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esmeblegvad · 2 years ago
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some more from a lil comic I drew right after my dad died for no reason, which now lives in @arizonathecat (on IG) beautiful new zine Good Grief alongside works from 12 other artists and writers on the process of dealing with death ☺️
Get it here and now, yolo! : https://www.purplediamondtarot.com/product-page/good-grief-a-zine-on-grief
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officialworshipdrummer · 7 years ago
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Incredible #HeartBeforeBeat post from the boss man, @_mikewebber ・・・ preparation ˌprɛpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ [noun] "the action or process of preparing or being prepared for use or consideration." I love changing drum heads... to me, changing the drum head is as much an act of worship as it is to hit the drum; as it is to spend time learning the song well; as it is to spend 4 hours practicing every day for 10 years. #clinic2.0thoughts #TN #wheredoesworshipstartandstop #ordoesit #worshipdrummer #mysisterhatedmepracticingthatmuch
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1craftybruja · 5 years ago
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🤣🤣🤣depends on who you ask🤣🤣🤣 . I need this coffee cup . . . #objects2desirestudio #objects2desire #awesome #funnyshit #sizematters #dependsonwhoyouask #notallthetime #sometimes #needsthiscoffeecup #hahaha #ordoesit #whatthehell #depends #whosays #dependsonwhatyouretalkingabout (at Ruidoso Downs, New Mexico) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4Qf5ykpAGH/?igshid=5ru10a4lfib1
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ladymusic4ever · 7 years ago
You say I can do it.
Do you really think that I can?
I don't feel like I can.
I see the notes, I know they're there.
I want to show you that I can play them.
But can I really?
There's always that voice that says you can't do it.
You're no good.
There's someone better than you.
But I want to keep on fighting.
I don't want to give in to that voice.
I need to fight.
I know that there is someone better.
I know I might screw up.
But I want to keep on trying and failing.
Because every time I fail I can pick myself up again and do better.
Be a better version of me.
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therealagbeast · 5 years ago
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..oh my side. #Thursday #Friday Eve #ThatTearsIt #QuittinTime #with #ThejOker #HatesPaper #PrefersSmokeSignals #LikesBlowingSmoke #ShoutingFireInACrowdedTheatre #hesKindOfAClOwn #HarleyQuinn #NotBigOnPaperWork #GetsItDone #ItsNotRightButItsDone #QuanityOverQuality? #thatDoesntSoundRight? #OrDoesIt? #DCComics #DCUniverse #ComicBooks #ComicArt #ComicMemes #TPSReports #OfficeSpace #MashUP #HasAnyoneSeenMyRedStappler #Meanwhile #TomorrowWeFRIDAY #finally #OhMySide (at Irving, Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3KyOzyAz_-/?igshid=znmqxvrbksy3
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catlyst · 6 years ago
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#TheSunDoesNotSet on the #BritishEmpire, #ordoesit? #Remains(@theEnd)#OfTheDay #march29 #igerscanberra #igersaustralia https://www.instagram.com/catlyst/p/BvlV0LvA9_v/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=140pepvh26gel
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hohfics · 6 years ago
4 years of Korrasami and my sporadically updated fics!
Six years, Asami thought, it had been over six years since she had washed Korra’s hair. Back in those days, Korra’s wheelchair days, the intimacy was not lost on her.
She used to watch her blue eyes turn glassy as she combed the once long locks.
Korra hated the world then, she was few words a day, no smiles, wasting away and oh so bitter. But her hair was soft, the same silky, conditioned and billowed wide and welcoming beneath her when she dipped her head in the bath.
When she slipped under Asami would watch her, at her side, one third of her trio of carers. She was the only one who understood, sometimes the void of underwater was pleasant, but more than that, she understood its importance. A few seconds of listless, weightless oblivion. The Carmaker cradled her best friend’s head beneath the ripples back then, watching the life, if only for a moments, flood back into her eyes.
