Massive Sinnoh Fanboy
186 posts
Hi! I'm Pika and I love Pokémon and PokéSpe with all my heart, especially Goh and the Sinnoh Trio! I am a passionate Goh and Pearl fan/defender, therefore haters of those characters will NOT be tolerated here! I am also autistic, very open about it, and will sometimes do character analyses on my favorite autistic-coded characters as well. This is primarily a Pokémon blog but I may venture into other things that become special interests, right now the other special interest I'm also focusing on is Phineas and Ferb. Also don't be surprised if you start seeing stuff about Transformers Rescue Bots showing up in my likes and stuff. Not confident enough to post about that show yet because I'm a new fan of it but maybe in the future.
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pikatrainer99 · 3 days ago
PokéSpe fanfiction! I don't write all the time though, ever since I started posting on AO3 I only have a few stories posted. Life gets in the way a lot.
Reblog if you write fan fiction
Doesn’t matter if you write in a frequent basis, or once in a blue moon, just how many of us are there?
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pikatrainer99 · 7 days ago
I digitized an old drawing from 2022
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This took a long time to digitize but I think it definitely looks better in color. Drawing multiple characters in one picture is not easy for me, so I'm surprised I was able to pull it off with this one, even though some of the proportions look a bit wonky. I absolutely adore the base forms of all three Galar starters so I drew them with Pikachu back in 2022, a year before I started digitizing my art. When I originally drew it, I used the box to one of my jigsaw puzzles as a reference, since the picture of that puzzle is Pikachu and the Galar starters in this pose. They're just so cute and I love them so much! Plus any time Sobble is smiling is my favorite, its smile is too precious, so that made this an absolute MUST to draw. I hope you all like this one! I haven't drawn anything new in a while (been focused on my writing again), but I figured I'd just digitize this one and post it for you guys just to have a drawing to post.
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pikatrainer99 · 13 days ago
This looks like a Biri-Biri reference and I love it! Great work!
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Happy SatoGou day!
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pikatrainer99 · 14 days ago
I just realized that every time I boot up Pokémon Sword and do the daily Loto-ID thing at the Rotomi...whenever I get a match it's ALWAYS with the same Pokémon every time. It always says exactly THIS to me:
"Oh! Congratulationzzz! That'zzz amazing! The number matches up with the ID No. of your sweet Tsubasa!" (My Corviknight's nickname, named after the Japanese title of the Twilight Wings miniseries that prominently features the Corviknight Taxi service, which is "Hakumei no Tsubasa", Tsubasa on its own means wings and can also be an actual name so I figured it's perfect for a bird Pokémon, then Twilight Wings came out and that was what solidified it for me, haven't once changed it. 😌)
I guess my Corviknight's my lucky Pokémon for some reason. Though I can only imagine how much I'd laugh if it was my Cinderace, whose nickname is "Savage" because of a rap battle between the Galar starters I watched on YouTube where Scorbunny absolutely DESTROYED the other two in my opinion (though that's not to say the other two didn't get some good roasts in either, because they definitely did). So seeing the Rotomi call my Cinderace "your sweet Savage" would just make me laugh so hard because those two things could not be more opposite. 🤣
Anyway, that's my ramble for today and now I have to go eat supper 😅
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pikatrainer99 · 17 days ago
Every single Japanese OP and ED for Pokémon Horizons is an absolute BANGER and no one can convince me otherwise! I'm OBSESSED with "Only One Story" right now and can't stop listening to it...well, that and "Pikkaan!" (I seriously often find myself going about my day just chanting "Rise up Pikkaan! Rise up Pikkaan!" to myself, it's that catchy 😅)
They did NOT need to go this hard on these songs but I am HERE for it!
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pikatrainer99 · 20 days ago
Little status update...again.
This past week I've been feeling exhausted, just like how Orange and Yellow do after using their powers too much. I can't draw right now, I've spent most of the days sleeping and with no energy. I'm also sick again, most likely stress-sick this time, so that doesn't help anything either. It's all just too much. I probably won't be posting much of anything for a while unless it's just text or something, and I DEFINITELY won't be drawing for a while, and I hope this all goes away sooner rather than later.
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
My strange over-connection to fiction...
