#ordoñu i
historywithlaura · 2 years
King of Asturias
(born c. 830 - died 866)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of Asturias, by Eduardo Cano de la Peña from 1852
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Ordoñu was King of Asturias from 850.
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ORDOÑU was born around 830, in an unknown location at the Kingdom of Asturias. He was the eldest son of Infante Ramiru of Asturias and probably of his first wife Urraca, and thus was a member of a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY.
By 842 his cousin Alfonsu II, King os Asturias died and his father was elected as the new Monarch. It was probably on his father accession that he was acknowleged as an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS, even though his grandfather had been Bermudu I, King of Asturias.
His father had to fight the usurper King Nepocianu to finally reign as King Ramiru I. He helped to gather an army of Galician supporters but did not took part on the decisive Battle of Cornellana Bridge, staying in Galicia instead. And following his father's victory he was confirmed as Governor of Galicia.
He married a certain NUÑA, of unknown origins, probably before his father died in 850. They probably had six children (check the list below).
When his father died he became the first Asturian King to inherit the throne and not an elected Monarch, as ORDOÑU I, KING OF ASTURIAS.
At the beginning of his reign he endured a Basque rebellion and Muslim attacks at the Bardulia region. And throughout his reign he continued to fight Muslims in all of his territories.
During his reign he appointed a certain Rodrigo as the first Count of Castile. Some sources believe that he was his half-brother and other say that he was simply a relative.
The King of Asturias died in 866, in Oviedo, the capital of the Kingdom of Asturias. He was probably in his thirties.
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He was succeded on the Asturian throne by his eldest son as King Alfonsu III.
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Check my posts about ORDOÑU I's family, his Royal House and his Kingdom!
ORDOÑU I and his wife NUÑA may have had six children...
Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - possible husband of Ximena Gartzeitz;
Fruela Ordóñez - probably unmarried;
probably Nuño Ordóñez - possible husband of Asura Díaz;
Bermudo Ordóñez - possible husband of Gontrada;
Odoario Ordóñez - probably unmarried; and
possibly Leodegundia Ordóñez - possible wife of Gartzia I Enekoitz, King of Pamplona.
He was a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty.
And was the King of Asturias between 850-66.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of Asturias
(born c. 848/49 - died 910)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of Asturias, by Eduardo Cano de la Peña from 1852
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Alfonsu was King of Asturias from 866.
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ALFONSU was born around 848-49, on an unknown location at the Kingdom of Asturias.
His parents were Infante Ordoñu of Asturias and his wife Nuña, and he was a member of a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY. His name was ALFONSU ORDÓÑEZ, meaning Alfonsu son of Ordoñu.
By 850 his grandfather Ramiru I, King of Asturias died and his father immediatly succeeded as King Ordoñu I. And probably on his father's accession he became an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS.
When his father died in 866 he succeded as ALFONSU III, KING OF ASTURIAS, but a certain Count Froila from Galicia tried to usurp his throne. He then fled to Álava and was only able to regain control over Asturias a few months later, after Count Froila was killed.
However unlike King Nepocianu, the other defeated usurper of the Asturian throne, Count Froila is not considered to have been King of Asturias.
He married a certain Ximena around 860-70, so it is not known if he was already King or not at the time of his wedding. They probably had eight children (check the list below), at least five sons and three daughters.
As some sources believe that his wife was a Navarrese Royal, one of the daughters of Gartzia I Enekoitz, King of Pamplona and his first wife Urraka, the marriage could have been arranged as an alliance between Asturias and the newly established Kingdom of Pamplona.
Early in his reign he conquered Oporto (currently in Portugal) and for two decades he fought the Emirate of Córdoba, over old and new Asturian terriories, until they finally made peace around 884.
In the early 900s his internal problems began as his family started to rebel. Some sources believe that in 909 his eldest son Infante García tried to took the power with the support of his mother and brothers around 909 but was defeated and imprisoned.
However theses sources also believe that his family forced him to abdicate in 910, before his death, and the Kingdom of Asturias was divided between his eldest sons. After which the capital of the Kingdom was changed from Oviedo to the city of León.
The King of Asturias died sometime in 910, in Zamora, when he was returning from a battle, probably against his sons. He was probably already in his sixties.
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Though, sources diverge on when his sons took the power and divided the Kingdom. Some believe he was forced to abdicate before his death and others believe that his sons only inherited the Kingdom after his death.
Each of his three eldest sons received:
Infante García - received León, Álava and Castille and became known as King of León;
Infante Ordoñu - received Galicia and became known as King of Galicia;
Infante Fruela - received the remainder of Asturias, around Oviedo, and became known as King of Asturias.
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Check my posts on ALFONSU III's family, his Royal House and his Kingdom!
ALFONSU III and his wife XIMENA may have had eight children...
García I, King of León - husband of Muniadona;
Ordoñu II, King of León - husband first (possibly) of an unknown woman, second of Elvira Méndez, third of Aragonta González and fourth of Antsa Santxitz of Pamplona;
Fruela II, King of Asturias - husband first to Nunilo Jimena and (possibly) second of an unknown Muslim woman;
Infante Ramiro of Asturias - possible husband of Urraca;
Infante Gonzalo of Asturias - probably unmarried;
possibly Sancha Alfónsez - nothing is known about her;
possibly an unnamed daughter - nothing is known about her; and
possibly another unnamed daughter - nothing is known about her.
He was a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty.
And was the King of Asturias between 866-900.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born c. 953 - died 999)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of León, by Gerónimo Fresno from 1851
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Bermudo was a great-great-grandson of Alfonsu III, one of the last Kings of Asturias from 866. Also, his great-grandfather Ordoñu II, King of León is considered to have been King of Asturias from 914, though he kept his base at León.
