#or just any confrontation with the ink demon from an outside view!! i need to see his face. does he still love his creation? i need to know
magicicephoenix · 11 months
Who is your favourite bendy protagonist? (books/games and all content)
ooooh now that’s a question!
it’d have to be between Henry and Audrey. sorry to our book pals. I like Buddy but i guess he never stuck around in my mind as a favorite. Joey (in TIOL) isn’t really favorite material for me either, though i will say that his narration is hilarious. guy is so full of ego you wouldn’t believe. and i still haven’t read TLO despite owning it so i can’t say much on those guys.
in the end I have to say Henry because there’s so much to him. Like, his narration in BATIM speaks to his character but we also know that he’s been through the cycle hundreds of times; his reactions and dialogue are not the genuine things he said on his first go-round. He’s so strongly rooted in the overall story and there’s so much possibility with his character in general.
Don’t get me wrong, i love Audrey. i think she’s a fantastic character and her personality is great. i guess there’s also the fact that we’ve known about Henry for longer and had more time to grow familiar with him. i’m sure Audrey won’t be behind for long, though. daughter of Drew and all.
tldr: Henry! :)
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mrneighbourlove · 5 years
Into the Dark and Unknown: Ch 3. Test of Will
Leere yawned as she rested against Bonegrinder. Morning came too early for her. “You awake?”
"No." Bonegrinder shifted his coils and buried further into the pile of blankets and pillows. "Go back to sleep."
“Hmmm. I need a shower. You know anywhere nearby with a water supply?”
"Showers do not exist in Omisha, you have the river." Bonegrinder kept his tail curled around her ankle. "And other creatures inhabit Omisha besides this old snake's kind. You are not going by yourself."
“Then come with me and get out of the pillows.”
"Nooo..." Bonegrinder grumbled. "It's warm, you are warm, he does not want to move."
Leere frowned, until a cheeky thought filled her. Taking off her clothing, she threw each piece of article on him until she was naked. “Well, I’m off. Your warm body is leaving you.”
"Nooo..." Bonegrinder simply plucked her up and plopped her on his coils again. "Stay. This old snake is tired and wants to sleep more." He cared not that her bra was hanging from one of his horns or that she had purposely hit him in the face with her thong.
Malik groaned as he saw Leere play around with Bonegrinder, turning away when she started to disrobe. “Princess... stop. Put something on and I’ll take you myself if the brat won’t.”
"Bonegrinder is not a brat, he is too old to be a brat." The Anagari objected with a loud grumble before rising from his pile of pillows. He stretched and yawned. Maybe while she bathed, he could refocus his magic and transfer into a source of energy so he would not feel so tired. "Fine, fine. He will accompany the princess."
“I will accompany too. Least you both waist time.”
Leere quickly covered herself with a towel, embarrassed Lord Killjoy here would be joining them. Perhaps he needed a bath as well. “I’m sure we’re faster than you, my lord.”
Malik frowned at her obvious sarcasm in his title. “Let’s just get a move on.”
Leading the princess and lord to the river, the Anagari motioned for the two to wait a moment. He chanted in Echidnan and a glowing circle expanded from his hands. He placed the circle in the water, and it covered a sizable portion of the river. He then slithered into the cool water and floated on the surface. "Do not swim outside the ring," Bonegrinder informed Leere and Malik. "He cannot guarantee your safety if you do."
Malik looked away as Leere threw her towel away and dove in. He simply stood guard and on watch. “Enjoy your bath.”
"Oooh, Bonegrinder thinks the big boy is too shy." The Anagari took this as a chance to tease Malik. "What do you think, tiny princess?"
“I think he enjoys stank he’s accumulated.” Leere smirked as she ran water through her hair.
“I had a shower yesterday. And I don’t need the Anagari falling for me.”
"Hmm, well, he does have a nice ass, but his personality is very disengaging." Bonegrinder told the princess as he curled himself into the shape of a tube float for her to hang on to his coils if she wished. "Tiny princess here has all the three 'b's. Beauty, boobs, and butt."
“Ha! Thank you.” Leere did so, kicking freely in the water. “Seriously. Why are you a stick in the mud?”
“I’m surprised you’re so care free. Especially around him.”
"Tiny princess is carefree around Bonegrinder because she knows that he will not eat her nor harm her." Bonegrinder stated the truth. "Tiny princess stumbled into his home as a child. She knows that while he is dangerous and ancient, he holds true to his word. He said he will not harm her, thus he means it."
“You have an attraction for monsters, don’t you Princess.”
“Good and bad.”
“From my point of view and the stories you share. Terrible...” He gave a long stare at Bonegrinder. “And tolerable.”
"Tolerable," Bonegrinder snorted in amusement. "He will take that as a compliment."
“I find your claws around the royalty disturbing at most, questionable at least.”
"It is for a good reason, he promises." Bonegrinder decided to attempt to explain. "If you or the pretty prince had found out about us Echidnans before, you or pretty prince would have assumed the worst. Monsters older than the land itself usually have a bad reputation. Humans have a bad reputation with us." The Anagari flicked his tail as if waving a finger to emphasize his point. "Since he took the opportunity to have an advantage over pretty prince, then it allowed time for him to learn our ways, to see how we view humans, and that Mother is interested in only peace. Else, he feared that pretty prince would have done something rash... like send his undead commander after innocents."
Malik had to admit, he could see that situation easily develop. “I wonder how much darkness in Ralnor came from his father, and how much from you.”
Leere frowned at that accusation. “Ralnor is a good man. Darkness isn’t inherently evil.”
“Is that what you tell yourself to feel justified?”
"Ah, that is where you are wrong," Bonegrinder told Malik. "He gave none of his darkness to the prince. Darkness was already there. He could sense within the pretty prince's mind the ever-raging bloodlust. Yet, this old snake knows how to contain that very well. So, he set prince pretty's sights elsewhere, gave him a task to focus upon. Besides," He smacked his lips. "Anyone who is unlucky enough to piss off the pretty prince means Bonegrinder gets an extra snack for the day." The Anagari carefully pulled Leere a little closer to the center of the circle by her ankle. "Besides, darkness is viewed as evil and corrupt, yet there are many who find solace in it. Just because there is an absence of light does not mean the dark is used for solely malicious purposes."
“I suppose that’s true. Ralnor enjoys his tortures and his games. He enjoys his little evils.”
“Excuse me?” Bonegrinder could feel Leere’s anger fester in her core. “Ralnor has done more good. He’s like me. He channels his darkness for better purposes.”
