#or remiel
gio-goose · 2 months
You think Ky would‘ve named Sin after an angel if he wasn‘t shameful and guilt ridden about his existence? Imagine Sin had a middle name like Sin Ramiel Kiske or some bullshit like that cuz I know christians LOVE naming their kids after christian characters
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darks-arts · 5 months
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Happy Dungeon Meshi Thursday !!
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ikrutt · 4 months
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Painted portrait for Siriadlerius.
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starofnyra · 3 months
in love with the idea of the db's followers being as remembered in history as the db themself. imagine:
engineers, for generations, mumbling the formula called 'Remiel's Constant' under their breaths as they develop machinery, because it's such a foundational discovery on Remiel's part for a new age of engineering
in contrast, future alchemists agonizing over Xelzaz' thousands of alchemical discoveries a night before their finals, bemoaning why he was so diligent in cranking out formula after formula because now they have so much to memorize
historians and casual history buffs alike locked in discourse on whether or not the last prince of the Thalmor actually colluded with the Dragonborn in the Second Great War to help bring down the Dominion, with vaguely-worded correspondence for evidence
adaptations of the tale where every single follower is at least someone's 'blorbo'
the ballad of Inigo the Brave being a cultural touchstone for Khajiit rep and spawning Tamriel's version of the rogue, underdog hero archetype. even when it's a totally fictional work, if the protagonist (or charming side character) is weirdly charismatic, roguishly handsome, and with a heart of gold, chances are the creator was inspired by Inigo's legacy.
the massive misunderstandings of the dragonborn's original history. Thanks to anti-Thalmor sentiments long after the Second Great War, Nebarra was deemed as a traitor figure to the Dragonborn, but this sentiment was overturned centuries after uncovering contemporaries' journal entries on their friendship
when you ask someone who they think Sir Kaidan was to the dragonborn, there's an equal chance of them firmly believing he was their lover, platonic best friend, or loyal but professional lieutenant. they will have reams of evidence to back it up, no matter which stance they take.
many who have felt that they never perfectly fit into the demands of their faith or community, not just bosmer, resonating with Auri's story. realizing that while they may be an outlier in their own eyes, they can still do a lot of good in the world, and that has to count for something.
common sayings based on (real or not) stories of the followers. if a place is crowded, it's common to joke, "guess the dragonborn's in town."
just. yeah.
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lil-biscuits · 1 month
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I have been playing skyrim for the first time, and gore has definitely become one of my favorite companions!
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feykrorovaan · 8 months
Feyre:*has braids*
Kaidan:*has a braid or two*
Taliesin:*has a braid*
Gore:*has a braid*
Remi:*has a braid*
Caryalind:*has a tiny braid*
Lucien:*has a braid*
Inigo:*has a tiny braid*
Auri:*has a braid*
Secunda:*has a braid*
Xelzaz:*has a piece of braided rope*
Lucifer:*has a piece of braided rope*
Miraak:*has a tiny braid*
The horses:*have braids in their manes and tails*
Thistlefoot:*has a braided rope*
Nebarra under the helmet even though he'd never admit it, nor let anyone see it:*has a braid*
Khash: :3
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classicteacup · 9 months
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them :-P
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podcastenthusiast · 1 year
AU where the Dragonborn sends Khash to school and almost every day a different person picks her up.
At first it's not too weird. Like when an Argonian shows up and Khash immediately runs to her "Uncle Xelzaz" Khash's teacher just thinks it's nice, given she's adopted, that she has adults in her life who are like her.
Then there's her "Uncle Lucien" who gets distracted reading a history textbook. He points out multiple inaccuracies but is polite enough about it.
And it only gets weirder. There's a woman with a robot spider. A handsome man who looks very uncomfortable but lights up as soon as he sees Khash. A friendly blue khajiit. An Altmer who cracks ten jokes in the five minutes it takes to collect Khash. Another Altmer whom the teacher is pretty damn sure is that runsway Aldmeri prince.
At one point in class they do one of those activities where the kids draw a picture of their family. Khash considers for a moment and then asks for extra paper.
The figures in her drawing are mostly familiar to the teacher. Except for one or two. An Orc has never picked Khash up from school before, for instance.
But it's clear this kid is really, very loved.
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kreinvulon · 9 months
skyrim custom voiced follower enjoyers. who do you think would’ve got peas stuck up their nose as a kid. discuss 🫵
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peachyhoneyadventures · 4 months
The long awaited sequel to The Sillies™️
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heavens-hope-giver · 2 months
*Michelle flies over*
Hey, Rem, how are you?
