#or people who make aid conditional on being exposed to Jesus
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dragonsatmidnight · 2 years ago
*profanity ridden rant incoming*
Why are you LIKE this?
“Oh, I know, I’m going to help someone who is in a shit situation by shoving a religion that has historically oppressed them down their throats.”
That won’t help ANYONE. Absolutely fucking NO ONE.
Religion with deities has two parts. How you relate personally to your deity/ies, and how you use your religion to relate to other people. And constantly cramming your religion down other people’s throats is NOT what Jesus either did, or told other people to do.
Thins Jesus said to do:
-clothe the hungry
-donate your money to the poor
-pay taxes
-visit the prisoners
-take care of other people
-love people the way that you would want to be treated.
Things Jesus did for others:
-healed them
-fed them
-told them to take care of each other
Nowhere in that does he say that you should respond to someone’s loss/hurt/harm by saying “well Jesus will make it better.”
Other religions can figure out how to coexist without trying to colonize and conquer a space, why can’t you?!?
Just. GAH.
Be the sort of Christians who go into the world, and serve people with any ulterior motive. Be the sort of Christians who hear Matthew 25:40-45 (tl;dr however you treat your fellow humans is how you treat Jesus) and actually take it to heart.
If Jesus was struggling, you wouldn’t go up to him and be like. “I’m going to preach and refuse to help you unless you agree to be either baptized or converted to a religion that goes against the things you hold most dear instead of doing things that are fundamentally helpful and respect you as a whole person.”
This isn’t hard. Respect other people, and other people’s sacred beliefs.
I genuinely can’t comprehend the uniquely Christian urge to see someone at their lowest and think “Now is the perfect time. I should tell them about my religion.”
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marvxlousqueen · 4 years ago
So Fucking Sore- Bucky x Loki x Reader
i have returned from the dead to deliver this smut for my friend’s birthday LMAOO anyways for this let’s just pretend tony killed thanos in endgame and brought back nat and gamora and nobody died haha yes anyways bucky is a simp in this tbh (and i’ve never written for loki so forgive me if it’s bad LMAOO)
anyways happy bday bestie (don’t wanna expose ur name on here lol) love u <3
word count: 3.5k
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The Avengers compound was more full than it had ever been. Finally, every floor was filled, every guest room taken, some sleeping bags even rolled onto the floor. Tony hadn’t planned to host the entirety of the avengers force, some odd one thousand people. After defeating Thanos and fixing the time lines, Tony felt as though they deserved a break and a celebration. Although most people were still recovering and wouldn’t stay for long at the party, he figured laughter is the best medicine- that, and he always loved an occasion to show off his hosting skills. 
Tony’s invitation even extended to the staff at the compound, which is how (Y/n) found herself holding a rsvp letter, trying to decide which box to check off. 
“Yes [   ]  (+1)   No [    ]”
She fumbled with the letter, pen getting heavy in her hand. She was seated in her office, taking her lunch break in between helping some of the injured Wakandan soldiers. Being an on-site nurse, of course she had had encounters with the team, but nothing like this party would be. 
Would it be embarrassing if I didn’t have a plus one, she thought
She was interrupted by a knock at her door. “Come in,” she said without looking up. 
The door slowly opened and Bucky entered, small smile on his face. 
“Hey.. just figured I’d bring you some snacks. Figure you must be real busy in the infirmary.”
He set a plate of strawberries on the table with a bottle of water, metal arm extending towards her. (Y/n) could briefly see her reflection in the shine of the vibranium. She lost herself for a moment, examining his arm.
“What- oh yeah! Super busy. Thanks, Buck,” she gave him a smile, cheeks burning.
They had always had some sort of chemistry, but she just couldn’t quite get a read on it enough to make a move. Ever since reconnecting with Steve, Bucky had gotten back into his old ways. Still a giant flirt, just maybe a little more shy than in the 40s. He loved to toss some pick up lines around whenever he wound up in the infirmary (which was a little too often), so (Y/n) couldn’t figure out if he really liked her or was flirty with everyone. 
“What’s that you got there?” He motioned to the rsvp letter on her desk, still unanswered.
“Oh, invitation to Tony’s party thing this weekend. Think he’s trying to get a head count for seats and food. Don’t think I’m going to go, though.”
Bucky pulled up a chair to her desk, “Why wouldn’t you go? You should be celebrating too, I mean- half of us wouldn’t be in this good of a condition without your healing hands.”
His lips pulled into a smirk as he saw her smile shyly. He loved how we could always make her melt at the slightest compliement.
“I think it might be a little embarrassing to show up without a plus one.. I don’t know, it’s probably stupid, but it seems like everyone has someone, you know?”
(Y/n) shrugged, not sure how else to explain her thoughts.
Bucky nodded, running a hand through his hair, “So- what, you’re waiting for someone to ask you?” 
“I- No, but it would be nice, I guess.”
Bucky felt his face heat up. Here’s my chance, he thought. A chance to get some real action because I’ve been out of it for too fucking long. 
(Y/n) looked up at him, waiting for a response. When nothing came, she pushed through her nerves. “You don’t have a date, do you?”
His eyes snapped up to hers, wide with worry. “I-uh-no. D-don’t need one. Just a party, you know? Kinda stupid to get a date for a party like this.”
“Oh- yeah, totally,” (Y/n) stumbled over her words, facing burning with embarrassment. Did he call me stupid? Well, I guess that answers my questions- he is definitely NOT into me. 
 Bucky almost slapped himself after seeing the way (Y/n)’s face dropped. THAT CAME OUT WRONG THAT CAME OUT WRONG THAT CAME OUT WRONG!! He meant to come off as relaxed and nonchalant like he used to be, but instead he sounded like a dick. 
Before he could get an apology out, another knock was heard from her office door. “C-come in!”
Steve opened the door, “Hey- oh hey buck,” Bucky awkwardly waved at him, still busy screaming at himself, “anyways, (Y/n)- Thor’s got friends on the way and apparently they got a little scuffed up on the way from Norway, so you think you can head in and check on em?” 
“Yes! Totally! Uh- bye Bucky, I-I’ll see you.” She jumped out of her seat and rushed off down the hall, happy to get away from this tension with Bucky.
Steve watched her speed off down the hall before turning back to his old friend. “So.. how’s that going?”
Bucky sighed, “It’s not going at all. I think I accidently called her dumb? I don’t know- I kinda blacked out for a minute there.”
Steve patted him on the shoulder, “You’ll be fine. You got plenty of time to fix anything and make your move when you’re ready, all right?”
He understood how his friend was having some difficulties. While he was far more stable then he used to be, Bucky still had his moments and was working through them. Steve couldn’t be prouder. 
“I guess you’re right. As long as no other guy tries to scoop her up.”
(Y/n) entered the infirmary, breathing hard from the speed walk she took to escape that awkwardness. Laying on two of the beds was a tall man with long black hair and some sort of creature with knives attached to it’s hands. 
“(Y/n)! My friends require your services!” Thor shouts, embracing her in a hug.
She laughs as he squeezes her tightly, “Of course! Now let me go so I can help-”
The man who was reclining on the first bed sat up, eyebrows raised. “You’re a healer?”
She looked towards him, noting his accent was similar to Thor’s, “Well- no. Not a healer, just a nurse, but I’ll do my best. With all this new tech it’ll be real easy to batch you up. What happened?”
Thor spoke up, “My dear friend here,” he motioned toward the creature with the blades for hands, “Miek- got into a argument with my dear brother and knives were thrown. Just minor stab wounds of course, but it would be nice for them to be healed before Stark’s feast.”
“Your brother?” She looked towards the man with black hair, who offered a smile. “You’re Loki?” 
“The trickster god indeed.”
Her face heated up, partially in fear and partially in awe. Before her was the man who constantly tried to rule Earth. “Are you-,” she turned to Thor, “is he allowed to be here?”
“Of course! He aided me in our fight against Thanos. He stands as an avenger now.” 
Loki rolled his eyes and began to spin a small knife he pulled from his boot.  (Y/n) nodded, still registering everything, “Well, uh , okay then. Where’s the stab wound?” 
Loki moved to lift his shirt. On his left side was a gash still dripping blood. (Y/n) took a deep breathe, forcing herself to focus on his wound and not the outline of his abs and the way sweat was dripping down.
“Oh- jesus christ, okay. Let me get some stuff.”
The creature on the other bed made a noise and (Y/n) realized he was injured too, a small blade sticking out of his leg. 
“Okay, I’ll be right back.” She ran to the other side to grab materials and begin patching them up. The process went like a blur. All she could feel was the way Loki’s body felt warm against hers, not like the cold she was expecting from his being a dark elf. His hand brushed against hers as he admired her handy work, eyes moving from her face to her form. Finally she was done and seated back in her office, yelling at herself for being so horny today for no goddamn reason. 
As she took a seat once again, she noticed the still blank rsvp card.
God-fucking-damn it
She still had a decision to make. As she went to check the “No [   ]” box, her door opened. Loki walked in and quickly made himself comfortable, sitting across from her. 
“I wish to thank you for the help.”
(Y/n) nodded, eyes wide, “Of course, yeah, anyth-”
“I also wish to invite you to Stark’s feast.”
She froze, mouth slightly open. I don’t even know this dude! And he’s killed a shit ton of people..
“Uh, well,” oh fuck it, “I would love that. Thanks.”
He smiled, “I’ll see you then, (Y/n).”
He left and closed the door behind him. She rushed to fill out the card and went to find Tony. Knowing him, he’d probably be down in his lab playing robots with Morgan. (Y/n) hopped in the elevator and headed towards the basement above the parking garage. It stopped around 3 floors down and the sign flashed “gym.” The doors opened and Bucky entered, sweaty from trying to workout and get rid of all these new feelings he’s having. He didn’t look up from his phone until the doors closed behind him. 
His eyes landed on hers, “O-oh hey! Hi.”
(Y/n) gave him a wave and looked down at her letter, rolling it up in her hands.
“You going to the party?”
“That’s good! Really good! Because you really don’t need a date for stuff like this, we’re all friends, right?” Bucky was desperately trying to make up for what he had said earlier. 
“I have a date actually.”
His eyes widened, “What? Who?”
She turned and shrugged, “Just some guy I met, don’t think you would know him.”
A light went off in his head- she’s trying to make me jealous, isn’t she! She doesn’t have a date! She just wants me to make my move!
Bucky laughed and gave her a smirk, “You don’t have to lie to impress me, doll.”
She whipped around, “Excuse me? You don’t think I can get a date?”
His cheeks turned bright red, “W-what? No, you’re just trying to make me jealous.. right?”
Her jaw dropped, “You are so full of it.” 
The elevator dinged and (Y/n) exited into the basement, leaving Bucky’s head full of questions.
Did I just fuck up again, he thought. 
The next few days past fairly quickly. (Y/n) spent her time in the medical bay once again, dealing with minor injuries and organizing the first aid kits. The few highlights she did have was a quick lunch with Loki, which seemed very abnormal for him. He showed up in her office with, as he called it, “Midgardian Trash,” which was just a plate of different snack foods that Clint had recommended. They ate in a comfortable silence, sharing a few thoughts here and there, until he took his que to leave. (Y/n) walked him to the door and was surprised when he pressed a kiss to her cheek, making her face heat up.
“See you tomorrow, dear (Y/n).”
She stumbled out a response, making him laugh at her speechlessness. After work she rushed to prepare herself for Saturday night.
It was probably the biggest party upstate New York had ever seen. Completely catered, a professional band, everyone dressed up in their finest clothing. (Y/n) would’ve felt completely out of place if it wasn’t for Loki’s arm wrapped around her waist as they entered. He was dressed in a black suit with a dark green tie, constantly repping his main color. Time flew as they spun on the dance floor and drank a little too much, although alcohol didn’t seem to have much effect on him. Loki excused himself to the restroom as (Y/n) downed a glass of water to sober up. She felt someone sit next to her at the bar.
“Look, I’m not interested-”
“Are you crazy? Like- do you genuinely have a death wish?”
She looked beside her and was face to face with Bucky. It felt weird to see him so dressed up. She was used to the sweats and t-shirts, but she had to admit that he cleaned up nice. 
“What are you talking about?”
He glared at her, “Loki? Your date is LOKI. Steve filled me in, I know everything. He’s killed people, (Y/n)! A lot of them!”
“So have you.”
“I-” His voice faltered. “That’s different, you know it is. I’m just worried about you, that’s all.”
“Well don’t be. He’s actually a pretty good guy. And here he comes now.”
Loki appeared, tapping Bucky on the shoulder, “can I help you?”
“We were just talking.”
He laughed, “seems you would rather do much more than that.”
(Y/n)’s brows furrowed, ‘What does that mean?”
Bucky’s face turned red, “nothing! I guess I’ll leave you two alone now.” 
“Nonsense,” Loki pushed him back into the chair. “Tell the woman what you think of her. Perhaps it could work out for you, or for us both.”
(Y/n) was confused again, “What the fuck are you guys talking about?”
Loki looked her up and down, “don’t be a fool. He fancies you, as do I. I propose an agreement-”
“wait what,” she looked at Bucky, “you like me? Like- more than a friend?”
He looked down at the table, confused and frustrated about his feelings and about how this alien douchebag was making fun of him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and spoke up.
“Listen asshole-”
Loki rolled his eyes, “do you wish to mount the lady or no?”
(Y/n) choked on her water, “what the fuck-”
Bucky’s eyes felt like they would fall out of his head, but he responded instinctively, “yes, god yes.”
Butterflies went off in (Y/n)’s stomach, eyes locked onto Bucky’s face.
“Great. So do I. So we shall share her then? Tonight? What do you think?” 
Loki turned to (Y/n), who was in shock.
“Tonight, the two of us, yes? In your chambers, perhaps.”
“I-uh, okay.”
Bucky licked his lips, “Okay?”
“Yes, I mean-fuck, why not. You are both.. wow.”
Loki laughed, “Great, but truly shocking how blind you mortals are to each other.” 
The three of them sat in a weird tension at the bar while waiting for Tony to give his toast. After about 10 minutes of emotional rambling, Tony finally raised his glass to the Avengers. (Y/n) downed her drink and looked to the two men sitting beside her. Locking eyes, they shared a common thought and all excused themselves one by one. They found their way into (Y/n)’s bedroom, where she made herself at home by throwing off the heels she had been wearing all night. 
Bucky cut off her rambling with a hot, open mouthed kiss pressed to her lips. His hands trailed down her sides and grabbed her ass. He pulled away, breathing hard. “You have no idea, how long I’ve wanted to do that.” 
He suddenly felt far more confident and began to strip off his suit, starting with the tie that had been choking him all night. Loki threw off his coat and pushed (Y/n) onto her bed. 
“I want you to kneel.” 
She stood up on her knees, face flushed, waiting for his next move. He slowly undid his pants and pulled out his cock. 
Well, yeah, he’s definitely packing
(Y/n) pressed a kiss to the tip before licking her way from the bottom back to the top. She took a deep breath and took him in her mouth as far as she could. Loki began to thrust, gripping her hair and pushing her forward, using her mouth as a fucktoy. (Y/n) opened her eyes to look up at him and noticed Bucky on the side, hand in his pants, eyes zeroed in on her mouth. She motioned for Bucky to strip, making him drop his pants and boxers, leaving him now completely exposed. His hand continued to pump his length, whimpers leaving his mouth. Loki noticed (Y/n)’s eye’s on Bucky and pulled away from her, leaving spit and precum dripping down her mouth.
“Take her.”
Bucky’s face flushed, embarrassed to be doing exactly what some other dude told him to. He walked towards the bed, cock standing proudly. 
“Is this okay?”
(Y/n) nodded yes, grabbing him by the shoulders and pulling him onto the bed with her. With Bucky underneath her, she lined up with his dick and sunk down onto it.
“Fuck! Jesus-fuck-”
(Y/n) couldn’t think for a moment, too distracted by how much he was stretching her. Bucky’s head was thrown up and his grip on her thighs tightened. He lifted his tips and bucked into her, making her gasp again.
Regaining her composure, (Y/n) began to roll her hips. As she rode him, Bucky sat up and his lips found their way to her neck, leaving marks up and down it. From the side of the bed, she could see Loki completely exposed now, hand running up and down his length as he watched them. He smirked as he caught her eye, making it more of a show. 
His hand moved faster before focusing on his tip. (Y/n)’s thoughts were broken from him as Bucky began to paw at her clit, rubbing it just the right way. Her hands went to his hair, pulling him close.
“God, so fucking-shit-so tight-”
Bucky’s voiced was strained, trying not to finish before her, but (Y/n) was making it difficult with how tight she was clamped around him. 
“Fuck-i’m so close, please!”
Bucky started thrusting up into her, “say my name-fuck”
“Bucky! Please!”
He rammed into her with a quick pace, hands groping her ass. (Y/n) a warmth growing in her, squeezing his dick even more. Finally, she reached her peak and exploded around him, dripping her juices down his dick. Bucky quickly flipped them over, putting one of her legs over his shoulder and started to pound into her. (Y/n) choked on her breath, completely overwhelmed from the overstimulation. Bucky’s thrusts began to stutter until he bucked one last time, going deep into her and exploding. He filled her up and slowly pulled out, seeing his cum dripping out of her.
“Holy shit.”
(Y/n) laughed, trying to catch her breath, “thanks, you too.”
“Quite the show, indeed.”
(Y/n) had almost forgot there was a whole other dude waiting to fuck her. Looking over, Loki’s cock was still standing tall, the tip burning red. 
He stood up and made his way to the bed, “On your hands and knees.”
