#orange and orchid 1
clonedchaos · 2 months
Ripple Effect
Orchids and Oranges: A Yasammy Week Special
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Yippee! It's Yasammy Week, brought to you by @yasammyweek! Pardon the late kickoff, had to attend my sister's bridal shower today as well as writing this 2,000 word one shot in one day. I know most ppl here are doing art, but I can't draw, so fanfic it is! Enjoy! <3
Day 1: Hurt/Comfort
Rating: G/PG
Summary: Yaz thought she had left the dinosaurs behind. She thought it was time for her to finally heal… until she came face to face with one on the mainland.
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Yaz wrapped her arms tighter around Sammy’s waist as she gradually got used to the fluid movement of the stallion below them. The saddle wasn’t the most comfortable or practical of inventions, but Sammy had insisted it was far better than riding bare back.
Yaz let her gaze wander as a smile crossed her lips and her heart gave a little flutter. The maple trees surrounding them were colored in vibrant shades of orange, red, and brown. Despite fall coming to a close, Texas was still as humid as ever. It was the polar opposite of her home upstate— the moment it hit October, the temperature would plummet. 
Yaz had gotten used to the frigid air over the years thanks to her daily morning runs. She would be quite out of her element down here if it weren’t for the months she spent stuck on a tropical island. She’d take the Texas heat over Nublar’s every single time.
And, of course, she loved Texas because of Sammy. Her parents had been the textbook definition of southern hospitality ever since Yaz came down to spend the week with them. Sammy had been a hurricane of energy and enthusiasm ever since her arrival. She talked a mile a minute at any possible opportunity and paraded Yaz around to see every nook and cranny of their land. It had been fun; she knew Sammy had been waiting a long time to introduce her officially to her family-- cattle included.
A pleasant breeze brushed past them, Sammy’s hair tickling Yaz’s nose. Yaz sneezed, the sheer power of the act nearly sending her reeling backwards.
”Bless you!” Sammy immediately chimed in, looking over her shoulder. Her hands held the reins in a loose grip as the stallion came to a stop. His ears and tail twitched. Yaz’s behavior had irked him.
“Sorry about that, bud,” She apologized, patting the horse on the flank. A whistle and nudge from Sammy ushered the stallion forward again. 
The cowgirl kept her eyes on her girlfriend. Yaz felt that wasn’t the appropriate course of action given she was the one guiding the horse down the path. It seemed almost as dangerous as taking your eyes off the road while driving.
”The trees are mighty beautiful, aren’t they?” Sammy cooed with a grin. She reached forward and plucked a leaf out of Yaz’s hair. How long had that been in there?
”It is beautiful, Sammy,” Yaz admitted. Truly, the scenery was gorgeous. The Gutierrez’s land was pure nature’s bliss, all 700 acres of it. She liked to call it “The Eight Wonder of the World.”
Sammy glanced up towards the sky, its colors glowing with muted hues of pink, blue, and purple. “It’s gettin’ late. Perhaps we should head back to the stable.” Her gaze darted to and fro before she leaned forward and whispered, “Ol Kota’s eyesight isn’t as great as it once was.”
Kota nickered in response. Yaz snorted. “I think he heard you.”
"Oh, that wasn't an insult, boy!" Sammy quickly corrected sheepishly, getting a chuckle out of Yaz. Sammy's baby talk toward her critters wasn't at all meant to be taken seriously, but Yaz couldn't help but think it was adorable. 
“I suppose you’re right. Hey, think I could beat Kota in a race?” Yaz asked with a clear undertone of a challenge. If he galloped at full speed, she knew he would be able to overtake her effortlessly. But at his old age, she might just have a chance if he were to trot.
Sammy’s eyes shone as she turned her attention back onto Yaz. “Oh, that’s a gre—“
Kota saw the Triceratops first. The elder stallion reared up onto his back legs. Yaz lost her grip on Sammy and hit the ground hard. The breath drew out of her lungs, leaving her momentarily stunned at the blunt impact. Surely that was going to leave a sizable bruise on her tailbone.
”Woah, boy! Easy… Easy!” Sammy yelped as she tightened the reins and fought for control. Yaz instinctively rolled to the side to avoid getting trampled on by hooves, just barely scraping by with nothing more than a dust cloud in her face.
With her chest heaving in gulps of air, Yaz finally lifted her gaze toward the instigator. A bulky Triceratops stood before them in the path, its head lowered and grazing on the sparse patches of grass that sprung up from the dirt trail. At the stallion’s cry of fear, the herbivore lifted its head. Its horns glinted off the dying sunlight’s rays, the tips sharpened points that could skewer her should the animal desire.
Yaz didn’t know why, but she screamed. She screamed a blood curdling cry that sent the nearby birds scattering. Her hands tore up clumps of dirt as she balled them into a fist. Her heart pounded, she could hear it in her ears and feel the blood coursing through her veins. It was getting hard to breathe. Why could she not breathe? Why couldn't she think? Why was her vision spinning? Was it a concussion, or was she losing it?
The Triceratops bellowed and raked its front leg on the ground. Despite being in fear’s clutches, Yaz subconsciously knew it was about to charge. Suddenly the aspect of getting trampled by a horse seemed far more appealing.
The Triceratops stomped forward, waving its horns threateningly. Yaz couldn’t move. She wanted to pull herself off the ground and bolt toward the nearest tree. She wanted to be safe, to be inside, to be far away from this prehistoric beast. But her body was rooted to the floor, tied down by unseen vines. Despite the adrenaline pulsing through her veins and the chilling numbness of her hands, she could only watch powerlessly as she sat directly in the line of fire.
“Yaz!” Sammy was suddenly right by her side on horseback. Quite literally her knight in shining armor. She extended a hand down to her. Yaz felt a sharp pierce plunge through her heart at the palpable fear she found lying behind Sammy's eyes. “Come on!”
Yaz still felt frozen by invisible roots. She wanted to reach for Sammy. She wanted them to huddle under the blanket fort Sammy had insisted they build in her room last night. Her and Sammy had been at checkers for nearly two hours before Sammy’s mother had called them down for dinner. She wanted to wake up in the morning and breathe in the aroma of fresh, fluffy cinnamon rolls and salted, crisp bacon. Would she ever partake in these memories again? Or would they be snuffed out, much like her life might very well be. If only she could just…
With one hand wrapped around the stirrup, Sammy leaned down and grabbed Yaz by the arm. Yaz knew her girlfriend was strong, like really really strong. Calling her "country strong" wasn't just a cute pet name, it was a fact.
Sammy's rapid maneuver was enough to nudge Yaz up and back into the saddle. With a quick snap of the reins and click of her heels, Sammy ushered Kota forward. The trike missed them by a hair, nearly getting clocked on the muzzle by the stallion's hooves.
Yaz had her arms wrapped around Sammy in a death grip, her face buried against her wool jacket. It felt like she was holding her breath for every second until they had made it safely to the barn. Her chest was tight and sweat rolled down the side of her head. She could barely feel her fingers besides the buzzing, staticky feeling she noticed there.
She looked up with rounded eyes. Sammy released the reins and kicked her leg up and over as she dismounted. Immediately, she turned and extended a hand toward Yaz in a gesture of assistance. "Are you okay?"
No. No she wasn't. With a shaky breath and trembling hand, she reached out. Sammy's hands were worn with numerous callouses; no doubt a result from her long days of working hard on the ranch. Her fingers intertwined with Yaz's. At the touch, the dam holding back her tears finally broke. Yaz sank to her knees and began to sob.
Sammy was right there, kneeling down and pulling her into an embrace. "It's okay, Yaz. I'm here," She cooed, gently rubbing her back in a circular motion. 
Yaz nestled closer to her, hoping Sammy's very presence would be enough to chase away her inner demons. "I... I thought... I thought we'd be done with dinosaurs," She admitted weakly. She hated feeling like this. Vulnerable. It was like she was a little kid all over again; someone who needed to be coddled and comforted by her mother.
"I know..." Sammy replied sympathetically as she rested her head against Yaz's. "I wasn't expecting to see a trike so close to home."
It was getting a little easier to breathe now. Just a little. "Why? Why is it here?" She choked out, closing her eyes.
Sammy grew silent. Yaz didn't expect her to answer that rhetorical question. After all, how in the world would she know what a dinosaur was doing hundreds of miles from Nublar?
Rather, Sammy began to hum. Her tone lilted in a melancholic sway. Yaz seemed momentarily taken aback as her heartbeat began to steady and her limbs slackened. With every rise and fall in tempo, Yaz begun to notice an unmistakable pattern in the rhythm.
Yaz leaned back and cupped Sammy's cheek in her hand. Her eyes still stung, and she knew she probably looked like a bedraggled mess. Right now, that didn't matter. "How do you know that song?"
Sammy leaned into Yaz's touch. "Your mother taught it to me. She knows you've been having a tough time since the island..." She trailed off and averted her gaze.
Yaz relaxed her features and silently urged Sammy to continue. "She told me it used to help you when you were little... and I thought it might help in this situation," She murmured sheepishly and rubbed her arm in embarrassment with flushed cheeks.
Yaz cracked a gentle smile at that and swiftly planted a kiss atop her forehead. "It did help. I'm sorry. For freezing like that..."
"Hey, none of that," Sammy lectured sternly with a good-natured smile. She held both of Yaz's hands in her own. "Just because we're off the island, it doesn't mean those feelings just up and disappeared. But I know you, Yaz. You're the bravest, most stubborn fighter I know. We just need to take baby steps again."
Baby steps. Right. It was like running a marathon; you don't go full sprint right off the bat. You pace yourself until you're further along with the finish line in sight.
"It just... surprised me is all," Yaz continued. The fireflies casted a gentle, infrequent glow across the purple and blue painted sky. "I thought I would be over this. But what if...? What if there are more dinosaurs?" Particularly the ones that would have them for a midnight snack.
"I don't know," Sammy admitted, returning the kiss on Yaz's forehead. "But what I do know is that I'm here if you ever need me. We conquered Nublar together. And if dinosaurs are on the mainland now, we'll conquer that together too. You're stronger than your fears."
Yaz smiled and pulled Sammy close. There was one constant in her life when it came to dinosaurs: Sammy. When her PTSD got the better of her on Manta Corp's island, she was there to help ease her nerves and shift her attention toward other matters. Even if they were states apart, she knew Sammy would just be a phone call away. And that was enough.
"I'll always be here for you, mi rosa. For now, and forever."
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jay canon design masterpost
again, going under the cut o7 let me know if i missed anything!
Hair up in ponytail
Bangs and hair on sides
Ferin pin in hair
Blue jacket, white shirt, multitudes of belts
Hair on one side gets cut by bald men
Cuts hair on other side
Gold and turquoise necklace from Aslana
Ring to control BLOCK (never mentioned again)
Feather tattoo (chip made her get it while drunk)
Loses a few teeth (blood orchid fight)
Niklaus deal tattoo (middle of her back)
Magical friendship bracelets
Hair down
Gold hoop earrings
White tank top
More necklaces
Brown pants
Old blue jacket around waist
Black fingerless gloves
Magical wing tattoo on back
One orange eye
Her leg literally melts and it's been mentioned several times but she's just? Powering through it?
Hair up in braids
244 notes · View notes
occatorcreator · 5 months
Second Chances
Links - 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
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1 - Family Lost
Purple and his mother receive a grim diagnosis, and Purple struggles to find a cure to save his only living family member.
Content Warnings: Disease and Major Character Death
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Purple stared up at the clock that punctuated the silent waiting room with its ticking. 
10:15 am. His morning elective class was close to wrapping up. He distantly thought that he should care about what he’ll miss at school, but he couldn’t focus on anything other than the hammering of the clock and how long he waited for a response.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
He looked from the clock to the door, waiting for a nurse to come and summon him. Right now, he had been in the hospital for over two hours and there hadn’t been any updates on his mother’s current condition.
If I had slept in, Purple thought, tapping his foot with anxious energy in time with the clock, would she not have made it?
The thing was, he almost had. He had almost shut his blaring alarm off and gone back to sleep. He really hadn’t been in the mood to go to school this morning; he was sure there was a test in math, and he wasn’t ready for it. School was… well, it had become more unpleasant since the divorce. Despite it being a year since Navy left, thoughts of the divorce sent his mind into a negative tailspin. All those times Navy ragged on him to wake up “bright and early” every day for routine exercise, and all those times he got annoyed by Purple’s fussing made him resent the idea of getting up at all.
He debated sleeping in to spite Navy, but what was the point of that? Not like Navy would show up to witness the spite. All that would come of sleeping in would be the omelets mom prepared growing cold. She was the only parent he had left now; he couldn’t let her down by being a brat about school.
And now he faced the possibility of having no parents… he found his mother fallen to the kitchen floor, unconscious, with the omelets burning.
Tick tock. Tick tock.
