#or sold their girlfriends out to witches on road trips?
maddie-grove · 1 year
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These were my two Kens as a child: Ken with his suspiciously much younger brother Tommy, and off-model Adam Brody (I did actually call him Adam).
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New Dresses
Pairing: Arno Dorian x Reader
Fandom: Assassin's Creed (And To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before)
Words: 1.905
Summary: Arno invites the reader to an old curiosity shop. So, the reader goes with him but the reader meets someone at the curiosity shop. And he makes the reader remembers someone close to her.
       There is an old curiosity shop in Paris. You didn't know it very well, but it seems like Arno does. He invites you and tells you ''I need to get something in there before someone gets it mon amour.'' You can't say no to those eyes of his. Maybe that's how he makes you love him. You guess you never know. You like the 16th century the most. So, when Arno says to you the curiosity shop only sells the 16th-century stuff, you say ''Yes!'' with happiness in your voice.
        Arno gets you with a carriage, and you sit next to him. The only thing you remember about the old curiosity shop is, you bought your mum a 15th-century brooch shaped like a rose. You remember you and (Close person near you) open a lemonade stand every Saturday and earn only six French francs. You remember how you felt proud of yourself when you show it to your dad. In that time you thought it absorption the most of the cost for it. Now you know it's more expensive than six Franch francs. You wish you could ask your dad how much it is. Maybe it's better if you don't know how much it cost. You bury your mum with that brooch because that was her favorite.
       You prepare dinner for Arno and you yesterday. When he picks you, he was late. And It's ridiculous, you can sleep for one hour more. You run for outside an get into the car next to him. When didn't have to say anything Arno, ''Sorry, sorry. But look, what I bought for you.'' And he passes you a donut wrapped in a napkin.  ''I bought at 7.30 just at the time when it opens.''
         You got a bite ''Delicious.'' He looks at me when he gets out of the garage road ''So, I did a good thing with being late, right?''   you say when you get another bite ''Yes you do the right thing.'' you said when your mouth is stuffed ''Is there any water?'' He passes you a half poured water bottle ''This is the best donut I've ever eat.''
        He said ''Good.'' After that, he looks at me and laughs ''The sprinkles all over your face.'' You swipe your mouth with the other side of the napkin.
         He said ''And cheeks.''
         ''Okay, okay.'' And there is a silence surrounded us.
         After some time he said ''Can we go with silence a little more?''
          ''Ummm, okay.'' You can't be sure is he wants you to be silent too. If you knew you should be silence too, you didn't accept to come this little road trip.
          There is a peaceful look in Arno's face. He is just like a fisherman who owns his sail, and we are sailing. But he isn't driving it slowly, actually, he is driving it very fast.
           After standing in silence just for ten seconds, ''Wait a minute, do you want me to stay in silence too?'' he answers me ''No, You can keep talking at choice''
           I say ''Okay.'' and stay in silence again because it seems strange when someone tells you, you can keep talking at choice. ''What is your favorite meal?''
           ''I love every meal.''
            ''But witch one is your favorite? I mean your more, more, favorite?  Pasta with cheese, fried chicken, steak?''
            ''I love each one equally.'' After a silence again, but it's a long one.
            Arno starts to weave in and out of traffic and looks at the clock more often.
            You asked ''Why we're going so fast?''
            He answers ''Throne's''
            You asked ''Who is Throne's?''
            He answers furiously ''Some of the Templar family. Last time their son Chuk gets there and gets everything. But today, that's not gonna happen again.''
            You ask with impressed ''Wow, I didn't know this thing is so contentious.''
             He smirks and ''Everything is just work right?''
             When we came near to a red carriage Arno said ''Merde! Here they are.'' he points his finger to the red carriage. When we get next to the carriage he just gets himself to the rocket mode. And I stand up and scream ''YEEES!'' He just looks at me like he discovers another side of me.
               When you guys arrived you can't say you like the house. When Arno sees the look in your face he said ''Don't look at that like that (Y/N). I saw soo many good houses but there's nothing that can work very well.''
              When you guys get out of the carriage you stop for tying your boots laces Arno stops you and says ''Hurry up mon amour we don't have much time.'' So, he picks your hand and leads you to the inside of the house. He has much longer legs than yours. And he runs very fast because of that.
                  When you guys get into the house Arno just runs for the man with a suit. And while you're waiting for him you looked around a little bit. You found a box with a lot of Christmas ornaments and some glass ornaments, lots of Father Christmas figures. When Arno came to you with a big smile on his face, you were looking at what's inside of the box. He whispers to you as ''Mission completed'' he shows an old couple who were looking for the old cups.
               Mr. Throne calls Arno and says ''Did you get the notebook and some of the books?'' Arno answers him with ''Bien sûr, monsieur. Another time maybe.'' After Mr. Throne went out he whispers into your ear as ''Actually I got all of the notebooks and books.'' You giggle as you heard it. He says with a relaxed voice ''Do you find anything interesting?''
                 You get the pink glass deer with a blue nose ''Actually so much thing. Can you ask the man how much it cost?'' Arno smirks with your question ''No. But you can. You should know how to make a bargain with people.'' Arno picks your hands and leads you to the man with a suit. He looks like he is an important person.  You think I don't need this. But when Arno looks at you with expectation eyes you clear your throat an start to speak with the man ''Sorry monsieur, but how much is this cost?'' He answers ''Oh, It's part of the set. You need to buy all of the set it cost 75 French Franc.'' You start to step backward ''Okay please sir, forget it.''
              Arno pulls you again and puts his most cute smile on his face ''Sir, can you add it to the notebook and the books just like a present?''
              The man takes a deep breath and continues ''I don't want to separate them.'' and he switches hid face back to the papers were in front of him.
                Arno looks at me like You are the one who wants the deer; you need the force more. And I look back at him like I don't want it that much. But Arno shakes his head and leads me to the man. ''Monsieur, please, I can give you ten French Franc for it. And I'm sure no one will notice that. And look his paw was eroded.''
          ''Okay, okay get it.'' You were soo happy. But when he says that you don't have to pay it makes you feel better than happy.
          Arno goes to get the carriage and you continue to look at the pictures that were hanged on the wall. You wonder are they on-sell. Some of them are looked very old. One of the pictures there is a girl dressed in green with (Your Hair Colour). Her smile looked like she was just going to do something naughty.
            ''She is my daughter Patrica.'' Her face looks like Elise, your best friend, who dies in front of Arno's eyes. You were the only one who helps him to continue his life. But after one year you become Arno's girlfriend.
             You turned your back to see where is the voice came from. You saw an old man with a blue sweater and a hard fabric coat. He leans against the stairs and looks at you. He has a white skin color and slim body he looks like soo fragile.
               ''She lives in Crawley.'' He is still looking at you like I made him remember someone. ''Your house, is soo good.'' It wasn't, the house needs a serious clean but the ware in his house is soo beautiful.
             ''It's empty now. All of the ware is sold. You know, you can't get them with you''
             ''You mean when you're dead.'' with a whisper.
             He looks at me with a hard look, ''No. I mean the sheltered housing.''
              Ouch. You say ''Right.'' and you do your giggling whenever you feel strange.
               ''What's in your hand?'' He said. So, you shoved the deer to him. ''This. The man in a suit gives it to me. Do you want it back? I didn't pay for it. It's part of the set.''
              When he smiles, his wrinkles go deeper. ''It was her favorite.''
              I lead it to him ''Maybe she wants to keep it?''
             ''No, keep it. It's yours now. She didn't take trouble for me to move anyway.'' He shakes his head with anger. ''Do you want anything else? There is a huge box filled with her clothes.''
              Oh, family problems. Don't get into it. But vintage clothes you can't say no to that, right?
              When Arno finds you, you were crossed your legs on to the music room's floor and look in at what's inside of the box. Mr. Clarke (Owner of the house) was sleeping on the sofa. You found a blue dress and you loved it. The box is filled with dresses. ''Look, Arno Mr. Clarke said I can get'em.'' He asks with a curious look on his face ''Who is M. Clarke?'' And his voice fills the room. You showed the man falls asleep on the sofa and put your finger to your lips to say ''Stay silence.''
        ''We need to go before the man who is responsible for this sell discovers that he is selling the wares in the house for free.''
         You get up with a hurry and say ''Goodbye Monsieur Clarke'' with a low voice. You think It's better without waking up. But Mr. Clarke opens his eyes and asks ''Is this the guy you're talking about.'' without saying a word Arno says ''Yes. Yes Monsieur, I am the guy she talks about.'' You said ''Thank you again for the clothes, Monsieur Clarke.'' He sits up and kisses my hand and says                
          ''You're welcome Patty.''
