#or reiichi
paramountpetrichor · 8 months
Sighing wistfully. I think vinsmokecest redeemed Ichiji would still be very distant and very minimally a touch-instagator when it comes to his siblings. Like in my head, yes obviously they're free from germa, live together, and are in a polycule. (Yes Sanji is in it too even though he lives with strawhats. 0124 just “”somehow”” and “”coincidentally”” appear on the same islands that he's on quite often. They ain't subtle. At all.)
But basically what i mean is while his siblings, coughYonjiespeciallycough, often show their love through kissing, hugging, and touching, i am a firm believer that Ichi's a gift giver/acts-of-servicer. This idea first started by me thinking how funny it'd be if any of 0234 said they wanted something super offhandedly (like.. Reiju half-heartedly mumbling about how pretty the earrings of that one noble woman back in that town two islands ago were) and then suddenly it's Ichiji's life mission to go Get That Damn Thing.
Reiju wants that pair of earrings? Ichiji is going back to that island and is killing that woman herself if she won't hand them over. Yonji suddenly really wants a trinket from a store halfway across the Grand Line?? Ichiji left 5 minutes ago to get it. Niji needs new goggles and the business that normally provides him with them comes from the south blue??? Mf Ichi's already scaling the red line. Sanji wants a certain spice that can only be found in the new world???? Ichiji's halfway to laughtale lookin for it.
Idk just. The idea of Ichiji dropping off the face of the earth and then showing up again after 2-5 business days of going awol only to have one of his partners wanted trinkets wrapped up in a cozy little gift is making me crazy. 0234 are concerned every time he's gone for too long (specifically Niji and Yonji, they got that Separation Anxiety) but everytime Ichi comes back with that smug, almost invisible smirk holding an item so small and meaningless to literally everyone but them, their hearts melt and they just can't stop smothering him for the next day or so. And Ichiji just basks in it bc, while he's not one to advance with physical affection, i said nothin about him rejecting it :]
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ask-yandere-sim · 23 days
*202x and 1980s mode student council meeting together*
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Ken: I told Ms. Torayoshi to make something to lighten the mood.. It was feeling pretty tense but.. uh..
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Aoi: This guy's crazy!!
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kapane-luyeshu · 24 hours
For the Inazuma Eleven requests, maybe Miyabino Reiichi?
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here you have it!
i felt the drawing was too simple so i finished an emote i had in the back as a treat
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evereinefaust · 10 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑
Today's the day the four council boys dreaded the most. It wasn't alien to them that students of Akademi were entranced by the myth of the confession tree at the back of the school, and that many would attempt to have a chance at love by confessing to their crushes on a Friday underneath the cherry blossom tree.
It's also not unusual that a certain girl in their small group was roped into many situations regarding that stupid myth countless times.
No matter how many times the four boys tried to dissuade [Y/n] from accepting random invitations and meet with men underneath the cherry blossom only to reject their feelings, the [h/c]-haired council member is still an adamant girl. That's why, most of the time, the boys can't help but watch over the whole situation from afar, ensuring that no mishap would befall their precious Vice President.
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"That girl really..." a certain blonde sighed, massaging his temple as he held the note in his hand.
After the dismissal of their last class, the five student council members immediately left their respective classrooms to fulfill their duties. If it were any other day, Reiichi would find himself waiting for a while for the other members to slowly file into the room. But today, it seemed that a certain someone already beat him to it.
Hey, Rei-kun! I won't be able to do my duties as usual because of you know what. You don't have to worry about me, I'll make sure to be done in a jiffy and return to the council room afterward. Thankies~ Love, [Y/n]
That was what was written in the paper Reiichi held. Although the male knew that it wasn't unusual for the [h/c]ette to leave notes informing him of such rendevous, he couldn't shake the feeling that she might be getting herself into deep trouble by simply meeting with him.
"Oh, was [Y/n]-chan still not here?" a familiar voice chimed in, followed by a couple of footsteps entering the room.
Reiichi turned around and spotted the three boys. Grunting, he showed them the paper. "She went first to meet with that boy."
