orchidwrites · 1 year
smallorchid → orchidwrites
I missed you old love.
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ambitiousxmonsoon · 4 years
{ @orchidwrites​ } 
Yuta looped his arms around Brice’s waist from behind. He rested his chin on the younger’s shoulder before pressing a kiss to the back of his ear. “I was thinking tonight we could rent a movie or two, and order some food for take out. Unless, you want to cook dinner together.” 
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seoulxsinners · 4 years
@orchidwrites​ liked for a starter
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“So im going to be honest i hate the holidays and i wasn’t listening.  So do you want to start over or do we move on.  Im not even sure you were talking about the Holidays but its so close Im not sure”   Michael sighed.  He didn’t like anything that had to do with family out side of Gabirel and Baekhyeon. 
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redemptioninterlude · 4 years
@orchidwrites​ - jae !
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Reputation was EVERYTHING, wasn’t it? A piece of your soul, your character, your being. It came before all others, in terms of, how you were looked at, seen, considered and weighed... even though there were some whose wealth could overcome it all, for those that had not a name, nor coin to their family could claim none of that in order to find advancement. Skill, and reputation, because all you had, all you could feel made things worthwhile within the endless struggle of the day to day. And so when she’d received this request to play tutor to the crown, she knew first and foremost, her reputation had paid off.
And with that, too, so proceeds the reputation of the man she’s been asked to look after. Womanizer. Reckless. Carefree. It’s all too obvious that her job is twofold, to both teach and to tame, the ever UNAPPRECIATED WORK of women, as she zips up the side of her fencing uniform, dark eyes sliding to the figure that slips into the room with all the confidence that an upbringing such as his own could bring. “You’re 2 minutes late.” and underdressed for the occasion, which is already giving her a terrible preview of what’s to come, a hand at her hip, fencing sword within the other.
“8:00 am means 8:00 am. There’s no skipping progression from fencing to actual sword fighting until you’ve mastered the basics, and from the reports from your last teacher, you’re UNDERPERFORMING in that arena. So. I think we’ve some catching up to do, don’t you? Suit up.” there’s a strictness within her tone, to match the straight unwavering line of her spine; reputation, she remembers, proceeds all things.
- @orchidwrites​
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xxj0kerxx · 4 years
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it took him months to gather the needed information on her, the current surviving victim. ever since discharged from the police force, finding necessary information proved a trivial task for tae-pyung. but with the connections he had made through the years of being a police detective, it took quite enough of bribing to find out her contact. already knowing exactly what occurred on the unfortunate night, he could only assume that a monster was created from the ruble, one that wouldn’t wallow. making sure that the aux cord was plugged tightly into the sound machine, he connected the phone, far from decent or modern, and huffs silently.  using his hand to pull her files that were neatly tucked into the folder. sitting on the wheelchair as he pulled the small slip with a number written on it. tae-pyung dialed, praying that she would pick up while his other hand started to tune and change the pitch from the sound machine. for all he knew, there was no caller id, only unknown. deepening his voice so it could barely be recognized for whomever was on the line as he heard the phone pick up. “dong yun-hee?.. before you hang up, understand that i have the key to what you are looking for.” he said in a calm voice, but clearly distorted through the call from his voice box. “revenge is what you seek, am i correct? did i pique your interest, yet?” cold stares staring at the old phone as he holds his hand on the voice box. // @orchidwrites​
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zzywrites · 4 years
@orchidwrites​ Existence... Such a fickle, arbitrary thing, isn’t it?
The man hummed to himself as he glanced at the sheet-covered mirror beside the black lounge chair he reclined in. His eyebrows knitted together, casting shadows over his pools for eyes, lost in thought. For a second, he seemed to have made a decision and lifted his hand to gently grasp the sheet as if to remove it from the mirror, but a moment of hesitation crept into him, and he let his hand fall to the armchair once again. 
“You had to make this a messy situation, didn’t you?” the fair Egyptian spoke with a melodious lilt about his voice, sighing as he eyed the covered mirror once again. The man shifted in his seat, pulling out a black leather wallet from his pocket. He flipped it open in one swift motion with his thumb and slipped out the plastic ID card settled in the front pocket. 
