#oregano (khr)
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johannepetereric · 2 years ago
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Here Take 2 of the Roll Call.
I'll read off what changed on The Chart since its inception, and tag only those a part of those changes:
Reborn is allied with Yuni and Colonello (a corner, not a triangle)
Ryohei is out of the running
Oregano and Turmeric are out of the running
Team Verde defeated 5 and lost MM
Skull has all seven players filled out as the rest of Team Shimon Power of Friendship
They still haven't decided on Byakuran or Gamma to be the 2nd.
Daisy, Torikabuto, and Tazaru are out of the running
Team Yuni defeated somebody
Team Fon defeated one (Ryohei)
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cedefaci · 2 years ago
In which a miracle happens...
Sawada Iemitsu apologizes. I present to you the rarest of occurrences in KHR-fandom--Sawada Iemitsu getting a passing grade in parenting (still only barely scraping by, mind you, but still, a miracle). (Full fic on AO3)
note: Basil’s internal monologue is both surprisingly snarky and only occasionally old-fashioned.
“Anata has told me so much about you, but this is the first time we have met.” Nana poured us all tea, “I can imagine that it took some effort to make time off work—you must be so busy all the time!”
“Yes. About that.” Oregano said stiffly. “We are technically here on the job.”
Turmeric picked up her train of thought, smiling as he put his hand on hers, “By which we mean that we are here as emotional support for Iemitsu-shishou. He wants to tell you something.”
“Ara?” Nana turned to sir.
Unseen by her, we also looked expectantly at him.
“Ah, Nana!” He took a deep breath. He couldn’t meet her eyes. “I need to say—I’m sorry.”
Nana looked up from her unpacking of the endless supply of macarons with a cheerful smile. “What do you mean?”
“When Tsu-kun was five.” Sir began.
He stopped. He swallowed. He couldn’t continue.
Cues? I mouthed.
Oregano indicated her backpack, but Turmeric signed wait with the tapping of his fingers on his mug and pushed the plates Nana had forgotten towards us.
“Do you remember my boss?” He tried again.
“Yes.” Nana said. The air felt charged, like the moment before the first strike of lightning in a gathering storm. “I remember him with Tsu-kun.”
“I should have done more.” A decent start.
“The Sealing hurt Tsuna. I shouldn’t have let him do it. And it’s still hurting Tsuna. I should have done something sooner.”
The quiet clunk of a mug being set on the table.
“Tsu-kun is shy.” The Lady said, “He doesn’t like to speak, and is scared of people. I took him out of kindergarten because he had no friends and only felt more lonely there, and elementary school has not been any better for him. He doesn’t want to eat. He still comes home crying, sometimes.”
“Ah…” Sir was torn between hiding behind his silly face and flinching at my lady’s narration, shying away from pain. Press forward, lord, as a needle pushes through the flesh of a wound.
I held his gaze in steadiness and pushed the open box of macarons toward him, tranquil Rain weighing down flighty fairground smoke with the clarity of what must be done. Oregano’s Clouds bolstered his courage, and Turmeric’s Sun-Storm was a blaze of strength to break through reticence and hesitation.
Iemitsu chewed and swallowed slowly—a brief respite.
“It is my fault.” He said, borrowing from my stillness and Oregano’s focus and Turmeric’s determination, “I was scared, I needed to choose between Nono and you, and I didn’t want to. I was wrong, and I ran away, and left my son to suffer and my wife to pay the price. I’m going to do my best to fix it.”
“How can you?” Nana asked, “Our son has learned that the world is unkind. The world has learned that he is easy to hurt. How can we reverse that? How can we teach our son that he can do more than hide? And what is the alternative? You told me about the other life he could have led, and I do not want it for my son.”
“There’s more to it now.” Sir said, crumbling the remains of his macaron between his fingers. “Guys?”
