#otp: oberon x puck
cass1x1 · 4 years
@Oberon [text] She told me she’d flash me if I tried to be happy. I thought she was joking so I laughed. Best mistake of my life.
[2:38am] Humans are so funny! [2:39am] I am so glad you had a good time with them
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charmandersims · 4 years
Main uberhood - Married to Hermia (my first Sims OTP and I love them together), the pair of them moved back in with Titania and Oberon after uni. They live with a huge assortment of animals and Summerdreams, and have a little girl called Helena.
GF Uberhood - Robyn (Puck) is dating Riptide (Ripp) and loving it. The pair are off to uni soon and will be starting up their own sorority. Titanus and Obara have a much more open relationship in this hood, with lots of lots of extra children running around and I think Robyn is happy to be moving away from.
Alt Veronaville - A new OTP emerges in Puck x Miranda. My favourite Capp and my joint favourite Summerdream, it's a match made in heaven. In this hood the entire Summerdream family are witches, and Miranda is trying to join in on this, but so far not yet. Puck's spectral cat, Magik, is however loved by all
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cass1x1 · 4 years
@Oberon ♬ for a music rec or lyric text
All I Want by Joni Mitchell
All I really really want our love to do Is to bring out the best in me and in you too
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cass1x1 · 4 years
@Oberon [TEXT]: Please don’t push me away. [TEXT]: I’m here for you if you want to talk to me.
[TEXT]: Please don’t push me away.
[read at 5:42pm] [7:06pm] It’s not pushing you away [7:10pm] I just want space
[TEXT]: I’m here for you if you want to talk to me.
[4:29am] Thanks [6:30am] Are you still up? Or up yet?
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cass1x1 · 4 years
@idk I literally can only think of syd and oberon but I know we have more than those two... ✉️ – a note written as a reminder
i love you
Y. H. --
Banquet tomoro nite. Dont eat the fish. Still possible hes trying to poison you. Wear the green shirt, tho. It is the best look to impress him.
As summer’s days grow ere so long we seek Be it through food or wine to soothe our hearts Come now, let us in yonder closet speak For in speaking we’ll no more be apart
--King Oberon
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cass1x1 · 4 years
@Syd, Oberon, Wiliam slightly angstier ship meme
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks
mmm probably shota? idk syd is pretty hardy
who worries more about the other
pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff syd
who is more afraid about the other leaving them
shota. it would never occur to syd that shota might leave him
who is more likely to leave (for any reason)
idk neither??????? i mean i guess syd but like really? neither
who is more likely to drunkenly confess
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason)
who picks fights more often
who usually apologizes first
neither fuck apologizing
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other
who is more likely to lash out at the other
shota but syd instigates it on purpose
who gets more jealous
i feel like syd because shota doesn’t know what he should be jealous of? [pending an answer from you because idk]
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”:
they’re both equally likely to lie and say this thing. syd is slightly more likely to mean it
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks
oberon. he’s dumb like that
who worries more about the other
mmm probably oberon?
who is more afraid about the other leaving them
i’m guessing puck but idk
who is more likely to leave (for any reason)
probably also puck
who is more likely to drunkenly confess
oberon is a sloppy drunk
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason)
.....neither? oberon? idk
who picks fights more often
oberon, i think
who usually apologizes first
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other
who is more likely to lash out at the other
oberon by default
who gets more jealous
probably puck
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”:
well. oberon is married. so. there’s that
who is more likely to get injured doing small tasks
who worries more about the other
who is more afraid about the other leaving them
who is more likely to leave (for any reason)
hye would push the other two away
who is more likely to drunkenly confess
who is more likely to push the other away (for any reason)
hye. omg hye so much
who picks fights more often
.......william and hye equally
who usually apologizes first
song. even if he didn’t do anything. he’s the only one to apologize at all, actually
who is more likely to withhold their feelings for the other
hye is a stone bitch
who is more likely to lash out at the other
not song.
who gets more jealous
......hye????? i think?
