#or rogue bludger
greenerteacups · 1 year
Has Hermione set Snape of fire in Lionheart?
so no actually! reason being that in this universe, draco doesn't steal neville's remembrall ==> harry doesn't catch it ==> mcgonagall doesn't notice and override the first-year rule ==> harry doesn't make the quidditch team until second year tryouts + quirrell never jinxes harry's broom, meaning hermione never mistakes it for snape and sets him on fire (and accidentally distracting quirrell in the process). The bluebell flames that she conjures in Chapter 48 are a nod to that episode, and an establishing moment that she does know how to conjure them, she just hasn't used them offensively. (Yet).
i actually adore the bluebell flames as a motif, because (1) hermione is the only person we see in the series to conjure them, suggesting they're either something she came up with herself or it's an obscure variant of a flame-conjuring spell that she's fond of for personal reasons. but then also, (2) they're such a potentially rich symbol: it's fire, with all the connotations of warmth and bravery and ferocity and unhinged danger, but it's blue, which is associated with coldness, clarity, beauty, water. and then there's the fact that blue flames are used as visual shorthand (not necessarily realistically, but there you are) for being hotter than normal flames. it's so cool.
and like, it's not just "blue" flames, it's "bluebells," which are a kind of hyacinth — kids, never ever use a floral color descriptor around a flower nerd — but the word "hyacinth" comes from the Greek myth of Hyacinthus, a lover of the sun God, Apollo, who kills Hyacinthus by accident. and when he can't bring Hyacinthus back, he grows these blue flowers that are shaped like Hyacinthus's hair to remind him of his lover. and for Hermione, I think there's something resonant about loving someone so powerful and strong they can't help but hurt you; about being a mortal, and therefore expendable, because you don't have the right blood, and how that subjects you to violence even by people who try to care about you and protect you. and we could set up all kinds of parallels between Apollo and Harry, or even Ron, and not to get on my bullshit about how hermione is underappreciated in the original books but she IS—
but anyway. hey. do you know what the Greek epithet "Hyacinthine" means? Curly-haired.
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starchaserdreams · 2 years
Wolfstar Microfic: Rogue
Remus was paying attention to the Quidditch practice. 
He was. 
Sort of.
But James and Sirius playing with a quaffle was hardly anything new. James would fly, and shoot, and Sirius would either save or miss. It had happened about a hundred times today alone, not to mention all of the other practices that Remus had sat through.
So Remus was also trying to revise, but without a textbook in front of him, it was rather hard. 
So at the exact moment that it all happened, Remus was listing off the medicinal properties of dittany from memory. He’d just finished with effects when eaten and had moved on to topical properties on skin, when a rush of voices woke him from his inner monologue. 
“Ahhhh!” That was Sirius. 
And then “Nooooo!” That was James. 
And then there was uproarious laughter.
Remus focused his eyes, and the problem was immediately obvious. 
The two boys were meant to be practicing just themselves with a quaffle, but somehow a bludger had managed to free itself from its box. 
James was flying in a wide arc around the stadium, the bludger trailing behind. 
Sirius grabbed a club from the ground and raced up to join them. He was howling with laughter, immensely enjoying the chaos of a rogue bludger.
Remus couldn’t help but smile; the two of them were so ridiculous sometimes. 
Remus had sort of expected them to catch it and put it away, but he hadn’t given them enough credit for how much they liked chaos. 
They continued playing together, and James stayed shooting, but Sirius took over as Beater rather than Keeper. 
They tired themselves out pretty quickly, but even so by the end they were still laughing. 
Once the bludger and the quaffle were put away, they found Remus in the stands. They were already talking excitedly about what had happened. 
Sirius slung an arm around Remus easily, as though it was the most natural thing in the world to do.
It made Remus smile to feel so immediately brought in to the moment. Trust Sirius to know how to include him right away. 
“I can’t believe a bludger got loose, they should make those cages safer,” Remus told them. 
Sirius grinned, looking ecstatic. “Were you worried about us, Moony?”
Remus felt himself blush. “Never,” he said immediately.
But Sirius was not at all deterred. “Awww, Moony loves us, that’s why he worries,” Sirius said, running his hand through Remus’ hair. “Don’t worry, we love you too.”
Both James and Remus just smiled in response, because really, who could resist indulging Sirius in whatever he wanted? Not either of them, not ever.
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Sirius Black attracting the attention of every girl at Hogwarts but hardly blinking.
Sirius Black walking around in a leather jacket and skinny jeans, just fucking oozing confidence.
Sirius Black winking at Professors and flirting with Rosmerta at the bar, completely at ease.
Sirius Black playing Beater on the Gryffindor team, standing on his broom to reach a rogue Bludger and keeping his perfectly styled hair intact.
Sirius Black seeing Remus Lupin smile at him and falling down six flights of stairs.
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george-weasleys-girl · 8 months
Begin Again - Pt.1
Season of Love Event
Friends to Lovers to Friends to Lovers Again
*I didn't intend on this turning out as long as it did, but here we are. I'm not certain when the next part will be out. I'd like to say it'll be before the end of the week, but it'll more likely be a couple of weeks. Or possibly in March.
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George Weasley x fem!reader
Summary: Six years after the war, a familiar face shows up on Diagon Alley
Warnings: mention of underage sex
Y/N sank back into the oversized, velvety chair. It'd been a long time since she had traversed the cobblestones of Diagon Alley. Not since before the second Wizarding War.
So much had changed. The little coffee shop she sat in used to be... what was it? A shoe shop? She couldn't quite remember. Well, whatever it had been, it certainly wasn't this cozy little place. She sighed and glanced out the window, her eyes drifting back over to the now world-famous joke shop, debating for the umpteenth time since she set foot back in London two days ago, whether or not to pay a visit.
"Here you go, ma'am," the server's voice broke through her ruminations.
Y/N turned and smiled, happy to see that her order of a double shot of espresso and a giant cinnamon roll had arrived. It wasn't the healthiest of breakfasts, she had to admit, but she needed something to jolt her awake.
"Anything else I can get you?" The server asked, eyeballing the stack of muggle tabloids with a mixture of curiosity and disdain.
"Nothing at the moment, thank you," Y/N smiled, ignoring the way he looked down his nose at her. Let him think whatever he wants. She was long past the point of caring what other people thought of her. She had far more important things to occupy her mind.
Like this absolutely divine cup of espresso sitting before her.
She enhaled the heavenly aroma before taking a sip. "Mmm, caffeine, my friend," she mumbled, smirking at her own silliness.
The coffee hit her veins almost immediately. Y/N pulled the Weekly World News from the top of her pile and dug into her morning routine. She scanned the pages, snorting at a couple of the more ridiculous stories. She knew, just as much as any rational person (magical or not), that only the very gullible believed this nonsense.
Except... as she'd come to learn long ago, it wasn't all nonsense. In amongst all the batboys and alien love slaves there was hidden a sliver of truth. And if you knew what you were looking for, you'd find it.
George shuffled into the coffee shop. He hadn't had a decent night's rest in weeks. April 1 had only just passed, and May was barreling toward him like a rogue bludger. As it did every year since the war.
"Morning, Mr. Weasley."
The redhead pasted on a smile. "How are ya, Albert?" He greeted the barista.
"Oh, fine, fine," Albert grinned. "What'll you have?"
"The usual," George leaned over to look at the pastries. "And a cherry danish."
The barista nodded. "Comin' right up."
"Thanks," the redhead sighed. He didn't particularly like cherry danishes, but Fred loved them. Every year he was gone, his lost twin seemed to drift further and further away from him. George hoped the pastry, as small a thing as it was, would bring a little of Fred back to him.
He turned around to take in the busy cafe, debating whether to eat here or take his meager breakfast back to the shop when he spotted a familiar face. George's heart skipped a beat. Could it be? After all this time? It was a face that once lit up his life, that he once loved to kiss, that he once sought out in every crowd.
And, admittedly, still did.
Y/N Y/L/N. Beautiful, funny, intelligent, and, once upon a time, his.
She was his first everything.
First best friend outside of Fred.
First crush.
First girlfriend.
First kiss.
And after the Yule Ball, his first lover.
He'd intended to propose to her once they'd graduated, but something happened in their seventh year. Maybe it was because of all the stress from everything that was happening then, or maybe they were just too immature, but they started drifting apart. Arguing more. Lots more. They soon realized that they were fighting more than not and decided to take a break and try going back to being friends.
And they did try. But everyone knows how those things go. By the time he and Fred made their dramatic exit from Hogwarts, they were barely speaking.
Not because they were angry. They just didn't know what to say to each other anymore. Everything had become weird.
After that, she visited the shop a few times. The last he saw her, she'd stopped by the store to say goodbye. She'd taken a new job and was moving to Italy.
He'd wished her well, kissed her cheek, and then she was gone.
"Here ya go, Mr. Weasley," Albert's cheerful voice shook George from his reverie. "That'll be three galleons even."
George paid and then made his way to her table. "Y/N?"
Y/N looked up, and the smile that spread across her face lit up the whole room. She saw the boy she once loved in the man standing before her. A boy she once thought she might've eventually married.
Her pulse quickened in spite of herself. "George!"
The years suddenly fell away, and without thinking, she stood to embrace him. He met her halfway, his long arms wrapping around her, pulling her in close.
"Believe it or not, I use them for work." She admitted when George asked about the stack of tabloids. "And, they're good for a few laughs."
George eyed the stack. "Looks like you need a lot of laughs."
Y/N shrugged. "Life hasn't always been kind."
"I know what you mean," George looked down. "My brother, my twin, Fred, you remember him? He, um, he ...
Six years on, and he still couldn't say the words.
She reached out and touched his hand. "I know. I-I heard. I'm so sorry, George." Y/N said. "I wanted to write, but I... " Words failed her.