           You wave your hand to say goodbye for him and get your dresses. When we get out of the house Arno asks ''Who is Patty?'' but you ignore him.
             You slept on Arno's shoulders on the way. And he carries you to the bed and you two slept in each other's arms.
               So, that's how you met with Mr. Clarke and this is how you get The  New Dresses that reminds you of your lovely best friend Elise every time you wear them.
P.S.: I know his birthday was yesterday but I was busy with another fanfic. So I hardly finish it at midnight. I love the book ‘’To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before so I made one of the parts of the book for Arno x Reader. I hope you like it. Happy birthday Arno Victor Dorian (^^)
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Podfic Favorites
I promised a rebloggable podfic rec list, and here it is! I've recced most of these before, so this is more of round-up than a brand-new rec list; it's multifandom, as usual; it's organized alphabetically by podficcer's name; and it's restricted to no more than 5 pods per podficcer. All of these and more can be found in the podfic tag of my bookmarks. Recs under the cut!
A Symphony of Chemical Reactions - what_alchemy, read by @cellardoortumbles | Cellar_Door - 2k, 22min, T, John/Sherlock "Cooking’s just chemistry and time management." Vivid, quirky Sherlock POV in the text +  excellent use of music and sound in the pod = an extra-charming podfic. Use headphones to get the full audio experience!
More Things Than Are Dreamt Of series - 1electricpirate, read by @consultingsmartarse |  consulting_smartass - 38k, 1hr, M to E, John/Sherlock (Harry Potter fusion AU) “In which John is (reluctantly) a wizard, Mycroft is (apparently) omniscient, and Sherlock is (surprisingly) oblivious.” Hands-down my favorite Potterlock fic, and consulting_smartass' podfics are nuanced and immersive -- I've listened to them countless times now.
Sussex - SilentAuror, read by consulting_smartass - 26k, 3hrs, E, John/Sherlock “John can’t seem to stop touching Sherlock. He can push the anger away, but sometimes he just needs to take Sherlock’s pulse again. Slight angst, case-fic, post-Reichenbach.” Ah, nothing like realistic emotional constipation on the parts of our heroes. This was one of the first podfics I loved enough to download so that I'd always have access to it.
The Stars Move Still - BeautifulFiction, read by consulting_smartass and aranel_parmadil - 96k, 9hrs 48min, E, John/Sherlock, AU "What could I want so desperately that would make me sell my soul? What could possibly compel me to surrender the part of myself that makes me who I am: the source of my magic, my self-control, everything?" I avoided this fic for YEARS because I hate Faust, so I was extremely pleased to discover that the inspiration is VERY loose and thus, the fic, and the pod version, is lovely and incredibly immersive.
Carry On - Mazarin221b, read by consulting_smartass - 4k, 35min, M, John/Sherlock "Five times John didn't want to be carried, and one time he did." One of my favorite 5+1 fics, and a perfectly paced short pod.
Left - lifeonmars, read by consulting_smartass - 45k, 5hrs, E, John/Sherlock, magical realism AU "John Watson is left-handed. He’s tried not to let it affect his life, but as any Lefty knows, that’s almost impossible." Honestly, consulting_smartass' talent has broadened my fanfic horizons, because while I'm generally not keen on reading AUs (especially long ones), I'm amenable to listening to them -- and so I don't miss out on fantastic fics & performances like this one.
The Girlfriend Experience, rageprufrock, read by dodificus - 9k, 2hrs, E, Dean/Castiel “While it’s not like Dean hasn’t had a couple of truly regrettable hit-and-runs in his sexual history, this is probably the saddest fucking thing that has ever happened to him.” Sometimes, when a podficcer's accent is different than the accents in the source material, it just works in ways you wouldn't have expected-- this pod is one of those times.
The Company - Rulerofthefakeempire, read by @dr-fumbles-mcstupid | Dr_Fumbles_McStupid and RsCreighton - 2k, 11min, T, Dirk/Todd "He’s imagined this moment so often that it feels like he just doing it again, waking up with a hangover next to Dirk Gently. And Dirk’s naked." A quietly funny fic, and a quietly funny performance.
Interrogation - goingtoalaska, read by Dr_Fumbles_McStupid - 2k, 13 min, G, Dirk/Todd "Of course Dirk has some extremely important questions that can only be asked in the middle of the goddamn night, obviously." Almost entirely dialogue, and really captures the ridiculous-with-an-undercurrent-of-softness vibe of these two characters.
There's Only One Sure Thing That I Know - leah k (blinkiesays), read by exmanhater - 20k, 2hrs, E, Dean/Castiel "Dean doesn't even get halfway through explaining before Bobby starts laughing. When he lets himself think about it for more than five seconds, Dean can almost see Bobby's point: he's faced down demons, witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, angels, and Satan himself and now he's been defeated by the God damn Midwest." This podfic is a road-trip standby for me and my Destiel-shipping wife.
A Statue Strong Enough for Two - lady_ragnell, read by exmanhater - 39k, 3hrs 30min, E, Elena/Mithian, superhero AU "Elena is a street-level superhero. A visit from an old enemy forces her to step up and see what she might have to do with the Sidhe who invaded and were sent away twenty years ago. Luckily, she has fellow superheroes to back her up, and a new girlfriend in her regular life to make things feel more normal." In addition to encouraging me to try out AUs, podfic also encourages me to try out rarepairs--I wouldn't have thought to look for fic about these characters, but I'm so glad I stumbled across & listened to this one.
Lab Book - copperbadge, read by FayJay - 5k, 40min, E, John/Sherlock “'The likelihood of finding a cab on Christmas Eve is fast approaching nil.’ 'So was the likelihood of you kissing me in the middle of the pavement, and yet.’” An annual holiday read/listen!
Whatever Remains, However Improbable - ivyblossom and Loudest_Subtext_in_Television, read by @fffinnagain​ | finnagain - 13k, 90min, T, John/Sherlock “The evidence is all there: we know it’s bound to happen. Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are going end up together, aren’t they? Obviously!” An experiment in fourth-person omnitemporal tense. Subtle sound effects add dimension to this podfic.
Diversionary Tactics - shinysherlock, read by finnagain - 2k, 16min, E, Molly/Irene, historical AU "Oh. This could be interesting. Irene’s fingers moved to the third button of the dress and paused. 'Shall I just . . . check the rest of you, then? Make sure you’re quite all right?'" A brief, hot, historical PWP, Mollrene style. UNF. Finnagain's performance is very...impassioned--maybe don't listen in public ;)
Seeing Draco Malfoy - khalulu, read by fire_juggler - 12k, 2hrs, E, Harry/Draco A beautifully done podfic, delivered with warmth and humor. Once I listened to it twice in one week and wound up with the phrase “Nubbumping Humdinger” stuck in my head, and it made me bust out smiling at random times :-)
Let Nothing You Dismay - montparnasse, read by Hananobira - 19k, 2hrs, M, Sirius/Remus "There are a few things Sirius really didn't count on for Christmas of 1979. The extreme sexual confusion is one of them; Remus Lupin is approximately seventy-eight of the rest." There’s a full-on, sensory vividness to the imagery and descriptions in montparnasse's writing, and LISTENING to those words makes the experience even more immersive.
Splendid Night - Katie Forsythe, read by heuristicdevice - 14k, 1hr 30min, M, Holmes/Watson "A Christmasy spin on MILV with a heart-warming dose of H/W." So much miscommunication! I love this fic so hard, and I ESPECIALLY love the podfic. Heuristic Device’s rendering of “now, please,” in a Certain Scene is both quiet and full of feeling, while other sections of the story are infused with audible humor, excitement, and heartbreak, each as they’re called for.
Stately Homes of Wiltshire - waspabi, read by @lazulus​ - 57k, 6hrs, E, Harry/Draco "Malfoy Manor has mould, dry rot and an infestation of unusually historical poltergeists. Harry Potter is on the case." Fair warning that listening to this podfic whilst walking my dog led to funny looks from strangers, because it caused me to laugh at loud for no apparent reason.
A Brand of Gold - aquabelacqua, read by @lockedinjohnlock-podfics​ | Lockedinjohnlock – 12k, 2hrs, M, John/Sherlock “What am I doing? he wondered. The answer came back at once: Flirting.” This fic is just plain beautiful, and the pod is one of my favorite performances by Lockedinjohnlock.
Points - lifeonmars, read by Lockedinjohnlock - 54k, 7 hrs, E, John/Sherlock "What if His Last Vow never happened? This fic picks up a few months after John and Mary's wedding, in an alternate universe where Magnussen doesn't exist, but Mary is still pregnant. Life continues -- just in a different direction. And slowly, Sherlock and John find their way to each other." Picture it: yours truly, driving alone and terrified through darkness, rain, and heavy traffic…and yet unwilling to turn off this podfic. THAT’S how deep lifeonmars and Lockedinjohnlock took me into this story.
