#organic chemical exporters
How Do Organic Chemicals Exported from India Dominate Global Markets?
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India has become a global powerhouse when it comes to chemical exports. With a vast array of organic chemicals exported from India, the country has established itself as one of the key players in the chemical industry worldwide. Indian organic chemical exporters have tapped into international markets, catering to industries such as pharmaceuticals, agriculture, textiles, and more. In this article, we will explore how India has achieved this dominance, the leading chemical exporters in India, and the diverse list of chemicals exported from India.
What Makes India a Global Leader in Chemical Exports?
India’s rise as a leader in chemical exports can be attributed to several factors. The availability of raw materials, coupled with a highly skilled workforce and advanced manufacturing capabilities, has propelled India’s chemical industry. Moreover, the government has implemented policies that foster growth and innovation, allowing chemical exporters in India to maintain a competitive edge.
A crucial aspect of this growth is the diversity in the list of chemicals exported from India, with organic chemicals being a significant contributor. These chemicals are essential for various global industries, further increasing India’s importance in the chemical supply chain.
Who Are the Key Organic Chemical Exporters in India?
Several major companies drive the organic chemicals exported from India. Industry giants such as Tata Chemicals, UPL, and SRF Limited are renowned for their global reach and high-quality chemical products. These companies have established strong international relationships, positioning themselves as reliable suppliers in competitive markets.
In addition to these large corporations, numerous medium-sized enterprises contribute to the industry’s success. Their ability to meet international standards and adapt to global demands has solidified India's reputation as a leading exporter.
What Are the Top Organic Chemicals Exported from India?
India exports a wide variety of organic chemicals, each serving critical roles across various industries. Some of the top organic chemicals exported from India include:
Acetic Acid: Used in producing vinegar and several industrial chemicals.
Methanol: A versatile chemical that serves as a solvent and is a key ingredient in many products.
Ethyl Acetate: Widely utilized as a solvent in paints, coatings, and adhesives.
Toluene: A chemical used in the production of dyes, detergents, and other industrial products.
Aniline: Important in the manufacturing of polyurethane, rubber chemicals, and dyes.
This wide-ranging list of organic chemicals exported from India highlights the country’s importance in fulfilling global industrial demands.
How Does India Contribute to Global Supply Chains?
The presence of organic chemical exporters from India in global markets ensures that industries around the world have a reliable source of raw materials. These organic chemicals are vital in sectors such as:
Pharmaceuticals: Organic chemicals like methanol and acetic acid are essential in the production of medicines and medical products.
Agriculture: Several organic chemicals serve as key ingredients in fertilizers, herbicides, and pesticides, making them critical to the global food supply.
Textiles: Many chemicals exported from India are used in dyes and finishing agents for textiles.
The ability to supply these chemicals consistently has positioned India as an indispensable part of international supply chains.
What Challenges Do Chemical Exporters in India Face?
Despite the significant success of chemical exports from India, the industry does face certain challenges. These include:
Regulatory Compliance: Exporters must comply with various environmental and safety standards, both domestically and in importing countries.
Global Competition: India faces stiff competition from other countries like China and the United States, which are also major chemical exporters.
Fluctuating Raw Material Costs: Changes in the prices of raw materials can impact production costs, which, in turn, affects the pricing and competitiveness of India’s chemical exports.
Despite these challenges, India’s strong foothold in global markets remains largely intact due to the quality, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of its chemical products.
What Government Initiatives Support Chemical Exports from India?
The Indian government has introduced several initiatives to support and boost the chemical export industry. These include:
Incentives for Exporters: The government provides financial incentives to exporters, which helps them compete on a global scale.
Infrastructure Development: Investment in logistics, transportation, and port facilities has streamlined the process of exporting chemicals, making it more efficient and cost-effective.
Promotion of Green Chemistry: As environmental concerns become more pressing, the Indian government has promoted green chemistry, encouraging manufacturers to adopt sustainable and eco-friendly practices.
These initiatives not only boost the volume of chemical exports but also enhance India's reputation as a sustainable and responsible exporter.
Which Countries Import Organic Chemicals from India?
India exports organic chemicals to a broad range of countries across the globe. Some of the key markets for India’s chemical exports include:
The United States: As a major importer, the U.S. uses Indian organic chemicals in pharmaceuticals, agricultural products, and industrial manufacturing.
China: India’s neighbor imports a significant amount of organic chemicals, particularly for its large-scale manufacturing industries.
Germany: Known for its industrial base, Germany relies on Indian chemicals for use in automotive, pharmaceutical, and chemical manufacturing.
Japan: A vital market for India’s organic chemicals, particularly for its electronics and automotive industries.
These countries are just a few examples of the many international markets that rely on organic chemicals exported from India to support their industries.
What Is the List of Chemicals Exported from India?
India’s chemical export portfolio is extensive, and apart from organic chemicals, it includes a wide variety of industrial and specialty chemicals. The full list of chemicals exported from India also features:
Inorganic chemicals: Such as sulfuric acid, caustic soda, and ammonia.
Fertilizers and pesticides: Crucial for global agricultural productivity.
