#or that at least we had gotten a spin off where we could see what the fuck happened during the time skip
byfulcrums · 1 year
Spitfire could've been so much more if it weren't for the time skip
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1800-lemonadeg1rl · 5 months
Sleepless nights
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Natasha Romanoff x reader
Minors dni!! Masterlist°•☆
Summary - you go on a routine mission which ends badly how will your girlfriend react
Warnings - gunshots, violence, bullet wounds, mention of stitches, likely medically incorrect, blood, hospital? Not proofread
word count - 1.5k
A/n - I dont know what happened while writing this its all a blackout. As always any feedback is rlly appreciated!!!
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It was just supposed to be another simple routine mission. Over and done with in a matter of hours. But of course nothing was ever as easy as predicted.
It had all been going with relative ease until you and Clint were fighting off agents left and right. Something you were usually both good at. However where you'd found yourselves was very much enclosed meaning you couldn't run and you had no idea how many or where these agents were coming from. Your backs were against each other as you moved in circular motions around the room.
"You did this you know, everything was going just fine until you said 'wow this mission has been quite the breeze.'" You mimick Clints earlier words in a squeaky high pitched voice while taking out a couple agents. "Couldn't have just waited till we were on the quinjet could you?"
"Look I really thought it was over. At least I wasn't the one who knocked over the vase alerting everyone in the Tri-state area of our location." He pipes back as you both fall into the usual bickering banter you often did, squabbling like small children. You and Clint had always been close and worked well with each other despite the constant pecking at each other. You'd become even closer once you'd gotten together with his best friend Natasha. Well, after he stopped threatening you about breaking her heart that is.
"Okay well atleast I'm not stupid."
"Yeah real mature. What does that even mean?" He retorts back with a chuckle at how quickly you begin to lose an argument and just throw childish insults at him.
"I thought you'd be smart enough to understand a simple senten-.." You trail off as you see an agent aiming at Clint, one he hadn't noticed. Though you considered letting the agent hit him and getting to be considered the better fighter it wasn't worth letting your friend die just to one up him.
"Clint watch out." You yell frantically as you watch the agent take aim. Clint wasn't going to have time to move. You panicked and shoved him to the floor knocking him from the bullet.
You don't think much of it when you don't see the bullet land or even when you vision blurs. It's only you notice somethings up when you see a blood splattering on your hand. Instinctively you look for Clint worried something hit him but you find him staring right back at you. That's when you feel the searing pain from your hip. Placing a hand over it to find out what's wrong, you feel a cold and wet substance spilling from it.
Thats when everything starts spinning. Moving too quick but not fast enough at all. The pain feeling worse, like nothing you've ever felt before as the adrenaline wears off and the severity of the situation sets in.
"Y/n look at me." Clints voice is grounding and calm making you briefly feel better. "There's no agents left okay. We're going to walk together to the quinjet, don't rush yourself it's going to be okay." You nod along even though your unsure you'll be able to walk that far as your vision fades in and on like a flickering TV.
He moves over to you and presses your hand firmly over the wound. "Keep your hand there and apply as much pressure as you can." Despite the way you stumble around as you try to apply any pressure at all to the wound he still sounds calm like he believes you can do this.
His hand hooks around you helping hold you up as the two of you begin a slow walk back. Things aren't looking too bad at first I mean sure you can hardly see infront of you an everytime you open your mouth to speak the only thing that sounds is a groan of pain but your managing it, you feel yourself believe you'll be able to do this walk back.
That is all before you trip over a stone which sends you tumbling onto your front, directly where the bullet wound is is where you hit the hardest when you fall causing you to scream out in pain with a noise you never knew you'd make. Clint immediately tries to pull you back to your feet while telling you how close you are to getting home but it's no use as your body goes stiff, legs refusing to move.
"Natasha is gonna kill me." I mumble half heartedly as he holds me up and my vision fades for what I believe might be the final time.
"Not if she kills me first." He chuckles and that's the last thing you hear before everything goes black.
Two days. Two whole days they said you were out for. You missed two days. Two days where you didn't see Natasha but she saw you, she sat by you every minute she could and when she couldn't sit anymore she slept by you not leaving for a second. She wouldn't even leave your hospital room for food. Clint having to practically force food down her throat so she didn't end up in a hospital bed alongside you.
You blinked awake. You'd been awake about an hour prior but were too drugged up to process anything going on and had quickly fallen back into your slumber. This time you were much more determined to stay awake, that and your pain medication was wearing off and you could begin to feel a sharp pain replacing the previously dull one.
As you woke yourself up to the bright white fluorescent lights of the hospital, those lights which practically felt blinding. Giving you little time to adjust to being awake, Natasha started speaking.
"So what happened?" She sounded angry. A little rough maybe as the Russian tinged her accent slightly in a way you only heard few times. As you located where her voice had come from, a small chair just to the left of your bed. Now that you could see her she seemed more worn out or stressed out the angry. Dark circles lurked under her eyes as her forhead creased showing visible lines.
"Uh.. didn't uhm.. Clint... tell you." You slowly mumble out as you try to push myself into a sitting position but before you can Natasha is up and pushing you back down to lie down.
"The doctor said you can't sit up yet or you'll move the stitches. And no he hasn't explained anything, so you better." She lays your head back on the pillow with such a contrasting softness to the way she's speaking which is almost as if she's interrogating you.
You roll your head over the side to face her as you recount what you remember from the mission. "So basically me and Clint, well especially me are kicking ass knocking these agents to the ground. But then one aims at Clint and I push him out the way and now we're here." You explain the best you can but it's just so difficult when your heads all fuzzy and until five minutes ago you were convinced you were dead. "I thought I was gonna die 'Tasha."
"You shouldn't put yourself at risk like that baby." She says while brushing stray hairs away from your face and back behind your ears. "Things could have been a lot worse.." her voice trails off all usual roughness gone as she appears as if she may break down crying at any second. "I could have lost you."
That's all it takes for you to start crying as hot tears stream your face making it hard to see anything. Seeing your deteriorating emotional state Natasha makes the descion to crawl into the bed next to you. "Oh hush now, it's alright. I was just worried about you lyubov." she coos while leaning over to kiss your dampened cheek.
"I know I know.. I'm just really sorry... I dont ever want to lose you Natasha." Your tears keep falling despite her soft, reassuring words.
"Y/n, I don't want to lose you either. Which is why I think it could be time we retired before either of us do. Of course it's up to you though, I won't pressure you."
It takes you a minute to process her words but when you do your glad for them. You'd been considering at least cutting down your workload recently but hadn't considered Natasha would be open to retirement at such a young age. You can feel your face break out into a small smile as she suggests it herself. Her own face is one of nervous apprehension as she chews on her lip.
"Yes. Please I want nothing more than to retire and with you." You reach in to kiss her face eagerly. Your lips smothering hers in an almost desperate fashion as if you were worried it could be your last.
"If this is what retirement is like I cant wait." She whispers as she pulls away from your lips, nipping them gently first. She cups your face in her hands before leaning back in.
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untitled-tmnt-blog · 1 year
Summary of some answers from today's Q&A with Ron Corcillo!
(July 29, 2023)
Bullet points are below the cut, since it's a pretty long list! Some combine multiple answers, and they're categorized for ease of reading (obviously not every single answer is included, but I tried to get most of the ones I thought people might find interesting!)
Apocalyptic Future
The turtles were fighting side by side with Cassandra when Casey Jr was born, and Leo trained him to be a warrior. Casey Jr only has brief memories of his mother from when he was very young, and he was mostly raised by Leo.
The chips on Leo's plastron are probably battle scars.
Mikey was likely the equivalent of being in his 70's. He was powerful enough that he could unlock almost any mystic ability you could think of, but using them took a toll on him physically. The more powerful the ninpo, the more potential it has to sap your energy.
Mikey can open up portals through all of space and time (as opposed to Leo, who can mostly portal over relatively short distances), but it took him a long time to get to that level of ability.
Mikey probably grew a little taller than seen in the movie, but shrank as the use of his powers depleted him. Donnie would be slightly taller than Leo, and Raph would be at least 6'6".
The characters have obviously taken hits and lost some things from years of fighting the Krang, but Leo still does have his ninpo.
They never worked out the specifics for how Raph and Donnie died, just that they lost their lives in the war against the Krang.
Future Leo was mortally wounded in his bleeding side, and that was why he didn't go with Casey to the past.
If season 2 hadn't been cut short
The sudden declaration of Leo as leader wouldn't have happened, and was more of a joke because of how abruptly the show ended. The original plan was for the transition to be drawn out over much of season 3. Raph and Leo probably would have been co-leaders for a while, and the transfer of leadership wouldn't have caused tension since Raph would like to share the burden. There might have been some situations where Mikey or Donnie took the lead, too. Ron never saw the turtles as a group where there had to be one absolute leader.
Karai would have lived for much longer, and been training the boys in person for a number of episodes.
If there was a season 3 / plans they had for future seasons
They probably wouldn't have ever taken a dark turn with the show, but may have gotten into more of an extended plot line after the movie.
The missing sister who was Big Mama's henchperson would probably have been a very disciplined super serious ninja, to the point where she's actually funny. She was going to be named after a female artist, possibly Frida Kahlo, and the turtles would have had to win her back from Big Mama by helping her to see that she had been brainwashed as a child.
Their other missing sister was going to be trapped in another dimension for years, and might have been "a little kooky" from being there so long. The turtles would have split up to rescue their sisters, but there were no definite plans beyond that.
We would definitely see Casey Jr again. Ron would love to see a spin-off where Casey and Cassandra roam the world and fight the Krang and remnants of the Foot.
It was going to be revealed that a Krang spaceship had crashed into the back of the crying titan in the Hidden City. The ship's fuel was the source of the ooze that gives the Yokai their power, and possibly the origin of the Yokai themselves. The crashed spaceship is what drew the invasion there a thousand years ago.
Mikey's powers could have opened the door to some multiverse episodes.
We might have seen some redemption from Big Mama, but then also seen her relapse to her villainous ways.
The Rat King likely would have been the next big villain. Shredder's story is pretty resolved, so they wouldn't have gone back to him, but maybe they could have revived the dark armor. There were no existing plans for Bishop, but once the turtles became better known heroes, he could be a thorn in their side. They would have done a lot more with the Krang.
Donnie probably thinks he's much smarter than Raph, so it would have been fun to do an episode where he got to see how Raph beats him in common sense and emotional intelligence.
The turtles would probably talk to Karai's Hamato spirit when they need guidance.
Season 3 would pick up where the movie left off. They would have launched a new story right away, but the aftermath would have been in the background. We would have seen how they changed as a result of the movie events, as well as how they deal with now being in the public eye as heroes.
The 2012 series was very traditional TMNT, so a big goal of Rise was to mix things up. Making Raph the leader opened up a lot of possibilities for both Leo and Raph: Raph didn't have to be angry all the time about not being the leader, and Leo was free to be cocky and fun-loving. It was a breath of fresh air for writers who had done previous TMNT versions.
As for how the turtles take after Yoshi: Donnie got a lot of his cockiness from him, as did Leo. Mikey senses that Yoshi misses his family, and that's part of the reason he always tries to hold the family together. Raph got his courage and sense of duty from him.
For Halloween, Raph would be a kitten, Mikey would be a lion, Leo would be a rock star, and Donnie would be J. Robert Oppenheimer.
Raph's favorite music is R&B, Leo's is glam rock, Donnie's is techno, and Mikey likes boy bands.
When asked about the turtles "favorite" brothers (obviously they all love each other): Mikey is Raph's favorite. As much as Leo gives Donnie a hard time, he really likes him. Ultimately, the three younger brothers all really look up to Raph.
The turtles all had their mystic powers inherently, but they didn't know it and couldn't unlock them without a little boost. Their mystic weapons acted as a conduit.
Splinter has a lot of power that hasn't been revealed, and there's a good chance he can do anything the boys can do if he really tries (which is how he could use Leo's portals). Their powers all would have grown and expanded over time.
Ron really likes fanart of the turtles, Splinter, and April in emotional family situations, as that is the heart of the show.
They didn't really get into romance in the show, but fans are free to use their imagination.
Hueso would never admit it, but he and Leo do have a close friendship.
While Ron doesn't think the show will be brought back any time soon since Nick's focus is on Mutant Mayhem (which he thinks Rise fans will enjoy, since they seem to have a lot in common), he does think it could be brought back further down the road. The most helpful thing is fans' continued support through watching, posting, and spreading the word!
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cameronspecial · 10 months
Drew and y/n finding out she’s pregnant after trying for a couple months maybe years?
A Trying Process
Pairing: Drew Starkey x Reader
Warnings: Troubles Getting Pregnant
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.7K
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Motherhood had terrified Y/N before Drew came along. She never thought that she could be a good parent. She didn’t know anything about kids and dealing with the grosser side of parenting really didn’t appeal to her. Y/N had also never thought that she would get married before thirty, yet she found herself walking down the aisle in a white dress four years ago at twenty-two. She just knew her life was meant to be intertwined with Drew, so the decision was easy. Two years into the marriage she finally realized that having a child wouldn’t be so bad if she got to do it with him. She had been watching him play with her baby nephew when she made the decision that she was ready to take the next step in their marriage. They had love. They had the career. And they had the house. All they needed now was the laughter of a small human. 
They’ve been trying for almost two years and they are losing hope. If they couldn’t conceive in two years, they would adopt and that deadline is fast approaching. Not that adopting a child wouldn’t be the same, but it would still mean another long process and the possibility of not getting a kid is still possible. 
Y/N has been feeling off lately. Some of her favourite clothes no longer fit properly and she has been puking more often. She tries to do the math of when her last period was, realizing she skipped last month. She debates taking a test and telling Drew her suspicions. They’ve taken so many tests over the past few years that she isn’t sure she can handle getting her hopes up again. At least, they’ve never gotten a false positive before. Y/N hunches over the toilet, emptying the contents from last night’s dinner into the bowl. She’s glad that she doesn’t have work today, so she won’t be late. Drew walks into the room and kneels beside her. His hand wrap around her hair to create a ponytail. The other rubs her tummy for comfort. “You’ve been puking a lot recently. Maybe you should take another pregnancy test?” Drew suggests. Y/N’s stomach no longer holds any content, so she closes the lid and flushes the toilet. He pulls her into his hold, kissing her on the temple. She shakes her head, “I don’t know if I can take another. I feel it takes a little part of me every time it comes back negative. Maybe this is a sign, Love. Maybe I’m not meant to be a mother.”
Drew pulls her back so he can look into her eyes. “Don’t you dare say that, Sweetheart. You will absolutely make a great mother. Whether it be to a biological child or an adopted one, the kid will be lucky to have you,” Drew assures her with a kiss. “I know it’s painful whenever we get a negative, but I’m hopeful that it won’t be this time. Whatever we get, we’ll deal with it together.” His hand grips hers and he brings it to his lips. 
Y/N takes the test from under the sink. They had been stockpiling them because they’d been using so many over the past year. She doesn’t need to read the instructions; she knows them by heart. She goes through the motions of taking the test with Drew by her side and they both sit on the bathroom floor while they wait for the test to asses her status. Drew’s alarm goes off. Beep. Beep. Beep. It was now time to see if their lives were going to change forever or not. They stand up together and walk over to the counter where the test awaits. She squeezes his hand to let him know that she wants him to be the one who picks it up. His hand shakes as he brings the test up for them to look at. Pregnant.
Both soon-to-be parents look shocked at the words, not believing what they are seeing. “I’m pregnant,” Y/N states. They both turn toward each other and a grin forms on both of their faces. Drew’s hand pumps in the air, “We are going to have a baby!” His arms circle her waist and he picks her up to spin her. “We are going to be parents,” she celebrates with laughter. Drew sets her down on the ground with a kiss. His forehead places itself on hers, “I know this was a trying process, Sweetheart. But we did it.” 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 16 - Puddle
@jegulus-microfic June 16, Word count 837
Previous part First part
He watched James and his brother run off into the crowd towards the biggest ride at the fun fair. A soft chuckle from Effie reminded him that James had just left him with his parents. At least he had Remus still. He turned his head to check and his brother’s boyfriend was slowly trying to back away unseen. Regulus shot his hand out and grabbed him by the forearm, giving him a warning look, daring him to try and leave him alone with the Potter’s. 
“Effie my darling, I can see a teddy bear with your name on it,” Monty crooned at his wife, linking her arm and walking her away from them. “See you later, boys,” He winked over his shoulder as he and Effie disappeared towards the prize games. Regulus felt a sudden warmth for the elder Mr Potter.  
“What was that Lupin?” Regulus hissed as he turned on Remus, dropping his arm. “You were totally about to abandon me,”
“Hey, they're your in-laws, not mine,” Remus joked at him. Regulus raised an eyebrow. 
“Well, judging how well my brother gets on with James and his parents, my guess is soon you won’t be able to make that claim,” Joking with Remus was quickly becoming one of Regulus’s favourite things to do. “Besides, I thought you were taking me on a date. Not a great start, leaving me to the wolves when we've barely gotten through the entrance.” Remus snorted and rolling his eyes, linked Regulus’s arm much the same way Monty had Effie’s and walked him into the fair.
“So what shall we go on first?” Remus asked, turning his head to look around the place. 
“Waltzers, obviously,” Regulus drawled. Remus, having spotted them, pulled Regulus along to wait in the queue. They sat beside each other in the small space and waited for the operator to come around and check that all the doors were closed before he set them going. Regulus grabbed hold of the wheel in front of him and Remus copied his actions. 
A sudden jerk had Regulus bashing into Remus’s side before the ride started moving. Their car began to slowly turn, gaining speed with each rotation of the floor beneath them. Remus gave Regulus a wicked grin and turned the wheel they were holding, increasing their speed. Regulus accepting the challenge helped spin it too. 
Soon they were spinning faster than any of the other cars and showed no signs of stopping. They spun the wheel as much as they could before the main floor began to slow. Their car refused to stop, and the operator had to grab hold of it and yank it to a stop. Remus flew onto Regulus, pinning him on his seat. They exited and thanked the man as the world around them continued to spin, laughing their heads off. 
“Candy floss,” Remus barked and pointed at a stand. It was Regulus’s turn to grab him and drag him away. The kind lady sticking sticks into the machine and floating candy floss onto them happily added double the amount to the sticks for the smiling pair. Regulus was sure it would spoil their dinner, but at that moment he didn’t care he wanted the sweets. 
He took a bite and savoured the sweet sugar as it dissolved into a puddle on his tongue before he swallowed it. He was about to take a second bite when he saw his brother tear past him. 
“Hi, love!” James called over his shoulder as he chased after Sirius. Regulus tutted at them before releasing a groaning when he saw Effie and Monty making their way towards him and Remus. He plastered a smile on his face and gave them a little wave. 
James’s parents were torturing him on purpose. There was no need to describe the way a chocolate cake oozes in the amount of detail that Monty Potter had. He’d finally been forced to send a message to James begging him to hurry up when Monty had begun to describe how he had slathered the ganache over the cake and spun it under his palate knife to smooth it over the entire cake. He stole a glance at Remus, whose facial expressions screamed with ravenous hunger. 
“Oh, where are those two?” Effie grumbled over the missing boys. She turned to Regulus. “Darling, would you be terribly upset if Monty and I headed back to the house? I need to finish up a few things for dinner, or we won’t eat until midnight,” Effie asked him. He nodded furiously. 
“Of course, Effie. Go ahead. We’ll wait for Sirius and James,” She smiled at him warmly and pecked him on the cheek before bravely moving on to Remus. Regulus had been worried about the woman for a split second as Remus was still glassy-eyed at the thought of the mouthwatering food waiting for them. 
No sooner had the Potters driven off, than James and Sirius came bounding into view, both carrying huge stuffed animals and beaming madly. 
Next part
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Courting Ayelýn
Series Listing Found Here
Aonung x Original Na'vi Female Character
Summery: Pressured by his parents to enter a formal courtship, Aonung rebels in his own way and what starts as a ruse, turns into something real. 
Note before reading: This is a spin off of my Safe Haven Series.
Reading Safe Haven is not necessary to follow this story.
Some characters have been aged up. Aonung in particular is 25.
Ayelýn is my own creation. *Pronounced Aye-Lin
Warning!! This part contains smut.
Part 4 - When They Fucked
When Aonung had asked for the two of them to do something, Ayelýn thought perhaps they’d still end up somewhere public- for show.
Maybe they’d take a walk along the beach, or even attend a storytelling event, but no.
What she hadn’t intended from his request of it being just the two of them was that it truly was… just the two of them.
Their evening started out with a late night swim. Aonung led her to one of his favourite spots- a brightly illuminated, underwater hidden gem, filled with sea fauna and flora that was too beautiful for words. 
And so captivated by her surroundings, Lýn had missed the way Aonung drank her in- as though seeing her for the very first time.
Later on, they found themselves on his private tiny island, seated inside of the little makeshift structure he had crafted for himself. 
The sort of lean-to design was just tall enough that Aonung didn’t hit his head when standing and wide enough that at least four Na’vi could fit comfortably. 
Mismatched, frayed mats laid scattered on the sand, acting as a sort of flooring that also provided comfort, and there was even a well-worn hammock set up in a way that the amazing scenery was still within view.
Near the threshold, they sat face to face as Aonung revealed dish after dish from a sack that had already been there waiting for them. Their position also allowed them the gorgeous view of the glittering sky and sea- stars all out in their glory as rhythmic crashing waves sang.  
In quick succession, laid out between them was an impressive spread that had Lýn salivating. 
“My Eywa,” she whispered through an excited smile, tucking flyaways behind her ears. “It all looks so good! Is- is this hexapede?” 
“Mhm,” Aonung hummed, loving her reactions. 
“Where did all of this come from?”
“We got a huge delivery of goods this morning from the Omaticaya. I’ve already made sure Keftxo gets their fair share,” he said, trying not to wince guiltily. “I didn’t know any wasn’t given to Keftxo the last two times… but things should be brought down within the next few days since they’re still sorting through everything we got.” 
The trading system between the clans of Pandora was well developed by now. With the use of human technology, communication was up and running, thus, enabling an established procedure.
“Aonung,” Lýn voiced softly. She had no words. He’d gone above and beyond for her little village time and time again. 
He tutted at her affectionately, understanding the wave of gratitude she was trying to express. 
“We got fresh meat this time around. I made us some hexepade stew and roasted hexape-”
“Wait… you cooked? You? I thought you hate cooking?”
He awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled something incoherent under his breath and without responding, he continued pointing out the options- one after the other. 
“- oh and Lo’ak gave us a couple of these things from his private stash- something called sari cakes, I think? They’re courtesy Neteyam’s mother-in-law… and finally-” He emptied a pouch that held, “Yovo fruit.”
Ayelýn gasped. “Yovo fruit? You’re kidding! I’ve always wanted to try these.”
“I know.” Aonung had gotten them specially well preserved for the journey- just for her. 
He chose the best looking one of the batch and held it out to her, pleased when she leaned in to take a bite of the fruit between his fingers. 
Tossing the remaining piece in his mouth, he watched as her face morphed into one of ecstasy, eyes rolling in bliss, lips licked with a moan of appreciation. Her reaction had the front of his tweng straining within seconds. 
“That’s sooo good,” she sighed. 
“Fuck, Lýn.” He cracked his neck, willing his body to calm down. “Can you try not to kill me so early tonight?” he half begged, half teased. 
It took her a split second to catch his meaning, but when she spotted his obvious situation- one he made no effort to hide, she managed to mumble an apology through a mortified blush- though a small part of her was pleased she had that much of an effect on him. 