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BERMUDO was born around 953, at an unknown location in the Kingdom of León. His father was Ordoño III, King of León but his mother's identity is uncertain. To this day his origins are a mistery as it is not certain if he was born legitimate or illegitimate.
Some sources that consider him to have been legitimate believe that his mother was his father's recorded wife Urraca Fernández.
Though other sources believe that he was born during the period in which his father was separated from Urraca. So, to support his legitimacy they believe that his father could have married another unrecorded woman.
And another theory is that his mother was a mistress of his father, a certain Elvira.
He was a member of the Ordóñez Dynasty branch of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY, either from the legitimate or an illegitimate line.
His name was BERMUDO ORDÓÑEZ and as his legitimacy is not certain it is not known if he was considered an INFANTE OF LEÓN from birth.
Nothing is known of his early life, except that when his father died in 956 his half-uncle inherited the throne as King Sancho I. And it is believed that he lived at the Leonese court during the reign of his first cousin King Ramiro III, who inherited the throne in 966.
Probably before 981 he married a certain VELASQUITA, of uncertain origins, and they possibly had one daughter (check below). Sources diverge on who could have been her father, but as it is widely believed that her name was Velasquita Ramírez she could have been of Galician nobility as one of the daughters of Ramiro Menendiz and Adosinda Guterres.
There are also sources that believe that his wife could have been an unrecorded daughter of a previous Monarch of León, but these theories cannot be proven. These sources say that she could have been a daughter of either:
King Ordoño IV and most certainly his recorded wife Urraca Fernández (one of the womans believed to be the mother of Bermudo, so if this theory is correct Bermudo's mother must be another woman);
King Ramiro II and probably one of his wife's, either Adosinda Gutiérrez or Urraka Santxitz of Pamplona; or
King Ramiro III and his wife Sancha Gómez.
Also, another source suggests that his wife was one of the daughters of García Fernández, Count of Castile and Ava of Ribagorza.
It is believed that he married Velasquita before 981 because around 981-82 he was proclaimed and crowned as a rival KING OF GALICIA, by the nobility of Galicia and Portugal that was unsatisfied with the government of his cousin King Ramiro III.
His proclamation led to war between Galicia-Portugal and Castile-León, and the Kingdom of León was divided in two factions until the death of King Ramiro II in 985.
After his cousin died he succeeded as BERMUDO II, KING OF LEÓN, possibly because his cousin did not have legitimate heirs.
However peace between the two factions was not immediately achieved and he relied on the protection of the Caliphate of Córdoba, leaving to more dissatisfaction amongst the nobility over the next years. And over the years he also had to fight Muslim invaders.
Some sources believe that he repudiated his wife after Christmas Eve of 988, because that was the last time she was mentioned in a chart.
By 991 he married for a second time to ELVIRA, of Castilian nobility, and they possibly had four children (check the list below). She was one of the daughters of García Fernández, Count of Castile and Ava of Ribagorza, and according to some sources a sister of his first wife. He also had many illegitimate children.
At the end of his life his gout got worse and the King of León died in 999, at El Bierzo. He was probably in his fourties.
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Following his death he was succeeded by his eldest legitimate son as King Alfonso V. However as his son was aged around five, his second wife Elvira and her brother Sancho García, Count of Castile tried to govern the Kingdom of León.
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BERMUDO II had one child with a certain VELASQUITA... either his first wife or a mistress...
Cristina Bermúdez - wife of Ordoño Ramírez.
With his second wife ELVIRA he may have had four children...
Sancha Bermúdez - a nun;
Teresa Bermúdez - possible wife of Abdullah, King of Toledo or Almnswr bin Aby Eamr;
Alfonso V, King of León - husband first of Elvira Méndez and second of Urraka Gartzeitz of Pamplona; and
possibly Elvira Bermúdez - probably married.
And he had many illegitimate children...
Pelayo Bermúdez - probably unmarried;
Ordoño Bermúdez - husband of Fronilde Peláez;
Bermudo Bermúdez - probably unmarried;
Piniolo Bermúdez - probably unmarried;
Elvira Bermúdez - possible wife of Nuño García;
Sancha Bermúdez - probably married.
It is not certain if Elvira was her daughter or an illegitimate offspring of her husband.
After King Bermudo II died in 999, Elvira may have acted as Regent for her son King Alfonso V with the support of her brother Sancho García, Count of Castile, although the real power was exercised by Mendo Gundisalviz, Count of Portugal.
By the mid 1010s her influence over her son may have decrease and she died in 1017, in an unknown location.
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Check my posts on BERMUDO II's family, his Royal House and his connections to the Kings of Asturias!
He was born a member of the Ordóñez Dynasty branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty.
In a span of five generations, ORDOÑO III was related to the Kings of Asturias through his father…
His father was Ordoño III, King of León.
His grandfather was Ramiro II, King of León.
His great-grandfather was Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
His 2x-great-grandfather was Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - the King of Asturias between 866-910.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born c. 926 - died 956)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of León, by Isidoro Lozano from 1852
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Ordoño was a great-grandson of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. Some sources consider that his grandfather Ordoñu II, King of León was also King of Asturias from 914, although ruling from León.
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ORDOÑO was born around 926, somewhere at the Kingdom of León. He was the second son of Infante Ramiro of León and his first wife Adosinda Gutiérrez. As at the time of his birth his father may have already been the ruler of the County of Portugal he could have been born there.
He was a member of the Ordóñez Dynasty branch of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY and was named ORDOÑO RAMÍREZ, meaning Ordõno son of Ramiro.