Pokémon is the one game series I'll name my character my real name because the protags are self-inserts for the player and when I play Pokémon I take that "self-insert" concept as literally as you can get, as I throw myself into that world completely, to the point where it's like reality doesn't exist while I'm playing Pokémon because I'm so immersed in the game. For just ONE example, I remember getting banished from Jubilife Village in PLA and feeling like it was actually ME who was wrongly accused and punished for falling to Hisui from the rift. That scene where I walked out of the village with all the townspeople whispering about me, my character wasn't saying anything but I sure was. I was saying things like, "It's not my fault! I didn't do anything! I wanna go home..." "Home" in this case referring to my CHARACTER'S home in his original timeline, not MY home, because I was in my house, in my room when playing through that scene. I was already home, and had been home that whole time, but I was completely numb to my surroundings and feeling like my character, not my real self.
Games are weird like that sometimes, when you just get so sucked into the world of the game that reality doesn't exist for the duration of the time you're playing. It's only when you turn OFF the console that you become aware of the real world again, and it feels weird every time. I dunno, maybe that's just me and my tendency for my good ol' autistic hyperfocus to take over on whatever game I'm playing for hours on end that makes me so disconnected from the world around me, but it's still a weird feeling switching back and forth from being so engrossed in the world of the game, and then coming back to reality. I've done it tons of times now and it never gets any easier nor does it ever feel less weird.
Seriously, YOU try getting a game on launch day that you'd been excited for since its reveal, and booting up the console to play it, thinking that you'd just play for a couple hours, only to end up SO immersed that you end up playing for 48 HOURS STRAIGHT WITHOUT STOPPING AT ALL...yeah, that was ACTUALLY what happened when I first got my copy of Pokémon Violet. It was so bad I got my Switch taken away for a few days because I didn't eat or sleep or anything during that time. It was just me and the game, I wasn't aware of anything else. That was definitely an episode where my hyperfocus just couldn't be broken, but luckily I haven't had one THAT bad since. I HAVE had some 24 hour-long ones though, but not 48. Not since Scarlet and Violet came out.
Though honestly, reality just...sucks sometimes...like now, for example. To cope with life's hardships, I've ALWAYS used fiction as an escape, whether that be through video games, or through anime and cartoons, or through throwing myself into my OWN creative world for hours on end. I feel much, MUCH more connected to the fictional stuff I consume and create than I do reality. It helps a lot when I'm in a mental spiral like I am right now (anxiety and PTSD go brrrrr to the point of actually affecting my heart rate, elevating it by a lot for a couple weeks now because I'm always on the verge of panic), and I just know things would be a lot worse without the various fictional worlds I love so much, whether I create or consume said fictional worlds. Fiction is my comfort zone, it's always there for me when I need it. And sometimes when you've gone through a lot in life like I have, immersing yourself in fictional worlds just feels like a warm blanket cocoon or a protective shield. I know it does for me, at least, and I hope I'm not the only one.
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
Just for fun, here's all my Pokémon avatars that are actually customizable.
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Here's my PLA avatar, I gave him a black ninja outfit to contrast with his albino hair.
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And here's a close-up of his face.
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This guy is my Sword avatar since I've played way more of Sword than I have Shield despite having both games. He originally had a good mix of red and black in his outfit...until I discovered the motorcycle jackets in one of the clothing stores (I can't remember off the top of my head which town had them in the boutique, I just remember them being EXPENSIVE), thought it looked cool, and then switched up the outfit to all black to match the jacket (kinda funny since I have a tendency to wear all black IRL myself, I'm actually wearing all black right now as I'm posting this). I kept the blond hair he's had since the first salon trip of the game, and the "Burning Passion" eyes he's had for the majority of the game (once I saw those in the eye color options at the salon I was like "GIMME THOSE!!!" because I thought they were cool) because, again, they work as a good contrast to the black.
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And finally, here's my Scarlet and Violet avatar (technically my Violet avatar since I took this picture from Violet and I've spent way more time in Violet than Scarlet, but he looks the same in both games). I went with the Blueberry Tracksuit for my primary uniform since I like it more than any of the Uva uniforms, and again, accessorized him with red and black gloves, shoes, and backpack. I also gave him a red helmet for when he rides Miraidon.
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Close-up of his face. This is the one I tried to make look most like Orange, since orange eyes were an option this time. There were actually even a few moments during the game where the lighting made his eyes look like they were glowing, just like Orange's eyes do when he uses his powers, so that was pretty cool. The hairstyle isn't QUITE right but it's closer than any of the other games can get so...I just went with it. He still has my real name though, so I didn't ACTUALLY play as Orange. I just got excited about the possibility of making my character in the game look like my favorite OC I've ever made.