Silas Hatem Age: 30 Eye Color: Blue Height: 5′7 Silas turned the card over in his hand, admiring the craftwork of the counterfeiter that helped him exist in this world. 
A knock on the door caught him by surprise, but he stood up at once, tucking away the card back into its slot and slipping his wallet back into his pocket. He looked down at his clothes to make sure he was presentable, tucking in his black v-neck t-shirt in a place that it had come loose, and adjusted his leather jacket. His pants were of high quality, a crease running down the center, all the way to his black pointed dress shoes. When he was satisfied with his appearance, he ended with a quick hand through his slicked back hair, and patted the shaved sides of his head purely out of habit in his ‘for appearances’ sake’ checklist.
Once he was satisfied with checks down the list, he approached the door and peered through the peephole briefly. His buggy eyes narrowed for a second; he recognized the man standing at the door from glimpses of private conversations that he’d see periodically -- before the anti-reflection glass cover went up on all of the devices, the windows drawn shut, and the mirrors were covered.
Silas opened the door, flashing a brilliant smile at the man with a slight head tilt of curiosity. “Hello,” he began pleasantly, feigning ignorance to his identity as if he were someone new, “Can I help you? I’m afraid if you’re looking for my brother, Theo, he’s... Away right now. He may not be back for some time. I was just stopping by to grab him a few of his things and water his plants.”
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cass1x1 · 4 years
@Oberon [text] She told me she’d flash me if I tried to be happy. I thought she was joking so I laughed. Best mistake of my life.
[2:38am] Humans are so funny! [2:39am] I am so glad you had a good time with them
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rlgarbage · 4 years
Problematic RP Themes - The first group RP I joined here on tumblr was a high school RP and I was in COLLEGE writing high schoolers as college students pretty much. And Ian what's his face as a HIGH SCHOOLER. It's a big oof for me thinking back on it but I am still friends with people from that RP and it's been 10 years ago now. ANOTHER one is reincarnation RPs! I used to LIVE for them and now it's like let's not.
omg omg omg relatable....... i think about that shit all the time though, like... to this day people are still so obsessed with high school plotlines as grown adults. like obviously we should all grow from it like you and i have and!! but also, the reincarnation rps, i wonder how you mean? like ignorant religious/spiritual mentions to justify the reincarnation plot or what particularly about reincarnation? im sorry i guess maybe i was lucky enough to not have run into it? lol 
           - what problematic rp themes do you like to reflect on?
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tragedieds · 4 years
Say your MC had a very specific hyperfixation that didn’t serve the plot, it was just something they nerd out about on their own time. What would it be?
these violent ends takes place in a secondary world that’s actually fairly modern (or teetering towards modernity), so they do have stuff like television — but they’re rare and most technology isn’t allowed inside the schools. BUT. i think ren would nerd out over a show that has, like, a million seasons and has been going on for forever but it genuinely feels like no one except her has ever watched it. 
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gemofindiex · 4 years
CHARACTERS: Autumn and Eiji STARTER FOR: @orchidwrites​
Autumn was used to this feeling by now. That wasn’t to say it had ever become comfortable, but it was familiar enough that she could get on with other things. Most of the time, anyway. Sometimes there was a spirit that just would not leave her alone, or a cry off in the distance that would eat her alive until she fixed it, but they were all things she had dealt with 100 times before. However, there was something unsettling about the place that Autumn found herself in now; the familiarity wasn’t quite right. It was almost the same, but there was a distinct shiver that shot up her spine that she hadn’t felt since she was a child.
There must be someone here, Autumn thought, pulling herself away from the crowd to look for the usual signs. But there weren’t any, other than the weird feeling. Her eyes, tired from many sleepless nights, scanned the room. The shiver went up her neck, across her shoulder blades and down her arms. They were right there, why couldn’t she--
Autumn turned, hesitant (terrified, really) and came upon a boy. But he was solid, and someone stepped around him. That wasn’t right at all! “What’s wrong?” was the first question she asked, keeping her distance.
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thxvclvxts · 4 years
starter for @orchidwrites​ !!