"It's alright," he gave her a sad smile. "It's not like I was in any shape to read letters. Truthfully, I wasn't in shape to do much of anything for a while."
Y/N squeezed his hand. She didn't have any siblings, much less a twin. So, she could only imagine the pain he must've endured. "All the same, I should've..."
"No, love, please," he interrupted, taking her hand in both of his. "Don't torture yourself with 'should'ves.' Godric knows I've done enough of that these past few years. And it won't change the past. It only makes things... hurt more." George looked away for a few moments. When he turned back, his smile had returned. "So tell me about this job that requires you to read this crazy stuff." George nodded toward the tabloids.
"So, your telling me there are other worlds?" George looked incredulous. "And things sometimes travel here through holes in the... membrane between the worlds?"
Y/N nodded.
"And these tabloids occasionally report it."
"Surprisingly often, actually," Y/N grinned.
George opened his mouth, then closed it again. "What's your job in all this?" He said after a few moments. "Do you hunt down whatever comes through?"
"Oh, no," Y/N took a nibble from her cinnamon roll. "I'm a seamstress."
"A seamstress?" George was about to take a sip of coffee but froze at her words.
"I mend the holes," she clarified. "Sew them back together. With magic, of course."
George stared at her for several seconds before speaking again.
"So... um..." he began, still trying to wrap his brain around the whole concept. "Do these holes just appear randomly or what?"
Y/N took a deep breath. "Ok, so... there are three types of openings between the worlds. Holes, gateways, and rips. Holes are where reality got too thin, and things wander through, usually unintentionally. The second are gateways. A hole formed, and instead of repairing it, structures were built to allow easier passage and communication. These are heavily guarded and highly regulated." She paused to take a sip of her espresso. "And then there are rips," she continued. "This is when something decides it wants to get through right now. Damn the rules."
"Wow..." George leaned back in his chair. "What happens when something rips through?"
"There are people whose job is to, well, put things back where they belong."
George nodded, thoughtful. Then something occurred to him. "Why haven't I heard about this before?"
"Used to be top-secret," she shrugged. "Only the highest echelons of the government knew. But then a rip opened in the US president's oval office. No one was there at the time, thank Godric. But, long story short, word of our organization leaked, and then, after a fair bit of chaos, a bunch of stuff got declassified. Now here I am telling you about it."
"Oh, that's good then, you know, that things worked out, and you're, you know, here," George stammered. "I'm glad you're here."
"Me too," Y/N smiled, reaching for his hand again.
"So, um, how long are you back for?" George asked.
George's face lit up. "Really?"
"Yep," Y/N smiled wide, matching his enthusiasm. "They're expanding the London headquarters. I'll be retiring from the field next month to head the new training program."
"That's fantastic!" George was practically bouncing in his seat. "I guess we'll be seeing more of each other then?"
"I certainly hope so."
That night, George poured himself a shot of whiskey as he always did after work. But rather than settling down for the night, he paced the apartment, trying to rid himself of his restless energy.
He'd been bouncing around the store all day like a giddy schoolgirl. It was a far cry from his usual fake smiles and general mopiness this time of year, and, of course, Ron noticed.
He finally cornered his older brother during the afternoon lull. "Mate, are you alright? You've been acting... odd." Ron looked genuinely worried.
George bristled at the question at first, but then he remembered the date.
The reminder deflated him a little. "Yeah. Surprisingly, I am okay. I-I ran into Y/N at breakfast."
Ron blinked. Of all the things his brother might've said, that was the last thing he expected. "Y/N? Y/N Y/L/N?"
"The one and only."
"Ok, wow," Ron mused. "Haven't seen her in forever. How long's it been?"
"Too long," George said, walking back to the sales floor.
Ron eyed him warily. He'd lost count as to how many ill-fated whirlwind romances his brother had had since Fred's passing. He hoped this wouldn't lead to another one. "So, um, how is she?"
"She's great," George said. "Moving back to London, actually."
"Oh, yeah? So, I take it you guys are meeting up again?" Ron probed.
"Of course. We're meeting up in a couple of days to go apartment hunting."
Ron screeched to a halt. "You're WHAT?!"
George stopped, eyebrows scrunched together. "Apartment hunting... she's just moved back and needs a place to live. I know the area better than her and thought I'd help her out. W-was that wrong?" He finished, suddenly uncertain of himself.
His younger brother's shoulders relaxed. "No, no. Not at all. I just thought for a second you two were... you know... moving in together."
"What? No, it's nothing like that. Yet," George said, keeping the last bit silent.
"Well, that's good," Ron replied, relief evident in his voice. "Just... take it slow, ok? Get to know each other again before you jump into anything."
George only nodded.
A disgruntled rumble from his stomach alerted George that he hadn't eaten since lunch. He glanced out the window to the warm glow emanating from The Leaky Cauldron. Dinner out, he decided and grabbed his coat. Maybe a walk would do him good. And he could chat with the bartender while he ate.
George had never gotten used to being alone. Not for very long anyway. It was why he jumped from one woman to the next. Anything to keep his loneliness at bay.
Most of them were friends with benefits, though there was the occasional girlfriend here and there. But in the end, he ended up feeling lonelier with them than without. And so he'd move on to the next one, endlessly searching for that deep, soulful connection.
Like he'd had with Fred.
Like he'd had with Y/N.
George froze mid-step, a thought suddenly occurring to him. Maybe the reason he'd never had a successful relationship was because somewhere in the dark crevices of his heart, he was still holding out for the one he'd never stopped loving.
He was holding out for Y/N.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1Lellykins @junerprsh @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe
@smallsweetvanillabean @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @charmedfandomgal @loca4moony @whotfskai @netflix-addict
@moonatician @lunacurlclaw @sierraluvzz @min-aaa @now-that-we-dontalk @lillisummers @lovesanimals0000
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koyagifs · 2 days
shattered trust
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pairing: Ravenclaw!Hongjoong x Hufflepuff!reader au: harry potter genre: angst | fluff | Summary: as the years go by, you never noticed the dark side of your lover.
Some cursing, their ages will be aged up a bit! This fic is not meant to reflect how Ateez are in real life. This is a fanfic.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 |
st masterlist | ateez masterlist
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Sitting in your compartment, Hongjoong by your side as Seonghwa, Mingi and Yunho sat across from you. The ride back to Hogwarts was always your favorite, the joy of seeing your friends always warms your heart. Hongjoong laid asleep on your lap, his gentle breathing creating a calming rhythm. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him, a stark contrast to the lively chatter of Seonghwa, Mingi, and Yunho across from you.
“Looks like he’s finally out,” Seonghwa teased, glancing at Hongjoong with a grin.
“Someone had to keep him up during the Sorting Feast,” you replied, brushing a strand of his hair from his face.
Mingi leaned forward, a playful glint in his eyes. “You mean you were just talking his ear off? Poor guy!”
Yunho laughed, shaking his head. “Can’t blame him for dozing off. It’s been a long day.”
As the train sped through the countryside, the scenery blurring past, you felt a warm sense of belonging. You leaned back, letting the rhythmic clatter of the train soothe you. The anticipation of a new school year filled the air, and despite the challenges ahead, you knew you wouldn’t face them alone.
“What do you think the new year will bring?” you mused aloud, breaking the comfortable silence.
Seonghwa shrugged, a thoughtful expression on his face. “More adventures, I hope. And hopefully fewer detentions.”
“Yeah, right,” Mingi scoffed. “With Wooyoung around, we’ll probably have a record number.”
You laughed, nudging him playfully. “Not if we stick together!”
Yunho nodded in agreement, and as you all exchanged hopeful glances, you felt a surge of excitement. This year better be less dramatic you thought, remembering the drama that happened since Harry Potter came to school.
You shuddered slightly at the memory of last year’s escapades, from surprise Quidditch matches to that chaos involving a rogue bludger and a rather angry hippogriff. “Honestly, I’m hoping for some peace this time,” you said, shaking your head.
“Peace? In this school?” Seonghwa chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “Good luck with that!”
“Hey, we could at least try!” you countered, your smile returning. “Besides, maybe we’ll get some new classes that’ll keep us busy. I heard there’s a new professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts.”
Mingi perked up at that. “Really? What do you think they’ll be like?”
“Hopefully not another one who goes mad halfway through the year,” Yunho added, crossing his arms.
“True, that would be nice,” you agreed, glancing at Hongjoong, who remained blissfully unaware of the conversation, still sleeping peacefully. “But whatever happens, at least we have each other.”
The train rattled on, and you caught glimpses of the lush greenery outside. You could almost feel the magic in the air, a mix of anticipation and nostalgia. The thought of another year filled with spells, laughter, and unexpected surprises made your heart race.
Just then, Mingi leaned back, pretending to think deeply. “You know, if we’re going to have more adventures, we should definitely come up with a team name!”
“A team name?” you echoed, amused.
“Absolutely! Something cool and epic!” he insisted, gesturing dramatically.
“Alright, let’s hear it,” you challenged, leaning in with a grin.
“Um… how about ‘The Daring Duelists’?” he suggested, striking a heroic pose.
You all burst into laughter, and even Hongjoong stirred slightly, blinking awake to the joyful chaos. “What’s going on?” he mumbled, a sleepy smile spreading across his face.
“Just discussing our epic team name!” you said, eyes sparkling with mischief.
“Please tell me it’s better than ‘The Daring Duelists,’” he chuckled, stretching his arms.
“Let’s just say we’ll work on it,” Yunho replied, a teasing glint in his eye.
With that, the conversation flowed seamlessly, filled with laughter and friendly banter, as the Hogwarts Express carried you closer to another unforgettable year that is unbeknownst to you all.