Conversation, fun and flowing after that, they talked about everything and nothing as they indulged in their Omaticaya delicacies- sharing and feeding each other bites of food with exclamations of “you have to try this!” and “oh Eywa, this one is amazing!”
And when their bellies were full and satisfied, their attention fell on the view before them.
A light breeze ruffled their hair while they sat in comfortable silence- both minds preoccupied. 
Fiddling with his bottom lip, Aonung tossed fleeting glances Lýn’s way- a question on the tip of his tongue. And unbeknownst to him, Lýn was also sneaking her own peeks- finding him far more captivating than their scenery. 
Momentarily distracted by a leather waterskin almost sort of hidden behind him, she couldn’t help ask, “What’s in that? Did we forget to try something?”
“Hm?” He turned to see, then, “Oh, no. That’s not for you to try. Lo'ak said it’s lethal. Some insane concoction called Spir’ytüs.” 
Ayelýn looked affronted. “What do you mean not for me to try? I want to try it.”
“Sorry, gorgeous but no.” 
“All I’m asking is for a sip!”
“Lýn, you can barely handle the lightly fermented ones we make here.”
“Says who?!”
“Uh- says me? Says that one time you were stupid enough to have a competition with Rotxo and I had to carry you back to your parents inebriated and had to explain to them that it was in no way my fault, yet your father glared at me as if I had fed you every sip myself!”
“That was one time! You know I usually hold my spirits well!”
“Yeeah. I’m not taking any chances. Especially with something I haven’t tried yet.” 
Determination blazing through her gaze and boldness taking control, Lýn crossed over to his side, careful of the spread that separated them, and in the blink of an eye, she was planting herself in his lap, knees on either side of hips. 
At her shocking actions, Aonung worked his jaw, eyes flickering to her lips before returning to her eyes. “You’re playing a very dangerous game, Ayelýn.”
“Am I?” Her palms danced down his skin, starting from his shoulders, feathering down his chest to land flat against the hard panes of his stomach. They rounded his sides with clear intent on the pouch behind him. “Not if I win,” she whispered in his ear. 
Like lightning, he caught her wrists and clutched them in one hand. Her feeble protests died rather quickly when he lifted his knees- making her land exactly where he wanted. The jaw dropping shock on her face at the intimate feeling of him pressed up against her warm heat was worth the painful ache it came with. 
Lýn could do nothing but watch as he used his free hand to pop off the top of the waterskin and take a deep swig of its contents. 
He tried not to wince at the burn but failed- it was sickly sweet and definitely fucking potent. 
“I win,” he rasped, triumphant grin stretching wide and taunting as he tightened his hold on her wrists- not that he needed to, since the minx in his lap put up no fight. 
Never one to back down, Ayelýn arched her brow as if saying really? And then she surprised him yet again by leaning in and kissing him- tongue darting out to taste the essence of the sweet spirits lingering on his lips and tongue. 
She’d stolen her taste. 
It happened so fast, Aonung barely had time to register, because she was then leaning back with a satisfied smirk and smacking her lips with a pleased hum. 
“No… I think I, win.” 
But Aonung was quick to retaliate. Greedy and demanding, he devoured her with the type of kiss that had her dizzy within mere seconds. 
Wrists released, her hands framed his face as their lips and tongues danced- moving to a tune that worked in perfect symphony. 
“Stay,” he begged against her lips- finally asking that question he knew he shouldn’t be asking.
He chased after her when she tried to break their connection, stealing one last firm kiss before she managed to push him backwards. 
“Aonung, this is a bad idea.” 
Logically, he knew she was right.
It was a terrible idea. 
Eyes roaming over her, he licked his lips. At some point he had released the tie that kept her wild hair confined. She was stunning- swollen lips, flushed cheeks and fully blown pupils. 
He wanted to kiss her again. 
So he did. 
One hand tangled her hair, he angled her head and parted her lips with his own. And though he could still feel her lingering inner fight, she kissed him back just as feverishly. 
Lýn rolled her hips- a single, deep roll against the thick ridge of him that gave her the most delicious friction despite the layers separating them- one that gained her a staggering groan from Aonung.
“Do you have to get back tonight?”
He didn’t want to face her rejection just yet, so he silenced her with another kiss- a kiss that made her tail and toes curl… a kiss that hurt her heart just a little bit. 
The incessant throbbing between her thighs had become overly unbearable and, aching for relief, Lýn gave in, encouraging his touch as his hands explored her skin. 
They skimmed up her thighs and squeezed her ass before traveling up her sides- calloused thumbs sweeping the underside of her breasts. 
A loud swear escaped him and his hips bucked when she rolled again- core rubbing deliberate and way too much for him to handle. He clamped a firm hand on her waist to prevent her from doing it again.
Unhappy about this, she smacked the hand away and he smacked her backside in response, tugging on her tail in warning for good measure. 
“Ayelýn, I’m going to come within seconds if you keep that up.”
“That sounds like a you problem.” She yelped at the tug of her hair and the stinging bite he left on her neck. 
“So mouthy,” he mused. 
“And you’re annoying,” she muttered with a nip of her own against his jaw.
But then, reality creeping in, alarming and loud in her head, Lýn’s mouth moved faster than her mind, spewing, “I’m not a play-thing.”
Aonung reared back to see her face. A flash of hurt crossed his features and despite how fast he’d schooled his expression, she still caught it. “Of course you're not… Where did that even come from?”
“I- I’m just saying… I don’t know what any of this is or what we’re doing, but I needed you to know that.”
“Lýn. You're not,” he emphasized.
She nodded, glad to have at least cleared that with him.
“And anyway… It’s- uh… been a while for me,” he admitted in a soft tone. “I don’t- I’m not that Aonung anymore. I’d hope you think so too.” 
She did think so. Aonung was so much more different than she’d realized. Different from the rumors… different from when they’d first met.  
“When you say a while…”
“Mmm, counting? Over a year…” He scratched his jaw. “Almost two by now since we’ve been together- well not together together-” he rambled. “You know what I mean.” 
“Oh.” Ayelýn turned the information around in her mind as she bit on the tip of her thumb.
He hadn’t been with a woman in that long? How? Why?
“Okay,” she finally said. “And to be clear, you want to-” she gestured between the two of them, “-with me?” 
“Yes,” he answered firmly, fingers toying with the string that kept her top in place. “It’s no pressure though. We’re just having fun, right?” 
“Mhmm.” He ducked his head to nose at that spot where her neck and jaw connected. With one tug of the string, the beaded thing covering her breasts fell into her lap. 
A shudder made her jerk in his arms and Lýn blamed it on a gust of wind. This time of year and this late out, the breeze could get nippy… It definitely wasn���t the way Aonung was mouthing at her flesh, or the way his thumbs brushed over her hardened nipples. 
Definitely not…
“Okay,” she agreed breathlessly, head lulling backwards as his path trailed from her collarbones, to the tops of her chest that rose and fell in anticipation. “But just this one time and we don’t talk about it afterwards. Agreed?”
Aonung paused at her words. 
He didn’t want that. 
And instead of responding, he swallowed her nipple into his mouth. 
Sex with Aonung was not at all what Ayelýn imagined… and yes guilty- she had imagined this moment…. Many times actually. 
In the early days of their pretend courtship, a heartbroken woman named Zers’i had cornered Lýn, giving her a piece of her mind- accusing her of stealing the man she hoped she’d settle down with. 
By the end of the rant, Zers’i had turned from bitter and angry into a sobbing mess. And in the midst of Lýn, comforting the weeping woman on her shoulder, it led to an interesting revelation. 
“You’re going to have to do all the work. I- I guess I don’t feel so bad now,” the blubbering soul had stammered through tears. 
At the time, Ayelýn didn’t know what that meant, but with two other confrontations that bore similar remarks, she gathered that Aonung could be somewhat of a selfish lover. 
Yet here, in this moment as the stars watched over them, Aonung had ripped sounds from her lips she didn’t even know she could make. 
The man was ruthless in his pursuit to learn what she liked- mapping her body with his hands, lips, tongue… tail. 
He was far from selfish as he stayed buried between her thighs for Eywa knows how long, lapping and sucking while his fingers curled deep within her heat, causing delicious pleasure to consume her in wave after wave. 
Then, while she was mid recovery from another glorious orgasm, he was rearing onto his knees, lifting her calf over his shoulder and thrusting into her in one fluid stroke- right the the hilt. 
That first time, the burning stretch and his pace was brutal. 
Skin slapping on skin he took her hard and fast, practically contouring her body to his will as profanity fell from his lips like a prayer. He really didn’t last long at all and he even apologized for it when he dropped down next to her to catch his breath. 
Post orgasmic haze, his lips were everywhere, peppering her with sweet, playful kisses as he whispered things that made her blush.
“Not so mouthy now, are you?”
“You make the prettiest sounds when you come.”
“Will you let me taste you again?”
“...You’re beautiful.”
Eager to have her own way with him, she had slithered between his thighs, mouth watering at the sight of him coated in her arousal. 
Lýn was pretty sure dicks weren’t supposed to look pretty. She guessed he must have been an exception. 
He was quite impressive even though he was half hard. She wouldn’t tell him that though, she was sure it would only go to his head, especially judging by the stupid smirk he’d given her as she took him in. 
Lýn enjoyed teasing him. Within seconds of her little playful strokes and licks, he was fully erect and leaking all over her hand. His stomach hollowed out and his moans and grunts were loud as her head bobbed- mouth taking him deeper and deeper down her throat each time she came up for air. 
And when the cusp of his impending release came near, he was sitting up, impatiently pulling her up his body by the hair and kissing her with such passion, she was on the verge of combusting. 
Drenched between her thighs from her own arousal and his release from earlier, he slipped in with ease, sliding her down his length until she took him all- back bowing because at this angle, the man was impossibly deep. 
Eyes locked in unspoken intensity, they released quiet breathy sighs as they relished in the feeling of him seated inside her- deep and full and tight and warm. 
Limbs folded around each other and lips meeting halfway, they rocked slowly, fucking in a way that didn’t feel like fucking at all. 
Aonung planted kisses on her temple and her cheek and jaw, hands smoothing over every inch of skin he could find while Lýn clung to him- tiny murmurs and mewls escaping her.
They moved in tandem, deliberate rolls and grinds that weren’t rushed or hurried as they climbed higher and higher- the build up so profound and fervent, a few tears sprang to Lýn’s eyes. 
“Fuck, I’m going to come soon.” He licked away the lone teardrop that escaped her, and she tasted the salt on his tongue when he parted her lips with it. “Come with me, gorgeous. Please.”
She nodded and led one of his hands between them, showing him what she wanted- clit needing attention for her to get there. 
It was tempting to increase their rhythm, to want rock harder or move faster, but they both kept their pace, gradually getting to that peak that swelled and blossomed until they neared that break.
Rhythm eventually growing erratic, then faltering, Aonung hid his face- nose pressed into Lýn’s cheek as his fingers tightened their hold- in her hair at her nape, the others circling her clit. 
Ayelýn came with a soft cry and a full body spasm, trembling as she felt his warmth spread inside her. She moaned into Aonung’s mouth- his own groans accompanying hers.
Pleasure thrumming throughout her body, he continued to grind into her- drawing little aftershocks and whimpers from her. 
Both limbless and exhausted, they collapsed against the mats beneath them. 
Aonung slipped out from between her legs and Lýn made a face at the gush of mess slowly escaping her. Though, she was too worn out to care to do anything about it. Eywa, there was so much of it. 
Arm draped around her waist, Aonung kissed her forehead and whispered something she didn’t make out. She squirmed closer, and made a home in his arms, content to use a bicep as a pillow and to squish her face into the space below his shoulder.
And in the quiet of their shelter, the sounds of rolling waves lulled them into calm.
Aonung did not find rest easily that night. While Lýn slept, his thoughts plagued him. Knuckles running down her spine, he held her close… 
Something he’d never done with anyone before. 
Aongung didn’t do cuddling. 
He didn’t do soft and sweet fucking.
And he definitely didn’t do night overs.
He sighed and squeezed his eyes shut, hoping his thoughts would grow tired.
Ayelýn confused him. 
He knew he liked her. He hadn’t realized just how deep, however. The way in which this woman had wormed her way into his constant thoughts, terrified him.
A small dark part of him- a lingering remnant of the old Aonung, thought that fucking her would get her out of his system. 
They’d fucked alright, yet here he was, holding her because he still couldn’t get enough. She was no longer only in his thoughts.
She had seeped into his veins…
Into his heart.
Giving up on his inner struggle, he decided to literally give up. He was done fighting this. 
Done fighting them. 
Cupping her neck he held her to him as quiet prayers to Eywa left his lips, whispers buried into Ayelýn’s hair. 
When morning broke, neither of them spoke about it. 
And in the following hours that turned into days that turned to weeks, neither acknowledged the evident shift between them.  
Please give me calm, give me strength. 
Ayelýn blew out another shaky breath. She was a nervous wreck this morning. 
Tail twitching behind her, she made yet another wrong turn along a bouncing pathway… Maybe it was deliberate? Maybe it was her body’s way of protecting her from what was to come. 
Eywa. She really didn’t want to do this.  
Throughout her journey, Lýn kept a look out for a familiar mountain of a man who she couldn’t seem to find anywhere. Of all days, this was not a day for him to be missing! 
Despite her obvious prolonging, she couldn’t stall any further or else she’d be late, and after final, futile efforts, she at least felt some ounce of relief when she spotted Aonung’s sister. 
“Tsireya!” she called out. 
“Ayelýn!” the woman chirped in pleasant surprise, walking over to meet her halfway. “Are you looking for my brother?”
“Well, yes and no. I was hoping to catch him for a moment.”
“He’s out on a hunt. Won’t be back till late.”
“Oh.” That was disappointing to hear. 
“What’s wrong?”
Lýn licked her lips and tried not to grimace. “My presence has been requested. Your mother summoned me,” she revealed. 
Tsireya appeared unaffected by the news, though she did pick up on Lýn’s nervousness. “I had a feeling this would happen eventually. I told my brother as much… He’s so stubborn,” she muttered with a fond shake of her head. 
“Why does she want to see me then? I was just told to come here.” 
“Sa'nok has been asking Aonung to have you come by for a while now and he’s been swimming around it,” Tsireya explained. “She thinks he keeps you purposely away from her and I’m guessing she’s had enough… and of course she’d choose the day he was on an all day hunt.”
“Ah. I see.” Lýn weighed her options, then, “Reya, I have no clue what to say to her… the few times we’ve interacted were- weird and awkward and honestly, I don’t think she likes me very much.”
“Lýn, trust me, you’ll be fine. She simply wants to get to know you. She did the same thing with my Lo’ak.”
That did ease away some of Ayelýn’s nerves. 
Tsireya took her hand and squeezed it in comfort. “And just a secret between you and me… if she offers you to stay for a meal with her, it means she definitely approves.”
Ayelýn tried not to squirm, but sitting before an intimidating Ronal would make just about anyone uncomfortable. 
They’d been sitting in silence ever since she’d arrived and Lýn decided to cope by focusing on her surroundings while Ronal continued to study her. After all, every nook of the Tsahìk’s marui had something curious to see. 
“What is your appointed position in your village, Ayelýn?”
Lýn startled, not only from the sudden break in their long, suffering silence, but also from the question. 
By now, it was no secret what her role in the clan was. Ayelýn had gotten her fair share of snickers and stray comments and at one feast only a couple days ago, she had to pull away a snarling Aonung when he’d overheard a group of women bad mouthing her and her scrubber status. 
The Tsahìk had also been present and seated nearby and Lýn had even caught her watching the ordeal in great interest. 
“I’m a scrubber, Tsahìk.” 
“Hm. Do you enjoy it?” 
“I don’t think anyone enjoys being a scrubber,” Lyn answered honestly. “But it is work, and I am diligent about it.” 
Ronal appeared to think before she spoke again.
“Should you have the opportunity, what would you prefer to be doing then?” 
“Oh- no, I-”
“T’is only a question, child. Won’t you humor a curious woman?”
“Ah… I- I suppose I’ve always had an interest in mending things.” Lýn held in a chuckle, remembering her first meeting with Aonung and his mortified reaction to her canoe. “Though I don’t believe I’d be any good at it given my lack of skill.”
“Skill can be easily learnt,” Ronal said, helping herself to a sip of her brewed seaweed and herb tea. “If I’m not mistaken, Hythspon is finally considering getting an apprentice- I believe you know him? Perhaps you might be interested in taking the position? I can put in a good word for you, if you’d like.”
Ayelýn sat up straighter. “Truly? I- thank you, Tsahìk… I will give it some thought.” 
“You should… It means, you’d also be closer to Aonung since you’d have to move to Awa’atlu.”
Unsure how to respond to that, Ayelýn mashed her lips together and gave a small nod. 
“My son does not realize it, but he speaks a great deal about you. I, however, am interested in getting to know the women he intends to mate and bring into our family, for myself... So tell me.” Ronal sat back expectantly. 
Lýn frowned. “What exactly would you like to know?”
“Everything, my dear. Everything. You will not be Tsahìk- since my Reya is next in line, but if and when you and my son do mate, you will be the mate of the Metkayina’s future Olo'eyktan. It is my duty to know who that woman is… So tell me, everything.”
And so, Lýn spoke as Ronal asked her question after question. 
She was asked about her family and her completed rites; Keftxo, her childhood, her likes and dislikes, what her values were and what she did in her free time. Ronal asked her what she envisioned for her future, even how many children she wanted to have.
With each question, they became more direct and personal and Ayelýn felt her walls going up and panic bubble in her chest. Her body was so rigid and tense, she had to force herself to unclench her jaw, to uncurl her tail and to give her shoulders the occasional roll. 
When requested, Ayelýn recounted the story of how she and Aonung first met and then Ronal asked her a question she had been dreading the most. 
“Aonung won’t say, but when do you believe you two will take the next step? I am keen to have the meeting of the two families. Tonowari and I have been lenient. We gave Aonung a year, it has now been almost two. I understand this must be a bit difficult for you, but… it has been long enough.”
Stunned, Ayelýn fiddled with the end of her tail, then, catching herself, she stopped. “We will discuss it, Tsahìk,” she feebly promised. 
“That is all I ask,” she said. “You may continue to court of course, there is no pressure to make the mating bond just yet.” 
Tension eased from Lýn’s shoulders at that.
“But, you have to understand, we need to know for certain whether or not this is a secure match,” she explained with surprising gentleness. 
“I understand.” 
“Good… Now tell me, Ayelýn. Are you happy in your courtship with my son? Truly?”
“Yes. He-” Lýn cleared her throat. “I am happy… He makes me happy.” 
“Hmm.” Ronal’s unwavering eyes made Lýn uncomfortable. “I must speak my mind when I say I was quite surprised by my son’s choice of you.”
Feeling another wall of guardedness shift into place, Lýn clenched her jaw. “Because I am a scrubber from Keftxo?” 
Surprise clouded Ronal’s features for a fraction of a second. “Oh goodness, no. Nothing to do with that. If anything I am baffled as to why you- a woman with her head on her shoulders- are with my Aonung- given how he can be.” 
“How he- can be? Forgive me, Tsahìk, but don’t understand.”
“Aonung is… subversive. He is wild and brash- rude. He is selfish in nature and is reckless with his life.  As his mother, I want nothing more than for him to see that he is destined to do great things.”
Lýn’s heart thundered in her chest. She should have bit her tongue but it was quicker to release. “Your son is already doing great things.”
Ronal regarded the woman before her. Gone was the fidgeting, nervous slip of a Na’vi. Ayelýn was livid. 
“You don’t agree with me?” she asked, mildly amused.
“No. No, I don’t. Aonung is defined by none of those descriptions.” 
“Tsahìk, my apologies for speaking out of turn but- Aonung is bold, and kind. He is brave and he may seem selfish at times like you say but he would put his own life in danger for the help of others. He is brash and rude but he is also funny and sweet and charming- and he wants nothing more than your approval of him. He wants you and his father to see him- not as a constant disappointment but as your son…. He’s a good leader, he has heart and strength and the people love him!
“And yes he has his flaws- Don’t we all?! But he is our future Olo'eyktan- his mistakes no matter how big or small are seen as monumental in anyone else's eyes. He’s allowed to make mistakes, he’s allowed to learn from them and not have them constantly thrown back in his face... Like anyone else, he’s allowed to be forgiven…. Especially by his parents.”
Silence followed.
An awestruck appearance of realization formed on the Tsahìk’s face and Lýn braced herself for Ronal’s wrath.
“You speak with such passion for Aonung. I had not realized you were in love with my son.”
Ayelýn released a shaky breath. Not outrightly disagreeing with the statement, she didn’t correct it either. 
Since her mother’s slip of the word love a little over a month ago, she’d had sufficient time to dwell and think. 
At every attempt to reason away the absurdity, Lýn had failed. 
She was in love with Aonung. 
Through and through. 
Flaws and all. 
“We are courting, Tsahìk. Of course I care deeply for him.”
“For someone like Aonung with a commitment to his clan, courting has nothing to do with love, child. It is a path to secure a match in the end. You may care deeply, yes, but finding love in courtship for him is a gift. As leaders, courtship means duty, honor, security.”
Lýn bit her lip. She finally understood the pressures Aonung face day after day.
“Then, as a leader whose duty is for the clan- their needs, their happiness… Doesn’t Aonung deserve that too? You speak of love as this surprising gift between a match. But… can’t he just want to find love for himself?”
Ronal’s lips twitched and instead of answering, she asked her own questions. “Does my son know? Does he know how deep your feelings for him fall?”
“And will you tell him?”
Ayelýn’s head bowed, wordlessly answering the question. 
“Pity… Well. There is still time, no?” The Tsahìk uncovered a platter. “I am famished. Would you like to join me for lunch, Ayelýn?”
Staring stunned at the spread, when Lýn glanced up, Ronal was smiling. 
The type of smile that told Ayelýn she’d passed some kind of test. 
Hello friends! 💛
Firstly, I promise you, I tried so many others, but that's the title that happened to stick for this part... and on the topic, I hope the smut was alright... Hehe.
This part got way too long, so I split it into two. The next one coming out will be the final part. *Fingers Crossed*
As always, please let me know what you think.
Tags:@jakesullyfatjuicypeen@granddearduck@riatesullironalite@strawberri-blonde@earthling55 @innercreationflower @gyuventure @btsiguess-kpop@blkmystery@neteswife@luvteyams@isnt-itstrange@erenjaegerwifee@faatxma@ivysully@bakugouswaif@pinkpantheris @mntx666@ironcaptainnataliabarnes @staymentallystable @neteyamslovrr @melsunshine
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Best day of my life (USWNT x ADHD reader)
Song: The one my heart beats for by Greg Steinfeld
This took longer than I expected and I got a bit carried away, but it's finally done!
I love this series, but I think it might be coming to an end. I'm open to doing one more part if you guys might want one, let me know and feel free to send me some ideas!
Warnings: Panic attack, self doubt
Part One, Two, Three, Four
Words: 7.3k
"What's got you so excited today?" Tierna asked sitting down next to me on the field. While I had tried to tone it down a bit, I was very hyperactive today. My hyperactivity was always worse when I was excited, there was pretty much nothing that could be done to stop it. Ally had to go back home for a month for work. We hadn't been apart for that long since her promotion so I was suffering. She was coming back today so it was safe to say I was extremely excited.  
"Take a guess."
"Something to do with your better half I'd say. Is she coming back today?"
I did a little wiggle before flopping back onto the grass, "Yup. A month is way too long to not be with her. Oh! It's also her birthday in a few days! I love her birthday because it's the one day I get to go all out spoiling her and she can't complain about it." 