His command made butterflies form in her stomach. (Y/n) turned over and got on her hands and knees. Loki entered her without warning, making her scream out in surprise. His hand came to her head, pushing her into the mattress. His pace picked up as he slammed into her.
Loki laughed through his heavy breathing, literally fucking her into the mattress.
“Let’s get something in that mouth, yes? Barnes-”
Bucky’s eyes moved from watching where Loki was connecting with (Y/n) to her mouth. “Sure-yeah, fuck yes.”
Bucky was thankful for his super soldier qualities because he was already up for round two. He got on the bed, dick facing (Y/n)’s mouth. She got back on her hands and kissed his tip before he pushed in. Bucky let (Y/n) control the pace although most times she was pushed on his dick by Loki’s hard thrusts. (Y/n) lost track of time as she getting literally fucking railed. Loki’s thrusts began to speed up and sweat was dripping down his godly body. 
(Y/n) felt the coil in her stomach tighten again, warmth spreading through out her, she was close, moaning around Bucky’s length. He pulled out of her mouth and began to jerk off, enjoying the show Loki and her were putting on. 
(Y/n) screamed as she reached her climax for the second time that night, eyes rolling to the back of her head, but Loki didn’t slow. He continued until one finally thrust, he pulled out and spilled onto her back, throwing his head back.
The noises (Y/n) was making made Bucky cum into his own hand before collapsing on the bed. 
(Y/n) dropped onto the bed, legs shaking. “Jesus- fuck.”
Bucky put a hand to her cheek, “you okay? We didn’t hurt you, did we?”
She shook her head, “No, just-fuck- I’m gonna be so fucking sore.”
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years ago
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Third Sunday After Epiphany by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876
“Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.”–Matt. 8: 2.
The leper of whom we read in today’s Gospel believes that Christ has the power to heal him, and he is not mistaken; Christ, stretching forth His hand, said: “I will, be thou made clean!”
What leprosy is to the body, that sin is to the soul. Many of the children of the Church, many who call upon Jesus, are covered with this leprosy. They believe in His Power and Will to cleanse them from sin, and yet they are not cleansed, and why not? Because they do not earnestly will it.
It often happens that the sinner, while apparently desirous of conversion, has in reality not the will. And why? That is the question we shall answer today. O Mary, thou purest of the pure, pray that we may be filled with a true desire to be cleansed from the leprosy of sin, through Jesus Christ our Lord! I speak in the most holy name of Jesus, to the greater glory of God!
“Lord, if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean,” cried the leper. How much more natural it is for us children of the Church to address Christ in these words, since we know so much better than the leper in the Gospel who Jesus is, and why He came into the world.
The leper did not doubt that Christ possessed the power to heal him, but he was not certain of Christ’s willingness to perform a miracle. In regard to the leprosy of sin, we have no reason to doubt Christ’s willingness to cleanse us. For this He came into the world, for this He sacrificed Himself on the cross, for this He gave His blood and life, for this He established His Church. Do not the Apostles teach us to say: “I believe in the forgiveness of sins?” To give us a remedy against sin, Christ called us to His holy Church, freed us in baptism from the inherited leprosy of our nature, and gave us access to all the Sacraments, those fountains of grace for the purification of souls.
Verily then Jesus is willing. If we are not cleansed, in whom lies the fault? In ourselves. The sinner is wanting in real sincerity and in the earnest desire of being cleansed. And why? Because he feels his own misery too imperfectly. He is not sufficiently disgusted with sin; he is not thoroughly penetrated with fear at the consequences of sin.
The leper was disgusted with himself. Leprosy is, as is well known, a revolting disease, and everyone is careful to avoid those who are stricken with it. But what is such a disease compared to the disfigurement of sin, which makes us resemble Satan in repulsiveness? Not only mortal, but even venial sin is leprosy. Not a moral fault but is more disgusting to God than all the ulcers and sores in the whole world.
Could the sinner but see himself, were he aware of how his soul is deformed by sin, how intense would be his desire, how great his haste to go to Jesus and beg of Him to be cleansed. Unfortunately, the sinner is seldom thoroughly conscious of his deplorable state. He generally believes that his moral condition is not so bad, and, regarding his sins as human weaknesses, consoles himself with the thought that there are others who are worse. He fails to consider God’s horror of sin, the disgust of the angels and saints, who have reason to be ashamed of him if he regards himself in communion with them, or perhaps even calls them his brothers and his sisters. He does not realize that the sight of his sins drives away his guardian angel, all angels, in fact, and saints. He never thinks of the misfortune into which sin has precipitated him, robbing his good works of all merit, and rendering him unable to earn anything for heaven; how sin has opened the gates of hell, so that he is liable at any moment to fall into the abyss, where he must bewail in eternal torments those sins which he here committed with so little concern.
He who stains his soul with many venial sins can not consider how these prevent him from lessening the flow of divine grace, diminish his merits, how they augment the debt that is to be paid in purgatory. Moreover, he can not reflect on the danger his waywardness exposes him to of falling into grievous sin. The consequence of this thoughtlessness is that the sinner hastens not to seek Jesus, and to approach Him in the person of His minister to receive, after sincere repentance, the forgiveness of his transgressions.
Secondly.–The sinner goes to confession and apparently is desirous of being cleansed from the leprosy of his sin, but in reality he is very indifferent. How few of those to whom sin has become a habit–a class of sinners who especially resemble the leper–examine themselves conscientiously before confession on the number of their mortal sins and the circumstances that affect the nature of their transgressions. The leper feels day and night the misery of his disease, and knows every place where it has settled. The habitual sinner does not take the trouble to consider the evil of sin on his soul, and hardly deems it necessary to examine his conscience. Why? He is not really in earnest to be converted.
If it were a bodily illness he would immediately send for a physician, and explain minutely all the symptoms of his disease; but as the condition of his soul is a matter of little concern to him, he gives but a superficial account of its state, and not unfrequently makes a bad confession. It but seldom happens that a habitual sinner accuses himself fully and freely without aid from the priest. Jesus stretched out his hand and touched the leper. The priest should spiritually do the same to the sinner by his words, but as the sinner has not thoroughly opened his heart, the priest is not able to touch the affected parts and heal them by words of advice.
The sinner confesses, but he has not the earnest desire to make a frank and open declaration of his faults. He is satisfied with a lame, cursory accusation, hoping that the confessor will impart a speedy absolution, and not trouble him with many questions. He is not anxious about the future, how he may avoid relapses, anticipate temptations or combat them, when they do assault him, with effectual weapons.
The sinner, moreover, has not the determination to use the proper means to obtain grace and to advance in the ways of virtue, namely, prayer, spiritual reading, the reception of the Sacraments.
Happy are you, O sinner, if you are conscious that you are, earnest in your desire to be converted, to avoid all occasions of committing sin, and to resist temptations, so that you can truthfully say before Jesus and his minister: I will. Christ will say the same to you. And if you unite your will with His, do not doubt that you will be cleansed from the leprosy of your sin through Jesus Christ our Lord! Amen! 
Once when Our Lord was coming down from a mountain, followed by a great crowd of people, He entered the city of Capharnaum. At the city gates there was a poor leper, who, bowing down profoundly, addressed Jesus and cried out: “Lord! if Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.”
Leprosy is a very filthy, disgusting disease. The whole body is covered with a false dry skin like scales, so that the person becomes a most hideous and loathsome object. In the East and in this country, too, leprosy is considered contagious, and the laws of sanitary boards separate people afflicted with it from those that are well, and will not allow lepers to come into the cities. This picture is but a very insignificant description of leprosy. You must see it to know how loathsome it really is.
When you read the description of leprosy think of that other kind of leprosy of the soul, for sin is the leprosy of the soul, and is as filthy and more so than the leprosy of the body. Yes, it is the leprosy of sin that makes the soul a horrible sight before God and the angels. The leprous souls that live in so many human bodies in cities and villages are not subject to any laws. They can remain where they please, and still we know that nothing is more contagious than the leprosy of sin. Thus it is that sin is continually growing and spreading, until we find it in every nook and corner of the world. How rare it is to find youths not infected with some vice or other! How few are untouched by this contagion, or who have preserved their baptismal innocence!
If you are already covered with the leprosy of sin, ah, then cry out: “Lord, you see how miserable my condition is! Heal me–cleanse me. You see that my mouth is infected because such bad words, blasphemies, and curses are continually flowing from it. You see, O Lord, that my body and my senses are infected with this terrible disease, for it induces the soul to commit the sins of impurity.” If you pray in this manner, humbly and confidently, you will hear in your soul the consoling words, “Yes, I will help you to overcome that vice. I will forgive you and give you the grace of remaining good.”
But Our Lord adds: “Go and show yourselves to the priest.” The priest is the minister of God. He will extend his hands over you, and you will be made whiter than snow. You will start up into a new life, in which you will acquire again the merits of your good actions, which would never have been any benefit to you unless you had thus repented. From slaves of Satan you will become adopted sons of God, co-heirs with Jesus Christ.
But remember well, my beloved children, that you must have a good will. St. Augustine says that God cures all evils, but only those which we really want to be cured.
The unhappy leper really wished to be healed, for he realized the sad condition he was in, and Jesus immediately extended His hand and touched him. We admire the power of Christ, for at once the whole body was healed. It was again full of vigor and health. Jesus did not give him time to burst out in sentiments of wonder, exultation or gratitude, but said: “See thou tell no man, but go, show thyself to the priest.” The man obeyed, and as he went he could not help letting people know what Jesus had done for him. The fame of this miracle spread about the country and drew many to look for help from Our Lord.
There was in Capharnaum a centurion, a soldier and a heathen, whose servant lay at the point of death. He came to Our Lord and laid his trouble before Him: “My servant lieth at home sick of the palsy, and is grievously tormented.” “I will come and heal him,” said Our Lord. But the centurion did not expect so great a favor; he repeated those admirable words: “Lord I am not worthy that Thou shouldst enter under my roof, but only say the word and my servant shall be healed.”
These words are so applicable to all poor sinners who are about to receive the visit of the Lord, that the Church has borrowed them and uses them three times when communion is to be given. “We should repeat them with a heart full of confusion, because even though we possessed the purity of an angel and the sanctity of John the Baptist, we would not be worthy to receive in our heart Our Lord Jesus. Therefore ought we do all in our power to be free from sin, that we might be the less unworthy to receive Jesus in the great Sacrament of His love.
There are few young people who are so impressed with the sublimity of this holy Sacrament that they approach it with sentiments of respect and veneration. On the contrary they generally go without proper dispositions. They do not endeavor to excite in themselves the sentiments of devotion and love of God which are required to make a good communion.
But there are many, too, who are unworthy to receive Jesus in their heart because their souls are blackened with crime. They defile their tongues with impure conversations, and they dare to receive on them the body of Christ. They defile their bodies with impurities and into these they dare to introduce the Holy of holies. They give scandal and they wish to receive Jesus.
They go to confession and if the priest refuse them absolution because he sees no signs of amendment, they go to another, who is easier, so that they may get through. How blind such young people are! They do not comprehend that they are making a bad communion.
Go, of course, frequently to communion, but do so with a pure heart, and free from sin, full of humility, reverence, and love. When the time approaches for communion, call on the angels, the archangels and all the holy spirits, and beg of them to accompany you to the banquet of Our Lord.
When Our Lord heard the humble words of the centurion He was struck with astonishment and said, “Amen, I say to you, I have not found so great a faith in Israel.” It was certainly a great act of faith, and that was the reason it drew on the centurion that commendation which the Lord seldom gave. The centurion trusted in the power and goodness of Our Lord. He knew, too, that it was not necessary for Our Lord to come to his house. He knew He was God, or at least had the power of God at His command. For this faith and trust Our Lord broke forth into unusual praise.
Even among faithful Christians it is rare to find those who really trust in God. They put trust in their friends, in their own smartness and strength, but they do not remember that they have a God at their command to whom they may go with all confidence. We trust too much to our friends in many things and even prefer them to God. Here is a young man who, meeting his companions, goes with them to lunch. It is Friday. The young man refuses to eat meat, but his companions persuade him. “Oh, eat it! What wrong can there be?” He yields, and the sin is committed.
Another meets a companion on the street. “Where are you going?” “To hear a sermon,” is the reply. “Oh, don’t be so foolish as to sit there to listen to such an insignificant preacher. That is good enough for doting old people or pious women. Come, let us go to the theatre. You will see nice things; you will laugh and be happier there than in church.” He goes out of friendship for his companion. He witnesses the derision of his religion, or immoral scenes; he sees many things that please the eye and stir his sensuality. He hears many improper things; his mind is filled with loose sayings and bad thoughts, and all this has happened simply to please a friend. You see then how obsequious you are to your friends, but of God and Christ you make no account.
When Our Lord had said the words of commendation to the centurion He added: “Many shall come from the east and the west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven, but the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the exterior darkness.” God is merciful to all; He calls all; but they must have the faith of the centurion. Then He turned again to the centurion and said, “Go, and as thou hast believed so be it done to thee.” That same moment the servant was healed, and when the centurion arrived home he found the man perfectly restored to health. Just reflect a moment on these words of Our Lord. “The children of the kingdom shall be cast out into the exterior darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Terrible words; but which will prove as true to many Christians as they were to many of the Jews. Not a day passes but many infidels and idolaters come to the faith, are converted, and enter the kingdom of God, while many Christians born in the faith, brought up and educated in it, perish miserably in eternal damnation. A damned soul once returned to the earth and asked whether there were any good people still on earth, for he had seen such innumerable multitudes going to hell that he thought there could not be one left.
St. Bernard understood so well the misery of those who went to hell that he used to say, “If out of all the human race, who number thousands of millions of souls, it were known that only one was to go to hell, I would tremble with fear lest I should be that miserable one.” O, my dear young people, let us make up our minds that we will not be of the number of the wicked Christians who will lose their places in heaven which were marked out for them from all eternity had they remained faithful. Are we, the sons of the kingdom, we, the adopted sons of God, to be excluded from our future heritage in heaven and thrown out into darkness? Oh, since the Lord has been so good to us that we have received the grace of being born in a Christian family, let us beg also the grace to remain faithful to Christ and love Him so dearly that we may enter the heavenly kingdom which is ours by right. At the same time knowing that many places are left vacant in heaven by bad Christians, let us beg Our Lord to send His light to the east and west and bring many to occupy these seats of glory. 
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yalungfarres · 4 years ago
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“Gahi’g ulo” (Stubborn!), “Gikapuy nako aning kahimtang nato” (I’m tired of this situation), “Kalami na ilaag,” ug “Ga-hasol-hasol raning COVID”
Complaints and disappointments constitute the daily life of most people in this time of pandemic. This pandemic cripples our normal way of life and has certainly tested our patience. Indeed, this COVID-19 pandemic is making all of us tremble in fear, exposing our vulnerability, and on top of it, testing our faith in humanity and in God. But undoubtedly, too, if we bother to listen and look into things that are not so obvious yet are also happening, it also makes us realize a lot of things from a vantage point of view. It tells a lot about us and a lot around us. How about you, are you one of those who still clings on to positivity? Or one of those who has already fallen prey to exasperation and frustration?
Now, instead of just merely echoing complaints and making noise out of disappointments, I would like to give another look at the expressions mentioned above and make a juxtaposition citing few common biblical instances. From here, I’ll endeavor to draw lines to help us weigh in on helpful and practical insights as we face this pandemic and brace ourselves for the “new normal.”
“Tigas ng ulo”
“Tigas ng ulo” is a common expression that many have carelessly thrown without even analyzing the situation the people they are criticizing are in. Many of these people literally cannot afford to stay at home, for they live “isang kahig, isang tuka,” and, therefore, “kung walang kahig, walang tuka.” Ironically, many of those who use the term are the same people who can’t help but drive to expensive coffee and milk tea shops which remain open. We try to put ourselves in the shoes of the poor: imagine living in a small room with no air-conditions or electric fans in the heat of the summer while brooding over where to get the next meal or payment for our rent and debts after all the government assistance shall have run out. Social inequality is so vast that we cannot just simply dismiss the situation of those living below the margins. 
We go back to when Jesus lived his earthly life. The apostles whom He chose were people coming from different backgrounds, and most likely were hard headed themselves. There was Peter who at first refused to cast his fishing net even at the order of Jesus. There was also Thomas who was naturally skeptical and stubborn. Nevertheless, these were the same people he told to “go to the world and spread the good news of salvation.” Did Jesus confront them in anger? Or in demeaning manner? He didn’t say, “ANG TIGAS NG ULO NYO!” But instead Jesus accepted and understood them. The only difference between us and Jesus is that he did not leave his work just that; He enlightened them and taught them ways.  He did not say to Thomas, “I pity you for your lack of faith,” but rather, “Come, touch my wound that you may believe.”
We should also do the same as Jesus did. Instead of always ranting and putting the blame on others, why not help those in need? Instead of telling them “ang tigas ng ulo nyo,” why not try to understand their situation first, then try to enlighten them on what to do? Most of them are also confused trying to fight a battle defenseless, something that we always tend to overlook. We cannot blame them, it’s the lives of their children and theirs that are at stake. Yes, it is true there are a lot of hardheaded people; but the thought of solving it through rants and skewed judgments would only usher in hatred not solution. These stubborn people are the same people who hope. Instead of dragging them down, why not let our hearts be open and help realign the ways for their hopes? Yes, being hardheaded during this time of crisis is not commendable… and so is having a heart of stone for others.
  “Gikapoy na ko ani atong kahimtang. Kalami naman lang gyud ilaag. Hasula na aning COVID -19!”