“Perhaps you’re right. You both possess disturbing qualities.”
Leere stopped kicking in the water, her gaze growing bitter and cold. “What nerve do you have to say that to me.”
“You certainly enjoyed trying to drag me to hell as a child. Or torturing those you deem worthy of wrath.”
“You were a bad man who killed my guardians right in front of me. Threw me into an asylum where I was raped. If Ralnor has any evil, perhaps he learned it from you. I remember how you’d beat my siblings in what you called ‘training’. Perhaps our disturbing qualities come from being forced to confront the evils around us. You’re a blunt killer Klinge.”
“Shame you can’t control this killer anymore like a puppet, witch.”
"Good Kaksa, have mercy..." Bonegrinder muttered to himself as the two hurled insults at one another. "You two are behaving like newly hatched spiderlings. Personally, this old snake does not care if you two do not like each other, but for the sake of impressing Mother, and earning her trust you two need to be cordial to each other in her presence." He then added, "Bonegrinder does not care if you argue in front of him, but it must not happen in front of Mother. Do you two understand?"
“Clear enough.” Malik turned his back on them, looking out at the country side.
Leere looked down, holding Bonegrinder’s coils tighter. “Understood.”
“I doubt that I’ll be in danger returning to the hut. You can enjoy the rest of your bath in peace.” Malik trotted off back towards the residence.
Once Malik was out of sight, Bonegrinder turned to Leere.
"He is harsh, and you have a silver tongue." The Anagari stated. "Are you going to be all right, tiny princess?"
“... I don’t know. He’s right in some ways. I’m attracted to monsters, and they’re attracted to me. I hope members of my family isn’t as insidious as he claims. Am I near a ledge of falling into evil?”
"..." Bonegrinder was not sure if he should be the one to tell Leere that there was a reason that Mother had a magical border protecting the mountain pass between Malus and Omisha. While humans were seen as the bad guys from a monster's point of view, the Mortuus were that of nightmares. Reanimating the dead was... tasteless, abominable, and a manipulation. How many times did peace try to be achieved and the Mortuus would dig up the corpses of their loved ones to use as a puppet? It was not just the necromancy which caused Mother to have a sour note against them, but... the use of... demons. Ancient demons of evil. "Darkness finds comfort in darkness, tiny princess."
“I suppose that’s why I love the Dragmires so.” She rested her head against his coals. “May you wash my back?”
"Never think darkness is bad, tiny princess, just remember that sometimes, evil things use the darkness to their advantage." Bonegrinder chuckled at her request. "If you wish it."
“I insist. You have... a good touch.”
"Very well." Bonegrinder circled his long body to where she could still hold onto his coils while he washed her back. He materialized a rag out of thin air, dropping from a portal. The Anagari was disturbingly good at the hardest magic of all; portals. He gently washed Leere's back, making sure to be careful around the scarred areas. "Have you ever thought about this old snake removing that tattoo for good for you, tiny princess?"
“Of it’s magic? Or the ink?”
"Both." Bonegrinder admitted. "It would not be easy to remove the magic, but the ink, perhaps so. Yet, he can still do both if you wish it."
“Oddly enough, I like the ink. Don’t you think it’s rather mysterious?”
"Bonegrinder is not fond of needles, tiny princess, so he looks at it, and thinks 'ouch'."
“Well, you have your pattern in your scales, do you not? Or think about White’s booty sac. It’s art of the body.”
"Patterns he was born with, tiny princess, not obtained by prick-prick-prick." Bonegrinder's finger tapped three times against her back to prove his point. "While tattoos are beautiful, he can do without one." He reached up under his eyes. "These were painful enough. He does not require more."
Leere lightly winced. “I can imagine so. Can’t exactly use those to woo.”
"If one wished to be a shaman, one had to get these." Bonegrinder recalled the day he received the tattoos and his scales actually flexed from the memory in defense. "These allow us to have clearer visions. Bonegrinder thinks that is a load of horseshit, but he had no say."
“What’s the point of a painful magical tattoo you don’t fully understand if you can’t use it to get laid.”
"Well, he supposes it makes him look prettier." Bonegrinder jested in good humor with a flip of hair. "If anything, he supposes that is adequate."
“See. That’s the spirit.” Leere swam out towards the shore. “You think Blue and White are a little too horny for me?”
"Hrm, trick question, tiny princess." Bonegrinder slithered onto the bank and squeezed the water out of his long hair. "Monsters and humans both enjoy sex, but monsters have higher sex drives. Humans, while they may not have as high sex drives as Echidnans, still can go for a bit. Well..." He snickered. "The females can."
“What. No drive left in you?” Leere bent over to pick her towel up, starting to dry her hair.
"Plenty of drive, tiny princess, but he has to be in the mood for it." Bonegrinder chuckled, knowing she was trying to tempt him. "Besides, we need to be ready for Mother's inquiries."
Leere quickly dried herself off, tying the towel around her breasts. “Well now that your best friend is looking her best, I say I’m ready.”
"Heh, the inquiries are not until the morning, tiny princess," Bonegrinder patted her head. "But he appreciates your enthusiasm. Come, he knows you are hungry. He will take you to get food."
Malik wrote in a small journal, detailing events of his journey in Omisha. He wondered how worried his wife and Zarazu were. No doubt they had their own fantasies about the country. No doubt Zarazu would be temperamental he didn’t tell her of his departure.
Bonegrinder had gathered lunch for Leere and Malik. It was a basket full of various, edible fruits and freshly killed rabbit meat. He managed to convince the Tlanuhwans to give him some bread and cheese for his guests after trading a few dead rabbits. Once he cooked the meat, he went to wake Leere from her after bath nap. The tiny princess sure did snore loud when she was in a deep slumber.
“I’m... Im up. I’m up.”
The Anagari kept poking her with his tail until she finally moved.
"Come, your breakfast will get cold."
Leere yawned, thankfully fresh from her morning bath. “What you make for us all?”
"He has already hunted. You have bread, cheese, fruit, and meat."
Both Malik and Leere took their seats, starting to eat. Each glance at one another was filled with awkward tension.
Swallowing her food, Leere tried small talk. “You happy having kids?”
“I am.”
“You like... being alive?”
He looked up at his food, stunned she’d even say that. “... Yes.”
"Bonegrinder is surprised that the bossy metal wife is not pregnant yet." The Anagari had an amused grin on his face. "As much as that one jumps on her. He can smell it."
