#orange of viridian forest
nottsukkomia · 3 days
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@pikatrainer99 's Orange doodles!!
i liked their oc so it's a must to draw this little guy
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pikatrainer99 · 3 months
I made Orange and Red as autism creatures! (With bonus digitized Sinnoh Trio as autism creatures)
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Drawing Red as an autism creature was really difficult...his hair and his clothes were NOT easy to adapt into creature form. For Orange the biggest struggle was the scarf...which I think I made a good way of making it look like it's wrapped around his big creature head...and I updated Dia's design to have his scarf look the same way. For Pearl I couldn't do that because of his high collar on his shirt. And for Platinum I tried to make her scarf actually look like it's trailing behind her like it does in the actual official art. Everyone's hair and bodies are white because that's the color of the TBH creature, so don't go complaining that everyone's hair color is wrong because it's literally just because they're in creature form this time around. As for expressions everyone has a little smile except for Orange who has the classic TBH creature blank expression. I decided to give him the blank look because he really struggles with identifying emotions and he either feels everything or nothing depending on the situation. Orange also has his fingerless gloves which I somehow was still able to draw the little Poké Balls on them...as well as the Poké Ball design on his shirt. Btw...It is SO hard to draw these characters in four-legged creature form because their clothes...ESPECIALLY Red's clothes...do NOT translate well to four legs...it's so weird and hard to draw. So I just stuck to each character's shirt and hat/scarf to make it a bit easier for me. I'm sorry if it looks all weird and wonky because of that but clothes just don't translate well to these creatures 😅
Eventually I would like to draw the Sinnoh Trio and Red normally...but I'm still trying to learn how since PokéSpe characters are hard to draw (for me anyway). The only one I've ever drawn is Yellow, and that was only ONCE in that one drawing where she and Orange were drawing pictures. I've drawn Yellow's head a second time and Red's head only once, but that's all I've managed to draw of PokéSpe characters so far. I will keep practicing though, I want to improve so I can draw more art of my favorite characters in all of PokéSpe!
I hope you all like this newly digitized Sinnoh Trio drawing, and I hope it's an improvement from the original I posted last year! I also hope you all like my new autism creature drawing of Orange and Red as autism creatures! These are all characters I headcanon as autistic (and Orange IS autistic), so it works perfectly for them all! I'd like to be back with more drawings soon but I've been really busy lately so I don't know when I'll be able to draw again next.
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m0dem0n · 2 years
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(Were)wolfgender flag edit by m0dem.0n!
Both flags can be used for werewolfgender folks, as well as wolfgender folks! The Blue/Purple "Moonlight" flag was made with werewolf feelings in mind, and the Green/Orange "Forest" flag was made with general wolf feelings in mind, but they are not exclusive to either type of (were)wolfgender! ^^; It's more about what color meanings you feel a connection to as someone who's wolfgender and/or werewolfgender! -md0n
Please check out our ToS (& optionally FAQ) before using!
Symbol-less flags and color meanings in text under read more~ 🐺❤️💜💛💙🖤💚💛🧡🤎🐺
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^ "Moonlight" (Were)wolfgender flag Deep Blue - Loneliness & Secrecy Midnight Green - Loyalty Viridian-Emerald - The Moon Bright Gold - Untamed Strength Royal Purple - Transformation Plum Violet - Wolf-like Behavior Dark Ruby - Protection & Trust
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^ "Forest" (Were)wolfgender flag Deep Blue - The Night & Lone Wolves Pine Teal - Tundra/Boreal Forest & Beauty Moss - Temperate Forest & Care Goldenrod - Untamed Strength Ochre - The Day & Family Pack Sepia - Loyalty Smoky Brown - Warmth
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sacredcyber · 9 months
Get To Know Me~
Thank you sm for the tag @bishicat!! :DDD
Favourite colour:
I have a lot lol, but I love viridian, any kinda forest green I'm about it.
Currently reading:
Kudos by Rachel Cusk, interesting and very conversational, the writing style is neat. I just bought issue 1 of BRZRKR by Keanu Reeves and it's great. I love that it's basically a self insert but him as an immortal warrior. I just got a lot of books on my kindle, lotta romance and some cozy mysteries to peruse.
Last song:
Criminal by Fiona Apple, her voice is beautifullllll
Last movie:
My own Private Idaho and secretary (2002) both make me sad for different reasons but good shit. Young Keanu and River are fantastic and maggie gyllenhaal is awesome in secretary, so awkward and relatable.
Last series:
Mr. Inbetween!!!! I fucking cried I got EMOTIONAL, a hitman trying to balance his family life and his seedy life? so damn good
Sweet, Spicy, or Savoury?:
Can't pick I literally love all three
uh,,,,congee, I'm sick atm and I'm gonna make some congee with chicken stock and dried squid today
Tea or Coffee?:
Both but I vastly prefer coffee, I'm drinking an iced coffee rn for tea I love earl grey and orange pekoe
Currently Working On:
drawing wise? nothing atm, I've been experimenting with painting in greyscale and fucking about with hues and values. I wanna draw more veruca and johnny being sweet and tragic together because I love them.
writing? outlining Mila's story and I'm really excited for how it's coming together. me and some friends will be doing nano this year so hopefully some much needed writing time will happen.
I'm in the middle of my current semester for grad school, I need to do midterms before cyberpunks patch drops on friday because I deadass told my family "I'm preoccupied that day lol love ya'll"
No pressure! tagging @pixie-dream-brat @terriblymundane @wistereia @lovejohnnysilverhand77 @pspspspspspd @psuedoendotrizine @efingart and anyone else that would like to share <3
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epicspheal · 2 years
Cactusverse Worldbuilding: Routes/Wild Areas
I’ve mentioned previously in a different posts about how different routes have a huge effect on how beginner trainers fare when they are starting out. I actually wanted to expand a bit on the worldbuilding of how cactusverse actually takes care of routes and wild area Routes and Wild Area Zones are managed by Regional Wilderness Associations that comprise of Pokemon Rangers, Aura Guardians, Route Doctors and Nurses, Geographers, Pokemon Ecologists and Meteorologists. The ecologists, geographers and meteorologists go out to survey routes and zones on regular intervals to see how the terrain, the weather patterns at different times of the year and the Pokemon distribution and behavior. This information is then put together and calculated into a score that designates the route/area as either a green, yellow, orange, red zone. Green zones are the safest routes, with easy terrain (no caves, mountains, deserts, huge bodies of water), mild weather patterns (no constant snow, heavy rain or fog, no wildly changing patterns), and low-level, low-aggression Pokemon. These are routes that can be easily navigated by young inexperienced trainers and even people without Pokemon with little risk. The first 2 routes in a region are good examples of green zones Yellow zones have a bit more danger to them. Usually the terrain is a little rougher (often requiring HMs or Ride Pokemon to properly navigate) or can be confusing (think thick forests), weather usually is still rather mild but fog or heavy rain can be present. The Pokemon biodiversity often includes more aggressive species (Pokemon more likely to chase a trainer than to run away) or high concentrations of species that can inflict statuses (paralysis, sleep, poison). Viridian City Forest in Kanto and Santalune Forest in Kalos are all classic examples of yellow zones. Sure the Pokemon aren’t super high leveled but the maze like forest and the fact that the Pokemon are more belligerent and likely to poison/paralyze/put to sleep opponents makes them a bit more hazardous for non-experienced trainers but not insurmountable provided there’s adequate teambuilding and resource prep. People who don’t have trainer licenses may often require an escort (either a Ranger or Aura Guardian) through these areas. You may often seen a Route nurse or doctor posted nearby to take care of small injuries and rangers often do small patrols there as well.
Orange zones is where the danger really ramps up. Any cave, mountain, volcano, or large body of water (no matter how tame other aspects are) is automatically classified as an orange zone at minimum due to the risk to life thanks to cave ins, avalanches, eruptions and/or drowning. Weather here starts to get a little more intense. Any place with perpetual snow, ashfall or sandstorms also get Orange zone classification because the risk to life due to hypothermia, respiratory issues and sensory loss is too great. Pokemon here tend to start to be more powerful but not always (again many low level areas are still classified as orange thanks to being caves or sandstorm prone). Rusturf tunnel in Hoenn, the Desert Resort in Unova, Route 216 in Sinnoh are good examples Orange zones with varying levels of Pokemon strength. Orange zones are where most injuries to new trainers occur again not always due to Pokemon strength but due to them being unprepared for the terrain or weather. It’s often advised for younger trainers to travel in groups through these areas for safety reasons. Rangers and Route doctor/nurses often patrol these areas frequently and it’s mandatory for any non-trainer to have an aura guardian escort through these areas for safety reasons The majority of routes in the Pokemon world tend to comprise of yellow to orange zones
Red Zones up the danger even further. Terrain is often rough and at this often requires the use of ride Pokemon, HMs or other assistance. Weather here often includes blizzard and dense fog conditions or rapidly changing weather patterns. Pokemon biodiversity is often extremely high and aggressive with high level Pokemon being easily encountered. One particular note is that areas where certain legendary/mythical Pokemon are though to reside (bar roaming legends) tend to be considered Red zones even if the surrounding area is yellow and orange thanks to the powers the Pokemon often possess. If Hisui had been classified under modern standards it would also be a red zone. All Victory Roads in other regions are red zones as well as any post game area. It’s mandatory in any Red zone to have some type of ranger and route doctor presence due to the sheer risk and the rangers and route doctors are required to have a full set of badges or have top ranger classification. Escorts are again required for any non-trainer wishing to go to these areas and the escorts also have to be high leveled aura guardians in order to work in Red Zones.
