#or what about the dance that peacock spiders do
spiderrverse · 1 year
I only know bits and pieces of Spiderman 2099's comic lore but I AM a huge bug person so personally i think that if Miguel is really 50% spider, he should have the less cool spider traits too. I think it'd be incredibly funny if he involuntarily did the happy dance that tarantulas do when they get food
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swiftyangx12 · 2 months
Oh! Do you know some species of spiders also perform certain rituals to get a potential mate, especially that involves with dancing?
[Funnel Web w/ Miguel O’Hara blurb]
Imagine Miguel O’Hara being occupied with his work at the Spider Society and hasn’t been taking any breaks since he first got to his lair/office.
Then imagine Spider![Reader], who just came in with some files and carrying a tray of coffee orders. They want to surprise the Big Boss with his usual Black Coffee and something to nibble on. As they got to his area, [Reader] greeted him with a “Good Morning!” and Miguel replied back, “Mornin’” as he still faces the screens.
They shot their webbing up on his platform and zip themselves up while still carefully holding the drinks. Still, even when [Reader] by exactly by Miguel’s presence, he doesn’t turn to look at them.
Spider![Reader]: I got your usual black coffee, and some pastries I found on my way here.
Miguel: *Still focus on his screens* Mhm…Thanks.
[Reader] places the coffee and other goods down by his desk and stood by him for some moments. Even waited a few minutes to see if he bothered to sip some of his morning brew. Then, an idea popped up.
Spider![Reader]: Psst. Miguel. Look at me.
Miguel: *Finally tears away his focus from his screens to [Reader]*
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Apparently [Reader] learned from their Biology course about how male Peacock Jumping Spiders would perform a dance ritual to hopefully win their female counterparts as mates. If everything goes unsuccessfully, they’re sustenance at the end (it means they become food to the female spiders). However, the Spider variant Miguel “secretly” loves is attempting to distract him from overworking himself and also demanding attention.
Miguel: What are you doing?
Spider![Reader]: I’m trying to seduce my “potential mate” by dancing with all my heart’s content.
Miguel: *Chuckles* Amor, we been going out for a year now.
Spider![Reader]: *Sighs* I know. Jess told me you came in earlier than usual and she noticed you haven’t even taken a small break from monitoring the whole “Spiderverse”. I’m worried about you.
Miguel: Cariño, I’m sorry for worrying you.
Spider![Reader]: It’s okay, except for barely giving me attention this morning.
Miguel: [Reader]
Spider![Reader]: *Angrily Pouts*
Miguel: “Cute.” I’m sorry for not giving you the attention you deserve due to me being busy.
Spider![Reader]: And?
Miguel: I promise you a date to make up for my “negligence.”
Spider![Reader]: *Smiles happily* You’re forgiven.
Then the Spider couple spend the remaining morning enjoying their brews and treats while being in solace with each other’s company.
[Tagged]: @lazyjellyfish300 @mrsoharaa @msbidisaster @hao-ming-8 @greensagephase @kenjioharashotspot
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Prancing Peacock Spiders
Maratus volans is perhaps the most widely known member of the genus Maratus, also known as peacock spiders-- part of the jumping spider family-- which contains 108 recognised species. Maratus volans is common across Australia and the island of Tasmania, and occur in a variety of habitats. They are most commonly found among leaf litter and dry vegetation, especially in dunes, grasslands, and sparse deciduous forests.
Peacock spiders like M. volans are extraordinarily small; both sexes only reach about 5 mm (0.19 in) in length. Members of the Maratus genus are famous for the male’s coloration, and M. volans is no exception; the abdomen is covered in brightly colored microscopic scales or modified hair which they can unfold for mating displays. Some males can also change the color of their scales, and the hairs can reflect both visible and ultraviolet light. Female M. volans lack this distinctive coloration, and are a drab grayish brown.
Reproduction for M. volans occurs in the spring, from August to December. During this period, males will approach females and raise their patterned abdomens and third pair of legs for display. He then approaches, vibrating the fan-like tail, and dances from side to side. If a female is receptive, he then mounts her; if not, she may attempt to attack and feed on him. This may also occur post-copulation. In December, the female creates a nest in a warm hollow in the ground where she lays her eggs. Each cluch contains between 6 and 15 eggs, though females typically lay several clutches. Male M. volans hatch the following August, while females typically hatch in September. Both sexes mature quickly and typically only live about a year.
Like other jumping spiders, peacock spiders like M. volans do not weave webs. Instead, they hunt during the day time using their highly developed eyesight. These spiders are also able to jump over 40 times their body length, which allows them to pounce on unsuspecting prey like flies, moths, ants, crickets, and other, much larger spiders. Other spiders are also common predators of M. volans, as well as wasps, birds, frogs, and lizards.