"You two are adorable, I love how excited you get to see her. We should do a team dinner to celebrate Ally's birthday. Is the wedding planning all done?"
"You guys would really want to celebrate her birthday? Um also mostly, we just need to sort out wedding rings and honeymoon."
Tierna looked at me like I had just said the craziest thing ever, "You're marrying her, we see her almost as much as you and she is amazing. Y/n, Ally is family now, of course we want to celebrate her. What rings are you going to get?"
The problem was, I had no idea what my ring was going to be. I had been scouring the internet and countless jewelers for anything that might work, but I was drawing a blank. Rings were a sensory nightmare for me, I could wear them for a short time before they started driving me crazy. Ally had gotten me a few rings over the years, mostly fidget rings. She knew I liked them and wanted to try adjusting even though I always ended up wearing them on a chain. It was my wedding ring though, I wanted to be able to wear it normally, to show off that I was married.
"I don't know. I think Ally is going to use her engagement ring since she loves it so much. I really struggle with wearing rings so we were talking about getting me a fidget ring though a fancier one to fit as a wedding ring. That way I can play with it and hopefully it'll help me get used to it. Ally wouldn't care if I wore it on a chain, but I want to wear it like normal people do, I want to show off I'm married T."
"Hey, don't go comparing yourself to others okay? I think a fidget ring is a great idea and it's awesome you're trying to adjust even if it makes you uncomfortable. Just be patient with yourself and if all else fails, just get it tattooed."
"That's not a silly idea. Thanks T."
"Hey Y/n, wher-"
"Don't have time," I yelled running away from Emily. Ally had messaged saying she was downstairs. I was very excited to see her, but I also wasn't going to let her carry her bags up herself. Whenever we went anywhere, I carried her bags. Ally had messaged me when she was already in the lobby, so I was in a rush to beat her before she could come up. 
Before Ally had the chance to turn around I wrapped my arms around her waist and spun her around. She squealed, well at least the person I was currently spinning around squealed. As soon as I heard it, I realised it wasn't Ally. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I thought you were someone else."
The women laughed, before turning around to reveal Ally's younger sister. When you see her face on, they look nothing alike, but behind they look very similar, "Hi Y/n."
"Dani? What are you doing here? Where's Ally? I'm very confused."
"Ally's over there getting her key. I'm in town for a work conference so figured I'd come see Ally for her birthday." By this point, the coaches just automatically roomed me alone, but put down for two so Ally could stay with me. There had been a bit of push back when Ally first started traveling with me, though it was quickly realised that I played better when sharing a room with Ally.
After giving Dani a proper hug, I pulled away to go find Ally. There was no way I was going to repeat what just happened so instead I tapped Ally on the shoulder once she was clearly identified. "A warning would have been nice y'know, I just picked up and spun around your sister. Like I'm not complaining, I love your sister, but I love you more."
"I know, I saw and it was hilarious." I pouted. Ally giggled, pulling me into a hug and subtly kissing my neck. We didn't go out of our way to hide our relationship, but we were more careful in public. Things were easier without the public interfering, I also didn't want Ally to have to deal with the meanness of some of the fans. "I'm sorry my love. It was a last minute plan."
I pretended to think about it for a second before smirking, "Hmm I'll forgive you later when we're alone."
Ally blushed, but pulled me over to Dani without a word. I could only guess what was going through her mind. Dani had become like a sister to me pretty much as soon as we had met. So despite my initial embarrassment, I was actually really excited to see her. She was only a few months younger than me and much to Ally's dismay, she did match my energy most of the time. Ally loved that we got along, but it meant she had to deal with two crazy people. 
It was too early for dinner yet so Ally, Dani and I hung around in our room for a while catching up and talking about wedding stuff. Dani made me sit through the torture of looking at her possible dress choices. Ally loved it, but I would rather be doing anything else. Dani literally sat on me though, so there was no other option. 
Ally was taking too long to get ready so Dani and I decided to wait for her in the lobby. I had spent too much time sitting down and was feeling restless so I ran down the stairs while Dani walked behind me, complaining she wasn't an athlete and to slow down. I just flipped her off and ran faster, knowing full well that if Ally or Ali found out I would be in trouble.
Dani had decided to chase me after flipping her off. Some of the team were hanging around the lobby so I made a beeline to Ali and hid behind her, though Dani hadn't given up. I managed a few laps around Ali before she grabbed my shirt, allowing Dani to catch me. The team watched on as Dani tickled me, while I tried to fight her off. It wasn't an easy task given the full blown fits of laughter, but I managed to get her into a headlock. 
Eventually, Dani pulled out of my grip, doubling over in laughter while attempting to catch her breath. I followed suit, not realising how many eyes were currently on us. "Uh hey Y/n and mystery women who's not your fiancé."
My head shot up as I realised how strange this probably looked to them. "Right, this is Dani. Dani the team."
"Hello team."
"Where's Ally?" Ali asked, still looking very confused.
"She was taking too long to get ready as always so we left without her. We're always waiting on her, such a slowpoke." Dani answered, getting raised eye brows in response. A few of the team looked like they wanted to say something, but held back. It was then I realised I hadn't actually told them who Dani was.
"Dani is Ally's sister by the way. She's in town for work so we thought we'd go out for an early birthday dinner for Ally."
"Ohh that makes more sense. Nice to meet you Dani."
Ally caught my eye, looking stunning as always. I was really looking forward to having time alone with her. Not necessarily for inappropriate reasons, but to cuddle with her, the lazy make out sessions before we fell asleep or when we woke up and just being close to her. Dani flicked my ear, running out of my reach. Ali dodged me as I ran around her, moving to the safety of where Ally was standing, "Are they always like that?"
"Unfortunately. Dani matches Y/n's energy pretty much constantly so it's like having a hyperactive Y/n, times like 10 because they feed off each other. Dani is like the sister Y/n never had. They're happy, so I'm happy even though it's exhausting sometimes. I'll give them a few minutes to tire themselves out before stopping them, hopefully they'll sit through dinner."
"Good luck. The team and I were thinking we could go out for dinner to celebrate your birthday. Either on the day or a day around it. What do you think?"
"I would love that." Ally's smile caught my eye, distracting me from where I was going and making me run into Kristie. She stopped me from falling, but all my attention was still on Ally. It was one of her genuinely happy smiles, something that people wouldn't be able to tell apart from her regular smiles. This smile was more lopsided and toothy, the corner of her eyes crinkling just a bit more. Besides her love filled smile it was my favourite smile. Kristie and Dani followed my eye line when I didn't say anything for a while, "What are you looking at?"
"She's looking at Ally of course. She's in looooove."
"More than I ever thought possible," I mumbled, moving over to stand next to Ally. "I love you."
We had finished dinner a little while ago and had been walking around, but we all had to be up early so we dropped Dani at her hotel before starting the short walk back to ours. There weren't that many people around so my arm wrapped around Ally's shoulder, pulling her against me as we walked. "I love everyone and everything, but I'm really glad we're alone now. I missed you."
Ally kissed the spot under my ear, "I missed you too Y/n/n. Thankfully, I don't think I'll need to spend that much time away for a while."
"Good. Mmm I can't wait to cuddle."
"I believe you hinted at something earlier."
"Oh yeah, you giving me a massage to make up for not telling me about Dani."
Ally groaned, pushing me away, "You're such a tease."
I laughed, pulling Ally back into me, peppering her face with kisses, "I'm sorry."
"Nah," She pouted, walking away and into the hotel. I went to chase after her, but a group of fans outside the hotel called out to me. Interacting with fans was one of my favourite things to do so of course I went over. I knew she wasn't seriously mad or anything so it made me feel less bad about going over to them. Also, she was waiting just inside giving me reassuring smiles. Ten minutes and dozens of photos later, I made my way back into the hotel, following Ally into the elevator. 
My arms wrapped around her waist from behind, leaving light kisses across her neck. Sometimes, I felt bad that Ally had to deal with me being well known to the public. She never complained about it, instead keeping her distance and allowing me to interact as I wanted to. The guilt was hitting pretty hard right now though.
Once we were back in the room, Ally cupped my cheek, pulling me in for a slow, lingering kiss, "What's wrong?"
I shrugged, not meeting her eyes, "Nothing."
"Liar. You haven't said a word since you came inside, you got all soft and touchy suddenly so talk to me."
 "You're the best you know that? It can't be easy dating someone who's in the public eye all the time."
"You're feeling guilty again aren't you?" I just nodded, sitting on the edge of the bed. Ally straddled my legs, letting my head fall against her shoulder. "Y/n, I knew before we started dating that you were in the public eye and that once you got called up, it would only get worse. Maybe it's not always easy, but if I couldn't handle it, then I wouldn't have pursued you, let alone agreed to spend the rest of my life with you. You're respectful about it, you know the time and place to leave me to interact with them. Please don't feel guilty Y/n/n. Now, I know it's getting late, but I've really really missed you so what do you say we get reacquainted."
Once we were thoroughly reacquainted and cuddled up in bed for the night, I completed my nightly routine of scrolling the internet for my wedding ring. This time though I think I found the one. It was a simple black titanium fidget ring, engraved with shooting stars. They were subtle as they were black and flush with the surface. Ally absolutely loved stars so it would be a little reminder of her when we were apart. Another perk was there was the option to have the band width smaller which would be perfect.
I quickly rolled over toward Ally, making her look at me confused. "Baby I think I finally found my ring."
"Ooo show me." Ally grinned after seeing the photo, kissing my temple, "I love it. Stars because of me right?"
"You know me too well. A part of you for when you're not around."
"You're such a sap."
I cuddled against her side, leaning up to connect our lips, "Only for you Ally."
"Better be. Now we've got everything else sorted, we need to plan our honeymoon."
"Honestly, I don't even know where to start. There are so many options."
"Well, you've always talked about wanting to go back to New Zealand to explore the south island. Maybe we could do that? It'll be winter, but it'll be ski season."
"Wait really? That sounds amazing. It kinda fits, skiing was our first trip as a couple and it'll be our first trip as a married couple. I'll look into game schedules so we can book it."
Something anyone could tell you was that I was not in the slightest a morning person. I hated waking up early and would do everything to avoid it. That being said, there were three days in a year that I naturally woke up early for. They were Ally's birthday, our anniversary and since meeting Ally, Christmas. This morning I was awake at 7:30am because it was Ally's 27th birthday. It was too early to wake her up so I spent almost an hour enjoying cuddles before getting restless and sneaking out of bed to find breakfast for us. 
I peppered Ally's face with kisses. She groaned, shoving her face further against my chest, "Baby wake up it's your birthday!"
"Why does my birthday have to be one of the three days a year you turn into a morning person?" Ally groaned.
"Because I get to spoil you and you can't complain. Now I got you breakfast. I couldn't make it this year, but I found a cafe close by that had all your favourites so you gotta wake up."
Ally protested, but sat up anyway, taking the coffee with a sleepy smile. We ate breakfast in comfortable quite, some random show playing in the background. I just wanted to give her the presents I got, but I wanted her to enjoy her breakfast while it was warm so I waited impatiently. As soon as Ally finished eating, I pecked her lips before practically running to the cupboard where I had hidden them.
"Y/n, why did you get me so much? You know you don't have to."
"I don't have to, I want to so deal with it. Besides, it's only three things. You are an amazing, incredible women who deserves to be spoilt. I love you so much. Happy birthday my love."
"Thank you Y/n/n. I do appreciate it even though I don't like you buying me heaps of stuff. I love you."
"I know, now open them!"
In all honesty, I wanted to buy Ally much more than I actually did, but I knew she would feel really bad and not enjoy them as much. Instead I stuck with matching silver initial necklaces with a heart pendant, a star map of the night I proposed and a custom engraved keychain with a photo of me standing behind Ally, arms wrapped around her as she looked back at me with a huge grin. It was her favourite photo of us. These were all things that she had talked about wanting. Ally grinned, launching herself into my arms giggling. "You remembered. Thank you, I love them."
"You wanna know a secret?" Ally nodded quickly, "You know my memories shit so whenever you point something out that you want or talk about, I write it down in my phone notes so I remember."
"Really? You're so sweet Y/n/n. Put this on for me?"
I secured the necklace around her neck, leaving kisses across her neck and jaw before leaving a lingering kiss against her lips. "I have a whole day planned for you. Don't even ask because it's all a surprise."
We spent a while making out before moving to the shower and finally leaving the hotel. Ally went for a spa and massage session, while I went to get stuff required for a picnic lunch at the gardens. It was a little bit chilly, but Ally loved picnics so it was still perfect. We just used it as an excuse to cuddle the whole time. After the picnic, we walked around for a little bit before going to a board game cafe. They had a heap of board games you could play while you were there. While board games may not have been my thing, they were definitely Ally's and her birthday was all about things that she liked doing. That night, I took Ally to a restaurant where the team were waiting to surprise her. Of course we finished the night cuddled up in bed watching all of Ally's favourite movies. 
I felt multiple intense and overwhelming feelings as I read the text from an unknown number. 
Unknown: Hi Y/n, it's mum and dad. We're sorry it's been a while, but we've been thinking about you recently and wanted to check in, see how you're doing?
Unknown: We also heard you were getting married and wanted to say congratulations. We're sure he's lovely and can't wait to meet him. Maybe we can sort out a time before your wedding?
Anger, disgust, sadness, fear and many more emotions swirled around my head as all I could do was stare at the message. I didn't know how they had gotten my number, how they knew I was getting married or why they suddenly felt the need to reach out after years of no contact. There was nothing on my public social media about it and the only family I still talked to were a few cousins that had nothing to do with my parents. It was safe to say I was confused as hell and slightly scared at how they were getting information on me. They also knew I was gay, yet they still refused to acknowledge it, instead deciding to misgender my fiancé. 
I didn't know what to do, I didn't know how to process it. The familiar tightness in my chest returned as my breath caught in my throat. The tightness that I hadn't felt in so long. It felt like I was drowning, no matter how hard I tried I couldn't catch my breath. My phone fell to the floor, catching the attention of some of the girls. They were saying stuff that I couldn't comprehend as a hand landed on my shoulder. I knew they were trying to help, but it just sent more panic through me as I shrugged it off and stumbled back. 
Arms wrapped tightly around me from behind, calming me down enough to realise it was Ali. I wanted my Ally, but Ali was helping enough to breath a little easier despite still panicking. 
"You're okay, I've got you Y/n. Ally is coming, but I need you to take some deep breaths for me. Just follow my breathing."
The more I focused on mine and her breathing, the easier it became. I found myself relaxing against Ali. The tightness in my chest slowly disappearing. A few minutes later, hands cupped my face, familiar lips leaving soft kisses across my face before landing on my lips.
"Ally," I whimpered, pushing myself into her arms. 
"I've got you my love. Come on, let's go back to our room."
Ally didn't question what had happened straight away, instead she held me tightly as I curled into her side and cried. All the feelings and memories from growing up came rushing back. It had been years since I cried over them, I couldn't help feeling stupid. They didn't deserve my tears. 
A hand ran through my hair and down my back, effectively helping me to calm down enough to stop the tears, but left me a hiccupping mess, "What happened Y/n/n?"
I handed her my phone, never leaving the safety of her side, "Messages."
She was quiet for a few seconds before my phone was thrown back on the bed next to us and I was held tighter, "Oh hell no. Don't even give them the satisfaction of a reply, they don't deserve it and you don't need to deal with this. We can just block them and move past this."
"I know that's what I should do. I don't want anything to do with them, but how did they know I was getting married? We haven't posted anything publicly and we don't know anyone who has anything to do with them. They also shouldn't be able to message, I blocked them. It scares me."
"Okay, I'll text them back and ask then block them. You're not going to have anything to do with it."
"Thank you Ally. I feel like this is a huge step back. I thought I had accepted the situation and moved past it, but I obviously haven't."
"That's not true. It was unexpected, they put you through hell and this was a normal reaction. You've made so much progress, this doesn't take away from that. I know it might have taken you back to times you don't want to remember, but you'll move past it. We'll work through this together."
"I love you."
"I love you Y/n."
It didn't take long for my parents to reply. In all honesty, they were probably waiting by the phone. They were likely delusional enough to think that everything they did to me would be forgotten and I would welcome them back with open arms. Actually, they never understood what they put me through so in reality they just expected to act like the last 3 years never happened.
"So apparently my gran told her church group I was getting married, showing off photos and everything. Someone from the group recoganised you as the daughter of someone they know from a different group and told them you were getting married. As for your number, apparently they just got a new phone and tried your old number. I guess they got embarrassed that they didn't know so wanted to make themselves look better. I'm so sorry baby, I didn't know they were connected in anyway. I'll talk to gran about keeping stuff to herself."
"It's not your fault, it's such a random connection. I don't blame your grandma either, she's just excited that her granddaughter is getting married. We can talk to her about it tomorrow or something. Can you tell them I don't want anything to do with them, then tell them to fuck off, block them and delete the messages? I don't want any reminder of this."
"Of course. I think maybe we should change your number so this can't happen again."
"That's a tomorrow job as well. For now can we just have a bath then cuddle and watch movies? After you please let the girls know I'm okay."
"That sounds like heaven. Let me call my boss as well and let her know I'm done for the day."
"No, you should be working. I'll be fine."
"That's not happening. You're more important than work."
Ally slipped out of my grip to call her boss and run a bath before coming back. I pouted, lifting my arms up, "Carry me?"
"Baby, I would love to carry you, but you're the strong one. You know I would drop you."
She was right, I knew it from experience. Doesn't mean I didn't pout the whole time I was getting up, "Ugh fine."
"Don't pout. I can give you a massage instead."
None of the team had been told the details of what caused my panic attack a few days. I hadn't wanted to bring it up again. Surprisingly, after the initial panic attack, it hadn't effected me as much as I expected. There had been a few nightmares to begin with, but Ally had stopped me from bottling it up and actually made me deal with it. 
Ali gave me a quick hug before letting me into her room, "I know you probably don't want to talk about it, but you doing okay kiddo?"
"I think so. Ally's been a big help." Besides Ally, Ali was the person I trusted most, so I gave her a quick rundown on what had happened. Even if she tried not to show it, I knew she was worried.  
"Don't worry, even if they show up, they won't be getting in."
"Thanks Ali. I know I've asked a lot of you recently, but I have another favour to ask."
"You know I would do almost anything for you Y/n."
"Will you teach me how to dance? Ally wants to have a first dance, but I don't really know how. She knows and offered not to have one which I agreed to. I'm planning on surprising her though and want it to be perfect."
Ali smiled widely, "Of course I will. I really admire how much effort you're putting into this. I'm sure she'll love it either way because you tried."
Ali put some slow music on quietly in the back ground before standing in front of me, "There are two ways you can do it, either holding one of her hands as you more around or one persons arms around the waist while the others around the neck. Or you can do both depending what you're comfortable with."
Ali guided one of my hands so it was around her waist, hers looped around the back of my neck as she connected our spare hands, "Obviously you two will be closer, but you get the idea."
We moved around in small steps, swaying to the music as I focused on not stepping on her feet. It didn't work though as my foot connected with the top of hers, she flinched, but laughed it off. "It's okay, we'll keep practicing. You're doing great. If you step on her feet, just laugh it off and keep going. I'm pretty sure she won't mind because you're trying."
I stepped on her feet multiple times before managing to go a few minutes without stepping on her feet and we moved on. I was starting to relax by this point while also getting excited about dancing with Ally. Ali looped her arms loosely around my shoulders as mine went around her waist. We mostly just swayed this time as she gave me pointers on where I could rest my hands or head on Ally. "I want you to spin me."
"What? No I can't do that."
"Yes you can, when we do the first dance, move your hand up, spin me around then bring me back in either into the same dance or into the second one which ever feels more comfortable."
As I attempted to spin Ali around, I brought her back in too quickly and ended up head butting her. "Shit, I'm sorry. See I can't do the spin."
"Yes you can, we'll keep practicing. It'll feel easier with Ally because she's a bit shorter than you. Just bring me in slower."
It took a lot more head butting and tripping before I finally got the hang of it. Before we got the chance to practice the full thing properly, Ally's name flashed across my phone screen. I instantly remembered that we had dinner plans tonight and I was running late. 
"I have to go."
"You did good today. On the day you're going to be nervous both because you don't want to mess up in front of everyone and because you want to be good for Ally. So when you start getting nervous, just focus on Ally, let her guide you." 
"Thank you Ali. See you tomorrow."
I couldn't believe in just over three hours I would be married to the love of my life. I was excited beyond belief, but I was also incredibly nervous. What if I wasn't a good wife? What if Ally changed her mind and decided she didn't want to get married anymore? What if we didn't work as a married couple?
I knew it was just me overthinking. Ally and I worked well together. We loved each other deeply, we connected and understood each other, we had fun. Maybe it was cheesy, but we were made for each other. Not just because we met and connected instantly. We worked hard to get where we were, we worked hard to keep our relationship working despite our busy schedules, distance, and my issues with my ADHD. I tried to remember that as my thoughts went crazy, but it wasn't working. Ali was updating me on the set up and preparations, I couldn't focus on anything she was saying though. I was too busy overthinking.
"Y/n, Y/n!"
"Are you okay?"
"I-I-I c-can't do this," I stammered, before running out of the house, Ali calling after me. I didn't stop until I found a hidden part of the beach where I slumped in the sand, tears falling down my cheeks. I don't know how long had passed when someone sat down behind me, arms wrapping around my waist and chin resting on my shoulder. Without even looking, I knew it was Ally, the softness of the way she held me and the smell of her hair gave it away. She didn't say anything for a while, just held me until the tears stopped.
Ally kissed my temple, hands drawing soothing patterns across my stomach. They weren't the soft touches most people find soothing, those touches made my sensory issues worse. There was a little bit more force behind it, making me relax against her. Sitting here with Ally, I realised that I was being stupid, there was no doubt that I was going to marry her today. Instead of being angry that I had ran away, she was here comforting me. "We can postpone if you don't want to do this, if you're having second thoughts about getting married. I understand, I know it was quick."
I quickly turned around, accidently knocking Ally over. "Shit sorry." I helped her so she was sitting again before kissing her softly, "No, no, we're not postponing. I want to marry you Ally, I'm going to marry you today, go to bed calling you my wife. I'm sorry I ran, I got stuck in my head, overthinking this, overthinking if I would even be a good wife, if you even still wanted to marry me, but didn't want to tell me and I freaked out."
"Baby, I want to marry you more than anything in this world, that hasn't changed and it won't ever change. You're are an amazing girlfriend Y/n, you're going to be an amazing wife. We're going to keep being the best couple there is and getting married is only going to strengthen that. I love you, I love you so much."
"I love you Ally. Can we stay here for a while?"
"We can stay here as long as you need. Ali's going to take care of the set up and everything. When you're ready we can go back and get ready for the first look."
I settled back between Ally's legs, back against her front as I watched the water, feeling more relaxed than I had all day, "I can't wait, you're going to look incredible."
"So are you Y/n/n."
Ally and I had decided to do the outfit reveals before the ceremony because I knew I wouldn't be able to control my emotions once I saw her. So here I was waiting anxiously for the love of my life to step around the corner. I was nervous about Ally's thoughts on my suit, but I was more anxious to finally see what Ally was wearing. Just as I was starting to get impatient, there she was. I froze, tears starting to fall instantly, I crouched down for a second, face buried in my hands to control the tears.
The sleeveless blue dress lined with lace, the black flats, her hair half up in a braid with the rest loose. She looked incredible, more breathtaking then I could have ever imagined. Ally stopped in front of me, small smile present with eyes shining with love and unshed tears. I took her hand, spinning her around so I could admire everything about her. Ally looked amazing on any given day, but today I was absolutely speechless.
