#or like how some kids are “im only one who gets to bully my sibling” so they defend them from other kids lol
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dailyrickastley · 3 months ago
So I finally got around reading Never and while I'm not very far into it, I already have some thoughts. So I'm going to share them here;
About Preface
The bit "In fact, I would say that the chances were stacked against it ever turning out like that" (him having his life the way it's currently), reminds me of this song:
I'm too lazy to go check if he has writing credits on this song (probably can be found on discogs), that aside I wonder if this song was personal to him? Like sure it's cheesy (so it could be just another love song) but I think it could very well be interpreted that the song is about his wife.
Him telling how he managed to rip off the door of his dads' new van was somehow nice. I'd be shitting myself too in that situation too, but I always saw him as pretty timid and serious when he was young (perhaps even as someone who was forced to grow up?). So it was nice to hear that he still was just a dumbass kid once. Ofcourse in the 80s he had his light hearted moments where he was joking around and all that too but for me he seemed restricted, lacking confidence (that he would eventually gain as he got older).
Reading about his dad's violent tendencies is sad, I used to be resentful when people would say something along the lines "well you should be glad your parents never hit you" but reading this book, I actually felt bit glad I didn't have to go through that.
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your-favourite-yapper · 12 days ago
Mary macdonald hcs (sorta modern au) bc I love her*
Used 2 be bullied in primary school
Not that bad but she just was Not Liked
Has 2 younger siblings and raised by a single dad
Changed schools after begging her dad 2 let her
Watched some 2000s hs movies to learn how to be "cool" bc she didn't have an older sister or someone to tell her how to do that
Is now tech "popular" BUT
She still feels Not Enough
She's mean 2 ppl her friends are mean to
And nice to the ones her friends are nice to
Bc all it sound take was one wrong word, one mistep
And she'd be the weird chubby kid in school noone sat next to again
noone rage studies like her
She gets good grades but is always top 5 nvr top 3
Has cried once when she got 98% in Chem
Not in friend of her friends tho
Doesn't like crying bc she prides herself on being "perfect" mary
The one who always has her homework done and takes 6 APs and is in 5 extracurricular and is the head of 3 of them and is always in some sort of competion or event and is always w perfect hair makeup outfit and is always composed
Has MANY friends but 2 main friend groups
The valkries and like her "popular" friends (emmeline flo chastity)
Lowkey Dislikes most men as a default
"No one wanted to play with me as a little kid
So I've been scheming like a criminal ever since
To make them love me and make it seem effortless"
^^ that's her
Definition of faking it till u make it but she's "made it" and is still faking
Has minibusses every few wks on whether she even knows her "real" personality
Doesn't care abt fashion THAT MUCH
But she knos every microtrend since the 1960s
Half black and half white
And defo went thru a phase where she told ppl that she was acc only like 1/4th black
Bc all the popular girls in the movies aren't black
Teenage Girl
She spends 4hr every day on hair and makeup b4 school
Will always feel like the Odd One Out
Does Not kno how to read social cues
Loves acting dumb or clueless
Type girl to study for 8hrs for a test then act like she didn't even kno there was a test
Wants to major in robotics
(Mainly bc no1 would expect it and she loves the feeling of vindication she gtes whe she shocks ppl who assume shes dumb)
Low middle income family
But doesnt correct her friends when they assume shes upper middle
Has not been in a designer mall
Style is "boho vintage" and preppy pink
The "boho vintage" is clothes she sewed together instead of buying new ones
She just Gaslight every1 into thinking they were b9ught
Loves her friends to bits and pieces
In primary her friend group was odd numbered so every1 would pair up and leave her out
Now it's even w marlene lily dorcas and her and flo emmeline chastity and her
V territorial of the number of ppl in the group
Once when lily was getting a bit TOO close to alice mary pretended alice sent her death threats and alice gets bullied sm she has to leave the school
Either doesn't offer any personal info to anyone
Or tmis sm u get second hand embarassment
"I wish I wasn't such a narcissist
I wish I didn't really kiss
The mirror when I'm on my own
Oh God, I'm gonna die alone" <- also her
Actively oversexualizes herself to hide the fact that she's scared of sex
Has beef w sirius and peter
Peter bc he's the only person in her hs who was in her primary and so he knos what she was like then and she's terrified he'd told the marauders abt that (he lowkey forgot lol)
Highly problematic
Tries her hardest 2 be nice
But she just isn't
Has stolen countless girls bf
Only to dump the bf 1wk later
And start flirting w the girl
5" 5.5
Loves her hair
She's rjl coded but forces herself to be sob coded
Acc LOVES gory horror movies
Loves ice cream but generally prefers savory > sweet
The og Mirrorball girlie
Tried to start a diary for some "self discovery" but stopped after she realized she was faking it there too
Attractiveness = 75% looks and 25% (fake) confidence
"Please im a star....im a star im a star im a sTAR"
the type of person to Not Say Anything when 1 of her friends make a joke she finds annoying/hurtful and then slowly gets more and more mad at them till she ghosts them
Her aura is somehow both toxic green and pink
Is still v much Scarred from primary so even tho she loves her friends she still has "back up groups" she'd go 2 if her friends unfriended her
Has ghosted 2838383893 ppl
Lowkeg a misandrist
Loves to bake
"I just wanted them to like me 🥺🥺" <- her after destroying her perception of self
Cant cry properly bc she can only think of how stupid she probably looks
"Theyre probably going to cheat on me....i should cheat first"
Ways to show love quality time
Ways to recieve love words of affirmation + phy touch but even tho she gives the best hugs u can't hug her wo 3 days warning
Acc v funny
Like constant banger after banger
Looks like a cinnamon roll thinks she could kill you is a cinnamon roll
Pink lipgloss
Always thinks she takes things a Bit Too Far (she acc kinda does)
like her friend could be shit talking someone and she spends 30min talking abt how disgusting that person is and how gross they are and insults them and reads them to filth. (She doenst even hate that person )
hey I should yap -> pvershares for 2hrs -> wait no ew (post yap clarity) -> cool and mysterious era (20 minutes) -> hey I should yap
Genuinely loves her younger siblings but uses up all her energy at school so at home she's v much a bitch to them
Ev she can't even say I love u to them
Can't even sound the words out
Gen believes she ruined them
Loves : chappell mitski and sabrina
Pathological liar
Lies for no rzn at all
Fav color is yellow
Says it's pink
Loves summer
Says she loves spring
Chat she's a good person when it rlly counts I promise
ev she leaves hs
!! And she gets into her dream uni
And then...
Uh oh
U kno the thing that happens when ppl who were popular in hs can't make friends in college
Yea that's mary
But eventually ?? She gets better ??
She goes out on silly walks
And goes 9ut her home wo a detailed 20 step guideline on what to do and how to act
And takes shitty pictures
And forgives and forgets !!
And she grows closer to the valkries !!
And sings shitty karaoke shittily in shitty pubs
And she forgives peter
And she wears more yellow
and she calls her siblings every other day and doesn't have to pretend to be interested
and listens to "cringe" girly talk podcasts bc they acc help her
and it doesn't matter if her laugh is now a tad bit too loud and if its more like a snort
and if her hips grow a bit bigger
Bc she's Human
She lives n breathes and walks and she Healing omigod shes Healing
she starts living for the experience of living and doesn't view herself in 3rd perspective
and she's seeing w her eyes and not the eyes of others and wow
and in one of her classes she gets an 89
And she cries abit but it's Ok!!
bc she still learned
And mare friends in that class!!
And she was ok she was ok she was ok
she gets her 2nd choice internship
And celebrates messily w all her friends
but when the 1yr internship is over she doenst get a perm job
But it's ok!!!
Bc it was an experience she experienced in her lovely life !!!
U kno those tiktoks that go "me making straberry pancakes bc life didnt end when i was 16"?
Thats her
She dates a girl (!!!)
And they communicate
And she holds her and is held by her
And go on silly cirnge dates
And have meaningless convos
And then they break it off amicably
But it's ok!!!
Bc it was an experience!!!!