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lightning-of-farosh · 11 months
Music drifted through viridian leaves, through dark gnarled branches, through the faint light of the fading sun. Pink petals fluttered at the slightest of breezes, dancing to their own tune and landing on bright ferns, on rain-mixed mud, on dyed black hair.
Link picked one out of his bangs and held it up with a small smile. It was heavy in his hold, heat stinging through his shoulders from where fire and magic and ice had hissed across his skin. The magic potion hadn’t been quite enough to alleviate all his hurts but, well, that was the norm, wasn’t it? He got dragged out of bed by a dream, by a voice, by a call for help and worked through the pain until he could sleep it all away.
The forest by Nayru’s house was grounding, at least. His thoughts fluttered like moths through the branches. Small kingdoms of insects rose from where they had slumbered during the hottest hours of the day to stretch and swarm in the heavy humidity of the rainstorm that had passed through.
Laughter buzzed in time with their wings and Link watched a dragonfly dart from puddle to puddle only to land on the toe of his boot. 
“Taking a break?”
Link turned, lifting his head. The muscles in the back of his neck ached as if weed roots had settled there before being yanked free. Zelda’s warm, orange dress was a bright flower among the brown and green. He could still feel the heat of her lips against his cheek and he ducked his head in both respect and the need to hide the blush that spread across his nose.
“It’s quieter here,” he said, not daring to lift his voice, afraid to disturb the music and laughter and birdsong. Golden light faded and he tried not to think of the magic that sent him to Holodrum and Labrynna in the first place.
Skirts shuffled and the princess’ bare feet padded lightly across the moist dirt. She had left her shoes and crown behind, settled somewhere in Nayru’s hidden room so curious fingers couldn’t find them. “You could stay, if you like.”
Link blinked once. Laughed. “And leave you alone in Hyrule?” His grin was wide and boyish and didn’t quite meet his eyes. “I couldn’t do that.”
Reaching forward, the princess took a strand of his black hair and gave it a tiny tug. She hummed, staring at him with warm, starlight eyes. They were knowing. Too knowing.
He looked away.
She laughed. “You dyed your hair.”
“I—yeah.” Link dug his heel into the ground and looked up under his bangs. “Do you like it?”
Zelda patted his shoulder. “You’ve destroyed Ganon twice,” she said. “I think you can change your hair however you like. Other’s opinions be damned.”
He opened his mouth maybe to tell her that her opinion did matter to him, but then shut it with a small shrug of his shoulders.
“I do miss the pink, though.”
Link snorted. “You would,” he said, lips curling in a smirk as he leaned forward. “All those pretty pink tapestries hung up in your room—”
“You—!” She shoved her hand against his cheek, pushing the smug teenager away. “I take it back! I didn’t miss you at all!”
Laughing, he took her wrist in hand and tugged her gently along, guiding her into a slow dance that followed the chorus of laughter and music drifting down the deer trails. Joy bubbled up in his chest, warm and chasing away the winter that had settled there. “Not even a little bit?”
Her pout was light, eyes sparkling with barely hidden laughter. “No,” she told him. “Not at all; you’re not allowed on my ship when it comes.”
“Like they would let me on anyway,” Link said, looking up at the way the last of the sunlight danced through the pink petals. His smile was wiry as he guided her over roots and rocks. “Your soldiers don’t like me very much.”
She hummed and pressed her cheek against his shoulder. “Not your fault.”
“It is,” he said with a laugh. “Oh, it very much is.”
“You were ten. They were hunting you.”
“And now I’m fifteen and look like the bad boy your father warned you about,” Link tossed his head and deepened his voice to sound like the late King. “Don’t go near that Link boy, Zelda,” he said grinning as she giggled against his collar. “He likes those pointy, metal objects too much.”
Zelda leaned back, narrowed her eyes. “You know,” she mused, tapping her chin in thought. “I think he’s still madder about the fire rod, actually.”
Groaning, Link threw his head back. “It was one tapestry!”
“That depicted the Fall of the Hero!”
“Then I should care about it more than he should!” Link threw up his hand and startled a bird from the nearby tree. “I am the hero!”
Zelda rolled her eyes. “You’re ridiculous,” she said. “It’s a story. And it’s,” her sigh was heavy. “It’s good to remember the price, too.”
“Of what; the fight or the tapestries?”
She slapped his shoulder and Link could only laugh.
Quiet comfort settled around them and he slowed their dance to a stop, standing in the middle of the last rays of golden sunlight. Crickets woke from their dreams and the first stars winked awake above them. The sky turned orange than pink than purple and faded away to a blue that settled deep in his bones. Firelight trickled through the trees but he wanted to stay on the edges of it for now.
“You will come back, won’t you?”
Link watched constellations form above their heads. Maybe he would dye his hair again. Maybe he would settle down in his uncle’s old home. Maybe he’d find a purpose, at last, to put down his sword.
“Yes,” he said. “I’ll come back.”
“Not yet, though,” she said and pushed up on her tip toes, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
It was the second that day. Heat burned across his cheeks.
His hands settled on her waist as she dropped back down. “You have friends,” Zelda told him. “Promise me you’ll remember them.”
“I promise,” he said.
 “And don’t set their very expensive, hundred year old heirlooms on fire!”
Link laughed again. “I won’t! I promise!”
“Swear on the Master Sword!”
“I swear! I won’t set anything on fire!”
Zelda pulled away, looking up at him with narrowed eyes. She sighed after a moment and patted his cheek. “Take care of yourself.”
“I will.”
“Uh huh,” stepping out of his hold, she hoisted her skirts up. The edges were damp with mud. “The least you can do is not get hit by lightning again.”
Link shook his head and offered his arm. “I’ll do my best.”
She hooked their elbows together. “Well, as long as you try.”
It was a month later that Link was looking up at the dark, stormy clouds, waves crashing over the edge of his boat, wind whipping through his hair. Slick rope was in his hand, burning against his palm each time it slipped further and further through his grasp. The sail strained against the mast, salt water lapped against his boots, and the world felt like it was spinning too fast for him to escape.
Light split the sky in half and thunder crackled.
Guess I won’t be keeping that last promise after all, he thought as the bolt of lightning struck his boat and sent him careening into a land of dreams and nightmares.
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cypriathus · 5 months
A son of J’Tervazoschin and a daughter of Blodeghuta/Schuzelonta.
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Numphoktezrija W’Vheplaktobrinus, born as J’Pluchabtokreszind, is a nature and fertility god who possesses a capricious temperament that reflects the ever-changing state of earth. Due to his exceptional ability to endure hardship without complaining and showing emotion, he’s very resilient and virtuous. He’s able to appropriately discern and judge by using his past experiences and personal knowledge. He can effectively face and deal with negative situations that involve danger and/or fear without succumbing to cowardice. He possesses a strong, contemplative mind and practises abstinence, which prevents himself from indulging in extreme behaviours. Numphoktezrija is fairly patient with others, deeply grounded in his loyalty, and immensely thorough when it comes to decision-making. He extrudes a palpable sense of security that allows people to mostly trust his discreet integrity and moral uprightness. He’s carefully diligent, always seeking to do his godly tasks well and to take obligations seriously. As a nurturer, he usually provides encouragement, support, and protection to those who greatly respect him and his family, and treats nature with utmost care.