"Y-y-yo-u-" I cut myself off, taking a deep breath to get myself together, "Y-you look breathtaking Ally, absolutely incredible. Holy shit."
Ally grinned, cupping my cheeks and connecting our lips. I heard protests about messing up Ally's make up, but I didn't care. Ally pulled away, this time being the one to take my hand and spin me around, she let out a long breath, making me slightly nervous, "Fuck you look stunning baby, my god you look incredible. I know it's probably out of your comfort zone, but you should definitely wear maroon more often, it is definitely your colour."
"I almost didn't choose it because it's not what I normally wear, but I decided to step out of my comfort zone for once."
Ally laced her fingers with mine, "I'm so proud of you love."
"Alright guys it's almost time to seal the deal so it's photo time," Alex interrupted as Ally was leaning in to kiss me. 
I groaned pulling away, "You couldn't have waited 2 seconds? We already had photos."
"And have you ruin her make up? No, you can do that after the photos. You had photos of your reveal, we want proper couple photos."
It was time. It was time to marry the love of my life. Of course I was nervous, incredibly so, but as the time came to walk down the aisle, most of my nerves were replaced with excitement. I was about to marry my person and there was nothing in this world I wanted more. We had decided I was going to go first, purely for the reason that I was dying to watch her walk down aisle. There was no better way to do that, then be standing at the end already.
We had gone pretty simple with decorations. The aisle was made out of various coloured petals, lined with rows of chairs and a wooden arch draped with white fabric at the end. String lights were strung around the trees, fence and patio. The chairs would later be replaced by outdoor furniture and bean bags. Long tables for food and the bar were set up, as well as a smore station for when the firepit was lit. We had made sure to hire a bartender to stop anyone getting out of control. 
Also, while we had hired a photographer, we also had a bunch of polaroid and disposable cameras for everyone to take their own photos. That way we had more intimate and fun memories. We had found a guest book that had mini envelopes and note cards so people could leave little messages if they chose to. The envelopes were the best idea knowing how inappropriate some of the team could be.  
Dance with me in the rain In the heart of Spain Let your hair fall down Curl around your face And sway with the tide Of the strangers passing us by
My arm linked with Ali's, her squeezing mine gently. Our friends and family lined the sides, huge smiles and some with tears in their eyes. My heart warmed knowing they were willing to be here, that they cared enough to make plans last minute to see us get married. 
Well let them watch What do we care There's no need to rush To come up for air As the world spins around us we dive In each other's eyes
No I don't want to go Can't seem to leave you alone For all that I am I wouldn't stand a chance This life on my own So love me now Love me forever Love me today and the days we're not together A moment this right is too hard to deny That you're the one The one my heart beats for
Land light on my feet To not make a peep Tip toe across the room So the floors don't creak As you're laying in bed Perfectly sound asleep I'll wake you with a kiss So you do not miss Your morning cup of coffee Pressed against your lips As the sun warms us up through the blinds We turn back the time
We stopped at the end, Ali kissing my cheek before walking back to her spot. I waited for a few seconds, trying not to fidget for once in my life. Every second that went by, made me want to walk back down grab her and drag her back because she was taking too long. Ally finally appeared, arm linked with her dad who had a huge, proud smile. There was a time in our relationship where I never thought he would be happy about us getting married. We had a rocky start, but now they were family. They had taken me in, treated me as if I was their own daughter. Between Ally, her family and the team, I had never been so loved.
No I don't want to go Can't seem to leave you alone For all that I am I wouldn't stand a chance This life on my own So love me now Love me forever Love me today and the days we're not together A moment this right is too hard to deny That you're the one The one my heart beats for No I don't want to go Can't seem to leave you alone For all that I am I wouldn't stand a chance This life on my own
They stopped in front of me, Ally's dad pulling her in for a hug and kiss on the cheek before moving to hug me, "You look amazing Y/n."
He moved back to his spot, while I took Ally's hands, kissing her cheek softly. We stood there, just looking at each other as the song came to an end. There was so much love shining in her eyes that it made my knees go weak. 
So love me now Love me forever Love me today and the days we're not together A moment this right is too hard to deny That you're the one A moment this right is too hard to deny That you're the one The one my heart beats for
We had chosen to have Sydney officiate our wedding just as she had with Ali and Ashlyn. It made the day feel just that little bit more personal. Once everyone was seated and quiet, Sydney started speaking.
"Thank you everyone for being here today to celebrate the marriage of our amazing Y/n and Ally. We all know Y/n gets antsy when she has to stand still for too long so we'll keep this as brief as possible. The relationship between Y/n and Ally is so full of love, life and friendship. It puts even the best of us to shame. With that being said, Y/n and Ally have chosen to write their own vows. Ally you're up."
"There are so many things I want to say to you, but we would be here all day if I did. So instead I'll start with thank you. Thank you for choosing me, for letting me in and trusting me with you and your heart. For trusting me enough to be your person and to show me who you are inside and out. With that, I vow to you that I will always tressure your love. I will always be by your side when you need me, I will always be there to hold you up when you need it and support you with everything I am. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you now and I will love you forever."
"Okay, you'll have to bare with me because there's no doubt I'm going to cry." There were a few laughs as Ally squeezed my hand. "There was a time in my life when I never thought this would happen for me. Where I never thought I would find someone who loves and trusts me so unconditionally, who understands me so deeply and who makes me laugh uncontrollably. Then you came crashing into my life, flipping it upside down in the best way possible. 
"You are my world Ally, my everything. I am far from perfect, but I promise to always be open and honest even on days that aren't great, to always support you in everything you do, to make you smile and laugh even when you don't feel like it. I promise to hold you, cuddle you and kiss you every chance I get because I know how much you love it. Most importantly I promise to love you with everything I am everyday for the rest of our lives."
My voice cracked as I pulled her closer, cupping her cheek and kissing her forehead, "You are my partner in life and love. I love you beyond what words can describe, I love the person I have become with you and the life we have and will continue to build."
"Now the rings. Ally, do you take Y/n to be your wife?"
Ally smiled widely, "I do."
I slipped the ring on her finger before letting her take my hand, "Y/n, do you take Ally to be your wife?"
"I do."
Ally slipped the ring on my finger, kissing it after she did so. If even possible, my smile grew as I stopped myself from fidgeting with excitement. One final sentence and Ally would be my wife. 
"It is my pleasure to pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride."
My arm wrapped around her waist, the other cupping her head as I dipped her, lips connecting in a long, passionate kiss. Everyone cheered and clapped as I threw my hands up, "We're married bitches!!"
"We would like to welcome the newlyweds to the floor for their first dance."
Ally looked confused, but let me take her hand and guide her to the dance floor. Just like Ali showed me, I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her against me and taking her hand in mine. Ally smiled, pecking my lips before resting her head on my shoulder as we moved around slowly. As we danced around, watched by our closest family and friends, I was the happiest I had ever been. To have so many people come to celebrate with us at last minute, I felt loved, possibly more than I ever had.
After a couple of minutes, I successfully spun Ally around, bringing her into me and connecting our lips. My head landed against Ally's shoulder, kissing the bare skin softly, "We're married Ally, we're actually married."
Ally giggled, kissing my temple, "Best day of my life so far. You learnt how to dance."
"You wanted to have a first dance so I got Ali to teach me. You make so many compromises for me, I wanted you to have this."
"This is how I know we'll be good married, you're so thoughtful and sweet, you go out of your comfort zone for me with out a second thought. I love you."
"I love you more my wife."
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blackdollette · 1 year
"a little party never hurt no one." | chris kenton
art deco - lana del rey
summary: its chris' birthday, and as his best friend, you make sure that he has the best party ever.
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female!reader x chris
contents: friends with benefits type of thing, missionary, creampie
(i have no fucking idea how old chris is, but im assuming he's legal because of that outrageous porn collection of his.)
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you pushed through the clumps of people congesting the hallway. the entire house was full of drunken people, music blasting in the background of all the chaos. you had been looking for chris for 30 minutes, but he was still no where to be found.
"where the hell are you?" you whispered to yourself. you checked the living room. he wasn't there. you checked the kitchen, you couldnt find him. you finally decided to go upstairs. his room door was open, but he wasnt in there. you sighed as you walked to the bathroom. you tried to open the door, but it was locked.
you knocked on the door, putting your ear to it. "hello..?" you said. you heard a sniffle on the other side, then you heard the faucet turn on for a moment before stopping.
chris opened the door, patting his face with a towel. you smiled, happy that you finally found him. "there you are, ive been looking everwhere for you." you said, but chris didnt respond. he removed the towel from his face, revealing his bloodshot eyes. and you could tell that it wasnt from any type of drug.
"o-oh my god. chris, what happened?" you asked, suddenly worried. you thought he'd gotten hurt or something. but he wiped his nose with his sleeve before clearing his throat. "nothing's wrong. i'm just not really having a good time. that's all." he gives you a little half-smile.
you smile sympathetically. "this party's turned out to be kind of a shitshow, right?" you playfully punch his shoulder. he laughs a little as he nods. "yeah. i just wanted to get away from it all, i guess." he brushes his brown hair out of his face.
you study his face carefully, picking out every single detail. you tuck a strand of his hair behind his ear. "hey, how would you like to get some privacy? away from all this." you smiled.
chris sniffled once more before nodding. "yeah, that sounds great. follow me." he starts walking in a different direction, gesturing for you to follow him. you walk with him into his bedroom.
he closes the door after you walk in. you take a seat on the ground in front of his bed. he sits down in the chair by his desk. you see a porn dvd right beside you before tossing it to him.
"you've sure got a lot of porn in here." you say with a little laugh. "shut up..." he says with a little grin as he puts the dvd in his drawer. you stand up and walk behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
"im sorry you're not having a good time." you start gently massaging his arms. "it's fine. at least everyone else is enjoying themselves." he says with a little sigh.
you roll your eyes. "tonight isn't about everyone else. it was supposed to be special for you. it is your birthday after all." you start gently caressing his shoulders as he spins a little in the chair.
he shrugs. "whatever. its not like anythings changed anyway. that girl i made plans with is probably banging a guy as we speak." his voice trailed off. your eyes widened a little. "oh yeahh, you were supposed to lose your virginity tonight!" you say with a little laugh.
"shut up, im not a virgin." he says. you roll your eyes. "sure. but im sorry that didnt work out for you." you pout a little. "oh. that reminds me. i got you a present." hearing this makes chris' ear perk up.
you dig into your bra, pulling out a little baggy with a pill in it. "it's a viagra pill. it was supposed to keep you going all night, but i guess you dont really need it anymore." you hand it to him. "unless you feel like upgrading your nightly jerk-off sessions." you tease.
he chuckles softly. "thanks." he puts the bag on his desk. he looked up at you, his blue eyes pouring into your soul. the silence between the two of you radiated with sexual tension. you felt it, and so did he.
"i must say, you look pretty cute all dressed up like this, y'know?" you winked as you trailed your finger down his jawline. his cheeks flushed red as his eyes wandered across your body in your shiny, skintight latex black dress. you picked it out specially for him.
he tried to speak, but you shut him up by planting an open-mouthed, sloppy kiss right on his lips. he moaned softly into the kiss, lust and desire instantly filling his body.
you pulled away from the kiss. you smiled as chris was left completely breathless. "i-i.. uh, wow. you're really... wow." was all he could manage to say. you gave him a mischievious little smile. "you wanna take this up a notch?" you asked, even though you knew the answer.
he nodded, his hair falling across his face. you giggled softly before reaching for the little bag on the desk. you took one pill out and put it in the palm of your hand.
you gave chris the pill. "that should keep you going for a while." you said as he took it and swallowed it. he stood up from the chair so that he was standing face to face with you.
you waited for him to make a move, but you could see how nervous he was, so you took the first step. you put your hands on his shoulders, kissing him softly so that he could get the hang of it.
the kiss quickly grew more passionate, with chris' hands starting to wander around your body, his fingers occasionally peeking underneath your short dress. you pulled him onto the bed, him now being on top of you, you lips staying together the entire time.
you moved his hands to the button of his trousers, quickly undoing them and letting him kick them off. chris moved his hand to the top of your dress, pulling it down and freeing one of your tits.
you broke the kiss, both of you panting. you looked down and saw his erection through his boxers. you laughed a little. "that didnt take long at all." you continued to tease him. you found that you rather enjoyed seeing him get all red.
he kicked off his boxers as you began unbuttoning his shirt. he moved his hand to your crotch, slipping your thong to the side and revealing your already dripping wet cunt.
chris was ready to get right into it. he had learned a lot from porn over the years, making him practically an expert at this stuff. he made burning eye contact with you, his breathing heavy. "m-may i..?" he asked like a true gentleman.
"you may." you say in a slightly mocking tone. he chuckles softly before slowly pushing himself into you, just like how they do it in porn. his breath grew shaky as he felt your tight walls clenching around him.
you wrapped your legs around his waist as he slowly started thrusting into you, biting back all his moans. the viagra was working wonders on him, otherwise he would've already came by now.
things started escalating when he started thrusting into you, keeping a steady rhythm. you had to admit, you were surprised at his skill. maybe he wasnt as much or a loser as you thought. but then again, the only tits he had ever sucked on were his mother's.
you began clawing at his back as his cock slammed into your tight hole over and over again. you started to drool a little as your brain went fuzzy from the stimulation. chris' head was in the crook of your neck, giving you perfect access to his ear.
"a-ah... i guess you're not too bad at this after all..." you said between moans before biting his ear. chris took this gesture as a signal to go faster. this was the part where he was supposed to make you cum.
he kept his head down to hide how red he had become just from being inside of you. his breath hitched in his throat as the friction between the two of you increased.
your brain had gone completely blank and fuzzy. but judging by the tingling feeling in your ears and nipples, you knew your orgasm was just around the corner. "o-oh..! c-chris im gonna-!" you were cut off by a pornographic moan that escaped your lips.
"f-fuck, im cumming... o-oh shit..!" the feeling of your tight walls clenching around his dick was ecstatic to him, making his eyes shut as his body was overtaken by the strongest orgasm that he'd ever experienced.
he tried to pull out before he came, but you kept your legs wrapped around him firmly, wanting to be filled with his cum. "w-what are you doing?! i-if you dont let go, i-im gonna cu-" you shut him up by giving him a rough kiss, biting his lip as he moaned out your name, filling you up with all his cum.
you intentionally clenched your pussy as he came, making it feel 100x better for him. his hair fell into his face as he finally looked up, cheeks flushed and eyes filled with adoration.
you had taken his virginity, though he would never admit it.
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author's note: im gonna be writing for characters that i havent done yet. first danny, and now chris. not sure who to do next though. maybe possum. but i hope you all liked this one!
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luvangelbreak · 8 months
Deprived | Nine
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20 Part 21 Part 22 Part 23 matthew sturniolo x layla venita (female!oc) summary: everyone knows the story of the bad boy and the good girl but what happens when the school's most popular boy, Matthew Sturniolo, and the girl who notoriously is never there, Layla Venita, cross paths. warnings: swearing (dont think there's anything else but lmk!) word count: 2.8k a/n: this one is kinda a filler chapter but TRUST it's only gonna get crazier from here.
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pov: layla
I didn't want to go to school but I despised being home even more right now. My father and I had gotten in yet another screaming match the night before and I was sure it would continue through the day if I didn't leave the house. I managed to drag myself out of bed, trying to make myself look somewhat presentable today. I usually didn't care what I looked like at school but in order to make myself feel better, I decided it was a good idea to dress a little more presentable.
I entered the school grounds, glad I decided it was a good idea to put it in a high ponytail to avoid my hair being blown in my face by the wind. I hummed along to the music in my headphones, ignoring people's usual stares as I kept my head down to the ground to make sure there was no black ice as I walked quickly.
I felt a pair of hands nip at my hips from behind causing me to yelp, spinning around quickly and taking a headphone out only to see it was Matt with a smirk on his lips.
"Hey pretty girl," he looked down at me and I shoved his chest back, pausing my music and pulling my other headphone out of my ear.
"Hi jackass," I rolled my eyes, pulling my long sleeve white t-shirt down that was under my leather jacket. It was then that I noticed Matt and I had similar outfits on. He with a plain white shirt and a letterman jacket as well as blue jeans and his usual white air forces while I wore my long-sleeved white shirt, leather jacket, black jeans and ratty white Converses.
"Oh come on. Don't be like that," he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as he pulled me towards his car where Allie, Chris, Nate and Nick were standing.
"You guys are here awfully early," I furrowed my eyebrows as we approached them.
"No thanks to Matt," Chris grumbled as he leaned on the hood of his car, laying his head on Allie's shoulder as he looked at me tiredly.
"Do you all go in the same car?" I asked, confusion covering my face and Nate shook his head.
"Usually I drive Allie here but Matt offered to pick us up today," Nate explained and I nodded, chewing on my lip as Allie smiled at me.
"Cute outfit," she beamed and I smiled at her with a shrug, Matt's arm around my shoulders restricting the movement.
"Thanks. I wanted to put in a little effort today," I explained and she nodded, a knowing smile on her lips as he glanced between Matt and I.
"Is Mia coming later?" Nick asked Matt and he sighed, running a hand over his face.
"Yeah she insisted she had to go," Matt said, an unimpressed tone underlying his words and my eyebrows furrowed.
"What's later?" I asked, not wanting to sound too intrusive but I was curious as to what they were talking about.
"Movie night at our house," Nick responded, a smile now on his lips and I nodded, pursing my lips, "You should come."
My eyebrows shot up in surprise when the words fell from his mouth, Nick being the last person I would've expected to invite me but I mumbled, "I don't know if Mia would want me to."
"What would Mia not want?" I heard a voice behind me and everyone turned their heads to look at Mia who looked like she was freezing her ass off in her cheer uniform.
At least Allie had the brains to wear a jacket and tights.
"Layla's coming tonight," Matt deadpanned, voice unwavering and Mia raised her eyebrows. She tried not to let it show on her face that she hated that idea by nodding but I could tell she wasn't impressed.
"Great," she mumbled, moving to stand between Matt and Nate, her eyes glancing at Matt's arm around my shoulders.
"What kinda movies are we talking about here?" I asked, turning my attention back to Nick since he was the one who invited me.
"Horror!" Nate raised his voice and everyone groaned but I shrugged, giving him a downturned smile.
"I could get with that," I smiled at him and he held his hand low for me to give him a low-five which I quickly reciprocated.
"What kind of horror?" Mia asked, eyebrows furrowed in worry and I looked at Nate who shrugged.
"Depends how scared you wanna be," he smiled at me, mischief in his face.
"Have you guys seen Hereditary?" I asked and everyone except Nate shook their heads.
"Perfect! Hereditary it is," he nodded and I pursed my lips to hide my smile as Nate smiled at me. I let out a small chuckle before nodding.
The rest of the day flew by, Matt and Chris once again sitting next to me in English and Allie pairing up with me in gym, earning a glare from Mia. I decided to ditch them at lunch, needing time for myself outside to have a cigarette as I debated whether or not it was a good idea to join them for a movie night.
I decided it wouldn't hurt so once Allie, Mia and I finished gym, we walked straight to Matt's car where the boys stood waiting. From a distance, I could see Chris and Nate were fake fighting each other making me shake my head as we approached them.
"I didn't know you had tattoos," Nick's surprised face met mine as he looked down at my thighs where a few black tattoos were exposed from my gym shorts.
"Yeah I have more on my arms," I shrugged and he smiled, nodding his head with an impressed look.
"Alright, let's go!" Matt announced as he jumped in the driver's seat. Chris jumped in the passenger seat, Nick behind Matt and Nate behind Chris. Mia hopped in next sitting behind Nate and Mia climbed in to sit next to her, the only seat being left was beside Mia and behind Nick.
I was thankful Mia and Allie were both smaller than me and I could fit in the back with them with my long limbs. Matt made sure we were all buckled in before he pulled out of the parking lot, Chris playing his usual trap music on the aux.
"For the record," Allie leaned over to talk to me quietly, "I like when you're on aux more."
I smiled at her with a roll of my eyes, dismissing her statement with a wave of my hand. A few minutes passed as I looked out at the small window of the backseat, noticing we were going into a nicer part of the state.
"Chris, can you put something better on?" Allie groaned and Chris turned around giving her an unimpressed look as he turned the music down.
"And what would you suggest Al?" he asked her, sarcasm in his words and she smiled sweetly at him.
"Harry Styles," she nodded and he groaned, falling back into his seat before I heard the familiar sound of the intro to Fine Line by Harry Styles started to play.
I picked up quickly that Chris had a soft spot for Allie and I can't say I blame him. She looked like she wouldn't hurt a fly even if she won a million dollars for it.
By the time the song came to an end, we pulled up to the two-story house that looked exponentially nicer than my own. Nick and Nate climbed out of the car before I got out, Allie behind me and then Mia. Once we all had our belongings and the doors were closed, Matt locked the car and we made our way inside the house.
I followed behind everyone since they all seemed familiar with the house. I made a mental map in my head of how to get back to the school in case I wanted to leave. We entered the large living area, Nate throwing himself on the three-seater couch and Chris rolled his eyes.
"I'll get the snacks," Chris said before walking out the door to where I could see the kitchen.
"I'll get blankets and pillows," Nick announced before running up the stairs and Nate grabbed the remote beside his head, turning the TV on.
"Nate you're taking up the whole fucking couch," Mia deadpanned and with a groan, Nate sat up. Mia placed herself on one end of the couch as Matt sat down beside her.
"That's where Nick sits so you can sit with me and Chris on the floor," Allie explained, pointing to the armchair that was to Mia's left and I nodded.
She placed herself on the carpet in front of Mia, leaning back onto the couch as Mia crossed her legs. I placed myself beside Allie, Matt sitting behind me. I leaned forward, not sure if he was okay with me leaning on the couch between his legs.
Chris returned with both arms full of snacks, placing them on the floor in front of me before saying, "Drinks?"
"Pepsi!" Allie beamed and he nodded, turning his attention to me,
"Uh, the same is fine," I gave him a half-hearted smile and he once again nodded.
Nate asked for a water, Matt a root beer and Mia also got water. Nick called from the top of the stairs, "Lemonade!"
Chris recounted the drinks in his head before walking back to the kitchen. Suddenly I felt something land on my head and it covered my face, realising it was a blanket.
"Nick!" I heard Matt say in an annoyed tone before the blanket was pulled off of my head. I leaned my head backwards to see Nick standing behind the couch with an apologetic look and Matt shaking his head looking down at me. There were two blankets, one for Nate, Matt and Mia and one for Allie, Chris and I. There was already a small blanket where Nick was going to sit so he didn't bother bringing another down for himself.
"You want the pillow?" Matt asked and I shrugged. He placed the pillow between his feet against the couch before he grabbed my shoulders, pulling me back so my back was resting against the couch between his legs, the pillow resting behind my lower back.
Nick rounded the couch, getting himself situated in his chair as Chris returned with the drinks. He handed them out one by one and I mumbled a small thank you, earning a smile from him. Allie handed some of the snacks to Mia and threw a bag of popcorn to Nick, leaving a bag of popcorn and Skittles for her, Chris and I to share.
"We all good?" Nate asked as Chris sat down next to me, his shoulder barely touching mine as he pulled the blanket towards him a little more. There was a chorus of agreements before Nate clicked play on the movie.
Halfway through the movie and I had both Chris and Allie clinging onto me in fear. I had slid down slightly so my head was tilted back onto the couch and Matt hadn't moved his legs from around me once. I looked over to see Nick hiding behind his blanket and tilted my head back to see Mia clinging to Matt, hiding her face in his shoulder as he looked at the TV in dread.