In the 930s a lot happened in his life. By 930 his father probably reputiaded his mother. While in 931 his father succeeded as Ramiro II, King of León and he became an INFANTE OF LEÓN. And around 932-34 his father remarried to Urraka Santxitz of Pamplona.
Around 944 he marrried URRACA, of Castilian nobility. She was a niece of his stepmother as one of the daughters of Fernán González, Count of Castile and Antsa Santxitz of Pamplona. They possibly had one son.
Very little is known about his life before his father's death in 951, when he succeeded as ORDOÑO III, KING OF LEÓN because his older brother was already dead.
Though his succession was challenged by his younger half-brother Infante Sancho with the support of the Count of Castile and the Kingdom of Pamplona.
So some sources believe that because his father-in-law the Count of Castile supported his half-brother's claim over his own he reputiaded his wife around 952-53.
As it is believed that his only son was born during the period in which he was separated from Urraca, some sources believe that the mother of this child could have been an unrecorded second wife or a mistress.
Trying to work out a plausible maternal ancestry for his son, some sources believe that the mother of this child could have been a certain ELVIRA, one of the daughters of Pelayo González, Count of Deza and Hermesinda Guterrez.
But as these speculations clash out with his recorded wife having been mentioned again in charters from June 954, it is believed that he probably reconciled to Urraca before that.
Hence there are no consensus over who was the real mother of his only child or if he was legitimate or illegitimate.
It is believed that he could have probably reconciled with his wife do to the Count of Castile having changed sides and having began to support his claim over the throne.
At the beginning of his reign he also had to endure internal rebellions and Muslim attacks, but succeeded in signing a truce with the Muslims from the Caliphate of Córdoba.
Also during his reign the Kingdom of León continued to have problems with the growing power independence of the County of Castile and he ended up briefly making piece with his father-in-law.
The King of León died in Zamora, in 956, probably already in his thirties.
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After he died his half-brother could finally become King Sancho I, as the uncontested Monarch of León, probably because his only son was still a child.
However, around 958 his half-brother was deposed and King Ordoño III's widow was married by her father to the new King Ordoño IV (a cousin of King Ordoño III). Not long after, she would also end up becoming a Queen Consort of Pamplona through her third marriage to King Antso II.
By 985 his only son could finally inherit the Kingdom as Bermudo II, King of León. And it is through his son that all subsequent Monarchs of León and Spain are his descendants, and also all Monarchs of Castile since 1065.
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Check my posts about ORDOÑO III's family, his Royal House and his connections to the Kings of Asturias!
ORDOÑO III had one child... either legitimate or illegitimate
With his wife URRACA, an unrecorded second wife or a mistress...
Bermudo II, King of León - husband first (possibly) of Velasquita and second of Elvira of Castile.
He was born a member of the Ordóñez Dynasty branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty.
In a span of four generations, ORDOÑO III was related to the Kings of Asturias through his father…
His father was Ramiro II, King of León.
His grandfather was Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
His great-grandfather was Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - the King of Asturias between 866-910.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born before 897 - died 951)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of Asturias, by Rufino Casado from 1852
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Ramiro was a grandson of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. His father Ordoñu II, King of León is considered by some sources to have been King of Asturias from 914, though León was his base.
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RAMIRU was probably born before 897, on an unknown location at the Kingdom of Asturias. He was one of the sons of Infante Ordoñu of Asturias and Elvira Méndez.
Probably born during the reign of his grandfather Alfonsu III, King of Asturias he was a member of a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY and was named RAMIRU ORDÓÑEZ, meaning Ramiru son of Ordõnu.
During his childhood his father and uncles rebelled against his grandfather, who by 910 either abdicated or died. And at that time his uncle became García I, King of León and his father became the King of Galicia, founding another branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty the Ordóñez Dynasty.
By 914 his uncle died without children and his father inherited his territories as Ordoñu II, King of León. But as some sources say that his uncle was also the King of the whole of Asturias, his father could also have become the King of Asturias. So he became an INFANTE OF LEÓN and possibly an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS.
In 924, when his father died, his older brothers were not considered to succeed to the throne. And instead his uncle Fruela II, King of Asturias became the ruler of León and Galicia.
When his uncle died in 925 a civil war arose as the Infante and his brothers began to fight their cousins, the sons of the late King Fruela II.
As he and his brothers received Gallician support during the civil war, it is believed that he married ADOSINDA around 925. She was from Gallician nobility, one of the daughters of Gutierre Osóriz, Count in Galicia and Aldonza Méndez. They were first cousins through their mothers, who were sisters, and possibly had three children (check the list below).
He and his brothers were victorious at the civil war and by late 925/early 926 his two older brothers became Sancho, King of Galicia and Alfonso IV, King of León. While he got the County of Portugal, but did not use the title of Count of Portugal.
Though his eldest brother King Sancho died without heirs around 929 and Galicia returned to the government of the Kingdom of León, under his other brother King Alfonso IV.
Some sources believe that he reputiaded his wife Adosinda around 930, because she was not acknowleged as Queen Consort when he succeeded as RAMIRO II, KING OF LEÓN around 931, after the abdication of his brother King Alfonso IV. He ruled as King of León and over Asturias, Galicia and Portugal.
However the former King, who had became a monk, soon regretted the abdication and tried to reclaim the throne, briefly managing to take León. Though he ultimately defeated his brother, imprisoned and blinded him.
Although it is not certain if he was still marrried to his first wife at the time of the abdication, it is known that around 932-34 he married again, to URRAKA. She was a Navarrese Royal as one of the daughters of Antso I, King of Pamplona and Tota Aznaritz. With her he had two children (check the list below).
