#or they may only slow down as I make art of other things
susivoi · 3 months
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clockwayswrites · 30 days
City Pigeons Bleed Green Part 19
(I know I'm tech on a break this week, but I could use the serotonin.) masterpost
“He understands that I am coming over?” Damian asked as he inspected his pencil case to make sure he had everything he needed. Father would be picking him up from art class to fetch lunch.
“Yep, Danny knows we’re bringing lunch over,” Grayson answered. His thumb swiped idly across his phone.
Damian took a slow breath in through his nose and out through his mouth. He loved Grayson, but it did not mean that the other was not an idiot sometimes. Sometimes family meant loving someone even though they were an idiot, Damian reminded himself.
In an attempt to start again, Damian stayed silent until he was sure that he had all of his supplies in his messenger bag. “I meant, does Danny understand that it is specifically me bringing the food? Does Danny understand who I am?”
“Oh, Dami baby, yeah,” Grayson said, voice softening in a way that made Damian bristle. At least Grayson finally set his phone down. “Jay talked to him about it and is still there at the apartment with Danny now. I’ll over over to give Jason a break and be there when you and Bruce come. Do you want me to double check with Danny before you arrive?”
Damian frowned as he adjusted the strap on his bag.
“Yes,” Damian answered after a pause and when he could meet Grayson’s eyes confidently. “I believe that the redundancy would not go amiss.”
“Okay, yeah, I’ll be sure to double check before you and Bruce get there.”
“Acceptable,” Damian said and let to find Pennyworth for his ride to class.
Doing art calmed him. That knowledge had been a surprise at first. While Damian had, of course, learned about art as part of his cultural and historical training, actually being able to engage in art was was something entirely knew. Something that was available to Damian only because of his Father’s allowance.
No, that was not quite right. Father didn’t allow Damian to do art, Father simply wanted them to be happy and art is what made Damian… perhaps not happy, but at least more at peace.
Peace had been such a rare thing in Damian’s life.
He still didn’t quite know what to do with it.
Annoyingly, class that day didn’t quite manage to tamper the churning in Damian’s gut. He could (and would) ignore the feeling, of course, but that did not mean it wasn’t there.
Or that it didn’t grow as Damian was waiting for Father to pick him up for class.
“You have put in the order we discussed?” Damian asked as he buckled his seatbelt.
“Yes, it should be ready shortly after we get there,” Father answered. “You were out quickly today.”
“Tch,” Damian looked away from his father’s searching gaze and focused on the world outside the window. He hated to have tells, but in a family of detectives it was impossible not to. “If it unlikely to be ready, perhaps we should stop by the Turkish bakery that is near. Surely there are items there that are not too sweet for his diet.”
“That’s a nice idea,” Father agreed with a thoughtful hum. “He may have never had them before so we can get a little selection of what you think he needs to try.”
Damian worked not to physically freeze. That felt suddenly like a great deal of responsibility. Which was silly, it was simply food.
“That is a sound idea,” Damian said instead of trying to face his sudden worry.
It was even more overwhelming in the face of all the options. Damian certainly spent far too long making a selection, but Father doesn’t rush him, so Damian tries to allow himself the time. The food is easily acquired after. Far too quickly that they were in front of the safehouse door. Father rested one hand on the back of Damian’s back, a bracing presence, before he knocked.
“Coming!” Grayson called needlessly through the door a few moments before he it swung open. “Hey guys, come in. It’s all good.”
Damian resisted the urge to nod to that, took a breath, and crossed the threshold.
Danny sat on the couch. The fabled day saving blue bear was clutched in the boy’s lap; clutched too tightly. Damian shot Grayson an accusatory look. Clearly it wasn’t ‘all good’.
Grayson rolled his eyes and took the box of sweets from Damian to take to the kitchen with Father.
Damian was left alone with Danny.
At least it gave Damian time to properly study the other boy. Not blood son. Clone. Better and worse at once— a copy of Father. It was clear how much Danny looked like Bruce, a redundant thought now that they knew Danny was a clone, but it crossed Damian’s mind all the same. It was odd to see the still slightly sunken cheeks and too prominent collar bones on someone that looked so much like Father, so much more like Father than Damian did.
Idly, Damian wondered if Danny would ever reach Father’s stature, what with his past. Damian himself had started to grown into wild shoulders and broad chest that would someday be his body over the last year, but Danny had not.
Danny, at least a year older, was still far too slight.
But older.
The oldest blood.
Would he try to take Damian’s place now? It would only be just, with how poorly Damian had behaved when he first arrived, especially to Drake. And Damian’s brash attacks, Danny would have the right to his. He was oldest…
“Are… are you alright?”
Damian’s head snapped up at Danny’s words. When had he lost his focus?
“I do not know,” Damian said, too honest words tumbling across his tongue without his permission.
He didn’t know.
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boltonbritreads · 25 days
🗣️Eddie Munson Fic Recs
This is gonna have a sappy start before I get into the fic rec portion: but I just wanted to say that at the end of May 2022, I was finishing up my first year of law school. It was rough, challenging, lonely, and basically everything you’d expect and I was in a bad place and the fandom I’d been in was slowing down just naturally. I truly wish I could remember how I even became aware of Eddie Munson because stranger things wasn’t really on my radar anymore and whoever I followed at the time that started to veer off into Eddie-mania, thank you. In the two years since then, I’ve graduated and become the worlds babiest lawyer and I genuinely owe a lot to this fandom and community on here for giving me a fun, usually safe, creative place to escape to when it got rough.
I’m just hoping to maybe remind people that there are already an incredible, incredible amount of existing stories to read and talk about that deserve your attention and love if you’re looking to read some Eddie stories. Some of these will be fics I’ve recommended before but I’m going to try my best to pull together writers and fics that I love and think everyone should read in the hopes that someone like me who still scrolls through eddie tags looking for my nightly bedtime story can find something new to them to read! ✨
Previous Fic Rec list here!! some overlap but there’s no such thing as too much hype for these writers
@munson-blurbs I hope it’s ok but I’m linking Bug’s full masterlist here because I have genuinely loved everything she has written. There are blurbs, series, and special events which are all incredible and worth a read! Bug is currently still writing the “Living after Midnight” series which is my current obsession and features rockstar!eddie x motelheiress!reader and it’s angst and lust galore
@corroded-hellfire also sharing the Eddie Masterlist here because there’s so many fics to read!! As You Wish, Big Brown Eyes, Where the Heart Is are all incredible but truly there’s so much here to enjoy
@upsidedownwithsteve SIMMER!! jk I’m actually linking the Eddie Masterlist here too because I love them all but “I Want You To Want Me” and “Simmer” are out of this world
@pinkrelish The Yes Policy I love it, you love it, we all love it and if you haven’t caught up yet oh my god I wish I was you and could read these chapters for the first time again
@ghost-proofbaby I’ve previously told people to go read 24 Hours, and you should, that’s an order; but Maroon is ongoing! and it’s actually infiltrating my every thought so go on over and get caught up bc I think it’s safe to say things are getting amped up
@trashmouth-richie I have also previously recommended Honey, I’m Home because it’s a work of art but Ziggy has a new mini series “Crash + Fall” that I’m completely obsessed with the concept for and I’ve loved every piece so far!
@tiannasfanfic I just reblogged Conviction again but I genuinely am not exaggerating when I say I think about this story and these two monthly and try and find this story all the time to re-read it endlessly. It’s a really lovely story of unplanned pregnancy and two characters not realizing they’ve been smitten for each other the whole time and I love it
@carolmunson I’m sharing another Eddie Masterlist here because I’d be making this post far too long but Carol’s stories are all incredible, complex, and honest. “Let’s go, don’t wait” just got updated and I had to read it like 3 times last night because it was too good to just read one and done
@rebelfell I just discovered Sarah’s blog after reading the most recent “Frenemy” fic and idk what I was doing wrong to not already follow her and not have already read her whole Masterlist but I’m linking the whole thing bc she’s so good!!
@the-au-thor I also only just discovered Elle’s blog and that’s criminal but thank god I found Babysitting Mun because I am a sucker for rockstar!eddie and this series has me on the edge of my seat rn
@storiesbyrhi I’m sharing the Masterlist folks because I have genuinely loved every single story and series and I have read them all now (some several times). So many of Rhi’s stories have a wonderful warm witchy vibe that I crave and I’ve read Siouxsie and the Soulmates, The Cabin in the Woods, Our Patron Saint of the Arts, Vintage Reeboks, and Burning Yarrow (insert screaming fan gif) multiple times now
@heart-eyed-love this fic is the epitome of a soft, cozy, domestic night with Eddie and if you need a hug read this 🥹
@eddieandbird I JUST got caught up on Eddie/Tour Manager series and I’m fully obsessed and desperate to know how they’re gonna navigate this - for folks new to the story, Eddie and his tour manager accidentally drunkenly get married- what could go wrong??
@eiightysixbaby the scream I scrumped when I finished reading Princess Leia, and Other Wishes - look bffs to lovers is already my absolute weakness on this earth but then you had to make it witty and funny and FLUFFY I just can do nothing but re-read and pine
@superblysubpar I’m still obsessed with this addition to The Boy is Mine writing challenge and oh god it’s so good 😩
…and while we’re talking about it - here’s the entire The Boy is Mine masterlist with an INSANE amount of incredible stories to read
@the-unforgivenn !!! tumblr hates me and deleted this bullet (so if you already saw this post, no you didn’t) but And I Need You to Know is a proper novel! I can’t imagine how much time, love, effort, planning, and work went into creating this insane and absolutely incredible world but everyone needs to read this!! and then follow up with She’s So Cold bc I love it and I am so reader
~~ this is not the end nor an exhaustive list! I just wanted to put something out there now that I plan to build on because I know I’m always scrolling and searching for new things to read or old things to revisit ♥️ ~~
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x-i-l-verify · 7 months
Something that I've noticed ever since the Smiling Critters were introduced is that they can so easily be paired off into complementary duos, ones that are specifically designed to teach children fundamental lessons about life and self-care from two different angles. It's really interesting to me.
Like obviously you have Dogday and Catnap, with their sun/moon, dog/cat dichotomy, that stress how important it is to have fun and get things done during the day, but also that it's important to wind down, relax, and get a good night's sleep.
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Bubba Bubbaphant and Craftycorn were introduced as a duo in the Smiling Critter show's intro, and their dichotomy is quite obvious. They are basically the right and left sides of the brain personified. Bubba is the left side of the brain, logical, analytical, focused on math and science. Craftycorn is the right side of the brain, creative and imaginative, focused on the arts and self-expression. They represent learning and academia in all its forms, the different ways people engage with and understand the world.
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Hoppy Hopscotch and Kickin' Chicken form the sportsmanship duo. They are both portrayed as enjoying sports and the outdoors, but in different ways that highlight the different ways sports can be played and enjoyed and also what it entails to be successful at them. Hoppy Hopscotch may be loud and impatient, but she is also a team player, shown in her willingness to slow down her fast pace to make sure none of her friends are left behind. Kickin' Chicken, on the other hand, is laid-back, relaxed, and chill, the described "cool kid" of the group, but he's also described as having a ton of perseverance, more of a "slow and steady wins the race" type of person.
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This leaves Bobby Bearhug and Picky Piggy as the last pair. Fittingly, these two are all about how to meet the fundamental needs of yourself and others. Bobby teaches children how to nourish themselves emotionally through showing and receiving care from others, while Picky teaches them how good food is important to nourish the body and soul. Depriving oneself of either of these things only makes oneself and therefore everyone around one miserable, because those fundamental needs are no longer being met.
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Like fr, this is some pretty genius marketing right here. You have enough characters that every kid will have their favorite, but not so many that any would get lost in the shuffle, because the lessons each one of them would teach would be integral to the group as a whole. It really makes me that much sadder we saw basically nothing of the Smiling Critters during the game itself, because Mob Games struck gold with this concept, only to ultimately do nothing with it. :/
But I guess that's what fandom is for, eh?
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teratosubmission · 4 months
 Humanfucker here, Humans are the most underrated Monsters
I’ve always had a thing for humans. I mean, there’s a lot of physical appeal to them. They’re small and cute and have beautiful contours and big personalities but you can just overpower them at any time and rail the cuteness out of them and fuuuuck. But there’s much more to a human that I think goes underappreciated with fellow humanfuckers and the larger monsterfucker community at large.
A human has hands, soft and dexterous. It’s said that their sense of touch Is massively amplified on their fingertips. And humans are exceptionally skilled at the soft touch (They have a lot words for soft touch in their language, like stroke, pet, caress, ect, which only make sense when you realize how important it is in their culture). A slow, gentle trace down your spine or up your legs can activate nerve receptors other monsters simply cannot, and it can feel extremely pleasurable when a human is behind you gently rubbing their hands over your back. While many monsters use their strength to keep their mates from leaving, humans often rely on their soft touch, which feels so overwhelmingly pleasurable you don’t -want- to leave. If you ever wondered how a small human can wrangle such giant monsters like minotaurs or werewolves, that’s how.
And the reverse is also true, humans are the most physically sensitive creatures, with the majority of their body being highly erogenous zones. It’s as if they were evolved for lovemaking, and entire subcultures exist around the concept of sex. (EDIT – so I did some research and apparently many humans are skilled enough to practice an erotic art called Massage (muh sahj), and apparently their hands can have healing qualities to them, soothing your aching muscles and overall just feeling really fucking good. Unfortunately its best done on their own kind, since they know their own biology and are basically built to enjoy it best, but I’m hopeful there are humans that are learning on other monsters and getting good at Massage for them… God I hope so, anyway, I want to experience Massage.)
I love their voices. A human, in my opinion, has some of the most beautiful noises you could ever have the pleasure of listening to. You could be engaged in conversation with one and find yourself lulling to the beauty of their voice. You could be fucking one and listening to how cutely they moan and whimper, it functions like an aphrodisiac for their partners. Apparently they don’t actually have persuasive superpowers in sex, but I don’t think that’s right, since every time they’ve moaned for me to cum for them, I’ve burst immediately.
Unlike most monsters, humans don’t have a breeding season. They’re ready to go at any time (sometimes they may need coaxing though~, I’ll link some guides on seducing humans). Now, if you want to actually breed one of the females you’ll have to understand a bit more about their cycles, but generally speaking you can just have at it till they’re eventually impregnated.
Humans have sexual dimorphism like most other monsters, but what’s intriguing is just how wide a range that dimorphism is, and how easily its defied as well. Want a male with feminine features? An exceptionally strong masculine female? Value something in between? Or perhaps you want a gender with the opposite genitalia? There’s something for everyone, which in turn makes them one of the most accessible and popular monsters available. But like I’ve said before, there’s so much more to them than their physique.
❤️ Anyway, humans are the best monsters and I hope someday to meet one! ❤️
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natalievoncatte · 7 months
This was going to happen; it was inevitable the moment that Lena chose this course and began preparing to enact the plan. The timing was the mystery, the where and when. Thinking back on it later, she should have known better. Supergirl liked dramatic entrances, and she liked having Lena to herself when she talked. Surprisingly for someone who flew around in primary colors and smiled cheerfully for the cameras, she knew how to be discreet.
There was a double thud as the stacked heels of Supergirl’s boots touched down on the balcony behind her. Lena didn’t look up from her work. Not for the first time, she wondered if Supergirl used her super-senses to read other people. Lena’s heart sped up when she heard the landing and her breath caught, but she remained calm and smooth when she spoke.
“You may as well come in. We’re on the ninety-sixth floor. I don’t bother locking it.”
The glass door slid quietly on oiled plastic runners, and a gust of chilly night air rolled over Lena’s shoulders, causing her ponytail to slide from its place and dangle down her back. She’d changed earlier out of her power suit and exchanged her tight high ponytail for a loose, comfortable one. She was planning an an all-nighter.
“You should lock the door. There are dangerous people out there. Among other things.”
“If any of them have it in for me, they’re not going to be slowed down much by the balcony door, Supergirl.”
There was a soft sigh behind her. “We need to talk.”
Lena smirked. “Why is that? Are you worried my new car saving machine will pull all the cats out of the trees and out you out of work? I’m still working out all the kinks.”
“Miss Luthor…”
“Speaking of kinks, maybe you could help me out. I’ve got a terrible crick in my neck and could use a super-neck rub.”
“Miss Luthor,”
“Or if you’re not busy, you could run and grab us some takeout. I’m thinking Thai, how about you?”
Sighing, she turned around, tearing her attention from her work. Supergirl had her arms folded, displaying those impressive muscles of hers, and was looking at Lena with an expression of stern concern, something soft and a little worried in her eyes.
“What’s the occasion, then? Let me guess, someone wants to assassinate me.”
Supergirl sighed and let her arms fall. “You need to take this seriously. Right now, I’m the only friend you’ve got.”
“And why is that?”
Supergirl edged closer, her cape swirling slightly behind her. She put a hand on Lena’s desk and leaned over her.
“Because you’re been buying up every ounce of Kryptonite you can find.”
Her pulse began to race and she fought the urge to sink back from the piercing blue eyes that stared into hers.
“That’s not possible. Your cousin destroyed it all.”
“Not all of it,” said Supergirl. “The DEO keeps some, and there’s some floating around on the black market, usually mistaken for something else.”
“What makes you think that I didn’t just stumble across some? I inherited an extensive collection of art and sculpture, Supergirl, and I’m always adding to it. Ask Kara Danvers. I’m going to display the bulk of the family collection in a new wing at the city museum.”
“Because the DEO identified and tracked dozens of pieces, including the ones you bought,” Supergirl said, quietly. “It’s a way for us to identify threats and see who’s trafficking in it. You moved them through shell companies and had them smuggled through customs. You’re hiding something.”
Lena pushed to her feet, indignant, leaning into the do confrontation. She stabbed a manicured nail into the center of Supergirl’s chest, right into her big S.
“So now you come storming into my office making accusations?”
Supergirl planted her fists on her hips and stood over Lena, glaring down at her.
“I’m on your side. I’m the only one keeping the DEO from arresting you. I want to believe that there’s a benign reason for this, Lena. But you have to give me one. People think you’re a threat.”
Lena stared back at her, studying her features, her expression.
“It won’t do any good to tell you. Your superiors won’t believe me. They’ve been trying to entrap me ever since I took over the company.”
“They’re not my superiors,” Kara snapped. “I work with them. They have resources and support I need.”