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You sat beside your fellow Hufflepuffs as the sorting feast, conversing this years plan to win the house cup. Feeling a pair of eyes, you looked around until you noticed Hongjoong eyeing you. You waved, causing him to blush as he noticed that he was caught. As you waved at Hongjoong, his cheeks flushed a deeper shade of pink, and he quickly looked down at his plate, trying to act nonchalant. You noticed Mingi confusion before he looked where Hongjoong was just staring at before he chuckled, shaking his head as he began to tease Hongjoong. You couldn’t help but giggle at how easily he was flustered.
A felt a tap from behind, turning to see Yeosang, Seonghwa, Jongho and Wooyoung a smirk plastered on their face as they noticed the interaction between you and Hongjoong.
“Looks like we’ve ruined a moment,” Yeosang said, his smirk growing as he leaned towards you.
You turned to face them, a mix of embarrassment and amusement flooding through you. " clearly you Gryffindors have no idea what you're talking about"
They laughed as Wooyoung put a hand over his heart dramatically. “Ouch! A direct hit!”
“Don’t worry, we’re just here to support your blossoming romance,” Yeosang teased, leaning closer. “Consider us your cheer squad!”
“More like a bunch of gossips,” you shot back, grinning despite yourself.
Jongho piped up, “We’re just trying to help you out! Imagine how epic it would be if you two ended up together and we had the inside scoop!”
“Yeah, imagine the stories we could tell!” Wooyoung added, eyes sparkling with mischief. “I can already picture the headlines: ‘Hufflepuff Heartthrob Caught in a Love Triangle!’”
You shook your head, laughing. “You all are impossible.”
“Just remember,” Seonghwa said, a playful glint in his eye, “we’re here to make sure you don’t miss your chance. We’ve got your back!”
As the laughter continued, you felt a warm glow of friendship surrounding you. But then you noticed Hongjoong glancing your way again, his expression more curious than before. For a moment, your heart raced at the thought of him actually being interested.
“Okay, okay, enough!” you finally declared, trying to regain some composure.
They laughed again before they turned back to their table, Dumbledore standing up to give his usual speech before declaring dinner was over.
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There all 7 of you sat at the quidditch field, watching Mingi and Hongjoong practice as they soared through the air on their broomsticks, the wind whipping through their hair. You leaned back against the bleachers, the afternoon sun casting a warm glow over the field. The rest of your friends—Seonghwa, San, Yunho, Yeosang, Jongho, and Wooyoung—were scattered around, chatting and enjoying the show.
" i think Ravenclaw has the quidditch cup this year. Better watch out Gryffindorks," You said, smirking at the four proud lions that huffed in annoyance.
"laugh it up little badger, we have Jongho on the team now," Yunho said.
You turned your attention back to the field, where Hongjoong was effortlessly gliding through the air, weaving around Mingi with impressive agility. There was something mesmerizing about the way he moved, his confidence radiating as he practiced his shots on goal. You couldn’t help but admire his determination.
“Look at him go,” you muttered, a small smile creeping onto your face. “He’s really in his element.”
San, overhearing you, smirked. “See? Even you can’t deny he’s got skills.”
“Fine, I’ll admit it,” you said, half-heartedly, glancing back at your friends. “He’s good.”
“Good? More like phenomenal!” Wooyoung shot back, laughing. “Just wait until the first match. He’ll have all the Ravenclaws trembling.”
" just admit it ynie~ you have a crush on our Hongjoongie" Seonghwa said, tickling your sides making you squeal.
You burst into laughter, squirming away from Seonghwa’s fingers. “Stop it! I do not!” you protested, though your cheeks were undoubtedly flushed.
“Oh, come on! It’s written all over your face,” San chimed in, his playful smirk growing wider. “You can’t hide it from us!”
Just as you were about to deny once more, Mingi and Hongjoong landed near by. Wooyoung was going to tease you once more before you took your wand out and casted out Silencio. With a flick of your wand, the spell took effect, and suddenly, the teasing voices of your friends fell silent. They looked at you in surprise, their mouths moving but no sound escaping. You couldn’t help but grin at the success of your spell.
You smiled, blowing them a kiss as you began your decent down the stairs to met Hongjoong and Mingi. Wooyoung, ever the dramatic one, pretended to act out a silent scream, clutching his heart. You couldn’t help but giggle at the sight. You pulled Hongjoong by his practice shirt, giving him a peck on his cheek that made him blush profusely. Mingi let out a whine, " where's mine little badger?"
You turned to Mingi, placing a kiss on his cheek as well. Both boys now blushing profusely. The footsteps of everyone launching from their seats, their voices coming back as you lifted up the spell from them. As the spell lifted, the air filled with laughter and playful banter once more. Wooyoung dramatically clutched his chest, feigning a swoon. “What is this madness? Kisses flying everywhere!”
You couldn’t help but giggle, enjoying the moment as both Hongjoong and Mingi tried to hide their embarrassment. “Just spreading some love!” you said, a mischievous glint in your eye.
The boys all crowded you, begging for a kiss from you as Mingi and Hongjoong howled with laughter.
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ginnyw-potter · 1 year
First day
Written for @hinnymicrofic, Sept Day 1: Time (826 words so a little long)
“Mum! Mum! Dad! Daaad! I am starting Hogwarts today!”
Harry opened his eyes abruptly, looking at the little red-haired ball of energy at the end of the bed. “What time is it?” he croaked, reaching for his glasses and shoving them onto his nose.
“Six,” Ginny mumbled.
“Get uuup!” Lily begged them, pulling at the foot of the sheets.
Harry pulled back and frowned at her. “I know you’re excited, but I promise the train will not leave without you.” He ignored his wife’s muted snort.
“Go ahead and shower,” Ginny said. “We’ll be up in a minute.”
Lily escaped their room again and ran to the bathroom with the energy of a toddler on a sugar rush. Harry let his head drop back on the pillow and groaned. Ginny turned around to him.
“It’s annoying, really,” he said with a smile. “How much she’s like you.”
Ginny blinked slowly. “Shut up.”
“I suggest you handle her, since she’s bouncing around like a rogue bludger,” he suggested carefully.
“I am retired!” She shot him a disapproving look. “I think you should handle the little fugitive, Mr Head Auror.”
“Ah.” He shook his head. “I knew that promotion was going to bite me in the butt sooner rather than later.”
Ginny’s face broke out into a smile, and it was like the sun had broken through the clouds. “You bet.”
Before they could decide who would be in charge of their youngest, a blood-curdling scream came from the bathroom.
Ginny pushed the sheets off and took up her wand. “I’ll go.” She walked into the hallway. “You handle our sons!”
“Both?!” he asked.
Harry got out of bed and got dressed. He walked to the bathroom first and knocked on the door. “All okay?”
Ginny sighed. “Someone put frogspawn in the shower head.��
At that moment the door at the end of the corridor and James stepped out. Harry turned around.
“What’s happening?” James asked.
Harry put on a stern expression. “There was frogspawn in the showerhead, would you happen to know about that?”
James looked down at the floor, avoiding his father’s gaze. “...No.”
Harry wasn’t convinced. “Go to your room, I’ll be there in a minute.”
James grumbled and trod off to his room, slamming his door. Harry shook his head. He peered into Al’s room, but as usual his middle child was deep asleep. He could sleep through anything. Harry took a deep breath and walked to James’s room.
James sat on the edge of his bed. Harry pulled up the desk chair and sat in front of his son.
“I didn’t do it!” James defended himself before Harry could ask anything.
Harry nodded. “But you knew about it?”
James looked down again. “I did.”
“And you didn’t say anything, why?” Harry asked.
His son looked at him with a grimace. “Because you’re usually the first to shower.”
Harry suppressed a smile. “I see.”
“I wouldn’t do that to Lily,” he argued.
Harry’s eyebrows raised.
“... on her first day of school,” he ended sheepishly.
“Who did? Was it Al?” Harry asked.
“No!” James said quickly. “Fred... and Hugo.”
Harry pinched the bridge of his nose. “That... that makes sense.”
James offered an apologetic smile. “Sorry. Should’ve said. I know Lily is so excited to go...”
“Please look after her,” he said. “Especially if she’s in Gryffindor.”
James scoffed. “Like she would let me!”
“Good point,” he said. He sighed, he couldn’t help being anxious for his youngest to go. “Just be there when she needs. She’s smart enough to ask for help if she has to.”
James nodded. “I will.”
“Get ready, make sure all is packed. Breakfast will be ready in a bit.” He stood up, ignoring the cracking noise his knee made.
“Hey, dad.”
Harry turned back around. “Yes?”
James scratched his neck awkwardly. “Remember those snitch-shaped fried eggs you made for all of us when I went off to Hogwarts the first time? I think Lily would like that.”
He grinned. “I’ll whip up some snitch eggs for everyone.”
“Dad, come here!” Lily said from the open bathroom door.
He walked in to see Ginny braiding Lily’s hair.
“Is it pretty?” Lily asked excitedly.
He locked eyes with Ginny in the mirror for a moment and then looked back at their daughter, both wearing nearly identical smiles. “Yes, I love it.”
Harry made his way downstairs and started on breakfast. It took some time to get the egg shapes right. Egg yolk in the middle, the whites of the egg acting like the snitch’s wings. Ginny snuck up on him and he turned around to kiss her.
“Where’s Lily?” he asked.
Ginny blushed. “I told her and James to let some steam off in the garden. I instructed her under no circumstances she was allowed to take James to the pond to help her get frog spawn for revenge. Absolutely not.”
“We’re such good parents,” Harry said with a grin.
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sallowsdiary · 13 days
You won’t believe the latest episode in what I’m starting to think is an elaborate prank by the universe to ruin my life. This time, it involved—who else?—the new girl and an incident that will likely go down in Hogwarts history as the Great Chocolate Frog Fiasc.