“She nearly died delivering my daughter.”
Leere clenched her fork more tightly from the sheer cold wrath in his voice. It obviously upset him.
"A risk all women take to bring their child into this world." Bonegrinder made sure to place some of the wild fruit on Leere's plate as well as Malik's. Before he thought, he even blurted out. "Even his own wife---his own tribe, the women sometimes had difficulty delivering eggs. Still, he believed you wished for a large family. Do you to wish to try for more?"
“How about you speak to me about your own wife first?” Malik glared at Bonegrinder, knowing full well he wouldn’t.
"No use to speak of her, she is dead." Bonegrinder pulled the meat from over the fire so it would not burn. "She was not like this old snake. She could be killed. He cannot."
“I had a dead wife before Asakonigei. Her name was Cipher. You don’t honour the ones you loved?”
"Then you know it hurts to recall." Bonegrinder was not going to speak much more of it than this. "Each tribe has their ways of remembering loved ones or honoring them. This Anagari prefers to forget."
“I speak from experience. I too, at a time, tried to forget. It was cowardly.”
"Think what you wish." Bonegrinder cut the meat and offered equal portions to Leere and Malik.
“Leere... don’t you think Malus be left forgotten?”
“What makes you suddenly say that?” Leere glanced up from her food to stare at Malik.
“I’ve talked to some locals. They fear the place.”
"Who talked to you?" Bonegrinder was interested who had the balls to speak to Malik. "Let him guess..." He thought for a moment and then sniffed. "Kiume."
“Big spider? Yes.”
"Blue's and White's father." Bonegrinder gave a short explanation to Leere. "Kiume is a prominent leader in the Iktomi and Jisdvna Tribes."
“Oh! It’d be nice to meet his acquaintance. Assuming he wouldn’t want me to be betrothed to his daughters.”
"No, tiny princess, Kiume will not try to marry you off to Blue or White." Bonegrinder assured her with a laugh. "He will, however, probably suggest the best mushrooms for you to smoke."
Leere has to wave her hand at that. “No drugs. Please. My doctor says I should avoid them if I don’t want to slip into bad habits again.”
Malik was slightly impressed the Wild princess had limits. “Wise.”
"... then Bonegrinder will tell him to suggest the best aphrodisiacs." The Anagari had no filter. "For you and that pretty moo-moo girl."
“Sunshine what?” Leere looked up to him, confused.
"Your sunshine." Bonegrinder simply stated. His visions of the future sometimes came out with no reasoning. "Pretty, blonde sunshine." Then, while Malik and Leere were eating, he decided it was time to consume his own meal. He had caught a wild boar and knew that the two were uneasy about eating boar meat thanks to Ganondorf's influence. He consumed the whole boar in one gulp.
Malik rose an eyebrow. “You’re lucky I prefer a horse as a mount...”
"He eats horses too, but prefers boar." Bonegrinder licked the blood off his wide jaws. "More salty."
“That’s disgusting.” Malik frowned heavily, pushing his plate away and putting his helmet on. Leere didn’t have a counter to it. She’d seen acquaintances devoured alive in a similar manner.
"One must eat to live, and one cannot be too picky." Bonegrinder then nearly drooled. "But a prized hunt is a cow. Fatty, delicious, scrumptious cows..."
“Perhaps we should go and meet your mother before you talk of eating humans.”
"Oh, don't flatter yourself, you'd be all gristle." Bonegrinder jested as he waited for Leere and Malik to finish their breakfast before taking the leftovers back into the hut for later. "Are you two ready? Keep in mind, the questions might be insensitive, crude, or downright crass. Mother does not know any 'human' boundaries. Yet, she will know if you are lying."
“You’re rather forward too.” Leere patted his coil. “How bad can it be?”
"Mother is... well... Bonegrinder is forward, but he has learned some human boundaries." The Anagari tried to think of an example. "He would not ask you to repeat about..." He cleared his throat. "Past negative experiences at the hands of others... Mother has no such filter."
Malik nodded with understandment. “Very well. We’ll brace ourselves. Take us to her. We came to learn and establish a good relationship.”
"Please try to remember she is not being 'rude' on purpose. She simply does not know of human customs." Bonegrinder led the pair back to the temple. He had a touch of apprehension in his chest. What would Mother ask? How would she react? If Mother was anything, it was unpredictable. "Do you recall the rules from before?"
“Yes. Do not speak out of term. Be honest.”
"And bow." Bonegrinder could not emphasize that enough. "No arrogance."
“And bow.” Malik repeated.
Once inside the temple, Bonegrinder heard the overwhelming echo of whispers. Mother was never alone. Her most precious ones, her dangerous treasures, always surrounded her, ready and willing to serve. There was Mother, lounging on her throne, her huge body only accommodated by a section of it. The Anagari bowed and kept his gaze downward to the ground.
"Once more before me, Modoc... Leere... and Malik." Mother opened her arms with her palms upturned, in an inquiring motion. "Are you ready to answer my questions?"
Leere and Malik bowed once more, each answering the Queen of Monsters.
“I am.”
“I am.”
"I don't suppose there is a volunteer to go first?" Mother asked with a sly smile. "Know that some questions are simply for my curiosity and others concern my home and my children."
Leere raised her hand. “May I?”
Bonegrinder was actually surprised. He expected Leere to wish to go last. Still, he said nothing.
"Bold, little princess, yet, here is my first question." Mother asked point blank. "Are you wishing to seek an alliance with Mortuus?"
“No... I want to simply see others like me with my own eyes.”
"You do know that the Mortuus mingle with demons and bring hellish creatures forth for the sake of torment." Mother told the princess in a tone of warning. "Bonegrinder assures me you are doing no such black arts. This is your first and only warning. Here in Omisha, we will not tolerate such arts associating with the fiends of hell. Do you understand?"
“I understand.”
"We will tolerate your art of necromancy for now. However, do not disturb our dead." Mother instructed Leere. "The dead have passed over and do not need their rest disturbed." Then she asked her next inquiry. "Leere, from your memories, your early life was less than pleasant and even as you grew, there were hardships to overcome. I saw firsthand how horrid humans can be from your worst memory. Tell me, if those fiends can do that to you... then why do humans deserve an alliance with Omisha?"
“Because if you read my memories, you already know there are kind, tolerant, and passionate humans in this world. Humans worth protecting from the darkest of evils. Be it mankind, monster kind, or the truly demonic.”