Conservation status: None of the Maratus species have been evaluated by the IUCN. However, it is generally accepted that they are threatened by habitat destruction, like many other insects.
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Jurgen Otto 2 & 3
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The Web Avatars and Their Corresponding Spiders
This is an idea I came up a little bit ago when scrolling through the TMA wiki. So, many of the canon Web avatars are already associated with certain spiders like Annabelle Cane as the Black Widow or Raymond Fielding's episode being called "Recluse" for a Brown Recluse. So, what if each Web avatar (and some specially marked non-Web Avatars) each had a spider associated with them. These spiders manifest in places that the avatar wants them to be and gives them a general sense of what is going on in the room that they are in. The more advanced avatars will be able to control them more and take in more information from their spiders. Here is the list so far (I will avoid putting pictures up for those with arachnophobia, but I do recommend looking them up as they are all so cool): Orion Cerebri - Pretty Orb Weaver Thea Brooks - Sheepy Jumping Spider Barnabas Lukas-Bennett - Regal Jumping Spider. Manphy Lukas-Bennett - Tiny Blue-Faced Peacock Jumping Spider. Cillian Fanshawe Callaghan - European Nursery Web Spider Dr. Jonathan Callaghan Fanshawe - Skeletorus Peacock Jumping Spider Father Ignis Callaghan - Cross Orb Weaver Father Edwin Burroughs - St. Andrew’s Cross Spider Adonis - Dancing White Lady Spider Venari - Huntsman Spider Annabelle Cane - Black Widow Raymond Fielding - Brown Recluse Jasper Alder - Ant-Mimicking Jumping Spider Nell Keelin - Peacock Jumping Spider John Doe - Sparklemuffin Peacock Jumping Spider Arthur Lester - Bunny Harvestman Charlie Dowd Detective Noel Finley - Tuxedo Wolf Spider Kayne - Long Horned Orb Weaver
As always, I would love to talk about the relation of these spiders to these characters. If you want more of the funky things me and my friends have added to the TMA universe (and other podcasts as well), please check out the tag #ocelli expansion pack !
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oddballwriter · 1 year
Peacock Spiders
Summary: A blurb in which you and your boyfriend, Steven, watch a video about peacock spiders and learn about their intense mating rituals, and make light hearted jokes about it. 
Warnings: There is sexual cannibalism jokes but there is none of either of those things actually in here. Also, there are no actual spiders involved, just the mentions of them.
Author’s Snip: I don’t really know what this is. I was just bored and watching BBC Earth clips and thought of this. So enjoy it I guess.
Notes: This was not proof read prior to posting this. So if there are any spelling or grammar errors in this don’t come at me.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
  Watching clips from animal documentaries was one of you and Steven’s favorite pass times when you had nothing better to do or watch. This time, you two were lounging around as the sound of David Attenborough telling you about the suicide mission that male peacock spiders have to go on in order to have a chance at mating with a female. In which one of the threats is the female spider herself and he has to dance in order to survive her attacking him. And unfortunately, sometimes the male still gets killed after winning her over. It was a very interesting thing to learn about, and made for some discussion between you and Steven.
  “Imagine if we as people did that.” Steven commented. “Having to follow the smell of a woman’s perfume for who knows how long and then once you catch up to her you need to start dancing in order to get a date.” Steven mused as he tried to use examples of similar things for the sake of the hypothetical situation. “And while you’re doing that she’s actively trying to stab you in the neck.” he added. “I wouldn’t even make my first attempt. I’m sure of it” Steven claimed. “I can hardly dance under nonthreatening circumstances. I’d be done for as soon as I started.” he said with an airy laugh riding along in his voice. 
  “I find you dancing actually really cute and endearing.” you comment, not wanting to leave Steven having said something about himself with such low-self esteem. “Well, if we were two tiny little spiders mating I’d still be a goner since you would have eaten me by now.” Steven joked. 
  “Oh yeah,” you say before smiling and looking at Steven. “I keep forgetting to do that part. You better keep your eyes peeled now, Grant.” you joked back with a wink causing Steven to laugh. 
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ririumuwashere · 2 years
‘My Spiderling’ 1/?
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DJ MM wasn’t quite used to having another animatronic around, but ever since Fazbear Entertainment had sent in the spiderling he was no longer as lonely as before.  
The main designer Anthony had even allowed DJ to have a part in your making, Species, Practical features, and the like. It had taken months upon months for Anthony to finish making you. Not that DJ being impatient and antsy was making the process go any faster, but Anthony wasn’t one to complain about the obviously lonely bot.
DJ hadn’t gotten to see you during your creation so he was elated to see his new partner as soon as you were dropped off at the Arcade.
An animatronic built to be 3 times smaller than him with a peacock spider design, and a soft coating of fuzz all over.
Upon meeting you rubbed your pedipalps together and blinked at him with bright multi-co-lour eyes before raising your front legs and doing a little dance. Bright leds flashing on your abdomen. 