It all started innocently enough. I was in Honeydukes, browsing for some sweets to lift my spirits after the broom closet disaster (which, I should note, people are still talking about—can you believe it?). I spotted the new girl across the shop, looking at a display of Chocolate Frogs, and I thought to myself, “This is my chance to prove I’m not a total buffoon.”
So, with the kind of confidence only a desperate Slytherin can muster, I sauntered over to her and casually asked if she needed any recommendations. She smiled (which should have been my first warning sign), and said she hadn’t tried Chocolate Frogs yet. Perfect! I’d buy her one, show her how they work, and we’d laugh over some witty banter—classic Sebastian charm in action.
I picked out a particularly lively-looking Chocolate Frog and handed it to her, explaining how they’re enchanted to jump. But, in an effort to seem extra impressive, I added, “Of course, it’s all about timing. You just have to be quick, or it’ll hop away. Here, let me show you.”
I should have known better. The moment I unwrapped the frog, it shot out of my hand like a Bludger on a mission. It bounced off the counter, ricocheted off a shelf, and then launched itself directly at the new girl’s face. I lunged to grab it, but instead of catching the frog, I knocked over a massive display of Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Beans.
The next thing I knew, she was ducking as hundreds of beans cascaded down around us, while the Chocolate Frog continued its rampage through the shop. I tried to play it cool, but it’s hard to look suave when you’re being pelted by candy and desperately chasing a rogue frog around.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get worse, the Chocolate Frog made one final leap—right into her hair. I froze, staring in horror as the enchanted treat tangled itself in her curls. She let out a squeak, and I, in a moment of sheer panic, reached out to… help.
Bad idea. The frog wriggled out of her hair, leaving behind a sticky trail of chocolate and bits of wrapper. It then leapt onto a nearby customer (who was not pleased, to say the least) before finally making its escape out the door.
And there I was, standing in the middle of Honeydukes, covered in Every Flavor Beans, with the new girl looking at me like I was some sort of Chocolate Frog-wielding lunatic.
To her credit, she didn’t hex me on the spot, which I think shows remarkable restraint. Instead, she just laughed—a genuine, amused laugh, not the pitying kind—and said, “Well, I guess I’ll have to be quicker next time.”
I mumbled something incoherent, blushing furiously, and offered to buy her another Chocolate Frog, which she politely declined. Probably for the best, really.
After she left, I spent the next half hour helping the shopkeeper clean up the mess I’d made, all while swearing to myself that I’d never try to impress anyone ever again. Not with Chocolate Frogs, at least.
So, here I am, trying to figure out how on earth I’m ever going to live this down. I’m beginning to think that every time I’m within five feet of that girl, something catastrophic is bound to happen. Maybe I should just avoid her altogether—though who am I kidding? Fate seems determined to throw us together in the most ridiculous ways possible.
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lupinmoonlight · 3 months
Masterlist AO3
Summary - Snupin drabble. The news about Neville's boggart spread quickly. Severus Snape is furious, and Remus Lupin is in love. (667 words)
Tags - Snupin, kissing, fluff, enemies to lovers, grumpy snape, my grammar, not proof-read.
Notes - Hello once again from the depths of academia. I had less than 2 hours to write this silly drabble because I have a family event today. This is my first Snupin and I am terrified to post this. I know Snupin is a rare pair, so if you are not into this, it's all good! Feel free to filter the tags. Also, I will keep writing Remus x Reader. This is just for fun.
The rumour had hit the staffroom like a rogue Bludger. Professor Flitwick looked positively horrified. Professor McGonagall, ever the picture of stoicism, raised an eyebrow so high it threatened to disappear into her hat. 
"Neville's boggart..." Professor Sprout began, her voice a bit hushed, "transformed into Professor Snape." 
A collective gasp filled the room. Severus Snape, always working hard to look terrifying, transformed into something else? A weird blend of curiosity mixed with morbid fascination. 
"Apparently," Professor Sprout continued, "Professor Lupin here told the boy to make it wear his grandmother's clothes!" 
Laughter, both nervous and genuine, broke through the tense silence. All eyes turned towards Remus, who stood nonchalantly by the window, a picture of studied innocence. He could practically feel, however, the accusing glare burning a hole in his back from Snape. 
"Utterly humiliating," Snape hissed as soon as the bell rang, announcing the end of their break. The staffroom emptied in a rush, leaving Remus and Snape alone. 
"Dreadfully embarrassing," Remus offered, a sly smile playing on his lips. The way his eyes twinkled with barely contained amusement only deepened Snape's anger. Infuriating. 
"You call this a laughing matter, Lupin?" Snape's voice was a low growl. "That idiot boy's pathetic fear manifesting as...me, in those atrocious garments? Preposterous!" 
Remus, instead of cowering under Snape's usual tirade, simply threw his head back and laughed, a full, rich sound. The sight of it, coupled with the amusement in his eyes, did something strange to Snape. An unwelcome warmth was blooming in his chest, quickly followed by a comforting tide of irritation. NO. He did not have time for such things. Remus was infuriating. Yes. Infuriating. 
"Honestly, Severus," Remus finally said, "it wasn't that bad." A bit of harmless fun." 
Snape's pale cheeks burned. He hated it when Remus called him Severus. It felt...familiar, intimate. Something about the way he said it made his insides twist in a way they shouldn't. 
"Harmless?" he spat. "Longbottom is already as useless as his pathetic toad! And the rest of the class... seeing me walk out of this blasted wardrobe..." 
He trailed off, noticing the way Remus was inching closer. Before Snape could react, he was back against the cool stone wall, Remus' body warm and solid against his. 
"Relax, Severus," Remus murmured. "I'll make it up to you tonight." 
Snape's breath hitched. "Don't be ridiculous, Lupin," he blustered, but his heart hammered against his ribs. THE AUDACITY! To suggest such a thing...and in the staffroom, no less. 
A slow, infuriating smile spread across Remus' face. "Plus... it was about time you came out of the closet, Severus." 
"Coming out of - what are you even-" 
But the words died on his lips as Remus leaned in, the heat of his breath ghosting over Snape's lips. Before Snape could register the movement, Remus' lips were pressed on his, the kiss quick but enough to silence Snape. It was over in a flash, leaving him reeling, an infuriating mixture of anger, fluster, and a very unwelcome affection overwhelming him. 
"Lupin, you can't just-" Snape started. 
Remus chuckled. "Can't just what, Severus? Kiss my boyfriend? I think I can." 
Snape scowled, but there was no real anger behind it. "We're supposed to keep up appearances. The others can't know-" 
"Oh, come on, Severus," Remus interrupted. "It's not as if we're fooling anyone. Don't you see the looks Minerva is giving us?" 
"That's exactly the problem," Snape muttered, though it lacked conviction. 
"They don't care. And besides, I like seeing you all flustered like this. It's...endearing." 
Snape huffed, crossing his arms over his chest in a desperate attempt to put distance between them. "You find everything endearing." 
"Only when it comes to you," Remus replied softly, leaning in for another kiss. 
This time, Snape didn't resist at all. "You're infuriating," he murmured, attempting another glare. 
"And you love me for it. See you tonight," Remus shot back as he vanished through the door, leaving Snape speechless, furious, and in love. 
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corneliaavenue-ao3 · 1 year
A HBP missing moment for @hinnymicrofic Day 1! 423 words
"Ginny, I am so sorry!" Peakes shouted at her hunched over body on the ground. He landed down next to her, reaching a hand out to comfort her.
Ginny smacked it out of the way.
His stupid, rogue bludger bashed into her face, putting her into this position. Judging by the pain in her face and the blood, well, everywhere, she probably had a broken nose.
Maybe it wasn't a rogue bludger, maybe she was a little distracted.
Speaking of, her distraction came running over to her, elbowing Peakes out of the way.
"Gin, you good?" Harry asked.
Ginny grinned up at him, "Never better."
Harry quirked an eyebrow and turned to face the rest of the team behind them. "Practice is over, you are all dismissed while I help Ginny find her missing tooth."
Missing tooth?
Ginny ran her tongue across the top of her mouth.
Oh yup, there's definitely a new hole there. That explains the blood in her mouth.
She sat up as the rest of her teammates shuffled back to the changing rooms. She gave a two finger salute and mouthed "Fuck you" to Peakes when he turned his back to her.
Harry crouched down in front of her, blocking the setting sun, a halo of light encircled him. It was truly unfair how attractive he looked after practice.
"Are you actually okay, Ginny?" Harry asked, green eyes filled with concern. His hand reaching out to give her ankle a squeeze.
"It's so sweet you're worried, but this is nothing compared to the injuries I sustained when I jumped out of Fred and George's bedroom window when I was 9."
Harry shook his head at her, "And why would you do that?"
Ginny shrugged. "Fred bet that I wouldn't," she said, smiling at him.
"You look kinda silly when you smile with the missing tooth," Harry said, pointing to his front tooth.
"No, I look terrifying and attractive," Ginny countered.
"Yes, and kinda silly."
Ginny stuck her tongue out at him. His thumb traced circles on her ankle. The sun continued to give Harry a soft glow. His eyes roamed all across her face, focusing on her busted up mouth. Her brain tried to not focus on the fact that he didn't deny she looked attractive.
The moment was ruined when Ginny coughed blood up all over the front of her practice jersey.
Very attractive.
"Come on, Toothless," Harry stood, extending a hand to Ginny to help her up. "Let's go visit Madame Pomfrey. I know she misses us."
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shostakobitchh · 6 months
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Chapter 57: in the embers
Ariel blew a gust of air through her teeth, staring into Snape’s eyes, seeing her own reflected in them. She gave a curt nod, letting him know that she was ready, and he pushed through with surgical precision, the cold seeping all the way down to her toes. 