"Im fine.."
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Good Omens season 3, but it is not Good Omens at all. It is The Sandman: The Kindly Ones, where Lucifer just reminds me of Crowley and Remiel of Aziraphale. That’s all.
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writing-for-life · 5 months
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In Which Morpheus Gives The Key To The New Caretakers Of Hell—Jill Thompson
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skyrimpals · 10 months
Yes...more @clownface809
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2af-afterdark · 4 months
Okay. So I was just laying in bed, thinking about God!MC and such, then my mind went "How would the Seraphs' first time with God!MC go?"
Because I think that Michael would be the roughest one, which is deadly considering what's in his pants. It could possibly take a bit for Michael to warm up to the act of fucking God!MC, and I think that MC would be the one that teases him so much he has to do something. MC is God now so it shouldn't be a problem taking in a 14.9 inch dick right?
Gabriel and Raphael would be pretty gentle and soft, since MC would be the one guiding them through the entire thing. With those two, they'll most likely be the one to approach MC on that matter instead of MC bringing it up.
Gabriel would most likely follow MC's every command and instructions, once he knows his stuff he'll just worship God!MC's body.
Raphael would probably let MC take the lead, and touch him everywhere because he wanted to feel loved through MC's touch.
Throwing my boy, Remiel, in as well
His first time with God!MC would happen when they're busy with work(in my version MC have to fix all of the issues on Earth through some pop up prompts, it's complicated lolol) so when they're like not in the mood because of how many problems Earth have, and just wanted to get it over with.
Remiel barged in and was like "God, let's fuck!" But they just ignored him, which led to Remiel touching them all over, observing their reaction to learn where to touch them. MC told him to stop but he wouldn't, trying to coax an orgasm out of MC while they work, and surprisingly he knows how to get MC off. (Excuse? He did this to multiple devils before, because to him, their meat tastes better after an orgasm, man's also a fast learner)
After that, MC can either remain stubborn and stand there doing their work so Remiel has to fuck them standing up, or follow Remiel to their bed and fuck there.
MC could then take the lead if they really wanted to get it over with, since it's his first time putting his dick in someone, he'll burst in like a few minutes if MC keeps on squeezing down on him. Remiel would try so hard not to cum because he wanted it to drag out for a bit longer, but he loses it anyways, MC's hole is just too good, y'know?
Next time, he swears that next time he'll fuck MC for longer and make them cum even more
Afterward, MC could take that to tease Remiel back, nudging him and whispering into his ear every time anyone mention something that didn't take that long to finish. Make that man have a taste of his own medicine
MC: "Oh hey, that only took a few minutes to complete" *nudge him with their elbow* "Like you on your first time"
I will ignore the fact that there would be no peace if any of the Seraphim found out God!MC was trying to get it on with someone else (cue constant laser beams to their room aimed directly at each other's heads) and think of the horror and sweetness of God!MC getting their freak on for the first time with their angels.
Michael is deadly not because of what he's packing in his pants (I'm sure God!MC can take it with a bit of godly intervention) but because of the very real, very dangerous murder kink he has. It may take him a bit to get used to God!MC being the new top dog after he spent so long waiting for and fighting in the name of the old God. First time is going to be one of those stories that is horrifying in the moment, but God!MC laughs at in retrospect. Until then... good luck, MC!
Gabriel has a genuine God kink, so he will be doing whatever it takes to worship them. The first time God!MC invites him to their bed... is it bad if I think he'd 404 out of excitement? He let's MC take the lead so he can just stare at them and be bathed in their radiance.
Raphael goes full eager puppy mode. God!MC tells him that they want to spend some time getting closer and he's already stripping and jumping on top of them. Sweet boy just wants all the love he was denied by OG!God. He's going to give MC all the love he can and gladly accept everything they have to give. Bet you he likes spending time receiving lots of kisses and groping MC.
Please... please let me kiss Remiel. Please let me hold his hand. I love him. I want to spoil him rotten.
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milkyandromedas · 6 months
having the world's grandest and silliest time in skyrim via bringing 21 and soon to be 22 followers around with me at all times. narrow hallways are a nightmare. sometimes upon entering an area i spawn one to two floors above or below the group. everyone is always talking to each other and to me. i have music on in the background i don't know what anyone's saying to me ever. but they are my friends.
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