"And I couldn't be sure
I had a feeling so peculiar
This pain wouldn't be for
And then she gets invited to an interview at her 1st choice job
And she stares at the building from across the street
And realizes
She Made It
And she closes the street in her yellow pumps
And she's thinking abt what she's gonna write in her journal today and thinking of all her friends and it's all ok now and and OMIGOD IS THAT A TRUC-
she gets run over ://
And dies ://
She would've gotten the job :/
If she hadn't uh died ://
*not as much as my wife @mrstellmeafuckingsecret
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atoriv-art · 2 months ago
what are your thoughts on the hyuga siblings and their relationship
OOF now thats one of my favorite naruto dynamics lmao. i think neji and hinata have a very interesting relationship and i say that as someone who really didn't (and tbh still doesn't) love how that relationship developed in canon
i really like the hyuga fight in the chunin exams because the way it's perceived is sooo interesting to me.. neji comes off as an outright bully and i don't even blame the kids for calling him an asshole after all of that, but from reader's perspective it's really obvious that his animosity only exists because of a larger issue...
neji shouldn't treat hinata the way he does, but he does so because of her unique position as a scorned heir. she still benefits from everything that makes his life awful - her life is still valued more than his - but hiashi hates her enough that he won't care if neji dishes out verbal abuse on her. it's an awful dynamic and definitely contributes to hinata's terrible self-worth, but it's a symptom of the life they have been forced into by the man who the manga is intent on letting escape all of the blame for this situation lmao
(hiashi himself can be a really fascinating case honestly. i think he fully means everything he says, which is what makes him so grating but fun to me LOL. his apology to neji is entirely sincere AND it completely misses the point of all of the issues, but neji is young and deprived of acknowledgement enough that he accepts it wholeheartedly. hiashi thinks he's the best uncle of all time.)
hinata herself has so little belief in her own worth that she just sits there and takes whatever abuse people throw at her... i don't actually think neji's anger towards her was a constant - i think some people interpret it that way - rather i feel like it was something that came up whenever he was pushed too far. in more normal circumstances where he's not being made to fight her directly, he was likely more detached than anything. he wanted nothing to do with her.
in one of the filler mini arcs ive mentioned before (i think. the one that focuses on hanabi and hinata) there's a scene that rang very true to me (and im gonna recount this without rewatching it atm so sorry if i get details wrong,): neji was being made to train with hinata, asked to be allowed to leave because he felt his time was being wasted and correctly noted that it doesn't have to be him here, was told no by hiashi and then he started getting vicious and violent. towards hinata, of course, not hiashi. he then got horribly punished for it LOL i think that's the general dynamic they were living in, neji reaches a limit of disrespect that he can take and explodes on the nearest most acceptable target (we loove a boy with no emotional regulation <3), goes too far and suffers the consequence of it while nothing else changes. to him interacting with hinata at all is just asking for pain, either emotional or straight up physical
But, for hinata, she saw herself and neji as similar (the black sheep of the family i suppose), and would have liked to bond over that fact; theyve known each other since they were very little and she outright refers to him as a brother. it's clear to me she's always cared a lot about neji and imo feels responsible for what happened to his father (something that hiashi doesn't help with. Dad of the year), so she saw their match in the exams as a chance to close the distance between them and get neji to see her as a person, an equal instead of a symbol to lash out on.
but, you know, she was 12 LMAO so she ended up pressing all of his buttons instead and it led to his famous outburst, which led to the famous moment of Every Single Jonin (other than asuma.) coming to stop him and further cementing his belief that her life is seen as special. i think (and this is a mix of Shit I Made up, and Me trying to make sense of the manga's insane mishandling of their plotline) that despite her trying her hardest to reach neji she didn't really grasp the horror of his situation. that's the tragedy of neji's life really LMAO, no one really tries to grapple with the severity of what having that curse mark does to a person. she thought of his fatalism as more of a psychological, metaphorical way of dealing with hurt and not like... "my life literally does not belong to me no matter how much i try to fight it"
this is loooooong take this readmore.
i think hiashi-hizashi were hoping that the cousins could have had a better relationship than they did... letting them hang out often and stuff, introducing them early, hizashi not discouraging neji from being friendly with her, to me it all reads as very "ok well this didn't work for Us, but what if it works out for them... even though literally nothing has changed". they were proper family once and hizashi wanted to die for his brother, not his leader, so that just makes sense to me.
i do nautttt like the naruto vs neji fight so to keep the post positive i will gloss over it <3 but hinata and neji's relationship post-chunin exams to me is peak like. God i wish this was done better because it could have been soooo good
neji realizes that his anger is consuming him and adjusts his behavior accordingly, getting a lot of his kindness back, and he becomes intent on fixing his relationship with hinata... i don't hate that premise at all, it's just the way it's executed that bothers me!
the impression i got (and i could be mistaken im in the process of rewatching the anime + rereading the manga) is that their relationship getting better is done exclusively through like. neji repenting for being mean to her. which, don't get me wrong, he SHOULD apologize (AND THAT WOULDVE BEEN A COOL THING TO SEE ONSCREEN, BTW) but you CANNOT divorce his behavior from the hyuga system in general. from the way they act after the exams you would think their issues were born solely from neji being a bully for no reason, and not, like... him lashing out on her because his uncle is literally the devil.
i don't think hinata has the power to change a lot in her clan on short notice (she did get disowned. did that un-happen offscreen? we will never know. Hiashi gets to be a grandfather to her children btw.) but i certainly would have liked to see her standing up for branch members and in the stuff i draw that's the story i have in mind LMAO. like, her gaining a deeper understanding of neji's situation and trying to work against her father trying to make her cousin's life better? i think that would have been really sweet and even show her gaining more confidence in herself and her beliefs. you can still have neji fussing over her and being protective because he feels bad for how they used to be, i actually really like that because neji IS a very sweet person, i just reject the idea that it's his sole Moral Obligation to put everything aside and make things better by the power of I Will Die For You Now, But This Time, For The Right Reasons
as for hanabi i wish she had more screentime soooo bad because i'm obsessed with how she gives off Haunted Child vibes lmfao. talking abt her requires me to expose myself a little bit and have to admit hiashi is kind of a blorbo to me because of how much he sucks ass, but like. Essentially his insane resentment of hinata was born when hizashi died, it doesnt matter it wasn't really her fault, he needed someone to blame and he would never blame himself, at least not outwardly lol. hiashi did genuinely love his brother, it just didn't stop him from being a monster to him, and he is certainly not gonna grapple with that now that he's dead!
(and, you know, the whole "sorry we sent a guy to kidnap an heir. you do need to die for killing him though" thing is really dumb but if we stop at every single stupid thing in naruto we will be here all day.)
with all that being said i think hiashi tries his best to make hanabi everything hinata isn't, and he has very little interest in having her and hinata have any bond at all. he just left neji and hinata to fester in that god-awful dynamic with no supervising, and took hanabi as the best direction for the clan to head towards. but, you know, father of the year is very demanding and doesn't seem to be very fatherly to her at all from the little we see of them. she's just like. a good soldier, and that's what he needs.
i think hanabi growing to resent her sister for the situation she's been put into (if hinata weren't 'weak' she wouldn't have so much responsibility) is very interesting! by the time we meet her i think she's learned that the best thing to do wrt her sister is to just ignore that she exists. as for neji he barely registers as a presence to her; neji has no reason to interact with her and hiashi has no reason to incentivize it. it's very fun to me!
in general i really like all of their dynamics can be used to explore how hurt and trauma drive people apart, i could talk about them for hourssss LMAO i love the suna family for the same reason!
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m0nsterqzzz · 10 months ago
Tumblr media
word count: 1.9k
- Shorty - 
Clarisse la rue x fem!short!aphrodite!reader
Based on this request!!
summary: when past insecurities of your height come rising back up due to a pack of stupid kids, your girlfriend is there to pick up the pieces.
warnings: small scene of bullying, name calling (just a ton of bullying about being short), kinda oc clarisse i think idk. Kinda shitty cuz i have insane writers blockkkkkkk i honestly may re-write it soon cuz i kinda hate this. just my writing. the request is so cute thoughhhhh. kinda less of protective clarisse and more of soft clar im sorrrryyyyy. yeah i think ima re-write. sorry im ranting.
a/n: okayyyyy this took way to long. Im so sorry dear @cosmopretty!! I broke up with my bf of three years, a ton of stuff happened, but im finally back!! Thank you for requesting and im actually so sorry it took so long! <3
— – — – — – — – —
Being short in a world where height mattered was always an uphill battle for you. Literally. When was the last time you heard a Greek myth about a hero who was short and didn’t get stepped on by the monster they were trying to fight?
The second part didn’t affect you too much though. Not until you were a bit older. When you were just a kid, it was easier, as the only struggle you had was weird delusions of hidouses monsters nobody else could see and bullies that targeted your height.
When a satyr had shown up when you were young and told you that you were in great danger and had to come with him, you’d honestly thought about pulling the fire alarm so that you didn’t get kidnapped. One of the winged beasts only you see crashed through a window and launched at you though, so you’d reluctantly went with him.