He has a trapezoidal ectomorphic body type with slightly broad shoulders, a muscular chest, a partially rounded belly, and six arms, and he’s smaller than his two mothers, nearing 53’ 8” (1635.76 cm). His back is covered by a fleshy pseudo-parasite that has a three-horned bovine skull, a malnourished human torso, lion front legs, horse hindlegs, and a short, segmented, blade-tipped tail. He has a pinecone-like face, mottled wood owl wings in place of his ears, and the four horns of a Jacob sheep. Numphoktezrija’s lower half is made up of 30 southern blue-ringed octopus tentacles and his hair is an eastern blue with streaks of whisper, muddy waters, and spring rain. He often decorates his hair with braids, dewdrops, golden rings, honeysuckles, oxeye daisies, and oriental lilies. On each palm of his six clawed hands, he has glistening fern green eyes with slit pupils that change their size and shape based on brightness and emotion. He possesses viridian green skin with milky white segmental vitiligo and a large yellow-greenish birthmark that spans from his right shoulder blade to his rectus abdominis. He wears a velvety shawl that covers half of his torso and it’s covered in dyed bird feathers of warm green, yellow, red-orange, peachy pink, and light brown. Each arm has two armlets decorated with bloodstone and dalmatian jasper, and he’s donning a neck gaiter made from muscaliet fur. Numphoktezrija has a garnet adder stone necklace, a gilded enamel ouroboros brooch, and seven rings: in the first pair, a peridot signet ring on his right index finger, a septarian statement ring on his left index finger, and a bronze knot ring on his left middle finger; in the second pair, a mahogany obsidian cocktail ring on his right middle finger and a golden dome ring on his left ring finger; in the third pair, a fire opal solitaire ring on his right ring finger; and in the fourth pair, a rose quartz ring on his left index finger.
Similar to his earthly mother, he possesses supernatural strength, durability, stamina, agility, dexterity, and senses. He has the ability to manipulate the beauty of nature, the cycle of life and death, equilibrium, land, agriculture, volcanoes, forests, mountains, gentle and harsh winds, rainstorms, dew, reproduction, childbirth, and virility. He can lull people to sleep by using zephyr and mentally grow, nurture, and rejuvenate plant life. Due to lacking a mouth, Numphoktezrija can telepathically communicate with sentient beings by accessing their thoughts and dreams. He possesses absolute charisma, an indomitable will, and night vision, and he can shoot disease-causing arrows from his eyes and use rain, crop fields, and soil to teleport.
Valczebjowius Ktumedjoszripa Ubajnozlekith Y’Ziphjaloktebus (grandparent)
Ymabjeloszivth Muleszorvintha Ebhiktosjuzar H’Ustewjoldzrian (half-uncle)
Nerjzluhtopiad Vuktezosphrija Utsakzojebhrin J’Waschebokzurvi (half-uncle)
Jagenozlithus V’Zilsjabkowunther (half-cousin)
Burthaloszige X’Uljaszobektrind (half-cousin)
Braktunghel F’Glophrajzedinus (half-cousin)
Olemaphinus F’Vokhtajebzrindus (half-cousin)
Tarixokhumen Y’Wiscaplonzrute (half-cousin)
Skhuzeloma P’Ktedzubovhrija (half-cousin)
Mingefolszurcha P’Vtadzercholwinbus (half-cousin)
Kelubaprithon T’Virchabejzoldus (half-cousin)
Xushevoriand W’Tilvazhjobrumen (half-cousin)
Mekhzunogila K’Tuljazospherd (half-cousin)
Nehuscoma J’Placheboktringus (half-cousin)
Luskophenda X’Priktalojzendus (half-cousin)
Hipenostruma P’Gektazloschurvi (half-cousin)
Mornelukha K’Phtavrijozlendus (half-cousin)
Lemuszonda P’Vusglaktozerji (half-cousin)
Eysphuxonda B’Ysilazrothunde (half-cousin)
Buthelomiva X’Jelwazhosturvi (half-cousin)
Anerholux K’Trocazlephindus (half-cousin)
Phudebronta W’Zihtakorsplune (half-cousin)
Eynthamobius T’Vulkephjobrisza (half-cousin)
Rhanozemius W’Zeljaktobhrinus (half-cousin)
Pscetrahozux M’Wuktaphojzergin (half-cousin)
Uysceporaith Z’Mulpevosithraj (half-cousin)
Atumebhiko X’Wehtazoscubrim (half-cousin)
Kuladozen V’Goljaktedzirmus (half-cousin)
Izesoluhar W’Xolchaktezrinus (half-cousin)
1000+ half-female cousins (?)
1000+ half-male cousins (?)
Zluskemophixa Guwaszhoktedin Oylkebursziah W’Knadzrijophetus (half-aunt)
Povichulaszred K’Golszenthurvija (uncle)
Kladjewoszruni M’Zihtepolvudja (mother)
680 cousins (?)
926 great-cousins (?)
Wenathropius Y’Kleghuboszria (half-uncle) 
Palemozinus Y’Blaphjektowinus (half-uncle)
Ayselonuth Y’Worvajektzinus (half-aunt)
Himanotrude Etluszoripha (aunt)
Äylcephinozur (cousin)
Blodeghuta L’Ægorvinus/Schuzelonta Chatzerbodius (aunt)
Melchjuszrovibta T’Xuljabhoszervi (cousin)
J’Tervazoschin Iazophetus (mother)
Buhemozrita (older half-brother)
Liwatozhendus (older half-sister)
Zekwaboruchni (older half-sibling)
God of Untainted Balance Amongst The Cyclical Life
Lord of the Gap Between Heaven and Earth
A Lullaby From The Gentle Zephyr
Ruler of Callous Volcanoes and Tranquil Meadows
His Ever-Changing Temperament
A Dream That Continuously Repeats
He Who Desires Mutual Equilibrium
J’Pluchabo (by most people)
Numphokte (by most people)
W’Vheplakto (by most people)
Numplaktobri (by a few people)
Phoktelaszri (by a few people)
Kreszinda (by a few people)
Kteszrija (by a few people)
He was born mute
J’Pluchabtokreszind changed his name to Numphoktezrija W’Vheplaktobrinus after a profound spiritual awakening and a significant transformation in his life that made him realise his true purpose within the multiverse.
Numphoktezrija meditates on mountaintops, connecting with the earth's energies and seeking guidance from the natural world.
He performs ceremonies to plant trees by sacrificing harmful people and celebrates the seasonal solstices through ritual dancing and the chanting of ancient hymns.
He crafts instruments from natural materials like wood, stone, and plants, using them to create melodies that resonate with the earth's rhythms.
As an Æylphitus, his birth name means “coiled wreath that prunes a bleeding oak, scale-licker between groaning dust and moonstruck truths or thriving dance of cloud and mud”. In regards to his new name, Numphoktezrija means “prophet of the dream pillar and star wolf, moistener above the ferocious disease or luminescent hurricane” and W’Vheplaktobrinus means “time-changer dancing amongst our miraculous harvest, pentahedron who swallows the moonstruck abyss, gleaming muse of a howler’s poison or one-eyed slumberer”.
His sacred animals are the ox, cassowary, stag, tortoise, elephant, pig, echidna, muscaliet, rock monitor, and copper-backed horsefly.
His sacred plants are the black-eyed Susan, honeysuckle, coneflower, mandrake, myrrh, hawthorn, wormwood, ivy, and fern.
His sacred stones are garnet, bloodstone, peridot, alexandrite, opal, fire agate, black tourmaline, mahogany obsidian, and dalmatian jasper.
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Melchjuszrovibta T’Xuljabhoszervi is a watery, nomadic warrior goddess and she prefers to not show much emotion, making her appear unfriendly and unsympathetic. She’s fairly restrained in speech and strongly confident to say what she believes is right, while preparing herself to accept and fix her wrongs. She’s well-equipped to utilise her impressive emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and inner strength when needed. She has an endurance for hardship and isn’t easily influenced by external pressures and social conventions. This means that Melchjuszrovibta can stay rational and make sound decisions, especially when dealing with stressful and difficult situations. She constantly seeks change and excitement in order to maintain her inspirational liveliness and infectious enthusiasm. She possesses an adventurous spirit as well as a willingness to stand up for herself and show her assertiveness. She sometimes demonstrates a compulsion to control and dominate any situation she personally encounters. She prefers to remain enigmatic and she has a proclivity toward sensitivity, regularly taking things to heart.
She has an inverted triangle mesomorphic body type with muscular limbs, broad shoulders, and a fairly defined waist, and she’s noticeably smaller than her mother, clocking in at 75 ft (2286 cm). Melchjuszrovibta’s skin is like a glowing ember with blackish freckles on her face, neck, chest, and upper arms. She has Tibetan antelope horns, common octopus tentacles protruding from her upper back, and a coiling tail with sharp, iridescent scales as well as the colouration and fins of a sand tiger shark. She also has anisodactyl-like feet, six-fingered hands, shimmering purple claws and talons, and four frilled gill slits below each side of her ribcage. Her four eyes are an amber with horizontal silvery garnet pupils, and she has a carnivorous mouth, two serpentine tongues, and pointed ears. She has silky, wet-looking hair of light mahogany brown with voluminous curls, which is decorated with seashells. Melchjuszrovibta has a coral cuirass that depicts the Lernaean Hydra with seven heads that are spread out in a semi-circle. She dons extremely baggy pants that are gathered a bit below the knees with separate short cuffs of four rows of beaded golden pearls. Her baggy, ballooning pants have a stunning gradient of blumine, pelorous, hippie blue, and aqua island. Near the bottoms of each pant leg are adorned with London hue and puce waves with white foam. She has a saffron sash encircling her waist, tied in a square knot, with both ends hanging to near-ground level. She possesses gilt-brass armlets and anklets that are decorated with azurite and pink tourmaline. She dons a few pieces of jewellery: bronze neck rings; a necklace with a Scapanorhynchus texanus tooth; a chrysoprase hololith bracelet on her right; a black onyx cocktail ring on her right index finger; and a cinnabar solitaire ring on her left middle finger. Melchjuszrovibta is often carrying a purplish wooden kite shield and a serpentine dagger with either a trident made from solidified freshwater or a bronze shepherd’s crook.