Lena crossed her arms and cocked her head. “They also have Kryptonite. You just admitted that.”
“Lena,” Supergirl snapped.
Quickly, she grabbed a random page from her notes and scribbled, are they listening?
Supergirl looked at it briefly, then at Lena, weighing her options.
Then she nodded.
Lena scrawled on the sheet.
I’m making a cure.
Supergirl started, flinching as she read the note. She blinked almost comically.
Can we talk without anyone listening in? Lena wrote.
Supergirl nodded, taking the paper. She slipped the pen out of Lena’s grasp and scrawled, give me five minutes.
“Fine,” said Lena. “Tell your people they can call a judge. I’m sure they’ll have all the proper papers and warrants and court orders and it will all be nice and legal.”
“I don’t want it to be this way,” said Supergirl. “I want to work together with you. I believe in you, Lena.”
“You have a hell of a way of showing it.”
Supergirl huffed, turned, and headed for the balcony, taking off with such force that Lena stumbled back a few steps.
Lena waited, finally moving towards the door to close it, when a folded paper airplane sailed through the opening and came to rest on her desk. She closed the balcony door and grabbed the paper, quickly unfolding it.
They can track my suit. Meet me at the Big Belly on 49th. Leave your phone. Walk. Don’t worry about your safety, I’ll be watching. I’ll be in civilian clothes.
Lena crumpled the note in her pocket. The place Suoergirl meant was a half an hour walk, and Lena was more than a little nervous about walking it at night. So, she grabbed her .357 from her desk drawer and stuffed it in the kangaroo pocket of her hoodie, and took her private elevator to the ground floor.
When she walked up on the Big Belly, it was of course closed, dark inside with the chairs up on the tables. Lena tensed when she saw a figure approaching in the dark, much like she was, in joggers and a hoodie.
She relaxed when she saw Kara Danvers hiding in that hood. When they crossed paths, Lena stopped and began walking beside her.
“Supergirl said she would meet me herself,” said Lena. “I’m kind of surprised she sent you, Kara.”
“Keep your voice down,” Kara said, softly. “Follow me.”
Kara led her on a trek through downtown, making Lena rather nervous. This part of the city emptied out after hours and it was close to three in the morning, and they were walking alone on empty streets, finally turning off down an alley between two seemingly random buildings.
There, Kara stopped, and sighed.
“Can you really do it? Can you cure Kryptonite poisoning?”
“Yes,” Lena said, excited. “I think I can. I’m very close. I needed the samples I procured so that I could perfect the process.”
Kara’s shoulders hitched a little. She faced away from Lena, and took a step towards the brick wall in front of her.
“They have a device that your brother created. It can disperse Kryptonite through the entire atmosphere in a few minutes.”
“I’m familiar with it.”
“It’s how they control me. I don’t know where they keep it, only that they have it. If I step out of line, they’ll poison the atmosphere and kill me.”
“Kill you? Kara what are you talking about? You’re not…”
“I told you I’d meet you in civilian clothes. When I wrote the note in your office.”
Lena stumbled back a step, trying to process what she just heard. Kara was talking as if…
She turned around, facing Lena, and stood to her full height, removing her glasses without sweeping back her hood, and met Lena’s gaze.
“But… you’re…”
“Hush,” Kara said, softly. “I’ll explain everything. Right now we need to move and move fast, before they figure out what I’m up to. How fast can you finish your cure?”
“I need a few days and some things from my lab.”
Kara brought her wrist up and spoke into a hidden radio. “Alex, get ready to move. We’ll need to get to Lena’s lab before the DEO does.”
Lena blinked a few times. What the hell was going on?
“I need to get you someplace safe, then I’ll get you up to speed,” said Kara. “Will you come with me?”
Lena’s heart pounded in her chest. “Where?”
“Safety. I promise, I’ll keep you safe. You’re too dangerous to the DEO, Lena. They’re going to move on you, and I had to beg to give you a chance. Tomorrow someone is going to come make you an offer you can’t refuse, and I’m not going to let that happen.”
Lena nodded.
“Alright then. I’m with you. Let’s go.”
Kara nodded.
“Good. Lena Luthor, welcome to the Justice League.”
I had a weird urge to play with the idea of a world where the DEO are a black ops unit that controls Supergirl with the threat of Kryptonite and Lena helps her take them down and save the world. Of course Kara has to be all dramatic about naming the resistance movement.
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thesirencult · 10 months
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PILE 1 🤎
The Hermit
My Pile 1 💕 welcome to your reading.
The path to wealth for you starts first and foremost through a much needed spiritual seclusion.
You will realize that money = energy through this path of learning how to listen to your inner voice.
You need to tune out other people, only for now. Others do not understand your ideas and can not help you.
After you come out of this period of self searching you will make a great mentor out of yourself and a guiding light. That means that the transformation you went through blessed you with wisdom to guide others, either to make money, lose weight, awaken, search for spiritual truth etc.
A simple 9 to 5 won't get you there.
Possible career paths, skills and talents you can leverage and ideas : any work that helps people transform, self development/coaching industry, therapist, spiritual worker, book writing, ability to listen to others, empathy
PILE 2 🤎
5 Of Wands
Dear Pile 2 ❤️,
Contrary to Pile 1 your path to wealth includes "climbing the ladder".
You are well equipped to start from the bottom of an organization and reach partner/C-Suite status.
You will probably get a prestigious degree as I can tell you are an overachiever. This reminds me of Suits. You will fight through and compete.
You have great arguing abilities (law?) and have the stamina to get to the top.
Now, apart from the above, the 5 Of Wands can show physicality. This is a sign for me that some of you need to watch your health and not run yourself down from all the work you do.
PILE 3 🤎
Knight Of Cups
You are passionate and romantic. Your soul is artistic and you want to create beauty in this world.
This is a singer and songwriter, a chef that creates beautiful dishes that drive people crazy. An amateur photographer who takes photos of hotels in beautiful destinations like a professional. Someone who wants to build a clothing brand.
You are multitalented and an eternal child. Stick to your arts and crafts and harness your beautiful energy and creator abilities and you'll be unstoppable.
P.S. Take the opportunities that come your way, it's never too early to meet with success, contrary to what others tell you. You'll never be fully prepared or ready. You may be a Projector.
PILE 4 🤎
9 Of Wands
Sweet Pile 4 🧁,
You have so many great ideas and the perfect foundation to make 💰. Your mindset is already more than halfway there and you have great abilities.
You need to work on romanticising struggle. It doesn't have to be as hard as you make it. Don't take the stairs if there is an escalator. You don't have to prove anything to anyone.
If right now things are slow, remember how far you've come. Even if it is not visible in the physical, the past few years you've accumulated a wealth of knowledge and are ready to take the next step.
Trust in yourself and the Universe. Preserve, defend your position and work both hard and smart.
A few months ago I stumbled across a video with a woman who was a business coach. She asked successful people "How did you make it?" and their answer was "I never stopped."
Never. Ever. Stop.
Source : The Siren Cult
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wukong-s-only-wife5000 · 10 months
Heyo! So I was thinking about that baby fever thing I @ed u in earlier and I was thinking if maybe u could do some headcanons on what u think uh Reborn Wukong would be like as a dad to his newborn baby? I feel like he’d be such a good dad 🤭☺️
Reborn!Wukong: Papa Canons.
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Pair: dad!Wukong x mom!Reader.
Content/Trigger Warnings: cuteness overload, my 1st shot at writing headcanons.
Authors Notes: CAN I JUST MENTION HOW FUCKING CUTE HE LOOKS IN THIS PICTURE?! LIKE.... OMFG, MY HEART. Anyways, IDK if I did it right, but this had to be the first one I did. The idea has been plaguing my mind since I saw both this request and this art you're referring to. Might make a part 2, but I dunno.
Hope you enjoy! Wanted to make this extra special bc your support and feedback always make me smile. <3
The audacity of this child to look so much like you. 
Looked at his precious baby from over your shoulder just as the little angel opened their eyes and made eye contact. Made his world stop and his stone heart explode.
He was so cautious and a bit nervous when you asked him if he wanted to hold the baby. The second he had that infant in his arms… his world stopped for the second time.
They had his eyes, tail and little fuzzies all over, but they had your facial features, complexion, and hair colour that matched the fur.
If you thought he was overprotective with you, get ready for him to be the most vicious Monkey King there ever was. 
He always made sure that you held that baby from beside him, not letting the child out of his peripheral vision. 
Someone tried to kidnap the child once… let's just say they didn't live to regret it.
He tells the little one a lot of stories when they can't sleep, only if you and the others are asleep, though. He doesn't need you or Pigsy teasing him about being ‘adorable’ and all that nonsense, but he also doesn't want the little angel to disturb your sleep.
Sure he was lenient with forcing you to sleep regularly, but now? He made sure that an hour or two at most when the sun goes down, you and the baby are asleep. Whether that means he has to carry you both in his arms or not. If that became the case or even if your feet hurt too much to walk, then so be it.
Oh how he enjoys when such occasions do occur. Usually he’d carry your things so you could focus on the bundle, but when he has to carry you both, of course he forces Pigsy to carry them.
He loves holding you both in his arms, especially when you rest your head against his shoulder and tell him how much you love him. Thanking him for blessing you with your bundle of joy as you often did to her.
Whenever you camp out, too far from any village, he makes sure to make shelter for you and the baby near a tree to keep the little one out of the dew. 
Makes the nest with the best items he could find and if it’s not enough for the both of you, he runs off to find other things that are even better. 
If you pass a marketplace that sells anything soft? He ensures that the most comfortable ones are procured exclusively for you and your infant.
He enjoys watching you feed the bundle… cause… ya know. You're his wife. He also thinks the little sneeze they do every time they’re finished is absolutely adorable, and it melts his heart every.single.time.
He watches the baby closely when they reach the age to sit up on their own. He makes sure to be ready for when they fall over in case you're too slow to catch their head.
He loves the kid, sure, absolutely without a doubt… but sometimes he doesn't like it when all your attention is on the baby to the point you don't acknowledge him.
He's an amazing dad, but he’s an amazing husband and mate first. GIVE HIM ATTENTION, DAMMIT! 
He’s still the same possessive Wukong, of course he’d get jealous if even the baby gets more attention than him. Give him snuggles when you get the chance, a plus if you hold him and the baby.
He still often gets you little gifts and things he thinks you may like, especially since he knows how stressed you've been since you got pregnant. It’s his doing, so it was the least he could do.
When the baby holds his finger and gurgles with that furrow you frequently did, he tells them not to talk to him with that attitude. Something that makes you smile, trying your best not to laugh. Especially when he scolds you for passing on that attitude to his precious infant.
When the baby does it with that large gummy smile that also reminded him of you, his heart soar. He'd have that content smile that makes any hardship worth it. You absolutely love that smile the most.
Despite the times he would frequently tell them not to ‘talk’ to you like that, he liked to say it served you right for passing down your sass in the first place.
When the baby gets old enough to eat mushed up fruit? He collects the ripest and juiciest ones for the both of you. Yes, he will beat Pigsy to a pulp if the gluttonous pig tested his luck to try taking some.
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poppy-metal · 3 months
the reader dbf patrick stepdaddy art is DIABOLICAL and i need it RIGHT NOW actually. crying on patricks cock for the first time while art watches like, "im sorry, daddy, 'm sorry, just wanted it so bad, so so badly, you understand, right, you get it?" and the funny thing is, he totally does, because its patrick, yes, he gets it, more than anything he gets it, but this is wrong, isn't it? this is wrong and fucked up and evil, but you're reaching for his belt with wide, wet eyes, begging, "can make it up to you, daddy, can make you feel real good, please, 'm sorry, let me show you how sorry i am" and his resolve just has to crumple.
(obviously there has to be about six million years of YEARNING in between but you know. the horny.)
-kit ♡♡♡
@gamesetart ur sick for enabling me. i slowed things down a little bc i was cooking but the outcome will probably eventually be this. LMAO
under a cut because like patrick, this is sending me straight to hell i fear.
skipping ahead a million years just to fuck stepdad!art who also happens to be patricks ex who hes never gotten over and has been friends with this whole time - maybe its his fault actually, that you fall in love with patrick at the tender age of 14 - because art loves him so much. hes around so much. like father like daughter, right? he might not be your dad by blood but he is in every other way that counts - he has full custody - your mom been out of the picture for awhile now. its almost like having two dad, growing up. you think art and patrick are closer than any two men you've seen before. but they date other women so you don't think much of it - you want art to be happy again. you dont blame him for leaving your mother, you're just happy he took you with him.
anyway - falling for patrick is inevitable - it burns inside you like a wildfire you have no chance of stopping, so you dont try.
and patrick..... maybe he's given up hope on art after all these years. they'd had something brief and tangible in college - but it'd fizzled out - art had pretended it didn't happen. and patrick loved art too much to press the issue. he'd been content to live forever being arts best friend and nursing a flame for him that would never be returned.
and then you'd come along - it'd been hell watching art get married - he never liked that bitch, anyway, for more reasons than sharing arts bed. she treated her kid like dirt. art even worse. it got to a point where the only reason art was staying around was for you - he couldn't leave you. you were just a kid. and art had only been with you for three years but it was enough. enough for him to love you. enough for him to martyr himself for you and stay in an unhappy marriage if it meant he could play the role of daddy for you.
it may have been him who planted the seed. he'd met you a few times by that point, but he remembers a pool party where you'd been sucking on a lollipop as you watched art work the grill - your mother somewhere inside - you were twelve then - old enough to have some brain cells, patrick figured.
"he'd make a good dad, dont you think?" he'd nudged you. "i mean look at him - already rocking the dad stance with a fucking polo to match. he'll be telling us it looks like a storms rollin' in any second now."
and you'd popped the lolly out of your mouth and showed him your teeth with your smile.
a raised brow. "really? does he know that? does your mother?"
"he already is my dad, though."
you'd frowned. stuck the lolly back in your mouth. he could tell he'd given your brain alot to think about that.
it was only a year later that the divore was finalized. and art was granted full custody of you as his daughter - full guardianship. patrick got him the hell out of that town shortly thereafter.
and that was it, really. that was the plan. just to live in peace. he didn't expect to grow so attached to you. to enjoy watching you grow up. to enjoy being there for your important milestones. he saw a bit of himself in you, too, that wild precociousness. that want to run free. saw how it fucking terrified art, who wanted nothing but the best for you after the life you'd had. always the hero.
so yeah, when you'd started your rebellious teen phase he'd helped you hide it. picked you up from parties when you couldn't drive home instead of calling your dad. because he didn't want to see art unhappy. he didn't want to see art look at you and see the patrick in you and hate it. he couldn't.
he didn't know you'd fall in love with him. he didn't.
and when he realized you had, he'd pushed you away. he had.
but the thing is - as much as you had patrick in you - you had art as well. your inherent kindness. your sweet open face. your determination and dedication. he saw it and then he couldn't unsee it. and as long as he'd held onto his love for art he was tired. he was fucking tired of being unloved and unwanted and here you were - a tether to art - his beautiful babygirl - and you were throwing yourself at him. loving him. wanting him. so fucking beautiful and innocent - just like art had been, all those years ago.
couldn't fault him for caving. he'd faught it, but patricks not a good man. and hes a stray dog at the end of the day, dirty and hungry and begging for scraps.
he fucking devoured you. took from you. took your virginity - just like he did your fathers - broke it on his cock and tried not to feel sick that the symbolic way your blood drenched his cock connected you and him and art in a way that was as holy and it was perverted. he fucked you and he fucked you and he fucked you. he had you whenever and wherever he wanted and he didn't allow himself to think about the consequences of it - because he was fucking greedy for it - you took everything he was and you bit into it and you bounced on his dick like he was a fucking god and he found himself falling in love all over again.
he'd find a way to tell art and make it right. he would.
but then there'd been that night when art asked him out for drinks and patrick would tell something was wrong. he'd been distant from art lately, if he was being honest, consumed completely by you. the only reason he was free was because you were at a friends.
when art had confessed he felt you pulling away the guilt had set in... because art looked so sad. so pathetic and lonely and patrick had never wanted this for art. his heart pitched and dropped in his chest and he couldn't tell art about you - not now -
and then art had looked at him and said "you know she reminds me of you -" and patricks lips had parted. the alcohol in his system warmed his blood, but so did the heavy weight of arts eyes on him. it was a look patrick hadn't seen in years. decades even.
It was how you looked at him.
that's all patrick thought as art drew closer and closer to him. fuck, when art placed a hand on his thigh. fuck, when his cock twitched. fuck, when art said he missed those days back in college. fuck, when art leaned in and patrick didn't pull away.
fuck again, when he came to and they were back at arts apartment - fuck when they passed your room and thank fuck you weren't home, thank fuck - fuck fuck fuck when art got on his knees and stroked patricks cock and patrick thought his first clear thought of the night -
fuck fuck and fuck again because he lost his mind a little when arts lips touched his. went a little dizzy with it.
fuck fuck fuck - because arts sinful pink mouth descended around him and he fucking moaned around it and in some twisted dark corner of patricks seedy mind he thought art must taste you on him - must know its you hes tasting and thats why he throats him deeper like a fucking whore.
i fucked her this morning. he's about to suck his daughter's pussy off my dick and he doesn't even fucking know -
patrick knows hes going to hell.
he knows it because he uses the same fingers he'd had inside your cunt to spread your dads ass open for the same dick he'd plunged into you - he knows hes going to hell because when he slides inside and art moans he thinks he sounds just as pretty as you do - they take me so fucking well - made for me - fucking made for me
and when he pulls out to come down and swallow arts cock down his own throat he moans when he thinks about kissing you later tonight with your fathers spunk on his tongue -
hes going to hell.
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bendyartistic · 2 months
Be aware of alexbstudios.
Over the course of what I believe a few months maybe, Alex has been harassing me with strange behavior and as of recent hurtful remarks too. He's been bothering other people as well from what I've seen. Probably going to say I should've just blocked him, but I wanted to keep an eye on things just in case. Today was the point in time after everything that I realized I should let people know about this kid.
I want to show from the beginning to present time of the interactions he's done with me. And maybe something can be done about getting him off the platform...
Firstly I want to say Alex has admitted to being 12 years old... apparently. I know this from this reblog. This already is a very large red flag. Considering the young age, no a callout doesn't seem right but I still want to warn people regardless since he's still active on the platform.
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Though I am uncertain if this is true, he did not confirm nor deny my question about it.