Midnight Plowboy - weeesi, read by Lockedinjohnlock - 5k, 44min, E, John/Sherlock “'Does it feel like I’m sure?' John whispers into Sherlock's ear. Sherlock swallows again." In which John discovers Sherlock's collection of vintage gay erotica. *imagine several fire emojis here*
Half a Dozen Dances - CeruleanDarkangelis, read by Lockedinjohnlock - 19k, 2.4 hrs, E, John/Sherlock "'Seriously? You? You're going to be a stripper?' John tried to keep the amused incredulity off his face. Judging by the disgruntled look Sherlock gave him, he was not entirely successful in this endeavor.'" Typically, stripper fics are just Not My Thing, but the use of music in this podfic sold me.
(Never) Turn Your Back to the Sea - DiscordantWords, read by Lockedinjohnlock - 40k, 5hrs, M, John/Sherlock "Baker Street is very much the same. Only different. And Sherlock is just trying not to drown." The way the author & podficcer capture Sherlock's voice in this fic feels SO TRUE: his shattered hubris, his desperate resistance to vulnerability, and the believable way he and John finally get through it all.
Senza Catene - Mad_Lori, read by @oncomingtragedy​ - 6k, 1hr, T, John/Sherlock "Sherlock has a secret hobby. One night John follows him to find out what his flat mate is up to and gets the surprise of his life." The one where Sherlock sings opera--cracky but oh-so-enjoyable. The podfic performance includes several musical interludes.
All Life is Yours to Miss - Saras_Girl, read by originally reads - 114k, 11 hrs 20 min, M, Harry/Draco "Professor Malfoy's world is contained, controlled, and as solitary as he can make it, but when an act of petty revenge goes horribly awry, he and his trusty six-legged friend are thrown into Hogwarts life at the deep end and must learn to live, love and let go." Another one I might have missed (due to personal impatience) if not for the miracle of podfic!  The pod is well-performed, and the slower listening process makes the resolution feel even more satisfying.
The Price We Pay for Wings - Frayach, read by @raitala​ - 13k, 80min, M, Harry/Draco "Scorpius Draconis Eltanin Malfoy read the first book in the Alford Ocamy series over Christmas hols when he was eleven. Well, he didn’t so much “read” it as he devoured it." I've recced this a million times before, and I'll keep reccing it because I CRIED ACTUAL LITERAL TEARS LISTENING TO THIS. 10/10 would be devastated by again.
i don't wanna give you up (i don't wanna let you love somebody else but me) - notcaycepollard, read by @revolutionaryjo​ - 3k, 20min, E, Erin/Jillian "Erin Gilbert is not the second or even the fifth straight girl Jillian’s ever fallen for, and it’s kind of getting to be a problem, except when she sees Dr Erin Gilbert, she thinks, maybe, this woman might be a statistical outlier." Closely observed, funny, hot, and the narrative voice is p e r f e c t (both in the text and in the podfic performance).
The Temporal Tornado - novembersmith, read by RevolutionaryJo and Lunate8 - 3k, 37min, G, Carlos/Cecil "A temporal tornado reduced our most beloved scientist, Carlos, into a darling little toddler version of his already darling self, didn’t it? Yes it did, oh yes it did! Plus, a jellyfish migration is underway, a mysterious series of unexplained crevasses are appearing in the streets of Night Vale, and valuable advice is provided on the care and feeding of children." Audio is the only logical format for a Night Vale fic like this one :)
Common Woodbrown - imochan, read by RevolutionaryJo - 36k, 3hrs 40 min, M, Remus/Sirius "'Look well into thyself; there is a source of strength which will always spring up if thou wilt always look there.' In 1985, Remus Lupin realizes that Sirius Black is innocent. Now, he just has to prove it." Both author and podficcer create a sensitive rendering of the angst, fragility, and determination of Remus Lupin.
Sentiment to Paper - mistyzeo, read by RickyPulsifer - 7k, 57min, E, Holmes/Watson "No fewer than three times by the winter of 1883 had I heard Sherlock Holmes disparage the ways of lovers and their irrational tendencies toward writing letters. With this often and loudly-expressed opinion in mind, I was very surprised indeed to find a stack of unsent, unsealed letters in a drawer in his desk." RickyPulsifer’s podfic is a quiet wonder of smooth pacing, emotive delivery, and thoughtful production.
Splendid Creature - mistyzeo, read by RickyPulsifer and the_dragongirl - 2k, 20min, E, Holmes/Watson "Holmes has tired himself out on a case and wants to go straight to sleep. After an orgasm or two. Watson is more than happy to help." A sleepy, steamy PWP featuring a transmasculine Holmes, read by two podficcers whose voices work together beautifully.
Cold Snap - MirithGriffin, read by verityburns - 5k, 34min, E, John/Sherlock “The Mayo Clinic prescription for hypothermia is this: Tea. Blanket fort. Sex. All right, it doesn’t come right out and say that on the website. But Sherlock can read between the lines.” Verity Burns' delivery nails both the snark and the sweetness of this fic.
First Night Out - verityburns, read by the author - 3k, 22min, M, John/Sherlock “As John recovers from the effects of a brutal kidnapping, he and Sherlock attend the Yarders’ Christmas Party. There are… developments on the dance floor…” I loved this fic for YEARS before I listened to the podfic and realized that the audio version–read by the author herself–makes it exponentially more charming and more intimate.
Further fic recs | Fic bookmarks
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ktrsss1fics · 7 years
What was their first time like?
Warning: NSFW because you know, sex.
“Do you want to go to Keith’s this afternoon?” He asked looking up from his phone.
“Do I have to wear actual clothes?” She asking glancing up at him.
“It’s still raining and those joggers are pretty thin so probably.” He mumbled keeping his eyes on his phone.
Georgina sighed as she placed her head back on his chest. She hadn’t left her spot on top of him since the end of the Chelsea game. Her team wasn’t set to start for another hour. The rare rainy weather had put a damper on their plans for the day. They were going to make a trip over to Disneyland to see all of the holiday decorations but didn’t feel like fighting through LA traffic. Californians weren’t the best drivers when the roads turned slick.
Instead of visiting Mickey and the gang, Georgina and Niall decided to spend the morning on the couch catching up on football. The Boxing Day matches were almost near and they had been so busy with work that their favorite teams had lacked support for quite some time.
Niall had been back from tour for almost a month now. They spent as much time together as they could.  Most of their time was spent on the couch catching up on television or watching sports. There were occasional nights out with their friends. That’s when things got a bit tricky. They still hadn’t told anyone about their relationship. They were still trying to figure things out.
Besides there were more important things to deal with – like the group Christmas party. The date was set in stone. The guest list was written. The location was still up in the air.  Jenna offered to host it but her flat was too small for their large group. David and Brittany also offered to host. They had just purchased a small house in the same neighborhood as Jamie and Mags and wanted to show it off. Brittany and Jenna had spent the past week campaigning. A group vote was going to be held later that night at Keith’s.  The White Elephant vs. Secret Santa debate had begun earlier than usual. Secret Santa had won for the third year in a row. Niall picked Keith and Georgina got Brittany. Neither of them had gone shopping for their gifts yet. Instead of scouring the mall for something to purchase, they spent their time trying to figure out a way to get through the group Christmas party without giving anything away. No matter how hard they tried none of their plans seemed probable.
“Is Brittany going?” Georgina asked watching Scout reposition herself on the bed in the corner.
“They are still deciding if it’s a whole group thing or just a lads thing.” Niall explained.
“Then why did you ask if I wanted to go?” She asked confused.
“To see if I need to figure out a lie to ditch it if you weren’t invited.” He mumbled.
“You literally don’t make any sense at all sometimes.” She sighed.
Niall locked her head in his arms placing his phone in front of her face so she could watch the group chat blow up on the screen.
“This isn’t as uncomfortable as you think Horan.” She said squinting up at his phone.
“Girls aren’t invited to the pre-party but are invited still for the dinner portion. Do you wanna go?” He asked once more.
“Who the fuck does Keith think he is? But yeah that’s fine I guess. You aren’t saying yes for me. I’ll wait for the message.” She yawned.
“I’m not an idiot Georgina.” He mumbled dramatically. “I wasn’t gonna text for ya.”
“Do you want to go?” She asked as he set his phone down.
Niall let out a large yawn. “Nothin better to do.”
“True.” Georgina sighed nuzzling into his neck.