She possesses a gorgeous voice of prophecy, wisdom and memory that is far greater than a mortal’s, and the ability to effortlessly change her shape into living organisms. She can manipulate the natural beauty and majestic wonders of the sea, water, lakes, rivers, ponds, waves, and sea creatures. She has supernatural strength, durability, endurance, stamina, dexterity, and senses, and she has regenerative healing abilities. Melchjuszrovibta can move through the water swiftly, breathe underwater and on land, calm the oceans, still the winds, and hypnotise people through her alluring voice. She’s able to use freshwater and the gentle breeze to teleport, and to telekinetically interact with matter.
Himanotrude Etluszoripha (aunt)
Äylcephinozur (cousin)
J’Tervazoschin Iazophetus (aunt)
Numphoktezrija W’Vheplaktobrinus (cousin)
Buhemozrita (cousin)
Liwatozhendus (cousin)
Zekwaboruchni (cousin)
Unnamed father
Blodeghuta L’Ægorvinus/Schuzelonta Chatzerbodius (mother)
Goddess of the Pilgrim War, Coastal Waters, and Blistering Deserts
A Breeze Rippling Through Her Oceanic Surface
She of Exotic Spices and Fishy Miasma
Delinquent That Soars Above Her Waves
Crusader With A Gloomy Voice
Forlorn Sand-Crawler
Melchjaszo (by most people)
T’Xuljabhok (by most people)
Bhoszurveja (by most people)
Zrovejubita (by a few people)
Zobastervi (by a few people)
Melchjuszrovibta meditates during tidal changes, connecting with the ocean's rhythms and seeking balance within herself.
To maintain her physical prowess, she engages in regular combat training, practicing various fighting techniques and strategies, always seeking to improve her skills.
She shapes waves into intricate forms, using her connection to water to create temporary sculptures that represent her thoughts and emotions.
She explores new coastal areas, seeking hidden coves and secret waterways.
She likes to collect sea glass and religious memorabilia
As an Æylphitus, the different parts of her name have special meanings: Melchjuszrovibta means “priestess who devours the aborted solitude, billowing sphinx of twilight dominance or hedonistic megalith” and T’Xuljabhoszervi means “echoing plethora beneath a woeful storm, sentinel crawling above putrid brimstone, leviathan of shrieking brightness or shepherd’s phosphorescence”.
Her sacred animals are the sand tiger shark, vampire crab, sea turtle, orca, starfish, pelican, lamb, scitalis, unicorn, and amphisbaena.
Her sacred plants are the eucalyptus, gardenia, jasmine, mugwort, belladonna, chamomile, and horsetail reed.
Her sacred stones are selenite, chrysoprase, cinnabar, azurite, fluorite, black onyx, blue calcite, and pink tourmaline.
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theangrypokemaniac · 1 year
Part One
In a sense, childhood never really stops.
Everything to come simply grows round and upon those foundations like the rings of tree, which means that all the thoughts and feelings you had then, even if no longer consciously 'there' on the surface, are all still inside, waiting.
And if you dig down far enough, they burst out like spirits from a haunted forest.
You'd best be sitting down for this one.
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The thing to remember about Pokémon is that it was only supposed to last for one region, so its set up and early canon were written in the assumption of an imminent ending.
When that changed, it meant having to slowly prise apart the relationships already established, in order to give them more run time before a belated conclusion finally tied it all together.
If you look, there is a clear difference in tone between series one (which is, officially, from Pokémon — I Choose You! to The Breeding Centre Secret) and two (the rest of Kanto plus the Orange League).
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Near enough all of the beloved and best-remembered Rocketshipping moments (Pokémon Shipwreck, Holy Matrimony! etc.) are confined to the first series, because that was intended to lead somewhere.
I actually can't think of any stand-out scenes from the latter half of Kanto. In fact, and perhaps tellingly, that's when the earliest Anti-Shipping elements crept in, as in Bad to the Bone, which is another rant in itself.
By series two, the writers knew Pokémon would last until at least Johto, and therefore tried to roll back the status of these romances to a more moderate level, so it felt less of a fait accompli done and dusted, and more of a work-in-progress with some way to go yet, i.e. still carrying enough mileage to get them over the finish line.
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We know from Mewtwo Strikes Back and its deleted footage that characters were originally intended to age, move on with their lives and settle down, which is the right thing to do if you believe the grand finale is just around the corner.
And again, this was obviously how early Kanto saw the future unfolding, because it makes several references to the passage of time during Ash's travels.
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(He tells Giselle, for example, that he's been a Trainer for 'about two months').
Even as late as The Battle of the Badge, Misty says it's been a year since they last visited Viridian City.
By the third film, suddenly now it's only a year since Ash and Pikachu met, but nevertheless, time was still ticking onwards, even if in a somewhat stretched condition.
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Once we get to Hoenn, the idea of Pokémon as a product, dragged on and on forever, comes into play, where status quo is god and nothing can ever really progress, as doing so would push it closer to the end, thus leaving less room to manoeuvre in the following region.
Even if it does superficially 'develop' during the era, thereby giving the writers somewhere to go, it's simply cancelled out by re-booting it in the next generation, and thus they can do the same plots all over again.
I bet this is is why Kanto and Johto get lumped in together as 'the Original Series', even when Johto was specifically promoted as 'a whole new world', because that was the last point with any real semblance of continuity, when time actually mattered to the story.
Anyway, that's the prologue of why I hate this scene.
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There is no 'Jessie episode' to the Indigo League.
We have one for James (Holy Matrimony!) and Meowth (Go West, Young Meowth), but I need to search round the era, picking out the fragments, in order to piece together the puzzle of her background.
And I will do that.
1. Met James at Pokémon Tech. Failed the entrance exam. (The School of Hard Knocks)
2. Got Ekans for her birthday. (Island of the Giant Pokémon)
3. Fears rollercoasters. (Island of the Giant Pokémon)
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4. Despises women who sit around moping over a fella, 'cause she's got some bloody standards and don't take no nonsense from men. (The Ghost of Maiden's Peak)
You go, girl!
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5. Spent years thinking Santa was a Jynx after one came down the chimney and stole her creepy Bruce Lee doll. (Holiday Hi-Jynx)
If that's a prized possession it doesn't say much for her childhood.
Or, rather, it says a lot.
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6. Lived with her mother in a shack with no running water in the far north, and ate snow to survive. (Snow Way Out)
I know, I know it's not Ma Jess in the sub, but they chose to give her the exact same colour hair, when they could've picked any other shade, so it doesn't make sense otherwise, besides the rest.
7. Wants to be worshipped and waited upon 'like Cleopatra' by subservient pretty boys. (Pokémon Scent-sation)
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8. Really has a thing for long-haired, effeminate lads, particularly with blue and purple hair. (The Punchy Pokémon)
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9. Joined a bike gang with James and finally made friends there. (The Bridge Bike Gang)
10. Said bike gang came directly after running away with James from Pokémon Tech. (Holy Matrimony!)
11. Got nothing for Kids' Day, except 'baloney, and with one slice'. (The Purr-fect Hero)
I was never sure if 'baloney' meant cheap American meat (and meagre amounts of it at that) or was a deliberate play on words and actually indicated no filling at all.
12. Grew up poor and couldn't have Pokémon Dolls. (Princess Versus Princess)
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13. Used to be friends with Cassidy. Hates her now because she's 'jealous'. (The Breeding Centre Secret)
James didn't recognise Cassidy here, which suggests Team Rocket separates boys and girls for training, where she and Jessie then met but fell out rapidly, so it can't have been that much of a friendship.
Then again, it takes very little for girls to resent one another.
14. Considers herself an actress for playing a worm in a school play. (Lights, Camera, Quack-tion!)
15. No friends before James. (Friend or Foe Alike)
This is before we even consider supplementary material about her mother, for all that it's never come up in the anime.
Picture the scene: Little T.A.P., having compiled this list, settles down to watch a new episode of the Orange League, and what happens?
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Right, everyone dies now.
All the above, that I bothered to notice and value, because I'd invested in the programme, near enough every one of them is wiped out by this single bloody montage.
I paid attention, I listened to what they told me, I cared, and for what? To watch them set it alight once it's inconvenient?
They are, in effect, punishing the audience for loving what they want us to love in the first place.