Now lets get to the start of things. I don't like people reposting my art anywhere without credit, surely that can be said for everyone.
Randomly in May Alex reposted my art, no credit, mention of who made it, or where it came from. I should mention Alex had been following me well before this post, so he knew who I was. Rightfully I responded with a request to take it down as I didn't appreciate this.
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Upon making this request he made a small complaint about it, which was unneeded. While he did "delete" the post, it still technically there, just edited. Therefore never officially removed like I had asked.
He also uploaded two other drawings I did, but he did not remove those ones.
Not too long ago on a post I made showcasing my Chris model, as it had been a while since I posted it, and I wanted to let people see it.
Alex later said some... questionable things about it. And it really made me uncomfortable to say the least.
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For context in my AU, my Chris is 29. This has been stated before a few times.
I want to get to the biggest thing here however, as this is what drove me to make this post. The consistent weird and hateful DM's he has sent me.
I have told Alex to leave me alone on several different occasions and he has refused to do so. Again I know I should've blocked but as I said, just wanted to wait in case. Truth is I don't like blocking people, never have, I feel weird doing it. But anyways Alex made a poll a week ago if I recall correctly of whether or not he should keep or delete his account. The poll won on keep. No sooner did this happen, Alex was in my DM's bothering me about it after I again told him to leave me alone.
The DM's are as followed with context and info:
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He responded with something along the lines of "Then my account would become lost media!" to which I only responded "No one really cares."
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Next post is where Alex starts to mock me for being slow with my replies. I don't quite understand what speed he expects me to write my replies at, I guess 5 seconds?
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So as you have noticed Alex is now making fun of my autism, and it's going to continue in this unfortunately. Bringing up a disability in an argument should not happen. However at some point Alex accused me of creating alts to vote against his poll, I have none.
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I'm not sure why me specifically... and I hate how me being "slow" keeps getting brought up. Also racism is somehow brought into this as well.
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He spammed me with the same image repeatedly, and it continued for a while. Passing that, he wanted me to run the same poll he did on if I should keep or delete my account. I obviously declined.
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He then blocked me after this.
Alex in the past DM'd me, when he made those remarks about my Chris model. I wasn't happy then and I'm still not about it.
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I'm still puzzled as to why he calls being blocked as banned. Besides that this comes to the end of the DM ark. Alex has done other things, such as suggest people to draw strange stuff, edited other peoples work, steal other peoples work, and tried to stir up drama at one point.
In conclusion,
Alex is immature. And should not be here, especially this fandom. But in general he should not be online, it is clear he has unlimited access to whatever he wants.
I am sorry to my friends and others who have had to deal with him. That is all I have to say.
Any questions or whatnot is fine. Reblogs are appreciated in order to spread the word.
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coralinnii · 1 year
❋ If you’re a villain, then let me be your accomplice ❋
↳Reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy part 2
feat: Rook
genre: drama, slow burn romance, smitten fools,
note: sequel to reincarnated into a new world as the bad guy Rook ver., historical fantasy setting, sculptor!reader, reader is referred to as “Ma artiste” and “Mon amour” by Rook, no pronouns used with the reader, mentions of beast hunting, 1.8k word count
While it refers to fictional beasts, this touches the controversial topic on hunting which can be sensitive to people. I’m not trying to claim that my own opinions or the opinions in this fic are right and you can have a stance against these opinions. Despite the controversy, I still decided to add this into the story because this world is supposed to mirror the era when this was practiced by people of the time and with Rook as a canonical huntsman, this fits the story well.
I choose to be transparent that this topic will be in this fic and if you are uncomfortable, you are free to ignore this story because I would rather you decide your comfort levels than have people read my story.
Random note: when my laptop died, all my banners are gone so yea…I changed my character banners again
series masterlist
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To your dismay, you found yourself facing the consequences for the actions of an obsessive character that convinced the famous knight Rook Hunt to be your fiancé.
Begging the Hunt family, you managed to settle a deal to repay the dowry the Hunt family paid to annul the engagement, since losing this engagement would cost their side more than yours.
Thankfully, the era of this world was the rising age of artistic revolution and the aristocracy was itching to find the newest trend of beauty and creative innovation, which you enthusiastically took as an opportunity to build your name in the field of art as a sculptor, starting off with simple desk ornaments to breathtaking statues.
Perhaps it was your silver lining that your still fiance Rook was a well-known admirer of all things beautiful as with his keen eyes, your sculptures stood out among others due to the added details of your subjects that your fiance pointed out as you work. You were confident in your skills but you owe it to Rook for enhancing the realism in your sculptures.
Initially, guilt ate away at your conscience for not only the forceful engagement you placed upon the knight (even if you weren’t directly responsible) but for also taking his help with your commissions without any benefits to himself. But the green-eyed man did not ever allow you to dwell in such thoughts.
“Non, ma artiste! Your works of art are the fruits of your passion and hard work that cannot be replicated. I may have given some notes here and there but the beauty of each masterpiece you created can only be brought out from your skillful hands.”
Rook smiled as he held your hands, still dirtied with bits of dried clay. The gaze of his bright green makes you feel somewhat self-conscious. You were a noble but you must have ruined the softness of your skin due to your long hours of work and stress. You tried to pull your hands back in embarrassment but your fiance held them firmly in his own gloved pair.
“Every scar, blemish, and crack is a show of your strength, mon amour. I could get lost tracing the lovely lines of your hands if you allow me.”
No matter how many others have praised you or your work, you couldn’t help the unique warmth in your heart that only appears when Rook sings them. But you chalk it up to your body reacting from old feelings held by the original character. It must be, right?
Your commissions have thankfully slowed down enough to give you a well needed break. You were curious to what might taking up the attention of the nobility right now which was how you learned about the bi-annual “Hunt of the Beasts” event.
You were initially terrified to learn the existence of magical beasts in this world and the danger that resides in the dense forests and mountainous lands that borders the kingdom. In order to maintain the beast population for the safety of the people and resources, the imperial family hosts an extravagant event for the knights and local mercenaries in the kingdom to vanquish the beasts. Some may call it barbaric or cruel, but for the safety of the villages and farms that reside near these beasts’ territories, it was an unfortunate necessity that is at least maintained by the imperial family to avoid excessive hunting that disrupts the delicate balance of the population.
Rook was a frequent participant of the hunt and of course he was going to be a participant. Typically, partners of the participants would attend the event as spectators waiting by the designated zones among other visitors. However, you were too new to this world and this will be the first hunt for you where you will surely come across images you weren’t sure you were prepared for.
Giant beasts…even thinking of their corpses. It’s too overwhelming.
You expressed your discomfort with Rook and despite his experience as a seasoned participant, offered words of understanding to you. The knight suggested that you could sit out from the event and he could explain to any curious busybody that you were not feeling well.
Once again, Rook warmed your heart with his words but there was some guilt still left behind within you. Despite the loveless engagement, Rook has wholeheartedly supported you in your passion and your work despite his own inexperience in the field, but you couldn’t bring yourself to accept something that he as a knight and huntsman took pride in. You allowed your fear win over and it left a bitter feeling in your heart.
The day has finally arrived and the dense forest that bordered the kingdom was busy with attendees of all status. Many have come to join to spectate and support the brave men and women who have trained to battle the dangerous beasts that lurk within the land that was darkened by wild greenery. Aides from the imperial palace watched over the event as participants were informed of the rules of the hunts; what to expect, what to capture, and what to avoid lest they choose to face punishment.
Rook surveyed his surroundings as he finished his last preparations. He saw both familiar faces and newcomers that hope to make a name for themselves today. Tents were filled with important families and even visiting guests from nearby lands either to observe or participate themselves. But he doesn’t see a glimpse of your figure.
Not that he expected it. He respected your choice not to attend the event. It could be that he has become too desensitized by the presence of beasts and monsters due to his work that he has forgotten how frightening it could be for a civilian to witness them in person.
Maybe during his hunt, he could find some wild flowers to bring back to you when he visits you later. Would you feel better if he did? You had such a conflicted expression on your face last he saw you so maybe a bouquet of rare flowers could brighten your mood, even bring you some inspiration for your art. Would you feel grateful, perhaps even smile for him as you call his name in appreciation…
Ah, he could even hear you right now.
A rare occurance, Rook was actually spooked to suddenly feel your presence behind him. The blonde knight did not sense you standing there, with him…at the Hunt of the Beasts.
“Mon amour, you surprised me!” His green eyes almost couldn’t believe it. “I thought you’d chose not to attend this year.”
To be fair, you’re surprised yourself. The whole idea of this event still feels unreal to you and your fear of witnessing something you’re not mentally ready for is still there. Even so…
“I want to support you, like you always have with me” you whispered shyly but Rook could clearly hear your voice at this distance. He then saw in your hands a small woven charm bracelet, a common blessing given to participants like him.
During the Hunt of the Beasts, traditions came about among the participants and non-participants. Those who participated in the hunt would offer their game as an offering to their lover as a show of devotion and strength to protect them from harm. In addition, non-participants could give a blessed items to the participant of their choice as a show of admiration or to wish them safety during the hunt.
You noticed the knight’s gaze and you felt more nervous than before. As this was your first attendance, this was also the first time offering a blessing to someone. When you told your servant you were going to the hunting event, he graciously gave you a woven bracelet and suggested that you offer it to your “lover”, much to your embarrassment.
But then you noticed the knight more closely and saw that he already had a number of bracelets and ribbons peeking out from his left arm sleeve. You supposed despite his eccentricity, Rook was still a very talented knight and quite attractive to people of all social status. Even if he was technically a taken man, this did not stop admirers from showing favour towards him with blessed charms and ribbons.
Mortified, you tried to hide the small bracelet as you put on a smile. “Since it was tradition, I thought I should bring you something but I should have guessed that you would have plenty of blessings from others. Adding more would probably be burdensome-“
You flinched slightly when you felt your hands being captured by another pair. You saw Rook’s gloved hands stopping your own but he had such an unreadable look in his eyes that you couldn’t tell what was on his mind.
“Rook?” The call of his name seemed to have woken him from his trance as Rook quickly gave you a smile before he spoke.
“Mon amour, I would be honoured to receive your blessing.” Releasing his grip on you, Rook removed the glove on his right hand where unlike his counterpart hand, was empty. “Would you please place it upon me?”
Nodding your head, you gently wrapped the woven bracelet around Rook’s wrist, careful not to tighten the knot too much since this was Rook’s dominant hand. You tried not to think too much about how he allowed your blessing and only yours on his right hand and not with the rest on his non-dominant hand.
“It doesn’t mean anything.” you tried to focus on something else and rested your eyes on Rook’s hand. It was not often you see it as the blonde-haired man tends to wear gloves as part of his uniform but you could see the rough calluses and scars littered about his fingers and palm. The skin of his hand was smoother than you expected (probably due to his friendship with the Schoenheit heir) but you can tell how hard Rook must have trained to be as skilled as he was today. How diligent this man is which earned the respect of many. While caressing his warm hand, you absentmindedly echoed the words he once spoke to you.
“Every scar, blemish, and crack is a show of your strength…How beautiful.”
Realizing what you just said aloud, you quickly let go of Rook’s hand before rushing to create distance between the two of you (when did you get so close to begin with?!).
“There, all done!” you did your best to hide your embarrassment with a smile. “I’ll be in one of the tents until the hunt is over. I wish you luck!”
With a quick bow, you rushed into a tent that was open, too flustered to look back and face your fiance.
A shame, really. Because you missed the opportunity to see a rare image of Rook with a rosy shade blooming across his cheeks and ears.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 6 months
🧚🏻‍♀️✨Bippity boppity bow chicka wow oww! You’ve been visited by the Shameless Hoe Fairy, and now you must share a hoe drabble about:
Landlord!Ari + being caught watching you while you sleep
Well, it took me a couple of days but I did it!! Oh, and it's the longest drabble in the world. Did y'all know a drabble is only 100 words???? I thought it was 100-500...I still wrote way more than that, but still.
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Title: No Good Deeds
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Landlord!Ari Levinson x Reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Summary: Moving out on your own is challenging, but your landlord, Mr. Levinson is kind and helpful. But he may want more from you than your tenancy.
Prompt: Landlord!Ari + being caught watching you while you sleep
Warnings: age gap (Ari is mid-40s, Reader is early-20s), yandere Ari, drugging, non-con fingering (f receiving), non-con p-in-v intercourse, non-con creampie, choking, dead dove: do not eat
A/N: Hahahaha this was supposed to be a drabble. Thank you to @peyton-warren for the beta!
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist
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Moving out on your own isn’t exactly the easiest thing for you. You spent four years living in your college dormitory, but you always had at least one roommate. So, signing a lease and accepting the single set of keys was a huge accomplishment.
Your landlord, Mr. Levinson, is so great. He told you to call him Ari more than once. From the first tour of the apartment to the day of your move-in, he offers his help in many ways. Where the best farmer’s market is, how to reach him if you need any repairs, and even when the local bars close are just a few tidbits he leaves you with.
You get to know him a bit more during a block party one Saturday night. The two of you talk over cheap beer, tamales from Señora Cruz, smoked brisket from Mr. Lorenzo, and lasagna from Mrs. Di Paolo. Ari seems like he is lonely, and your kind heart can’t stand to see someone in need. 
Before you know what you are getting into, you agree to have a weekly tea date with him. It’s during one of those visits that you realize that something is a bit odd about Ari. He tries to cover up how he knows what cabinet you keep your tea in, but he makes up some dumb excuse that it would just be “the perfect spot”.
You excuse yourself to the bathroom as he busies himself with setting the tea, and when you come back, a steaming mug is waiting for you on a saucer on your coffee table. Usually, you make the tea, but Ari wanted to help out, and you had a long day at work, so you accepted.
“What is in this tea? It’s almost spicy,” you ask, taking another big gulp of the tea you don’t recognize.
“Is it spicy? Well, it does have ginger and cinnamon in it. Some chamomile, too. A little benzodiazepine in there,” Ari clambers on, trailing off at the end.
“D-did you say benzo…dia…zep,” you slur, reaching for Ari as you sit on the couch, but you end up passing out with your head in his lap.
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When you come to, you struggle to remember what happened. Your heavy head pounds as you turn it to the side before putting the heel of your hand to your still-closed eyes.
“Take it slow, Bunny. You must’ve been really tired,” he consoles, from the other side of your bed.
“Mr. Levin-”
“Uhn uh. Call me Ari; no more of that Mr. Levinson polite shit, ok?” he swears for the first time in your presence.
“Um, Ari… What are you doing in my bedroom?” you ask, your mind a blank slate from earlier.
“Oh, Bunny. You invited me over for tea, and then you weren’t feeling well, and you asked me to stay until you felt better. Next thing I know, I’m carrying you in here because you fell asleep on me with that sweet little face of yours right in my lap,” he comforts, the knuckles of his hand sliding down your face before he boops your nose.
“Why do you keep calling me Bunny?” you mewl, still trying to get in control of all your limbs.
“When you sleep, you furrow your eyebrows and scrunch up your nose like a little bunny. It’s one of the cutest things you do,” he admires, his hand now moving down your neck and through the valley of your breasts to get to where your skirt rides up your thigh.
“Mr.-Ari…I think I feel better now; you don’t have to-” 
Your words are cut off when Ari reaches under your skirt, and you specifically remember having on panties earlier today, but his fingers are touching your tender pussy directly. Did he take off your underwear?
“Fuck, you’re so wet. Must’ve been all that time I spent rubbing your cute little cunt through those white cotton panties. God, those little moans you were making went straight to my cock, Bunny. Feel it,” he dares, grabbing your hand and resting it against the thick outline of his dick through his Wranglers. 
While your hand is on his length, he shoves two of his fingers into your wet heat. At first, you are surprised by the shock of it. But soon, you can tell that he knows how to work your body. You scream out his name, but he doesn’t stop. Instead, he shoves one hand over your mouth and gets close to your ear.
“You’re not gonna ruin this for me. You have been parading yourself around here like you’re some holier-than-thou sweet little thing. And I knew you’d end up letting me smash at some point. But I didn’t wanna wait anymore, Bunny. You have had me wrapped around that little finger of yours since you moved in. It’s time that I get what’s owed to me-what you’ve been flaunting in front of me,” he sneers, pulling his fingers out of you and sucking them clean before opening his pants and pulling his dick out.
He lines up with your sodden core before thrusting in with no grace or elegance. Slamming himself inside your tight snatch for the first time feels like he is splitting you in two. You’re no virgin, but you also don’t have much casual sex, so Ari’s thickness was a shock, to say the least.
“Sweet Bunny, you’re so tight. What a good girl! You’ve been waiting for me like I’ve been waiting for you, huh? Fuck, you’re like a fucking vice. You hear that, Bunny? Hear how that cunt loves it when I fuck it? Love that loud, sloshy pussy,” he beams, his wide hips between your legs making your joints hurt.
You’re in stunned silence as Ari uses your body to chase his release. Your mind is bringing up all the times it seemed like he was getting a little too close for comfort. All the times when he would talk to you about his divorce, or his current dating trend, or the fact that he once told you that a pretty thing like you belonged locked up in a tower for a prince to come and free you.
Did he think he was a charming prince?
“Oh, Bunny, fuck, I’m not gonna last much longer. Look at me; wanna see your eyes when I cum inside you,” he blurts, holding your face in his hands as you look into his dilated, hungry eyes. “Take it. Just. Like. That.” The last few words are punctuated with thrusts as he paints your walls with thick, milky ropes.
Once he closes his eyes, his hips remain still, and his forehead meets yours. This would be almost romantic if Ari didn’t make it beyond creepy by whispering how perfect you are and peppering kisses all over your face. His softening cock finally slips free from you, and you are happy to be empty until you feel the flow of his semen leaking from you. He notices your discomfort and mocks your whines as he pushes his jizz back into your swollen hole.
“Don’t worry, Bunny,” he starts, moving off of you to recline next to you, “Not gonna leave this bed ‘til you’re knocked up. As soon as you are, I’m gonna move you in with me. You are gonna be well taken care of, too. You are so perfect-every little thing about you. And when the baby comes, we are gonna be the perfect little family. You wouldn’t wanna ruin our family, right? You’re gonna be a good girl for me, huh?” he implores, holding your cheeks in his hand so your lips poke out a bit.