Two of his second wife's sisters had already been Queen Consorts of León as wife's of his father and brother King Alfonso IV, so he may have decided to marry her to renew the Leonese-Navarrese alliance.
Over the years he fought the Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula, sometimes with Castilian, Navarrese and Aragonese support, and was known by the Muslims as "the Devil".
It was during his reign that Fernán González, Count of Castile took advantage of the neglection of Castilian lands by the government of León, to gain power over other eastern territories like Burgos and Álava. Thus creating the basis for the future Kingdom of Castile that would be ruled by descendants of both King Ramiro II and the Count of Castile.
The King of León died in early 951, probably at León, the capital of the Kingdom. He was probably at least in his fifties.
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After his death he was succeeded by his oldest surviving son as King Ordoño III. But the succession did not went smoothly and another of his sons Infante Sancho fought his half-brother, eventually succeeding as King Sancho I.
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Check my posts on RAMIRO II's family, his Royal House and his connections to the Kings of Asturias!
RAMIRO II and his first wife ADOSINDA may have had three children...
Bermudo Ramírez - probably unmarried;
Ordoño III, King of León - husband of Urraca Fernández; and
possibly Teresa Ramírez - possible wife of Gartzia II Santxitz, King of Pamplona.
With his second wife URRAKA he had two recorded children...
Sancho I, King of León - husband of Teresa Ansúrez; and
Elvira Ramírez, Regent of León - a nun.
And he may have had another child... either legitimate or illegitimate...
possibly Velasquita Ramírez - wife of Bermudo II, King of León.
He was born a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty and became a member of another line, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
In a span of three generations, RAMIRO II was related to the Kings of Asturias through his father…
His father was Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
His grandfather was Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - the King of Asturias between 866-910.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born c. 891/94 - died c. 933)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of Asturias, by Eduardo Cano de la Peña from c. 1851
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Alfonso was a grandson of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. Some sources consider his father Ordoñu II, King of León to also have been King of Asturias from 914, though he was based in León.
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ALFONSU's birth is estimated to have occurred around 891-94, at the Kingdom of Asturias. He was the second son of Infante Ordoñu of Asturias and either an early unrecorded wife of his father or Elvira Méndez, the first recorded wife of his father.
Like his older brother Sancho Ordóñez he was not mentioned in some charts as son of Elvira, so some sources believe that she was not his mother.
He was probably born during the reign of his grandfather Alfonsu III, King of Asturias and thus he was born a member a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY. He was named ALFONSU ORDÓÑEZ, meaning Alfonsu son of Ordoñu.
In 910 his father became King of Galicia following his grandfather's abdication or death. And on this occasion his father founded another branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty, the Ordóñez Dynasty, of which he became a member.
By 914 his uncle García I, King of León died and his father succeeded him as Ordoñu II, King of León. Though, as some sources believe that his uncle was King of Asturias, his father may have also succeeded as such. So on his father's accession he became an INFANTE OF LEÓN and possibly an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS.
Possibly as part of an alliance between his father and the King of Pamplona, in 923 he was married to ONEKA. Her name was Oneka Santxitz, because she was one of the daughthers of Antso I, King of Pamplona and Tota Aznaritz. They had at least two children (check the list below). And probably around that same time his father also married to one of her sisters, Antsa Santxitz.
When his father died in 924 neither him or his brothers inherited anything. Instead his uncle reunited the territories of León, Galicia and the remainder of Asturias under one ruler, himself as Fruela II, King of Asturias. Though his uncle's reign only lasted for over a year, until he died in 925.
So he and his brothers began fighting their cousins, the sons of the late King, over the Astur-Leonese succession. His brothers gathered Galician support while he as a son-in-law of the King of Pamplona got the support of the Navarrese.
By early 926 him and his brothers had already won the war, divided the Astur-Leonese territories between themselves and expelled their cousins the Froilaz brothers to eastern Asturias.
His older brother became Sancho, King of Galicia, while his younger brother Infante Ramiro received the government of the County of Portugal, and he became ALFONSO IV, KING OF LEÓN.
As the Kingdom of León was the most powerful realm, both of his brothers were subjected to him. And around 929, when her brother King Sancho died, Galicia was merged to León under his rulership.
Though, when his wife died around 931 he was devastated and decided to abdicate. As his only eldest son was still a child, the succession of the Astur-Leonese Kingdoms fell to his brother, who became Ramiro II, King of León.
After his abdication he took the vows as a monk at the Monastery of San Benito, in Sahagún. But a couple of months later he regreted his decision and tried to win his throne back.
And with the support of his cousins the Froilaz brothers he tried to remove his brother from the throne. But they were all captured, blinded and imprisoned for life.
The former King of Asturias died around 933, probably imprisoned at the Monastery of Saint Julian and Saint Basilissa, in Ruiforco de Torío at the Kingdom of León. He was probably around his late thirties or early fourties.
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Little is known of the fate of his children after his death. However it is known that in the 950s his eldest son got to briefly rule as Ordoño IV, King of León.
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Check my posts on ALFONSO IV's family, his Royal House and his connections to the Kings of Asturias!
ALFONSU IV and his wife ONEKA had two recorded children...
Ordoño IV, King of León - husband first of Urraca Fernández and second (possibly) of an unknown woman; and
Fruela Ordóñez - probably unmarried.
He was born a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty and became a member of another line, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
In a span of three generations, ALFONSO IV was related to the Kings of Asturias through his father…
His father was Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
His grandfather was Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - the King of Asturias between 866-910.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born c. 871 - died 914)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of León, by Mariano de la Roca y Delgado from 1852
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: García was a son of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. And some sources consider him to have become King of Asturias in 910, though he was based in León.