One by one:
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• Oh, so you did have friends as a kid then? (15 gone)
But only one foot.
• I bet you get a breeze something awful up them robes. (6 gone)
• Note the clear implication here that Jessie met this berk as a little girl and grew up with him, thus she had a stable, settled upbringing, so you can put all that stuff about her getting shunted about here, there and everywhere in various foster homes after Ma Jess snuffed it out of yer head right now. (CD gone)
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You take yer filthy hands off her.
Mind you, I don't blame Jess keeping her eyes shut.
Gotta protect her soul from getting sucked into the black hole of oblivion in Darren's face.
Yeah, he looks like a Darren to me.
Fresh from smashing up the local offy before browsing the racks of Top Man for classy, clearly-not-chav clobber.
Q. What do you call Darren in a suit?
A. The defendant.
• That's some fancy gear yer got on there, Jess. I'll bet that cost a few bob. (11 and 12 gone)
• Not keen on pale, long-haired foppish youths devotedly waiting on you hand on foot, eh?
Oh no, she's always wanted 'em assertive, domineering, cropped, and Ronseal'd to the non-existent eyeballs. (7 and 8 gone)
• May I again state that this routine shows Jessie growing up with this tosser, from almost birth to her current age, with no indication they'd ever parted during that time, which neatly eliminates the history she had with James. (1, 9 and 10 gone)
Not only that, but since she's now apparently lived near Darren until the very minute she signed up for crime, having no reason to do so in this continuity, it's erased the Chansey school before it's even been bloody invented!
It can't be a case of mountain shack, went home, Jynx castle, went home, Chansey school, went home, Pokémon Tech., went home, bike gang, went home, Team Rocket, as what the hell was she going home to? Parents?
And why wouldn't James go with her?
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Girls like her disgust me.
Always waiting around for her man as if she were his faithful pet.
She can't stand the thought of losing him.
She cries but I'd say: 'See ya later!'
There are plenty more fish in the sea. (4 gone)
That screenshot is this meme:
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Out of the list of fifteen, there are five left, 'cause that scene just kept on whittling 'em down like Cassidy on a speed run.
And before anyone starts (because they always start), I'm gonna pre-empt the 'ackshully' treatment.
What they type:
Fufufufufu... Oh they don't say that in the sub, don't you know.
What they mean:
Well if you were a Deesunt Yoomun Been, like me, you'd pay no attention to that vulgar old dub.
Frightfully common.
Alright, alright, I'll take all the words out an' all. (2 and 14 gone) Happy now?
Since Pokémon is no longer set on Earth, that'll be no Christmas allowed either. (5 gone)
All I have left is that she hates Cassidy and rollercoasters, and I'm not even sure if that counts these days, considering how quickly she pushed James on to her supposed mortal enemy. (13 gone)
And there's bound to be an episode I've forgotten about cutting out the rollercoaster terror. (3 gone)
Probably in Kalos.
It's the sort of thing they'd do.
So that's it then. Jessie's past was already a mystery, but this one scene destroyed every important piece of information I'd gathered about her, and quite a few minor details to boot, which set the pattern to come.
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Now this wasn't the first time Pokémon ticked me off. We are, after all, dealing with the Orange League.
Who's this twat? And where's Brock?
Bad to the Bone was a portent of doom, but I grudgingly put it aside because I enjoyed the full series.
At least Tracey joining only changed the present, and didn't piss all over the past, but here, when I already don't like the overall situation, watching something blatantly wrong is even more infuriating.
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Oooooh, it's just one scene. Get over it.
Exactly. One bloody scene. A few needless seconds easily eaten up by any other content, but oh no, they simply HAD to rip up everything they'd already said, for nothing.
I almost think being a meaningless, throwaway scenario makes it worse, as it led to no plot point within the episode, no vital exchange building to a legendary story arc, nothing of any worth whatsoever, which might (MIGHT) justify the soiled beginnings; it exists only as filler for empty air, never hinted at before, and never referenced again.
It doesn't matter at all, but they did it anyway.
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At times like this I realize the value of Zero Tolerance, because the moment you put up with any slight slip in standards, precisely because it is so slight, and you're told to 'be reasonable', you've already consented to a hundred other much worse things down the line, because it's always 'just a little bit more' and 'But you accepted that, so why not this?' dragging yer down the path of damnation.
They got rid of Brock, and replaced him with Tracey, but fans weren't 'avin it, and kicked off.
So Brock returned, and stayed for another three regions, writers waiting for two generations of fan to grow up and leave before they dared pension him off again, and Tracey's barely been seen since.
But this? No one ever said a word.
No one ever says anything, and that just handed 'em a licence to do whatever they wanted.
And what have we had since then?
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(Training Daze)
What be this 'shared history' of which ye speak?
Why, all the very moral people know Jessie and James only met in Team Rocket, so it must be true.
Ever noticed how most of the Team Rocket episodes after this retcon are all about splitting 'em up?
Oh, I wonder why.
Yeah. It's as if there's no deep bond anymore.
How people got swindled into believing this was a prime Rocketshipping goldmine I'll never know.
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You'll gladly trade away their entire youth spent side-by-side, all to have one bloody GIF of him falling on top of her?
Why is this a novelty? Weren't they always hugging and falling asleep beside one another before?
Why is it suddenly a big deal?
Oh yeah. The Darren Dilemma hints as much, but this is the one making it official:
Jessie and James didn't know each other from Adam before today.
God knows what they were up to since birth though, 'cause all the adventures explaining have been deleted.
You can't have The School of Hard Knocks, you can't have The Bridge Bike Gang, and best of all, you can't have Holy Matrimony!, as that references them both.
Bye-bye now!
So we've gone from them staying together from childhood, as a choice, irrelevant to joining the Mafia, to something founded on a business deal between work mates?
That's romantic, innit?
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(Sweet Baby James)
Jessie, and ME?!
Ewwwwww!!! Yer dirty bitch, Grandma. I'd rather DIE!!!
I wish the writers wouldn't keep sending us these cryptic messages.
Come on, say what you mean for a change.
Uh! She's so disgusting, kids! Don't ship him with her!
That's just cruel, that!
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(Crossing Paths!)
Well whaddya know. Here's another vapid dickhead who totally ruined my life in an unspecified timeframe who I nevertheless forgot about til now.
Austin Allegro or whatever his name is.
Real tragic tho.
Not before or after Darren, apparently.
Try and make both these Shameful Secret Pasts fit, and you end up with Jess taking a break from Darren mid-way to fanny about with a fellow gibbering non-entity, who inflicted Major Trauma Of Which We Do Not Speak by getting on a bus, but shrugging it off immediately and going back to Darren, who inflicted Major Trauma Of Which We Do Not Speak by donning Giant's flasher mac.
Ah. The classic triggers.
What's this, anyway? Nurse Joy: The Wonder Years?
No, no, no, no, no! It's Jessie! Jessie, Jessie, JESSIE!
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Ooh, yes. I'd know that hair anywhere.
This was a Serious Moment, people!
Ah, you mean another Butterfree rip-off?
NO! It was a moth this time! That's a completely different animal!
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(Noodles! Roamin' Off!)
Yeah, I'm gonna do this Contest schtick full-time, love.
No, you can't come with me.
I ain't even offering.
Look, just sod off back to Jessibelle will yer?
She'll have yer. Daft bitch.
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Hey, it's Mondo!
NO! It's once more a never-before-mentioned Very Important Character!
Amazing how Chris made such a life-shattering impact on the pair but somehow never showed up in the episode covering their Team Rocket training.
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(A Fork in the Road! A Parting of the Ways!)
I don't like yer. I never really liked yer.
There will never be anything between us, so yer can forget that.
I don't even respect yer as a friend, 'cause I am outta here at the first sniff of something better without so much as a goodbye.
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Who's this creaking old duffer?
That's Jessie an' all.
I will dump you for some beady-eyed pencil neck within five minutes of meeting him 'cause it's Very Definitely Troo Luv Bruh.
Yeah, I know. But I don't give a shit about all the years we spent together.
You were just the only crawling simp I could get at the time.
Come on, even our 'best bits' recap is crap. What does that tell yer?
I don't even care if all yer Pokémon get nicked and you end up alone. I ain't coming back.
Okay, I'm back now. He doesn't want me so I might as well.
But don't get too comfy, sunshine. I am NOT happy and I will chuck you at the next opportunity.
Genius continuity here where James has gone from vowing to die before he married Jessie to having a nervous breakdown when she legs it.
Ssh. The Next Opportunity is coming up.
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(The Good, the Bad, and the Lucky!)
You'd be much better off with that bird I've loathed with all-consuming murderous hatred for the last two decades.
You know, after she's bullied, belittled and beaten us up relentlessly?
Aye, that's the one. Go on, lad, get stuck in.
I can't be taking you away from Paradise when you've bonded over that famous shared interest of yours.