Pharmaceutical intermediates: Important raw materials for drug manufacturing.
The diversity in this list showcases India’s ability to meet the needs of various industries worldwide.
How Is India’s Chemical Export Industry Evolving?
India’s chemical export industry is continuously evolving to meet the changing demands of global markets. Innovation, research, and development have become central to the growth of the industry. Indian companies are increasingly investing in technology that enhances production efficiency and reduces environmental impact.
Moreover, there is a growing focus on expanding into new markets in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia, where demand for organic chemicals is on the rise. This geographic diversification is essential for maintaining growth in the long term.
What Is the Future Outlook for Organic Chemicals Exported from India?
The future of organic chemicals exported from India looks promising. Global demand for chemicals is expected to increase due to growth in industries such as pharmaceuticals, agriculture, and manufacturing. Indian exporters are well-positioned to capitalize on these trends.
Additionally, the focus on sustainability and green chemistry will likely become a major differentiator for Indian companies. As industries worldwide shift toward more eco-friendly practices, Indian chemical exporters who prioritize sustainability will find themselves in an advantageous position.
India’s dominance in the global chemical market is driven by its vast production capabilities, diverse list of chemicals exported from India, and the expertise of its organic chemical exporters. Despite facing challenges such as global competition and regulatory compliance, the future remains bright for India's chemical export industry. With continued government support, technological advancements, and a commitment to sustainability, the chemical exports from India will continue to thrive and shape global supply chains for years to come.
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eximpedia1 · 6 months
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mahesh-traders1 · 6 months
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aroyan-org1 · 7 months
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cleverpathway · 9 months
Manufacturer of Chemical and pharma intermediates
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1 (2-4--Dichloro Phenyl-2-Imidazole-1-Yl-Ethan-2-Ol)
1-6 Di Amino Hexane Di HCl (Hexa Methylene Di Amine Di Hcl)
1(2-6-Dichloro) Phenyl-3-Methyl-5-Pyrozolone
1-(2-Methyl-4-Sulfo) Phenyl-3-Methyl-5-Pyrzolone
1-(4-Tolyl) Phenyl-3- Methyl-5-Pyrazolone
1-(O- Chloro) Phenyl-3-Methyl-5-Pyrazolone
1-(O-Chloro -4-Sulfo)Phenyl-3-Methyl-5-Pyrazolone
1-Amino 7-Naphthol
1-Meta Sulfo Phenyl-3-Methyl-5-Pyrazolone
1-Naphthol-8-Sulfonic Acid
2-2'-4-Trichloro Acetophenone
2-4-5-Trichloro Aniline
2-4-Dinitro Aniline
2-4-Dinitro Chloro Benzene (2-4 DNCB)
2-5-Dichloro Aniline (2-5 DCA)
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The average American produces 1,704 pounds of garbage per year, roughly three times the global average, according to a new report by the research firm Verisk Maplecroft. Across 194 countries, the researchers found that the world produces 2.3 billion tons of municipal solid waste each year, which is enough to fill 822,000 Olympic-sized pools. Of this waste, just 16% is recycled, while 46% is disposed of unsustainably in ways that harm the environment.  [...] Countries like the US and Singapore are reaching their landfill capacity, while countries like China and Malaysia have refused to continue accepting trash exported from Western nations.  Although the United States accounts for 4% of the global population, it’s responsible for 12% of the municipal solid waste that’s created, and historically would ship a lot of trash to other countries.   China and India, meanwhile, account for 36% of the global population, but generate only 27% of all waste. 
also according to a lot of studies the majority of garbage in the US is food waste which can 100% be composted and is the most environmentally destructive when sent to a landfill because it creates methane
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from this source
America has got a waste problem. An average American produces about 4.40 pounds of garbage per day and approximately three-quarters of a tonne per year. If you are thinking “this can’t possibly be right, there is no way I produce THAT MUCH”, get ready for another blow. The U.S.A holds the record of producing the highest amount of garbage in the world, more than Russia, India, and even China. All that trash has to end up somewhere and as a result, the 2,000 active landfills in the US are reaching their capacity. What will happen when we run out of the room? Well, let’s ask a better question. What can we do to manage our waste better and prevent a catastrophe? Overfilled landfills are a big problem. Some states decide to simply burn the landfills, as burning reduces the volume of the trash in the landfill significantly. This frees up a lot of space, but the problem of toxic gasses and fumes being released into the atmosphere persists. Not only do these gasses contribute to climate change, but they can also deteriorate human health and end up costing millions in medical expenses. On the other hand, simply leaving the landfills as they pose other issues. The chemical and biological reactions taking place in landfills can create a lot of issues as these chemicals leach into the ground and contaminate water that municipalities may extract for use in their water systems. The piles of organic garbage also release harmful methane, a greenhouse gas more 86 times more potent than carbon dioxide. So, what can be done to alleviate these issues?
