#or when inhalers are damaged and it's played off like a joke but I'm just left horrified bc oh my god those are EXPENSIVE DUDE
camellcat · 1 year
do you understand the absolute disappointment it was to first watch Teen Wolf, see Scott had asthma, and then he doesn't. like, damn. my only good representation is in a fucking book about cats, and the only reason that bitch had asthma was from smoke inhalation that literally ruined his life.
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boozye · 3 years
Hiyaaaa ik someone already did this but I thought abt mortality with Barbatos and it dealt psychic damage to me so I thought I'd inflict it on other people. I personally consider Barbatos as more of a "endless concept of time who just sticks around Diavolo and co because they are endlessly entertaining" rather than just a guy who can control time. So here's infinite time god Barbatos confronting your mortality. (I kinda tried to write the mc dialogue vaguely like Dani? Don't know how well I pulled it off,,) It was the smallest of moments that reminded Barbatos of your fragile humanity. Once, you had broken a teacup and cut yourself on a stray piece of porcelain. Another time, you fallen ill with a simple cold. Most recently was the most troubling for Barbatos. At the time, you had gathered together for tea and pastries; you shared stories of the human world, and Barbatos recounted ancient tales he'd witnessed. And that was it. You had done nothing at all, speaking joyfully, no danger in sight; yet the idea of your approaching demise hit Barbatos like a brick. He could see it in your smile, hear it your laughter, find it twinkling in your eyes. You were so very finite. One day you would pass on. He would never even once have thought a human life could be so deeply attached to his own. Barbatos had only seen mortal life as a meaningless blip within his infinite existence; two ships passing in the sea of reality, one destined to sink. He didn't want that to happen, he didn't even want to imagine it. He didn't want to see you grow older while he would remain stagnant. He didn't want to watch your health fail in ways he couldn't experience. He didn't want to put you in a box and lower you into the dirt, where he could never see you again, never feel you again, never hear you again. "...Barbatos?" He snapped out of his daze as you called for his name. "You've been spacing off for a while, is something wrong?" Barbatos hadn't noticed how his face had fallen, brows creased and bottom lip pinched between his canines in worry. "It's..." He didn't want to worry you. "It is nothing, dear. Don't worry." You lifted his chin with the handle end of a spoon, making him look you into the eyes. "You look down when you lie, Barb. What's up?" "One day you will die." Barbatos blurted, his heart playing hop-scotch in his chest, threatening to skip straight out of his throat. "You'll grow old and gray, then pass on." You only blinked slowly, staring at Barbatos like he was crazy. "Uh, yeah? Obviously?" "Aren't you afraid? Isn't it horrifying to know that one day this will all come to an end?" He sounded weaker than you'd ever heard- ineffable, composed Barbatos; brought to his knees by a simple human, the irony. A sigh, and you put your spoon down on your tea saucer. "I mean, not really. People are kinda aware of all that."
"What if you didn't have to?" Barbatos offered. "I could ensure you never age, never die. Then we would never have to part." "But I don't want that." You said simply. You could practically hear Barbatos' heart fall out of his chest and shatter on the floor, his eyes glassy with tears. It took several beats of silence before Barbatos would clear his throat and struggle out an awkward; "Excuse me?" "I don't want to be immortal." You shrugged simply, studying your teacup so you wouldn't have to see his hurt. He had painted this set himself. He inhaled stiffly, swallowing hard. "Now who's looking away?" Barbatos joked dryly, only met with silence for a several long seconds. "May I ask why?" "You're not the only person I care about, Barb. I got family and friends in the human realm, you know? If I live forever, I have to watch them go. And I'm a selfish asshole, I don't want to feel that." Your mumbles bordered on shameful, how ironic of you to say that to Barbatos of all people. "Then you understand how I feel, don't you?" Barbatos reasoned further, reaching across the delicate table to hold your hand. "I don't want to imagine you growing old and weak, because I cannot do the same with you. I cannot become old like another human might and I don't want to live on without you, it would hurt too deeply." You raised your eyes to meet his. "Then why would you wish the same pain on me?" Ten words like a slap across the cheek. They stung and ate away at his skin with acidic bite, bringing fresh tears to his eyes. A tear landed in his cold tea, making minuscule ripples. "I..." His throat was full of cotton. "I understand. I would never want that for you." You squeezed his gloved hand tightly. "Thank you, Barbatos. And I'm..." You struggled around the word, blinking back the wetness in your eyes. "I'm sorry." "It is alright." Barbatos swiped at his eyes with a handkerchief, the redness around them making your heart ache. "You're right. I wouldn't want you to feel that loneliness, or experience this fear." He kissed the back of your hand with a small, sad smile. "Until your last breath, I will stay by your side." He would simply have to manage for now, or forever. He would feel it in the smallest of moments- painting teacups or star gazing. He would find it in your eyes, see it in your smile, hear it in your laughter; and when you last sunset came he would watch it with you, standing by you bedside and gazing at you beauty which never faded. You had never faded.