"So... you still have faith in humankind, despite what happened to you?" Mother seemed intrigued. "All your pain, your suffering, your torment... is it worth a belief that humans still have some goodness?"
“Yes. Other humans gave me hope. And despite all the pain and hurt this world has given me, I will endure it all to protect the good and innocent.”
"Hrm... I guessed wrong on your answer. I am surprised yet curious to know how humans can cling so desperately to hope when there seems like there is none." Mother then rose from her throne, the multiple legs tapping against the stone ground. "One last question, Leere, and you are not going to like it."
“Then ask away.”
"The man standing beside of you is responsible for slaughtering your guardians..." Mother stole a glance at Malik. "Do you not think him worthy of my trust? You certainly don't trust him."
Malik started at Leere, certain of her answer. She stared long and hard back at him.
“I don’t like him. He’s a ruthless man. Always has been in my eyes. But I trust him with the protection of Hyrule’s interests. And I put my faith in Hyrule as a beacon of hope.”
Mother actually laughed, not of mocking, but of delight. "Oh, you humans are so confusing and yet so determined at the same time." Mother was satisfied with Leere's answer. "Very well, little princess. I accept your truthful answers. Yet, we still have to question the man who was once undead." She approached Malik, halting right in front of the man. "Firstly, I need clarification. Merely a matter of miscommunication. Kiume informed me that you do not like being called the Lorleidian queen's watchdog yet pretty blonde prince told me that was your title. Why?"
“Because a dog is less then a man. The prince views himself as a successor to his father, Ganon. He views those that are not his family as beneath him. I’ve come with terms that the boy most likely does not see me as family himself. But as Ganondorf once did when he too was blinded by his power, this prince is blind as sees me as a less then him. A tool. An attack dog. I am man. I have risen from the ashes of undeath. I refused to be mocked with a lesser title than a man.” He looked up at Mother, but still kept his knelt position. “The prince, for all his intelligence, lacks proper wisdom.”
"Ah... it is an insult." Mother understood now. "The pretty prince is very haughty, yet he is clever as well. One reason I did not eat him when Bonegrinder brought him to me was because of his silk tongue. He has a way with persuasion." She then decided to switch subjects. "Malik, your memories showed years worth of rage, sorrow, and despair. Yet, this started to change when you met the Lorleidian queen, who with her magic, managed to rid you of undead flesh to turn living once more." She bent down to look the Gerudo in the face. "The very man responsible for the loss of her home, the near genocide of her people, who had a part in killing the queen before her, and last but not least, thought her unworthy of the eldest prince so proceeded to ridicule her and beat her. Yet..." She paused. "The queen views you as a friend despite your callous actions toward her, and despite the losses she suffered. If I were in her place, I would have you strung up like a deer carcass, letting your insides spill to the outside, and watch you die slowly due to your crimes." The Mother then asked. "I wish to know... how did you persuade her not to kill you? Why does she not hate you for what you did? Even more..." She scoffed. "Why does your wife not hate you?"
Behind Malik’s helmet was doubt, his mind trying to find an answer. Finally, he gave it. “I truly don’t fully understand why myself. I’m a good commander, a good friend, a good husband, a good father, but I am not a good man.”
Leere glanced to Malik, shocked to hear him admit this.
“I’ve had centuries of slaughtering others. I’ve taken so many lives, ruining many more by effect. I might be forgiven, but my actions will never be forgotten. I don’t wish them to. If someone wishes me dead for my actions, they have the right to take their shot at me. They will fail, but they have my respect. Perhaps Zarazu and Asakongei found forgiveness in their hearts, where most would not. The kindest humans are not to be underestimated. They are not weak by default. Their strength comes from the size of their hearts.”
"To forgive is human they say. Yet, in Omisha, you rarely see such offenses being forgiven." Mother rubbed her chin as Malik spoke. "The Lorleidian queen and your wife must be strong women to overlook such a severe crime to offer you friendship and love. Maybe, there is an underlying reason, yet I cannot expect you to know their minds." She then presented her final question. "And my last inquiry for you, Malik, is not an easy one. Perhaps more so difficult than Leere's."
“Speak your thoughts.”
"You were married once before, to a..." Mother refreshed her memory. "Cipher. Yes. An Iron Knuckle. Strong and kind woman, and an excellent warrior. Soon-to-be mother." She clasped her claws together while gazing at Malik. "You swore to protect her. You failed. You swore to protect the Lorleidian queen. She was poisoned, yet lived at a cost." She then asked. "What makes you so sure that you can protect your kingdom when you could not even protect them?"
Malik practically snapped his neck up to her, finding it very hard to stay still. “My wife died in battle. While her death left a scar in my soul, I have come to terms with the honour in her death. That Zelda died, while I continued on. The snake who poisoned my friend I threw his frozen body down from a tower. I will protect my kingdom from any threat. I will annihilate any danger that comes to Hyrule. And if I fail, then I will avenge it at any price.”
Bonegrinder could sense Malik's anger and knew Mother could as well. He shot the lord a glance, warning him to control his temper. If Mother lashed out at Malik, Bonegrinder would not be able to stop her. While he was powerful in his magic, Mother was the first, the many, the most ancient and deadly Echidnan to ever live.
"A battle led by Ganondorf, if I'm not mistaken. While pregnant too, and yet you did not even try to change her mind when you knew there was danger. Knew how Ganondorf was." Mother ignored his ire, wanting to know more, to understand more. She repeated Cipher's exact words, her magic mimicking the woman's voice. "But what about Ganondorf? He's our king, he's your cousin, he needs us."
Bonegrinder knew right then what Mother was doing. She was testing him.
“You invoke my late wife?” Malik’s voice dropped to levels so livid, Leere and Bonegrinder were unsure if he’d snap and ruin this alliance. “Cipher and I helped Ganondorf temporally stop Teufel. We were a tribe, a family! The last Gerudo of Hyrule alive after the genocide of that abomination of life. We would not abandon Ganondorf without saying our goodbyes at the very least. When the armies of the goddess incarnate came, we fought with honour.”
Bonegrinder stiffened at Malik's voice. He whispered to Leere, not wanting her to get caught in the crossfire in case Malik did indeed lose his temper. "Get behind this old snake. And pray he retains his ire."