That’s how you found yourself at camp half blood, where things like height didn’t matter as much to kids that were a satyrs hoove close to death at any given moment. You’d met kids like you, ones that made you feel less insecure about your height by the way they could easily take down the older kids in sword fights by using their height to their advantage. Then, you met Clarisse.
You’d honestly thought she would bully you, as she had a rep around here for doing that to anyone who dared look at her for too long, but she had seemed to take a liking to you.
She’d only flirted with you at any given chance, and then time flew by, and suddenly you were taking her out on a date after begging Chiron to let you guys go see a movie. You’d never left her side after that, and she never wanted you too.
“Baby.” Clarisse mumbles, keeping her grip on your waist tight when you try to get out of her bed. You’d been cuddling all morning despite her needing to go to training and finish the chores she didn’t do yesterday along with the ones she needs to do today, but she just doesn’t seem to be ready to get up.
You chuckle softly, brushing some hair out of her face which makes her smile a bit. She knows you have to get up and go back to your cabin, though her eyes never fail to make you agree to five more minutes of cuddle time.
So you lay back down, enjoying the peace of her cabin that never really comes unless her siblings are out like they are right now.
After a few minutes you get up despite her many complaints, throwing on her hoodie and brushing your hair in a mirror. Being an aphrodite kid, your looks are important to you, and you’d rather not go outside with bed hair.
Clarisse comes up behind you, chin resting on the top of your head and arms wrapped around your torso. “Hey shorty.” You giggle, leaning back into her before pushing her away when she begins to poke at your side in an attempt to annoy you. She loves your height, never missing a chance to remind you that she’s taller by using your head as a resting point, or towering over you when you talk to her. It makes her smile and it amuses you, so you let it happen.
The fact that it erases your insecurities, even if for just a few minutes, is just a bonus.
Finally you leave her cabin, rushing off to your own and quickly greeting your siblings before you begin getting ready, a permanent blush on your face with the memory of your girlfriend.
After getting ready and packing your bag, you leave your cabin, nodding towards Clarisse in greeting across the green. Today is Friday, which means capture the flag, which means Clarisse’s favorite day. She enjoys these blood fests, and though you do too, nobody- including you- is as crazy and rough about it as your girlfriend.
You and your siblings sit at your table in the dinner hall until Chiron calls out for your cabin, and though you all push eachother out of the way, you end up second to last in the line to get food. You sigh, rolling your eyes at the way Silena sticks her tongue out at you with a smug smile before you lean on the wall and wait for your turn.
Once you’ve got your food, you walk back to your table, though you accidentally run into one of the older kids named Jackson. You try to apologize, but he cuts you off. “Watch where you're walking, hobbit.” You have to admit it makes you a bit upset, but you’ve heard worse, so you just mumble your apology and stumble off.
“Hey shorty! I’m talking to you!” He calls out, followed by some more people giggling as they step up behind you. It sounds gross when they say it, as you're more used to Clarisse calling you that. It doesn’t make you feel warm and flustered when they say it. It just makes you feel small.
You turn around to look at them with a frown of confusion, but it just turns into a plain old frown when you see the way he’s looking at you. The same way all your old bullies would look at you.
Where is Clarisse?
Her cabin still isn’t here, so you're left to just look at him with a scowl. He sees it, and his smug smile only grows.
“Something you wanna say elf? I think Santa needs you back at the factory now.” All his friends laugh, but it’s the worst insult ever, so you just tighten your grip on your tray and glare at him.
“I think you gotta go get back to the kid’s table before Chiron see’s you.” You don’t know why, as that insults as dumb as the others, but it strikes some type of nerve in you and tears prickle at the corners of your eyes. It only eggs on Jackson, because he begins high fives his girlfriend Ashley and tells you to go cry about it like a baby.
“Nobody needs a short hero. You’ll be dead before your little girlfriend can save you.”
You basically cower off to your table, head hung low in shame and picking at your food. Your siblings look worried, especially when their attempts for conversation go completely ignored.
Is Jackson right? Is being short completely a disadvantage?
That night, all though your siblings drag you out of bed for a campfire, one set to celebrate another one of your girlfriends wins in capture the flag, you mostly keep to yourself. You sit on one of the logs, watching with sad eyes as everyone else dances around and cheers for Clarisse.
She's only focused on you though. She watches from across the fire as you wipe away tears, a frown stitched onto her face despite the praise coming from her friends and siblings.
Why are you crying?
Clarisse gets up, ignoring her siblings as she walks over to you and kneels down behind you, resting her chin on your head and her arms securely around your waist. You just squirm out of her grip, and she might even say the frown on your face only deepens.
“What's wrong shorty? Nobody gets to cry on my celebration campfire, especially not you.” She attempts a joke, giving you a small smile as she rubs your bag. You roll your eyes, looking at her with the most serious expression she's ever seen on your face.
“You know my name. My name isn't Shorty.”
Clarisse frowns, biting her bottom lip. You'd been this way when you first got to camp, after years of being bullied, but since then she'd reassured you that nobody cared how tall you are and she in fact loves your height.
But this….it makes it seem almost like you're going back to the olds way. Like you're being bullied again.
“Did someone say something?” She questions after a beat of silence, previous sadness replaced by anger as she scans the crowd like she’s just going to know who said something mean to you by reading their mind.
You shake your head, hiding your face in your hands but still not answering her. Finally you look up, eyes filled with a sadness she would kill to see go away before you nod towards where Jackson is cuddling with his girlfriend over on the lawn.
Clarisse immediately gets up in search of her spear, but you grab her wrist, gently tugging her to sit back down. “No. Please Clar. Don’t make it a big deal.” You basically beg, and her eyes slightly soften before they go back to pure rage.
“No. Nobody gets to be mean to you. Tell me what they said.”
You shake your head fast, hand clasped over your mouth. She tilts her head a bit and you once again shake your head no, knee’s bouncing in nervousness at the way she’s staring at you.
So you spill. You tell her everything they said, how mean they were, how bad it made you feel. And by the end of it, you and your sister have to hide her spear from her and convince her not to go kill Jackson and Ashley.
Clarisse takes a deep breath, cracking her knuckles before she sighs. She’s never been very good at comforting people, more so killing them, but here you are, her girlfriend, crying over something someone you barely even know said about you. She has to figure it out.
“I love the way I can put my chin on your head and hold you tight. Makes me feel like I can protect you even more.” She says quietly, clearing her throat and continuing when you look up with a sniffle. “and….I love that you have to get on your tippy toes to kiss me. It makes me smile. And I-I love when you somehow fit yourself into tiny little spaces. Make’s ambushes in fights a lot funnier when I see the look on the other person's face. And…I think you’re a great fighter. You can take me down ⅘ times when we fight, and I think you could protect me in battle better than anyone could. You’re a good demigod, your height just adds to that.”
By the end of it you can’t help but smile, slightly nudging her with a blush. She nods, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and pulling you close into her chest. She kisses your forehead, lips lingering there for a second before she pulls away to look you in the eyes.
“I love you shorty.”
— – — – — – — – —
Safe to say, by the next morning, news gets around that Jordan and Ashley are resting in the infirmary with matching broken noses and black eyes.
— – — – — – — – —
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echosluvr · 9 months ago
I'm the shameless writers' sleep paralysis demon. In season 12:
Debbie has flings with a bunch of crazy™ chicks to forget about Sandy but they meet again and they talk about that.
D:"after i met you, thought I loved crazy bitchs but turns out i only love one crazy bitch."
S: "oh wow, turns out ,i only love one crazy bitch too."
They kiss and have steamy lesbian sex, the end.