Every second not knowing if Orchid was alright or dead drove Purple mad. He had driven as quickly as he could to the hospital and made enough of a scene in the emergency room to get her wheeled in right away. The doctors had escorted him to a nearby waiting room after they took Orchid to treatment, offering reassurance and describing some procedure they’re doing.
Knowing that barely worked to calm him down. Purple was no longer actively panicking, but he was fretting. He hated sitting. It was the inability to do anything but wait, unsure what the response would be, unable to take his mind off of anything but his prayers that things will be alright.
Tick tock. Tick- creak.
The door grabbed Purple’s attention. He stood up preemptively, ready to meet the nurse, only to blanch back as a giant orange stick figure ducked his way through the door frame. Clutching at his massive hand was a golden child, about four or five years old. He looked nervously around the room, sticking close to the orange stick’s leg.
“Just have a seat, Mr. Tango,” the nurse said. “We’ll call you when they’re done.”
The stick figure nodded at the nurse with a sour expression.
“Will Second be okay?” the child asked the nurse.
“Your older sibling will be fixed up,” the nurse said, smiling softly. “It’s just a minor fracture.”
And what about my mother? Purple wanted to ask. Is she going to be okay? 
The question died on his tongue as Mr. Tango passed by him to take a seat. Purple instantly stepped back from the towering figure. By the time he and his child found a place to sit, the nurse had already left, shutting the door.
Great, still nothing, Purple thought, returning to his seat. He missed the prior solitude of the waiting room. With other stick figures around, he felt self conscious of his worrying. Not to mention, one of them was a small child. Purple wasn’t ready for the annoyance that would follow when that small child inevitably got bored and started wandering around, looking for things to do.
“Hello,” the child waved at Purple.
Purple took a deep breath, counted mentally to two, and looked at the child standing before him with what he hoped was a neutral expression.
“Hi,” he greeted half-heartedly.
The child tapped his hands together nervously, eyes looking down at Purple’s feet upon the less-than warm response. Somehow his sour mood didn’t send the kid crawling to his parent, which made Purple raise an eyebrow.
“What do you want?” Purple asked, baring his teeth in a false grin.
“Um, can I have that?” The child asked, pointing at the table filled with magazines.
Purple waved his hand dismissively. “I’m not using it, and you don’t need to ask. Just take it.”
The child brightened and grabbed a magazine. He retreated back to sit by his father, who’s cold gaze regarded Purple in a way that made Purple’s skin crawl. The giant’s gaze reminded him of Navy’s.
Specifically, the day Navy left. He could never forget that cold and guarded stare despite Orchid’s best attempts to shield them from him.
“I guess this is it, then,” Navy said, “I’m leaving.”
Don’t think about him, Purple mentally scolded, closing his eyes to refocus on the present.
With nothing else to get his mind off of the past and present situation, he watched as the child flipped through the magazine. It didn’t take long for the child to realize that magazines were mostly advertisements and boring articles he couldn’t read before he placed it to the side. He caught that Purple was looking at him, and Purple failed to look away in time.
“My sibby broke their thumb.”
Sibby? Purple didn’t know how to comment on that odd shorthand for sibling. 
“Ah…How did that happen?” It took Purple a full second before he found his voice. He got the feeling the kid was a bit of a chatterbox, how unfortunate. Purple had no desire to talk, but he felt like he couldn’t stay silent either.
Maybe this could get his mind off of things...
“My dad had a day off, took me and Second in the park,” the child said, “We did lots of fun stuff and it was really nice out. We were playing truth or dare, and I dared Second to punch a tree!”
He looked expectantly, waiting for Purple to supply a question. Yet when Purple only bothered with a raised eyebrow, Mr. Tango cleared his throat. 
“You two didn’t answer why you did that in the first place, Gold,” Mr. Tango said.
The child — Gold — looked down at his dangling legs, ashamed. “It’s cuz Second’s as strong as you, dad.” Gold said, “I wanted to see if they could punch a hole in the tree.”
Punch a hole in a tree? Ridiculous. Purple scoffed.
“Still. Punching things without the proper technique can be dangerous,” Mr. Tango said. “I hope you two don’t do that again in the future.”
“We won’t, dad,” Gold said.
Again, Mr. Tango reminded Purple of Navy. That comment was a straight-out warning he said during sparring lessons. His father drilled in many basics on keeping yourself from breaking your arm while fighting. Having that reminder of his father again, combined with the ludicrousness of the child’s story, and the fact they were in the hospital over something so stupid made Purple surly. 
“Let me guess,” Purple said, “your sibling was dumb enough to tuck their thumb in their fist while punching?” 
That was harsh. Now both father and son were glaring at Purple. Purple could feel his heart hammering, desire to cower and apologize strong, but not strong enough to overcome anger brought on from constant fatigue and stress.
“Second’s not dumb!” Gold snapped. “They just didn’t know they needed to do that.”
Purple shrugged. “Sounds like the definition of dumb to me,” Purple said, “I mean tucking your thumb in is unnatural and uncomfortable, so why do that?”
“Not everyone comes into the world knowing everything there is to know,” Mr. Tango warned, “and I don’t care much for you insulting someone you hardly know.”
Mr. Tango said it with a threatening, low tone that made Purple reconsider and apologize for his meanness. 
Almost. He might have, had Gold kept his mouth shut.
“They managed to knock the tree down in one hit even when doing it wrong!” Gold bragged. “I bet you can’t do that!”
Inadvertently, Gold managed to hit a sore point for Purple. Orchid and Navy both were prolific fighters in their prime, strong and agile enough to break wood and cinder blocks with a well placed hit. Purple knew it could be done, but he was never strong enough, never fast enough to do it. All he got was painful bruising and a sprain so awful he gave up trying.
And given today, Purple’s fuse was short.
“You little liar,” Purple snapped, “no one can do that.”
“I’m not!” Gold balked, and he tugged on Mr. Tango’s arm. “Dad, you saw it too! Tell him! Second did punch a tree down!”
But there was a split second of hesitation in Mr. Tango’s gaze, that moment of doubt and skepticism. Before he had the chance to defend his son, Purple pounced.
“If your dad claims that, then he’s helping a liar,” Purple said, “I thought preschool taught you better than to make up stories for attention.”
“I’m not! I’m not! I’m not!” Gold yelled, and Purple saw that the child was so worked up that tears were forming in his eyes. “I’m not a liar!”
“What is your problem?” Mr. Tango snapped, standing up tall to get between Gold and Purple. He didn’t yell like Purple did, but clearly didn’t hide his anger. “You have no right to talk to my son like that.”
“Maybe if you didn’t want me to yell at your liar of a kid,” Purple snapped, “then you should have parented better.”
“Excuse me?”
Purple stood up. He was a pipsqueak to the massive stick figure before him, his limbs shaking from fear and rage both. 
“I’m just saying, a kid who broke his wrist punching trees and one that makes up tall tales to strangers reflects poorly on you.” Purple said, “My parents wouldn’t hear me spouting such nonsense.”
“Where are they?” Mr. Tango asked, grinning without any joy. “I would like to talk with them about their parenting skills if they could raise someone who’d yell at children for little reason.”
To that Purple had no response.
Oh creator, what would mom think of me right now? Purple thought, visibly deflating and stared at the ground in shame.
Now the only sound there was the clocks ticking and Gold crying. Seeing no fight left in Purple, Mr. Tango sat down and started to console his child. Gold buried his head in his father’s chest, weeping and insisting he wasn’t a liar.
“Purple?” A nurse came in with a clipboard. 
“Yes?” Purple straightened himself up. “Is she ready?”
“She is,” the nurse nodded, his expression appearing grim despite his smile. “She wants to talk to you.”
Oh, good she’s awake, Purple thought, but still… the dread in his stomach grew. Why is the nurse looking at me like that if she’s awake?
“Okay. Take me to her.”
He followed the nurse out, ignoring the pressing glares of Mr. Tango and Gold following him out.
“Rapid aging syndrome?”
Purple sat by Orchid’s beside, holding her hand. Orchid was looking rather pale and frail, but she was alive. The doctors managed to stabilize her.
But only stabilize;  there was no cure for this condition.
“Yes,” Orchid said, “Explains a lot of things, like why I didn’t have the same stamina as your father even though we’re the same age.”
She said it with light airiness that nearly made Purple cry.
“But, this is a glitch in your programming, right?” Purple said, clearing his throat, “couldn’t they patch you?”
To that Orchid let out a shaky sigh and patted Purple’s hand. Purple noticed the faint tremor in her hands.
“They found out that they can’t,” Orchid said, plainly.
“Why not,” Purple asked, voice rising. “They’re doctors! Expert coders! They have to fix you! What sort of doctors would they be if they couldn’t?”
“It’s not that simple, honey,” Orchid hushed, “They discovered that my code’s corrupted. The fact they could stabilize me without losing my memories was a miracle in it of itself.”
“Surely, there’s a way around corruption,” Purple begged, “You mean to tell me they can’t stop you from just… aging to death?”
Orchid didn’t say anything at first. She looked up at the ceiling with an inscrutable expression. In that moment, Purple wondered how well she was taking the news that she was given a terrible death sentence, aging at an insanely rapid rate until she shriveled up to a husk. Looking at her now, all the marks Purple blamed on exhaustion or loss of appetite were the tell-tale signs of becoming an elder.
“The doctors gave me two choices,” Orchid said after a moment, “Either I would have 5 months left to live, or they would reset me.” She then turned to Purple. “And reset means full reset. My age, all of my memories… I would be as I was created, as my 18 year old self. I wouldn’t even recognize you as my son anymore. Even with that, I could still be… lost to a reset. There is no guarantee to save me.” Her expression turned pained. “You know which one I had to choose.”
“That’s so f-messed up,” Purple caught himself. But he wished he could swear. How could anyone sugarcoat that?
“The doctors will want to discuss care options in light of my condition,” Orchid said, “having nurses to care for me at home, or placing me in hospice care.”
“But we don’t have the money for a live-in nurse,” Purple pointed out quietly. 
Orchid hummed in agreement. “And I don’t want to be moved to hospice care if I can still stand and walk.” 
“I could care for you,” Purple offered. “Take off school for a bit-“
“I don’t want to place you in that position,” Orchid waved her hand, “and your education would suffer for it.“
“Mom, I’ll be blunt, my education has already suffered from… Navy leaving.” Purple couldn’t even say the divorce to her, “I won’t be able to focus on shoring up what’s left of my education knowing that your… that you're going to…”
He couldn’t say that either. He shan’t say it, or else he made it true. He didn’t want it to be true.
“Fair point…” Orchid muttered. She placed her hand on her chin and hummed. “There is always my creator,” Orchid paused, “I still have her email address, and I occasionally send her updates. We could stay with her for a while.”
“An actual human? With a desktop?” Purple asked. “Is it even possible for us to go there?”
Orchid nodded. “I’m certain something can be arranged once I reach out to my lawyer and get my affairs in order.”
“Don’t say that, mom,” Purple shook his head.
“I’m afraid we don’t have many options,” Orchid said, “Plus, it would be nice to take you to our childhood home.”
Our?  Purple thought, You mean, dad also grew up on that computer?
Purple wasn’t sure about going on a human’s computer with all the risks, but like Orchid said, it wasn’t like there was any better options they could take.
I’ll find something to save you from this fate, mom, he thought, I promise.
Purple kept this vow deep in his heart as the doctors returned.
Her name was Alana, and, despite his mom promising to take him to her childhood home, she clearly owned the latest Apple Macintosh. Alana was nice, nicer than what Purple expected of a human from his history class, and she welcomed Orchid and Purple upon their arrival through her email. They had to write out words on the email in order to communicate with her, but Purple learned he didn’t need to talk with Alana often. She was present for the first two days to ensure they settled on the desktop, before just disappearing and leaving them to their own devices for days on end.
Orchid explained most of the situation to Alana. She wasn’t fully candid about her diagnosis, but she shared that Purple was her and Navy’s son, and that they needed a place to stay in the meantime.
Alana asked only one question. “What happened to Navy?”
The awkward silence and body language from both Orchid and Purple told enough for Alana to discern something happened, but she didn’t feel the need to press.
Living on a desktop was a new experience, one Orchid was happy to guide Purple on.
“Ah, they updated so many things!” Orchid said in awe, “You’re getting a better experience than I did. The desktop is so lovely!”
She leaned down to press a button. It was the finder, and it opened up a series of apps. However, she let out a groan of pain as she struggled to stand back up.
“Careful!” Purple said, lifting her up, “you know you can’t move like you used to.”
Orchid looked forlornly at what she opened, rubbing her back. Stacks of icons stretched above her without any easy way to traverse them.
“Right. Climbing would be your strong suit, you have to do that a lot on a desktop,” she said, half muttering as the advice she gave came with a realization of her condition. That her body was too old to navigate something that she had done in her youth.
Purple had to watch her as that condition worsened overtime.