Nate and I seemed to be the only ones not affected by the movie and I assumed he had also seen it before. I tilted my head back to the screen as Allie flinched against me.
"Why did you suggest this fucking movie?" Chris mumbled as he gripped my forearm with two hands and I giggled to myself.
"Because it's fun to watch everyone's reactions," I whispered back to him and he shook his head before he placed it on my shoulder making me smile to myself.
I felt something pull on my hair and I tilted my head back to see Matt still staring at the screen while his fingers fiddled with the ends of my hair. He glanced down at me before he looked down at his hands, letting go of my hair before giving me an apologetic smile.
"Wait, I need to pee," Mia suddenly announced and Nate paused the movie as Allie leaned forward, letting go of my arm to let Mia out from behind her. Mia quickly got up, jogging down the hallway and zipping into the bathroom. I lifted my arm up that Allie was no longer holding onto, flipping my ponytail back so it was lying on Matt's thigh.
Chris was still leaning against me, his weight fully on me as he let go of my arm with one hand to get his phone that was on the floor beside him. I didn't look at his phone but he pulled it away from his face, extending his arm out making me look at the phone and I realised he had his Snapchat open to take a photo.
I poked my tongue out of the corner of my mouth with my eyebrows raised as Nate held a thumbs up in the air, Allie leaning over and pouting her lips as she placed her head under my chin while Matt smiled toothily. Chris took the photo before saving it and pulled the phone back towards his face.
"Okay!" Mia appeared again as she flopped onto the couch, "We're good."
Nate played the movie again and Allie resumed her position of gripping onto my arm as Chris put his phone down. I once again felt small tugs on the end of my hair and I bit my lip to hide my smile even though I knew no one would notice since it was quite dark in the room, the only light being emitted from the TV.
As the movie continued, I snacked on some Skittles and Matt continued to play with the ends of my hair while Chris and Allie hid their faces in my shoulder at various moments. I heard shrieks of fear emit from Nick and Mia throughout the rest of the movie before the credits played and Allie let out a breath of relief.
"That was the worst movie I've ever watched," Nick stated, his unimpressed tone making me chuckle.
"I take it you guys don't watch horror movies often," I questioned and Chris hummed in agreement, still clinging onto my arm and his head on my shoulder.
"We going for round two?" Mia asked and I sat in silence, waiting for someone to respond as I played with the lint on the blanket cover Allie, Chris and I.
"What time do y'all have to leave?" Matt asked and I tilted my head back to look at him still tangling the ends of my hair in his hands.
"My dad's picking Mia and I up at 6:30," Allie explained and Matt looked at Nate.
"I gotta go in like 30 minutes. My parents want me home for dinner," Nate rolled his eyes and Matt nodded before looking down at me.
"I don't have to be home by a certain time," I shrugged and he smiled.
"Why are you're parents picking us up so early?" Mia whined, throwing her head on Matt's shoulder with a pout. Allie tilted her head back to look at her.
"Because we have to get dinner," Allie explained and Mia groaned, slouching into Matt further. I looked over when Nick chuckled to himself before he pursed his lips, looking back at the TV that had nothing playing.
I looked down at Chris who was doing something on his phone before I asked, "Uh where's the bathroom?"
"I'll show you," Matt quickly leaned forward, Mia falling off of his arm and I nodded. Chris leaned back onto the couch against Nate's legs allowing me to get up before I slid the blanket off of my legs and stood up.
Matt jumped off of the couch as I stood awkardly in the middle of the living room before he started walking down the hallway. He opened a door to the right, turning the light on before motioning me to walk inside.
I sent him a thankful smile before stepping into the bathroom. I spun around to the close the door and locked it behind myself. I quickly sat down on the toilet, feeling my phone vibrate in the pocket of my shorts. I pulled it out seeing a text from my father and a frown covered my features.
Father 5:37pm Dont bither cominh home
I sighed, locking my phone as I placed my head in my hands as I chewed on my lip. I bit down on it anxiously, thinking of where to sleep tonight and how I would get to school in the morning.
@ilovechrissturniolo1 @leprechaunbirthdaygirl @sturnfix
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thatsdemko · 1 year
up for it? - p.gavi
part two of the fake it mini series | previous part | next part
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warnings: mentions of alcohol + mentions of vomiting
a/n: really liking this redo of the series than the previous one 😊
the mixture of alcohol and sweaty bodies was enough to make a sober person vomit, but you relished it in the moment. you enjoyed the sweaty male bodies pounding against yours, or the free drinks that flowed with a wink of an eye and a flash of a smile, but you had reached a limit. one that made your head spin, your feet sluggish, and your words slur. you were drunk.
the next Uber cost more than you could somehow come up with in your bank account, and the nearest friend lived miles from the city, but there’s just one guy who might still be awake.
“do you have any idea what time it is?” he answers with a grumble, his voice groggy and low it was hard to hear him in the mixture of drunk giggles and girls gagging outside the club.
“what time is it?” your words slur together, they come out like molasses, slow and almost twisted that jolts him out of bed. you’d never been this drunk, never enough to call him. of all this time he’d known you—and that was a decade to be exact—you’d never gotten this wasted. not even at the gavi family Christmas party where sangria flowed with ease.
“dios mio, where are you?”
“I don’t know?”
he rolled his eyes, go figures. all it ever took was one person to say jump and you’d say how high. you’d end up in France if it wasn’t for the lack of euros and the fear of flying.
“I’m on my way, you just stay put.”
his car rolls slowly down the street and comes to a stop right in front of you. it takes two tries for you to get into his car, and the second time resulted in you nearly throwing yourself onto him. what a great story this will make for the papers, you think to yourself. you could practically read the headlines “drunk girl throws herself onto Barcelona star.”
“where are we going?”
“where do you think?” he grits through his teeth. it’s currently three in the morning, and tomorrow was an early practice which meant by the time he’d get home with you, he’d be getting out of bed in a few hours. but he knew if he didn’t do this, he’d never hear the end of it from his mother, someone who valued you and your friendship with her son.
“I don’t feel well.” the words come out a jumbled mess. you’re stirring in the passenger seat, hand rested against your forehead, you’re leaned over the seat trying to calm down. it wasn’t a good idea, to lean forward that is, because soon enough the mixture of tequila and vodka came right back up and onto his leather seat.
the car comes to an immediate stop, he clicks the engine off. you don’t need to look over to see he’s angry, this was an expensive car after all. and if it wasn’t for him passing his drivers test, you’d probably thrown up on the streets in front of strangers. but this was a mess not even Pablo could fix himself.
“I’m so sorry—“
“take this.”
“what?” you turn your head over to the drivers seat, his shirt was crumbled up in his hands. he sat there staring at you with nothing but just a pair of joggers, “take this, at least clean yourself up with it.”
“I—“ you pause. there’s no way in hell you could take that shirt. it was worth more money than the Ubers cost and more money than the rent you paid, you couldn’t think to use his, outrageously, priced white shirt as something to clean up your vomit with, “I can’t take that, gavi.”
“fine,” he huffs, and without your permission he reaches across the center console and begins to wipe what’s all over your dress off, “now we’ve got two more minutes until we get home, can you make it?”
“I think so.”
“how do I repay you for this?” you gesture to his cozy apartment, the fresh sheets on his king size bed, and his clothes you were currently drowning in for pajamas.
a smirk lifts to his lips, you can see his mind is beginning to spin, “I actually have an idea.”
tags: @ncentic @footballerficsposts @chriss-club @xjval @morenofilm @leclercloml
want to be tagged in this series? let me know here!
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Choice, Choices, Choices Pt. 2
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TW: Swearing, canon typical violence
Pairing: Reader x Graves Summary: Well your week off wasn't very productive, hopefully a really stressful, fate-of-the-world-is-in-your-hands mission will help clear your brain. As usual, I didn't beta read, so lmk if there are an errors :) Also sorry for the reupload, I accidentally deleted it whilst trying to edit something lmaooo.
When Price said a lot, he meant a lot. 
In the time you had been gone, a new terrorist threat had popped up, a man named Hassan who somehow had gotten ahold of American missiles. You didn’t even have time to unpack before Price was shipping you off to Mexico to help Soap and Ghost infiltrate a cartel to find the location of said missing missiles. It seems the talk with Graves will have to wait.
You get no rest on the flight to Mexico. Instead you spend the entire time focusing on your and Grave’s relationship. Maybe it’s the threat of imminent annihilation, or maybe it’s the fact that you are going to be seeing him soon, but whatever it is, you were thinking more clearly than you have all week. 
Graves was a man of authority, and you had recognized it from the moment you had met him. He took what he wanted, when he wanted, and made sure everyone knew he was the top dog. In your relationship he always had the last say, always chose the restaurant, always chose the movie. And for the most part, you didn’t mind, enjoying the feeling of not having to be in control for once when all you did all day long was make choices that could mean life or death. 
He had this belief that he could do no wrong, and was smug and uptight and sometimes even cruel about it. 
And yet there was something…alluring about him. Some magnetic charm that drew you in every time you wanted to take a step back. He didn’t even have to try, hell, he had stopped putting effort into the relationship years ago, and yet you still found him almost irresistible. 
You weren’t stupid, you knew what there were issues in the way your relationship worked, but you loved him, and he…loved you too. It wasn’t until Ghost stepped fully into the picture that you realized that may-
“Y/N!” You flinch, your eyes coming up to meet your pilots as his voice snaps you out of your musings.  
“You okay in there? I’ve been yelling at you for at least a minute.” He says over the headset, “Anyways we’re about to land, so get ready.” You nod, shouldering your pack and making sure your vest is strapped correctly. 
5 minutes later, the helo begins its choppy descent. The second it touches down you are ushered off, ducking under the blades in an odd crab run as you make your way to where Soap, Ghost, and 2 strangers stand to the side. The pilot takes off before you've even cleared the LZ. 
“Good ta’ see yer no’ dead lassie.” Soap grin, clasping your shoulder, “Ah trust Price has briefed ye?” 
“Aye.” You nod, “Though he didn’t mention these two. Who are they?”
“These are th’ Los Vaqueros.” Soap says giddy, “Means th’ cowboys” 
“My name is Alejandro.” The taller one on the left tells you.
“Mine’s Rodolfo, tho y’ can call me Rudy.” The one on the right says moments later.
“Nice to meet you.” You incline your head, avoiding Ghost’s searching gaze, “I take it you’re the ones leading us through this, uh…whatever we’re about to do?” 
“Aye.” Alejandro turns and begins walking, everyone else falling in line behind him, “Soap here is infiltrating Las Almas, we are looking for El Sin Nombre. We believe he knows the location of the missiles Hassan has stolen.” 
You climb into the back of a truck, consciously avoiding sitting next to Ghost. The drive is tense, the silence only occasionally broken by questions from Alejandro and Soap. The truck comes to a stop, and you all pile out, getting Soap outfitted for his ‘Day in the life of a cartel member’ extravaganza. 
“Y/n!” You spin around, seeing Graves walking towards you, “How was your week off?” 
“It was good. Did a lot of…thinking.” 
“Wonderful.” He says, his eyes already looking past you. He presses a quick kiss to your cheek and moves past, going to speak with his Shadows. You sigh internally, moving over to Soap and Ghost. 
“How wis yer week off?” Soap asks as a Shadow helps fit his comms. He’s grinning, his blue eyes almost glowing in the dark, but you can see the faint lines of fear in his expression.
“It was since. Did a lot of thinking, I guess.” Ghost shifts, a subtle movement you notice out of the corner of your eye. Your face flushes, and you’re grateful it’s dark out so he can’t see. 
“Let's roll!” Alejandro calls. Soap nods, and you follow him and Ghost back to the truck. This drive is tense for a whole other reason, everyone thinking about all the ways this could go wrong. 
You get to the compound, and take your spot on a ridge with Ghost. No words are exchanged, but you know him well enough by now to tell he is worried about you. If Soap’s life, and the lives of millions of Americans, weren’t at risk, you would be grateful for this mission delaying the inevitable conversation you have to have. 
You both get into position, sniper rifles trained on the building. You wince as Soap is manhandled, a deep pit of fear in your stomach once he disappears from your view.
 Now all that's left is to sit and wait. 
He emerges victorious, much to yours and Ghost’s relief. He brings with him El Sin Nombre, who apparently is actually a woman, and an old friend of Alejandros. You could see yourself liking her, if she hadn’t sold missiles to terrorists.
She is feisty, smart, and cunning. She keeps her mouth shut, refusing to volunteer the location of the 2nd missile, instead goading Alejandro into a frenzy. You watch, eyes narrowed in distaste, as Graves tries to make a deal with her. Not for the first time, you judge his ability to make decisions. 
But she does give you all the missile location. In what feels like a matter of moments, you find yourself on a boat, heading through stormy waves towards an oil rig off the Gulf of Mexico. Grave’s Shadows launch an attack, only for Ghost to find that the missile not only has entered pre-launch phase, but wasn’t even on the oil rig to begin with. Instead, you find it on the deck of a ship, primed and ready to fire. You, Graves, Soap, and Ghost file onto the cargo ship, where you find that there is no way to disarm the missile. 
Your heart sinks, until Shepard has the great idea to turn the missile on the oil rig. Alejadro and the Shadow Company clear out, and Soap hacks in and resets the missile's trajectory. The burning ball of flame is a beautiful sight to see, in your opinion. 
“Gold Eagle Actual, Shadow-1. Good hit. Good hit. Missile and rig destroyed.” Graves crows,  a grin lighting up his face. He grasps Soaps shoulder, and you watch him mouth a quiet Good work, his voice too quiet to hear over the noise of the shadows and everyone celebrating.
Without thinking, you press a kiss to Ghost’s masked cheek, the euphoria of victory clouding your senses. Soap steps in to give Ghost a moment to recover, and gives you a side hug, slapping you on the back a little too hard for your liking. You don’t notice Graves eyes on you, narrowing with your every action. 
The ride back is still tense, the tension between you and Ghost so thick you can almost taste it. Luckily Soap either can’t sense it, or just is just ignoring it, the Scotsman happily chattering away as the sinking feeling in your heart grows and grows. 
The crisis is over, and once you get back you won’t be able to put off your conversation with Graves any longer. 
It’s still raining when you get back to the Los Vaquero’s base. The truck comes to a stop outside the gates, and you slide out of the truck after Ghost, confused and a bit wary. 
“What’s this?” You hear Alejadro’s voice from the other side of the truck. 
“This is the immediate future.” You stop short, Grave’s voice making your blood run cold, “Step away from the gate.” No. There is no way. 
“You’re outta line Graves.” You blink, hard, realizing you had zoned out for a moment. You force your feet to move again, rounding the truck, stiffening as a barrel is pressed into your spine.
“Hey!” Grave’s voice echoes in your ears, “Let her go. She’s with us.” You inhale sharply, looking up at him in shock. Soap looks at you in betrayal, taking half a step towards you before the Shadows are on him as well. 
“Don't do that. Don't... do that. No one needs to get hurt here.” Graves says, eyes narrowed. 
“Are you threatening us?” You can hear the betrayal in his voice as well, though he does his best to hide it. You want to look at him, try and communicate that you have no part in this, but your mind is still reeling, and you’re unable to draw your wide eyes away from Grave’s face. 
“Soldier, I don't make threats. I make guarantees. So, let's not do this.” The animosity in Graves' voice surprises you. 
“I’m calling Shepard.” Soap turns, hand reaching for his radio. 
“General Shepard sends his regards.” Graves' grin is predatory, and you have no doubt he’s enjoying this, “He told me you wouldn’t take this well.” 
“He knows about this?” Ghost’s eyes are dark, his body tense and ready to spring. 
“He's put me in command of this operation from here on out. So, y'all need to stand down. It's time to let the pros finish this.” You watch Graves still, eyes trained on his face, your brain numb with shock. Shock and…disgust. 
“And why the hell are we talking like this is some kind of a negotiation?” Graves continues, “It's not. I've got my orders and now you have yours.” 
“And who the fuck do you think you are, cabron? My men are inside!” 
“I'm afraid not.” Graves pauses, meeting your eyes with a disgusting grin, “Your men have been... detained.”
“Cabron!” For the first time, you manage to tear your eyes away from Graves, your gaze falling on Alejandro as he launches himself towards your boyfriend only to be beaten down and restrained by his Shadows. 
“Graves, what th’ fuck?” Your eyes dart to Soap as he lunges at the Shadow next to him, holding him hostage. You let out a small cry as Graves and his men open fire. You duck behind the truck, watching as Ghost elbows the Shadow behind him before stabbing another one in the neck, quickly ripping the blade back out and hurling it at another Shadow before disappearing into the dark. 
“Get your fucking hands off me!” Your hands fly up to cover your mouth as you watch Graves slam the butt of his gun into Alejandro’s head, dropping him. You stare at Graves in shock, unable to move as your mind tries to process what's happening. 
Soap yells in pain, snapping you from your reverie as you spin to look at him. He’s on the ground, the Shadow he had taken laying dead on top of him. 
“Go, Johnny! Get out of there!” Ghost yells from somewhere behind you “Soap, Go!” You watch as Soap heaves himself up and throws himself over the barrier, disappearing from your view. You slide down the truck, sinking to the ground as your legs give out, your entire body shaking. 
Graves' actions start to sink in, and gods does his betrayal hurt. It’s like nothing you’ve ever felt before, worse than the time you broke your arm, worse than the time you got shot in the thigh, worse than any wound you had ever received. It’s like a physical pain, your heart feeling as though it’s been ripped from your chest. Tears well in your eyes, your fingers digging into your palms in an effort to stop your tears. 
You don’t know how long you sit in the rain, but it’s enough time for you to be completely soaked head to toe. You are surrounded by blood and bodies, and your mind reels as you survey the scene. Alejandro is gone, you’re not sure when he was taken away. Soaps rifle is still laying in the street, a very damming pool of blood underneath and around it. With the amount of blood he lost, you're surprised he's not dead. Oh gods he better not be dead.
“Y/n?” Graves' voice breaks the fog in your brain, “Darling? Are you alright? I know this was...a bit of a surprise…but I’m sure you understand.” 
To be continued.
Notes: Sorry for how long this took!!! But it's here now! Hopefully Pt. 3 won't take me another thousand years. Anyways I hope you enjoy, and sorry if this is not the direction you wanted it to go :/ Tags: @redhoodxsupergirl @infpt-zylith @scarletdfox
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barbika1508 · 11 months
Star struck (Steven Grant x Reader)
Word Count: 2,7 K
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Cuteness
Summary: Y/N meets a celebrity and Steven doesn’t quite know who she is talking about, but still manages to get jealous which doesn’t go past Y/N, who finds it all amusing, given she only has eyes for her boys.
/ Masterlist 2023 /
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I’m barely able to hold back my squealing from excitement, the bus ride home eventful as I can’t stop humming. I could barely sit still. And of course, the elevator takes forever when you least want it to. So, power walking down the corridor I restrain myself in that aspect. Until I reach the front door of the apartment, fumbling with the key, almost walking into the door as one of my boyfriend’s did a double lock.
‘’Open c’mon.’’ I whine, stubbornly pushing patience lost. Jumping inside I’m surprised that I catch my balance looking up seeing Steven peeking around from the bookshelf having stood up I’m sure due to my commotion.
‘’You will never believe what happened!’’ I call out still containing my excitement while my boyfriend cutely tilts his head, confusion written all over his handsome features. Spinning on my heel I close the doors, leaving the key inside the lock.
‘’I was at Piccadilly; random I know it bustling with tourists’ dear gods. A little bit of sun and everyone just comes out from hiding, unbelievably predictable humans are, aren’t they?’’ As I ramble, I pull over my head my purse, hanging it onto the newly acquired coat hanger we’ve gotten just the previous weekend having stumbled upon a market where they sold antiques.
‘’I wanted to pick up some cakes from the new place they opened. The one I mentioned that I saw from TikTok?’’ I make a gesture stopping briefly as he walks slowly closer looking cosy. So handsome and cute at the same time, a dark green sweater, and comfy grey sweatpants his curls are wild enticing me to just hug him and never let him go.
He gives the slightest nod making me clap my hands ‘’Yes!’’ I cheer beginning to pull of one sleeve of his padded jeans jacket I lately am obsessed with wearing ‘’Anyways the line was insaneeeeee!’’ I give him a deadpan look ‘’I swear babe, I would've waited until tomorrow.’’ Slipping my right arm out I throw the jacket over the entire coat hanger ‘’ANYWAY I digress.’’ I shake my head bringing my hands together as I walk up to Steven who is still looking at me tentatively, confusion gone a smile tugging at the corner of his lip.
‘’Wow you look handsome.’’ I find myself getting distracted once I’m standing in front of him, earning myself his chuckles, one hand settling over my hip the other cupping my joined hands delivering a sweet kiss on top. Unable to move past how handsome he is, how he makes my heart speed just by a look let alone the sweet gesture of kissing my hand.
‘’So, you were at Piccadilly.’’ he reminds amused, his hands crossing together as he settles them on the low of my back holding me close. I shamelessly press both of my palms flat over his firm chest.
‘’Yes, there! The crowd on the bus just got too rowdy and I figured why not get the deserts. Anyway, I jumped out the first moment I could. Had to make my way from the very back, bloody hell…’’ his smile widens ‘’...I almost had to wrestle a woman to give room so I could go out!’’
‘’And you’d win the fight if a drawl broke lose.’’ he teases to which I point my finger confirming his words giving a curt nod.
‘’You know I would.’’ I snort ‘’So, I jumped slash got thrown out basically. Almost kissed the ground in relief.’’
We both make grimaces at that Steven still amused and unusually standing still as he watches me ‘’Okay the good part. So, I looked up to the front of the bus hearing the doors closing and then, barely got a step forward when a guy followed, landing not so graciously behind me. The bus just took off.’’
He shakes his head tsking to which I nod ‘’Right??! So rude.’’ I shake my head along with him ‘’I instinctively grabbed the guy’s arm and his way too fancy coat and literally dragged the man onto the sidewalk and away from the buses splash zone. Of course, there was a huge puddle there.’’ I raise my right hand giving him the OK gesture.
‘’Uh oh dove.’’ he begins but I put my finger on his lip, stopping but mostly surprising him as his eyes dares from my hand back to me.
‘’Stop thinking ahead!’’ I warn ‘’The man who I grabbed and “saved”...’’ I do the quotation marks ‘’Was none other than Kit Harrington!’’
I look at him pointedly watching his blank expression as it switches from puzzlement to tenses as soon as I raise an eyebrow pointedly, the whole reveal not reaching what I hoped it would.
‘’Jon Snow?’’ I try giving him the biggest hint, his perplexity turning into furrowed brows as he offers a sympathetic smile.
‘’I’m sorry my dove, but I’m really blanking. Is he the character from yesterday's movie?’’
Not to be over dramatic but I mentally face-palm myself. For a man who knows names of pharaohs, and can read Egyptian hieroglyphs, and remembers history dates better than anyone I’ve ever met, and also absurd details I tell him about myself and in general he really, reaaaaallly sucks at remembering the names of characters, shows and movies.
‘’Wow.’’ I begin attempting to take a step back as I raise my hands as if in surrender ‘’Woww!’’ I repeat intent on ducking to get out of his hold, but he’s faster knowing all my moves after all picking me up even as I twist around in his hold ‘’Whelp- STEVEN!!!’’ I shout grabbing onto his arms resting under my belly.
‘’Relax…’’ he begins with a smile in his voice.
‘’YOU’RE GONNA DROP ME, STEVEN…’’ I continue twisting, not sure what to hold onto as he has me in a weird position and quite high up, holding me in such a way that I’m far from the ground. Okay sounds dramatic again but he could drop me at any moment, I would not get the chance to turn and catch myself like a cat. In any case.