"What was more important to you then, Malik? Your wife and unborn child? Your loyalty to Ganondorf?" Mother remarked. "Strange how loyal you are to this cousin of yours, so much that you would willingly allow your lover to step into harm's way? Fighting with honor is one thing, but... dying at the hands of your sworn enemy is another. And yet, you fell right back into Zelda's grasp when Ganondorf married her for the sake of a treaty. It makes me wonder how far you are willing to go for the incarnation of Demise... even at the expense of your now living wife?" Her eyes blinked one by one, contemplating. "What would happen if someone forced your hand? Are you still willing to give up everything for a man who saw you as a weapon? Oh, how did the Lorleidian queen put it?" She used Zarazu's voice. "You are my tool to use as I please."
“If you are so wise, dear mother, then you would have the knowledge to know that Zarazu was the first to accept me as more than a tool. Your sweet little lie of the past does not work on me.” Malik took a few breaths to calm himself. “I am Ganondorf’s servant no longer. I am Zarazu’s servant no longer. I am Lord of Hyrule. I work with the Queen and King to serve my interests. Those interests are the betterment of all Hyrule. Now, may I have a question for you?”
"Hrm... most astonishing." Mother turned her attention to Bonegrinder. "You were correct to place your faith in this one, Modoc. It seems he can control his emotions, unlike previously thought. He is not easily tricked nor fooled, yet perhaps a touch manipulated by the pretty blonde prince." The enormous Echidnan seemed... pleased. "For a man with tales of horror surrounding him, it seems you truly have changed just like Modoc said." She then glanced at Leere. "Perhaps you are right. There are some good humans and change is possible."
However, she was not expecting a question for herself. Arching an eyebrow, the Mother decided she could amuse him. After all, she had just presented a barrage of inquires. "Very well. What is your question, Malik?"
“Is an alliance between Omisha and Hyrule so hard to believe in? Would it not bring about balance in our world?”
"It is not the idea of an alliance that is hard to believe in, Malik, it's the idea of having to believe in humans." Mother admitted honestly to the lord. "You two are prime examples of change, of hope for your kind. Yet, I am not foolish enough to believe all humans can do this, or are willing to accept us." She sighed, thinking with her eyes closed for only a moment. Finally, she spoke. "I will agree to an alliance on certain conditions. However, there is one issue that must be resolved right away before I will even consider it."
“Name your price.”
"We can deal with Al-Daida's slave market ourselves, we can handle skepticism, and we can protect ourselves if need be. However, this is one condition that must remain unchanged." Mother stated clearly and firmly. "We will never lower the barrier for our mountain pass from Omisha to Malus. Do not ask it of us."
“I did not intend to ask such a thing. But consider it done.”
Leere decided to speak up. “But we can still travel there, can we not?”
"There have been a few, not just yourselves, interested in traveling to Malus." Mother used an example. "The youngest of the Dragmire children wished to travel to Malus to find the lost sister tribe to the Gerudo. Yet, my children scared him away from the mountains. Now, the princess wishes to go to find others like her." She then sounded almost a touch... regretful. "Leere, while I understand your desire to seek out others like yourself, I cannot and will not risk my children by lowering the barrier for you to pass through. If you still wish to go, you will have to find another passageway."
“I understand.” Leere felt that travel to Malus might be impossible at this point.
"However, if you still wish to know of your people I will allow you and Malik access to our library." Mother motioned for one of her precious treasures to come forward. The Echidnan was an Anagari like Bonegrinder. "This is Uktena, who records our history. He will show you to the library. While you may read the books, do not remove them from the room. We will have copies made for you to take to Hyrule for the king and queen to read as well." She then stated. "We shall discuss the terms of the alliance with King Covarog and Queen Zarazu when the time is ready. I will decree that none of my children are allowed to harm humans from Hyrule unless in terms of self-defence. Note that I will hold the king and queen responsible for the actions of their people."
“Of course. You’re free to devour any who are foolish to bring harm. I assure you, with the death of the recent traitors to the crown, all of Hyrule has had a bloom of unity amongst the tribes.” Malik gave a bow of respect.
Leere was silent, but bowed as well. A library was a poor substitute for the experience of viewing the real people.
"Ta-ta, Leere and Malik. Do say your goodbyes before you leave." Mother reminded them. "Though enjoy the library as long as you wish."
Once the three of them were inside the library, Bonegrinder nearly melted into the floor. The whole situation was weighing on his mind and he was so relieved that Mother did not consume the princess or the lord. He tried to look at the bright side of the circumstance. An alliance was going to be formed, Malik passed his test without getting killed, Leere answered honestly, he did not get smacked across the room this time... yet, he still was concerned. Leere wished for passage into Malus. Mother would not allow it.
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190050527306/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-2-sweet-mother
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/190705569511/into-the-dark-and-unknown-ch-4-forbidden
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inkyrealities · 5 years
Time to Set Them Free
A parody of NerdOut’s Endgame song Whatever It Takes. Henry, Wally, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Shawn, Allison, Thomas, Grant, Lacie, Buddy, and Dot all got out in time, but Henry, Norman, Grant, Buddy, and Dot returned to help Joey set things right (the rest are doing fine). Warning: This is a bit long. ————— (As the piano introduction begins, we see shots from the first trailers for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5. Cut to the Sillyvision Survivors [Henry, Wally, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Shawn, Allison, Thomas, Grant, Lacie, Buddy, and Dot] quitting in ones and twos. Cut to Joey watching a car pull away.) Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. Time to set them free. (Cut to Henry, Buddy, Dot, Norman, and Grant standing outside the studio, Henry holding Joey’s letter.) Grant: Of the Joey Drew crew, we’re among the twelve last, But only five came back to confront the past. The devil nabbed our colleagues and he turned them into monsters, Then he went and twisted their minds through the words of a false prophet! (We see the remaining staff being turned into various ink monsters. Cut to Aaron [the band conductor] donning a mask made from a Bendy cutout.) I’ve learned that history can’t be erased. All the memories of the lost ones, yeah we got them all on tape. So let’s put an end to the demon’s Gospel of Dismay, We’ll free their souls from this hellish prison of black, white, and gray! (Cut to Norman and Boris wading through a flooded hallway, the ink up to their knees.) Norman: Prayers, can I get an amen? Toons trapped deep in the devil’s den. Gotta get them out, we’ll find a way To let the Toons see the sun, we won’t die today. (Suddenly, the Projectionist appears. Norman and Boris run, the former firing the Tommy Gun at the monster. Eventually, he shoots out the lens, blinding it and letting Henry deliver the killing blow with his axe.) Monsters want our souls, they just won’t let us be. Even my projector is alive and trying to kill me. So flow the ink, we cannot be stopped, wow. Tell me who’s laughing now. We’ve got a shot, it’s time to turn the lights out. (Cut to Buddy, walking down a hallway with Bendy at his side, when they are ambushed by several Searchers.) Buddy: Walking alone through the halls There’s blood on the walls Can’t ignore the demon’s calls So many of our friends What did it do to them? (Tears well up in his eyes as he dispatches the Searchers.) Don’t know if Joey’s earned a second chance But hope to atone drove him to call us five back Give the devil his due You know that dreams do come true! (As the last of the Searchers disappears into ink, he picks up Bendy and continues his trek. There’s a brief shot of the Boris corpse from the Chapter 1, followed by scenes from the second Chapter 5 trailer.) Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. Time to set them free. (Cut to a third-person view of the chase scene from the end of Chapter 2.) Henry: Is escape possible? Well, we have to try. Yet even so, I still find myself wondering why Why the demon forced me to run and hide Devil darling’s become something I don’t recognize. (Cut to Henry, Buddy, and Bendy hiding inside a Little Miracle Station. Henry pulls Bendy into a reassuring hug as Buddy peers out, only to jump back as the Ink Demon pounces. Thankfully, the door remains shut.) But we will not let this horror show be televised From the depths, we will arise We won’t bend or break, so don’t bet on our demise We are alive—immortalized! (Cut to Dot standing on a catwalk, looking down at a vat of ink. We see images of Matt [Bendy’s voice actor], Rick [Boris’s voice actor], and Lauren [Joey’s secretary]. This is followed by Lauren laughing wickedly as she emerges from the Ink Machine as Malice.) Dot: Twelve survivors, all that’s left Matt, Rick, and the rest, I can’t forget Won’t leave ‘til we can bring them home Those little Toons we love and know (We see shots from the second Chapter 4 trailer. Cut back to Dot, closing her eyes and diving into the ink vat. A moment later, the true Alice surfaces, looking the way she does in game.) I will not bow before a fake Just one path left to take No, I’m not afraid to pay the price, My soul to give Alice life! (Cut to Joey sitting with the others in the safehouse, looking remorseful. Henry, Bendy, and Boris attempt to comfort him.) Joey: Listen, all I wanted was to give my characters life Everything that happened is my fault, so I gotta make things right Get them outta here, there’s a way, I know I just have to believe Only takes a pencil and a dream But I got to think of how we’re gonna bring the devil down! (Cut to Joey in his office, watching Henry, Buddy, Norman, Grant, and the Toons enter a secret elevator. The moment they’re gone, the Ink Demon breaks down the door. Joey turns to him, a sad smile on his face.) Like the prophet says, for love, sacrifice is needed The beast wants to claim my soul, he must be cheated. I’ll give up any chance I had at freedom to keep the Ink Demon bound. Rewind! (A pentagram drawn in ink on the floor lights up. Everything resets to how it was before the arrival of Henry and company, with one difference—the Toons are no longer present.) Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. (Know we must believe.) (Cut to the outside of the studio, where Henry, Norman, Grant, Buddy, and the Toons are watching the sun come up. Wally, Thomas, and Lacie’s vans pull up, with Sammy, Susie, Shawn, and Allison on board. Henry takes one last look at the studio as he and the others get in. As the song ends, we see the vans drive away, leaving Joey Drew Studios behind for good.) Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. (You know we must believe.) Time to set them free. ————— Notes: I imagine the characters as resembling the designs of Aileen-Rose, as her art tends to have sort of a Disney-ish feel to it. -Character matchups: +Grant as Captain America: Grant is voiced by Will ‘DAGames’ Ryan, who wrote Build Our Machine, possibly the most famous BATIM fan song in existence. In Whatever It Takes, Captain America is voiced by JT Music, who wrote another popular BATIM fan song called Can’t Be Erased. +Norman as Thor: In Whatever It Takes, Thor is voiced by FabvL, the only other singer to have a BATIM song (don’t know about Divide, who did the chorus, but he wouldn’t count anyway). Likewise, Norman is the only other in-game character who only appears as a recording (I’m not counting the Projectionist as an appearance). +Buddy as Hawkeye: Hawkeye did not appear in Infinity War, and Buddy only appeared in the tie-in novel. +Dot as Black Widow: She is the only female character to return, and like Buddy, she only appeared in the novel (prior to Endgame, neither Hawkeye nor Black Widow had a movie of their own). +Joey as Iron Man: This version of Joey is a good guy, trying to make up for his mistakes, not entirely unlike Tony. +Henry as the Hulk: The Hulk is the only option left. XD -If anyone wants to do a comic or video of this, be sure to credit me! :)
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disneyphantomlover · 5 years
Time to Set Them Free
Submitted by @magicalmonsterhero 
A parody of NerdOut’s Endgame song Whatever It Takes.
Henry, Wally, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Shawn, Allison, Thomas, Grant, Lacie, Buddy, and Dot all got out in time, but Henry, Norman, Grant, Buddy, and Dot returned to help Joey set things right (the rest are doing fine).
Warning: This is a bit long. ————— (As the piano introduction begins, we see shots from the first trailers for Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 4, and Chapter 5. Cut to the Sillyvision Survivors [Henry, Wally, Sammy, Susie, Norman, Shawn, Allison, Thomas, Grant, Lacie, Buddy, and Dot] quitting in ones and twos. Cut to Joey watching a car pull away.)
Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. Time to set them free.
(Cut to Henry, Buddy, Dot, Norman, and Grant standing outside the studio, Henry holding Joey’s letter.)
Grant: Of the Joey Drew crew, we’re among the twelve last, But only five came back to confront the past. The devil nabbed our colleagues and he turned them into monsters, Then he went and twisted their minds through the words of a false prophet!
(We see the remaining staff being turned into various ink monsters. Cut to Aaron [the band conductor] donning a mask made from a Bendy cutout.)
I’ve learned that history can’t be erased. All the memories of the lost ones, yeah we got them all on tape. So let’s put an end to the demon’s Gospel of Dismay, We’ll free their souls from this hellish prison of black, white, and gray!
(Cut to Norman and Boris wading through a flooded hallway, the ink up to their knees.)
Norman: Prayers, can I get an amen? Toons trapped deep in the devil’s den. Gotta get them out, we’ll find a way To let the Toons see the sun, we won’t die today.
(Suddenly, the Projectionist appears. Norman and Boris run, the former firing the Tommy Gun at the monster. Eventually, he shoots out the lens, blinding it and letting Henry deliver the killing blow with his axe.)