“Circumstances have changed.” Oregano leaned forward, putting her hands on the table. “Shishou has chosen his obligations to you, so we have turned from the Ninth. Given that we are responsible for monitoring Giotto’s line, we can simply fail to inform him that his containment measures have failed. Your son will not be forced into our world the moment we Unseal him.”
“To whit.” I continued, “Sessha’s investigations have revealed a method of circumventing the necessity of Vongola Nono-dono’s blessing. There are two parts to it: the first involves helping the Young Master cultivate close relationships with his peers; the second—” I bowed my head, “—demands that he feel himself to be in such danger that he breaks his own limits.”
“Put our son in danger?” My lady had barely acknowledged me before turning the full force of her attention onto her husband, her Will splitting the table open with swiftly-spreading fractures growing from where her fingers rested delicately on the wood.
Between Turmeric and Oregano, we had managed to hammer out a more conservative plan than what I would have devised—empathy in childcare was rather lacking in me, given my unique upbringing.
Sir squirmed, taking apart another cookie. “That’s why everything’s gotten so complicated right now! I don’t know what I should do. I’ve got a few things figured out, but I need to ask you about the rest. Tsu-kun should be kept safe, he’s a baby!”
Turmeric finally took pity on our boss, or maybe had reached the end of his patience. He set his mug down. “What shishou means is that while the second part of our strategy bears refining,” Which was an infuriatingly mild way to put it, if Nana’s sharp-sweet smile was any indication, “It would do young Tsunayoshi good to make some friends he can trust, no matter how we intend the situation to progress from there.”
Friends, Guardians, Coterie. People who would accept the Young Master for who he was, who would stand with him against the world. Hayato, Bianchi’s little brother, whose distrust—contempt—of adults would serve to support Tsunayoshi in the face of this community’s implicit acceptance of his suffering. Yamamoto Takeshi, who was in a similar situation to him, relative to legacies and family secrets, would be someone who had shared similar experiences. Hibari Kyoya, whose reputation would suffice before the Young Master established his own, and Sasagawa Ryohei, as an older peer.
I knew them as well as anyone could without observing them myself, and I could see how they would connect further to each other—Hayato would be suspicious of anyone grown, but he had been saved by his sister. He would trust another elder sibling. Hibari Kyoya would be drawn to the master swordsman with his sword hidden in his sushi shop. Sports would bring the dormant Sun and Rain together. Fighting, history and myth, shared betrayals. So much common ground, and a peaceful environment in which to grow. It was such a fortunate coincidence that the estranged lines of the First Generation had come—(3, counted my Ring, a stutter in my thoughts)—no, been brought together to Namimori (There would be a price for such a boon).
“And?” Nana pressed, as furious as she had been since the start, her smile still as perfect as a porcelain doll’s, “Will they stay his friends? And even if they do, even if they will protect Tsu-kun against bullies, what about his teachers? What about the neighbours? What about the future, when he needs to go out and find a job? What will they do then?”
What about his teachers? What about their neighbours? Oregano and I tilted our heads in unison, then righted them as we looked to the couple at the head of the table—Nana also shared in the shame of her son, though naturally, she would only refer to it obliquely with us present.
“Basil-kun has looked to history, and found us one way forward.” Turmeric said, to my surprise. I had thought that we were going the social engineering route to slowly shape Namimori to our liking, with some under-the-table dealing with the Hibari if necessary. “But I have been investigating a few current advances in technology, and I believe it may be possible to undo Nono’s work without resorting to such traumatizing measures.”
What advances in technology? The Vongola had a vested interest in controlling access to Flame, there was little incentive for research in that area, apart from—the Estraneo! Of course Turmeric would have taken an interest in what they had discovered.
“Very well.” Nana took a sip of tea and a bite from her cookie, apparently mollified, and clasped her hands together, “I see that you have a nice plan for fixing Tsu-kun! But what about his future? Will he be able to have a good life?”
“For some time, at least.” Sir winced, “Nami isn’t completely isolated from the outside world, so word’s going to get out in the end. What we can do is delay that point until Tsu-kun can make his own choices.” —he had perfectly parroted one of the sentences we had drilled him in, I noted in amusement— “Then, he can either fake his death with his friends, or join his dear old dad!”