Even without explicitly saying the name, the boys knew who their president was pertaining to. The three of them had varied reactions to Reiichi's words — Daisaku clicked his tongue, expression hardening; Ken pursed his lips, a slight crease embedded between his eyebrows; while José's half-lidded eyes stared at the wooden floor.
"So she went straight to the confession tree and met Yudasei, huh?" the black-haired enforcer scoffed, the information leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.
"It appears so," the blonde hummed. Folding the note and putting it inside his pockets, he then faced his members. "We'll focus on doing our duties. For now, let's patrol our designated areas. If anyone sees [Y/n] on the way, inform her to stay and rest in the student council room."
The three of them nodded. After that brief meeting, the four boys went on to do their designated task for the afternoon — patrolling the school and ensuring that no students were breaking the rules while also keeping an eye out for a certain [h/c]-tressed female.
The boys spent over an hour patrolling the campus, the students noticeably fewer as time went by. Despite their efforts, they hadn't come across [Y/n] yet. Reiichi was growing concerned as the minute passed by, his heart beating with an uncomfortable feeling.
"Has any of you seen her yet?" he asked, gazing over the three council members when they had an unexpected encounter at the plaza.
"Sadly no," Ken shook his head, a frown visible on his face.
Daisaku crossed his arms, pursing his lips in thought. "I've patrolled all floors but I haven't seen a glimpse of [Y/n]. Although I would see [h/c] hair out the corner of my eyes, it was just another random student."
"Same here," the exchange student added. "I haven't encountered her during my outside patrol."
"Hm..." the blonde placed a hand under his chin, a slight shift on his cold facade as he thought. After a moment, Reiichi sighed and nodded back. "Alright, let's continue with our patrol then. We'll cover [Y/n]'s part of the school in her absence."
Once again, the council members parted ways as they did another round of patrol around the campus, this time, including areas that fell under the female's jurisdiction. Worry was gnawing at the edges of their minds, their eyes peeled for any signs of [Y/n]. They questioned passing students, hoping to gather some information about her whereabouts, but to no avail.
However, a glimmer of hope seems to present itself to them. Out of the corner of their eyes, they spotted a particular black-haired student walking away. Their footsteps hastened as they followed Yudasei, the only one who could have the answer to their lingering questions.
"Have you seen [Y/n]?" Reiichi took hold of Jokichi's shoulder, stopping the boy in his tracks. The blonde's expression was a mixture of concern and frustration.
Yudasei seemed taken aback by the confrontation, his aloof demeanor faltering slightly. "I... I haven't seen her."
Daisaku scoffed and took a step forward, glaring down at him. "Come on, man, don't play games. Tell us where she is."
"No, I'm serious. I haven't seen her since I waited for her at the cherry blossom tree," Yudasei gulped, clearly a bit intimidated by the situation. "I swear!"
The boys exchanged puzzled glances.
"Explain," Reiichi demanded, releasing the third year and crossing his arms.
Yudasei took a deep breath, his composure wavering under the intense pressure of each council member's stare at him. "After cleaning time, I went straight to the confession tree. I waited for her for about an hour, but she didn't come. I... I wasn't expecting her to accept my feelings, but I never thought she'd stand me up like that."
This revelation sent alarm bells ringing in the boys' heads. They knew [Y/n] well enough to realize that she wouldn't just stand someone up without a good reason. Something was definitely wrong. Reiichi's mind raced as he processed the information. [Y/n] wouldn't just stand Yudasei up like that unless something urgent came up. His concern for her grew stronger by the minute, and he exchanged a quick look with the other members.
After gathering this information, they left Yudasei and continued their search for [Y/n]. Dread and anxiety crept through their hearts as they scoured the campus, increasingly worried about her safety. As the sun began to set and their search seemed futile, they made their way back to the student council room, a heavy feeling of unease hanging over them.
"Where could she have been?" the blonde murmured, feeling agitated without seeing the girl since.
"She couldn't have returned to the council room while we were patrolling, could she?" Ken suggested, trying to ease the unsettled atmosphere over them.
The black-haired enforcer shook his head. "No. We know her too well. If she were indeed there, there would be tons of males flocked around by now."