Not me seriously thinking of forgoing originality to make every avatar of mine in every Pokémon game look as close to Orange as possible, like I did in Scarlet and Violet...though I really don't wanna give up my albino look in PLA (white hair and red eyes). Hmmm...maybe I'll just stick to making the ones that can get really close to his design look like him and be original with the rest of them. After all, customizing my avatar has always been really fun for me and making them all look like Orange would just take some of the fun out of it.
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
Not me seriously thinking of forgoing originality to make every avatar of mine in every Pokémon game look as close to Orange as possible, like I did in Scarlet and Violet...though I really don't wanna give up my albino look in PLA (white hair and red eyes). Hmmm...maybe I'll just stick to making the ones that can get really close to his design look like him and be original with the rest of them. After all, customizing my avatar has always been really fun for me and making them all look like Orange would just take some of the fun out of it.
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
So since it's Cat Day again I digitized my Cat Orange drawing!
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Yep, here he is again, but in full color this time! He's super embarrassed (blushing and all) due to this transformation and Thunderheart messing with him to do the "Nya~" pose, just as he was in the pencil sketch version from last year. All his cat parts (ears, paws, tail) are orange in color, including his eyes which are now full-on cat eyes. His tail is tipped white just because white looks good with orange.
I used the blur tool a lot with this one, I first used it to create the blushing effect on his cheeks, then I used it at the base of the ears to blend the orange of his ears with the blond of his hair so it looks like a more natural transformation, and finally I used it around his eyes to (hopefully) portray the glow that cat eyes always seem to have even when in the light (I had a cat growing up and her eyes were always gleaming no matter what, to the point where I started calling her Luxray because of those gleam eyes 😅).
So anyway, since this is a digitized version of an old sketch, I don't have much to say about it this time other than those quick notes above. Digitizing old artwork is always fun for me, because it gives me the chance to actually color it in and make it look better so I can have an improved piece to share with you guys! I hope you like it and I hope to be back with more art soon!
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
I just wrote this little scene of Orange playing a prank on Diamond and Pearl and kinda sorta wanted to share it. It's in script format, so it's not a fully written scene, but I hope you like it anyway. (Btw, if you haven't read my posted fanfics on AO3, Orange's dialogue looks the way it does because he speaks very quickly so his dialogue is written with slurred and/or missing words/syllables and improper grammar to reflect that, though there's not much of that in this, just letting you know for the times it does show up. Oh, and Diamond and Pearl also call him "O" as a nickname.)
(This takes place during volume 3: "Magnificent Meditite and Really Riolu 1". The beginning lines up until Orange first speaks, as well as the comedy skit, are from the book itself. Everything else was written by me, including the changes to the skit. Hope you enjoy!)
(The kids reach Veilstone City after the traffic jam of Psyduck on Route 210)
Platinum: "The city isn't that big, but they must have at least ONE decent hotel..."
Pearl: "It's a plan, Lady. We'll rehearse our next skit to cheer ourselves up, while you check us in to a hotel!"
Platinum: "All right."
Diamond: "Later!"
Orange: "Make sure t'be safe!"
(Platinum leaves, and Diamond and Pearl prepare to do a comedy skit, of which Orange is the audience for)
Pearl: "Okay O, ready for this one?"
Orange: "Yep! Whatcha got this time, guys?"
Pearl: "Hehe, glad you asked. Ready Dia?"
Diamond: "Yeah!"
Diamond: "Speaking of Pokémon..."
Pearl: "Every journey comes with its share of roadblocks, and that flock of Psyduck was no exception!"
Diamond: "You can say that again! Did you notice they all seemed to have headaches?"
(Orange nods his head silently, still watching)
Pearl: "Huh? Really?"
(Orange goes to open his mouth but keeps quiet, remembering this is just a comedy skit and that the truth is that they all know the Psyduck on Route 210 all have headaches)
Diamond: "Sure, Pokémon can get all kinds of aches. Let's see..."
(Orange wonders to himself what the punchline will be, knowing there's one coming up)
Diamond: "They can get a headache, tummy ache, backache, Raticate..."
(Orange laughs at the joke and then winces when Pearl smacks Diamond before moving onto the next part of the skit)
Pearl: "When their heads hurt too much, Psyduck unleash their psychic powers."