LMFAO this is sending me so bad how does it feel to be one of the funniest people ever anon (sorry I saw this so late Tumblr loves hiding my inbox notifs) as much as I love love love sebbie, I fear it wouldn't happen like this. I think after h*idi , debbie would quit on dating and fucking? she may kiss girls at bars on her nights out but thats the most. she wouldn't get anyones number or fuck. she'd devote most of her time to her job and franny to get over sandy. if im being 0% delusional they would NOT get back together because of the harsh and cruel words sandy said to debbie. but in my perfect fanfic world, over this time sandy tries with prince , obviously a long hard path because she willingly abandoned that kid with a guy who clearly didn't have enough time for him either. but over the course of months and familial therapy she would get to a standpoint with her son, where they aren't truly mother-son, but they get along. she knows his favorite things (color, food, clothes, activity, etc) and he knows his hers. and at first sandy would do this just for debbie, to show she's willing to change and not be another person who abandons her. but overtime she grows to care for her son. and I think the reconciliation would start off with sandy begging mickey to help him set up a meeting or play date between franny and prince so she can show she's trying with her kid while also having some distance to discuss these topics with debbie. as for Debbie she would be against it at first and maybeeeeeee mickey bribes franny who is the only person in the whole wide world that can convince her mom to do anything. so she agrees. they'd meet, its awkward but sandy strikes a convo about the kids and they seem to joke about it. and amidst it, sandy would apologize and debbie would shut it down, cause she just isn't ready to forgive her, but she's willing to along with it. it'd probably grow along the course of months most likely years and a shit ton of familial counseling between sandy and prince and couples therapy between sandy and debbie to get to a state where sandy can ask debbie out on a date and they can try again. but once they reach that point I think they'd fall in love and be gallamoms to their kids (btw prince and sandy would def have a much much better bond by the time sebbie get together, and royal is out of the picture because I think he shouldn't exist) and bully ian and mickey. if I go beyond sebbie, I def think mickey would help his cousin love her child despite the circumstance by simultaneously learning to love yevygeny ? I think it would be cute to see the two cousins earn a place in their child's life and it causing a beautiful domestic life for them all. svet and mandy would be together by this time too, and once it all settles down over years, all three couples would put their kids/stepkids to bed and laugh over how almost 2 decades later the two youngest milkovich siblings & their cousin r now stable and gay/bi (SCREW U TERRY)
(@m4ndysk4nkovich, @holymurdock and @lovekenney I would love for u three to add ur insights )
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fishgir12 · 3 months ago
Character ask game for Mateo and Logan???
Mateo and Logan!! Woo!!
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Logan first cause she’s the best ever actually
GOD THIS CHARACTER IS SOOO. So many feelings with her she’s the best ever she solos all of them but sometimes I just have to sit back and sigh. Especially that part where she asked Astrid why are you like that COMPLETELY out of line I think she deserved all that came after that. So so many thoughts but I mean i think the amount I talk abt her says enough I personally think im one of her number one fans if not number one but that’s just me!! Also relate to her alot she’s not 100% me but I relate to so many aspects of her she’s prob #2 on that list
Romantic pairings
BeastlyPerfection!! Astrid and Logan!! God they’re so peak, from starting off as being rivals and then slowly bonding over shared interests OH MY GOD ITS PEAAAK. Not much to say but they take up a lot of my head. Def my fav canon pairing #yuri4life
Copiedbeat…my pride my joy. I mean not to be bias but it’s my fav non cannon ship. I made them on my own when I thought it would be funny if Logan liked the clone of her best friend and then I got a concussion almost the same day LMAO. I thought it was a sign from the universe and they’ve just evolved from there on out. They’re my peak and I think about them every day
Non canon
LOGAN AND IZZIE OOOH MY GOD!! They’re!! The best friends ever!! When logan stayed behind to be doom domed with her to make sure she was ok and to make sure she was safe oh 😢😢 I think about them so so much
Cooper and Logan… I mean come on they’re really fun friends. Lesbian and gay friendships always last long
Mateo and Logan I think they would bully and tease each other constantly and they def aren’t best friends but they are for sure getting there!! Or at least friends for now
Unpopular opinion- some people only care about Logan’s character when it comes to ships and it’s really easy to see when that’s that case
Wish- PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE LOGANS HOME LIFE. I relate to her in the sense where my parents love me and we have our moments but they work so much I don’t see them much and idk I think seeing that with Logan would heal me personally!! Plus I have so many thoughts on her moms I need to know if I’m right or not in how I think they are
Ok buckle up um I have. Thoughts on this kid. Least fav of the dream chasers unfortunately sorry guys. DOESNT MEAN. I DONT LIKE HIM. I like him a ton!! I like him enough where I dressed up as him for Halloween. There’s just a lot I don’t like about him that just weighs him down compared to the others. But other than that he’s chill!
Romantic ships
COOPER AND MATEO GOOOD. Idk something abt childhood friends to bffs to not talking to teammates to friends again to something more it just hits different. Not a ton things I can think abt rn but there’s a lot of thoughts trust me bros.
Zoey and Mateo!! Really cute!! I said what I needed to say on my Zoey one but to restate I think they’re sweet
Non romantic pairings
IZZIE AND MATEO!! The siblings ever!! Their dynamic is so real I can see so much of me and my own little brother in the things they do idk they’re just so real?
Mateo and lunia I know they haven’t met I’m just saying that invisible string tying them together is yelling doomed dudes
Unpopular opinion idk I think Mateo deserves to be criticized sometimes he’s not the most perfect character In the world
Wish- MORE DREAMKEEPER STUFF WITH THEM PLEASEEE. He’s the only living person we’ve seen who’s able to use lunias hourglass and I need to see him tap into it more. LOCK IN.
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corruptedhyena · 5 months ago
hello to the like 3 people who have been waiting for Bindertales
im so sorry, the next 2 pages are done dw but it's in progress ;w;
in the meantime HELLO NEIGHBOR AGAIN IM SO SORRY the new episodes are making me scream again so please give me a moment to share some doodles whilst i share my thoughts.
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firstly, my favorite part of the series: Trinity and Nicky's friendship! i'm really not a fan of romance plots so i ADORE that they aren't trying anything with these two, just leaving it to mosty one-sided Enzo.
so, when the teasers showed an almost direct parallel of Nicky leading Trinity into Peterson's house by giving us a shot of Trinity leading Nicky, it really got my hopes up!! it thankfully didn't disappoint too horribly, but damn if it isn't painful to watch Trinity go from "yeah Nicky you've been through a lot huh ): " in episode 1 to "c'mon dude you're the one who told me to be brave, why are you being so scared???" it was a bit AAAAA
thankfully, it does seem somewhat purposeful, as she is still a kid and seems to be doing her best to help Nicky the way he helped her be brave, it's just really backfiring. as seen when she's taken home from school in ep 2, she's clearly worried about him and is very much aware something is going on, so it's not like there's some sorta character betrayal! i really hope they'll have a chance to really talk things out and reach an understanding. OR AT LEAST JUST GIVE NICKY A HUG FOR FUCK'S SAKE POOR BOY, THAT CLIFFHANGER HURTS SO MUCH OML
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I LOVE SIBLING CONTENT PLEASE GIVE US MORE!! some of my favorite bits of background detail in s1 are Maritza's reactions to Enzo being a simp. she's such an asshole and i love her for it. she's also still acting as the greatest voice of the straight man, which is a breath of fresh air sometimes among the children playing detective during MULTIPLE MURDERS AND ACTS OF ARSON!!!
speaking of, why the hell did Mrs. Bales immediately get suspicious of the LITERAL CHILDREN who were OUTSIDE during the housefire? especially since she herself said her outlet blew? i understand stories following kids have to find a way to write out the parents sometimes, but it's just baffling that it was handled so well in s1 compared to s2. and they also jump on the anti-Nicky train? did they not literally witness that child escape from Peterson's after their daughter told them he was kidnapped weeks ago????? DO THEY NOT UNDERSTAND THIS IS A LITERAL CHILD WHO JUST GOT TRAUMATIZED AND WHOSE PARENTS WERE SAID TO BE HARD TO CONTACT??!?!?!?!
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far less agonized, i just thought about how in the world Peterson hid among gravestones as a grown-ass man during Trinity's story in s1, and thought it'd be funny if, as i draw him, he pretended to be a bush behind a gravestone. hunched up so his body's behind the stone and the big flumf of his mane and tail stuck out. logically, a flashlight would catch the red of it despite the dark, but cartoon logic could hand-wave it away.
in terms of s2 thoughts with him, it's cool to see his backstory! i'm still pretty much in the dark when it comes to the whole Hello Neighbor lore, as i only saw gameplay of the alphas and never heard the intended storyline, but i did see that last Matpat video! i can't wait to see what's up with his brother being the shadow guy (i think) and why he's terrorizing Nicky. i'm betting it's not a malicious thing, that maybe he's trying to make contact or keep him safe, considering the flashback! and it seems like the grown-up bullies might be the ones behind the kids' disappearances and Crowface, though i'm not quite as confident about that one. i just know a lot of the adults are suspicious and i think it's a red herring that there's supposedly a secret neighbor. i think it's all of them, and Peterson knows.
still doesn't excuse kidnapping and traumatizing Nicky tho
thanks to anyone who reads this rambling mess, i just have a lot of thoughts about this show and don't have anyone i know who's caught up or into it (:
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3mmetotter · 2 years ago
Bakugou and Midoriya's Relationship Pre-main-cannon Analysis
Ok so I keep reading posts where people seem to think Bakugou has hard-core bullied Izuku for 10 straight years and Im here to squash that. So a kinda analysis of their relationship though the years based off what we know and all major shifts that I think happen based off cannon. As well as some inferred just based off how kids act at certain ages.