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Can You Do Me A Favour?
Barney Ross (The Expendables) x reader
Warnings: injury, drinking, sexual content implied, mentions of violence, swearing
Context: the reader is a member of the Expendables and has a crush on Barney. After a job, the two have some time together.
A/N: as promised, here is some Expendables stuff! I hope anyone who reads this will enjoy it! (Just a heads up: I have more Rambo and Escape Plan stuff coming, and most likely some more TLB content, too.)
(I'm also going to tag @yuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh in this, because they expressed interest in Expendables stuff earlier😊💛)
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The cold water is pleasant on my heated skin as I cup my hands under the steady stream flowing from the tap, splashing it into my face when a suitable pool has formed in the space. A gasp escapes me from the stark contrast in temperatures, using my fingers to rub slightly at my skin, trying to work out the headache that has set in, only to hiss when I accidentally press into one of the new scars on the side of my face. Pulling back, I repeat my action, doing my best to distract myself from the plaguing thoughts in my head, still disgusted at myself for having them.
But even now, as I massage the contours of my face, I can't get the images of my boss out of my head. Not the sight of him taking out a ring of attackers using his revolver and sharpshooting skills, not the way his exposed arm muscles flexed with each movement, not the determined look on his rugged face and certainly not the fierce eye contact he made with me when he turned around again. At the mere memory of this, a flush of heat goes through me, eyes squeezing shut to force myself to blank them out, not quite realising that his stare is branded into my subconscious. Biting my lip, I shake my head, forcing down the picture of his muscular body and large hands on my body as he dragged me from the collapsing building, not five hours ago.
Growling, I reach over and grab hold of the beer bottle nearby, glancing at my haggard features in the mirror before taking a deep drink, wincing at the stale flavour, having had the drink for far too long. I can see the tension in my body, each muscle tight and uncomfortable, my posture ramrod straight and clearly wrong, my eyes clouded with exhaustion and what I can only assume is loneliness. 
As soon as I'd gotten in from the last job, I'd headed straight into the bathroom, grabbing a beer from the fridge as I went, needing to clear my head. Nothing I did could help, my head always circling back to that one person. Frustrated, I slam the bottle on the counter top, wincing when it shatters from the force, a particularly sharp shard slicing into my palm.
Damn him. Damn Barney Ross for getting into my head.
I clean up my hand, just bandaging it up when my phone buzzes, the screen lighting up. Frowning, I look over at it, confused. Nobody calls me. Nobody, except my boss.
Picking up the phone, I groan to myself as I realise it is, in fact, Barney. For a second, I debate letting it go to voicemail, before I finally give in, accepting the call and placing the phone to my ear.
"Sir?" I greet him politely, wondering what he needs.
"How many times have I told you not to call me "sir"?" Barney's gravelly voice sounds through the phone, a low chuckle evident in his tone. I have to ignore the effect his voice has on me, the sound giving me butterflies in my stomach.
"Sorry, sir- ah, shit." I sigh at my own habit, "You alright?"
"Yeah, guess so. Just lonely. Figured you might be, too." He admits, tone going soft as he speaks.
"Bold of you to assume that." I tease, but continue, "Though you are, as always, right."
"Should tell Christmas that, might listen to you." The veteran laughs again, the joke drawing a similar reaction from me.
"We all know he listens to no one but himself." I quip back, still waiting for him to tell me why exactly he called.
"True, true." Barney's grin is almost audible, my mind instantly bringing up an image of that particular expression into my head, much to my chagrin, "You got any plans for tonight?"
Surprised, I take a second to reply, unsure of where this is going.
"No, it's too late. Ain't really got many friends outside work, anyway." I inform him, going out of the bathroom and into the lounge.
"Fancy coming over? I've got a couple of beers that need drinking, and the hangar is pretty lonely this time of night." 
His offer stumps me for a moment, though I am quick to recover, my mouth working before my mind can catch up.
"Yeah sure. I'll be over in twenty." 
"Great. See you then." He hangs up, leaving me wondering why the hell I accepted that, knowing how much I spend too much time thinking about him (in totally inappropriate ways considering he's my boss) anyway.
Annoyed at myself, I steel myself before going and grabbing a coat, pulling on that and my boots as I leave the flat, taking my motorcycle keys with me. I lock my door behind me, leaving the apartment block quickly, glad to have the fresh air on my face as I make my way over to my motorbike. Looking on it fondly, I climb on and kick out the stand, easily getting it revved up, the vibrating engine beneath me a pleasant feeling. 