(Orange nods silently, as he'd known that fact for ages now)
Diamond: "Really? Psychic powers?"
(Diamond grabs a Poké Ball and Orange tilts his head, confused at what his friend is doing)
Diamond: "Ooh, let me try!"
(Orange immediately realizes what Diamond is going to attempt, and gets a mischievous idea)
Diamond: "Nnngh! Come on, Poké Ball - float!"
(Orange uses his telekinesis to make the Poké Ball stay in the air)
Pearl (not amused): "Dia, what the heck are you - WHOA!"
(Pearl and Diamond both look in shock at the floating Poké Ball)
Diamond: "A-am I really doing it?!"
Pearl: "I don't know WHAT'S going on..."
(Pearl then suddenly notices the orange colored glow surrounding the Poké Ball and realizes what's happening)
Pearl: "Oh...that makes sense now." (Turns to Diamond, who's still in shock) "Wait a minute Dia. See that glow? You're forgetting that there's someone RIGHT HERE with us who ACTUALLY has psychic powers! That orange glow means O's the one doing this, it's a prank...and a good one too!"
(Pearl stifles a laugh as Diamond looks at the Poké Ball and sighs in disappointment)
Diamond: "Aww man, I kinda thought that since you whack me in the head so much, I might've developed psychic powers too..."
Pearl (genuinely upset hearing his best friend say that): "That's just part of the act!" (quieter to himself) "Come on...Don't make me look bad..."
(Orange starts laughing hysterically at his prank, breaking his concentration and dropping the Poké Ball. Thunderheart rolls her eyes with a fond smile at her best buddy's antics)
Orange (while laughing): "Oh man! I really REALLY gotcha there!!!! That was awesome!!! Ya shoulda SEEN your faces!!!"
Pearl (also laughing at Orange's prank): "That was actually a good one, O! A REALLY good one! You even had ME fooled for a minute there!"
(Pearl and Orange high-five while still laughing, Diamond meanwhile is not amused)
Diamond: "Seriously...? Why'd you have to do that, O...? I didn't think you had it in you to pull a prank like that!"
Orange (finally calming down from laughing): "Ya were talkin' 'bout psychic powers, I couldn't resist!"
Diamond: "Yeah but that was kinda mean..."
Orange (immediately feeling bad): "Oops...sorry Dia...I didn't mean t' upset ya..."
Pearl (rolling his eyes): "It's your fault for not noticing the orange glow around the ball, Dia..."
Orange (getting anxious from sensing the tension in the air and also because Platinum hasn't come back yet): "M-maybe we should jus' drop it for now an' go find Lady...see if she needs anythin' since it's been a while an' she ain't back yet..."
Diamond: "Oh yeah, good point! Where is she anyway...?"
Pearl: "I don't know, but if she's taking this long, it can't be good...let's go find her!"
Diamond and Orange: "Right!"
(They all run off to search for Platinum, the comedy skit-turned prank instantly sent to the back of their minds, forgotten, as their focus is now on their search for the young lady)
These kids are chaos but I love them all dearly, and I hope you do too. I just got this idea to write this silly little scene because I've been having a tough time mentally lately so I wanted to write something silly to try and lighten my mood. Orange pranking Diamond and Pearl had been in my head for a while now but I didn't know how to write it till now, and even now it's only a script for a future story. This is the first time I'm sharing my writing openly on here, instead of just linking to my posted stories on AO3 like I usually do, I'm nervous about posting this, but if you guys somehow like it...who knows, I might do more small script scenes like this in the future. Also if you like it and haven't checked out my AO3 yet, please feel free to do so, I'm PikaTrainer99 on there as well, same username, same profile pic, everything, it shouldn't be hard to find me. 😅
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
I Pokémon-ified Orange again, this time he's a Chimchar!
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This took a couple hours to draw, from beginning of pencil sketch to finished digitized version, but it was fun! Pokémon-ifying Orange is way more fun than I thought it would be, so I'll keep doing it!
This is his 10-12 year old self, when he's grown up a bit more and is living a better life in Sinnoh, hence the chill pose. No shirt this time, only his scarf, because the shirt would touch the fire on his butt, and clothing and fire do not mix. The shirt would get burned to a crisp. So I just gave him his scarf, and shrunk it down to Pokémon size just like how I shrunk his shirt down to Pikachu size in the Pikachu drawing. I also kept his normal eyebrows instead of Chimchar's tiny ones as another 'human-turned-Pokémon' indicator. He's also got his regular bright blue eyes here, no glowing orange this time since he's not in battle or anything. No effects or filters needed this time either. This time he's just chillin'.