You nod while tears stream from your eyes, finding it hard to form words. But what would you have said? He seems to like you mostly silent; you haven’t uttered a single word since before he was inside you. It wasn’t too late to try, but it was too late to have hope; at least that’s what you told yourself.
“I don’t know about you, but I am starting to get hard again just looking at you. On all fours for me, Bunny. I know you got it in you,” he orders, no kindness in his voice.
You quickly scramble to get on your hands and knees for him and are happy that he is pleased with your speed. As he slides into your sensitive folds again, you grimace but hold in your noises of pain. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction of making you hurt, even though what he is doing is traumatizing. He relishes in the gushy sounds your pairing makes and the mighty “oomph” you make when he wraps an arm around your neck and flattens you down to your belly.
He has you in a chokehold while his hips canter back and forth, plunging his length deeper and deeper inside you. When he hears you start to sputter and gulp in air, he removes his arm from around your neck and holds your face cheek-down on the bed.
“Look at her, taking my cock just like she should. You’ll be the prettiest little wife and mother, won’t you? Gonna keep you nice and round as much as I can. My perfect little Bunny…ugh, fuck,” he blurts, his release surprising him suddenly.
When he pulls out, he smacks your ass and lays down next to you while your life flashes before your eyes. He moves closer to you, readjusting your body to lay on top of his as he rubs your back. He kisses the top of your head in such a kind gesture that you feel your eyes stinging with unshed tears. 
You can’t even bring yourself to fully cry, the tears streaming down your face just to splash on Ari’s denim shirt. Forgotten and dried up to never be seen again.
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A/N: This was supposed to be a drabble!!!!
**Tag List**
I also didn't know who to tag since this is the first time I wrote Ari.
274 notes · View notes
impala-dreamer · 6 months
Who We're Pretending To Be
A Story from the YOU Universe
~Joe finds himself getting too close to one of his grad students and he fights the urge to fall completely.~
Joe Goldberg (Jonathan Moore) x F!Reader
5,019 Words
Warnings: NSFW.
A/N: If you've not seen the Netflix show YOU, this may not be your thing. Still a great story, but it helps to know the show. Also, if you've not seen the show, I suggest you get right on that because it is AMAZING.
Set between Seasons 3 & 4. Slight spoilers for s4, but not really. 
Impala-Dreamer’s Masterlist  ~  Patreon  ~ Published Works
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The classroom seems cold today, like there’s something missing. It’s distracting. I can’t quite put my finger on what’s off, but there’s a charge in the air like something’s about to happen; as if lightning could strike at any second.
I don’t mean proverbial lightning, as none of my students seem to have grasped any of the contextual undertones of the book we’re discussing, but actual, live lightning. If I opened the windows behind my desk just a crack, a bolt would sneak through and bury itself in the base of my skull. Maybe that’s what I need- a jolt of electricity, something to break me out of this fog that crept up around me and climbs forever higher threatening to suffocate me.
I think I’d take the lightning to the skull over suffocation, but we don’t always get what we want.
I’m perched on the edge of the desk when the door opens and Y/N comes rushing in.
Suddenly, all of my attention is on her.
She’s never late. Never rushing, always at least ten minutes early for every appointment, every class. She seems- off today, as well. Perhaps she can feel the imminent lightning strike as well. Wouldn’t that be funny? I find a kindred amongst these idiot grad students who can’t even seem to end this horrid debate.
“I am so sorry, Professor Moore.”
Y/N’s voice cracks a bit, which in itself isn’t very unusual. She’s one of the quieter students I’ve encountered, and the only American in my current circle of acquaintances. Her accent is faint, as if she’s attempting to hide it from her schoolmates. She’s been here a while, I can infer; sprinkling in local slang and adding letters to words where back home there would be none. She’s trying hard to fit in, but why? Why not be herself?
“I got held up by-”
I hold up my hand and smile softly. “It’s fine, Y/N. Please take a seat and try to catch up.”
For fuck’s sake, she’s only twenty minutes late, but it looks like every second has weighed her down like lead.
The others pick up their debate and I sit back a bit, cross my arms, pretend to listen. This teaching thing isn’t as hard as everyone makes it out to be. Occasionally, I toss out an idea and let them run with it. Sometimes, I pay attention, mostly I don’t. Mostly I’m thinking of You. Of how beautiful You looked at that art show, of how You gasped when you saw me like You couldn’t decide if You wanted to run to me or away.
From the corner of my eye, I see Y/N timidly raise her hand and You are temporarily pushed aside. She keeps her hand up but close to her chest, as if the very act of asking to speak is somehow terrifying.
How can someone so brave be so terrified to do something as common as speak in class? She’s clearly not a scared person by nature- she moved across an ocean to attend university when she could have gone for free back home to whatever state college she decided to attend. I’ve peeked at her transcripts- she’s smart. Not win a genius grant or a full ride smart, but smart. Why is she so nervous?
I smile and a bit of her nerves seem to quell. Her shoulders relax an inch and she smiles back.
“You know you don’t have to raise your hand, Y/N,” I tell her, laughing gently to put her at ease.
She dips her chin and then looks up with the most beautiful gaze I have ever seen. Her lashes flutter upwards in slow motion, the darkness of her pupils expand, pushing nearly every fleck of color away except the gemlike glow cast by the stained glass window over my head. She smiles and her lips shine like glass. Soft, pink, beautiful glass. I can’t look away and yet I absolutely have to. Thankfully, she speaks and I can act like I’m moving away to sit in my chair and not to get away from her.
“Sorry,” she says, sweet voice sweeping over the room. “I just didn’t want to jump in because I was late but-”
“But you have something to add,” I finish for her.
Her eyes float back to me and the atmosphere shifts. The foreboding of a lighting strike vanishes and the room seems to warm up. Quickly, I sit and scoot the chair close to the desk, set my elbows on the top, clasp my hands near my lips. I can’t stop staring at her.
She nods. “Yes. If that’s alright.”
There it is again, the tiniest speck of British on her tongue. How long has she been living here, and why? It can’t just be for school. She’s too interesting for that. She dresses to blend in; muted colors and clean jeans, her hair always swept back, face free of plastering makeup or too much color. There’s only ever that pink gloss and a gentle brush of mascara. It’s as if she doesn't know how beautiful she is, or perhaps, she doesn’t care.
Or was she one of those kids who never really got any attention until they blossomed but by then it was too late to fit into their personality?
She chews her lip nervously and shyly looks away from me.
No, she knows. She knows how beautiful she is, she just isn’t one to flaunt it; doesn’t need the attention. Or is that how she draws them in?
She’s already talking, but I can’t hear a thing she’s saying. I can hear her voice, that honey like glaze she adds to things when she’s speaking passionately, but the actual words, the meaning- I can’t follow a damned thing. I’m too busy trying to figure her out.
You flash through my mind for a moment; a sweet memory of a smile in the library when You didn’t think I was looking.
What is it about a smile that says so much without words? Does it show who we really are or who we��re pretending to be?
“I just think that love shouldn’t be so easily condemned.”
Y/N’s comment breaks through my thoughts of You and I clear my throat, straighten up in my chair, focus.
Across the room, Nadia rolls her eyes, clearly disagreeing with Y/N’s interpretation. “This isn’t love, it’s obsession. The two can’t and shouldn’t be intertwined.”
Y/N bites her bottom lip and shakes her head.
What does that lip gloss taste like? Berries, perhaps… No. Stop it. Focus.
“I disagree.” Y/N sits forward and tucks her hands below the table. “Love is obsession. Obsession is love. It’s not a tautology, no, but you can have one with the other. If you’re not even a little obsessed with the person you love, is it really love at all?”
My mind is zinging, my ears ringing. Does she truly believe that, or is it all for the sake of debating Nadia? They’ve been at war most of the semester, but this seems truthful, deep.
The bell rings before I can recenter and add anything. I give my head a little shake and stand up, the chair rolling back behind me.
“Class dismissed. Great job today. Lively, wonderful discourse.” I fake a smile at the rest and then settle on Y/N.
She’s taking her time, hanging back as she gathers her things. She stuffs a notebook into her bag and the pen she’s been using rolls away from her.
“Crap.” She lunges across the table for it, but it’s too close to the edge, too far from her reach.
I drop down at the last second and save it from a dusty fate of rolling across the floor. “Gotcha.”
She’s staring when I stand up. Our eyes meet and she doesn’t shy away, but looks even deeper somehow. A smile lifts her cheeks and my pulse quickens.
She holds out her hand and there’s a fleeting second when I want to trace my fingers across her palm, feel how soft and warm she is, but no. I toss her the pen and turn, trying to get her out of my head.
I have more important things to do than become a tired cliche. Some professor falling for a student. It’s an outrageous thought, and besides, I don’t need Y/N, I have You.
I hear the zipper close and a chair being pushed in. She’s leaving.
She lingers in the door and turns back to me with a sweet smile. “Have a good weekend, Professor.”
Her tone is so genuine, so kind that it nearly knocks me backwards. I can’t remember the last time anyone has truly wished me a good time. It’s such an overused pleasantry, so common and boring, but not when she says it. Not when she smiles at me like that, with her eyes still and focused on me.
The warmth spreading through me is real as well and I can’t seem to push it away. “Thank you,” I managed, barely able to stand let alone return the sentiment. “You too.”
The rest of the day goes by quickly but it feels like forever. Two more classes, two more groups of students droning on about what the author really meant, when none of them, not a single one seems to be able to read between the fucking lines. None of them can step back and see the whole picture, capture the meaning as a universe unto itself and not just a line in black and white on an otherwise blank page.
Y/N could read between the lines. Y/N would understand the sum of it all. She would get it.
Stop. Thinking. About. Her.
On my walk home, I think about You. Wondering what You’re up to, where You are tonight. The sun is setting, dragging the sky down into a deep pink and I wonder if You are seeing the same colors where You are. Someday, we’ll sit together on an island in the Pacific and see what that sunset looks like. Would You paint it for me, I wonder…
Y/N crosses my mind for a moment as I gaze at the light reflecting off a window as I pass. Would the sunset hit her shining lip gloss in the same way? Would the pink deepen with the sky? Would she smile if she caught me staring, back away if I leaned in to drag my thumb across her juicy, pink bottom lip?
Darkness has settled and I haven’t moved to turn on a lamp. I’m stuck, glued to my sofa, my hands nailed to my thighs. I keep my eyes open for fear of seeing her face, but bouncing around the room looking for a distraction is only giving me a headache. I need to get out. I need something to do. I need-
A knock at the door.
Who would be knocking at my door at nearly ten o’clock at night?
Curiosity pulls me off of the couch and I switch on the lights as I head to the door. The peephole is clouded as fuck, but I can see her outline. My stomach tightens, my shoulders tense.
What is she doing here?
Her hand raises to knock again, but I unlatch the door before her knuckles hand. I find her dangling in the air, her startled face the most appealing thing I’ve seen in ages. Her eyes go wide, her jaw drops just enough to give me a peek at her tongue. Quickly, she rights herself and shies her gaze away. She chews her lip and I notice the pink gloss is gone, replaced by a deeper red.
Everything about her is different tonight. Her hair is down and fresh, her eyes are lined in black and the color blended above brings out the prisms in her eyes. Her clothes are strange as well: a short skirt, tall boots, a blouse that’s too tight to hide anything. There’s a gold string around her throat, something old, a gift perhaps from a dead relative, or a chance find at an antique shop. She would like diving through boxes of discarded wares looking for treasures, wouldn’t she?
Or maybe I’m just distracted by her appearance. Maybe I should stop trying to pick her apart and send her far, far away.
I’m not that man anymore. I’ve changed. I’m good. I have to be good for You.
It’s been too long since either of us has said anything and the fact of it is hanging in the air between us like some kind of glowing, awkward sign.
Thankfully, she speaks.
“Um… Hi.”
It isn’t much, but it breaks the painful silence.
I smile, confused but curious. My ultimate downfall.
“Y/N. What are you doing here?”
I should say something about it being inappropriate, something about contacting me only during office hours, but she knows. That’s not why she’s here. I can see it in her eyes.
Her hands are tucked behind her back, I notice. She’s holding something, not just shoving her tits in my face, although, I can’t say that I mind. She sees that I’m looking and turns to the side a bit to hide it more.
She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, calming herself, steeling her nerves. Why is she so nervous? What secret is she hiding? What plan has been brewing all day in her head?
That’s it, isn’t it? She was late this morning, distracted and timid because she was planning to come here.
I should be flattered, but I’m too intrigued by her boldness as she slides past me into my flat.
“I know this is highly inappropriate,” she says, the confession like a song on her lips. “But… I… Well…”
Her nose scrunches up in the most adorable way while she searches for the right words. It’s endearing and makes me want to sit for hours and listen to her talk, discover exactly who she is and why.
I’m still standing in the open doorway, I realize, so I move aside and let it close. My back presses into the door and I hold my tongue, letting her get to the point.
She’s struggling, dancing around it in her head.
I want to crack open her skull and watch the thoughts spark through the gray matter like shooting stars.
“If you’re worried you’ll get in trouble,” I say, trying to get things moving, “you won’t. I’m just wondering why you’re here and how it is that you know where I live.”
She laughs and digs her tooth into the corner of her lip. “I’m not… stalking you or anything, if that’s what you’re thinking.”
I almost laugh. Almost.
“Nothing that nefarious,” she goes on. “But I did do something bad.”
The nerves seem to fall away from her the more she speaks and her demeanor changes. Her voice deepens ever so slightly and her hip pops to the side as she looks me over. Is she… flirting with me?
“I doubt you’ve done anything newsworthy, Miss Y/L/N…”
She takes a step forward and her lips pucker gently.
She is flirting with me.
“I hope not,” she says with a little laugh. “You see, I work part time in the admin office…”
I didn’t know that. I don’t know a lot about her. So many things to uncover, so many artifacts to dust off and examine.
“OK…” I push off from the door and take a step towards her. She counters, stepping backwards, guiding me to follow.
“And, well, I accidentally was looking at your files and-”
She presses her tongue between her front teeth and smiles, eyes falling across my face. “Accidentally on purpose,” she clarifies. “I was… curious.”
“About me?”
Another step closer but she doesn’t move this time, letting me close the space between us by a few forbidden inches.
She sighs sweetly. “A little, yes.”
I dip my chin and look up, lifting my brows in question. She pulls in a quick breath, clearly enjoying the look I’ve given her.
“OK, maybe a little more than a little.”
One more step and I’m closer than I’ve ever really been to her, except just now when she invited herself in. I take a breath and she smells warm like vanilla, sweet like honey. The fantasy of berries on her lips falls away and I suddenly want to bury my face in the crook of her neck and do nothing but breathe in her scent, feel it invade my senses, infect my bloodstream.
Her chest heaves with a heavy breath and her eyes grow a little darker. She wants me.
“Maybe a lot curious,” she whispers, lifting her chin and blinking slowly.
Is she daring me to kiss her? Can she feel the lightning between us? Dare I?
No. She’s a student. She’s off limits. She’s not… You.
She must notice my hesitation and steps back a pace. She clears her throat. “Anyway. I saw that it was your birthday today.”
It’s not my birthday. Not my real birthday, anyway, just the one on the fake passport with the fake name and real photo.
I smile because I have to. “It is.”
Whatever she’s hiding behind her back shifts between her hands. “And, well, it’s presumptuous of me but I’ve never heard you talk much about friends or family and… you don’t wear a… ring. I just… Well, I know how hard it is to be a world away from what you know, and this city isn’t exactly kind in general, so…”
She’s rambling and I don’t ever want her to stop. Her voice ebbs and flows over me like a sultry tsunami and I can feel my fingers twitch, my blood rush through my system faster and faster.
“I just don’t think anyone should be alone or forgotten on their birthday so-” Finally, she reveals the mystery behind her back and holds out a green glass bottle. “I took a chance that you were a scotch man. At first I thought wine, but I know nothing about wine, and the guy at the shop said this one was good, so… Happy birthday, Professor.”
She hands me the bottle and without thinking, I take it. It’s not expensive by any means, but it’s the gesture that counts. She doesn’t let go right away, holding it with me, as if she can communicate her desires through the blown glass.
“Thank you.” I smile, let my finger brush against hers. “This is… very thoughtful.”
She lets go but doesn’t move otherwise. Her eyes are locked on me, her stare so pure.
I have to get her out of here.
Y/N shrugs and smiles, so confident now, so sure. “It’s nothing, really. I don’t even know if it’s any good.”
Her meaning lingers and I nod, gesture to the sofa as I start to peel off the seal on the top of the bottle.
“Join me for a glass?”
She bites her lip again and I nearly lose it.
“Love to.”
The scotch isn’t terrible but it’s not great. More like something you’d grab if you were just looking to get drunk, not necessarily gift someone you’re trying to impress.
Is that what she’s doing here? Trying to get me drunk? Surely, she knows she’s impressed me long before today. The looks between us in class, the lectures directed almost entirely at her have not gone unnoticed, but this, this is different. This is dangerous. She is dangerous.
The sofa suddenly feels too small. We sit close, drinking and chatting about life in London. She tells me about her family back home and how she had to cross an ocean to escape a misspent youth and an abusive father figure. I lie my way through a few answers but mostly, I let her talk.
The more she drinks, the looser her tongue gets, the freer her gestures. More than once, her hand falls to my knee and even though I should, I don’t push her away. Even though I should stand up, take her glass, ask her to get the hell out of my house, I can’t. I can’t do anything but stare at her lips as she speaks, drown myself in the tone of her voice, memorize the shape of her ears, her nose, slope of her shoulder. I’m lost in time with her and even though I know the clock is careening past midnight, I don’t care. I don’t want her to leave. I don’t want her to move. I want to be frozen in this moment with her. I want to die in her arms but not before…
“Professor?” She laughs gently, loose and relaxed from the alcohol. She leans in, her shoulder pressing against mine. “Are you even listening to me?”
Honestly, I have no idea what she’s been saying, but I can’t let her know that. I shift a bit, turning towards her. There’s barely room left for the Holy Ghost, as they say, but I doubt he’d begrudge me a little closeness, especially on my- on Jonathan’s birthday.
“I’m listening,” I whisper, captivated by the way she’s glowing. “I’m always listening to you.”
She squirms a bit and smiles behind her glass, takes another sip, downing the rest. There’s a drop of amber gold on her lip and it takes every ounce of restraint in me not to sweep it away with my tongue.
She pats the back of her hand against it and the moment is gone.