Thankfully, the roads are mostly clear this time of night, cutting the twenty minute drive short by five minutes as I go at speed through the nearly deserted outer city. The hangar is usually a pain in the ass to get to, the traffic in the roads leading up to it almost always horrific, so I am only too happy to be able to go much faster now that there's not many other drivers around. With the wind rushing around me, I find that my head clears a little, my attention on navigating the roads rather than the thoughts of my boss doing things to me I'm sure he'd find grotesque in nature. 
I arrive quickly, pulling into the hangar slowly, knowing Barney is most likely in the plane, as he usually is. Stopping the bike, I put it in park before climbing off, hanging my helmet on the handlebars as I do so, taking the keys with me as I walk over to the old plane. Nearing the aircraft, I frown a little at the sight of the new bullet holes riddling the side of it, unaware that we'd taken so much damage earlier in the day. Sighing, I go inside, ducking in through the small door, only now hearing the music playing from the stereo in the cockpit.
"It's gonna need a new lick of paint." I call out to Barney, who I can see sat in his seat, the muscular man turning to look at me as he hears me.
"It's been a long time coming, so I'm not complaining." He replies, grinning at me as I walk into the cockpit, dropping into Christmas' usual seat, trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach from his stare on me again. As I enter, he rakes his eyes over my body, subtly taking my every curve in from where he is.
"Fair enough." I shrug, leaning back slightly, having missed his look, "Got a beer?"
"Yeah, here." Barney hands me a bottle, opening it for me as he does so.
"Cheers." I thank him, taking a deep drink from it as he chuckles lowly, voice sending a bolt of heat through me.
"You're starting to sound like Lee." He remarks, sipping his own bottle with a smirk.
"Should I take that as a compliment? Or an insult?" 
"Up to you." He looks over at me.
"Eh, I'll take compliment. You two get along like an old married couple, after all. Must mean something if you're comparing me to him." I decide, teasing him.
Barney laughs at my comment, lifting his bottle.
"I can agree with that." He hums, staring out of the front window.
For a couple of moments, we sit in companionable silence, drinking our beers, Barney eventually lighting a cigar. Taking a deep inhale, he offers it to me, which I decline, choosing to finish my drink instead.
"What do you usually do after a job?" Barney suddenly asks, glancing back at me.
Surprised, I think over the question for a second.
"Nothing, really. I get myself cleaned up, have a drink, then get some sleep. I don't do much else with my life." I tell him, knowing how pathetic I sound.
"What, you haven't got anyone you can hang out with?" He questions, seemingly confused.
"No. As I said before, I don't really have any friends outside work."
"Really? No boyfriend? Girlfriend?"
I shake my head, grimacing at the turn in conversation, just missing the slight darkening in his eyes as he looks me over once more.
"Huh. That surprises me." 
Lifting an eyebrow, I look across at him.
He shrugs, making eye contact with me.
"Well, you seem like the person who wouldn't struggle to make friends. You're kind, funny, pretty. You know how to behave in the right situations, you're a good friend to have." He clarifies, seemingly unaware of the impact his words have on me, my heart throbbing as I listen to him, longing building up in me again.
"You think so?" I ask, not quite believing him.
"Yeah, I do." He frowns, looking over at me, "Why, don't you?"
I don't reply, knowing my answer well. He doesn't push it, observing me carefully, his gaze making me blush furiously.
"What'd you do to your hand?" The veteran suddenly asks, gesturing to my bandaged appendage.
"Hm? Oh, I just cut it on some glass back home." I inform him, flexing my hand a little, only to wince at the sharp spike of pain. 
Wordlessly, Barney reaches across and takes my hand in his, his touch setting off sparks through me despite the gentle nature of it. Pulling my arm closer to him, he runs his fingers lightly over my skin, the rough calluses rubbing over the palm of my hand, each stroke making it harder for me to fight off the rising need within me. Being this close to him, able to smell him in nearly every surface around me, feeling his hand on mine has sparked the feelings I've been suppressing as long as I've worked with him. 
Awkwardly, I pull away, swallowing tightly, trying to suppress the urges I'm suddenly feeling, needing to get myself together again. He doesn't stop me, his dark eyes regarding me quietly, observant as always as he seemingly considers something, his gaze sliding over me once more. After a moment, he puts out his cigar, leaning back in his seat.
"Mind doing me a favour?" The muscular man cocks his head at me, a small smirk playing at his lips.
"Er, sure? What do you need?" I agree hesitantly, knowing that expression means only one thing: he's got something up his sleeve.
"Check that control panel up there, would you? It's been giving me trouble for weeks." Barney's eyes are glittering now in the dim light, clearly up to something.
"What, now?" I frown, confused by the instruction.
"If you wouldn't mind." 