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The main effort in a process of planetary degrowth must be made by the countries of the industrialized North (North America, Europe, and Japan) responsible for the historical accumulation of carbon dioxide since the Industrial Revolution. They are also the areas of the world where the level of consumption, particularly among the privileged classes, is clearly unsustainable and wasteful. The “underdeveloped” countries of the Global South (Asia, Africa, and Latin America) where basic needs are very far from being satisfied will need a process of “development,” including building railroads, water and sewage systems, public transport, and other infrastructures. But there is no reason why this cannot be accomplished through a productive system that is environmentally friendly and based on renewable energies. These countries will need to grow great amounts of food to nourish their hungry populations, but this can be much better achieved—as the peasant movements organized worldwide in the Vía Campesina network have been arguing for years—by a peasant biological agriculture based on family units, cooperatives, or collectivist farms. This would replace the destructive and antisocial methods of industrialized agribusiness, based on the intensive use of pesticides, chemicals, and genetically modified organisms. Presently, the capitalist economy of countries in the Global South is rooted in the production of goods for their privileged classes—cars, airplanes, and luxury goods—and commodities exported to the world market: soya beans, meat, and oil. A process of ecological transition in the South, as argued by ecosocialists, would reduce or suppress this kind of production, and aim instead at food sovereignty and the development of basic services such as health care and education, which need, above all, human labor, rather than more commodities.
Michael Löwy, Nine Theses on Ecosocialist Degrowth
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solarpunkbusiness · 2 months
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Biodegradable Plastic made from Tequila Agave Waste
Tequila is one of Mexico’s most iconic and successful exports. According to the Tequila Regulatory Council, for each liter of tequila produced, twelve liters of organic waste is discarded.
Ana Laborde, a businesswoman from Mexico, discovered the wasteful practices behind tequila production – she thought that producing bioplastic bags could be a successful and sustainable business opportunity.
Ana began researching biodegradable alternatives to the ubiquitous plastic bag. However, she grew concerned that many of the common sources of bioplastics, such as corn and potatoes, might better be used as food. Mentioning this to her cousin, who worked in the tequila industry, Ana learned about the vast amounts of unused agave leaves – approximately 400,000 tons each year – created during the liquor’s production. If plant fibers could be easily extracted from agave leaves, she reasoned, this unwanted by-product might be an untapped source of bioplastic.
Her objective was to develop a process to extract cellulose, the molecule that gives plants their structural integrity, from agave leaves. The extracted cellulose could then be used to make biodegradable plastic bags, containers and cleaning supplies. With technical assistance from Mexico’s Center for the Investigation of Applied Chemistry, the team successfully developed this process.
Ana persevered, and in the years since BioSolutions has established strong links with plastic injection molding companies and manufacturers of homeware and promotional materials. BioSolutions’ flexibility has allowed it to expand its product line and customers over time. In 2019, it announced a collaboration with the Jose Cuervo tequila brand to for bars, restaurants and events across Mexico and the United States. BioSolutions is also producing bioplastic beer glasses for concert arenas and stadiums using waste from beer production, an opportunity which required Ana’s team to alter the manufacturing process.
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astrojulia · 1 year
More than Seaweeds
Mermaid's Herbal Compendium
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Name: Basil
Scientific name: Ocimum selloi Benth.
Disclaimer: As English is not my native language, there may be some errors in scientific expressions. I am also using local resources.
Due to the shape of its leaves (heart), it was considered a symbol of love in Italy and of mourning in Greece. (Portal São Francisco, 2016)
4,000 years ago, the Hindus, who were percussionists in the culture of basil, exported it to Egypt. (Portal São Francisco, 2016)
In the last century, basil was used by shoemakers to attenuate the smell of leather. (Portal São Francisco, 2016)
The name "basilicum" has its origin in the Greek "basilikós," which means "of the kings or royal," to indicate its nobility. The Greek botanist Theophrastus, in the 3rd century BC, defined basil as an herb of kings. (History of Ingredients, 2016)
Plant characteristics: Basil is an herbaceous plant grown in gardens and widely known throughout Brazil. It is characterized by the pleasant smell that is released from its leaves. It has a quadrangular stem, and the leaves are opposite, sharp, and abundant. The plant produces small white flowers arranged on an elongated axis, with secondary inflorescences formed on each axis. The corolla has four pieces, and the plant bears fruit with four dark nuclei. It is a meliferous plant. Basil can be propagated by seeds or cuttings taken from the branches. It thrives in fertile soils rich in organic matter, permeable, and with high temperatures. (Treatise on Medicinal Plants, 2014)
Propagation: Basil can be propagated by seeds or cuttings from branches. Basil seeds are sown in 200-cell expanded polystyrene trays containing commercial substrate and kept in protected cultivation. At 30 days after sowing, the seedlings have four definitive leaves and are suitable for transplanting. (PEREIRA; MOREIRA, 2011)
Cultivation: Seedlings can be planted in pots or nurseries throughout the year. For this, the beds must be well prepared, raised to a height of 15 cm. Use 150 g of well-tanned bovine manure per square meter of bed and mix well. Sow the seeds and cover with 0.5 cm of light soil or fine sawdust. The recommended spacing is 30 cm between lines and 30 cm between plants. Irrigate at least once a day, preferably in the early morning or late afternoon. After 60 days of planting in the beds, the first harvest can be made by cutting the plant at 20 cm from the soil. (PEREIRA; MOREIRA, 2011)
How to choose and where to find:
Fresh: Fresh bunches and pots of basil can be found in fairs, markets, and supermarkets. Choose branches with lush leaves that are not stained or wilted.