“Ya know, you’re one of the best teachers I’ve ever had. And I’m not just sayin’ that. You really are. I get you. I see you, Jonathan Moore. I see inside you.”
She slurs a bit, but not enough for it to be considered a crime if I touch her. That’s all I want to do, just a simple touch. Just to feel how soft she is beneath my fingers, how smooth the curve of her cheek.
Ripping myself away from the impulse, I take the glass from her hand and set hers next to mine on the coffee table. “I think you’ve had enough, Miss. Y/L/N.”
Her hand lands on my chest, right in the very center of me. Can she feel my heartbeat? Does she know how much I want her?
“You can call me by my name, ya know,” she says, dropping her chin and smiling. She’s so close that it would take but a tiny nudge to taste her. “Everyone just calls me Y/N/N.”
This is insane. She needs to leave. I need to slam the door behind her and never open it again.
Her name falls from my tongue like an incantation and her eyes go hazy. She leans closer, her breath fanning over my lips.
“Say it again,” she asks, nearly begging, “please…”
Fuck, this isn’t good. I can’t do this. I shouldn’t do this. I need to- Fuck, what does it all matter? She’s beautiful and interesting and smart and sitting next to me barely dressed and all she wants is me to whisper her name. What’s the harm?
The spell falls over her and I know it’s too late to back away. Her eyes fall closed and she leans in, pressing her crimson painted lips to mine. She exhales, pushes herself into the kiss, lets out a tiny moan.
She feels so good and it’s all I can think about. She pulls back and I lean in, needing more. My arms wrap around her, stealing her away. She melts against me, opens her lips to my tongue. The vanilla on her skin mixes with the scotch on her tongue and I’m blown away.
If feels wrong, so fucking wrong, but I can’t stop tasting her, can’t stop breathing into her with every ounce of air in my body.
I let her go for a second, thinking she’s changed her mind, but no, she’s even more ready than I am.
She stands up, fits her knees in between mine and slowly unbuttons her blouse.
My eyes are huge, I know it. I must look like an idiot but I can’t help it. She’s here, beautiful and curvaceous, teasing me, undressing for me. It’s all for me. She’s here for me.
The blouse floats to the floor and she looks down at me, a hint of previous nerves returning. Her bra is pale pink and covered in lace. Something so pure and innocent covering up something I would kill for.
I would, I realize. I would kill for her.
She wiggles out of her skirt and her hips are distracting. I want to touch, to feel my bones crushing into hers, to sink myself deep inside just to see what it’s like, to know her, to feel all of her.
“You like?” she asks, innocence ringing in her soft voice.
What happened in her past that would make her ask such a thing? Who hurt her so badly, who crushed her self esteem to the point that she wouldn’t be able to tell if I was enjoying her delicious display?
“Of course. You’re… absolutely stunning.”
I can’t say more or I’ll break. I reach for her and she slides into my lap, locking her thighs around mine. She presses down on me and my cock responds, all blood and logic rushing down to push back at her ass.
She wraps her hands around my neck and bends to kiss me. Her fingers tangle in my hair, she curls them, tugs gently, testing, enjoying. Her kisses deepen and her hips roll. I’m about to lose my mind.
“I’ve wanted to do this since the first day of class,” she moans, scraping her nails across my scalp.
The sensation is intoxicating and my eyes roll back a bit as she tugs hard. Her right hand is locked in my hair and her left is dragging down my chest. I should stop her. I should stand up. I should…
Her hand sneaks into my slacks and she scoots back onto my knees for better access. I can’t even think straight as she rubs at my cock. Her hand is soft, warm, firm. I know I’m moaning, but I can’t help it. I might just die here beneath her.
Her tongue glides across my lips. “So hard to sit in class and not dream about fucking you…”
Something snaps inside of me and I let go. I grab at her tits, peel the delicate lace down and pinch her nipples hard until she’s crying out and arching against me.
“I can’t even read anymore,” she admits, nearly breathless as my lips seal around her left nipple. “Every page makes me think of you. I can hear every word in your voice. I- oh God-”
I bite down just enough to stop her train of thought and I look up to see a blank, beautiful stare.
“I want you,” she whispers, lips never quite closing after.
Fuck. This is what I was trying to avoid. This feeling, this hunger inside of me. This need to fall into someone else, this treacherous lust that forces me to act.
Her hand falls to the nape of my neck and it’s so delicate, so tender that I break.
Wrapping my arms around her, I stand and twist, flipping her over onto her back. She gasps and reaches for me, kissing through the shock while I tug the slacks from my hips. She yanks at my shirt, fumbling with the tiny plastic buttons, licking at every new inch of exposed flesh.
“Want you inside me so bad,” she sings, nearly praying as if I’m some ancient god on high that can make all her dreams come true.
I don’t know about all of them, but this prayer, I can answer.
I tear the lace from her hips and fall down over her, crushing her into the old sofa. Her breath stops for a blessed second and I swear I can hear her heart racing through the silence. She runs her hands across my shoulders and down, curling them around my hips while spreading her legs wider.
“Please… Please… Please…”
Her whine is pathetic but I can’t get enough. If I had it in me to drag this out, to tease her for hours, I would, but the scotch has clouded my head and the sight of her strung out and desperate makes it impossible to wait.
She inhales hard when I sink into her. I can feel myself falling but I press my hands beside her head and hold on as best I can.
She feels like heaven.
Or the closest thing to heaven I’ll ever know.
Wet and warm and tight, I can feel her throbbing around me. Every thrust is like magic, making her shiver and squirm and tighten up even more. She clings to me, nails digging into my arms, mouth searching and thirsty for more.
I almost go insane. It’s not even my name, but it feels so right on her lips that I wish it was.
I feel her orgasm; her body clenching down on me and pulling me in deeper. It’s so hard not to scream her name at the top of my lungs. Nearly impossible not to stay here forever.
I fall down, shove my face into the crook of her neck and thrust a few more times. I know it’s over too soon, but she doesn’t seem to mind.
She rakes her hand through my hair, gently this time, and finds my lips, kissing me sweetly.
“Hi,” she laughs when our eyes finally focus and find each other through the afterglow.
God, she’s beautiful. So giving, so loving, so perfect in a million different ways that it’s actually breaking my heart.
I smile and peck her lips as I go soft inside of her.
“Hello, You.”
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2024 Forever Tags (Always Open! Send an Ask!)
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steviewashere · 7 months
Perfect Timing
Rating: General CW: References to Sex Tags: Established Relationship, Eddie Munson is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington is a Sweetheart, Steve Harrington Loves Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson Loves Steve Harrington, Marriage Proposals, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Future Fic, Dialogue Heavy
For the @steddielovemonth prompt: "Love is having hope for the future together."
Steve was sitting at the dining table, hands spread out on the surface, staring down at a piece of mail when he heard Eddie clamber through the front door. Based on the string of things being dropped and Eddie not reacting negatively, just sighing a little bit and picking things up, must mean he was having a good day.
It’s funny, Steve thinks, that he knows the way in which Eddie’s emotions express when he comes through the front door of their shared space. They began renting an apartment in Chicago just a year or so after getting together. Tail end of 1986 meant sharing a bed and house by August of 1987. And it’s theirs. Filled with miscellaneous clutter—a bookshelf brimmed with books, coffee table layered with Sports Illustrated and Heavy Metal magazines, dice and keys and Topps baseball cards, and picture frames they dust and drawings from Eddie’s sketchbooks and ‘failed’ art projects of Steve’s that Eddie thought were masterpieces. Point is, they’ve made it their home. And they started their lives with a breath of fresh air.
And now it’s 1995, depending on one another’s reactions, this all may just crumble at their feet.
See, Eddie was out playing a demo tape for a small record company based here in Chicago. A little indie place that’s been looking to expand their music catalogue from contemporary to a broader lick of alternative genres. Which, it turns out, includes thrash and heavy metal. Which, Steve adores, Eddie is amazing at performing.
But, Steve? He’s been anxiously waiting all day for the mail to arrive. Biting down on his fingernails, chewing them up so much they bleed and he has to run his fingertips under lukewarm water. Pacing the carpet of the living room. Pushing down and peering through the eggshell blinds. Biting his fingernails, again. And then it came and now he’s at their dining table and now he’s waiting for Eddie to careen around the corner and kiss his hair and ask in his greeting Steve voice, “What’s this, baby?”
“What’s this, baby?” Steve hears from above him. He jumps a little bit. Maybe he should have put on music or something, try to get himself to stay grounded in the present. “Stevie?” Eddie calls.
“Oh, uh,” Steve stutters. “It’s a letter I got in the mail, but I—I wanna hear about your demo tape.” Eddie gives him a sidelong glance. A little furrow to his eyebrows, a frown. “The letter isn’t anything bad, I read it already. But I don’t know how you’ll feel about it.”
Eddie hums, nodding in slow understanding. He slides into the dining seat across from Steve. Mirroring his position. Then, he realizes, based on whatever face Steve makes, that it’s only anxiety inducing. He sets his chin in his right palm, stretching the other onto the table for Steve to take. Waiting patiently. And says, when Steve actually grabs back, “It went really well, sweetheart. They offered me a contract.”
“That’s great news, Eds! What did—Did you sign it? Please tell me you signed it.”
Then, Eddie sighs. And Steve shrinks a little. “I did,” he tells slowly, as if testing the words for the first time. “I signed it. They’re keeping me based here. I’ll start recording next Saturday.” He squeezes at Steve’s hand.
“What’s the long face for, then?”
“I’m not making a face,” Eddie feebly argues.
“You are!” And Steve mocks him. Frowning, eyes distant to the surface of the table, bunching his eyebrows impossibly farther down his face. His shoulders slump. “That’s what you did! What happened? Were they pieces of shit to you or something? Did they like—Are they underselling your music prowess or something? Do I need to kick their—“
Eddie chuckles. His laughter like honey. “Babe, breathe for me,” he whispers. “My only issue is that—“ But he cuts himself off there. He leans in across the table. Eyes down at the letter in front of Steve. “That’s a letter from the community college, isn’t it?”
Steve pulls his hands back, laying them palm down on the paper. He swallows thickly. “It is. Why?”
“Did you get in?”
“I’m not telling you until you tell me what’s wrong.”
“You telling me determines whether or not I have a genuine problem. So…Did you get into the college that you’ve been looking at forlorn every time we drive by it? Or did you not and I need to go kick some old people ass?” His eyes are large in earnest. Grinning like the Cheshire Cat. His hair curtaining his face, making his facial features impossibly darker, shadowed by something tricky.
Steve chews on his lip. “I got in,” he mutters. “I got into their English literature program. And once I’m done with that, I transfer. And once I transfer, I start classes at a four year. I’ll be studying English literature and secondary education,” he rambles. His fingers tap over the letter. “Is that…Does that ruin your whole music dream? I don’t want to be the reason that you chase something else.”
For a moment, the room goes scary still and silent. Eddie’s facial features soften. And Steve’s heart rabbits against his ribcage. Hard enough that he slides a palm over his t-shirt, massaging at the rapid beating, hoping that he doesn’t have a heart attack on the third floor of their complex. That would suck, he thinks bitterly. And my future would be done for.
He sits back in his chair. Anxiety thrumming under his skin when Eddie still doesn’t say anything. Just keeps looking at him like he’s…Like he’s planning an entire five lifetimes with Steve. Like he’s about to sweep Steve off his feet, chuck him over the side of their mattress, give him hickeys until he’s a mottled lovesick mess, and then get down on one knee and surrender his heart to Steve’s hands. Like he’s gonna propose something wonderful like marriage. And, maybe, Steve lets himself believe something crazy like that.
“Remember when I told you that I consider marriage as a possibility?” Eddie asks abruptly.
And, goddamnit, if Eddie does something crazy and stupid like propose right now, Steve may just throw up out of excitement. How embarrassing, he thinks. And he chuckles despite that.
“I do,” he finds himself whispering. “What does this—“
“And I considered it with you. And I held you close and you cried against my lips and we made love like we were the only people in the universe? Remember all the times that you’d lay on top of me out of contentment? All the times I’d hold you close to my chest? All the times you kissed over my heart, like it was the only thing keeping us tethered to the moment?”
Nervously, Steve laughs. “Yes, Eddie. Yes, I remember all that. What is your point with—“
“Fucking margarita nights. You’re a sweet drunk, d’you know that? Like almost unbearably sweet.” Eddie scoots his chair around the table. Setting it next to Steve, on his left. And his hands come into Steve’s field of view. Gathering Steve’s palms in his, squeezing and caressing the skin. “All the times in which we thought that this apartment was all that we had.” He shakes his head, smirking, snickering like this intense reaction he’s having is something funny to Steve.
Fact of the matter, Steve is scared shitless right now. What if this is his way of breaking up, he can’t help himself from wondering. Cruel. He swallows against the lump in his throat. Words escaping him.
“I want to marry you so bad,” Eddie swears. “Wanna do the whole ceremony. And the paper signing. And the honeymoon, but in some little cabin on a mountain. Where we load the fireplace with wood and we huddle in for warmth and we sip at rich cups of Uncle Wayne’s hot chocolate. And then, in a few years time, when we’ve financially recovered from the wedding, we’ll buy a house.
“We’ll buy a house and paint it yellow,” he promises. Steve begins to cry, something silent, but can’t pinch his nose to stop himself. “It’ll be yellow because that’s your favorite color. With white shutters. And a big backyard for a dog or two. Wrap around porch so that we can sit and watch the sunrises and sunsets.” He takes a deep breath that sounds a little nasally. “I’ll make you breakfast every morning,” he continues, “serve you a fresh bowl of strawberries, ones that you grow under the big front window of our house. I’ll kiss you all over the face, like I do now, and you’ll grumble that it’s too early and then you’ll smell the bacon and you’ll give me your stupid sleepy smile that makes my heart do funny little flips and you’ll kiss me on the mouth and it’ll be disgusting because you haven’t brushed your teeth.
“And I’ll be a very happy man.” Eddie’s breath trembles in his chest. He swallows hard. Steve wonders if he can hear his own shaky breath. Or if he’s too involved in whatever this is. “I’ll be so happy,” he whispers, “And I’ll find myself thinking, how did I ever get so lucky? But it isn’t luck. And it isn’t fate. It was trauma that forced us together and I’ll laugh about it. But then I’ll sigh because who the fuck cares how we started all of this?
“You’ll be a funky middle school English teacher. With your nicely done hair and a sweater vest and some khakis. I’ll be a musician, hopefully. But, every day you’ll have a small lunch; an orange that I made you peel but I removed the pulp from, a tuna salad sandwich because you’re my fish loving dork, and a bottle of water. I’ll leave you a note everyday telling you how proud I am because I’ve never stopped being proud of you.
“I’m proud of you, Steve, d’you know that? So much.” He laughs wetly. His eyes staring down at their interlocked hands. “All this to say that I’m proud of you. That I’m happy. We’ve got a future, sweetheart. And I want to be your husband. Will you—“ He swallows once more, thick and heavy and almost painful looking. Can love hurt when it’s this sweet?
Eddie finally looks up. His eyes glistening and his cheeks wet and his skin tinted pink. His eyelashes stuck together. Nose dripping only slightly. He’s a messy crier, but Steve doesn’t fare any better. “Will you marry me, Steve? Stay by my side and we’ll accomplish our dreams together?” His voice is soft. Enamored.
Unbelievable, Steve swallows back. Because how did he get somebody like Eddie in his life? How did he manage to find love and have it promised back at him?
“Yes, Eddie,” he gasps out. “God, holy shit.” He drops his hands from Eddie’s hold, instead wrapping them around his torso. Muffled into Eddie’s shoulder, “All this just because I’m finally figuring my shit out? God.”
Eddie cackles, burying his own face in Steve’s hair. They sway a little. “I just—“ Eddie begins whispering. “I don’t know. I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while. Every time seemed right, but this one? Baby, this one was perfect.”
Steve sighs into the embrace. Content to not say anything else. Except, “I’m proud of you, too, honey. I love you so much and I’m so proud of you.”
“I love you too, love bug. God, Steve, I love you, too.”
For the first time since 1983, Steve allows himself to truly settle in for a future. A future, he knows, he’ll be especially proud of.
💕—————💕 Fun fact, I accidentally deleted this whole ficlet when I was copying and pasting. Hit the spacebar and watched it disappear in front of my eyes. But I figured out how to get it back, not before almost throwing up on myself out of anger. Love y'all <3
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muchmossymess · 26 days
uh oh guys, hot take alert:
i think revali may have invented hand held aerial archery HEAR ME OUT- (this is a long one boys)
okay. evidence one: why the fuck would a rito shoot like that. like, it makes nearly zero sense, it would be such a hindrance to their flight and their main stake is that they can be higher than you can shoot whilst still pinging you... which revali has overcome with his gale
evidence two: tulin and the concept arts. obviously rito style archery would be held in their talons. before totk came out idk if anyone had really thought about it too much, but the developers had, as you can see in concept art (from the creating a champion book). and like, its logical, powerful, and allows for peak maneuverability. also, when in flight revali (and teba) holds his bow in his talons before switching to his wings. surely its easier to keep it in your wing (obvi ignoring the effects to flight but hes doing that anyway firing the damn thing) rather than switch back and forth- unless you were taught that way, because why would you hold it elsewhere, you need it in your talons to shoot.
evidence three: we dont see any other rito do it (...kind of). throughout botw and totk, we never see another rito flying with a bow in their hands. in totk, its mostly tulin, who holds it in his talons, but in botw the big one is teba. during the medoh quest, he actually gives *link* his bow, and therefore does no shooting in the sky. teba and harth had both tried to take on medoh before, but we never see this, and while they holds their bows in their hands *on the ground,* we dont see it.