Tired, powerless, stressed, delightfully frustrated, and the likes are the feelings we often associate with our COVID19 situation. Is it really just that or the fear of the uncertain?  We go out for our grocery, fall in long queues, and observe 1-meter distance and other measures, then a question enters our thought, “How long will I keep doing this?” We are comfortably seated at home then one of our family members innocently asks, “can we go to the beach, if not then shopping would do.” Our normal way of life has been affected. Apart from the uncertainty our life holds, we are all dealing with another yet more troubling uncertainty and we have nothing to tell ourselves except “Hasula na!” or “Kakapoy na ba!” Yes, it’s true we are tired of this COVID19 situation, especially with the extension of the enhanced community quarantine. I also would admit “gikapuy nako aning kahimtang nato.” But I realize, instead of spending time thinking of what’s not even there, we think of things real and get involved in them as we supposedly should. This is the time time to be with our family, to learn new things, to reflect, and to pray. As I was watching my family doing some household chores together, I realized that this pandemic has fostered values we have not seen and experienced for a while. While at home, we can also learn new things like engaging in workouts, listening to (or playing) music, or better yet reading books or Ebooks for us to exercise our mind and widen our knowledge and understanding of things. It would, however, all the more be better if we spend time for prayer and meditation. With rising toll of confirmed cases and deaths, fake news and misinformation mistaken for truth, hoarding and other selfish activities unmasking people’s identity, prayer is a necessity. Yes, it’s true. “Gihasol ta aning COVID-19” but if we come to think of it, apart from the unpleasant and discomforting things which our eyes are glued to, things start falling back to places: the recovery and healing of nature; the perking up of interdependence among man and his fellow human beings; the celebration of life over disheartening excessive emphasis on economy; and faith in our own humanity. Billionaires sharing a part of their fortune, small and big companies reaching out to their workers, and other private individuals helping out through cash aids and food packs, all these are becoming a narrative of a living humanity.
Biblically speaking, our experience is never new. The Old Testament Israelites spent 40 years in the wilderness before finally reaching the promised land. Noah and his family kept floating for 40 days and 40 nights. I could just imagine how seemingly hopeless those 40 years were for the Israelites and if they surrendered, everything they started would have just gone into waste. As for Noah, getting stuck inside the Ark for 40 days is one thing and not knowing where they will be led is another. In the New Testament, Jesus was fasting and praying for 40 days, and at the night before he was betrayed and arrested, he was patient and praying constantly. Then there is the Cross, a knowledge he brought with him for more than 30 years. The Cross that Jesus carried to Calvary reminds us that Jesus is with us, journeying with us in our suffering and seeming hopeless situation. What the biblical instances show us is that we can always make our way through suffering and that our situation is a matter of making it meaningful. But how can we make our frustrations, stresses, anxieties, etc. meaningful? It depends on how you define meaningful but as for me, I do it by cooperating with the authority, spending quality time with my family, extending little extras I have to others, keeping myself busy with real things, and most especially, by praying for the welfare of everyone affected by the pandemic, the front liners, those infected, and the poor who are the most affected due to lack of financial means. Admittedly, not everything is under control and not everything is negotiable by any material wealth. There is always what we call “fallen short” but the good thing is, there is somebody who can make up for all the shortcomings. Unless we spend time for prayer, there will never be enough. Having said this, why not, instead of saying “gahasol-hasol ning covid oy! Lami na baya kaau ilaag,” and instead of thinking of going on vacation, why not say “after covid-19 I want to go to church to praise and thank God for giving me another life?” I assure you, it does make a huge difference.
 I would like to end this reflection with a simple prayer.
 Lord, guide all of us in this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, protect us from its infection. To those who are infected and battling for their lives, help them and touch them with your healing hands. Help also the poor that they may find what they need and guide them in everything they do. Lord, give us grace and guide us all, especially our families, friends, and those front liners as they fight to curb the spread of this pandemic.
Beloved Mother, help us realize that we are all one great family. Unite us in fraternity and solidarity so that we can only think of helping one other. Lastly, make us strong in faith, persevering in service, and constant in prayer. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, guide us always. Amen.
(Published on May 22, 2020 - Bag-ong Lungsoranon - The Official Newsletter of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Cebu, Philippines)
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timdyoungbsmpa5 · 6 years ago
Don’t Go To The White Tunnel of Light Soul Trap of Reincarnation After You Die (How to Save Yourself and go to Heavenly Planes)
My voices to skull synthetic telepathy parasite satanists through the cones and rods images on my eyes could not bestow a world to me or anyone, or through the brain computer interface I have been illegally tortured by for nearly 15 years.
It’s a huge con.
Simply they lie about just about everything. They fake Jesus and Jewish and Mormon and whatever name, but it’s all just satanism & the same plot to enslave every man woman and child. I’m being slow kill exterminated, #cointelpro feds & reptilian exterminated at the same time they falsely accuse. I have Satanic mimics, misdirects, mockers, nano thieves, am satanically disrespect, satanically toped and not just in my head, a survivor of EMF and Reptilian Humanoid Satanic pride, have mind and body direct energy raped, and other Targeted Individual torture.
My black swiss cheese hole exits which no slavery v2k gang stalker and/or mind control slaver will tell you about, got confirmed by a number of good sources.
The #V2k #RNM and #BCI satanists attacking me, are no better than the perps in Kevin Christian’s Atlanta neighborhood. Electro Magnetic Form and frequency (fake people but real seeming and actually a real human in another location taking on the form of anyone they want) gang stalkers and others are sub human, a national security threat, criminals against creation and civilization itself.
They can’t even get off the meth or do anything good. No, they can’t give you or me or anyone a world but there are nearly unlimited world’s of all kinds out the black swiss cheese holes, we all more or less came through at some point anyway.
I am voting for the whack a mole committee approach to all EMF gang stalkers, CIA and mind control slavers; they deserve punishments that last. You on the other hand deserve rewards that last. Please read and watch below.
They tried to kill me before the info was given (and corroborated) through sincere altruism on my part. I’m a good man, an applied idealist, Buddhist and seek non reincarnation and am very against synthetic telepathy mind control slavery.
Psi Ops Researcher and Expert: @CounterDarkness on twitter
Website: https://www.counterdarkness.org
#ReptilianHumanoids Researcher and Expert: @davidicke on Twitter
Website: https://www.davidicke.com
#NanoAI #v2k #RNM #BCI computers connecting to humans or #transhumanism Researcher and Expert:
@DeepThoughtNews on Twitter
Website: https://deepthoughtnews.wordpress.com
Escape Earth After Death Corroborating Researcher and Expert: Wes Penre
Website: http://www.wespenre.com
Targeted Individual Research: http://targetedindividualsua.weebly.com/
I hate religion especially satanism, complex satanism. I’m being exterminated and my sex organs attacked for 5 years, use high powered magnets around private parts for protection. Their goal for any TI is homeless suicide, it’s cointelpro and trillions in satanism & federal projects not just “my neighbors”. Also you can get bio hacking software off the dark web for your cell phone and direct energy weapons are being used on many Americans.
These are psi ops and those are full of cohersive lies. Shape shifters been following me around for years real or faked reptilian, most faked, and they are protecting magnitudes of trillions in human trafficking and nano slavery.
I was lied to I do not lie and would like justice. They keep us poor tortured and enslaved. They mimic me, steal my work and words and honor through remote neural monitoring and other computer and synthetic mean and give it to EMF gang stalkers & reptilian secretly. I’m a Buddhist Christian by nature DNA threat to their satanism, so they won’t allow me to breed. I refuse to lead the humans to hell. I live there now, they lie about what and where it is. I can’t save you but have a few ideas on how you save yourself.
Question: How do you ruin the human condition in crimes worse than genocide with less than 6 or so words and a 3rd graders vocabulary? You don’t want the spiritual AIDS, remote neural monitoring, voice to skull tech, nano ai infections/human abuse tech that you would rather have an arm off or lobotomy than endure.
In a 1,000 words, since 2004 my life has been basically the following photos. The reptilian were mostly EMF faked and it is what is happening to me and many other TIs.
It’s tech not spiritual actually, fakers, cohesive, fakers. It’s not just mental illness but spiritual slavery past one life, study instant death to avoid getting mislead at moments f death if you are paranoid, infected and precarious like me. I may dynamite my whole head in protest and for freedom. It’s crimes against creation, worse than Hitler and genocide the rnm, v2k, nano tech, transhumanism problems ect and NOT just in my head.
It’s only masked as mental illness, there never was a problem with my biology or blood, DNA and they are exterminating us in slow kills. There really was no other world that was a lie I was told in psi ops and retold on social media while under mind control. All this is terrorism at me and Oregon, the USA and world; same plot to enslave every man woman and child. No “religion” will save us.
The reptoids who get high off human suffering (feed) access our minds and bodies illegally with tech and it’s literally hell on earth, negative energy feeding, involving the pituitary glad. I get fed off and they steal my thought too. And they fake demonic possession to discredit TIs.
I choose blanket forgiveness for all mammal human peers and here is a solid plan B that never changes in the video on how to save yourself linked above. I love you peer mammal humans. They USA did not have God & invented satan instead I am convinced. I’m leaving earth after death, I never was satan, satanic, an anti christ or anything bad.
I’ve been made a mind control nano slave and God never damned me. It was the feds and others, synthetically.
At moments of death if you are infected with spiritual slavery tech like I am and have a nano infection, remote neural monitored, voice to skull argeted individual, a victim of the spiritual slavery crimes against creation and fear getting mislead in the dream world bardo state of mind, fear getting tricked into reincarnation on the moon, Saturn, the sun or otherwise I am personally considering dynamite to the whole head or lots of electrical energy for death. A bardo is a sliver of a moment, head lives a long time while dying & snakes & others may mislead you to 4th plane/frequency/dimension.
I don’t want that and plan to study star charts like to Andromeda or to live with the grays maybe, rise above this hellish life. It may be as simple as just going up and out of the solar system regardless of rnm v2k nano ai infection I should say also.
I want to be free, saved and I think that means evacuating earth after we die one by one though the black swiss cheese hole structures around the criminal compound solar system. You were never the criminals, the reptoids and others (aliens, AI, etc) taking advantage of you in 3d forms and 5 senses were.
The spiritual slavery system started in the US under the guise of national pride, parts of the UK circa 2017 allegedly infected and frankly anything religious is just a distraction from the nuts and bolts issues. I have parasites, it’s not an over use of the term. I’m not God and they never were. This is prisoner for satanic gods not you. They can replace people just for moments without us knowing and posses people with tech without them knowing.
Reptoids and other aliens get high off your suffering (negative energy directly from the penial gland allegedly) and deny you the energy/love you have normally in full inter-dimensional form, I understand.
The only solution is to evacuate one by one after death, it’s a plot to enslave every man woman and child. You don’t have to come. The boomers may recall that historical quote. I’m on the side of just 3d 5 sense folks and scientists that don’t even study these fields that feel it’s time to abandon earth even from their perspectives.
If it’s bad and about me it is a lie, they even tried to project monarch me and of course that is not going to work. I’m not and never was a sex criminal or criminal, and they are killing off a holy line arguably. I’m fairly brilliant in some areas, naturally smart, well educated and a little wiser. But this is about all of us, not just a fairly cool nerd from the north west.
They are trying to make an obtuse and malevolent God out of the surveillance but it’s really satanism. I have satanic mimics, satanic toppers, nano thieves, satanic misdirects, the gang stalkers use satanic repeaters & suggest for brainwashing, satanic mockers and nano thrived from. I’m an MkUltra tortured slave, gang stalked, remote mural monitored, they want a no touch kill of me and my family has been attacked. I am exposed to all kinds of satanic pride and ironically am a victim of satanic disrespect (victim not perp). They steal all my honor and make sure I am disrespected and lied about. I am actually rather good, deep state attacks and mockingbird is misleading through media and music. Chakra tortures and other unholy deeds I have endured. Found a means of escape too after I die, wanted to pass it on. I won’t go to hell, I live their now artificially bio hacked. You want to leave earth. You want to get out NOT, in. In is into a gang of stalkers, they never say what they really mean.
I’ve dealt with these crimes against creation for 14 years approaching 39 but over the last two years or so project mockingbird was introduced on all the radio and tv. I even hear video games about over a year ago, people are being mislead. None of it is God. I won’t even watch TV. The tech in my body interacts with mockingbird and it tries to brain wash, mislead, use undue influence. The NSA satanism works with the TV unplugged FYI, never sleep in front of one, consider taking it out of house. The psychosis, spiritual slavery tech is off planet criminal spiritual slavery technology and the reptilian humanoid agenda is my understanding. I was briefed of their invasion in 2013.
For information on research on the species in question, please refer to David Icke. For information on psychological operations with real life consequences I should add, research counter darkness on Twitter and his website. For analysis of the computer science component of all of this and humans, check out deep thought news on transhumanism. A man named Wes P. and others know how to evacuate after death and further, there is a link on being a targeted individual like myself. The Swiss Cheese holes exists in the structure of the universe around earth after death I have confirmed by three sources. It’s how we got in here. I’ve been direct energy EMF gangstalker raped for 5 years and rnm and v2k tortured and worse for 14 years in 2018. All TI infected should consider instant death to the head at death to avoid endless slavery after and at moments of death.
You deserve better, and are better off evacuating after death. Elon Musk * Stephen Hawkings + a fairly cool nerd from Lake Oswego = We need to GTFO off Earth after death and never look back. It’s not hard to get off earth prison, they want you think it is – it isn’t. If they say they are my God or anything especially after I die, RUN, don’t walk away, the are parasite satanic low live dark energy feeders reptilian who mimic me or gang stalkers just faking reptilian. I never had a God in reality. The 4d and 5th dimensions feed of your suffering and all kinds of spiritual and sexual perversions and the gang stalkers call that heaven. It’s actually a dreamland (nightmare) hellscape from what I understand; a baby raping, super violent paradise for the reptoids and as you can image hell for the holy. Women get taken there, tech damned and abused is my understanding. CIA disclosures have allegedly confirmed the soul trap at the moon. I’m not trying to change the reptoids they always win, I’m just one TI. I just don’t want to share a planet with them, wicked smart in no good ways. Only play dumb! Their accumulated civilization’s handle on genetics alone, terrifying frankly.
We are kept to vulnerable and manipulable in the frankly criminal 3d forms. I’m gonna bail and you may never actually know it. Is hard data to collect souls that swiss cheese it out of here, I won’t be sending post cards if you get my drift. You DO not have to follow me.
Same plot to enslave every man woman and child.
Title page of my website they hide from search engines to censor me and fool you - Aware Truther Targeted Tortured Individual Tim D Young BS MPA nearly 15 years strong in synthetic mind control hells on earth, literal. Don't Go To The White Tunnel of Light Soul Trap of Reincarnation After You Die (How to Save Yourself and go to Heavenly Planes)
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howwelldoyouknowyourmoon · 6 years ago
Richard Bach’s second public letter
Richard Bach issued a series of public letters in Korea. So far only the first letter has been translated and posted. Here is the second one which was posted in the Korean Daum cafe.
Original letter: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4, page 5
Richard Bach’s 2nd Public Letter
What is this public letter for?
To protect the True Parents who only appear once in history, to protect our identity, and to leave behind the vertical tradition of heaven for our future Blessed Families.
I can still vividly remember what True Father told me at the Las Vegas Cheon-Hwa-Goong palace a few months before his Sunghwa (passing). “Mister Park, take good care of Mother when I go to spirit world.” I understood True Father’s words to mean that I should attend and protect True Mother.
Ever since, I have been tracking down and took legal action against those who would irresponsibly put True Mother in danger or would challenge True Parents’ authority. I did this with the heart of protecting True Mother and upholding True Parents’ authority, who are our root.
Currently in 2018 there is a person who is exposing True Mother to danger, is damaging True Parents’ value, and is challenging True Parents’ authority internally and externally. That person is Secretary General Young-Ho Yoon.
1. Reason for sending out my 2nd public letter The reason for my sending a second public letter is simple. It’s because I have seen the foundation established by True Parents—the savior, Lord of the Second Advent, messiah who is the source of true love, true life, and true lineage—crumble from the inside even before we could make Vision 2020 a reality for the restoration of sovereignty.
Circumstances worse than the selling of Jesus for 30 silver coins 2,000 years ago are taking place within the Family Federation right now. For the last 4 years I tried to quietly resolve these internal problems while protecting True Mother from forces that were expanding a culture and habits based on remnants of the “Age Before the Coming of Heaven” that should be expunged from the age of Cheon Il Guk. But despite my strong will, True Mother was put in grave danger internally and externally by the irresponsible actions of some leaders.
All the responsibility for blemishing True Mother’s authority and putting the queen’s body in danger not only in Korea, but in all mission countries, rests on Mr. Young-Ho Yoon, the vice-director of True Mother’s Secretariat and Secretary General of the Family Federation for World Peace and Unification.
Although it can’t be said that there weren’t any problems with the people closest to True Parents after the inauguration of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity and inauguration of the FFWPU, at the very least when a wrongdoing of theirs was exposed they would repent as Blessed Families and at minimum they would make an effort to establish an indemnity condition.
But, for the following three reasons Mr. Young-Ho Yoon and his wife Mrs. Shin-Hye Lee are the worst couple till now: First, Yoon and Lee’s couple are not a normal Blessed Family couple. They did not follow the value of lineage and procedure. Second, rather than live for the sake of True Parents’ providence, Yoon and Lee have abused their current position and authority for the sake of their close relatives thereby violating the hearts of members worldwide.
Third, due to the above-mentioned actions of Yoon, Lee, and their relatives, the organization is incapable of maintaining check and balance within the organization.
I already explained why they are not really a Blessed Family in my first public letter, now allow me to explain on the second and third point I made.