Dry: Dry basil can be found in supermarkets and specialty stores. Look for products in dark packaging, protected from light, to prevent loss of aroma. Check the expiration date.
How to Store:
Basil spoils quickly, but it can be packed in plastic packaging and dried for up to three days at most.
Chop the leaves and place them in a closed glass container with oil.
Dry: Store in a sealed container, away from light and humidity.
How to dry:
Buy two large bundles of basil, wash them well, and spread them on a clean cloth until dry.
Separate the leaves and make layers of leaves in a glass bowl, alternating with thin layers of coarse salt.
Cover the glass bowl with plastic wrap and leave it at room temperature.
Stir once a day for the first three days.
The dried basil can be used for up to two months. The leaves become dry, and the salt absorbs the aroma of basil. You can use only the leaves or also the coarse salt.
Chemical Composition:
Tannins: Tannins are astringent and hemostatic, and their therapeutic applications are related to these properties. They are mainly used in the tanning and paint industries. They are also used in laboratories to detect proteins and alkaloids and as antidotes in cases of poisoning by alkaloid plants.
Flavonoids: The therapeutic functions of flavonoids are not yet fully understood. The group is known for its anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, and vasoprotective effects (treatment of thrombosis). Rutin and hesperidin are important flavonoids used in the treatment of capillary fragility.
Saponins: Saponoside glycosides are named for their ability to form abundant foam when agitated with water (from Latin "frog" = soap). They taste bitter and acrid, and drugs containing them are usually sternutatory (cause sneezing) and irritating to the mucous membranes. They are non-nitrogen compounds that dissolve in water, producing foaming solutions by decreasing the surface tension of the liquid. They also have the properties of emulsifying oils and causing hemolysis. The latter is due to the ability of the glycoside to combine with the cholesterol molecules present in the erythrocyte membrane, disrupting the internal-external balance and promoting the rupture of the cell, resulting in the release of hemoglobin.
Essential Oils:
o Thymol: It has carminative, anti-spasmodic, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It also has significant antiseptic potential. o Methyl-chavicol: It has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, local anesthetic, and insecticidal activities. o Linalool: It is used for its woody, floral, and refreshing aroma. o Eugenol: It has anesthetic, bactericidal, antifungal, and flavoring properties, with a hot and spicy note. o Cineol: It has decongestant and anti-inflammatory properties and gives a eucalyptus aroma. o Pyrene
Herbal Actions:
Digestant: An herb that promotes good digestion.
Carminative: Herbs or essential oils that help the intestines release gas by relaxing gut spasms and increasing peristalsis to expel gas.
Sweetener: It has the ability to sweeten.
Aperientes: Aperientes herbs are mild laxatives.
Indications: Basil is beneficial for those who have difficulties in digestion, gas, heartburn, and headaches resulting from heavy or inadequate food. It facilitates the functioning of the intestines and acts as a diuretic. It is good for coughs, vomiting, and bad breath. Along with malva and sage, it helps in mouth infections.
Dosage: There is little information on the safe and effective dosage of basil. Usually, 10 to 20 ml of fresh basil leaf juice is used once a day, or teas can be made by infusing 2 grams of fresh basil or dried herb in boiling water twice a day.
Contraindications: Basil is not suitable for long-term use in children, and it should not be used by pregnant women in the first three months of pregnancy.
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Deities: Ares, Eros, Zeus, Apollo, Vishnu, and Krishna
Tarot Cards: The Empress, Justice, Six of Swords, Ten of Cups
Zodiac: Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius
Sabbath: Yule, Imbolc
Magical Uses (under observation of effectiveness): Basil is linked to love, health, exorcism, and clairvoyance in magical practices. Its fresh leaves can be used as a natural scent to attract passion. Hanging some branches around the house can protect the environment and bring permanent joy. In some ancient cultures, basil was placed on the chest of the dead as a symbol of a passport to paradise. Fun fact: There are over 64 types of basil. (GORI, 2021)
Therapeutic and Enchanted Recipes:
INGREDIENTS: 1 teaspoon of basil, 1 teaspoon of thyme.
PREPARATION: Heat the water for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat. Add the basil and thyme and let it steep for 15 minutes.
INGREDIENTS: 1 teaspoon of basil, 1 teaspoon of hibiscus.
PREPARATION: Heat the water for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat. Add the basil and hibiscus and let it steep for 15 minutes. Drink four sips before your divination practices, especially oracles.
INGREDIENTS: 1 cup of basil, 1 cup of rose petals and buds, 1/2 cup of patchouli leaves, 1/2 cup of lavender flowers, 2 tablespoons of dragon's blood.
PREPARATION: Place this herbal mixture in a bowl in your home to attract love.
*This is a recipe that makes me feel really happy...
INGREDIENTS: Fresh basil leaves, fresh strawberries.