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GARCÍA was born around 871, on an unknown location at the Kingdom of Asturias. He was the eldest son of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias and his wife Ximena.
Because his name was uncommon in Asturias it is believed that his mother was of Navarrese origins, probably a daughter of Gartzia I Enekoitz, King of Pamplona.
He was born a member of a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY and was an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS from birth.
Little is known about his life before the 900s.
Around 909 he rebelled against his father with the support of his mother and brothers.
Sometime before 910 he married a certain MUNIADONA. She may have been a daughter of Munio Núñez, Count of Castile and his wife. They do not have any recorded children.
The Count of Castile, his possible father-in-law, supported him in his attempt to depose his father, though the plot was discovered and he ended up imprisoned by his father.
Some sources believe that in 910 he and his brothers finally succeeded in getting their father deposed and divided the Kingdom of Asturias between them. However other sources believe that the Kingdom was only partitioned after the death of his father yet in 910.
Even though it is uncertain when and how he became King, sometime in 910 he did became either the KING OF ASTURIAS and/or just the KING OF LEÓN. As he was the eldest son, sources diverge on if he was in fact the rightful heir of his father and succeded as King of Asturias based at the city of León, or if his title was simply King of León.
Sources that believe that he succeded as King of Asturias think that his brothers Infante Ordoñu and Infante Fruela only inherited Galicia and the region around Oviedo, respectively. And that he changed the capital of the Kingdom of Asturias, to León.
However the sources that believe that he was simply the King of León think that in 910 his brothers also became Ordoñu, King of Galicia and Fruela II, King of Asturias.
Either way, his brothers were subjected to him as he held the most powerful realm.
At the early days of 914 the King of León died, in Zamora. He was probably in his fourties.
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As he did not have any children, after he died his territories were inherited by his brother the King of Galicia, who in turn became Ordoñu II, King of León and possibly also King of Asturias. And thus Galicia was reunited again with León.
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Check my posts about GARCÍA I's Royal House and the Kingdom of Asturias!
He was a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty.
And was possibly the King of Asturias between 910-14.
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historywithlaura · 3 years
A brief History... of the first Christian Kingdom in the Iberian Peninsula...
(founded c. 718-22 - defunct 10th century)
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pictured above is a map of the Iberian Peninsula during the reign of Alfonsu I, King of Asturias, from 750
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: a new series of posts about the known descendants of the Medieval Kings of Asturias, limited to great-grandchildren (otherwise I would be posting about them forever).
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The KINGDOM OF ASTURIAS was the first Christian Kingdom of the Iberian Peninsula. It was founded around 718-22, after the Asturian people won the Battle of Covadonga against the Moors of the Umayyad Caliphate. This new Kingdom initially occupied territories around the Cantabrian Mountains (in modern day Spain).
After their victory the Astures elected their leader during the battle, Don Pelayu, as the first King of Asturias. And on his accession the new King founded the Astur-Leonese Dynasty, that ruled the Kingdom until the latter's final years.
Over the following years King Alfonsu I started the expansion of the Kingdom to south, and west to Galicia (part of modern day Northern Portugal). These expansions were the early years of the Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula, first started by the Kings of Asturias.
Some sources say that the Asturian Monarchs were called PRINCEPS until the 8th century, when King Alfonsu II started to be recorded as REX.
Until the 9th century the Kingdom continued to be an ELECTIVE MONARCHY, becoming a HEREDITARY MONARCHY after King Ramiru I acceded to the throne in 842.
In the 9th century King Ordoñu I created the County of Castile in the eastern part of the Kingdom, and years later his son King Alfonsu III created the County of Portugal in the southwest of Asturias.
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pictured above is a map of the Iberian Peninsula during the reign of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias, from 910
At the beginning of the 900s the sons of King Alfonsu III started to rebel against him and some sources believe that before the death of the King in 910 they partitioned the Kingdom of Asturias between them. They founded two separate realms for themselves: the Kingdom of León and the Kingdom of Galicia.
García I, King of León (the eldest son) - moved the capital of his realm to the city of León;
Ordoñu II, King of Galicia (the second son) - inherited the Galician territories; and
Fruela II, King of Asturias (the youngest son) - inherited the Asturian territories around the city of Oviedo.
These new Kingdoms were supposed to be independent countries, but History decided on the contrary, as in 924 the last surviving brother King Fruela II reunited all three Kingdoms under his rule.
However when King Fruela II died in 925 the Kingdom of León was already the most important of the three realms and the Kingdom of Asturias was eventually supplanted. So that was its end!
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Check my posts on the Monarchs of the KINGDOM OF ASTURIAS and their Royal House!
A list of the Kings of Asturias...
Pelayu I, King of Asturias - between c. 718/22-37;
Favila, King of Asturias - between 737-39;
Alfonsu I, King of Asturias - between 739-c.57;
Fruela I, King of Asturias - between c.757-68;
Aureliu, King of Asturias - between 768-73;
Silu, King of Asturias - between 773-83.;
Alfonsu II, King of Asturias - in 783 and between 791-842;
Mauregatu, King of Asturias - between 783-88;
Bermudu I, King of Asturias - between 788-91;
Nepocianu, King of Asturias - possibly in 842;
Ramiru I, King of Asturias - between 842-50;
Ordoñu I, King of Asturias - between 850-66;
Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - between 866-910;
García I, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 910-14;
Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24; and
Fruela II, King of Asturias - between 924-25.