Monsters want our souls, they just won’t let us be. Even my projector is alive and trying to kill me. So flow the ink, we cannot be stopped, wow. Tell me who’s laughing now. We’ve got a shot, it’s time to turn the lights out.
(Cut to Buddy, walking down a hallway with Bendy at his side, when they are ambushed by several Searchers.)
Buddy: Walking alone through the halls There’s blood on the walls Can’t ignore the demon’s calls So many of our friends What did it do to them?
(Tears well up in his eyes as he dispatches the Searchers.)
Don’t know if Joey’s earned a second chance But hope to atone drove him to call us five back Give the devil his due You know that dreams do come true!
(As the last of the Searchers disappears into ink, he picks up Bendy and continues his trek. There’s a brief shot of the Boris corpse from the Chapter 1, followed by scenes from the second Chapter 5 trailer.)
Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. Time to set them free.
(Cut to a third-person view of the chase scene from the end of Chapter 2.)
Henry: Is escape possible? Well, we have to try. Yet even so, I still find myself wondering why Why the demon forced me to run and hide Devil darling’s become something I don’t recognize.
(Cut to Henry, Buddy, and Bendy hiding inside a Little Miracle Station. Henry pulls Bendy into a reassuring hug as Buddy peers out, only to jump back as the Ink Demon pounces. Thankfully, the door remains shut.)
But we will not let this horror show be televised From the depths, we will arise We won’t bend or break, so don’t bet on our demise We are alive—immortalized!
(Cut to Dot standing on a catwalk, looking down at a vat of ink. We see images of Matt [Bendy’s voice actor], Rick [Boris’s voice actor], and Lauren [Joey’s secretary]. This is followed by Lauren laughing wickedly as she emerges from the Ink Machine as Malice.)
Dot: Twelve survivors, all that’s left Matt, Rick, and the rest, I can’t forget Won’t leave ‘til we can bring them home Those little Toons we love and know
(We see shots from the second Chapter 4 trailer. Cut back to Dot, closing her eyes and diving into the ink vat. A moment later, the true Alice surfaces, looking the way she does in game.)
I will not bow before a fake Just one path left to take No, I’m not afraid to pay the price, My soul to give Alice life!
(Cut to Joey sitting with the others in the safehouse, looking remorseful. Henry, Bendy, and Boris attempt to comfort him.)
Joey: Listen, all I wanted was to give my characters life Everything that happened is my fault, so I gotta make things right Get them outta here, there’s a way, I know I just have to believe Only takes a pencil and a dream But I got to think of how we’re gonna bring the devil down!
(Cut to Joey in his office, watching Henry, Buddy, Norman, Grant, and the Toons enter a secret elevator. The moment they’re gone, the Ink Demon breaks down the door. Joey turns to him, a sad smile on his face.)
Like the prophet says, for love, sacrifice is needed The beast wants to claim my soul, he must be cheated. I’ll give up any chance I had at freedom to keep the Ink Demon bound. Rewind!
(A pentagram drawn in ink on the floor lights up. Everything resets to how it was before the arrival of Henry and company, with one difference—the Toons are no longer present.)
Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. (Know we must believe.)
(Cut to the outside of the studio, where Henry, Norman, Grant, Buddy, and the Toons are watching the sun come up. Wally, Thomas, and Lacie’s vans pull up, with Sammy, Susie, Shawn, and Allison on board. Henry takes one last look at the studio as he and the others get in. As the song ends, we see the vans drive away, leaving Joey Drew Studios behind for good.)
Chorus: With axe in hand, we make our stand. Our goal is plain to see. Make real your dreams, just start up the machine. You know we must believe. (You know we must believe.) Time to set them free. ————— Notes: I imagine the characters as resembling the designs of Aileen-Rose, as her art tends to have sort of a Disney-ish feel to it. -Character matchups: +Grant as Captain America: Grant is voiced by Will ‘DAGames’ Ryan, who wrote Build Our Machine, possibly the most famous BATIM fan song in existence. In Whatever It Takes, Captain America is voiced by JT Music, who wrote another popular BATIM fan song called Can’t Be Erased. +Norman as Thor: In Whatever It Takes, Thor is voiced by FabvL, the only other singer to have a BATIM song (don’t know about Divide, who did the chorus, but he wouldn’t count anyway). Likewise, Norman is the only other in-game character who only appears as a recording (I’m not counting the Projectionist as an appearance). +Buddy as Hawkeye: Hawkeye did not appear in Infinity War, and Buddy only appeared in the tie-in novel. +Dot as Black Widow: She is the only female character to return, and like Buddy, she only appeared in the novel (prior to Endgame, neither Hawkeye nor Black Widow had a movie of their own). +Joey as Iron Man: This version of Joey is a good guy, trying to make up for his mistakes, not entirely unlike Tony. +Henry as the Hulk: The Hulk is the only option left. XD -If anyone wants to do a comic or video of this, be sure to credit me! :)
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myspicyuniverse · 6 years
B.O.S (Brink of Sanity) **WIP**
      Golden eyes cut through the darkness from the other side of the overpass, the pillars vibrate from the traffic above. The wind and the rain beat against the concrete, almost droning out the sound of the passing vehicles above. The young woman tried to slow her breathing, but the adrenaline was still pumping throughout her body, her senses sharp. At first, she felt fear, then confusion and at last, realization. He wasn’t human. She kept her body pressed against the cold bricks of the wall behind her, defensively. After what seemed like hours, she pulled away from the wall. She walked forward to confront the creature. She couldn’t outrun him and her surroundings were too loud for her screams to be heard. So, she walked slowly towards the other side. The creature took a step back, but she kept going. Lightning struck suddenly and she saw the stranger’s face. Black hair plastered to his forehead, mouth open, panting slightly and his eyes were unnaturally bright. His elongated ears twitched with every step she took. Her footsteps stopped when she was within reaching distance and she took a deep breath. Finally, trembling hands reached up and softly landed on the sides of his face, as she examined him closely. His eyes closed for a moment and he looked down at her, still panting lightly, restraining himself from leaning into her hands. They stay like that, staring at each other, until he sighs. He reaches for the hands on his face, grasping them with a firm, but gentle grip and pulled them down to his chest, resting on his rapid heartbeat. He opens his mouth to speak, water dripping from the stubble off his chin, “I’m still waiting for you to scream and run away.” The young woman’s face drops with her head, bowing forward and her shoulders start to shake.
She laughs.