…we had had no hand in that statement.
“How exciting!” My Lady exclaimed.
But Oregano, having worked through her third box of sweets, played the Devil’s Advocate. “There were three heirs to the Ninth, and with one dead, there are two remaining. There is a possibility that they find themselves out of the running, in which case the inheritance passes back to Giotto’s line, namely, your son.”
Nana narrowed her eyes. “Will that happen?”
The Tri-ni-sette. The ancient Giglio Nero, who traced their history to birth of the Roman Kingdom and the establishment of the Vestal Office, Giotto who had been gifted the Vongola Rings to sanctify his rule as if he was Arthur honoured by Caliburn, the Arcobaleno who were accepted as fixtures despite having had predecessors. Someone or something had brought the Tenth Generation together for a reason, and they would not let it live in peace.
Sir chuckled nervously, “I’ll try not to let it!”
He made a dramatic show of heartbreak, “Even if I want to avenge our little family!”
We laughed, the tension dispelled.
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katzkinder · 9 months ago
Everyone knows the young lion of Vongola is married. He never shuts up about his adorable, doting wife. But only other CEDEF members got to experience that brief five year period where he was equally as gung-ho about their child.
Eventually, Iemitsu stops mentioning his precious, cute little Tsuna, though. He stops gushing about rosy apple cheeks and stumbling firsts filled with adoration. Instead, he becomes withdrawn. Strung out. Oregano, being his second in command and the one most attuned to him, idiocy and all, asks him about it. He smiles at her, but it’s strained. It doesn’t meet his eyes. It’s not like him, forever loud, forever moving forward, a sledgehammer in human form that busts down any wall in their way. As irritating as he can be… His position, and the respect it commands, her respect, have all been earned.
It takes Iemitsu a bit to collect himself. His jaw strains, then relaxes. His grin, normally a beacon of confidence, becomes bitter as he tells her why. “He woke up.”
“Oh, boss—“
A common misconception is that an early flame is a good thing.
Really though. No one wants that. No one wants their child to be locked into their world so early. To be a danger to themselves and others so soon.
“Is he-?”
“He’s fine. Nono came out to help, but… Sky Flame.” He shakes his head as if he can’t believe it. As if he weren’t a similarly young prodigy, one who wound up in the Vongola sponsored orphanage for non-mafioso children who were fated to join, the same place they would later snatch Basil up from. “What are the odds, y’know? It’s not like it’s totally genetic.” True, it was common for Sky to come from Sky, but it wasn’t… It wasn’t a guarantee. Nobody really understood the science of it. There were just too few of them existing in the world at any time. “I’m… I’m just glad he didn’t hurt his mother…”
It’s possible. Probable even, with Primo’s blood flowing directly in the boy’s veins, that one day… Little Tsuna will inherit the title of Decimo. It’s possible that one day, Iemitsu will stand in opposition of his own child.
She doesn’t know the full details of Xanxus’s frozen prison, but… She can guess why he’s there instead of in the ground.
Iemitsu is a family man, and vongola is his family.
For its sake…
“When he’s old enough. I’ll tell him everything I can.”
Out of courtesy, she keeps silent for a man grieving the loss of a future that will now never happen.
This is what it means to be the Boss.
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dreamieparadise · 7 months ago
Found out from this JP user that Amano released info for Lal, Luce, and Oregano! Their heights, specifically. Luce is 170 cm, Lal is 166 cm, and Oregano is 171 cm! They found this out at the Amano Akira exhibition!
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what-the-fuck-khr · 2 years ago
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march fifth
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ciaossu-imagines · 3 months ago
a, j, l, p, and v for khr. thank u!!