who is more likely to support the other in a relationship with someone else “as long as they’re happy”:
song, then william, then hye. in that order. but like, song by a long shot. then william, and then hye down at the very very very bottom
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cass1x1 · 5 years
✏️ Oberon and Puck
oberon keeps a little cottage outside the fairy court for the two of them for getaways
because of how often the two of them go out in disguise for #shenanigans, they actually don’t go out in disguise on “dates” (if you can call them that)
when oberon can work up the excess magic to do so, he makes protective little charms for puck to protect him from any dangers he might encounter when oberon isn’t there
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cass1x1 · 5 years
[ text ] Can it wait? (Oberon and Puck)
[2:43am] Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo[2:43am] I need it nowwwwwwwwwwww[2:43am] wwwwwwwwww[2:55am] Please?
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cass1x1 · 5 years
Puck & Oberon, if they didnt worry about their powers fading
There are many ways you can make magic. But no one can make more time, not even the King. In the end, all they could do was make their time together more magical.
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cass1x1 · 5 years
“ you owe me a kiss. ” Puck and Oberon OR Shota and Syd
Oberon barely even looked up at the first sound of Puck’s voice, determined to finish the puzzle he had been stuck on. “Owe you a kiss for what?” he asked, absent.
“You said whoever could lighten your wife’s mood earns a kiss. I made her laugh; I get a kiss.”
At that, Oberon looked up. Puck’s normally beautiful, impish appearance was obscured by a tacky, tar-like substance. He was standing stiffly in the doorway, holding a scepter of some sort, though Oberon could not specifically tell, given that it was also dripping whatever mysterious substance it was. Oberon couldn’t stand the sight of it. Though it was a gross waste of his power, he raised his hand, palm flat facing the lesser fae, and then lazily pulled his fingers inward. The substance peeled off of Puck and congealed into a ball in front of him. Though he hated admitting it, he didn’t have the magic left in him to make the stuff disappear, he could at least get it off Puck.
He rose then, puzzle falling to the ground in pieces, and approached. Gently, he lifted the ball and cupped it into his hands, carrying it gently to his throne. He deposited it there before returning to the man in the doorway. He reached out, but stopped short of touching Puck, now clean, with his now-dirty hands.
“I--towel,” he said, turning around. A servant appeared out of nowhere, popping up next to Oberon with a rag of some sort in hand. Oberon wiped his hands down, and then returned his eyes to Puck, who had been remarkably patient through this all. “Yes. A kiss.” Despite how neutral he was trying to sound, he simply couldn’t hide the giddy feeling bubbling up from his chest, curling his lips to a sly smile. He bent then, capturing Puck’s lips with his own in a decidedly-not-neutral fashion, instantly deeper and more intense than he ever intended.
Syd smirked. He wasn’t exactly a rule-follower per se, and he wasn’t above reneging on an agreement, but he didn’t like to if he could avoid it. And kissing Shota, that wasn’t something he felt like he needed to reneg on. As much as he tried not to outright encourage what he wouldn’t follow through with, he was a man. A man with a limited sense of self-restraint, even if that limit was much higher than some people’s. Sometimes, he simply wanted to let himself do things, even if he didn’t strictly have to.
Still, he couldn’t exactly make it easy either. Shota was a smart kid, but the kind of smart where you give an inch, and he takes an inch per day, and those inches add up to miles before you realized what you’d done. So, he had to pick what he let Shota win from him, and when, and how. A pick-your-battles situation. He’d let Shota win this one, but begrudgingly.
Before he could speak, and perhaps because he hadn’t answered immediately, Yzabelle, with her damned sense of right and wrong chimed in. “He’s got you fair and square, cap.”
“What are you, his lawyer?” he shot back. Yz was twice his size, probably, and though she was generally a gentle giant, she drove him crazy with shit like this. Yes, he’d already decided to honor the agreement, but he didn’t need the input, especially not from within his own ranks.