They were members of one Royal House...
Astur-Leonese Dynasty - this House ruled between c. 718/22-925.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born c. 926 - died 962)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of Asturias, an excerpt of the book "Libro de los Privilegios de la Catedral de Santiago, Álbum de Reyes"
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Ordoño was a great-grandson of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. Also his grandfather Ordoñu II, King of León is considered by some sources to have been King of Asturias from 914, reigning from León.
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ORDOÑO was born around 926, on an unrecorded location in the Iberian Peninsula. He was the eldest son of Alfonso IV, King of León and Oneka Santxitz of Pamplona, and thus was a member of the Ordónez Dynasty, a branch of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY.
It is not known if he was born before or after his father became the King of León by the end of 925/early 926. So he could have been an INFANTE OF LEÓN since he was born.
Nothing is known about his childhood either that, after his mother's death around 931 his father abdicated. And as he and his brother Infante Fruela were still very young they were not considered to succeed on the Leonese throne and his uncle became the new King Ramiro II.
Following the abdication his father retired to a monastery, unsuccesfully tried to retake the throne and was imprisoned, dying around 933. But while these events happened, the fates of him and his brother are unknown.
As the eldest son he was probably born to become King one day. However do to the abdication of his father he had a long path towards the Monarchy.
A lot happened at the Kingdom of León during the 950s. In 951 his uncle died and the throne was inherited by one of his cousin's, who acceded as King Ordoño III. However when King Ordoño III died in 956 the throne did not pass to his son, instead it passed to another of King Ramiro II's sons, who ruled as King Sancho I.
Probably between 956-58 he married to his first cousin, URRACA, who happened to be the widow of his cousin King Ordoño III. She was of Castilian origins as one of the daughters of Fernán González, Count of Castile and Antsa Santxitz of Pamplona. They did not have any recorded children, but some sources believe that they had one daughter (check below).
He probably got married to her because the Count of Castile switched alliances between the two lines of the Ordóñez Dynasty, as he had been an ally of King Sancho I and decided to give his support to Infante Ordoño instead.
And so when King Sancho I was deposed by the nobility in 958, his father-in-law probably supported his election as the new Monarch. However he only reigned as ORDOÑO IV, KING OF LEÓN until 960, when King Sancho I reconquered León with Navarrese and Muslim support.
After his deposition King Sancho I probably banned him and he fled to Asturias and later to the Caliphate of Córdoba, where he unsuccessfully sought support to try to recover the Leonese throne.
So it is believed that the former King of Asturias died in 962, at the Caliphate of Córdoba. He was probably in his thirties.
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When he fled to the Caliphate of Córdoba he abandoned his wife, who after his alleged death in 962 married for the third time. And in 970 her new husband succeeded as Antso II, King of Pamplona.
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Check my posts about ORDOÑO IV's family, his Royal House and his connections to the Kings of Asturias!
ORDOÑO IV's and his wife URRACA may have had one child...
possibly Velasquita Ordóñez - wife of Bermudo II, King of León.
He was born a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty and became a member of another line, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
In a span of four generations, ORDOÑO IV was related to the Kings of Asturias through his father…
His father was Alfonso IV, King of León.
His grandfather was Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
His great-grandfather was Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - the King of Asturias between 866-910.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of Galicia
(born c. 890/93 - died after 929)
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pictured above is the signature of the King of Galicia, an excerpt of the book “Firmas de los reyes de España" by Jesús Muñoz y Rivero from 1887, as there are no known portraits depicting him
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Sancho was a grandson of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. His father King Ordoñu II of León is also considered by some sources to have been King of Asturias from 914, although based in León.
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SANCHO may have been born around 890-93, somewhere at the Kingdom of Asturias. He was the eldest son of Infante Ordoñu of Asturias and his mother was either an unrecorded first wife of his father or his father's first recorded wife Elvira Méndez.
Although it is widely believed that his mother was Elvira, some sources suggest the other case as he was not mentioned in some charts as Elvira's son.
Probably born during the reign of his grandfather Alfonsu III, King of Asturias, he was a member of a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY. His name was SANCHO ORDÓÑEZ, meaning Sancho son of Ordoñu.
Nothing is known about his early life, at least until the 910s.
His father succeeded as King of Galicia in 910, either because his grandfather abdicated or died. And on his father's accession he became a member of another branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty founded by his father, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
When his uncle García I, King of León died in 914, his father also succeeded as Ordoñu II, King of León, so he became an INFANTE OF LEÓN. As some sources consider that both his uncle and his father were also Kings of Asturias he may have been an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS too.
At early 924 his father died and the inheritance did not pass to him or to his brothers. Instead another of his uncles succeeded as Fruela II, King of Asturias, who reunited the territores of the old Kingdom of Asturias (comprising León, Galicia and the remainder of Asturias).
Throughout the reign of his father and uncle he is not recorded to have held any significant roles.
After his uncle died in 925 a succession crisis arose. On one side were Sancho and his brothers (known as the Ordóñez brothers) and on the other side were his uncle's sons (known as the Froilaz brothers).
The Ordóñez brothers got the support of Galician nobility and the Kingdom of Pamplona, while the Froilaz brothers received the support of eastern Asturian nobility.
He probably married to GOTO during the civil war, as she was of Galician nobility and her relatives were on the Ordóñez brother's side. Though, he may have married her sometime after their victory, but before 927.
Her name was Goto Muñiz because she was one of the daughters of one of his supporters Count Munio Guterrez, Lord of Amaía and Elvira Arias, and they did not have any recorded children.