And he just knew you were perfect.
You were meant to be his handler of sorts… 
You’d help around the Arcade and keep the kids and teens in order, so the cleanup crew had less of a “Crime Scene” to clean up. 
Sometimes the teenagers would become violent and throw anything they could get their hands on at DJ. You were there to deescalate the situation and also help DJ clean up if needed. 
So far you’d only been with him for a few weeks but he already knew he’d protect his little friend no matter what. 
‘No matter what.’
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dearest-painter · 1 year
What about a drider/arachne reader who is based on a peacock spider (type of jumping spider, cute fuzzy fellahs that dance). They've got flashy coloring on their arachnid body with excellent leg power, they're surprisingly limber considering their lower half is basically just a giant spider. Their colorful spider body offers them both advantages and also offers unique inconveniences from being what amounts to a spider centaur. The peacock spider instincts would be hilarious cause rather than intense focus on hunting, it's more like the urge to dance or do a little grooming, maybe fuss with someone's hair, or impulsively jumping when the mood and height is right. Someone is probably riding on drider reader's back if reader is big enough
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That a pretty Spider!
Anyways the ones who would ride Drider!Reader would be Pavitr, mayday, Sun spider(it’s uncommon but she does it when she’s had a hard day), and Miles. Drider!Reader is probably and adult but it be so funny to seen a teenage Drider!Reader grooming one of the spider-people’s hair.
Miguel watched you because…what the hell are you? Like him not knowing what you are sparked his obsession, Peter B likes hanging out with you and likes seeing you jump but he mostly loves your colors. You become the second parent to MANY teenaged Spider-people which makes them super obsessed.
If anyone harmed you in any way the spider-people who are obsessed will beat their ass and that person may or may not die or get in a full body cast. Also their so willing to keep you away from EVERYONE just to have your full attention on them!
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onenicebugperday · 2 years
I asked a while back about threat displays, but what bug do you think has the best flirt tactics? I am very partial to peacock jumping spiders' dances
I’m not familiar with many tbh! Peacock jumpers are pretty great though. Scorpions also “dance” before mating but their show is less flashy than the jumpers!
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galacticnova3 · 4 months
I will not shut up about this actually rambling in tags isn’t enough I need to shout my fantasy giant friend spider propaganda into the void or I will explode
-Various domesticated spiders raised just for their silk. Different species can produce silk more suited for some applications, such as construction, clothing, wiring, and even surgical use. Even the largest ones are comparatively cheap to care for, being content to stay in one place and being healthiest when fed once every few days or so. The main drawback would be the time it takes for them to reach adulthood, and the risks to males when it comes to breeding.
-Spiders raised as pets! Sure, people already keep real spiders as pets, but I’m thinking something a bit more tolerant of interaction. Not necessarily social, but able to recognize the people they’re around and not stressed by handling. Maybe they’re otherwise very similar to real life spiders, maybe they’re selectively bred to have reduced fang size or limited/no venom production. Think of all the morphs, too! Given that it’s a fantasy world I feel like it wouldn’t be unfair to have them come in all sorts of colors, since real life spiders of various kinds already do. Even just taking tarantulas into account they can be the usual dark browns, blacks, and grays, but also come in sapphire blue and bright purple and purplish-pink and peach and orange… And that’s not taking into account the fact that they can have beautiful patterns and MORE COLORS!! I mean just look at the Antilles pinktoe— contrary to what the name suggests, they start out bright blue and then grow into adults with a teal cephalothorax and black legs with fuzz that ranges from blueish-purple to red! Heck, imagine being able to keep a hamster-sized peacock spider that actually doesn’t mind being held!
-Spiders raised to protect livestock or even people. Could be brightly colored as a warning to would-be threats, put down thin layers of silk around the perimeter that alert it to anything approaching before it even comes into view, threat displays offer a final chance to avoid confrontation. Could kick hairs as another deterrent which might also act as a way to mark a would-have-been offender. Just imagine the satisfaction of finally having proof the neighbor’s dog is the thing that’s been terrorizing your chickens because your spider has a bald spot on its butt, and the dog has been scratching ever since a bunch of hairs that are the exact same color as your spider mysteriously appeared on it. Sure, scuffles would involve a bit of clean-up, but better to clean up after a spider than dispose of livestock remains.