His hair gave me PROBLEMS. I struggled with drawing it, first off, because it's really hard to give a Pokémon a full-on HAIRSTYLE. And also, the color...before I digitized this thing I was struggling to decide what to do for the hair color, if I should keep it the same color as the rest of Chimchar's fur or make it blond like Orange's actual hair. Once I got it digitized and was coloring it, I tried both, and found that the blond actually made for a nice contrast to the brown of Chimchar's fur, so I went for that instead of the full brown...because the full brown was too dull and blended in with everything too much for my liking. For his hair antennae/ahoge/whatever you wanna call them, this time I went with wispy designs to resemble smoke (or maybe candle fire?) sorta like the supposed "wispy ember" fur design on a regular Chimchar's head (it doesn't really look much like a wispy ember which is why it's in quotes here 😅). Like the lightning bolt shapes in the Pikachu drawing, I tried to make them fit his typing here too, whether I succeeded or not, well...that's another story.
No pencil sketch this time because Arceus, that thing is an absolute MESS and I don't feel comfortable sharing something THAT messy...too much eraser marks and poorly erased lines everywhere.
Anyway, I chose Chimchar next because 1: Orange has one, you'll see him in one of my older drawings I posted. 2: Of all Orange's Pokémon, I have the most experience drawing Chimchar (besides Pikachu of course). Chimchar's part of my favorite evolution line of all-time (Infernape being my all-time favorite Pokémon EVER), so of course I've drawn it a bunch of times! I hope you guys like the drawing! I'm personally pretty happy with how it came out. I wanna keep drawing my boy as different Pokémon, it's time-consuming as heck to do, but it's so much fun just experimenting with this kinda stuff! Now I just have to choose the next Pokémon to turn him into...dunno how long that'll take but hopefully not too long. 😅
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
Okay, so I never got any response on whether or not you guys wanted to see my Pokémon-ified Orange drawings, but I love how this Pikachu one came out and am dying to share it so...here it is! 😅
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This took so long to draw you have no idea, plus it was my first time experimenting with filters and effects on my drawing app, Ibis Paint X, to make the electricity effects!
This is Young Orange (specifically his four to six year old self), aka the scrappy lil guy who will fight and defend himself and the Pokémon of the Viridian Forest from literally ANYONE (and was taught how to fight BY the Pokémon themselves which is why in my stories he goes COMPLETELY feral when he fights), so combine that personality with strong electric powers and you've got a Pikachu you DON'T wanna mess with! His electric powers as a Pikachu work the same way as his Viridian Forest powers as a human work, so they get stronger with his emotions and they're amplified tenfold if he's in Viridian Forest itself.
I made his eyes glow because again, using power, but it's electric power this time since he's a Pikachu, and used the blur tool to achieve the glowing eye effect, as well as the glowing cheeks. I made his little hair antennae/ahoge/whatever you wanna call them into lightning bolt shapes this time (instead of the usual sticking straight up as a human) to reflect his electric typing as a Pikachu, and his fur and the top of his hair are BRISTLING with both electricity and hostility since he's ready to fight! I drew the tail facing upwards instead of the normal facing back pose since I felt that the tail facing up gave off more of a battle ready vibe, like he's saying, "Warning, warning, I WILL attack if you come any closer!" Making the bristling fur took forever, and it was so difficult to make it look right, but I'm happy with how it came out. And he's still got his red shirt on and the band-aid over his nose (but it's yellow colored because it's covering yellow fur and band-aids are translucent for the most part, at least the ones I use are) because he's literally just Young Orange Pokémon-ified, so I kept both of those for that reason.
For a mostly experimental piece, it came out pretty decent I think! Here's the pencil sketch as well if you're curious as to what it looked like before the digitizing and effects I added and stuff.
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The pencil sketch also took forever to draw, mostly because of the bristling fur, but it made for a great digitized piece, which is exactly what I was going for. The pencil sketches, while I always keep them, are never anything compared to the digitized, colored versions, but I'm posting this one so you can kinda get a feel for the process of this one. I hope you guys enjoy this fun silly concept art of what my boy would look like as a Pikachu! I don't know what Pokémon I'll draw him as next but I know I want it to be one of the many Pokémon he has on his team...and he's got a lot of them to choose from! So I'll mull it over some more and hopefully I'll decide on one soon enough, because Pokémon-ifying Orange is fun, even though I've only done this one so far.