Lifting an eyebrow, I place my beer down and get to my feet, awkwardly reaching up to check the panel, which just so happens to be right above his head. I try to keep my body from leaning across him too much, but this is made difficult when I realise that the particular problem lies in the switches even further over. As I go to flick them, a pair of hands takes hold of my waist, suddenly yanking me down towards the chair.
Yelping in surprise, I feel my eyes widen as Barney pulls me down onto his lap, hands tight on my hips, pressing my back flush against his chest. His nose instantly finds my neck, the older man nudging at my skin until I tilt my head to give him access, goosebumps spreading across my skin as I try to process what the hell is happening, my brain short-circuiting with every one of his breaths. They fan out over the sensitive area, my own hitching in my throat as his scruff scratches over my skin, his lips not quite touching me yet, though I can feel their every movement. 
I try to get back up, unwillingly, only for him to loop one of his arms around my front and slip his hand under my shirt, flattening his palm on my stomach to hold me against him.
"I'm not blind, you know, (Y/n). I've seen the way you look at me, the way you behave differently when you're with me. You're not as subtle as you hope." Barney practically purrs into my skin, his smirk obvious against my neck, sending shivers down my spine as I try not to groan.
"I- I don't know what you're talking about, sir." I manage out, not quite catching the sound of anticipation that escapes me when he suddenly presses his lips against my ear, whispering into it.
"Really? I think you know very well what I'm talking about." He grins to himself, the hand on my stomach running down to ghost over the waistband of my jeans, my body tensing in his grip, "Want me to demonstrate for you?
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mikeyddie · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing style! You do one shots right? If so can you have the eddsworld boys with an innocent loving reader with a dark protective side? They move in after Tord leaves and stumble upon his secret room knowing what the little gremlin is plotting. When Tord comes back reader makes his life a living hell. Keeping him out of Tom’s room, spilling hot liquids into his lap, playing sunshine lollipop and sabotaging his every move. The boys are none the wiser to this behavior. But the cherry on top is reader dismantling his robot for cash which they spend on Matt, Tom, and Edd. “Of course! How do you think we pay for all the damages you guys cause?” Hope it’s not too much😅
* sure if you tip me /j
Fr though that’s a really cool plot! I haven't written a one shot in a while so pardon any mistakes- let me know if there's anything I can fix or if this wasn't what you had in mind :DD I'm gonna make the reader like-- discover this protective side. Hope that's okay
You were sat in one of the chairs at the dinner table, the TV playing a show you didn't particularly favor but you weren't paying attention. Instead you were on your phone, talking to Matt who had just left to go fish with Tom and Edd. You would have tagged along but you weren't super into fishing. He was telling you about the fish of his that exploded. You chuckled and typed out "omg I'm so sorry". Before you could hit enter a low battery warning popped up on your screen. You looked around the living room before realizing you'd left your charger in the car, which was now parked miles away. You sighed and thought for a minute before looking back down at your device. You saw Tom's contact and remembered that he'd told you before you could borrow his charger if need be. You smiled softly and turned off your phone, setting it down. You stood up and headed for the stairs. Once you were up you passed two doors before standing in front of Tom's. You opened it slowly and turned on the light. It was pretty simple, blue walls, a bed. A dresser with Tommy bear sat on top and his bass leaned against it. You chuckled, recalling that Tom had named his bass. Susan, was it? You turned to an outlet that had a charger plugged into it. You took it out of the wall and turned. Though as you were making your way back to the door, you bumped into Tom's bass. You gasped quietly, reaching out to catch it but failing. It fell and slammed against the wall, a string snapping in half. You hissed. As it hit the wall, a photo wobbled before falling. You inhaled sharply before picking up the bass. You placed it gently on the bed.
"Sorry, Susan," you whispered to try to lighten the mood. You giggled before turning back to look at the ground..
You looked at the picture for a moment. It was of Tord, who Edd had told you about. But it was covered in scribbles. Squiggly eye-brows, a mustache. A pitchfork and devil horns. "Tord smells" was written next to it. Your resting smile faltered, but you shook it off. It was probably just some inside joke.
You grabbed it and looked up to see.. another photo?? A picture of a red button labeled "DANGER". The background of the photo was the same color as the wall. Your expression shifted to confused, but you set the other frame down and removed this one, wondering if there'd be another behind it. But instead, there was a lever. Some weird symbol painted on the wall behind it. You stared for a moment, not sure what to do. You thought for a while, hesitating like crazy before gently resting your hand on said lever. After a moment you finally just pulled down.