-This one I don’t have any details for but imagine with me, for a moment: jumping spider if it was like a cat. Y’know how some cats do the begging thing with their front paws? Jumping spiders basically already do that sometimes. Excited tippy taps. Failing the mirror test and trying to either scare off or hide from the uninvited stranger spider. Doing a lil dance like a pigeon trying to woo its owner. Pouncing on toys. Showing off brightly colored chelicerae or booty. Making a little silk nest and hanging out in there. Trying to threat pose at the vacuum cleaner
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theausspideyguy · 7 months
First artwork to show off! The very first ever art pieces I had ever gotten of Leo, and the official moment I considered myself a Furry. ::3
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"Who says a Spider cannot be of presentable taste? Leo certainly aims to prove that theory wrong." ::B
(Originally uploaded to FA on the 12/10/2018)
These were done by my friend SwirlwindSilverstar! You can check them out here over on their Twitter through this link here! ---> https://twitter.com/WindySilverstar
Though I don't think they really use it anymore, unfortunately… ..w..;;;
Admittedly they are someone I haven't spoken to in a very long time, so I hope that they've been doing okay and still doing art cause they do some great work. ^^
This'll be the first of many more art pieces to come in the next few days! ::3
But anyway! To provide some context behind these pieces and how they came to be. Some of yous may have heard this story before, but to explain it for those who may not know…
Back in 2018, I was already starting to feel a slow attachment to furry stuff. I had a lot of sympathy for furs cause of the bs that they would deal with from arseholes and the like, and just how extreme it got (Most notably the hotel gas attack at Midwest Furfest in 2014.).
Soon enough I came across the subreddit r/Furry_IRL back when I use to browse reddit pretty regularly. There I saw what appeared to be this sort of self-awareness and embrace of cringe, which included heaps of irony in the process. It made things a lot more charming cause it felt as if Furries were getting a lot bolder despite the years of attacks, harassment, etc. They dealt with it, and at the same, there was a vibe that made me feel people were more accepting, no matter how weird you got. At the time I was pretty alone, got bullied a lot, and in typical fashion, this was the group I gravitated to more over time.
I should add I do know now the more negative connotation that subreddit gives, and honestly, I have a lot of critiques as well. But at the time, this was just an important thing for me where I felt like I had no other group to be with.
Around October, I was in a voice call on Discord with two friends which included Igloo9201 (Nickname them Iggzy. ::B) and Silverstar. I believe I was sharing some of the memes I came across, and we were all joking about becoming furries and all. I had no plans at that point, but we were all poking each other and being dorks about it.
I was eventually asked the inevitable question though that changed the course of my life by Silverstar…
"Hey TAGG. If you had to pick a sona, what would you choose?"
I had to think! Spider wasn't my first thought at the time, and I was actually thinking at first a Kangaroo, just cause it was a main Australian animal, but at the same time I was reading this Manga called "I am a Spider, So What?", with a main character with a very self-explanatory thing about them. ::B
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As you can see from their design, I found them extremely cute and at that point, I hadn't really seen any designs of spiders like this that weren't just meant to be evil. So it felt like it could be nice to go for a species that you probably wouldn't expect, even if it was a contribution to the #1 phobia that people have. ::B
I think at this time I was also getting interested in Peacock Spiders, I was fascinated by their peculiar dance-y behaviour. Obviously was meant for mating, they still had such an interesting personality that it really grew on me. Learning how basically they were all harmless on top of that really made them jump in my mind especially.
As a result, my answer was obvious. Cut to some time into the call, I am surprised by the drawings Silverstar did, and on the same day, I ended up making a Furaffinity account with them.
At that point, the rest was history!
It was a fun end result of everything, I love seeing how much Leo evolved from here. There hasn't been too many obvious changes, outside of him eventually being more based on the Sparklemuffin Spider I soon discovered some time after getting Leo.
The biggest differences that do stand out at least is his body being more like a harder looking shell, compared to the fur covering him all over. His abdomen is a lot more flatter than more rounder in shape. There's also a lot less head hair as well, and most notably his the number of eyes were the biggest change as well, which you will see in a lot of these art pieces I like to call "The Prototype" versions of Leo. ::B
I do feel like I need to do more stuff with Leo in a suit, it was a fun thing I miss doing especially since it tied with the intended "He will get in whatever fit if it means he will get to dance" characteristic I thought up at the time. It was also kind of a thing that was a reference to one of my old as heck usernames, which was on a bit of the embarrassing side, but eh, got to repurpose through this. XXD
I still really appreciate Silverstar for the art, I still hold these pieces fondly in my heart, and grateful of both them and Iggzy for what they did on that day that got me into being a furry and getting my spidey self! Heck they probably are the reason I kind of found out a lot more about myself, being asexual/panromantic, finding new folks, etc. A true butterfly effect. ::P
Here's to many more years ahead! ^^w^^
Also, bonus rough sketch that Silverstar did before getting the final art pieces done. A lot more Miss Muffet from Undertale inspired here. ::B
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razzle-zazzle · 2 years
Omg I love animorphs, what animals do you think the Aquato's would be?
Okay okay so I know you're asking about morphs specifically but like. The human brain loves making connections and I love making symbolic and thematic connections between the characters I like and animals my brain decides to associate them with. There is not a single blorbo that is exempt from this.