PREPARATION: Make a flavored water by adding as much basil and strawberry as your heart desires. Let it sit for a while (to taste) and drink it. I used to make this a lot when working at the office, and it made me feel fresh and happy.
CUNNINGHAM, Scott. Enciclopédia das Ervas Mágicas do Cunningham. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Alfabeto, 2021.
PRIETO, Claudiney. Rituais de Magia com o Tarô. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Alfabeto, 2021.
GORI, Tânia. Herbologia Mágica. 2ª ed. São Paulo: Editora Alfabeto, 2021.
CABOT, Laurie; CABOT, Penny; PENCZAK, Cristopher. Tradução de Virginia Dalbo. Livro de Feitiços de Laurie Cabot. 3ª ed. São Paulo. Editora Alfabeto, 2021.
LADDY, Brianna. Apostila Magia das Ervas. 2019. Her Instagram
LADDY, Brianna. 25 Feitiços usando a Magia das Ervas. 2021. Her Instagram
MINHAVIDA. Manjericão alivia problemas intestinais e tem ação anti-inflamatória. Disponível em: https://www.minhavida.com.br/materias/materia-11744#:~:text=Existe%20pouca%20informa%C3%A7%C3%A3o%20sobre%20a,fervente%20duas%20vezes%20ao%20dia. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2021.
SOCIEDADE BRASILEIRA DE FARMACOGNOSIA. Taninos. Disponível em: http://www.sbfgnosia.org.br/Ensino/taninos.html. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2021.
PARODI, Lorenzo. MANJERICÃO. Disponível em: http://www.ingredientes.blog.br/. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2021.
PORTAL SÃO FRANCISCO. Manjericão. Disponível em: https://www.portalsaofrancisco.com.br/alimentos/manjericao#:~:text=Devido%20%C3%A0%20forma%20de%20suas%20folhas%2C%20(cora%C3%A7%C3%A3o)%2C%20era,atenuar%20o%20cheiro%20do%20couro. Acesso em: 11 abr. 2021.
GRANDI, Telma Sueli Mesquita. Tratado das plantas medicinais [recurso eletrônico]: mineiras, nativas e cultivadas. 1. ed. – Dados eletrônicos. Belo Horizonte: Adaequatio Estúdio, 2014. (Download the book HERE)
HOFFMANN, David. Tradução Euclides Luiz Calloni. O guia completo das plantas medicinais: ervas de A a Z para tratar doenças; restabelecer a saúde e o bem-estar. 1ª ed. São Paulo: Cultrix, 2017.
(CC) AstroJulia Some Rights Reserved
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theweatherinmyhead · 2 years
the economics of Gotham are just mind-boggling. like,,
primary import: weapons, chemicals
primary export: toxic waste, citizens
most common jobs: organized crime enforcer, cleaning/maintenance/repair staff
most available jobs: paramedic, organized crime enforcer, ER nurse
largest industries: organized crime, drug manufacturing & distribution, tech
birth rate: weirdly average
death rate: stunning
population growth: inexplicable
crime rate: defies physics
murder rate: puts the entire CSI franchise to shame
highest cause of death: experimental drugs, chemical exposure
citizens below the poverty line: 51%
citizens with net worth over $1,000,000: 18%
local culture: upper crust social events, nightlife, vigilante-spotting, themed criminal leadership, historical architecture
notable citizens: police-sanctioned illegal bat-themed vigilante, uncontainable clown-themed mass murderer, prolific psychoactive drug designer, illegal bird-themed underage vigilantes, notorious ecoterrorist, one of the wealthiest US business owners
infrastructure: undergoing extensive repair
how does this city sustain itself????
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noiseyburlesquepeach · 3 months
Good Luck, Bones!
Summary: Leonard McCoy could be the poster boy for denial. He was not delusional, he was always acutely aware of the truth, he just chose to believe that the truth was wrong, much to his detriment.
Leonard McCoy could be the poster boy for denial. He was not delusional, he was always acutely aware of the truth, he just chose to believe that the truth was wrong, much to his detriment. He denied that his marriage had problems which ultimately led to his divorce. He denied that he drank too much, even when he was chugging the last of the contents of his flask right before boarding his flight to Starfleet Academy. He knew his two day old clothes reeked of booze and sweat, but he was too drunk to care. By the time he sobered up, he was denying that the decision to join Starfleet was impulsive. 
When Bones signed on for the Enterprise’s five year mission, he denied that he was absolutely terrified of space travel. He denied the existential fear that leaving the planet instilled in him. He denied that he was a deadbeat dad, leaving his only daughter lightyears away to be raised by his ex and some other man. He denied how much that bothered him. 
Even with the first thirty something years of his life left behind, Bones was still familiar with denial. He had a certain idea of what kind of man he was. What he was feeling right now did not align with that image. 
They had stopped for a brief shore leave before heading back into deep space. Bones didn’t like shore leaves unless they were on Earth. As terrified as he was of space travel, he was even more so afraid of whatever germs and diseases he would encounter on a foreign planet. Fortunately, the planet they were on had a sizable human population which distracted from its natives that were decidedly more blue than humans.