Other Hellorhogwarts Korrasami (if you’re nasty)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4383635/chapters/9950870 - All These Lines Are Blurring - Vegas AU, Korra and Asami are two bacons in love and don’t know it until, Asami wakes alone one night in vegas, to find a Wedding ring on her finger and her Vegas Bride missing. 
https://archiveofourown.org/works/2892626/chapters/6457085 - Teleporter Korrasami AU  - Jumper Korrasami Timetravel SciFi Romance Best Friends to Lovers 
Other Hellorhogwarts
https://archiveofourown.org/works/4237929/chapters/9587511 - Never Surrender - Cartinelli at Christmas
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babyawacs · 2 years ago
@debian @ubuntu @linux @techpowerup @cnet @tomshardware @xfceofficial @wired @wireduk could..linux... . (withits deep access lowlevel hardwarelayers).... reset a smartphonebattery...that usedup its charging count cycles count (dueto  a shoddycable)  ‎ ordoesit need a programmer board and which usb tool ‎ iwonder how ftrace can find a highlag module suspected in soundcard hmmmm
@debian @ubuntu @linux @techpowerup @cnet @tomshardware @xfceofficial @wired @wireduk could..linux… . (withits deep access lowlevel hardwarelayers)…. reset a smartphonebattery…that usedup its charging count cycles count (dueto  a shoddycable)  ‎ ordoesit need a programmer board and which usb tool ‎ iwonder how ftrace can find a highlag module suspected in soundcard hmmmm
@debian @ubuntu @linux @techpowerup @cnet @tomshardware @xfceofficial @wired @wireduk could..linux…. (withits deep access lowlevel hardwarelayers)…. reset a smartphonebattery…that usedup its charging count cycles count (dueto a shoddycable) ordoesit need a programmer board and which usb tool iwonder how ftrace can find a highlag module suspected in soundcard hmmmm *allmykids:*…
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datelinenbc · 6 years ago
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What happens when Bill Hader meets one of his idols this morning on #SundayToday with @williegeist? Magic. MAGIC HAPPENS. #OrDoesIt #TuneIn #DreamsDoComeTrue #Dateline http://bit.ly/2WIKEVU
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salivatingforthegoodkush · 7 years ago
Trying To Be Cool Pt. DORITOS BRUH
Dude : Hey, do you sniff?
Me : Yeah, bro. Books, bro. All the nerds are on em. It's the type these days.
Dude : uh?
Me : Yeah, bro. Really high grades, ya get, bro.
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running-invisible-shad0ws · 8 years ago
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More truth #truth💯 #trueshit #statement #love #realloveneverdies #ordoesit🤔 #lovequotes
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kxllision · 8 years ago
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Bad boiz. ☠️ #pnwcollective #visuals #letsgosomewhere #pnwonderland #staypnw #vscocam #cigarettes #pnw #myview #canon #50mm #vsco #snoqualmie #rayban #instagood #vibewithme #smokingkills #ordoesit
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therealagbeast · 6 years ago
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...out the DOOR. #Thursday #PreFriday #QuittinTIME #TheKidsAreAlright #Superboy #JonKent #WooHoo #Robin #DamienWayne #WetBlanket #DCComics #DCUniverse #CrimeDoesntSleep #orDoesIt? #Meanwhile #TomorrowWeFRIDAY https://www.instagram.com/p/B0oqJKTAnDu/?igshid=1mpacw3xhh4f0
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opdivis-blog · 8 years ago
This continuous spiral of irony brings up an important moral concern, being if something is so funny it’s actually not, should you even bother making the joke? What, in all sincerity (Which is actually a lie), do I have to gain from this? It certainly doesn’t make me more likable.
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anotiondeepinside · 12 years ago
Biggest Fan in August
New month means you have a new chance to be my biggest fan according to the Twitter activity analysis which I don't really understand and seems to only go back to the past month, but luckily for you my parents don't have a tumblr account and, thus, are not eligible to win this award which doesn't even have a real prize.
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aquestioncalledcrazy · 12 years ago
just cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there
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