“I’m confirming that I’m going.” He mumbled as she watched his fingers move like lightning.
“Good. I finally get a night to myself.” She said quietly.
“What?” He looked down at her confused.
“Don’t think I’m gonna make it. Our friends can babysit you. I need the night off.” She smiled.
“That’s just rude.” Niall said glared at her playfully.
“It might be.” Georgina said placing a few tender kisses across the pale skin of his neck. “But you have to admit that a bath sounds so much better than hanging out with everyone.”
“I mean we could go take one right now.” He said as her lips slipped off his skin.
Georgina sat up. “Who said you were invited?”
“You’re such a fucking brat.” He said squeezing her sides. “You know that Fergie?”
“And you’re a saint?” She asked dryly.
Niall smirked. Before he could speak, she placed her lips onto his. An idea had filled her mind. She doubt it would come to fruition but it was nice to think about. She closed her eyes as his hand caressed her cheek. She slid her tongue into his mouth deepening the tender kiss.
That’s how it had always started –especially since he was home.  Their make out sessions always started with a sweet, tender kiss. But given time, things would change. The heat would get turned up. Hands went exploring under waistbands. Hungry kisses were placed on any piece of skin that was exposed. It wasn’t long before their bodies were set ablaze from the passion.
Georgina and Niall had been exploring that side of their relationship a lot lately. She was starting to learn what made him tick. If she bit his lip in just the right way, he would do whatever she wanted. She knew if she crawled on top of his lap, it was game over.
They had yet to have sex. It wasn’t because they didn’t want to. Every time they got close, something got in the way. Whether it was a poorly timed call from Dave or a long day at the office, something in the universe was keeping them from taking things further.
Today was the day that Georgina was going to fix that. She didn’t have work. Their friends weren’t around. She had on her favorite pair of knickers. It was going to happen. It was just her and Niall in an empty house. Nothing could get in the way.
Or so she thought.
Just as Niall slid his hand down the back of her pants, a song about a wicked ol’ witch blared from across the room. Georgina mentally cursed herself. She knew exactly who it was and knew that the problem could wait. She felt his hand squeeze her bum as he pulled away.
“Just ignore it.” She whispered pressing her forehead to his.
Niall didn’t think twice. He dove back in gripping her hips before kissing her. She wove her fingers through his hair as the noise stopped. His hand found its way underneath her waistband once more.
Georgina eagerly tugged on his lower lip.
His large hand slid beneath her center. He slowly pulled her panties to the side. Just as his fingers were about to stroke her, the sound of a group of obnoxious munchkins started up again across the room.
She let out a frustrated groan before burying her face into his neck.
“Go save the day.” Niall laughed into her hair.
Georgina pulled herself off of him, “Fucking Deborah.”
“Why is she even awake this early?” He asked as a soft yawn slipped out.
“No idea.” She called over her shoulder as she headed out of the room to answer the call.
Niall sat up slowly as the schedule for the rest of the day’s matches appeared on the television screen. A content smile tugged on his lips. He was happy to be home. The past few weeks had been spent catching up with the other members of the group. He always made sure to be home by the time Fergie got off work so they could unwind together. He even took her out to lunch a few times a week.
Most days, he couldn’t believe his life. The past seven years had been a whirlwind. He didn’t know what his favorite moment had been. There were too many to choose from. The first few months of his twenty-fourth year weren’t any different. They had been pretty spectacular so far. He was able to travel the world playing music from his solo album. He was able to play music that he was proud of to groups of people that were more than excited to hear it. Venues were played, albums were sold, and promotion was full of complimentary comments.
On top of becoming a successful solo artist, the girl he had been in love with for the past four years finally felt the same way. That was something he still hadn’t gotten over yet. He’d wake up in the morning and find her cuddled into him using his body for warmth. He’d come home from the studio and find dinner being made while she sang along to some old eighties tune. He’d find himself picking up a pint of ice cream and a bottle of wine on his way to her place knowing it would please her. He could finally do all the little things he had always wanted to do it.
And that’s why Niall had made up his mind. He was ready to take the next step and he knew that she was too. They had planned on waiting until after the holidays but he couldn’t wait anymore. Something needed to be done. He headed to the kitchen to grab a quick snack for them to share during the game. Before he had a chance to think  about his plan, an annoyed woman walked back into the room.
“Everything alright?” He called out from the fridge.
“That woman would lose her fucking head if it wasn’t attached.” She replied following the sound of his voice. “I tried the best I could. If she needs more help, I told her to call Nate.”
“Good.” Niall said. “Your game is about to start soon. Do you want a snack?”
“Fine with whatever you’re making.” She said reaching over his shoulder to grab a water bottle.
“So the lads thing isn’t happening at Keith’s anymore. Just dinner.” He said grabbing a container of grapes from the fridge.
“Why not?” She asked leaning up against the counter.
“Dave has to go into work for a bit and Jamie is going with Mags to look at some wedding venue.” Niall explained.
Georgina opened the bottle before asking, “How early were you guys going over there?”
“He wanted us there at two to start drinking.” Niall said heading to the sink with a cluster of grapes. “Dinner is still at five.”
“Well you could still go.” She said placing the bottle to her lips. “Don’t need the others to have fun with Chief Keef.”
“I don’t know Ferg. What sounds more fun, drinking whiskey alone with Keith or watching football on the couch with me girlfriend?” He said over his shoulder.
Her eyes went wide as she nearly choked on her drink. Girlfriend. Niall Horan just referred to her as his girlfriend. He just said it – flat out. There was no asking. There was no second guessing. He was sure. He viewed her as his girlfriend and that was that.
What kind of parallel universe was she living in?
She watched him take a bowl from the cupboard and fill it with an assortment of fruit. Niall Horan had just defined their relationship in the middle of his kitchen while washing grapes. It didn’t take a thirty minute conversations with a list of pros and cons. It took no less than five seconds and a simple sentence.
She was his girlfriend.
The brown haired boy noticed her silence. He glanced up from his workstation and found her staring. He popped a grape in his mouth before walking over to her.
“What are ya lookin’ at love?” He asked between bites.
“You said girlfriend…” Georgina said softly.
“Oh right, have I not made that clear?” Niall asked with an innocent smile.
“Well um…” She paused not really knowing what to say.
“Ferg, you do realize this was pretty much set in stone when you drove out to San Diego to apologize to me.” He said. “If you weren’t such a pain in the ass, I would’ve done it on the drive home from Vegas.”
Butterflies filled her stomach. She knew he had had those feelings for a while but hearing him say made it real. He wanted her to be his. His feelings were strong and true. She knew she needed to show him that it was worth it. She needed to show him that he meant just as much to her as she did to him.
Her mind started to work while he finished preparing their mid-morning snack. He grabbed some a couple of yogurt containers, a little bit of granola, and a pair of spoons. Without saying a single word, he walked back into the living while she followed behind like a lost puppy.
“So Niall Horan, you’re my boyfriend.” She said watching him plop down on the couch after placing the food on the coffee table.
“Pretty sure that’s how it works Ferg.” He nodded.
She nodded. “Okay. So how long do we have to date until that chair over there is rightfully mine?”
“You’re so annoying.” He mumbled as he grabbed a piece of cantaloupe from the bowl.
“Why’d you make something healthy?” Georgina asked sitting down beside him.
He shrugged. “I plan on drinking tonight.”
“And your point is?” She asked confused.
“I want to keep a balanced diet.” He smiled.
“Okay weirdo.” She teased before crawling onto his lap.
“What are ya doin? The pre-match predictions are coming on.” Niall asked confused by her actions.
“Just want to talk to ya face to face.” She smiled. “Do you think Arsenal will beat Man City?”
“Not in a million years. They could barely beat Swansea last week.” He laughed.
Georgina pushed a few strands of his hair off his forehead. “Do you think we’ll win?”
He shrugged. “Probably not. I mean it is Swansea.”
“That’s just rude.” She glared.
“You think that’s rude? You’re lucky I’m letting you keep this garbage on in me house.” He teased tugging on the sleeve of her Tottenham jersey. “Absolute shit.”
“If you want to take my clothes off, you could just ask Ni.” She mumbled dryly.
Niall’s eyes grew wide. “That’s not what I was meanin’ Fergie. I was just uh I was–”
Georgina kissed his forehead gently. “You’re pretty cute when you’re flustered. And if you want me to take my top off, I will.”
“Babe I wasn’t trying to.” He said shyly.
“What were you trying to do then?” She asked with a cocked eyebrow.
“I-I-I was just teasin ya.” He said unable to read her. This was the moment she had been waiting for.
“So you don’t want me to take my clothes off?” She asked with a playful look in her eye.