Bones wasn’t looking at any of them though. He had his eyes focused on a man dancing in the center of the room. Every time he pulled them away, they drifted back the moment he was no longer consciously focusing on looking at everything and everyone but him.
 They were in a bar, more of a club really. Neon strobe lights bathed the dance floor in rainbows. Looking at them for too long gave Bones a headache. The whole planet was hot, but it was sweltering in here with all of the bodies packed together and all of the smoke hanging in the air. It turned out that this planet’s main export was marijuana, or some alien herb that had the same chemical compounds as marijuana, so rather than getting drunk, everyone was getting stoned. Bones hated smoking of any kind, so he stuck to what little alcohol they had behind the bar. Damn bartender looked at him like he had two heads when he asked for alcohol and no weed. It all felt very twenty-first century, which made sense since this was a retro themed club. The only thing Bones hated more than clubs were themed clubs. They were blasting two hundred year old pop music that made Bones cringe. Music had truly evolved so much in the last two centuries. He tried to focus in on the lyrics, hoping he could find some decent meaning in them.
It started with a whisper, and that was when I kissed her, and then she made my lips hurt, I could hear the chit-chat, take me to your love shack. 
That was enough for Bones. This music was trash.  
Bones sat alone in the corner of the room, trying to avoid as much secondhand smoke as possible as he nursed his watered down beer and watched his colleagues smoke and dance. Well, he was watching one in particular. 
It was hot, and the way that everyone was dressed reflected that. Short skirts, booty shorts, crop tops, no tops, and then there was Bones in his typical going out clothes, a gray v-neck and jeans. 
Even though he looked and felt so out of place, he couldn’t bring himself to leave. He couldn’t take his eyes off the dance floor. Right in the middle of the crowd was his Captain. He had a human man wearing nothing but tight red booty shorts pressed against his back and a blue woman wearing a denim skirt that was barely wider than a belt and bikini top against his front. There was barely any barrier between their skin. Jim was dressed a little more modestly, he was wearing denim shorts that didn’t show the bottom half of his ass cheeks and a white ribbed tank top, but still it wasn’t much. It made Bones’s stomach churn. 
His movements were fluid, not as clumsy as they were when he was drinking. His eyes were half lidded as he undulated to the music. He was in a trance, in his own little world, just him and the music and the bodies pressed up against him. The woman was pretty, but nothing special once you got past the blue skin and hair. The man was skinny and short, and not particularly attractive, at least not in Bones’s opinion. Jim could do much better, he was a well built man. A bit stocky, but muscular, with broad shoulders and a strong chest. His skin was toned and tan and always had a sheen to it that somehow didn’t make him look greasy, but healthy and virile. 
Bones chewed his lip as he wondered if Jim would go home with one or both of them tonight. Of course he would, what else is shore leave for? Sometimes living aboard the Enterprise felt like living through a teen drama, especially for Bones who had to perform every STI or pregnancy test on the droves of horny ensigns that made their way to sickbay every day. He couldn’t really blame them, after all, a bunch of fit, attractive people stuck in space together twenty-four seven? Of course there would be intra-crew relationships. When you had a higher rank, however, you had to be careful. It would be unethical, for example, for Bones to sleep with one of the other doctors or nurses since they were his subordinates, but engineering officers or bridge crew didn’t report to him, so that would be fine. The Captain however, outranked everyone on the ship, and everyone reported to him, so he couldn’t ethically sleep with anyone aboard the ship, which is why he should be free to enjoy his shore leaves without judgment. 
Not that Bones was judging of course. He had been known to occasionally hookup with a lady on shore leave every now and then. Tonight the thought of that made him feel nauseous. He had been approached a few times this evening already. The women here were stunning without exception. Many of them were just his type, tall, tanned, and curvy with long dark hair. He had always liked brunettes best, but tonight he found himself more interested in blondes. Something was obviously wrong with him. Maybe it had just been too long since he had been with anyone. Maybe he needed to get his hormone levels checked. He was getting older, testosterone usually started declining in a man’s forties. That had to be it. Nothing a hormone supplement wouldn’t fix.
Why couldn’t he take his eyes off of his Captain? He was worried about him, that was it. Jim had smoked a fair amount tonight, even from afar Bones could tell that his eyes were droopy and he was a little shaky on his feet. He was just worried that someone would take advantage of his intoxicated state, nothing more. 
Jim caught Bones staring at him and flashed him a lazy smile from across the dance floor. Bones suppressed the flutter in his gut at that sight. A moment later Jim was excusing himself from his dance partners and making his way over to Bones, the crowd jostling him slightly. 
“Heyyyy,” Jim said as he collapsed onto the seat beside bones. Up close Bones could see that the whites of his eyes had turned entirely pink and his pupils swallowed up all of the hazel. 
“You look stoned,” Bones grunted in response. Jim just giggled. 
“You don’t look like you’re having much fun tonight.” Jim slid closer to Bones until their knees brushed. 
“Not really my scene. I don’t smoke.”
“I don’t either usually, but once won’t kill me.”Jim pulled a joint out of his pocket and lit it up, being careful to blow the smoke away from Bones. He coughed a few times before going back in for another puff. 