...except for aoc (uh, spoilers?). there are two times we see a rito other than revali hold their bow in their hand for aerial archery. but it is not with any rito soldiers, either during cutscenes (the bows are only on their backs) or gameplay (they swoop down, and then hand hold bows on ground. they arent seen flying at all but thats prolly for the same reasons as botw: its very hard to code that (and so they write the lore around that fact)). the first time we actually see another rito do this, we dont see it. Its teba, as he comes thru the portal, but all we see is the arrow shot, and then him freeze frame with the bow in one wing. we dont see the bow in his hand for the rest of the fight. the second time we actually see him fighting like this, it *is* in the air, but its noticeably different to revali.
hes a lot slower, it clearly takes a LOT more effort to shoot the bow, and he only pulls off one arrow at a time. its canon that revalis bow is heavier/harder to draw, and he manages to effortlessly stream arrows whilst fucking floating midair. i think teba, forever a revali fanboy, heard of how the champion mastered his own style of archery and sought to teach himself, but lacked one key thing: revalis mastery of wind.
evidence three point five: revali could easily use his powers to hold him in the air longer/slow his descent long enough for him to fire his shots. it makes sense, really. if he can use his gale to propel him, he can sit on the updraft for a hot sec, or even curve the path to carry him along while he lines up the shot. this would mean he wouldnt need to flap as much as other rito, who would obviously need to keep flying
evidence four: revalis fighting style and his needs. revali works with non rito, obviously. he needs to be able to communicate with them on the battlefield, and they wont understand the muffled chirps if he holds his string in his beak, so he needs his mouth free to speak hylian. also, revalis main tactic is fly up with gale, shoot, fall, either shoot more or use velocity and weight to knock around opponents, and then fly back up. he often needs both feet planted firmly on the ground to get a good hold of his gale, something that is harder to do if you have a bow in the way.
also, take for example the kick he delivers link in their fight (aoc). that would possibly damage the bow, or give the opponent a chance to grab his weapon, if he held it in his talons. and to switch from feet to back is a risky maneuver during freefall, and could lose precious seconds, and then when you get back in the air you need to get it off your back again. its much easier to keep the bow loosely in your wing the whole time, meaning your free to attack melee, land and rise all while not wasting a single moment getting your next shot lined up.
so yeah, i think the rito used the talon grip for aerial archery, and would often use the hand held method on the ground for a variety of reasons (more powerful shots?, easier in some situations like hunting), but revali was perhaps the first to use hand held aerial, another reason he was one of the greatest archers ever.
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thebestofoneshots · 11 months
Gilded Constellations | wolfstar x reader
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Series Masterlist | Previous episode
Pairing: Wolfstar x Reader Word Count: 11 K Warnings: None Prompt: Halloween has arrived, you see the boys in their costumes for the first time and they see you in yours. Things are perfect, just don't let your thoughts get to you before the euphoria does. This IS a wolfstar x reader fic, but it's incredibly slow burn. They won't start all dating each other until we're very deep into the story, but I promise the long wait will be worth it. This chapter may be read as a stand-alone / oneshot too.
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Chapter 17: Tonight's What It Means To Be Young
When you entered your room, the only person there was Lily, you smiled when you saw her, she already had her stunning green dress on, and she did look like a total princess. 
“You’re stunning,” you said honestly. 
She turned to you with a little frown, “Not sure what to do with my hair.” 
You smiled, “Come sit,” you told her, motioning to a chair, in front of your desk, you pulled a soft brush and started to lightly brush on her soft auburn hair. “Do you mind if I use one of the potions we made?” 
“Not at all, do whatever you want, I trust it’ll look pretty.” 
You smiled, and walked inside the bathroom, taking some of the enchanting hair serum, and letting a few drops fall over the brush, before going back and brushing her hair with it. It instantly looked a lot more vibrant and hydrated. After that you started pulling sections from the front, and making soft twists. You were far from an expert hair stylist, but this one, in particular, was simple enough for you, and it would look perfect with the mediaeval vibe of Lily’s dress. Once that was ready, you took some of the perfect curls potion and added it to her hair, but you defused it with the serum so that the curls were just soft waves. Once she was ready you handed her a mirror, and she smiled. 
“You like it?” 
“It’s perfect!” She added, standing up from the chair and turning to you with a hug. “But what about you? When are you getting ready?” 
“Now, actually,” you said, rushing towards your wardrobe and grabbing the iridescent bustier you’d gotten for your costume. Lily leaned over next to you and looked at it, she hadn’t seen it up close, the pearls and chains that dripped from the side made it an absolute treat to observe, it was pretty much a piece of art. It was actually a family heirloom from your grandmother. 
“It’s stunning,” she said as she looked at it, almost completely mesmerised. That was, in fact, one of the charms the item had, fairies enjoyed dragging mortals into their parties, having fun with them, and sometimes, at expense of them. Some fairies could be really wicked creatures, which is why wizards tended to stay away from them. Therefore, and to drag them in, they invented all sorts of magical items. If mermaids had their chants, fairies had their charms. Some as dangerous as being able to force people to do things with the mere command of their voices, known as glamours. Your mom still had the ability to do that. You didn’t, except sometimes you could be a little too convincing. It was the little bit of fairy bIood still cursing through your veins. You would have to tone down the charms of the bustier if you didn’t want everyone to react like Lily. 
“It is,” you agreed, closing the box again. Lily blinked a couple of times before turning towards you, “Why don’t you walk downstairs and help Tom with the reception while I finish up getting ready?” 
“Don’t you want me to help you?” She asked, looking like she wanted to open the box again.
You shook your head “It’s fine Lils, I can do this,” you reassured her. She nodded and waved at you as she approached the door. When she left the room, you used a simple spell to block the magic emanating from the bustier and walked inside the bathroom, finally taking the glow potion you had prepared earlier that week. In a matter of seconds, a soft glow started emanating from you. You giggled at your reflection, it made you look like Tinkerbell. You then grabbed some of the perfect curls potion and applied it over your hair along with the serum. You pulled your hair back a little and added some flowers you’d gathered from the greenhouses earlier that day. Letting some curls fall to the side of your face, on an organic but put-together look. 
When you walked outside of the bathroom, Mary and Marlene were there already. Marlene had her Cher wig on and Mary had charmed her nose to look like a kitten’s, she had also added curl potions to her curls and was scrunching them around her face to look like a mane. Both girls turned to you when they heard the door “You’re glowing!” Mary said. 
“The potion worked!” Added Marlene excitedly, she was now putting on her loose shirt. 
“Yes it did,” you said with a smile, twirling around a little, “love what you did with the whiskers.” You told Mary, she then stood up, and you realised there was a tail wiggling behind her, you gasped, “That looks incredible!” 
“It does, doesn’t it?” She said as she wiggled the tail a bit higher, playfully brushing it over your arm as you approached. 
“All right, I’m ready.” Marlene said, as she finished applying her eyeliner, “Holden should be already waiting for me.” 
“Me too, I’ll come down with you, unless you need help with anything luv?” She said, turning to you attentively. 
“I’m good girls, I won’t take long anyway,” you said and waved them goodbye. As they left you walked towards your trunk and picked out the short skirt you’d be wearing along the top. It was a very flowy thing composed of a few layers of gathered fabric. Some longer than others. You put it on, and then pulled the cover of the box again, carefully grabbing the bustier and placing it over your chest. The sides of the piece extended, adjusting to your body, while the chains and pearls wrapped all over your back. It was almost like a fairy transformation scene, as the pearls and pieces continued to wrap around your body. 
Once that was ready, you pulled a pair of flats, of the same iridescent tone as the rest of the outfit, and put them on. Small vines grew from the side, wrapping themselves all over your calves. You grabbed your wand and performed a short spell on yourself, your ears turning slightly pointier, like your mom’s. 
Finally, you turned to look at yourself in the mirror, and you gasped, you looked every bit a fairy. You started doubting if it really was a good idea to dress as a fairy, when you were actually part one when you heard a knock on the door. 
You walked towards it and opened it, finding Remus standing on the other side, your words nearly escaped you; if you thought he’d look handsome in the sexy pirate costume, you had vastly underestimated how captivating your friend was. He wore this white flowing shirt, paired with a snug burgundy vest. A vest that, incidentally, Sirius had borrowed. He had a pair of pants, subtly tighter than his usual go-to, and thick leather boots. All of that along with a belt, slightly tanned skin, and trinkets dangling loosely from his hips —including a holster with its accompanying gun— it all suited him like a dream. He had a few rings all over his fingers, some with burgundy gems that combined with his vest ––they had also been borrowed by Sirius, you could easily identify one or two–– and they made his long fingers look daring and mischievous. As you stared back at his face, you noticed a single earring adorning his left ear, a small icy blue gemstone droplet (like Sirius’ eyes), making him look even more like a pirate, like he’d just stepped out of a romance novel, or perhaps even a romance novel wouldn’t do him justice. 
And Remus, from the other side of the door, was just as stunned as you were, first because of the glow emanating from your body, which had him squint just a little when he saw you; but then, when he looked at you, he realised how alluring you looked. It was not a particularly sexy Halloween costume like Sirius had proposed, but it was definitely something; enticing, borderline bewitching, and Remus knew about bewitching. So much so, he’d been bewitched with amorentia once. This felt like that, a sudden urge to hide you from all the eyes at the party overcame him, he somehow thought he wanted you all to himself. No, not just himself, Sirius had to see you. He had to see just how beautiful his girlfriend was. He cleared his throat, trying to snap himself from the trance, and pulling you from yours in the process “Eh… Tom was, Tom was looking for you downstairs.” 
“Remus!” You said excitedly, finally getting yourself together, “You look fantastic! You really are getting all the bitches tonight, aren’t you?” 
Remus blushed, from how honest and unabashed your compliment had been “Thank you, you look dazzling yourself. Sirius will go crazy for you, I’m sure.”
“He should already be,” you said playfully and walked towards him, now analysing his outfit “You’re missing something.” 
“He is, trust me… What are you looking for?” He added as he saw you look around your trunk. 
“This!” You said, pulling out a necklace. It was a simple pendant of a mermaid, thick but dainty, when you had it you walked over to him, he pulled back just a little. And you realised what happened, he may have thought it was silver. “My mom gave it to me a couple of birthdays ago, she said it was made of some special sea metal, that would warn against evil spirits, goes with the vibe, don’t you think?” you added casually, he relaxed visibly and allowed you to get close enough to place it around his neck. You had to stand on your toes to reach him better, but you were done rather quickly. You pulled back and looked at him again. “We should unbutton your shirt a little more, I think…” You said approaching him again, but stopped yourself before laying a hand on him “Do you mind?”
“No, it’s fine.” He responded with a small shrug, already missing how close you’d been to him earlier, and cursing himself for it. My friend’s girlfriend, My crush’s girlfriend, damn it! 
You grabbed the box plate of the shirt then, and started to unbutton it, being as careful and gentle as you could. After the second button you spread the shirt open just a little, moving your hands upward to adjust the collar, raising it up slightly, for dramatic effect.  When your hands brushed against his neck, he looked to the side and gulped, his heart was drumming against his ears and he wondered if you could hear it too. Eventually, you pulled back and smiled to yourself “There you go Rem, you look perfect.” 
“Thank you,” he said, and motioned to walk to the door, but you stopped him, “No wait! Erm… would you mind helping me with this?” You asked, grabbing a shiny golden oval and showing it to him “I was gonna use the mirror to do it, but you’re much better with transfigurations than me, I’m sure it’ll be a piece of cake. That way we can just come down together.” 
“What’s this?” He asked with a frown, taking the small item in between his hands. 
“My wings,” you responded, “just put it in the middle of my back,” you said, turning your back to him, “and do this spell.” You handed him a small piece of paper. 
He cleared his throat again “You want me to place it?” He asked, looking at your exposed back. 
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead,” you nodded eagerly, oblivious to the way Remus was blushing from behind, but he complied, gently placing the little golden box, avoiding your skin as he did, a real gentleman, you thought. 
“It’s– It’s not sticking.” 
“Just press a little harder, it’ll stick.” He did, this time around he used his fists as leverage, you could feel his cold rings digging onto your skin a little, and he pressed again, with his thumbs this time, the box finally stuck. He then chanted the spell along with a little wave of his wand. The little metal box seemed to fade into your skin, and shortly after, a pair of wings started unfolding from the exact same place it’d been. Thin, translucent but shiny wings, came out. You adjusted your back, Remus couldn’t help but notice the way your shoulder plates moved, soft skin moving along with your muscles, he wondered what his hand would feel like pressed against it. Suddenly the wings started to bat, softly. You turned to him with a smile, the merriment in your face making you look impossibly divine,  “They look incredible,” You said, the wings fluttering excitedly behind you. 
“They do indeed, Breagha Nicnevin,” he said the last bit in a soft breath, almost unwittingly.
“What’s that?” You asked curiously. 
“Nicnevin? It’s a Queen Fairy or Queen Witch from Scottish Folklore, my mom used to tell me the story when I was little. It’s a muggle tale, but it’s based on some truth, according to Bins.” 
You listen to his explanation attentively “And the– the other word… Breha?” 
He smiled, at the way you butchered Gaelic, but you weren’t far from the real word he’d said, and he wasn’t sure he’d want you to know the meaning either, so he changed it “Beag, stands for little. My mom used to call me Beag Boy too.” 
“Little witch? You called me Little Witch!” 
“Or fairy, yeah.” 
“But I’m not little!” You argued. 
He looked at you and tilted his head just a little, Remus was at least a head and a bit taller than you, and he used his hand to measure your height, it falling just below his collarbones “You sure?” 
“Reeemus!” You whined playfully. 
He just shrugged, an even more playful smile on his lips, “I’m just stating the facts.” 
“Ugh, for a sexy pirate, you surely are exasperating.” 
“’M taking that as a compliment,” he said, still smiling. 
After the laughter between the two died, a moment of comfortable silence fell, you felt your wings flutter and you turned to look at them from behind, turning back to Remus with an earnest smile   “Thank you!” You said, “I couldn’t have done it better.” 
“I’m sure you could’ve.” He replied confidently, “But you’re welcome.” 
Finally, you motioned at the door, “Shall we?”  
Remus nodded and the two of you walked outside, you were still talking to each other when you started walking down the stairs. Sirius saw the two of you first, and he wasn’t sure where to look, he didn’t know Remus could look so handsome, the combination of the daring outfit and the tanner skin, made him look like a true pirate, but the kind of pirate that you would let kidnap you away on his boat. In fact, he was so enthralled by the way his friend looked that it took him a minute to distinguish the shiny figure beside him, oh, but when he did; Sirius Black was a goner. He just couldn’t stop looking at you, except for the moments in which Remus did something and he got completely lost on him. And then back at you, at the way your curls gently bounced with every step down you took, at the way, you laughed while talking to his friend, at your long legs, and the way pieces of shiny skin would appear when the folds of the skirt moved to the side, at the pearls and chains adorning the smooth skin of your arms, and he hadn’t even seen your exposed back, but he was already growing mad. 
Remus was the first to notice Sirius’ staring, but he was too late, he didn’t notice the way he had looked at him, only how he had completely surrendered himself to you. And he couldn’t help but feel a mix of emotions, there was the pride, that his friend had finally found the one, that he knew Sirius would go crazy when he spotted you, and he had been right. But also a pang of sadness, one that he understood but felt even worse for having, he hated seeing Sirius looking at you like that, simply because his gaze was completely lost on you, and not on him. And he couldn’t even blame Sirius for it, you were definitely an absolute sight to behold. He noticed when he turned to you again, you still had a beaming smile on your face as you looked at him ––just as dashing and alluring as you had been in your room–– at least you were looking at him. Until you weren’t anymore. 
Just as you finished telling the words of a joke, you turned your head to the front, to look at a funny step that was always tripping people, when you noticed Sirius hollymotherofmerlin Black. He was wearing a pristine white 3-piece suit, a tie ––the colour of bIood–– with a small trident pin just below the knot. The first hint of who he was dressed as tonight. On the pocket of the jacket that draped seamlessly over his broad shoulders ––giving a glimpse of the confident stance beneath–– there was a matching burgundy handkerchief. On the bottom, he wore a pair of tailored trousers, tapering down to polished white dress shoes.
Sirius looked like an angel, more now than usual, but they do say the devil’s in the details for a reason, even if a halo floated above him, a red devil's tail emerged from the side seam of his trousers, waving casually behind him, like that of a lion, one that knows that he is the king of the jungle. And behind him, a pair of dark angel wings, that went from black to red as the light hit them, just like raven’s wings sometimes had a tint of blue to them. When you finally turned to his face again, you realised his icy grey eyes sparkled with mirth and allure, almost drawing you to him, hair pulled back behind his ears, perfectly arranged, making him look more polished than usual. Sirius wasn’t just wearing a costume tonight, he had in fact, embodied the devil himself, the charm and the sophistication in which he stood, the mischievous quality of his stare, hinting at secrets only known to him. No wonder some witches got burned at the stake for devil worship, if the devil looked half as good as Sirius did tonight, you’d worship him as well. If this was hell, then hell’s a wonderful place to be. 
But then you realised, Sirius was looking at Remus, just before he turned to look at you, but his gaze, it didn’t change, the same hungry eyes, for both. It was barely a flicker, and the thought escaped your mind just seconds after. Remus didn’t notice either, he was still staring at you when Sirius turned his head to him. Finally, you reached the bottom of the stairs and walked towards the boy, Remus was just a couple of steps behind him. 
“So your costume was a handsome devil, after all.” You told him with a smirk “Should’ve guessed.” 
“Too bad you didn’t.” He replied, leaning down for a quick peck on your lips. Remus took a deep breath, a mix of feelings churning in his stomach. 
You shrugged “Maybe too bad for you, I’m sure you’d have enjoyed my wish.” 
“Would I? Why don’t you tell me about it?” 
You pretended to think about it for a second before speaking again “Nope.” 
“And you’re a fairy. Should’ve said I was close when I guessed mermaid.” 
“That would’ve made it way too easy for you… You like it?” You asked with a little smile. 
Sirius’s tail whipped a little from behind “Oh, “like” is an understatement Starshine.” 
“Welp, that’s my cue to leave,” Remus said, nodding, but Sirius stopped him. 
“What did you do to him? He looks different from when he stepped out of the room.” 
“Me?” You asked innocently “Just spiced him up a bit, and got him a necklace.” 
“Simple, but it works,” Sirius said. At this point, both you and your boyfriend were attentively looking at Remus, and he felt a little self-conscious, he wondered why on earth he wanted Sirius’ stare on him earlier when it could be so unnerving. 
“Maybe we can raise the collar a bit more?” Sirius asked. 
“Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.” You agreed, and the two of you approached Remus, adjusting the neck of his pirate shirt together. 
Remus started to panic, having the two of you all over him made him feel things that he wasn’t sure he wanted to savour, he was sure he wouldn’t get enough of it if he did. And so, in his desperation, he snapped “All right, both of you, get off me. NOW!” 
