sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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Art trades featuring @orphanedwolfandfriendsdfriends' Cayla/Orquidia with holy shit a smiling Josep, @riiese's Ingvar, and @orehorde's Gourmand!
If you wanna art trade with me, here is what I'm asking for!
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dragonskxn · 1 year
"I don't know what I — or any other dragon — taste like, but I don't want to know and I don't want to find out."
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multimuse-online · 2 years
@orehorde​ continued from X
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The young woman had been walking, despondant and barefoot upon the bridge when the strange creature had appeared. Her body was littered in small cuts and scars and she jumped back in fright, yelping as she landed upon her rear at the sudden towering presence. 
“T-Troll toll?” The woman sniffled, panic in her bright blue eyes as she stared up at Maiden, pulling a small violin case close to her chest “I don’t... I don’t have anything to give you... You... You don’t look like a troll...”. She had seen trolls in Mother’s books before and she was certain she had never seen one look like... whatever this was.
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monster-fxckers · 9 months
Anyone who is not a mutual of @vile-muses who follows will be hard blocked from this blog on sight. I'm also likely to block straight cis men for my own comfort.
This is my IC NSFW blog for all my monster characters from the following blogs:
Yes, that's a lot of blogs. And a lot of characters. Sorry if it's a cluster; I am not making individual blogs lol.
Those following should already have a baseline for my characters, but I've made a handy page listing character's sexual preferences.
My Character's Preferences before you Smut
❤ this post if you've read it
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sapphireregency · 1 year
Someone who ISN'T Guy lmao (more specifically Ruixiong or Rashid, or hell, even Morfa)
Send Me A Muse(s) Of Yours And I’ll just stream of consciousness which of my muses would have interesting interactions with them
nil’d want to chomp guy because smells like icky fire.  do not recommend an encounter unless he fancies being a squeaky toy.
Ruixiong - I remember once a joke about Rui annoying Nil.  I was going to comment about Nil being a candidate for a solo relationship, but it kinda just vanished from my brain til now lol.  As to if that will ultimately be a -positive- relationship remains to be seen. 
But an interesting thing with Nil is that she has running themes of pride.  And Nil, more than some others, is drawn to others who share themes with her.  Being as said before, a -prideful- fairy, she sees herself as an authority on everything that she aligns herself with (like ice, metal and pride ((or ahem “demanding appropriate respect” as she’d call it)) as a concept).  Nil has an ego, but being one of the strongest in Theia, she can at least back it up.  And as well, for a fairy, she’s actually somewhat reasonable and isn’t gonna go for the throat off the bat if disrespected.. usually. 
Rui would have an advantage of “ah, this one is like me” to start with to protect him from total bitch mode.  But I honestly can’t say how well they’re going to get along in practice lol
Rashid - I am blanking on, at least as far as the cast available in Sapphire.  I remember mention of him and Marinus from orehorde once, but uh.. this is Sapphire’s blog haha
Morfa - Owl is a good starting character for most muses to meet.  She’s very friendly, will approach readily and is knowledgeable about how Sapphire works.  Funnily enough, she loves moths and butterflies (she even has a luna moth motif).  Owl is probably the easiest monster to befriend out of the entire cast to the point that, if she meets you, you’re already a friend with no additional effort.  So if what you want is a creature who won’t try to eat Morfa and actually be helpful, Owl is the one to go to in Sapphire.
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sins-of-the-sea · 11 months
“I can show you where the treasure is.” [Maiden nooo, orehorde]
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"Whoa!! A dragon?! Offering me where to show me where the treasure is?" Uh, Rui, you're tasked to find several treasures, so which one?
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"All right, the Heavens have smiled upon me! Luck and fortune is finally coming my way! Take me to where the treasure is, and I'll follow!" Not an ounce of humbleness in this man.
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sins-of-the-sea · 10 months
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"People usually don't use their strongest attacks first for many reasons. It may cause unwanted attention. It may be unnecessary overkill. It might use up too much energy or resources the fighter is willing to consume in the beginning of the fight and not leave any left for a back-up plan or escape. That is the case for us Seven. Our gifts may be used daily for the most mundane reasons, but to use them for their most upmost potential and in their most deadliest consumes more energy than we are able to handle. This is why I still just walk around as a person rather than fog up all the time when that would benefit me more. Why Rashid doesn't just conjure a litter and servants to take him places and not walk anymore. Why-"
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"......" The Captain just walks away.
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"Why what, Captain? What is it?" Rashid has never seen Josep so afraid like this before, on a topic that has nothing to do with his usual trauma or fears that affect him directly. But he doesn't press, thinking he'll get his answer eventually.
Sooner than later, in fact.
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sins-of-the-sea · 11 months
The Gourmand himself has appeared.
“Try me.”
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The Master smirks. "I have no interest in crossing your levels of the sea, Lord Gourmand. You have your depths, and I have mine.
"I only demand that I keep what is mine, and I take what I claim. Whatever you claim, I will hand over. But know this-
"I will not tolerate anyone or anything that tries to take away what is mine. And you will know what is mine when you see it."
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sins-of-the-sea · 11 months
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"You know what? I'll bet Gio can punch that massive monster truck back to the ocean in goldform."
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Cracks his knuckles.
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
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"ME!! I want to go to war against the spam bots!! The less tits on our notifications, the better!! Captain, come with me!"
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".....Why? I am not disgusted by breasts like you-"
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"Because these bots are created for the purpose of fooling less internet savvy people into clicking dangerous links that can infect their devices with viruses and malware, steal information, and possibly money. These are thieves and pirates with no honor whatsoever. They are targeting vulnerable people who don't know any better and never deserve the danger they place themselves in."
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sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
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"EEEYAAAAAUGH!!" The kid throws his weapon out into the beach. That weapon being a tree stick.
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"Great job, little brother. I'm sure you scared him off."
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
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“... I have a feeling we’re not alone.”
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“Should we set up sentry duty at the top decks?”
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“I don’t think it’s anything to worry about unless someone in our Crew gets snatched up or something. I’m not in the mood to disembowel anyone or anything today.”
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
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“All right, we are NOT including that one on the top shelf!!”
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“Agreed. We won’t HAVE a top shelf if we collect that one!”
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
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sins-of-the-sea · 2 years
@orehorde​ liked for a starter for La Brujula!
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Explosions from above the sea was nothing unusual for those who may frequent the Epipelagic Zone. Even those ignorant of human activity can recognize that death was taking place. From such explosions tend to be debris of wooden ships that did not last the cannons, and as one can tell anyone, the sea takes what it claims. Splinters of wood, metal rods, shoes and their buckles, keys, jewelry... compasses. And the bodies that use them. Most unfortunately, the vessel containing the passengers now taken claim by the sea has completely sunken, leaving nothing behind on the surface beyond pieces of driftwood and one small child. But that is a story for another day...
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The compass sank. And sank. And sank. And unlike other treasures of the sunken vessel, it attempts to move on its own, hindered only somewhat by the currents of the ocean. Its chain flails as though like a little propeller. And it's screaming.
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