By the end of 925/early 926, the Ordóñez brothers were already victorious. At that time he was the official KING OF GALICIA, his second brother was ruling as Alfonso IV, King of León and his youngest brother Infante Ramiro had received the government of the County of Portugal.
While the Froilaz brothers had to take refuge with their supporters in eastern Asturias.
Though as ruler of Galicia he was subordinated to his brother the King of León and he may have not used the title of King, instead calling himself Princeps.
In June 929 the King of Galicia was last mentioned in a chart, so although his death was not recorded it is believed that he must have died around that time, probably in the Kingdom of Galicia. He was probably in his thirties.
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Following his death, Galicia returned to the government of León under his brother King Alfonso IV and would remain attached to the Kingdom of León.
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Check my posts about SANCHO's Royal House and his connections to the Kings of Asturias!
He was born a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty and became a member of another line, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
In a span of three generations, SANCHO was related to the Kings of Asturias through his father…
His father was Ordoñu II, King of León - possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
His grandfather was Alfonsu III, King of Asturias - the King of Asturias between 866-910.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of León
(born c. 873 - died 924)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of León, by Isidoro Lozano from 1852
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Ordoñu was a son of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias from 866. Though some sources consider him to have also succeeded as King of Asturias in 914.
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ORDOÑU was born around 873, on an unknown location at the Kingdom of Asturias. He was the second son of Alfonsu III, King of Asturias and his wife Ximena, and thus was a member of a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY and an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS from birth.
As a young boy he was sent to be educated in Zaragoza at the Caliphate of Córdoba, where he lived at the Court of the Banu Qasi Dynasty.
During his youth he participated in the government of Galicia and in military campaigns against the Muslims.
Some sources suggest that he may have married an unrecorded woman probably before or in the 890s, because there are charts that do not mention his first recorded wife as the mother of his two eldest sons. If this speculation is correct, with this woman he possibly had two children (check the list below).
His first recorded wife was ELVIRA, with whom he married around 890-900. Her name was Elvira Méndez, because she was one of the daughters of Hermenexildo Gotérrez, Count of Coimbra and Ermesinda Gatónez. It is widely believed that she could have been the mother of all of his six possible children (check the list below), although the two eldest may have not been her's.
By 909 he and his brothers rebelled against their father. And by 910 the territories of the Kingdom of Asturias were divided between him and two of his brothers, either because his father abdicated or died.
After the partition of the Kingdom he became KING OF GALICIA, while his older brother became the García I, King of León (and possibly inherited the title of King of Asturias) and his youngest brother inherited the territories of the region of Oviedo (also possibly becoming Fruela II, King of Asturias).
Though he and his youngest brother were subjected to the authority of his eldest brother, whith whom he did not have a good relationship.
On his accession as King of Galicia in 910 he founded another branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
In 914 his older brother died childless and he inherited his territories, becoming ORDOÑU II, KING OF LEÓN and possibly KING OF ASTURIAS.
At the early years of his reign he allied with Antso I, King of Pamplona against the Muslims of the Emirate of Córdoba.
Around 922 he married his second recorded wife ARAGONTA. Her name was Aragonta González as she was one of the daughers of Gonzalo Betótez, Count of Deza and Teresa Eriz. Though he repudiated her a couple of months later and they did not have any children.
And so in 923, he married his third recorded wife ANTSA. Her name was Antsa Santxitz as she was one of the daughters of Antso I, King of Pamplona and Tota Aznaritz. But with her he also did not have any children.
His last marriage was probably negotiated as an alliance between León and Pamplona, because on that same year his son Infante Alfonso was also married to his wife's older sister Oneka Santxitz of Pamplona.
The King of León died in early 924, probably at his capital, the city of León. He was probably already in his fifties.
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When he died, none of his sons succeeded him. Instead his brother King Fruela II became the new King of León, thus unifying all territories of the old Kingdom of Asturias.
But after his brother died, over a year later in 925, his sons and nephews ended up fighting for power, in a civil war that his sons ended up victorius.
Their victory made him a direct ancestor of all the subsequent Monarchs of León, Castile and Spain, including Felipe VI, the current King of Spain. And also an ancestor of the Kings of Aragón since the 15th century.
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Check my posts on ORDOÑU II's family, his Royal House and the Kingdom of Asturias!
ORDOÑU II had two children...
With his probable unrecorded first wife or with his first recorded wife ELVIRA...
Sancho Ordóñez, King of Galicia - husband of Goto Muñiz; and
Alfonso IV, King of León - husband of Oneka Santxitz of Pamplona.
And with his first recorded wife ELVIRA he may have had other four children...
Ramiro II, King of León - husband first of Adosinda Gutiérrez and second of Urraka Santxitz of Pamplona;
Jimena Ordóñez - probably unmarried;
García Ordóñez - probably unmarried; and
possibly Auria Ordóñez - possible wife of Count Nepocianu Díaz.
He was born a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty and founded another line, the Ordóñez Dynasty.
And was possibly the King of Asturias between 914-24.
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historywithlaura · 2 years
King of Asturias
(born circa 790 - died 850)
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pictured above is an imagined portrait of the King of Asturias, by Isidoro Lozano from 1852
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Ramiru was King of Asturias from 842.
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RAMIRU was born around 790, at the town of Oviedo in the Kingdom of Asturias. He was the eldest son of Bermudu I, King of Asturias and his wife.
He was a member of a branch line of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY and was an INFANTE OF ASTURIAS from birth.
When he was probably still a baby, in 791, his father abdicated and do to his age the Asturian nobility chose another person to assume the role of King of Asturias. The chosen one was a cousin, who ruled as King Alfonsu II and had already been elected as King once in 842, but had been dethroned.