Lucrecia is associated with both turtles and otters in my mind, particularly river otters. Turtles are neat and they're (generally, not every species is) aquatic. The otter association is more because I also associate Raz with otters, and it's a neat little connection between them.
Augustus is tough and enduring, leading me to compare him to wolverines. And I know trees aren't animals but they're tall, they provide support and shelter and food to various animals, and I don't think I could not associate Augustus with trees at this point.
I associate Donatella with butterflies and birds of paradise. The butterfly is more of an aesthetic thing, though there is something to be said about the monarch butterfly's ability to complete a 2,500 mile journey in about two months. And then male birds of paradise will maintain a performance space to do their little song and dance in and do you get my vision. Do you get where I'm coming from.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: Dion is like a cat. He's graceful and capable of incredible feats but also a complete dumbass. He respects his parents a lot and it shows. He is 100% the kind of guy to faceplant and then get back up and act like nothing happened and you cannot convince me otherwise. Another animal I compare/represent him with is peacocks; look at his stupid hair and tell me I'm wrong.
(Another association is with spiders; this is definitely an aesthetic thing in that an acrobat hanging from a trapeze is visually similar to a spider hanging from its thread. That's it that's the whole reason I lowkey associate Dion with spiders.)
Frazie's a lot like a bird. You could say she's like a martin (agile), a red-tailed hawk (powerful, good vision, and if you buy into the headcanon that Frazie's specialty is bladestunts then there's talons and sharp beaks). You could compare her to a bluejay (clever & brightly colored corvid) or a hummingbird (brightly colored, agile). I also lowkey associate her with ermines (tough, agile, unstoppable energy). Another association I have for her is dragonflies; they live near water (in it during their larval and nymph stages), they're fast and agile, and her hair shape reminds me of them.
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(Image Description: a mouse-drawn image of the basic shape of Frazie's hair style—two wide pigtails out to the side, long ponytail in the back—next to an even worse scribble of a dragonfly. Frazie's hair shape is in red and the dragonfly is in green. End ID)
Raz reminds me of mountain goats; complete defiance of gravity, stubborn, strong. And as mentioned above, I associate him with otters (aquatic, agile, creates a nice little connection between him and Lucy). A third association I have for him is possums; he's a weird little dude with a weird little look that's still cute, and the general climbing ability fits well with Raz' background as an acrobat.
Mirtala is a lot like a chickadee. Small, adorable, incredibly tough and resilient, and much braver than I'd ever be at that size. She's also associated with ferrets in my mind (adorable, lanky, agile, hyperactive). She's just so funky neat and ferrets and chickadees are so funky neat and I aughhhhhh 🥺
This is more of a headcanon but Queepie reads to me as noticeably smarter than most kids his age. Maybe he's not really, and Dion just trusts him to be right about psychics because Dion is, well, Dion, but I still associate Queepie with owls anyway, because of the wisdom association, the big eyes, and the fact that baby owls (like most baby birds) look so very weird and Queepie is,,,, a weird-looking kid. I also associate him with ants because of his strength.
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healerelowen · 2 years
I must rant. Rant about bug. 
Tw for talk of bug, beware
I love bugs! I’ve always found them to be very interesting! What was even better when I was a kid is that it was mainly me and my older brother who were interested in them, but my sisters? Nope, unless it was like butterflies or ladybugs. Though my little sister was always fascinated by the praying mantis, they kinda scared me as a kid. 
I remember my older brother’s favorite was the rolly polly, and I also liked them though they weren’t my favorite. My favorite as a kid were dragonflies! I saw them around my house from time to time and every time my family went camping in the mountains we always saw this blue dragonfly. We named him Blue. We also took walks around a pond near a fish hatchery and during the summer we’d see a bunch of dragonflies. Red ones, blue ones, orange ones and all sorts of different colors! 
Though another bug my older brother and I really liked was bumble bees. I still like them since, you know, my second name is Bee. Before anyone asks, yes this was because of Bumble Bee from Transformers, in my older brother’s case anyway. I liked them because they were pollinators, they were helping us and our environment. I always had a deep respect for them because of that. Which is kinda why when one summer, when I accidentally stepped on one I was crying my eyes out but not because it hurt (It did but I could care less), but because I was scared that I killed the bee by mistake. The bee was fine by the way, only half the stinger went into my foot, I saw it fly away some time later when I went back outside.     
Though nowadays, my favorite bugs are moths. I adore moths! My personal favorite species is the Geometer moths. While my favorite moths specifically are the Madagascar Comet Moth, Giant Silk Luna Moth, and the Brown Geometer Moth. I love their colors, their wing patterns, and just how unique they are compared to other insects. It’s a shame that they tend to get thrown under the bus because of two species of moths that eat clothes, like not all of them eat clothes. Sure, some of them eat crops and garden plants, but they don’t eat clothes. If anything, most just eat plants around the environment, they have a wide variety of food. Especially since a good lot of them migrate from place to place, like I think the Polyphemus Moth does that during colder months, they go down south. 
