#orbit ocs
0bir · 9 months
oc posting again i think
have a doodle of their heads +0+
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in order we have Emisia, Bubbles, Lavendar, Architect and Armageddon
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waterdroid · 1 month
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Yeehawgust Day 15: Even Cowgirls Get The Blues 💧
Sam has many, many nightmares about Benny shooting her in the head. They get worse as she gets closer and closer to the Strip...
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fanghaunt · 1 year
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theyre roommates. normal roommates
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dragon-subway · 7 months
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Valentine’s Day this Valentine’s Day that— Woa!! Clone ocs be upon ye
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ffsg0jo · 3 months
hey, for the event (star) can i request megumi holding hands with gender neutral reader? thanks!
celestial orbit event !
megumi's hand had been lightly brushing yours the whole way home. at first, you thought it was an accident, taking it as a sign to slightly move away from him. but then megumi edged closer to you, and once more, the back of his hand brushed yours.
you had only recently made things official with your boyfriend and were still new to being physically affectionate. other couples might've moved much quicker, but the two of you were taking things slow at a more comfortable pace.
megumi's mind was reeling at the prospect of holding your hand. he itched to feel your skin against his. his hand would slowly move closer and closer to yours, hoping you'd catch onto what he was doing. but then move away out of fear.
every so often, he'd discreetly wipe his sweaty palm on his trousers, trying to build up the confidence to try again.
you couldn't help but wonder how his hand would feel in yours, noticing the way his would edge towards yours and then back away. megumi did have really nice hands. lithe and slightly veiny.
would they be soft? would they feel bony? you were pretty sure his hands were massive compared to yours as well. you let out a sigh, your fingers itching closer to his, but then you stopped. what if megumi wasn't comfortable with holding your hand just yet?
"megumi," you said softly, head turning to face him. "can i hold your hand?"
megumi abruptly stopped walking. his face turning slightly pink. you panicked, thinking you said something wrong. were you too forward? did he not want to hold your hand?
before you could even open your mouth to retract your words, megumi gently grasped onto your hand. he tugged you closer towards him, almost holding you against his side.
megumi says nothing and continues walking with your hand in his, as though it's as natural as breathing. occasionally, you both slightly squeeze each other's hands, small smiles on your faces.
he didn't let go, not even when you had to unlock your door. now that he had felt your hand in his, he felt empty and bare without yours.
and when it was time for you to step inside your house, his fingers still clung to yours, reluctant to be parted from you.
(you were right, though. his hands were soft, albeit a little clammy.)
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a/n : thank you so much for requesting nonny <33 i hope you liked it, and i hope you have a wonderful day/night too 💖
© ffsg0jo 2024 — do not plagiarise, repost, modify, or translate any of my work, in any way shape or form; i will piss in your cereal if you do. all work belongs to me and me only.
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copepods · 2 months
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the oc refs i made for artfight :) character descriptions below
Reluctant Abstinence:
A dedicated and curious iterator with a great interest with the physiology and neurology of scavengers. Her latest project heavily involves luring local scavengers into her structure and performing neural and behavioral experiments to see if she can make them more similar to her creators. Her primary experiment is The Student, a kidnapped elite scavenger who she’s trying to program with traits from the Ancients. She speaks to it often and tells it stories about her creation and upbringing.
She is close with her fellow local group members, but often forgets to check in with them in favor of her work. Prior to Mass Ascension, she was very close with her creators, and losing them hit her hard. She became much more withdrawn, and what before was a fascination with the fauna surrounding her superstructure quickly became an obsession. She’s quite difficult to contact if you don’t live nearby, so both Many Rocks Orbit and East-Facing Pillars keep Overseers in her can to get her attention if they need to.
She and East-Facing Pillars are romantically involved and used to be very close. Their shared respect for their creators and mutual dedication to the Great Problem brought them together, and she found EFP’s social nature to be a refreshing break from her work. Once they spend more time together, though, their differences began to grate on each other; EFP tolerates RA’s interest in scavengers, but doesn’t care much about it otherwise and finds it disrespectful to dedicate so much time to a task uninvolved with universal ascension. In turn, Abstinence regards Pillars as fickle and high-strung. She doesn’t bother to respond much to him anymore, in favor of her work.
She has a more positive relationship with Many Rocks Orbit, who tries to keep themself largely uninvolved in relationship drama. Orbit also dislikes her hobby, but would never say so to her face, so she finds it easier to converse with them about her work without facing constant judgement.