‘’I’m not dove!’’ he reassures making his way to the couch, hold firm ‘’Stop wigglin’ so much, you little fox.’’
Twisting me in his hold effortlessly I must add I cling onto his shoulders the moment I’m turned, one hand settling around his head the other, around his shoulders, legs settled over his upper torso.
‘’Why raise me so high up?’’ I whine as he stands still his hands barely supporting me as my grip is enough to keep myself steady ‘’I know you’re strong but, my gods love. Did Marc talk you into this?!’’
I grumble keeping still as I can my thighs beginning to strain ‘’Didn’t have to. I just know you to well.’’ comes his muffled reply ‘’Now can you slowly let go of me for a moment pretty girl? I kind of don’t see where the couch is anymor’.’’
His chuckles are way amused by the tingle of fear that’s still present. Only when I feel his hands move under my thighs do I register his words, slowly letting go, thrusting him to hold me.
‘’Please don’t drop me, please don’t drop me…’’ I repeat under my breath switching into glaring at him as he twists me like a gymnast effortlessly, lying me down first and then settling himself atop of me, his weight welcomed as he keeps me pinned, arms caging me in, head settling over chest, looking up at me.
‘’I would neva.’’ for good measure he shifts and presses a kiss to my nose.
‘’I know.’’ I admit watching his eyebrows raise up as he stares at me ‘’It’s something about height that makes me irrational I guess.’’ I make up a lame excuse although not so farfetched either. Cupping his cheeks I admire him, how soft his eyes are, his tolerance for my rambling saint like. All the boys are patient with me.
‘’So, about this Kit fellow…’’ he begins his face slightly hardening eyes averting from me for a moment. I recognized his train of thought where it’s going with it, I’m sure the other boys present as his eyes drift towards the blank screen of the TV.
Albeit awkward as he’s further down on me, I hold myself up with my left shaky arm but end up being successful as I direct his face upwards bending enough so I can press my lips against his distracting him. It lasts a second or two, unfortunately the position completely comfortless.
‘’Okay you gotta move up, pretty boy I can’t kiss you like that.’’ I say as I fall against the pillow reaching back to rub the back of my neck ‘’I feel like I almost sprained a muscle there…’’
This time he stops me with a kiss, having raised just perfectly shutting me up in the best way possible. I can feel his smile as he moves his lips slowly taking his time. I savour him likewise, always eager for whatever my boys give me. Fast, slow, hard, teasing. I'm just happy to be with them.
The kiss gets broken too soon for my liking, my fingers barely sliding into his glorious curls. I watch as his dreamy look shifts into a serious one. Before I can question him further, he ends up burying his face into my neck as rest atop of me, his weight not a problem as he’s strategically lying down. He’s that considerate yeah.
‘’Are the boys annoying you?’’ I whisper running my fingers over his scalp to calm him down, his nod subtle to which I hum ‘’Lads it’s rainy. And its cuddle time. You’ve got plenty of cuddles, okay? Stop bothering Steven.’’
As I speak, I stare up at the ceiling and the wood planks holding the roof above us - literally. I raise my hand just in sync as Steven turns his head the other way, my eyes following his onto the still blank TV screen. For a second, I watch Marc as he glares at himself his hold tightening.
Knowing no words are going to help as the boys share one body and can behave like brat’s, I reach for the coffee table grabbing the remote thank the gods successfully, turning the TV on immediately.
‘’Do you wanna watch a documentary on Atlantis?’’ I break the silence and I hope their arguing, feeling the shift in my boyfriend's hold, the man snuggling closer moving his head so that he has it tucked under my chin but not uncomfortably as I move the buttons of the remote, onto my profile and my list to watch.
‘’I would love to, mon amour.’’
My cheeks are hit with heat instantly. Steven doesn’t often speak French but when he does, when he uses French nicknames…safe to say I’m ready to throw my panties at him. Clicking onto the documentary I slowly exhale trying to calm myself down, content to be where I am.
The intro drags out the whole explanation kind of unnecessary as I know the entirety of the alure that is the lost city. Its reason enough to avoid some documentaries as the information tends to repeat itself. But not even 10 minutes into it the host gets revealed to which my hand shoots out as I point ahead!
‘’That’s Kit Harrington!’’ I reveal excitement again hitting me, Steven raising onto his elbows as I wiggle in excitement ‘’He was so nice. Kind of nervous to be honest looking around but not in a creepy way. Let me up I want to show you, we took a selfie…’’ giggling in excitement to show him the said selfie Steven lies back onto me keeping me in place his pouty and grumpy expression making me halt in confusion ‘’So now you take selfies huh??’’
‘’I mean…’’ I drag the word out ‘’He is a celebrity.’’ I raise my eyebrows in question, my answer not satisfying his query. I watch as he looks at the TV, Kit explaining something, ending up giggling with his co-host.
‘’Celebrity or not, he ain’t tha’ special.’’ Steven grumbles getting up sitting on his knees glaring at the TV raising his arm up ‘’Look at him. Shave much?’’ the insult has my lips retreating into a line as I try to keep laughter at bay admiring my boyfriend as he gets unusually grumpy Steven being a sweetheart at all times and unapologetically himself, grumpiness not really something I associated him by.
That’s Marc’s thing.
‘’Must be the curls.’’ He concludes pointing his finger at me as in accusation his action having me raise my hands in surrender ‘’You have a type don’t ya?’’ he grins in triumph as if he had figured me out.
‘’If my type is cuddly, extremely handsome and knowledgeable in ancient Egyptology who kick’s ass and is very smart then I definitely have a type.’’ I muse spreading my arms out to invite him back in. But instead, my boyfriend remains on his knee’s hand still in the air as he looks at the TV, and at Kit still speaking the silence and his lack of reaction self-explanatory.
‘’You dofus!’’ I shout grabbing the pillow behind me swinging it over my head with both arms blindly to hit him ‘’I was taking about you Steven!!! My gods!!!’’ I complain staring at him in disbelief at how he doesn’t automatically think about himself ‘’The man is married for the love of, wahhh.’’ Frustrated I can’t even end the sentence grabbing the second pillow my head landing not so nicely on the arm rest as I swing it again.
But my boyfriend is deceiving under the lose clothing he prefers to wear. The man is strong as an ox – he displayed a fraction of his strength when he carried me over – pushing the second pillow out of the way landing atop of me once more grasping my hands making sure to pull me lower and flat against the couch.
Blinking in downright bafflement I look at the calm expression Steven is sporting as he’s observing me, I’m sure holding himself back from firing another sarcastic comment against the forgotten documentary still playing in the background. Thanks to his closeness I’m pulled into glorifying my boyfriend’s handsome features. The was his lips had gone in a line portraying sternness, pointy nose curving nicely, half closed eyes providing a mystery as to what is going through his mind. As he subtly shift’s a lose curl from his unruly hair falls over his forehead my eyes flickering to it.
‘’It’s the curls.’’
The statement has me meeting his gaze, a bright smile spreading over his features ‘’I knew it.’’ Smug as ever he muses, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
‘’Hmm.’’ I begin any rebuttal dying down as I take him in ‘’Must be.’’ I murmur getting serious myself, cupping his face feeling how warm he is refocusing his triumph back onto me ‘’But I like you the most.’’
I end up whispering as if I’m telling him a secret.
And que back my wonderful shy Steven, whose cheeks under my palms heat up. He ducks down lying half on me face buried under my chin his movements of rearranging us hurried but effective and soft in nature, leaving me giggling halfway through.
‘’Cutie patotie.’’ I cheer wrapping my arms around my boyfriend even hocking a leg over his thigh, my head falling to the right as I look at the TV. Rising my hand higher I begin playing with his curls smiling quietly to myself as the documentary has ended. I watch as the next suggested show begins the countdown to be played.
3. 2. 1.
At the grandiose music intro, the title gets spoken out loud Steven immediately turning his head to face the TV, not moving an inch his attention stolen. It’s always about Egyptology. Even though a good 3 minutes into the show Kit appears again, my boyfriend remains quiet this time around.
So, I let him be enjoying my position, and his warmth and gentle fleeting touches. It’s a good day today. Having met a celebrity not at all that much of an accomplishment.
This right here…oh yeah. Perfection.
Copyright 2023© by barbika1508. All rights reserved.
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girl4music · 10 months
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Sometimes I cry at the sheer audacity of this moment. Then I sit in thoughtful silence and smile at how fitting it is. How right it is that she would be the only other owner of it. The only other worthy of being its owner.
I do wonder though that if the dark chakram had never been neutralised, would Gabrielle have been able to wield it at all? Because as far as we know the only characters that can both catch and throw it are Xena, Callisto and Eve. But you never see proof that Eve could have thrown and caught the dark chakram on account of she wasn’t born when it was neutralised with the light chakram. You just take it on faith that Eve would have been able to due to her being Callisto reincarnated and, obviously, Xena’s biological daughter. So therefore it makes me wonder…
Was Gabrielle the true owner of the light chakram? Could she also have been able to pick it up without burning to cinders? Because let’s be frank about this…
Xena had lost her sense of self when she picked it up off the altar in the Tao temple. She didn’t know who she was. She was a blank slate. It was the altar’s creator that recognized her as the owner of the dark chakram, which allowed her to be able to pick the light chakram up. But odds are that she wouldn’t have been able to wield it without it being neutralised anyway. But given the fact that Gabrielle could wield the yin-yang chakram, I think it’s very fucking possible she was the owner of the light chakram instead of Xena.
I mean regardless of how intertwined Xena and Gabrielle were in past, present and future… I don’t think Gabrielle could have ever instinctively been able to wield the yin-yang chakram if she wasn’t already the owner of at least half of it. The light half of it. And I would go as far as to say that that's how she was able to. Because she always could. She just never knew it.
And had Tapert gotten his spin off show of ‘Gabrielle: Warrior Princess’ he would have explored this subject.
It could simply be that the reason Gabrielle could wield the yin-yang chakram instinctively was because Xena could, and Xena - the body - was no longer around but the soul’s essence lived on in Gabrielle. That’s cute and all but that doesn’t really explain it.
What could is that she was always the owner of it. But it took meeting and being with Xena in that lifetime for her to come to the reality where she would wield it. We always talk about how essential it was for Xena to meet Gabrielle for her to change the way that she did. But I say it was just as essential for Gabrielle to meet Xena because Gabrielle wasn’t who she was meant to be either without her, and certainly wouldn’t have become the exceptional warrior she ended up as.
Soulmates or ‘one soul in two bodies’, as I refer to it…
It means so much more than just the relationship factor. It’s all about how it affects the individual as well. All about how one changes because of the other. Which is why I always say that there’s got to be more than one soulmate for everyone. However Plato would disagree with me on that. And in a Greek background, it’s only appropriate that Xena and Gabrielle are the one and only half for each other - as the story goes…
But it’s just something to think about that it isn’t just because of THAT why Gabrielle could wield the yin-yang chakram. Perhaps it was that she was always meant to but would have never gotten to the point of doing so without meeting, travelling with and falling in love with the true owner of the dark chakram. Xena.
Maybe - just maybe - the yin-yang chakram is symbolic for the journey that these two individuals go on together because both of them are the owners of it BOTH when it was neutralised AND when it wasn’t.
Think about it. It makes more sense than you realize.
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zmediaoutlet · 6 months
Three hundred miles under the big sky, Red Lodge to Miles City and then out of Montana to Bowman. Gas at a dingy co-op, half garage and half store. Sam sits on the trunk waiting for the nozzle to click and watches Dean go to the payphone by the dusty propane display, watches him dial. Give whatever performance he feels like. His shoulders hunched up under his coat. Not that cold today but he's still wearing it.
Sam stretches his sneakers out in the gravel. Another car pulls in by the store. Older lady, hair a flash of silver when the afternoon sun gleams over it, giving Dean a weird look that he returns with a broad screw you smile when he comes back from the phone. No wonder. His face is all over bruises, like someone used him as a punching bag. Not far off.
"They going to get him?" Sam says. He takes the Coke when Dean hands it over. Glass bottles, what a time warp.
Dean finishes swigging down half of his own bottle, burps contentedly. "Cops'll find Gordon sitting in his own stank," he says, ignoring Sam's wrinkled nose. He lifts a shoulder. "Or he got out, and they'll find whatever's left in that creepy house. Blood and all. We should've left him to stew longer."
Sam drags his thumb over the glass rim before he takes a sip. Sharp caramel, freezing cold. He can't imagine Gordon getting caught. Too competent, too—vicious, effective. Sam resented the comparison to Dad but it wasn't—all that far off. Except where it really mattered.
"Just glad we don't have to deal with it," Sam says. Dean half-nods. Looking off into nothing, rubbing the edge of his cut lip. Somewhere else. "What?"
The nozzle clicks. Dean blinks. Hands his bottle to Sam and deals with the pump while Sam spins the gas cap back into place. He expects Dean to come back around to the driver side but he sits on the trunk next to Sam, instead, stretches his boots out to match Sam, his face pointed vaguely at the store but his eyes—three hundred miles in the rearview? Or further?
"Wasn't—a replacement," Dean says. Sam has no idea what he means, until he does. He bites the inside of his cheek. Dean glances at him to make sure he follows and then dips his chin, looks at the tips of his boots instead. "That wasn't it. Don't wanna get in a fight. But you—?"
"I get it," Sam says. Which is true, kinda. He half-wishes he hadn't said anything except that at least that fight had gotten Dean to crack, at least a little, from this awful manic fakery he's been dealing with, ever since they left the hospital with a body they had to burn and the weight of the world no lighter.
Dean nods, still staring at his boots. He shoves his hands into his coat pockets. Sam isn't sure Dean got it, particularly. How something could be a substitute not for the physical fact but for the feeling. There was no replacing Dad, not at all, but what Dad meant, that fog of expectations and received wisdom and a way of looking at the world, black and white, right and wrong—but then, Gordon wasn't that, quite, either. No matter how much Sam had strained against and fought with and sometimes hated their dad, he never, ever suspected him of—
"I don't know how he could do that," Dean says. Like it's pushing past some thickness, shoved out of his throat. "His sister. How could he."
"I mean, I messed up your Stones tape back in Milwaukee and you said you were going to kill me," Sam tries, but Dean just closes his eyes, a muscle in his jaw flexing. He licks his lips, drags his heels in. "I don't know. Drove him crazy, I guess. Couldn't see past the monster stuff to what mattered, you know?"
Dean shakes his head, drags a hand over his face. Flinches because he caught his bruises, the idiot. Sam transfers both Coke bottles to one hand and catches Dean's wrist, pulls it down, and Dean huffs and then looks at him sideways. God, he's tired. Sam looks at the store, through the grimed glass windows—the old lady's with the clerk at the counter, and no one else is around—and he takes the opportunity he wishes he'd had earlier and pulls Dean closer and kisses him. Very careful, closed-lipped against the hurt mouth. Dean's lips part anyway and there's the smell of Coke and the smell of blood and Sam breathes deep and then pulls back. Dean's eyes wide like that was the last thing he expected. Where has he been, Sam thinks, but he thinks it very fondly, and then he thinks that, god, he needs sleep, too. Ten straight hours preferably, in a motel room with blackout shades, his body plastered against Dean's and the two of them waking together. Knowing what matters.
Dean licks his lower lip. Looking like maybe he wants the same thing, or at least something close enough they can compromise. "Give me my Coke back," he says. Pink-eared. Sam smiles at him and carries both over to the passenger seat, with Dean bitching about, hey, who bought what for who, squatters rights ain't it. And so on. The day's bright, and brighter. The sky huge. Dean reaches over and steals Sam's bottle while they're pulling back out onto the highway and almost crashes the car, sets Sam laughing enough that he snorts Coke out his nose. "Can't take you anywhere," Dean says, affecting dignity. No, Sam thinks. He's nothing at all like Gordon.
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melishade · 5 months
Attack on Prime: What if the TFP War continued on the world of Attack on Titan? AKA The War Timeline
Main Story
Peaceful Timeline Pilot
Beloved Timeline Pilot
TFP Optimus in Episode 1 Pilot
Summary: A spacebridge accident happened on Earth, launching both Autobots and Decepticons to the world of Attack on Titan. And while the Autobots are willing to do everything in their power to protect humanity, the Decepticons will stop at nothing to destroy and conquer whatever is let. The war rages on, and if one wants to live, they must fight.
So the fourth pilot fully written out as asked in this previous poll. This is based upon the War Timeline as posted in my masterlist if you want more information! Please read this and give a comment while also looking at the other pilots and my main fanfic story!
Roll it!
Optimus groaned in pain, his helm feeling like it was spinning. His body ached as he moved his servo to rest it on his forehelm. His optics slowly opened, and he winced at the streams of light that came into view. When his vision cleared, he found himself under a partly cloudy sky. The sun was high in the air, and he could see trees out of the corner of his optics. What had happened?
“Is everyone okay?” Optimus’ optics snapped open and he immediately sat up. He looked at his surroundings and saw the Autobots slowly getting up and looking just as delirious as he felt.
“Ay, okay.” Optimus turned his gaze to where Bulkhead was seated and saw Jack, Miko, and Rafael waking up and rubbing their heads.
“I need to scan everyone.” Optimus saw Ratchet forcing himself to stand, ignoring his own pain kneeling down to scan Bumblebee.
“What were you three thinking?!” Arcee yelled at the human kids.
“We were trying to get Miko out of there!” Jack retorted.
“Miko, we talked about this! I thought you were past this!” Bulkhead exclaimed.
“You said it was simple recon!” Miko retorted.
“That’s not an excuse!” Bulkhead and Arcee shouted in unison.
“The damage is done,” Ratchet declared as he finished scanning Bumblebee, “And at the very least we’re still operational.”
“Are we in the Shadowzone again?” Rafael asked as he rummaged through his backpack to grab his phone. Miko turned her attention to Jack before pressing her hand on his face.
“Wha-! What was that for?!” Jack yelled as he grabbed her wrist.
“If we’re in the Shadowzone, we can’t touch anything,” Miko recalled.
“We can all see and touch each other!” Jack reminded.
“Then the spacebridge malfunction the Decepticons were having launched us somewhere else,” Ratchet surmised as he finished scanning Bulkhead. He was about to scan Arcee, but she waved it off.
“Go scan Optimus first,” Arcee suggested, “He still looks out of it.”
Ratchet immediately kneeled down towards Optimus and started to scan him. Optimus didn’t pay attention to him, and merely tried to recall what had happened. There was a scouting mission, they found energon, but the Decepticons had ambushed them. Jack, Miko, and Rafael had somehow gotten involved. The Autobots tried to get them out, but the groundbridge and the spacebridge had crossed streams? Or there was a malfunction in the spacebridge? He couldn’t remember. His helm was pulsing in pain.
Optimus rubbed his optics and grimaced a little. Something was wrong. Why couldn’t he figure it out? What was wrong?
“Optimus are you alright?” Ratchet asked as he placed his servo on his shoulder, “Your vitals appear normal, but if you don’t tell me-!”
“I still function,” Optimus reassured as he forced himself to stand up.
“At the very least, it looks like we’re still on Earth,” Jack proclaimed as he looked at their surroundings. Optimus took in his surroundings as well, and found that they were surrounded by similar views of that on Earth: pine trees, green grass, blue skies. It all looked normal for the planet. But something still felt off. Optimus’ gaze fell to a footprint that was hidden in the forest, and noticed how it was much too large to resemble that of a human.
“No one is at base; however, which means that we’re going to have to explain to Agent Fowler how to operate a groundbridge,” Ratchet groaned in irritation.
Bumblebee responded to Ratchet in his binary code, trying to reassure him.
“Yes, I know, it’s just going to be a hassle to hear him scream at us and talk about his human affairs,” Ratchet waved off before activating his comm. link, “Agent Fowler, we need assistance.”
Ratchet blinked in confusion when he was only met with static. “Fowler?”
“No response?” Arcee asked him.
“Yes,” Ratchet answered, “Odd.”
“Let me try.” Bulkhead placed two digits against his audio receptors, “Agent Fowler? Hello?...Static.”
“Did the spacebridge malfunction scramble with our comm. link?” Arcee asked, not noticing Optimus walking towards the footprint. The Prime kneeled down to examine it closer. It looked like a human footprint, but why was it so large? Humans couldn’t reach a size similar to that of a Cybertronian. It didn’t make sense.
“Uh…guys?” Rafael called out with worry as he showed the Autobots his flip phone, “I’m not getting any bars.”
Jack and Miko were shocked at that and quickly pulled out their phones to find what Rafael was saying to be true. They had no reception either.
“So we’re not in the Shadowzone?” Miko chuckled nervously, “Because we had reception last time we were there!”
“Look, maybe it was the spacebridge malfunction!” Jack reasoned, “That could explain it! Right?!”
“Maybe if we can figure out where we are we can find a place with a working phone,” Arcee suggested.
Something was wrong. What was wrong? Optimus’ helm shot up, when he heard a low growl like an animal. Optimus stood on his pedes and scanned the area as the Autobots continued discussing what to do next. Where was that sound coming from? Optimus looked past Bumblebee and saw something crawling towards them. It was a four legged humanoid figure, but it was significantly bigger than the humans they had with them. It had no clothing and no reproductive organs, but it had a multitude of teeth. And it looked hungry. Its gaze fell to the humans and it lunged for them!
“Bumblebee, behind you!” Optimus called for him.
Bumblebee snapped his head to the creature that lunged for the humans. All three screamed out in fear, but Bumblebee quickly kicked the creature in its open mouth, shattering all of its teeth and knocking it into a tree.
“What the frag?!” Arcee exclaimed. They all looked on in horror when the four legged creature was clearly not dead. Steam arose from its mouth and the back of its head. Its teeth began to grow back and the jaw stitched itself back together. The creature shook its head to shake off the injury as it finished regenerating its wounds.
“Bumblebee!” Rafael screamed as it lunged for them once more, but Bumblebee quickly pulled out his blaster and shot it multiple times in the head. The creature skidded forward from momentum before slowing to a stop. The energon seemed to do the trick, as the body began to decay and evaporate into steam, leaving nothing else behind to examine.
“By the Allspark!” Ratchet gasped in terror.
Optimus could only stare in horror as well at the sight, mirroring Ratchet’s expression. All the Autobots didn’t know what to say to this sight, but Optimus knew one thing for certain.
“We are not supposed to be here,” Optimus declared.
Bulkhead snapped his helm to a creature taller than Optimus emerging from the forest and running towards him. “Optimus!”
Optimus activated his battle mask and pulled out his own blaster, aiming his weapon at the center of the creature’s chest. Before Optimus could fire, he caught a blur of green followed by a trail of smoke. The next thing he knew, the nape of the neck was sliced open and blood spewed out everywhere. Optimus followed the direction of the blood splatters and the trail of smoke as the creature fell to the ground, and his optics fell onto a human. The human was covered in a green cloak with an emblem of wings in the center of it, holding swords in both hands. He wore gray pants with brown straps and boots, and around his waist was a strange contraption that was allowing him to fly. The human turned in the air and stared back at Optimus, and Optimus saw that he had black hair trimmed to an undercut. His gray eyes stared back at his blue ones with a mix of fear and surprise. That expression faded as the human grit his teeth before shouting.
“Enemy forces! Don’t break the formation!” he commanded.
The Autobots heard the sounds of clopping hooves and high pitched whirs and saw an army mirroring what the human was wearing emerging from the forest. Some rode on horses and surrounded them on the ground, while others were flying in the treetops and above them. The three humans yelped when the Autobots formed a circle around them, their backs towards each other to cover their blind spots. Ratchet quickly pulled out his surgical blades while Bumblebee pulled out his other blaster. Arcee pulled out her blasters while Bulkhead pulled out one blaster and one wrecking ball.
