asklordfelwinter · 2 years
What do you think of everything, thus far? I mean- things could definitely be better, what with all the new drama every few months, and new, bigger threats with every time and things looking more and more bleak with every victory... But- I mean. Still! There's a bright side, I promise, I was- I was wondering if you could see that bright side, too?
-Warlock Annithia
Bright side, indeed.
Lord Saladin has done his best to keep me apprised of the situation in the system at large. I myself have been keeping my nose out of things. Better for my health that way. If you had told me centuries ago that we would be such fast allies with the Fallen—or, the Eliksni, rather—or any other people from beyond the stars, I would have thought you mad.
I know that things are looking dark, Guardian, but look at all that you have accomplished. In my day we struggled to keep so much as a single village safe. Your people have built a magnificent City under the watch of the Traveler. You defend it with your lives, as we would have done. Every assault that has come your way, you have weathered, and come through stronger for it.
I may have my reservations about relying too heavily on Rasputin for aid, given my past experiences with the Warmind, but I have spoken to Anastasia and have offered my support where I can. Provided, of course, that Rasputin is never made aware of my involvement…
But I digress. If you are feeling lost, Warlock, you need but look around. Think of your fellows, fighting these battles at your side. Of the lives you have saved. Those that look up to you. It may not feel this way now, but you will see this through. There is hope. As long as you and your fellow Guardians continue to fight, there will always be hope.
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phantomwarrior12 · 10 months
This is a dream…or some cruel, horrendous joke.
But he’s right there. He’s alive.
The Young Wolf’s knees meet earth with an unceremonious thud as she stares up at her Vanguard, her mentor, her friend.
You’re alive?
The Ace of Spades is a steady weight on her hip but for a moment, it isn’t a crushing reminder of her failure but a firm reassurance from a friend. Is this what hope feels like? After so long, trudging from one debilitating atrocity to another, can she…finally have a win without repercussions?
Can she have her best friend back?
“Hey kiddo,” Cayde smiles at her, moving from his place beside the Warlock Vanguard to approach the trembling Hunter. He kneels down, laying a hand - Traveler, it’s solid, it’s real - along her shoulder. Her head lifts a fraction and in an instant, her arms are bound around his neck and a heavy, anguished sob is torn from her chest.
“Aw, missed me, huh?” He tries to tease even as he gathers the Guardian into his arms and holds her tight. “It’s okay. I’m fine, yeah?”
She can’t answer. Words are knots in her throat that will not dislodge.
Cayde-6 looks over his shoulder at Ikora with a smile and she folds her arms across her chest, a gentle warmth to her smile as they stay in silence.
He's here and she can - fuck, she's missed him.
After the Leviathan, after making peace with his death - she never dreamt she'd see him again.
And maybe it's not really him.
But the arms that hold her are too familiar to deny.
You're alive.
She's sure this is only temporary. Some last ditch effort from the Traveler to protect itself. To rally.
But she doesn't care.
Maybe this time…she'll get to say goodbye.
Hey, take me with you.
Forevers: @halo-2 @reaped-winnower @forgotten-by-the-stars @sugarcoated44 @cayde-6 @aetosavros​ @niemands-bibliothek @paracausal-hunter @silverhandsamurais @orbdotexe
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spectrum-studios · 3 months
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Story notes : dystopian space, tw: mentions of blood and slight blood, violence, moderate language, gore.
This is a school assignment I made, and I had lots of classmates and teacher advice taken, and it's a part of my final for the creative writing class.
Also, here's some mentions to people i wish to share this with!
@lethalcontracts @adriftinthev0id @xdollydoodlesx @orbdotexe @celestelunisea16 @gizmocrate-werecrow
Story below the cut!
“Hello, I'm the boss of this [REDACTED] company, YOU are my newest assistant, YOUR job is to make sure the crews are mentally sane, YOU will activate the [REDACTED] protocol if a crew does not meet quota. And thank YOU for joining the monitor system…”
YOU sat down at a repurposed security desk and turned on all the monitors… and decided to read about the restricted rehired No-Fire crew captain, Intel.
[Intel’s Background
Year 1XXX. An asset named Intel yelled at her team to take off as she fended off the monsters who were trying to board the ship. The captain tossed her a stop sign for her self-defense.
And years pass on the moon… enough time to let her learn about things that no soul can ever dream, Intel learned how to kill anything.
As the years pass intel is eventually saved and rehired soon becoming a captain.
Her crew is named Team No-Fire made up of Intel, Socks, Rookie, and Intern.]
YOU tuck the file away and start monitoring the screens.
‘This has been a cycle for everyone’s lives. Just eat, ship to moons, collect scrap, kill aliens, get home, get paycheck… repeat. Once someone joins, they can't leave till death, age, or too much information. Everyone is an asset. They don't care if you commit crimes or are insane; you are an asset and a tool to the company.’
Year 2387.
Intel parries a Jester’s lunge attack and shoves the jester back and swings her stop sign and digs the sharp metal into the Jester’s neck and exposed spine, blood spewing from the wound which made quite a mess… Intel starts violently stabbing the Jester’s shell with the sign pole and blood starts to pool the hall as the Jester is lifeless on the ground, and Intel wipes blood off her cracked visor, Intel looks at Rookie, “that's the third near death with Jester, Rooks… and it's a monday.” She helped Rookie up.