Not that Purple was idle during this time. He set to work making the desktop space more accommodating for an elder. He found Flash and constructed a crude house with the pencil tool. The linework wasn’t the neatest, but it was convenient, light enough for him to pick up the house and set it down, but sturdy enough that a punch wouldn’t knock it down.
He tried looking around for Orchid and Navy’s files. After all, if they were made, then that means there had to be backup copies somewhere around. Surely, Alana transferred their files to the new computer, there had to be something to counter the apparent corruption.
“Purple, please don’t be going into Alana’s files,” Orchid warned.
Purple nearly fell off the top of the directory, not expecting to hear her voice. It started to croak with age, a tremor of strain she didn’t use to have. She leaned on a crude cane Purple drew to help support herself. He hastily went down so she didn’t have to call him.
“I’m not doing anything shady,” Purple insisted, “I was hoping to find… something.”
Orchid gave him a look. A look he knew too well when she suspected Purple was up to one of his antics. He received that look a lot whenever the school called about his moments of less-than-stellar behavior. 
But as quickly as it appeared, it fell. “Look, I’m just warning you, if you poke around in her files and break it, she will be incredibly upset and hurt by that,” she chuckled lightly, “I’m speaking from experience here. Navy and I regretted how we clowned around back in the day.”
You? A trouble maker? Purple couldn’t help but smirk at the idea of Orchid, roughly around his age, causing trouble for her creator. But the smirk faded when that image contrasted the frail stick figure before him. 
“Why did Alana… make the both of you?” Purple asked.
Orchid blinked, not expecting the question. She fiddled with her cane, nails gently scraping against its side.
“I don’t know. Flash animation was new and there was a genre of animation that featured fighting stick figures beginning to form. I supposed Alana wanted to add a battle couple, but I couldn’t be certain.” 
Purple’s face curled at the thought. “Like she made you two to be a couple?”
“Not like that, she made us to be a team,” Orchid’s smile looked forlorn and she looked elsewhere, “the love came later.”
Purple shuffled awkwardly, knowing how that “love” ended for them all. “Why did you two leave the computer?”
“Stick City was new, and we both wanted to strike it on our own,” Orchid explained, “we wanted to be famous, and we didn’t feel like we could if we stayed on a desktop.” She let out a huff. “How funny that I ended up back here after all this time.”
“It’s not.”
“Well, Purple, I’d rather you not go poking around and getting into trouble.” Orchid placed her hand on Purple’s shoulder. “Come. I can show you some games on the Mac you can play in the meantime.”
“Yes, I know I can’t play the ones that are more active, but I don’t want that to stop you from experiencing the fun you can have on a desktop,” she said, “it’s way more immersive.”
Purple opened his mouth to argue something, before closing it and nodding.
I really can’t go against her wishes now, Purple thought, besides, there are healing items in games, maybe I can find something to fix her?
“What do you recommend I try, mom?” he asked.
Time moved too quickly for Purple’s liking. He did as much as he could in his investigation of the games on Alana’s computer. Some of the games were fun, but ultimately useless to his main goal. Others had healing items he had to buy from a vendor or could collect in chests. He gave these to Orchid, yet the most they did was ease her aching joints.
He found Minecraft through his investigation and it, too, had healing items that didn’t work. Yet, the game was fun, intriguing enough for even Orchid to join in on the fun. He found himself simply just building things with Orchid out of the simple blocks provided in creative mode. They began to build a foundation of a castle, but in time, only Purple was able to build the castle. When that happened, he abandoned construction to refocus his efforts in finding a cure.
Orchid was visibly getting older and weaker every passing day. She walked slower, leaned on her cane more often, and complained of pain in her bones. Vision and hearing were going, and Purple had to draw her glasses and hearing aides to help her.
Nothing was working. He tried experimenting with healing items he found: mixing it into her food, combining it with other mechanics, and even breaking into a game’s code to see if there was anything he could pull. All his efforts did was ease the burdens of aging. He could not cure nor save Orchid from her fate.
Eventually, Orchid became too weak to even leave her bed. Purple was torn between wanting to stay by her side and care for her or leaving to find something he possibly overlooked. He settled for spawning a villager from an egg to be her nurse while he stepped away. But walking away was difficult; he felt every hour he was away was the hour he came back to find her…
He came crawling back with nothing to show for it.
“Is there anything in your game that can stop this?” Purple asked the villager, one night after he returned. “To stop her from dying?”
The villager looked around, unsure if Purple was genuinely engaging with them or speaking out loud to himself. When Purple remained silent, the villager felt like they needed to respond.
 “I don’t know,” they admitted, “I haven’t heard of anything like that.”
“You do realize you don’t age, right?” Purple continued. “You and every video game character are just frozen, as you are. You don’t have to worry about growing old, leaving your kids and loved ones behind...”
“That’s not…” the villager trailed off when he met Purple’s cold stare. “It’s not that simple..”
“Seems pretty simple to me. You, a computer program, live on, while us stick figures, also computer programs, grow old and die. How unfair is that?” Purple muttered. “I ask again. Is there anything in this stupid game that can make her ageless like you?”
The villager shook his head and took a step back. Something was in Purple’s voice that deeply frightened the sniveling NPC. And for a moment, Purple thought of pulling out his sword and stabbing the villager for his unhelpfulness. 
After all they were only ageless, not immortal. Weak.
He walked away from the villager, but those horrid thoughts followed him. 
“What’s happening to Orchid?”
Alana logged on to find her desktop disheveled: a half finished castle from Minecraft, a crude house with a crude bed where Orchid lay in it. She must look so bad that even a human could see it on the screen.
Purple stayed by her side, unable to sleep, and stared blankly at the writing above him. He dared not grab the pen he used to write, he didn’t want to get up and leave his mother’s side.
It had been five months. Her time was almost up, and all his efforts to stop it amounted to nothing. 
The cursor moved down and Purple placed himself between it and his mother.
“Don’t!” he said, splaying his hand out. He knew Alana couldn’t hear, but he spoke anyway. “She’s very fragile.”
“Is that Alana?” Orchid croaked.
Her feeble, weak voice broke Purple’s heart to hear. Her glasses were off to the side, but she didn’t reach for them. 
“Yes, it’s her.” 
“Ah, I'm glad,” Orchid said, “I worried… I wouldn’t be able to say goodbye.”
“No, no mom, you don’t have to,” Purple said, clinging to her hands. “There- I’m still searching for a cure- I can-“
“Shh,” Orchid placed her hand on his cheek, stilling him. “No, Purple, honey. My time is up. And I don’t want to see you wasting your time searching for a cure that doesn’t exist.”
“But I can’t give up, not now,” Purple shook his head. Her face began to blur and hot tears streaked down his face. “I don’t want you to leave me. Stay here. Please.”
“I don’t want to go, either,” Orchid coughed, “I want to be with you… but I don’t want you to suffer for my sake.”
She wiped his tears with her shaking, wrinkled hands. A pointless endeavor, for Purple could not stop sobbing.
“I’m sorry, mom,” Purple choked, holding her hand.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, Purple,” Orchid said. Her hand slackened to her side and eyes closed. “Promise me something, Purple?”
“What?” Purple leaned in. “What do you need me to do?”
There was a beat of silence, just the raspy rise and fall of her chest.
“Promise me that you'll…” Orchid whispered so faintly, every word laborious. “Promise me you’ll… take good care of yourself… that you’ll find someone-” She broke off into coughing.
“Hush, hush. Of course, of course I will.” Purple said and hugged Orchid. “I promise.”
Orchid didn’t return the hug, too weak to do so.
“I love you,” she wheezed.
Then, she let out a shuddering gasp and fell limp within his arms. 
“Mom?” Purple pried away, staring at her gaunt face, eyes closed. He saw that she was becoming translucent, fading away like a spirit.
 “Mom? Please…”
Then there was nothing, just him clinging to the blankets. All that Orchid was became nothing now. Not a trace of her was left, except her scent and his memories.
And with that he wept openly into the empty bed while Alana wordlessly hovered above.
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talesofesther · 2 years
scorch marks | ch 1
Wednesday Addams x Reader
Series Summary: Wednesday has been careful to keep what you two have behind closed doors and far away from labels; but when someone starts to take it — take you — away from her, she realizes how much she cares.
Requested by anons: one, two, and three.
A/N: Yes, I combined three requests here. It was a bit of a challenge to make these requests and keep Wednesday in character, but I truly hope I'm doing an okay job; let me know. <3
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You're drowning in a sea of lavender.
There's a mix of dust there too, given the forgotten shelves, brooms, and crates of the small storage room, but her perfume still fills your nostrils. It gets you thinking of white and purple orchids under a midnight moon.
Maybe too soft for Wednesday Addams. But what is she now, if not soft?
Her lips, plush and purposeful against yours, leave tiny smudges of burgundy lipstick on the corner of your mouth every time she pulls away to gasp for air. Her hands, cold and precise, keep your body in place; one grasping onto your jacket, the other disappearing beneath it, leaving goosebumps on your hip in its wake. Her bangs brush against your forehead when she tilts her head, so close it gets you shivering.
There's a delicacy to her that shouldn't be there but is anyway. So could she blame you? For associating her with everything beautiful and enchanting in the world?
You bring a hand up to her jaw as you hear the commotion outside, telling you that it's time to go. And you think to yourself; just one more minute.
Wednesday is the first to pull away, slowly as her blown pupils travel down to your reddish lips and back up to your eyes. She gulps, setting her jaw into something sharp as her chin angles up. The fingertips that had been touching your waist let go in a lazy motion.
Her hair is a bit of a mess and it's your fault — the light is dim in the small room, casting an orange glow that makes you squint to see — you make to tuck it behind her ear, but she takes half a step away from you as if abruptly waking up from a dream.
You're familiar with her, honestly, in such a way you never thought you would be. Even before the whole deal with the Hyde attacks and Crackstone, your relationship with Wednesday had a constant push and pull; as the tides do with the shells that rest too close to shore. You didn't know exactly where you stood with her when she said you were nothing but an inconvenience in her mystery, but came running when Thornhill shot you; all wobbly chin and glistening eyes, repeating like a mantra that you weren't allowed to close your eyes — you didn't see her for two months after that, and when the classes came back, it took one more month for her to steal her first kiss with you. That was three weeks ago.
With a careful thumb, Wednesday cleaned the smudged lipstick below her lower lip. Your eyes followed the movement as you stuffed your hands in your pockets. For some reason it got you smiling, faintly so.
"Don't come out right after me." Was all Wednesday told you before reaching for the door handle.
You snapped out of your daze; "but I have to go-" the door slammed as she walked outside, her footsteps mingling with all the others, "to class too." You finished in a lower tone to yourself.
Wednesday walked briskly through Nevermore's hallways, not once looking back while she put as much distance between her and her demise as she could. Being alone — as alone as one could be in a school filled with outcasts — was such a desperation that she only noticed her missing backpack when she was already halfway to class.
She came to a sudden halt, her boots scratching the stone floor and causing a couple of gorgons to almost topple over her, but she didn't move an inch. With a side gaze, Wednesday glanced behind her. There were no familiar faces in the crowd, but she caught herself looking for one.
If her parents could see her now, they wouldn't believe their eyes. Maybe they'd be happy, that she's finally forging relationships. But could it be a good thing? Is the constant twisting and turning of her stomach a good thing? Is it healthy that, most nights as she lays in her bed, she spends the minutes before sleep thinking about it?
What does it mean, that ever since Wednesday came back to this school after saving it, a new character has been introduced in her novel; and with each page that's filled in her typewriter, she gets closer to Viper?
No one got Wednesday feeling the way she did when she was with you. Not even Tyler, and she kissed him; so was it bad that she's been doing the same with you? A big part of her screamed yes, the other, not so much. And those two wolves inside her chest were still fighting.
Wednesday could recall in detail the first time she kissed you; of course, it's not even been a month yet. But she fears that even if it had been years, decades, the memory would still be intact.
She remembers that Eugene had gone away to pick something up, leaving only you and her in the bee shed. You had been rambling about a new small group of bees you recently rescued and how they now needed a new Queen; you just kept talking and talking, until the words became background noise and the fluttering of your lashes seemed almost in slow motion. Wednesday had been inching closer yet neither of you noticed, not until she ended up with one hand behind your neck, her lips doing quick work of shutting you up.
To this day she's not sure why she did it. But there was this force, this annoying pull to you that got her chest hurting if she didn't comply. The pain was almost as forceful as the one she felt with the sight of your abdomen oozing blood from the bullet wound, with the dropping of a single tear when she imagined herself wearing black in your honor.
You got her breaking her own rules, you became her favorite secret and sin, because Wednesday was quick to get addicted to the thrill of it. One kiss turned into two, that turned into three, until behind every closed door she left scorch marks in her own cold heart.
She never put a name to it, and you didn't either. It was never discussed what was happening between you two, and Wednesday liked it this way. What's not set in stone can't come back to hurt her, or break her trust.