“You’re gonna turn your lungs black, fill them with tar,” Bones scoffed. 
“Bones, for one night can you just be my friend, not my doctor,” Jim said with an eye roll, “you may find that having fun won’t kill you.”
“I can have my fun without drugs, thank you very much.” 
“Cut the D.A.R.E. shit Bones, you drink more than anyone else I know.” Jim’s words were critical, but his tone was decidedly teasing. 
“S’pose so.” Bones took another sip of the piss that this place was passing off as alcohol. Jim took another puff of his joint.
Bones found himself wondering what it tasted like. His eyes caught on Jim’s bottom lip. His mouth probably tasted like burnt rolling papers and faint skunky herb. He had no desire to get high but he wanted to taste it. He reached out halfway to grab the joint. Jim hesitated.
“It can be pretty overpowering the first time,” Jim said. He looked like he was thinking for a moment before his face lit up with a devious smile that made Bones’s heart flutter. “Here, I know what I can do to make it less harsh.” 
Jim stood and stepped close to Bones, using his knees to spread the Doctor’s legs. Bones couldn’t help the breath that hitched in his throat at the sudden proximity between them. He felt a twitch coming from his trousers, but quickly suppressed it. 
Jim brought the joint to his mouth and took a long drag, then he leaned down to Bones’s mouth that hung agape and he connected their lips, blowing the smoke from his lungs into his companion’s. Bones instinctively inhaled as he fought the urge to follow Jim’s mouth as he pulled away. 
All was blissful for about half a second until Bones exhaled and began a coughing fit like none he had ever had before. His eyes crossed a little and he found himself unable to open his eyelids for a few seconds. When his coughing subsided, Jim handed him his beer to soothe the burning in his throat. 
“How was that?” Jim asked. 
“That was something,” Bones managed to grunt. Jim laughed and took another puff before putting the joint out in one of the ashtrays that adorned every surface.
“I’m guessing that was your first time,” Jim said, grin widening as he blinked away the smoke that was making its way through his body. Bones just grunted in response. 
“My first was in high school. One of my friends took a joint from his older sister’s dresser. We smoked it in his treehouse,” Jim looked into Bones’s eyes, his demeanor growing more serious just then, “that wasn’t my only first time that night.” 
This couldn’t be happening. Obviously Bones was much higher than he thought and was hallucinating. Maybe the joint was laced with something. There was no way that Jim, his best friend, his captain, the man he would walk to the ends of the earth with, was really acting so suggestively towards him. And there was no way he liked it. There was no way he could feel his stomach twisting and little Bones beginning to stand at attention. 
“Do you wanna dance with me?” Jim asked. Bones could tell what Jim was asking him, even through his slight haze Bones could see the signs. Jim was blushing, sweating, and avoiding direct eye contact. This was more than just an invitation for two friends to dance. 
This was one of those make or break moments. The butterflies in his stomach screamed yes, that Bones hadn’t been able to focus on anyone but his best friend all night, that no matter how much he pushed the thoughts and dreams of Jim out of his mind, no matter how many times he told himself he was just getting his wired crossed, he was just going a little stir crazy aboard the ship and misinterpreting his feelings, that despite all of that he couldn’t deny what he was feeling anymore. He couldn’t deny that he was feeling something. 
“Uh, no thanks. I think I’m gonna head back for the night,” were the words that escaped Bones’s mouth. He couldn’t bring himself to give in. He couldn’t bring himself to give up the denial that had been protecting him his whole life. Jim’s face fell. 
“Right, of course, it’s getting late,” he said, forcing a smile, “good luck, Bones.” Jim left Bones alone once again and returned to the people he had been dancing with before, only this time he looked far less enthusiastic. 
Bones had to get out of there. He chugged what was left of his beer and slipped out the door without a second glance to the dance floor.
Even outside he could hear the music from the club as he walked back to the hotel. 
It’s fine, it’s cool, you can say that we are nothing but you know the truth.
Bones paused to catch his breath for a moment. Now that the sun had gone down, it was cooler outside. He breathed deeply, enjoying the respite from the stuffy club air. He hadn’t realized how oppressive it was until he filled his lungs with clean, smoke free air. He sniffed his shirt and immediately wrinkled his nose. He smelled like stale pot. 
I don't wanna call it off, but you don’t wanna call it love, you only wanna be the one that I call baby.
For the first time all night, the club was actually playing decent music. Bones listened harder. 
You can kiss a hundred boys in bars, shoot another shot, try to stop the feeling, you can say it’s just the way you are, make a new excuse, another stupid reason, good luck, babe!
Jim’s last words rang in Bones’s head. “Good luck, Bones”. Good luck with what? At first he thought Jim was wishing him good luck getting home safe. Did he mean something else?
You’ll have to stop the world just to stop the feeling.
Bones had enough. He was tired, tipsy, a little high, and most of all, not ready to confront whatever the universe seemed to want him to confront. He began the short walk back to his hotel room alone.