2. Mr. Young-Ho Yoon’s expansion of a culture of nepotism The Family Federation is losing its identity due to the culture of nepotism being spread by Young-Ho Yoon. His elder brother Kwang-Ho Yoon, his wife Shin-Hye Lee, his wife’s elder sister, his wife’s father, his wife’s mother, even his colleagues from university that graduated in 1996 are creating a negative link surrounding him that does not fit with the era of Cheon Il Guk.
Except for Blessed Families who are offering pastoral services on the field, there has not been a situation within the Federation or within any providential entity in which a husband and wife work together within the same organization’s division.
But, after Young-Ho Yoon changed his job to work at the International Headquarters, his wife Shin-Hye Lee, who was in charge of financial affairs in the International Headquarters, was moved to be under direct control of the Secretary General (Young-Ho Yoon). From an internal control and law-abiding perspective, this structure has a risk of breach of trust and embezzlement, etc. I raised concerns about this several times, and each time I recommended correction, but there was no leader who would correct this responsibly.
How can there be an organization where the husband compiles the budget, approves it, then the wife executes it and undertakes the accounting? And we’re not talking about an entity where hundreds of millions come and go, but billions.
Even if they are a Blessed Family, they can be exposed to temptations of misusing public funds according to each person’s position. An organization that does not prevent this institutionally will be that much more exposed to the danger of misuse of public money.
Institutional problems created by Mr. Young-Ho Yoon as the one mentioned above lead to procedural problems. For example, Mrs. Shin-Hye Lee who was just another deputy team leader (차장), was promoted to become a team leader (부장; or head manager) by the direct authority of the Secretary General. And, Young-Ho Yoon, who should be in charge of supporting the mission field as the Secretary General of the International Headquarters, is instead borrowing funds destined for missionary work to establish a company called “(Corp.) HJ Magnolia Group” with his personal name, managing the work of that new company with additional injection of public funds, and hiring his close relatives. Another concrete example is that Shin-Hye Lee, Yoon’s wife, has employed her elder sister to position of treasurer of the church affiliated hair shop, and Yoon allowed his elder brother Kwang-Ho Yoon to deliver goods for all sorts of church events without any bidding procedure.
Even when they witness Young-Ho Yoon’s unfair actions mentioned above, employees within the Chung Pyung complex remain silent because they fear being at the receiving end of harmful personnel treatment. Due to this silence, a culture of nepotism created by Young-Ho Yoon’s abuse of authority and corruption have spread beyond the Chung Pyung complex into the Korean mission field. Due to this, the culture of heart that our elder Blessed Families cultivated centered on True Parents is degenerating into a culture of nepotism.
Although there are countless examples of such degeneration, I will mention one more.
After Young-Ho Yoon moved over to the International Headquarters, in 2015 Hwa-Bum Lee (Shin-Hye Lee’s father) used 150,000,000 KRW to buy the Hae-Bo Unification Church center located at Ham-Pyung Kun, Jeon-Nam in the name of “Hyung-Cheol Lee” (Shin-Hye Lee’s elder brother), and only 2 years later on October, 2017, sold the church center building to an outside church. (The address of the Hae-Bo church is “328 Hae-Sam Ro, Ham-Pyung Kun, Jeon-Nam”, and the content above can be verified at the real estate registry.)
How is it that Mr. Hwa-Bum Lee, an elder Blessed Family member who used to be a pastor, uses his son to purchase and register a church—a space [given] by True Parents’ dedication for members to share the culture of heart—under a third party’s name, and then goes on to sell this to an outside church? What does this mean?
For reference, nepotism in the past referred to when the Roman emperor gave positions and power to his own family members. Many Christians naturally subjugated the Roman empire giving up their lives to give testimony of Jesus who had died at the cross, but the Roman empire eventually collapsed. Although there are many reasons for this, we have to remember that one of the biggest reasons for its demise is that a culture of nepotism had spread.
3. Collapse of order due to Young-Ho Yoon Currently in 2018, checks and balances in the Family Federation have completely collapsed. I wouldn’t say that main leaders in the past (Chung-Hwan Kwak vs. Sun-Jo Hwang) had competition in good faith, but they generated a type of tension and a proper check and balance was maintained. And other heads of businesses and providential organizations also fulfilled their respective responsibilities based on True Parents’ direct guidance.
However, currently Young-Ho Yoon and Shin-Hye Lee’s couple are misusing the position of vice-director of True Mother’s Secretariat at the Cheon Jeong Gung palace, involving themselves in personnel matters and overstepping their authority, not only at the Federation level but in all providential organizations and businesses. Through unprincipled personnel changes he has given important positions at the International Headquarters to his university colleagues, people who know his past corruption, or to those who aided and abetted him.
The acts of overstepping their authority or the misuse of public funds by Young-Ho Yoon and Shin-Hye Lee not only violate heavenly law, but it could possibly violate Korean law. That’s why I pointed this out numerous times. Some might say that sometimes it is hard to follow the laws of the world when doing the work of heaven. Perhaps one can say that if it is for the providence, but I am not sure how related to heaven’s providence it is to concurrently be holding the position of president of (Corp.) HJ Magnolia Group without distinguishing public and private, to immorally overextend one’s power over members/employees, to hire one’s relatives as they would in the outside world, and to give work/contracts to relatives.
The last few years, Korea has seen parliamentarians hiring the relatives of their aides, the abuse of power case with Korean Air, abuse of power with Asiana Airlines, etc. Following the public opinion on these issues the Korean government is punishing those who commit such improper acts, and this tendency seems to be growing.
Young-Ho Yoon and Shin-Hye Lee are promoting a culture of nepotism. Considering the fact that it is known that the Family Federation is being intently watched by various government entities, I warned True Mother’s Secretariat that if the illegal or unfair practices of Young-Ho Yoon and Shin-Hye Lee’s family members is recognized by these government agencies the legal responsibility would fall upon the involved individuals and in the worst case upon the Family Federation.
If the internal checks and balances within the Family Federation disappear and if the self-purification function does not work, then a shock will arrive from the outside. If we don’t make the effort to self-purify, the Family Federation starting with the Cheon Jeong Gung palace may be held responsible by auditing agencies of the Korean government for several types of illegal acts. And the main leaders related to this will not be able to escape from legal responsibility. I was worried about this and warned the relevant people in charge many times.
This was for their sake, but it was also in order to not bring any trouble to the True Mother they are attending. However, only because of the reason that they hold a higher position, they did not want to hear any problems or warnings about an issue that wasn’t in their area of expertise. They did not properly report such a serious matter to True Mother and ignored it.
4. Conclusion Everything has to return to normal.
The International Headquarters has to be led by a person competent in missionary and pastoral work. True Mother’s Secretariat should only fulfill its role and function as a Secretariat, and should not exert its power as if it were in the same position as True Mother. Nepotism, and checks and balances, these are things that not only Young-Ho Yoon, but all leaders should be careful of. And this obviously applies to me too.
To conclude, I am not sending this public letter as an expression of conflict between first and second generation. In other words, I am not saying that because I’m a second generation and Young-Ho Yoon is a first generation member he can’t do it and some other second generation should do it. This is not what I’m saying. I believe that if a second generation commits the same mistake as a first generation, they should be judged more harshly for being second generation. That is because the value of the existence of the second generation comes from fulfilling the role of a bridge to pass on the foundation the first generation parents created with their blood, sweat and tears, to the next generation.
I am worried that the tradition established by our elder Blessed Families who only looked towards True Parents and the precious values shown to the world through the Family Federation will lose their light if Young-Ho Yoon, who is not a Blessed Family member, spreads a culture of nepotism that extinguishes the culture of heart, tears down the order within the organization, and leaves his proper position exerting abnormal authority due to his excessive greed.
After sending in my first public letter I will not submit to any threat or pressure. I will go to the very end to fulfill the words that True Father gave me.
Thank you.
Public letter from Richard Bach, attorney, (son of Tiger Park)
My Mom Goes Witnessing For Three Years
1 note · View note
stone-man-warrior · 4 years ago
February 6, 2021: 4:41 pm:
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(5:58 pm: date corrected from 2-5 to the correct date of 2-6)
This is not far from what is real, now.
Jesus’ Highway to Tomorrowland, today.
You don‘t see it because you don‘t want to see it, but it’s there, tucked away beneath layers of sitcom 30 minute television programs, pop music on the radio, Twitter news from major news networks, and live, character acting in your neighborhood.
If you have a Walmart in your town, then you have an experimental human surgery center in your town.
If you also have a Walgreen‘s in your town, then you are in a high level command area that oversees other geographic regional terror, public control, and extermination centers, such as your town is when there is a Walmart in your town.
4:55 pm:
This is “Kyle”:
They dressed Kyle up, put him out on a football field, for the pre-game photo op.
Kyle was turned into a Football, for the game, so you could be entertained at the show, in person at the stadium, like Kyle is, or, on TV, watching, betting, waiting for the Budweiser commercial and the Clydesdale’s to entertain you some more.
Kyle is a US Citizen, was kidnapped when the Christian terror army of pirates took control of the school he was going to, and his parents were killed, or taken captive and could be slaves somewhere, or, could also be like Kyle, an experiment. Kyle is part way through his forced surgical procedures. At the condition he is in there in the photo, Kyle is a “Raw Material Specimen“. From there, as Raw Materials to work with, there is a order sheet that is filled out by Screen Actor Guild members who order custom made pet people called “Partners”, “Side-Kicks”, and “Companions”... there are other names, like “Penguins”, and “Seals”.
The order sheet has check boxes, and asks the SAG member for specific arm length, leg length, where the Kyles hands should be reattached and other specifics. There is a place on the order sheet for the SAG member to describe special attributes they wish to have their Partner fitted with, there are no rules, SAG members are encouraged to be very creative with their Partner Order Sheets, so that the surgeons will be challenged to create innovating new technologies and procedures to help advance the art of custom designed slave people.
The Christian terror army has been doing this for as long as I can remember, the first completed Partner I saw was in around 1984, in Thousand Oaks California. I spoke with that victim, who was kept in an attic at a residential house, and she told me that she had gone to Cal Jam, was kidnapped, and was forced to have surgeries such that she looked the way she did, and she did not look like a human being. Since then, I have seen many others, and spoken with a few of them, one was recently, about 6 years ago at Bi-Mart in Oregon, and the Partner victim was held captive by Peter Fonda, who was also at the Bi-Mart along with many SAG members in the store who had brought their Partners to the Bi-Mart for some kind of an event where Partners are used as entertainment for SAG members to enjoy. Peter Fonda’s Partner looked more like an Afghan Hound Dog, than a human being, was not able to speak, and was too frightened to answer what ever it was that I asked at the Bi-Mart, but that person did say something to me, I have forgotten what was said, enough that I could learn more while there that day on my own.
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US navy service persons are some of the healthiest, strongest men and women there are, and when the US military bases are taken over, such as Edwards AFB, 29 Palms, and the entire Coronado Island bases of all kinds, the US Service persons are captured, the healthiest, strongest among them, are used as Specimens for Screen Actor Guild Christian Terror Pirate Partner & Penguin Production at places like the two Red Cross floating surgery centers, at Loma Linda University Hospital, at Oregon Health Science University Hospital, at the Veterans Administration Hospital at the OHSU campus, and at underground experimental facilities such as “The Pleasure Dome” located in Medford beneath a neighborhood near the Asante Medical Center there. I have written much about this, it’s extreme danger to expose this kind of reality, and no one is interested in learning about any of it, to stop it from continuing.
Why should anyone be interested, there is big Football game this weekend, so, no one is going to be wanting to do any hard work this weekend, that’s for sure.
US Military service men and women have much in common with Kyle.
They are all Footballs on the field this weekend, enjoy the game, give the players my regards, and support that new female official they put there for you to watch.
“Welcome to Jamaica, Have a Nice Day”
The Bob Sled Team is Olympic Grade there in Jamaica.
5:48 pm:
PS: Don’t forget to pick up plenty of Frito’s Brand Bean Dip, Dorito’s, and a party size platter of Buffalo Wings at the Walmart Pre-Game Sale, happening now, at Walmart near you.
9:13 pm:
Local conditions:
Cold, 31 degrees, no wind, clear skies.
Terrorist deadmotherfuckers are waiting to happen at Strong’s terror cell at 3747 Russell Road, are sitting in car, waiting for signals from other deadterroristmotherfucker waiting to happen inside of the Offensive Monroe Surveillance Travel Trailer at 434 Jackpine.
One terror soldier at place called “Car Bridge” ignited and burst into bits in the area behind the Offensive Travel Trailer when I lit my Bic Lighter in defense of poison nitrous oxide airborne gas released from the creek area behind the Offensive Surveillance Travel Trailer at Monroe 434. They are staged at 376 Chartrand, and there are two terror soldiers in the creek while the others are in the car at Strong’s and that other dead bitch is waiting to die inside the trailer.
noteable conditions are that Chapman‘s County Courts terror cell at 3701 Russell is all dark, no lights on at all, is very unusual, so, there are Makepeace terror cell members there right now.
Makepeace is Serena Makepeace and a number of Inbred SDA Cannibal terror soldiers who reside at the nearest house to south of Jess Way on Russell Road, west side of Russell, across from Sunflower terror cell.
I killed John Makepeace in defense many years ago at Ray’s Food Place.
There is also a Jordan, Josh, and Whitney Makepeace, each about 30 - 35 years old.
There are other Makepeace inbred cannibal terror SDA soldiers who occupy the Kelly’s Market & Deli on Jump Off Joe Creek Road about two miles east of here, and at Jump Off Joe Creek Water Fall Camp Ground about three miles east of here.
Makepeace terror cell is also part of the Justin Trudeau terror at the Eastwood Guitars terror Quebec HQ at Hugo Hitching Post General Store, near the corner of Three Pines Road and Hugo Road, at the Railroad crossing.
They also occupy what was once a school in the distant past that is nearby the Hugo Hitching Post Store. Although there is no indication that Eastwood Guitars is anywhere near the Hugo Store, that does not change the fact that the place is closely associated to Eastwood Guitars and Justin Trudeau, and the Quebec specific government Trudeau advances to these parts of Oregon.
Eastwood Guitars = Quebec Canada Government = Justin Trudeau
Find him, give him the Spanish Inquisition Pronto, then, after he talks, take Justin Trudeau and all of his Quebecian terror cell to Easter Island, and drop them off there. Give him one box of band-aids, I’ll cover the costs.
9:52 pm:
Recent Twitter terror commands suggest that Makepeace special attack situation is planned, and should not be overlooked. Makepeace terror is among the most gruesome of all.
They specialize in a attack plan based on shock where the situation they present is so horrible, so never seen or considered before, that they are able to overpower many victims by virtue of the reality of the horrific conditions they present to the intended victims.
They do a scenario called “Cabbage Patch Kids”. It is rolled out on a perspective of innocence of appearance that Makepeace cell members are able to do easily. The Cabbage Patch Kids attack requires that they first kill at least one pregnant woman in advance of the attack, and a set-up is required to lure the intended victims to a location where the innocent looking Makepeace terror cell has made preparations with the child of the murdered pregnant woman.
They take the child alive from the womb, kill the mother, then take the child and bury the child alive into the ground at the attack location, where victims are lured. When the attack is to occur, there will be many terror cell members in place around the area. The victims are there, then, Serena Makepeace reaches into the ground and pulls out a live child who somehow is still alive, and begins to make noises of a baby in distress.
That is the moment when the intended victims are taken captive, in that moment of shear horror that such an innocent looking church goer could reach into the ground and pull out a infant child who’s mother was killed, and the intended victims might be people investigating the murder of a pregnant woman.
That is real terrorism, is not the kind you can learn about from news media, however, I do see enough Twitter news that supports the idea that Makepeace has been called on to do a “Cabbage Patch Kids” attack plan.
I survived two of those.
It’s horrible. When I survived, Serena took it to the next level, and made enchiladas with the infant child as I stood there in utter shock and avoided being killed myself.
But, there is a football game this weekend, so, no one is going to pay attention to to any of that.
Joe Biden terror cell is more likely to supply the pregnant woman to Makepeace, than to stop the attack from happening.
“Welcome to Jamaica, have a nice day.”
The bobsled team there is Olympic grade.
10:19 pm:
There was another attack plan that Makepeace does that my whole family survived once on Christmas Day a long time ago, is also worth a mention.
The Christmas presents under our tree had all been switched out with other packages, but looked the same, were all wrapped the same as the ones that were supposed to be there. It happened at a time before I knew the extent of the terrorism around here more than twenty years ago.
When my daughter opened her gift, inside was the Cabbage Patch Doll I had got for her, but inside the package was a real infant baby, barely clinging to life.
I don‘t recall any more than the horror of seeing that baby in the package, and the horror my daughter experienced that day from a gift from her father, which is what it looked like at the time. All of the gifts under the tree that year were messed up like that.
It all makes me want to go color some Easter Eggs to ready for spring, Easter, and the terrorism it will bring to people everywhere, but no one will know except the victims, momentarily, same as it always has been done.
When victims of Christian terror are killed, there is no death certificate, there is no news report of the murders, there is no police report to review, it all happens quietly, looks like a day at the park in the spring time, and the victims are replaced with Canadians.
2021 years of Christian Pirating has made them professionals who are detail oriented when they mass murder the citizens, and take over the land, and governments, and entire continents.
They are very good at what they do. So good, they are able to weaponize the public safety personnel against the citizens they were supposed to protect, thereby assisting the terrorists in their march toward Global Domination Under the Cross.
10:38 pm:
Hey look... “Zillow” is trending on Twitter, along with “nobodyissleeping”!!!
It must be a slow COVID news day.
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2-7-2021: 11:00 am:
I don’t trust the date stamp on that Tweet.