"Mhm. Besides, she is usually the one coming to find us first, isn't she?" José added, rubbing his sleeved arm for a sense of comfort.
"And she couldn't have gone home yet. She won't do that without informing any of us," Reiichi continued, his mind racing with possibilities. With knitted brows and worry swirling in his oceanic pools, he muttered. "Just where on earth are you, [Y/n]?"
As they neared the room, a metallic scent wafted into their senses, growing stronger as they approached. The hall was quiet, devoid of any soul other than the four of them. The orange of the setting sun, once calming and beautiful, added a haunting sense of dread as it enveloped them with its hue.
"Can you smell that?"
"Yeah. Smell like rusted metal."
José and Ken exchanged confused glances, but hearing their conversation, Daisaku and Reiichi immediately recognized what it meant. Eyes wide and hearts racing inside their chest, the two boys burst into the room without hesitation, surprising the other boys.
José and Ken trailed close behind them, confused yet alarmed at the two's sudden sprints. The sliding doors to the student council room slammed open, Reiichi's hands gripping each side. The pungent smell of metal was strong and suffocating, and the source was something inside this room.
He had hoped that he was just overreacting, he had hoped that once he opened his eyes, he would find everything to be normal. But reality shattered his hopes like glass hitting the cold, hard floor and their worst fears were confirmed. There, in the center of the room, was a gruesome sight that would forever be etched into their memories.
On the table, lay [Y/n]'s lifeless body, surrounded by a pool of blood. Multiple stab wounds adorned her once vibrant form, her beautiful white student council uniform matted with crimson, the fabric is torn and decorated with thorned roses sticking out from her open wounds. The metallic scent they had picked up on was the scent of her blood, and the realization was enough to send a wave of horror through their veins.
Her once bright, [e/c] orbs were now vacant and dulled. Her complexion paled as her life was taken away from her. Her beauty...stilled.
"No... No, this can't be happening," Reiichi's voice quivered, his legs faltering as he rushed to her side. His hands trembled as he lifted her head, his heart aching at the sight of her lifeless eyes. He whispered her name, a desperate plea as if trying to will her back to life.
Daisaku's fists clenched at his sides, his knuckles turning white. Anguish twisted his features, a mixture of disbelief and rage. Ken and José stood frozen, shock rendering them temporarily incapable of reacting to the horrifying scene before them.
"W-we need to call for h-help. I-I'll get the teacher!" Ken's stammering voice finally broke through the haze that had settled over them. Despite his trembling body, he willed himself to push through the shock. Turning around, he exited the room, running to the faculty as fast as he could.
As the sound of Ken's footsteps disappeared and was replaced by the deafening silence of the room, the realization of what they were witnessing fully sank in. They had lost one of their own, someone they had all cared for deeply. The student council room, once a place of laughter and camaraderie, was now a scene of tragedy.
Reiichi continued to cradle [Y/n]'s lifeless body in his arms, his tears falling onto her cold cheeks. The weight of the situation pressed heavily on his chest, threatening to crush him with the overwhelming grief that consumed him. The pain was indescribable as if a part of his soul had been torn away.
Daisaku's anger surged through him, a fiery rage that burned hotter than anything he had ever felt before. His hands shook as he clenched them into fists, his nails digging into his palms. He stared at the scene before him, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. How could something like this happen? Why had fate been so cruel?
José's usually half-lidded eyes were wide open in shock, his usually calm and collected demeanor shattered. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, couldn't fathom that [Y/n], the girl he had always seen with a smile, was now gone. He felt a knot in his stomach, his heart heavy with sorrow for the loss of a beloved.
As the minutes passed, the room remained silent except for the occasional sound of stifled sobs. The sun had fully set, casting a dim and eerie glow over the tragic scene. Outside, the world continued to move forward, oblivious to the heart-wrenching event that had taken place within those four walls.
Ken returned with a teacher in tow, the older woman's eyes widening in shock as she took in the sight before her. She quickly made a call to the authorities, her voice trembling as she described the situation. The teacher stood beside Reiichi, gently placing a hand on his shoulder as tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't know what to say in the face of such a devastating loss.