It is believed that he married a certain URRACA before 830. Although some sources say that she was his second wife, it is her that is mentioned as being the mother of his eldest son Infante Ordoñu, so it is widely believed that she was in fact his first wife. She was of unknown origins and they had one recorded son and possibly another son (check the list below).
Little is known of his life before 842, when his cousin King Alfonsu II died.
Although some sources call his first wife Queen Urraca, she may have died before his accession as King in 842, as it is believed that when his cousin died he was away from Asturias because he went to the Bardulia region to get married to a certain PATERNA. But his second wedding may have happened sometime around 842-44.
His second wife may have been of Castilian origins (although Castile did not technically exist yet and that region was called Bardulia). They possibly had two children (check the list below).
Besides the uncertainty over the date of his second wedding, what is known regarding his accession as Monarch of Asturias is that when King Alfonsu II died in 842 he was elected by the Asturian nobility to suceed as RAMIRU I, KING OF ASTURIAS. But, other sources say that as King Alfonsu II did not have children, he chose him as his successor before his formal election.
Regardless of whether he was chosen by the late King or by the nobility to become the new King, he was not in Asturias at that time and his throne was usurped by a certain nobleman named Nepocianu.
Before his return to Asturias, yet in 842, he gathered support from Galician nobles and arrived with troops. He then fought the usurper at the Battle of Cornellana Bridge over the Narcea River and could finally rule as the rightfull King of Asturias.
Early on his reign he had to endure Viking invasions, who had already been attacking Francia, tried to pillage Asturias and later began to attack the Emirate of Córdoba.
Because of the Vikings, his reign was of relatively peace concerning Muslim invasions. The only recorded episode was a Muslim attack on the city of León, that had to be evacuated and was subsequently burned.
The King of Asturias died in 850, probably at the Palace of Santa María del Naranco, outside Oviedo. He was probably already in his sixties.
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As he had faced problems when he was elected King, he managed to transform Asturias in a hereditary Monarchy. So after he died, his eldest son succeeded without opposition as King Ordoñu I.
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Check my posts on RAMIRU I's family, his Royal House and his Kingdom!
RAMIRU I and his first wife URRACA may have had two children...
Ordoñu I, King of Asturias - husband of a woman Nuña; and
possibly Gatón, Lord (maybe Count) of el Bierzo and Astorga - husband of Exilona.
And with his second wife PATERNA he may have had two children...
possibly Aldonza - nothing is known about her;
possibly Rodrigo, Count of Castile - married.
He was a member of a branch line of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty.
And was the King of Asturias between 842-50.
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historywithlaura · 3 years
A brief History... of the Royal House of the Kingdom of Asturias...
(founded c. 718/22 - extinct 1037)
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pictured above is the Coat of Arms of both the Astur-Leonese Dynasty and the Kingdom of Asturias
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SERIES - Descendants of the Kings of Asturias: Pelayu, the founder of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty was also the first King of Asturias.
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The ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY was founded around 718-22 by Don PELAYU, when he was elected as King of Asturias, following the Asturian victory at the Battle of Covadonga.
However by 739 the Dynasty was technically extinguished in the male line, with the death of the childless King Favila, the only son of King Pelayu.
Though Ermesinda, the only daughter of King Pelayu, was married to Alfonsu of Cantabira, a member of the House of Cantabria. After her husband's accession as Alfonsu I, King of Asturias the Dinasty's legacy continued through them and their descendants, because the ruling House of the Kingdom of Asturias continued to be the Astur-Leonse Dynasty.
So, subsequent Asturian Monarchs, either descendants of King Pelayu or relatives of King Alfonsu I, are all considered to be members of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty.
Although, upon the accession of King Alfonsu I in 739, King Aureliu in 768, King Silu in 773, King Mauregau in 783 and King Bermudu in 788, all of them founded different branch lines of the Dynasty. Because of these events, the Dynasty is also known as Cantabro-Pelagiana Dynasty.
In the 9th century the Kings of Asturias, members of the Dynasty, founded the County of Castile and the County of Portugal, and some sources believe that the first two Counts of Castile were also members of the Astur-Leonese Dynasty. Also, in the 10th century they founded the Kingdom of León and the Kingdom of Galicia.
Members of the Dynasty ruled the Kingdom of Asturias until 925 when the latter was assimilated by the Kingdom of León. And ruled the Kingdom of León until the extinction of the Dynasty in 1037, with the death of King Bermudo III.
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The branch line that survived until the extinction of the Dynasty in 1037 was the one founded by King Bermudu I in 788.
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Check my posts about the founder of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY and other members of the Dynasty!
Pelayu, the first King of Asturias founded the Astur-Leonese Dynasty c. 718-22.
Members of the ASTUR-LEONESE DYNASTY include...
Adosinda, Queen Consort of Asturias;
Alfonso IV, King of León;
Alfonsu I, King of Asturias;
Alfonsu II, King of Asturias;
Alfonsu III, King of Asturias;
Aureliu, King of Asturias;
Bermudo II, King of León;
Bermudu I, King of Asturias;
Ermesinda, Queen Consort of Asturias;
Favila, King of Asturias;
Fruela I, King of Asturias;
García I, King of León;
Mauregatu, King of Asturias;
Ordoño III, King of León;
Ordoño IV, King of León;
Ordoñu I, King of Asturias;
Ordoñu II, King of León;
Pelayu, King of Asturias;
Ramiro II, King of León;
Ramiru I, King of Asturias;
Sancho Ordóñez, King of Galicia;
Silu, King of Asturias; and
Infante Vimaranu of Asturias.
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