The Autobots found that they were completely blocked off from any clear exits, and the humans on the ground stared at them in absolute fear and anticipation. It was a tense standoff, with the Autobots not sure on how to confront this. But the humans looked ready to attack them at any moment. They were just waiting for someone to give the order. Optimus knew it would be a losing battle for those humans, but they had humans that they needed to protect. They were clearly not on Earth anymore. Those creatures tried to kill the humans, and humans that surrounded them now had the technology and knowledge that the Autobots clearly lacked. Optimus made a choice, one that would hopefully get them answers and get the humans to safety.
Optimus stood up straight before transforming his blaster into his servo and raising both of them in surrender. “My name is Optimus Prime, and I do not wish to cause conflict. I only ask for assistance and guidance.”
Erwin’s day went from normal to absolute insanity in a matter of minutes.
It had been five years since the fall of Shinganshina and the loss of Wall Maria. Much had changed since that fateful day. The Survey Corps had been granted more funding and resources, although not that much. Weaponry had finally been cleared to be attached to the top of the wall, much to the Wallists’ protests, and the discovery of Ilse’s notebook had spearheaded titan capture and experimentation.
The Survey Corps had left Wall Rose and started their expedition to try and reclaim the land lost in Wall Maria. They had managed to find an abandoned town with no titans near the area and decided to set up camp there. Erwin noticed the way that Hanji was giddy with excitement, proclaiming that it was going to be a big day. However, the Survey Corps had already suffered the loss of five lives before finding this place. How many would they lose on the way back to Wall Rose?
However, Mike was acting…off. His best friend and humanity’s second strongest always had a knack for sensing titans. A blessing to have in the Survey Corps. But the man had proclaimed that the air was off, that there was a smell of metal and gunpowder, and that something was coming. Erwin didn’t understand the cryptic warnings. Mike wasn’t even too sure what he was sensing, but he told everyone to be on high alert.
Mike’s prediction turned out to be true when they spotted a blinding blue light off in the distance, sending a shockwave that blew their tents out of the ground. Erwin immediately ordered everyone to get on their horses and investigate the source. As they rode towards the source, going through the trees, Erwin could’ve sworn he heard someone speaking. He was hearing a conversation. Erwin then heard someone screaming before a blue light suddenly illuminated the forest and disappeared. Erwin ordered Levi to go ahead, and the captain quickly through the trees, headed towards the titan that was running towards the source of the blue light. As the edge of the forest came into view, Erwin thought his eyes were deceiving him when he saw something so bright and colorful, like it didn’t match the colors of their world.
“Enemy forces! Don’t break the formation!” Erwin heard Levi shout. When the Commander’s vision cleared, he gasped in shock at the sight of five metal titans standing together in a clearing.
“Surround the titans on the ground and in the treetops!” Erwin ordered. Erwin remained on his horse as they emerged from the forest. He quickly directed Mike to guide the others to the right while he surrounded the titans from the left, being sure to avoid the titan Levi had just killed. Levi’s squad and a few others had quickly taken to the trees as these titans stood back-to-back in a circle. Erwin could feel his hands trembling as these titans pulled out glowing weapons before getting into fighting stances. Erwin had pulled the reins on his horse to a stop and found himself in front of the tallest of the five titans, and this titan had a giant gun for a hand that looked ready to fire.
Erwin didn’t know what to do. For the first time in a long time, he was actually visibly terrified at the sight before him. Never in the history of human kind did any of them expect to see five metal titans! What happened?! Did the titans evolve?! Why the hell did they look so different?! Erwin narrowed his eyes at each of the titans before him.
The one he was in front of was massive compared to the others. Its head and legs were painted blue, while its torso and arms were colored red. Its right hand was that of an advanced rifle, but the left hand looked normal, save for it being the color black. It had no mouth to speak of, as it was clearly covered by some kind of mask, and its eyes were such a bright blue. Erwin’s gaze fell to the titan on the first one’s right. Its appearance was starkly different from the other. It was shorter, with broader shoulders and a larger waist. Its skin was a mix of white and orange, and it had a mouth which was a cause for concern. It appeared to have some sort of orange backpack, and both hands were replaced with blades. Erwin turned his attention to the titan on the left, and his worry grew exponentially. This one was the same height as the second one, but it was big. The titan had a round body, with large arms and legs. It had a gun for one hand and a boulder in the other. It looked like a heavy hitter and it unnerved him.
The other two, he could only peer through the gaps of the first three in order to get a decent look at them. The shortest one was adorned in blue with accentuated pink markings. Erwin was confused at the sight of…wings? But he elected to ignore them for now. It looked like both arms were guns as well, and it looked…female?! Was that titan a female?! Titans were known to lack reproductive organs! They had no idea how they were able to reproduce, but this one clearly had the features of a human female! How was that possible?! Erwin’s eyes darted towards the last one. It was yellow with accentuated black markings. It had wings similar to the female titan, and even though it had guns out, its hands didn’t disappear. They were still visible. Erwin saw the titan turn it head, and he couldn’t help but think how comically large its blue eyes were. But this titan had no mouth? Was it a type of mouth guard? It was vastly different from the first titan.
But this…this was surreal. How did they get here? Why were the titans like this? What did that mean for humanity? He could tell everyone wanted to attack these things. He managed to catch Levi perched on a tree with his blades in hand, ready to strike if need be. He could feel Hanji gasping with excitement, and glanced behind to see the section commander with the widest, gapping, smile. He turned his attention to Mike, and his friend nodded his head to him, ready to follow his command whenever he gave it. Erwin was ready to give it. He didn’t know if they were going to live or die, but as members of the Survey Corps, they had to dedicate their heart and soul to the cause.
He opened his mouth, ready to speak, but paused when the red and blue titan slowly stood upright. Its gun transformed and changed right back into a hand. It raised both hands in surrender, stunning Erwin. It knew what surrender was? But the biggest revelation came when the titan spoke.
“My name is Optimus Prime, and I do not wish to cause conflict. I only ask for assistance and guidance.”
Erwin couldn’t help it. His mouth hung agape while sounds of worry and bafflement echoed throughout the Survey Corps. The only exception was Hanji who merely squealed with delight. But how could the rest of them not break face? Five metal titans had just shown up, and now one of them just spoke! Could all of them speak?! How was this even a possibility?! The only recorded evidence of a titan speaking was from Ilse’s notebook! And now…!
“Boss, I think that was a bad idea.” Erwin heard the green one whisper to the being, Optimus.
“Definitely was a bad idea considering what we just saw,” the female titan had hissed.
“They’re all talking,” Mike mumbled.
Erwin didn’t know how to respond. This was madness! However, the yellow one began to speak in a slew of strange noises that scared the soldiers near it, demanding what it even said.
“A new language!” Hanji squealed with delight.
“Oi, calm the hell down!” Levi shouted at them, but Erwin could tell even Levi was shaken by the yellow one speaking. However, while the soldiers looked afraid, Levi was…bewildered. Levi had managed to spot Erwin through the titans and mouthed something to him.
‘Fight or run.’
Fight or run? Erwin’s words almost got caught in his throat. Did Levi…was Levi able to understand the yellow titan?!
“Optimus, I would strongly advise getting the humans out of here before engaging in anything drastic,” the orange titan warned.
If Erwin’s mind didn’t break, it definitely shattered in that moment. Humans? What humans? What the hell was that titan talking about? Erwin’s gaze darted around, trying to see any humans. There’s no way that there could be-!
Erwin’s train of thought screeched to a halt when he spotted them. He spotted humans. Three humans. Three human children. There were humans with the titans, hiding behind the yellow titan’s foot for protection. There was a tall male with black hair and a long face. He wore a long sleeved gray shirt and blue pants, but the material was clearly not native to the wall. He could tell that much. His gray eyes stared on in concern at the sight of his men, as he gestured for the youngest of the three to remain behind him. The youngest looked afraid as he put his black backpack on. He wore an orange vest and white undershirt with blue pants as well. His brown eyes were less noticeable compared to his red glasses, and his orange hair was standing upright, practically defying gravity. The sight of that child paled in comparison to the girl, who was clearly not native to the walls. Her clothes were an eyesore. A clash of green, pink, purple, and blue. Her hair was…pink! How was her hair pink?! Erwin noticed how excited the girl looked as she peered over the titan, making some sort of comment, but the oldest of the trio quickly grabbed her by her collar and yanked her behind the yellow titan’s foot.
“…holy shit,” Mike swore as he finally noticed the children. And Erwin couldn’t help but agree with his friend’s sentiments. How could he not? There were three humans hiding behind titans for protection. They didn’t run or cower in fear at the sight of them. They trusted them. Erwin’s gaze shifted upwards, and he froze when he noticed the titan, Optimus Prime, staring directly at him. The titan’s eyes then darted towards the children in their circle before landing back to him. Did…did the titan know if he was the Commander? How was he able to target the chain of command so easily? But Erwin could tell, the titan was silently pleading with him. Begging him to call off his men so that they could get the children to safety.  A million thoughts swirled through Erwin’s mind. He was trying to determine the risk and the reward with the decision he was about to make, but…his gaze fell to the children. The reward was higher than the risk.
“STAND DOWN!” Erwin commanded, causing everyone, both titans and humans, to snap their heads at him.
“Commander, what the hell?!” someone screamed at him while Mike stared in shock.
“STAND DOWN! THAT’S AN ORDER!” Erwin repeated. Erwin’s gaze fell to Levi, and the Captain was clearly questioning his decision like the rest of them. But Erwin gave one simple nod to Levi, and the Captain relented. He lowered his hands before placing his swords back into his holsters. One by one, the rest of the Survey Corps followed suit.
“Autobots, stand down!” Optimus immediately ordered. The titans glanced at each other before standing upright and raising their arms upwards. They showed to them their weapons transforming back into hands.
“Mine-!” Hanji squawked when Mike quickly grabbed the squad leader by wrapping his arms around Hanji’s arms and abdomen. “Mike! Let go! You asshole!”
Erwin climbed down his horse, and Optimus Prime had lowered his hands to his side. “You lead these men.”
It wasn’t a question. “Yes. My name is Erwin Smith. I am the 13th Commander of the Survey Corps.”
“Not U.S. military,” the green one had commented, “We’re not on Earth.”
“And where exactly are we?” The orange one had demanded, clearly annoyed by what has been happening.
“Wall Maria, which had fallen five years ago due to the powers of Titans,” Erwin explained, “We have been findings ways to reclaim what humanity had lost. We are humanity’s last line of defense against the titans, and we are doing what we can to prevent our species from becoming extinct.”
Erwin heard a gasp from the circle and saw the girl grinning with excitement. “We’ve been isekai’d!”
“Miko, shut up!” the eldest quickly covered the girl’s mouth, but the damage was done.
“Are those kids?!” Oluo exclaimed, causing the female titan to slap a hand over her eyes.
“Scrap, Miko,” she had groaned in irritation.
Erwin turned his gaze to Optimus. “You must be…confused at what is happening, and we have questions of our own. If you would be willing to come with us-!”
“Yeah, absolutely not,” the female titan cut him off, earning protests from the yellow titan. Erwin’s eyes darted to Levi, and the Captain gestured his head towards the kids. The yellow titan was talking about the kids. It had to be about their safety. He could use that.
“You are all unfamiliar with our terrain,” Erwin calmly reasoned, “But we know this place, and we know that titans are roaming the area as we speak. You all might be fine in defending yourselves, but how long will your human companions last before a titan sneaks up on you and tries to eat them.”
The titans grew tense at Erwin’s words while Miko removed the eldest’s hand from her mouth. Erwin then gestured to the titan that was still slowly turning into steam.
“The titans do not eat for survival,” Erwin continued, “They only do it for the thrill of it. And there are a multitude of titans that are unpredictable with their behavior. Those three are not going to last out here very long.”
Erwin gestured to the direction they came from. “If you come with us, we can guarantee their safety behind the territory that we still have left.”
The orange titan glanced over at Optimus, waiting for the Prime to make the call. Optimus seemed to come to a decision before turning to the others. “We will follow the humans to their territory.”
“You sure about that?” the green one asked.
“We cannot risk the humans getting hurt,” Optimus reasoned, “And if we want to return to Earth, then we need to forge alliances.”
Erwin raised an eyebrow at that as Optimus turned to him. “If you would be will to guide us, then we will follow.”
Erwin nodded his head before mounting his horse once more. “We’re returning to Wall Rose!”
“With five giant titans?!” Someone shouted, “The canons will fire before we even reach the gate! How the hell are we supposed to-!”
Everyone took steps back when the five titans’ bodies practically fell apart before reshaping and putting itself back together. They had all transformed into…strange carriages, each of their own texture, design, and size. Erwin didn’t know how else to describe it. The colors still matched the titans he had just seen but when the hell could titans do this?!
The yellow one had open the side door, and Miko and the youngest of the children quickly climbed inside. The eldest was about to climb in, but noticed the stares directed towards them all.
“Um…robots in disguise,” he had shrugged before sitting in the front and shutting the door himself.
“Not a very good disguise,” Levi commented as he and the others hand lowered themselves from the trees and mounted their horses.
“I want to touch it.” Hanji vibrated with giddy, but Mike grabbed the reins of the horse Hanji was sitting on before pulling it along.
It was a tense ride back to Wall Rose, with the Survey Corps surrounding the titans with a simple circle formation. The horses were running at full speed towards the massive structure, but the Survey Corps were stunned to find that the titans were keeping up with them in these strange forms. Hell, some of them were even driving past the horses, specifically the female titan. She was riding on two wheels instead of four. It looked like there was supposed to be someone on top of her form, and it looked odd without it.
“Erwin, what the hell are you thinking right now?” Levi demanded as he pulled up next to him at the front of the formation.
“I’m thinking about how we can keep these titans here to help us,” Erwin answered truthfully.
“They might not appear to eat humans, but it looks like they know how to kill,” Levi retorted, “We bring them in the Walls. Then what? There’s going to be chaos and questions. Some could be asking for them to be destroyed. How the hell do we spin this to have it benefit us, even if they aren’t dangerous?”
“…I don’t know,” Erwin confessed, “But there must be something that they can do.”
“…I saw the yellow one kill a titan without hitting the nape,” Levi informed him, “It killed them with those guns on its arms.”
‘The blinding light,’ Erwin realized.
“Prime guy was ready to blast a hole in the chest of the other one before I killed it,” Levi explained, “They’re trained soldiers, Erwin. With the power to kill titans without cutting the nape.”
“All the more reason to try and get them to stay here with us,” Erwin declared, “We’ll finally be able to turn the tide in this war against the titans.”
Levi grimaced in response.
“Also, have you been able to understand the yellow titan?” Erwin asked, baffled.
“Every third word, it’s been creeping me out,” Levi explained.
“No, that’s good,” Erwin proclaimed, “If they’re planning something else and are trying to hide it, then you’ll be able to figure it out sooner.”
“Optimus, are you certain that this is the right decision?” Ratchet asked him as they drove side by side.
“It is one of the few options that we do have,” Optimus answered, “We do not know our surroundings very well and we cannot risk the humans getting hurt. There is also the matter of the Decepticons.”
“Right, they could still be on Earth,” Ratchet recalled, “Or they could have very well come to this strange place with us. We have no idea.”
“All the more reason to gain knowledge from the natives in order to determine our next steps,” Optimus declared, “We need to return back to Earth as soon as possible if the Decepticons are still there. I don’t know how long Agent Fowler and the military will be able to last without us.”
“So…we’ve been isekai’d to a morbid place,” Miko began as she continued watching the soldiers ride through titan territory.
“Yeah, this wouldn’t have happened if you had just stayed at base,” Jack scolded Miko.
“Look, we’ll find a way out of this!” Miko reasoned, “Besides, it can’t be all bad! They have medieval spidermen!”
“Medieval Spidermen, Jack!” Miko shook his shoulders, “That’s literally the best thing ever! It can’t get better than this!”
“How long are we going to be stuck here for?” Rafael finally asked, “What about our parents?”
“Raf, don’t worry, we’ll figure something out,” Jack reassured, “Right ‘Bee?”
Bumblebee chirped and beeped in response, causing Rafael to smile. “Yeah, I guess we’ve been in worse situations and still got out of it.”
The three humans blinked when they suddenly heard a knock on the window. They turned to see someone waving at them with delight.
“’Bee, lower the window,” Jack ordered as he approached the window the person was waving at. Bumblebee lowered the window a little bit, and Jack was met with the grinning face of...a woman, maybe? They didn’t look too much like a woman.
“You can lower it a little bit more,” Jack said to Bumblebee, and the scout reluctantly complied until Jack’s face was completely in view, “Can I help you?”
“Yes! My name is Hanji, and I have a multitude of questions I need you to answer before my friend, Mike, comes back to grab me!” The statement came out in rapid succession.
Bumblebee immediately spoke up, causing Hanji to stare in confusion.
“Bumblebee says that we can’t give away too much information,” Rafael explained as he peered over the open window.
“You can understand him?!” Hanji asked with excitement.
“Yeah,” Rafael answered.
“And you have a name!” Hanji cooed with joy, “Bumblebee’s a cute name too!”
Bumblebee started beeping again, and Rafael translated. “He says thanks.”
“So you’re Bumblebee, and the big, tall, one is Optimus Prime.” Hanji pointed to the truck, “What about the other three?”
“The one driving next to Optimus is Ratchet,” Rafael began, “The blue motorcycle looping around us is Arcee and the green hummer is Bulkhead.”
“And he’s my partner.” Miko pointed to herself, “So watch it, or he’s gonna wreck you!”
“Oh this is so exciting!” Hanji clapped. The squad leader grunted as Mike grabbed the reins of the horse and pulled them aside, “Thank you!”
“Bye!” Rafael waved ‘goodbye’ before turning to the others. “They seem nice.”
“A little bit energetic for my tastes,” Jack asked, “Kinda like you, Miko.”
“Ha,” Miko drawled out.
“What the hell are you doing?” Mike hissed at Hanji.
“Gathering Intel.” Hanji yanked the reins back from Mike in annoyance. The squad leader let out a big grin, riding over to Erwin and waving to Mike, “I have names~.”
Erwin deadpanned as he heard Hanji creep up behind him on horseback. He could feel the grin radiating from her skin. “This better be important.”
“Optimus, Ratchet, Bulkhead, Arcee, and Bumblebee.” Hanji pointed to each vehicle with their respective name.
Erwin and Levi glanced back before turning back to Hanji.
“They all have names?” Erwin asked in surprise.
“Yes, those children were very nice in giving me that information,” Hanji explained before sighing in defeat, “I would have asked for more information, like the names of those kids, but Mike pulled me away before I could ask.”
“Anything else you might have gotten from them?” Erwin asked.
“The youngest can understand Bumblebee’s language,” Hanji listed, “And the girl referred to Bulkhead as her partner. I think those children might be assigned to individual titans as protection. The girl to Bulkhead. I assume the youngest to Bumblebee since he can understand him. I don’t know about the eldest.”
Hanji noticed the way Levi’s face turned sour. “What happened to you? Looks like you’re about to take a shit.”
“He can understand every third word of…Bumblebee.” Erwin felt weird addressing a titan by name.
Hanji gasped with joy as her smile grew wider to the point where it would break her face.
“If you fucking touch me, I will-!” Levi froze as everyone was alerted to the sounds of screams and destruction. The Survey Corps looked ahead and stared in horror at the sight of the southern gate to Trost being destroyed and two titans slowly making its way inside.
“Shit!” Levi swore.
“Everyone, scale the wall!” Erwin ordered.
The Autobots were stunned to see everyone jumping off of their horses and hooking onto the side of the massive wall before scaling it with relative ease. Miko had opened the window and peered her whole body out to see the amazing display.
“Wow.” Miko pulled out her phone and started recording the Survey Corps. She yelped when Jack immediately grabbed her belt and pulled her inside Bumblebee’s alt mode.
“Autobots, head towards the breach!” Optimus commanded as he revved his engines. When they had reached the breached and transformed into their bipedal modes, excluding Bumblebee, they were horrified at the titans running rampant in the city. They destroyed and toppled buildings. They grabbed human soldiers without a care in the world, and they started to eat them. It didn’t even matter what age they were. Some looked like teenagers, like Jack, Miko, and Rafael, but they were still being devoured. They let out horrified screams of terror as they were either devoured in one gulped or chewed to pieces.
“What the frag did we just get ourselves into?” Arcee swore.
The Survey Corps landed atop the walls and examined the chaos below.
“It’s only been a few hours and shit’s already going to hell,” Levi remarked.
“It feels like it was almost premeditated, considering there was a titan invasion right after we left,” Mike proclaimed before turning to Erwin, “Orders!”
Erwin was about to give the command, but-!
“Bumblebee, keep the humans safe from the threat!” Optimus ordered the yellow titan.
“Wait, hold on!” the girl cried out, but Bumblebee had quickly driven deeper into Trost before he could continue.
“Autobots, focus all efforts on eliminate the threat and protecting the humans!” Optimus ordered as he pulled out his guns.
“Got it!” Bulkhead said as he pulled out his blasters.
“With pleasure!” Arcee snarled as she pulled out her own blasters.
“Roll out!” All three Cybertronians fired in rapid succession at the titans closest to them, scaring some of the other soldiers. Erwin managed to count twenty titan deaths from that volley of attacks, and none of the titans that were killed were struck in the nape. The remaining for titans split up to cover more ground, with the orange titan, Ratchet, running by Optimus’ side.
Ratchet noticed a titan coming up on his right and quickly pulled out his medical blades before slicing it’s leg off. As the titan lost its balance, Optimus shot it in the chest, causing it to disintegrate. Meanwhile, Arcee had jumped onto one of the buildings and ran along the rooftops, firing headshots at each of the titans that she spotted. Bulkhead, despite being the slowest runner, had tackled a titan much larger than him into the ground before shooting it in the face.
“…I think we just became useless,” Mobilt commented, baffled at the sight before him. However, every one of them heard sadistic giggles before it evolved into unhinged laughter.
“IT’S FINALLY HAPPENED!” Hanji shouted, cackling to the sky, “The pinnacle of titan evolution has been reached! We have witnessed the sheer might and battle power of what titans can do, and I have finally been blessed to see this day! IF THERE IS A GOD, THANK YOU FOR KEEPING ME ALIVE THIS LONG TO SEE THIS GLORIOUS DISPLAY!”
Hanji continued cackling like a madman while Levi turned to Erwin. “Hanji’s broken.”
“Everyone, assist the titans in eliminating the threat and help out any wounded or injured soldiers!” Erwin ordered.
“Yes, sir!” they all shouted.
“Dedicate your hearts!” Erwin recited their mantra as they all jumped down from the top of the Walls to attack the titans.
Marco continued flying around the city, trying to lure titans to the other side of the town so that Eren could plug the hole in the wall, but he spotted no titans in his line of sight. Maybe he should regroup with a few others and come up with a strategy then. That seemed like a good idea. Marco’s gaze fell towards a rooftop with two other soldiers on it. He sighed a little with relief. Reiner and Bertholdt. They were still alive. Marco landed on the rooftop, ready to call for them, but-!
“There’s no way that they can plug that hole in the wall,” Bertholdt proclaimed, “They don’t have the resources, and Eren might get eaten in the process. We won’t be able to find out anything else if that happens.”
“I might have to figure out a plan with my Titan somehow.” Marco paused in his step at Reiner’s words. Titan? What did Reiner mean by that? What did he mean by ‘my Titan’?