End of Part One
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you said i could send you all the colors i want and i took that literally
(those have nothing to do with the ask game anymore but i’m bored and don’t have anything better to do, i copy pasted these btw i can’t actually think of so many color names)
Blue Green
Blue Violet
Bondi Blue
Burnt Orange
Burnt Sienna
Burnt Umber
Camouflage Green
Caput Mortuum
Carrot orange
Cherry Blossom Pink
Falu red
Fern green
Forest green
French Rose
Han Purple
Hollywood Cerise
Kelly green
Lawn green
Lemon chiffon
Lime green
Midnight Blue
Mint green
Misty rose
Moss green
Navajo white
Navy Blue
Office green
Papaya whip
Pine Green
Powder blue
Prussian blue
Psychedelic purple
Quartz Grey
Raw umber
Robin egg blue
Royal blue
Royal purple
Safety orange
Sandy brown
School bus yellow
Sea Green
Shamrock green
Shocking Pink
Sky Blue
Slate grey
Spring bud
Spring green
Steel blue
Tenné (Tawny)
Terra cotta
Titanium White
Tyrian purple
Van Dyke Brown
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you are a menace
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palette-quest · 1 year
The Vermillion Jungle
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The tees in this temperate jungle are ancient, stretching high into the sky. Their leaves vary between deep green and vibrant orange and coat the ground in their brilliance. There are villages built between the trunks, but the most interesting inhabitants of the Vermillion Jungle live above that.
Metropoles span many of the trees, boxy houses wrapping around the trunks and across the branches. Big birdhouses for big birds - collectively called the Vermillion Avians. They come in all kinds; most resemble songbirds like robins or sparrows. Most of the “villages” house only one or two types of birds - those that get along in real life. Beast Adventurers have tried to speak with them, and they seem very similar to the normal birds of the game. The avians don’t seem to remember who built the houses, which has provided fuel for many theorists and investigations. They do occasionally give quests to Adventurers they can speak with, usually asking for seeds or the removal of a predator in exchange for feathers.
The birds are not usually big enough to carry a player, being about the size of a large dog or small deer. Some of the few who are big enough to give rides might offer one as a quest reward.
The human inhabitants of the Jungle sometimes come into conflict with the birds - especially the corvids. Players might be asked to help with disputes or retrieve stolen shiny things.
Why start here?
The Vermillion Jungle's greatest strength is its position on the frontier. If you want to discover brand-new Zones as quickly as possible: start from Mandarko in the Vermillion Jungle and walk East. It will be a bit since you won't be the first person to choose that path, but it's by far the closest place to the edge of current discovery.
The Jungle is also a key part of the second major trade circuit this side of Thisland, and the Starter Town of Mandarko is one of the big trade hubs. They partner with the Forest and a yet unmapped Zone called the Viridian Tropics (allegedly to the Northeast of the Jungle). This can be a more practical entry to trade for those who can't handle traveling to the Desert across the high-level Periwinkle Mountains, and might be the best Starter Zone if becoming a merchant is your ultimate goal.
While it's not as bustling as the Fields, the Jungle seems to attract people looking for close-knit communities. It's a great place to make friends and form parties to last a lifetime (or at least the five months the game has been out). A couple of Robinhood-style gangs(?) have formed in the Jungle, so evildoers beware!
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As a little context: there's a lot of trade from the Rose Desert that goes through the Periwinkle Mountains. Both of those places are high-level and would be dangerous for a new player to try to navigate, so the Jungle is a better, lower-level place to get into trade.
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pikatrainer99 · 2 months
I just posted the story about Orange meeting Tails!
Please feel free to check it out and give it a read! I hope you all enjoy it!
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
RWBY OC Color Names:
Massive shoutout to @collectingsparechangemadeeasy1, they helped a lot with coming up with these name :)
Roux, Rory, Rufus, Russell, Rusty, Maroon, Burgundy, Mahogany, Claret, Sorrell, Flannery, Vermilion, Apple, Candy, Sangria, Cardinal, Carnelian, Cerise, Cinnabar, Falu, Crimson, Wine, Amaranth, Titian, Chili, Raspberry, Carmine, Realgar, Eudialyte, Madeira, Cuprite, Rosa, Peppermint, Aster, Anemone, Yarrow, Chrysanthemum, Amaryllis, Carnation, Poinsettia, Begonia, Dianthus, Freesia, Petunia, Hibiscus, Poppy, Salvia, Tulip, Azalea, Canna, Dahlia, Verbena, Holly.
Hari, Ginger, Spice, Blaze, Russet, Tawny, Citron, Clementine, Tangerine, Coral, Peach, Apricot, Mango, Persimmon, Sunset, Pumpkin, Butterscotch, Cider, Copper, Bronze, Clay, Ochre, Fulvous, Jasper, Sunrise, Topaz, Amber, Tiger, Carnelian, Hessonite, Sunstone, Sunny, Padparadscha, Sardonyx, Calcite, Dzi, Begonia, Canna, Cosmos, Honeysuckle, Zinnia, Autumn.
Honey, Blaine, Gold (Goldie), Mellow, Lemon, Champagne, Canary, Daffodil, Sunny, Jasmine, Primrose, Goldenrod, Dune, Sand, Flax, Xanthus, Laguna, Dijon, Beige, Aureolin, Mikado, Maize, Colza, Melon, Cyber, Banana, Tuscany, Ecru, Corn, Sepia, Citrine, Heliodor, Pyrite, Copal, Argonite, Sulphur, Rutile, Spiriferida, Scheelite, Calla, Jessamine, Pansy, Primrose, Lotus, Buttercup.
Viridian, Hunter, Forest, Moss, Florence, Chartreuse, Oliver, Olive, Olivia, Sage, Lime, Jade, Fern, Laurel, Mint, Tea, Kelly, Sacramento, Juniper, Pear, Shamrock, Pickle, Pistachio, Basil, Paris, Spring, Glade, Timber, Verdun, Chateau, Kaitoke, Foxtons, Kale, Avocado, Bilbao, Panache, Khaki, May, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Idocrase, Aventurine, Peridot, Moldavite, Zoisite, Turquoise, Malachite, Serpentine, Prehnite, Variscite, Ekanite, Tansy, Hydrangea, Scabiosa.
Royal, Admiral, Duke, Glacious, Blueberry, Bluebell, Sky, Midnight, Frost, Ocean, Glade, Bluebird, Azalea, Denim, Pigeon, Navy, Carolina, Maya, Cornflower, Sapphire, Azure, Yale, Indigo, Cobalt, Teal, Cerulean, Lapis, Aegean, Berry, Arctic, Aquamarine, Aqua, Spinel, Chalcedony, Tanzanite, Moonstone, Iolite, Apatite, Larimar, Benitoite, Zircon, Opal, Azurite, Kyanite, Sodalite, Halite, Clematis, Salvia, Lobelia, Lupine, Veronica.
Magenta, Fuschia, Periwinkle, Plum, Yolanda, Violet, Iris, Lavender, Amethyst, Hibiscus, Mauve, Mulberry, Orchid, Lilac, Grape, Byzantine, Helio, Floral, Thistle, Sangria, Jam, Chalcedony, Fluorite, Garnet, Kunzite, Sugalitie, Coquimbite, Kunzite, Siberite, Charoite, Phantom, Taaffeite, Tiffany, Marialite, Angel, Verbena, Anemone, Heather, Aster, Liatris, Honesty, Merlin, Wisteria, Zinnia, Dianthus.
Blush, Sakura, Rosè, Calamine, Bubblegum, Thulian, Cerise, Carnation, Amaranth, Taffy, Rouge, Crepe, Rhodolite, Morganite, Mayala, Pezzottaite, Rubellite, Calcite, Eudialyte, Talc, Rosolite, Cerasite, Cherry, Azalea, Begonia, Amaryllis, Thyme, Hollyhock, Astilbe, Iberis, Phlox.
Pearl, Alabaster, Lumi, Snow, Porcelain, Linen, Cream, Ivory, Platinum, Sugar, Chiffon, Titanium, Lace, Ice (Icey), Edelweiss, Cotton, Salt, Daisy, Frost, Rice, Howlite, Diamond, Akoya, Baroque, Keshi, Selenite, Selene, Zeolite, Caylon, Okenite, Snowdrop, Magnolia, Jasmine, Powder, Galatea.
Grey, Silver, Steel, Stone, Pewter, Slate, Dusty, Boulder, Manta (?), Cloud, Fossil, Mink, Abalone, Harbor, Iron, Trout, Seal, Lava, Shadow, Ash, Anchor, Graphite, Fog, Lead, Gibeon, Celiom, Larvikite, Chrome, Terahertz, Brunia.