Noise came from the wall to the left, sounding almost like a garage opening. You turned to see the wall was slowly lifting into the ceiling. What came into focus was a room with white walls and floors. You stared at it. There was a stand covered in buttons next to a pillar with one giant red button. Just to the right of that was a sign reading "DANGER" above a marked area of the ground. Three barrels of what you could assume was toxic waste, and a small stair case to the left that led to another door with a sign taped to it reading "KEEP OUT" with a skull. There was a fire extinguisher, a desk, and a map covered in tacks, notes, and pinned photos. But what caught your eye the most was a blue sheet of paper, tacked to the wall. You hesitantly walked into the room, straight to said paper. You slid the tack out and placed it on the desk, while taking hold of the paper in the other. You took it into both hands and looked down at it. It was a document of some kind of monster that Tord seemed to want to experience on based off the notes scattered about. The drawing showed a large monster with horns and claws, one big, black eye and a long tail. A drawing of a human next to it for size comparison. You exhaled in disbelief as you looked over it. The handwriting was kind of hard to read but from what you could depict this monster was some form of.. Tom? You shook your head. It could be 'activated' by making him angry enough.
"Definitely," you let out sarcastically, given how agitated Tom could be even on a regular basis. You've never seen him turn into a monster.
But, if Tord thought this monster was Tom. That would mean he wants to experiment on him..? On your friend? Something slowly began to boil inside you. You tried to shake it off and pinned the paper back to the wall, turning and looking around the room again. You took a step forward, not realizing you had just stepping onto the marked area on the floor. The one that was dangerous. It took a minute to take affect as you eyed the room. Once it did, the house began to shake. You yelped in surprise as you tried to jump away from where you'd been standing, though your breathing quickened as you watched in horror. A seemingly glass tube enveloped you, pulling you underground. The fear in your stomach made you feel sick as you landed in the seat of some kind of robot. The tube stayed put, waiting for you to press a button or pull a lever. You looked down and surveyed the switches and controls displayed in front of you. You were having a hard time processing what was going on but searched for and found a button that would put you back in the house. You slammed your fist on it and the tube took you straight back into the room. You stood there, trying to comprehend what the hell just happened.
You took one breath before hurrying to search through every drawer and crevasse to find some sort of explanation. Just to your luck, you bumped into a switch the activated a spot in the ceiling to open up. A journal connected to a metal bar of some sort came down slowly. You took it into your shaky hands and opened it. Flipping through the pages. You found notes about taking over the world with some guys name Paul and Patryk, how to develop such a big robot, getting rid of Edd, Matt, and Tom, becoming the red leader. Wait... getting rid of- who?
You stared at the sentence. Your blood began to boil, you could've sworn your face was red with anger. You'd never felt this way before. You were always an upbeat and innocent person but you felt the need to punch something. You put the journal back on the bar and pressed the switch. It slithered back up into the ceiling as you stomped out of the room. You pulled the lever back up, and as the wall fell back to the floor you heard someone walking up the stairs. It would have been safe to assume Edd, Matt, and Tom were back, but laughter came from whoever it was, and you didn't recognize it. Skeptical, you pressed yourself against the door and locked it. Someone came up to the door and fidgeted with the knob, trying to get it open. A grunt came from the other side of the door. A moment of silence passed before whoever it was began to try and pick the lock. You gasped and pressed against the door as hard as you could, though a more familiar voice humming a tune he'd wrote trailed up the stairs. They're back.
"Harpoons, harpoons, they're better than spoons. Harpoons, harp- Who goes there?!" Sang Tom.
You leaned your ear against the door.
"Hello, old friend."
Tom gasped.
You quickly unlocked the door to see, the one and only Tord. He was shorter than you had imagined. He jumped and glanced back at you, eyeing you.
"Have we met?" He questioned
You shook your head.
You, Edd, Matt, Tom, and Tord all sat on the couch that Tord had mad. Making small talk that Tom clearly wasn't happy to partake in.
"So you're an inventor?" You interrupted, looking over at Tord.
There was a short silence, but he slowly nodded.
"I guess," he shrugged
"I've made some pretty gia-... cool stuff," he paused.
You felt your heart drop. The robot..
"Nice, nice." You took a deep breath.
"Anyone want hot cocoa?" You questioned, standing.
Matt and Edd smiled.
"Yea!!" They both exclaimed
"Sure," said Tord. The expression on his face told you he might have an idea that you're onto something about him.
Tom nodded slowly, leaning his head back.
You walked into the kitchen and searched a cabinet for cocoa mix. You thought back to the journal you'd read in Tords.. room?
You felt that same boil. You didn't want to be rude, it just wasn't in your nature, but God did the thought of someone hurting your friends make you so upset.
You walked back to the guys with hot cocoa in hand. You gave a cup to Edd and Tom, then walked back to the kitchen to grab the other two. You rested one in Matt's hands., but before Tord could take hold of his, you dropped it in his lap. Honestly you couldn't tell if you'd done that on purpose or if you'd been clumsy, but you weirdly didn't feel very bad.
"AAH!!" Tord yelped, frantically pushing the cup off of his pants.
You realized standing there watching him would look bad so you quickly mustered up a few
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry!"s.