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Down On The Farm
The foot and mouth ‘epidemic’ in Britain was a massive abuse of animals and the land, caused by the pursuit of profit. Infected swill from schools, probably arising from the cheap imported meat schools use (cost-cutting before children’s health), was fed to pigs. Infected and disease-free animals were taken to large agri-business holding stations. The weak or unwanted were sold in local markets, spreading infection. The rest were transported hundreds of miles to fattening stations and mixed with other animals even though it is well known that livestock transported long distances are very susceptible to disease. Some were exported to Europe (after being infected), others sold after fattening to the abattoirs and then into the food chain. This industrial agriculture is forced upon farmers by a capitalism that must offer ever-cheaper goods to survive and the greed of the supermarkets for profit and market share. What is truly amazing is that foot and mouth disease cannot infect humans and does no more harm to animals than minor sores and milk that can’t be used. It wears off after a few weeks. In the 19th Century and abroad farmers simply let the disease burn itself out after killing very few animals. Why is it different in these islands? Because the supermarkets will not buy infected meat and farmers will not pay to feed a cow that even temporarily produces no milk. Foot and mouth was not a natural disaster, it was an economic disease, killing profits but of no harm to animals or humans. One million healthy, disease-free sheep were killed to protect the profits of the supermarkets and large agribusinesses, the ultimate indictment of capitalist profit motive and methods of organization. Globalisation and free trade are forcing intensive farming methods on farmers with disastrous consequences. In 1999 200,000 farmers in Europe gave up the unequal struggle and big business moved in. 10 companies worldwide control 60% of the international food chain. Four of them control the world supply of corn, wheat, tea, rice and timber. Massive subsidies, paid for by taxes on wages and non-agricultural businesses, swell the profits of the biggest farms and agricultural businesses, usually owned by large multi-national corporations – in the US, a total of $22bn. While western capitalism demands subsidy worth $362bn per year, the farmers of the rest of the world share just $18bn – if they can’t compete, they are accused of inefficiency by western ‘experts’ and legislated out of existence or driven to the wall by ‘free and fair’ competition.
Farmers are made more dependent on the multinationals by the fact that seed varieties (along with all forms of life) can now be patented and by being patented turned into private property. If farmers buy Monsanto’s Roundup Ready soya beans they have to sign a contract committing themselves to use only Monsanto chemicals, not to save any seed for replanting (one of the basics of sustainable agriculture) and be prepared to allow representatives of the company on to their farms for up to 3 years after the purchase to check this. In order to enforce these ‘Technology Use Agreements’ in the US, Monsanto have employed the Pinkerton private detective agency (famous for their violent strike breaking activities on behalf of US capital), they have named and shamed ‘guilty’ farmers in local radio station adverts and even opened a telephone hotline for people to dob in offenders. The fact that 475 farmers in the US and Canada broke their Technology Use Agreements and were sued by Monsanto is probably one of the reasons it developed ‘terminator’ technology, a technique where genes are inserted into a plant which render its seed non-viable; from the corporations point of view a great improvement — from ‘economic sterility’ to biological sterility. Monsanto is suing one farmer from Canada for growing seed without a license, when what actually happened was that his oilseed rape crop had been contaminated by pollen from GM crops on nearby farms. Of course the real aim of terminator technology is the untold sums of money to be made from stopping ‘Third World’ farmers from saving and sharing their seeds and making them dependent on high tech seed from the multinationals.
Nothing in the preceding paragraph should be taken to mean that we see large capitalist farmers in the US and Canada as being somehow victims of the corporations. Like large scale industrial farmers everywhere they are part of the corporate food production system of which GM is the latest stage: they exploit wage labour (although labour on farms is drastically reduced by the industrialisation process large scale industrial farming exploits wage labour massively in the chemical industry, machine production, transportation etc) and happily produce for the global market and act as a market for every new agro-chemical or GM seed produced. But already complaints of crop damage due to herbicide drift are starting to increase as the sprays farmers growing Roundup Ready GM use drifts onto the crops of farmers growing ordinary plants.
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Natural pesticides gain ground in 'agri-tox' capital Brazil
Inspecting a thriving green field, Brazilian farmer Adriano Cruvinel is beaming: Using a fraction of the chemical products he used to, he is growing even more soy, thanks to natural pesticides.
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Agricultural powerhouse Brazil may be the world leader in chemical pesticide use, but Cruvinel is part of a growing trend of farmers turning to natural products known as "biopesticides."
"Our soy is doing great," says the 36-year-old agricultural engineer, giving a tour of his 1,400-hectare (nearly 3,500-acre) farm in the central-western county of Montividiu, as combine harvesters work their way across a field.
"Thanks to the microorganisms we apply to the crop, it's a lot more resistant to pests and disease."
Brazil, the world's biggest exporter of soy, corn and cotton, is also the top consumer of chemical pesticides: nearly 720,000 metric tons in 2021, or one-fifth of global sales, according to the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization.
Seeking to improve his profits, in 2016 Cruvinel started transitioning toward so-called "regenerative" agriculture.
The technique seeks to restore the soil's biodiversity, replacing chemical fertilizers and pesticides with natural alternatives.
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