“He’s got you,” she repeated, shrugging and stepping away, toward her orignal post before all this nonsense started.
He had no choice but to roll his eyes and turn back to Shota, who was standing there, arms folded, foot tapping, not generally accustomed to being made to wait for anyone or anything. “Alright,” Syd sighed. “I heard the lady. I owe ya one kiss. Question is, where do you want it?”
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cass1x1 · 5 years
“Are we really doing this? Are we really slow-dancing?” (Puck and Oberon)
Oberon lifted his hands for a moment--immediately, regretting the loss of contact, of course--and flicked his wrist. From nowhere in particular, music floated into the room. Soft, human music, from an older time, at least by their time. Harpsicords and lyres. Perhaps someone else might call it a waste of magic, but it was for him. Nothing that made him smile could be a waste. And he was smiling, even if it was just in amused surprise at the display.
Oberon didn’t care. He slid his hand back into Puck’s, resting his other one on his lower back, pulling him close. “They used to call minuet. Do you remember it?” He doubted Puck did. Few fae were as interested in meddling with human affairs as his wife, and thus, himself. Nevertheless, he hummed the rhythm softly, leading the steps with careful deliberation so Puck could follow along easily. And follow he did. Puck was, when he wanted to be, an incredibly graceful creature. Lithe, though smaller, he always managed to flit in and out of movements like wind, and to pick up on a pattern easily. He had a handle on it, and so Oberon could relax his focus on the movements, and pay more attention to the dance, and to his parter.
Puck was always at hi smost beautiful in he early evening, with the soft glow of the sunset and earliest hint of the moon shining. His hair was slightly mussed from whatever work he’d found for himself for the day, but he didn’t have that dull fatigue thta sometimes wore him down. He was perfect, always but especially so in that moment. Oberon, being no poet himself, couldn’t put it into words. Instead, what he said was, “So, is it everything you hoped?” The words held a twinge of self-deprecation, like he didn’t really care how Puck answered. Like he wasn’t putting stock into the words, when he clearly was.
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cass1x1 · 5 years
1xmi replied to your post: 1xmi replied to your post: ✏️...
the charms. it was the charms that made me go oh, oh no.
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cass1x1 · 5 years
1xmi replied to your post: ✏️ Oberon and Puck
that hurt far more than i expected it too
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cass1x1 · 5 years
❝ If it’s a question of my heart, you’ve got it. It don’t belong to anyone but you. ❞ Puck to Oberon
Oberon was prone to emotional outbursts. He’d been made aware of that before. Certainly, several other fae had told him as much. It was one of his flaws. One that Puck had always been kind enough to ignore or pretend was a skill instead. His eyes welled up as he looked at the lesser fae. He was drawn to him like a magnet. Always, drawn to him. His feet seemed to move of their own accord, closing the distance between them. Hands coming up to cup Puck’s face, as if they were controlled by the pull of his skin rather than Oberon’s own mind. He brought his face as close to the other’s as he could without obscuring his view. Such a beautiful face.
“Puck,” he whispered. He stroked his thumb across his lips. To know the taste of them--sweet, but spicy, befit to his personality--Oberon couldn’t imagine knowing and not wanting more. “Please, don’t offer me something you’re going to take back. I’m not sure my heart could take it.” He couldn’t help it--his voice sounded ragged as his lungs struggled to find air. 
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cass1x1 · 5 years
Want: Syd, Orberon, and William
Want: Three things they would do to your character if they were alone.
Tell him he can’t make a spectacle of himself in court
Ignore anything short of a direct order that includes the phrase “and this is a direct order”
Pin against a wall and kiss properly || Smack upside the head || Offer to play wingman
Pin against a wall and kiss properly
Complain about Titania
Ask about his day just to hear him talk
William [to either Hye or Song?]
Cuddle (with consent obvi)
Sing to
Fall asleep with (or sleep with but he’s a sleepy boy)
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cass1x1 · 4 years
@oberon [text]: You have no clue how I feel so shut up.
[11:02pm] Ok
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