asks I may get when I am able to. Muse for Glaucon is high right now so I am mostly over on @glaukommatos-magus
I have some memes in the queue as well on this blog and I am still open for drawing requests. They don't have to be related to my muse and can be silly. I have one in the inbox so far and hope to work on the sketch over my lunch break if I have time.
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atlantis-princess · 2 years
@glaukommatos-magus "As tempting as that is, you might hurt your teeth. I don't recommend it."
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Back to cuddling her companion then. There was a “huff” coming out of her.
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atlantis-prince · 3 years
{@glaukommatos-magus } "I wish that stone never came out of the mountain so that you never would have turned your back on your people and the earth."
Send “I wish you would: ____” and finish the sentence for My Muse’s reaction..
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"We should be thanking the orichalcos! It allowed us all to traverse the very time we were set in. Atlantis excelled as a city and the very magic that made so many great was thanks to the seal and its use." Looking down at the smaller. "We will return home, once my goal is realised."
"My people will understand the sacrifices, those who turned to monsters were shown as the true sinners they are!"
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+ @glaukommatos-magus (continuing from here)
“That’s okay, nobody should expect you to, least of all yourself,” a light voice came from the shadows, not unlike the voice of a certain gamer but belonging to an orange and silver cat. It leapt up onto nearby railing and stared down at the man with bright amber eyes.
“What they did should be remembered.”
Atem’s head whipped around to the cat that had been sitting next to him on the park bench.  Up until that point, he had been glad for the company.  He needed someone to talk to but didn’t want to bring up any of the memories surrounding their dealings with the Orichalcos.  He’d just spent the last forty-five minutes or so pouring his guts out to a cat with no one else around, and it had been rather therapeutic.
Then the cat spoke, and in Yugi’s voice no less.
He stared incredulously at the animal (who was still an animal, definitely), then looked around to make sure there wasn’t some super talented ventriloquist playing an elaborate prank on him.  When there were no signs of one, he leaned his elbows on his knees and ran his hands through his hair.
“Why do the strangest things always happen to me?”
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sennenpharaoh · 4 years
(glaukommatos-magus) "Good to see you're out of your trance," The owl speaks, his voice light and pleasant, familiar. "Someone will come eventually, so you should leave."
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That voice was awfully familiar. “...A... Aibou...?”
Was that Yugi talking through the owl? How did his partner do that? He thought he himself was the only one that knew magic! Are his own monsters helping him or...?
Never mind. If Aibou says it’s time to leave. It’s time to leave.
“Y-you’re right. I’ll meet you back home. Just... don’t panic when you see me. I have a lot of explaining to do.” With a nod to the owl he began to make his way out of the temple.
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angelus-tenebrae · 2 years
"I appreciate it." Yami held up the map. Pointing to where he was trying to find the location. "I tried asking others, but they were rather hostile. Perhaps they don't like my strangely colored eyes. I don't know."
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doomstarmagician · 2 years
"I remember it got cold, but it only really snowed in the mountains. One good thing about not being tied the mortal realm anymore is getting to see other places like this." He's currently in the form of a snow leopard.
He could recognize that voice anywhere, even if that voice came from yet another form. Doomstar had seen a number of animal forms before, but the snow leopard was a new one; though, admittedly, this one just might be a favorite. The magician smiled when Glaucon joined him and offered insight regarding the land that was no more.
That was always something that snagged his attention. Considering the circumstances of his existence in Atlantis and the blatant, harsh reality that he would never see his homeland again, much less when it was in its prime, Doomstar yearned to learn more about everything. And he was eternally grateful when someone indulged him in his somewhat solemn wonders.
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"In the mountains, huh? Did the people travel to see the snow, or was it something just kind of acknowledged from a distance? Did they make special trips to spend time in the snow and have snowball fights? I'd give anything to--" ...to pelt his master with a snowball... "--see it for myself."
It was an odd thing to say, really, considering he could go to any mountains on earth and see it for himself any time he wanted. But it wasn't home, so perhaps that was why that yearning never ceased. Pulling his hands into the sleeves of his jacket, he shoved them into the pockets. "Heh, I'm sorry. I know that's such a childish thing to ask."
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(From @glaukommatos-magus ) “Aren’t we supposed to be working?”
@glaukommatos-magus ( missed seeing your muse around! feel free to reply <3 )
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"Right.." He hadn't really been around much to work, he should change that soon. "I actually haven't been activly around has anything changed?"
He was worried not only for the innocent but Dartz too. He spent some days thinking back to the old times. "We can't stop working not now." they must win.
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doomstarmagician · 2 years
{ @glaukommatos-magus } A creature that seems unable to make up his mind whether he's the cutest puppy or kitty in the universe is sitting a respectful distance away from Doom and the cake, staring with big round eyes.
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He couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched. This was odd considering he was home alone, er— he thought he was, anyway. The feeling of eyes lingering on his being wasn’t shaking, wasn’t wavering, and it was like the intensity of the yet unseen gaze was growing stronger. Slowly, Doomstar turned his head to look and found himself staring at a— kitty? Puppy? Both??