“Well I mean I don’t not want that.” He rambled as a certain type of heat rose from his toes.
“Niall Horan.” She said looking him in the eye. “What do you want me to do?”
“T-T-Take your top off.” He stuttered shyly.
Without any hesitation, she reached up and peeled off the Keane jersey she was wearing. She adjusted herself on Niall’s lap. Her eyes slowly met his. All feelings of self-consciousness disappeared as she watched him drink her in. His eyes focused on her nearly bare chest. He swallowed hard before clearing his throat. He wanted to say something but his brain was focusing too hard on keeping his hormones under control.
“Fuck.” He breathed out slowly.
“Just a pair of tits, Horan.” Georgina teased. “You’ve seen me in plenty of bikinis – nothing is different.”
“I know that Georgina!” Niall sassed. “But now I’m actually allowed to touch them.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re an idiot.”
“Doesn’t change the fact that I can play with your tits love.” He smirked before reaching up and cupping one of her breasts with his hand.
“Better up close, right?” She giggled as he gave it a squeeze.
“Much, much better.” He whispered.
Georgina reached out taking a hold of his shirt collar, “Think you can take this off now. It already helped you win.”
Niall glanced down at the blue Chelsea jersey he had on. “Mmm you have a point.”
“I’d be more than willing to help.” She said under her breath making him laugh.
His hand left her chest. “You’re up to something.”
“What?” She blushed.
“You’re up to something Georgina.” Niall said studying her face. “Just don’t know what it is yet.”
She sighed letting go of his shirt. “Pretty easy to figure out.”
Niall narrowed his eyes. “D’ya wanna keep making out? Is that what it is?”
“Possibly.” She replied shyly.
“Georgina Ferguson, who is my girlfriend by the way, wants to make out with me?” He teased. “Alert the fuckin’ media.”
The blonde haired woman shoved him playfully. “You’re a twat.”
Georgina smirked as she watched a spark ignite within him. Thing picked up right where they had left them. A trail of kisses were painted across her collarbone before his teeth sunk into the crook of her neck. A wave of pleasure shot through her core. He knew exactly what he was doing. His lips had found the weak spot on her neck. If he applied just enough attention to it, she’d melt. With a woman as stubborn as Fergie, he knew that was a great skill set to have.
He snaked his arms around her body. His lips made their way up to her mouth as a hungry make out session began. Georgina gripped the back of his head, sliding her tongue against his lips. She needed to taste him but he wouldn’t let her in. She tried once hoping he’d break.
Frustrated, Georgina pulled back. That split second of freedom gave him the upper hand. His teeth dug into her lower lip causing the softest of moans to escape. It was the sexiest thing he had ever heard.
An urgent need to hear the noise again filled his body. Niall tried his best to make it happen. He peppered her neck with kisses hoping to find the right spot. It didn’t work. He brought his lips back to hers before slipping his fingers beneath the fabric of her bra, teasing her nipple and planning his next move.
Georgina took this opportunity to deepen the kiss. Her brain was trying to anticipate his next move but a blissful haze was starting to set in. She wanted nothing more than for him to be inside her. They had gotten so close so many times since Aruba that the thought of it had been stuck in her mind for months. For anyone who knew Georgina, the fact that she even wanted to have sex was a major step for her.
After everything that went down with Marcus, she refused to date. She hated men. She hated sex. She never saw herself getting into another relationship ever again. She never saw herself getting intimate with anyone ever again. But then she met Niall and everything changed. Niall was the first person since Marcus that she actually wanted to be intimate with. It may have taken her a little while to get to this point but here she was – ready and willing.
Niall quickly worked the clasp of her bra while her teeth sunk into his bottom lip. She tugged gently. He hissed trying to break free. She had him right where she wanted him. She tugged once more pulling him in closer. She adjusted herself on his lap as he broke free from her grip. Much to her surprise, something hard lay beneath her.
Georgina pulled away with her eyes shut tight, “Please tell me I’m not sitting on your phone.”
Niall rolled his eyes before replying, “Georgina, I think it’d be a bit concerning if my penis was the same size and shape as me phone.”
Heat rushed to Fergie’s cheeks as she realized what had happened. She tilted her head to the side confused.
“But I didn’t even do the thing you like,” She said softly.
“Didn’t have to.” Niall blushed.
Georgina smiled shyly. “Oh. Well…um good to know.”
He cleared his throat, “Your game’s going to start soon.”
“Thanks for the heads up.” She said softly.
“Quick question, is this like a magic bra or something?” He asked sticking a finger beneath the clasp.
“Couldn’t figure it out?” She asked unclipping it with ease.
“How the fuck did you do that?” He asked amazed as the fabric fell to the side.
Georgina laughed stroking his cheek, “One day you’ll figure it out.”
Niall didn’t respond. He was too distracted by the sight in front of him. He caressing her breasts in his hands. He couldn’t believe how gorgeous she was. His thumbs ghosted over her nipples.
“Bit nippy in here.” She smiled as goosebumps formed from his touch.
His eyes flicked up to her. “We don’t have to do anything else if you aren’t comfortable.”
“I’m okay.” She replied softly.
“Are you sure?” He asked slightly nervous.
“Yes.” She said with a reassuring smile.
“But your game is going to start.” Niall said softly.
“I’m fine with watching the highlights.” Georgina said placing her hands on his.
“So you’re–you’re sure you want to do this–erm–here on the couch?” He said stumbling through his words.
Georgina nodded as he dropped their hands.
“But–” He blushed.
The topless woman took a hold of his face and looked him in the eyes.
“Niall Horan.” She said lovingly. “I want to have sex with you. Right here, right now. I don’t need the candles or the music or a bed covered in roses.”
His entire body grew warm. He almost couldn’t believe the words coming out of her mouth.
“I just need you and I’m set.” Georgina said causing his heart to race.
That’s when he knew. Their relationship wasn’t just something that was going to fizzle out in a month or two. This was something that could last. He was in love with her and in that moment he knew she felt the same way.
“Let me go get a condom.” He said patting her side gently.
She crawled off of his lap allowing him to head to the guest bathroom.
Georgina took a deep breath before sliding off her joggers. Her mind started to race as she realized this was going to be the first time they saw each other naked. She looked down at the pair of maroon knickers she had on.  They were on sale at Target and were probably the nicest pair she owned. They weren’t anything special – just like her.
A flicker of insecurity filled her mind. Was Niall okay with having sex with a woman that bought bargain bin underwear on her lunch break? Was she going to be fit enough for him? She wasn’t like the others he’d been with. Would he like her large thighs and extra curves? Would he run away as soon as the last bit of clothing came off? Would he even care?
The inner bully that lived inside her brain started to convince her to leave. Niall had never been with and would never want to be with someone as big as her. She was a fool for thinking someone as hot as him would ever want to be with someone like her.
But as she watched the eager Irishman walk back into the room, that voice died out. A goofy smile formed on his face as he waved a few foil packages at her. He tossed them on the coffee table before taking his shirt off.
“You think we are doing this more than once?” She teased trying hide her fear with humor like she always did.
“Figured I’d bring a couple extra.” He shrugged slipping out of his joggers. “Ya know, just in case.”
Georgina just shook her head as she watched him pick their clothes off the floor and place them on a chair across the room. He ran a hand through his hair as he made his way back to her. She laid back and stared at the ceiling. He cleared his throat before crawling on top of her. He placed a quick kiss on her lips before letting out a sigh.
“What’s wrong?” She asked softly.
“Just letting you know that I’m scared shitless right now.” Niall admitted.
A tiny smile formed on her face. “It’s just me.”
He gently nudged her cheek with his nose. “I have dreamt about this moment since we first met.”
“And it’s finally happening.” She whispered. “Congratulations.”
“I just don’t want to fuck it up.” He laughed nervously.
She kissed his cheek. “I’m just as scared as you are.”
Niall popped his head up surprised, “Really?”
Georgina nodded. “Terrified.”
“This is the first time I’m going to see you naked.” He whispered as he leaned down to kiss her.
“I can finally get Jenna to stop guessing how big you are.” She joked as he pulled away.
Niall’s cheeks grew warm. “Fergie.”
“Keep doing the whiny voice.” She smiled.
Niall bit her neck playfully. The noise that left her lips let him know that she was ready. The kisses started out sloppy. He needed to explore every inch of her skin with his mouth. He travelled from her lips to her chest. He started to slowly suck on her breast flicking her nipple with his tongue. His touch was gentle. She didn’t expect anything less from him.