“Prepare yourself,” he said, his voice reverberating around her mental walls. “I will not stop, this time.”
She wanted to say that she wasn’t ready — that she was never ready whenever he attempted to penetrate her Shields, but she bit back her protest. He always stopped, though. Tonight though — he seemed more impatient with her progress than usual. He hadn’t tried to access her memories once — 
“Okay,” she said without moving her lips. 
Ariel felt Snape hesitate, just for a second, so quick it could barely be considered that, and then — 
She dug in her (metaphorical) heels. Ariel had grown quite adept at throwing up her Shields on her own command, but actually keeping Snape out was another story entirely. 
Ariel let herself detach, let her ocean replace the coldness from Snape’s intrusion, let the water swell over her toes and feet and legs until it was filling her up up up — a wave so high that anything would shatter on impact, would be lost to the waves and foam —
— and then Snape sliced right through it like a carving knife to a fitted sheet. Ariel heard herself gasp, but he was tearing through the swell and into something else — a memory — 
— a wall that was splintering —
Ariel could feel Snape moving through her mind like a needle. She fought frantically to drown him out, take that wave and smother his intrusion, but he was merciless, just like he said he would. She was no match for him. 
come hold my deepest secrets here among the foam —
The memory appeared, bursting into her consciousness like a rogue Bludger. It was as vivid as if it had happened yesterday. Aunt Marge's dog, snapping at Ariel's heels — its beady eyes filled with a malicious glee — like Aunt Marge’s had — like all of the Dursley’s had. 
It wasn't pleasant — it had a sharpness to it, like the tang of salt in the air. The dog, rabid and snarling, the peals of Aunt Marge's laughter echoing through the house. Ariel could almost feel the hot breath of the dog on her ankles as she stumbled, bolting from the house and into the cold night. The frost-covered ground bit into her bare feet, each step illustrating her escape. The laughter from within the house turned into far away echoes, muffled by the wind howling around her.
In the distance, the fairy lights twinkled softly. It had been Christmas Eve and the distant melody of a choir called as Ariel laid panting in the snow. God rest ye merry gentlemen let nothing you dismay — 
Snape pulled out. Ariel released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding in. Her chest was burning, like it had been filled with water. 
“Not — not fair —” she wheezed. “You didn’t warn me it would be like that.” 
Her eyes found Snape's. They held something glacial, cold, and unyielding, but now, there was a crack in it. 
“To whom did the dog belong?” Snape asked in a very quiet, very scary voice. 
Ariel rubbed at her eyes — her head was going to pop like a balloon any second now. She could feel a headache forming around her sinuses. “Uncle Vernon’s sister.”
A flicker of something passed over Snape's face, quick as lightning, but Ariel had always been good at catching the lightning — it was the thunder that undid her. The thunder was loud and messy and gave her no time to brace for the impact. That was why she always seemed to make it worse whenever Snape lost his temper with her — she couldn’t think. 
“There is nothing comparable I could have used to prepare you.” Snape said stiffly, but he smoothed back the wild fringes of hair that had come free from her ponytail. Their sessions always ended like Ariel looking like she’d been attacked by a Devil’s Snare. 
“The ocean — it’s not enough.” Ariel panted, glancing up at him to find him looking at her — strangely. His eyes were distant, but he was frowning. 
“No,” he said. “It’s not.” 
She fought to control her breathing, her chest aching as if she had swallowed a handful of crushed ice — but the cold was also distancing, desensitizing, and she welcomed it. 
Ariel peered up at him. “What do you use?”
“You’ll see, in time.”
She frowned. “Can’t you just tell me?”
"No," Snape said curtly, his fingers still tangled absently in Ariel's hair. "The mind is a maze, Miss Evans. You cannot provide someone a map of your own to work for someone else's.” 
Ariel sighed, a deep frustrated sound. She hated when Snape became cryptic, but she supposed magic like this didn’t exactly have a straightforward answer, either.
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shadowyricecake · 7 months
Exploding butterfly shrooms
⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ⊹ ۪ ゚。⋆☾ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ。⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ⊹ ۪ ゚。⋆☾ ִ ֗ ִ ۫ ˑ。⊹ ۪ 𖥔 ˑ ִ ֗ ִ ۫
Hogwarts au ⋆⭒˚。⋆ Jay x reader SNEAK : Rivals Y/n & Jay? Detention = torture. But a forbidden forest adventure & a hungry Bugbear spark something unexpected... maybe even love? WARNING: This story contains mentions of bugbears, blood sucking creatures, and close calls in the Forbidden Forest. Proceed with caution...or a Patronus Charm at the ready ━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺
Part 1 | Part 2 (coming soon)
‎‧₊˚✧["So It's Now Or Never, Isn't It?"]✧˚₊‧
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"Merlin's beard! That pitch!" I hollered, practically sprinting towards the Quidditch field with my team trailing behind. A week of wrangling with the booking gnomes, and finally, the pitch was ours... or so I thought! Those slimy Slytherins, of course, occupying the pitch at our precious time slot!
"PARK JONGSEONG!" I bellowed, my voice reaching octaves previously unknown. The smug git himself, with his signature infuriating smirk, sauntered over.
"Well, well, well," I began, frustration bubbling like a cauldron on high heat. "Isn't this a surprise? Our appointed hour, and here you Slytherins are, playing house on our pitch!"
Park just chuckled, that annoying, arrogant sound that could curdle milk. "Not anymore, it seems, Gryffindor."
"Not anymore? What d'you mean, 'not anymore'? I booked this pitch ages ago! Get your broomsticks and yourselves off this turf, or Madam Hooch will be hearing all about it!"
Park feigned a dramatic gasp, clutching his robes. "Oh no, please, Gryffindor, don't tell Madam Hooch! Whatever will become of me?" he whimpered in a sickeningly sarcastic voice. His little team, of course, erupted in laughter, the sound like hyenas feasting on a particularly juicy Crumple-Horned Snorkack.
Frustration bubbled over. This weasel wasn't stealing our pitch without a fight. "Tarantallegra!" I shouted, aiming for Jay's kneecaps. But the weasel dodged like a greased ferret. The next thing I knew, spells were flying faster than a rogue bludger in a crowded match. Let's just say Park puts up a decent fight.
Our little(not-so-little) duel attracted quite the crowd – students, ghosts (probably Peeves, placing bets), even a couple of professors with that "not this again" look on their faces – even Professor McGonagall materialized out of thin air, looking like she'd just swallowed a lemon.
"ENOUGH!" she roared, her voice cracking like a whip. We both froze, wands sputtering. "Detention! Three weeks! No arguments!" she declared before turning to the gawking crowd. "Don't you all have classes to be in ? Shoo!" ”Now both of you, off to my office before I take anymore points from your precious houses!”
We stood there, glaring at each other like grumpy pixies guarding their treasure, detention looming over our heads like a Dementor's kiss
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━-----━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺
(In Professor McGonagall's office)
"He started it!" I protested, the injustice burning a hole in my pocket.
"You jinxed me first!" Park countered, a pout forming on his face.
"Only because you stole our pitch!" I retorted, my voice rising.
"Well, I wouldn't have had to if—"
"Enough!" Professor McGonagall interjected, her voice like nails on a chalkboard.
"You two cause more mayhem than a pack of pixies on sugar quills! Settle this like civilized witches and wizards, or I'll be stripping you both of your precious Quidditch captaincies !”
That escalated quickly. Looks like I had a choice to make – swallow my pride and work with Park, or say goodbye to leading the Gryffindor Quidditch team to victory. We slunk out of the office. Park opened his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.
"Look, I don't have time for this, and I definitely don't want to lose my captaincy."
"Neither do I," Park grumbled.
"So, truce?" I sighed, extending a hand towards him.
Park stared at it for a moment, then shook it… but not before shooting a stinging hex at my palm with a smirk. "Did you not hear Professor McGonagall, Potter? Dimwitted as ever, I see.”
Jay, the rotten scoundrel, just grinned. Looks like this whole "working together" thing was going to be a real laugh riot.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━-----━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺
Three days into our shared detention purgatory, and I already wanted to shove a Snitch up Park's nose. Professor McGonagall, in a cruel twist of fate, decided to make our schedules identical for "maximum cooperation." Joy. That meant I was stuck with his pointy-haired self from sunrise to curfew. I'm stuck with Jay for the entirety of every day, from Herbology to bloody History of Magic (turns out Park's idea of polite is asking if I want my fingernails clipped… with his wand).
So here I am, chilling in the Hidden Garden (well, not exactly hidden, but most students are oblivious) . Mealtimes are the only escape from Park's annoyingly perfect presence. As I lie here contemplating the wonders of the cosmos (and how much I loathe jay), it dawns on me – this all started in second year, when we were both Seekers with a competitive streak a mile long. Ever since then, it's been non-stop bickering.
Maybe it's because he's got it all – looks, quidditch skills, top grades (the git). Me? Well, at least I'm good at Quidditch and jinxing self-important Slytherins. The rest is, well, a work in progress.
As I drifted off under the warm sun, an object landed on my chest. A… sandwich? I looked up to see ………..Jay ? , his expression unreadable.
"Last time you offered me food, I ended up in the hospital wing," I said, eyeing the sandwich with suspicion. "Not falling for that again, Park."
"Relax, I didn’t do anything to it. It's just a sandwich. We need to be able to tell Flobberworms from decent ones for detention, remember? Besides, if you faint from hunger, I'll have to do all the work."
"Why would you care?" I scoffed.
"Care about you? Don't be ridiculous , if you faint from hunger, I'll have to do all the work. This is purely out of self-preservation." ”Sure, Park. Whatever you say”
But maybe, just maybe, there was a hint of something… not-completely-unpleasant in his eyes. Nah. Must be the fumes from the greenhouses or maybe the Hungarian Horntail droppings they made us clean up.