There was only one problem though. Little sparks of flame in the moments that got Wednesday's skin filling with goosebumps. It was the way you traced the outline of her lips with your thumb, gentle as if she'd break in your hold; the pulse of her own heart in her ears when her body was glued to yours; the brief look you get in your eyes as soon as she pulls away, as if she hung up the goddamn moon. Those are the things that swing too close to reality, too close to inflicting damage, and got her blood running cold. They remind Wednesday why emotions come with a price, and why she needs to keep her distance.
Ultimately, Wednesday decides that she doesn't need her backpack anyway.
You get to the anatomy class ten minutes late. The door creaks when you open it, causing everyone to look at you. You grimace, mumbling an apology through pursed lips.
There's a skeleton of a werewolf in a large print over the board, beside it there's a smaller one of a gorgon and then a vampire, and so on. Though anatomy is not your favorite subject, this is one of your favorite classrooms, it has huge windows on one side and most of them have an array of plants enjoying the sunlight that shines there. The teacher — an older, kind woman with a light blue dress — is separating small cutouts of paper in a bowl, mixing them up together, and it reminds you that today will be the draw of subjects for your assignment.
You walk quietly between the tables of your colleagues, carrying your bag over your shoulder and Wednesday's black leather backpack in your hands.
Her dark eyes shift to you when you stop beside her. You smile something shy, dropping her backpack by her feet before you walk over to your table and sit down. Wednesday shows no reaction to it other than the way she follows you with her eyes, but you don't mind, quickly diving into conversation with your partner in class, Yoko.
You and Yoko have been thick as thieves since you came to Nevermore three years ago, she was the first one you befriended; Enid came right after, but Yoko was still the one you partnered with in most classes.
Right now you dug your teeth into your lower lip as you fished for one of the folded papers the teacher had in the bowl, and when you picked up the one that read vampire, you couldn't help but squeal in happiness. It was one of the easiest ones to work with.
Wednesday watched with hawk eyes as you smiled big, your hand grabbing onto Yoko's arm when you showed her the subject of your assignment.
There was a pink pencil being twirled between Wednesday's fingers, her black nails scraping its color each time she huffed angrily. Her jaw was clenched, almost painfully so; because the girl with the round sunglasses shouldn't be leaning this close to you. When Yoko's hand covered your own — her thumb gingerly brushing over your knuckles as her fangs appeared in her smirk — the pencil Wednesday held in her hand snapped in half with a sharp sound.
"Hey!" Enid swatted at Wednesday's shoulder, pouting as she looked down at the now-ruined pink pencil, "that was one of my favorites."
Wednesday let go of it, letting both parts roll on the table; "it's just a piece of wood, Enid," she grumbled.
"Yeah well, it was my piece of wood," Enid's eyebrows had an annoyed crease to them, her lower lip jutted out as she looked at Wednesday, "what's got you grumpier than usual?"
Wednesday let out an indignant scoff, forcing her eyes away from you because each time you touched Yoko, her murderous intent grew, though she wouldn't admit or acknowledge it yet. She was above such trivial feelings — or so she hoped. "I'm not grumpy, Enid," she said pointedly, picking up a paper from the bowl without looking at it, "just felt like breaking something."
Enid's sudden giddy gasp got Wednesday flinching slightly, the folded paper being snatched from her hands before she even fully opened it.
"Oh yes, we got werewolves! That's me." The blonde took hold of Wednesday's shoulder, shaking her slightly, "this is going to be so much fun."
Wednesday huffed sharply, her bangs going side to side because of Enid's excitement. Her gaze shifted to you against her own volition and she was met with you already looking at her; it got her straightening on her seat, her hands fisting the fabric of her skirt. But a hand touched your shoulder, and you turned away promptly.
Your cheeks molded all prettily around your smile, and Wednesday watched as you put a hand in your heart, making a silly show of bowing to Yoko — as best as you could sitting so damn close to her.
It made no sense to Wednesday that her chest felt hollow; that she had the sudden urge to throw the vampire girl in a pool of garlic just so she could take her place beside you. Because lately that's been her new normal, and now that someone seems to be taking it from her, she's realizing how much she actually cares.
The weekend came sooner than you thought it would. Ever since taking your subject in the anatomy class, you've been spending most of your free time with Yoko, and so far you've written down most of the particularities of a vampire's body — mainly the fangs honestly.
But today was your free free day, which meant going down to the lake, which got pretty busy on days like this; where the sky is basically free of clouds and the warm sun is shining down on the green fields outside the school walls.
The water was glistening brightly, and there was a slight breeze in the wind that got the leaves rustling around you. Basically, everyone was out because of the perfect weather, students were swimming on the lake, reading, practicing archery, or just walking by the shore. You were enjoying a bit of peaceful time — that is, until a splash of water came over you.
You sat up abruptly from your place under the huge willow tree, the picnic blanket wrinkling under you. Cleaning the droplets of water from your sunglasses — Yoko's extra sunglasses actually, that you shamelessly snatched — you shouted; "watch it, Xavier, some people wanna remain dry."
The boy in question had just emerged from his jump, shoulder deep into the lake and squinting at you because of the sunlight in his eyes, "sorry, my bad," he chuckled, swatting away his long hair, now dripping wet.
"I'm telling you, the guy's got a crush on you since your first year."
Your head snapped to Yoko, who lay just beside you. Leaning back on your elbows, you picked at a few loose strands of the red and white blanket beneath you; "Xavier? No, no way."
There was a nest of birds on the branches above you, you could hear the mother calling out to her babies, loud and sharp. You caught a glimpse of her feathers when she flew, white and blue.
Yoko followed your gaze, her eyebrows scrunching as she searched for the bird; "hm yeah, I'm pretty sure."
With a thud, you let yourself fall down flat on the blanket, your head hitting the softness the grass under it provided. "No, come on. Besides, he's not even my type."
That sparked Yoko's attention, she propped herself up on one elbow, turning to you so she could look down at you better. "Who is your type then?" She raised a perfectly styled eyebrow, her dark sunglasses mixing well with the darker lipstick.
You could feel your cheeks automatically heating up. You thought of raven black hair, soft skin that's a little cold under your touch, and eyes so dark you swear you can see galaxies in them.
"Maybe a certain gloomy, cold-hearted Addams?" Yoko suggested with a shit-eating grin before you could answer, gingerly twirling a strand of your hair between her fingers.
You chuckled, one hand coming up to cover your eyes as you bit the inside of your cheek; "stop it, that's not-"
"Not accurate?"
"Not that simple."
Yoko hummed, taking a sip of her cold drink before laying back down, her shoulder brushing yours. "You've been dancing around each other for so long, I wouldn't even be surprised if she got you a valentine's gift."
"She wouldn't," you mumbled.
"You deserve someone who would, though," Yoko told you, turning her head to you, "hope she knows that."
Without meeting her gaze, you tangled your hand with the vampire's, giving a soft squeeze to let her know you agreed.
Yoko groaned playfully, her finger tapping yours; "alright, stop sulking. I catch her looking at you way too often that it's like, impossible it doesn't mean anything."
"Yeah, and Enid keeps asking if there's something between you two already."
The sunlight started to peek through the leaves, you raised a hand to play with its light, faintly hearing Enid's panicked gibberish before Ajax threw her on the lake, his own splash coming right after. You sighed, closing your eyes; "it's… complicated."
Not even ten seconds after you spoke, the sunlight vanished completely as a shadow was cast upon you. You frowned, noticing a smidge of darkness over your eyelids; you opened your eyes to see Wednesday standing right beside you, gazing down at you with a scowl on her features that even got you a bit worried for your safety.
You pushed your sunglasses up and propped yourself on your elbows, looking at her through your lashes; "Wednesday, hey. Everything alright?" As happy as you were to see her, it wasn't common for her to join you all on the lake.
Wednesday's focus changed between you and Yoko carefully, her bangs getting messy with the wind; she looked like a painting, like something worthy of being in a museum. You could easily lose yourself just by looking at her but before it happened, Wednesday blinked, moving her gaze away from you, and said; "I need you for something, let's go," her tone tight.
And with that, she was taking purposeful steps away from you and towards the woods. Your lips hung open for a second, something seemed off.
"Doesn't look complicated to me." Yoko teased with a chuckle.
"Shut up." You grumbled before scrambling to your feet and jogging towards Wednesday, quickly falling into step beside her.
⋆* ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Read ch 2 here
Thank you for reading this little story. Feedback and reblogs are very much appreciated. <3
Wednesday’s taglist: @milkiane @bookfrog242 @heelaechan @imagine-reblog @gayestfeels26 @sakurarukas @bluetreecloud20 @the-night-owl-blr
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vandaliatraveler · 1 year
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Hazy mid-summer day on the Sods, Part 1.
Photos are from the South Prong Trail, heading towards Roaring Plains. The pine barrens death camas (Stenanthium leimanthoides) growing in the bogs and seeps of the Plains is simply stunning this year. Such a toxic little beauty - death incarnate. Also, the mountain angelica (Angelica triquinata) is getting ready to bloom - I think of this tall, Appalachian endemic as the mid to late summer counterpart of cow parsnip. And how about that fabulous orange-fringed orchid (Platanthera ciliaris), which is just now reaching peak bloom in our high-elevation mountain bogs? The showy perennial is more commonly referred to as yellow-fringed orchid, but I have no clue why; every plant I've found in this neck of the woods has a hue similar to a Sunkist navel orange.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
Flashfics 1 Masterpost!
Ship, Color, Plant
Original Post CLOSED
As you can see, I asked for:
-A Danny + DC ship (/ or &) which is self explanatory.
-A color from the rainbow (roygbiv). Before anyone picked I assigned a topic to each color based on something that color evoked for me! I'm not going to lie, I didn't think too hard on these lol.
Red- fighting
Orange - trick or treat
Yellow - food/meal
Green - eldritch
Blue - sleep(y)
Indigo - smooches/cuddles
Violet - angst (violent violet)
(For those curious: 1R, 3O, 1Y, 2G, 4B, 1I, 4V)
-A plant of some type. The plant is a little vague, but it was there to provide a hook of some sort- a mood or color palette or texture. Basically the plant is the vibe!
(If anyone else wants to use this idea process (or parts of it) to do prompts themselves, feel free!)
Goal was to stay short and quick with these! Here are all the links and a bit of my thought process under the cut! The reasoning is likely spoilery for the pieces, so you might want to read the ficlet first!
Danny/Jason, Indigo, False Indigo
Danny/Jason, Yellow, Dandelions
Smooch + False Indigo just had to be fake dating! It was a must. I admittedly have more thoughts on this one than a ficlet warrants...
Danny/Tim, Violet, Iris
Food/Meal. Dandelions are seen as just weeds in the US, but actually from their roots to leaves to flowers have a ton of uses! So I wanted there to be a restaurant that was dubious from the outside, but had amazing food.
Danny & Billy Batson, Orange, Prickly Pear
Angst. I love irises. The colors of traditional purple iris with that spot of yellow reminds me of dusk. Dusk feels like an ending so we went with a dramatic deadline!
Danny/Bruce, Blue, Blue Lily
Trick or Treat. Danny brings Billy food as they plot. For the plant a prickly pear is good eating, but... well, prickly, so I went with a clear friendship with some underlying contentiousness.
Danny & Steph Brown, Violet, Violets
Sleepy. A blue lily looks a little scattered, even frayed, but it still has a lovely soft color. It was perfect for a Bruce who's trying to hard and a soft moment. (Great fun to finally write this ship.)
Danny & Arthur Curry (Aquaman, Orin), Blue, Ruby Slipper Succulent
Angst. Purple bruises clustered together like violet flowers came to mind right away- especially for violent violets. Two spirited heroes in over their heads...
Danny/Jason, Orange, Apricot Tree
Sleepy- went with exhausted here. The succulents reminded me both of the crown of fire but also coral, so I really wanted to focus on Danny visiting Arthur/Orin. As both half human kings, I thought that it could be nice to set up a mentor idea.
Danny/Stephanie, Violet, Orchids
Trick or Treat. I struggled a bit at first but had the idea of Danny throwing apricots at Danny- using the plant literally for once! Luckily the ficlet found it's way. (Ty Moku for letting me bounce ideas off of you.)
Danny/Duke, Blue, Sage
Angst that I had to make different from the other angst with these two! I leaned into the other worldliness of orchids and their bright bold colors... and what that could mean as a ghost.
Danny/Zatanna, Orange, Amaryllis Belladonna
Sleep. Sage is nice and fuzzy so first take away was the texture, but it's also an herb and so we got to sick fic! Just a soft little moment for these two and a little gator.
Danny (Phantom) & Captain Marvel, Green, Wildflowers
Trick or treat. Well, I had to do a magic show with that topic. The flowers are very soft so wanted something sappy. But with the name belladonna, even if it's not those belladonnas, had to have tiny bit of a threat or mystery.