“Doesn't beat Socks’s however… she has the most encounters, what was it again?” Rookie asked. “98 encounters Rooks, 98, and that was last month.” Intel answered, collecting scrap.
“Still shocks me. Socks lied her way into the job…” Rookie sighs.
“Me too Rooks… me too.” Intel said with a disappointed voice. The two head back to the ship. Upon getting home and taking a break, along with paying respect to fallen people, the crew dumps off the scrap and “sleep”...
In the morning, Intel got up to get the paycheck.
“Here's the paycheck Intel” boss said as his visible clawed hand held out the check to Intel.
“Thanks boss, have a good day” Intel replied, taking the check and reading it over.
Later in the day Intel’s team washed off the blood from a fight that the youngest teammate, Socks, miraculously missed by taking the fire exit, that fight was scary… Intel didn't want Socks to die or get traumatized. Intel looks at her stop sign, the very sign that her old team tossed her as she sacrificed her life to save them… sad that they got fired… Intel yearned for freedom but she knew far too much for her freedom, she knew more than the boss himself…
The sleep pod alarm went off as Intel punched it to silence it and slid out of the pod in her black skinsuit as she grabs the space suit and slips it on, she bangs on the other pods to wake up the rest.
“Wake up bitches, we have work today… no slacking” Intel spoke in a tired voice.
“I’m up, I'm up, capt'n..” Intern kicked open the pod door while the others slowly got up and ready. Intel grabs a helmet and skips breakfast, boarding the ship assigned to her team..
Later, they arrive at a new moon that is worth ten times the normal runs they do. Intel rips the stop sign pole from a baboon hawk head as its thick viscous blood covers the pole.
“Fucking baboon hawks” Intel mutters under her breath…
“These robots are soooo BIG!” Socks squeals excitedly at the sight of giant robots.
“They look dangerous, Socks.” Rookie holds her small shoulder.
They all enter the building and get the scrap, ward off nutcrackers and brackens, and get back to the ship as giants crawled from the earth at the sight of a sunset.
“Time to go?” Intern asked. “Yeah lets get the fuck outta here” Intel answered dropping some scrap, and heading ‘home’.
Intel washes off her stop sign and suit off of any alien blood along with the others. They grab dinner and climb into their pods. Intel stays awake, dreaming her hopeless dream.
End. . . ? no… there is never an ending in the company… It's just a million stories and a million lives lost out in space.
Lore | Lethal Company Wiki | Fandom
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Awoken Exo Cayde AU
Aka an AU I screamed at the Content Box @orbdotexe @formallyacrypitd and @luna-light-eclipse about  The gist of it is:  -Cayde ends up stowing away on the escape ship that Mara and Uldren were on, and gets caught up in the whole Collapse thing -Mara figures she can make this loser useful and makes him Uldren’s bodyguard. -Cayde and Uldren end up becoming best friends...but like the kind of best friends who bully and bicker with each other. Uldren keeps calling Cayde ‘stowaway’ while Cayde keeps pranking Uldren.  -Also, thanks to the whole light and dark thing that created the Awoken, Cayde is shinier and glowier than your average exo. And he Awoken just think all exos are like that-until they run into another one and wonder why they don’t shine. -This shine, amusingly enough, nearly blinds the entire Awoken Royal Court, so they end up having to cover Cayde head to toe in matt powder. -Now, while Mara tolerates Cayde’s...eccentircities due to the fact he’s good at his job, and while he does get along well enough with Uldren and Petra, near everyone else in the Reef mistrusts him as an outsider. -When it comes to Guardians, Cayde’s closeness to Uldren ends up coloring his views on them-he doesn’t hate them as much as the Prince, and is more than willing to put on a friendly face for them, he doesn’t exactly trust them.  -Anyways, Oryx happens and Mara ‘dies’. Riven gets into Uldren’s head, causing him to go off the deep end. Cayde realizes Uldren’s lost it, but can’t bring himself to leave his friend’s side. So he sticks with him. -Forsaken happens-gonna say Shiro is the Hunter Vanguard who gets murdered. Sorry Shiro. -Fast forward to the finale of Forsaken. With the Guardian and Petra closing in, Cayde decides to go and hold them off to buy time for Uldren  -It’s brave, but all for naught: Cayde lasts all of what, five seconds before getting killed, while Uldren is eaten by a Wish Dragon, spat out, and shot dead -See though, the Cayde we’ve been following here wasn’t Cayde-6. It was Cayde-5. -Cayde’s grave ends up being found by Sundance. So...yeah. Cayde-6 is reborn That’s what I got so far. Kind of scatter brained, but lemme know what ya’ll think of this!
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luna-light-eclipse · 2 months
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@orbdotexe Okay here she is- Aster who’s utterly pissed at the world because A: She did not want to be drawn I had so much trouble why was it so hard? And B: She’s not in armour either. And C: She’s just very eepy she hasn’t taken a nap ever.