━━━━━━━━━━━━━━-----━━━━★. *・。゚✧⁺
Detention with in the forbidden forest? Sign me up! This time, we weren't stuck weeding Herbology greenhouses or scraping Flobberworm mucus off toadstools (although, knowing our luck, that was probably next). I practically skipped alongside Hagrid, a giddy smile plastered on my face to snag some Exploding Shrumpheads – those funky fungi used in Fire-Protection Charms. Meanwhile, Jay shuffled behind us like a lost Puffskew.
"Alright, you lot," Hagrid boomed, his voice somehow even louder than usual in the eerie silence of the forest. "Remember, stick close, and those Burst-Caps you're after? Grab 'em quick and careful. Nasty little buggers can give you a right singin' in the ears if you don't handle 'em proper."
Jay, raised an eyebrow. "But Hagrid, where are you going? Aren't you supposed to, you know, supervise us or somethin ?"
Hagrid scratched his beard, a thoughtful look on his massive face. "Well, now, there's a bit of a... situation with Fang and a particularly plump Hippogriff down by the lake. Shouldn't take long, though! You lot just be good and I'll be back before you can say 'Flibbertigibbet!'" With that, he vanished into the oppressive darkness of the forest, leaving us bathed in an unsettling silence .
"Let's just get this over with," Jay grumbled, carefully plucking a mushroom.
He clearly wasn't thrilled. A smug smile played on my lips. "Scared, are you?"
He shot me an irritated look before returning to his task. We worked in eerie silence, broken only by the hooting of owls and the rustle of unseen creatures. As I approached a tree brimming with mushrooms, a sudden yank pulled me back. A hand clamped over my mouth, stifling my scream. Panic jolted through me, but a familiar cologne told me it was Jay.
"Don't move," he whispered urgently in my ear. "Blood-sucking Bugbear."
Peeking through the leaves, I saw it – a hulking monstrosity with razor-sharp claws tearing into a deer antler. It was unlike anything I'd ever seen in a textbook. Pure terror locked my legs in place.
Jay grabbed me, leading us away with silent urgency, but with a sickening crunch, one of us stepped on a Bursting Mushroom. The resulting explosion covered us with burns and spores ,echoed through the trees, and the Bugbear whipped its head towards us, glowing red eyes fixated on its new prey. We were trapped, the forest alive with a new kind of fear. Run. That was the only thought in our heads. We sprinted through the dense undergrowth, dodging rocks and branches, the Bugbear's roar a terrifying symphony of hunger close behind.
Suddenly, Jay scooped me up and hurled us both onto a thick branch high above the forest floor. We clung to the tree , gasping for breath, as the Bugbear lumbered below, searching for us with its glowing red eyes. Fear, cold and primal, coiled in my gut. Our breaths came in ragged gasps as we hear the Bugbear's frustrated roars echoing around us. Some time passed as we tried to settle our racing hearts and ragged breathing .
I registered our position. I was pressed against Jay's chest, his arm wrapped protectively around me. My heart hammered a frantic rhythm against his, his own racing beneath my cheek. The terror had morphed into something else – a strange awareness of him, of the warmth radiating from his body… But that could wait. Right now, all that mattered was escaping the hungry beast below.
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��─ - ̗̀ entry will update soon… ░༄ quote. 🥡
┆🥘┆🍙 ┆🍮 ✧─── ・ 。゚★: .✦ . :★. ───✧ ☆ "quote"
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t1oui · 5 months
hc that sirius and remus are the last couple in their friend group to get together but once they do get together, the pda is almost unbearable
the first couple is barty and evan, of course, but nobody really knows when they got together. it just happened. they’re pretty bad with pda, but they’re not sirius and remus bad. (barty wanted to compete with them for grossest couple, but he thinks they’re too mushy and got tired of it in two days.)
next up is lily, mary, and pandora. it’s not like they don’t hold hands or kiss each other on the cheek, but everyone thinks they’re just friends.
then there are james and regulus. sure they kiss sometimes, and people know they’re dating because if there’s one thing james potter can’t do it’s love someone quietly, but they’re not… they’re not like that.
there’s marlene and dorcas, who were set up by lily, james, and regulus. now, they barely ever kiss in public, but marlene’s such a simp everyone knows about them anyway.
but then, last but definitely not least, there’s sirius and remus. they don’t get together until seventh year (officially, james and regulus didn’t either, but they’ve basically been dating since they were 15 and 16), and they’re both very clingy. at breakfast, remus is always grabbing sirius’s hand or wrapping his arm around him. when they’re walking to class, sirius is always putting his arm around remus’s waist or looping their arms together. and don’t even get me started on the kissing.
saying goodbye or hello? kissing. agreeing with each other in conversation? kissing. disagreeing with each other? kissing. in their dorm? kissing. hanging out in the gryffindor common room? kissing. in the slytherin common room? k-i-s-s-i-n-g. and their friends can’t stand it.
james finds himself consistently having sleepovers with pandora or lily, mary, and marlene to get away from it. peter’s set up a blanket fort in the corner of the gryffindor common room. at breakfast, james and the girls all opt to sit with their partners at the slytherin table, and peter follows them out of fear of being left alone with sirius and rem.
the two of them really spend the entirety of quidditch games snogging. not even when something good happens, too — gryffindor could be losing by 70 and they’d still be sitting in the middle of the stands with their tongues down each other’s throats. they stop after sirius gets hit with a rogue bludger during a game (barty insists it was an accident. nobody believes him).
they spend every waking moment making physical contact in some way: holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling. it’s the same way for sleep; if they’re not sharing a bed, they toss and turn until one of them gives up and hops in next to the other.
usually, the boys go back up to hogwarts after the full moon and wait outside until they see madam pomfrey heading to the shack before heading up to bed. the first full after wolfstar becomes a thing, sirius refuses to leave remus’s side until peter and james come drag him to class. it’s no use; he doesn’t focus and comes back to the hospital wing right after dinner.
when they were twelve, the boys made a plan to move in with each other after graduation. after six months of putting up with remus and sirius, james and peter opt to get their own flat instead. it’s better than hearing what happens on the nights they forget to use a silencing charm.
but as much as their friends complain, seeing sirius and remus together is far better than seeing them unhappy.
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redheadspark · 8 months
Hi! Can I request "pulling them on their lap" with oliver wood please? Thank you! 💗
A/N - YAS! I do like this for Oliver! Thanks for requesting this, anon!
Summary - Who knew a rogue bludger would bring two should closer together.
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Warnings - Just some fluff :)
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“Oi, Fred!  Watch where you launch that thing!”
“That’s what your mum said last night when I was—Oof!”
“Next time I’ll aim for ya head!”
Fred cackled chucking the thrown towel back at him as Oliver was walking away from him, tossing the towel back in his duffle bag on the bench.  Since it was a bright Winter morning, some of the first snow of the year already melted though a new storm was due to come through in the Scottish Highlands that night. Since it would mean a frozen Quidditch field that would take a week to thaw out, or deep into springtime.  Oliver wanted to take advantage, even with it being the off-season for Quidditch and Gryffindor already won the Quidditch Cup for the year. 
After convincing his team that they would have a light practice, mostly to stay sharp on their brooms and to basically unwind after coming back from the holidays.  He was glad his team wasn’t giving him pushback when it came to a light trading session, in fact, they are game for it.  Mostly because it was a good excuse to get out of studying for the spring session that had just begun.
“Hey!  You forgot your jumper, Angelina!”  Oliver’s attention was caught with the sound of your voice, seem-jogging up to the field with your roommate’s jumper in hand and flushness in your cheeks thanks to the cold. Oliver’s heart quickened, seeing you smile at him as you approached him and gave an awkward wave.  It was no surprise to his team that he had a crush on you, from some time actually when you were introduced at an afterparty from a recent Gryffindor Victory a year ago.  Angelina was your close friend, though you were more of a bookworm and barely touched a broom yourself.  But you loved the sport all the same, a big fan and supporter of your House team, and would come to every game to root for your roommate.  
“Oh, hey Oliver!  Sorry for disrupting practice, Angeline forgot her jumper and I know she practices in this one,” You explained, showing the worn Gryffindor Quidditch sweater within your fingers.  Oliver just jumped, seeing you bundled up in layers to brave the cold but you looked simply lovely.  Especially with fresh snowflakes in your long thick hair that was already in beautiful braids.  
“No worries, thanks for bringin’ it for her.  I know she forgets sometimes,” He admitted, though he heard boots crunching in the light snow and grass over to the pair of you, you both seeing it was Angelina walking over to you with her own grin.
“I heard that!” She lightly scolded Oliver, though she took the jumper from your hands gently, “Thanks!  Let’s get some candy at Honeydukes after practice, I heard there’s a really good new candy that’s chocolate and it changes flavor when you eat it!  Oliver, wanna come?”
“Oh, I don’t wanna intrude with ya and—“ Oliver was about to say to Angelina, but you cut him off.
“I don’t think you’d be intruding,” you reasoned, though you were not trying to sound a bit too desperate in wanting him to come.  Not even Angelina knew you had a crush on the Quidditch Captain for some time, thinking of him as handsome and a great player of the game.  He was also quite funny, you find his sense of humor unique and comical apart from other humor you’ve heard in the past.  But there was something about Oliver that drew you to him, whether it was his drive or the spark he had within.  But you were intrigued with him.
“Yeah, come on Oliver.  You should live a little,” Angelina said in a snort as she threw on her practice jumper before skipping off with her broom in hand.  You were left alone with Oliver again, who was flushed a bit from your asking him to come with you and Angelina.
“It’s been a bit since I’ve been at Honeydukes,” Oliver admitted, seeing you grin widely with a bounce on your feet.