"Shoot-!" You grabbed the cup off of the floor and rushed back into the kitchen.
You came back with paper towels and Tord quickly rubbed them on his jeans, though they didn't help very much.
"God- you dick-" Tord mumbled through his teeth.
You suppressed a smirk.
"Are you okay? You can borrow a pair of my pants if you need to change?" Edd offered.
Tord shook his head at the offer, glaring up at you. You simply walked back into the kitchen, picking up the last glass of warm cocoa. You took a sip.
"Why are you even here??" Tom began, seemingly the only other person to have heard what Tord murmured,, and clearly was upset by it.
"I'm moving back in, Tom!" Tord fought for a smile as his tone of voice switched to more upbeat.
Your eyes went wide and you gripped the cup so hard it might break.
"What??" You blurted, meaning to keep it in.
"I forgot you haven't formally met Tord," Edd began, standing and taking Tord with him.
They entered the kitchen. You turned around and your gaze hit Tords.
Edd glanced between you two, the silence beginning to make him nervous. He was hoping you'd like each other. And he'd never seen you not be welcoming, scaring him even more.
He gently grabbed both of your guys' hands and held them together, praying you two would shake.
Tord and you did as such, though the tension was anything but lighter.
"S-so," Edd cleared his throat, washing away the anxiety.
"Tord, this is (Reader)," Edd looked back at you. "And you know his name by now,"
You nodded slowly, shaking your head as if to throw off the agitation hidden under your skin. You looked at Tord and smiled.
"Nice to meet you,"
Edd exhaled in relief, walking back to the couch.
"What do you know." Tord demanded, quietly.
It was like he could see through you.
You looked to the side awkwardly, as if you didn't know what he was talking about.
"Uh- your name? I've never met you before," you stated.
He stared into your eyes.
"Why did you dump boiling cocoa on me?" He questioned, curling his fists.
You shrugged. "Clumsy,"
You pushed him gently to the side, stepping back into the living room. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. He entered the living room as well, taking a seat between Edd and Tom.
Later that night Matt suggested you all have a movie marathon to celebrate Tord coming back. Even though he was still fighting to remember who he was, Matt recognized he was important.
Everyone was sat at the couch, it was around 1:30am, and Insane Zombie Pirates From Hell 6 was playing on the TV. You had your arms folded, unfortunately sat next to Tord. You glanced over at him to see his eyes shut, his head leaned toward Edd who was opposite of him, he was asleep. You remembered Edd telling you about how Tord hates a certain song, quietly sliding off the couch as not the wake him. You jogged back to Tom's room where your phone was charging. You unplugged it and ran back downstairs, grabbing your earbuds that had been on the dinner table. You snuck back into the living room and checked to make sure Tord was still asleep. You sat back down and carefully put the earbuds in his ears. You searched for Sunshine Lollipops and before you pressed play, rested the phone on his thigh and readjusted. Sinking into the couch and leaning your head back. You then cranked the volume and hit play, immediately shutting your eyes. Part of you couldn't believe you were doing this, but the other part was trying not to laugh.
Tords eyes flew open.
"AAGH STOP" he shouted, not yet able to identify where the noise was coming from.
Matt jerked awake and Edd jumped and looked at Tord. Tom sat up from where he was resting on the floor. Edd quickly grabbed the cord and ripped it from Tords ears. You pretended to wake up. You could very slightly hear the song playing through the earbuds, and Tom couldn't help but giggle.
"Tord?? Are you okay, what happened? Did you have a nightmare? Do you want some water?" Edd bombarded Tord with questions, hoping there was a way he could help.
Tord slowly turned his head to face you, burning anger in his eyes. You just couldn't help but smile at him. He wanted so badly to hit you but he turned back to Edd.
"Just a bad dream, haha. Sorry for scaring you," Tord gave a fake smile to comfort Edd who let out a calm breath.
"Maybe let's turn off the movie," he suggested. As if Tord were a frightened child. The thought amused you.
"I'm going back to my room," said Tom who took the blanket and pillow he'd been using and dissapeared up the stairs.
The sound of him giggling to himself on his way to his room made you smile. Not only were you happy to anger an asshole and get away with it, but you made your friend smile in the process.
Everyone went back to sleep, though just before you drifted off, you got an idea. An amazing way to get back at Tord. To really tick him off. Make him show his true colors. It hurt to watch him fake the affection he was giving the guys, and you were not going to let it slide. You were going to dismember and sell parts of his giant robot. You'd spend what you made on the guys. Well, not Tord of course. He can sit it the car. 😇
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psychandcraft101 · 2 years
I read books for the plot
The plot:
"I don't thi-"without understanding, his lips seemed to press against mine. I didn't move for a second, confused about what was happening; abruptly, the synapses lit up in my mind. I moved my lips against his, he pressed his mouth further into mine, deepening his hold on me. The line that separated us hadn't just snapped; it was singed away. I felt the beat of my heart entwined with his as realization hit- I was kissing Nicholas Cole.
"Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I have a home" he sighed, his head resting against mine our breathing heightened, "maybe you are my home."
There was nothing but the darkness, the moon and us. So much time had passed in the years we hadn't spoken, so many things unshared and left unsaid. In that moment, as his eyes glimmered in the blackness, nothing else seemed to matter. It was as if no time had past at all, the bonds between us remained- but time had passed, and he had left. Some damage could never be repaired. Still, my head rested on his shoulder, ignoring the logic of it all as his arm went around my back.
I couldn't help it as i swam closer and wrapped my arms around his neck, his face inches from mine. He inhaled deeply, and i felt as his arms found my hips, encasing me against him; nothing but the rush of water between us.
"Damn right I do," his head dipped towards mine. Without meaning to, I found my hands wrapping around his upper arm- feeling the strong muscles that tensed beneath my touch. His lips closed near my ear, hot breath fanning against my neck; I shivered, and he pulled me closer. I couldn't think straight as his nails became imprinted in my skin, in my memory. "How am I going to talk to people when all my conscious thoughts want is to rip this dress off."
There was nothing favourable as he gripped my hand, refusing to let it go as he immersed me into his world; the world with his high class friends and their inside jokes. Nicholas was exceptional at sinning, he was good until he was bad and I desperately wanted him to be bad for me.
"Fuck, Soph," Nicholass' hand tangled in my hair pulling my mouth closer to his. A stream of pleasure laced through me at the pressure of the tug. He smiled against my lips as a small whimper came from me. My stomach turned over as he removed his mouth from mine, "someone's enjoying this."
"If you like kissing me so much, wait until you see what else i can do with my mouth," the wicked grin that spread across his face caused me to bite down on my bottom lip.
"Anywhere," his head lowered, his lips brushed against mine, stirring emotion from within me, "If you wanted to go to the moon, I'd take you there."
"You're beautiful," his hand moved down to stroke my jaw. My legs felt brittle, yet i did not fall, so much was going on around me yet all i could do was watch as the water swirled around in the blacks of his eyes. Overwhelmed with an urge, i stept on my toes and lightly pressed my lips to his. He responded quickly, as if overcome with the same feelings i was. Our lips melted into each other, i felt as if i could still see the water as it erupted behind us. In that moment, i found my self breaking, healing, breathing, suffocating, all in a few seconds. The rhythm of our hearts fusing together and with the music. It was Nick and I, just as it always had been, just as it always will be.
"Don't ever," his hands slid to my ass, gripping it with the same intensity as he had my hips, "play games like that with me, or you'll find yourself in a lot of trouble. Am I clear?"
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mrs-han · 4 years
Your chubby mc fic is amazing. It's the kind of positivity we all need. I'm a albino girl and i dont really like myself. Back on school the girls made fun of me,saying my hair was white as a old lady hair etc. If you feel comfortable can i request Jumin with a Albino MC? How would he react? I've never read anything with an albino girl in any fandom im active and thats sad.
Hiya anon!
You’re right... we love the idea of Jumin loving all of us, but some of us tend to be excluded!
Your fingers lightly touched the thin fabric of the curtains as your eyes gazed out to the snow-white sand and glistening cerulean waters. It was your first vacation on Jumin’s private island, and while you were eager to join everyone, you were also extremely unsettled.
Your hand nervously rubbed your wrists as you saw Seven and Yoosung racing towards the water. Zen was not too far behind, rubbing sunblock on his arms and chest and securing the hairband in his hair.
“Are you ready to go out there?” Jaehee asked, fixing a sun hat atop her head.
“Um... yeah!” You reached for your own sun hat - much larger than Jaehee’s - and you vigorously rubbed more sunscreen over your legs and arms.
“Will you be all right out there...?” Jaehee asked slowly, as if her question would offend you.
“I’ll be fine,” you smiled, hugging a large umbrella under your arm and holding a basket full of necessities to protect you from the sun. “I’ll be in the shade most of the time, so don’t worry!”
Jaehee forced a smile before grabbing your basket from you and leading you outside. Your eyes adjusted to the sheer brightness of the sun bouncing off the sand — and then they landed on Jumin, who was already seated on an outdoor recliner. Black sunglasses were over his eyes, his ankles were crossed, and his hands rested on his stomach. You had never seen him so relaxed before.
“Where will you sit?” Jaehee asked you.
His assistant’s voice prompted Jumin to turn his head in your direction — and a gentle blush graced your features as he did so. You had a handful of encounters with Jumin, so you were still fairly nervous around him, as he carried himself with a grace that you could only dream of.
“Would you like to sit by Mr. Han?” Jaehee asked, already setting your basket down by the empty recliner, inches away from Jumin.