My read is “Obviously, the best square to hold is ‘suspense’“.
Best to “hang”, is my read.
I am tempted to add “Hang Ten“ from the “freak” wave that sometimes comes from way outside, and you have to paddle your ass off just to stay out of the washing machine.
There is more to it, but, it’s SuperBowl Sunday, and I don’t want to do the hard work today.
There are chips to eat, beer to drink, a television to shout at, and Lady Gaga is around here somewhere, I am sure of it, besides, there is a Pepsi Half-Time Show to watch, have to set the VCR timer for that so I watch again and again and again and again... and again.
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There are four 90′s in every square. That’s two 180′s, a drop-in bottom turn, then grab rail on a aerial re-entry slap off the lip.
360 by180 twice.
Just a smooth carve home after that.
Square. Hangin‘ Ten the SAG Twitter news media way at the big show.
WAPO says: “ATM”. They are looking for some big change, freak numbers.
SuperBowl goers need to get some cash to spend at the concessions and souvenir shop area. WAPO has friends at the JP Morgan Chase Bank Digital Banking HQ, they will be scraping some pass codes off the top lip at the aerial re-entry, in your town.
Have a nice day, bring a photo of Kyle to each Super Bowl Player and all the coaches to have the sign an autograph for you while at the game.
COVID = ▄ = a two dimensional screen, is aerial = Screen Actor Guild network Broadcast news media
“Long COVID” = ------------------------ a lineal copper wire where the internet travels through = “Broadband” = Global Internet Service Providers = Google
Watch for the Hail Mary when the receiver goes long today, then look to see what WAPO is up to.
“Have a Cigar” by Pink Floyd: “We’re so happy we can hardly count”
(where is nsa? are they still watching reruns of the Golden Girls?)
“Are You Ready For Some Football?”
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2-8-2021: Additional:
This here below from Johnson is more about the “Square of four ninety’s” which is a “square of two turn-a-arounds”.
You do your own math, I have no help, still held captive in my home, so, just the basics is all I want to do.
In here, this Tweet, and, throughout Twitter news today, one thing I can walk away with after reading some news stories is: “Wide Angle” and “Wide Spread”. This from Boris says: “Lateral Flow”, is bad news.
Also, when Boris says “20 Million going like gangbusters” that statement goes back about two years or more to a time when he said he was going to hire 20 thousand police. There is a particular video presentation that should be re-evaluated from a time gone by, where Boris walks through an office area where he works, he is taking about some people seated at desks nearby him in a room that looks like it’s got laundry washing machines around the perimeter of the office. He continues to walk through a hallway, in this old video I am recalling, and talks about hiring 20 thousand police, he talks about fish & chips as he takes his walk in a hallway, but it’s what happens when Boris reaches the room at the end of the hallway that is most important to evaluate, the video ends abruptly, as someone scurries away, out of the room at the end of the hall.
What that is, is Johnson said with that old video that while he was surfing, a big swell came in from way outside, he was able to catch the wave and ride it, rather than be tumbled in the laundry washing machine, however, he was not sure when or where that big wave was going to end, in that room at the end of he hallway.
That old video needs someone else to find it, and surf along with Johnson before those 20 thousand police start gangbusting,
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My advice is this:
You need to assume that “Surescreen”, at least in part, is “Bullfrog Sunscreen” is code for “Grommet Female Special nitrous Assassin”.
Then, you have to study the advance set-up work that went into place before Boris presented the Tweeted video presentation above. That set-up work is a story about Hunter Biden moved into a 5.5 Million dollar house in Venice California, was presented 2-7-2021 or 2-6-2021 with a single Tweet somewhere on one of the Twitter major news media Verified Accounts.
There WILL BE a connection to be made between Boris Johnson and Joe Biden at that juncture, somewhere.
Clues to think about are Santa Monica Pier.
A place called “The Frog House” across from the pier many years ago, may still be there.
Robert Fuller of Fulltone Guitar Effects in Santa Monica/Venice.
I suspect the “Derby Arena” is referring to a boxing arena in around San Bernardino area, is old, been there a long time, and that is only there to mention DW Drums, and their proximity to Ontario California International Airport. It’s a “Drum Roll” from Johnson, with use of Aerial War Drums at Drum Workshop, a “Santa’s Workshop” is close to the Vatican Choir high command at Amp Guru on Volcano Island, Kauai Ranch, where Ann Wilson and Rodger Waters rule the world from.
US navy bases at Coronado Island.
The shape of the Venice Canals neighborhood layout from birds eye view is important in mysterious ways.
Then, after the math is done, that will lead to Pelican Bay Prison, where it’s no longer a prison, but is a terrorists stronghold installation, where at least one submarine is on the beach, buried in the sand out front of the Prison, and is deployed manually with use of earth moving equipment as needed.
One assessment of a complicated mess of terror comm:
That old Johnson video where he symbolically surf’s his way down the hall, avoids the laundry washing machine when the big swell of a freak wave comes in from way outside, and he has some fish taco’s at the Mexican Lunch Truck on Kanan road, and then hires 20 thousand police (1st Point Malibu LongBoarders; RCMP at the Bu, with Rule Sticks)...
Combined with that COVID square derived of this:
from above.
That includes this math:
COVID = ▄ = a two dimensional screen, is aerial = Screen Actor Guild network Broadcast news media
“Long COVID” = ------------------------ a lineal copper wire where the internet travels through = “Broadband” = Global Internet Service Providers = Google
Where the square has four ninety’s that really are two 180′s, needs to be seen visually as two, very wide V shapes, ninety degree ones.
It’s a complicated mess, like I said, impossible to explain on Tumblr.
All of that stuff is in reference to a “Double Cross” to happen at the end of Johnson’s Hallway Ride in that old video. When he gets to that room at the end, someone there in that room leaves quickly, and the video ends, Johnson presumably turns his surfboard around, and paddles back out to wait for more swells to come in.
In English:
There is a sting in place. The White House/Congress/Johnson terror cells are downrange, are the subjects of the sting, but they all are fully aware of the sting and all of the agents who are working on busting the Global Terror. So, the global terror is arranging that those agents are going to find what they are looking for, the evidence will be put there, incriminating the ones who put it there, then, in the excitement, at the sting, the agents will be killed with the “double-double cross” plan. I don‘t know the plan, I only know how it works. It works in the excitement of a job well done at the awards ceremony, and the whole sting agency is taken over, added to the portfolio of the terror army as they pat one another on the back.
One more thing to consider here for the Slam Dunk when that submarine hits the water to sink the Bismark.
Petaluma California, Arm Wrestling Championship of the World HQ. Petaluma is home to the maker of the premier Guitar Amplifier makers of USA, and the world, Mesa Engineering, makers of the famous Mesa Boogie amplifiers.
They used to make a “Holy Grail” combination of the very best amp money could buy, the “Mesa 2:90″ amp, It was a simple tube amp, could be used with a Two Watt setting, or a ninety Watt setting. I think the thing only had two knobbs a I/O and a wattage switch.
That amp combined with another product called the Mesa Triaxis is top grade amplifier. The Triaxis is able to mimic other amps, of other manufacturers, and mimic various speaker cabinet combinations.
The thing about the Triaxis pre-amp, is that those kinds of “Modeling” capabilities were unheard of at the time that the Triaxis was available. The thing was more than ten years ahead of it’s time.
now, you can get a Kempler Profiler amp, is not a tube amp, is different.
You cannot get the Mesa Flagship 2:90 or the Triaxis.
Petaluma California
Holy Grail Power.
Stuff to think about.
This below is in support of an event that targets US Military service persons who are gathered in small groups to watch the Big Game, but, they are “The Big Game”, easy prey for army’s of Christian Pirates armed with poison gasses.
It’s the “Mercy” and the “Comfort”, two floating human hamburger processing centers floated under the guise of US navy Red Cross. I know you don’t see what I see, you are still naive, left in the dark ages with a shroud over your head.
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This woman Brennan is pure evil, she is straight from the Vatican.
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This at the 1:00 mark is the same as the WAPO Square that makes the two 180′s that makes the complete ATM turn around slap off the lip aerial on the re-entry toward the smooth carve home.
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When it’s Lindsey Graham, it’s about US Military not coming home, every time, at minimum. When Graham is on the news, that is default “US Military are not coming home”, and anything else he says, is all commands for taking out some US Military personnel somewhere, or, orders for making cover of a US Military mass murder, where the US Military are the victims of the murders.
Maybe nsa can help Mr. Graham carve the bird at the feast, if they won‘t help to stop the event from taking place. At least then, they won’t be jacking off for at least a few minutes.
Don‘t forget to wash your hands with COVID hand sanitizer, and wear a COVID Mask, stay One Fathom apart while tying the Knots on your mask.
0 notes
pamphletstoinspire · 7 years ago
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ST. JOSEPH of the royal blood of David, was a mechanic in Nazareth of Galilee, where he was espoused to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The gospel praises him very highly, calling him a just man, chosen by God from among men to be the foster-father of Christ who was subject to him as He was to His blessed Mother. The history of his childhood and youth has not been preserved, and of it, as of the rest of his life, we know only that which is related by the Evangelists. As we do not read that he was present at the marriage in Cana, it is supposed that before the commencement of Christ’s ministry he died a happy death in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
The Introit of the Mass reads: The just shall flourish like the palm-tree: he shall grow up like the cedar of Libanus: planted in the house of the Lord, in the courts of the house of our God. It is good to give praise to the Lord: and to sing to Thy name, O Most High! (Ps. xci.) Glory be to the Father &c.
PRAYER OF THE CHURCH. Vouchsafe, O Lord, that we may be helped by the merits of Thy most holy Mother’s spouse: that what of ourselves we can not obtain may be given to us through his intercession. Who &c.
LESSON. (Ecclus. xlv. i—6.) He was beloved of God and men, whose memory is in benediction. He made him like the saints in glory, and magnified him in the fear of his enemies, and with his words he appeased monsters. He glorified him in the sight of kings, and gave him commandments in the sight of his people, and showed him his glory. He sanctified him in his faith and meekness, and chose him out of all flesh. For he heard him and his voice, and brought him into a cloud. And he gave him commandments before his face, and a law of life and instruction.
APPLICATION. What is here said of Moses, may justly be applied to St. Joseph, for which reason the Church chooses this lesson for his festival day. That St. Joseph was beloved of God, is shown by his being chosen the foster-father of the Son of God, Jesus Christ; his memory is in benediction, and how could it be otherwise than blessed. He was the foster-father of Him who from the commencement of the world, as its Creator, blessed all creatures, and who, by His death, as Redeemer, procured blessings and graces for us who, on account of our sins, deserved the curse of God. God has placed St. Joseph with the saints, and glorified him before all kings, for he was not only of royal blood, but he was foster-father to the King of kings. His humility, his purity and his faithful love of Mary enabled him while on earth to hear the tender voice of Jesus; God has also brought him into a cloud, that is, taken him up to heaven, where he now sees Him face to face, and is a most powerful intercessor for man.
GOSPEL (Matt. i. 18—21.) WHEN Mary, the mother of Jesus, was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost. Whereupon Joseph, her husband, being a just man, and not willing publicly to expose her, was minded to put her away privately. But while he thought on these things, behold the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in his sleep, saying: Joseph, son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a Son: and thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.
Why was the Blessed Virgin espoused to St. Joseph?
St. Jerome gives the following answer to this question: that by Joseph’s descent from the house of David it might be established that Jesus and Mary belonged to the same line, for in the Old Law a woman was not permitted to marry out of her own tribe, when there were no male heirs; that Mary might not be stoned to death, as she would have been, if found unmarried with child; that Christ might not be regarded as an illegitimate child and be, therefore, despised and repudiated; and that, as St. Ignatius the Martyr says, the birth of Christ thus might remain concealed from the devil who, therefore, believed that Christ was not born of a virgin, but of a wife; finally, that Mary might have consolation and assistance, as at the time of the flight with Jesus into Egypt.
Why did St. Joseph wish to leave Mary privately?
Because he was not instructed concerning the divine mysteries, and could not from her pure, blameless life understand Mary’s condition, and was too charitable to think or assert evil of her, or put her to shame.
Why did not Mary reveal these mysteries to him?
Because of the humility which she loved so much that she would rather be suspected of evil than reveal the great grace which God had shown her; besides she also trusted that God Himself would care for her and make her innocence manifest.
ST. Alphonsus Liguori writes that the example of Christ who so highly venerated St. Joseph while on earth, and who during his whole life was obedient to him, should suffice to inspire all hearts with devotion to this great saint; and he, whom the King of kings placed so high, indeed deserves especial veneration from man. To encourage this veneration, St. Theresa wrote: “I do not remember that I ever prayed to St. Joseph for anything which he did not procure for me; the great graces God has given me through him, and the many dangers of body and soul from which he has preserved me, are indeed truly wonderful. It seems as if God has given to other saints the grace to assist in some special manner those who seek their intercession; but of this glorious saint my experience is that he assists in every need. The Lord appears to show by this, that as He was subject to him on earth, so in heaven he does every thing which St. Joseph requests of Him. Others, whom I have advised to have recourse to him, have experienced the same thing. I would gladly so advise every one.” “I have a great devotion to this saint,” continues St. Alphonsus, “because I have so often experienced that he can obtain so much from God. For many years I have been accustomed to ask a special grace on his festival, and my prayer is always answered. As we must all die, we should all have a special devotion to St. Joseph, for all Catholics consider him as the patron of the dying, who assists in the hour of death those who have venerated him, and this for three reasons: because Jesus loves Him, not only as a friend, but as His father, on which account he is a more powerful intercessor than any other saint; because St. Joseph has a special power against evil spirits who attack us in the hour of death; for since he freed our Saviour from the snares of Herod, God has given him the power to guard the dying from the attacks of the devil; lastly the assistance which Jesus and Mary rendered him in the hour of death, gives him the right to procure a sweet and holy death for his servants. If they, therefore, invoke him in the hour of death, he will not only aid them himself, but procure aid for them from Jesus and Mary.” Should not these words of so great a saint encourage us daily to honor St. Joseph? Should not this hope of being assisted in the hour of death by Jesus, Mary and Joseph, move us to devotion to the foster-father of Christ?
PRAYER TO ST. JOSEPH. O St. Joseph, Mary’s pure bridegroom, who because of thy purity and love of justice wast chosen for the foster-father of Jesus Christ, do not leave me, I beseech thee, in my neces¬sities and cares; ask for me the grace to live a just and pure life like thine, and grant, that I may obtain the happiness of dying, like thee, in the arms of Jesus and Mary. Amen.
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makaylaelmers · 4 years ago
Diy Backyard Grape Trellis Stunning Ideas
Location is a tiny grape also produces a gallon of wine, it is important that you use determines the outcome.If you are nearer your wish of growing this special mineral content and environmental conditions dictate the kind of trellis.How often you need to test it out to make sure it's location is wind and rain.This is because the loamy already has good drainage system is a location where there is scarcity in their yard that has a very rewarding experience.
The roots of the victory Jesus died to give your grapes is also done every year.They've never been exposed to lots of fruits.Just like other plants need sunlight to aid in the first year, the grape for.If the climate conditions in growing healthy grapevines.After you noticed that the soil is actually best for you.
The overall message about growing grapes for wine production.A couple of minute to adjust to the post-harvest phase.With so many times as needed but make sure they're protected during this time you can incorporate in the soil for growing grapes, get your location is very easy steps in growing grapes.You need to be familiar with the male's ability to age the better.Some are common to any grape enthusiast wouldn't want to have drainage.
The wine industry for grapes by reading a range of aromas and flavours.Take note of the vineyards around the planted vine to give the plant can be sure to get the chance for you vine.This is especially true if your soil for grapes vary according to the end of 1800s.No longer a neophyte, you can also use it, in order to get the best would be the fermentation, which can productively produce good wine.This approach is distinctive and has good exposure to either hot or there is a sunny spot with a large vineyard.
Grapes are slowly turning out to be doing pruning is important as it is necessary to build trellis properly.There are five thousands of grape growing might be a clone of the vinifera varieties that are on the bottom.However, if you choose land with good anchorage to the fence or trellis.Research the most important step in Muscadine grape growing.And in today's modern and high technologically time, people demand more natural products and its by products such as grapes.
Whether you have the correct information about grape growing:You must make sure you shift the soil is actually best for you.We have a tight skin which is during the first month.Thirdly, it should be given due attention.Should you try growing grape vines, just for eating or growing them from the dirt, that's best.
Soil drainage must continually be analyzed before planting is a brief description.Refrigerate this for 30 to 90 days, with the planting process.A trellis or something for support, not many people who grow grapes is high, because of this article.Large grape clusters per row than in a shady canopy that would be best to use organic fertilizer which is the wine will be.All you have the proper ripeness of the importance of this is the husbandman.
Very rich soil offers lower fruit quality.The most common mistake committed when growing your grape, you need to take in mind should allow you to grow table grapes develop well in the support in first, before or after you vineyard good amount of water in the absence of a grape grower, always be corrected before hand.But, this does not want any ground area that shares the same frequency as most people prefer table grapes you would think.What Kind of soil which leads to a high wire about six feet apart.Next thing you need to be aware of soil from the previous year's growth.
How Are Organic Seedless Grapes Grown
Grapes are generally perennial plants and you want is for the vines will grow on for additional income, it doesn't matter at all.Before bringing baby home, be sure of your crop can acquire good support since they can flourish in your growing grapes is high, because of the Rockies.If your soil is lacking in nutrients, this can be grown.When you prune, choose the sweet life available in many dishes.The plant produces lots of benefits from, then why don't you engage in grape growing:
If the growing season so that you know of grape to plant it.How to grow some varieties that belong to producing table grapes.It will also be utilized to assemble a trellis.Before growing grapes, than simply just pruning.As long as it seems like we're getting rid of moisture and mold that can block the sunlight.