Relationship Timeline Guestimation:
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This is my best guess on a timeline towards each other.
I would say the biggest guess in this is when the passive bullying actually started. Im guessing end of elementary and start of junior high just based off how kids usually are at that age (friendships shift, preteens try to be cool, purberty starts, ect.)
The biggest theme to their whole relationship is miscommunication so I labeled the timeline based off what an outside POV might label their relationship.
Activity regular friends without Katsuki being a massive jerk. Before quirks and then Katsuki gets a big head ect. Most of that is covered extensively in flashbacks in the manga so Im gona gloss over this era.
There's not a lot thats been shown directly at this time beyond what we've been shown in the manga (ie Izuku being nicknamed deku). So slightly inferred just based off their personalities and overall age.
Theyre actively friends but Katsuki gets worst and worst through the years and more distant. Though they actually have interations. Plus both these boys are so stubborn that I think theyed stay friendsish through elementary.
So we know they interacted and were around each other:
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They were both friends at this point or at least like playmates and I think would continue through a lot of elementary especially early elementary.
Cause its not like Katsuki was popular with most people unsurprisingly:
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Even if Katsuki really didnt want it, I think Izuku was one of the only friends that actively showed he cared about him. Even if he really didn't want it.
But with Katsukis insecurities and his kinda warped view of Izuku their friendship was pretty off and on again. Basically at this point in their relationship they both think the other is a slightly jerky friend but still actively care for each other. They get on each others nerves but still consider the other a friend. Also cause theyre in elementary, kids usually just play with whoever is closest and available. Since they lived in the same neiborhood and both have no sibling they would probably be first available for each other, inspite of feelings or insecurities.
Eventually though Katsukis insecurities would win out. (Which to note those really only ever come up when comparisons can come into play or when Katsuki could be precieved as needing help). And Katsuki has the same self awareness emotionally as a cat whos head is stuck in a bag. So he projects those insecurities hard onto Izuku, instead of actual self reflection.
To sum up elementary:
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Early Middle School
Turning point from my guess is when Izuku tries to stand up to Katsuki and I think this is where they officially end any friendship and the bullying towards Izuku officially starts. I interpret this scene as either later elementary school or early middle school based off the lankyness of everybody:
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So middle of middle school and note that Izuku isnt as actively freaked out by Katsuki approaching. So Katsuki after whenever he beat-up Izuku essentially reaffirm to himself that Izuku cant be a threat, and that he is still the best. Thus calm Katsuki at the start of Middle School. Still a jerk whenever he sees Izuku but doesnt seem to feel the need to actually seek him out. Mostly just dismissive belittling.
Plus no full on Baku-rage directed at Izuku:
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Of course as anything hero related starts to come up and Izuku ends up doing his normal thing. Katsuki, like always, gets triggered cause Izuku hits every insecuritie he has.
Turning point happens when Katsuki feels threatened by Izuku again:
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Thus Baku-rage is officially engaged! And series starts!
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fireylesbianhell · 2 years ago
i’m having thoughts about my boy
sorry newsies moots but it’s solace time baby
• William Andrew Solace was born in Texas but has tempratlily lived in and been too; New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nevada, California, Washington, New York, and later on in life Massachusetts and Maine. The only states he vividly remembers when he was young was New Mexico and Nevada, as they spent the longest time there besides Texas.
• Will left to camp when his mother stopped in new york and a monster attack very close to camp happened and the nearest satyr recognized him as a half-blood, dragging him with the other demigods (i headcannon one of them was Drew And that’s how those two met) and was introduced. He found his mother again and was able to stay there after some plot stuff i will flesh…later.
• cat person he is such a cat person he’s a golden retriever boy yes but he’s a cat person i’m sorry i’m right i am i know him he told me
• Will did get bullied when he went to a public school for a short time in new Mexico for being/acting “Gay” and it stuck with him a bit as he was worried what camp half blood would be like. but the camp was very friendly and he adapted fairly quickly after his siblings supported his coming out
• Will is Bi to me, and i feel he figured out fairly easily. Naomi wasn’t as religious as her parents and her traveling gave her a wider world veiw, so she wasn’t exactly homophobic but didn’t really let will know gay people existed. he kinda just got context clues along the way.
• Will came out to naomi when he was 14 and she accepted him, after some suprise and tears. it was confusing for both of them but she wasn’t angry.
• Will goes though whipped cream like a maniac. he puts it on everything. everything. i don’t know where i got this headcannon from but it’s mine now it’s my baby his favorite dessert is literally just reddi whip striaght into his mouth and nico is always absoloutley horrified whenever he finds his boyfriend straight up drinking reddi whip out of the fridge after a late night at the hospital wing.
• WORKAHOLIC!! BIGGEST WORKAHOLIC!!! EVER!!! does NOT take breaks does NOT talk about his own feelings. major case of therapist friend with no therapy
• Nico summons skeletons to help will with studying sometimes, hey, it’s better than a textbook
• Due to all the Shit He’s Seen, will isn’t really freaked out by nico or macabre at all. as to contrast, nico hates medical stuff and finds it kinda freaky
• Will has a very Work for what you get attitude and seeing his mother scrape by and work herself up made will similarly hardworking, independent and self sufficient. But he’s also a stubborn bastard who would rather take and remove a bullet then let someone help him either work wise or financially. It got even worse as he became the head of his cabin so much younger with so many younger kids to take care if
• Living in new mexico for as long as they did Naomi decided it was a good idea to have will learn at least some spanish when he was young and he picked up on it nicely, and decided to continue. he’s fairly fluent now and loves freaking Leo out all the time by talking to him in spanish when nobody else is around and he can’t prove it.
• Did also have a minor crush on percy, but mostly as a “woah look at that guy holy shit” and loved teasing annabeth about it (“If YOU love him so much why do you want us to get her together?” “nooo you guys are my OTP i’m not having that up just because he’s hot” <- COMPLETELY REAL INTERACTION THEY E HAD MHM TRUST ME BRO)
• Wants to pick up on some italian so he can do the same thing he does with leo to nico
• TRANSGENDER AND AUTISTIC IM NOT ELABORATING FUCK YOU ( i do have reasons but this is more fun)
• Favorite vide game is a tie between tetris and Majoras mask
• Favorite TV show was Malcom in the Middle as a kid and now is greys anatomy /j/j/j/j but i can gaurentee he hate watches it with the apollo cabin all the time
• Suprisingly fine with plants, yes sunflowers do look at him and everyone makes fun of him for it
okay i’m done (i’m a liar i’m not done but i am about to pass out sooo)
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moonlit-imagines · 2 hours ago
Headcanons for being Angela’s younger sibling as a civilian
Angela Lopez x sibling!reader
a/n: i will not be able to handle the finale of this season
prompt: anonymous: “If you write for Angela from the rookie would headcannons for “what being her civilian sibling would be like” be ok?”
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angela is hella protective of you and for good reason
yes, you had 4 older brothers—but she was the one who always stood up for you
especially as kids
“i’m fine, mom, i can handle a few kids calling me names” -you
“the hell you will!” -angela
“you better not let mama hear you talk like that” -you
lowkey tho u would threaten kids with her presence
“my sister will beat your ass!” -you
*children running in fear*
she encourages it actually—she thinks its funny
your brothers definitely tease you for her standing up for you
“you’re gonna have to take care of yourself one day, angela isn’t always going to be there for you” -one of the brothers i cant even remember their character traits and only one has a page on fandom wiki
and one day you all grew up and took different paths, but you and angela stayed close
and through her time at the academy and as a cop, she never stopped worrying about you
i’m talking near-hourly update texts
diabla (angela): are you home yet? let me know when you’re home
y/n: i told you i was home an hour ago
diabla: are you still home?
y/n: yes i am still home
honestly when she started out as a cop she saw some pretty messed up stuff and she never stopped imagining you in those situations, it caused her a lot of anxiety
but you started worrying about her too
you might have downloaded a police scanner app to get every single update you could get your hands on
“hey, just calling to see if you’re okay. i heard that there was a call where shots were fired. call me when you can please” -you on the phone
diabla: im working, i’ll call you later. no, i’m not dead.
literal actual “wellness checks” she is. wow.