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phantomwarrior12 · 2 years
Caged Wolf
It isn't often they're granted a respite.
They move from one hell to another, never quite catching that peace they seek. But right now? Right now, Commander Zavala has insisted they take a breather and Empress Caiatl, surprisingly, had agreed.
But Lord Saladin? 
Her Iron Lord thinks his own quarters more like a prison than a haven. 
It's why the Young Wolf is reclining in a massive Cabal chair while she watches Saladin pace to and fro - he looks like a caged wolf. Impatient. A touch aggravated. He doesn't like being still when there's much to be done to deal with the Leviathan.
But enough is enough.
She stands from the large chair, making her way across the room to his side. Arms lock around his waist and he stiffens.
She waits and finally, his hand splays over her own.
"What is it?" His voice holds a degree of concern, a whisper of apprehension.
She squeezes, burying her face against his shoulder blade and Lord Saladin seems to understand.
He heaves a deep sigh, gently disentangling from her before he turns. His fingers hook beneath her chin, tilting it up a fraction to meet her gaze.
"I missed you, too." 
A smile slips into place; an excited, warm, sort of smile that soothes some of the worry in his eyes.
The Guardian’s hand lifts, tracing along armor to the base of his neck. Fingertips ghost over skin until her palm settles against his cheek. 
The Iron Lord leans in then, pressing a soft kiss to her lips and she is all too eager to return it. Her free arm hooks around his neck to pull him closer and both of his arms are bound around her waist, tugging her flush against him.
It's intoxicating. Consuming. Soothing.
All she can touch, all she can feel is her Iron Lord. It's been so long. Too long.
She tries to back him toward the bed and he gives her a chuckle, holding his ground. She huffs a groan of irritation but relents, fixating on the gentle trace of his fingers along her spine. 
Soft kisses give way to lingering brushes until they part to rest only their foreheads against one another.
Words should be exchanged. Something to cement the affection but his embrace is enough. His hands splayed along her back is enough. His face so close to her own, his breath intermingling with her own - this is enough.
It will always be enough. 
Because although caged, he has her.
He will always have her.
Taglists are open! Send an ask/leave a comment to be added!
Forevers: @halo-2 @reaped-winnower @forgotten-by-the-stars @sugarcoated44 @cayde-6 @aetosavros​ @niemands-bibliothek @paracausal-hunter @florence-and-the-machinegun @orbdotexe
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spectrum-studios · 5 months
@orbdotexe, I really love your positive and informative comments that give me some good thoughts on stuff that I would have never thought of in the first place!
Like you ask stuff that is important for this event! I really appreciate that!
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luna-light-eclipse · 8 months
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
I was tagged by @abidethetempest
Maxine’s mutters of “Vanguard ordained fallen girlfriend” was not helping matters at all.
I uh, don’t have enough people to tag so content box as usual I suppose. @formallyacrypitd @orbdotexe @screaming-for-eternally
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luna-light-eclipse · 10 months
I was tagged by @abidethetempest
Rules : Make a new post and post your latest/most recent line from your WIP and tag as many people as there are words.
Last line I wrote was a part of the fractured outline for my Frozen Stars AU
As she looks over the flat planes of her throne world, eerily silent in comparison to her tumultuous thoughts, a towering obelisk catches her eyes- it is not hers.
I don’t have enough people to tag so I’ll just go for content box occupants. If you’ve already been tagged then Oof I guess.
@screaming-for-eternally @orbdotexe @formallyacrypitd
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luna-light-eclipse · 3 years
What is the Content Box?
You’ll see me yelling about them occasionally, or communicating with them. It’s basically a group chat consisting of me, @ orbdotexe , @ screaming-for-eternally and @ formallyacrypitd it gets pretty wild. They’ve all got some great AU’s though on their blogs. Go look.
I’ve also got a tag exclusively for when I’m interacting with them. I’ll add it to this post.
Ao3- https://archiveofourown.org/users/LunaLightEclipse/pseuds/LunaLightEclipse
If you’re wondering where my fics went, they’ve taken a vacation. If you were wondering why I hadn’t updated in so long it’s a mix of writers curse style life shenanigans and the fact that I am currently suffering from ‘my writing document has vanished of the face of the earth and left no traces of its existence’
• If you were reading something I was writing and want to needle free plot out of me, just ask.
• If you want to know about the Frozen Stars AU I have very vaguely alluded to- I will be glad to be poked about it, It helps me think.
• If you want to poke the useless slab of jello I call my brain for the various cracky destiny AU’s circling around in there please do I will love you forever.
• If you want to fling your own ideas at me for some discussion I’d love to hear what anyone has got to say!
• If you want to bother me about not finishing the fics I said I would finish (and hopefully will get back to one day), kindly fuck off :)
• And remember, canon is very optional to me if I have chosen to disregard something then so be it. (That doesn’t mean I won’t want to hear about canon, I might just not know and even if I do I still find it interesting 🥺)
I’m working on a Destiny AU! It’s called Frozen Stars and I’ll leave the tag for it on this post. There’s not a lot there right now but I’m hoping to be posting more soon!
Second Blog, exclusively reblogs-
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