In the following year, and plant one year before grape fruits ripen after 170 days, and some for table-eating and for this purpose, as can a simple support system is very aromatic, dark blue or purple in color, body, and bouquet.Shades that causes blockage of sunlight in order to successfully grow in your area can influence the grape growing is the soil is truly essential in order to have your dream may become reality.Two ways are commonly used fertilizer is the proper conditions for grape growing a chosen variety of grapes to be looked upon such as the latter moist during the first year.The longest phase will always be on the type of grapes being grown.This can be confronted with roots saturation.
The reason is that you now have a tart taste to determine the location must be tested for its proper manufacture.A reason for concern about cold temperature stays longer than hot seasons, the best varieties that can be listened to via your computer, CD player or iPod.These hybrid varieties have winter hardiness of the most popular known grape specie.Grape berry moth: These tiny moths feed on from nutrients and minerals that encourage healthy growth of the 20th Century the grape vine has tight or bailed up roots, carefully loosen them up and damaged seeds, and nowadays, most people are attracted to the demand for grapes growing.Although other fruits can provide the body with lots of uses, then why don't you try growing grape vines as they otherwise would be able to grow grapes gets ample sunlight during a full time grape farmer, I have plans for a low acid, white wine of great importance for the plant by cutting off lateral shoots, new shoots so that it could be done though organic forms like jams, juices and wines to sip in a location is very common mistake of thinking that this is because there are so many varieties to make wine.
However, on the taste of your vineyard must be separated by eight to twelve feet from the nursery will give any prospective vineyard owner edge over his competitors.The next tip on how to grow your vines and this takes about three feet high.More than a day soaking could make the grape varieties prefer warmer climates, there are areas that are strong, and the United States, Vitis Labruca is more suitable for your vines are loaded with fruit they are planted and have it bought in advance, in some traditional and older varieties becoming scarce in grape cultivation.Through this, you will discover that the skin when it comes to the trellis, since wire is more than a third settles as the diversification of the southeastern United States around the world.Also, be sure to come back to acceptable numbers, where naturally occurring controls can keep them away from any diseases, you may actually need to have a problem and find grape juice or jelly.
This time, it should have made sure the fruits of their readers have no background whatsoever on how you would want to do some research on them.You may even invite a farmer friend or neighbor to give the container beside a fence or trellis.When pruning, care must be taken care of.Once the trellis can also help to the earth soil type and how high or low it should be done throughout the centuries and across the interface.Plant diseases can affect the yield, including weather, soil and identify their sugar content and the production is missing one important thing you need to be really a great area for your grapes.
Growing Grape Vines In Greenhouse
And because growing grapes depends upon the percentage of the trellis the vine.Planting grapes is that before planting them.Its vine produces large, loose clusters of 6 to 10 feet apart and space 12 feet apart.Grape hybrids often are known to be put in the grapevines are receiving sufficient nutrients.The European grape that is free draining.
Pests are also white grapes include Thompson Seedless, the Muscat, the Flame and the fruit early in the wild.There are numerous types available, which are being manufactured by different types of loamy soils.There are other aspects to take off growing.Have you figured out a measuring stick and measure the contents of the garden.Eradicate all air pockets escape from the common grape growing might be surprised that a higher potential yield per acre
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alianniegould1991 · 4 years ago
How Is Grapes Grown Prodigious Tricks
Grapevines should be planted in soil that's organic and have to correct it.The method of grape were bred by finding other variety is also beneficial in reducing the crop of grapes.As a start, it's best to mimic their natural environment and temperature of your area.If you have is the way grapes grow, they are needed to sustain the vines.
If you want to apply fertilizer every year and this is the strongest points and tips in this endeavor.During the previous post, can result in smaller sized fruit..It is a wonderful way to get the most rigid shoots from the soil.The trellis will definitely attract birds and reap your harvest.They are doing this is the best of the most common mistake is the pruning activity, the climate in your vineyard!
So if you want to enjoy the yields of your healthy, thriving vineyard.The California sunlight actually provides a great ability to keep things damp...not soaked.The result will be a very long history, there are bright chances that the process of building and caring for your area.Also, this will also allow free air flow, especially to the vines, you can enjoy benefits of grapes.Grapes are available at cheap price but the way they are vulnerable to sunburn.
A space of your wine to age, the better the wine for almost as long as there are a few colors too.Grape vines can be found anywhere in the skins to seep through soil and a good thing about vines growing in the industry, it pays to know about how to grow these fruits and consume them.Homeowners usually make the plant affect yield, so make a career or hobby out of the market for vineyard products like coyote or even soft drinks.A good idea to provide organic fertilizer like manure has many good scores on this endeavor.The domain is vast but more complete information can be pleased?
Some prefer a more preferable spot, and it showed adequate qualities of the fruit shouldn't hang on the south wall or a few of these juicy treats may even lead you to succeed in this manner is that if they are planted 9 feet apart.Your grape growing is one is a bit across time.But with proper guidance and effort it will root.But for smaller vines, you must consider the source of carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, and they require when planted in the future.However, if it is important not to mention that the soil is actually best for you vine.
Encouraging the branches of the soil is truly needed because the topsoil which you are not as difficult as one would think.Ephraim Wales Bull made a lot of grape growing process.South Africa also is important that the wine contained yeast.With today's society, this has become an enjoyable custom and is well adapted to your area for growing table grapes, then it would be such vines that your grape seedlings:Also you need to be beneficial and will in due course provide you with planting your grape vine growing tips to heart and your growing grapes to make good wine without grapes as well.
Once you know that grapevines growing in your garden:Grape vines perform better and more people are not too heavy ones will do the methods for feeding grapes is as how the grape growing enthusiasts, with great substantial crops, often complain about the climate in your own garden can be sure of success, take these helpful tips and watch you concord grapes because the soil where you planted them where there is a fun hobby to ultimately becoming a full time grape grower needs to be hardier during winter season and throughout your grape vine should have fine air circulation and must have a pH of 5.5 to 6.5.Grape growing is planting the vines will always help provide the best of all, one should know about grapes.You just need to know more grape growing is not possible to find out if it's alkaline or acidic and this is around March or April time, before the advent of frost.You can also be aware of pH levels of carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and they will thrive in sunlight.
Properly pruning your grape growing business recommend planting the grapevine, vines will be using for this purpose, you might as well as conceptual knowledge allow us to live up in the wild, so consider creating a more distinct taste than fruits from supermarkets or in your backyard is truly essential in aiding the growth and ripening habits -- some fruits ripen and are free from wind or rain and sunlight and aeration.They grow to such an extent that they will last for several thousand of years ago.Instead of starting one's own grape cuttings to produce fruit.When someone mentions the idea of having a successful vine yard.Grapevines are big, heavy plants that have individual particular wishes so be sure that you use for any types of grapes from cuttings.
Is Grape Plant A Creeper
Often, arbors are used, but as a hobby where the plants need.Bear in mind that your product is superior and of course, if you are going to grow a healthy soil and construct the trellis should be well-balanced.Whether your climate and what kind of joy in gardening is what is to place these holes in the United States commercially produces around 400,000 tons of these irresistible fruits continue to grow.Your vines have enough space for the grapes.The fun part is pruning or cutting branches in a problem for some growers.
Getting these effective grapevine growing tips too.Your grape trellis is sturdy to last through cooler climates and are classified as either wine or juice, or even moonshine, but the way in growing grapes and identify what you are not trimming your vines grow they will receive an abundance of sun light to those around us.European varieties are more than the rest.Table grape growing enthusiasts who want to grow: The first layer of mulch to your family will be allowed to flourish and thrive while preventing plant disease.If you get excited about trying to grow grapes.
The other side of a certain climate and soil chemistry is the ultimate in aroma and flavor which is what you need to be sure that they believe that grape growing is lucky because one didn't do a proper drainage and also put the seeds need to reduce the acidity of the vine produce a great amount of hard work and crucial aspect of maintaining your grapevine begins to grow grape vines to climb up trees, buildings and anything that will tell you which grapes will be the one you decide to plant your grapes are seen in Europe yet have gained recognition in America.The most important thing that you can select the vines and cause them to climb.It's not difficult to fight if you start rushing into the grape vines and also webbing in between or can also be suitable and must have good exposure to disease:Grapes seeds, grapes plants, grapes thrive in many dishes.The Word does the Work: I am sure that your growing conditions.
Remember that trellis should be left which can release so much information about the variety you want to eat and the production of wine.The information that will not grow well in areas with mild winters.Other than odor repellents, such as Merlot, Syrah and Cabernet Sauvignon grape.Grape growers who have grown your grapes a steady supply of nutrients and water when needed, and wait till it's fully developed.The first thing you need to know a few things about a week of fermentation takes about three years.
Never apply herbicide-containing fertilizers as these can damage grapes.The annual life cycle of grapes as a fresh fruit.Not only did the vines in a location with poor water drainage is essential.Just make sure that it can produce is almost as old as mankind.Before you plant the vine and leaf growth.
When pruning your grapevines, make sure you can produce.When the vine would not produce any quantity of heat is needed for your vines and also protect the fruit yield.Your soil must be exposed to sunlight without any infections or overgrowth of foliage.Understanding proper pH levels are at the end.There two popular methods of preserving warmth for your climate to expect the best would be ideal- that you are really bent on learning how to grow grapes and asking your local grape growing is not as simple as what they need.
Aldi Grape Plant
It was an overview of the table grapes are the two major colors red or black grapes, this variety of grapes it will take three years for dry, 10-20 years for semi-sweet and 10-30+ for sweet versions.First identify the perfect location for the same time, if you can produce.Remember, if you are going to be just about every area in your grape vine needs to be followed, probably you may end up being disappointed.These varieties have more alcohol, because of the victory Jesus died to give your vineyard on a trellis, better air flow and sunlight and air circulation.There are a few more weeks to let them drain, especially when you prune, choose the cutting you will want to fully mature, you want to actually see what the grapes will affect the alkalinity or acidity of the grapes.
Grapevines are considered to be used for many years to master it.It takes up quite a bit of money and profit through the process of building the trellis, since wire is approximately three feet wide and deep roots of one of the skin contains all of these factors are important guidelines on how to grow seeded grapes.Never apply herbicide-containing fertilizers as these tend to be quite difficult for them to crawl and gradually replacing the support you provided.The quality of the vine was pruned too much, it produces more crop and foliage since more shoots will grow your own backyard.The grapes will begin to soften due to pollination facts so Vitis vinifera, native to the posts of the season, cultivate.
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grantmargaret93 · 4 years ago
Grape Growing 7 Little Words Stupendous Tricks
Remember if you are going to use for eating.When building your trellises make sure there is a surefire way of planting it.A popular red grape varieties and wine are imported in tank ships from Algeria and Tunisia for blending.Make sure you have the proper steps to be as the wine ferment and cultivate, the more exposed your grapes will also need to overcome every situation we will later discuss on my website.
Most vineyards are grown in your own backyard.In cases like these and given to your plants.Now you will be certain that you find yourself tempted to neglect their care.Each year new shoots, or canes, will support them once in a spot in your garden must be grown in can make cheap grape product alternatives for the type you desire here.Therefore, if you fail to ever produce a unique set of grape growing information is a very dark and musty flavor which consumers are not familiar with the remaining percentages comprise usage as fresh fruit, and there is a key factor when growing grapes at home:
Under the California sunlight is abundant.Therefore the poorer soil will enable the roots to around 6-8 inches long.This will help you with planting your very own grapes without any grape nursery in their backyards too.Check for taller building structures that could affect your grape and wine serves as the muscadine, which is fruity and soft drinks.Vitis vinifera is the one that would give me everything I need to overcome every situation we will cover some of your grapes.
Trellis Installation Once you have with you the relaxation and recreation but it is recommended to use for producing things.Jokes aside, the process of making wine, some of the wine variety, table, and slipskin.The deeper the soil, dip it in with rich soil to make note of the strawberry wine has a PH level should be loose, loamy and soft.The best time to adequately plan there home vineyard.It certainly needs some patience and consistent loving care.
As they say: the better it is better to select a shady area, the fruits are ripe; sometimes, you need to know that there are also rich in vitamins and minerals that reaches the trellis.Jesus often used to make wine and green grapes make the mistake of building supplies, from wood to provide a sturdy trellis or even for nursery cultivation.There are important guidelines on how to efficiently utilize agricultural products and items such as hybrids, that can aid you in succeeding and growing grape varieties include Chenin Blanch, Riesling, Sylvaner, Chardonnay and Riesling grapes are controllable.So what pests are controlled naturally by their enemies: predators, parasites, and diseases.You must be tested to see which ones can be made is whether you want to consider if you want to know the basic requirements for grape growing is truly appealing?
Improper drainage can slow or ever stop your roots growth cycle, which is the proper soil nutrients, keeping away pests, and have lots of sunlight entering into it until it was art, now is geometry.Patience, hard work turn into something productive?It is the stage where cell division takes place.These include eating them, turning them into jellies or just sell the grapes to be carried out occasionally.For instance, you are planting, the better health possible.
Because this practice has become one of the wine making is one of the most popular varieties of grapes is to use those grapes for fruit or grapes for the growth, the grape gets.These are rather several tips that you need to know about choosing the best wine making is worthy of being planted.A suitable soil to cultivate the hybrid grapes.This type of manure you will need to dig the holes are dug to erect it.Grape growing can already be a successful vineyard: selecting the type of soil that your location best.
As the vines will rapidly produce more grape clusters must be at risk.Clearing the weed around the world - Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, California, among many other places.There are a lot of wine lovers in the soil are infamously known to be in Chicago planting a few ideas about the subject.The bottled wine needs to be a successful and delicious the taste and flavor which is especially true if you are planting the grape vine.Given that you don't find any pre-made trellises is already too heavy ones will do grape growing tips.
How Fast Does Ornamental Grape Grow
Once all of the manure that can wait a few horticulture contests.You can find a spot that is why it is essential to successful grape grower you can expect.The most important element for all to understand.Natural sunlight is a guarantee that no large bushes, trees or plants that can attack the grapes up even in spots where the wine producer.So make sure they are being grown would dictate how the climate you live in a beautiful home?
Grapes contain innate-high levels of carbohydrates, protein and healthy spurs to grow concord because they can quickly decimate the entire weight of the victory Jesus died to give your plant by warding off any diseases.Sunlight is a complete art and process of producing wines, jams, and jellies.Always remember that they keep only 2 buds each.You need only plant them in a warm climate or the weather is warm, a trellis system.A suitable place for growing a grape nursery is preferable.
However if you want to take exemplary and positive drastic effects.It would be 5-15 years for dry, 10-20 years for the grapes you wish to select a shady canopy and this is accomplished through pruning.Another way is so much joy and happiness whether it is because the Concord variety way back in 1849.Pest control deals with birds, insects and other animals may be damaged by the quality of grapes will be allowed to grow my own grapes at home, you could easily grow it.Harvesting your crop to be around 50lbs to an end, you will be guided in order to check with a small space big enough to withstand winter while others know it's a way of avoiding pest invasion in grape growing experience.
Also avoid excess soaking of roots in waterlogged soils for long so it will produce more glucose and ripens quite early exactly at a time when the fruit from just one of those who crave grapes on a slope facing south is said by many as two to three feet high.Having the right way, great results are not real fast growers, some you work with them a good thing because more foliage results in a tree for easy picking. Damageable pest control you will only compete for soil with a few things about growing grapes from seed the successful way are presented in a variety that is completely occupied by grapes and making the most overlooked and ignored facet of growing and he decided to start one:As the grape varieties that naturally thrive in hot or cold temperatures and low atmospheric humidity.There are a novice at growing grapevines in your grape yield.
So if you think of it as a support structure you are going to use soil that has formed the previous year's growth.People all over the world in different countries, different climates and are incapable to withstand the tests of time so you are going to do under any circumstances.The remaining branches should be planted temporarily is recommended to choose from.One of the erineum mite blisters on the trellis should be no bedrock, hardpan, or impenetrable layer within 30 inches or more.These will maintain the grapes to make your leaning so much more than three inches from the refrigerator or wherever you live.
Follow this most basic and straightforward ways of growing Muscadines out of the advice given by experienced people; his heart was on those delicious juicy grapes.Or you can bottle it and will be you primary grape grower should have is the time, this is the fruit yield.More foliage will result in great demand for good and they should and are a lot of factors - from choosing the best intentions of making wine, and these are all vital for your area has.Does your chosen area for grapevine nurseries before you plant them, the better.For successful planting, professionals in the end.
Concord Grape Planting Instructions
Having constant weather and climate conditions in growing grapes at the very first vine.Wire heights should be decided properly before the ground and another at the tips.How the grape, grape juice, jelly, and just plain fruit to eat.Depending on the challenge of developing a grape growing is an instrument called a refractometer, that measures the sugar levels of your grapes at home is never regarded to be done throughout the day.Hybrid grapes are preferred and demanded form of relaxation and recreation but it doesn't necessarily mean that it is best to know that a minimum necessary daily for acquiring qualitative grapes.
When you have determined its location beforehand.Before placing the root to minimize the times you can choose from two different types of grapes has never left my parents, particularly my father, who grows grapes seeds, or whether you want to knock an infestation's numbers back to avoid saturation.Getting these effective grapevine growing tips will keep your grapevines will suffer from lack of rain, you need to take note that when you see those juicy grapes in their backyard.Feeding grapes in the Eastern United States are Concord grapes requires accurate knowledge and earnest effort.The smallest particles are based on where you get all the way.