But also, most moths are also pollinators. Yeah, since they spend a lot of time around leaves and plants, they gather a lot of pollen on them so when they go flying around they spread pollen like bees and even some wasps do! This is very effective since some moths that live in the U.S. can travel from one side of the country all the way to the other and back again. They’re very interesting creatures and I like to study them in my spare time. I also love trying to catch moths because I want to like, hold them in my hands and just let them crawl on me. One that was stuck in my mom’s car landed on my leg once, it was small and had a light brown color to it. 
Now here’s a kicker, I also like spiders. Not all spiders, but I do like some spiders. Specifically the jumping spider, because they are tiny and so fucking adorable. I mean, have you seen them? (I mean probably, they’re a very common species of spider) They are so cute and I love them. They also help with pests like earwigs and mosquitos. This is very helpful for me because I’m allergic to mosquito bites, so less mosquitos for me and more food for the jumping spider. Also, peacock jumping spiders, the ones that have the bright reds, blues and oranges? They do a little dance to find partners, a little dance! If that isn’t cute I don’t know what is, because they’re just little guys doing their thing and it’s so adorable. 
My older brother had a jumping spider living in his room when we were kids. We named him Spidey and one day while me, my older brother, and a friend were sitting in his room a massive earwig came out of nowhere, and I ran out of the room and into the kitchen where my mom was. I then hear my older brother and our friend exclaim, “Spidey!” Turns out, Spidey had came out and straight up unalived the earwig right then and there. I was impressed really. 
Anyway, if you want I can talk more about bugs if any if you want to hear more. Have a good rest of your day/night friends!   
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nueral · 11 months
Warner Brothers has excellent scans of Henry Cavill and the rest of the Snyderverse castings. Do you NEEEEED more live action DC heroes doing wrestling moves and trying to imitate Frank Miller comics? Probably not, but were you surprised by what INTO the Spider-Verse did with ANIMATION fo-fi years ago? PROBABLY so. You didn't expect to give a shit about a SPIDER-MAN Pixar/DreamWorks movie from Sony but you did.
Maybe that monster cartoon DC does surprises us, maybe it don't. The DC cartoons were trying, he liked them, and they keep playing out the best stories, they aren't really waiting for a new and engaging art style or story telling style. Grant Morrison did a BUNCH of Iconic story lines the Oughts. Tower of Babel, Rock of Ages, Armageddon, etc. Check THOSE collections out. I'd pick and choose elements and take what fits to salvage the story Already told in the movies we have, the Omac Wish Satellite from WW84(NOT A BAD FILD), etc.
But here's what's really cooking my beek,
There's an entire separate Non-Comic movie about how the audience doesn't or simply CAN'T comprehend Joaquin Phoenix's Joker's potential. Bo Is Afraid. I do not recommend it unless you Wonga know how fucked real life can get in real life.
The movie is ABOUT the audience, the story, and escaping stories, or more accurately Not Being Able To Escape from an Obvious Story, an Obviously fictional reality.
Both Joker and Bo Is Afraid confound the audience. Here, lemmy ax you something
Have you heard of the Unreliable Narrator trope? Prolly not. Closest you may have come to it was the shock when Joe Pesci gets whacked WHILE narrating Casino. Remember that? You're thinking, this guy is getting taken out to the cornfields to get whacked and Pesci's voice is narrating, like he's telling the story from an old folks home decades in the future, fine, and then WHACK!to the head.
Ok, that's not what Unreliable Narrator means.
Unreliable Narrator is something snobs love to peacock. The idea is that the entire movie is an unreliable and subjective account told from a person who's probably lying to themselves or the audience. Film Student types love it because it allows them to have an exclusive VIP area of interpretation. What really happened, out in the objectively real/static reality.
Here, I'll give you an example
Zeze Yayya Beets in Joker. E'rbody said she was supposed to be like that universes Harley Quinn, but by the end of the movie you're wondering if Arthur (Joker) even hung out with her at all. Or was it just in his head.
Arthur takes the audience into his experience and they went to the comedy show together, and they went to the hospital for his mom, together.
But at the end, she doesn't recognize him, is afraid of him.
We're those date scenes made up?
What if it's not the narrator who is unreliable. What if it's Joker's actual reality.
Unreliable Reality.
That's not easy. It's scary to think God has abandoned you in a dream world of feelings, factual memories that have no social authority, etc. What happened happened, right?
Unless you're a child. Then you can sing row row row your boat and lay my head down to sleep I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
I don't know anyone who WANTS to live in the Twilight Zone.*
But Bo Is Afraid is an unreliable reality movie, even more so than Joker.