if you ever had a bad s/o she definitely has threatened them with violence
oh, and YES she will bring tim into it
tim is your bff lowkey and she hates it
“tim told me you threatened to slap a lawyer in the face today” -you
“how the hell did ti—jackson…” -angela
“they said he was a cute lawyer too” -you
“shut up” -angela
whenever there was a crazy incident (like when the CDC had crazy outbreaks) your ass would be sat tf down at that station no questions asked
you guys would have nights in with music and drinks at least once a month
jackson would try to get info on how to get on her good side whenever you crossed paths
“that’s assuming she’s got a good side, kid” -you
this lawyer guy she threatened to hit then started dating was pretty cool actually (for a lawyer)
and soon enough angela was pregnant and you were ecstatic
“i cant believe it im gonna have a nephew!! or a niece. whatever it is, this is gonna be so fun!” -you
“yeah, you think morning sickness and swollen ankles are fun?” -angela
“hey, that’s not my problem” -you
“wow, thanks” -angela
being “fake protective” to angela when it comes to her pregnancy and/or wesley (you liked bullying him)
“puto” -you, whispering in passing
“what did i do?!” -wesley
you were in their weddinggggg
the one where angela got kidnappedddddd
you put an airtag on her after that (not joking)
oh no you were a nervous wreck when this happened and there was nothing you could do. like when they told you what happened to her they thought you were joking. like no way she got kidnapped and brought to another country by a famous female drug lord to steal her baby
and you were a civilian so all you could do was stay home and have a meltdown
and yeah. you got more and more concerned for her safety after that
“you’re going to be a mom! i just want you to be safe. that situation was so…insane! what the hell was that?!” -you
“that was the job. and i like my job. and im going to keep doing my job so no one else will go through anything like that” -angela
yeah you knew you couldn’t argue with her
not soon after she was asking you to babysit
“maybe i should get you some self defense classes. just in case” -angela
“i dont know how i’ve gone this long without them” -you
you enjoyed taking care of the kiddo. even if he had that lopez attitude
“please, jack, will you stop crying?” -you, pleading with a 6 month old
he did not stop
you were not pleased
family dinners!
“maybe y/n should go into law enforcement” -wesley
“that’s not funny, wesley” -angela
“don’t make me use these karate moves i learned on you” -you
fr you did love wesley its just funny to bully your brother in law
angela needed more nights out. date night and sibling nights
so on sibling nights you made it worthwhile
and you started to get close to nyla and lucy and even celina down the line (and of course tim was still your gossip bestie)
ok this is getting long i hope you liked!!!
taglist: @summersimmerus // @locke-writes //
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yeesandhaws · 1 month ago
ok the people have spoken so here are my insane notes from TROP s1e1 (contains spoilers for s2 kind of because this is a rewatch)
PLSSS I’M DYING it started playing with tamil audio bc me and my mama (mama as in amma/mother not uncle) watching some tamil movies earlier and now i can’t stop thinking: first of all, i should lowk consider learning tamil this way - by watching shows i know and love in tamil (guys I’m a genius this is how i can beat the coconut allegations) and second of all i just started laughing over the thought of Legolas saying “they’re taking the hobbits to isengard” in tamil so asked my mom how to say that in tamil and it was JUST as unserious as it sounds in my mind, so even tho my tamil vocab is limited now i know now to say this very important phrase 
ok let’s lock in now that i’ve adjusted the language 
bruh how are there bullies in freaking VALINOR is this not the land of whimsy and joy smh
deep ahh conversations for siblings to be have like i know they’re elves but also like BRUH FINROD AND GALADRIEL NEED TO BE CLAWING EACH OTHER’S EYES OUT NOT BONDING SMH-
(joking mostly)
the way the quality of season 2 is so clearly superior to this LMAOOO
“a symbol that even our wisest could not discern” … idk i feel like this should be pretty easy to discern but maybe that’s just bc i’m the one watching it 
i’m sorry but galadriel is sooo “i’m not like other elves” coded rn- 
like i know it’s for good reason and she’s my love and life but 😭
god he’s such a romantic and poetic also the way he scribbled out the word was so aesthetic god i love him (i am pathetic i know)
the way his eyes lit up when he found out galadriel was back i love their friendship so much 
GODDD i love how the elves are so touchy and sweet with each other without it being weird like i love platonic intimacy so much 
ugh their banter is so sweet they care about each other so much my heartttt i forgot how sweet they are 
ok like… i know i oughtn’t but i see why people ship them, galadriel has elrond in the palm of her hand but also like bruh nahhhhhh they are NOT-
ok like slightly off topic but im a bit in love with nori…
“our days of war are over” famous last words (“delulu,” to quote my mother dearest)
awww elrond is so smiley i miss his poet era
“kind as summer,” my darling my dear
god he’s so needlessly flowery i love him
the way he truly sees valinor as something good because he doesn’t want to permanently lose galadriel 
and he knows the pain of losing a brother too 
he really just wants her to stay he really doesn’t want her to die 
“i have seen my share” oh my baby (cue i bet on losing dogs) (also my thoughts on this scene WILL be included in my eventual rant about elrond)
he’s so fine i can’t-
like i know he’s wrong but like he’s also right 😭
:(((( this is so sad i feel for galadriel she has seen horrors nobody should have had to endure
god he’s so noble i love elrond more than anything
“what you have always been: my friend” AUGHHHHHHH I AM SUCH A CORNBALL I LOVE THISSS
oh hi puppy dog:)
oh boy here comes the dead-end romance (my bad gang i’m a hater)
bruh who is this emo ass blond ass twig
say it don’t spray it you long grass 
and stop wasting good food and drink smh 
ew i’m such a hater of this bronwyn/arondir romance i’m sorryyy 
lmao not arondir getting trolled by his companion LMAOO
arondir is so sassy i love him
damn arondir’s friend really foreshadowed the end of this 💀
his ass is NOT leaving let’s be so fr 💀🙏
ew what 79 years i sure hope he only met bronwyn when she was an adult 
goddd i love it in the “i’ve said it in every way but words” trope  must admit 
punk ass kid interrupted the moment 
“i’m going with you” GIRL 😭-
don’t play with cursed blades kiddos…
ELRONDDDDDD :’((((( my sweet boy
damn they lowk foresaw right she did inadvertently keep alive the evil 💀
wait elrond bae what did you doooo (tbh i forgot what he did)
omgggh i forgot elrond and celebrimbor worked together guys i will not be normal about this
also smash-
huh who said that
not me definitely not me
bro you cannot tell me they had to stand like  🧍 for days on that rickety ass boat like that looks so uncomfortable 
npc ahh elf 😒😒
ugh they’re lowk singing so ethereally tho 
the strength she must have to be embraced by light of valinor itself and reject it because she knows it is not her time like GOD I LOVE YOU GALADRIEL
FRAME TURNING THEIR HEADS IN SYNC (i’m actually crashing out)
sozin’s comet ahh gandalf entrance 
bruh ain’t no way galadriel rawdogged the sundering seas until “halbrand” finds her bffr 
GANDYYYYY (grandelf lmao) 
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 year ago
ryry will you tell us about the ojv sp parents! or their relationships with the sp boys? like stan ft shelley ( love stan and shell) sharon and rancid ( ik u touched on that one but im nosy ) or like kyle ft. the broflovskis? those dynamics? or how the broflovskis feel abt stan and stan’s parents abt kyle, vice versa? ill also accept star seven fam situations anythin u want go crazy go stupid
( also i love u mwahmwahmwahmwahmwaaaah )
Oh I ABSOLUTELY WILL!!! And I will get WAY too into it!!! Gonna be sticking with the Marshes and Broflovskis this ask, but I’ll get to the rest of the ojv star seven sometime! (This bouta be convoluted tbh)
So starting with my darling Stanathan, Sharon and Randy Jackass Marsh divorced for good when our boy was 12. At this point the only thing Shelley and Stan agreed on was that their parents should NOT be together and when shit was finalized they were both like FUCK YEAH MOM TAKE US OFF THIS FARM!!! And Sharon moved them back into their old house. Randy’s pretty much all over the place and not NEARLY the dad he thinks he is, but the kids still have to spend weekends at the farm a few times a month.
And like a lot of little kids, especially little boys, Stan REALLY looked up to his dad when he was younger. Like that’s his dad, the “cool” parent. But about the time Stan turned 10 and his mental health went through a really bad spot, he started to see the world a LOT less idealistically and ESPECIALLY started seeing the nuance of the people in his life. A lot of people are selfish. And his father is a prime example of that.
That’s not to say OrangeJuiceVerse Randy is truly insidious. He’s not. He just genuinely doesn’t think about anything that doesn’t directly affect him, or acknowledge that his actions can hurt other people. He’s selfish. And a lot of the reason Shelley and Stan had a rocky relationship when they’re young is because she’s four years older than her brother, and she sees their dad for all his bullshit long before Stan does, and a 14 year old Shelley is honestly jealous of that innocence. That, and the general teenage angst, but once they’re on the same page, it’s very “Annoyed Siblings vs Parents Who Need To Get Their Shit Together”. Like Sharon and Randy will be fighting again and they just share that Sibling Look lmao.