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The next day, the school held a somber memorial for the fallen student council vice president. The students were stunned and devastated by the sudden tragedy, and the atmosphere in the school was heavy with grief. Even though it was a Saturday, everyone attended the ceremony, even some of their relatives came to pay respect to the female.
It surely came as a shock to everyone about the occurrence. After all, they didn't expect that the prestigious Akademi would experience such a gruesome incident within its grounds. What's more, it was a horrific murder done to one of the most popular and lovable students in school.
[Y/n] [L/n], the vice president of the student council, was a well-respected and admirable upperclassman. She was kind, compassionate, friendly, and pure. She extends help to every student who needs it. She doesn't discriminate against her peers. And she held a great sense of justice and actively upheld it.
[Y/n] [L/n], a model student and inspiration to all. Although some were envious and jealous of her excellence, popularity, and beauty, everyone will admit that she is on a different level than them. And the only ones who could comfortably and equally stand by her side were those four men.
[Y/n] [L/n]. She wasn't just any student. She wasn't just any girl. In the eyes of those four, she was their goddess. She was everything they hoped for, everything they dreamed of, everything they wanted. That's why, for as long as they live, they made an individual silent vow to never let anyone stain her.
That's how they became her thorns. And she, their rose.
However... not all beauty lasts forever... eventually, all flower has to wither.
The four council members, though devastated themselves, were now even more distant and unapproachable. The memorial ceremony was a blur as they struggled to accept the loss of their friend and colleague — their beloved. Every time a student came and attempted to console even one of them, they would glare at the student, the rage and coldness that brewed within was evident in their piercing stare.
Ken Kyonashima, known for being a humble and friendly secretary of the council, became passive-aggressive. His smile, once held warmth, became a broken smile filled with grief and anger. His once amiable orbs that resembled the setting sun were now distant and dull. Although he refrained from speaking harshly, his words held animosity within, always aimed at the students who approached him, no matter who they were.
After all, it was because of them that this happened.
José Silva, known for being the exotic treasurer of the council, actively avoids anyone who approaches him. His shy and easily-flustered demeanor before, now transformed into a detached facade. His beautiful eyes, reminiscent of a lush forest, were now shielded by a wall of indifference. No longer did he offer his signature awkward yet endearing smiles to the students who admired him. No longer did he respond to anyone who spoke to him.
After all, it was because of them that this happened.
Daisaku Aragaki, known as the reformed enforcer of the council, seems to have reverted back to his delinquent ways. The way he stared down at students who approached him held a challenge in his gaze, daring them to say something that would set him off. His sharp and abyssal eyes, once sources of intimidation, were now even more fearsome. He exuded an aura of danger, making it clear that he wasn't to be trifled with.
After all, it was because of them that this happened.
And there was him... Reiichi Tanaami, the cold yet dependable president of the council. From afar, it doesn't seem like he changed after the incident. He still carried himself with the same air of authority and control. But those who knew him well could detect the subtle shifts in his demeanor. His gaze held a depth of sorrow that wasn't there before, and the lines on his face seemed to have deepened overnight.
Reiichi was struggling to maintain his composure, torn between his role as a leader and the pain of losing someone so dear to him. Unlike the others, he didn't push people away with hostility or avoidance. Instead, he was surrounded by an almost palpable sense of melancholy, drawing an invisible barrier that kept others at a respectful distance.
After all, it was because of them that this happened.
During the memorial ceremony, he stood at the forefront, delivering a heartfelt eulogy that moved everyone present to tears. His words spoke of [Y/n]'s dedication, kindness, and unwavering commitment to making the school a better place. He described her as a guiding light, someone who inspired him and his fellow council members every day.
The entire time, he had his gaze fixated on a particular couple at the very front of the audience. The pair wept, their ragged cries unrestrained despite his speech. Reiichi, Daisaku, Ken, and José could only observe in silence as [Y/n]'s parents lamented the loss of their beloved child.
If what the four were feeling right now was agonizing enough that nothing could fill the void in their hearts, how much more excruciating the pain would be for the very people who spent all their lives caring for and watching the girl grow up, only to discover that her life was snuff away without warnings in just a day?