Danny/Jason, Red, Bonsai
Eldritch. Wildflowers made me think of an uncontrollable Phantom and what would cause that and, well, look I know this isn't the angst color but... combined with the prompter very specifically using Phantom and Capetian Marvel it seemed to fit.
Danny/Jason, Blue, Sunflowers
Fight! I was first thinking of a mistaken identity brawl, but that didn't fit bonsai at all. Then I thought it needed to be delicate, but if you've ever watched a master work with bonsai, they are anything but delicate. So then we got to this metaphor!
Danny/Bart, Green, Dahlia
Sleepy. Gonna be honest here, sunflowers = sun was where my brain went right away lol. I also wanted an overall happy and playful feel!
Eldritch. Dahlia are the orbs of flowers that are fractal so a biblically accurate Danny seemed like a place to go! I like to think thanks to time travel Bart and Danny had different first meetings with each other, and none of it in the current time.
Danny/Jason, Violet, Forget-me-not
Angst. How could I not do a death scene with for forget-me-nots? Moku and I had chatted more about the apricot one, and Danny visiting the grave, so I felt this had to tie into that! At least this way you all know it has a happy end?
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touch-starved-lurker · 8 months
art saturday with the mutuals
doodle of the orchid in my room! no, i have no clue what its pot actually looks like!! :3
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(Image ID: a pencil drawing of an orchid in a striped pot. it has two flowers and the stems are held in place with clips and sticks. the orchid itself is black and white, the shadow is in orange coloured pencil. text next to it says “1-20-24” /.End ID)
@pteren @gloriousvermin :3
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dontsteponsnek · 2 years
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sims 4 HUGE midwest (ish) emo post hardcore punk band posters cc! hi! these are my first cc's so they are pretty sloppy but i was so excited to do them tbh. this one is with 50 albums! here they are: 1. the get up kids – something to write home about 2. jets to brazil – orange rhyming dictionary 3. fall out boy – take this to your grave 4. archers of loaf – icky mettle 5. jawbreaker – 24 hour revenge therapy 6. fugazi – red medicine 7. rilo kiley – take offs and landings 8. sunny day real estate – the rising tide 9. team dresch – personal best 10. death cab for cutie – you can play these songs with chords 11. saves the day – in reverie 12. sunny day real estate – diary 13. moss icon – complete discography 14. the used – the used 15. fall out boy – from under the cork tree 16. jimmy eat world – clarity 17. the juliana theory – understand this is a dream 18. penfold – amateurs and professionals 19. panic! at the disco – a fever you cant sweat out 20. dag nasty – can i say? 21. brand new – your favorite weapon 22. brand new – deja entendu 23. sunny day real estate – how it feels to be something on 24. the promise ring – nothing feels good 25. brand new – daisy 26. brand new – science fiction 27. hawthorne heights – the silence in black and white 28. orchid – orchid (gatefold) 29. my chemical romance – i brought you my bullets, you brought me your love 30. mineral – the power of failing 31. braid – frame & (and) canvas 32. saves the day – stay what you are 33. rival schools – united by fate 34. pretty girls make graves – good health 35. brand new – the devil and god are raging inside me 36. texas is the reason -  do you know who you are? 37. la dispute – somewhere at the bottom of the river between vega and altair 38. q and not u – no kill no beep beep 39. fall out boy – (fall out boy’s) evening out with your girlfriend 40. one last wish – 1986 41. american fooball – american football 42. taking back sunday – where you want to be 43. taking back sunday – tell all your friends 44. cursive – (cursive’s) domestica 45. jawbreaker – dear you 46. bright eyes – i’m wide awake, it’s morning 47. the get up kids – four minute mile 48. farside – the monroe doctrine 49. saves the day – through being cool 50. rites of spring – rites of spring https://drive.google.com/file/d/1XfLUIRiJKz1D3YHdG629N1ro0Z3D0-Zw/view?usp=sharing
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ranchracoon · 6 months
Ch 1. The Beginning
            A/N: I can already see the comments, so let me clear up: no, everyone is not related. Instead of saying "ma'am" or "sir," everyone is called auntie, uncle, or cousin as a form of respect.
The waves lap against the beach shore as the rising sun sets the entire island and ocean ablaze with oranges and yellows. Fishers tie off their boats from the early morning catches and heave them up the sandy coves to the mainland. Chickens, pigs, and dogs welcome the morning with a symphony of howls, grunts, and clucks while awaiting their own breakfast. Children who have already been awake since before the sun, run amok through the tall trees, banana plants, and orchids while their sleep deprived parents inject themselves with caffeine. At the hub of all activity is the common place kitchen, where everyone cooks, everyone cleans, and everyone shares. The roof is sturdy made from clay and palm leaves to keep out the sun's harsh rays and the frequent downpour of rain. The walls have hanging curtains that are rolled and tied to the roof so that the warm salty air blows through without any obstructions. The mouthwatering aroma of spam wafts through the nearby homes and awakens anyone still trying to linger on last night's dreams. Soon the hub is full of people, some old, some young, some in between but all of them catering to one another while passing around the dishes of spam and rice wrapped with seaweed.
The head chef searches the crowd for one person, knowing this day is one she has been looking forward to; she just doesn't know it yet. Finally she spots them, weaving in and out toward the bar where breakfast awaits but the chef beats her there. The young woman and the chef stare one another down, their eyes locked in a showdown of who will move first. The young woman makes a dash for the nearest plate but the chef is quicker, she holds it away from the young woman. She groans loudly with frustration and annoyance, drawing the attention of a few people nearby who merely chuckle at the altercation. This happens every morning.
"Come on mamá, I'm too tired for this. I even got here early!" The woman whines.
"AH! I don't want any attitude from you, okay? Hoy es especial and I need you to help me get things ready. Ahora, go eat and report back here as soon as you are finished." Her mother scolds.
(Today is special. Now,)
"Ugh.." The woman groans.
She takes the plate from her mom and scurries away to the outside of the shelter to the nearby tables and chairs made from bamboo. She settles herself down into a spot and pulls her black hair away from her face to keep it from getting in her food. Only one bite in before three others join her; the first one is her best friend Alo, wearing only baggy shorts, a tank top, and nothing else with their hair clearly sporting the 'just woke up' appeal. The second is her other best friend Diana, she has on a red tank top with high cut shorts and hand-crafted sandals, her brown hair is braided back into a single braid with flowers interwoven. The last is her sister Neyla, two years younger than her and they are exact carbon copies of each other with the same sun kissed brown skin, black hair, and brown eyes.
"Good morning, Alo! Good morning, Diana! Good morning, Carmen!" Neyla announces.
"Morning." They respond simultaneously.
"So, what is your mamá making you do today?" Asks Alo.
"No idea. She just said to report to her when I finish eating. Did she tell you anything?" Carmen responds.
"No, she told me the same thing."
Diana taps her chip in thought, "is it someone's anniversary? Maybe someone found their mate? We didn't forget a birthday, did we?"
The other shrug their shoulders and finish their meals, chatter about the latest drama, clean their places, and report for their chores. There are others gathered with her mom delegating the chores. The tasks are divided by who can do what the best; cooking, cleaning, decorating, but no one tells Carmen about why they are doing this. She tries to overhear conversations, but no one spills anything she can run with. There is one possibility, but it can't be that. She would have been told about it. She approaches her mother and two other women who are currently sharpening utensils behind her. 
"Hola aunties." She waves to the two women.
They wave back and return their focus to their task while her mother approaches her and grips her shoulder tightly. 
"Carmen, I have a muy importante task for you. We need something to cook. Something big. The biggest you can find ¿bueno?"
(Very important. Okay?)
 Carmen beams with excitement, she was only allowed to hunt for very special ceremonies like weddings. Someone must be getting married, but she can't think of anyone recently engaged. Her heart flutters in excitement, it has to be what she's thinking right? Her mother smiles at her and released her shoulder, and she takes off like the start of a race. She dashes from the shelter and makes her way to the edge of the jungle. Carmen is the best hunter on the island; the record for biggest kill used to be held by her great, great, grandfather who killed a 200lb deer. That is, until she beat it by taking down a nearly 235lb jaguar that kept killing pigs. It took her three days of stalking and waiting to capture it.
She breathes in deeply and allows herself to unwind, as she lowers to her hands and knees. The grass tickles between her fingers that enlarge and widen into large paws. Her hair thickens and grows to coat her entire body before shortening to appropriate fur length. Her spinal collum extends behind her backside into a thick but fluffy tail. Everyone on the island can transform into a wolf, just like her. Her senses heighten, she inhales deeply and smells all the creatures within miles and the freshly washed fauna from the rain. 
The breeze shakes the tops of the trees, a few birds chirp in the distance, and she listens. The song of her island drawing her in, frogs, cicadas, birds, and then a twig snapping. Her ear twitches in the direction of her desired prey, a Boar grunting in the distance. She barrels through the foliage, vines and plants whip past her as she maneuvers and weaves expertly through. As she approaches, she slows to a steady walk, crouching into the thicket while stalking closer. Her snout and eyes look through the brush to see her prize snorting away at the ground. This will be easy, all she has to do is go for the hind leg, snap the tendon then break the neck. 
Carmen stills, her black fur blends with the shadows around giving her the perfect camouflage as the boar snorts the ground. When it stops and proceeds to dig for whatever it found, this is her moment. She leaps from the brush, lands directly behind the boar and slashes her fangs into its hind leg. It barely has time to react before it attempts to dash away only to fail miserably onto the ground and kick its legs wildly. Carmen stalks around the back of the boar, places one paw on its side and her mouth on the neck before jerking upward in a quick motion; the snap of bones echoes through the now silent jungle. Nearby prey scatters to the wind, and the birds fly off through the canopy after being startled by the sound. 
She lifts the boar and maneuvers it onto her back, it has to be 160 easy, this should be plenty for the celebration tonight. She trots back at a slower pace so as to not lose her precious catch, stopping every few moments to readjust then proceed. Back at the shelter, her mother and the two women gasp at her catch, they reach their newly sharpened tools and gather some extra hands to remove the boar from her back. Her mother strokes Carmen's ear proudly then tsks upon seeing the state of which she returned. 
"Ay mija, look at you! Go wash up and help your cousins with their chores. Be back here tonight." 
Carmen twists her head to examine her body, seeing the matted fur with mud, leaves, and blood. She shakes herself only to be scolded by the nearby women and threatened with a chancla (slipper) before she runs off. After returning to her humanoid form, she returns to the comfort of her home to rinse off and change out of her filthy clothes. Then she goes and finds Alo to help them with whatever they were assigned. Everyone takes a break when the sun hits the peak of day, it is too hot to continue so they all take a well-earned swim in the lagoon. The warm water is refreshing on their overheated skin, children splash and play while the aunties serve cold coconut water and finger foods. 
Once break time is finished and the sun is on the other side of the island, casting their side in a cool shadow do they return to their work. The shelter beams to life with lanterns and hanging lights, there's ribbons strung from the trees, and of course a roaring bonfire with her boar roasting over it. The bar is flowing with drinks for the adults, fresh mojitos, margaritas, all mixed with spirits and fruit from cultivated from their land. For the niñas and niños, virgin mixes and sodas to fill their sugar crave. Carmen invites Alo to get ready at her home, she puts on her best sleeveless, strapless crop top that she weaved and dyed herself with shorts that stop at her midthigh and her sandals. The final touch is flowers braided into her hair; she does a singular braid that flows over one shoulder. Alo went shirtless with a lei around their neck and on their head with a traditional grass skirt, and their best sandals. 
Carmen and Alo walk together to the center of the island, everyone is dressed their best but she sees no distinct pattern so it's not a wedding. People laugh, they drink, Carmen is about two margaritas in when all goes silent except for a bellowing horn that is blown when a ship is approaching. Carmen's heart races once more, she is the first to run toward the bay where she sees an approaching tugger boat that usually brings them imported goods. Only this time, the cargo it wields is much more precious. The others stay back on the beach shore letting her be the only one on the dock, she grabs the rope from the captain and ties the boat off then stands excitedly. The boat rocks as the captain leaps off the side then holds his hand out for another. 
The tears blind Carmen's vision as her heart explodes in unrelenting delight, her legs move forward without warning. She leaps into the air and grasps onto the man who steps off the boat, her legs locking around his torso with her arms around his neck. Her head buried into his shoulder as she shakes violently with happy sobs. The man is tall with the same brown skin and black hair as her, with a curly black beard around his chin and upper lip. He spins Carmen around happily, laughing wildly and nearly sending them into the water when he almost loses his balance. She unlocks from him and drops down onto the dock, her hands immediately finding his face as she smiles up at him and he smiles down at her, his eyes also wet with tears.
"Ben." She whimpers. 
"Hola hermana." He chokes out. 