“Oh, you’ll love it!  They’re making fresh Pumpkin Pasties for the New Year, and the new chocolate they have is apparently delicious!  I tried it last week, and mine went from tasting like chocolate to peppermint!” You were explaining in excitement, Oliver hanging on your every word.  He would listen to you talk about Potions if you were going to, he simply loved hearing your voice and how you would describe all that you loved. He wished he had that enthusiasm apart from Quidditch.  
“Watch out!”  Both you and Oliver look at the same time, seeing a bludger flying in your direction at a fast rate.  Fred Weasley, the bat in hand, looked in agony as Angelina screamed out.  Your eyes went wide in horror and shock, frozen in your spot since the ball was so close to hitting you right in the head.  But Oliver was quicker, grabbing you by the elbows and yanking you towards him.  You both fell onto the bench, you perched on his lap and Oliver’s arms were around you as the bludger zipped past you both and slammed into the ground so hard it broke the grass.
“Merlin, Fred!  You trying to kill my roommate?!” Angelina roared as the rest of the team flew down to hoop off their brooms, yet neither you nor Oliver were thinking of them.  You both were staring at one another, Oliver’s arms around your waist and your hands clinging onto his practice robes as your eyes were wide on one another.  It almost felt like you two were in a bubble with one another and trying not to let it burst.  Oliver could breathe in the soft perfume you were wearing, and you could smell the leather on his practice pads along his arms and legs.  
“Ya…ya okay?” Oliver finally asked in a croak, you nodding your head rapidly as he finally had a soft smile on his lips.
“Fine…fine thank you, Oliver,” You sheepishly said to him.  Of course, the moment was cut short as Angelina bee-lined over to the pair of you as well as Fred, who looked so green in the face while Angelina helped you out of Oliver’s lap.  Inwardly, Oliver missed your warmth, how he could count the freckles along your nose, and the sweet perfume on your neck.
“You alright?” Angelina asked you, giving her a reassuring smile as you nodded.  She sighed, then whirling around to smack Fred in the arm, “Git!  Learn how to be a Beater for once!”
“I’m sorry!  Honestly!” Fred said to both yourself and Oliver, who was reluctantly getting up from the bench and trying to hide the blush on his cheeks, “This Bludger is daft I tell you!  I need to tell Hooch!”
It was safe to say that practice was cut short, which was fine by Oliver since he figured a trip together into Hogsmeade would be a good way to spend the rest of the day.  But he never forgot that moment with you in his arms, perched in his lap and looking at you as if he was some kind of hero for saving you from a nasty slam from a bludger.  
Both you and Oliver would laugh about it years after getting married right out of Hogwarts, then reciting the story to your son and daughter when they would ask.
The End.
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February Prompt Session
Tagged - @a-lumos-in-the-nox
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fandomsaligninstories · 9 months
Then I Met You
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Description: Violet Ellis is about to have her whole life change in ways she never could have predicted. A story of love, loss, anger, and magic. If you had told 10 year old Violet that she was a witch, she would have laughed. And if you told her that her entire life was a lie? Well, she wouldn’t have believed you. But 15 year old Violet? She doesn't know who to trust or who is on her side. Except for him.
Song Rec.: Violet and Draco's Playlist
TW: Angst, Big Emotions™️, death, abandonment (of child), illegitimate child, mentions of war and death eaters. Bullying (from slytherins). Slowburn. I’m not British, so forgive me if I completely butcher this… If I missed anything, let me know.
Other: Slowburn romance, sort of fast-paced story.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x OC
Alternative Reading: Wattpad , Ao3
Status: On-Going
Year One: The Hogwarts Express
Year One: The Welcome Feast
Year One: Day One
Year One: Day Three
Year One: Halloween
Year One: Lamest Quidditch Match Ever
Year One: The Hufflepuff Entourage
Year One: End of Year
Year Two: Flourish and Botts
Year Two: Return to Hogwarts
Year Two: Boy Trouble
Year Two: Gilderoy Lockhart
Year Two: Slytherins Prank First-Years
Year Two: More Boy Trouble
Year Two: Jealousy, Jealousy
Year Two: The Chamber of Secrets
Year Two: Astronomy
Year Two: Astronomy Part 2
Year Two: Rogue Bludger
Year Two: A Bit of Draco
Year Two: A Touch of Kindness
Year Two: Jade(d)
Year Two: A Friends Breaking Point
Year Two: Sick Day
Year Two: The Dueling Club
Year Two: Parseltongue
Year Two: Polyjuice Potion
Year Two: Valentine's Day
Year Two: Secret Admirer
Year Two: Another Attack
Year Two: Just Another Monday
Year Two: Apology Twice Over
Year Two: The Chamber Entrance
Year Two: The Corridor of Secrets
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Written for @hinnymicrofic 's May prompt #8, Divination.
Word count: 469
This is bloody boring, thought Harry as he absently tapped his quill against his Dream Diary. He had to complete a month's worth of entries for the grading tomorrow, and he had only managed three entries so far. Hermione had gone off to bed hours ago, smugly telling him that he should have used his brains and dropped divination years ago. Ron, who had already completed his homework while Harry was off at yet another detention with Umbridge, had offered to help Harry, but the latter declined, telling Ron to go off to bed too.
This was how he found himself in the empty common room, sitting by the dying fire and desperately thinking of wild, gloomy dreams that Trelawney would love to eat up.
"Hem Hem."
He gave a start and widely looked around, expecting Umbridge to appear any moment, her toad-like face stretched into an ugly smile. To his relief, it was Ginny who plopped on the sofa beside him. She looked like she had arrived in a hurry— her flaming hair looked messy and her face was flushed.
"You almost gave me a heart attack! Don't do that again!"
Ginny merely grinned.
"What were you doing out past curfew anyway?" He asked her, eyes narrowed.
"Never you mind," she said casually as she rummaged around her robes for something. "Chocolate frog?"
"No, thanks," said Harry, getting back to his Dream Diary.
Ginny leaned over to look at his book and Harry caught a waft of a flowery sort of smell. "Divination?"
"Yeah. I have to complete a month's worth of Dream Diary entries."
"Freak Quidditch accident… charm gone horribly wrong… don't you think that's too cheerful for Trelawney?"
"What d'you mean?"
"You need to be more creative."
She took the quill from his hand and rubbed the feathery part on the tip of her nose, as if in deep thought. Then her eyes lit up and she started writing furiously. "Violently strangled by the Giant Squid after being thrown into the lake by a rogue Bludger. Mauled to death. Now that's better than a simple Quidditch accident," she said triumphantly.
Harry found himself grinning. "So I have to make them more graphic?"
He took his quill from her hand and poised it in front of his book. "Attempted to transfigure myself into a cactus. Ended up permanently blinding myself."
"Saw Umbridge's face first thing in the morning. Died of a heart attack."
Within fifteen minutes, they had completed the assignment, coming up with increasingly ridiculous dreams that included hexes, falling off cliffs, being eaten by grindylows and drowning in ashwinder venom.
"Thanks," he told her when they competed the 31st and final dream (falling into a nest of crumple horned snorkacks after being kicked by an angry hippogriff).
"Anytime," she said smiling back at him.
Note: I had initially planned to steal use the "ridiculous ways to die" from a 2005 post on a H/Hr site titled "1000 Ways to Kill Ginny Weasley". Unfortunately (but predictably), they were incredibly unfunny and bordered on slut-shamey, so I finally came up with my own.
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nebulablakemurphy · 1 year
Through Love And By Love (Pt. 7)
Summary: Twenty-Two years ago, Draco Malfoy used the imperius curse to slow Voldemort’s rise to power. No good deed goes unpunished. Warning: this series contains mature subject matter surrounding use of the imperius curse, reader discretion advised.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6
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“Word around town is, the Holyheads need a beater.” Draco remembers how Ro always loved hitting the bludgers away.
“I haven’t played in years.” Two to be exact, since her last game at Hogwarts.
“We’ve plenty of time to get you ready before tryouts.” Draco is supportive, as he is with everything, and more than happy to assist in her conditioning.
“You really think so?” That life, the one she used to have, seems so far from her now.
“I do.” For you, the world.
She pecks a kiss to his cheek. “Take me for a spin.”
Leo, now six months old, loves to watch from her bouncer. The little girl jumps and screeches happily, as her parents whirl around the large backlot of the Malfoy estate.
By the time tryouts roll around, Rosanna is more prepared than she’s ever been. Receiving a call from Gwenog Jones, captain of the Harpies, and fellow beater; letting her know she’s made the team.
Draco couldn’t be more proud when he hears.
In addition to quidditch, she's working toward finishing a standard wizarding degree. As well as honing her gift for legilimacy. Her tutor, Mr. Samuel Marshmen, a friend of her parents. He is paid well and therefore doesn't mind working around her new, hectic schedule.
However, burning the candle at both ends, and raising a young child, puts a strain on her relationship with Draco. Their wedding is placed largely on the back burner.
They fight, a lot. They've bickered plenty over the years, had a spat or two. But full out yelling, screaming their frustrations at one another, is an entirely different story. It shakes both of them to the core.
"I'll quit the Harpies," Rosanna decides. "I haven't signed the contract for the year."
Draco is turned away from her, his blood still boiling from their quarrel. "You're not going to quit, you've worked too hard."
She closes the distance between them, locking her arms around his waist. “I want to play for the Harpies…but I need you.”
Oh. He begins toying with her fingers. “I am not blind to the magnitude of your undertakings, I know that you are trying. What'd you say I handle the wedding?"
"You don't want to do that," she shakes her head. "You'll turn into groomzilla."
He chortles, turning to face her. "I'm halfway there as is, but you knew what you were getting into."
She cups his face in her hands, "If you give me two months, I'll only have a couple games a week. I’ll plan the whole thing, you won’t have to lift a finger."