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“It’s not like I did anything wrong!” Mae was going to stand by that, although she knew she’d screwed up. Young had told her that going back to her old life was a bad idea. She hadn’t listened. She often didn’t. Now she’d made quite an obvious mess. Maybe no one was dead, but that didn’t mean anything. “Look, I thought I could control it! Maybe I was wrong, and maybe that’s my bad, but... it’s not like this can’t be fixed!” Yeah, maybe that was true, but if she really took a step back to look at the mess in front of her, she’d know she was wrong. But she wasn’t going to do that, because she wasn’t going to admit she was wrong.
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prcssvre · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21
1. your favourite playlist (made by yourself or someone else)
My favorites playlist that has all the songs I listen to on it! I will not be sharing that since it’s literally over 600 songs and just a mess
2. how many houseplants in your room, and what kinds are they?
I don’t, my room doesn’t get much sunlight sadly.
3. your favourite “grounding” activity (anything that involves using the hands/doesn’t involve “spacing out” or escapism - something like gardening, knitting, dancing, cooking)
When I can I like to cook.
5. 5 tv shows that cheer you up
Friends, Mom, Golden Girls, The Simpsons and Spongebob
8. if you were going to write a non-fiction book on any topic, what would it be?
My life hahah
13. the last so-bad-it’s-good joke you heard
“A horse walks into a bar and the bartender asked why the long face.” Told by my dad. It was only funny because he said it and he’s not one for dad jokes
21. a youtube video you find useful, entertaining or relaxing
Honestly I’ve been watching a lot of unnus annus lately for entertainment. I don’t watch youtube for relaxation or helpful tips ngl. 
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ambitiousxmonsoon · 4 years
{ @orchidwrites Yuta x Brice } 
Yuta walked up behind Brice and pressed a kiss to the back of his head. He looped his arms around the younger, “You need to take a break. You’ve been studying for over two hours,” he murmured. He unwrapped his arms from his boyfriend’s body and carefully rotated Brice’s chair so they could look at each other, “and you look tired. I made steamed rice, mixed vegetables, and some pork belly for dinner.” 
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dreams-of-fate · 4 years
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@orchidwrites​ asked:  @Yoon "I want to make a grilled cheese sandwich with you." From Micha
         Blinked at his son. “What vegetable or fruit can we pair with your sandwich?” If they were going the route of a grilled cheese for the third day in a row, time to pair it with something else that had some form of healthiness to.
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seoulxsinners · 4 years
4 6 8
I’m bored, random writeblr ask game!
Which OCs are you most/least like? Did this come as a surprise to you?
I think I'm most like Jisoo (baekhyun fc), he's innocent but also a bit of a dick at times.  but I'm not as timid as he is when he feels down.  Or I hope I'm not.  
I’m least like Hoseok (chanyeol fc) I mean we are both a bit abrasive but he doesn’t spends a lot of time not trusting the world. He protects Jisoo a lot. 
Do you typically find yourself projecting your own traits onto your OCs?
I try not too, but sadly I know I do. 
What is your process for picking names for your OCs?
I use a generator till a name pops up that I feel fits.   I used to do name meanings but that got to be to hard. 
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xxj0kerxx · 4 years
Twice, 2ne1
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probably 4 years.. that i’m an actual fan? yeah, probably 4 years.
first song i heard by them is TT but i think i listened to likey and liked that, went back to TT and now i can listen to it without going “ehhhhhhh...”
my favorite song is fancy. you probably can’t change my mind, i love fancy and the fancams are *chef kisses* but as of right now, cry for me.
the first mv i saw is TT.
my favorite mv as of now.... still fancy.
i can say that as a sana stan. im still alive— that means i’m very strong because i’m not exactly dead yet from her visuals.
probably not a fan, they aren’t high on my list
probably a year max, i was all over snsd during that time!
first song i heard by them is “i am the best”
favorite song, probably still i am the best. that is their best song to me.
the first mv i saw... was i am the best.
favorite mv is i am the best... as you can see, it is all i am the best because that is probably the only song i know to heart that i can identify 2NE1.
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