“Sure!” You blurted loudly in an attempt to hide your discomfort of the idea.
“Then... I’ll be in the water, not too far from here. If you need me, MC, you can call for me,” Jaehee smiled kindly.
“There’s no need for that,” Jumin spoke, his bold voice startling you. “We’re all on vacation, are we not? Since she is closest to me, I will take care of her needs.”
You bit your lip, too afraid to say anything. Jumin turned his head toward you and patted the empty recliner beside him. “Sit down. Make yourself comfortable.”
You slowly slid into the seat, your muscles tensing as you did. You could feel the power oozing from Jumin’s presence, and you silently cursed your genetic makeup. If you weren’t so susceptible to the sun’s rays, you’d be out there having fun, splashing at Seven or talking with Zen.
“You know,” Jumin said suddenly. “This is your first vacation with us. And, I can’t help but wonder why you’re choosing to spend it sitting beside me when you can be laughing and playing in the water.”
... Could he read your mind or something?
“Well,” you sighed. “As you can see, I’m a little.... paler than everyone here. The sun will burn me faster than Yoosung hops on to play LOLOL.”
“That’s an interesting comparison,” Jumin chuckled, surprising you. “Considering your pale complexion and the sunscreen caked on your arms and legs, I can’t help but jump to the conclusion that you have... albinism ?”
“You’re right,” you smiled bashfully. “I’ve had to sit out on a lot of vacations that involve the beach. I also need to carry an umbrella, just in case.”
“You wouldn’t want your skin to be damaged. I don’t know a single soul who would,” Jumin said, reaching and sipping a strawberry cocktail. “Would you like one? Or perhaps you prefer non-alcoholic beverages?”
“No, thank you,” you said, reaching into your bag and pulling out a canteen of water. “I’m covered.”
“Ah, so you throughly prepare for such outings. Smart,” Jumin grinned.
“Thanks,” you giggled, gradually easing your shoulders and relaxing your hands. “Why are you sitting here, Jumin? Are you sensitive to the sun, too?”
“I have an image to uphold,” Jumin sighed. “If I were to tan, I wouldn’t hear the end of it from my father.”
Your brows scrunched. “Is there a problem with being tan?”
“Far from,” Jumin answered. “I admire those who can tan naturally. Or are this way through genetics. Like you, I tend to burn rather than tan.”
“Isn’t it the worst?” You huffed, sitting up in your seat. “I’ve been teased all my life for being... how I am. I’ve even been called a ghost, and then treated like one.”
Jumin shook his head. “Instead of admiring all forms of beauty, those who cannot understand it will discriminate. I hope you have grown to understand that you are indeed beautiful as you are.”
“... Thank you, Jumin.” You lowered your head and played with the fabric of your skort. “You admire people who can tan while all I do is envy them.”
“Why envy them?” Jumin asked, lowering his sunglasses and looking you in the eye.
“Because all they have to do is apply some sunscreen and come out of the sun more bronze than when they went in!”
Jumin cocked a brow. “Nobody can go into the sun.”
“You know what I mean! They can, you know! Expose themselves!”
“I know, I know,” Jumin smiled. “But think about it. They may be able to enjoy the smile of the sun. But we can enjoy the goodbye kiss of the sunset.”
“That’s... true. And, we can also greet the sun as it rises!”
“And retreat when it rises too far,” Jumin laughed.
“True! Oh, that technically means we’re vampires then!”
Jumin rubbed his chin “Vampires, hm? Well. There is nothing better to a vampire than good company.”
You blinked. “You... think I’m good company?”
“Of course,” Jumin nodded.
You sat back in the recliner, blushing and biting at your lip. What on earth had you been nervous about before? Jumin was, if anything, the easiest to talk to than the other member of the RFA, times two. You inhaled, gathering your courage. “If you wouldn’t mind then, Jumin... would you like to take a walk with me when the sun starts to go down?”
Jumin sat up and moved his sunglasses from his face to the end table. “I would love to. Now. Sunscreen check.”
“Sun...” you mumbled, confused. “... Oh!! Sunscreen!”
Jumin chuckled as he rubbed sunblock on his arms. “Since neither of us can reach our backs, we will have to spot one another. I need to ensure you are completely covered.”
“Good idea,” you nodded. I always have such trouble with... wait a minute.”
You turned and noticed Jumin’s shoulders shaking as he held in laughter. “I was joking. But, if you insist —”
“No! I don’t insist!” You shouted, your face turning cherry red.
“Hey!! Han Jumin, is there a problem over there?!” Zen hollered.
Jumin easily ignored Zen, rubbing more of the sunblock onto his legs. You grinned uncontrollably as you grabbed your sunscreen and began to imitate Jumin’s movements.
So he did have a sense of humor, after all.
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