#hm. would reiju n ichi be
paramountpetrichor · 8 months
Sighing wistfully. I think vinsmokecest redeemed Ichiji would still be very distant and very minimally a touch-instagator when it comes to his siblings. Like in my head, yes obviously they're free from germa, live together, and are in a polycule. (Yes Sanji is in it too even though he lives with strawhats. 0124 just “”somehow”” and “”coincidentally”” appear on the same islands that he's on quite often. They ain't subtle. At all.)
But basically what i mean is while his siblings, coughYonjiespeciallycough, often show their love through kissing, hugging, and touching, i am a firm believer that Ichi's a gift giver/acts-of-servicer. This idea first started by me thinking how funny it'd be if any of 0234 said they wanted something super offhandedly (like.. Reiju half-heartedly mumbling about how pretty the earrings of that one noble woman back in that town two islands ago were) and then suddenly it's Ichiji's life mission to go Get That Damn Thing.
Reiju wants that pair of earrings? Ichiji is going back to that island and is killing that woman herself if she won't hand them over. Yonji suddenly really wants a trinket from a store halfway across the Grand Line?? Ichiji left 5 minutes ago to get it. Niji needs new goggles and the business that normally provides him with them comes from the south blue??? Mf Ichi's already scaling the red line. Sanji wants a certain spice that can only be found in the new world???? Ichiji's halfway to laughtale lookin for it.
Idk just. The idea of Ichiji dropping off the face of the earth and then showing up again after 2-5 business days of going awol only to have one of his partners wanted trinkets wrapped up in a cozy little gift is making me crazy. 0234 are concerned every time he's gone for too long (specifically Niji and Yonji, they got that Separation Anxiety) but everytime Ichi comes back with that smug, almost invisible smirk holding an item so small and meaningless to literally everyone but them, their hearts melt and they just can't stop smothering him for the next day or so. And Ichiji just basks in it bc, while he's not one to advance with physical affection, i said nothin about him rejecting it :]
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