But it was… so cute! The round eyes, the fluffy fur, the adorable stature, for something that was neither complete cat or complete dog, Doomstar found it to be a welcome sight. Not unsettling in the slightest, actually. It was actually when he recognized the look in those eyes that a wave of familiarity washed over the magician.
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“You know, you’re welcome to join us. It’ll be a little bit later, but there’s more than enough to go around.”
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doomstarmagician · 2 years
Back in the other dimension and in human form, Glaucon holds out a pouch to the magician. His face is serious. "I collected these from the streets of the city. It's getting difficult to keep up and I am not sure if there are some I didn't get to in time, but I'll handle that when I see it."
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“Oh,” his voice trails off as his gaze lands on the pouch. It wasn’t exactly a small pouch, either, which meant there was indeed a very serious problem plaguing the human world. At the very least, most of the activity was likely centered around Domino.
“You’ve been busy, then. But this is an excellent start. Good work, Glaucon!” It’s hard to contain the excitement in his voice, despite the ever serious expression maintained by his comrade. Of course, that excitement only stemmed from the coming actions Doomstar would employ in eradicating these stones.
Even in the pouch, he could feel the might of the Orichalcos making its move to try to project its influence on him. Being ever sensitive to its properties, he could feel the warmth from the Orichalcos’ magic radiating outward around his hand. Although it would take significantly longer to have any kind of adverse effect on the magician, he’d still need to be careful here. Although the worst would be a nasty headache, it was one he couldn’t afford to nurse right now. So, he emptied the pouch and handed it back to Glaucon while he cast a simple bubble spell to trap the stones in.
“Leave these to me. I’ll have them crushed and incinerated in no time. If you’re going to be out looking for more, I’ll join you. The night is young, and I’m not disappearing for a while. Wanna hunt?”
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doomstarmagician · 4 years
(glaukommatos-magus) "So, he's dead. Why don't I feel satisfied with that?"
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“Because he’s probably not. Every time some kind of ‘grey magic’ is involved, its effect is never permanent. How many times does this make now? That he’s ‘dead’? Sorry, but I put no stock in this incident either. Be on your guard, alright?”
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doomstarmagician · 4 years
(Glaukommatos-magus) “Don’t they know it is a trap?”
Meme || @glaukommatos-magus
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“Evidently not.” He responds with clear curiosity, his gaze fixated on the Orichalcos stone soldiers rampaging towards the decoy they’d left behind to make their escape. “I will admit... I am rather surprised by their lack of cognitive thinking. Then again, they are just stones. One trick ponies.”
The disgraced tyrant of their homeland boasted about these stone soldiers before. He reveled in their apparent strength and ability to overpower their victims and take their souls. This wasn’t the first time Doomstar had an encounter with them; he remembered fighting them in Atlantis all that time ago, too. Yet for all the time that passed, they were all the same. Mindless powerhouses with one goal instilled within them... how pitiful. But that was fine. It meant their work would be easy and quick for the time being.
“All we have to do is let them touch the decoy and it’ll be all over for them. Once it activates under touch, there won’t be anything left standing. Which is why... we’re camped out all the way up here. To avoid stray rocks, you know.” He smiled impishly, excitement glinting in his gaze.
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doomstarmagician · 4 years
(@glaukommatos-magus) Glaucon, who had been a cat in the human realm this time, grew into lion form with a glow growl as he stared up at the sky. "You were definitely right. What should we do this time?"
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“Call me crazy, but I don’t see the point in throwing ourselves directly at Dartz right now. Clearly that hasn’t worked from anyone who’s bothered. It’s because of the leviathan, so there’s no point in exhausting ourselves for nothing.” He looked down his nose, up at the outline squirming in the sky. It was late, so it was barely visible, but between Doomstar’s star sight and Glaucon’s keen senses he didn’t doubt that they could detect it.
One hand rested on his hip while the other rubbed at the back of his neck. The air next to him kicked up just above a gentle breeze, catching stardust in a spiraling whirlwind. From its center manifested the Ursa Major; the Great Bear constellation come to life in all her cosmic beauty. From her maw came a great and powerful bellow. The magician smiled, pointed canines glistening under the soft light of the night.
“However, he doesn’t have to be our current target. There are humans who have chosen to ally themselves with him. People on a power trip, people who have thrown themselves into a wild abandon in order to feel self important. People who would trample innocents and take souls and lives for their own selfish gain. Spineless ‘knights’ who can’t decide which side they want to be on. Anyone associated with the Orichalcos. We stop them first. Bottleneck Dartz’s efforts by taking away his grunts. It’ll force him to come out alone.”
He turned to the great feline beside him, flashing his infamous impish grin that usually told of him having an ace or two up his sleeve. “We take their decks, we take their weapons, we take their Orichalcos stones. Leave them with nothing but regret. Sound like a plan?”
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