When I watched Bo Is Afraid, I came out thinking "They think it don't be the way that it is but it do."
And nobody on YouTube, or any social media posts have connected Bo Is Afraid to Joker.
Which is crazy.
You Were Never Really Here
and Bo Is Afraid all share this same reality resetting itself on camera with no indication of hallucination or magic occuring.
Why do I bring this all up for a DC movies discussion?
Because with an unreadable reality, anything can happen, it's horrifying. Continuity, Multiverse, timelines.
Arthur Fleck and Lady Gaga Harley could dance at the end of the film and end up in the alley way behind Robert Pattinson's ZORRO theater, Ben Afleck's ZORRO Theater.
They could dance their way anywhere in the multiverse the scriptwriters want, and a Fifth Dimensional Imp could say it's magic and he don't have to explain shit.
But the audience has been shockingly robotic. We really don't know what's in the head of these bodies, I certainly don't have enough evidence from social media to consider it any more real than how to effects you and how you effect me.
Maybe you just want scene for scene moving images that match the comics.
Maybe you're eager to join the SuperHero Fatigue bandwagon no matter how much The Batman reassembled a David Fincher movie.
But look at the Muscle Daddies and Diva Queens of Zack Snyder's Justice League(United).
Do you really care if they wrestle some other muscle mountain and win? Who cares? It's not real, it's not MMA. It's a story. It needs a reason for you to PAY and PAY attention.
Look at who Snyder intended their main badguys to eventually be, Twinkydink skinny boys schizos like bingbingbing Jesse Eissenberg's Lex Luthor, and Jared Leto's Mister J-Joker.
Do you want to see either of these guys take a potion and get powers and buffy the vampire slayer fight against dudes 3 times their size like they have a chance to win? Do you want to see them in CGI armor? No, right? No. Do you want to see Big Muscle Daddies teach weakling uppity creeps a lesson? I don't think-so...I hope not. No.
But you know what might unsettle you?
A character who A. already doesn't have to play by the rules of reality (I already explained this, keep up Mr. Strongstrong) and who B. has the sympathy for the audience from a previous film, a character who's kind of the good guy of his own story, if his own story was stable enough for anybody to find a functional morality in it, something that might not have been there for the first Joker film, and probably won't be there for the second either.
I hope you aren't watching movies like it's morality homework. Every action film a who dunnit, gasping an AHA when the wizard uses the helmet to disappear the demon.
I hope you're real, capable of variance and variety of experience. Enjoying the changes internal and external that a character is or might be going through.
I hope your not building up gotcha torment, vengeance juice, enduring suffering in a contest of who can eat the most shit until you eventually explode in violence or despair.
I hope when you watch a movie you're escaping from life AND imprisoning yourself in personality, if only for the time BEING, and enjoying what it thinks like, what it feels like, and what it will/would be like to actually exist that way, his way, that other way, like them, like him, like her, like that thing, like a brave little toaster, or a little Engine that could, or as Michael Douglas's William Foster in FALLING DOWN.
I hope your flying. FLYING.
I hope you can handle it.
And I hope to see more Henry Cavil, as Superman😆
And yeah, I did just write this at 123ish am 11:5:23
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You can hear it echoing
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Overflow of animation.
Thoughts to convey
There’s a lot of INSECTS. So much so that they make up 75% of all animals on earth.
There are an estimated 10 quintillion individual insects
Million classified species.
Animation idea
Insects are both arthropods and invertebrates. Which means they cover a lot of ground. But what makes an insect an insect? Well it’s actually having three pairs of legs (six legs). We introduce the idea of six legs
 And there are some insects that are experts in camouflage. Some interesting nominees are as follows. 
Malaysian orchid mantis
dead leaf mantis/ butterfly
Buff tip moth
I wish to incorporate an artistic portrayal of these insects. A hidden in plain sight animation.
Thoughts to convey
Let’s dance!
Initial idea was a rivalry dance battle between a spider and a butterfly, but that all changed when I saw the peacock spider dancing to YMCA. Let’s go back in time to little me freaking out and being scared of any spider even the size of a grain of rice. I HATED spiders. 
But seeing how spiders inspired superheroes, magical creatures and technologies, My fear turned to a sense of great inspiration. That’s how I feel about spiders now.
Peacock spiders are known for it’s unique mating rituals. These male spiders are expected to make constant vibrations scientifically known as ‘Rumble rumps’.  Not only is this dance beautiful to look at it’s also a matter of life and death. Because if the female spider (As the name suggests not as beautiful as the male) does not like the dance it instantly attacks the spider within a 1/10th of a second and injects venom that paralyses that spider and the mate becomes a meal. 
Some interesting facts about peacock spiders,
They are roughly 4 millimeters in size. That’s the size of a grain of rice.
They are extremely fast and can jump 40 times their body length.