That brings me to my queen Sharon. That woman’s highest priority is her kids, always, which is a lot of the reason she gets so exasperated with Randy. Like during Stan’s stint as the poster child football star of South Park, well after the divorce, she is calling him up like “REALLY RANDY?!? You’ll use our boy to promote your weed business but can’t be bothered to come to a single game?!?” She and Sheila have also been essentially second mothers to their sons sbfs forever, and the families have been fused for style’s entire lives.
Also, Stan is a total mamas boy. Both his own and Kyle’s. He has been known to call his mother ‘dude’ because he calls everyone that and he’s very “yes ma’am” with Sheila most of the time but they’re so close that once he called HER dude and she wasn’t even phased she just likes that Stan likes her enough to feel comfortable like that lmfao. He and Sheila tag team being overly concerned about Kyle and they totally gang up on him when he’s not taking care of himself.
With Stan and Gerald, it’s a really casual thing. Like they’re mostly chill towards each other. Unless Gerald is around Randy, in which case Gerald’s dumbass tendencies come out full force, because Gerald’s kind of an idiot but he’s pretty harmless other than some minor cyber bullying and Randy Shenanigans.
So Ike. Ike and Stan have SO much fun together, especially as they get older, like they’re playing video games together, especially the puzzle games that frustrate Kyle, and when Ike’s in high school he goes to Stan for advice on things he’s too embarrassed to ask his brother about (Stan is not the person to ask for advice) and it’s so funny bc like they’re adults and Kyle will wake up at 3am for water and Stan’s in the office on the GTA RP with Ike and they’re trying to get kicked out of servers by pissing off the mods
Kyle time bois!!! As much as he tries to deny it, he is a LOT like his mother. He can be stubborn and reactive, sometimes preachy, but they’re like that because they just care so damn much about everything and everyone. If there’s an injustice to be found, they’re fighting it. And they’re both incredibly nurturing and passionate about loved ones. But because they’re so much alike, they tend to argue. At the end of the day, though, Kyle loves his mom and she loves him.
His relationship with his father was a little strained in high school. Gerald’s well meaning encouragement to push Kyle to succeed came off as IMPOSSIBLE expectations and the pressure Ky felt was on him was enormous, because Gerald really sucks at communication in a sensitive way. He actually felt a lot of guilt, for a long time, about unintentionally stressing his son out to the point that it got to. Kyle didn’t blame him really, mostly himself for getting so carried away, but he did have to learn to take everything Gerald says with a grain of salt.
Kyle and Ike ayyyyyy! Dude even if Kyle kind of terrorized Ike when he was like 8 because he thought that’s what big brothers were supposed to do, he grows into the best big brother and it’s HILARIOUS when Ike’s in middle school and Kyle’s trying WAY too hard to be cool and friends with him and Ike CONSISTENTLY reads him for absolute filth, makes fun of him for everything he can, and rips on him. He has totally told him that he likes Stan better and Kyle was like “yeah, well so do I!” “no shit, homo!” It’s all in good fun, they really love each other a lot, and if anyone fucks with Ike? They are getting the Kyle Rage Volcano.
Shelleys always been kinda indifferent towards all Stan’s friends unless they’re bothering her, but when Kyle and Stan got together, she gave him the ‘take care of my baby brother’ speech. Over the years they come to know each other pretty well, are even friends, maybe not as close as Stan and Ike, but still.
Kyle and Sharon are lowkey BESTIES dude Kyle is Team Sharon from day one. He adores his mother in law, sits with her at football games, loves gushing over Stan with her, just really enjoys her company. As a kid it’s because her more quiet nature is a break from his own mom, but as he gets older, he is the CAPTAIN of Sharon Defense Squad, because
Kyle does not like Randy. And OrangeJuiceVerse Kyle is someone who truly wants to see the good in everyone, give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Not Randy. Like he was 7 years old witnessing Randy Bullshit and he was like “dude your dads a jackass” and Stan was all “he’s okay” but over the years that exasperation with his best friend’s dad turned into an actual grudge, because how could this deranged man not see the emotional toll he was taking on his own son? Why didn’t he care about Stan? Didn’t he give a shit that he was hurting Kyle’s favorite person in the entire world? And Kyle does NOT try to hide the fact that he hates Randy, out here glaring at him, telling him off when he does something stupid (and it’s scary tbh, like OJV Kyle isn’t very intimidating until he’s mad, then he’s snapping like an angry fox) like bruh Kyle was SCREAMING at Randy kicking him out of the wedding for bringing alcohol to his SOBER SON like an uncaring dick, meanwhile Stan was more upset that his dad bothered a beehive lmfao. Kyle ‘Speak No Evil Take No Shit’ Broflovski, everyone. Randy’s a little scared of him.
That’s what I got, my dearest, THANK YOU FOR ASKING I LOVE THINKING ABT OJV!!!
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brandogenius · 1 year ago
munagenius being protective of littlest munagenius makes my soul cry istg just like pushing reader behind one of them in a crowd or if paparazzi is getting to close like they don’t play or ready to back them up at all times even if reader isn’t around, don’t even let some guy fo approach them
also the katie x ya big sibling/little sibling moment means everything to me as the oldest who didn’t have have that😭
ANYWAYs was crying over the math thing like ya didn’t even ask for help but they’ve got all of muna/boygenius/munagenius surrounding them like “i’ve got it guys🙄” their like “THE ANSWER IS 18!!” and ya is like “ik i knew before y’all tried to help i’ve been trying tell yall” “why did you let us go on that long ???” “i wanted to see how long it would take y’all to finally figure out second grade math”
ya meeting up with a younger celeb and their talking in genz terms and munagenius is LOST
just talking to them about you’re highschool experience and they are so into it like “what do mean you were drunk at house party your like 4 yrs old 🤨” “y’all didn’t go too parties????” or like old partners like they’ve got personal beef with some kids now bc what do mean they use to bully you
“i graduate this month” “from college?” “no highschool” “…dear god i’m old”
them reaching you things like naomi helping you learn the keys, katie teaching you how to do your makeup, lucy taking you to museums or helping you read poetry, julien helping you learn coping mechanisms/guitar/painting, phoebe helping you set up your in-ears (I LOVE THIS IDEA), jo helping you learn bass(i’m not a musical person idk really what they play
Also all their partners also being readers friends and getting attached so ya has a literal ARMY
munagenius finding readers yearbook= FEILD DAY
i have to stop or i’ll never quit😭
LITTLEST MUNAGENIUS AHAJDJD THATS READERS NAME NOW “guys!! look it’s munagenius and little munagenius in the same room!!”
as an only child (sad ik) these sibling dynamics makes me so happy im like SOBS just insert myself into here and have munagenius teaching ME how to do makeup yes pls
ya can be a bit of a prankster. they like being in the company of munagenius (say they are an only child too so having jo and naomi helping them with their homework is unusual for them but they like it) just the feeling of having their little tour family all around the table working together and including ya makes them wanna cry in a positive way like “damn- i have people who actually care enough to help with my hw and studies )
imagine busting out the yearbook but to show muna now the boys being like “WE SEEN IT FIRST HA”
they have beef with your maths and history teacher. don’t ask why they just do “RICKY WHEN I SEE YOU RICKEU WHEN I SEE YOU SWINGING ARMS”
i love the trope of phoebe helping with readers in ears so much like it’s their first time and phoebes like helping them and it’s just scary at first but she helps ya with the wires etc!’
OH ABSOLUTELY!! meeting their partners (muna & the boys) and they just come in contact with you for 5 minutes and then they are like “i would fight anyone for you kid”
ya is just adopting all the adults left and right at this point
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miiilowo · 2 years ago
What do you think William and Michael’s relationship was like before Evan died?
I always thought of them having a good relationship before that, and William feeling betrayed by Michael “murdering” Evan.
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im gonna put these into one since theyre related :3
I am a firm believer in the fact william ADORED his kids. it seems like a fair leap to make that he'd hate them since hes, you know, a child murderer, but there is soooooooooooo much evidence to contradict it and its genuinely one of my favorite things about him. as such, i do think that, when it comes to michael specifically, he used to love him too! most of this is headcanon, though i do have reasons for some of it, and especially the belief he loved them.