No, thank you! This was fun and easy to write, while still being interesting to think about! I just hope the answers will be interesting to read too 😊
A: Is the most attractive (to me)
I have some characters that I think are only attractive to me, because I don’t often see people talking about them or fangirling over them. Those characters include Dr. Shamal, Iemitsu, YamaPapa, Lancia, and Kusakabe. Then there’s the characters that I found attractive right from the start, based on looks alone (though I grew to love them all very, very much based on other things) like Basil, Enma, adult Skull, adult Lal Mirch, Shoichi, Spanner, G. and Chikusa. Then there are others where I became attracted to them only after reading the manga all the way through – Byakuran is the biggest example of this, but also Gamma, Shitt P.! and Adelheid count, as does Adult! Reborn. The man is undeniably fine, though I feel no romantic attraction to him at all for some reason – I just appreciate the beautiful design.
Tells the most ‘dad jokes’
Iemitsu loves dad jokes and it’s kind of rubbed off on some of the other CEDEF members. Basil ended up loving bad puns, Oregano ends up using a lot of kind of funny, kind of dorky one-liners, while Turmeric goes all in on dad jokes of all varieties. The only one who seems completely unaffected by it is Lal, who doesn’t even crack a smile at any of their jokes. At least, Lal doesn’t crack a smile while they can see it. She won’t give them the satisfaction…when they turn away or when they can’t see, she might smirk and inwardly laugh though.
Lies the most
Mukuro, Byakuran, and Xanxus can all lie with a perfectly straight face, without any negative feelings about lying, and with complete confidence. None of them feel the slightest bit bad and Mukuro and Byakuran are slightly compulsive liars who tend to manipulate situations and people as they need to. I also think Kawahira has no problems telling lies but, in his mind, all of the lies he tells have purpose. He doesn’t just lie with no reasons – if he’s lying, he believes it’s needed and that the lie will serve a purpose. I think Fran lies just to fuck with people, because he finds it funny. Lambo, Ken, and Bel will all lie without a second thought to keep themselves out of trouble. Yamamoto, Kyoko, and Gokudera tend to lie about being okay when they’re not, but that’s because all three of them are emotional idiots at times.
Is the purest, most perfect cinnamon roll
I think Yuni definitely qualifies here. While she’s got a very sad aspect to her character, and is, by necessity, an older soul than she should be, with very adult responsibilities and thoughts, she’s also someone who is very soft, sweet, and who keeps a positive view of the world overall. Enma and Tsuna also kind of fall under that same banner, just for me personally, as does Shoichi.
Is the best at video games
I’m going to come with some obvious answers. Byakuran, Shoichi, Spanner, and Giannini are all really into video games and they’re all rather good at them. Giannini is the least successful at them, but he’s still better than most and he really excels at certain types of games. When it comes to rhythm games, both Shoichi and Giannini can beat the pants off of any challengers. Reborn actually excels at shooting games, while Tsuna is surprisingly good at fighting games like Mortal Kombat and such. Fuuta and Ken end up being really good at vintage platformers like Mario, Castlevania, and the like. While not the best at them, Gokudera actually ends up really getting into and enjoying a lot of heavily story-based games, especially if there’s some horror-based aspect to them. He gets progressively better the more time he spends on them.
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rueririn · 8 months ago
Hi I read the khr crossovers - but I just don't understand what nana is. in the skull story she is a kannagi but is she a shopkeeper like yuko from xxxholic? then what about watanuki? Also what is gamma?
The Florists of the Never Forget series
Hi! I guess I'll put a proper chronological order of events about what Nana is here. So first yes, Nana is a shopkeeper like Yuko from xxxHolic-- but in a different dimension.
for the AU, The CLAMP universe is the world of Hitsuzen. KHR is in the world of Dying Will. (Similarly, FMAB is the world of Truth. All different universes, so different shopkeepers. Technically the 'shopkeeper' of the FMAB universe is the door of truth itself.)
In the world of Dying Will, there are a hundred parallel timelines. Each timeline has a different shopkeeper (which is called a Kannagi). They are all the same person in a different incarnation. Less vital detail, but they are usually the holder of the Sky Mare Ring due to this dimension-supervising role they have.