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Animation idea
It’s mating season and this peacock spider is finding for a girl to court. And there she is, beautiful and brown. He waves hi. Still nothing. He waves again with both legs. That does the trick. She cocks it’s head to the side, interested. He is anxious and nervous. Its life or death after all. He begins to dance. She moves closer and closer. He hits the jackpot. But no she just wanted to eat him. 
Alternate ending: A butterfly sees the performance and swoops into save the spider from the female.
Thoughts to convey
As mentioned before many insects help pollinate most of the food we consume. So I’m not a science guy but basically pollination is defined as the transfer of pollen from the anther (Male organ) to the stigma (Female organ). Brightly colored flowers and strong scents attract these insects to the flowers. 
Insects feed on nectar (Mostly) which can be consumed from nectary's located in the base of the flowers. So in order to feed the insect must go through the anthers (which is located on the head of the flower) and cannot avoid getting pollen stuck on the insects body.  Pollen is sticky and spiky so it attaches itself easily onto the insect. And these insects don’t just feed on one flower so its bound to spread to other flowers as well. 
Sometimes insects such as wasps and bees do consume pollen so the flowers are at a disadvantage. But this is a small prize to pay in the larger scheme of things.
Animation idea
A man enjoys a peach and it slowly transitions into a peach becoming a flower that in turn gets pollinated by a bee. 
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Courtship Dances
More TaraProwl requested by @tangentially-displaced. A quintuple drabble.
Continuity: IDW1 Rating: Teen Relationship: Tarantulas/Prowl Characters: Prowl & Tarantulas Warnings: Suggestive themes, spiders, comedic cannibalism mention
Summary: In which Prowl dances to keep his "favorite" mad scientist happy.
Note: Inspired by the courtship dances of male peacock spiders (Video); we’re also ignoring the timeline for when Tarantulas got his spider-form.
Crossposting: AO3 | DreamWidth | Pillowfort
Fic below cut
“You never dance for me anymore.”
That’s what Tarantulas had said the other week when Prowl had visited last. Meaningless whining. That was all.
Unfortunately, the words had stuck with him. Usually, he paid little attention to Tarantulas’s ramblings unless it was particularly useful for the war effort. That tended to work.
However, this time the words stuck around in Prowl’s processor long after he had left the workshop that doubled as Tarantulas’s living space. It was as though they’d been forcibly assigned a higher priority than whatever other random babbling fell out of Tarantulas’s vocalizer.
Well, it wouldn’t do to let Tarantulas become… dissatisfied with their arrangement. Funding, housing, and the freedom to work on projects with the bonus of warm company…. All of these were part of the deal to keep Tarantulas working for the Autobots. Prowl couldn’t let a brilliant, if unsettling mind like that fall to outside of his sphere of influence or, worse, to the Decepticons.
Or at least that’s what he had told himself when developing a solution to the scientist’s complaint.
So, now, Prowl stood in the middle of the largest room of the workshop, where Tarantulas spent the bulk of his time, with all manner of brightly colored decorative paneling, bedecked with retroreflective strips stuck to his own plating. One that lit up like a red light district advertisement nestled between his shoulders was even jury-rigged to raise up like a banner when he flexed his doors just right. In his hands, carefully hidden behind his back, he held short poles that emitted a cycling rainbow of colors when turned on.
Prowl knew he looked stupid; he had known every previous time he’d done this for Tarantulas that he looked like a complete idiot. Still, he had to put his dignity on hold for a little while. Just a little while, just long enough to appease Tarantulas.
“Taran—“ Prowl’s voice was full of static. He cleared his vocalizer with a cough. “Tarantulas!”
The sound of way too many feet scuffling about on the ceiling of a nearby hallway signaled that any moment the scientist would arrive for his present.
A sensor was tripped by one of those feet, dimming the lights and beginning the playback of a bouncy, upbeat tune.
That was his cue.
“Oh, Prowl!” Somewhere above him as he flipped the switches on the light poles, he could hear Tarantulas’s voice gushing with glee. “You did this all for me!”
Fortunately for Prowl, a few moments after he started bouncing around like a fool, waving his limbs and accessories suited for a rave party, a weight with an excess of legs crushed him like the realization of a grave mistake. He crumpled to the floor under the burden of Tarantulas’s affections.
He was either about to get laid or get eaten and at this point, covered in retroreflective kitsch and dizzy from both the impact and the continuous boisterous background music, Prowl wasn’t sure which one he was hoping for.
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archived-and-moving · 3 years
should i call both frank and will spiderman, or do they get different names? and if you think so the what?
Hmmmm. I don't know, because like think about ppl like JJ Jameson, the city might use different names for the two.
As I have stated I am. Awful. At naming things, and none would flow as well as spiderman.
But, you could a. do something pertaining to the sun or b. Base it off the peacock spider (a.k.a the dancing spider) since Will is professional dancer.
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