Regarding michael though, at MOST, it would've been being just...Kind of irritated with him. If you've got a kid whos kind of an annoying prick and an asshole, youre not gonna like them 100% of the time, but that doesnt mean youre going to hate them, either. It's also important to note that Mike is the oldest; He's been around the longest. He was Williams first kid.
I havent thought too much about their relationship before evan and elizabeth came along, but i certainly don't think it would be bad in any way. William likes kids! He likes entertaining kids! He likes to entertain, in general; Hes a very theatric individual. It's what he centered his entire life around for a long time, and it's not a stretch to say he would be delighted to have a kid of his own, you know? Before the whole bite of 83 incident, he was coasting. He was not the man we know him to be now.
As time goes on, though, I think it would be a sort of situation where Michael "resents" William for kind of being...Absent. For not paying as much attention to him as he used to. He's very, VERY obsessed with his work, and taking into account how mike is your standard asshole teenager, i dont think its a stretch to believe he'd hate how he's never around and use that against him in his head; Not only that, but he has two younger siblings, who are probably getting a lot more attention because they require it. Thats angst fuel, baby!!!!!!!!! God knows SOMETHING was wrong with that boy and its not the same shit thats wrong with william
Post evan-crunching, I do think he would resent michael. I dont think he would LIKE that he resents him, but i think he would nonetheless. It would be...Very complicated. He'd know its not his fault, but its definitely his fault, right? It wasn't on purpose, but he did do it on purpose, you know? He did it, but he didn't mean to. But he did. Its kind of hard to forgive someone for something like that.
Though, I know Williams character, and i know he...Doesn't like to admit to his faults. (And even if he does admit to them, he tends to embrace them and see them as a good thing.) Due to this, I can see him deflecting any and all blame onto michael & henry (because he was the better engineer at this time and mostly responsible for the animatronics), rather than the fact he wasnt there to prevent it from happening like he probably should have been + allowed michael to continue bullying evan in general.
Instead of being consumed by the thought that, perhaps, if he had stepped in sooner, this wouldn't have happened, he WOULD press that blame onto mike. he would grow to resent him over time. It doesn't help that, in my personal interpretation of him, the whole reason william started his whole child murder escapade was because he wanted to figure out how to bring evan back; he just kind of lost the thread along the way. always been a bit silly, regardless.
While its obvious that william fucking hates mike later on in the timeline, i think that may be partially because the whole 'wholly blaming michael for evans death' thing could easily turn into 'wholly blaming michael for everything that went wrong'. if we do choose to believe that he started killing in an effort to figure out how to bring his son back, that means michael wouldve been the first domino. the reason he started killing, the reason he built the funtimes, the reason elizabeth died (whom he also loved very much; see circus baby), the reason henry no longer wanted to associate with him, the reason he lost everything. his lifes work. his passions. his entire family. the reason he died. the reason hes stuck inside springtrap. the reason hes eternally suffering. if it werent for michael killing evan, none of this wouldve happened.
its not michaels fault that william ruined his own life, and i think, deep down, thats something he knows, but its not something he wants to acknowledge. not after believing it for so long.
anyway before he died i think they had family game nights
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post-office-by-the-bay · 11 months ago
dearest covey,
how is life by the sea treating you? i hope the salty air and wet sand are making you feel at home.
no, but in all seriousness, i love the new blog! this must have taken so long to make! the idea is so cute, too, the vibes are immaculate. I feel like i'm actually at the seaside.
i know i haven't sent a letter in for a while, and i'm sorry, it's just been a super hectic week. i went to visit my grandparents this weekend, and they don't have internet at their cottage, so i wasn't able to access tumblr, but i did manage to finish an essay that has been stressing me out this past week, and i'm really proud of it! in othwe news, i went thrifting on friday, and found the CUTEST white maxi skirt, plus some pretty pajama shorts with blue flowers. i also got some makeup from the mall, including some nice blush/highlighter, and some lip oil. my little brother (5th grade) came third place in a district-wide chess tournament, which makes me a little worried about him getting bullied, but i'm still proud of him lol. seriously, though, that kid is scary smart. he's definitely the favourite child. (joking, I hope). do you have siblings? i have two younger ones, my brother and my sister, and while they can be a pain in the butt and hog the nintendo switch, i'd still die for them any day.
i'm thinking about converting the radio station to a flower shop, if only because there's better inspiration pics on pinterest and i'm not extroverted enough to be a dj lol.
that's all i really have to say, but I hope you life has been good recently!
love from way up in canada, flora. 💐
to my best girl flora,
the salty air is amazing, but compares nothing to sitting in your flower shop with you by my side!!
(squealing- we're so cutesy, you and i!)
no worries about the time between letters. i'll always wait for all of you!! i actually spent my weekend by the beach but i had the worst goddamn cell service like fr not a single bar in sight- pissing me off lmao. congrats on finishing that essay tho!! i FINALLY found time to talk to my ap gov teacher and she was a massive help with my FRQ4 (essay answer, basically) bc ya girl was STRUGGLING. also, i loveeeee when i have a good thrift. i found the cutest tank top the other day but it's been too gloomy to wear as of late.
also, about your brother, TELL HIM CONGRATS FOR ME!! my school is kinda strange bc we're also having chess competitions rn but they are actually hyped up more than football games. everyone who competes is actually so cool and well loved, so just let him know that cool people play chess too!!
i've got an older sister who's pretty cool. but...tbh, i think in every single other universe, im the older sister (lemme explain-). she's got really bad anxiety so my parents have always kinda babied her and there have never really been any expectations put on her, so they were all kinda put on me. i've gotten really good at lying to take the blame for things that she did bc her anxiety and mental issues would just make my parents reaction worse so i just take the blame bc she's my sister. of course im gonna look out for her, ya know??? she also went through a weird phase of wishing i didn't exist to my face when i was like eight BUT she's gone to therapy and apologize for that so we good!! i truly do love her but i know im her protector, not the other way around!! which is chill, ya know!
ANYWAYS MOVING ON FROM THE KINDA TRUAMA DUMP- i think a floral shop would be so so cute!! and while i LOVE the dj theme, i think it's kinda hard but the floral shop will be so much easier and wayyy easier to find pics for too!!
all my love from da beach,
covey 𐙚⊹ ࣪ ˖
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elmaxlys · 2 years ago
Hi! Ive been going through my ts volumes and I’ve been wondering,
considering you are the person who is the most interested in juo, you would be the best person for me to ask. what do you think His childhood was like? (apart from what we know)
Also! If you have any other thoughts on other characters i would love to hear it!
If you want, I could also share some thoughts/headcanons on my favourite guys! (Ein & Aikawa Obvs)
Hopefully this is coherent aha, i have troubles putting sentences together!
Just wanted to ask because im soo intrigued to see more on what others think about certain characters and such!
Ooh hi!! :DD
I do think about Juo's childhood from time to time, although my headcanons about it tend to vary depending on, like, the AU or my mood or anything, really xD that's the one good thing about having barely anything about him :')
can you believe that's all we have on his past? orz
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(mangabox screens bc they're the ones i have saved in my computer but it was fun to go compare with the seven seas at the site you told me, thanks again for that :3)
Anyway, to come back to the topic at hand..
I like to think that he's mixed caucasian/japanese
I can't decide whether i read him as an only child or as younger/middle brother like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ the projection can only go so far. In one of my fics, I made him an older brother to step siblings, but I do tend to think of him as either siblingsless or as his problem with authority having some part to do with having older siblings (whether he also has younger siblings to go with that depends on how blatant i want the Rika parallel to be lmao)
He's was a good student, getting good grades. Helps sell the "I never bullied anyone, how dare you judge me on my appearance" act + he's smart AND likes to shove his superiority in people's face, he totally would get good grades and play it off as nothing
I love that school is his villain origin story btw
His parents are either the neglectful kind or the blind trust pink sunglasses kind ("my kid would never do that he's an angel! :o")
In any case he hates his parents
He didn't have friends. He hung out with people like him (delinquents and bullies) but never let anyone get close
He only allowed himself the more feminine aspects of his appearance after he became strong and known enough that no one would ever attempt to give him shit for it
The first tattoo he got was the one on his left arm
He lost his virginity in middle school to an older girl, he did it with a guy in his last year of high-school, lying about his age
He wanted to be independent as soon as possible so he got a part time job while in school and didn't go to university or anything, did an apprenticeship or equivalent - and then he was whooshed to high-rise world
I hope it's somewhat coherent xD my thoughts tend to change a lot, ngl, none of it is fixed but it's what i tend to default to i guess? x)
I can't think of anything to share about other characters but I am really curious about your thoughts on your favs, especially about Ein, since we have absolutely nothing on her past o_o
Anyway I hope you liked these! :3 :D
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