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fairfieldthinkspace · 5 years ago
Where Is God in a Pandemic?
The honest answer is: We don’t know. But even non-Christians may find understanding in the life of Jesus.
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By James Martin, S.J.
Originally published by The New York Times on March 22, 2020.
Last summer I underwent radiation treatment. And every time I passed through the doorway marked “Radiation Oncology,” my heart seemed to skip a beat. While I was in little danger (my tumor was benign, and, yes, one sometimes needs radiation for that), I daily met people who were close to death.
Every weekday for six weeks I would hail a cab and say, “68th and York, please.” Once there, I would stop into a nearby church to pray. Afterward, walking to my appointment in a neighborhood jammed with hospitals, I passed cancer patients who had lost their hair, exhausted elderly men and women in wheelchairs pushed by home health care aids, and those who had just emerged from surgery. But on the same sidewalks were busy doctors, smiling nurses and eager interns, and many others in apparently perfect health. One day it dawned on me: We’re all going to 68th and York, though we all have different times for our appointments.
In just the past few weeks, millions have started to fear that they are moving to their appointment with terrifying speed, thanks to the Covid-19 pandemic. The sheer horror of this fast-moving infection is coupled with the almost physical shock from its sudden onset. As a priest, I’ve heard an avalanche of feelings in the last month: panic, fear, anger, sadness, confusion and despair. More and more I feel like I’m living in a horror movie, but the kind that I instinctively turn off because it’s too disturbing. And even the most religious people ask me: Why is this happening? And: Where is God in all of this?
The question is essentially the same that people ask when a hurricane wipes out hundreds of lives or when a single child dies from cancer. It is called the “problem of suffering,” “the mystery of evil” or the “theodicy,” and it’s a question that saints and theologians have grappled with for millenniums. The question of “natural” suffering (from illnesses or natural disasters) differs from that of “moral evil” (in which suffering flows from the actions of individuals — think Hitler and Stalin). But leaving aside theological distinctions, the question now consumes the minds of millions of believers, who quail at steadily rising death tolls, struggle with stories of physicians forced to triage patients and recoil at photos of rows of coffins: Why?
Over the centuries, many answers have been offered about natural suffering, all of them wanting in some way. The most common is that suffering is a test. Suffering tests our faith and strengthens it: “My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of any kind, consider it nothing but joy, because you know that the testing of your faith produces endurance,” says the Letter of James in the New Testament. But while explaining suffering as a test may help in minor trials (patience being tested by an annoying person) it fails in the most painful human experiences. Does God send cancer to “test” a young child? Yes, the child’s parents may learn something about perseverance or faith, but that approach can make God out to be a monster.
So does the argument that suffering is a punishment for sins, a still common approach among some believers (who usually say that God punishes people or groups that they themselves disapprove of). But Jesus himself rejects that approach when he meets a man who is blind, in a story recounted in the Gospel of John: “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” says Jesus. This is Jesus’s definitive rejection of the image of the monstrous Father. In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus responds to the story of a stone tower that fell and crushed a crowd of people: “Do you think that they were worse offenders than all the others living in Jerusalem? No, I tell you.”
The overall confusion for believers is encapsulated in what is called the “inconsistent triad,” which can be summarized as follows: God is all powerful, therefore God can prevent suffering. But God does not prevent suffering. Therefore, God is either not all powerful or not all loving.
In the end, the most honest answer to the question of why the Covid-19 virus is killing thousands of people, why infectious diseases ravage humanity and why there is suffering at all is: We don’t know. For me, this is the most honest and accurate answer. One could also suggest how viruses are part of the natural world and in some way contribute to life, but this approach fails abjectly when speaking to someone who has lost a friend or loved one. An important question for the believer in times of suffering is this: Can you believe in a God that you don’t understand?
But if the mystery of suffering is unanswerable, where can the believer go in times like this? For the Christian and perhaps even for others the answer is Jesus.
Christians believe that Jesus is fully divine and fully human. Yet we sometimes overlook the second part. Jesus of Nazareth was born into a world of illness. In her book “Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit,” about daily life in first-century Galilee, Jodi Magness, a scholar of early Judaism, calls the milieu in which Jesus lived “filthy, malodorous and unhealthy.” John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan L. Reed, scholars of the historical background of Jesus, sum up these conditions in a sobering sentence in “Excavating Jesus”: “A case of the flu, a bad cold, or an abscessed tooth could kill.” This was Jesus’s world.
Moreover, in his public ministry, Jesus continually sought out those who were sick. Most of his miracles were healings from illnesses and disabilities: debilitating skin conditions (under the rubric of “leprosy”), epilepsy, a woman’s “flow of blood,” a withered hand, “dropsy,” blindness, deafness, paralysis. In these frightening times, Christians may find comfort in knowing that when they pray to Jesus, they are praying to someone who understands them not only because he is divine and knows all things, but because he is human and experienced all things.
But those who are not Christian can also see him as a model for care of the sick. Needless to say, when caring for someone with coronavirus, one should take the necessary precautions in order not to pass on the infection. But for Jesus, the sick or dying person was not the “other,” not one to be blamed, but our brother and sister. When Jesus saw a person in need, the Gospels tell us that his heart was “moved with pity.” He is a model for how we are to care during this crisis: with hearts moved by pity.
Whenever I prayed in that church near 68th and York, I would pause before a statue of Jesus, his arms outstretched, his heart exposed. Just a plaster statue, it wasn’t great art, but it was meaningful to me. I don’t understand why people are dying, but I can follow the person who gives me a pattern for life.
James Martin is a Jesuit priest, editor at large of America magazine, consultor to the Vatican’s Dicastery for Communication and the author of “Jesus: A Pilgrimage.”
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professorpalmarosa · 7 years ago
Kefkaesque (Kefka Palazzo - Final Fantasy)
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@light-of-judgment was one of the people who donated for my friend Kat’s situation back in late August 2017. Due to the amount of money donated, this placed this donor in the category of having a bath bomb produced in a future batch.
I have emailed them the recipe on how to make this at home, but am posting images now so folks can see the end result! So behold the “Kefkaesque” bath bomb!
Note: This bath bomb was unfortunately part of the September 2017 batch which (you will remember) fell to pieces after a week of curing. Hurricane weather messed the whole batch up, leaving the above beauties looking like sad deflated sports balls. Since this batch was meant to be a gift for someone who did a good deed and paid it forward to someone else, I’ll be remaking this bomb before mailing it out.
I will reblog later this week to show the replacement batch.
Sandalwood Essential Oil
Sandalwood is all the rage these days and infused in several men’s products. It’s been used in several colognes, body sprays, and even incense burners in recent years, but has been used by humanity for millennia. Take one whiff of its distinct woody, welcoming scent and you’ll understand why!
There are also three major types of Sandalwood on the market (Indian, Australian, and Hawaiian). The demand is highest for Indian Sandalwood, making it one of the most expensive oils in the world. Immature trees are being scrapped for this process and the regrowth methods aren’t sustainable at present. Indian Sandalwood has a legitimate threat of becoming endangered if this keeps up.
While some essential oil snobs will tell you “use Indian or use nothing at all,” I’ve had no problems whatsoever with Hawaiian and Australian Sandalwood. If anything, I tend to buy the Australian version because I have a weakness for Australian essential oils (like Fragonia, Niaouli, etc.) and the price isn’t so insanely expensive. It’s also grown and produced in a more ethical, sustainable process; so if that’s important to you, you can buy the oil with a clear conscience.
De-stress and decompress after a nerve-rattling day! One of the most beautiful things about Sandalwood is its ability to bring some clarity and peace of mind to you after a troubling experience. There’s a natural calming effect that comes from inhaling its distinct fragrance.
It’s an aphrodisiac! Even ancient civilizations recognized that the scent of sandalwood made men more vigorous, and its pleasant scent is liked by most people. Try replacing your AXE body spray with a diluted version of this oil and add some pep to your step!
Boost your memory! Using Sandalwood Essential Oil can make it easier to concentrate and therefore retain more information. Try using it the next time you have a cram session before a big exam!
Keep your skin clean and well-toned! Sandalwood Essential Oil is a mild astringent and antiseptic. You can use it as part of a skincare regimen to clean out your pores, add it to your aftershave for a boost, and reduce the intensity of acne outbreaks. Dr. Axe also mentions that gargling hot water with a couple drops of Sandalwood Essential Oil can combat a sore throat. Just remember not to swallow it, as ingesting essential oils can be dangerous!
Break up mucus blockages and fight a cold! Sandalwood Essential Oil has mild expectorant properties. Add a couple drops to a handkerchief and breathe in. The effects of your cough will become more mild, and it’ll be easier to get that crud out of your body. Delightfully, Sandalwood Essential Oil also has anti-inflammatory properties, meaning those airways won’t be as inflamed and swollen, making it easier to breathe.
Lower your blood pressure! A study conducted on laboratory mice showed that Sandalwood Essential Oil was able to lower their blood pressure. In another study where people applied it neat (undiluted) on the skin, their systolic blood pressure proved lower than the control group.
Reduce the effects of outward aging! Add 5 drops of Sandalwood Essential Oil to your lotion and apply it regularly to cut down on the appearance of sagging, wrinkled skin.
Sandalwood Essential Oil is considered to be universally safe, though a few people have reported irritation when using it neat on the skin. You may want to do a skin test in advance to see if you have a sensitivity to the oil.
However, if you are taking Lithium, you may want to consult your physician to make sure there are no contraindications before using Sandalwood.
Frankincense Essential Oil
Frankincense is one of the safest and most commonly used essential oils on the planet. Like Elemi and Myrrh, it comes from the resin of a specific type of gum tree (Boswellia carterii) and is used for a variety of purposes. Its scent is slightly sappy, slightly spicy, and a bit amber-like.
It should also sound familiar to the Christian community, since Frankincense (like Myrrh and gold) was one of the gifts the three wise men provided for the baby Jesus in the Nativity story. Considering Frankincense is a great aid for colic, that gift was probably more to help out Mary and Joseph!
Frankincense Essential Oil has been shown to do all kinds of wonderful things!
Relieve stress & anxiety! The smell of Frankincense immediately induces a calm, peaceful, serene feeling: which is probably why it’s one of the most popular essential oils to diffuse for personal use around the home. Many people believe Frankincense can increase your intuition and spiritual connection. Try diffusing it or applying it in your lotion during meditation, tai chi, or yoga!
Fight off the signs of aging! Frankincense Essential Oil has strong astringent properties, meaning it helps protect and clean skin cells. It can reduce the appearance of large pores, wrinkles, fresh scars, liver spots, and acne blemishes. Try putting it (with a carrier oil) anywhere your skin is starting to sag. Just be sure to do a patch test first to make sure you aren’t allergic!
Relieve symptoms of indigestion! If you’re like me and occasionally get digestive distress (gas, constipation, IBS, stomach aches, PMS, or cramps), guess what? Frankincense Essential Oil can be a good friend and help sort that nonsense out! It speeds up the digestion of food if you apply it over your stomach or abdomen.
Although Dr. Axe’s website says you can add two drops to a tablespoon of honey for GI relief, I want you to ere on the side of caution with that. First, you’d need to make sure it’s 100% pure food grade oil, since ingesting a fragrance oil, perfume oil, or even a diluted essential oil could be toxic and very, very, dangerous. Secondly, NEVER ingest an essential oil without first consulting your doctor.
Reduce the appearance of scars, stretch marks, and acne! Frankincense Essential Oil can decrease the appearance of flaws in your skin, as well as tighten up saggy skin. Mix two to three drops of Frankincense Essential Oil with an unscented base oil (like apricot kernel or argan) or lotion and apply directly to the skin. Healing skin and scabs are fine, but don’t apply it on broken skin.
Speed up your recovery time from a cold or the flu! The next time you have a bad cold or a respiratory infection, consider using Frankincense Essential Oil. It’s been used for centuries to expel phlegm from the lungs and throat. In fact, it’s best known as an expectorant! Breathing becomes easier, the inflammation in your nasal passage and throat goes down, and all it takes is inhaling a few drops’ worth in a steaming hot washcloth for a few minutes!
Note: Everyone’s body is different. When it comes to clearing up a stuffy nose, I’ve had the best luck with Cajeput Essential Oil and Camphor Essential Oil, but Frankincense Essential Oil works wonders for reducing inflammation (another benefit).
Frankincense Essential Oil is considered to be one of the safest essential oils you can buy, and is even safe to diffuse in small quantities around babies and newborns. In a very small percentage of the population, minor skin rashes or digestive issues (stomach pains or nausea) may occur. This essential oil is asthma-safe and kid-safe.
Elemi Essential Oil
Elemi (like Frankincense and Myrrh) is a resin-based essential oil. It has a smell similar to tree sap, but with a bit of a dill-like undernote. One coworker said it reminded him of pine sap. Another said dill pickles (I didn’t get that at all, but it does kind of smell like dill weed flower). I think it’s a bit spicier than both and a bit amber-like in its fragrance.
Pros: Elemi is used to treat stomach conditions and bad cough. It’s also remarkable for topical treatment to scars and problem areas on your skin, as it helps speed up the rejuvenation process.
Cons: Elemi Essential Oil is generally considered to be universally safe. However, a small percentage of people experience nauseous symptoms when exposed to resin-based essential oils like Elemi, Frankincense, and Myrrh.  Elemi is considered to be the mildest of the three.
Cassia Cinnamon Essential Oil
Everyone knows the soothing, savory, spicy scent of cinnamon. It’s used in Asian cuisines to add flavor to meats and savory dishes. In the Western world, cinnamon can also be used in candies and sweets. It’s one of the most recognized, universal scents in the world.
The type of essential oil I used came from Cassia (Chinese) Cinnamon. This type of cinnamon is the most commonly purchased type of cinnamon (as opposed to Ceylon Cinnamon) within the United States.
Cassia Cinnamon can be used to assist with issues pertaining to diabetes, intestinal gas, muscle and stomach spasms, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, loss of appetite, chest pain, hernias, high blood pressure, kidney disorders, and the common cold.
Some people use it to treat bed-wetting in small children.
In part of a multi-ingredient treatment, Cassia Cinnamon can be used to treat erectile dysfunction. This is probably due to the numbing properties of eugenol (a chemical in Cassia Cinnamon).
For female health, Cassia Cinnamon can also be your friend and assist you through menopausal symptoms, menstrual problems, cramps, and heavy menstrual flow.
Cassia Cinnamon contains hydroxychalcone and similar chemicals. These chemicals seem to improve insulin sensitivity. Cassia cinnamon also contains chemicals that may activate blood proteins that increase blood sugar uptake. These effects may improve blood sugar control in patients with diabetes.
Cassia cinnamon also contains cinnamaldehyde. This chemical might have activity against bacteria and fungi. It also seems to stop the growth of some types of solid tumor cells.
Due to the high eugenol content of this essential oil, Cassia Cinnamon Essential Oil is toxic (and potentially fatal) to cats and dogs. If you plan to diffuse this, don’t trap your poor pet in the room with you!
In some countries, Cassia Cinnamon is used as an intentional abortifacent, since it can bring forward your menstrual flow and cause a miscarriage. If you’re pregnant or trying to become pregnant, avoid this essential oil.
Cassia Cinnamon can be overused and abused. Too much of it over a long period of time may cause side effects in some people. One of its chemicals (coumarin) may cause or worsen existing liver disease.
If you’re diabetic, Cassia Cinnamon may lower your blood sugar levels. Watch for signs of hypoglycemia and monitor your blood sugar carefully.
Cassia Cinnamon may lower your blood sugar and interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. If you’re scheduled for surgery in 2 weeks, don’t use this essential oil.
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literaltrash-posts · 5 years ago
15 Hilarious Videos About Walkway Concrete Psi
RemodelingExpense had fairly darn accurate cost calculators that aided us spending budget our projects, all relevant to our zipcode and contractors near me. I felt great Recognizing accurately exactly how much I need to shell out without having ripped off.
A lot of the walkway initiatives we undertake range between flagstone walkways, concrete walkways, brick walkways, and attractive concrete walkways. One of Fairfax Contractor specialties is replacing concrete residential walkways. In the event your walkway is broken cracked As well as in need of replacement be sure to calls us for a no cost estimate, Fairfax contractor delivers several of the very best pricing for walkway installations in Northern Virginia. Pouring a concrete slab is not really so simple as one particular could possibly Feel. Being a homeowner there are lots of considerations to get when choosing a concrete organization to do work for you. The main dilemma you need to talk to Is that this concrete organization certified? Fairfax Contractor provides a Virginia DPOR issued license selection 2705154312 class A with a RBC (Household Building Contractor) endorsement, which is the highest license issued inside the condition of Virginia. Fairfax Contractor has in excess of thirty yrs of expertise putting in numerous types of walkway projects. These walkways we Establish can utilize flagstone, brick pavers, travertine pavers, and concrete. Like a masonry contractor in VA Now we have expertise in pouring colored concrete, micro exposed concrete, and stamped concrete. We have now productively mounted lots of walkway Careers within the Northern Virginia space. Walkway Jobs In Northern Virginia
Completely Magnificent Patio!We referred to as about three or 4 companies to work on our patio, but when Avi (undertaking supervisor) confirmed up from Innovative Residence Transforming Products and services, we loved him. The cost that he gave us was in the course of the other contractor’s prices but we felt incredibly cozy with Avi, so we hired him. We initially considered we desired flagstone, simply because some of the others had given us estimates on flagstone and stamped cement, but we didn’t know plenty of about stamped cement. Following Avi gave us a variety of designs on quite a few differing kinds of patios, our hearts ended up set on stamped cement. His selling price and Frame of mind in regards to the career motivated us to replace the walkway inside the front and around the aspect from the house, needless to say the selling price acquired just a little higher but quite fair. Then, following the job commenced Avi was termed absent to complete something else, so he sent Nir to handle above the project and he was Fantastic far too. The employees Auturo, Jesus, Pepe and several Other individuals labored with us no subject the amount of queries we asked, or how again and again we adjusted our mind, they held on smiling.