Then there's the Inari. Basically the twin guards that protect her-- 'the mysterious bridge' connects to both the YuYuYu and KProject worlds to KHR. The shopkeeper can appear anywhere (but there's only one of her.) The Inari is one person with two bodies, one on each side of the bridge.
The shopkeeper can't leave the shop, so the Inari are basically her footsoldier/errand boys. They have much shorter lives than the Kannagi, but can exist across multiple timelines.
The first timeline's shopkeeper is Sakurai, and her timeline is the timeline of my Assassination Classroom OC fic, Outsider. There's no real relevance here except that she adopts the Second Reaper, Ran, at the end of their story, making Byakuran her first 'child'.
In the fourth timeline (Dahlia Dahlet), she marries into the Vongola and becomes Vongola 8th, Daniela's, mother. Daniela is actually also the second Inari, Beta, but that's only vaguely relevant. Beta is replaced by Gamma in the sixth timeline, and continues to serve her all the way through to the seventh timeline so far.
The sixth shopkeeper (Sia Campanula) is the timeline where As the Gods Will's god selection happens -- this timeline is abandoned at the end of their story, where Luce travels back in time, Daisy becomes god, Oregano and Lanchia move on to the seventh timeline, and Killian Campbell joins Byakuran as his Cloud Funeral Wreath.
Since the sixth timeline's been abandoned and the shopkeeper is gone, Gamma has been basically maintaining the balance on his own. Alpha and Delta's stories haven't been written yet, but they will also be canon characters.
Ran (Byakuran) was entrusted with the 100th timeline. But because that's the timeline Irie messed up with his time-travelling experiments, it was destroyed.
Now we have the seventh shopkeeper, Yuuri Nana. This is the canon timeline. It is the timeline with the most amount of dimensional whiplash due to the events of the FMAB installment. to maintain the order, Nana gives up her role as the shopkeeper and marries Iemitsu, settling down and giving birth to the first of her children that's fully human and of this world-- Tsuna.
Since then, Nana's Sky Mare Ring has been entrusted to Byakuran, who now governs the seventh timeline's future. This is because Byakuran made a deal with Ms Sakurai, and now he's ordained by destiny to become the villain of Tsuna's story.
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queenharumiura · 1 year ago
KHR March Birthdays
Fon - 3rd
Kyoko Sasagawa - 4th
Oregano - 5th
Squalo Superbi and Kensuke Mochida - 13th
Byakuran - 14th
Mangusta - 23rd
Nana Sawada - 31st
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acrosstimeandspace · 2 years ago
I know she's a VERY minor character, but Oregano from KHR maybe?
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ooo she’s cute!! i read up a bit about her and she seems really cool! thank you toto!!
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rebornthestage · 5 years ago
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Katekyo Hitman Reborn! The Stage: VS Varia Part II Female Cast ②
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japaneseadventures · 5 years ago
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CEDEF || Katekyo Hitman Reborn! The Stage: VS Varia Part II
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cedefaci · 2 years ago
In which the CEDEF are all Enablers
Oregano advises stress relief through violence
“Compliments of the CEDEF?” Kyoko gave the glaive a few experimental swings. It was perfectly balanced and surprisingly maneuverable in the closed space.
Basil smiled. “Oregano selected the weapon, Lal designed the specifics, and Turmeric arranged the smithing. Master’s accounts paid for it, and now sessha delivers it.”
His smile was inscrutably bland. Suspiciously so.
“You know!” Kyoko pointed an accusing finger at Tsuna’s friend, “You know that I’m staying behind because I don’t want to be protected!”
Basil’s smile became, if possible, even more inscrutably bland. “The External Consultancy compensates for the Main Family’s blind spots. This shall be an educational experience.”
“For whom?” Kyoko narrowed her eyes.
“Victory to thee, Lady Kyoko.” Basil bowed deeply, hand over his heart.