After a few minutes, he nipped at her breast causing her to call out in pain. He flashed a cheeky smile in her direction before working his way down her chest. When he got to spot where she wanted him the most, he paused. His eyes locked with hers. The smile on his face changed. The shy boy was gone. The man who was in love with her had arrived. He pressed a kiss through the thin fabric of her panties. The warmth he had felt set him off. He slowly made his way back to her mouth.
“Ready?” He whispered as he pecked her lips.
“Ready.” She nodded.
Niall sat up pulling down his boxers. He grabbed a condom from the table trying to be as quick as possible. She slid down her panties watching him drop the foil package on the floor. He mumbled a curse word before bending over to pick it up. She couldn’t help but laugh.
Once the rubber was retrieved, he worked it over his hardened member. Georgina waited quietly. She couldn’t help admire the naked man in front of her. Niall Horan really was the perfect specimen. He was the perfect combination of man and boy. He had grown up a lot since they had first met. She liked this version of him so much better. One of the best thing about Niall was the fact that his looks weren’t even the best part about him. He was a genuinely good person and she really couldn’t believe that she was going to have sex with him.
“Jesus Christ, Georgina.” He whispered as he finally took in her naked form.  “You’re killing me. You’ve been hiding this all along?”
“Enough out of you.” She blushed.
“You are way out of my league.” Niall shook his head. “I don’t even know how this is about to happen right now.”
“Oh stop.” She said embarrassed.
“You’re gorgeous.” He said sincerely. “Absolutely gorgeous.”
“Thanks Ni.” She smiled. With those words, those thoughts of insecurity disappeared. She didn’t need to be afraid of what he thought because he loved every inch of her.
He hovered over her placing a kiss to her forehead.
“Ready for some mediocre sex?” He joked trying to lighten the mood.
“If I wanted that, I would’ve gone to Keith’s.” She mumbled dryly.
Niall narrowed his eyes at her. She was going to regret that comment. Without warning, he slid himself inside of her. Her eyes shut and her mouth fell open.
“Y’alright there Ferg?” He asked smugly.
“Fuck you.” She grumbled as he readjusted himself slowly.
“Think that’s what you’re about to do.” He laughed making her shake her head.
She opened her eyes, ready to reprimand him when she felt him settle all the way inside her. His chin dropped to his chest and he let out a noise she’d never heard him make before. He didn’t move right away, holding himself above her, his arms noticeably shaking.
“Niall…wh-what’s wrong?” She asked as a wave of worry washed over her.
He shook his head unable to look her in the eye, “Ya f-feel good….t-tight.”
Georgina’s skin grew warm from his comment. She took his face in her hands forcing him to look at her. She licked her lip before she spoke, “Glad you think so. Really need ya to move.”
He shook his head in disbelief as he moved slowly. Georgina Ferguson was actually letting him have sex with her. His nineteen-year-old self would have an aneurysm at the thought of it. He moved his hips slowly. His lips attached themselves to her neck as a love bite started to form.
An incoherent noise left her lips as his hips fell into a steady rhythm. Niall Horan was going to be the death of her.
It wasn’t long before their bodies were slick with sweat and his living room was filled with moans of satisfaction. Her legs were wrapped around his waist as he thrust into her. She couldn’t believe how good she felt. She had never been with anyone as attentive as Niall. He was doing his best to give her a special moment. The group of love bites strung across her neck were a good indicator of that. The symphony of moans she was producing was the best soundtrack he had ever heard.
“Shit.” She mumbled as he hit her spot. “Right there.”
“Yeah?” He whispered making sure to doing it again. “Feel good baby?”
“Y-Y-Yeah.” She said shakily.
He was close. He had been close for a while but was holding off. He wanted to take care of her. She needed him and he didn’t want the moment to end.
“N-Ni. I’m–” She panted.
“Me too.” He said gripping her hips a little tighter.
Just as he leaned down to kiss her, he the spot that would send her over the edge. Georgina gripped the arm of the couch, arching her back up into him. She almost couldn’t take it. Sentences failed to form as her vision began to blur. She needed him to keep doing what he was doing. The fire in her core was starting to spread. She could feel it in her toes.
He could tell she was about to come undone. That familiar flush crept across her cheeks and down her chest. He had never seen anything more beautiful. He knew one thing that would top it. One thing that would put him over the edge. He didn’t have time to ask for it. He knew if he spoke he’d lose his rhythm and that wasn’t what he needed. He needed to see it. He needed know exactly what she looked like in that moment. He had dreamt about it for years.
Niall silently begged her to read his mind. He needed her to open her eyes. He needed more than he ever anticipated. As if on cue, her lids fluttered open. Their eyes locked on each other. That’s all it took. One look into his eyes and she was done for. Her breath hitched in her throat as a wave of ecstasy washed over her. The look of pure bliss on her face sent him over the edge.
The room fell silent. He buried his head into her neck trying to catch his breath. The sound of her heartbeat echoed in his ear. He did that. He made her heart race. That was all for him.
Her fingers started to trace designs across the skin of his back. “Ni?”
“Hmm.” He mumbled kissing one of the freckles on her neck.
“You’re the first person to make me do that.” Georgina admitted shyly.
He lazily lifted his head up, “Marcus never?”
“Always faked it.” She blushed. “But this time I –”
Niall leaned forward and kissed her deeply. He knew what she was going to say.
There was no faking that.
When he pulled away, he hovered over her taking in her post coital glow.
“So d’ya think the game’s still on?” She asked with a lighthearted smile.
Niall’s infamous cackle filled the room. Just as she started to laugh, he winced forgetting he was still inside of her.
After a quick apology and some readjustment, Niall pulled himself out of her and walked to the bathroom. He tied a knot in the condom before throwing it in the bin. He steadied himself against the counter before looking at his reflection in  the mirror. His hair was a mess, his cheeks were flushed, and a pool of sweat had matted his chest hair together. Never in his twenty-four years of life had he felt this good. His heart was seconds away from bursting out of his chest. He splashed some cold water on his face hoping it’d help him come back to reality.
Once he was back on Earth, Niall headed back into the living room. He froze as he looked at the couch. He couldn’t believe the sight before him. Georgina, in nothing but her knickers, was curled up in a blanket sipping on a bottle of beer. A bowl of favorite crisps and a freshly opened beer were waiting for him on the coffee table. He could get used to this.
Noticing him out of the corner of her eye, Georgina sat up and looked at him. “Everything okay?”
“Just trying to stay calm.” He said clearing his throat.
“Why?” She asked pressing the bottle to her lips.
“The sight of a naked woman on my couch, drinking a beer and watching football is enough to get hard again.” He said walking towards her.
The corners of her mouth pulled up in a grin. “Well it’s a good thing you brought that second condom then.”
117 notes · View notes
captnbarnesrogers · 8 years
UPDATED: 20.05.2020
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This Isn’t You: Reader is a trained S.H.I.E.L.D Agent. She and Bucky have been in relationship for a while.Bucky wakes up like his memory has been swiped. (violence, fighting, swearing, angst, fluff)
Children Don’t Do The Things I Do: Reader is much younger than Bucky. The youngest Avenger at that. They come home from grocery shooping just to overhear Bucky, Tony, Clint, and Steve talking about her and her childishness. (smut, swearing)
You’re My Strong Soldier: Reader is pregnant and is asked to stay off of the missions for own good. Bucky comes back from a really tough mission with Steve involving some kids and HYDRA. (angst, violence, swearing)
How Deep Is The Ocean?: Continuation of ‘You’re My Strong Soldier’
Jealousy’s A Bitch: Based off of a request about jealous!bucky and his competitiveness when reader’s ex-fiancee stays at the tower. (jealousy, swearing, fluff)
I’ll Be Fine: Based off of a request about clingy!bucky and his fear of the reader dying during a mission.