Ebony, Merle, Charcoal, Coal, Jet, Ink, Soot, Smoke, Pepper, Domino, Vanta, Onyx, Pitch, Sable, Obsidian, Spider, Leather, Morion, Hematite, Shungite, Galena, Graphite, Lodestone, Shale, Scoria, Augite, Anatase, Basalt, Blackberry, Baccara, Satin, Viola.
Total number of names on this list: 420
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lailoken · 3 years
‘:Formulae:’ [Pt. 2]
“Jewell'd Waters of Radiance.
A Sacred Bath For Women; being a most excellent preparation for the rites of any sylvan goddess, nymph, female spirit or deific form. The Balneum requires generous amounts of fresh flowers, hence several hours should be allotted for gathering, being ever mindful of the spirits to be honour'd.
Leaf of Raspberry, dry. 35 g.
Rose Petals, fresh. 35 g.
Cherry Blossoms, fresh. 35 g.
Blossoms of Honeysuckle, fresh. 35 g.
Orange Flower Water. 350 ml.
Rose Absolute. 13 drops.
Let a cold infusion of the fresh blossoms be made, allowing them to steep in large seal'd vessels of well or spring water. Make a hot infusion of the Berry Leaves, with sufficient boiling water to cover. Seal in a stopper'd jar and steep for 30 minutes. When the Bath is drawn, strain the Leaf infusion decoction into the water, along with the Orange flower water and Rose Absolute. Add double the amount of Salt of Lilith to the ablution, and agitate the waters. Finally, pour in the cold infusions, leaving the fresh flowers to float freely. Let the Spirit to Be Honour'd be invoked with the Wand of Quickening, and the bath-chamber lit with candles.
Aqueum Liliya.
A lustral sacrifice for ritual conveyance of the benedictions of Lilith in her fully waxed, angelic, and tutelary lunation. The bath may be modified for succubi, nymphs, or water-spirits. All flowers should be fresh-gathered in Her name.
Petals of White Roses. 200
Blossom of Jasmine. 200
Blossom of Gardenia. 100
Blossom of Lily. 3
Blossom of Angel's Trumpet. 1
Place into the Working Basin and cover with 4 litres of cold spring water. Knead the blossoms gently between the fingers for several moments while a graven image of the Lady is silently focused upon with Eye and Heart. Let stand for three hours prior to use in a quiet, sheltered place, away from the light, with a single white candle lit for the Lady before her Idol. During the rite wherein the lustration is to be employed, the Lady should be invoked with a wand of Crooked Willow or Tamarisk, and the branch employed to quicken the florid waters. The petals should be left in the waters and the lustration sprinkled upon the crowns, brows, and palms of those who would receive the Lady's goodness.
Waters of Magnetism.
An excellent bath for increasing Charisma or one's natural Charms, ideal for attracting a mate or other sexual glamours. The Balneum may also be used prior to gambling. Owing to the seasonal nature of Cherry and Quince, the Bath is best employ'd in Spring. Cherry blossoms are rarely found at the local apothecary. Thus, one must gather one's own in Spring. One may also employ blossoms of Apple, Plum, Pear, or Peach for like effect.
Cherry Blossoms, fresh or dried. 200
Blossoms of Flowering Quince, fresh. 100
Chamomile Blossoms, fresh or dried. 100
Rose Buds, fresh. 30
Steep in enough boiling water to cover. Let the infusion sit for 10 minutes. Strain into bathwater, washing the Herb material through several times. Immerse oneself for at least 30 minutes and allow the waters to air-dry on the skin after emerging.
Lustration of Mercurius.
A bath appropriate for invoking the patron of magic, and alchymic wisdom. This Bath of the Wise grants especial gifts prior to labours of the spiritual laboratory.
Lavender Blossoms. 30 g.
Essential Oil of Lavender. 8 drops
Essential Oil of Sandalwood. 8 drops
Kosher Salt. 60g.
Epsom Salt. 60 g.
Infuse Lavender Blossoms in 1.5 litres boiling water for the space of 30 minutes. Strain and add to a 300 litre bath and stir in, adding salt and oils. For best results, soak for at least 40 minutes and drip dry afterward.
Warrior's Ablution.
A stimulating brew to lend power during confrontations with enemies, the law, or for use prior to negotiations.
Leaf of Rosemary, fresh. 70 g.
Cinnamon chips. 30 g.
Bloom of Chamomile, dry. 30 g.
Flowers of Broom. 30 g.
Add Rosemary and Cinnamon to a cooking vessel with enough water Bring to a boil, cover, and simmer 15 minutes. In a separate vessel, steep the Broom and Chamomile blossoms in 1 litre boiling water. Strain both infusion and decoction and discard Herbal material, adding the liquids to the bathwater. cover.
Earthing Bath.
For drawing stray powers back into the Corpus, centering the Mind, and subduing quarrelsome spirits.
Linden blossom, dried. 60 g.
Oak, leaves and twigs, dried and crumbl'd. 60 g.
Leaf of Wormwood. 33 g.
Infuse the Linden and Wormwood in 1.5 litre boiling water for 20 minutes. As it is steeping, simmer Oak leaves in 1 litre of water for 20 minutes. Strain both fluids into the bath tub and soak as long as is needed.
Midsummer Gold.
A Solar infusion made from traditional Herbs for washing the body and clearing and fortifying the aethyric orb.
Herb of St. Johnswort, dry. 30 g.
Herb of Vervain, dry. 30 g.
Leaf of Mugwort, dry. 25 g.
On the morning of the Summer Solstice, seal each of the Herbs in a separate steeping jar with enough water to completely fill the vessel. Allow to steep for at least four hours in the sunlight, absorbing the Solar Genius at the peak of its power. During this time of steeping, the very Fires of the Sun should be invoked and beseech'd into the Womb of the Waters of the Moon. In this conjunctio the Fruits of Our Labour arise. The exhausted plant matter is then strained out, and the resulting infusions mixed. The potentiated wash may be poured on the head while holding clear in the Imaginal Eye the Solar virtues cleansing the crown, and gradually seeping into the entirety of the aethyric orb. The wash may also be added to bathwater for extended soaking.
Floor Wash.
A general but potent Encharmed Solution for cleansing the oratory or home of Noxious Spirits or in the wake of an unpleasant event.
Leaf of Vervain, dry. 40 g.
Leaf of Sagebrush, dry. 30 g.
Leaf of Thyme. 20 g.
Root of European Mandrake. 7 g.
Steep Vervain, Sagebrush and Thyme in 1 litre boiling water, leaving to stand in an airtight jar for 7 hours before filtering. In a separate cooking vessel, add Mandrake to 400 ml. water and bring to a boil. Simmer 20 minutes. Filter and reserve liquid, burying the boil'd Root in an honourable location and with a coin and thanks. Add to Herbal infusion when it has been strained.
Purification Bath.
A relaxing bath excellent for quieting and realigning the disrupted psyche, as well as nourishing and envigorating the bastions of spiritual defence. Our Fair Decoction may be simmered longer than the 15 minutes given, up to 25. The resulting brew may be used for a cold bath as well, omitting the salts and oil.
Fir Needle. 50 g.
Atlas Cedar. 33 g.
Epsom Salt. 30 g.
Root of Valerian, chopped. 25 g.
Root of Calamus, chopped. 25 g.
Essential Oil of Sandalwood. 5 drops.
Bring 1 litre of water to a boil. Add Fir, Cedar, Calamus and Valerian. Cover and simmer for 15 minutes. Strain and add to hot bath water, along with essential oil and salt. For cases of extreme disruption, double the amount of Fir, Salt, and True Oil of Sanders.
Mist of Dispersion.
For banishing rude spirits or flocculum abomini. Mix all ingredients in 4 oz. atomizer bottle and agitate before use.
Essential Oil of Palmarosa. 5 drops.
Essential Oil of Fir. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Juniper Berry. 3 drops.
Essential Oil of Atlas Cedar. 2 drops.
Essential Oil of Birch. 1 drop.
Water. 75 ml.
Perfumer's Alcohol or 100 proof spirit. 40 ml.
Asperge Sylvaticus.
A suitable brew for asperging brethren prior to Congregational works of sorcery. The ingenium derives from a subtil congressus of the Lord and Lady of the Desert, the Lord of the Forest, and the Lady of the Garden.
Leaf of Sagebrush, crumbl'd. 33 g.
Leaf of Douglas Fir, Larch, or Hemlocks, chopp'd. 30 g.
Leaf of Scent'd Geranium. 30 g.
Leaf of Wormwood. 5
Make a strong decoction of the Fir, Hemlock or Larch with 1 litre of water in a covered cauldron, simmered for fifteen minutes. Pour the hot decoction over the remaining ingredients in a steeping vessel and let stand seal'd for half an hour. Strain and asperge with a branch of the evergreen employ'd. Tincture of Myrrh may also be added in small amounts to enhance the cleansing virtue.
Mist of Severity.
Another Compound'd Mist for the more potent workings of Exorcism or in instances of stubborn hauntings. Mix all ingredients and store in 4 oz. atomizer bottle, shaking before use.