She lets out a sob ridden laugh as she shakes his face in her hands, "I knew it! No one would tell me anything! I knew it had to be you! Look at you. Look at this beard! Oh my and..." she pauses, she looks him up and down then scowls, "are you wearing insoles?!" She accuses. 
His ears turn bright red giving him away as he sputters to try and come up with a lie, Carmen shakes her head and pulls him down by one of them. 
"My little brother is not going to be taller than me!" She threatens. 
He laughs loudly before Carmen releases him and wipes the tears from her eyes. Five years ago he left to become the person he always felt he was, and now he is back. Him and Carmen exchanged letters every month, he told her everything that was happening and even sent her souvenirs. The last she heard from him was before he was going in because there were some complications with his bottom surgery. She feared the worse, fearing that this boat carried his remains but here he is. She can't help but cover her mouth as tears start to fall again, taking him in. He straightens up and turns his body slightly back toward the boat. 
"There's someone I want you to meet." He motions toward the boat where a woman is stepping off. 
She has fire-red hair, her skin is white with freckles peppering every inch, especially her face. She gives Carmen a bright, wide smile, her eyes are a dazzling green like the lagoon. She approaches the two of them and stands beside Carmen's brother who wraps his arm around her shoulders. 
"Carmen, Clara. Clara, Carmen. She is my mate and also happened to be my surgeon." He chuckles. 
"It's a pleasure to meet you. Ben has told me so much about you." She greets. 
Carmen opens her arms and hugs Clara, at first the woman is tense but eventually relaxes and hugs Carmen back. 
"Welcome Clara." She greets. 
The three of them walk together toward the beach where Carmen and Ben's mother happily awaits and drowns Ben in kisses. She also hugs and kisses Clara while welcoming her to the family. The crowd swarms Ben and Clara, bombarding them in questions, excitement, and welcomes. Eventually the crowd wanders back the bonfire where a band strikes up with live music and the drinks flow once more. Carmen tried to give Ben drinks but was quickly told no by Clara due to the medication he is on, so, Carmen got Clara drunk instead. The boar that Carmen caught was devoured until only the bones and fat remained and would be used for other things tomorrow. 
The night carried on, children crashed from their sugar highs and were carted away by their parents. The music eventually died down with the embers of the fire as only a few stranglers remained. Carmen sits by the dying fire with her feet outstretched, her face and body warm from the alcohol as she stares into the embers. Ben joins her, groaning loudly as he lowers himself down onto a stump nearby with his virgin drink in hand. His eyes droopy with sleep but he's too happy to be around his family again to fall asleep now. Clara is passed out in Carmen's hut because Ben will need a bigger one to fit him and Clara, and the hundred grandchildren that their mother wants. 
They sit together in silence, Ben exhausted from answering all the questions about himself and his mate. Carmen exhausted from the many drinks shes downed that are finally catching up to her. Carmen sighs heavily and leans forward to start undoing her hair, she has a splitting headache and she's unsure if it's from the spinning landscape or her braid. Ben watches her unbraid her hair and toss the flowers aside, he picks one up and examines it thoughtfully. 
"How long are you staying?" Carmen whispers sorrowfully. 
"What do you mean? You don't think I'm staying?" Ben chuckles.
"You said Clara is a surgeon, and you're still going to school ya?" She replies. 
"Ya." He sighs, "It's not permanent though. We agreed that once I'm graduated, we'll move here for good. I already talked to Mrs. Eka about taking over the school and Clara wants to open her own study here.” Ben is silent for a moment, “you should come with me.”
Carmen stops her hands, she fiddles with the bit of hair between her fingers as she digests what Ben suggested, a sudden sobriety washes over her.
“Why?” She asks almost bitterly.
“You said you wanted to find your mate. You said, and I quote, ‘there’s nothing left for me here. I am happy, but I am sick of all the sympathetic looks I get from the elders and aunties. I know they whisper about me.’”
“You don’t need to use my words against me.” Carmen bites.
“I’m just offering.” Ben shifts his glass between his hands, “when is the last time you went up the mountain?” He asks quietly.
The mountain is home to the moon pool where many of their elders go to seek guidance from their goddesses or ancestors. Many go up there when they turn 25 to seek out their one true mate, leading them to a life of fulfillment and happiness. Carmen shields her face away from Ben to hide her expression.
“Not since the first time.” She mumbled.
“So…almost seven years. Maybe you should try again, and no matter what happens, the offer still stands for you to join Clara and I when we leave.”
Ben stood from his seat and wandered off most likely to go to bed while Carmen finished unbraiding her hair and looked up toward the mountain. She sighed defeatedly, maybe he was right. Carmen shifted and started the trek up the mountain, in human form it would take hours to climb all the way up but in her wolf form she cut that down to an hour. Once she was at the top of the mountain she shifted back into her human form, the moon pool glowed even without a full moon present. She wandered around and used some nearby matches to light the incense surrounding the water.
She kneels on the warm volcanic rock beneath her knees as she peers into the clear pool. She closes her eyes and begins to pray. Seeking anyone. Her goddesses, her ancestors, anyone who can answer her. Her prayers are said without failure, she thinks them in her mind then whispers them aloud while focusing on her intention. After her prayers she opens her eyes, the pool swirls and shimmers with life. Carmen leans forward, searching the now cloudy waters for any sort of symbol, sign, anything. The water continues to swirl, growing more and more cloudy until she can’t see through it anymore then it stops. The water remains cloudy but slowly unclouds from the center to the outer edge of the pool. Nothing. Just like when she tried the first time.
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peachdues · 8 months
Peach’s Winter/Spring transitional perfume lineup
All right, y’all know I’m a perfume whore, so here’s my rotation as we go from late winter into early spring.
Kayali’s Deja Vu White Flowers
A warm florals fragrance that is my true ride or die. My favorite perfume of all time tbh. Every time I wear it I get stopped. I had an Uber driver write down the name so he could buy it for his wife. Especially pairs well with the Gisou hair perfume (another personal favorite)
Notes: Gardenia, Jasmine, Vanilla
Nest New York’s Golden Nectar
Another warm florals perfume. I got this as a sample and it’s h my goddddd it’s so fucking good. I’m a HUGE Amber whore, and that’s one of the dominant notes in this. So sweet and warm and sugary and sexy. This is also a GREAT one to layer — specifically with vanilla based scents
Notes: Golden Orchid, Amber, Musk
KILIAN Paris’ Princess
I’ve been super into tea fragrances lately, and this one is just SO GOOD. It lasts all day, too, and I’m gonna bite the bullet and buy the full bottle. It’s spicy from the ginger but not heavy, and still has that fresh green tea scent as well.
Notes: Ginger, Green Tea, Marshmallow
Replica’s Matcha Meditation
Another tea scent. If Sephora doesn’t get the 1 oz of this back in stock soon I’m gonna cry. This is such a green and fresh scent but also so sweet and warm?? And it’s also what I HC modern Sanemi wearing so, automatic ten points from me.
Notes: Bergamot Essence, Matcha Accord, Moss Accord
Yara Lattafa Tous perfume (orange bottle)
TikTok absolutely influenced me on this one but it’s SO GOOD. I compare it to KILIAN’s Love, Don’t Be Shy, but with more mango. It’s sweet and fruity but not overpowering — plus it layers SO WELL with other scents.
As for options (because you’ve gotta coordinate your options!) here’s what I alternate between
Jergen’s original scent (cherry almond)
My clove + juniper body butter (smells heavenly and like winter)
EOS’ vanilla cashmere lotion
LUSH’s karma cream
LUSH’s charity pot lotion
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jessource · 2 days
hii what are some of your psds that could work for fall or horror?
hiya! the following of mine i think could work for fall/horror are (i've also bolded some of my faves)
PSD 117 - 777.
PSD 116 - 666.
PSD 102 - THE VOW.
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occatorcreator · 3 months
Second Chances
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4 - Friendship Lost
It's always one step forward and two steps back for Purple. An unexpected reunion between the color gang and a long lost friend threatens to tear apart Purple with jealousy.
Time flies. Months rolled by since that argument and the gang kept true to their word.  They did their best to not start unsanctioned fights whenever they got upset or angry. At least, while in front of Purple.
But that was fine by Purple. Without the worry about a potential fuse blowing, Purple felt more at ease being around them. Visits to each other’s desktops became more frequent as a result. Purple found himself chilling on the Animator’s desktop more often than his own as the year went on, entertained by the creative ways the four played with Minecraft and other games.
It distracted him from the pain. A pain that was lessening in intensity every month, but Purple could still feel it. The thoughts nagged at him; how would Orchid and Navy feel about what he was doing? How long is this friendship going to last, really? 
“You know, we were originally created to fight each other for eternity,” Yellow confessed to Purple privately one day as they showed him around their website.
The mention of being created for the purpose of fighting made Purple’s stomach clench uneasily.
“This was where we were meant to be,” Yellow said, gesturing to the blank white walls, “to fight for the rest of our days until one of us won.” They dropped their hands to their sides. “We ended up declaring a truce two weeks in.”
“Why?” Purple asked. “What made you stop?”
“Look around,” Yellow said. “I like this place. I come here whenever I need space, but it wasn’t like that initially. Imagine you were created to hate four other people, and your creator put you in a box with them, and none of you could leave that box.”
Purple’s eyes widened slowly as he tried to imagine, yet he couldn’t. Suddenly, the sparse decor and white color felt oppressive. Yellow smiled sadly.
“You understand, even when you like it, fighting grows monotonous here,” Yellow said, “I still have these thoughts of attacking them when we’re just hanging out, doing nothing… sometimes I see in their eyes, they have the exact same instinct that I have. But, I think we’ve been getting better at handling them. Thanks.”
Why are you thanking me? Purple thought, I just pointed out the obvious without even knowing how you lived.
He still didn’t know them all that well, did he?
“How did you get out?” Purple asked softly.
To that, Yellow looked away, shoulders tense.
“A stick figure broke in, somehow,” Yellow said, letting out a bemused huff, “that Orange kid… they came looking for a fight for some reason, but didn’t even have a proper fighting stance. When we saw the wall was broken down, we were so happy to be free and almost ignored them! They were chill enough to show us around the computer” He sighed. “But then Alan deleted us.”
Purple nearly tripped over himself. “Alan deleted you?”
“We spawned right back here,” Yellow said, so casually as if the fact Alan deleting them didn’t warrant further explanation, “We couldn’t do much until he refreshed the page, and when he did, the desktop was a mess. Orange had fought Alan and ran off.”
“As they should!” Purple said, crossing his arms, “Why are you living with Alan after what he did to you?”
“I mean, well,” Yellow cleared their throat, “Alan really regretted what he did. I don’t think there’s a day that goes by that he doesn’t, probably why he treats us so kindly now. We came to forgive him after a while, but I get it if you feel differently after knowing that.”
Purple didn’t know what to say. Had Yellow said nothing, Purple would still be blissfully ignorant and see the Animator as yet another kindly human. The shock of it left him stunned.
“He asked us to find them, and helped us search. We went out into the city putting up flyers…” Yellow kicked the ground. “But we got nothing. We tried for months before we just gave up. It's been almost two years since we last heard of them.” Yellow whistled. “Hard to believe it’s been that long, huh?”
“Yeah,” Purple’s heart hammered. He nodded, feeling uneasy at the mention of the passage of time. “Can hardly believe it.”
The year wrapped up, and soon Purple’s birthday reared its ugly head again. They already celebrated the gang’s mutually shared birthday, so of course the others wanted to celebrate Purple’s in kind. Purple should have known better than to have told them his birthday was coming. He should have expected it when they invited him to their desktop that day without warning and surprised them with a large cake.
“Happy birthday!” 
Purple eyed the cake, staring at the numbered candles that read “18” on it.
That can’t be real, can it?
“Eighteen, eh?” Green walked up and playfully nudged Purple’s shoulder, oblivious to how still Purple was. “What’s it feel like to be a certified old person?”
It was meant to be a joke, so Green couldn’t know how much it hurt Purple to hear. 
Old. Somehow time slipped past him, and Purple was now officially an adult. And yet he didn’t feel like he was. It didn’t register that he was older now, aging. He would have been a senior by now, a couple months from graduating. He could picture it clearly: wearing the cap, the gown, his mother staring at him with pride…
But no. He was here, a high school dropout, spending his life in a game made for children instead of going to college or finding a job. His mother was gone, and she would never get the chance to see her son become an adult.
She died young, he realized, as he watched the cake with its light pink frosting drip. But she died old.
Would the same fate happen to him?
“Purple? Purple, what's the matter?”
Purple couldn’t hear Blue’s concerned voice over the sudden, gross sobbing that seized him. Purple hid his shame in his hands, trying to push the tears back, but the sobbing wouldn’t stop.
“Hey, was it the joke?”Green asked, shocked, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to…”
He trailed off, unsure as to what had set him off. None of them saw Purple reduce to such tears in the year knowing him. Purple wouldn’t have allowed it before.