“But if they find a way to plug it, then it’ll undo the work we’ve done to open it!” Bertholdt retorted. Marco was baffled at Bertholdt’s words. Open it?! What are they talking about?! Marco was about to speak up to ask what they meant, but stopped when he saw a blue light coming their way. All three yelled in surprise when the light flew directly above them, almost hitting them. Reiner and Bertholdt ducked in opposite directions while Marco ended up falling off the roof. Marco yelled in pain when his back hit the ground fairly hard, but when he sat up, he didn’t feel that anything was broken. Just bruised. What was that? What the hell was that?!
Marco’s gaze went up to the sky and he saw a few more blue lights shoot across the area. Marco was about to call for Reiner and Bertholdt, but immediately stopped himself. Those words the two uttered, the fact that Eren could transform into a titan at will. That meant…
Marco quickly scrambled to his feet, grabbed his blades and latched onto the buildings with his grappling hooks to get as far away from the two as possible. Reiner and Bertholdt…they were hiding something. They couldn’t be trusted, and Marco needed to get as far away from the both of them as possible! But what the hell was that blue light!-any…way.
Marco could see from afar the sight of metal titans running throughout the city, killing other titans left and right. What the hell was going on?!
“Armin!” Mikasa called out for her friend just as Armin was ready to stab his blade into the nape of Eren’s titan form. Armin noticed that Mikasa was staring on in horror, forcing him to abandon Eren and fly up next to her. The cadet gawked at the sight of four metal titans within Trost, shooting and killing titans with ease, without even touching the nape of the neck!
“What the hell is happening?” Mikasa found herself trembling. Armin couldn’t help but be terrified as well. Eren had been eaten right before him, but came back to life with the ability to turn into a titan. He was supposed to lift the boulder in order to plug the hole in the wall, and now, metal titans were roaming around the city killing titans left and right! It was madness! It was insanity! It was…Armin’s attention turned to the unconscious titan that was Eren, his face still regenerating. If Eren couldn’t lift the boulder, then…
“Armin!” Mikasa tried to grab Armin, but he had already flown off to a pair of those titans nearby, forcing Mikasa to quickly follow after him.
“Optimus, how else can we kill these creatures?!” Ratchet demanded, “Energon is effective, but is possessive regenerative abilities!”
Ratchet sliced open the stomach of a titan about to eat a human, but the wound was already regenerating, even after the titan dropped the human. “My blades are useless.”
Optimus recalled the titan he was just about to kill earlier before one of the humans intervened. He had cut in a particular spot: behind the nape of the neck. Optimus replaced one of his blasters with his blades and quickly stabbed a titan that was his height in the nape of the neck. When Optimus released it, the titan fell to the ground and its body began to decay.
“Autobots!” Optimus activated his comm. link to speak to the others, “Destroy the nape of the neck! That is another way that we can kill these creatures!”
“Got it!” Bulkhead said as he took out his wrecking ball before crushing the nape of the neck of the titan with it. Arcee replaced her blasters with her arm blades before jumping and carving her blades into the nape of another titan.
“They figured out the titan’s weak point,” Mike commented as he flew with Erwin.
“They’re hyper-intelligent,” Erwin declared.
“Do you think that we can still convince them to still be on our side?” Mike asked, “And can we convince the public that they’re not dangerous?”
“I don’t think we need to do much in either of those categories,” Erwin proclaimed as he noticed the green titan holding back an abnormal titan, allowing a few cadets to flee on foot. Erwin couldn’t help but admire the strength and power of all the titans. He couldn’t help but admire the way that Optimus commanded his soldiers with such ease. It was a marvel to watch.
“HEY!” Optimus froze when he heard someone calling out…calling out to him. Optimus turned his helm to the source of the noise and saw…a boy waving to him. A soldier. He waved both arms high in the air to gesture for both titans to come to his location. A female soldier came up behind him to try and deter him and get him to run, but the boy merely pointed to a boulder a little ways off from their location.
“THIS WAY!” the boy beckoned before flying towards the boulder. The other soldier quickly went after him, and Optimus went after the two of them.
“Optimus, we have to focus on the task at hand!” Ratchet reasoned as he ran after his leader and friend.
“Those two need help!” Optimus explained, “I believe they have a solution to stop this carnage!”
“Wait, Bee, we need to go back!” Miko exclaimed as they continued driving down the war torn street, causing Bumblebee to speak a retort.
“We don’t have any way to defend ourselves! We’ll be killed and eaten alive if we don’t run!” Jack retorted.
“But can we even hide in here?!” Rafael asked, “Where are we even supposed to go?”
“I don’t know, but-!” Jack stopped when he noticed someone on the ground, pulling the strange equipment off of the corpse of their comrade before throwing his own off. He quickly strapped the new one on before looking behind him in horror. Jack noticed a titan coming up towards him, and the soldier trying to get away, but the equipment still wasn’t working.
“Bee! Open your door!” Jack slammed his hand on the passenger door, “Miko, help me grab him!”
Jean tried hard to pull the handles of the 3D gear that he had gotten from his fallen comrade, but it still wasn’t working! Why the hell wasn’t it working?! Did this guy’s 3D gear get destroyed too?! Shit! Shit he was going to die! Why did a titan attack have to happen before he went to the inner Walls?! As the titan reached out for him, he yelled in surprise when something yellow rode past in between him and the titan. Two pairs of hands grabbed him and yanked him inside the vehicle before the titan’s hand slammed into the ground.
“Hey, hey are you okay?!” someone shouted at him. Jean screamed in fear at his current location. What the hell was this thing?! Who were these people?! Were they civilians?! Did the carriage just beep at him?! What the hell was-?!
Jean grunted when the oddly dressed girl suddenly slapped him across the face before grabbing his collar.
“Get a hold of yourself man!” she screeched at him, “You’re an awesome medieval spiderman and people need you right now!”
“What the hell’s a spiderman?!” Jean shouted at her before a young boy took a look at the 3D gear around his waist, “And why the hell is your hair pink?!”
“Whoa, this is wild,” he remarked in awe, “Is it damaged?”
“I don’t know! I tried pulling the trigger!” Jean answered as he tried to examine the handle.
“Let me see,” the youngest said as he looked at the handle and pressed the trigger, “I think this handle needs a lot more pressure to activate.”
“What?” Jean stared in bafflement before pressing the trigger as hard as he could. The grappling hook shot out of the open carriage door and hooked itself onto a building.
“Deuces, spiderman!” Jean yelped as his grappling hook yanked him out of the moving carriage. Jean held onto the building he latched onto for dear life before looking back at the strange carriage. He had the perfect opportunity to flee. Why the hell didn’t he?
“This way!” Armin beckoned the two titans as they got closer to the boulder and Eren’s titan.
“Armin, whatever those things are could hurt Eren!” Mikasa retorted as they ran side by side.
“But they could also help him, or help us!” Armin retorted, “The bigger one could help move the boulder if Eren can’t! Eren is also vulnerable! Titans could come and devour him!”
Mikasa still stared at Armin with concern, but…decided to trust Armin’s decision.
“Optimus, we have to return to help the others!” Ratchet exclaimed, “We-!”
Optimus skidded to a stop when they arrived at the boulder, and Optimus’ optics widened when he saw a massive titan slumped against the boulder. The side of its face slowly releasing steam, but not healing fast enough.
“What in the Allspark is this?!” Ratchet demanded as he stood next to Optimus.
“This is Eren!” Armin explained as he and Mikasa landed on the roof, “He’s a human that can turn into a titan!”
“How?” Optimus demanded as Ratchet began to scan the massive titan for vitals.
“We don’t know how, but we need him to carry out our plan!” Armin declared, “Most of the titans have been lured to the other side of Trost so Eren can carry the boulder to plug the hole in the Wall! But Eren’s just learned about his powers and he doesn’t know how to control it!”
“They’re actually telling the truth!” Ratchet exclaimed as his sensors picked up a life signal in the nape of the neck.
“Please, we need your help to get him to move the boulder!” Armin begged, “Or have one of you do it! We don’t have much time!”
Optimus thought it over. He could probably lift the boulder, but there were other factors he needed to consider. Based on the information he observed, the titan was human, and he was probably around the same age as those two humans on the rooftop. The boy was trying to plead his case, but he could see the terror in his eyes. The girl looked ready to attack and defend the titan, but her face displayed moments of concern and worry.
This was a power no one knew about. No one knew how it could be controlled. But one thing was certain: if the titan couldn’t find a way to prove that it was useful, then the human inside may very well be executed out of fear. Optimus glanced back at the humans on the rooftop. They had to try and rouse the titan for their sake.
“Ratchet, can you resuscitate the titan?” Optimus turned to the medic.
“Resuscitate the titan?! Are you mad?!” Ratchet shouted, “I am barely just starting to understand human anatomy to avoid the situation that happened with Rafael! This is entirely different from any organic that I have seen! It’s healing itself, there is a lack of organs compared to humans, and a human is controlling the body?! It’s like one of Miko’s monster movies!”
“Ratchet, if there are more allies that can help against the titan threat, then it would be beneficial to acquire them,” Optimus retorted before whispering, “And those humans are concerned for their comrade.”
Ratchet glanced back at the two soldiers on the roof.
“They need your help,” Optimus declared.
Ratchet’s face contorted into a grimace before groaning in frustration. “Slag everything!”
Armin and Mikasa saw Ratchet open the medical kit on his back before he pulled out a set of defibrillators. Ratchet adjusted the knob to the highest setting and rubbed the items together to create friction and electricity.
“If this doesn’t work, then you can carry the fragging boulder by yourself!” Ratchet shouted before placing the medical devices against the titan’s pectorals. “Clear!”
Armin and Mikasa yelled when a shock of electricity ran through Eren’s body. His body jolted to life and his good eye snapped open before he roared in pain. Eren’s eye fell to Ratchet and he immediately swung his arm to smack Ratchet to the ground. Optimus quickly grabbed him before the strike could hit and pulled the medic back. Before Eren could strike again, Armin and Mikasa quickly flew forward and latched onto his hair to look him in the eye.
“Eren, it’s okay! They’re here to help!” Armin reassured; however, Eren still looked uncertain, remembering the pain he just felt in his chest. He looked behind the two of them to see Ratchet scrambling to get one of the defibrillators and put the device in his medical kit. The other side of his face completely healed, and he was stunned to see two metal titans staring back at him.
“We mean you no harm,” Optimus reassured as he raised his servos in surrender, “My name is Optimus Prime, and my comrades and I are here to help you deal with the titan threat.”
Eren blinked in disbelief as Armin and Mikasa sat on Eren’s shoulders.
“Do you remember your mission?” Optimus asked him.
Eren stood up before looking back at the boulder he was just sitting against. Eren clenched his fists before kneeling down and grabbing the boulder from the bottom. He sunk his fingers into the massive rock while Armin and Mikasa flew off of Eren to gain some distance. Eren grunted in pain as he heaved the boulder onto his shoulder and back before standing upright. Steam radiated off of him, but Eren ignored it as he began to walk.
“He’s doing it,” Mikasa sighed with relief.
“Arcee! Bulkhead!” Optimus activated his comm. link to contact the others, “Protect the titan carrying the boulder!”
Arcee jumped and spun in the air before slicing through the nape of the neck. She grunted as she jumped off of that titan before taking out her blaster and shooting another titan in the head.
“I thought the whole point was to kill these things!” Arcee shouted.
“Well one of them is apparently a human that can turn into a titan!” Ratchet explained.
“Oh, no way! A Kaiju?!” Miko screeched through Bumblebee’s comm. link.
“His name is Eren and he needs protection so he can seal the hole in the wall!” Optimus explained before shooting a titan that almost got too close to the titan shifter. “Do not let any of the other titans get near him!”
“On it!” Bulkhead shouted as he grabbed the legs of a titan and spun in around before throwing it at another titan blocking Eren’s path.
Optimus went to follow Eren to provide him some cover, and Ratchet quickly stood up to follow.
“Wait!” Ratchet looked back to the two humans that called him there in the first place.
“Thank you!” the girl told him before the both of them flew off to protect Eren.
“Sir!” Petra called out to Levi as he sliced the nape of two titans with ease. She pointed to the sight, and Levi witnessed a massive titan carrying a boulder just as big as it towards the hole in the wall. Levi then turned his attention to Optimus protecting the titan from behind, shooting any titans that got too close to it. Meanwhile, the blue and green titan converged onto the scene and killed any titans that got in the way of the one carrying the boulder.
“They’re going to seal the hole in the wall,” Levi muttered before calling out to his comrades that were near him, “Everyone! Kill any titans that might get too close to it!”
“Yes, Captain!” they followed his command.
“THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!” Hanji cheered, flying through the air with reckless abandon.
“Launch!” Arcee ordered Bulkhead as she bolted towards him. Bulkhead quickly lowered his servos for Arcee to stand on before throwing her into the air. From her aerial view, she aimed and fired at five titans that were too close for comfort. She then managed to jump on the back of a titan much larger than her before shooting it repeatedly in the nape of the neck.
“Holy shit! Is that a female titan?!” Connie pointed to the sight of Arcee jumping off the corpse before hitting the ground. Annie couldn’t help, but gulp at the sight of her.
“There’s more of them?!” Jean demanded as he landed right next to Connie and Annie.
“Get your asses up and kill the titans getting to close to the one holding the boulder!” a Survey Corps member shouted as a squad flew directly above them.
Marco continued to fly around the area, unable to stop his admiration at the sight before him. He watched as the metal titans killed the regular ones with ease. He saw how well they worked together. He saw how they were going out of their way to protect other humans. It was…incredible. He’s never seen such comradely and bravery. Not like this.
Even so, Titans were defying their innate nature to protect a species significantly weaker than them. But there were also humans that could become titans at will. Everything that he had ever known was a lie, but he wanted to do good works. He wanted to do good services. He wanted to serve the king, but many go to the interior in order to run from the titans. That’s exactly what Jean wants to do. And even if he explained this information to the government, would they listen? Would it fall on deaf ears and mean nothing? He wanted to be devoted and do what was right, but he also couldn’t run away when people were in danger.
Maybe…maybe the Military Police wasn’t where he belonged.
Eren couldn’t help but be overwhelmed at what was going on. He was met with the sight of metal titans helping humanity. He saw a flurry of soldiers swinging around on their 3D gear to eliminate titans. He could feel the pain from holding the boulder above his head, but he still pressed onward. His legs burned, the ground shook under his every step, but he still kept going. Fight. Fight!
Eren stumbled a little as he reached the hole, but it didn’t stop him. Titans stood in his way, but they were quickly shot down. Eren could hear Armin shouting his name, cheering him on, and he roared in determination as he slammed the boulder against the hole, sealing the entrance into Wall Rose. He could feel that there was a moment of quiet, of shock and disbelief at what humanity was able to accomplish, but he wasn’t able to relish in the victory as his body collapsed against the massive rock.
“Eren!” Armin and Mikasa called out for him, racing to the nape of his neck together to cut him out.
“The hole’s been sealed,” Connie muttered, “Holy shit. We actually stopped the titans!”
Reiner and Bertholdt landed closer to the now sealed gate and did their best to conceal their terror. There was so much to process. The gate had been sealed, and there were metal titans clearly never been seen before helping out the walls. They had no idea what they were supposed to do now!
“Autobots, continue assisting humanity in eliminating the titans!” Optimus ordered before they all continued eliminating the titans.
Pixis’ hands were behind his back while everyone watched on in concern. However, everyone was stunned when the yellow smoke signal shot up into the air, signifying that the operation was a success.
“Everyone! Assist in eliminating the titans and finding survivors!” Pixis commanded, and soldiers immediately heeding his command and jumped down the wall to help.
“Sir, there is the matter of…those titans,” Gustav chose his words carefully as he handed Pixis a telescope.
The Commander of the Garrison extended the device and looked through the lens. “It is something that we will have to watch closely. However, this will prove beneficial if we play our cards rig-!”
Pixis froze when he spotted…her. He spotted a female titan, slicing through the nape of a titan’s neck before extended both arms and shooting two titans on her side. The titans collapsed to the ground, but the female titan didn’t bother to look back as she bolted towards the next threat.
Pixis’ mouth dropped at the sight before his face morphed into a wistful smile.
“Sir,” Anka called out. “Sir!”
Pixis held the telescope close to his chest and giggled. “God does exist, and he has blessed me for all of my years of military service.”
“What are you talking about?” Anka snatched the telescope away from Pixis and used it to scan the battle field. When her gaze fell to the blue, female, titan, all she wanted to do was curse god for his incompetence.
“God does exist, and he is a cruel bastard who enjoys sick jokes,” Anka declared in frustration.
On Earth
Wheeljack stepped off the Jackhammer and examined his surroundings. There were crumbs of energon abandoned on the ground. The trees were knocked over and the ground was leveled. There were clear signs of blaster fire, and he checked the pulses of the vehicons to determine if they were dead or not.
What had happened? He was only on Earth for a little while, but he wasn’t expecting something as severe as a massive energy spike resembling that of a spacebridge. At least not yet. What was-!
“HEY! OPTIMUS! RATCHET! SOMEONE PICK UP THE COMM!” someone had screamed in the Jackhammer. Wheeljack walked inside of his ship and pressed a button.
“What do you want tiny?” Wheeljack demanded. He couldn’t forget that annoying aft voice no matter how hard he tried.
“Where in the Sam Hill are Optimus and the others?!” Agent Fowler demanded.
“I thought they were with you?” Wheeljack raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“Well there’s no sign of them!” Fowler declared, “Did the Decepticons capture them?!”
“No…,” Wheeljack trailed off, “But I think something else happened.”
“Well then get to Jasper, Nevada so we can talk about it!” Fowler ordered.
Wheeljack looked back at the battlefield before taking off towards the Autobot Base. What in the Allspark was going on?
(So a few notes:
-This timeline takes place right before Season 2 Episode 7 of Transformers Prime, so many key players would still be alive and active. -I didn't want to introduce the Decepticons in this chapter. If I were to introduce them, I would probably put them at the end of the 2nd chapter. I ended with Wheeljack because I thought the mystery aspect would be fun to set up. -Hanji does have a revelation that they are non-binary in this timeline, but they don't know what that means until Jack, Miko, and Raf bring it up because the trio were defaulting to they/them pronouns for Hanji when I made them interact with each other. However, I did try my best to avoid using she/her pronouns for Hanji unless I absolutely needed to do it because at this point in this timeline, Hanji does still go by those pronouns. I just didn't want to cause too many issues since I did say I would continue to refer to Hanji by they/them pronouns for the rest of my writing. It feels like I might be offending someone or breaking a promise. (Once Hanji changes their pronouns in this timeline, Levi does still threaten people with violence if they misgender Hanji). -Marco does live. I thought it would be fun to spice things up. -Because Levi is an Ackerman, I wanted him to be able to understand Bumblebee, but not that much because binary code is still new to Levi. -I was not originally going to have Ratchet resuscitate Eren, but the thought came to me as I was writing this and I wanted to have some fun with it. Lol. -I finished this damn thing in like two days. I'm really trying to get all my side projects done before I start my new job. -Anyway, be sure to show some love!)
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dareactions · 4 months
Ohh it's so nice to see you back! I always loved your writing and why not celebrate with a little angst! A spin off of the young inquisitor where they are child of Cassandra! Child of her and Galyan, having to give them away due to her duties to the divine and the seekers and him being in a circle. Cassandras and all the other reactions if you don't mind terribly
Cassandra: The only thing that enters her mind is the word 'no'. Over and over again. Last time she saw them, they were so small. Tiny little hands gripping onto fingers and the cooing sounds that would melt hearts. It's gotten worse- how much they look like Galyan. Before it was just that they had his eyes, now it's the same smile and her nose. She wonders if he'd be proud of their child, the way they keep their shoulders square as they stare her down. It feels even worse knowing they don't even realise who she is. And then she gets angry- she gets furious. Because her child was there, her child was at the conclave and could've died with Galyan in that blast and it's just- it's all too much. And too little. And she feels upset at herself as much as she does the world. It's a fragile thing, trying to rebuild a relationship with your child. But it's all she's got now, and she'll have to take the yelling and justified tears at the reveal because it's what allows her a chance at this again. A chance at being mom. It doesn't fit her- she doesn't think it does. But now they're in front of her and they look so much like herself and so much like Galyan all at once it hurts and she just can't not be there.
Blackwall: He doesn't realise at first. Not until they're standing next to Cassandra, and the two of them wear the exact same expression and it clicks. Blackwall doesn't say anything; It's not his place. He just helps deal with the aftermath that inevitably occurs when Cassandra has 'that' talk with them. He glances up as the Inquisitor stomps out from Haven into the snow and he is still there when they inevitably shows back up and sits down outside to try and calm down. They'll talk, he'll offer his own admittedly useless advice and then that's that. He feels for Cassandra- he really does. He can't imagine the choices that had to be made there to get to the point they're at today. He isn't sure if he is in the position to really judge or have opinions about the matter so he just keeps his mouth shuts and keeps moving forward.
Cole: They're hurt, he knows they are, and he understands it. The hurt has settled by the time he meets them but even so it's there. Like a bruise just barely healing. He listens to hurt ranting and offers odd comments of advice and support. Cole doesn't quite know what he is expected to do but apparently it's helping since the Inquisitor keeps coming back to him for it. He wonders if they know they look so much like their mom when they're angry though.
Dorian: Well, at least he isn't the one with the biggest mommy and daddy issues anymore, he supposes. He'd spotted the resemblance instantly- and the tension almost faster. Dorian tries to not meddle but well, it is Dorian we're talking about. He listens to angry ranting and even more so to the excited stories that keep slipping in more with time. Talks about how Cassandra helped them with this or that, how she is teaching them how to hold a shield properly. It's the oddest family bonding he has ever seen but it works. The fact their father is a mage fits, it makes sense to him honestly.
Iron Bull: Well- for a guy who doesn't really understand normal human family dynamics to begin with; he is confused initially why this is a big deal. But he also spotted that they were related instantly. He knew it from the fact they carried themselves the same way. Bull is mainly there to let the kid blow off steam whenever they need to kick a log a few times to feel okay about the very understandable turmoil that comes from meeting your parent for the first time.
Sera: She could care less honestly- finds it a bit weird Cassandra just gave the kid up but she also doesn't entirely care to try and understand the reasoning behind it either. She has a complicated relationship with just about every adult she grew up around; so she gets it. Sometimes you need to throw a few rocks through someone's window to feel better you know?
Solas: Well. His theory that humans are physically incapable of being messy remains intact. Solas doesn't really see what the big deal is entirely. He gets it but he also doesn't - he feels like there are bigger things to focus on than this. He does feel a bit scared, for just a second, realising what he has done towards Cassandra's child. That seems almost more terrifying than anything he has done. A mother's wrath, and all that.
Varric: Oh, wow. A lot more makes sense about Cassandra now that he thinks about it. He knows the situation is delicate and he knows to not get in the Seekers way of doing this. He's there when the initial conversation happens and is the one who helps Cassandra pull her head out her ass long enough to realise the kid has a right to be frustrated. He is also the one who has to help the Inquisitor calm down- Varric is starting to realise he is the Pentaghast family therapist at this point. He doesn't really mind it, the Inquisitor looks so much like Cassandra sometimes though, that it sort of scares him. they've got the same nose, the same glare and the exact same share of black hair.
Vivienne: She is more worried that Cassandra will be unreasonable than she is about any emotional turmoil that might be going on. Parents protect their kids first, that's the point of a parent. Vivienne does have to mull on it for a while, she can't imagine choosing her duties over a child but at the same time she entirely can. She's there to offer advice, to be the mediator whenever needed and even goes so far as to ensure that Cassandra actually talks about Galyan to them.
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