Witnessing the raw pain of [Y/n]'s parents made it even more unbearable. The guilt they harbored for not being able to prevent her tragic fate gnawed at their hearts like a relentless storm, tearing away any semblance of peace they might have had.
And yet, despite the efforts he and his members have to uphold themselves, rumors of a murderer on campus circulated, further contributing to the tense and gloomy atmosphere. Amid the memorial proceedings, the four boys struggled to keep their emotions in check, feeling a burning anger at some students' indifferent conversations about [Y/n]'s life and passing.
Unbeknownst to them, a certain female student watched from the shadows, her smirk revealing a sinister satisfaction. She had achieved her twisted goal of removing [Y/n], the one her beloved had a crush on. The price, however, was steep—the shattered hearts of four grieving souls and a school forever scarred by the darkness that had infiltrated its halls.
"Oh, well~ I guess I just need to avoid any of the council members from now on," she tittered, hiding the sadistic smile behind her fist. Her black eyes swirled with madness, pink tinted her cheeks as her heart thumped with a triumphant euphoria. "The only sin you had, dear [Y/n]-senpai, was being the object of interest of my beloved. You should've known not to entangle yourself with other people's affairs. Fufu~"
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tokytopia · 3 months
Some go sakuma pls and the relationship he has with the teikoku go team
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Sorry I literally have zero head canon about any GO team, i honestly just think he’s a normal coach but maybe less stuck up than Kidou. Maybe he prepares little snacks for them when they’re done training since there’s no manager to do that for them but that’s all I got lol
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hopes-memorial · 28 days
@bullet-rebuttle continued here for editor
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Reiichi, at least, finds it a little cute in a way.
"All right, here. Hope to see you soon. ( ̄▽ ̄)"
Normally, he wouldn't put that, but he felt it would help Akihito calm down... at least from how he remembered the mangaka being. Either way, he gave him the address to his place and waited, actually cleaning up a little as he waited.
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an0nym0us-m0nster · 9 months
hi can you do 1980s genderbend student council
(if you dont mind plus i really like your art🤩)
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I'm not that great at changing or stylizing hair, but I think I made them decent. Anyways, it was nice drawing these goons!
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mitsunikolee · 5 days
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Finally one more finished piece
Oopsie... Sorry for a long rest, not sure if it won't happen again, because I'm really in need of money and because of that, I work on a real job.
But the money I get there is still not enough, so I will be glad if you take a commission from me! This one costs about 10$, if I will have enough time, I will make a detailed post on opening commissions
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mysteryflowers · 1 year
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He's so babygirl in this picture
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ayten-is-living · 1 year
I put some ys characters in AI Mirror and Imma just show it to y'all bc why not
1 - Hoshiko Mizudori
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HOSHIKO LOOKS SO PRETTY 😭 except they kinda whitewashed her there 😭
2 - Tokuko Kitagawa
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3 - Reiichi Tanaami and Mutsuko Nishimura in Ryoba's monologue
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THEY LOOK SO PRETTY 😭 I love how they gave Reiichi glasses
4 - Shiromi Torayoshi
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The scarf changed 😭 AND THE HAIRPIN IS RED 😭 but it still looks pretty good
5 - Kaga Kusha
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The king of SCIENCE! Fabulous as always 😔
6 - Kencho Saikou
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They gave him orange eyes and black hair 😭 and he looks older than he's supposed to be now-
He still got his binoculars
7 - Shoku Tsuburaya
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They genderbent him 😭
8 - Tsuruzo Yamazaki
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They genderbent him too 😭💅🏼
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cainpain · 9 months
Origin of their old hair models,,
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Reiichi was the only one in years to touch Jozes hair and his privileges were immediately revoked 😻
They are the besties that make out occasionally everrrr
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jd104 · 5 months
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And, a bonus (why did I make him look so moe?):
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ask-yandere-sim · 8 months
How are regular council meetings like? (80s)
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kapane-luyeshu · 3 days
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Trying to not spend too much time without posting stuff
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macy-starmoon · 1 month
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Anonymous asked:
could you draw the 80s council meeting the 202x council
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