“Please, no,” Purple tried to speak through the blubbering, “I’m not ready – I don’t want this. Please.”
Arms wrapped around him, and Purple felt himself being ushered off the desktop and sat down somewhere else. Purple gulped air down, wiping away the streaks as he heard the others trying to calm him down. He noticed that they brought him to their webpage, sitting around the card table. Yellow and Green were beside him while Red and Blue looked across anxiously.
When the sniffling died down did Yellow ask, “What was that all about?”
“Really, Yellow?” Blue frowned at Yellow.
“What? I have no idea what happened!” Yellow said. “I’m sorry Purple, but that was… kinda scary. Did we do something?”
“Is it something about your birthday?” Red asked.
Purple shut his eyes and willed himself to breathe slowly and evenly. Thankfully, they stopped asking their questions as he tried to calm down. 
I never did explain to them about my mother, Purple thought. Despite knowing each other for a year at this point, he found that there was never a good time to explain all of his mess. Of his loss, or why certain days he wanted no contact from them. It was daunting, frightening to even tell them of it.
But when he opened his eyes again he saw the faces of his concerned friends who only wanted to celebrate with him.
They told me their issues, he supposed.
“There’s something I didn’t tell you all…” Purple confessed quietly. “What happened before we met…”
“This is where you buried her?”
Purple could only shrug at Green’s question. “There was no body to bury.”
It was a week after his birthday. A week after he shared about his mother’s death, his father’s abandonment, and his reasons for hating his birthday. When Purple admitted that he had not visited her grave since her death, it was Blue’s recommendation for him to go. She emphasized that he didn’t have to or could go alone if he wanted, but he insisted they visit.
Purple forgot that seasons passed for the city, and it was winter. Here they all were, standing in the chill with little in the way of protection. The tombstones were covered in thick piles of snow. The Minecraft daisy they placed before her grave blended in with the ground. 
“It’s strange,” Purple said after a moment of silence, “some days I don’t feel much of anything, I hardly think of her. Other days it hits me like a train, and it hurts so much.”
Yellow let out a small hum in acknowledgement, but otherwise was silent. He, Blue, and Green stared at her grave in silence, while Red was looking around the cemetery, eyes darting from grave to grave.
“You alright, Red?” Purple asked.
“Huh? No, I’m fine,” she said in a rush, made awkward by Purple’s question. “It’s just…” she looked up at the sky, straining to think. “…a lot of graves here.”
“We are in a cemetery, Red,” Green said with bitter sarcasm.
“I know. It’s just… a lot of dead rest here,” Red said, quietly, “it’s been weighing on my mind, I guess.”
Guess she’s just uncomfortable and bored, Purple thought. He empathized with that feeling. He was dreading coming back to the cemetery the whole travel time, fearing that he’d repeat his gross sobbing again. But he didn’t; no tears were shed.
Despite how morose he felt standing before her grave, he felt also at ease with his friends by his side.
“So,” Purple announced, clapping his hands and startling them. “I don’t think you guys really got to see the sights around here. How about you follow me?”
Purple didn’t have any cash on hand, so he couldn’t treat them to lunch. But there was a park nearby with a track and field. He figured they would like physical activity even if it was cold.
“It's so lovely out here!” Blue said, taking in the pristine landscape.
“Look! A squirrel!” Red pointed up at the trees.
“I don’t see anything,” Yellow said, trying to peer up through the bare branches. “Are you sure a squirrel would be up during winter, Red?”
Purple and Green stood off to the side, Green chuckling. “I’m not surprised that Red and Blue adore the place.”
“I used to come here a lot when I was a little kid,” Purple said.
“As little as them?” Green asked, pointing out to the field. Children were running around, screaming, throwing snowballs, and making snowpeople. “Wow, they are very small…”
Right, you never really had a childhood like I did, Purple reminded himself. It made him realize that his mother and father were the same as Green; they also never had a childhood the way Purple and his high school peers did.
“You know, you should be grateful you skipped that stage,” Purple said, “I have so many embarrassing memories, let me tell you.”
He waited for Green to say something in response, but when none came, he turned to look. Green had come to a standstill, looking at a nearby park bench with eyes stretched wide in surprise. Purple turned back to try and look for what was happening but didn’t find anything out of the ordinary. There were kids running about, parents eating at a park bench, an orange teen playing swords with their younger brother…
Wait, Purple paused upon seeing the teen. The distinctive hollow head was something Purple only saw once, but couldn’t forget. They were talking with his old high school friends about him...
“Be grateful you never met him. He’d be horrible to you too.”
And Green was staring at them with the biggest grin on his face.
“Guys! Come quickly!” Green called Red, Blue, and Yellow over, waving, “It’s Orange!”
“Orange?” Blue exclaimed as they ran over. She rubbed her eyes like she couldn’t believe what she was seeing, “It is! They were here this whole time?”
“What are we waiting for?” Red said, taking off after them. “Come on!”
Green, Blue, and Yellow quickly raced after Red, leaving Purple in the dust.
“Ah! Wait!” Purple chased after them. A little too late, as the group already went skidding up to Orange. The golden child they were playing with, surprised by five random stick figures coming up to them, rushed to Orange's side, hiding partially behind their back.
And Orange shared the same look Green had earlier, shock turned to a disbelieving joy.
“Green? Red?” they said, “Blue and Yellow too? I thought you were-”
“Yes!” Green laughed. “We’re here! And we’re okay, see?”
“Oh my goodness!” Orange jumped up to hug Green, “I thought you were dead!”
“We got better!” Yellow said, joining in the hug. “I thought we would never see you again!” Red and Blue joined as well, creating a rainbow group hug.
You only knew them for a day and haven’t seen them in years! Purple balked at the sight of his friends hugging a stranger. He stood off to the side, staring and then looking at the child who looked just as bewildered and confused as he felt. 
This kid feels familiar too, but I can’t place where I saw him?
The child regarded Purple with similar recognition, his eyes squinting in judgment. Recovered from the shock, they charged into Orange’s friends, trying to shove and push them off of the hollow head.
“Get away from Second!” He shouted, smacking Red with his shoulder.
“Hmm?” Given that the child was half Red’s size and bulk, she broke from the group and looked down with curiosity. “Who’s this?”
The others broke the hug and turned their attention to Gold. Upon seeing muscular teens and his pitiful efforts to push them off, the kid shrank back a couple steps.
“Come on, Gold, don’t be rude!” Orange said, rubbing the kid’s shoulder, “Guys, this is my little brother, Gold.”
“Aww, a little brother?” Blue cooed.
“Hey! Same color as me!” Yellow said, holding his hand out for a high five.
Gold eyed their hand nervously. “I’m darker,” Gold corrected, crossing his arms.
“Only a bit,” Yellow said, holding his thumb and index finger an inch apart.
“How did you get a little brother? What have you been up to this whole time?” Green asked. “We tried looking for you…”
“You have?” Orange said, placing a hand on their cheek, “this whole time? I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
Green exchanged a concerned look with Yellow and Blue as though that was a strange statement. Only Red didn’t seem bothered.
“Oh, come off it,” Red waved her hand, “you couldn’t help it! We should just be glad to meet again despite it all!”
Orange beamed at Red. “Yeah! You have to tell me what you’ve been up to?” They said, their eyes turning to Purple, “Like, who’s this?”
The suddenness of being acknowledged caused Purple to flinch slightly. Their curious stare made Purple feel like he shouldn’t be there at all.
“This is our friend, Purple,” Green said, “We met him through Minecraft!”
There, it was - only for a second, but Purple could see the moment Orange registered the name. The smile dimmed, eyebrows lowered before returning to normal.
Were they wondering if I’m that Purple their other friends talked about? He thought, feeling his palms sweat. The horrible high school dropout?
If they did, they didn’t comment. Instead they turned back to Green to continue the conversation. “Minecraft?” 
“It’s a video game!” Green said, “Ah, man, we got so much to tell you.”
“Same here!” Orange said, “It’s time for lunch anyways, and I have money saved up.” They looked down at Gold. “How about you, feeling up for some hot chocolate and pastries?”
Gold looked up at Orange like it was a bad idea before nodding anyways. 
“Awesome! I’m starved!” Red said, pumping her arms up.
And I feel sick, Purple thought.
That fateful meeting changed everything. Now that the gang was reunited with their old friend, they were desperate to reconnect. Purple and Gold felt like accessories, watching as the five conversed with each other.
Only, Gold joined in to ask his curious questions more often, slowly warming up to the new stick figures. After the conversation was over and it was time for them to head home, Gold had taken a strong liking to them.
Purple couldn’t say the same. Orange spoke of school and their after-school curriculars. They were positively thriving: a Straight-A student, getting an A+ in an honors math class no less, becoming their soccer team’s team captain… Oh, and on top of being brilliant in sports and academics, they were a prolific artist. They even pulled out a stunning piece of art from their pocket to show them.
Oh, how Purple hated them. 
He thought he couldn’t hate anyone more than he hated his father, but no, that didn’t hold a candle to the burning disgust he had for this stupid and apparently perfect stick figure! Didn't help that the others loved them to bits. Even after heading back to the desktop, with promises to meet up again, they talked about Orange the whole way back. Purple tried to tune them out, but it was impossible, because he couldn’t stop thinking of them either.
No one can be that great, Purple thought, stomach churning.
“Hey, Purple?” Blue said, “You’ve been quiet for a long time. Are you feeling alright?”
Purple turned his head, his face turning to stone less he expressed how he really felt. Blue was quicker to detect something was wrong, but her concern made Purple rankle.
Oh, I’m sorry, am I bringing down the mood after meeting your better friend? He thought. 
“I think the hot chocolate didn’t sit well with me,” Purple said instead. 
“Need some milk then?” Red asked.
Purple shook his head. “I think I’ll retire for tonight.”
Yellow frowned and looked down at the desktop clock. “It’s only 6-”
“Good night! See you tomorrow!” Purple shouted before booking it out of there. He raced towards his room and closed his door with a slam loud enough to spook nearby villagers. But he couldn’t rest, even when night did fall. Nothing he did could settle the newfound distress in his chest.
It only got worse as the months rolled on and winter melted away into spring. The gang started making plans to visit Orange more often. They wanted to hang at the arcade, the parks, the mall, Orange’s soccer matches and art competitions. They wanted to play with their little brother, Gold. Purple was invited to tag along, but it felt like a formality, as Purple hardly felt included in their conversations when he joined.
Some days, they played Minecraft like normal, adventuring like usual. But there was always that shadow of Orange. So many mentions of “Orange would love this game!” or “Can’t wait to tell Orange!”
Purple struggled to find anything really wrong with Orange personality wise. And believe him, he scoured for any dirt. They were polite, if cautious. They were an attentive listener to the gang’s wild stories. They cared for Gold and their mysterious father figure, Mango Tango. It seemed like the small family were openly proud of Orange’s accomplishments, given the times Gold bragged about Orange.
The gang were unabashedly proud of Orange too, so happy when they met up.
He couldn’t help but wonder, had Orange not run away, would they even be friends with Purple? Was he just a pathetic replacement to tide them over until they found Orange again?
I hate this. Purple thought with resentment. Why am I not good enough for anyone?
At some point, Purple had enough and tried avoiding Orange whenever he could. He declined outings, blaming Alana or some villager for his “full” schedule. Eventually the others could tell he was full of baloney, but they did not try to challenge him on it.
Time played in reverse. At first, they tried to be consistent with their meetups, then they started missing those. Eventually they hung out occasionally every two weeks, then once every month. And the times they did meet up felt stilted, awkward. The games they played weren’t as fun as they were before.
It all came to a head on Gold’s birthday.
The gang wanted to get a present for Gold and invited Purple, out of formality. Much to their surprise, Purple took the invitation instead of declining. Purple wasn’t exactly sure why; he hated Orange and found Gold annoying. But he missed the gang.
How did it get to this point? Why can’t we go back to before you found Orange again?  He wanted to ask, but he kept those words deep in his heart.
Orange met up with them at the mall, greeting them with hugs. 
“Oh, Purple, you’re here too!” they said, standing awkwardly before Purple.
“Yep,” he grumbled, giving them a half-hearted wave.
Just like that, a stilted awkwardness hung over the group. They walked around, looking for a good store and discussing what gifts Gold would like. Usually, Orange lead at the front in these endeavors, but this time they hung in the back, walking beside Purple.
“Sooo, it’s been awhile since I last saw you,” Orange said after some point of silence, “How’ve you been?”
Stop pretending like you care, Purple scowled, only bothering to shrug in response. I’m not your friend.
“You know, I’ve been meaning to ask,” Orange continued, not discouraged by Purple’s coldness, “Do you know someone named Chestnut? Or Periwinkle?”
Purple squinted at Orange. “I might, I might not,” he said, “Why do you ask?”
“Because they might have mentioned you,” Orange said, “that you used to go to our school, but you stopped coming two years ago…”
“Oh, really? Did they tell you because they were worried about me?” Purple asked, “or did they just want to spread some juicy gossip about me?”