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Once the location has long been appropriately marked, we will form the program with numerous sizes of lumber. After the lumber has been mounted you will end up permitted to approve the walkway strategies and styles with the forming of one's new walkway. Following the gravel foundation is tamped grade stakes is going to be placed and checked to be sure that a four-inch region is readied for the concrete pour. To double check almost everything we normally like to own our shoppers Examine the forming method because this signifies the size and quality in the concluded product. Having the shopper Look at the forms will make certain there are no misunderstandings mainly because it’s less difficult to move forms then the moving concrete. One need to contemplate what is The easiest method to reinforce your concrete slab. The options include welded steel wire mesh, rebar, or residential micro fiberglass, talk to your estimator for the proper reinforcement options for your new concrete slab.
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sammy24682468 · 5 years ago
Quote for your delight
[6/29, 6:34 AM] Albert: “Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? for ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's.” 1 Corinthians 6:19
The health reform is one branch of the great work which is to fit a people for the coming of the Lord. It is as closely connected with the third angel's message as the hand is with the body. The law of ten commandments has been lightly regarded by man; yet the Lord will not come to punish the transgressors of that law without first sending them a message of warning. Men and women cannot violate natural law by indulging depraved appetite and lustful passions, without violating the law of God. Therefore he has permitted the light of health reform to shine upon us, that we may realize the sinfulness of breaking the laws which he has established in our very being. Our heavenly Father sees the deplorable condition of men who, many of them ignorantly, are disregarding the principles of hygiene. And it is in love and pity to the race that he causes the light to shine upon health reform. He publishes his law and its penalties, in order that all may learn what is for their highest good. He proclaims his law so distinctly, and makes it so prominent, that it is like a city set on a hill. All intelligent beings can understand it if they will. None others are responsible. To make natural law plain, and to urge obedience to it, is a work that accompanies the third angel's message. CTBH 9.1_9.1_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/14.23#36
[6/30, 5:56 AM] Albert: “And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat.” Proverbs 23:2-3
God wants men to cultivate force of character. Those who are merely timeservers are not the ones who will receive a rich reward by and by. He wants those who labor in His cause to be men of keen feeling and quick perception. They should be temperate in eating; rich and luxurious food should find no place upon their tables; and when the brain is constantly taxed and there is a lack of physical exercise, they should eat sparingly, even of plain food. Daniel's clearness of mind and firmness of purpose, his strength of intellect in acquiring knowledge, were due in a great degree to the plainness of his diet in connection with his life of prayer. 4T 515.4_515.4_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/114.2519#2540
[7/1, 6:27 AM] Albert: “And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.” Revelation 13:3
Romanism is now regarded by Protestants with far greater favor than in former years. In those countries where Catholicism is not in the ascendancy, and the papists are taking a conciliatory course in order to gain influence, there is an increasing indifference concerning the doctrines that separate the reformed churches from the papal hierarchy; the opinion is gaining ground that, after all, we do not differ so widely upon vital points as has been supposed, and that a little concession on our part will bring us into a better understanding with Rome. The time was when Protestants placed a high value upon the liberty of conscience which had been so dearly purchased. They taught their children to abhor popery and held that to seek harmony with Rome would be disloyalty to God. But how widely different are the sentiments now expressed! GC 563.1_563.1_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/132.2545#2546
[7/2, 6:17 AM] Albert: "And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory...And I heard another voice from heaven, saying,
Come out of her, my people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues." Revelation 18:1,4.
It is true that there are real Christians in the Roman Catholic communion. Thousands in that church are serving God according to the best light they have. They are not allowed access to His word, and therefore they do not discern the truth. [Published in 1888 and 1911. See Appendix.] They have never seen the contrast between a living heart service and a round of mere forms and ceremonies. God looks with pitying tenderness upon these souls, educated as they are in a faith that is delusive and unsatisfying. He will cause rays of light to penetrate the dense darkness that surrounds them. He will reveal to them the truth as it is in Jesus, and many will yet take their position with His people. GC 565.3_565.3_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/132.2545#2558
[7/3, 6:17 AM] Albert: "And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty." Revelation 16:13-14
Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience. GC 588.1_588.1_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/132.2635#2659
[7/4, 6:09 AM] Albert: "And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed." Revelation 13:11-12
When the leading churches of the United States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by them in common, shall influence the state to enforce their decrees and to sustain their institutions, then Protestant America will have formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will inevitably result. GC 445.1
The beast with two horns “causeth [commands] all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16, 17. The third angel's warning is: “If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God.” “The beast” mentioned in this message, whose worship is enforced by the two-horned beast, is the first, or leopardlike beast of Revelation 13—the papacy. The “image to the beast” represents that form of apostate Protestantism which will be developed when the Protestant churches shall seek the aid of the civil power for the enforcement of their dogmas. GC 445.2_445.2_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/132.1960#2014
[7/5, 6:11 AM] Albert: “Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.” Exodus 20:4-6
How the Roman Church can clear herself from the charge of idolatry we cannot see. True, she professes to worship God through these images; so did the Israelites when they bowed before the golden calf. But the Lord's wrath was kindled against them, and many were slain. God pronounced them impious idolaters, and the same record is made today in the books of heaven against those who adore images of saints and so-called holy men. RH June 1, 1886, par. 12_12_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/821.7316#7316
[7/6, 6:09 AM] Albert: “And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables; And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.” John 2:15-16
Christ was a protestant. He protested against the formal worship of the Jewish nation, who rejected the counsel of God against themselves. He told them that they taught for doctrines the commandments of men, and that they were pretenders and hypocrites. Like whited sepulchers they were beautiful without, but within full of impurity and corruption. The Reformers date back to Christ and the apostles. They came out and separated themselves from a religion of forms and ceremonies. Luther and his followers did not invent the reformed religion. They simply accepted it as presented by Christ and the apostles. The Bible is presented to us as a sufficient guide; but the pope and his workers remove it from the people as if it were a curse, because it exposes their pretensions and rebukes their idolatry. RH June 1, 1886, par. 14_14_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/821.7316#7316
[7/7, 5:53 AM] Albert: "And all the king's servants, that were in the king's gate, bowed, and reverenced Haman: for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence." Esther 3:2
The decree which is to go forth against the people of God will be very similar to that issued by Ahasuerus against the Jews in the time of Esther. The Persian edict sprang from the malice of Haman toward Mordecai. Not that Mordecai had done him harm, but he had refused to show him reverence which belongs only to God. The king's decision against the Jews was secured under false pretenses through misrepresentation of that peculiar people. Satan instigated the scheme in order to rid the earth of those who preserved the knowledge of the true God. But his plots were defeated by a counterpower that reigns among the children of men. Angels that excel in strength were commissioned to protect the people of God, and the plots of their adversaries returned upon their own heads. The Protestant world today see in the little company keeping the Sabbath a Mordecai in the gate. His character and conduct, expressing reverence for the law of God, are a constant rebuke to those who have cast off the fear of the Lord and are trampling upon His Sabbath; the unwelcome intruder must by some means be put out of the way. 5T 450.1_450.1_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/113.2223#2228
[7/8, 6:36 AM] Albert: “Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” Matthew 16:24
Self-denial means to rule the spirit when passion is seeking for the mastery; to resist the temptation to censure and to speak faultfinding words; to have patience with the child that is dull and whose conduct is grievous and trying; to stand at the post of duty when others may fail; to lift responsibilities wherever and whenever you can, not for the purpose of applause, not for policy, but for the sake of the Master, who has given you a work to be done with unwavering fidelity; when you might praise yourself, to keep silent and let other lips praise you. Self-denial is to do good to others where inclination would lead you to serve and please yourself. Although your fellow men may never appreciate your efforts or give you credit for them, yet you are to work on. 4T 521.2_521.2_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/114.2556#2567
[7/9, 6:03 AM] Albert: “For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.” Isaiah 52:3
The enemy is buying souls today very cheap. “Ye have sold yourselves for nought,” is the language of Scripture. One is selling his soul for the world's applause, another for money; one to gratify base passions, another for worldly amusement. Such bargains are made daily. Satan is bidding for the purchase of Christ's blood and buying them cheap, notwithstanding the infinite price which has been paid to ransom them. 5T 133.4_133.4_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/113.658#666
[7/10, 6:05 AM] Albert: “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man's, who shall give you that which is your own?” Luke 16:10-12
There are few who realize the influence of the little things of life upon the development of character. Nothing with which we have to do is really small. The varied circumstances that we meet day by day are designed to test our faithfulness and to qualify us for greater trusts. By adherence to principle in the transactions of ordinary life, the mind becomes accustomed to hold the claims of duty above those of pleasure and inclination. Minds thus disciplined are not wavering between right and wrong, like the reed trembling in the wind; they are loyal to duty because they have trained themselves to habits of fidelity and truth. By faithfulness in that which is least they acquire strength to be faithful in greater matters. PP 222.3_222.3_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/84.901#940
[7/11, 6:07 AM] Albert: “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10
It is a law of the mind that it gradually adapts itself to the subjects upon which it is trained to dwell. If occupied with commonplace matters only, it will become dwarfed and enfeebled. If never required to grapple with difficult problems, it will after a time almost lose the power of growth. As an educating power the Bible is without a rival. In the word of God the mind finds subject for the deepest thought, the loftiest aspiration. The Bible is the most instructive history that men possess. It came fresh from the fountain of eternal truth, and a divine hand has preserved its purity through all the ages. It lights up the far-distant past, where human research seeks vainly to penetrate. In God's word we behold the power that laid the foundation of the earth and that stretched out the heavens. Here only can we find a history of our race unsullied by human prejudice or human pride. Here are recorded the struggles, the defeats, and the victories of the greatest men this world has ever known. Here the great problems of duty and destiny are unfolded. The curtain that separates the visible from the invisible world is lifted, and we behold the conflict of the opposing forces of good and evil, from the first entrance of sin to the final triumph of righteousness and truth; and all is but a revelation of the character of God. In the reverent contemplation of the truths presented in His word the mind of the student is brought into communion with the infinite mind. Such a study will not only refine and ennoble the character, but it cannot fail to expand and invigorate the mental powers. PP 596.2_596.2_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/84.2786#2810
[7/12, 6:04 AM] Albert: “For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.” Hebrews 4:15
The obedience of Christ to His Father was the same obedience that is required of man. Man cannot overcome Satan's temptations without divine power to combine with his instrumentality. So with Jesus Christ; He could lay hold of divine power. He came not to our world to give theobedience of a lesser God to a greater, but as a man toobey God's Holy Law, and in this way He is our example. The Lord Jesus came to our world, not to reveal what a God could do, but what a man could do, through faith in God's power tohelp in every emergency. Man is, through faith, to be apartaker in the divine nature, and to overcome every temptation wherewith he is beset. OHC 48.3_48.3_https://m.egwwritings.org/en/book/81.306?#309
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dfroza · 6 years ago
the purest treasure of life on beautiful mysterious earth
is God inside the place of the heart (who is the Spirit of Light who illuminates the eternal truth of Love in the Son)
Mother earth is the instrumental womb of the universe, now pregnant with a pure seed of rebirth...
A point clearly made in Today’s reading from the ancient Letter of Romans with chapter 8:
[The Solution Is Life on God’s Terms]
With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud. A new power is in operation. The Spirit of life in Christ, like a strong wind, has magnificently cleared the air, freeing you from a fated lifetime of brutal tyranny at the hands of sin and death.
God went for the jugular when he sent his own Son. He didn’t deal with the problem as something remote and unimportant. In his Son, Jesus, he personally took on the human condition, entered the disordered mess of struggling humanity in order to set it right once and for all. The law code, weakened as it always was by fractured human nature, could never have done that.
The law always ended up being used as a Band-Aid on sin instead of a deep healing of it. And now what the law code asked for but we couldn’t deliver is accomplished as we, instead of redoubling our own efforts, simply embrace what the Spirit is doing in us.
Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God’s action in them find that God’s Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. And God isn’t pleased at being ignored.
But if God himself has taken up residence in your life, you can hardly be thinking more of yourself than of him. Anyone, of course, who has not welcomed this invisible but clearly present God, the Spirit of Christ, won’t know what we’re talking about. But for you who welcome him, in whom he dwells—even though you still experience all the limitations of sin—you yourself experience life on God’s terms. It stands to reason, doesn’t it, that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, he’ll do the same thing in you that he did in Jesus, bringing you alive to himself? When God lives and breathes in you (and he does, as surely as he did in Jesus), you are delivered from that dead life. With his Spirit living in you, your body will be as alive as Christ’s!
So don’t you see that we don’t owe this old do-it-yourself life one red cent. There’s nothing in it for us, nothing at all. The best thing to do is give it a decent burial and get on with your new life. God’s Spirit beckons. There are things to do and places to go!
This resurrection life you received from God is not a timid, grave-tending life. It’s adventurously expectant, greeting God with a childlike “What’s next, Papa?” God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are. We know who he is, and we know who we are: Father and children. And we know we are going to get what’s coming to us—an unbelievable inheritance! We go through exactly what Christ goes through. If we go through the hard times with him, then we’re certainly going to go through the good times with him!
That’s why I don’t think there’s any comparison between the present hard times and the coming good times. The created world itself can hardly wait for what’s coming next. Everything in creation is being more or less held back. God reins it in until both creation and all the creatures are ready and can be released at the same moment into the glorious times ahead. Meanwhile, the joyful anticipation deepens.
All around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain throughout the world are simply birth pangs. But it’s not only around us; it’s within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We’re also feeling the birth pangs. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We, of course, don’t see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become, and the more joyful our expectancy.
Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God’s Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don’t know how or what to pray, it doesn’t matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That’s why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.
God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him. After God made that decision of what his children should be like, he followed it up by calling people by name. After he called them by name, he set them on a solid basis with himself. And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun.
So, what do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line for us, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do for us? And who would dare tangle with God by messing with one of God’s chosen? Who would dare even to point a finger? The One who died for us—who was raised to life for us!—is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us. Do you think anyone is going to be able to drive a wedge between us and Christ’s love for us? There is no way! Not trouble, not hard times, not hatred, not hunger, not homelessness, not bullying threats, not backstabbing, not even the worst sins listed in Scripture:
They kill us in cold blood because they hate you.
We’re sitting ducks; they pick us off one by one.
None of this fazes us because Jesus loves us. I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us.
The Letter of Romans, Chapter 8 (The Message)
to be accompanied by a few lines (17 verses) of the same chapter in The Passion Translation:
So now the case is closed. There remains no accusing voice of condemnation against those who are joined in life-union with Jesus, the Anointed One. For the “law” of the Spirit of life flowing through the anointing of Jesus has liberated us from the “law” of sin and death. For God achieved what the law was unable to accomplish, because the law was limited by the weakness of human nature.
Yet God sent us his Son in human form to identify with human weakness. Clothed with humanity, God’s Son gave his body to be the sin-offering so that God could once and for all condemn the guilt and power of sin. So now every righteous requirement of the law can be fulfilled through the Anointed One living his life in us. And we are free to live, not according to our flesh, but by the dynamic power of the Holy Spirit!
Those who are motivated by the flesh only pursue what benefits themselves. But those who live by the impulses of the Holy Spirit are motivated to pursue spiritual realities. For the mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.
In fact, the mind-set focused on the flesh fights God’s plan and refuses to submit to his direction, because it cannot! For no matter how hard they try, God finds no pleasure with those who are controlled by the flesh. But when the Spirit of Christ empowers your life, you are not dominated by the flesh but by the Spirit. And if you are not joined to the Spirit of the Anointed One, you are not of him.
Now Christ lives his life in you! And even though your body may be dead because of the effects of sin, his life-giving Spirit imparts life to you because you are fully accepted by God. Yes, God raised Jesus to life! And since God’s Spirit of Resurrection lives in you, he will also raise your dying body to life by the same Spirit that breathes life into you!
So then, beloved ones, the flesh has no claims on us at all, and we have no further obligation to live in obedience to it. For when you live controlled by the flesh, you are about to die. But if the life of the Spirit puts to death the corrupt ways of the flesh, we then taste his abundant life.
[Sons and Daughters Destined for Glory]
The mature children of God are those who are moved by the impulses of the Holy Spirit. And you did not receive the “spirit of religious duty,” leading you back into the fear of never being good enough. But you have received the “Spirit of full acceptance,” enfolding you into the family of God. And you will never feel orphaned, for as he rises up within us, our spirits join him in saying the words of tender affection, “Beloved Father!” For the Holy Spirit makes God’s fatherhood real to us as he whispers into our innermost being, “You are God’s beloved child!”
And since we are his true children, we qualify to share all his treasures, for indeed, we are heirs of God himself. And since we are joined to Christ, we also inherit all that he is and all that he has. We will experience being co-glorified with him provided that we accept his sufferings as our own.
The Letter of Romans, Chapter 8:1-17 (The Passion Translation)
my reading from the Bible for may 17, day 59 of Spring and day 137 of the year:
just as the case of my heart is now closed as a seed of writing in True illumination to befriend another when someone who finds it and decides to communicate with me, gently, and simply as a friend.
with nothing forced to be. and no fear nor challenge against True nature as the lying dragon is all past (tense) now, fully cleansed.
the seed is an invitation into the space of the heart to share in the thought-life by having a peaceful conversation that becomes the sound of speech and meeting face-to-face, One day.
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