Un-Thinkable: Based off a request about Bucky praising Natasha instead of the reader. (smut, swearing, insecurity)
Two Lives One Person: Reader has a four year old son from another relationship but Bucky loves him nevertheless. After dropping him off at Laura and Clint’s, he just has to tell Y/N how amazed he is that she can juggle this life and the other. (swearing, fluff)
Unoffical Big Brother: Based off a request about an Avatar!Reader and Bucky who rescues her for being kidnapped by HYDRA. Bucky and the reader have a brother and sister relationship. (violence, swearing, brother/sister relationship)
It Was A Joke!: Based off of a request. Reader has been a bit busy with work lately and just hasn’t had time to spend time with Bucky. So when Bucky wakes up after a nightmare, all her wants is Y/N. Natasha and Sam thought it would be funny to play a little prank on Bucky because he’s “so whipped”. (swearing, night terrors)
Give Me One-Hundred Percent: Bucky comes home from a mission and the Reader shows her appreciation for his work. Based off of a gif (linked in the summary of this fic). (smut, swearing)
Is It Okay?: Bucky’s mind is still in the 1940’s so when he sees a girl of colour who he likes, he’s frazzled on whether he should ask her on a date or not. What’s everyone gonna think? He asks Steve’s advice. (fluff)
We’re Not Friends: You and Bucky aren’t friends because friends don’t do the things you both do. Based off of Friends by Ed Sheeran. (smut, swearing, blood, violence, character death)
Lightbulbs Are Useless: Bucky’s fallen for Tony’s shy assistant who is actually more than she seems. Based off a request. (fluff)
Better For Me (Masterlist):  You meet one of New York’s richest Bachelor’s. He’s hot, he’s rich, and he’s an absolute fucking asshole. Luckily for you, you’re an asshole too and you could take a challenge any day. Within the first 24 hours of knowing each other, you’ve already pushed each other over breaking point. But when something comes up, you’re both forced to try and get along. Can it be possible? (eventual smut, sexual tension, swearing, cocky!bucky, character death) Hands To Myself: Bucky misses you and just one view of your body can send him into a frenzy. (smut, self-love, swearing)
Ain’t Nobody In The World But You: The reader has gone to extremes to try and look like a ‘deserving’ part of Bucky’s life. BIcky just wants her to understand that he doesn’t care about what she looks like. (smut, type of self endangerment/harm, swearing)
The Thing That Kept Him Safe:  No one knew how they used to control The Winter Soldier back in the day but Steve thinks he has finally found it. (violence, blood, fluff)
It’s Starting To Feel Like Home: Based off of prompt numbers - listed in the fic. (miscarriage, angst, blood, fluff)
I Don’t Need Your Assistance: You are internationally known actor, Bucky Barnes’ P.A and with one impulsive move, everything changes. #Tay’sAUWritingChallenge (smut, angst)
True As It Can Be: A story based off of ‘Beauty and the Beast’ by Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson about your life with Bucky Barnes. (fluff)
My Love’s So Strong: You’re a very valuable team member of The Avengers and that means you have fans. Some fans just don’t know their boundaries. (stalker behaviour, kidnapping, attempted sexual assault, angst, fluff)
Tequila Works Wonders:  You and Bucky are best friends, the thing is, you’re in love with him. What happens when you’ve drank a little too much? (swearing, drunk reader)
Blame It On The Alcohol:  Bucky gives into his jealousy and confesses his love for you. (smut,angst) // Part 2 of Tequila Works Wonders
I’m Just A Bad Guy: This is how Bucky Barnes broke your heart.
The Bucharest Way: A day in the peaceful life of Bucky Barnes while in Bucharest.
Slip Of The Tongue: Being best friends with Bucky Barnes was difficult but it gets even more difficult when he admits his feelings towards you after an eventful night. (angst)
Romeo Save Me (Prince Bucky!AU):  When your father makes a trade with the King of Latervia, your forced into marriage in return of their resources. Little does he know, you’re in love with the Prince of Sokovia. (fluff, smut,angst, arranged marriage)
The Fire’s Out Anyway:  After finding out about your girlfriend’s whereabouts, you run to the only person you know would fall for your want to release. (Reader x Natasha, Reader x Bucky, smut, angst)
Cold as Ice: Dating one of your brother’s co-workers is not his cup of tea, you’re supposed to be the no-go zone but sneaking around is what makes it so hot. (porn, choking, daddy!kink, spanking, angsty-ish)
Loose Wires: Bucky has his doubts but you’ll always prove that your love is stronger than anything that comes your way (angst, swearing).
Pickle: Bucky’s gotten himself in a little pickle, he has a crush on you - His best friend’s sister (sexual tension)
I Wish I Could Unhear It: You didn’t know why it was so hard to open up to your boyfriend (angst!!!)
My Number One, My Always Will Be King: Tony’s daughter is growing up way too fast. He knows this because she bought a boy home that she did not intend for him too see. (angst, swearing)
Make You Ours: Tony finds a girl helpless and weak on the street. He takes her in and notices the seemingly endless amounts of cuts above her thigh. They become very close as time stands longer. Based off a request and I Was Made For Lovin’ You by Tori Kelly (TW: mentions of past abuse, mentions of self harm)
Right Side Up: After Pepper leaves, Tony still wants to give his love to a kid who didn’t experience love. He meets a girl at an orphanage who loves Captain America and is the smartest kid he’s ever met. (fluff)
Little Sick Stark: When you don’t come by your dad’s office one day, Tony wonders where you are only to receive a phone call that answers his question.
I Had Him:  Inspired by some dream I had the other night and the conversation I had with the lovely @acklesdowneyandhiddles-ohmy (smut, angst)
See, I’m Smiling: You and Steve have been together for five years and the first four were incredible but lately things have been a little rocky. He’s been acting sketchy and you’ve been away in Ohio doing a summer show, you’ve been dying to see him. You’ll have the whole week together and you’ve never been more excited to see your husband. (angst, swearing)
No Such Thing As Bulletproof: You’re captured by Hydra Agents who want revenge on your boyfriend, Captain America. The actions of one agent would make you do something you will never forget. #Kate’sCardsAgainstHumanityChallenge (angst,blood, violence)
I Am Not Peggy: You are Captain America’s girlfriend and you find that you will always be compared to a certain piece of Steve’s past. (angst, swearing)  
You’ve Still Got A Chance: It’s been months since your last encounter with Steve, is there any chance you’ll take him back? (Angst, violence, blood) // Part 2 of I Am Not Peggy
Get Your Feet Off My Dash:  Reader doesn’t deal very well with long drives (or road trips as Steve calls them) and she starts to get really impatient. She’s so impatient she starts to fidget… a lot. Steve doesn’t mind, until she puts her feet on the dash of his brand new car. (smut, fluff)
Eat My Body Like It’s Holy: You haven’t seen Steve for a whole week and you’re so excited for him to come home. (Smut, unprotected sex, swearing, oral sex (FR))
Chest To Chest With Your Lover: When your insecurities get the best of you and you begin to get mouthy, Steve shows you how beautiful you are to him… In Steve’s way (smut, choking, slight Captain kink, oral sex (FR))
Failures of Hiding: You are Steve Rogers’ fiancée. Although he promises you a better life that isn’t in hiding, you reassure him that you are content but it isn’t the hiding that will be your problem. It’s Thanos. (unprotected sex, violence, INFINITY WAR SPOILERS)
To Be Mine: Steve’s been super affectionate lately and you’ve been getting bigger lately.
Your Mouth Down South: A phone call that shows Steve that you can do other things too (smut, oral sex, pwp)
Sorry for my Mind: Steve accuses you of cheating on him
Goodbye My Almost Lover:  Reader is very close with the Maximoff Twins after spending so long locked up together. When the Maximoff’s leave to fight with Ultron, Y/N is to survive on her own without them for the first time. She eventually finds them again only to change their lives quicker than Pietro could run. (angst, swearing, character death)
The Problem with the T-Shirt:  Wanda has a crush on the you. One night after hearing Bucky ask the you out, Wanda avoids you. (GirlxGirl, oral sex, scissoring, swearing)
Your Love: Your wife finds out she’s pregnant while you’re away on a mission.
A Kingsman and Statesman Affair: When a Statesman and Kingsman work together, all seems to be a success but when a mission fails and a Statesman goes down, one Kingsman feels like he loses everything.
Life As A Kingsman: After saying goodbye to you to meet Merlin at the Headquarters, you are left alone at Eggsy’s house with JB and a missile on its way.
You’re My Problem: After studying up at the library, you bump into Dean’s friends which doesn’t end too well for the both of them when your best friend enters the picture.
Letters From A Stranger (Series): While on a hunt, a letter arrives in the mailbox of the Winchesters’ room. A heartbroken letter from someone named Y/N. In a moment of boredom, Sam answers the letter with no expectation of a response. - ON HIATUS -
Merciless Princess: You’re extremely busy buy Sebastian doesn’t care, he needs to be near you. He needs to be touching you. Always. (smut)
Scratching Up The Ice: You try to ease Sebastian into one of his all-time traumas.
Peak: Birthday presents come in all sorts of ways, don’t they? (smut, swearing, lap dance, slight choking, oral sex (MR), PWP)
When Dodger Begins To Love: The times where Dodger became close to you and the time Chris realised he loved you. 
Your Mouth Down South: After overhearing a conversation between he and his friends, you prove to your boyfriend that you can get him off in other ways. (smut, oral sex (MR), throat fucking, deep throating, messy blowjob)
I Hit The Glass With My Face: Taron has his eye on one of Ed Holcroft’s friends, you, a nurse. While on set, Taron gets into a minor accident and you treat him.