       Class was especially boring today. Group projects were always a pain and I couldn’t wait for the session to end. Why I agreed to be project leader was beyond me. However, it wasn’t a complete bust because the only male in the group caught my attention immediately. His name was Hakim, when he approached us I nearly lost face when he started to speak. I couldn’t make out what he was, even if I cared about where he came from. His voice was even and had a deepness that made my knees weak. His face was quite handsome, and it was difficult to curb my smile when our eyes met. His hair was so black, I thought of ink. I nearly choked when he smiled back at me, his eyes squinting with genuine delight, when we shook hands. Such a beautiful brown, they glinted amber when the lighting was right and contrasted with his dark lashes. I would have gaged at my own thoughts if I had any self-awareness at the time. He wasn’t a small guy either being at least 5’11, and with his fitted jeans and tee-shirt, my imagination did the rest. “We can discuss our roles for the assignment tomorrow, can I have your contact information?” he smiled at me and waited for my response. I completely missed most of what he said, but I got the gist of it. I pulled out my phone, a bit too quickly and he did the same. Before I could look up and thank him, he was already walking away waving at me as he rushed out the door to the parking lot.
The campus was near empty when the 5 o’clock bell rang, it echoed as I walked to the cafeteria to grab a drink for the drive home. As I walked outside, I felt water drizzling on my face and hustled to my car, passing several buildings as I made my way through the courtyard. The buildings were worn, but well-kept and the side walk makes almost a perfect circle around the main building with branches linking to the other facilities. The weather forecast predicted a 40 percent chance of rain and started earlier than expected. I find my car in the parking lot and unload my things in the backseat, thinking about yesterday’s leftovers.
           When I arrived home, I saw a lump of uselessness sitting on the couch. I must remind myself that my brother is 8 years older than me. It’s really hard when I see him geek-out over every single commercial relating to his favorite show. Every time we eat dinner he waits for them in between the Law and Order marathon, and every time the couch nearly capsizes from his outburst. “Unless you want to buy your own furniture Ravi, keep still and shut up”, I mutter. He twists in his seat placing one of his feet in my lap while he stretches. He gives me one of his stupid lop-sided grins, “If I could I would sis, but you know being a budding artist doesn’t pay well for the first couple of years”, he then places his second foot on my lap, still grinning, “patience is a virtue Ani”. I shove his feet off my lap and throw the lumbar pillow at him. He just snickers as he leans over to pull the ottoman to the couch.  “I don’t know how Elaine deals with your crusty feet everyday”, I dig my hand in my bag of seaweed crisps, when the last commercial ended. Ravi rolls his eyes and pops his toes while he made himself comfortable again, “at least my breath doesn’t smell like seafood” I grin at him, still crunching my snack, “doesn’t stop you from sharing them with me”. He shrugs and quickly sticks his hand in my bag and grabs a handful before I could swat him away. After the program ended, we both yawn simultaneously, and start winding down for the night. Before I collapse onto my memory foam mattress I spent all my holiday earnings on, I light a stick of incense for our parents. Ravi never seems to remember to do it, so he left that honor to me. I know he misses them, that alone is enough. Too bad I didn’t get the chance to grow up with them like he did. I always imagine us at the beach, the four of us making a sandcastle together. He says we technically did that, even though I was inside mom the first and last time we went. It was my mother’s toes in the sand, not mine. I heard thunder rumbling in the distance when I felt the fog of sleep sneak up on me.
           A hoarse yell yanked me from my distant dream. I only rose up when I felt the thunder vibrate off the window. The only light in my small room was from the flashes of lightning outside my window.  If I had any sense, I would just cover up my ears with the pillow and close my eyes again. Instead, I launch myself off the bed and face the window. The heavy rain obscures my view but somehow I make out a limping figure crossing the intersection. I unlock and open the window as silently as I can, not caring about the water and stick my head out. I drearily wonder why my glasses aren’t blurry when I realize I slept with my contacts on again. The limping figure turned out to be a man, wearing nothing but sweatpants and a t-shirt, both soaked and clinging to his body. “Ravi is going to kill me” I mutter, I grab my flashlight from my dresser. I fumble to find the switch as I crawl back to the window, nearly slipping on the wood floor. I start shining it on him, thankful the rain wasn’t hindering the light. The man abruptly stops and looks for the source, his eyes meeting mine, despite the wind and water. I nearly drop the light when I see his face. Hakim was standing at the intersection across our complex. Without thinking, I hold the flashlight with my mouth and climb through the window. It was only a couple of feet off the ground, but I was ankle deep in water when I touched the ground. He was still in the same spot, frozen except for the occasional blink. We just stand and stare at each other, until finally I walk toward him slowly. He snaps out of his trance and steps back, I notice his alarm and point the flashlight downward. “Hakim, it’s me, Anila from class!” I shout, attempting to make my voice heard over the weather. He keeps backing away, but hesitates. Looking past me he clears his throat, “I know it’s you. Go home, you’ll get sick if you stay out here too long.” He looks back at me, eyes tired and a bit swollen he shakes his head and starts to turn away. I waste no time and run over to him, blinking the water out of my eyes. Last thing I needed was one of my contacts falling out. I grab his arm, which was surprisingly hot despite the cold rain. “Do you need help?” when he doesn’t answer, I raise my voice with concern, “why are you out here by yourself?!” He looks at me, his face unreadable and doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t move when I start to walk towards him again, I stop when the sky lit up. For a moment, his eyes had a golden glow. I blinked and they were back to normal and I dismissed it and tried to reach out to him again but this time he raises his arm away from me. I don’t blame him, some odd girl getting into his business trying to grab onto him, but I felt a pang of disappointment.
        The whole situation was bizarre, a troubled stranger wondering the streets at night in the rain. Suddenly, my blood runs cold and I quickly turn my head to the road behind us. I hear growling and scratching noises approaching, coming northbound of the intersection. To my horror I see five, massive dogs running towards us, eyes reflecting the dim lights in the dark looking almost demonic. Frozen in fear and disbelief, I look at the window of my apartment and realize it was too late to make it back. In a panic, I grab his arm anyway and pull him with me. It was like trying to move a stone statue, he didn’t even budge. The rain couldn’t even be felt against my skin as the pressure in the air increased, and the growling becomes more muffled in the background. My vision starts to blur as I look up at him, but I quickly felt a pang of fear when I saw his face.
I haven’t seriously written in a long time, just putting my thoughts on my blog so I can FINALLY start to make my tale take shape.
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