East-Facing Pillars:
Studious and dedicated to the Great Problem, although he is also nosy and easily distracted by interpersonal drama. He takes great pride in himself and his work, and views himself as the most competent and respected of his local group. He’s very close friends with Many Rocks Orbit, and often takes over tasks a group senior would do when MRO neglects them. He always has his nose poked in as many anonymous boards as he can, and the two of them spend a lot of time gossipping together.
EFP was also close with Reluctant Abstince, and the two are technically romantically involved, although RA is often reluctant to respond to any kind of messages these days, and while her interest in fauna used to be endearing to Pillars, it now seems annoying and somewhat embarrassing to him. He checks in on her still every so often, with increasing reluctance.
Many Rocks Orbit:
The senior of their local group, older than East-Facing Pillars and Reluctant Abstinence. They are quite negligent in their duties, as they find management work to be stressful, especially when it comes to resolving conflicts with others. Many of their work ends up offloaded onto East-Facing Pillars, who mostly doesn’t mind but occasionally objects to too much work shoved onto him at once. If he ever broaches the subject of Orbit handling their own affairs, they will stop responding to messages or steer the conversation elsewhere. They prefer to quietly iterate and converse with close friends, avoiding topics they regard as difficult. They are uncomfortable with many of the flora and fauna that have evolved in their creators’ absence, finding most animals disgusting, and they’ll use their inspectors to shoo out anything that finds its way into their structure. Despite their dislike of animals, they find unnecessary violence deplorable. They also think Reluctant Abstinence’s latest project is highly morally questionable, and have spent a great deal of time with Pillars complaining about it.
The Lure: A creation of Reluctant Abstinence, used to gather live creatures for her to experiment on or use as spare organic material. It’s become incredibly unpopular with the scavengers surrounding RA’s city. The Lure doesn’t seem to care much, though, and it takes joy in completing tasks for RA, who it sees as its mother. The Lure is intelligent and quite curious, and Reluctant Abstinence has begun on the side to teach it to crudely write glyphs in her language.
The Student: Reluctant Abstinence’s latest pet project. she’s observed the intelligence scavegers have, and believes they’re capable of becoming the next great civilization. The Student is a test run to see if she can imprint the ideals and behaviors of her progenitors onto a living scavenger. surely there will be no consequences from this?
The Student was once highly regarded in their pack as a great warrior. Nowadays, they have a shy and nervous disposition, and spend most of the time missing their family. They reside in a lab chamber that was formerly used by the Ancients as an interface to connect with Reluctant Abstinence.
(Shifting Towards Red is a newer iterator from a different group that i havent conceptualized much yet :,3 )
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songofsoma · 11 months
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can’t believe i never posted the commission i got of karlach and daefina from the talented @b0zart i’m still so in love with it
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tvntheatre · 2 months
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Oh, that weird clock man in a suit? Yeah, I am perfectly normal about him!
Extras under the cut
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blame and thank my bestie for the speedran memes.
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heybiji · 11 months
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I wanted a "damsel in distress" type NPC for a Masks: A New Generation (superhero teens) game I'm gonna run for some friends, so I made Joey Luna, dumb emo boy who is always stumbling into trouble and needs saving. He constantly shows up at school with new injuries.
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nachamikaelys0 · 1 month
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“Nacha! Darling! Oh my dear look what I’ve found!”
*he said all of that so excitedly as he ran inside, a HUGE atlas moth chilling on his shirt, he bounced up and down a little, very happy he had found something so rare*
(They have the bug enthusiast and the fucking HORRIFIED of bugs dynamic, and i’m living for it)
*Nacha jumped a little seeing the huge moth, but nodded.. Forcing a smile..*
“ What a beauty.. I—I’m so proud of you, love.. “
*She just stared at the moth and it’s size, nervously sweating..*
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0bir · 8 months
fruit-taur oc, any pronouns say hi to Mella
he was either going to be a melon, honeydew, mango or a dragonfruit but in the end i just settled on watermelon +-+"
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thecountofs · 2 months
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Upcoming Episodes of My Time in ONI, my webcomic
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fanghaunt · 8 months
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dragon-subway · 2 months
I like looking at the "just guys being dudes" kind of content because it's exactly what clones would do. College age guys digging holes for no reason other than fun.
Gotta love the classic “just guy being dudes” stuff they deserve it, man, makes em feel more alive. Some of my favourite stuff to draw fr fr
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Tiny cowboy needs to go to bed.
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orbital-inclination · 9 months
No no no now I must know
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