Essential Oil of Hyssop. 5 drops.
Essential Oil of Cajeput. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Juniper Berry. 4 drops.
Essential Oil of Black Peppercorn. 3 drops.
Water. 75 ml.
Perfumer's Alcohol or 100 proof spirit. 40 ml.
The Viridian Broom.
A potent asperge for sprinkling, using a fresh bough of Cypress.
Sprig of Douglas Fir, chopp'd. 35 g.
Herbe of Pennyroyal, whole flowering. 35 g.
Leaves of Cypress. 28 g.
Berries of Juniper, crush'd well. 25.
Place Douglas Fir, Cypress and Juniper Berries in the Wort-Cauldron with 1 litre of water, and bring to a boil. Simmer, cover'd, for 20 minutes. Remove from Heat and add the Pennyroyal. Strain when cool.
Sorcerer's Hand Wash.
For hand-anointing prior to works of the Magical Arte. Place 11 Devil's Shoestrings, along with a slice of the very best Galangal Root, a twig of True Cinnamon, a pinch of Sweet Tobacco, and a small slice of True Mandrake in a bottle of dark glass and fill with 151 Proof Rum. Stopper, storing in a dark place. Gems or minerals sympathetic to the magician may also be added as desired.
Balneum of the Wayfarer.
A blessed wash especially for the feet prior to Sojourning forth in the Greenwood, or for such as wander long in lonely places, giving invigoration and purpose to the stride. Fresh-harvest'd Rhizome of Wild Ginger (Asarum spp.) may be substituted for Ginger.
Root of Ginger, fresh, sliced. 90 g.
Leaf of Bay, fresh. 50.
Leaf of Holy Basil, fresh. 40 g.
Make strong decoctions of the Ginger and Bay in separate vessels. Pour both over the Basil into a large Hermeticus and steep for ten minutes. Pour wash without straining into a basin and soak feet for 30 minutes prior to Sojourn.”
Ars Philtron:
Concerning the Aqueous Cunning of the Potion and its Praxis in the Green Arte Magical
by Daniel A. Schulke
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peterofthedrakes · 2 years
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YELLOW!!!!!! Yellow is hispanic & trans masc and I Swear To The Gods I will die on this fucking hill.
[Image Description: a drawing of Yellow, a hispanic person with yellow hair and green eyes. They are wearing a wide brimmed sun hat, an orange tunic over a long sleeved black shirt, black leggings, and purple boots. The leggings and shirt have dark green leaves on them, and they also have a brown belt. They are holding a fishing pole with a pokeball attached to the end of it, and have a flower tucked behind their ear. There is writing on the image, which reads as follows: 'Yellow! -they/them trans masc. cool hat. -leaf motifs are for Viridian Forest. -small as hell. this is a miniature lad. -broke arm :(. -Pokemon healer! -surprisingly badass -pocket for cool stuff! they hoard flowers. -fishing pole for cool techniques.' End ID]
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ghostchanuwu · 2 years
(Gonna be kinda long under the cut lmao)
Basically what it is is that all of Ash's traveling companions (minus Max and Bonnie because they're ✨baby✨) have either been kicked out,abandoned,lives on their own,ect so Delia just slowly but surely adopts all of them starting with Gary since his parents were never really there for him,Oak was too absorbed in his studies and Agatha was always too busy (yes they're married in this au)
Ash and Gary go out on their journey together instead of being rivals since Delia adopted him at such a young age (5 y/o) to where he has a much healthier friendship dynamic with Ash.
Misty left on her own accord since her sisters (who were supposed to be her caretakers) just stopped caring for her and the gym by proxy and set off to get stronger and take the gym leader position by force so that the gym wouldn't go under.She set up a campsite on the Viridian City outskirts where nobody would bother her plus there being a lake nearby helped with training all the cute lil water types she has.
Brock was outright disowned after being severely injured during a hiking trip into Mt Moon (14 y/o) leaving him with permanent nerve damage in his left arm and a slight limp in his left leg along with some memory issues and a nervous tic (limbs randomly jerking) and his parents refusing to acknowledge him because "no child of ours cannot not be perfect" (abelism 100).He tends to stay as far away as possible from Pewter but never any further than Viridian Forest or Route 4 since his siblings tend to sneak out and check up on him.
Tracey is a drifter,he never really had a home since he was left orphaned at just a few months old and was tossed between foster parents until he managed to run away when he turned 10 to get his trainer's license so that he wouldn't be forced back into the foster care system.He's befriended a pod of Lapras who ferry him between islands along the Orange Archipelago and occasionally stopping by Jotho (that's where he got Marill).
(Hoenn and Sinnoh will be posted soon <3 )
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Secret-Diary’s Colour Wheel... OF DOOOOOOM!
So, I started writing this for my own personal reference, but then it was funny, so now it’s a blog. There, that’s your origin story: now here’s me attempting to describe obscure colours in way that will make you see them in your head, when I could just show you a swatch and have done with it.
Incarnadine Dark, lustrous red- almost like blood. The deep kind I mean, not the fresh, red kind that happens when you cut yourself. If you cut yourself lightly and your blood is Incarnadine, you might want to seek medical attention.
Sarcoline Light, almost fleshy pink. Like a newborn homunculus, or Boris Johnson’s terrifyingly baby-like face during a press conference.
Gingerline Orangey-yellow, sometimes held to be darker than regular ginger, but also sometimes also thought to be lighter. The word is super flexible about the exact colour it refers to, but the hue reminds me of the Spice Melange before it goes all blue and an Atreides shoves it up their hooter.
Skobeloff Dark teal. A bit peacock-y. Yeah, it’s not super exciting or unique or hard to describe, but ‘skobeloff’ is a transcendently brilliant word.
Aureolin Golden yellow with maybe a teeny tiny snip of orange in the mix. It’s actually a really nice colour, but not quite as nice as…
Gamboge Browny, orangey, reddy, and yellowy all at once. If autumn could be summed up in one colour, it’d be this bad boy.
Coquelicot A really nice word for ‘poppy red’. Also it has the word ‘coq’ in it, so it’s funny.
Chartreuse Bright green with a dash of yellow. A really extra type of lime.
Celadon You know that ace Art Deco Green that teapots and lamps sometimes are? Yeah- this is the name for that.
Phlox A highly saturated violet that’s slightly more blue than red. Sounds like a deep-space phenomenon in a sci-fi show from the nineties, but it’s actually named after a flower.
Glaucous Icy blue, but slightly darker than what you initially pictured when I said ‘icy blue’. Think ‘deep permafrost’ rather than ‘ice cube’.
Cerulean Now think ‘ice cube’. Or think ‘bluebird with frostbite’.
Viridian Bluish-green; a bit dark; more green than blue. Very useful if you’ve already used ‘verdigris’, ‘emerald’ and ‘teal’ when describing an alien forest. Also comes in handy if you need to explain the colour of rusted copper to an idiot.
Verdigris A nice, rusty sort of green-blue. Very coppery. Even more so than Viridian. Fuck you, Viridian!
Jaundice Similar to gamboge, but a lot less fun.
Periwinkle Light, greyish purple. Purple for people who can’t fucking commit.
Heliotrope A nice, light purple. A bit lilacesque. Use it in a sentence to sound posh and impress the gullible.
Calamine Light, not-super-saturated pink. A bit of a ‘romance colour’, if you catch my drift.
Cerise A dark, broody magenta. A man’s man’s magenta. Magenta for people who would shoot actual magenta and mount it in their pool hall.
Tyrian Not to be confused with the dwarf of the same but differently-spelled name. A really dark mauve. Mauve for Goths.
Azure The blue you thought the sky would be in Italy before you went there and spent half the time dying of heat-stroke and the other half getting rained on because Italy’s weather is in a permanent state of emotional meltdown.
Persimmon You know those dark, orangey-red lines that pattern the surface of still-warm coals? That’s basically persimmon. Alternatively, it’s the colour that the sky went that time I had the flu and I thought the fucking world might be ending because nobody had told me it was just a random dust-storm from the African plains somehow reaching England.
Vermilion Darkish red, but a really nice darkish red. The kind of darkish red that you might want an armchair in a private library to be, or that a Lannister would wear when going on a date with a close blood-relation.
Obsidian Black, but not in a racist way.
Sable A more racy version of obsidian. Note I said ‘racy’, still not ‘racist’.
Onyx Can’t decide between black and grey? Onyx has got your back, dawg.
Laurel A greyish, olive-green. Pairs well with Hardy.
Citrine Have ever wished there was a word for ‘golden yellow, but not in a healthy way’? Well, here it is. Citrine is a lovely word, but the colour to which it refers is the colour of your urine after a night of terrible, terrible decisions, or of a lemon that’s seen better days.
And that’s it- my favourite colours… SO FAR!
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