Both you and Sirius were startled and pulled back, Remus did not have a problem when you fixed his collar earlier, he also didn’t have a problem when Sirius was adjusting his belt and weapons back at their room, which had the two of you confused. 
Remus took a deep breath, your faces almost broke him “It’s just…” he turned to look around “People are starting to stare.” 
“I don’t mind.” Sirius said with a shrug “You?” He asked, looking at you, you shook your head. 
“Well, I do.” Remus said, still a little snappy “I’m getting some punch.” He added before leaving the two of you. 
“It’s not even that time of the month,” Sirius whispered as he saw Remus walk to the other side of the room. 
You pretended not to hear, even if you finally understood what it meant. You wondered how many inside jokes you’d missed so far and then you turned back to your boyfriend. And ran a hand through his wings “They’re stunning.” 
“And you say I’m the one into costumes.” He responded, what a tease. 
Remus had already reached the sweets table and leaned his hands onto the edge of it as he tried to ground himself. Why the fuck did he have to go develop feelings for both his best friend and his best friend’s girlfriend. He should be sent to hell, he didn’t even know who he liked more, not that it mattered of course, he would never dare try to get in between the two, and he was sure as hell if the two of you broke it off yourselves, it’d break his heart too. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Maybe I do deserve to be locked up after all, forget about the monster, I’m worse as myself. He then proceeded to grab the ladle and pour a good deal of punch into his cup, downing it in one go before serving himself again, by the time he was moving away from the table, he already felt a little better, a little lighter in fact. Maybe it hadn’t been just “a tickle” of alcohol in there. All thought he doubted you would lie to him. He filled two more glasses and walked towards the two of you. When he reached up to where you were, you and Sirius were already laughing about something. 
“Thanks, Rem,” you said with a smile as he handed you the cup, you took a small sip, before Tom showed up from behind. 
“We need to talk.” He said in a serious tone. You frowned as you took another small sip. He tilted his head a little, pleading with his eyes “Come please?” 
Sirius was staring daggers at the boy from behind. You didn’t notice, but Remus did, and he placed an arm over Sirius’ shoulders, to distract him from acting like an asshole. You turned to look at the boys and handed your glass to Sirius “Mind holding this for me for a second, Pups?” 
Sirius nodded and grabbed the glass in between his hands. Remus’ hand still lazily draped over his shoulder as he took a sip with his other hand. You walked behind Tom for a couple of metres, just far enough away from where you stood –close to Lily and the girls– so no one would be able to hear, “We have an emergency.” You squint your eyes at him, nodding for him to elaborate “It’s the potion.” 
“The potion” you said with a nod, as if you knew what he was talking about, and then asked “What potion?” 
“(Y/N)! Stop thinking of your handsome as-hell boyfriend ––pun intended–– and focus. THE. POTION.” 
You gasped when you realised what he was talking about, whisper-shouting now “That potion? The potion we don’t talk about— potion?”
“Brilliant, you’re back on this earth.” He said, “Yes that potion!” 
“What happened with it?” 
“Um… well, how do I put this?” he asked nervously, “It’s lost, yeah that’s it, it’s lost.” 
“Lost how?” 
“How do you lose something (Y/N)? Lost, lost.” 
“You lost a very potent euphoric brew, in the middle of a party?”
“Shhhhhh… Will you? Yes, I don’t know where it is. It was in my bag, okay?! But then I threw all the contents of my bag onto the sweets table and when I went to check, it just wasn’t there either–.“
“And I don’t know what to do, because if anyone finds out, let alone accidentally drinks it, without being aware of the possible consequences I-“ 
“-TOM!” You shouted, shaking him as you did “Tom breathe, it’s just a potion, it’s not poison, if it’s lost it’s lost. And if someone drank it then they will have a very high time tonight, but that’s it. Besides, nobody except for us knows who brewed the potion, so even if it somehow got to teachers’ ears, it would be fine.” 
He frowned “Why aren’t you worried?!” He asked. 
“Just forget it Tom, have fun!” You told him with a soft pad on the shoulder before walking back to where you stood earlier, most students had already arrived at the party, and James was already walking downstairs, so you went straight to greet him “JAAAAMES!” 
He smiled at you, and pulled a skull, similar to the ones you had hidden all over the common room earlier and set it right in front of his face “To be, or not to be?” He said dramatically as he stared into the distance, then turned to you with a small grin“How was it?” 
“Perfect!” You told him with a bright smile, “We should find Lily, you should get pictures together.” 
“You think?” 
“For sure! Why put so much effort into your costume if not?” For a short second, you frowned yourself, wasn’t James right? Originally it hadn’t seemed like the best idea to have James dress as Hamlet and match with Lily when she had refused a couple’s costume initially, but now it seemed like a great one. You just felt so happy. 
When you arrived at where the girls stood, they all had their own cups of punch in their hands. And you smiled brightly when you saw them, Lily was the first one to speak “OMG! You’re Hamlet!” She said with a gasp as soon as she saw James. 
“What a coincidence, right?” You said dumbly. 
Lily just blinked a few times but nodded “We should get pictures together!” She said and pulled James along with her onto another side of the room. When he was being pulled he turned to you, you winked, and then nodded in an encouraging manner, whatever had gotten onto Lily, he better use it in his favour, and if she wanted pictures, then he’d have to take as many as she pleased. 
More and more people started to arrive then, you saw Neil, Alice and Marina and introduced them to Mary, who you’d been left talking to earlier, and they all seemed to bond really nicely. You’d originally wanted to introduce Neil to James since you thought they’d make great friends, but in the end, decided it would be best not to interrupt him. Especially since he looked really happy while Alex took fun pictures with him and Lily. 
“And we were in this class, right? Suddenly people start standing up at their desks, and it’s just insane, Muggle studies is just brilliant sometimes,” you heard Neil talking, and then spotted Sybil on the door, walking alongside Tod. You smiled and went straight to greet them, Sybil was dressed as a muggle fortune teller, while Todd had worn white clothes and used magic to make himself look like a ghost.
“You made it?” you said with a huge smile when you saw them. Todd nodded shily while Sybil pulled you in for a hug. 
“I absolutely love your costume,” she told you as she looked at it. Sybil had guessed you were part fairy weeks ago, and she understood more than most what your costume was really about. “You look stunning, Nina should’ve been here to see you.” 
“Nina?” you asked with a bit of a frown, you didn’t quite understand what Sybil said but continued talking regardless “She’s not gonna make it, she’s on a date.” 
Sybil arched an eyebrow at your answer. Is that what she told you? She wondered but decided to let the subject go. “How’ve you been?” she asked instead.
“Great, actually,” you responded honestly. “I mean, there’s the really annoying Slytherin group that has it against me for some reason, but other than that, I’ve been brilliant.” 
“I heard about that,” she said with a bit of a frown.
“Just ignore them, they’ll forget about you eventually,” Todd added, you smiled, he was clearly opening up a little. Hanging out with Sybil would definitely do him good, she was so unapologetically herself, it was downright inspiring. 
“And you? Have you come up with any prophecies yet?” 
She shook her head “All pretty good vibes so far.”
“Let’s toast to that!” you said but then remembered you didn’t have your drink anymore “My cup?” You went through the things you’d done tonight  “Puppy has it!” you said with a smile and then bit your lip “Do you guys mind if I leave you for now? There’s punch and sweets over there, and also some snacks over the coffee table. Peter got them from the kitchen elves, they’re delicious I’m sure. My common room’s your common room, feel at home, please.” 
Sybil nodded and pulled Todd along with herself to the sweets table “Go ahead hun, we’ll be alright.” 
“Yeah,” Todd agreed. “Go find your puppy or whatever.” 
You frowned at his answer, staring at them as they left, and laughed when you realised Todd had no idea you meant Sirius. Then it made you wonder if Sybil knew about it, she seemed to know a lot of things, but you weren’t too sure. You were still thinking about it when you heard a scream from the side of the room, you turned around to find Steve –the skull– cackling as it clung to… was that Minho? You approached them and laughed merrily for a couple of seconds as you saw the boy struggle, deciding to help Minho when he was becoming too desperate. “I’m sorry, Steve can be a little intense sometimes,” you told him. 
“Steve?” he asked with a horrified face. 
“Yeah Steve,” You told him matter-of-factly, casually pointing at the skull before letting Steve walk back to his closet “Nice to see you here Minho,” you told him, he was wearing a Tutshill Tornadoes’ Quidditch uniform “That’s a brilliant costume!” 
“Not nearly as brilliant as yours,” he said, motioning at you, and you remembered you’d literally drank a glow potion and laughed.
 “I take Halloween pretty seriously.”  
“Yeah, I can tell! You look beautiful.” He said with what looked like an honest smile, no wonder so many girls had fallen for him, Minho was indeed very attractive in his own way.
“I thought Comet would be coming with you.”
“She did.” He said pointing behind him, she was talking to Imogen, and had a shiny star filled dress that seemed to change and ripple as she moved. 
“Woah, what a cool dress,” you said, Minho nodded in agreement, it was even cooler that she’d picked a star theme that went along with her name. Kind of like you, wearing a fairy costume. 
 It was then when you noticed Minho looking around rather suspiciously. You squinted your eyes at him, and he gave you a questioning look “What is it?” he asked.
“Nothing, have you seen Sirius? I was looking for my drink.” 
Minho shook his head in response “I was looking for the boys too, I brought them something.” 
“Something? What something?” 
“Promise you won’t tell anyone?” You nodded fervently and he pulled his backpack to the front, opening it just a little for you to see what was inside.
You gasped “You’re their Firewhiskey dealer!”
He put his hands over your mouth “Shhhh…” 
You nodded, and he finally took his hand away “Sorry,” you mumbled. 
“Why do you think I’m one of the few Slytherins allowed at your parties?” 
“Should’ve guessed,” you said with a smile “Let’s find them together, shall we?
He nodded, and the two of you started walking around the party together. You spotted Tom at some point, he was talking to Todd as the two of them drank some punch together, Tom looked a lot more relaxed now, and it made you smile satisfied. Minho was also looking at the two boys, but his expression was a bit sour instead. You turned to him and noticed, he was staring daggers at Tom as the boy in question moved closer to Todd. You turned to Minho, and then back at Tom, and then back at Minho again and it downed you. No wonder the most sought-after bachelor at Hogwarts had never gotten a girlfriend, he just didn’t like them.
“You should tell him,” you said softly.
“You should tell him you like him,” you said then, for some reason you didn’t even consider that maybe Minho would be shocked by the fact that you noticed he liked Tom just like that. Had Sirius perhaps put more alcohol on the punch than you’d seen? But you’d only drank like 3 sips before you left your drink with the boys?
Minho looked at you with panic, he was pale, a lot more than he’d been when Steve was clinging onto him earlier “What did you… how do you know? Did Remus tell you?” 
“Remus?” you asked confused “Why would Remus–– shut up,” you said shocked. 
Minho realised too late what he’d done “You didn’t hear a thing.” 
“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” you whispered as you tried to gather your thoughts, Remus knew as well, maybe it was because he was very observant, and open-minded, that or… How was it possible one boy had so many different secrets? You thought, and you still didn’t know half of it. “Remus and you…?” 
“One time!” he said, to get you to stop thinking about it “Now forget that, how did you know?” 
“I knew about Tom,” you said, quietly, still a little distracted. “He did warn me most people hid it really well, but Remus?” You asked as you remembered the way Tom had looked at the boy earlier. 
“Please forget about that,” Minho said, now distressed “He will kill me if anyone finds out.” 
“I wouldn’t say a thing,” you told him honestly, for Merlin’s sake you already knew a lot more secrets of the boy that you were gonna protect with your life if it were necessary.
“Was I that obvious?” 
You shook your head “Not at all, I just… the way you stared at Tom, I recognized that stare, it was like looking in a mirror.” 
“You like Tom?!?” He asked, confused. 
“Godric heavens NO!!” You said with a frown “It’s… the same way I looked at Sirius before we started dating,” you explained. 
“You’re dating Sirius?!” He asked, shocked. 
“I really thought that was old news,” you said with a shrug “But I meant it earlier, you should just tell Tom.” 
“But what if he doesn’t like me back?” He asked, finally accepting that you knew, and letting himself talk to someone about it. Minho had been hiding that for so long that none of his friends knew about it, let alone his family, who’d probably cut him off. 
“Minho,” you almost deadpanned “have you ever looked at a mirror in your life? Besides, you’re really funny and nice, and attentive, Tom would love it.”
“You’re only saying that because we haven’t played Quidditch together, I’m not planning to make it easy for you on the field.” 
 “You better not!” you told him with a smile “And either way, that’s what Quidditch is about, even if you threw me off my broom, I wouldn’t change my mind about you.” 
“Awwww…. that’s so cute,” he told you, “I think I’m gonna do it.” 
“Will you? Then go ahead, it’s your turn!” You said as you saw Todd leave to talk to someone else. 
“You still gonna look for the boys?” He asked, you nodded. “Do you mind giving this to them?” He said as he took off his bag and handed it over, you grabbed it with both arms, the bag was very heavy, and bottles clinked against each other with the movement. 
“I’ll find them!” you told him with a smile before giving him one last encouraging nod.
Then you turned around and started to look for the boys. Sirius and Remus were still talking to each other near one of the faraway couches, James was still with Lily, and Peter was hanging out with a girl, who -because of the resemblance- you assumed was Annie Doxon, Beth’s cousin. You didn’t think twice and walked towards the couches. As you approached the boys, Remus was quick to notice you were having a hard time with the bag and quickly approached you to help. 
“What’ve you got there, luv?” 
“Little errand from Minho,” you told him with a complicated smile, he grabbed the bag from your hands and when he felt the weight and heard the sound, he instantly knew what it was. 
“You’ve got the… Did Minho tell you what you were carrying around?” Remus asked, a little shocked as he closed the bag again and carefully placed it on the table. 
“Oh, he showed me,” You told him with a confident smile, “Guess I’m just trustworthy like that.” 
Sirius still had your cup in his hands, and he handed it over “Remus drank your punch earlier, but we refilled it, there’s almost nothing left there.” 
“Did you pour more alcohol on it?” you asked as you took a sip. 
“I would never,” Sirius said with a frown, offended, “I’d never pour anything on your drink without you asking for it.” 
You stared at him confused, and let a soft breath out when you realised the confusion “Not my drink silly! I meant the punch. I know you’d never do something like that, I trust you.” 
Remus shrugged “Maybe he poured Amorentia on one of your drinks and that’s why you’re so in love with him,” he joked. 
You took the cup from your lips and pointed at Remus with it “Touché.” 
Remus nodded, and raised his eyebrows with a playful smile before turning to Sirius, “But actually, I had the same question, Pads.” 
“It was nothing, you saw how much it was,” Sirius said looking at you, and then frowned “But it does feel kinda strong, doesn’t it?” 
“I mean it’s not like it tastes a lot of whiskey or vodka but…” you said. 
“But it does leave you a little lightheaded, doesn’t it?” Remus added.
“Exactly!” You said, agreeing with him, and then turned to look at Lily still wiggling about the Common Room with James trailing behind her. She was actually pulling James along by the wrist, “Look at those two,” you told the boys “Lily’s been hyper for a while now, she was also drinking punch.” 
“That’s odd, maybe the alcohol you had was heavy?” proposed Remus. Sirius took a small flask for his jacket and opened it, giving it a whiff. 
“Smells normal,” he said. 
You pulled the flask from his hands and brought it to your mouth, taking a sip, and playing with the liquid in your mouth for a second before swallowing “Tastes normal,” you said, as you winced “Like the one from Marlen’s party.” 
“It is the one from Marlene’s party!” Sirius said. 
“Maybe someone else added something to the punch,” Remus said with a shrug. 
Someone else added something to the punch, you repeated in your head, someone else added something to the punch! you gasped “The potion!” 
“What potion, love?” 
“The potion we don’t talk about, that potion,” you responded. Sirius and Remus were visibly confused. “I should talk to Tom.” 
Remus, who spotted Tom with Minho through the people thanks to his height, grabbed onto your arm softly, to stop you “He’s busy.” 
You frowned at him and stood on tiptoes to try and see, and you saw Tom’s curly locks next to Minho’s perfect hair and you remembered. “Very busy, never mind,” you said before turning back to the boys with a smile. Sirius paid them only the shortest glance and assumed they must have been talking about something important, he didn’t know, but it was Tom so he was just happy you wouldn’t leave them to go see him again. “And I mean it’s not like there’s anything we can do at this point, the punch is almost empty anyway, right?” you reasoned. 
“Yeah…?” Sirius responded a little confused still. 
“Well then,” you said looking at the cup “Live for the moment, right?” You said with a smile before raising your cup for a toast “Bottoms up.” 
Just before your cup touched your lips Remus turned to you “What was the potion?” 
You smiled mischievously “Euphoric Brew,” you said before tilting the drink towards your mouth and downing it in a few gulps. Sirius smirked and followed suit. Remus stared at the two of you for a second, Sirius’ tail was wagging patiently behind him, making him look even more like a lion as he waited to see what Remus would do. 
“You don’t have to drink it if you–“ you started, but Remus had already tipped the drink over his mouth. What was one more cup anyway? He’d already had like three. 
“Do you feel anything?” Sirius asked. 
“Nope.” You said as you shook your head, and then you laughed. Sirius laughed along with you. 
“I’d never tried Euphoric Brew before, how did Tom get his hands on it?” Remus asked. 
“He made it,” you told them “We got the ingredients from Slughorn’s stash, he let us use it when Lily asked, that’s how I managed to pull this off,” you said as you bit your lips and dramatically made a ta-da hand movement. 
“The costume?” Asked Remus a little confused, his head getting fuzzier.
“The glow, dummie!” Sirius responded.
Then you heard a couple of chords from a song, “Merlin I love this song!” you said with a grin so big it reached all the way to your eyes “We should dance!” 
“Dance?” Remus asked. 
“Yeah dance!” you repeated, grabbing the two boys by the wrist and taking them to the place where some other guests were already dancing. You noticed Lily and James dancing together a little further away and you smiled and waved at them, before starting to dance yourself. Sirius looked at you diverted before joining, your wings were batting blithely as his tail wrapped around his leg as if not to be stepped on. 
You had danced for at least a couple of minutes when you realised Remus wasn’t dancing, but just staring “Rem! Come dance with us!” You said with a pout. 
“Yeah Moony! please,” Sirius joined you. 