"You have your O.W.L.S. coming up." Draco reminds her, peppering her face with kisses.
"Shit." She scowls, "give me three months." Ro amends.
“Let me do this for you,” Draco sighs.
Rosanna opens her mouth to argue, only to be met with his lips instead.
“Let me do this for you.” He murmurs, against her mouth.
Rosanna’s hands are in his hair, tugging at it. Deepening the kiss.
It’s in her nature to fight. To be fiery and unwavering. Draco anticipates it, after all these years, but he’s never been one to take anything lying down.
It's a leap of faith, when Rosanna marks her jersey Malfoy. It's a surprise to Draco, who's fully expecting to see McVay as she flies onto the pitch.
Her welcoming roar from the crowd only adds to her nerves. Then she spots Draco, holding a nearly nine month old Leo in his arms. Their little angel sporting two adorable pig tails with bows that compliment her little pink dress and sparkly tights.
"That's my girl!" Draco shouts proudly, when she manages to stop a rogue bludger that nearly costs them the game. Her jerseys sell out in record time.
There’s a party that night, hosted by the other members of the team and their plus ones.
Narcissa and Lucius are more than happy to take Leo for the night.
Rosanna is all done up, in a deep red dress that Draco has been dying to get off of her since he zipped her into it.
"Malfoy!" A burly, brunette, gentleman greets as he opens the door for them. "Great game." He holds a hand up for a high five.
"Oh, me." Rosanna still isn't used to the name, "I'm Malfoy." She awkwardly slaps their palms together.
"You guys newly weds?" The man smiles, flickering his eyes between them.
"Nearly weds." She explains, "I'm Rosanna, this is Draco; my fiancé."
"Pleasure." Draco extends a hand to shake.
"I'm Danny, Gwen's husband." The other man gives a solid shake. "Can you believe, I still can't get her to change the name on her jersey? We've been married for two years! Some rubbish about marketing."
"Are you still on about that Daniel?" Gwenog overhears the conversation, and joins them. "If I had known the hell I'd receive from this one," she jerks her thumb at her husband. "I'd have gone with Chapman instead of Jones straight away."
"Thank you for having us, by the way." Rosanna smiles at her captain. "This is my Draco."
"It's an honor to meet you," Draco has impeccable manners.
"Likewise.” Gwenog leans in, as if telling a secret. “Rosanna talks about you all the time."
"All good things I hope." Draco flashes a smile at Ro.
"At least you're being mentioned," Danny guffs.
"Oh stop it," Gwen laughs, kissing him soundly on the mouth. "Come on in, make yourselves comfortable. We have drinks, finger sandwiches, sweets, whatever you fancy, help yourself."
"Thank you," Draco nods, his hand at the small of Rosanna's back, as she leads them forward.
The dessert table is calling her name, "don't mind if I do."
Draco chuckles, "so what is it you've been saying about me?"
Rosanna flushes, "stuff."
"Now I'm interested," he cocks his head to the side.
"Say we're talking about...strawberries. I would respond with something along the lines of, 'Draco really likes strawberries.'" Rosanna elaborates. "It's embarrassing, honestly."
Draco is quite needy, needy for her time, for her affection, her love. Her confession sets a warm wave of reassurance radiating through him. "Come here," he draws her in for a chaste kiss.
They break apart as Marge comes to a stop beside them. She holds a box up to Rosanna, without a word.
"This is it?" Ro asks, taking it from her.
Marge, the short brunette seeker, nods in excitement.
"Thank you." Rosanna smiles, squeezing Marge's arm giddily.
The other girl nods, still silent.
"Draco, Marge." Rosanna introduces the pair. "Marge, Draco."
Draco holds a hand out to her, they shake. "Good to meet you. Brilliant game, especially the catch."
She places a hand over her heart.
"Marge!" One of the girls yells. "Come try the bubbly."
Marge jerks a her finger in the direction she's been called, waving in parting.
"Love?" Draco leans toward Rosanna’s ear.
"Hmm?" Her mouth is packed with sweets.
"Is she mute?" He whispers.
"Oh no," Rosanna laughs. "Laryngitis," she taps her throat. "This is yours, by the way." She hands over the box.
"For me?" Draco accepts the gift, tentatively.
“It’s not much, but you're a pain in the ass to buy for." She watches the box flip open. "It's the first one ever made. I had them save it."
He runs his fingers over the soft material, a jersey that matches her own. "I love it, thank you."
Rosanna's recent claim to fame earns them unwanted attention, namely from Rita Skeeter. Who’s announced she's in the process of writing a tell all book, just as she had for Dumbledore and the golden trio.
Slowly but surely, the whispers become impossible to ignore. Draco is beginning to question if they should call off the wedding all together. But Rosanna will hear none of it. Immediately sending out save the dates, that summer, they will be joined in holy matrimony.
"I was thinking maybe the color scheme could be reminiscent of the Yule ball. Winter wonderland kinda, trip down memory lane. I know it'll be summer-"
"That's a lovely idea, darling." Draco makes a mental note of her request. This is the first real suggestion she's made, he's not about to discourage her.
"You sure?" Ro lights up, bouncing their daughter on her leg. "It's not gonna mess up anything you already planned?"
Yes, he'll have to change everything. "It's no trouble at all."
It's a gorgeous summer day when they wed, in the courtyard of Draco's childhood home.
Leo is just shy of two, tearing down the aisle toward her father, with petals spilling from her basket.
Draco catches his daughter as she barrels into his arms.
Teddy Lupin is their ring bearer. After everything, Narcissa and Andromeda were somehow able to mend their broken relationship. It's not perfect, but then again few things are.
Rosanna's dress is one of the few parts of their nuptials Draco had no involvement in. He's in tears when he sees her, veil and all, in the ivory gown.
“Mummy.” Leo points toward her.
Draco nods, swiping at his face. “That’s your Mummy.”
Rosanna reaches the end of the isle, kissing her daughter’s outstretched hand, and passing the bouquet to her maid of honor. Ironically enough, Leo is also handed off to Hermione a moment later.
The traditional binding vows are recited, followed by the ones they’ve written for each other.
"My dearest Rosanna-" Draco breaks off, overcome with emotion that doesn't allow him to speak.
Ro couldn't care less about tradition. She wraps her arms around him, swaying them gently. "Take your time. This is for us," she whispers, kissing his cheek.
He’s put weeks into these vows, his bride to be has done the same.
He pulls back slightly, only their hands still touching. "I'd like to say it was love at first sight, but we both know that'd be a lie. We could hardly stand each other, that first day of potions class. No matter how much I detested your accent, or you mine; there was no denying that we made a damn good team. You are soft where I am hard, light where I am dark, and understanding where I am ignorant. You are loud, bossy and can't listen to save your life. But you are also humble, wise beyond your years, and incredibly kind."
Rosanna smiles as he thumbs away her tears.
"I've never met anyone quite like you, I know I never will again. You reach parts of me that I never knew existed. I can't believe that I get to spend the rest of my life with you." He slides the diamond wedding band into place.
Then it's Rosanna's turn, she's still crying. "If you ask someone to walk through hell with you; I think the answer across the board would be something along the lines of, 'hell no.'"
Their guests laugh and Draco chuckles, smiling so wide his cheeks ache.
"I couldn't have asked for a more loving, patient, supportive partner. I wouldn't be where I am today without you. You told me to follow my dreams, that nothing I wanted was unattainable. You stood beside me in my darkest hour. You walked through hell with me and didn't leave me alone. No one else could, or would, do what you've done for me. I love you so much. I can't wait to share the rest of my life with you," Ro slides his white gold ring into place. Kissing him ten times over before she's supposed to.
The new quidditch season brings about new challenges. Rosanna Malfoy is now a household name among the sports lovers of the wizarding world.
"I'd like to have my name on her jersey." Someone from behind Draco remarks, as Rosanna zips past their seats; swinging her bat at full force.
"Shut off, John." A second voice chastises.
"Don't act like you've never thought about it. All the stamina trapped in that hot little body. Probably likes it rough too." There's a pause and a loud slap. "Hey! What'd you do that for?"
"That's her husband and kid, right there." The man's voice drops lower still, "Draco Malfoy, death eater, of Voldemort's inner circle."
"How'd she end up stuck with him?" The more brazen of the two ask.
"He used the imperius curse, locked her in his basement and got her up the duff. Sick really; they were school sweethearts, he took full advantage. Rita Skeeter wrote a book about it. If you ask me, he shouldn't be allowed within yards of her, let alone the kid."
Draco's blood boils, Leo is standing on the bleacher beside him, facing the game.
What's he to do? He can't very well leave. More over he can't sit there without a word. He really shouldn't hex them, the last thing he needs is more media attention.
Instead he turns calmly to the men two rows up, speaking over the people between them. "Rita Skeeter is an attention seeking cow. I love my daughter, she is well tended, she has everything any child could possibly dream about. My wife is loved, showered with affection. She's happy. But no one wants to read a book about that."
They begin working on their own book when Leo is around two. They want her to understand that she is not a mistake, not a burden, or simply a means used to escape their own demise. Instead she is a miracle, the light of their lives, all of their dreams wrapped into one perfect little girl.
Writing about all that happened is odd. At times uncomfortably intimate and raw. They both experienced the same events in entirely different ways. Reliving her pregnancy and feeling closer than they've ever been, sparks something in Rosanna. Draco is elated by the amount of times she shoves the parchment and quill aside to go at it.
"Let's have a baby," she murmurs.
"Love?" Surely he's misunderstood.
"Let's have another baby." She repeats, "if you wanna."
He's waited years to hear those words. "I do."
Rosanna taps his temple lightly, signaling that she wants to share thoughts.
He leans his forehead against hers, letting the wall around his mind fall away. He shares the world with her, and she shares her world with him.
Part 8
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