“Very well.” Kyoko sighed, “Please convey my gratitude to the External Consultancy. Good luck to you as well.”
Even if she had worn Tsuna and niisan down into recognizing that she could fight as well as any of them, they would still spend more of their energy trying to keep her away from danger than defending themselves. Haru might have the patience to work around their attempts, but after years of diplomacy, Kyoko was done being circumspect.
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anonymousthe1st · 6 years ago
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‘’basil and oregano scout out the enemy, while tameryuku and I eliminate them and colonello  and lal dispose of the bodies‘’
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rayshippouuchiha · 2 years ago
Hey ray I was just scrolling through ur blog and skimming over the khr watch Wednesday posts and I’ve never seen khr no idea what it’s about but I just wanted to confirm that there is a character named Lal Mirch????? And I’m a native Urdu/ Hindi speaker and Lal Mirch quite literally translates to red chili? Like it’s something I would write on my shopping list. Like does the name relate to the character’s personality or smthn it’s buckwild that there’s just someone in anime named red chili
oh my god Lal Mirch means red chili? that makes so much sense
This is her:
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and she just so happens to work in a group (CEDEF) with people called Basil and Oregano so they really are a spice rack
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what-the-fuck-khr · 6 years ago
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Amano’s March KHR calendar!! ft. Kyoko, Oregano, Nana, Squalo and even Mochida and Mangusta!!
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ciaossu-imagines · 8 months ago
KHR Fandom prompt
Running Music Mix
Thoughts on Enma & Tsuna's friendship
Songs for Gokudera, Squalo, Fran, Kikyo & Xanxus
Disney based KHR Fanmix
Who in KHR prefers to do hair or get their hair done
How do some KHR characters behave at a fancy Mafia Gala
Relationship between Ken, Chrome, and Chikusa
KHR - Assorted Oregano headcanons
KHR - The Arcobaleno camp together
KHR - Elena NSFW headcanons
KHR - Daemon x Elena Fanmix
KHR - Hibari x Mukuro Fanmix
KHR - Who, between Ryohei and Verde, would be better at what
KHR - Reborn x Tsuna Fanmix
KHR - Random Romario headcanon
Vongola Guardians "Which friend' prompt
Shimon Family 'Which friend' prompt
Arcobaleno 'Which friend' prompt
KHR fandom prompt
KHR - What animal would Tsuyoshi Yamamoto be
KHR fandom prompt
Free!! - Makoto Tachibana relationship headcanons
Free!! - Makoto Tachibana assorted SFW & NSFW headcanons
KHR - Tsuyoshi Yamamoto spending the day with his grandchildren
KHR - Tsuyoshi Yamamoto when his son was born
Yu Yu Hakusho fandom prompt
Who out of Bel, Gamma, and Yuni would be best at what
KHR - Uri's reaction to not being able to eat the whole day
KHR - The Bloody Twins background
Karneval fandom prompt
Death Parade Fandom prompt
Overwatch fandom prompt
Who from Karneval & Bungou Stray Dogs would dress up as each other for Halloween
Who from Durarara and Ao no Exorcist would dress up as each other for Halloween
Sailor Moon fandom prompt
Eyeshield 21 fandom prompt
The Arcobaleno competing in a tournament against each other
Oregano's s/o is accidentally killed by a colleague
Who from Tsuna's family is most likely to die in which way
Who from KHR has non-stop puns
KHR fandom prompt
The Kokuyo Gang with a swear jar
X-Men: Evolution fandom prompt
Gokudera/Reader/Tsuna/Yamamoto polyship Fanmix
KHR - Vongola Decimo Generation Coffee Shop AU!
Who from Nanbaka and Katekyo Hitman Reborn would dress up as the other for Halloween?
Who from Boku no Hero Academia and Katekyo Hitman Reborn would dress up as the other for Halloween?
Boku no Hero Academia & KHR Crossover fandom prompt
Eyeshield 21 & KHR crossover fandom prompt
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