Remus was already going to start dancing –there was no way in hell he’d be able to say no to those puppy eyes you were giving him– when both you and Sirius approached him and placed your hands all over him, prompting him to move. You had one hand on his right shoulder and the other one on his chest, while Sirius had both of his hands on his left upper arm, both of you moving Remus along the rhythm. 
You may have not been able to feel the potion, but the potion was definitely doing its job, both you and Sirius were throwing your manners to the wind –not that Sirius minded them that much anyway, especially with how whimsical he could be– completely invading Remus’ personal space. But Remus’s senses were cloudy already, with how much euphoric potion he’d gotten in his system, along with the few drinks of Sirius’ flask they’d shared earlier, that he wasn’t thinking properly, either that, or he just didn’t care to think.
He started dancing along the two of you, all bodies pressing and brushing into each other like you shared the same personal bubble between the three, and the three of you were having the time of your life. At some point, someone from behind pushed you accidentally and you ended up falling towards Remus, Sirius held you by the waist while Remus placed his hand on your shoulder, they both steadied you as you laughed and a minute later, you just kept dancing, a lot closer now that the dance floor was getting a little more crowded. Remus did not remove his hand, only let it travel a little closer to your neck, it sent shivers down your spine, his touch felt soft and intimate, but when you turned to him, he was busy laughing about something the other boy had whispered in his ear. 
Sirius was definitely aware Remus had his hand all over you, but he didn’t even mind it. He was too happy, there was so much joy pilled in between the three of you that things felt electric. It was like everyone else didn’t exist, and it was just the three of you, paying no mind to your surroundings, while looking at each other. You wondered for a second if that was what humans felt when they went to fairy parties, if that's what it was to twirl and whirl until your shoes were danced to pieces and your feet bled. Because if dancing with Sirius and Remus could go on forever, you might just dance to dеath. You wouldn’t have the strength to stop. 
Remus placed his other hand on Sirius’s shulder and pulled the two of you closer to him as he leaned his head “I’m so happy I get to be alive at the same time as you, wankers!” he screamed, both you and Sirius laughed merrily, Remus was so close to you, that you didn’t even think about it and gave him a soft peck on the cheek. Remus’s neck started to turn red from the bIood rushing to his cheeks, but Sirius was too busy looking at you, and the way you’d kissed his friend. But it wasn’t jealousy why he was so attentive, no, Sirius had an idea, and he smirked when it fully developed in his head. He leaned down, copying your actions earlier but instead of a soft kiss, he straight up licked Remus’ cheek. 
“Ugh, that’s gross Pads!” Remus complained as he wiped his cheek with his sleeves. 
“Shut up Moony, I know you love it,” Sirius joked. Remus felt a pang in his heart when his friend spoke because really, he did. 
You laughed and hugged both boys, bringing them closer together, “I’m also really happy I got to live at the same time as you,” You said as you burrowed your head in between the two boys. Remus’ heart raced and he breathed in, trying to memorise the way both you and Sirius smelled, from your hair to the saltiness of your slightly sweaty bodies, both so close to him that a chill ran down his spine. He wanted to carve on his brain the way your soft skin brushed against his hand and the way Sirius’s muscles felt against his chest. It was chilling, it was exciting, It was pure bliss. Remus Lupin was in heaven, and he did not want to fall away from it. 
But then it happened, a sheer moment of what he considered clarity crossed his mind, and he realised what exactly he was doing. This is wrong, he thought. He was, quite literally, getting in between the two of you, and it repulsed him. You’re being selfish, his mind said again. And poor Remus didn’t only feel selfish, but also greedy, loving two people at the same time? That was off. But loving two people that were already dating each other, that was straight-up heinous. 
And the worst part was, that he’d gotten a taste of what it would be like to be with you both and he was sure the joy he had felt wasn’t just there because of the potion, it was there because he yearned for it. Remus was drowning in his feelings, a suffocating mix of desire, guilt, and longing that was quite literally dragging him down from heaven and he hated himself for it. For feeling things when you hugged him or when Sirius placed his arms around him, it was a constant reminder of what he wanted but couldn't fully have. 
The tight knot in Remus's chest only tightened further when you pulled your head back up with a smile, looking at the two boys, so innocently, so oblivious of his loathsome thoughts. He felt like an invisible vice was gripping his heart, his head was torturing him, torturing because he couldn’t let himself feel bliss, not in between your arms, not in the heat of your bodies, not in a corner of your heart. He felt like a marionette caught between two puppeteers, each pulling him in opposite directions; the strings of desire and duty were tangling around him, threatening to tear him apart. This has to stop. It HAS to stop! His mind shouted at him, and he pushed the two of you off of him, a little too forcefully, and you stared at him a little shocked. 
Did I somehow upset him? Your hurt expression, and the little frown of confusion that stared back at him almost smashed his heart. But he cleared his throat, “I’m just feeling a little dizzy, I’ll go sit down for a minute.” 
Your frown deepened, still a little confused “We can hold you,” you offered. 
Remus felt the temptation pulling onto him, your words so soft, but he shook his head, a forced smile paying on his lips “It’s fine, you guys have fun.” 
You saw him walk towards one of the couches, not too far from where you were dancing, and sit down, you started to walk to get him, but Sirius placed a hand over your arm softly, stopping you. Remus had done the same thing to him before, he knew how to deal with it better “Let him cool off,” he said softly, gently pulling your chin so you’d focus on his grey eyes rather than on Remus “He does that sometimes, he’ll come back eventually,” Sirius explained softly, letting your eyes focus on his, he smiled mischievously “Dance with me?” 
You smiled, a little giggle coming out, how easy was it to lose yourself on Sirius. You leaned into him and continued dancing. After a couple of minutes, you realised his tail was wagging in between the two of you, still away from the rest of the dancers but now swaying along with the music. Curiosity got the best of you and you reached to grab it, Sirius flinched at your touch, and the tail pulled away from your hands. 
You turned to him with a surprised expression “You felt that?” 
He gulped but nodded, “When I found the spell I didn’t expect it to be so… so sensitive.” 
You raised an eyebrow at that “May I?” you asked, your eyes still fixated on looking at it. His tail lifted itself a bit higher again, closer to your hand, you slowly leaned your hand, and gently grazed your fingers over it. It was soft and sleek, very different from his skin, except it was just as warm as him. Sirius’ breath got caught in his throat as you continued to move your hand through it. 
“All right Satarshine, that’s enough,” he said, voice rough and a little strained. 
You turned to him, his pupils were blown out as he stared at you, and you gasped “Sirius Orion Black!” you reprimanded, he winced at his second name “What on earth were you thinking of?” you asked with a diverted smile, you almost wanted to laugh. 
“I wasn’t!” he posited, “I told you it was sensitive. You still wanted to touch it.” 
Your eyes opened wide in surprise. “You didn’t say… sensitive like that?” 
“Thought it was obvious,” he retorted.
You just giggled “Poor Puppy, I was straight up torturing you and you just allowed it.”
Sirius nodded along with you, playing the victim “Why don’t you make up for it?” he asked, a smirk playing on his lips. 
You raised your eyebrows, placing one of your hands on his shoulder, a little diverted at his ploy “How ever would I do that?” 
He placed his hand on your waist and brought you closer to him, with a smile “How about you take a guess?” 
The two of you were smiling like idiots at each other, dancing like there was no tomorrow, and Remus was sitting on one of the sofas, looking at the two of you every now and then, really trying not to look as miserable as he felt. Of course, you’d just completely forget about him the moment he left your sight, you were deeply in love with each other after all; meanwhile, he couldn’t get the smell of your hug out of his head, it was invading his mind, colonising his senses and he felt jealous, and he cursed himself for it. 
He yearned for a distraction, and the universe delivered. Alice Becket, a tall Hufflepuff girl he’d seen in a couple of classes approached him with a smile and sat next to him on the couch. Very close to him. “Hey Remus,” she purred as she placed a hand on his leg, “why so lonely?”
He looked at her, Remus would surely run away from a situation like this on a normal day, not today though, he wanted to stop thinking about you and Sirius, he wanted to forget. Alice is pretty, he thought, not as pretty as you or Sirius, but she’s got a nice smile. Remus tilted his head a little, and shrugged “Maybe I was waiting for a pretty girl like you to approach me.”  
Alice raised one of her eyebrows and looked at the boy with a smirk, thrilled her advances were being reciprocated. “What do you say we find a more quiet area?” 
Remus looked at her, and then back at you and Sirius, you were both standing so close together, his stomach churned again, but he slowly turned his head back to Alice, she was wearing a short blue dress. Dressed as Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Remus concluded when she saw the blackhead band and the small apron, He’d seen the movie with his mom a couple of years ago; the dress was a lot shorter than the one in the movie though, barely reaching mid thigh. “How about we stay here instead? It’s comfortable.” 
Alice arched her eyebrows, diverted, “Is it? I’d have to see.” She said before she lifted herself up and accommodated on Remus’ lap. She moved around just a bit and then nodded “Hm… I see, definitely comfortable.” 
Remus smirked, impressed at her teasing “Told you so.” 
Alice leaned in closer to the boy “Will you just stare?” 
Remus let a soft laugh out before leaning in to kiss the girl. Her lips were soft, but not as soft as yours. Her kiss was kind, but not as kind as yours. The way she held him, wasn’t gentle nor caring, it was hungry, and it made him feel more like a toy for her than a boy, but it didn’t matter. Because a broken heart is blind, and the more he focused on the kiss, the easier it was to forget you and Sirius dancing together a couple of metres away. It wasn’t until Alice turned herself completely, one leg on each side of his waist, that he managed to lose himself. Alice was pretty much grinding onto him as they kissed, and it felt good, finally something felt good. 
Sirius was the first to notice Remus on the couch, he had been lost on you until he saw Alice approach Remus. He had continued dancing with you but kept a close eye on the two of them as they talked. Something twisted in his stomach when Alice sat on Remus’ lap, and he frowned, Remus with a girl? he’d never seen something like that. Sirius still thought Remus didn’t have much experience in the realm of romance, and yet, he had a girl on his lap, and he was flirting. Sirius turned the thoughts to the back of his head and turned to you again, you were still glowing, he smiled, he really was the luckiest man on earth. But then his mind got distracted again, she’s kissing him! She’s kissing him, and he’s kissing her back!
A sudden urge to kiss you came over him, he smiled at you flirtatiously “Dancing’s good to make it up, yeah, but how about a kiss?” 
“Just one?” you teased. 
“Satshine, you can kiss me until my lungs run out of air and I faint. And even then you could continue kissing me.” 
You blinked a couple of times at his words, sometimes Sirius could be so romantic it took your breath away. Eventually, you smiled and finally leaned in to kiss Sirius. His kiss was hungry, hungrier than normal. It must be the euphoric brew, you thought as you kissed back. Sirius’ hands had travelled to the small of your back, just below your wings, and his warmth made you shiver. Sirius kissed you like he was starving, opening his eyes just to check on Remus, he was still kissing the girl, and Sirius turned back to you, deepening the kiss. 
Alice’s lips started to trace kisses down Remus’ jaw when he finally spotted Sirius, he was kissing you feverishly. Remus’ mouth was slightly agape and his sight a little unfocused as the girl continued to kiss his neck, but not so much that he didn’t notice Sirius’s gaze focused straight on him, there was something in his gaze he hadn’t seen before, and it pissed him off. How was it possible that he was kissing you, and focusing on anything other than your sweet lips? Remus stared at Sirius one last moment, before turning his head again, grabbing Alice’s face and bringing her back to his lip. He wasn’t there to think about Sirius. 
As you kissed Sirius, you felt something wrap around the middle of your thigh. His tail, you realised, like a snake, it was clinging to you like its life depended on it, you smiled and continued to kiss him, for some reason you liked it when Sirius got clingy. But then you felt it tightening even further, enough for it to be uncomfortable rather than hot, so you broke the kiss off “Sirius what are you…?” You started and turned to him, but he wasn’t looking at you, he was looking at something else, you followed his gaze and it landed on Remus and Alice Becket? 
Until literally that second, you’d assumed Remus was gay, because of the conversation you’d had with Minho earlier, but perhaps, he was more like Tom? “He really did get bitches after all,” you said surprised, the smallest bit of anguish slipping into your heart. It didn’t make any sense, but it was there regardless. 
“Yeah…” Sirius said, letting a breath out “I’d never seen him like that before,” he admitted. 
“Maybe it’s the euphoric brew?” You said with a shrug “has him doing things he’d usually do in the dark.”
“You think he’d do it in the dark?” He asked you with a frown. 
“You don’t?” You asked matter-of-factly “Remus is pretty damn handsome! Especially with the sexy pirate costume.” 
“I know.”
You tried to step out, to rest for a moment since you were a little tired already, but you couldn’t “Sirius your tail…” 
“It’s um… kind of trapping me,” you said awkwardly. 
“Oh, sorry.” He whispered and finally released your leg, blushing when he realised how high the tail end had gotten. 
“‘Tis fine,” you said even as the marks of it had itched onto your skin. 
“Let’s go sit somewhere,” he suggested, looking at the marks he’d left on your skin. A part of him felt bad for hurting you, but the other really wanted Tom to see them. You nodded and let Sirius guide you to the couches. You thought he’d take you near Remus, but he instead took you to the other side of the common room and sat with his back facing him. Sirius did not want to continue being a witness to Remus’ little show. 
“He did not give me a 3-day notice,” he complained with a little pout as he sat down.
You raised an eyebrow, not quite believing Sirius would fuzz over that, but then again, you all were pretty drunk and under the influence of the potion. You saw some people enjoying a game of potion pong in the corner before you saw Remus and Alice were still glued to each other’s lips. You didn’t remember Remus being so fierce when he kissed you. Maybe it really had been a soft kiss because of the game, after all. 
“I highly doubt he planned it.” You reassured Sirius as you sat down beside him “In fact, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t close to Alice before now.” 
Finally, Sirius let go of the subject, almost forgetting about it as he looked at your leg, specifically at the marks he’d left. It was a little red, he frowned as he etched his hand closer, “‘m sorry.” He whispered, even if he still kinda liked that the marks would be there for a while.
“Oh, that?” You said looking at your leg as Sirius graced his fingers over the marks, it made a shiver run down your spine, and it wasn’t because it hurt, Sirius had never touched your bare thigh. “It’s nothing. I’ve had worse.”
“If I had known how whimsical the tail would be I would have chosen a different costume.” 
You shook your head “I kind of like it, actually…” 
Sirius raised his eyebrows “Oh, you do?” 
Bad idea, bad idea, Sirius will never cease to tease me about this, “Looks hot on you, not everyone would be able to pull it off,” you said besides your own warnings. 
An amused smile was playing on Sirius’ lips, “Ah… so you do think I’m hot. It’s not only sexy pirate Remus this, sexy pirate Remus that…”  
You laughed at that and turned to him. You didn’t think it would be possible for Sirius Black to doubt his attractiveness, and there you were. A little idea came to your head, maybe you’d have to reassure Sirius yourself. So you crossed one leg over his lap and sat on top of him, just like Alice had done with Remus, if it works for them. 
“Luv, what are you...?” 
You leaned into him, hands over his shoulders, as your lips brushed against his ear “Do you really need me to tell you how bIoody hot you look tonight?” Sirius’ mind went completely blank the second he heard your voice purr out of your mouth. You pulled back with a smile, “Cat got your tongue?” you teased. He looked at you, chest falling and rising slowly, “I can tell you how much I liked the wings you chose, or the stupid little halo that still glows over your head, or I can tell you about how interesting your naughty little tail felt wrapped around my leg,” Sirius’ hand, that somehow had reached your thigh, squeezed it a little “Or aside from the costume, I could tell you how nice your hair looks,” you said as you brushed a strand behind his ear, “or how in love I am with your eyes.” 
“Yes,” he choked out. 
“Yes? Yes, what Puppy?” 
“Tell me more.” 
You smiled, “How about I tell you how I literally had to press my thighs together when you gave me that ravenous sight of yours as I was walking down the stairs…” 
Sirius leaned in to kiss your neck when you felt someone plop in the couch beside the two of you. You both pulled away from each other, but the two were looking at none other than James Potter, smiling like an idiot beside you. 
You sighed when you saw him, there was something about James, that even in that situation, you couldn’t be mad at him for interrupting. He just looked really, really freaking happy, it was contagious. And James hadn’t even taken a drop of punch that night. Sirius, on the other hand, was glaring at his friend, and he might have told him to piss off if it wasn’t because James spoke first. 
“Guys you won’t believe this!”
“Really?!? James?!?” Sirius complained, nodding to the fact that you were quite literally straddling him still. 
James’ head was too high up in the clouds for him to acknowledge Sirius’ sarcasm “Lily said she’d go on a date with me!” 
You looked at the boy with a smile, crossing one of your legs over Sirius, so you wouldn’t be straddling him anymore, even if you were still sitting on his lap “Really?” You asked, now fully invested in the new subject. Sirius was still a little pissed, looking straight at the place in your neck he’d wanted to kiss earlier rather than at his friend. 
“Yes, and I’m gonna make it the best date of her life!” 
“How?” You asked with a frown. 
“With your help of course!”
click to see the boys in their costumes
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TAGLIST: @rayrlupin @callmelovergirl @warcelia @ireneop @endversewinchester @moonyunebi @smuttysluttybitch @mazzymoons @drugs-for-memes @sofiacblair @vmpir3lvr @remuslupinisbae @rabluver @willgrahamisalesbi4n @thatobsessedreader @orkwardx0  @itskailey24 @hell0-kittie @belovedmoony @blacksgarden @loving-and-dreaming @cassie-love20 @starchaser-lily @zucchini-queenie @springflwer07 @sseleniaa @cometsghost @orkwardx0 @imdoingbetternow  @sbrewer21 @remuslupinsbae @maxinehufflepuffprincess @wifiatthetrainstation @unstablereader @mablacklupin @oliversaurus @jaylienpotter @remussbitch @hermionelove 
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A/N: BOOO! HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Can you tell I love halloween? Because I love Halloween! And we barely celebrate it where I live. Woaaaaah, I really did write this, what a freaking rollercoaster this chapter was, right? Still one of my favs but uff... so much excitement and then... Baby Remus I'm sorry, my editing literally had me squealing both in excitement and dread. Remus needs to get off his own head. But I did warn him at the beginning, didn’t I? ps. pls don't hate me you know I love you. I’m almost scared to ask this one but… thoughts?
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