To that, Orange looked elsewhere.
“You could clear it up,” Orange said, “they didn’t say many kind things about you, but my friends–” they looked to Red and Yellow arguing with Green and Blue about some tangential thing, “– really like you. And they’re worried about you too. They’ve mentioned you’ve been kind of distant lately.”
“Oh! Oh, really? Because that’s news to me,” Purple snapped. It stung. If they were concerned, why did they not tell Purple? Why tell Orange instead?
No, Purple doubted they said anything. Orange had to be asking for an alternative reason.
 “So you’re trying to see if it’s my fault?” Purple growled, pointing a finger at them.
Orange waved their hands in a panic. “No! No! I’m not-”
“Then why bring it up?” Purple continued. “Right after mentioning my former friends? Oh no, your friends wouldn’t do anything wrong or have the wrong idea. It has to be Purple’s fault! He’s up to his old manipulative ways again! Well, I’m not the one who goes to Alan’s to see if they want to hang out, and finds they’ve bailed on me to go see you! If anything, it’s your fault!”
Orange’s eyes stretched and narrowed. “My fault? It’s not at all my fault they wanted to hang out with me,” Orange challenged. “Besides, they say that you decide to pass when meeting here. They’re allowed to have other friends, Purple!” 
“If they didn’t run into you, everything would be as usual,” Purple yelled, “We would be hanging out and going on adventures! Instead, we’re going shopping for your dumb brother.”
“Don’t you dare call Gold dumb.” Orange yelled back, and it was the first time Purple saw a murderous anger burn in their eyes. They jabbed a finger in his chest and it hurt. “You apologize right now- ”
“Or what? You’ll hit me?” Purple pushed their hands back, “That would make you look real bad, huh? You’d look like a temperamental jerk if you did. What have you been telling them about me? Have you been calling me an umbrella thief? Or an absolute flake? Have you been trying to turn them against me?”
“Shut up!” Orange was shaking with rage. They raised their fists. “What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with you?” Purple repeated.
“Stop it!” Green came in between them before either could say or make another move. “Stop it, both of you!”
Red and Yellow had rushed to Orange’s side to pull them back while Blue grasped at Purple’s shoulders. Both stick figures pushed the offending hands off of them.
Green was looking between them in bewilderment. “What is going on?”
“Nothing,” Orange said, crossing their arms, “Purple’s being a real jackass.”
“Ha! I could say the same about you!” Purple laughed, “You were about to hit me!” 
“Purple,” Green warned, “this isn't like you. Why are you starting fights?”
“Why are you accusing me?” Purple yelled, “You’re taking their side!”
“We’re not,” Blue said, moving beside Green, “but Purple, you’ve been acting really different for a long time.”
“Becoming very bitter,” Yellow added. “You hardly want to hang with us.”
“I hardly want to hang out with you? Me?” Purple snapped. “Maybe I don’t want all my hangouts to be with a loser like them!” He pointed at Orange, and Red had to pull Orange back again. “You guys hang off them as if they can walk on water!”
They all had the gall to be stunned by Purple’s statement. Were they that oblivious to how Purple felt the entire time?
“Purple, we thought we’d never see them again,” Green said, “They thought we were dead for years! What’s wrong with wanting to spend time with them after all the time we lost?”
“I never said you couldn’t,” Purple growled, “but it’s funny how you knew me for longer, and you chose to hang out with them! Every time! Right after I showed you–” He stopped, recalling Orange was there and observing.
Like he’d ever share his past to them.
“Why didn’t you say anything to us?” Red asked.
“I thought it was obvious!”
“We’re not mind readers!” Green snapped, pointing a finger at Purple, “You always do that! You sulk and get mad at us without ever telling us jack! I thought we were over this?”
“Why didn’t you ask?” Purple asked. “You noticed I was being different, and you never thought to ask?”
“You… make it hard to ask…” Blue said, rubbing her arm.
“Right, of course, it's all my fault again!” Purple growled, turning away. As he did, he saw the crowd of shoppers around them, having paused to watch the argument unfold. Given their judging stares, no doubt they saw Purple as the one in the wrong again.
“Purple! We’re not accusing you! We just asked you to tell us,” Green said. He placed his hand on Purple’s arm. “We’re friends. You should feel comfortable telling us how you really feel!”
“Are we really?” Purple asked, yanking his arm back. He glared at all of them, hating how they stood beside Orange. “Are we really friends if you keep blowing me off for someone else?”
Green looked helplessly at him. “Purple…”
But he added nothing more, and Purple turned away.
“Guess that answers it,” Purple said, “I guess this is it, then. I’m leaving. Don’t you dare follow me!”
Purple ran and didn’t dare look back. Despite what he said, part of him hoped that one of them would run after him, to stop him.
They didn’t.
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The perfect Christmas gift
Sensual and seductive, Dark is a scent that creates an instant mood with invigorating opening notes of orange and bergamot leading to floral orchid and black pepper and base notes of musk, earthly vetiver and patchouli.
Unisex. Custom designed bottle with skull lid. Ships in 1-2 business days. Vegan.
Top Notes: Bergamot, Orange
Middle Notes: Orchid, Black Pepper, Ylang-Ylang, Nutmeg
Base Notes: Musk, Vetiver, Patchouli
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fuuka101 · 1 month
Stick Figure PreCure AU Backstories Part 1.
So I decided to make the backstories for Stick Figure PreCure AU, for the characters Purple, Mango, Chosen, Dark, and Victim.
I’m sorry if this is spoilers so don’t read this of you hate spoilers.
𝙿𝚄𝚁𝙿𝙻𝙴: Purple had parents which were Navy and Orchid, when he was growing up, Navy wanted him to learn how to fight and defend himself against bad guys, but Purple didn’t want to fight and he wasn’t doing too well making Navy call him weak. Orchid wasn’t fine with this leading to several arguments with the couple, Purple didn’t like them fighting and wished they were a perfect family. One day Navy had enough and left both Orchid and Purple, then Orchid got sick then eventually died, Purple have no choice to leave into town trying to find a place to live.
𝙼𝙰𝙽𝙶𝙾: Mango was a happy father with his son Gold, they cherished so many memories together. But sadly one day when both of them were having fun together at a festival, Gold wanted to go play a game but then a crystal from Outernet fell down there and corrupted the game causing Gold to die. After that day, Mango was filled with depression and anger, Mango took the crystal with him and created a staff, soon he realized the crystal was from the world Outernet and now Mango wants to get revenge by destroying the land, one day Mango and Purple meet each other and Mango thinks he would be a great prince to him. With the help of the staff, Mango heart was becoming dark and then he manages to make a portal to Outernet and a crown for Purple so he can transform into Patience. After they used a unused land of Outernet and turned it into ViraLandia, then that’s when Mango becomes King Orange.
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Hello! I am sorry for the delay! The tournament will start at November 18 at 2 pm BRT, the polls will be posted every 10 minutes!
The matches were randomized!
Side A
A bouquet of purple daylily, green carnation, dead leaves, fern, opium flowers and coriander Vs Red Orchid
Violet Vs Red Spider Lily
Dandelions 1 Vs A bouquet of willows and chives
A bouquet of wisteria, black and red carnations and foxgloves Vs A bouquet of buttercup, daffodils, edelweiss and orange
A bouquet of amaryllis, milkweed, bluebells and strelitizia Vs A bouquet of blue and red hyacinths
A bouquet of white, red and black roses Vs A bouquet of white chrysanthemums, orchids and blue hydrangeas
A bouquet of white chrysanthemums, orchids and blue hydrangeas Vs Forget-me-nots
A bouquet of snapdragon, tansy and black eyed susan Vs White poppies
Daisies Vs A bouquet of white clover, chamomile and pine
A bouquet of pink peonies, purple hydrangea and a variety of cosmos Vs A bouquet of asphodel, sage, yellow chrysanthemum, green carnation, plum blossom, stinging nettle, anemone and acanthus
A bouquet of marigold, dandelions, goldenrods and amaryllis Vs A bouquet of sea holly, ageratum, globe thistle, orchid cactus, protea, bird of paradise, mimosa, dianthus, hydrangea and clematis
A bouquet of bleeding hearts and dandelions Vs A bouquet of plastic lemon balm, thyme, hyacinths and anemone flowers, with a single real orange rose in the middle, wrapped in light blue cellophane
A bouquet of snapdragon, yellow poppy and jonquil Vs Blue Rose
A bouquet of yellow orchids, rue, yew, bird’s-foot trefoil, yellow gladiolus, yellow peony, sunflower and yellow amaryllis Vs A bouquet of dandelion, asphodel, poppy, chamomile, red columbine, hydrangea, rhododendron, dark crimson rose and queen of the night
Snapdragons Vs A bouquet of lily, red spider lily, daffodils and milkweed
A bouquet of rainflower, green carnation, camelia, nightshade, mulberry and purple lilac Vs Red Anemone
Side B
Strelitzia Vs A bouquet of blue violets, trumpet creeper, lavender and green carnation
Hibiscus Syriacus Vs Dandelions 2
Desert Bluebell Vs A bouquet of yellow and purple carnations
A bouquet of poppies, daffodils, daisies, ivy, and purple hyacinths Vs A bouquet of gloriosa (flame lily), veronica, jasione, jacaranda, cyclamen, jasmine and freesia
A bouquet of dandelions and buttercups Vs A bouquet of marigold, yellow and white zinnia, phlox, bluebells, cornflower, gladiolus, rosemary, dark crimson rose and purple cyclamen
A bouquet of orange lilies, yellow roses, buttercups, aconite, sunflower, hollyhock and lotus Vs bouquet of jasmine, milkweed, dandelion, poppy and oenothera
A bouquet of oleander, refflesia (corpse flower), trigidia, hyacinth, hollyhock, Iberis (candytuft) and orange tulip Vs A bouquet of lily of the valley and amaryllis
A bouquet of marigolds, tuberose, and dandelions Vs A bouquet of daffodil and pansy
A bouquet of amaranth, orange brugmansia, delphinium, honeysuckle and white aster Vs A bouquet of plumeria, fawn lily, magnolia and star grass
A bouquet of gladiolus, snapdragon, canterbury bells, gloriosa (flame lily) and white chrysanthemum Vs A bouquet of fern, rex begonia leaves, black rose, lily, odessa calla lily and green hydrangea
A bouquet of daisies, butterfly weed, orchids, purple lotus and violets Vs A bouquet of striga, mistletoe, and monotropa uniflora
Thistle Vs A bouquet of chestnut flower, lotus, dandelion, fern, thyme, anemone, geranium, holly, magnolia and bluebell
A bouquet of poppy, zygopetalum, echeveria, dandelion, yucca, twinspur , lotus, tagetes, ursinia, purple hyacinth and hibiscus Vs A bouquet of amaryllis, dicentra, red spider lily and white roses
Oleander Vs A bouquet of blue and purple daisies, desert lilies and black tulips
A bouquet of black eyed Susan, geranium and a tall sunflower Vs A bouquet of forsythia, holly, yellow hyacinth, petunia, viscaria and orange lilys
A bouquet of arborvitae, gladiolus and begonia Vs Spiderwort
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candysweetposts · 5 months
Hey did you manage to find the things like eyes, skin base etc in new gen? I can’t find it anywhere on the site
There are 2 ways. One I found out myself and one I saw at someone else.
Mine is a bit complicated so I will do the other one because it's easier.
So you first press f12 or right-click inspect element and then go to "Network" which is next to "sources".
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Now, you go to your closet and then click on the face. From there, you go to the expressions. Click on some of the expressions, would you can click on all if you want. You will notice a lot of things will start to appear on your right side. That's good :)). Now, there will be a lot of things there but what we're looking for are these:
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Small edit here: there would be tons of these, focus on ones towards the very end, those are the ones we need. Anything that has "nose" or "eyes","body" or "front" etc. Those are the face parts.
I know, there are lots of them. Click on one of them. You will see that is an image that doesn't quite show. Something like this:
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That's ok. Now, go to that and right-click and open it in a new tab or even double-click on it and it automatically opens.
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Now, if you want to change the color of the eyes you need to go to the URL and swap whatever you have, in my case "light_green" with another color. There are 11 colors in total. You can guide yourself from this image:
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For eyes we have: black, blue, brown, green, brown_green, light_blue, light_green, pink, purple, red, yellow.
For hair (this works mostly for eyebrows and the original hair): black, blond, blue, brown, light_blue, orange, pink, purple, red, white.
And for skin: rose, lys, tulip, marigold, hortensia, pansy, orchid.
You will also encounter stuff like this:
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Here you have to use the skin one.
and also this:
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Here, you can also change the color of the lips which is represented by a number from 1 to 8. This one:
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You can find the base itself under the name of the skin color. In my case is "rose":
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But you can go to the URL and change it with any other.
I hope this helps!
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