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
Any other AniPoké fans out there who find themselves calling out to the screen during battles as if they're there with the characters???
Genuinely curious, because episodes 81 and 82 of Horizons made me really realize how often I call out to the characters on the screen. Episode 81 for example had me calling out all of Gouging Fire's moves to the characters, like, I saw that thing's body start glowing with fiery energy and then Quaxwell made its way towards it for Liquidation and I screamed out "NO DON'T TOUCH IT!!! THAT'S BURNING BULWARK, YOU'LL GET BURNED IF YOU TOUCH IT!!!" And then I saw it start to prepare Dragon Pulse and called out to the screen, "Dragon Pulse incoming!" And once it activated its Protosynthesis and encased itself completely in fire I was like, "Raging Fury! Dodge all the rampaging attacks and wait for it to get confused!" That's just SOME of the moments during that battle where I got really invested.
And don't even get me STARTED on the battle with the shiny Rayquaza in episode 82, between the Dragon Pulses, Draco Meteors, Dragon Ascents, and Dragon Tails, I was screaming out incoming attacks at the screen like crazy! Rayquaza faces towards the sky with its mouth open, "Draco Meteor! That'll be tough to dodge..." Rayquaza gathers energy in its mouth, "That's Dragon Pulse!" Rayquaza's tail glows, "It knows Dragon Tail too?!?!" Rayquaza starts to glow green, "Dragon Ascent! It's Rayquaza's signature move!"
These were legit my exact reactions watching that battle for the first time, it was insane and so exciting, also the animation was awesome, and we got to see Cap use his Rising Volt Tackle again so that's always a plus in my book because Rising Volt Tackle just looks so cool! But after watching these two episodes I realized just how often I do this while watching battles for the first time in the anime...and only the first time watching each battle because on rewatches it's not as gripping to me because I know the results of the battle already...does anyone else do this too? Please tell me I'm not the only one who gets so invested in what I'm watching to the point of screaming incoming attacks and battle tips and stuff at the screen like I'm there with the characters...'cause that's so embarrassing if I am the only one, especially since I've done it for YEARS now by this point and am only JUST realizing that fact. 😅
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pikatrainer99 · 1 month ago
Weird...why and how is everyone just NOW finding my Trolls posts, LONG after I stopped making Trolls content...? Like, all my recent notifications over the past couple days have been notifications for my Trolls posts. I'm confused but I'm not complaining, I mean I'm glad people still like my Trolls content even though I haven't posted any in a WHILE now! 😅
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pikatrainer99 · 2 months ago
It's because the Dexholders are all named after the games they're from and there isn't a game called Pokémon Orange. It's got nothing to do with Kusaka and Yamamoto at all. It's Game Freak who didn't make an Orange game.
But since there isn't an actual character called Orange, that's what I named my PokéSpe OC. So you can always make an Orange of your own if you want. OCs and fanfics are a thing and they're there for a reason.
why are there dexholder names for like every color besides orange???? Like what??? “Oh but there’s Scarlet!!” SCARLET’S A RED-ORANGE. AND WHO THE HELL SAYS “Red, SCARLET, yellow, green, blue, violet” LIKE NO ONE SAYS THAT. Violet I can see either way like. Violet can substitute purple. Hell we even got like the neutral colors like Black, Silver, and White alongside like other random colors (and gemstones??) like Gold and Crystal and Ruby and Sapphire and Emerald and Diamond and Pearl and Platinu- WHERES ORANGE POKESPE. WHERE ARE THEY. PLEASE. PLEASE I BEG OF YOU. THIS IS SUCH A PET PEEVE. PLEASE. KUSAKA AND YAMAMOTO I KNOW YOURE THERE.
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pikatrainer99 · 2 months ago
So...for a while now I've been wanting to draw Orange as various Pokémon...I just finished the first one, where it's his young self as a scrappy little Pikachu. I haven't digitized it yet, I literally JUST finished the pencil drawing. So I'm gonna Pokémon-ify him all I want, regardless, but would these drawings be something you guys would be interested in seeing? Just curious, 'cause if you wanna see it I'll post them instead of keeping them to myself. 🤔
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