The Company Rules (Series): After landing a job that pays well straight out of college, you and your friends go out to celebrate at a new and popular club in town. As you dance and drink the night away, you meet Harry Styles. It was just silly fun, you would never see him again, right?
Being On My Knees Is My Favorite Secret: Before you’re off to wed, you reminisce a memory of you and Harry.
The 5 Times Harry Styles Was Just Harry: In short, Harry is sweet, friendly, protective, attentive, and loving.
Dad!Harry: Just a lil blurb abt what kind of dad Harry Styles would be.
How To Break Your Heart in 250 Words or Less
Is It Always Like This?: When the cramps on your period hit, you’re forced to cancel dinner with Harry but that doesn’t stop him from spending time with you. 
Underworld, Over You: You left Harry six months ago after he asked you to follow him back to the Underworld but you couldn’t, in fact, give everything up for him (demon!harry, angsty)
Kiss in the Kitchen Like it’s a Dancefloor: You’re exhausted. You want Harry but you need to finish this assignment first (fluffy)
Bathroom Encounters P1 & P2: School’s out and so is your little secret (both parts have smut, dub con, drunk sex, step brother!harry)
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wesonerdy · 6 years
CBS has huge plans for this year’s SDCC, including the world premieres of Charmed, Magnum P.I., and more!
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
  Happy July Friends! Besides the fact that summer is speeding right along (*cries*), it’s officially Comic-Con month! That means more and more details will be on the way and we can’t wait to learn more about all the events.
Today, CBS Television Studios revealed that they’ll be presenting the exclusive world premiere screenings of The CW’s upcoming Charmed reboot and Magnum P.I. Fans will also be treated to a special sneak peek of CBS All Access’ new psychological thriller Tell Me a Story, followed by a panel discussion with EP Kevin Williamson and cast members.
The producers of Star Trek: Discovery will beam into Hall H for a look back on season one and tease what’s ahead for season two. Plus, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend will make its SDCC debut, ahead of the show’s final season.
In addition, CBS TV Studios will also be hosting a marathon screening of The Twilight Zone, plus several fan activations for our enjoyment.
Check out the details here!
CHARMED EXCLUSIVE SCREENING AND PANEL, 11:15 AM–12:15 PM, BALLROOM 20 – The iconic CHARMED is back just in time to celebrate its 20th anniversary. This reboot of the original series centers on three sisters in a college town who, after the tragic loss of their mother, discover they are powerful witches. Between vanquishing supernatural demons, tearing down the patriarchy and maintaining familial bonds, a witch’s work is never done. Please join series stars Melonie Diaz, Sarah Jeffery, Madeleine Mantock and Rupert Evans, along with producers Jennie Snyder Urman, Jessica O’Toole and Amy Rardin, for an exclusive sneak peek of the first episode of The CW series followed by a panel discussion.
TELL ME A STORY, 12:15–12:45 PM, BALLROOM 20 – Step into the world of TELL ME A STORY, the latest project from the brilliant mind of Kevin Williamson. In this reimagining of the world’s most beloved fairy tales, see “The Three Little Pigs,” “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Hansel and Gretel” come to life as dark and twisted psychological thrillers interweaving with each other against the backdrop of modern day New York City. Join executive producer Kevin Williamson, as well as series stars Paul Wesley and James Wolk, for an exclusive sneak peek of the CBS All Access series followed by a panel discussion. Moderated by the editor-in-chief of Entertainment Weekly, Henry Goldblatt.
MAGNUM P.I. EXCLUSIVE SCREENING AND PANEL, 4:15–5:30 PM, ROOM 6A – MAGNUM P.I. is a modern take on the classic series starring Jay Hernandez as Thomas Magnum, a decorated former Navy SEAL who, upon returning home from Afghanistan, repurposes his military skills to become a private investigator. A charming rogue, an American hero and a die-hard Detroit Tigers fan, Magnum has Juliet Higgins and her Dobermans to keep him in line, as well as his trusted buddies and fellow POW survivors TC and Rick when he needs backup on a job. With keys to a vintage Ferrari in one hand, aviator sunglasses in the other, and an Old Düsseldorf longneck chilling in the fridge, Thomas Magnum is back on the case! Please join series stars Jay Hernandez and Perdita Weeks and executive producers Peter Lenkov and Eric Guggenheim for an exclusive sneak peak of the premiere episode of the new CBS series followed by a panel discussion.
CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND: THE FINAL CURTAIN CALL, 5:45–6:30 PM, ROOM 6A – As the critically acclaimed CW series enters its final season, come celebrate and take a trip down memory lane with co-creators Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna as they look back on some of the series’ most memorable moments and talk about what’s ahead for Rebecca Bunch. The panel will be moderated by series guest star Michael McMillian and will include a special performance and never-before-seen footage.
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY PANEL, 1:30–2:30 PM, HALL H – Over 50 years ago, the world was first introduced to what would quickly become a cultural phenomenon. “Star Trek” inspired developments in science and technology, broke social barriers, and transported viewers around the globe to new adventures and uncharted frontiers. Last fall, STAR TREK: DISCOVERY continued that tradition and followed the voyages of Starfleet aboard the U.S.S. Discovery. Join the cast and producers of this CBS All Access series to look back on season one and find out where the crew is headed as it transports into its second season. Cast members scheduled to appear include Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Shazad Latif, Mary Wiseman, Anthony Rapp, Wilson Cruz, Mary Chieffo and Anson Mount alongside executive producers Alex Kurtzman and Heather Kadin. The panel will be moderated by series guest star Tig Notaro, who will appear as Chief Engineer Reno.
THE TWILIGHT ZONE MARATHON SCREENING, 7:15–9:15 PM, ROOM 6A – THE TWILIGHT ZONE new original series will be coming soon to CBS All Access in a modern reimagining of the iconic series that took viewers to another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. It was a journey into a wondrous land of imagination for five years on CBS, from 1959-1964. The godfather of sci-fi series, the show explored humanity’s hopes, despairs, pride and prejudice in metaphoric ways conventional dramas could not. Please join us for a special marathon screening and a look back at some of the fan-favorite episodes from the original series. Concessions and an exclusive giveaway item will be provided.
CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND LIVE STARRING RACHEL BLOOM, 7:30 PM, BALBOA THEATRE – The cast of the CW’s award-winning musical dramedy CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND is taking their show on the road in this live tour. Join Rachel Bloom, the rest of the cast and the CRAZY EX-GIRLFRIEND songwriters as they bring the show’s songs to life in this very special live concert event. This is a ticketed event and is currently sold out. For more info, please visit: https://sandiegotheatres.org/rachel-bloom/
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
Courtesy of CBS Television Studios
  CBS COMEDY CARS – From Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 22, CBS will offer complimentary rides throughout the Gaslamp District in branded electric cars. Featured shows will include the new fall comedies THE NEIGHBORHOOD and HAPPY TOGETHER. Trailers of the series will be screened for the passengers in those cars as well. Brand ambassadors will distribute giveaways making their debut at Comic-Con, including a variety of collectable emoji squeezies for THE NEIGHBORHOOD and HAPPY TOGETHER.
MAGNUM P.I. TAKEOVER – On Thursday, July 19, CBS will cruise the streets of Comic-Con in a branded Ferrari 488 to promote the return of MAGNUM P.I. Brand ambassadors will distribute red sunglasses and Hawaiian leis.
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY PEDICABS – From Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 22, CBS will offer free “intergalactic” rides throughout San Diego’s Gaslamp District in pedicabs inspired by the design of the U.S.S. Discovery’s captain’s chair. The pedicabs will feature the chair’s distinctive stitched black seats as well as video monitors built into its armrests, which in this case will screen trailers for the highly anticipated second season of the show. As an added touch, each vehicle will display an illuminated U.S.S. Discovery delta shield on the back.
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY MIRROR UNIVERSE GALLERY TAKEOVER – CBS is creating a fully immersive STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Mirror Universe experience at the Michael J. Wolf Fine Arts Gallery (363 Fifth Avenue, San Diego); Comic-Con badges are not required for entry. The exhibit, scheduled to run from Thursday, July 19 through Sunday, July 22, will feature a photo opportunity with Emperor Georgiou’s throne and will showcase props and costumes from the series’ Terran Empire. The gallery will also house an official “Star Trek” shop with Comic-Con exclusives.
Exhibit Hours: Thursday = 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM Friday = 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM Saturday = 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM Sunday = 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
  CBS TV Studios Coming to SDCC 2018 CBS has huge plans for this year's SDCC, including the world premieres of Charmed, Magnum P.I.
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